Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports of the Novosibirsk Region. World Games of Sports Veterans World Games New Zealand

April 21-30 this year in Auckland (New Zealand) on the most distant continent (island) the globe hosted the World Games of Sports Veterans (World Masters Games). Their main motto is "Sport for all". The Games are held once every four years (similar to the modern Olympic Games). The first games were held in Toronto (Canada) in 1985, the previous ones - in Turin (Italy) in 2013. regular games veteran athletes competed in 28 sports, including volleyball. More than 25,000 veteran athletes from over 100 countries participated in the Games.

Sports club Oddushina participated in these games for the second time.

For the first time, 4 of our veteran volleyball teams (40+,50+,60+,65+) performed in Turin. Only one of our 70+ veteran volleyball teams played in Auckland. The team included: Komogorov V.I., Sapozhkov N.G., Sergeev V.I., Dolzhenko A.L., Ustimenko V.Ya., Kolodezny V.P., Voronov V.L., Volkov D. D., Perepelitsa V.I.

The flight to Auckland was long, 4 hours to Dubai And in 4 hours to fly to Auckland 16 hours. So, the acclimatization period fell on the first two games. There were only 6 teams in our group. Of these, 4 teams of the age category 60+ (Australians, Poles and two teams of Canadians) and 2 teams of 70+ (we and Ukrainians, reinforced by three players from Latvia).

The first game was with the Australians. We won it pretty easily. The opponent was frankly weaker, despite the fact that he was in the 60+ category, unlike us. In the second game with the Canadians, we also took over, although we had to work hard. In the third game with us, the second Canadian team took over, although the meeting was stubborn, but still the "younger" Canadians won. In the fourth game, we fought with the Ukrainians already known to us (Omega team from Lviv), but the latter were strengthened by players from Latvia. This team is our 70+ category. The meeting was of a principled nature and we won. Then the game was with the Poles, who had not known defeat before. But our team was on the rise and took over.

Then, in our group there were two finals for the first places in the 60+ and 70+ categories. Poles and Canadians played in the 60+ category. The Poles won and in this category they became the champions of the games. In the 70+ category, we again played with the Ukrainians and took the upper hand for the second time, becoming the champions of the World Games of Sports Veterans in 2017 in volleyball.

In general, we showed a good game at the games. This is evidenced by the very fact that we won against three teams out of four in the 60+ age category. We received a cup for the first place and gold medals in the 70+ category.

Staying in New Zealand, in addition to the sports component, left a lot of impressions. It is a green country with a mild subtropical climate. Auckland is a modern city. It can be said that the country has comfortable living conditions. We saw the sights of Auckland (the maritime museum, the Sky Tower, the zoo, etc.). We visited the valley of geysers near the town of Rotarua, watched the performance of local aborigines there - Maori. Made an evening boat trip around the bay.

After the games were over, the New Zealand Volleyball Federation invited us to a 50th anniversary banquet.

The next participation of the team of SC "Otdushina" in a particularly significant championship showed that "there is still gunpowder in the flasks" of our team 70+.

That's how you have to keep it.

Press release

World Games of Sports Veterans 2017 are ready to host

As you know, with two years to go before the 2017 World Sports Veterans Games kick off in 2017, the city of Auckland, New Zealand is gearing up to host 13,000 international participants.

In addition, an extensive domestic flight network will allow overseas visitors to travel around New Zealand before or after the Games.

Since there are only two years left, we hope that people will turn their attention to the Games and start showing their interest - registering either as participants, or as a panel of judges, or perhaps as volunteers. At the World Games of Sports Veterans we will host athletes from 100 countries. We know that while the New Zealanders will host these guests in true kiwi style, rest assured the competition will be tight and tough to keep the Games alive.”

Learn more about the World Games of Sports Veterans at: www. nz

See the playground map

For further information, please contact Jill Dryden, Communications Manager. Tel: +64 21 549 576


About the World Games of Sports Veterans 2017

The World Games of Sports Veterans is the largest multi-sport event in the world. In terms of the number of athletes, they surpass even the Olympic Games.

The Auckland Games will run from 21 to 2017, during which time 25,000 athletes will compete in 28 sports across 45 playgrounds. The Games are expected to be one of New Zealand's biggest events for at least the last 10 years.

For more information visit our website: www. nz

Partners of the World Games of Sports Veterans:

The Organizing Committee of the World Games of Sports Veterans thanks its partners and sponsors: Barfoot and Thompson, Auckland Tourism, Department of Economics and Development, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, International Association of Sports Veterans, New Zealand Air, SkyCity Auckland, PitaPit, NCFT.

World Games of Sports Veterans in Turin - At the opening ceremony parade World Games of Sports Veterans attended 50 000 man, it was a big show of lights and colors that was organized by Mayor of Turin Fassino.

Evening August 3 in Turin It was a real holiday with a capital letter. Athletes took out their tracksuits from cabinets that were packed in 2006 for this grand occasion. From Piazza Vittorio Veneto at 5 p.m., a festive parade of athletes began, all Via Po trembled happily, people Turin applauded from the balconies, the spirit of the Olympics soared in the city. And at 21 o'clock after the raising of the Italian flag and the flag EU and sheet music of the national anthem former volleyball champion Gianni Lanfranco lit the sports torch, which was already in the hands of the glorious champion Universiade 1959. 50,000 people

Mayor Turin Fassino took the lead: " World Masters Games sports are another important occasion for Turin in the international arena, after a very successful 2006 Olympics: - the mayor said being next to Governor of Piedmont Cota, - Turin thanks to this event, it again becomes the world capital of sports and thus falls into the major capitals of the world, like Toronto, Melbourne and Sydney. I'm sure the city will surprise you!"

The Piazza Castello also hosted a grandiose spectacle of the tricks of the dancers, and a large light show on the facade of the church. San Lorenzo

Watch an interview with our portal athlete from Russia (Moscow, Lyubertsy) Sulimenko Alexander runner-up in weightlifting World Masters Games 2013 Turin Italy sportmaster

11th August valentino park. Last chance to meet and breathe in the atmosphere of sports and the celebration of the World Games of Sports Veterans, as well as the time to create a date for the next Veterans Olympics. The closing ceremony took place at 9 p.m. today at Olympic village where sports veterans were met: Kai Holm the president IMGA (international association game veterans) Riccardo Molinari regional adviser to local authorities, Stefano Gallo city ​​sports and recreation advisor Turin.

After welcoming the authorities, a solemn march took place with the official flag WMG before the Organizing Committee of these eighth games, and the new ninth which will be held in Auckland after four years. The protagonists of this symbolic moment are two presidents Fabrizio Benintendi And Sir John Wells who will present the veteran's next games New Zealand in 2017. After closing, athletes and volunteers continued the evening under the theme "Back to the 80s" organized in collaboration with the Circolo dei Lettori. Veterans games in Turin.

Turin games sportmaster Olympiad World Mastrers Games
