Social consequences of innovative activity. The consequences of the deformation of the social institution

personal contacts

by exchange



social group




Give meaning








role conflict

N. Danilevsky developed a model of public



The purpose of empirical sociological research is to obtain objective data for ...

practical use


supreme supreme




The prescriptions and requirements that define the limits of acceptable behavior of people in society are called social (-mi) ...



The concept of "primary group" was introduced into sociology ...


The theory of "circulation angers" V. Pareto refers to



Directed and stimulated



An example of a counterculture in modern society can be a subculture ...

The economic basis of an industrial society is...


The evolutionary typology of societies is based on social, typical for all countries and peoples.


The marriage of one man to two or more wives at the same time is called...

R. Merton

An action directed at another person and causing a response is called ...

social interaction


Punishment ii encouragement in the system of social control are called


The necessary conditions for collective behavior are the common situation and the participants.


supreme supreme


Ideological propaganda


Incompatibility of functions, conflicting responsibilities and requirements are signs of...

role conflict


A small number of people who are in constant personal contact and interaction is called a troupe.




P. Sorokin



skilled workers

Modernization in modern conditions is a process


Directed and stimulated

concepts of social change.


The negative effects of globalization include...


Origin, place of residence - these are the basics



In the class model of W. Warner, on the basis of the criterion of "wealth and noble birth", a class is distinguished.

supreme supreme




An essential sign of mass action is the absence of ...

personal contacts

by exchange


Incompatibility of functions, conflicting responsibilities and requirements are signs of...

role conflict

The theory of "circulation of elites" by V. Pareto refers to

concepts of social change.


Globalization migration processes in the world.


Trade union

The process of mutual cultural penetration, as a result of which a common culture is affirmed, is called ...


living standards.


The economic basis of a traditional society is ...


If the consequences of the activity social institution interfere with the functioning of another institution, then this phenomenon is called ...



The group with which the individual relates himself as a standard and to the norms and values ​​by which he is guided in his behavior is called a troupe.



The receipt by an individual of a government award is a type of sanction.

formal positive

Crowd behavior is a kind of...

Mass action

Any action of an individual, focused on the motives of the behavior of other people, is called ...


The protective and stabilizing functions in society are performed by the social (- th, - th, th) ...


A form of social interaction involving rewards and costs is called...


An essential sign of mass action is the absence of ...

personal contacts

A form of social interaction involving rewards and costs is called...

by exchange

An action directed at another person and causing a response is called ...


The protective and stabilizing functions in society are performed by the social (- th, - th, th) ...


A group of people who have a common social attribute and are united joint activities is called...

social group

N. Danilevsky developed a model of public



The method of collecting primary data by perceiving and registering events is called ...


Ethnomethodology studies the ways in which! People

social (th) reality (th).

Give meaning

A focus group is a type of sociological...


When a child is included in the relationship of interaction between the social circle of parents, the function of the family is realized.


The evolutionary typology of societies is based on social, typical for all countries and peoples.


Mass literacy of the population is a characteristic feature



If the consequences of the activities of a social institution impede the functioning of another institution, then this phenomenon is called ...


A person can reduce role tension or conflict through roles.


At the final stage of the development of the "I" occurs ...

Recognition of the "generalized other"


According to the normative concept of civil society, the formation of public opinion occurs through ...

Ideological propaganda

An individual who simultaneously possesses several social statuses forms ...

status set

Based on the economic criterion of "poor" in Russian society allocate...

base layer

A variation of horizontal mobility is



The presence or absence of personal freedom is a criterion for stratification in the system.


The negative effects of globalization include...

Limiting the autonomy of national civil institutions

A subculture that is in conflict with the dominant values ​​of the dominant culture is called...


Modernization in modern conditions is a process


Directed and stimulated

According to N. Smelser, the result of the spread of industrial technologies was ...

Decreased literacy rate

According to the classification of N. Smelser, movement can be attributed to norm-oriented social movements.

Trade union

The theory of "circulation of elites" by V. Pareto refers to

concepts of social and change.


Any action of an individual, focused on the motives of the behavior of other people, is called ...



According to M. Weber, capitalism arose as a result of the mass distribution ...

Rational Entrepreneurship

When studying the elements public opinion or individual consciousness is used ...

Mass literacy of the population is a characteristic feature



According to R. Merton, the main thing for society is the existence

fundamental due to which the individual observes

norms of more liquid activity.


The proportional distribution of family responsibilities and the interchangeability of spouses in solving everyday problems are characteristic of the family.


An individual who simultaneously possesses several social statuses forms ...

status set

The hierarchical structure of society reflects the concept of "social


In the class model of W. Warner, on the basis of the criterion of "wealth and noble birth", a class is distinguished.

supreme supreme

The most common type of personality in society with average generally accepted traits is called personality.


According to the normative concept of civil society, the formation of public opinion occurs through ...

Ideological propaganda


Incompatibility of functions, conflicting responsibilities and requirements are signs of...

role conflict

The stages of development of a social movement are formation, formalization.

According to N. Smelser, the result of the spread of industrial technologies was ...

Increasing social mobility

The cumulative social process of accumulation of positive characteristics in society is called ...


The negative effects of globalization include...

Internalization of civil society institutions

A small number of people who are in constant personal contact and interaction is called a troupe.


The growth of the urban population in society reflects the concept ...


The predominance of impersonal or indirect contacts between members of a social group is a sign.

The passive acceptance by the individual of group norms and opinions is called...


A form of social interaction in which actors seek to fulfill their own interests at the expense of the interests of other people is called ...


Crowd behavior is a kind of...

Mass action

An action performed by a person automatically, out of habit, according to the classification of M. Weber is called ...


A group of people who have a common social attribute and are united by joint activities is called ...

social group

A small number of people who are in constant personal contact and interaction is called a group.

The mechanism of institutional social control includes...


The community of people living outside their ethnic environment is called ...


The stages of development of a social movement are formation, formalization.



The theory of "circulation of elites" by V. Pareto refers to

concepts of social change.


A necessary condition for successful acculturation is...


The criterion of progress in the concept of post-industrial society is the level of development.



Empirical studies of the social problems of urbanization, marginalized groups of the urban population were carried out by school sociologists


Multiple and ambiguous

Public opinion can be identified through specialized surveys and...


The structure of a person's role behavior includes role expectation and roll.


The movement of a person from one denomination to another is called mobility.


Origin, place of residence - these are the basics



The status of a son or daughter is a kind of status.


The stratification of Soviet society had a character.


If the consequences of the activities of a social institution impede the functioning of another institution, then this phenomenon is called ...


common culture

An individual who simultaneously possesses several social statuses forms ...

P. Sorokin

Origin, place of residence - these are the basics



W. Warner included in the composition of the upper lower class ...

skilled workers

Modernization in modern conditions is a process


Directed and stimulated

The theory of "circulation of elites" by V. Pareto refers to

concepts of social change.


A symbolic system that performs the function of creating, storing and transmitting information is called ...

The negative effects of globalization include...

Limiting the autonomy of national civil institutions

During the transition to a post-industrial society, a process of increasing the population of suburban areas is observed - this phenomenon is called ...


The process of ordering statuses and roles into a system to meet social needs is called ...


A broad social group, characterized by a certain geographical position, political sovereignty and a distinctive culture, is called ...


The necessary conditions for collective behavior are the general situation of the participants.

Spatial proximity

The cooperation of several individuals to solve a common problem using the division of labor is called ...


If one person slaps another in the face, then he performs ...

physical action

A group member who performs goal-setting functions in it is called ...


The predominance of impersonal or indirect contacts between members of a social group is a sign of the group.


The presence of economic and social ties in a spatially limited framework characterizes the community.



To test the tools and methods of empirical research, a study is carried out.


Ethnomethodology studies the ways in which people

social (th) reality (th).

Give meaning

Positivism in sociology, according to O. Comte, manifests itself in

By a positive assessment of all social phenomena

The structure of a person's role behavior includes role expectation and roles.


In the process of socialization, parents for the child play the role of ...

Agents of primary socialization

Public opinion can be identified with the help of specialized polls...


The socio-cultural layer in the structure of secrecy includes...

Activity Incentives

The social institution that reproduces the population is called ...

During the transition to a post-industrial society, a process of increasing the population of suburban areas is observed - this phenomenon is called ...


Society has such features as territorial certainty and the presence of ...

common culture

The main component of the social structure of society is (are) ...

social institution



Origin, place of residence - these are the basics



In the class model of W. Warner, on the basis of the criterion of "wealth and noble birth", a class is distinguished.

supreme supreme

Having passed the entrance exams to the university and becoming a student, you acquire the status.


Any action of an individual, focused on the motives of the behavior of other people, is called ...


Punishment and reward in the system of social control are called


An essential sign of mass action is the absence of ...

personal contacts

A form of social interaction involving rewards and costs is called...

by exchange

The process of losing one and acquiring new goals and roles by a person at each stage of life is called ...


Incompatibility of functions, conflicting responsibilities and requirements are signs of...

role conflict

In the concept of P. Bourdieu, the system of unconscious schemes of perception and action of a person is called ...


According to the normative concept of civil society, the formation of public opinion occurs through ...

Ideological propaganda

The group with which the individual relates himself as a standard and to the norms and values ​​by which he is guided in his behavior is called a group.


E. Durkheim substantiated the paradigm in sociology.


According to G. Spencer, the integration of society is ensured by the complication of the system ...

social control

To test the tools and methods of empirical research, a study is carried out.


The totality of elements of the object of sociological research, subject to direct study, is called ...


Musicals and blockbusters in the sci-fi and detective genres exemplify the culture.



The cumulative social process of accumulation of positive characteristics in society is called ...



In the process of globalization, the attitudes and values ​​of civilization spread throughout the world.


According to the classification of N. Smelser, movement can be attributed to norm-oriented social movements.

Trade union

Planned social change based on the existing values ​​of society is ...


In the process of globalization, the attitudes and values ​​of civilization spread throughout the world.


According to N. Smelser, the result of the spread of industrial technology was ...

Decreased literacy rate

Signs of a formed social movement are the presence and clearly formulated goals.

The hierarchical structure of society reflects the concept of "social".


The stratification of modern Russian society has



The status of a son or daughter is a kind of status.


Promotion of a person in a position is a kind of



Incompatibility of functions, conflicting responsibilities and requirements are signs of...

role conflict

The loss of a person's previous skills and behaviors is called

De socialization

The most common type of personality in society with average generally accepted traits is called personality.


The role of civil society is...

Protection of the individual from the state

The cultural attributes of a community are language, rituals,

traditions, historical memory.


The passive acceptance by the individual of group norms and opinions is called...


A set of people who have a common social attribute and are united by joint activities is called ...

social group

When a child is included in the relationship of interaction between the social circle of parents, the function of the family is realized.


According to R. Merton, the main thing for society is the existence

fundamental due to which the individual observes

living standards.


The Institute provides management in various areas


Interaction in the form of rivalry, in which people negotiate the rules of the game in advance, is called ...


Any action of an individual, focused on the motives of the behavior of other people, is called ...


Social traditions and mores are a kind of...

social norms

An essential sign of mass action is the absence of ...

personal contacts

To test the tools and methods of empirical research, a study is carried out.


It is methodically wrong to include questions in the questionnaire.

Multiple and ambiguous

Society has such features as territorial certainty and the presence of ...

common culture

The Institute provides management in various areas

society, security and social order.


When a child is included in the relationship of interaction between the social circle of parents, the function of the family is realized.



According to W. Beck, modernization creates new risks that ...

Can be predicted

Planned social change based on the existing values ​​of society is ...


Movement is referred to as "new" social movements.


Musicals and blockbusters in the sci-fi and detective genres exemplify the culture.


The formation of the alphabets of European languages ​​based on the Latin alphabet is an example of a cultural ...

3. Ownership of the means of production

4. Having a higher vocational education

93. K characteristics traditional society not applicable

1. Syncretism 2. Manual labor

3. Collective property 4. Individualism

94. “A set of people who find themselves in the same place at the same time, but do not have any specific connections with each other” (E. Giddens) is ...
1. Unit 2. Crowd 3. Group 4. Collective
95. The main feature of ____ is isolation from the institutions of a large society.

1.Bottom layer 2.Middle layer 3.Base layer 4. Underclass

96. The basic element of regulation public life social acts...
1. Groups 2. Organizations 3. Institutions 4. Processes
97. In the concept of T. Parsons, the process of material-energy interaction with the external environment, which is one of the functional conditions for the existence and equilibrium social system is called...
1. Adaptation 2. Institutionalization 3. Consensus 4. Economy
98. In the concept of T. Parsons, the process of formation and maintenance of social interactions and relationships between actors is called
1. Adaptation 2. Institutionalization 3. Consensus 4. Goal achievement
99. A group of people united by a common work or common interests is called ..
1. Team 2. Commune 3. Association 4. Brigade
100. A group of people with a certain legal status inherited is called...
1. Team 2. estate 3. Union 4. Class
101. A group of people connected by direct family relations, whose adult members assume obligations to care for children, is called ...
1. Family 2. Collective 3. Association 4. Commune
102. The set of criteria that is usually chosen to determine the equality or inequality of members of the community is ...
1. Following moral ideals 2. Self-esteem of the individual

3. Income, education, prestige, power
4. Intelligence, size of property, professionalism

103. A group whose behavior is regulated by normative documents is called ...
1. Regulatory 2. Formal 3. Documentary 4. Creative
104. An association that claims a common origin for all its members, a common history, and is also characterized by a sense of solidarity is a ____ community.

1. Bulk 2. Rated 3. Territorial 4. Ethnic

105. This social community: Laks, Chechens, Dargins is singled out on the basis of
1. Demographic 2. Ethnic 3. Territorial 4. Functional
106. This social community: Muscovites, Yaroslavl, Tverchi, Permians is distinguished on the basis of
1. Demographic 2. Ethnic

3. Territorial 4. Functional
107. This social community: men and women are distinguished on the basis of
1. Demographic 2. Ethnic 3. Territorial 4. Functional
108. If a social institution is ineffective and its prestige in society is falling, then one speaks of a ______________ social institution.
1. Conflict 2. Dysfunctions 3. Crisis 4. Stagnation

109. The institutionalization of relations between husband and wife as citizens of the state is called
1. Marriage 2. Family 3. Union 4. Contract

110. A methodological approach to the analysis of society that explains social processes and human behavior by the influence of values, norms, rules is called _____ determinism
1. cultural 2. Economic 3. Technological 4. Social
111. The methodological approach to the analysis of society, which attaches decisive importance to the explanation of social processes to the level of development of production and the nature of property relations is called _______ determinism
1. Cultural 2.Economic 3. Technological 4. Social

112. The methodological approach to the analysis of society, according to which the level of development of science and technology determines social processes in all spheres of society, is called ________ determinism
1. Cultural 2. Economic 3. Technological 4. Social
113. M. Weber considered the most effective form of organization ...
1. Linear 2. Rational bureaucracy

3. Functional 4. Pyramidal
114. An association within the framework of sociology, in which members engage in joint activities, live in the same territory and own property in accordance with their ideology, is called ..
1. Collective 2. Group 3. Commune 4. Party

115. Main resource information society is…
1. Knowledge 2. People 3. Television 4. Institutions
116. In its social essence, a post-industrial society should be considered as an analogue of ______ society
1. Informational 2. Social 3. Legal 4. Socialist
117. The priority development of the service sector and its prevalence over industrial and agricultural production are characteristic of ___________ society
1. Capitalist 2. Post-industrial

3. New 4. Feudal

118. The process and result of the emergence of a social institution in society is called ...
1. Institutionalization 2. Formations 3. Developments 4. Stagnations

119. The process of legal and organizational consolidation of the forms of behavior in society that have developed in society is
1. Institutionalization 2. Formation 3. Development 4. Stagnation

120. A number of persons occupying the same status in society and leading a similar lifestyle, but not forming separate groups - this is _____ group
1. Reference 2. Status 3. Formal 4. Informal

121. A family structure consisting of several generations of relatives living together is called a family ....
1. Patriarchal 2. Egalitarian 3. Matrilocal 4. Expanded
122. Families in which the husband makes decisions are called
1. Patriarchal
123. Families in which spouses maintain equality in making important decisions are called
1. Patriarchal 2. Egalitarian 3. Matrilocal 4. Extended
124. A group of people united by the solution of certain social problems, characterized by common interests and goals, a sense of solidarity and self-determination, is called ...

1. Team 2. Community 3. Crowd 4. Organization

125. The family, when the newlyweds live together with the wife's parents, is of the type
1. Patriarchal 2. Egalitarian 3. Matrilocal 4. Expanded
126. The family, when the newlyweds live together with the parents of the husband, is of the type
1. Patrilocal 2. Egalitarian 3. Matrilocal 4. Expanded

127. Type of society, which is characterized by: standardization of production, distribution of funds mass media And mass culture, the atomization of social relations, is called
1. Mass society 2. Socialist society

3. Modern society 4. Capitalist society
128. The function of the family, thanks to which the reproduction of the population takes place, is called
1. Reproductive 2. Recreational 3. Educational 4. Household

129. The function of the family, due to which the restoration of the physical and spiritual strength of family members, is called
1. Reproductive 2. Recreational 3. Educational 4. Household

130. The function of the family, thanks to which the transfer of social experience occurs, is called
1. Reproductive 2. Recreational 3. Educational 4. Household

131. The group with which the individual identifies himself and to which he belongs is called ...

1. Nominal 2. Primary 3. Internal 4. Small

132. The function of the family, due to which the satisfaction of the needs of the individual and the livelihood of family members, is called
1. Reproductive 2. Recreational 3. Educational 4. Household

133. The number of individuals who moved up the social ladder per unit of time: 1. Migration 2. Scope of mobility 3. Stage of mobility 4. Size of mobility134. At the heart of social stratification lies the idea ... 1. Labor differentiation 2. Social inequality 3. Differences in income 4. Egalitarianism135. Within the framework of vertical mobility, it is customary to single out _____________ mobility.

1. Horizontal and vertical 2. Ascending and descending

3. Individual and group 4. Horizontal and social

136. The theory of convergence states that there is a convergence of two types of society ... 1. Socialist and communist 2. Totalitarian and democratic 3. Capitalist and socialist 4. Monarchist and anarchist

137. The stratification of society is ...
1. The process of increasing the heterogeneity of society
2. The process of mastering social norms by individuals 3. The process of socialization of individuals in society

4. The process of stratification of society 138. Stratification criterion is not ______ 1. Education 2. Income 3. Intelligence 4. Power139. The process of mass impoverishment of large social groups, strata of the population, is called 1. Criminalization 2. Egalitarianism 3. Pauperization 4. Marginalization 140. The process of moving people within or outside a country for the purpose of permanent residence or work is called… 1. Migration 2. Emigration 3. Marginality 4. Mobility141. The process of moving people outside their country for the purpose of permanent residence or work is called 1. Migration 2. Emigration 3. Marginality 4. Mobility142. The process of losing class attributes, breaking social ties, accompanied by criminalization and a state of chronic poverty, is called 1. Migration 2. Emigration 3. Marginality 4. Lumpenization 143. The vertical circulation channel is: 1. Social lift 2. Social machine 3. Vertical lift 4. Horizontal lift144. The degree of differences in obtaining material and spiritual benefits (income, power, prestige, education, etc.) is called social ... 1. Inequality 2. Conflict 3. Differentiation 4. Division 4. Economy

146. The polarization of society is ...
1. Social division of labor 2. Politicization of society

3. Strengthening differences in society, reaching their opposites
4. Strengthening differences in the socialization of individuals

147. Structural dependency relationships are based on…
1. Differences in the motives of power and subordination 2 .Differences in status
3. Differences in the needs of individuals 4. Differences in social roles

148. A form of social interaction between members of a group that excludes relations of subordination is called ...
1. Subordination 2. Reordination 3. Conflict 4. Coordination
149. According to the concept of T. Parsons, the subsystem of society that performs the function of achieving goals is a subsystem ...
1. Economic 2. Regulatory 3. Cultural 4. Political

150. According to the concept of T. Parsons, the subsystem of society that performs the function of integration is a subsystem ...
1. Economic 2. Regulatory 3.Political 4.Cultural

151.According to the concept of T. Parsons, a subsystem of society that performs the function of “retaining a sample is a subsystem ...
1.cultural 2.Economic 3.Political 4.Regulatory

152. If the consequences of the activity of a social institution impede the functioning of another institution, then this phenomenon is called ...

1. Dysfunction 2. Deviation 3. Explicit function 4. Latent function

153. The specificity of the caste stratification system of society is expressed in the fact that ...
1. Castes are open social groups

2. There are no mechanisms of vertical social mobility in the caste system
3. Castes are interpenetrating social groups
4. Castes are formed on the basis of the horizontal differentiation of society

154. A set of people scattered in space who have similar interests in relation to some object is ...
1. Class 2. Strat 3. Crowd 4. Public

155. In the concept of T. Parsons, the process of determining the tasks to which social activity is directed, which is one of the functional conditions for the existence and balance of a social system, is called ...
1.Isolation 2.Integration 3. goal achievement 4.Customization

156. In the concept of T. Parsons, the process of preserving value patterns and regulating tension, which is one of the functional conditions for the existence and balance of a social system, is called ...
1.Isolation 2.Integration 3.Adaptation 4 .Latency

157. The state differs from society in that ...
1. There is always an element of violence
2.Has territorial boundaries and public authority
3. In any state there are capitals, while there are village communities
4. In society, private interests prevail, in the state - general

158. The characteristic features of an industrial society include ...
1. Concentration of production and population
2. Slow development of engineering and technology
3. Communal ownership of land 4. Predominance of the service sector

159. The characteristic features of an industrial society include ...
1. Treasure oriented value system
2. Value system, marriage and family oriented system
3. A value system focused on efficiency and rationality
4. A value system focused on direct consumption

160.The characteristic features of a traditional society include
1. A value system focused on efficiency and rationality 2. Urbanism
3.Mass consumption 4. The predominance of subsistence farming

161. The characteristic features of a traditional society are (are) ...
1. A value system focused on efficiency and rationality
2.Individualism 3.Predominance of small-scale production

4.Relationships of personal dependency

162. The division of society into estates is an example...
1.Horizontal differentiation 2.Social segmentation stratification 4.Cultural assimilation

163. The characteristic features of a post-industrial society include ...
1. Dominance in the economy Agriculture
2. The predominance of heavy industry in the economy

3. The predominance of the service sector in the economy
4. The predominance of light industry in the economy

164. The characteristic features of a post-industrial society include ...
1. Development of state bureaucracy 2. Development of totalitarian institutions

3. Development and improvement of democratic institutions
4.Deindividualization of personality

165. The difference between an industrial society and a traditional one is that ...
1. Developing trade between city and country
2.Communal principles of social life prevail

3. The centers of socio-economic life are industrial enterprises
4. Production is focused not on volume, but on product quality

166. Types of societies based on the ancient, Asian, feudal and capitalist modes of production singled out ...
1M. Weber 2. K. Marx 3. G. Simmel 4.J. Galbraith

167. The legal assignment of rights and obligations to each group is characteristic of the _____ stratification system.

1. Slave 2. Class 3. Caste 4. Class

168. What impact does each of the social institutions have on an individual - ...
1. Increases the level of individuality of the individual

2. Strives to subordinate the behavior of the individual to institutional norms
3.Creates reference personalities 4.Increases the level of personality activity

169.What function of a social institution is based on the transfer of social experience −…
1. Integrative 2. Status 3. Regulatory 4.Transmitting

170. The fundamental structural feature of social organization is ...
1.Mobility 2.Dominance 3.Equality 4. Hierarchy

171. Social organization most often takes on a structural form ...
1.Sphere 2.Cube 3.Parallelogram 4.Pyramids

172. A characteristic feature of the theoretical model of bureaucracy, according to the concept of M. Weber, is
1. Interpersonal relations 2. Moral and psychological unity
3. Functional readiness to act

4.The presence of full-time employees who are constantly busy with the affairs of the organization all day

173. Which element of the following is necessary for the formation of a social organization ...
1. Adverse factors external environment

2. Ethnic identity of community members

3 .Common goals 4.General territory

174. The process of changing the patterns of interaction of individuals in small groups and the relationships between them is called by sociologists ...
1. Group statics 2. group dynamics
3. Group discreteness 4. Group dispersion

175. A family structure consisting of adult parents and dependent children is called ….
1.Nuclear family 2. Extended family
3. Punulual family 4. Polygamous family
176. Marriage between one woman and several men is called...
1. Monogamy 2 .Polyandry 3. Polygamy 4. Polygyny

177 The reference group performs in relation to the individual a function that
1. Carries out control functions 2. Carries out the function of disintegration

3. Is the basis for the formation of social attitudes
4.Performs the function of social mobility

178. The type of marriage to which the harem of the Turkish Sultan of the 16th century can be attributed is ...
3. Monogamy 4. Sequential monogamy

179. The function of the social institution of education associated with the selection of the most gifted individuals is called ...
1.selection function 2.Mobility function
3.Socialization function 4.Integration function
180. The function of the social institution of education associated with the transfer of social experience, social norms and values ​​is called ...
1.Integration function 2. Socialization function
3. Selection function 4. Mobility function

181. The function of the social institution of education associated with vocational training and the formation of socio-professional groups is called ...
1. Socialization function 2. Selection function
3.Integration function 4.Mobility function

182. The specific feature of the primary group is that ...
1. A common goal is important for group members

2. Relations between group members are informal
3. Primary groups are based on both formal and informal relationships
4. There is a clear division in the group into social statuses and roles

183. A social group is ...
1.Social community of interacting individuals
2. Social community united on a territorial basis
3. Social community, united by one or more features
4.People with similar psychological characteristics

184.Characteristic secondary group are not…
1. Specialized goals 2. Indirect social contacts
3.personal emotional relationships

4. Formalized relations of social organization

185. In the characteristics of the primary group not included(-it) ...
1. Direct emotional contacts 2. Specialized Targets
3. Socializing influence on the individual 4. Informal social organization

186. The reference group performs a function in relation to the individual, which
1. Carries out control functions 2. Carries out the function of punishment
3. Performs the function of social mobility

1. One - the main - consequence of the deformation of the social institution has already been named: it consists in the fact that the institution loses its social significance, since it ceases to fulfill the social function assigned to it. Naturally, this entails a number of side effects. These include, as noted above, the appearance of a false function (substitution), as well as hypertrophy of the function of self-sufficiency of personnel (self-preservation). But, in addition, there are consequences of the "second kind". This is, first of all, the destruction of those social organisms that were served by this institution, causing direct or indirect damage public and private interests. So, when the system of trade, public catering, healthcare, culture is deformed, life, health, material and spiritual interests of citizens suffer. The deformation of political institutions entails apathy, the decline of public initiatives, stagnation in social development society, etc. (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5.

All this leads to a decrease in the prestige of the social system to which the institute belongs, a fall in the authority of state power. There is a weakening of the normative regulation of social relations, the authority of the law is also reduced. The system of value orientations is also changing: people rethink moral and legal values, reconsider their attitude to social institutions and norms in a negative direction.

A very significant consequence of the deformation is, further, the replacement of the social institution with a new, mostly non-formal education. The latter can be very different, including illegal and even criminal. The root cause of this replacement is that the functions not performed by the deformed institution are hanging in the air. They must be implemented by someone or something, for such is the social need. Informal education and takes them over. However, as practice shows, a public function, if it is not performed legally (officially), will be performed otherwise - through social deviations. Hence the growth of offenses and crime, immoral phenomena.

The data for 1991 and previous years clearly show the dynamics of these phenomena. Crime since 1988 has been on the rise. If in 1988 almost 1870 thousand crimes were registered, then in 1989 - 2460 thousand, in 1990 - 2780 thousand, and in 1991 - already over 3 million (within the former borders of the USSR). "

As a result of impotence law enforcement"deteriorated" and quality antisocial manifestations: aggressively destructive motives for criminal behavior have increased, the proportion of serious crimes accompanied by violence and destruction of property has increased, cases of theft of weapons have sharply increased, and juvenile delinquency has increased. From 30 to 40% of the population experience a sense of anxiety about the current criminogenic situation, fear of becoming victims of crime. All this in the order of "feedback" further destabilizes the situation, deprives the authorities and law enforcement agencies of confidence. ;

The deformation of a social institution in itself is already a social deviation. At the same time, it can serve as both a cause and a consequence of deviations in other components of the social system. This connection is carried out in at least four ways: a) the deformation of the institution causes social tension and conflicts due to the fact that the institution does not perform its inherent functions; b) this process gives rise to aspirations to replace the inactive institution with other institutions (mainly informal ones); c) dysfunctions of social institutions that continue long time, negatively affect the moral formation of the personality, distort the system of value orientations and motives of people's behavior; d) the weakening of the control functions of social institutions creates impunity for violators of social norms and a general state of irresponsibility for their actions, undermines the social system. Individual violations become massive, acquire a dangerous character.

When it turned out that the trading system was not coping with its duties, the shelves of the stores were empty - all kinds of speculation began to flourish. Trade from under the counter, by acquaintance, holding goods for subsequent resale at an increased price, etc., became significantly widespread. At the same time, the functions of supplying the population with food and consumer goods began to essentially move from a centralized state system of trade to speculators and the collective farm market. In the sphere of services, a similar process gives rise to covens, brokers, intermediaries who perform at exorbitant prices the functions that previously belonged to state or cooperative organizations. The consumer seems to be satisfied ... But, firstly, at what cost? Secondly, even with such a “replacement” of a social institution, due to the dominance of scarcity, only a small part of the population is satisfied with goods. And, thirdly, all the other consequences of the deformation of the institution mentioned above are in effect, including undermining the authority of the authorities. Therefore, there is, of course, no reason to consider the replacement that has taken place as a correction of the crisis situation.

2. How do these events develop further? We will consider this issue in more detail when we turn to the problem of the sociodynamics of deformations. Here we will focus on only one aspect. What is the evolution of those informal institutions that replaced the deformed institution and assumed its functions? The fate of these institutions is different, it depends on how their functioning justifies social expectations. As a result, there can be two lines of development. One is confrontation, the struggle against new institutions, for example, against speculation, corruption, "blat". These negative phenomena, of course, do not suit anyone (except for their participants themselves), but sometimes things go so far that the fight against them becomes ineffective, and then impossible.

The second line is the strengthening and further development of the informal establishment, turning it into new institute. So, in place of informal clubs and circles, political parties are formed. And in the sphere of economics, the transition to market relations essentially means the consolidation, formalization of those ties and structures based on commodity-money relations that arose in opposition to the discredited system state trade. But such a change in the direction of a social institution is a complex and painful matter. It requires new personnel, new knowledge, broad public and state support, and above all, a strong will and determination for serious social changes.

  • See: Crime and offenses in the USSR, 1990: Statist, Sat. M., 1991. S. 10.
  • See: Social and socio-political situation in the USSR. S. 73.

The influence of social institutions on the socialization of the individual

Definition 2

Socialization institutions are institutions and organizations that direct the process of socialization and have a direct impact on it.

Socialization institutions are divided into:

  • primary institutions of socialization - family, preschool institutions, school, sections and circles for children and youth, peer groups, etc.;
  • secondary institutions of socialization - the state and its bodies, the church, higher educational establishments, media, etc.

The process of socialization of the individual is influenced by various social institutions:

  1. Family. Parents are agents of primary socialization. The family teaches the rules and norms of behavior,
  2. School. It teaches discipline, fosters collectivism, respect for elders. At school, cultural values, moral norms are mastered, the child acquires new knowledge, skills and abilities.
  3. Social circles, sports sections. Contribute to development physical qualities, patience, endurance, a sense of collectivism.
  4. Church. Teaches patience, kindness, justice and mercy.
  5. Army. Teaches discipline. Develops a sense of responsibility, patriotism.
  6. Mass media. They contribute to the formation of certain attitudes towards cultural and other values ​​accepted in society.

Influence of educational and cultural institutions

Definition 3

Education is a social institution that ensures the development of society as a result of the structured transfer of social experience in the form of certain knowledge, skills and abilities.

Educational and cultural institutions have a variety of influences, which include:

  • adaptation, i.e. preparation for life in society;
  • management on the basis of accepted norms of various manifestations of group and intergroup behavior, everyday interpersonal contacts of people;
  • determining the methods and order of mutual communication;
  • regulation of methods of exchange and transmission of information, appeals, greetings, etc.;
  • training of specialists;
  • familiarization with cultural norms and values;
  • revealing the personal potential of each person.

The impact of economic and political social institutions

Remark 1

Economic and political social institutions have the greatest impact on the stability of society, its development as a social system.

The economic system is an interconnection of various economic structures, the functioning of which is regulated by certain economic institutions. The social institution covers only one segment of the economy.

Institutions that influence the economy:

  1. property institution. It includes a system of social control bodies, institutions and organizations of power, legal and moral norms, standards, values, stereotypes of behavior associated with various forms property (state, public, municipal, group, individual, etc.). As a social institution, property is powerful tool activating and stimulating the activity of people.
  2. market institute. A market economy is a self-regulating economic system based on the production of goods, their exchange in accordance with supply and demand in conditions of free competition. Institute market economy allows a person to realize his private interests, provides a path to effective and dynamic economic development, creates

1. A social institution is understood as:

a) an association of people created by them to satisfy a certain set of personal and social needs;

b) the organizational form of a particular social system, which regulates the totality of relations between the people who form it;

c) an educational organization in which members of society go through the process of secondary socialization and join the future activities within the framework of formal organizations;

d) a stable set of formal and informal rules, principles, norms, attitudes that regulate the interaction of people in a certain area of ​​social life and organize it into a system of roles and statuses.

2. The concept of "social institution" was introduced into scientific circulation ...

a) O. Comte;

b) G. Spencer;

c) E. Durkheim;

d) K. Marx.

3. The process of ordering statuses and roles into a system to meet social needs is called ...

a) urbanization;

b) stratification;

c) institutionalization;

d) resocialization.

4. If the consequences of the activities of a social institution impede the functioning of another institution, then this phenomenon is called ...

a) an explicit function;

b) latent function;

c) deviation;

d) dysfunction.

5. The transfer of social experience to new people coming to the social institution occurs with the help of the ________ function.

a) broadcasting;

b) integrative;

c) regulatory;

d) communicative.

6. A social institution in which the scope of functions, means and methods of action are regulated by the prescriptions of laws or other legal acts is called ...

a) political;

b) formal;

c) religious;

d) informal.

7. Reproductive functions in society are carried out by:

a) political institutions;

b) economic institutions;

c) legal institutions;

d) marriage and family institutions.

8. The basis for the allocation of a nuclear family is the criterion ...

a) forms of marriage;

b) family composition;

c) well-being in the family;

d) family functions.

Which form of marriage prevails in modern societies?

a) polyandry;

b) polygyny;

c) monogamy;

d) group marriage.

10. The type of family in which power is distributed unevenly in favor of the older man is called ...

a) egalitarian;

b) matriarchal;

c) patrilineal;

d) patriarchal.

Topic 8. Sociology of organization and management

1. The activities of the bureaucracy as a mechanism of management and a special social stratum serve as an expression of:

a) goal-oriented type of social action;

b) value-rational type of social action;

c) the traditional type of social action;

d) affective type of social action.

2. According to the style of management, social movements are distinguished ...

a) totalitarian;

b) democratic;

c) conservative;

d) liberal.

3. The most pronounced negative consequence bureaucracy in the organization and society is manifested in the fact that ...

a) rational use of resources;

b) the productivity of managerial work increases;

c) the goals of the society or organization are ignored;

d) service culture is improving.

4. The component of the organization, which is considered the most important and on which all components of the organization depend, is ...

a) social benefits;

b) social technologies;

c) the purpose of the organization;

d) staff.

5. The absence of remuneration for participation and work in the organization is typical for ...

a) compulsory organizations;

b) utilitarian organizations;

c) associations;

d) total institutions.

a) the position of the leader outside the group;

b) group members are not informed about promising goals;

c) personal initiatives of group members are ignored;

d) the decision is made by the leader alone.

7. If the leader does not interfere in the actions of subordinates, allowing them to make decisions and act independently, then he uses ___________ management style.

a) democratic;

d) permissive.

8. The democratic style of management in a group is most effective when ...

a) low qualification of workers;

b) a large number of group members;

c) performing urgent work;

d) solving creative problems.

9. Cooperative organizations are dominated by relationships ...

a) fight

b) rivalry;

c) enmity;

d) cooperation.

The table shows the definitions of some economic statuses. Write in the right column the numbers of the occupations that, in your opinion, are relevant to them.
