Interactive museum complex “Buran.

"Buran" was transported from Gorky Park to VDNKh / Photo:

A model of the Buran spacecraft was delivered from the capital's Gorky Park to VDNKh. It took more than five hours to transport individual parts of the copy of the Soviet shuttle, the Russian News Service reports. The operation began on Saturday around 23:00 and ended on Sunday at 04:30.

Six units of special equipment were involved in transporting the Buran, which was disassembled into parts (wings, fuselage, tail, nose section with front landing gear and two non-working landing gears).

"Buran" was dismantled into parts / Photo:

The convoy, accompanied by traffic police crews, covered 15 kilometers, passing through the center of Moscow along the route: Yakimanka Street, Bolshoy Kamenny Bridge, Mokhovaya Street, Bolshaya Lubyanka Street, Sretenka Street, Mira Avenue, Trifonovskaya Street, Soviet Army Street, Sheremetyevskaya Street, Zvezdny Boulevard. Along the route of the trucks, specialists had to lift the wires of the contact network, which is why the movement of 14 trolleybus routes and two tram routes was limited, writes ..

Six units of special equipment were involved in the transportation of Buran / Photo:

A model of the rocket plane will be installed at VDNKh on Industry Square, next to the Space/Mechanical Engineering pavilion, where the Yak-42 aircraft and a model of the Vostok launch vehicle are already located. The installation of “Buran” will begin on July 7, and the installation of the exhibit should be completed by July 20.


"Buran" is an orbital rocket ship of the Soviet reusable transport space system (MTSC), created as part of the Energia-Buran program. Buran made its first and only space flight on November 15, 1988.

Model of “Buran” in Gorky Park / Photo:

In 1990, work on the Energia-Buran program was suspended, and in 1993 it was closed. The Buran model was installed in Gorky Park in 1993 and was used as an attraction for some time.

In 2011, when reconstruction began in Gorky Park, the Buran attraction was closed. In June of this year, it was decided to transport the model to VDNKh, where reconstruction also began. It is expected that a museum will be opened in the Space/Mechanical Engineering pavilion.

Tactical and technical "Buran" indicators

A sealed all-welded cabin for the crew and people for carrying out work in orbit (up to 10 people) and most of the equipment to support flight as part of the rocket and space complex, autonomous flight in orbit, descent and landing is inserted into the bow compartment.

The cabin volume is over 70 m³. It has a delta wing with double sweep, as well as aerodynamic controls that operate during landing after returning to the dense layers of the atmosphere - a rudder, elevons and an aerodynamic flap.

Two groups of engines for maneuvering are located at the end of the tail section and the front of the hull. A return maneuver or exit to a single-orbit trajectory is performed.

The device, weighing tens of tons and almost 30 meters long, was not created for space flights. In the 80s, when the Soviet program of reusable flights into orbit was in effect, it became one of the prototypes for experimental tests. Preparations for the operation to transport a full-size model of the Buran space shuttle began several weeks ago. The most complex electronic calculations made it possible to dismantle the ship in 10 days. The fuselage was split into two parts and the wings, tail and landing gear were removed.

There have been no analogues of such a transport operation yet. The model of the Buran spacecraft weighs about 50 tons. And in order to transport the shuttle to another part of the city, the installers loaded it in parts onto special equipment, which is usually used at cosmodromes.

This exhibit is not just a model; it was previously used to test the strength and test the air transportation of the orbital complex. In 1993, he was delivered to Gorky Park by water. There was an attraction inside. Now experts are planning to recreate the control parts of the aircraft - the same as in the real Buran, which made its first and only space flight in 1988. Then he made two orbits around the Earth, after which he made a unique unmanned landing at Baikonur.

The exhibition of the new "Buran" will now be on the territory of VDNKh, but the only way to transport the ship to its deployment site is to do it by land, right along the streets of Moscow.

" The uniqueness lies in the fact that, after all, 15 km of city street had to be made so that the height of this ship - 7 meters - would not snag the wires of the contact networks, and would not snag all kinds of guy wires around the city. This is a very complex operation,” said Deputy Mayor of Moscow Pyotr Biryukov .

The road train started with cosmic precision exactly at the appointed time - 23:15. However, when leaving the park, the first difficulties arose - one of the wings did not fit between the trees. We had to free up additional space. About 500 people took part in the transportation - specialists, road workers and employees of engineering and communal services and about 150 pieces of equipment, whose task was to ensure the passage of the convoy, and then promptly return it to full working order. Despite the late hour, hundreds of Muscovites came to see how Buran was dismantled and transported.

The route ran along 10 Moscow streets: from Leninsky Prospekt through the Garden Ring and the city center. The Buran drove past the Kremlin along the Bolshoy Kamenny Bridge, along Manezhnaya Square along Okhotny Ryad Street. I reached the finish line on Prospekt Mira. And practically the connection was the passage of the convoy directly through the central arch of VDNKh.

Now the place of the legendary space shuttle is here next to other aircraft: the Yak-42 aircraft and the famous Vostok spacecraft, an analogue of the one on which Yuri Gagarin made the first flight into space in the history of mankind in 1961. Well, the new exhibit “Buran” will open for visitors to the exhibition in three weeks.

An interactive museum inside a model of the orbital ship "Buran BTS-001" - next to pavilion No. 20. In the museum you can not only watch a film about the legendary rocket plane, but also control its landing at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in real time.

The plot of the excursion-travel begins in the cinema hall, where museum visitors will be shown a film about the history of the creation of the Russian space shuttle. The cinema hall is located in a separate, specially built pavilion in front of the Buran model. The scale of this space project is amazing.

From the film we learn that more than 2.5 million engineers, designers and scientists from 1,300 enterprises worked on the creation of Buran for 12 years! And for its construction, 80 new materials were invented. Special ceramic tile on the skin of the rocket plane withstood the passage of the ship through dense layers of the atmosphere and prevented its combustion! Such a cosmic colossus literally emerged from the fire unharmed.

Once on board the rocket plane, guests continue to get acquainted with the history of the creation of Buran: they have the opportunity to compare the American Space Shuttle and its Soviet analogues - projects 305-2, OS-120, OK-92 and Buran. The history of the Buran project is presented here in full detail on special screens with touchscreen technology. You click on the picture of the ship and more detailed information about the object of interest with all the pictures pops up on the screen. This technology is used at the London Transport Museum and the BMW Museum in Munich.

The culmination of the excursion is a visit to the bow of the ship, where the Buran command compartment with an instrument panel and an astronaut’s chair is reconstructed in the upper tier. His role is played by a mannequin in a Swift type spacesuit. And on the lower tier of the bow of the ship, the role of space shuttle pilot goes to excursionists! Here, newly minted test pilots get a unique opportunity to land the Buran at the Baikonur Cosmodrome from an altitude of 80,000 meters. As you land the ship, you can see how the rounded outlines of the planet are getting closer and closer. The blue surface of the oceans gives way to the hard dark surface of the land of Kazakhstan. And after landing the plane, on the left side of the runway you can see a fighter jet flying past. The program completely simulates the real landing of the ship on November 15, 1988.

Having left the bow compartment of the Buran, guests return through a glassed passage to the pavilion, where the excursion began, which lasted 45 minutes.

Please note that the visit interactive museum“Buran” is only possible as part of an excursion group of up to 20 people. Tour groups are formed every 20 minutes in the museum pavilion.


site next to pavilion No. 20.

Operating mode:

Every day, except Monday, from 11:00 to 20:00. The duration of the excursion is 45 minutes. Tour groups are formed every 20 minutes in the museum pavilion. The last group enters at 20:00.

Ticket prices:

  • adults - 500 rubles;
  • children from 6 to 12 years old, students and pensioners - 250 rubles;
  • children under 6 years old, orphans without parental care, disabled people, WWII veterans and members large families until reaching youngest child Ages 16 years old - free.

"Wailing Wall" of Russian Cosmonautics - spaceship "Buran" in Gorky Park. This specimen, either a mock-up or an experimental one, has never flown. There were such hopes, but there was so much noise. And the flight of the first ship seemed brilliant, at least that’s how it was presented to us. And “Buran” will never fly, and will anything fly with us in the near future? These lines are being written just after the message that our next satellite has “failed” (it didn’t even go into orbit).
Yes, unfortunately, Russia never became a leading space power. This Soviet Union was, and Russia is eating up the remains of a pie that it did not bake. They will say that Russia is the legal successor - just like the careless heir of the old master, he started the workshop and drank away the tools.
What do we want? In the USSR, the most attractive member of society (including girls) was a young scientist. Books have been written about him and films have been made. Nowadays films are made about bandits or individuals very similar to them in manners. And the contemptuous nickname “nerd” stuck to the young scientist. Girls are drawn to young businessmen - these are the idols of society. And they do the right thing, well, how can a “nerd” take a girl to a good restaurant, but a businessman can take a girl to a good restaurant every day?
And those who are talented “nerds” have the only way to go abroad. And there, surprisingly, they often become successful wealthy people and even millionaires.
So, despite the heart-rending “patriotic” howl, Russia will not be a leading scientific power, the last remaining old people will leave and Russian science will be p...ts.
By the way, I read that they are going to remove Buran from the park. And rightly so, people came to relax, and they poked disgrace in their eyes.

And here is the official opinion on this matter:
Speaking at the expert council in the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, the chairman of the scientific and technical council of the Rostec state corporation, Yuri Koptev, announced that the Russian space group is lagging behind even the Indian and Chinese ones.
“Today we have a catastrophic situation with the state of our orbital grouping... Today, China’s orbital grouping is larger than the grouping of Russian vehicles, and if you look at the content, then in both the military and civilian parts we are inferior today in both remote sensing of the Earth and meteorology, and communications not only between American and European, but also Chinese and Indian orbital groups,” said Yuri Koptev.

Nezavisimaya Gazeta 01/28/2014

And here's the latest news:
"Buran" was transported from Gorky Park to VDNKh A model of the Buran spacecraft was delivered from the capital's Gorky Park to VDNKh. It took more than five hours to transport individual parts of the copy of the Soviet shuttle, the Russian News Service reports.
The operation began on Saturday around 23:00 and ended on Sunday at 04:30. Six units of special equipment were involved in transporting the Buran, which was disassembled into parts (wings, fuselage, tail, nose section with front landing gear and two non-working landing gears).
The convoy, accompanied by traffic police crews, covered 15 kilometers, passing through the center of Moscow along the route: Yakimanka Street, Bolshoy Kamenny Bridge, Mokhovaya Street, Bolshaya Lubyanka Street, Sretenka Street, Mira Avenue, Trifonovskaya Street, Soviet Army Street, Sheremetyevskaya Street, Zvezdny Boulevard.
Along the route of the trucks, specialists had to lift the wires of the contact network, which is why the movement of 14 trolleybus routes and two tram routes was limited.
A model of the rocket plane will be installed at VDNKh on Industry Square, next to the Space/Mechanical Engineering pavilion, where the Yak-42 aircraft and a model of the Vostok launch vehicle are already located. The installation of “Buran” will begin on July 7, and the installation of the exhibit should be completed by July 20., July 6, 2014

Located in the model of the orbital ship "Buran BTS-001", which is located on the territory , near pavilion No. 20.

The Buran spacecraft is a reusable orbital rocket plane created as part of the Energia-Buran program, which was the Soviet response to a similar American program"Space Shuttle" ("space shuttle"). The lead enterprise involved in the development of Buran was the specially created NPO Molniya, and the assembly of the rocket plane was carried out at the Tushinsky Machine-Building Plant, however, these enterprises were not the only developers of Buran: about 2 million people from more than 1000 enterprises.

The first and only flight of the Buran took place on November 15, 1988 and was carried out in a completely unmanned automatic mode. In addition to the product that was in space, work was carried out on 4 more flight copies of the spacecraft, however, in 1990, work on the Energia-Buran program was suspended, and in 1993 the program was closed.

Layout "BTS-001" (product 0.01), which contains Interactive museum complex "Buran" - one of several spacecraft mock-ups, built to test the air transportation of the product. Until June 2014, the model stood on Pushkinskaya Embankment, then it was transported to VDNKh.

A pavilion with a cinema hall was built around the model, which in appearance resembles a spaceport with passages to board the spaceship.

The excursion (its duration is 45 minutes) begins with watching a film about the history of the Energia-Buran program, which outlines the historical events that preceded the start of the program, its progress and achievements, as well as the differences between Buran and the Space Shuttle. After the movie, visitors through the passageways get on board, where a multimedia attraction is equipped: thanks to the projection, a compartment on the ceiling seems to open up, and domestic and foreign planes fly over the heads of visitors and spaceships, one way or another related to the program.

In the bow of the model, the command compartment with the instrument panel was reconstructed, and an attraction was also installed, inviting visitors to “steer” the ship during its landing at Baikonur. It is stated that the game program completely simulates the real landing of the Buran on November 15, 1988.

Unfortunately, there are practically no real exhibits in the museum: with the exception of a reconstructed instrument panel, these are only a few rods, a space suit and a couple of documents. And although Interactive museum complex "Buran" It is presented precisely as a museum institution; calling it a museum is a great exaggeration, since behind the almost complete absence of exhibits and a very superficial coverage of history, there is rather a purely entertainment function. Overall, this is more of a bright gaming attraction - and nothing more.

The museum complex can be recommended for visiting with children if you find yourself at and want to plunge deeper into the life of the modern Exhibition, but if you are driven by a conscious interest in the Buran project and space, it is unlikely to satisfy you.
