Presentation of the winner of the competition: my future profession is a teacher. Presentation "my profession is a teacher!!!"

My future profession

Presentation by 9th grade student Nikolai Khlopotin
GBOU secondary school No. 318
Frunzensky district
St. Petersburg

Attractiveness of the profession

In the future I would like to become a teacher. Most likely in biology or chemistry. The profession attracts me, firstly, I like these subjects themselves, and I also want to teach them to someone, the same way they taught me.

Brief history of the profession

The emergence of the school as social institution and teaching is associated with the further development of culture, with the advent of writing and the emergence of science. The first mention of the school is found in Egyptian sources dating back to 2500 BC. e. It was a palace school for the children of royal dignitaries. A little later, even a special educational and scientific institution “Ramesseum” arose, where not only priests, but also warriors, architects, and doctors received training.
IN Ancient Greece Initially, schools of grammarians and schools of citharists appeared, in which boys from approximately 7 to 14 years old were trained. Girls received exclusively family education.

A teacher is now one of the most widespread public professions, which arose as a result of the need to educate and train the next generations for a more successful and rapid entry into social life, and the growth of public opportunities for maintaining individuals performing these tasks. Thus, teaching is one of the most important professions.

Famous teachers

There are a lot of teachers in the world. Each of them is famous to some extent. We will not talk now about the teachers of old times, but we will cite far from full list famous teachers close to us in time:
Amonashvili Shalva Alexandrovich
Lysenkova Sofya Nikolaevna
Makarenko Anton Semyonovich
Sukhomlinsky Vasily Alexandrovich
Khutorskoy Andrey Viktorovich
Shatalov Viktor Fedorovich
Janusz Korczak

Teacher qualities:

1. A clearly expressed stable pedagogical orientation of interests and needs.
2.Harmonious mental, moral and aesthetic development.
3. Pedagogical skills.
4. Attitude towards constant self-improvement.
5.Culture of behavior and communication, pedagogical tact.
6. Personal independence of the teacher.
7.General pedagogical erudition and competence.
8. Friendliness, sociability
and passion for work

Teacher Success Criteria

Attitude towards people
Friendly. Helps others. Able to listen and hear others and other opinions. Unenvious. Feel free to ask and learn from others. Tries to explain everything.
Attitude towards yourself
Feels quite strong and confident. Tries to solve emerging problems rather than avoid them. Takes on obligations and responsibilities. Self-critical.
Attitude to work
Efficient and organized. There is enough time for everyone. Looks for solutions and opportunities for their implementation. Feels responsible for the entire work as a whole, and not just for his own area.
Creativity, flexibility
Knows where and when to fight and when to retreat. He sets his own pace of work. Uses time rationally.
Not afraid to make mistakes in search of the best. He is engaged in self-education.

Among the highest educational institutions St. Petersburg, engaged in training teachers, one of the most famous is the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen
Besides the actual
teacher training
you can take it at the university
and classic course
across different faculties.
The opposite is also true:
not all teachers come out
from this university.
This is where I'll go.

Places of work

First of all, teachers work in schools. Although, of course, in a broader understanding of the meaning of the word teacher, this can be called anyone who devotes himself to teaching, who teaches someone else something, imparts his knowledge to him. Thus, a teacher can work anywhere, but must teach students. However, in a legal sense, a teacher works in a school. Teachers work, along with schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, in primary and secondary institutions vocational education(vocational schools, schools, colleges, technical schools). They are also in demand in institutions additional education: various circles, sections, etc.

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Career prospects

The phrase “teacher’s career” is not very common in Russian. Prospects career growth These specialists are associated, first of all, with increasing the level of their teaching skills, winning competitions for professional achievements, and preparing successful students (for example, it is considered very honorable to prepare the winners of subject Olympiads).
Opportunities for administrative and material growth are not very great. So, sometimes teachers become head teachers or school directors, move to management work in educational authorities or become owners own business aimed at providing educational services.

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Profession "Teacher".
Teacher. How proudly this word sounds! It’s hard to find a more important profession, After all, knowledge makes the foundation of life. They give us wisdom and experience to gain.
Completed by: Chetaikina A.

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The teaching profession is one of the most respected, honorable and responsible professions. We can say that the teacher creates the future of the country, because... the versatility of knowledge development largely depends on his work younger generation, his beliefs, worldview, moral qualities. Pedagogical activity requires a special calling. Education and training can be carried out by people with an inclination and love for this matter. A teacher must love and pass on his knowledge to others, be passionate about the process of teaching and educating a person.

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Success pedagogical activity largely depends on the teacher’s communication abilities, on his ability to establish proper relationships with children. A teacher's job places great demands on his attention. The teacher works with the whole class and needs to keep many students in check. He must be able to notice all changes in their behavior. Thus, observation, distribution of attention, and switchability are professionally important qualities of a teacher.

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This profession is eternal. No matter how society changes, no matter how far it goes in its development, it will never manage without a teacher. Some professions will disappear in the future, but teachers will always exist.

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Why did I choose primary school?
Any building must have a foundation that cannot be replaced by a beautiful façade, a fashionable interior, or a new roof. Without a foundation, the building will collapse. It is precisely this foundation in the life of every person that is primary school, or rather, the knowledge, abilities, skills and qualities acquired in primary school. Therefore, a person who chooses to become a teacher primary classes, must be accurately aware of the burden of responsibility he is going to take on his shoulders. No wonder people say: “In middle and high school, look for an advanced school for your child, and in primary school look for a good teacher."

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Who is a teacher?

A teacher is a person who is involved in the upbringing and education of children and adolescents based on methods created for teaching, and who has a special pedagogical education.

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History of the profession

There is no established or even agreed upon date in the origin of the teaching profession. It is as ancient as the world itself, but it became relevant relatively recently.

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The importance of the profession

The importance of the teacher profession can hardly be overestimated - it is one of the most honorable and necessary professions on Earth. However, teachers also have a great responsibility - after all, these are the people who are responsible for improving the younger generation, on whom our future depends!

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Requirements for the profession

The main requirements that society places on a teacher are, first of all, civic responsibility, socio-political and social maturity, professional and pedagogical competence, professional knowledge and skills, as well as broad-mindedness and high culture. The requirements for the personality of a master teacher are highlighted.

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Great people about the teacher

He who comprehends the new while cherishing the old can be a teacher. (Confucius)

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It is important to know not what is, but what is useful. J.J. Rousseau

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Not the teacher who receives the upbringing and education of a teacher, but the one who has the inner confidence that he is, must be and cannot be otherwise. This confidence is rare and can only be proven by the sacrifices a person makes to his calling. - L. Tolstoy

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Outstanding Teachers

Janusz Korczak (1878-1942). “There are no children - there are people. But with a different scale of concepts, a different store of experience, different drives, a different play of feelings.”

The teaching profession is one of the most respected, honorable and responsible professions. We can say that the teacher creates the future of the country, because... The versatility of the development of knowledge of the younger generation, its beliefs, worldview, and moral qualities largely depend on his work.

“What a proud calling to give education to others...” What a proud calling - To give others an education - To give away a piece of the heart, To forget empty quarrels, After all, it’s difficult to explain to us, Sometimes it’s very boring to repeat the same thing, To check notebooks at night. Thank you for always being so right. We would like to wish you, so that you do not know troubles, health, happiness for a hundred years!

Reach every heart of Those whom you decided to teach, And a secret door will open To the souls of those you were able to love! And some oversleeping boy will be late for the first lesson, And a prankish girl in the past will invite you to last call! And many more years will pass, Maybe someone’s fate will change, And pain and hardship will disappear, Shooting will stop everywhere! In the meantime, there will be everyday life of study, And the answers will be heard at the blackboard, There will be a world without violence and without anger, And gifted rose petals! Mark Lvovsky

There are many of them, snub-nosed, dissimilar, flying into the school in a crowd. And it’s not easy with them. And yet everyone is dear to his soul. He led them along the ladder of knowledge, taught them to cherish the country, and to see across the distance, and to be friends with a clever book... Let someone become a builder, and someone the owner of rivers, but believe in the heart: Tomorrow will give them an A. And, having become adults, through the years the guys will remember with kindness both his severity and his worries, and the difficult work of a teacher. B. Gaikovich

Teacher! How precious is this word! There is so much affection and kindness in him, You have often been a strict mentor, But more often - a source of warmth! In your work we encountered all sorts of things: There were adversities and the joy of victories, But the most important thing is that in the souls of children, You leave every trace of yours.

There is no more beautiful profession in the world - You bring a source of knowledge to children. And our teacher is our idol, With whom we learn the world. And on this day we want to promise you that, having risen from our school desks, we will be able to convey to people our work, the warmth of our hearts and the excitement of our search!

Teacher! Our elder friend, our priceless friend, Our constant campfire! The mighty plant of fire makes noise with its undying foliage. And it is above our disputes, And entertainment, and undertakings - The life-giving Fire that you saved, our Prometheus. You deserve this name. You infected us with your selflessness and taught us, while shining for others, to burn ourselves. More than once, bristling its evil feathers, Like Prometheus among the rocks, the Eagle of soullessness and mistrust shamelessly pecked at you. But, having overcome adversity, As before it shines, the darkness is crushed, Filled with the highest passion, An unquenchable soul. It gives salvation from old age, And our youth is alive, And green foliage rustles on an undying plant. Lyubov Orphan

If there had been no teacher, Then there would probably have been no poet, no thinker, no Shakespeare, no Copernicus. And to this day, probably, If it weren’t for the teacher, the Undiscovered Americas would remain undiscovered. And we would not have been Icari, We would never have soared into the sky, If the wings had not been grown in us through his efforts. Without his kind heart the world would not be so amazing. That is why the Name of our teacher is very dear to us! Veronica Tushnova
