Conservation of library collections. National Program for the Preservation of Library Collections of the Russian Federation Subprogram "Conservation of Library Collections" Program for the Preservation of Library Collections of the Russian Federation

Library funds of permanent and long-term storage are a complex and heterogeneous array of documents published at different times, with different circulation, readership, demand, prerequisites for aging and damage, and, accordingly, different degrees of preservation.

The heterogeneity of documents makes it necessary for libraries to use various forms of conservation - preventive, stabilizing treatments, restoration. Within each form, there are various methods and technological methods used individually and in combination. In world practice, priority is given to the form of conservation, which allows to maximize the preservation of the largest possible number of documents with minimal interference of the conservator in the structure of the document. This form is recognized as preventive (prophylactic) conservation as a set of actions in order to protect publications and manuscripts from external influences by providing standard conditions for storage and use, i.e. creation and maintenance of favorable storage regimes (light, temperature and humidity, sanitary and hygienic) and the use of phase storage. In Russia, preventive conservation as a set of measures has recently begun to be dealt with.

The unfavorable state of library collections is becoming widespread, which can only be resisted by taking a set of the broadest measures, among which it is necessary to note the priority ones. Based on the analysis of the current situation, the following are identified as priority areas for conservation:

· Creation and maintenance of the normative mode of storage in existing libraries, in reconstructed and under construction library buildings;

introduction of phase conservation (phase storage as a form of temporary conservation);

· development of methods of mass stabilization;

development of mass restoration of documents.

The implementation of these areas with the predominant development of preventive (preventive) conservation will most quickly and economically ensure the safety of the largest possible number of documents.

In domestic practice, the most widespread labor-intensive, inefficient and expensive form of conservation - restoration. As a rule, the share of restored material, even in libraries with large restoration departments, is too small in relation to the entire array of damaged documents. That is why documents should be restored only by special decision of the custodian and conservator. The development of mass document restoration is aimed at increasing the productivity and efficiency of the restoration of dilapidated and damaged documents. The relevance of this direction lies in the fact that the share of restored material, even in libraries with large restoration departments, is too small in relation to the entire array of damaged documents. Increasing the efficiency of technologies and productivity of mass restoration will lead to a reduction in the volume of documents requiring urgent restoration.

Since the restoration of documents is the most time-consuming and expensive process of document conservation, its development should be accompanied by the improvement of a comprehensive scientific examination of documents, taking into account the uniqueness, historical and cultural significance, reader demand, and the physical condition of documents.

The development of preventive conservation and modernization in the field of stabilization and restoration is feasible only with the strengthening of existing and the creation of new centers for the conservation of documents serving certain regions. The extreme limited financial capacity of the state is one of the reasons for the concentration of material and human resources in a few centers equipped with the necessary equipment.

Conservation centers carry out research, methodological, teaching and practical activities. Scientific activity consists in conducting a comprehensive scientific examination and studying the processes of aging and damage to documents, developing and implementing new conservation methods, and effectively mastering equipment. Research activities should be developed on the basis of coordination, which will make it possible to make fuller use of scientific personnel and instrumental base. Methodological activity consists in holding consultations, preparing publications and distributing methodological aids. Currently, there is an urgent need for methodological assistance for the further implementation of state standards and other regulatory documents governing the storage and use of funds.

The choice of objects and the determination of the forms of conservation are carried out in strict accordance with the results of a comprehensive scientific examination and are based on four main criteria: uniqueness, historical and cultural significance of the document, its physical condition, demand.

To improve the selection of documents for priority conservation, determine the form of conservation, it is necessary:

· computer software for creating a database that allows you to obtain statistical and analytical information on each document or group of documents;

· staffing and logistical support of modern conservation technologies;

· availability of instrumental base for physical-chemical and biological researches;

· Availability of a system of comparative assessments of labor intensity and cost of recommended technological processes.

Programs for the Preservation of Library Collections of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation Stage 1 NATIONAL PROGRAM FOR THE PRESERVATION OF LIBRARY FOUNDATIONS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION 2001 - 2010 Stage 2 ALL-RUSSIAN PROGRAM FOR THE PRESERVATION OF LIBRARY FUNDS 2011 - 2020

Approved by order of the Minister of Culture 540 of September 13, 2000. Implemented as part of the federal target program "Culture of Russia" 2001–2005. and 2006–2010 Consists of seven subprograms: "Conservation of library collections" 1. "Conservation of library collections" 2. "Book monuments of the Federation" 2. "Book monuments of the Russian Federation" 3. "Creation of an insurance fund of library documents" 3. "Creation of an insurance fund of library documents" 4. "Preservation of library collections in the process of their use" 4. "Preservation of library collections in the process of their use" 5. "Safety of libraries and library collections" 5. "Safety of libraries and library collections" 6. "Accounting for library collections" 6. " Accounting for library collections" 7. "Personnel support for the sphere of preservation of library collections" 7. "Personnel support for the sphere of preservation of library collections" NATIONAL PROGRAM FOR THE PRESERVATION OF LIBRARY FUNDS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION

The purpose of the Program: To ensure the preservation of library collections as part of the cultural heritage and information resource of the country in the interests of present and future generations. Objectives of the Program o Carrying out a targeted policy in the field of conservation and use of library collections. Creation of a system of federal and interregional centers for the preservation of library collections. o Creation of a system of unified nationwide accounting of library stocks in Russia, state registration of book monuments. o Creation of the Russian insurance fund of library documents. o Creation of a regulatory framework and methodological support for all areas of library activities related to the preservation of library collections. o Technical support of the program, introduction of the latest equipment and technologies in the processes of working with library collections. o Creation of a system of special education, provision of libraries with qualified specialists. o Formation of public opinion on the problems of preservation of book collections.

Priority areas: Creation of infrastructure for the implementation of the program: systems of federal, regional and interregional centers for the preservation of library collections Creation of infrastructure for the implementation of the program: systems of federal, regional and interregional centers for the preservation of library collections preservation of library collections

Federal scientific, methodological and coordinating centers for the implementation of the National Program Federal Center for the Conservation of Library Collections of the Russian National Library (FTsKBF RNL) Russian State Library (RSL) B All-Russian State Library for Foreign Literature (VGBIL) R Russian State Library State Public Historical Library (GPIB) Center of the Directorate of the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation ROSIZO (TsBKTs) Academy of Retraining for Workers of Art, Culture and Tourism (APRIKT) o Subprogram "Conservation of Library Collections" o Subprogram "Book Monuments of the Russian Federation" library documents and preservation of information" o Subprogram "Preservation of library collections in the process of their use" o Subprogram "Safety of libraries and library collections" library collections”.

Financing of the National Program for the Preservation of Library Collections within the framework of the Federal Target Program "Culture of Russia" and the years. (million rubles)

Financing of regional centers for the conservation of library collections in the years. From the federal budget within the framework of the FTP "Culture of Russia" (million rubles)

During the implementation period of the program, it was possible to lay the foundations for identifying, identifying, accounting for the most valuable part of the country's library fund, to carry out significant work to create a legal, scientific and methodological framework. The All-Russian Code of Book Monuments (OSKP) has been created and is being developed in order to prepare the basis for a centralized state accounting of book monuments.

A network of regional centers for working with book monuments is being created; by now, central libraries of more than 30 constituent entities of the Russian Federation are participating in this work. Their task is to organize work on identifying, describing, accounting for especially valuable documents stored in their region, as well as the formation of regional codes of book monuments, and the creation of special sites.

Over the 10 years of the implementation of the national program, about specialists from the federal and central libraries of the regions of Russia have undergone special training both in the system of additional professional training and operational advanced training on the basis of the largest federal centers. This allowed to a large extent to form a new professional environment and a new ideology for the preservation of library collections.

The tasks set at the first stage have been largely achieved: o For the first time in Russia, planned activities to ensure the safety of library collections have received comprehensive state funding in all identified priority areas and are being implemented in practice. Systematic activities have begun and are successfully developing in most areas of NP. o The attitude towards the problems of preserving library collections in the library community, and in a number of regions, the authorities have changed for the better. In a number of regions, local programs for the preservation of library collections have been adopted. o Trained qualified personnel in the field of conservation of library collections. A professional community of specialists in the preservation of library collections has been created. o The situation with the preservation of library collections has changed qualitatively in more than half of the regions of the country, in which conditions have been created for professional activities in the preservation of library collections. o New methods and technologies are being introduced to ensure the safety of documents. o The material and technical base for the preservation of library collections is being modernized.

Thus, as a result of ten years of work, the main principles laid down in the National Program have been confirmed, the chosen strategy, priorities and areas of activity that need to be continued and developed in the future, and above all the following: 1. the priority of organizing systematic activities to preserve funds; 2. an integrated approach to solving the problems of preserving library collections; 3. complex financing of the program implementation from the budgets of all levels; 4. focus on new technologies for saving funds; 5. development of the administrative infrastructure for the preservation of library collections - a system of federal and regional centers.

All -Russian program for preserving library foundations Project Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation “Russian State Library” by the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Russian National Library” of the FSUK “State Public Library of Russia” FSBEA DPO “Academy of Transportation of Culture and Tourism Workers” LLC Interregional Center for Library Cooperation

Consists of five subprograms: "Conservation of library collections" 1. "Conservation of library collections" 2. "Book monuments of the Federation" 2. "Book monuments of the Russian Federation" 3. "Creation of an insurance fund of library documents" 3. "Creation of an insurance fund of library documents" 4. "Preservation of library collections in the process of their use" 4. "Preservation of library collections in the process of their use" 5. "Personnel support for the preservation of library collections" 5. "Personnel support for the preservation of library collections"

Federal scientific, methodological and coordinating centers Federal Center for the Conservation of Library Collections at the Russian National Library (FTsKBF RNL) Russian State Library (RSL) State Public Historical Library (GPIB) Academy of Retraining for Workers in Art, Culture and Tourism (APRIKT) subprogram "Book monuments of the Russian Federation" 3.Subprogram "Creating an insurance fund of library documents and preserving information" funds".

The goal of the Program remains the same: to ensure the safety of the library collections of the Russian Federation as an information resource and a significant part of the cultural heritage of Russia and the world. Expanding user access to information contained in Russian library documents. The strategic objectives of the Program are basically the same, but have received some new emphasis: o Pursuing a targeted policy in the field of preservation of library collections, aimed at developing systematic activities for the preservation of library collections in Russia. o Efficient use of financial resources. o Expansion of the geography of the program for the preservation of library collections, the number of regions - participants

The following are proposed as tactical ways of solving the set strategic tasks: Creation and development of a system of federal, regional and interregional centers for the preservation of library collections as the basis for the implementation of the tasks set. Development of a system of special education, which provides for the training and retraining of qualified personnel in the field of conservation of library collections. Development of a professional environment for the preservation of the library fund. Improving the regulatory framework and methodological support for all areas of library activities related to the preservation of library funds. Development and introduction into practical activities of libraries of new methods and technologies for the preservation of library collections. Development of a monitoring system for the state of library collections in Russia. Development of the material and technical base for the preservation of library collections

In the process of implementing these subprograms, the following tasks will be solved: Providing document storage modes. The development of modern technologies for the preservation of documents, including mass preservation, in which losses and aging processes of document materials are reduced to a possible minimum. Creation and development of a system of unified nationwide accounting and registration of especially valuable book objects on the basis of the All-Russian code of book monuments and the Register of book monuments. Creation of the Russian insurance fund of documents of libraries as a part of the Unified Russian insurance fund of documentation. Ensuring constant control over compliance with regulatory documents in the field of conservation of funds and in the process of their use. Modernization of the system of professional development of library staff, focused on a comprehensive solution to the problems of preserving and enhancing the documentary cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia.

Conservation of documents- ensuring the safety of documents through the mode of storage, stabilization, restoration and copying.

Establishing and Maintaining Regulatory Storage Mode
The document storage mode ensures the maintenance of standard parameters of light, temperature-humidity and sanitary-hygienic regimes.
In accordance with GOST 7.50-2002 “SIBID. Conservation of documents. General requirements” documents are stored in the dark or under diffused light. Documents should not be exposed to direct sunlight. The norm of illumination on the surface of documents during storage should be no more than 75 lux, when exposed at the time of inspection - no more than 150 lux. In the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, control over the light regime of storage is carried out using a special device "TKA-Keeper".

In the premises for storing documents, it is necessary to constantly maintain an air temperature of 18 ± 2 ° C, relative humidity of 55% ± 5%.

In order to ensure control over the mode of storage of library funds in the departments-fund holders of the library, the conservation sector monitors the temperature and humidity conditions for storing documents. As part of the implementation of activities under the project "Development of the Regional Center for the Preservation of Library Collections on the Basis of the National Library of the Komi Republic", temperature and humidity loggers were purchased.

Readings are automatically accumulated in the memory of the devices, and, if necessary, can be displayed on a computer in graphical form or in the form of statistical tables. A comparative analysis of data on changes in indicators carried out on a computer allows you to monitor the temperature and humidity conditions and, if necessary, take measures to create conditions for storing documents in accordance with GOST.

In addition, it is very important to control the temperature and humidity inside books, newspapers, magazines. This becomes especially relevant in case of emergencies, damage to a large array of documents by water. The HygroPalm portable hand-held meter allows, during the inspection of document storage conditions, to identify publications with a high level of humidity, which, in turn, helps prevent contamination of publications by mold microorganisms.

Along with monitoring the temperature and humidity regime of storage, the conservation sector is working to maintain the necessary sanitary and hygienic storage regime, and carries out mycological supervision. Sector specialists inspect documents for mold damage. If necessary, the documents are disinfected with a biocide.

Document stabilization
One of the most important factors influencing the physical condition of a book is the acidity level of the paper. Both domestic and foreign scientists have repeatedly proved the negative impact of increased acidity of paper on its safety, in connection with which the sector, if necessary, is working to determine the level of acidity of paper of publications of national and local history literature, rare and valuable documents of the XIX-XX centuries. The acidity of the paper is determined by a pH meter.

Documents with an increased level of acidity undergo a stabilization procedure by the method of mass neutralization of the acidity of paper, which is carried out by the Federal Center for the Conservation of Library Collections of the Russian National Library

Phase conservation- temporary storage of documents in containers made of paper-friendly material (acid-free cardboard). The purpose of phase conservation is to protect rare and especially valuable documents from mechanical damage and exposure to aggressive environmental factors.

For the same purpose, the conservation sector is working to select sheet materials that are in poor physical condition and require additional preservation measures. In order to prevent their further destruction, these documents are encapsulated (documents are placed in a transparent polymer film). Encapsulation protects the document from dust, moisture, reduces mechanical stress during operation.

Production of containers from acid-free cardboard and encapsulation of sheet documents is carried out by

May 11, 2006 on the basis of the FCKBF with the assistance of the SECCO Pontanova Foundation (Berlin) and the Preservation Academy Leipzig (PAL) Russian Center for Mass Deacidification of Paper Documents. The first high-tech equipment in Russia for the mass neutralization of paper acidity was put into operation. This technology is identical to that used by the Preservation Academy Leipzig, namely the CSC Book Saver.

The "CSC Book Saver" process is currently the latest liquid-phase neutralization method used in the low temperature area. This method reduces the processing time of books and preserves the original structure of the material during and after processing, and, most importantly, ensures the stability of various pigments and dyes. Practice has shown that good results can be achieved even with very sensitive combinations of materials, often found in modern archival and library holdings. The CSC Book Saver technology raises the pH value of the paper to neutral, promotes the creation of an alkaline reserve and effectively protects the paper from environmental influences.

From 2006 to 2012, the books of the Russian Journal Fund of the National Library of Russia, as well as from the collections of a number of regional libraries, were neutralized in the FTsKBF RNL:
State Public Historical Library - 2006, 2007;
National Library of the Republic of Karelia - 2012;
National Library of the Komi Republic - 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012;
Arkhangelsk Regional Universal Scientific Library - 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012;
Murmansk State Regional Universal Scientific Library - 2011;
Tver Regional Universal Scientific Library - 2012;
State Theater Library, St. Petersburg, (collection "German Drama") - 2008, 2009

In the course of work on the mass neutralization of book paper, the technology was optimized, the results were reported at All-Russian and international scientific conferences and seminars, and are reflected in publications:

  1. Mass neutralization of paper books and documents on the CSC BOOK SAVER. : traditional approaches - non-traditional solutions: materials of the international conference, October 24-26, 2006 / RNB.SPb. P.236-244.
  2. Dobrusina S.A., Lobanova N.A., Vovk N.S. Neutralization of paper acidity: pros and cons // Preservation of the cultural heritage of libraries, archives and museums: materials of a scientific conference, February 14-15, 2008 / Russian Academy of Sciences, Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg.
  3. S.A. Dobrusina, N.A. Lobanova, N.S. Vovk. Preservation of Book Stoks in Russia Approaches and Answers to the Problem. //The past for the future. The mass protection of archive and library resources: Proceedings of the scientific conference 13-14.10.2008, Krakow. pp. 81-95.
  4. Dobrusina S.A., Lobanova N.A., Volgushkina N.S. On the issue of improving the process of neutralizing paper books using CSC BOOK SAVER technology. //Safety and accessibility of cultural and historical monuments. Modern approaches: materials of U1 international scientific-practical conference, October 20-22, 2009 / RNL, St. Petersburg. pp. 177-185.
  5. Dobrusina S.A., Lobanova N.A., Podgornaya N.I. Optimization of the technology of mass neutralization of the acidity of paper CSC BOOK SAVER.//Actual problems of preserving archival, library and museum funds dedicated to the memory of D.P.
  6. S.A. Dobrusina, N.A. Lobanova, N.I. Podgornaya. Influence of specific features of SCS BOOK SAVER mass neutralization technology on document paper properties. //Research in the conservation of cultural heritage. Issue 3. Materials of the international scientific and methodological conference, November 9-10, 2010, Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, GosNiir, Moscow, pp. 85-94./

Scientific-methodical and coordination center - Federal Center for the Conservation of Library Collections at the Russian National Library (FTsKBF).
Subprogram manager - S.A. Dobrusina, director of the Federal Central Design Bureau of the National Library of Russia.
Routine Developers- S.A. Dobrusina(head of the author's group), director of the Federal Central Design Bureau of the National Library of Russia, Z.P. Dvoryashina, Director of the Center for the Conservation of Documents of Higher Educational Institutions at the National Library of the Russian State Humanitarian University, G.A. Kislovskaya, deputy director of VGBIL, Yu.P. Nyuksha, Ch. consultant OKD BAN, N.I. Khakhalev, deputy Director of the RSL E.S. Chernina, senior researcher FTsKBF at the National Library of Russia, ON THE. Shcherbachev, consultant of the Department of Libraries of the Ministry of Culture of Russia.
Library funds of permanent and long-term storage are a complex and heterogeneous array of documents published at different times, with different circulation, readership, demand, prerequisites for aging and damage, and, accordingly, different degrees of preservation.
The heterogeneity of documents makes it necessary for libraries to use various forms of conservation - preventive, stabilizing treatments, restoration. Within each form, there are various methods and technological methods used individually and in combination.
In world practice, priority is given to the form of conservation, which allows to maximize the preservation of the largest possible number of documents with minimal interference of the conservator in the structure of the document. This form is recognized as preventive (prophylactic) conservation as a set of actions in order to protect publications and manuscripts from external influences by providing standard conditions for storage and use, i.e. creation and maintenance of favorable storage regimes (light, temperature and humidity, sanitary and hygienic) and the use of phase storage. In Russia, preventive conservation as a set of measures has recently begun to be dealt with.
At present, there is a significant accumulation of dilapidated and damaged documents in the libraries of Russia. Their volume continues to increase rapidly due to the critical state of storage facilities, lack of space and equipment, the absence of conservation services in most libraries, as well as insufficient awareness of librarians about the preservation of collections.
The unfavorable state of library collections is becoming widespread, which can only be resisted by taking a set of the broadest measures, among which it is necessary to note the priority ones. Based on the analysis of the current situation, the following are identified as priority areas for conservation:

  • creation and maintenance of a standard storage regime in existing libraries, in reconstructed and under construction library buildings;
  • introduction of phase conservation (phase storage as a form of temporary conservation);
  • development of mass stabilization methods;
  • development of mass restoration of documents.
The implementation of these areas with the predominant development of preventive (preventive) conservation will most quickly and economically ensure the safety of the largest possible number of documents.
1. Creation and maintenance of a standard storage regime in existing libraries, reconstructed and under construction library buildings- the main component of preventive conservation, which is a set of actions in order to protect publications and manuscripts from adverse external influences. The mode of storage of documents is ensured by observing the standard temperature and humidity, lighting, sanitary and hygienic condition of the premises.
During the reconstruction of old and construction of new library buildings, the requirements of SNiP and GOST 7.50 "Conservation of documents. General requirements" must be strictly observed.
Libraries should be equipped with the necessary technical means of environmental control and maintaining standard conditions for storing documents.
2. Phase conservation. The introduction of phase conservation - temporary storage of documents in containers made of special materials that are allowed for use - is another component of preventive conservation.
The purpose of phase preservation is to protect documents from mechanical damage and exposure to aggressive environmental factors for a certain period of time.
Documents are placed in boxes made of acid-free cardboard or other material that is harmless to the object of storage. For the same purpose, encapsulation is used for sheet documents - the encapsulation of a document in a transparent polymeric inert film.
3. Development of methods for mass stabilization of documents - special processing that slows down aging and prevents damage to documents. This is, first of all, the neutralization of the acidity of paper, the creation of an alkaline reserve, protection against biodamage with a prolonged effect. Bulk stabilization is preferred as it is more productive and applicable to most permanent and long-term storage documents.
In Russia, mass stabilization technologies are practically absent.
The development of forms of preventive conservation and mass stabilization will reduce the need for restoration of documents.
4. Development of mass restoration of documents. In domestic practice, the most widespread labor-intensive, inefficient and expensive form of conservation - restoration. As a rule, the share of restored material, even in libraries with large restoration departments, is too small in relation to the entire array of damaged documents. That is why documents should be restored only by special decision of the custodian and conservator. The development of mass document restoration is aimed at increasing the productivity and efficiency of the restoration of dilapidated and damaged documents. The relevance of this direction lies in the fact that the share of restored material, even in libraries with large restoration departments, is too small in relation to the entire array of damaged documents. Increasing the efficiency of technologies and productivity of mass restoration will lead to a reduction in the volume of documents requiring urgent restoration.
Since the restoration of documents is the most time-consuming and expensive process of document conservation, its development should be accompanied by the improvement of a comprehensive scientific examination of documents, taking into account the uniqueness, historical and cultural significance, reader demand, and the physical condition of documents.
The development of preventive conservation and modernization in the field of stabilization and restoration is feasible only if the existing ones are strengthened and new ones are created. preservation centers serving certain regions . The extreme limited financial capacity of the state is one of the reasons for the concentration of material and human resources in a few centers equipped with the necessary equipment.
Conservation centers carry out research, methodological, teaching and practical activities.
Scientific activity consists in conducting a comprehensive scientific examination and studying the processes of aging and damage to documents, developing and implementing new conservation methods, and effectively mastering equipment. Research activities should be developed on the basis of coordination, which will make it possible to make fuller use of scientific personnel and instrumental base.
Methodical activity is to conduct consultations, prepare publications and distribute methodological manuals. Currently, there is an urgent need for methodological assistance for the further implementation of state standards and other regulatory documents governing the storage and use of funds.
Learning activities is carried out by teaching the scientific foundations of conservation, lecturing and conducting internships for conservators and library keepers. Universities and libraries in Moscow and St. Petersburg have accumulated experience in scientific and practical work, which can be adapted to the specific needs of other libraries. In the future, the centers should develop a unified training program and define service regions.
Practical activities includes the performance of work on the conservation of documents of libraries in Russia that do not have their own services.
The subprogram is designed for 10 years.
Purpose of the subroutine:
ensuring the safety of documents by conservation methods;
development and implementation of a unified approach to the conservation of documents of various types.
Subprogram tasks:
  • creation of a system of inter-regional (regional) centers;
  • ensuring the safety (conservation) of documents;
  • development of a set of basic scientific and methodological documents on the organization and activities of interregional (regional) conservation centers;
  • development of a regulatory framework for the conservation of documents;
  • organizing and coordinating the activities of Russian libraries in the field of conservation;
  • development and implementation of mass conservation technologies in the activities of interregional centers.
In addition to the actual preservation of the collections of libraries in Russia, the following problems will be solved in parallel:
  • providing access to stored original documents;
  • expanding access to information contained in documents through recommended copying technologies (microfilming, photocopying, scanning);
  • efficient use of financial resources, thanks to the cooperation of libraries and the development of mass conservation technologies.
Principles for selecting documents for priority conservation.
The choice of objects and the determination of the forms of conservation are carried out in strict accordance with the results of a comprehensive scientific examination and are based on four main criteria: uniqueness, historical and cultural significance of the document, its physical condition, demand.
  1. Uniqueness - the criterion separating from the main mass of documents, first of all, manuscripts, rare books, archival materials. For them, improved storage conditions are necessarily created and, if necessary, restoration and stabilization are provided. For the huge volume of documents that are not unique, information regarding three other criteria is important.
  2. Historical and cultural significance . The group of documents for priority conservation includes documents of high historical and cultural significance. The vast majority of these are unique documents.
  3. Document Status - a criterion characterizing the degree of change in the properties of materials under the influence of environmental factors. Documents with significant damage are subject to priority conservation.
  4. Frequency of use . The order of conservation of documents according to the above criteria is adjusted according to the frequency and nature of use.
    The increased demand for documents is the basis for their transfer to non-traditional media, the life of the originals is extended through special processing.
On the basis of the obtained complex characteristics, the regulations for working with the document are adopted. In particularly difficult cases, the conclusion is given by the restoration council or other collegiate body. He also recommends the conditions and rules for further storage and use of the document, determines the timing and types of subsequent processing and forms of control. In accordance with the main established features of the document, recorded in the passport, the council takes into account the scientific and practical possibilities of conservation, including the cost of the necessary treatments.
To improve the selection of documents for priority conservation, determine the form of conservation, it is necessary:
  • computer software to create a database that allows you to obtain statistical and analytical information for each document or group of documents;
  • personnel and logistics modern conservation technologies;
  • availability of a tool base for physicochemical and biological research;
  • availability of a system of comparative assessments labor intensity and cost of the recommended technological processes.