Kharkiv Universities. Universities of Kharkov

Directory universities Kharkov

Kharkiv is the most student city in Ukraine. Kharkiv universities have a rich history, they use new educational technologies in teaching and focus on new and promising specializations. It is in Kharkiv that an applicant can find and choose the specialization that he likes and is interested in. Kharkiv universities have more than 30 educational institutions with IV level of accreditation. Using our directory of Kharkiv Universities, you can learn more about the Higher education that you can get in our city.

The largest universities in Kharkov. To help the applicant

1. NTU “KhPI”– the largest university in Kharkov

  • Name National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" (NTU "KhPI")
  • The degree of accreditation of the university IV
  • Year of creation 1885
  • Number of students 22000
  • How to find a university Kharkiv, Bagaleya st., 21 (former Frunze st., 21).

The main focus of the university technical, IT-technologies, philology; details:

  1. Automation and electrical engineering
  2. Biology and ecology
  3. Construction and architecture
  4. Mathematics
  5. Metallurgy
  6. Chemical Technology
  7. Psychology and pedagogy
  8. Radio electronics and communication
  9. Chemistry
  10. Sociology
  11. Transport
  12. Physics
  13. Physical education and sports
  14. Philology and foreign languages
  15. Jurisprudence and Jurisprudence
  16. Energy

National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" (NTU "KhPI") is the largest university in Kharkov.

In the Directory of Kharkiv Universities KhPI knowingly takes 1st place. According to the calculations of the UNESCO rating, NTU “KhPI” ranks 5th among Ukrainian universities and 2nd among technical universities. In terms of quality of education, the university ranks 3rd among the universities of Ukraine, and 5th in the world.

This university in Kharkov has 22 faculties, 96 departments, of which 65 are graduates.

KhPI is the only higher institution in Ukraine that graduates specialists in the fields of turbine building, boiler and reactor building, electrical insulating, cable and capacitor technology, technology of fats and fat substitutes.

Over the past few years, more than ten new areas and specialties have been opened at the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", for example: in 2010 - "Consolidated Information", in 2011 - "System Design", in 2012 - "Chemical Technologies food additives and cosmetics”, in 2013 – “Occupational safety”, in 2014 – “Publishing and printing business”.

2. NUPh– old universities of Kharkov

  • Name National University of Pharmacy (NUPh)
  • The degree of accreditation of the university IV
  • Year of creation 1805
  • Number of students 17500
  • How to find a university Kharkiv, Pushkinskaya st., 53

Main focus University of Pharmacy, more details:

  1. Medicine and Veterinary
  2. Food industry and biotechnology
  3. Chemistry
  4. Psychology and pedagogy
  5. Sociology

The National Pharmaceutical University is the only higher educational institution of the pharmaceutical profile in Ukraine. This university is associated with the emergence of pharmaceutical science in Ukraine in such areas as: chemical synthesis of biologically active substances, pharmacognostic studies medicines, chemical-toxicological analyses, technology for the creation and production of medicines, quality control of medicines. NUPh in the directory Kharkiv universities takes the place of the largest specialized educational institution of the pharmaceutical profile.

NUPh includes 49 departments; Central Research Laboratory; NUPh College, State Research Laboratory for Quality Control of Medicines; Clinical diagnostic center with a laboratory for clinical diagnostics.

3. KhNUGH - Kharkiv National University of Municipal Economy. HE. Beketova

  • Name Kharkiv National University of Municipal Economy. HE. Beketova (KhNUGH)
  • The degree of accreditation of the university IV
  • Year of creation 1922
  • Number of students 16000
  • How to find a university Kharkiv, Kulikovsky descent, 12 (former Revolution street, 12)

The main focus of the university organization and management of urban economy; details:

  1. Automation and electrical engineering
  2. Biology and ecology
  3. Construction and architecture
  4. Transport
  5. Economics, management, marketing
  6. Other

On the territory of the university there are 9 educational buildings, 2 sports buildings, a library, a canteen, and there is also a sanatorium. total area 120 thousand sq. m.

The Academy trains personnel for: municipal administration, construction, transport, electric power, water, gas management; urban economics; hotel industry and tourism; improving the environmental cleanliness of cities and towns.

There are branches of the academy in Greece and Israel. The Academy has a library (the fund is 882 thousand volumes), a campus with 6 dormitories, a sports building with numerous large and small game rooms for athletics, gymnastics, bodybuilding, boxing, martial arts and simulators.

4. Kharkiv National University named after V.N. Karazin - old universities of Kharkov

  • Name Kharkiv National University named after V.N. Karazin
  • The degree of accreditation of the university IV
  • Year of creation 1805
  • Number of students 15000
  • How to find a university Kharkiv, pl. Freedom, 4

The main focus of the university humanitarian; details:

  1. Biology and ecology
  2. Geography and geology
  3. Informatics and computer technology
  4. Story
  5. Culture and art, design
  6. Mathematics
  7. Medicine and Veterinary
  8. Psychology and pedagogy
  9. Sociology
  10. Tourism and hospitality
  11. Physics
  12. Philology and foreign languages
  13. Philosophy and religion
  14. Chemistry
  15. Economics, management, marketing
  16. Jurisprudence and Jurisprudence
  17. Other

Karazin University traditionally occupies high levels of national rankings. The university is one of the largest scientific centers in Ukraine. University. V.N. Karazin in the directory Kharkiv Universities is the largest humanitarian university. It presents almost all areas of modern fundamental science. The university includes the Research Institute of Chemistry, Research Institute of Biology, Research Institute of Astronomy, Institute of Physics and Engineering, Institute of High Technologies. The Astronomical Observatory, the Museum of Nature, the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography, the Botanical Garden of the University, the oldest in Ukraine, is a state reserve.

The total fund of the library contains 3.5 million copies, among them - 50,000 unique publications (17 incunabula, over 1,000 manuscripts, 300 paleotypes; lifetime editions of the classics of world literature, science and culture).

Kharkiv National University. V.N. Karazina is implementing a broad program international cooperation, is an active member of the international community of leading European and world universities.

5. NYU named after Yaroslav the Wise– Autonomous University of Kharkov

  • Name National Law University named after Yaroslav the Wise (NYU named after Yaroslav the Wise)
  • The degree of accreditation of the university IV
  • Year of creation 1804
  • Number of students 14000
  • How to find a university Kharkiv, Pushkinskaya st., 77

Main focus University jurisprudence and jurisprudence; details:

  1. Warfare
  2. Jurisprudence and jurisprudence

Yaroslav the Wise National Law University is an autonomous higher educational institution of the country. The university includes 38 departments, the Institute of Prosecution and Criminal Justice, the Institute of Investigation and Criminalistics, the Institute for the Training of Legal Personnel for the Security Service of Ukraine, the Institute for Postgraduate Education, the Institute for the Training of Personnel for the Justice of Ukraine. In our directory of Kharkiv Universities NSW named after Yaroslav the Wise, the oldest

Scientists from NSW named after Yaroslav the Wise take part in the development of the Constitution of Ukraine, and they also develop various regulations. Law School of Kharkov cooperates with the Verkhovna Rada, the Presidential Administration, local governments.

6. KhNEU them. Blacksmith Seeds

  • Name Kharkiv National the University of Economics named after Semyon Kuznets (KhNEU named after Semyon Kuznets)
  • The degree of accreditation of the university IV
  • Year of creation 1930
  • Number of students 13562
  • How to find a university Kharkiv, ave. Nauki, 9A (former Lenina Avenue, 9A)

The main focus of the university economic; details:

  1. Informatics and computer technology
  2. Political science and international relationships
  3. Economics, management, marketing
  4. Other

The university has: a computer center (810 computers), 8 reading rooms, a sports complex, the total area of ​​​​the premises is 60,776.5 square meters. m.

KhNUE is the basic regional center for training and retraining of civil servants and one of the scientific and methodological centers of the Ministry of Education and Science for the training of economists and managers. KhNUE is actively implementing educational standards that are compatible with those in force in the countries of the European Community. The university has a developed system of continuous education. KhNUE students have the opportunity to undergo internships in leading domestic industrial, financial, consulting and other companies of the country.

7. UkrGUZhT- the leading Kharkiv university in its industry (engineering and transport universities of Kharkiv)

  • Name Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (UkrGUZhT)
  • The degree of accreditation of the university IV
  • Year of creation 1930
  • Number of students 13200
  • How to find a university Kharkiv, Feuerbach Square, 7

The main focus of the university technical; details:

  1. Automation and electrical engineering
  2. Construction and architecture
  3. Informatics and computer technology
  4. Radio electronics and communication
  5. Transport
  6. Economics, management, marketing
  7. Energy

Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport is a leading university in the transport industry that graduates the best specialists for Ukrainian railways. The USSR Minister of Transport M.S.Konarev, the Minister of Transport of Ukraine M.Kirpa, the head of the Southern Railway V.M.Ostapchuk were students of UkrGUZhD.

The university has 35 departments. The structure of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport includes the Donetsk Institute of Railway Transport and the Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training.

8. KHNADU (HADI)– Engineering and Transport Universities of Kharkiv

  • Name Kharkiv Automobile and Road University (KHNADU)
  • The degree of accreditation of the university IV
  • Year of creation 1930
  • Number of students 13000
  • How to find a university Kharkiv, Yaroslav the Wise st., 25 (former Petrovsky, 25)

The main focus of the university technical; more

  1. Automation and electrical engineering
  2. Biology and ecology
  3. Transport
  4. Economics, management, marketing
  5. Other

The university is equipped with 43 specialized classrooms, which have 1200 personal computers with Internet access, satellite and cable television, which is used in the educational process. The university has a unique range of road construction machinery and equipment. Along with UkrGUZhT, Kharkiv universities occupy an engineering and transport orientation in the directory.

The university has unique educational and scientific laboratories, including the laboratory of high-speed cars; problematic laboratories regarding the development of environmentally friendly cryo- and air vehicles; laboratory of an internal combustion engine that runs on natural gas; regional laboratory for the examination of vehicles; design bureau for the development of advanced models of motor vehicles; modern range of road and automotive equipment.

9. KhNUVD– Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs

Name Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs (KhNUVD)

  • The degree of accreditation of the university IV
  • Year of creation 1992
  • Number of students 12140
  • How to find a university Kharkiv, ave. Lev Landau, 27 (former avenue of the 50th anniversary of the USSR, 27)

The main focus of the university legal, law enforcement; details:

  1. Informatics and computer technology
  2. National Security and Law Enforcement
  3. Psychology and pedagogy
  4. Sociology
  5. Economics, management, marketing
  6. Jurisprudence and Jurisprudence

The university consists of 9 educational buildings, 119 specialized classrooms, 26 lecture halls, 8 photo laboratories, 2 production technology laboratories, 4 shooting ranges, etc. The subjects of research activities at the university are 6 educational and scientific institutes, 47 departments, 6 scientific and research laboratories, organization department scientific work, commission for coordination and consideration of topics of dissertation research, doctoral studies and postgraduate studies, scientific and technical information and computer center. 3 honored coaches of Ukraine, 10 masters of sports of international class, 3 honored masters of sports, 44 masters of sports, as well as candidates for the master of sports - participants of the championships of Ukraine, Europe and the world work and study at the university.

10. KNURE (KHIRE)– technical universities of Kharkov

  • Name Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (KNURE)
  • The degree of accreditation of the university IV
  • Year of creation 1930
  • Number of students 11177
  • How to find a university Kharkiv, ave. Nauki, 14 (former Lenin Ave., 14)

The main focus of the university technical; details:

  1. Automation and electrical engineering
  2. Journalism and publishing
  3. Informatics and computer technology
  4. Radio electronics and communication
  5. Physics
  6. Economics, management, marketing
  7. Other

The university has modern material and technical equipment, 30 research centers and laboratories, a center scientific and technical creativity youth, student television center, local area network, Internet, electronic library, reading room, canteens, cafes, sanatorium. The University was one of the first educational institutions in Ukraine to develop and implement distance learning methods; on its initiative, the Ukrainian Association was created distance education to unite and coordinate actions in this area, including with educational institutions of the CIS countries. The scientific teams of the university participate in fundamental and applied research, which are funded European Union, in particular within the INTAS and Incocopernicus programs.

11. KhNMU– old universities of Kharkov

  • Name Kharkiv National Medical University (KhNMU)
  • The degree of accreditation of the university IV
  • Year of creation 1805
  • Number of students 10000
  • How to find a university Kharkiv, ave. Nauki, 4 (former Lenin Ave., 4)

The main focus of the university medicine and veterinary medicine

KhNMU is one of the oldest universities in Kharkiv in the directory. The university has 63 departments, a central research laboratory, 7 problem laboratories; Research Institute of Therapy, Research Institute of General and Emergency Surgery; cryobiology and cryomedicine; medical radiology of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine; centers of urology and medical genetics, Research Institute of Occupational Diseases. The university graduates specialists in such areas as: general medicine, pediatrics, medical and preventive care, laboratory diagnostics, nursing, dentistry, obstetrics. The University takes an active position in the implementation of the Bologna Declaration in the system of higher medical education Ukraine, which will allow students to get an education at the level of European standards.

12. KhNPU– old universities of Kharkov

  • Name Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after G.S. Skovoroda (KhNPU)
  • The degree of accreditation of the university IV
  • Year of creation 1804
  • Number of students 10000
  • How to find a university Kharkiv, st. Alchevskikh, 29 (former Artema street, 29)

The main focus of the university pedagogical, humanitarian; more

  1. Biology and ecology
  2. Geography and geology
  3. Informatics and computer technologies;
  4. Story
  5. Culture and art, design
  6. Mathematics
  7. Psychology and pedagogy
  8. Sociology
  9. Physics
  10. Physical education and sports
  11. Philology and foreign languages
  12. Economy
  13. Management
  14. Marketing
  15. Jurisprudence and Jurisprudence

The university consists of 7 educational buildings, computer classes, a library, a sports and recreation camp "Gaidary". The scientific and educational complex of the university includes 47 educational institutions, including 3 institutes such as: the Institute of Economics and Law, the Institute of World Languages, the Institute of Postgraduate Education; specialized schools; gymnasium schools; teacher training colleges and lyceums. The university participates in international projects, seminars and conferences. Opportunities for internships and international grants in different countries of the world - in China, Japan, Israel, USA, Iran, Turkey, England, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Russia, Moldova, Belarus, etc. Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after G.S. Skovoroda is also one of the oldest universities in Kharkov in the directory.

13. HNTUSH– National Technical University of Agriculture named after Petr Vasilenko

  • Name Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after Petr Vasilenko (KhNTUSH)
  • The degree of accreditation of the university IV
  • Year of creation 1930
  • Number of students 9000
  • How to find a university Kharkiv, st. Alchevskih, 44 (former street Artema, 44)

The main focus of the university organization and management of agriculture; details:

  1. Informatics and computer technology
  2. Food industry and biotechnology
  3. Agriculture, forestry, fisheries
  4. Transport
  5. Economics, management, marketing
  6. Energy
  7. Other

On the territory of the university there is a library, sports grounds, canteens, cafes. He also has at his disposal a sports and recreation camp "Obereg" (town Kirillovka) for 150 places on the shore Sea of ​​Azov. The university has the only Center for Rural Sociological Research in Ukraine, which has fruitful international connections With Harvard University(USA). For the first time in Ukraine, the University established the Institute of Innovation Management to predict innovative situations in the agro-industrial complex of the region. The university has the only UNESCO Chair in Ukraine “Philosophy of Human Communication”, which has an official international status. Every year, over 300 students undergo 2-7 month internships on agricultural farms in Great Britain, the Netherlands, Denmark, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and other European countries.

14. KhAI

  • Name National Aerospace University. NOT. Zhukovsky "Kharkov aviation institute» (KhAI)
  • The degree of accreditation of the university IV
  • Year of creation 1930
  • Number of students 8000
  • How to find a university Kharkiv, st. Chkalova, 17

The main focus of the university Aviation and astronautics, automation and electrical engineering, radio electronics and communications; details:

  1. Biology and ecology
  2. Geography and geology
  3. Informatics and computer technology
  4. Mathematics
  5. Mechanical engineering and metalworking
  6. Psychology and pedagogy
  7. Transport
  8. Physics
  9. Philology and foreign languages
  10. Economics, management, marketing
  11. Energy

National Aerospace University. NOT. Zhukovsky "Kharkov Aviation Institute" is the leading educational institution of our country, which graduates specialists in the field of aviation and space technology. A unique specialized engineering and technical educational institution in the directory Kharkiv Universities

Kharkiv University KhAI was founded in 1930, and in 1932 for the first time in Europe took off the passenger plane KhAI-1, which was developed at the National Aerospace University. NOT. Zhukovsky "Kharkov Aviation Institute" teachers and graduate students. Planes and gliders, which were created in KhAI, set world records.

Over the entire period of its existence, the university has graduated more than 53 thousand engineers. Among the specialists who work in the aerospace industry of our country, 80% are graduates of this Kharkiv university.

15. KHNUSA- engineering and construction in the directory Kharkiv Universities

  • Name Kharkiv National University of Construction and Architecture (KHNUCA)
  • The degree of accreditation of the university IV
  • Year of creation 1930
  • Number of students 7500
  • How to find a university Kharkiv, st. Sumy, 40

The main focus of the university construction, architecture; details:

  1. Biology and ecology
  2. Construction and architecture
  3. Economics, management, marketing
  4. Other

The university includes educational buildings (38,000 sq. m), an electronic communications center and computer classes (400 computers connected to the Internet), a library with 600,000 copies, and laboratories equipped with modern equipment.

The university fruitfully cooperates with the universities of Germany, Slovakia, Poland, USA, China, France, Austria, Italy, India, Russia.

The work of the university staff is aimed at the formation of a new generation of qualified specialists in the construction, architectural, economic profiles, ready for independent creative work.

16.HPUPT– University of Food and Trade

  • Name Kharkiv State University of Food and Trade (KhPUPT)
  • The degree of accreditation of the university IV
  • Year of creation 1967
  • Number of students 7000
  • How to find a university Kharkiv, Klochkovskaya st., 333

The main focus of the university food industry and biotechnology; details:

  1. Food industry and biotechnology
  2. Economics, management, marketing

Kharkiv State University of Food and Trade (KhSUPT) is a branched higher educational institution that trains specialists in such areas as processing and food production, retail and wholesale trade, expert laboratory, restaurant business and tourism, tax, economic and financial services, customs services.

KSUTU cooperates with international universities and foundations.

17.UIPA– Engineering and Pedagogical Universities of Kharkiv

  • Name Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy (UIPA)
  • The degree of accreditation of the university IV
  • Year of creation 1958
  • Number of students 5000
  • How to find a university Kharkiv, Universitetskaya st., 16

The main focus of the university engineering and pedagogical; details:

  1. Automation and electrical engineering
  2. Construction and architecture
  3. Journalism and publishing
  4. Informatics and computer technology
  5. Culture and art, design
  6. Light industry
  7. Mechanical engineering and metalworking
  8. Psychology and pedagogy
  9. Radio electronics and communication
  10. Economics, management, marketing
  11. Energy

The Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy is a higher educational institution that trains teachers for lyceums, technical schools, colleges, universities, production and household specialists.

UIPA includes 2 institutes:

  • Educational and Scientific Vocational Pedagogical Institute, Artemovsk and Slavyansk;
  • Stakhanov Educational and Scientific Institute of Mining and Educational Technologies.

Education of students at the university takes place at 5 faculties. For all the time of work, the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy has prepared more than 70 thousand students. specialists from various industries.

18. HSAFC– academy of physical culture

  • Name Kharkov State Academy physical education(KhSAFC)
  • The degree of accreditation of the university IV
  • Year of creation 1979
  • Number of students 2712
  • How to find a university Kharkiv, Klochkovskaya st., 99

The main focus of the university physical education and sports

Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture is a higher educational institution in Kharkiv, which trains specialists in all areas of physical education, sports and human health.

There are 19 departments, postgraduate studies, specialized scientific laboratories, a center for computer technologies and information support for physical education and sports, as well as an Olympic education center in KhSAPC.

19. HUVS them. Ivan Kozhedub - military technical universities of Kharkov

  • Name Kharkiv University of Air named after Ivan Kozhedub (Force HUVS named after Ivan Kozhedub)
  • The degree of accreditation of the university IV
  • Year of creation 1930
  • Number of students 2627
  • How to find a university Kharkiv, st. Sumy, 77/79

The main focus of the university technical, military and civil Aviation; details:

  • Aviation and astronautics
  • Automation and electrical engineering
  • Warfare
  • Informatics and computer technology
  • Mechanical engineering and metalworking
  • Radio electronics and communication
  • Energy

Geographically, the university is located in two campuses (77/79 Sumska St., 228 Klochkovskaya St.). The total area of ​​educational and laboratory premises is more than 100 thousand square meters. Training sessions are held in classrooms equipped with computers, simulators and existing weapons. In the laboratories of the departments, modern laboratory facilities are used, which allow to conduct research on various phenomena and processes that are studied in academic disciplines. The university has a unique library, its scientific and technical fund has over 1.3 million publications, and its art fund has over 100 thousand publications.

At the service of cadets and students are 18 computer classes, a hostel (cadets live free of charge), in addition, students have the opportunity to study at driver courses and under the reserve officer program. To provide students with practical skills in their specialty, the university has a training aviation brigade, a training center, a training ground, a training airfield, a training complex, a sports complex and other structural units and support units. Kharkiv University of the Air named after Ivan Kozhedub (Force KhUVS named after Ivan Kozhedub) is included in the directory of Kharkiv Universities as a military-technical educational institution.

20. KhSAC– State Academy of Culture

  • Name khar
    kovskaya state academy of culture (KSAC)
  • The degree of accreditation of the university IV
  • Year of creation 1929
  • Number of students 2367
  • How to find a university Kharkiv, Bursatsky descent, 4

The main focus of the university culture and art, design; details:

  1. Journalism and publishing
  2. Culture and art, design
  3. Tourism and hospitality
  4. Economics, management, marketing

Kharkiv State Academy of Culture (KhSAC) for a long time remained the only educational institution in Ukraine, which produced highly qualified specialists in the field of culture. KhSAC became the founder of library and cultural education. On the basis of a branch of this Kharkov university, the Kiev Institute of Culture and the Rivne Institute of Culture arose.

21. NANGU– Military affairs, Kharkiv universities

  • Name National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine (NANGU)
  • The degree of accreditation of the university IV
  • Year of creation 1931
  • Number of students 2337
  • How to find a university Kharkiv, Vosstaniya sq., 3

The main focus of the university military, more:

  1. Transport
  2. Philology and foreign languages
  3. Economics, management, marketing

The National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine (NANGU) is a powerful multidisciplinary Kharkiv university that trains specialists to ensure security in the country.

This Kharkiv university conducts training of officer cadres of various specialties: logistics, personnel, humanitarian and technical. Thanks to this training, the need of the Internal Troops for high-class specialists is satisfied. various levels and specialties. Since 2013, girls have also received the opportunity to study in military specialties. The National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine (NANGU) presents military affairs in the directory Kharkiv Universities.

The training of officers at the university is carried out at 4 faculties:

  1. Command and staff faculty.
  2. Faculty of Engineering and Technology.
  3. Faculty of Economics and Management.
  4. Faculty of Humanities.

22. KhTEI– Kharkov Institute of Trade and Economics

  • Name Kharkiv Trade and Economic Institute KNTEU (KhTEI KNTEU)
  • The degree of accreditation of the university IV
  • Year of creation 2005
  • Number of students 2150
  • How to find a university Kharkiv, per. Otakara Yarosh, 8

The main focus of the university trade and economic; details:

  1. Food industry and biotechnology
  2. Economics, management, marketing

KhTEI KNTEU is a specialized university that trains specialists for the non-productive sector of the economy - restaurant, hotel, tourism business, trade, financial system, customs service.

In order to implement a competent approach to the training of future specialists, the Institute has a system of training firms in the areas of training: "Economics", "Marketing", "Management", "Accounting and Taxation", "Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities".

23. HRIGU NAGU– Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration

  • Name Kharkiv Regional Institute government controlled National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine (HRIGU NAGU)
  • The degree of accreditation of the university IV
  • Year of creation 1996
  • Number of students 2000
  • How to find a university Kharkiv, Moskovsky Ave., 75

The main focus of the university economics, management, marketing.

HRIGU NAGU under the President of Ukraine is a higher educational institution in the national system of training, retraining and advanced training of civil servants and officials of local self-government.

The mission of the educational institution is educational and scientific activities in the field of professional training of highly qualified specialists for state authorities and local governments, state enterprises, institutions and organizations in order to acquire by students and trainees the relevant knowledge, skills and abilities for integration into society, creative and effective implementation management functions, based on European and world standards, retraining and support of managers during their future careers, training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel.


  • Name Kharkiv Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy of Kharkiv Regional Council ( HSPA HOS)
  • The degree of accreditation of the university III
  • Year of creation 1920
  • Number of students 1631
  • How to find a university Kharkiv, Shota Rustaveli lane, 7

The main focus of the university psychology and pedagogy; details:

  1. Informatics and computer technology
  2. psychology and pedagogy
  3. Culture and art, design
  4. Physical education and sports

Kharkiv Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy of the Kharkiv Regional Council (KhGPA HOS) is one of the oldest pedagogical higher educational institutions in Ukraine. This university prepares teachers for general education schools and preschool educational institutions.

Structural subdivisions of KSPA HOS are Kharkiv College, Krasnograd College and Balakleysky branch. Training of students is carried out at 5 faculties. HSPA HOS - humanitarian and pedagogical representative in the directory of Kharkiv Universities.

25. NUGZU– National University of Civil Defense

  • Name National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine (NUGZU)
  • The degree of accreditation of the university IV
  • Year of creation 1928
  • Number of students 1584
  • How to find a university Kharkiv, Chernyshevskaya st., 94

The main focus of the university civil protection

The National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine is the oldest educational institution of the fire and rescue profile in Ukraine. The university trains specialists in six areas. In addition to theoretical knowledge, first-year cadets receive practical skills at the training ground.

The National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine (NUGZU) cooperates with universities of the fire and rescue profile not only in Ukraine, but also in the CIS countries, Germany, Hungary and Poland.


  • Name Kharkiv Institute of Finance of the Ukrainian State University of Finance and international trade(HIF UGUFMT)
  • The degree of accreditation of the university IV
  • Year of creation 1943
  • Number of students 1500
  • How to find a university Kharkiv, lane Pletnevsky, 5

The main focus of the university economics, management, marketing

Kharkiv Institute of Finance of the Ukrainian State University of Finance and International Trade (KHIF UGUFMT) is a Kharkiv university, which is subordinate to the Ministry of Finance.

HIF UGUFMT trains specialists in full-time and part-time forms of education.

  • The institute consists of two faculties:
  • Faculty of Finance and Faculty of Accounting
  • organization of personnel management.

27. HSEI– Economic Universities of Kharkiv

  • Name Kharkov Socio-Economic Institute (KhSEI)
  • The degree of accreditation of the university III
  • Year of creation 1929
  • Number of students 1449
  • How to find a university Kharkiv, pl. Constitution, 1

The main focus of the university economic; details:

  1. Informatics and computer technology
  2. Story
  3. Mathematics
  4. Sociology
  5. Philology and foreign languages
  6. Economics, management, marketing

The total area of ​​the institute is 3142 sq. m, it includes: an assembly hall - 200 seats, 26 classrooms, computer classes, a foreign language room, a library.

Professional training is facilitated by modernly equipped computer classes. Foreign language classrooms are equipped with modern audio and video equipment.
The staff of the study of technical teaching aids provide educational and methodological work, namely: provide teachers with demonstration material; conduct consultations and practical exercises using TCO; are responsible for the production, acquisition and accumulation of a fund of demonstration materials. Kharkiv Socio-Economic Institute (KhSEI) presents economic universities in the directory Kharkiv Universities.

  • Name Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Art (KhGADI)
  • The degree of accreditation of the university IV
  • Year of creation 1921
  • Number of students 1231
  • How to find a university Kharkiv, Arts street, 8 (former Krasnoznamennaya street, 8).

The main focus of the university culture and art, design

Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Art (KhGADI) is the oldest higher educational institution in Ukraine. This Kharkiv university is the only one in the country that trains specialists in such areas as industrial product design, graphic design, interior design, decorative fabrics, clothing, commercial advertising, corporate identity and packaging.

Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts is a member of the European League of Art Universities. KSADI creatively and scientifically cooperates with universities in many countries.

29. KSUM– Kharkiv National University of Arts

  • Name Kharkiv National University of Arts. I.P. Kotlyarevsky (KSUM)
  • The degree of accreditation of the university IV
  • Year of creation 1917
  • Number of students 1028
  • How to find a university Kharkiv, pl. Constitution, 11/13

The main focus of the university Culture and art, design

The university consists of three educational buildings, a large concert hall, laboratory and study rooms, an opera studio, a library, a music library, an educational theater, a student philharmonic society, and two small concert halls. The university has international connections, creative and scientific contacts with foreign musical and theater institutions. University professors are invited to the jury international competitions and festivals in different countries world, hold master classes in Ukraine and abroad. The priority at the university is an individual approach to the training of specialists and an individual form of classes that ensure the formation of a unique artistic personality.

30. HIBS– Economic Universities of Kharkiv

  • Name Kharkiv Institute of Banking of the University of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine (HIBS)
  • The degree of accreditation of the university IV
  • Year of creation 1944
  • Number of students 900
  • How to find a university Kharkiv, Pobedy Ave., 55

The main focus of the university economics, management, marketing

Kharkiv Institute of Banking of the University of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine (HIBS) is a higher educational institution that graduates specialists, as well as improves the qualifications of bank employees and specialists in the field of economics.

HIBS includes 9 departments. Kharkiv Institute of Banking of the University of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine (HIBS) represents Kharkiv universities in economic educational institutions in the directory.

31. Guards Order of the Red Star Faculty of Military Training named after the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine NTU “KhPI” – Military science, Universities of Kharkiv

  • Name Guards Order of the Red Star faculty military training named after the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine NTU "KhPI"
  • The degree of accreditation of the university III
  • Year of creation 1944
  • Number of students 147
  • How to find a university Kharkiv, Poltavsky Shlyakh st., 192.

The main focus of the university military science, chemistry

The Guards Order of the Red Star Faculty of Military Training named after the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" as a military educational unit of a higher educational institution is a structural unit of the National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" and on issues of organization daily activities troops are subordinate to the commander ground forces Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Education at the faculty of military training is 2 years, after which the cadets are awarded the title of "junior lieutenant". The Guards Order of the Red Star Faculty of Military Training named after the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine NTU "KhPI" represents the military in the directory of Kharkiv Universities.

Where do you go to study after graduation? This question worries many Ukrainian high school students. After all, the institutions of Kharkov offer yesterday's schoolchildren a very large selection of various specialties. Applicants can submit their documents to the Agrarian University, the Institute of Management, the Law Academy of Ukraine and many other educational institutions.

Absolutely all Kharkiv universities provide an opportunity for applicants to apply for training and get a prestigious profession. The knowledge that students receive during their studies allows graduates to get well-paid jobs and make a career. Students of any Kharkov academy or institute will always be in-demand specialists. Therefore, many of them start working already during their education.

To enter universities in Kharkov, you need to pass exams. Each educational institution sets examinations and competitions for applicants, depending on the profession that the future student wants to get. Find out exactly which entrance tests they are expected and at what time it is necessary to submit documents, schoolchildren can find out on our website. All they need to do is go to the page of the institute or academy they are interested in. We have presented all the requirements that Kharkiv universities make in 2013 to their future students.

But Kharkiv state universities are waiting in their classrooms not only for students who have just graduated from school. People who want to get a second education can apply for a correspondence department. For them provided special program learning.

The deadlines for submitting documents for different forms of study are different. On our website, the dates are indicated when Kharkiv universities accept documents for full-time or part-time studies. All potential students can read this information. We also provide data on which faculties are open in educational institutions, on what phones you can call their admissions office if a person entering the university has any additional questions.

Different universities in Kharkov will have different tuition fees. The price will depend on the specialty chosen by the applicant. Future students can find out the exact cost of education for the year by calling the institute of their choice.

No matter what Kharkiv state universities applicants apply for training, they are guaranteed to receive a prestigious high-quality education that will help them become highly qualified specialists. high level. And such professionals will always be appreciated in the service, and they will be in demand among employers of many companies.

Kharkiv region is an administrative-territorial unit in the north-east of Ukraine. Formed February 27, 1932. Area - 31,415 sq. km, population - 2,738,384 people. Despite the fact that the region is in second place in terms of the number of students, Kharkiv, without exaggeration, is considered the student capital of Ukraine ( total strength students is more than 190,000 people). Also, the largest number of foreign students in Ukraine is studying in Kharkov.

Kharkiv State Academy of Culture (KhSAK) is a higher educational institution of national ownership, subordinate to the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine. KhSAC was established by a decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the basis of the liquidated Kharkiv State Institute of Culture, which was the first higher educational institution of this type in Ukraine.

The official date of the establishment of the Institute is September 10, 1929, when the Council of People's Commissars of Ukraine at its meeting decided to reorganize the Faculty of Political Education of the Kharkov Institute public education into a separate institution of political education.

In 1930, the institute was renamed the Kharkov Institute of Communist Education, and in 1931 - the All-Ukrainian Institute of Communist Education (VUIKO).

Kharkiv National University of Arts. I.P. Kotlyarevsky is one of the leading art universities in Ukraine, a scientific and methodological center for musical and theatrical education of the Sloboda region.

The origins of the university were such outstanding musicians and theatrical figures as I. Slatin, S. Bogatyrev, P. Lutsenko, L. Fanenshtil, G. Khotkevich, M. Krushelnitsky, L. Dubovik, I. Maryanenko, A. Serdyuk, R. Cherkashin and others.

Over the years of its existence, the university has trained more than 10,000 specialists for the musical and theatrical arts, including recognized performers, teachers and scientists.

In modern conditions, the system of teacher education is faced with the task of satisfying the society's need for specialists who combine high professional training, ideological maturity, organizational and managerial skills.

It is these teachers for general education, preschool and out-of-school educational institutions that are trained by the Kharkov Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy.

During the period of its existence, the educational institution has gone through a difficult path of becoming from a vocational pedagogical school to a higher education institution of the III level of accreditation.

The National Law University named after Yaroslav the Wise is a self-governing (autonomous) state higher legal educational institution of the IV level of accreditation. The history of the university dates back to the 19th century, when on November 17, 1804, on the orders of Emperor Alexander I, Kharkov Imperial University was established, which included the Department of Moral and political science. In 1835, it was officially renamed the Faculty of Law of the University.

In March 1991, the Kharkov Law Institute was reorganized into the Ukrainian State Law Academy. By the Decree of the President of Ukraine of March 30, 1995, the Academy was granted the status of a national self-governing (autonomous) state higher educational institution, and by the Decree of November 4, 1995, it was named after Yaroslav the Wise.

Kharkiv University of Economics and Law offers excellent conditions for study, sports, accommodation and recreation. The university is located in a new modern, spacious and beautiful building, equipped with the latest technology. The university employs qualified scientific and pedagogical staff who train high-class professionals. The activities of HEPU are regulated by relevant regulatory documents: charter, license, certificates of accreditation of specialties.

HEPU has a developed infrastructure, an appropriate level of personnel and logistics, which, of course, contributes to the dissemination of scientific knowledge and the implementation of cultural and educational activities.

The university conducts fundamental and applied Scientific research, students take an active part in research activities, revealing their Creative skills and scientific potential.

National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" (NTU "KhPI"), founded in 1885, is the founder of six current universities, including the National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute", Kharkov National Technical University of Radio Electronics, Kharkov State University of Civil Engineering and Architecture , National Eastern Ukrainian University, Sumy State University In 1997, on the basis of the branch of NTU "KhPI" in Kremenchug, a polytechnic institute was opened.

NTU "KhPI", accredited by the highest level IV, trains specialists in 102 full-time specialties and 70 extramural studies.

In 2000, by the Decree of the President of Ukraine, the university was given the status of the National Higher Educational Institution of Ukraine.

Kharkiv National University of Construction and Architecture (KHNUCA) is a modern specialized educational and scientific center, licensed and accredited at the highest (fourth) level, which trains engineering and scientific personnel mainly for the North-Eastern region of Ukraine, and also successfully solves scientific and technical problems in formation and development of the country's construction complex. Kharkiv National University of Construction and Architecture has been a member of the Association of Construction Universities of the CIS countries since 1991.

Founded in 1930 as the Kharkov Civil Engineering Institute, the educational institution played a significant role in the development of higher construction and architectural education in Ukraine.

In 1994, the institute received the status of a state technical university, and in 2011, the status of a national university.

Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (KNURE) is one of the oldest universities in Ukraine. Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics today is a higher educational institution that is developing dynamically. According to the concentration of scientific, technical and scientific and pedagogical potential in the field of radio electronics, telecommunications, information technologies and Computer Science University is unmatched in Ukraine and the CIS.

Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics is a modern educational and scientific center that opens its treasury of knowledge, world and national values ​​of science and culture to the youth not only of the eastern region, but of all Ukraine and many countries of the world.

Now more than 11,000 students study at Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics in 22 areas of study.

Ukraine is one of the few countries in the world that develops and manufactures aviation and space technology, and also trains qualified specialists for this industry. The National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute" is the leading educational institution in the public education system of Ukraine, graduating specialists of this profile.

The Kharkov Aviation Institute was founded in 1930 and initially included two faculties - aircraft engineering and engine building.

Founded in 1930 as the Kharkov Automobile and Road Institute, the educational institution played a significant role in the development of higher education in Ukraine. In 1993, by a decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the institute was given the status of a university.

Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University is now an educational institution of the 4th level of accreditation. In the structure of the university there are faculties of automotive, road construction, mechanical, mechatronics of vehicles, management and business, transport systems, training of foreign citizens, pre-university training, distance learning, advanced training and retraining of personnel.

Science has always been in the center of attention of the teaching staff of the university.

Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture is a higher educational institution of the IV level of accreditation, which trains specialists in all areas (specialties) in the field of physical education, sports and human health.

Plays a leading role in determining the strategy for improving higher physical education and solving key scientific and methodological problems of sports science in the Sloboda region. Academy graduates are known not only in Ukraine, but also in many countries as first-class specialists.

KSAFC has a glorious and difficult history. Its origins date back to May 1930, when in the capital of the republic, Kharkov, by a decree of the presidium of the VU CEC, State Institute physical culture of Ukraine (GIFKU).

The National University of Pharmacy, founded in 1805 as part of the Kharkiv Imperial University, is the main pharmaceutical institution of higher education in Ukraine with rich scientific traditions and history.

The National Pharmaceutical University is the only higher educational institution of the pharmaceutical profile in our state.

Its evolution ensured the development of the national pharmaceutical school, science, production and the entire pharmaceutical industry of our country.

The National Pharmaceutical University has created conditions for the training of highly qualified specialists for all segments of the pharmaceutical industry: pharmacies, pharmaceutical, perfumery and cosmetic enterprises, state institutions for drug quality control, as well as for the training of scientists - doctors and candidates of science.

The Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy is a modern specialized educational and scientific center licensed and accredited by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The Academy is widely known outside of Ukraine, it is a member international organization Engineering Pedagogy (IGIP).

The Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy is the only higher educational institution in Ukraine of the IV level of accreditation, which specializes in the training of engineers-teachers for the system vocational education: teachers, methodologists, masters of industrial training of the highest qualification for technical schools, colleges, vocational schools.

The history of the emergence of the main building of the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogical Academy dates back to 1765, when Catherine II issued a decree on the establishment of the Sloboda-Ukrainian province.

In the structure of the Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture named after. Petr Vasilenko (KhNTUSH) includes 5 main educational and scientific institutes that provide training in 16 specialties at 8 faculties of full-time education and in 12 specialties at the faculty of distance learning.

Student education is provided by 30 departments in the humanities, fundamental, general engineering and special disciplines, which are centers of educational, methodological and research work.

The university prepares specialists of educational and qualification levels of bachelor, specialist and master.

Specialties for which specialists of specialist and master levels are trained:

Kharkiv National Pedagogical University. G.S. Pans - one of the oldest pedagogical universities in Ukraine, was established in 1804 and has always been a source of culture Ukrainian people. O.O. worked here. Potebnya, A.V. Pogorelov, G.P. Uspensky, V.P. Shestopalov, A.M. Lyapunov and other famous scientists. Thousands of university graduates joined the ranks of the intelligentsia, which at all times played a special role: not only attracted the people to education and progress, but also sowed "reasonable, good, eternal", formed the spirituality and mentality of the nation.

The main task of the university is to train highly qualified teachers who can be entrusted with teaching children.

The second, but no less important, task is participation in the formation of the intellectual elite of Ukraine: the education of specialists with broad erudition and the ability for further self-development and self-improvement.

Kharkiv State University of Nutrition and Trade is a multidisciplinary higher educational institution of Ukraine of the IV level of accreditation, which trains highly qualified specialists for processing and food industries, retail and wholesale trade, expert laboratories, restaurant industry, hotel industry and tourism, tax, economic and financial services, customs services, as well as teachers for specialized educational institutions of I-IV levels of accreditation.

University students receive higher education on educational and qualification levels bachelor, specialist, master in 11 areas of training and 21 specialties.

The People's Ukrainian Academy (NUA) is a new type of educational complex that provides conditions for continuous education.

Our university is an experimental platform for the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to develop a new educational module.

The mission of the PUA is the formation of an intelligent person who is able to earn his living by highly qualified mental labor and civilized methods, who knows how to work with people and for people; development of the module of continuous humanitarian education.

The Academy consists of three main educational levels:

Kharkiv National Medical University provides conditions for the implementation of educational, educational, sports, personal interests of students. Today, the main thing is to ensure a high level educational process taking into account the requirements of modernity, in particular, the involvement innovative technologies training, the use of the latest methods of diagnosis and treatment of diseases, the use of modern medical equipment for the training of future doctors, and the like.

The university strives to prepare highly qualified medical workers who could be trusted with the lives of people, and also takes care of educating specialists who are sincere, erudite, able to develop and improve themselves.

The prerogative for the educational institution is the self-realization of each graduate as an excellent specialist.

Kharkiv State Veterinary Academy has a long and rich history, which is part of the domestic agriculture. The history of its development is closely intertwined with the history of our country and the history of higher veterinary and zootechnical education in Ukraine.

The Academy has great and well-established traditions, which are preserved and continued in every possible way.

Kharkiv State Veterinary Academy - government agency education IV level of accreditation, which is subordinate to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine.

The Kharkov State Veterinary Academy has the following faculties:

Faculty of Management;

The Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport was created on the basis of the Kharkov Institute of Railway Engineers, founded in September 1930.

Today, the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport is a modern higher education institution of the IV level of accreditation, which trains specialists for the railway transport of Ukraine at educational and qualification levels: bachelor, specialist, master.

About 13,000 students study at the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport and more than 1.5 thousand teachers and employees work.

Kharkiv National University of Urban Economy named after A.N. Beketova was founded in 1922 and is the oldest institution of higher education in Ukraine with a branch orientation. KhNUGH them. A.N. Beketova is a modern state higher educational institution of the highest level of accreditation in Ukraine. The university trains specialists of all educational and qualification levels from a complex of specialties and specializations to ensure the vital activity of modern cities and their further sustainable development.

Kharkiv is called the scientific capital of Ukraine and the city of students. The first university opened in 1805, it was the second university on the territory of present-day Ukraine. There are several dozen universities in the city. These include both public and private educational institutions. There are many foreign students studying in Kharkiv, according to statistics the largest number in Ukraine.

Kharkiv National Karazin University

Considered the oldest university in Eastern Europe. The decree on its creation was signed in 1804, the first course was recruited in 1805. The structure of the university includes twenty faculties and one institute for the study of high technologies. It has several research institutes, a central library, a botanical garden, and two museums. Since 2014 Kharkiv University has been accepted into 500 prestigious universities of the world. In 2016-2017, he was awarded the honorary status of the best university in the country.

Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

One of the main technical universities in Kharkov. Opened in 1930. Every year, about eight thousand students study at the university. In 2012-2013, the university took the first place in the list of technical universities in Ukraine. In 2017, he was awarded the third place in the TOP IT universities in the country. Training is conducted in 28 specialties. The structure of KNURE includes 8 faculties, consisting of 32 departments. The university offers postgraduate and doctoral studies.

National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

The year of foundation is 1885. But the university was repeatedly reorganized and combined with other universities. It is the largest technical university in Ukraine. In 2012, he was included in the top 10 universities in the country. Every year, 20 thousand students study there, of which one and a half thousand are foreigners. There are postgraduate and doctoral studies. The educational process is provided by 1700 teachers. The structure of the university includes 21 faculties.

Zhukovsky National Aerospace University

The founding date of the university is considered to be 1930, it was formed as the Kharkov National Institute. The university consists of ten faculties. 11 thousand students study annually. There are one thousand teachers. Aerospace University conducts research work in various areas: supersonic and subsonic aerodynamics; design technologies; remote sensing.

Kharkiv National Medical University

The history of the university begins in 1805, when the Imperial Kharkov University was opened by decree of Alexander the First. It included the Faculty of Medicine. In 1921, the university was reorganized, and a medical academy was opened autonomously. Today the university includes 8 faculties and 64 departments. Medical students are being trained; preventive medicine and dentistry.

National University of Pharmacy

This is a higher education institution. It is directly subordinate to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Its history begins in 1812, when a pharmaceutical department was opened at Kharkov University. In 1921, a separate pharmaceutical institute was opened, which became the first in Ukraine. In 2002 it was reorganized into the National University. The structure includes six faculties, 49 departments. There are research laboratories, a pharmaceutical college. Every year, 17.5 thousand students study at the university.

Kharkiv National Automobile and Road University

Formed in 1930. Every year, 10 thousand students study within its walls. After graduation, diplomas with bachelor's, specialist's and master's degrees are awarded. The structure of the university includes ten faculties, three scientific and consulting centers and a branch in Kherson. Training is conducted in 16 specialties. Among them: engineering mechanics, electromechanics, transport technologies, automation and control, and others. It is possible to study non-core professions: management, economics, ecology.

Kharkiv National University of Construction and Architecture

The university was opened in 1930, originally it was called the Civil Engineering Institute. The university provides training in 14 specialized specialties. The structure of the university includes eight faculties: construction; sanitary-technical; mechanical and technological; architectural; economics and management. There is a department of postgraduate education; pre-university education and distance learning.

Kharkiv National Economic University named after Semyon Kuznetsov

It is considered the best economic university in Ukraine. The history of the institution dates back to 1912, when higher commercial courses were opened at the commercial school. The official founding date of the university is 1930. The structure of KhNUE includes seven faculties. There are 34 educational programs, students receive education in 15 specialties. The university has a Franco-Ukrainian program. Students can obtain master's degrees from two universities in France.

Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after Skovoroda

This is the oldest pedagogical university in Ukraine, opened in 1804 according to the decree of Alexander the First. In 2004, the university was awarded the title of national and named after G.S. Frying pans. Every year, 15,000 students study there (including part-time students and graduate students). The structure of KhNPU includes 14 faculties, 7 institutes, 54 departments, pedagogical schools and colleges. The university trains teachers of all specialties.

Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V. V. Dokuchaev

The university was opened in 1816 by decree of Alexander the First, located near Warsaw. It was called the Institute of Agriculture. During the First World War, he was evacuated to Kharkov, where he remained. In 1991, the university was transformed into a university, and in 2002 it was given the status of a national university. It trains highly qualified specialists for work in the field of agriculture.

Kharkiv National Technical University of Agriculture

The university was opened in 1930, during the mechanization of agriculture. Today it includes seven educational and scientific institutes. They train specialists to work in agriculture, processing and food industries. More than 5.5 thousand students study at the university every year. There are postgraduate and doctoral studies.

Kharkiv State University of Food and Trade

The university was opened in 1967. It trains specialists working in the field of public catering, hotel business, food industry. The structure of the university consists of the Institute of Food Technologies and Business and five faculties: equipment and technical service; merchandising and commercial entrepreneurship; management; economic and accounting and financial faculties.

Kharkiv National University of Municipal Economy named after A. N. Beketov

The foundation of the university is considered to be 1922. Specialists are graduating to work in the field of urban economy. The structure of HNUGH includes nine faculties and thirty departments. Training is conducted in 30 specialties. The university has a large museum complex, library, research and production complex "Megapolis".

Kharkiv National University of Arts named after I. P. Kotlyarevsky

It is considered one of the main art universities in Ukraine. It is a major center for education in music and theater. The history of the university began in 1871. In 2011, the university was given the status of National. It consists of three faculties: orchestral; performing-musicological and theatrical. There are postgraduate and doctoral studies in KhNUI. Over the years, about 10 thousand specialists graduated from it.

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs

This is the former Kharkov police school. It was opened in 1994. The university trains highly qualified specialists for work in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. There are six faculties at the university: criminal police; cyber police; law and mass communications; faculty of investigation; the police of preventive activity and the faculty of correspondence education. Faculties are divided into 32 departments, there is a research laboratory.

Kharkiv Air Force University named after Ivan Kozhedub

This is a major military educational institution. It trains personnel for work in Air Force Ukraine. Opened in 1930, later reorganized several times. The current name was assigned in 2003. Every year, 5.5 thousand students study at the university. The structure includes 9 faculties, college of non-commissioned officers.

National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine

This is an authoritative and oldest university of fire and rescue profile in all CIS countries. The year of foundation is 1928. In 2009, he was given national status. The structure of the university includes five faculties: civil protection; operational rescue forces; Fire safety; socio-psychological and technogenic-ecological safety. Education takes place within the framework of the specialty, bachelor's and master's programs.

Yaroslav the Wise National Law Academy

The year of foundation is considered to be 1804, when the Department of Political Sciences was part of the Imperial University. The Academy received the status of autonomous (self-governing). Today, the university trains specialists for work in government bodies and private organizations. More than twenty thousand students study there every year. There are postgraduate and doctoral studies.

Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport

The university was founded in 1930. Since 2011, it has been subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science, although previously it was subordinate to the Ministry of Infrastructure. The university trains highly qualified railway workers. 10 thousand students study at the academy every year. The educational process is provided by 500 teachers. The structure includes 6 faculties, 33 departments, an advanced training institute.

Kharkiv State Academy of Culture

The university was opened in 1929. The Academy is included in the TOP-200 higher educational institutions of Ukraine. KhSAC includes eight faculties. Among them: library science and informatics; documentation and information activities; management and business; theatrical art; cultural studies; musical art; choreographic art; cinema and television art. About 2500 students study at the academy every year, many of them are foreign students.

Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy

The educational institution opened in 1958. Initially, it was a correspondence polytechnic institute. Subsequently, a full-time form of education was opened. The academy has 10,000 students. The structure of the university includes 2 institutes and 5 faculties: technological; international educational programs; economic, managerial and educational technologies; energy and energy technologies; computer technologies in production.

Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts

It is considered one of the oldest art universities in Ukraine. It was opened in 1921. The current name was given in 2001. After training, students receive bachelor's, specialist or master's degrees. There is a graduate school. Education is conducted in 13 profile specialties (design, graphics, painting, sculpture, painting restoration).

National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine

Higher educational institution of military profile. It was opened in 1931. The academy trains officers for work in the internal troops and other military units of Ukraine. In addition to military specialties (military administration and weapons and military equipment) the academy also trains personnel for civil work (directions in philology, management, road transport).

Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

In 1979, the Institute of Physical Culture was opened in Kharkov. It has had its current name since 2001. In 2008, he took third place in the ranking of the best pedagogical universities in Ukraine. The academy includes 6 specialized faculties and 19 departments. There is a graduate school and a scientific laboratory. About 2700 students study annually. Among the teachers there are candidates for masters of sports and masters of sports.

Kharkiv State Veterinary Academy

In 1804 a veterinary school was founded in Kharkov. Since 1850, he was given the status of a veterinary institute. The current name has been in effect since 2001. The university has two faculties: zooengineering and veterinary. More than 200 teachers participate in the learning process. In KhSZVA, graduates receive the specialties of zooengineer, veterinarian and manager.

Kharkov Trade and Economic Institute

Was founded in 1931. It trains specialists for work in non-productive sectors of the economy: hotel and restaurant business, trade, financial system. More than two thousand students study at the institute every year. The structure of the university includes two faculties: economic; trade, hotel and restaurant and tourism business.

Kharkiv Institute of Banking UBD NBU

This is a multifunctional university that trains and retrains employees of the banking sector. The structure includes two faculties: banking and economics. Personnel are being trained in the following specialties: "Banking", "Finance", "Accounting and Auditing". It is possible to study in the magistracy and receive a second education.

Kharkov Institute of Finance

The university opened in 1943. This is a public educational institution. Reports to the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine. It trains personnel for work in various industries and forms of ownership. The structure includes seven departments and two faculties: finance; accounting and organization of personnel management.

Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration

The university was founded in 1996. In Harri, civil servants and local self-government workers are trained and retrained. There are full-time and part-time forms of education. The structure of the institute consists of three faculties: public administration; management of organizations; personnel management and labor economics.

Kharkov Socio-Economic Institute

It was opened in 1929. It includes four faculties: economic; social management; faculties of advanced training and postgraduate education. KhSEI trains specialists for work in the social and economic spheres. The institute has three faculties: innovation economics; social management and advanced training of trade union personnel.

Kharkov Theological Seminary

The year of foundation is considered to be 1726, when the Slavic-Greek-Latin school was transferred to Kharkov. After the revolution, in 1917 it closed. The revival of the seminary began in 1993. Today, the school trains Orthodox clergy and clergy. The seminary has an icon-painting school, a branch of the Theological and Pedagogical Courses.

Kharkiv Institute of Business and Management

Commercial higher education institution of Ukraine, training is conducted on a commercial basis. It was opened in 1992. Training is carried out within the framework of bachelor's and specialist's degrees. 1700 students study there every year. It includes only the Faculty of Economics. Students can receive diplomas in the following specialties: finance; accounting and auditing; marketing; management of organizations; personnel management and labor economics.

Kharkiv Humanitarian and Ecological Institute

A commercial institution of higher education, it was opened in 1995. 500 students study annually. Directions in education: ecology and biology; sociology and social work; philology. The structure includes three faculties: environmentalists-valeological; translation and foreign philology; legal and psychological support of social work.

Kharkiv University of Economics and Law

This is a private, non-state university, founded in 1999. Education is carried out on a paid basis. The structure includes two faculties: law and entrepreneurship; Faculty of Economics. Directions in education: law and economics. Education is conducted within the framework of bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs. There are full-time and part-time forms of education.

Kharkiv Humanitarian University "People's Ukrainian Academy"

One of the first private universities in Kharkov. Opened in 1991. You can get an education in undergraduate, specialist, and graduate systems. There are full-time, part-time and distance forms of education. Consists of three faculties: business management; referent-translation and social management.

Institute of Oriental Studies and International Relations "Kharkiv Collegium"

Non-state higher educational institution. It is one of the top five universities in the country that train personnel for diplomatic work. Areas of graduate training: international relations, international relations in the field of economics. Education is carried out within the framework of the bachelor's and specialist's programs. Students do internships at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, foreign embassies and other institutions.

Kharkiv Institute of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management

This is a non-state university, opened in 1998. Preparation is carried out according to the programs of the bachelor's and specialist's level. There are full-time and part-time forms of education. Directions in education: psychology; management and economics and entrepreneurship. Graduates receive diplomas in economics, sociology and psychology.

International Solomon University (branch)

It was opened in Kharkov in 1998, the head university is located in Kyiv (it was founded in 1992). This is a private university, education is only on a paid basis. At the university, you can get several professions, education is carried out as part of the bachelor's and specialist's programs. The structure of the branch includes three faculties: economic; historical, faculty of computer sciences.

The largest city of Ukraine Kharkiv is rightfully famous for its universities. It trains highly qualified specialists in various directions: medicine, economics, pharmaceuticals, radio electronics, construction and much more. Last but not least, the variety of specialties offered is pleasantly combined with the quality of student training. It is no coincidence that many applicants choose Kharkiv universities. Moreover, there are really plenty to choose from. There are almost two dozen universities in Kharkiv alone. Many of them are among the oldest universities in the country.


So, Kharkiv National University (KhNU) named after. V. N. Karazin was founded in 1804. Now he has the status state university and belongs to the IV level of accreditation. This famous Kharkiv university offers education at 20 different faculties. Education of students at KhNU is carried out by 2,000 teachers, and half of them have the title of candidate of science, another 200 are professors and doctors of science. Over the long years of activity, a solid educational base has been formed at KhNU: four research institutes, an astronomical observatory, a botanical garden, a museum of nature, a number of educational workshops, more than 120 classrooms and over 20 modern computer classes.

KhNU is a member of the European Association of Universities and is a co-founder of the Eurasian Association of Universities. Every year KhNU hosts several dozen scientific conferences, this Kharkiv university actively cooperates with universities and scientists from 25 countries of the world, including the USA, Switzerland, England, Canada, Germany and Russia.


The oldest medical university in Ukraine is KhNMU - Kharkiv National Medical University, founded more than 200 years ago, in 1805.

It should be noted that today this Kharkiv university is very popular among foreign students. In 1988 he was admitted to International Association universities of the world, organized by UNESCO. Thanks to the rapid transition to the Bologna system, KhNMU provides education at the European level. Today, high-class doctors are trained here for more than 50 countries of the world.

There are six different faculties in KhNMU, including four medical ones, as well as the faculty of dentistry and the faculty of postgraduate education, a powerful research laboratory has been created, and a modern computer center has been equipped. Keeping up with the times, KhNMU focuses on general medical disciplines, which helps to successfully implement the institute of family medicine that is relevant today.


NUPh (National Pharmaceutical University) is a special university in Kharkov. This is the only specialized university in Ukraine that trains pharmaceutical specialists. Like the medical university, it was founded over 200 years ago, in 1805, as a branch of the Kharkov Imperial University. After more than 100 years, in 1921 it became an independent university. In 1992, KhPI received the status of an academy, and since 2002, the university received the status of the National University of Pharmacy. Today NUPh is a powerful educational and scientific complex, which includes 48 departments, the Educational and Scientific Center for Medicines, the Institute for Advanced Studies, a number of laboratories, the Center distance learning, Computer Center and other divisions, where more than 700 scientific and pedagogical workers work. Moreover, most of them have various prestigious academic titles and degrees. NUPh scientists conduct interesting scientific research, including in such topical areas as biotechnology and homeopathy.

Today, more than 20 thousand students, graduate students, masters and interns receive higher education here in 14 different specialties and six areas.


And one of the main Ukrainian technical universities in the country is NTU "KhPI" - National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute". This Kharkiv university was established in 1885, in 2000 it received the status of the National University. It has accreditation of the fourth (highest) level, 92 departments and trains specialists in more than 90 different specialties of full-time education and more than 60 - part-time. There are 19 full-time faculties, as well as faculties of correspondence, pre-university and distance learning, three research institutes and design bureaus, a center for training foreigners and a staff development institute.

More than 800 associate professors, 19 honored workers of science and technology, 160 doctors of sciences are engaged in the training of high-level specialists at NTU “KhPI”.

Kharkov Aviation Institute (KhAI)

Ukraine is one of the few countries that produce aviation and space technology. Accordingly, highly qualified specialists are also needed. Their education and training is carried out by the National Aerospace University, which is rightfully considered the leading university in Ukraine.

This university began its own history in 1930, when it was transformed from a special faculty of the Kharkov Polytechnic Institute. And in 1998, the Aviation Institute received the status of the National Aerospace University. During its existence, KhAI has trained more than 50,000 engineers. And now more than 7 thousand students and about 200 graduate students study at this university in Kharkov. The teaching staff includes professors, candidates of sciences and associate professors - in total there are more than 700 teachers.
