Scenario for class hours at a technical school. Scenario of an open class hour for students of pedagogical colleges on the topic “the most excellent position under the sun”

1. Team building training for 1st year students (1st semester).

2. Communication skills training for 1st year students (2nd semester).

3. “I choose life!” Prevention lesson HIV infection with training elements.

Lesson with elements of drug addiction prevention training. Formation of responsibility in a teenager for his actions as a factor psychological protection from involvement in drug addiction and antisocial activities

5. Game “Master of Fate”. R consideration of various aspects of the problems of drug addiction, smoking, and drunkenness.

6. Lesson with training elements “Preparation for the session. What to do, if…".

7. Lesson with elements of personal growth training (for 2-3 courses).

8. “The family alphabet begins with “We”... (for 3-4 year students).

9. As part of the program “Adaptation to the labor market” for graduating students.

- Lesson topics:

Lesson topics for coursework cool hours for the 2011-2012 academic year

"The power of words or the poison of foul language". – 1st course November

"Weak Link"(on prevention bad habits). – 2nd year March

Adaptation to the labor market(for graduating groups). 3rd, 4th year April

Educational psychologist N.Yu. Grubnikova

By groups on patriotic themes

For the 2011-2012 academic year.


1. “Great commanders:

2. “It’s not easy in learning, but it’s easy in battle” (Capture of the Izmail fortress under the leadership of A. Suvorov on December 24, 1790) - December

3. “.A. Nevsky – the science of winning”, dedicated to the Battle of the Ice on April 18, 1242 - April

6. “Hero City Leningrad”, dedicated to the lifting of the blockade near Leningrad - January.

7.. “Indestructible Stalingrad”, dedicated to the victory of Soviet troops at Stalingrad - February

8. “Cities - heroes and cities of military glory” - March

9. “I am a citizen of Russia”, dedicated to Constitution Day

10. “Youth choose family”, dedicated to Family Day

11 “Conquerors of Space”, dedicated to Cosmonautics Day

12. “Warmth of mother’s hearts”, dedicated to Mother’s Day


13. “You did everything, my Russia!”, dedicated to National Unity Day (November)

List of course thematic classes

For the 2011-2012 academic year.

1 course: 1. Classroom clock based at the college museum

"College Story" September - November(on schedule)

1. “Mikhailovka yesterday, today, tomorrow” (bus tour) - October, April

2. Cool clock on the basis of the Tsemzavod museum

"Cemzavod - urban planning enterprise of Mikhailovka"


4. Oral journal “My city is my destiny” April

2nd course:1. Cool clock based on the Cossack living room

college together with the local history museum of Sera-

fimovich (November - March)

1. Class hours - excursions to study Cossack culture

- art. Kumylzhenskaya – November

- Alekseevskaya station - April

-st. Veshinskaya – May

3. “Symbols of the Volgograd region” - March

3rd year:1. "Afghan paths" - February

Events of the TRM department

for the 2011-2012 academic year. year.


1.Casting “What are you capable of young?” - October

2. Festival of creativity “Touch the feat with your heart” May

Festival stages:

Competition of wall newspapers “These days the glory will not be silent” - April

Reading competition “Lines scorched by war” April

Research competition “The history of my family within the framework of the history of my country” - April


1.Competition program"Miss Spring" dedicated to International Women's Day . March

2. Folklore festival “You are my Cossack land” March


1.Intellectual casino “Wheel of History” (to the 300th anniversary of M.V. Lomonosov) november

2.Competitive program “Come on guys” as part of the final stage of the Youth Army game “Rusichi” February


1. Pedagogical excellence competition “I give my heart to children”

December b

General events.

1. Festival of Patriotic Song named after Alexey Chindrov

“I dedicate to you, my Russia...” February

2. Folklore holiday “Maslenitsa” February


Director of State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education

"Mikhailovsky professionally

Pedagogical College"

_______________V.V. Arnautov



Educational work

State educational institution

Average vocational education

"Mikhailovsky Vocational and Pedagogical College"

For the 2011-2012 academic year.

Target: Creating conditions for the comprehensive development and self-realization of the individual, the formation of a patriotic-oriented educational environment, professionally significant qualities of a future specialist.

Objectives and main directions:

Ø Civic-patriotic education;

Ø Formation healthy image life and ecological culture;

Ø Development of cognitive and creativity students;

Ø Development of cooperative relationships between students and teachers;

Ø Creating conditions for the formation of a student’s worldview and system of value orientations;

Ø Aesthetic education and organization of leisure activities;

Ø Formation of legal culture;

Ø Formation and strengthening of college traditions;

Ø Family education;

Ø Social problems and social adaptation;

Ø Formation of professional orientation of educational activities;

Ø Fostering a culture of interethnic communication;


The content of the work deadlines Responsible Expected Result
  1. Activities to adapt students of the new intake,
development of student self-government
1. Ceremonial line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge 09/01/2011 Department of TRM Shishkina Yu.V. Formation of OU traditions
2. Celebration for freshmen “Initiation as a student. Welcome to our common Home!». 09/01/2011 Department of TRM Shishkina Yu.V. Formation of OU traditions
3. Director's hour for groups of the new intake "Our college: traditions and norms." 02.09. 2011 Kosenkova O.I. Introduction to the “College Internal Regulations”
4. Group diagnostics of first-year students “Features of the adaptation period” October Maksimova G.V. analysis of adaptation period problems
5. Team building training for freshmen September Grubnikova N.Yu. developing the level of team cohesion
6. Training seminar “Preparation for the session. What to do if..." for 1st year students December Grubnikova N.Yu. psychological preparation for the session
7. Identification of socially vulnerable categories of students. September Formation of a data bank
8. Providing advisory assistance in collecting documents for social scholarships and targeted assistance. September Social teacher Popova N.M. Assignment of a social scholarship.
9. Creation of a data bank (large families, low-income families, guardianship families, dysfunctional families). September Social teacher Popova N.M. Formation of a college data bank
10. Questioning of first-year students: “Analysis of cultural and everyday relations in families of orphans and children left without parental care.” October Social teacher Popova N.M. Student profiles
11. Formation of a system of student self-government in groups in college. Self-presentation of candidates for the college student council. Organization and holding of reporting and election meetings in groups. September October Stud. council, stud. club Nikhaeva N Donetskov A.P.
12. Organization and holding of a student reporting and election conference. Formation of a new composition of the College Student Council for the 2011-2012 academic year. year October Stud. advice of Nikhaev N. Donetskov A.P. Formation of the student council
13. Study asset “Freshman School” During 1 semester Stud. club Donetskov A.P. Implementation of the “Freshman” program
Questioning of first-year students “Your requests, interests, needs” September Department of TRM Shishkina Yu.V. Identification of interests and creative abilities of students
14. Release of the student newspaper “6 hundred parts” October Student Council Nikhaeva N Informing students
15. Casting “What are you capable of, young?” among 1st year students October Department of TRM Zatsepina E.L. Unlocking the creative abilities of students
16. Release of the freshman presentation newspaper “Hello, it’s us!” September Student Council Nikhaeva N.
17. Thematic course classes for groups of the new intake: - “History of college” (based on the museum) - “Respecting the law, you respect yourself” - “My health is in my hands” - “The power of words or the poison of foul language” September October November November Center "Rus" Stud. healthy lifestyle volunteer club educational psychologist Formation of a healthy lifestyle, traditions of educational institutions, skills of law-abiding and moral behavior
18. Presentation of creative teams for first year students September Department of TRM Zatsepina E.L. Involving students in participation in creative studios and clubs
2. Organizational and methodological measures
1. Planning for the 2011-2012 school year. year. September deputy Director for VR Kosenkova O.I. Drawing up a plan of educational work for the 2011-2012 school year. year
2. Meeting of the MO of class teachers. Recommendations for planning educational work in groups. Approval of the work plan for the 2011-2012 academic year. September Makarova L.M. Approval of the work plan of the Moscow Region cl. managers
3. Organizational meeting in the TRM department. Approval of the work plan for the 2011-2012 academic year. September Zatsepina E.L. Approval of the work plan of the TRM Department
4. Elections of the Council of the Patriotic Center "Rus". Approval of the work plan for the 2011-2012 academic year. September Bumagina O.N. Approval of the work plan of the Rus Center
5. Approval of the work plan for the College History Museum September Pavlova Yu.I. Approval of the work plan for the College History Museum
6. Meeting of heads of structural divisions of the college, head. departments, leaders of the PCC. Approval of the long-term work plan for the 2011-2012 academic year. year for the implementation of a comprehensive target program “Patriotic education of students” within the framework of the College Development Program for 2011-2016. to create a patriotically oriented educational environment. September Kosenkova O.I. Approval of the work plan for the implementation of the Program for Patriotic Education of Students.
7. Organizational meeting with employees of the socio-psychological department. Approval of the work plan for the 2011-2012 academic year. September Maksimova G.V. Grubnikova N.Yu. Popova N.M. Approval of the work plan of the socio-psychological department
8. Preparation and holding organizational meetings for the implementation of social projects, competitions: - on patriotic education; - on student government September October O.N.Bumagina A.P.Donetskov Implementation of social projects and competitions
9. Conclusion of cooperation agreements - city center "Yunost" - MU "Social and leisure center for teenagers and youth of Mikhailovka" - MU "Mikhailovskaya City Children's Hospital" - MU "Mikhailovskaya Central District Hospital" - MU "Mikhailovsky Sports Complex" - Volgogradskoe Regional Office Youth All-Russian Social Movement “Russian Student Teams”; - with the local history museums of Mikhailovka and Serafimovich; - with the Cossack departments of the city district administrations of Mikhailovka and Serafimovich; - with the Center of Cossack Culture of the Mikhailovsky District September Organization of joint activities.
10. Participation in the organization and conduct of traditional scientific and practical conferences:
  1. Regional scientific-practical conference“Military-patriotic education in the system of continuous pedagogical education”;
  2. Regional scientific and practical conference “21st century – healthy generation”
February May Kosenkova O.I.
3. Activities to develop moral and ethical qualities, communicative culture students.
Communication skills training for first-year students May Grubnikova N.Yu.
Thematic class hour for 2nd year students: “The great gift of communication” December Maksimova G.V. Instilling a communicative culture
Classes with elements of personal growth training (for 2-3 courses) March Grubnikova N.Yu. Formation of leadership qualities and active life position
4. Celebration “Thank you, Teacher”: -newspaper release - gala concert October Zatsepina E.L. Donetskov A.P. Forming a respectful attitude towards the teacher
5. Gala evening “Mom is the beginning of everything”; (3-4 courses) november Shishkina Yu.V.. Donetskov A.P. formation of the right attitude towards family values:
6. Musical and entertainment game “Love is a Wonderful Country” dedicated to Valentine’s Day February Student Council club Development of student government
7. Miss Spring 2011 contest March TRM Department, Student Council Formation of aesthetic culture, development of creative abilities of students
8. “Build a temple in your soul” - a meeting of students with a representative of the Serafimovich Monastery By agreement Lecturer and tour guide of the Pavlova Museum Yu.I. Spiritual and moral education
  1. Activities to develop patriotism and citizenship
Thematic class hour for 3rd year students “Afghan paths” november Pavlova Yu.I. Get acquainted with the sights of the Don region
2. Thematic class hour for 2 years “Symbols of the Volgograd region” March Bumagina O.N. Formation of knowledge about native land, about his small homeland.
3. Class hours - excursions to study Cossack culture - Art. Kumylzhenskaya - st. Alekseevskaya - st. Veshinskaya November April May Center "Rus" Bumagina O.N. Study of Cossack culture
4. Folklore festival “You are my Cossack land” March Department of TRM PCC Acquaintance with the traditions and customs of the Cossacks.
5. Design of an album dedicated to college veterans “People and Fates” During a year Pavlova Yu.I. Accumulating material for the college history museum
6. Start of the student youth game “Rusichs” (for 2-3 years) - competition “Military pages of the history of the Fatherland”; - competition "Fundamentals military service"; - competition “Strength training” October Center "Rus" Bumagina O.N.
7. 2nd stage of the student youth game “Rusichi”: - shooting competition; - sanitary training competition; - contest incomplete disassembly and MMG AK assemblies november Center "Rus" Bumagina O.N. Preparation for service in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces
8. The final stage student youth army game "Rusichi": - Review of formations and songs - competition of combat lists - combined relay race February Center "Rus" Bumagina O.N. Preparation for service in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces
9. Thematic class hour for 1st year students “State symbols of Russia and the urban district of the city of Mikhailovka” December Center for heroic and patriotic education “Rus” Bumagina O.N. the formation of patriotism, a sense of pride in our big and small Motherland
10. Youth actions “Hail, Fatherland!” - “We are citizens of Russia”, dedicated to national holiday Russia Day; - “Symbols of Russia”, dedicated to the Day of the State Flag of Russia (on the basis of the DOL region); “We are united Russia!”, dedicated to Constitution Day - the action “Joy to Children” (to organize play programs for disabled children. Together with the city center “Family”); - campaign for military personnel “Parcel to a Soldier”, “Letter to a Soldier”; - “Decorate a Piece of the Planet” campaign (to improve the college grounds) June 12 August 22 December 12 December 3 Throughout the year Stud. advice formation of patriotism. Development of student government
11. Intellectual casino “Wheel of History” for the 300th anniversary of M.V. Lomonosov (for 3 years) the 3rd of November Department of TRM Shishkina Yu.V. Introduce the work of M.V. Lomonosov.
12. Competition of pedagogical excellence “I give my heart to children” (4th - 5th courses) December 22 TRM Department Head departments, class teachers Readiness of graduates to work at school, to professional activity.
13. Festival of patriotic songs named after Alexey Chindrov “I dedicate to you, my Russia...” (1-4 courses). February 16 Shishkina Yu.V. Formation of patriotic consciousness
14. Competition program “Best College Student -2011”, dedicated to International Day student. November 17 Zatsepina E.L. Shishkina Yu.V. Formation of leadership qualities, identification of talented and gifted youth
15. Participation in the city competition “Young Family”. Preparation business cards contestants May TRM Department Formation family values, identifying creative student families
16. Participation in the Regional Festival of student teams “Student Summer – 2011” October TRM Department Development of the student brigade movement
17. Formation of student specialized teams. December-June Together with the training and production department Donetskov A.P. Development of the student brigade movement, solution to the problem of summer employment of students
18. Review-competition “Particle of the Heart and Russia” for the design of corners of groups of civil-patriotic orientation September Bumagina O.N. Education of citizenship and patriotism
The work of the “Conscript School” during a year Bumagina O.N. Preparation for military service
20. Organization and holding of Conscript Day “We Can Serve Russia” (for graduating students) April Center "Rus" Preparation for military service
21. Organization of excursions to local history museums of the Volgograd region in order to study Cossack culture October-May Center "Rus" Implementation of the program “Revival of Cossack culture”
22. Participation in the annual Regional Competition “Museum of the 21st Century” March Pavlova Yu.I.
23. Participation in regional youth readings " Battle of Stalingrad in the history of Russia" February Center "Rus" Nurturing patriotism, developing creative abilities.
24. Campaign "Army Biography" February Center "Rus" Preparation for military service
5. Events dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War
Organization and holding of the festival-competition “Touch the feat with your heart” Together with the city Council of Veterans May Shishkina Yu.V. Pavlova Yu.I.
Reading competition “Lines scorched by war” (as part of the festival) May TRM Department Formation of patriotism and respect for WWII veterans
Research competition “The history of my family within the framework of the history of my country” April May Pavlova Yu.I. Research on the formation of family values, patriotic feelings
4. Competition of wall newspapers “These days the glory will not be silent” May Student council Nurturing patriotism and artistic taste
5. Participation in the “Goodness” month together with the department of social protection of the population in the city of Mikhailovka May Pavlova Yu.I. Providing assistance to veterans
6. Meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War September February May Pavlova Yu.I. Education of patriotism
7. Implementation of the project “Hurry up to do good” Promotions: - “A veteran lives nearby”; - “Letter to a Veteran” (veterans living in nursing homes); - “Flowers for a veteran” (for veterans in hospitals) - “No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten” (for caring for graves former employees college, WWII veterans); April May Pavlova Yu.I. Nikhaeva N. Patronage assistance to veterans
6. Activities to promote a healthy lifestyle
Questionnaire “My attitude towards alcohol, smoking, drugs” (for new groups) September October Social teacher Popova N.M. Prevention of bad habits
Information and preventive meetings with specialists from the State Drug Control Service, a skin and venous dispensary, and a doctor at the narcological office of the city children's hospital. By agreement Social teacher Popova N.M.
3. Formation of volunteer teams for healthy lifestyle within the framework of cooperation with the municipal recreation center “Social and leisure center for teenagers and youth of Mikhailovka”, city PC “Rovesnik”. September Donetskov A.P. Nikhaeva N. Prevention of bad habits
5. Participation in the events of the regional information campaign to prevent the use of psychoactive substances by youth of the Volgograd region “Live Healthy - It’s Great” All period Donetskov A.P. Nikhaeva N. Formation of a healthy lifestyle
Thematic class hours (1-2-3 courses): - “Say NO to drugs!” with the screening of the video film “The Undeclared War” (1st year); - “The dangers of beer alcoholism” (2nd year) - “Health is the path to a successful career” for 3rd year students November February March Social teacher Popova N.M. Volunteers Stud. Advice Formation of a healthy lifestyle
Make Your Choice Poster Competition november Stud. council Assets of groups Development of student government
7. Organization and conduct of events aimed at developing a healthy lifestyle, improving legal culture, prevention deviant behavior During a year Popova N.M. Formation of a healthy lifestyle
8. Preventive conversations between a traffic police inspector and students: - “What determines a person’s actions?” (department of primary school teachers) - “Law and responsibility” (department of teachers physical culture and jurisprudence) - “My rights and responsibilities” department of technical disciplines) During a year Popova N.M. Formation of law-abiding behavior
9. Round table with specialists (narcologist, medical worker, leading specialist of the PDN) on the topic “Family well-being” (for 1-2 courses of all departments)
7. Activities to develop a competitive specialist
1. Club of interesting meetings “Technology of Success” In current year as agreed Department of TRM Zatsepina E.L. curators Skill building successful person
2. Review - competition of creative works “My idea of future profession» november Department of TRM Zatsepina E.L. curators of the PCC Cultivate a love for your chosen profession
3. Conducting trainings to develop specialist communication skills. February March Educational psychologists
4. Thematic class hours “Features of professional image” (for all specialties, 3-4 courses) March-May Educational psychologists, Preparation for professional activity
5. Classes with elements of training according to the program “Adaptation to the labor market” February Educational psychologists Formation of competitive qualities of a specialist
8. Development and implementation of college program documents that ensure the activities of the educational process.
1. Concepts of educational work for 2011-2016. 2. Educational work programs for 2011-2016. 3. Programs for patriotic education of students for 2010-2016. 4. Program “Revival of Cossack culture”; 5. “Formation of a socially active personality through the development of student self-government” 6. Program of educational work on the formation of a health-preserving educational environment Development of Regulations:
  1. Group rating regulations
  2. Regulations on competitions:
“What are you capable of, young man?”; “Best Student of the Year” “Miss Spring 2012”; “The history of my family in the history of my country”; Youth Army student game "Rusichi"; “Conscript schools” “I give my heart to children” Work according to the programs:
  • “Psychological and pedagogical support of the adaptation period of first- and second-year students”
  • “Psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process at the State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education “MPK”
  • "Organization of interpersonal interaction among college students."
  • Program for working with parents;
  • Program for the prevention of bad habits (tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption, AIDS, drug addiction);
  • Program “Prevention of Delinquency and Crime”;
  • Law and Order program.
September-October throughout the year Department of TRM Center "Rus" Stud. advice.

Deputy director of educational work O.I. Kosenkova

The purpose of this class hour is to expand students’ ideas about self-knowledge, self-development, self-determination; the formation of a positive moral assessment of such qualities as determination, will, perseverance, desire to work on oneself; formation of adequate self-esteem; an incentive to analyze one’s actions, thoughts, feelings, to self-observation, self-knowledge, and self-improvement.



Class hour: "Meet yourself"


Expand students’ understanding of self-knowledge, self-development, self-determination;

Form a positive moral assessment of such qualities as determination, will, perseverance, desire to work on oneself;

Promote the formation of adequate self-esteem;

Encourage children to analyze their actions, thoughts, feelings, to self-observation, self-knowledge, and self-improvement.

Class progress

I. Opening remarks "Do we know ourselves?"

Students know many formulas, theorems, rules, laws, they can solve difficult problems and evaluate literary characters, but not everyone can answer simple questions: who am I? what am I? what do I want to be? What do others think of me? Today we will learn to answer these questions.

II. Interactive conversation on the topic “Why is self-esteem needed?”

The great German poet I.V. Goethe argued: “An intelligent person is not one who knows a lot, but one who knows himself.” Can you consider yourself smart people? (Students' answers)

What can you find out about yourself?

Sample answers from children:

  1. Your physical capabilities, health status.
  2. Your talents, abilities (mental, creative).
  3. Your character, temperament, will.
  4. Your tastes, habits.
  5. Your strengths and weaknesses.

You need to get to know yourself in order to objectively assess your abilities and capabilities. What will this give? Why do we need proper self-esteem at all?

Sample answers from children:

  1. Find out your calling.
  2. Avoid mistakes and disappointments.
  3. Behave correctly with others.
  4. Don't take on impossible tasks.
  5. Correctly determine your goal in life.

Indeed, a person who objectively assesses his abilities and capabilities will be able to accurately choose his calling and determine his goal in life. It is easier for such a person to avoid the collapse of life plans, disappointments, and mistakes. And if troubles arise, he will look for the cause not in others, but in himself.

III. Work in groups on the topic “Determining the level of self-esteem”

How can you recognize a person with correct self-esteem? On the board I made a table of characteristics of people with different self-esteem. But the signs are mixed up. How to correctly place words in columns? I suggest discussing this issue in groups (in rows, you can unite in 2 pairs). You need to collect 4 signs of people with different self-esteem. The first group - with overestimated, the second - with underestimated and the third - with objective self-esteem. You must write down the selected characteristics on pieces of paper. We will attach the correct answers to the table. Additional condition- justify your choice.

(Students work for 3-5 minutes)

Time is up, let's listen to the groups' opinions.

(They answer and justify their choice. The correct answers are attached with tape to the corresponding columns of the table.)

Notes on sheets of paper

Overstated: arrogance, self-confidence, impudence, hot temper.

Low: passivity, touchiness, suggestibility, cowardice.

Objective: poise, self-confidence, modesty, self-esteem.

What can you advise a person with high self-esteem? (Be more self-critical, learn to see your weaknesses, not consider yourself superior to others, etc.)

What can you advise a person with low self-esteem? (Get involved in sports, overcome your cowardice, learn to say “no”, etc.)

What can you advise a person with objective self-esteem? (Do not lose confidence in yourself, continue to work on your shortcomings, do not brag about your strengths, etc.)

IV. Problem situation “How to evaluate yourself?”

From the outside it is easy to determine what kind of self-esteem a person has, but it is more difficult to evaluate oneself. Listen to a story about the problems of one student. The family (father, mother) believe that Vanya is the strongest and most successful college student. But all the teachers constantly find fault with him and give him C grades, just like his friends, whom Vanya considers much stupider than himself. The boys, however, don’t think so, and even told Vanya that he thinks too highly of himself. She said the same thing ex-girlfriend Vanya, with whom he had a fight. Vanya doesn’t talk to all of them now. He thinks that everyone is just jealous of him. But when she becomes a world-famous athlete, then she will prove to everyone that they are no match for him!

Did Vanya evaluate himself correctly? What mistakes did he make in assessing himself?

Sample answers:

I judged myself according to my parents.

He attributed his academic failures to teachers’ nagging.

He compared himself not with stronger people, but with weaker ones. He was demanding of others and condescending to himself.

He didn’t listen to criticism; three people told him the same thing, but he didn’t draw any conclusions.

He had a fight with friends who talked about his shortcomings.

I set unrealistic goals for myself.

How to properly evaluate yourself?

  1. Judge yourself by your actions.
  2. Compare yourself to those who are better than you.
  3. The one who criticizes you is your friend.
  4. One criticizes - think about it.
    There are two criticisms - analyze your behavior.
    There are three critics - remake yourself.
  5. Be strict with yourself and gentle with others.

V. Working with concepts: goals, principles, ideals


Many cannot define their goals, principles, ideals. I think they just don't have a good idea of ​​what it is. Let's understand these concepts. Life goals - what are they? (This is a dream. What a person strives for.)

Why do you need to set goals for yourself? (To strive for something, to have meaning in life.)

How many goals can a person have?

What are the goals in life? (There may be short-term, long-term goals.)

Sample answers:

Wealth, fame, power.

Become a master of your craft so that everyone respects you.

Be simple a good man, love people.

Create good family, build a house, plant a tree, raise children.

Live for yourself: study, develop, travel.

To benefit people, to live for people.

Find your love.

Live for pleasure, enjoyment.

Commit scientific discovery, find a cure for an incurable disease.

Scientists say that a life goal gives a person strength, he begins to do something to achieve this goal, and in the end his dreams come true. But life goals there are different ones. Some give strength for a lifetime, while others only for a short period. What goals do you think could become lifelong goals? (Students answer.)

They say that achieving a goal is not at all difficult: you just need to take at least one step towards this goal every day. Otherwise, this goal will remain a dream.


But even the most beautiful goal can be rejected by a person if principles must be sacrificed. Life principles are beliefs, a view of things, life rules. What are the principles?

There are people who are guided by principles, for example: “Man is a wolf to man” (law of the jungle), “Don’t believe, don’t be afraid, don’t ask” (prison law), “Take everything from life!”, “After us, even a flood!” etc. What other principles do you know? (Students' statements)

Why are principles needed? Can a person change his principles during his life? Are there people without principles? (Give answers).

There are many examples in history when people deliberately went to their death for their principles, if the price of life was betrayal - of faith, Motherland or friends, because to change your principles meant to lose yourself as a person, to lose self-respect. Can you give examples? (Students' statements)


An ideal is the perfect embodiment of something that constitutes the highest goal of activity and aspirations. I will read the qualities of ideal people. Imagine that you need to arrange them in descending order. What qualities would you put first? (write down on sheets, rank)

Ideal man: attractiveness, loyalty, masculinity, delicacy, understanding.

Ideal woman: charm, loyalty, femininity, thriftiness, compliance, understanding.

The ideal citizen:collectivism, patriotism, national honor and dignity, conscience, courage, responsibility.

Ideal employee:professional competence, high efficiency, organization and efficiency, business cooperation and self-discipline, demands on oneself and others, work culture and frugality, the need for self-education and self-improvement.


VI. Drawing up a self-characteristic

Now that we have analyzed what self-esteem is and how it is formed, we have analyzed what goals, principles and ideals are and have decided what is closer to everyone, I will ask you to draw up self-characteristics. To do this, I ask you to answer the questions in the questionnaire.

(The psychologist reads the questionnaire questions, explains their meaning, and the students give answers.)

Questionnaire "Self-characteristics"

1. Yours appearance. (Are you satisfied with your appearance?

2. Beliefs and ideals. (Do you have principles? What do you strive for in life?)

3.Abilities and interests. (What interests you most, what do you do best, what books do you read?)

4. Attitude to work. (What kind of work do you do with pleasure, and what kind of work do you do reluctantly? Do you have work responsibilities in the family?)

5. Moral and volitional qualities. (Which human qualities you consider the most valuable; Which ones are the most disgusting? Who is your favorite hero? Who and in what ways would you like to imitate?

Anyone who wants can leave the questionnaire with them. I hope it helps you with your self-esteem.

(Those who wish to submit forms.)

VII. Game "Mask, I know you!"

With the permission of some guys, I will now read their creations to you. And you try to guess who is the author of this characteristic.

VIII. Final word

As you know, all people are unique, but many cannot or do not want to realize this uniqueness. And for this you just need to know yourself, give yourself an objective assessment. It turns out that this is not at all easy. And few even manage to create an objective description while in the 3rd year. Everyone has their own, individual, unique process of self-discovery. It will last a lifetime. Knowing yourself begins with knowing other people, knowing the world, and knowing the meaning of life.

IX. Summing up (reflection)


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Slide captions:

“Towards myself” Teacher-psychologist P.E. Golovina

“A smart person is not one who knows a lot, but one who knows himself.” J.W. Goethe

You can find out about yourself: Your physical capabilities, health status; Your talents, abilities (mental, creative); Your character, temperament, will; Your tastes, habits; Your strengths and weaknesses.

You need to know yourself in order to: Find out your calling; Avoid mistakes and disappointments; Behave correctly with others; Do not take on impossible tasks; Correctly determine your goal in life.

Self-esteem Overestimated Understated Objective arrogance self-confidence impudence hot temper passivity touchiness suggestibility cowardice poise self-confidence modesty self-esteem

Problem situation “How to evaluate yourself?”

How to properly evaluate yourself? Judge yourself by your actions; Compare yourself with those who are better than you; The one who criticizes you is your friend; One criticizes - think about it; There are two criticisms - analyze your behavior; There are three criticisms - remake yourself; Be strict with yourself and gentle with others.

Goals, principles, ideals

Questionnaire "Self-characteristics" Your appearance. (Are you satisfied with your appearance? Beliefs and ideals. (Do you have principles? What do you strive for in life?) Abilities and interests. (What interests you most, what do you do better, what books do you read?) Attitude to work. (What work do you do with pleasure, and what do you do reluctantly? Do you have work responsibilities in the family?) Moral and volitional qualities. (Which human qualities do you consider the most valuable; which are the most disgusting? Who is your favorite hero? To whom and what would you like to emulate?

Subject:“How to use your rights” (situational conversation-dialogue)

“Laws are binding only when they are consistent with justice, thereby with the eternal law.”



Education of legal literacy of students of educational institutions, spiritual and moral qualities of the individual and civic position of adolescents.

Progress of the class hour.

Situation No. 1: “Do you need to fight for your rights?”

You have general idea about such a concept as “law”, about your rights and responsibilities, you know what law enforcement agencies operate in Russia and what exactly they do.

It is not easy to defend your rights in any state. Russia in this sense is no exception. Changes in all spheres of life in our society are occurring extremely slowly. This also applies to law enforcement agencies. As you already know, Russia is still a young Democratic state, and citizens do not have sufficient experience of democracy.

The well-developed state mechanism of coercion and violence against individuals cannot be stopped overnight. One can proclaim democratic principles, divide powers into legislative, executive and judicial, and declare that the interests of the individual have become higher than the interests of the state. However, to proclaim it does not mean to put it into practice, to bring it to life. This is not a process of one day, year or even decade.

In practice, you will sometimes encounter the reluctance and inability of government bodies to fulfill their direct responsibilities.

Be prepared for the fact that government agencies will not accept your applications, and complaints will not be considered or the necessary measures will not be taken on them.

But giving up is the shortest and easiest way. It is much more difficult to show persistence and perseverance, to exert strength when encountering an obstacle. You have no other choice.

We are taught at school, in educational institutions and at home the need to be honest, law-abiding, faithful in friendship and love, and to show respect for other citizens. But in life we ​​sometimes become convinced that many people live by completely different moral principles. You can deceive and cheat, not pay taxes and take bribes, steal public money and make decisions that are not aimed at the common good, but reflect the interests of some groups of people. You are faced with a choice of how to live further. Either defend your legitimate interests using all non-prohibited methods, or forget the words “order”, “justice”, “law”. In this case, we will live according to the laws by which our distant ancestors lived - the one who is stronger is right.

The choice is yours. And before you do it, think about what kind of society your children and grandchildren will live in.

Exercise. Think and express your opinion.

1. Do you think we should fight for our rights?

2. What will happen to society if citizens do not defend their rights?

3. Can our state become truly democratic?

4. Is it possible in principle to build a rule of law state?

5. What would you do to further protect the interests of citizens?

6. Give examples or situations in which you had to fight for your rights.

Situation No. 2. “Can teenagers legally correctly use their rights to free access to the information space?”

Analyze the information below and express your opinion: what you agree with and what you doubt.

The Creative Association UNPRESS (Moscow) became interested in the problems of youth. In 1998, it, together with the UN Children's Fund UNICEF, conducted a sociological study “Adolescent in information world", the purpose of which was to identify channels and forms of transmitting information about a healthy lifestyle and children's rights to adolescents of different age groups living in different regions of Russia.

Analysis of the results of the study in the part that set the task of determining the importance for adolescents of information about youth rights, drugs, sex, AIDS and assessing the effectiveness of communication channels that provide adolescents with relevant information, allowed us to draw the following conclusions:

— information about children’s rights and a healthy lifestyle is not perceived by most teenagers as important and relevant; parents, teachers, journalists were unable to convince the majority of teenagers of the need to take care of their health; many adults do not have the required amount of relevant information; the vast majority do not know how to talk with Children and adolescents on sensitive topics;

— since the approaches to presenting information adopted in the information and communication environment do not influence the behavior of adolescents and their attitude towards themselves, it is necessary to look for new means and forms of presenting topics related to youth health, protection and protection of the rights of children and adolescents in the media;

- should be widely used, especially when talking about drugs, not only journalistic, but also attractive to teenagers art forms supply of material;

— you should learn to introduce information about a healthy lifestyle directly into the environment of adolescents.

The study results also showed:

— the role of children's and youth products mass media in providing information on pressing social topics is still insignificant;

— for the media, the task is to provide the audience with reliable, complete, high-quality information, including on the most pressing and complex social problems, often becomes secondary. The processes of their development and functioning are spontaneous: journalists, presenters of television and radio programs, editors and directors are not aware of what information and to what audience they are sending; do not have data about what information and with what result passed to the recipient; how it was understood and how it influenced the attitudes and worldviews of children and adolescents in particular.

Food for thought.

From the Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of Citizens’ Electoral Rights” Russian Federation»

Article 65. Responsibility for violation of the electoral rights of citizens and the right of citizens to participate in a referendum.

1. Persons who, through violence, deception, threats, forgery or in any other way, interfere with the free exercise by a citizen of the Russian Federation of the right to vote or be elected, or who force citizens or prevent them from signing signatures in support of a candidate, electoral association, initiative to hold a referendum, as well as those participating in falsification of these signatures, or preventing voting at polling stations, referendum sites, or forcing voters, referendum participants to vote contrary to their own choice, or violating the rights of citizens to familiarize themselves with the list of voters, referendum participants, bear criminal, administrative or other liability in accordance with federal laws, From the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 2833 of July 1, 2003 “On providing state and municipal educational institutions with religious organizations the opportunity to teach children religion outside the framework of educational programs”:

“ one can be forced to join any association or stay in it (Part 2 of Article 13, Part 1 of Article 14, Part 2 of Article 30 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation), no one can be subjected to coercion in determining one’s attitude to religion, to profess or refuse to profess religion, to participate or not to participate in divine services, other religious rites, ceremonies and holidays, in the activities of religious associations, in teaching religion (clause 5 of article 3, article 4465 ; Article 1430; Article 1093; Article 3029 of the Federal Law “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations”), the involvement of children is prohibited (Part 3 of Article 13 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of December 16, 1966; Part 4 Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of December 16, 1966) into religious associations and teaching their religion against their will and without the consent of their parents or persons in their stead (Clause 5 Article 3 of the Federal Law “On Freedom of Conscience” and on religious associations"), as well as in order to create favorable conditions for the realization of the rights of citizens to freedom of conscience, in accordance with the principles of state policy in the field of education, in accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 5 and paragraph 3 of Art. 18 of the Federal Law “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations”, I order:

1.1. Religious organizations can teach religion to children in state and municipal educational institutions only with the consent of children studying in educational institutions and at the request of their parents (legal representatives). It is recommended that the request be made in the form of a written application addressed to the administration of the educational institution.

1.2. Providing religious organizations with the opportunity to teach children religion in state and municipal educational institutions is carried out in agreement with the relevant local government body.”

Mini-results. Class teacher (curator) study group) listens carefully to students' opinions. During the discussion, different points of view may arise; it is important to give everyone the opportunity to speak.

The art of the classroom teacher is to lead students to the correct moral, legal and ethical justification for their views.


"Arzamas Commercial and Technical College"

Methodological development of class hour

Topic: “Contacts and conflicts”

computer science teacher




Explanatory note……………………………………………..4

Main part………………………………………………………5

List of references……………………………12


Conflicts are as old as time. People have always tried to understand the world and each other. Sometimes it's difficult because not everyone sees problems the same way. It is impossible to live without conflicts; there is not a single person who would say that he has not had conflicts. But it will still be better if you learn to avoid conflict situations. This is what the class hour “Contacts and Conflicts” was dedicated to, which was held in the 16-22 TOA group.

Target: help reduce the level of conflict in the student group.


Expand students’ understanding of the main types and causes of conflicts;

Introduce different ways exiting conflict situations;

To form a positive assessment of such moral qualities as endurance, composure, politeness, respect for people;

Develop skills in analyzing your own behavior.

Form: hour of communication.

Decor: multimedia equipment, presentation.

Explanatory note

This methodological development intended for extracurricular activities with students of secondary special education educational institutions. An extracurricular activity is a social hour in which discussion takes place life situations, which forms in studentsskills of thinking and evaluating one’s actions and oneself, helps in developing skillful dialogue and expression, defending one’s own opinion.

The methodological development was tested as a class hour with 2nd year students of the specialty “Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles”. An hour of communication allows you to pay attention to interpersonal relationships that are associated with conflicts, theircauses, solutions and consequences.

The methodological development includes working with concepts, the role-playing situation “Contacts and Conflicts,” watching video clips and discussing them.

The event ends with an interactive conversation in which various solutions to conflict situations are discussed.

This methodological development will help class teachers in organizing and conducting extracurricular activities.

Main part

Class hour script


Every quarrel is red in the world

1. Opening speech by the class teacher.

Interpersonal relationships inevitably involve conflicts and difficulties between people. They flow into our lives naturally and have their own causes, methods of solution and consequences.

The topic of our class hour is conflicts. The need for such an hour of communication is due to the fact that conflicts and disputes among classmates occurred more than once in the group, which sometimes ended very sadly and problematically for their participants. Therefore, today we will try to understand the types of conflicts, causes and ways to overcome and resolve them.

What emotions and associations does the word “Conflict” evoke in you? (swearing, tears, fists, fights, bruises, quarrels, insults, family destruction, job loss, prison, etc.). As we can see, negative emotions and associations predominate. Is there really nothing positive about conflicts? Student answers: (search for truth, discovery, self-affirmation, change and change, creativity, personal development in conflict - the true character of a person, his beliefs, views, etc. are revealed).

2. Working with concepts.

IN explanatory dictionary The word "conflict" means "a clash, a serious disagreement, a dispute." A college psychologist will talk about the nature and causes of conflicts.

Let's work with the concept of "Conflict" in pairs.

Let's divide into 4 groups.

The first group will explain who we call a “conflict person.”

The second group will explain what it means to “conflict.”

The third group will find the meaning of the expression “conflict situation”.

The fourth group will explain the meaning of the word “compromise”. Discussion for 2 minutes.

Now I invite you to speak out.

3. Restoring logical chains “Guess the strategy!”

The science of conflictology studies people's behavior in conflict situations. From the point of view of this science, there are 4 strategies for behavior in conflicts: adaptation, avoidance, cooperation, competition. Their characteristics are listed in the table. Only all the positions in this table are mixed up. You need to restore the logical chains and use arrows to indicate correct location positions. Guess from the description what strategy we are talking about.

Strategies for dealing with conflicts




Finding a solution that suits both parties

The desire to achieve one's own at the expense of others

Sacrificing own interests

Avoidance of decision making

People who are insecure

Strong, mature, confident people

Peaceful, compliant people

People who are confident, aggressive, ambitious

Sacrificing one's own interests for the interests of others. This strategy characterizes a peaceful, compliant person. (Device).

Avoidance of decision making. Most often, the strategy is used by people who are unsure of themselves (Avoidance).

Finding a solution that suits both parties. This strategy is usually followed by strong, mature, self-confident people. (Cooperation).

Competition is the desire to achieve one's own at the expense of another. Most often, this strategy is used by people who are confident, aggressive, and ambitious. (Rivalry).

What is the effectiveness of these strategies? What strategy will lead to a constructive solution to the conflict? And which one will only complicate it or lead to a dead end?

Student answers: (Collaboration). This strategy is the most effective because in this case both sides win. Strategy strengthens relationships and provides mutual benefits.

The most dead-end is Avoidance. With this type of behavior in a conflict, neither party receives an advantage, the conflict is not resolved, but only extinguished.

Conclusion: Thus, with avoidance, neither party succeeds. In competition and adaptation, one side gains and the other loses. And only through cooperation do both parties win.

4. Role situation “Just don’t scare us.”

Classroom teacher: I invited you to the technical school to find out why your son is skipping technical mechanics classes.

Student's parent: What should he do in your lessons? Should we study the center of gravity or the kinematics of a point? You know, he is a professional boxer with me, and a sports career awaits him. Let him sleep an extra hour or take a walk.

Classroom teacher: But you understand that the grade in technical mechanics in the diploma will not stand for his sporting successes. He will get what he deserves.

Student's parent: Oh, just don't scare us. Do you think there will be no justice for you?

Questions for students:

Can this situation be called a conflict?

- What type of behavior strategy does this situation belong to and why?

- Under what conditions is a constructive way out of this situation possible?

Predict the development of the situation under various options for the development of the conflict: (by groups)

Group 1 – if both insist on their own (rivalry);

Group 2 – if both want to resolve the conflict (cooperation);

Group 3 – if one of the parties wants to avoid the conflict;

Group 4 – if one of the parties submits to the circumstances.

5. Rules of conduct in conflict situations.

To know how to behave in a conflict situation or how to avoid it altogether, you need to analyze several examples.

Among young people, the most common types of conflicts are disrespect, insult and rivalry.

Now, watch the video clips and determine what type of conflict we are talking about?

Video 1: Rivalry.

Conflict #1 – rivalry.

The most common conflict between students is rivalry. The desire of both sides to become the center of the current situation is the main reason. Each participant tries to defend his own opinion, ignores the opinions of the people around him, believing that he is right. A similar situation manifests itself in actions related to the satisfaction of one’s own interests.

Students who find themselves in such situations believe that everything can resolve itself. However, this is not so, because in the future each side will do everything to ensure that the other participant suffers a “defeat”.

Now, let's determine what way out of this conflict needs to be found?

Answer: the way out of the situation will be to search for a general agreement, to choose conditions for carrying out activities that would not harm the opposite party. This can lead to the end of a conflict situation and avoidance of consequences that can radically change the life of every teenager.

Video 2: Attempted insult.

Conflict No. 2 – attempt to insult.

Most likely, a student who is aggressive is jealous of you for certain reasons or dislikes you because of previous situations. By the way, administrative liability is provided for this.

Answer: Without entering into a conflict, you will not support it, therefore, it will stop. This way you can protect yourself from its negative consequences.

Video 3: Disrespect.

Conflict #3 - disrespect.

Most of the conflicts in educational institution flares up due to the fact that one of the parties refuses to respect the other. This may be a conflict between individuals, or a dispute between formed groups. In any case, each participant will try to set up the so-called “trip” and resort to all sorts of tricks.

Answer: when analyzing this situation, only one positive way out of the situation can be identified - compromise, concessions. Moreover, both sides must agree to them at once. Otherwise, the consequences of this conflict may be unpredictable.

Video fragment: “Some tips on how to avoid conflicts.”

6. Interactive conversation.

Remember a case when your behavior in a conflict situation led to unpleasant consequences for you - a break in relationships with loved ones, calling your parents to a technical school, a problem with law enforcement agencies etc.

What would you do if you could turn back time?

What did this situation teach you?

Student performances.

In riding schools, a rider who can stay on a rearing horse is not praised, why do you think? (Under an experienced jockey, the horse will never rear.) The same is true with conflicts. Of course, smart knowledgeable person will find a way out of any situation, but the wise will not fall into it. This means that a wise person will not lead a relationship to conflict.

Golden Rule Communication: Always treat others as you would like others to treat you.

What needs to be done to avoid conflicts? What character traits should be demonstrated in this case?

Control your emotions

Self-education and self-analysis of your behavior

Respect for other people

The ability to listen and hear other people

Tactfulness and condescension

Restraint in emotions and words

Be critical of your actions and words

Always put yourself in the other person's shoes and try to understand them

Never get personal

Keep the conversation to the point

Finding a compromise

Are such qualities given to us from birth or can they be cultivated in ourselves?

7. Closing words from the class teacher.

You cannot live life without conflicts, but a reasonable, cultured person will always be able to effectively resolve disputes and disagreements, flexibly using various strategies: in some cases he will firmly insist on his own, in others he will give in, in others he will find a compromise. And in order not to make a mistake in choosing a behavioral strategy, you need life experience, wisdom and knowledge. I hope you gained some of this knowledge during today’s hour of communication.

8. Summing up.

Which strategy for getting out of conflict situations is closest to you?

What strategy would you like to learn? What's stopping this?

I would like to end the class hour with these words: There are no insoluble conflicts. There are simply people who cannot or do not want to resolve them. Don't be those people.

Thank you for your attention and understanding.


1. Class hours: 11th grade / Author. comp. A.V. Davydova. – M.: VAKO, 2009. – 256 p.

2. Extracurricular activities: 11th grade / Author. comp. G.G. Kulinich. – M.: VAKO, 2009. – 240 p.

Classroom topics for the first year

Approximate topics class hours in the group:
- solving everyday problems and organizational issues that arise for the group;
- discussion of current issues modern life(knowledge and protection of one’s own rights, the value of family for modern youth, etc.);
- meetings with famous UTEK graduates, specialists, representatives public organizations and etc.;
- conducting business games for collective interaction, to unite and develop students’ trust in each other;
- conversations with individual students about their academic performance, attendance, participation in the affairs of the group, department, college;
- meetings with a psychologist.

    Rules of conduct for college students; rights and responsibilities of students

    Vocational Education Day

    Responsibility for offenses

    Bad habits and how to deal with them

    Mothers Day

    World AIDS Day

    70 years of the Battle of Moscow

    College history

    “We are different - this is our wealth, we are together - this is our strength”

    Defender of the Fatherland Day

    Day against drug addiction and drug trafficking

    International Women's Day

    Safe traffic management

    Cosmonautics Day

    World Health Day

    Victory Day

    Preparing for exams and rules of conduct during the holidays

    Russia Day

Class topics for 2-4 courses

    Faithful sons of the Fatherland... Class hour dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day.

    “So you may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen...” The class hour is aimed at developing knowledge of legal culture among students and correcting moral behavior.

    Symbols of the Russian state.

    Let's save our common home! Class hour contributes to the formation of students' environmental culture.

    “Thank you to our mothers...” Class hour dedicated to Mother's Day.

    “We know, we remember, we believe...” Festive class hour dedicated to Victory Day.

    “We magnify this bright holiday...” Class hour introducing students to the tradition of celebrating Easter in Rus'.

    “My years are my wealth...” Festive class hour dedicated to the Day of the Elderly.

    "Fathers and Sons".

    New Year.

    Dangers facing modern youth.

    “Computer games are an escape from reality,”

    "Abortion and contraception"

    "Terrorism in our lives."

    Fostering interethnic tolerance

    Traditions of tolerance in the culture of the peoples of the North Caucasus

    What is tolerance?

    Problems of terrorist activity in the North Caucasus and ways to normalize the situation in the region

    "Towers of Peace" in the Caucasus

    Children of the North Caucasus learn peace and tolerance

    Moral and aesthetic education

    How to resist aggression and resolve conflict?

    Forgiveness or revenge? Class hour devoted to moral problems of human choice.

    Depression and ways to deal with it. Learn to control yourself (about the need for self-education).

    Man and his manners (about the culture of behavior).

    About sex education (conversations, meeting with a gynecologist,


    The world of my hobbies (about leisure culture).

    Let's talk about tact.

    Mood and its power over a person (about self-education)

    Man is part of nature.

    Ecology and health of future Russia.

    For a cup of tea (student, tell us about yourself).

    Nurturing a healthy lifestyle

    Smoking shortens life.

    Drunkenness and alcoholism.

    The truth about drugs.

    Let's say "No" to smoking!

    Sport is the key to health.

    Youth against drugs.

    Alcohol and offspring (about the prevention of alcoholism).

    AIDS is the terrible disease of the century.

    Say no to drugs!

    Health and longevity.

    Nurturing compassion and love for the future profession

    Oh medicine! I sing about you!

    Talent and work (meeting with college graduates, hospital workers).

    Why did I choose the medical profession?

    We will dedicate our beautiful impulses to medicine.

    Studying well means working hard.

    We are future specialists, we are the future of Russia.

    Mercy - main commandment health worker

    A kaleidoscope of good deeds (helping veterans, healthcare facilities, participation in the “Generous Autumn”, “Soldier’s Envelope”, “Hurry to Do Good” campaigns).

    Civic-patriotic education

    Rights and responsibilities of a student at the Pyatigorsk Medical School.

    Person and law.

    My college is my destiny.

    Responsibility and safety. What is hidden behind these words?

    The country I would like to live in.

    “I have the right to...” - a conversation on a given topic.

    And if it didn’t work out?... What's next? - dispute

    I am among people, people are around me.

    What kind of upbringing will I leave about myself at the educational institution?

    My professional choice. Am I right or wrong?

    How to get along with people (love, build relationships, find understanding with adults, be friends with comrades).

    Self-education. Self-improvement goals.

    Cruelty, indifference and sympathy.

    The ability to communicate is the path to success.

    How to learn to manage yourself.

    Memory training is the key to future success.

    Man and creativity. Great creations of mankind.

    How to learn to control yourself?

    As long as I think, I live.

    Humor in human life.

    Why do we study?

    Ecology. Pollution and science.

    Difficulties professional self-determination(classification of professions for orientation in the world of work, algorithm for choosing a profession.)

    Self-education as an “expansion” of consciousness.

    Ten commandments of a creative person.

    Professional self-determination, its connection with the choice of path to continue education (multi-stage education, preparatory courses.)

    And you have to be a citizen...

    Morality and law.

    Administrative and criminal liability.

    Army and military conscription.

    Family in a person's life.

    Offenses and crimes.

    Responsibility of minors.

    Constitutional rights and responsibilities of citizens.

    Human legal culture.

    Citizenship. What is the meaning of this concept?

    Let's say NO to drugs.

    About the dangers of smoking.

    About the dangers of alcohol addiction.

    Stress is an inevitable part of life.

    AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases.

    Relations with the police.

    Indirect signs of drug use and drug addiction.

    Behavior in an extreme situation.
