Secondary technical education - what is it? Secondary vocational education: vocational school, college, technical school What is the difference between SPO and NGO now.

The intention of the representatives of the NPO and SPO systems to unite at the end of the forum, declared at the V Congress of the Union of Directors of the Russian Colleges, has become even more significant

Almost 800 participants gathered on May 5 in Moscow for the 5th Congress of the Union of Directors of Secondary Specialized educational institutions Russia - the most numerous public organization in the system of Russian education.

Anxiety for no reason

Before the start of the congress, Viktor Demin, President of the Union of Directors of Colleges of Russia, had to answer a difficult question, which, unfortunately, very symbolically reflects the opinion of the public regarding the desire of high school students to continue their education in higher educational institutions. He was asked: "Is it true that the system of primary and secondary vocational education in Russia is dying?" Professor Dyomin answered without a doubt: “It’s fiction!”

Recently, the intention to help primary and secondary vocational education on the part of the Government of Russia has been increasingly expressed. Moreover, the revival of vocational education in our country has been elevated to the rank of a task of national importance, on the competent solution of which the future of Russia's industry and economy depends. As never before, the need for qualified workers and mid-level specialists was shown by the crisis, which revealed an acute shortage not so much of university graduates as of personnel trained by primary and secondary vocational education institutions. Judge for yourself: now in Russia, in the structure of various industries, their share is from 60 to 80 percent, and even more in the service sector - up to 90 percent! And level vocational training The majority (except those who are trained directly at the workplace) directly depends on the quality of education they received in institutions of NGOs or vocational schools.

Returning to the question addressed to Viktor Dyomin, let's think about what consequences in the country the death of the system, which is actually a forge of personnel for various industries, production and service sectors, can entail?

Frankly, the current situation in many institutions of primary and secondary vocational education in Russia cannot be called favorable for intensive development. But the Government of the Russian Federation, developing measures to overcome the current economic situation, in providing sectors of the economy with personnel - as well as for universities - relies on schools, technical schools and colleges. The industry, which is in the current conditions, if not in decline, then in stagnation, definitely needs qualified workers and specialists who will work hard and, accordingly, earn a lot. Therefore, the closest attention is paid to the training of personnel in educational institutions of various levels.

This was evidenced by the greetings sent to the participants of the Congress by the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and the Head of the Government of Russia Vladimir Putin. This was not just a sign of attention, but rather an expression of great hope that the result of a large-scale all-Russian event would be concrete proposals for further improving the systems of NGOs and SPO in our state. The authorities expressed their readiness to solve problems, and the pedagogical community was asked to formulate them.

The 5th Congress of the Union of College Directors brought together not only representatives of the educational community, but also officials from the most high levels, deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, scientists and employers. The forum participants were Minister of Education and Science of Russia Andrey Fursenko, Head of the Federal Agency of the Russian Federation for Education Nikolai Bulaev, Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on Education Grigory Balykhin, Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Valery Shantsev, President of the Russian Union of Rectors, Rector of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov Viktor Sadovnichiy, Vice-President of the Russian Union of Entrepreneurs and Industrialists Fedor Prokopov and many others. Therefore, the main topic of such a global event - and it sounded like "Priorities for the development of vocational and non-governmental organizations: from high-quality professional education to high labor productivity in the sectors of the economy" - was considered from a variety of points of view. Indeed, in the end, the problems of the education system, one way or another, relate to almost all areas of the state economy. It is in this system that not only the professional knowledge of future and current employees is laid, but also an important educational function is performed, thanks to which young generation pupils and students are instilled with patriotic and spiritual and moral ideals.

“We are responsible for the future of the country!”

I believe that the education system is unified, and it cannot be divided into primary, secondary and higher vocational education, - said in his speech the president of the Russian Union of Rectors, the rector of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov Viktor Sadovnichy. - We are responsible for the same great cause - the training of young people on whom the future of the country depends.

According to Viktor Sadovnichy, it is difficult to predict which of the young people will have a better future: the one who graduated from a secondary specialized educational institution, or the one who received a university degree? It depends on many factors, but, above all, on the graduate himself. Because even with a diploma from a prestigious university, you can not find a use for yourself and go to do a low-paid job. There is little use for such an employee, especially if the state has invested in his training, and they actually do not justify themselves.

The future of the country is built by people, and at various levels. A large role is assigned to the so-called "blue-collar" in this process. For example, in Europe and the USA, this category of workers is carefully nurtured and educated, because it is they who provide the technological basis for the entire way of life. In Russia, the rector of Moscow State University noted, the role of secondary vocational education is underestimated and even belittled, which, of course, is a mistake that requires immediate correction.

As the president of the Union of Directors of the Colleges of Russia Viktor Demin admitted, the threat of liquidation of the system of vocational education in Russia, in fact, really existed. At the end of the last century, vocational education institutions - however, like many other Russian institutions - were in the position of outcasts. I had to survive in conditions of uncertainty in management and, of course, in chronic underfunding. Secondary vocational education has stood the test of time.

As a result of the interaction of various branches of government, an interdepartmental set of measures for the formation of modern Russian vocational education has appeared. Viktor Demin described it with new content and technologies, powerful information resources for teaching and management, broad academic freedom, a new economy and legal framework, social partnership focused on the quality of education and external environment. Does this mean that vocational education has great potential for development? The answer to this question lies on the surface.

IN last years primary and secondary vocational education is not among the favorites of school graduates, because the lion's share of them do not think about getting working specialty. In many schools, high school students are set up only to enter a university, at best, they are silent about the possibility of studying in educational institutions of NGOs and SPO. A negative attitude of schoolchildren towards schools, colleges and technical schools is being formed. Graduates often receive a certificate with a firm conviction that if they did not enter a university, then "life was not successful." According to surveys conducted among 11th grade graduates, only 3 percent expressed a desire to learn blue-collar jobs.

The so-called “demographic pit” has made serious adjustments to the issue of enrolling students in NGO and SVE institutions. The decline in the number of applicants will continue, which will inevitably lead to personnel problems. And first of all, in the industry, which is already experiencing an acute shortage of qualified middle-level personnel.

Education - quality

The modern quality of personnel training is directly related to the problem of the economics of vocational education, - Viktor Demin expressed his point of view. - Despite a significant increase in state funding, the current resource of primary and secondary vocational education needs serious additional investments at all levels of education management, as well as from public-private and social partnerships.

Director of the Cheboksary Electromechanical College, Chairman of the Union of Directors of Primary Vocational Education Institutions of Russia Alexei Sudlenkov highlighted the factor that aggravates the requirements for educational institutions for the training of workers and specialists on the part of the employer. After all, young specialists must not only perform their labor functions with high quality, but also quickly and efficiently respond to changes in technology and quickly master new types of production. An enterprise that is dynamically improving production is constantly faced with a lack of specialists on the labor market who can handle new equipment.

For the past two years, Russia has been running a program to support NGO and SVE institutions, which are increasingly integrating their resources with employers. The educational institutions that won the competitions of the national project "Education" receive funds and create resource centers for vocational education and multi-level educational and production complexes. In the latter, each student has the right to choose his own educational trajectory, and the employer, seeing how he works, select the most efficient one. This motivates young people first to get an education, and later on to a well-paid job and social status.

Of course, appropriate social support for students should also increase the motivation for mastering a profession: high-quality food, a decent scholarship, and even the provision of overalls and shoes! Today, NGO and SPO institutions even have to finance mass cultural and sports events from extrabudgetary funds. And they are not enough.

Qualitative training of qualified workers and mid-level specialists is unthinkable without the staffing of educational institutions of NGOs and SPOs with teaching staff. Especially there is a shortage of masters of industrial training and teachers of special disciplines.

Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region Valery Shantsev told the participants of the congress about the options for solving personnel problems in educational institutions. And not in vain - the pedagogical community awarded him the title of "Leader of Secondary Education" in 2009 in the nomination "Head of the Region".

At the stage of the formation of an innovative type of economy, and we have set ourselves such a task, - said the head of the Nizhny Novgorod region, - the need for modern production in skilled workers and specialists of the new generation is significantly increasing.

The vocational education system of the Nizhny Novgorod region is one of the largest in the Russian Federation. It consists of 144 institutions implementing NGO and SVE programs. They train 70 thousand people, employ 15 thousand teachers, masters of industrial training and service personnel. Technical schools, colleges and lyceums of the region, according to the governor, need young, energetic and competent teachers and mentors. And for this purpose, a program of socio-economic support for novice teachers has been created in the region. Houses are built on budgetary funds, apartments are allocated, cars are purchased, and an addition to wages is paid.

Since 2006, more than 1,200 young professionals in the field of education, health, sports and culture have become participants in such a program. The region concludes an agreement with them for a period of ten years, after which the specialist receives both housing and a car. Of course, if he, for his part, will also comply with the terms of the contract. And the main thing that is required of him is to work qualitatively in the region.

Frames decide...

The issue of staffing was also touched upon in her speech by the director of the Novosibirsk Chemical-Technological College. DI. Mendeleeva Elena Sartakova:

We need completely new approaches to work with personnel and personnel. It is necessary today to begin work on the retraining of teachers and teams of our educational institutions. New conditions will present completely new requirements for the competence of teachers.

Such a need will undoubtedly arise in the conditions when federal state educational standards of the new generation come into force. They will provide educational institutions with the freedom to choose teaching technologies, the economic efficiency of public investments, and will allow the development and implementation of programs for advanced training, training and retraining of personnel. Work on the development and implementation of new educational standards is underway, but at the congress it was repeatedly noted that this process needs to be accelerated.

Chairman of the Education Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Grigory Balykhin noted that a new structure of the federal state educational standard has already been developed. It can become a prerequisite for a decisive step in the creation of lifelong and quality education accessible to all. Such a goal as a result of transformations should be achieved by the efforts of the pedagogical community, employers, legislators and authorities.

According to the director of the Lipetsk Metallurgical College Sergey Petukhov, the quality of professional training of workers and specialists is becoming the most important strategic factor in the development of the economy, business and competitiveness. In the modern labor market, professions and specialties directly related to the real sector of the economy are becoming increasingly scarce. Accordingly, the importance of primary and secondary vocational education is growing.

In Lipetsk, the problem of the lack of prestige of working professions and specialties, as well as the staffing of primary and secondary vocational education institutions, was solved in conjunction with employers. For example, the aforementioned college became the base educational institution for the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works, which was experiencing a shortage of personnel. As a result, the educational institution trains specialists for a specific production, and the plant pays for all areas of their training from the beginning to the end of the educational process. The option for a college, and indeed, for an enterprise in need of qualified personnel, is a win-win.

With the schools of the Lipetsk region, starting from the fifth grade, the plant conducts career guidance work. Schoolchildren form a conscious attitude to the choice of profession and specialty, in this case, the metallurgical profile. In the eyes of children and their parents, the prestige of the plant as a promising employer is increasing, and schoolchildren are stimulated to enroll in lyceums and colleges with the prospect of subsequent employment.

Integration of efforts

The Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Andrey Fursenko supported the idea of ​​ensuring the status and prestige of working professions:

We must create conditions under which people who have received education in lyceums and colleges would be in demand in the labor market, which ensures high salaries and status. I know a number of colleges and resource centers, in which there is a competition among applicants. But they are few. Therefore, first of all, we must rely on leaders who are able to ensure the necessary movement of primary and secondary vocational education forward.

According to the minister, in education there is a negative experience of creating university complexes, which include institutions of NGOs and vocational schools. Therefore, the Ministry of Education of Russia intends to approach each association of educational institutions individually. In some cases, the association occurs only for the seizure of property and its further use, far from being for educational purposes.

Valery Shubarev, President of the Association of Radioelectronic Industry Enterprises of St. Petersburg, General Director of JSC Avangard, spoke about an example of integrating education with production. The association headed by him included not only 80 enterprises of the radio-electronic complex, but also all universities, lyceums and colleges that provide training in specialized specialties. Educational process in lyceums and colleges is built so that the graduate from the first day could perform production tasks. For a profile higher education at the university, you can get a full-time job in production, conclude a contract with an enterprise and continue your education for its money. In a number of universities and colleges, according to Valery Shubarev, curricula are brought together, which makes it possible to shorten the training cycle by a whole year. But the main thing is that students study from 17 o'clock - in fact, at the full-time department, but at the same time performing all production tasks.

Petersburg, as well as in the Nizhny Novgorod region, to resolve the issue of staffing enterprises are connected to regional authorities, which almost completely finance the developed measures from the local budget.

Fedor Prokopov, vice-president of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, also voiced the idea of ​​“equalizing” education with production:

In our opinion, up to 60 percent of educational institutions compete with each other for an applicant. Such competition is not guided by the real demand of the economy.

There should be competition among educational institutions for the future job for their graduate. If there is a certain balance in the struggle for an applicant and for a job, the system of CVE and SVE will be reoriented. Until now, Russia has not made a forecast of demand or a forecast of supply and demand in the context of professions and professional groups, which would serve as a guide for educational institutions. Long-term, medium-term and short-term forecasts will serve as a market signal to the systems of VET and SVE - so that they are guided by the objective needs for admission and graduation from educational institutions.

On behalf of employers, Fedor Prokopov also spoke about the need to build a national qualification system. Any future employee must have not only a diploma of graduation from the establishment of an NGO, SVE or VPO, postgraduate or doctoral studies, but also a certificate that he specifically knows how to do as a result of training. At the same time, the certificate must be confirmed by the community of professionals and employers. According to Fedor Prokopov, certification centers created as pilot projects are localized at a certain geographical point, and the results of certification of employees in them are not circulated throughout Russia.

Popularization of education

Andrey Maksimov, Chairman of the Committee on Science and Higher Education of the Government of St. Petersburg, shared his experience in popularizing primary and secondary vocational education. In general, the system of secondary vocational education in St. Petersburg consists of 84 educational institutions, while the city is currently building a new college - "from scratch". And this, first of all, speaks of the demand for educational institutions of this type.

Last year, the government of St. Petersburg allocated 12 million rubles just to popularize the open source software system. With this money, 74 TV spots were shown about the system and more than 40 articles were published by directors and teachers of leading colleges, a telephone service and an Internet portal for secondary vocational education were created.

The Minister of Education of Mordovia, Natalya Yutkina, became interested in the experience of St. Petersburg. She developed the idea and suggested making television spots not only about NGO and SPO institutions, but also about factories and professions. And in words of the regional minister there was a big reason. Indeed, a young man must, first of all, want to become a turner or an auto mechanic himself, and after that he will be interested in where he can learn the profession he likes? School graduates often have no idea what, for example, a turner does, and they have no idea about machine tools with numerical control. Natalya Yutkina suggested that employers be involved in creating image films and in general career guidance, because personnel will be trained specifically for them.

The problem of prestige ceased to worry 17 colleges and technical schools that became part of the Moscow state university means of communication, - the railway industry has always attracted the attention of graduates not only with romance, but also with stability. And today, specialists with secondary vocational education are in demand by Russian railways. The rector of the university, Boris Levin, started talking about another problem - graduates of technical schools are immediately called up to serve in the army.

This negates all the work of the secondary school, which prepares personnel and tries to transfer them to the railway, - the rector explained his point of view. - Our graduates, who did not have time to work in production, after the army more and more often do not return to railway. It seems to me that after a technical school, a graduate should be given two years to work in production. Despite the fact that the proposal of Boris Levin was greeted with applause, the acting head of the draft preparation of citizens for military service Aleksey Knyazev of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces appealed to the pedagogical community with reason:

To single out a separate category of conscripts and give them benefits would, in my opinion, be unconstitutional, because according to the law everyone has equal rights and obligations, including the defense of the Fatherland. Do not forget that you need to take into account the needs of the Armed Forces. If there is no draft contingent, there will be no one to serve in the army.

The greatest emotional reaction of the participants was caused by the speech of the Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Education of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Oleg Smolin. He proposed anti-crisis measures for secondary vocational education in 2009, some of them have already been implemented in the form of bills. Let's name just a few.

  1. Introduce a minimum federal standard for spending per student at a secondary school, and if there are not enough funds for these purposes in the regional budget, add subventions for a special purpose from the federal budget.
  2. Restore benefits for educational institutions, in particular, on taxes on land and profits.
  3. Raise the salaries of industrial training masters to the level of salaries of workers with the corresponding qualifications in production, and equate teachers in terms of salaries and social guarantees with government officials.
  4. During the crisis, introduce interest-free repayable subsidies for non-budgetary students of state and non-state educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education.
  5. Create in the State Duma working group to develop a strategy for primary and secondary vocational education.

Problems in sectoral colleges

The prospect of a multiple increase in the demand for mid-level specialists awaits the medical industry, in which SVE is currently represented by 453 colleges and schools, as well as 29 university complexes with colleges included in their structure. In accordance with the strategy for the development of healthcare in Russia until 2020, key figure it will be a specialist with a secondary medical education. And if last year in the healthcare system the ratio between specialists with higher and secondary medical education was 1 to 2.2, then by 2020 it is planned to bring it to the level of 1 to 8!

Medical educational institutions have to develop only at the expense of the state, because they cannot attract business partners by definition. Even schools and colleges have to look for employers who could be involved in the educational process in their field. Due to their resources, it is possible to solve the issue of conducting the practice. As stated at the congress, official duties heads of medical institutions will be introduced points that assign them responsibility for practical training specialists based on them. In the educational industry, it is planned to regulate medical institutions and select the best quality clinical bases for the creation of medical and industrial complexes. Large regional medical institutions will work with local medical educational institutions.

Colleges of art education have their own “headache”, which Tatiana Petrova, director of the Gnessin State College, spoke about. Music colleges in the country, she said, are concerned about a situation that looks more like a legal conflict:

The 2002 standards for our specialties are contrary to the post-2004 regulatory framework. Our students by current standards receive 37 percent of the teaching hours in mathematics from the minimum amount of the invariant part of the basic curriculum. How will they pass the exam in mathematics? In addition, the latest documents of the Ministry of Health and Social Development related to the new wage system, two "our" qualifications - "artist" and "teacher" - are classified as the third qualification level, which requires higher, rather than secondary vocational education. It turns out that graduates of music colleges, who make up more than half of the teachers of all music schools in Russia, do not have the right to hold their positions. Now, with a secondary education, they can only sing on the dance floor, and work as dispatchers or pioneer leaders at school?

Isaak Kalina, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, became interested in this issue. For a detailed study of the named problem, he asked the director of the Gnesinka for the text of her report. By the way, at the end of the working day, on his own initiative, he collected reports from several directors of colleges. And this can only mean that the speeches did not go unnoticed by the leadership of the relevant ministry.

Many proposals were made at the congress. Among them, two were especially topical for representatives of the NGO and SVE systems in Russia - to raise the material and technical base of schools, colleges and lyceums to the required level, as well as to increase teachers and masters of industrial training wages to attract the most successful young people to work in educational institutions.

The decision of the Association of Russian Institutions of Primary Vocational Education to join the Union of Directors of Russian Colleges became important. And although this wish was stated at the very beginning of the congress, before its completion, the intention of representatives of the NGO and SPO systems to unite became even more important. Together, they will have much more opportunities to raise the status of primary and secondary vocational education institutions, not only in the context of regulating the situation on the labor market, but also in the post-crisis period.

Together we will become stronger. Together we will become a single organization whose activities will be aimed at high-quality education of young people in primary and secondary vocational education institutions, which means we will be able to more efficiently solve the tasks that the state, business and the public set before us, - the congress was said at the end from the rostrum.

A large number of students in grade 9 are thinking about whether they should continue their studies at school or begin to comprehend the intricacies of their chosen profession from the beginning of next year. The choice of educational institutions where you can enter with a basic secondary education is quite large, you just need to decide.

Colleges in Moscow are the highest ranking educational institutions where a teenager can focus on studying specific subjects and get a specialty. Highly professional teachers work here and a broader curriculum is used than in schools. All college graduates become holders of the qualification "Junior Specialist" and can start working in the relevant field.

Schools in Moscow offer a wide variety of professions, where each student can choose a specialty to their liking. This is a great opportunity to get an education for those who do not have the means and desire to study in higher educational institutions such as universities and academies.

Also, the doors of technical schools in Moscow are open to students. If after graduating from this institution you want to continue your studies, then you will have the opportunity to immediately enter the third year of the university. Therefore, the Moscow technical school is the beginning of a long journey, since in this institution, as well as in the institute, you can get high-quality training and become a professional in your field.

The curriculum for 9 classics is designed for three to four years and consists not only of specialized, but also general education disciplines for grades 10-11. Thus, classes in algebra, physics, geometry and chemistry are mandatory in the schedule. A diploma of acquiring a profession is issued together with a certificate confirming a complete general secondary education. That is, if you give preference to a college in Moscow, you will receive twice as much as peers who at that time were studying in a regular school. The training will only take a couple of years, which saves a lot of time and money. SPO (Secondary Vocational Education) is a chance in young age become the owner of a worthy specialty and start working at the age of 16-17, providing for themselves independently.

All Moscow colleges and NGOs are represented on our website. You can find detailed information about these educational institutions and make your choice, which will change your life for the better.

Secondary vocational education in Russia

Educational institutions

IN Soviet time secondary vocational education could be obtained in technical schools, as well as schools (for example, a medical school).

In post-Soviet times, some technical schools were renamed colleges. Currently, secondary vocational education can be obtained in technical schools and colleges. Differences in terms are defined in the Model Regulation on an educational institution of secondary vocational education (secondary specialized educational institution):

7. The following types of secondary specialized educational institutions are established:
a) technical school - a secondary specialized educational institution that implements basic professional educational programs secondary vocational education basic training;
b) college - a secondary specialized educational institution that implements basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education of basic training and programs of secondary vocational education of advanced training.

The list of specialties of secondary vocational education was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated April 12, 2005 No. 112 (as amended on May 18, 2006). Since January 1, 2010 . upon admission to the main professional educational programs of secondary vocational education, implemented in accordance with federal state educational standards, the list of specialties of secondary vocational education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 28, 2009 No. 355, is applied.

Features of SVE in comparison with initial vocational education

NGO institutions (Primary Vocational Education) and SPO combine and implement two-stage training in programs of primary and secondary vocational education. In accordance with the model Regulations on an educational institution of secondary vocational education, an educational institution is also called the term secondary vocational education (Secondary specialized educational institution).

  1. Secondary vocational education is aimed at training mid-level specialists, meeting the needs of the individual in deepening and expanding education on the basis of basic general, secondary (complete) general or primary vocational education.
  2. Citizens with primary vocational education of the relevant profile receive secondary vocational education under reduced programs.
  3. Secondary vocational education can be obtained in educational institutions of secondary vocational education (secondary specialized educational institutions) or at the first stage of educational institutions of higher vocational education.
  4. An educational institution of secondary vocational education may implement educational programs of primary vocational education in the presence of an appropriate license.

see also


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    SECONDARY VOCATIONAL EDUCATION- aims to train mid-level specialists, meet the needs of the individual in deepening and expanding education on the basis of basic general, secondary (complete) general or primary vocational education. Citizens who have... Dictionary of Career Guidance and Psychological Support

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    SECONDARY VOCATIONAL EDUCATION- secondary specialized education, the level of education acquired, as a rule, on the basis of a complete or incomplete general secondary education in the corresponding prof. uch. establishments. Provides the individual with the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for self-reliance. ... ... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

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Kosterina E.V., Lecturer of Mathematics, St. Petersburg GBPOU College of Industrial Technologies "Krasnoderevets"

Before proceeding directly to the consideration of the problems of organizing training, it is necessary to identify: what is the educational process and what are the features of its organization.

Education is a purposeful process of cultural development of a person in certain socio-economic conditions, by people specially trained for this.

In the educational process, not just the interaction of the teacher and the pupil is carried out - there is a dialogue of two people, a dialogue of different generations, a dialogue of different cultures. The richer the culture of the teacher, the more interesting this dialogue is for the student, the deeper he realizes the richness of human culture. The higher professional culture teacher, the more diverse and effective in educational plan this dialogue, in which there is no place for authoritarianism. Cooperation and partnership between teachers and pupils cannot be organized by force. Dialogue interaction is carried out in a delicately created atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding. Such interaction can be organized only by a teacher-master.

Education is the most complex multifaceted process of the direct, immediate impact of the educational environment on students, where educational environment is determined through a system of influences and conditions for the formation of a personality according to a given pattern, as well as opportunities for its development contained in the social and objective environment.

Work in the system of NPO AND SPO imposes its own characteristics on this process. And one of these features is the contingent of students. Along with students who made an informed choice future profession motivated and striving to gain knowledge, children enter the NGO system who have hardly finished school and who have no desire to study any discipline. The choice of an educational institution for such students is made by their parents, not in accordance with the wishes of the child about obtaining a particular profession. Such children attend classes reluctantly, study without interest and desire, and in most cases never work in their profession. special group NGO and SVE students are occupied by children from socially and financially disadvantaged families, orphans, ward children, from single-parent families, etc. Unfortunately, the so-called "difficult children" often make up half of the contingent, which poses a number of problems for any teacher:

How to explain complex material is accessible to each student, while maintaining the scientific nature of the material presented, if the objective psychophysiological indicators of some students make it difficult for them to perceive even the basic subject concepts and actions;

How to differentiate tasks and determine the intellectual capabilities of students, without violating the requirements for a minimum content of education and at the same time, defining tasks that are adequate to the student's abilities;

How to work with children who often miss classes;

How to organize an extracurricular independent work students

and a number of other contradictions.

In my opinion, information and communication technologies will become one of the means helping the teacher and students in such situations. The use of various electronic educational resources adds visibility to the learning process, presentations, hyper-tests, video clips are more likely to interest a modern student than the traditional way of presenting material on a “chalk-board”. The use of Internet resources is practically indispensable when working with both lagging behind students and gifted, talented children. Remote interaction between a teacher and a student, of course, should not replace direct communication, but only supplement it.

Unfortunately, it should be noted the weak material and technical base, the unsatisfactory state of modern technical means, which do not allow full use of the capabilities of advanced pedagogical technologies- this is one of the problems that the free software system needs to solve in the near future.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The mission of the teacher in the system of NGOs and SVE

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Victor DEMIN, President of the Union of Directors of Secondary Educational Institutions of Russia

NGOs and SPO: time to answer questions

On December 11, 2008, the All-Russian Conference was held at the Academy of the National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation on the results of the implementation of the priority national project "Education" in the systems of NGOs and SPO. WITH expert assessment Victor DEMIN, President of the Union of Directors of Secondary Educational Institutions of Russia, spoke about the possibilities of using innovative programs. We bring to your attention the most significant fragments of his report.


The innovative tasks facing the economy and the problems of the CVE and SVE systems require the formation of a modern state strategy, long-term forecast, scientific development and clear legislative support for the development of primary and secondary vocational education.

At present, the labor market is increasing the demand for workers and mid-level specialists, who account for 60 to 80 percent of the productive forces in various industries and are the most important factor in innovative economic growth. Under these conditions, the role of NGOs and SPO in the training of personnel is objectively increasing. At the same time, vocational education is clearly supported by the state and is becoming an important area of ​​social policy. The parliamentary hearings in State Duma devoted to the problems of legislative support for the development of NGOs and SVE, which took place at the end of 2008, as well as the creation of expert councils under the State Duma Education Committee, including representatives of the pedagogical community, scientists, and employers.

In preparation for the hearings, the members of the expert council, the presidium of the Union of Directors of Secondary Educational Institutions of Russia discussed the state of the vocational education system and the problems that exist in it. It was noted that the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, Rosobrazovanie have set a course for the development of middle-level educational institutions and, which is pleasing, have formed it with our active participation. The Russian government approved a set of interagency measures to support and develop NGO and SVE institutions and included these institutions in a priority national project. Thus, modernization was combined with innovation.

National project evaluation

The conference on the results of the implementation of the priority national project "Education" is a new opportunity to determine the ways for further development of vocational and non-vocational education systems based on positive experience.

The national project sent a powerful signal to employers to identify and support innovative educational institutions and provide equal funding for their programs to train modern workers and mid-level specialists. For the first time in the history of Russian education, in two years almost 150 educational institutions of secondary vocational education and NGOs received more than 10 billion rubles from the state and employers. This money was used to create a base for training the specialists needed by the economy, and to update the educational base. Many of the innovative educational institutions have become "points of growth" for all primary and secondary vocational education.

The project allowed:

In political terms - to form a long-term innovative sustainable state policy in the field of vocational education, to involve a wide range of employers and authorities in the regions in its implementation, to create mechanisms for the qualitative development of human resources and labor markets on the basis of social partnership;

In economic terms - to ensure targeted and effective financial support for educational institutions, carried out by the state and employers and aimed at training modern workers and specialists for an innovative economy;

In terms of education - identify approaches:

To solve the most pressing and urgent problems that hinder a breakthrough in training personnel for an innovative economy;

To change the structure, volumes of profiles, the content of training, training technology, to involve employers in this;

Towards a new generation of standards based on professional competencies.

In addition, thanks to the implementation of the national project, a modern public-public system for assessing the quality of education and modern mechanisms for public-private partnerships of basic enterprises and educational institutions are being formed, an information base for management and training is being developed, and an orientation towards the prospects for the development of the labor market is taking place. The work of educational institutions begins to dominate the retraining and advanced training of personnel, the training of citizens throughout their lives. The resource base of training is being formed. A number of institutions participating in the implementation of the national project have turned into regional, interregional and international innovative resource centers for vocational education.

With the support of the plenipotentiary representatives of the President of Russia, governors and with the involvement of employers, programs have been developed everywhere to train workers and mid-level specialists.

The national project had a positive impact on meeting the needs of employers, the labor market and the results of the activities of the CVE and SVE systems. Over the past two years, the shortage of personnel in 17 specialties has been eliminated. In general, educational institutions referred to as "growth points" fit into market relations. They began to take their development and changes in the vocational education system very seriously, to become more aware of their responsibility to today's and future students, the country's economy, to focus on the result - the needs of the individual, the labor market. Innovation has become an independent form of their activity. And this attracts both young people and employers.

With the active role of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Rosobrazovanie, National Fund education, which ensured the management of the national project, its sustainable financing, monitoring of implementation, transmission of emerging experience, positive changes are taking place not only on innovative platforms, but, more importantly, in the entire system of vocational education. Large-scale informatization, openness, content change, independent quality assessment, continuing education, international cooperation, social partnership and other areas form the modern image of primary and secondary vocational education in the new Russia. The motivation and quality of work of teachers are changing.

Perspectives for NGOs and SPO

Lately, the society has been asking more and more insistently what should be the future of the systems of NGOs and SVE and what should be done additionally for their more effective development? In this regard, we put forward a number of proposals.

1. Extend the national project as a form and condition for the innovative development of primary and secondary vocational education, quality training of workers and specialists.

2. When forming a project and a new model of vocational education for the medium and long term, ensure:

a) financing of its activities (including at the expense of regional budgets);

b) creating conditions that allow not only to transmit the accumulated experience of the best educational institutions, teachers implementing innovative educational programs, but also its practical application;

c) financial support for teachers implementing innovative educational programs, innovative masters, talented students;

d) active involvement of the public in the consideration and solution of various tasks of the project.

3. In conditions of economic difficulties, consider the possibility of increasing the volume of co-financing of programs by the state, and by employers - reducing and expanding their cost items, including in the area of ​​paying taxes.

4. Support and develop the positive results of the project implementation: the functioning of resource centers, educational institutions of a new type; the possibility of implementing technological bachelor's programs; use of modern teaching technologies, etc. Include all this in new models for the development of systems of NGOs and open source software.

Problems of free software and NGOs

Positive processes do not indicate the absence of serious problems in the training of skilled workers and specialists.

Firstly, the demand of domestic production is far ahead of our proposals in terms of the volume, structure and content of the training of mid-level specialists. On this occasion, it is enough to say that so far only 15 percent of students are preparing for science-intensive and high-tech specialties.

Secondly, the problem of renewal and development of fixed assets is relevant. Its solution is slowed down by insufficient investment and budget funding (compared to other levels of education) and the lack of economic incentives for employers to invest in NGO and SVE institutions. If the situation is not changed, the programs for the construction and reconstruction of educational buildings and dormitories may be curtailed. A significant part of the equipment used in educational institutions does not correspond to the modern level in technical, industrial and scientific terms. The remaining resource is not enough to provide the required level of quality of vocational education, which means that in the long run the country will not receive the required number of personnel demanded by the economy. Textbooks and study guides in technical specialties do not fully correspond to the tasks of modernizing the economy.

Thirdly, the economy and the system of taxation of educational institutions require improvement. The level of wages and scholarships in the middle level is the lowest, which serves as the main brake on the motivation of teams for innovative development and modernization of the educational process. In our opinion, new system wages should be better adapted to the needs of the VET system. In addition, it is necessary to develop and improve the legislative and regulatory framework governing the activities of educational institutions. And then their independence will expand, extrabudgetary activities will improve, conditions will be created for the transition to a new organizational form - an autonomous institution.

Fourthly, in technical schools and colleges, the quality of human resources, the level of scientific support and the share of scientific research working on system development. The own scientific potential of these institutions could develop more quickly if universities learned how to train teachers of an innovative type, and the economic, legal and organizational support for their scientific activities improved. In addition, it is necessary to raise the level of scientific analysis of the problems of training workers and specialists, make more active changes in the system of advanced training and provide for bonuses for academic degrees and titles for teachers and specialists from enterprises and organizations working in educational institutions of secondary vocational education. Can't decide without all this. contemporary tasks training of highly qualified workers and mid-level specialists, especially for high-tech sectors of the economy.

I would also like to see the status of young specialists with a secondary vocational education more clearly defined in production, and schools to tune in not only to solving the problems of higher educational institutions, but also remember that the economy needs middle-level personnel to a greater extent.

The overall result of these problems is that already last year admission to technical schools and colleges only in technical specialties on a budgetary basis decreased by almost 10 percent, and on a paid basis - by 30 percent. In the future, the current shortage of students will become a shortage of production personnel. And any retraining of young specialists for the needs of high-tech industries will result in additional costs for the state and employers.


In our opinion, in order to eliminate existing problems, it is necessary to adopt a state concept for the development of NGOs and SPO. It is she who, on the basis of scientific foresight and established practice, as well as taking into account European trends, will determine the role and place of modern systems of CVE and SVE in the development of the country's productive forces, their relationship with the economy and the labor market. This concept should consolidate the positive trends and directions of innovative development and modernization of education and, at the same time, answer a number of questions.

Will VET and NGO systems retain their role as a social lift for young people, or will they focus solely on pragmatic training objectives?

Should these systems be merged, or is it better to include mid-level institutions within higher education institutions?

What is the future of small educational institutions in the countryside?

The expected concept should remove contradictions in the processes of optimizing the network of educational institutions, the formation of university complexes, and in budget policy. It should contribute to the establishment of volumes, directions and training of workers and specialists, expand the list of specialties, resolve the issue of the status of federal and regional educational institutions and, finally, decide on the issue of Russia's accession to the Copenhagen process.

The concept is designed to provide:

a) transition to pan-European standards for the content of education based on professional competencies, criteria and methods for independent assessment of the quality of education;

b) the comparability and transparency of the levels of qualification categories and documents that record the results of training, including the volume of the content of education and the duration of training;

c) recognition and consideration in the evaluation of the results of vocational training and training of non-formal and open education;

d) lifelong learning.

It should be noted that these activities involve close interaction with business, the creation of new types and types of educational institutions, the continuity of methodology, especially practical training, the use of modular technology and a multi-stage form of education.

In general, the concept can outline the logic, priorities and stages of necessary changes, which should be systemic and understandable not only to the pedagogical community and employers, but also to every member of Russian society.

The Union of Directors of Secondary Educational Institutions of Russia is ready, with the participation of employers, educational authorities, heads of educational institutions of the country, legislators, to prepare a draft concept, discuss it at its upcoming expanded congress - it is supposed to be held in autumn 2009 - and submit its proposals to state authorities and administration.


What does the Union of Directors of Secondary Educational Institutions of Russia regard as priority measures as conditions for a breakthrough in vocational education?

1. Creation of proper economic conditions and state guarantees, allowing businesses to invest more actively in the innovative development of the vocational education system. First of all, the adoption of a law - "On vocational education" or "On social partnership" - similar to those that are successfully implemented in many European countries. Such a law can become a legal basis and an organizational and economic mechanism for interaction between the state and business, and will allow the development of charity in the field of vocational education.

2. Expansion of the list of specialties and their profiles focused on training specialists for critical and high technologies, which will require an appropriate decision of the Government of the Russian Federation.

3. Large-scale investments. At present, SVE financing is not a priority, it is carried out on a residual basis and does not work for innovative development. Growth rates of budget financing of the systems of vocational education and training and vocational education are significantly inferior to other levels of education.

4. Legislative support for resource centers. This will create in the regions "growth points" of best practices in the implementation of the most modern educational learning technologies.

5. Solving the issue of the possibility of conducting and financing scientific and methodological work in the institutions of secondary vocational education.

6. Distribution of provisions for establishing allowances for academic degrees and titles in force in higher education to teachers and specialists from enterprises and organizations working in institutions of secondary vocational education.
