Ergonomic requirements for dow. Ergonomic features of the organization of the environment for children

1. Designing equipment for preschool institutions.

1.1 Preface

1.2.Children's institutions. Kindergartens

1.3Equipment of preschool institutions


1.5 Kindergartens-boarding schools

1.6Children's health resorts

2. School institutions

2.1 General provisions and scope

Requirements for the conditions and organization of schoolchildren's education in

various types of educational institutions

2.2 Requirements for the placement of educational institutions

2.3 Requirements for the site of educational institutions

2.4 School building requirements

2.5 Requirements for the equipment of the premises

2.6 Requirements for air-thermal conditions

2.7 Requirements for natural and artificial lighting

2.8 Requirements for water supply and sewerage

2.8 Requirements for the premises and equipment of schools,

housed in a suitable building

2.9 Requirements for the organization of the educational process

2.10 Requirements for sanitary condition and maintenance

educational institutions

3. Restaurants

3.1 Preface

3.2 Ergonomic requirements for the restaurant hall

3.3 Restaurant cuisine

3.4 Visitor facilities

3.5 Room interiors

3.6 Production facilities

3.7 Premises for receiving and storing products

3.8 Service and amenity premises

3.9 Engineering equipment

3.10 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

3.11 Water supply and sewerage

3.12 Arrangement of internal electrical networks

4. Lobby bars

5. Cafe with a large occupancy

5.1 Scope

5.2 Definitions

5.3 Classification of catering establishments

5.4 General requirements

5.5 Lighting

5.6 Heating

5.7 Ventilation

5.8 Water supply

6. Cottage

6.1 Minimum requirements for the arrangement of a residential building

6.2 Heating and ventilation in accordance with SNiP 2.04.05-91.

6.3 Living room

6.4 Kitchen

6.5 Children's

6.6 Dressing room

6.7 Bedroom

6.8 bathroom

6.9 Small rooms

7. Apartment

7.1 The concept of ergonomics of a residential interior

7.2 Spatial relationship

7.3 Layout of the apartment

7.4 Layout options

7.5 Lighting

7.6 Apartment ventilation systems

7.7 Rules for the location of the bathroom in the apartment

8. Beauty salon

8.1 Interior color scheme.

8.2 Ventilation and air conditioning in the cabin.

8.3 Interior lighting.

8.5 Water supply and sewerage.

8.6 Communications.

8.8 Barber's corner: ergonomic beauty.

8.9 Workplace equipment for a stylist-make-up artist.

9. Organization of the workspace at the enterprise

Workspace organization

9.1 Workplace and work area. Workplace elements

9.2 Stages and principles of ergonomic organization of workplaces at


9.3 Ways to improve the organization of workplaces

Modern enterprise: equipment and work in it

9.4 Basic requirements for the organization of the workplace

9.5 Equipment and maintenance of the workplace

10. Ergonomics of office space. Cabinet type office

10.1 Types of office layouts

10.2 Office space

10.3 Office space zoning

10.4 Office furnishing

10.5 Working area

10.6 Two types of cabinet-type offices

10.7 Manager's office

10.8 Special rooms

10.9 Workplace

10.10 Office furniture. Ergonomic requirements for work seats

10.11 Office improvement

10.12 Lighting

10.13 Soundproofing

10.14 Color range

1. Designing equipment for preschool institutions.

1.1. Foreword

The creative process of designing a man-made habitat is based, on the one hand, on intuition and spontaneity (the field of art) and information and methodology (the field of science and technology), on the other. The designer (architect, designer) balances between art and facts. The fundamental components that determine the characteristics of the environment, its equipment and subject content include, first of all, indicators related to "human factors".

"Fundamentals of Ergonomics" is one of the special courses in the cycle of professional training of specialists with the qualification "architect-designer", because reveal the basic principles and techniques of the design formation of elements and complexes of equipment and the subject content of the environment, which are the most important and integral part of modern interiors and urban spaces.

Our time requires new approaches to the use of ergonomic knowledge in the design of the environment. Achievements and knowledge of ergonomics in the industrial and military spheres, seemingly so far from the field of architectural and design design, today are being transformed and used in the organization of leisure, housing, the formation of jobs in offices, banks and home offices. Knowledge of the basics of designing systems of "human-machine interaction", the basics of shaping objects become important for the sphere of everyday life support. They are also used in the creation of architectural objects using the "smart home" concept, when complex electronic technological equipment is programmed according to scenario modeling and a specific lifestyle, in the design of leisure furniture, sports equipment, medical equipment, cars and motorcycles, bicycles and roller skates. and other products intended for an ordinary non-professional user, an old man, a child, etc.

Ergonomics helps the architect and designer to develop their simple skills of functional-spatial analysis, which turns these skills into a comprehensive systemic approach that takes into account in detail the needs and capabilities of a person in various aspects of his life.

Issues of convenience, comfort and safety are central to the ergo-design design of environmental objects. Ergonomics is also involved in the creation of a regulatory framework for design, contributing to the development of its new sections.

In this essay, special attention is paid to the problems of creating an environment for children before school age, specific requirements for the implementation of full-fledged life in interior spaces are considered.

The abstract uses tables, illustrative material of scientific, practical and methodological significance, both from fairly common domestic and foreign sources, and unique publications today. The main ones are given in the list of references.


1. Nursery - for children aged 6 weeks to 3 years.

2. Kindergartens - for children aged 3 to 6 years.

3. Boarding schools - for children aged 6 to 14 years.


The effectiveness of activities aimed at the development of a preschooler largely depends on the subject-spatial organization of his life, the developing potential of toys and didactic aids, and even on how they are located. Everything that surrounds the child, forms his psyche, is the source of his knowledge and social experience. Therefore, the problem of creating conditions that maximize the most complete implementation of the development of children in all psychophysiological parameters is becoming extremely relevant.

This problem was developed by a number of well-known psychologists and educators. Back in 1989, in the “Concept of Preschool Education”, created by R.B. Sterkina, V.A. Petrovsky, V.V. Davydov, E.V. Bodrova, it was pointed out that a necessary condition for maintaining the physical and mental health of children is the organization of the subject environment in kindergarten. It must be subordinated to the goal of the psychological well-being of the child.

Later, V. A. Petrovsky, L. P. Strelkova, L. M. Klarina, L. A. Smyvina developed the concept of building a developing environment for organizing the life of children and adults in kindergarten, in which they determined the following basic principles for building a developing environment in preschool institutions:

1. The principle of distance, position in the interaction, orienting to the organization of space for communication between an adult and a child "eye to eye", which helps to establish optimal contact with children.

2. The principle of activity, the possibility of its manifestation and formation in children and adults through their participation in the creation of their objective environment.

3. The principle of stability - dynamism, which provides for the creation of conditions for changing and creating the environment in accordance with tastes and moods.

4. The principle of complexing and flexibility of zoning, realizing the possibility of building non-overlapping areas of activity and allowing children to study at the same time different types activities without interfering with each other.

5. The principle of the emotionality of the environment, individual comfort and emotional well-being of each child and adult, carried out with the optimal selection of stimuli in terms of quantity and quality.

6. The principle of aesthetic organization of the environment, a combination of familiar and extraordinary elements.

7. The principle of openness - closeness, i.e. the readiness of the environment for change, adjustment, development.

8. The principle of gender and age differences as an opportunity for girls and boys to show their inclinations in accordance with the standards of masculinity and femininity accepted in our society.

This concept and principles have become fundamental for building a developing environment in preschool institutions.

O.A. Artamonova, T.M. Babunova, M.P. Polyakova in their works revealed pedagogical characteristics building a subject-developing environment:

1. Comfort and safety of the environment, compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.

2. Compliance of the developing environment with the educational program implemented in the kindergarten.

3. Accounting for all areas of child development.

4. Variety of subject-developing environment, rational arrangement of its components.

5. Ensuring richness of sensory experiences.

6. Ensuring independent individual activity;

7. Providing opportunities for research, search activities, experimentation.

8. Accessible arrangement of items and aids according to the age of the children.

9. Creation of conditions for changing the environment.

S.L. Novoselova, in her methodological recommendations, noted that when creating an object environment, it is necessary to proceed from the ergonomic requirements for life: anthropometric, physiological and psychological characteristics of the inhabitant of this environment. She made the following demands:

1. The developing nature of the subject environment.

2. Activity-age approach.

3. Informativeness (variety of topics, complexity, variety of materials and toys).

4. Enrichment, science intensity, the presence of natural and socio-cultural means that ensure the diversity of the child's activities and his creativity.

5. Variation.

6. Combination of traditional and new components.

7. Providing the constituent elements of the environment, correlation with the macro- and microspace of children's activities.

8. Ensuring comfort, functional reliability and safety.

9. Providing aesthetic and hygienic indicators.

S.L. Novoselova also emphasized the importance of the unity of the style solution of all premises, taking into account their functional interaction and content.

A feature of all these studies is the construction of an object-spatial environment as a developing obligatory condition implementation of a personality-oriented model of interaction between children and adults. It is in preschool educational institution it is possible to organize such an environment aimed at “harmonizing in terms of quantity, diversity, originality, variability, the degree of influence on the personality of the child” (R.B. Sterkina) of all its components, which contributes to the development of the personality of a preschooler. Wherein environment, in which a child lives and is brought up, can be different: supportive, developing, rich, comfortable, or in some cases hostile.

Unfortunately, in the practice of work, some options for building a developing subject-spatial environment in kindergarten groups had a number of disadvantages:

First of all, the environment remained static;

in some cases, the arrangement of furniture limited the need for preschoolers to move;

often in all age groups the same organization of play centers was repeated with the same composition of toys and their arrangement;

· the equipment of educational and play centers was of an exhibition nature, children's and children's products were little used joint activities educator and child;

when creating, the characteristics of children attending were not always taken into account this group: age, level of their development, interests, inclinations, abilities;

children did not take part in the design and change of the environment;

· there were unreasonable prohibitions and regulations in the use of equipment and premises.

All this led to the fact that the child behaved inactively and not independently in interaction with the objective environment in the group.

These problems, as well as the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of October 17, 2013 No. 1155), prompted us to modernize the subject-spatial developing environment. We have studied the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, in accordance with which a developing subject-spatial environment is created to develop the individuality of each child, taking into account his abilities, level of activity and interests. To accomplish this task, the developing subject-spatial environment should be:

content-saturated - include teaching aids, materials, inventory, gaming, sports and recreational equipment that allow for gaming, cognitive, research and creative activity of all categories of children, experimentation with materials available to children; motor activity, including the development of large and fine motor skills, participation in outdoor games and competitions; emotional well-being of children in interaction with the object-spatial environment; the possibility of self-expression of children;

transformable - to provide the possibility of changes in the developing subject-spatial environment depending on the educational situation, including the changing interests and capabilities of children;

polyfunctional - to provide the possibility of various use of the components of the developing object-spatial environment in different types of children's activity;

accessible - to provide free access for pupils to games, toys, materials, manuals, providing all the main types of children's activity;

safe - all elements of the developing object-spatial environment must comply with the requirements for ensuring the reliability and safety of their use.

In addition, we relied on the fact that the developing subject-spatial environment in kindergarten groups is not just a set of isolated thematic corners and centers where the task set by the teacher takes place. educational process preparing children for schooling, but the “habitat” of a preschooler, in which he spends a significant part of his time and can realize his own needs and interests.

Without abandoning the conceptual foundations for building a developing environment, the principles developed by V.A. Petrovsky, O.A. Artamonova, S.L. Novoselova, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, we have identified the most priority and significant principles for the modernization in our kindergarten of building a developing subject environment:

The principle of accessibility and openness dictated by the peculiarities of the development of a child of preschool age, who behaves according to the principle "I see - I act" (M.I. Lisina). The purpose of creating a developing environment is to offer the child a variety of material for active participation in various activities, to encourage him to what is interesting and accessible to him. this moment. Therefore, in the group, on shelves, shelves, in cabinets, everything that makes up the actual and closest objective world that ensures the development of the child is presented in the public domain.

The principle of saturation and age matching is a no less necessary requirement. The content of materials that form a subject-developing environment must comply with the laws and age and individual characteristics of children. Each age group should save the materials of the previous stage of development: firstly, for children who have not yet mastered these materials; secondly, for those games and activities that bring children back to their favorite toys and objects; thirdly, to create a game situation, which at an older age is almost not represented by game material. All these things, which were significant in the past, today serve as auxiliary, auxiliary material for children. It is also necessary to have more complex materials, focused on children who are ahead of their peers in development. All subjects and materials presented in groups are selected in strict accordance with the principle of pedagogical expediency and requirements educational program.

The principle of transformability and multifunctionality solves the problem of limited space and funds.

In order to increase activity and cognitive interest children we introduced additional thematic or plot principle building a developing subject-spatial environment. The implementation of this principle lies in the thematic design of the interior, the selection of furniture and items of a certain theme. So, for example, a group for the little ones invites you to go on a journey with a cheerful train, junior group reveals the themes of Russian folk tales, and preparatory group reflects the theme of a knight's castle. In such a situation, the child is initially offered the option of playing in ready-made scenery, but if necessary, for example, lack of interest in a particular plot, children's play is not limited to the given framework.

To put these principles into practice in the kindergarten, the following plan of methodological work for the academic year was implemented:


Consultation for educators

"Construction of the RPPS, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard"

To ensure that teachers understand the essence of the theoretical principles of building a developing object-spatial environment


Monitoring the effectiveness of the use of play and training centers

"Popularity of play and learning centers in groups"

Identify the most popular centers by recording the number of visits and length of stay of children

Parent survey

How do our children play?

Determine the range of specific gaming interests and preferences of children

Children's drawing competition

Kindergarten I would like to go to

Look at the problem of creating a comfortable developing object-spatial environment through the eyes of a child

Self-analysis for caregivers

"Developing subject environment in the group"

To identify the level of compliance of the developing subject environment with the needs and interests of children

business game

"Kindergarten of the Future"

Develop a strategy for building a developing environment in the groups of our kindergarten

Individual consultations for educators

"Actual issues of building RPPS"

Provide targeted practical assistance on building a subject-spatial developing environment

September - May

Competition of pedagogical ideas

"We are looking for talent!"

Summarize the best pedagogical experience, identify interesting ideas, stimulate the creation of design projects

The resulting subject-developing environment of our kindergarten is comfortable and attractive. Bright, colorful curtains and carpeting create a joyful mood. Game and learning centers are equipped with all the necessary aids, as well as supplemented with favorite games and toys for specific children. All games and materials are available for use in independent activities.

There is a specially designated place for classes, but the place for conducting classes is not limited to this. Almost every lesson uses several centers, children are happy to move from one to another, performing various tasks. In each group there is a place for outdoor games where children can run and jump without disturbing those who play quiet games.

Rest areas for children are required. Usually it is upholstered furniture where the child can sit quietly or even lie down. Sometimes these are special bean bags filled with balls for relaxation, various ottomans or just large soft toys.

Separation of gaming centers as non-overlapping areas of activity is necessary. This gives children the opportunity to simultaneously engage in different activities without interfering with each other. One of the solutions to this problem in our kindergarten was symbol borders of the play center with carpets of different colors. Such a division does not interfere with freedom of movement, does not limit the place for outdoor games, and provides the opportunity for multi-functionality of space. So, for example, on one carpet, the boys play cars and build a road, and on the other, the girls imagine themselves as beautiful princesses going to the ball. Nobody interferes with each other. But after the "ball" the boys and girls will play catch-up on these carpets together.

A very useful find for our kindergarten turned out to be portable mini-podiums - elevations various shapes and heights. On the podium, you can perform, training before a festive morning performance or performing your favorite song for friends. You can build a castle on the podium, and then the building is protected from accidental destruction during another game. On the podium, you can play any board or story game, and then the podium turns into a table, a dollhouse or a railway.

The idea of ​​using various lamps and lighting effects in the object-spatial environment turned out to be interesting. So in the early age group, a light panel was created on the wall, where, depending on the goal set by the teacher, the sun or the moon with stars alternately lights up. This effect is used both to attract and increase children's interest in regime moments during the adaptation period, and for a variety of games.

Thematic design of the interior greatly increases the attractiveness of interaction with the subject-spatial environment of the group. Crossing the threshold of the group, the child enters the wonderful world of a fairy tale, where everything is created according to a single concept, whether it be an underwater kingdom, a castle of a young princess or an impenetrable jungle. The transformation of an ordinary group room into a special thematic world is justified from a pedagogical point of view, because here the child gets the opportunity to realize his fantasies by turning the room into a magical world full of bright colors and incredible objects. The kindergarten group itself is a large play space, a place for all fantasies to come true. It cannot be gray and boring, because then the child will not develop so actively. The health of the baby, his growth and a genuine feeling of joy that will remain with him for many years depend on this when remembering a kind and carefree childhood.

The success of the influence of the developing environment on the child is due to his activity in this environment. As a result of the modernization of the developing object-spatial environment in our kindergarten:

· the popularity of gaming and training centers has increased many times over;

· increased activity of children in educational, cognitive and speech centers;

The distribution of children in the room of the group has become more uniform;

Children are actively involved in the process of play, learning, creativity.


1. Artamonova O.V. Organization of the subject-spatial environment in a preschool institution: guidelines for preschool teachers. - Tolyatti: Publishing house of the info-tech center, 1994. – 54 p.

2. Karabanova O.A., Alieva E.F., Radionova O.R., Rabinovich P.D., Marich E.M. Organization of a developing object-spatial environment in accordance with the federal state educational standard preschool education. Guidelines For teaching staff preschool educational organizations and parents of preschool children. - M.: Federal Institute for the Development of Education, 2014. - 96 p.

3. Lisina M.I. Problems of the ontogeny of communication. - M.: "Pedagogy", 1986. - 144 p.

4. Novoselova, S. Developing subject environment: Guidelines for the design of variable design - projects of developing subject environment in kindergartens and educational complexes L.N. Pavlova. 2nd ed. – M.: Airess Press, 2007. – 119 p.

5. Petrovsky V.A., Klarina L.M., Smyvina L.A., Strelkova L.P. Building a developing environment in a preschool institution. - M., 1993. - 102 p.

6. Subject-spatial developing environment in kindergarten. Principles of construction, tips, recommendations. / Comp. Nishcheva N.V. - St. Petersburg, Detstvo-Press, 2009. - 128 p.

7. Elkonin D.B. .Child psychology. - M.: Academia, 2011. - 384 p.



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Vera Kalinina
Essay "FGOS of preschool education: problem solving or problem solving?"

It might not work...

But always worth a try.

After reading the topic essay, suddenly I remembered such a phrase. Most likely, this is because our preschool education has undergone a lot of reforms over the past few decades.

federal state educational standard...Just four words that are supposed to change the world preschool life and all inhabitants: preschoolers, and the main way, educators. We educators are immersed in the world of constant experiments with approbation more and more new documents, programs, standards, and after all, a lot of specialists with long work experience work in kindergartens, and it becomes more and more difficult every year to reorganize to work in a new way. And we should not forget about young professionals who, although not in in large numbers, but still come to work in kindergartens. They are emerging from educational institutions, are also not ready to work on GEF DO and gain experience in this area directly at the workplace. So way, stands before us and problem in the training program for graduates of pedagogical universities, but so far this issue is being resolved, we still have nothing left to do but work. And here arises question: "The new standard will decide whether the problem of our education or will we return to that good and well-forgotten old way of raising and educating children?” Perhaps someone may disagree with me and say that no problems in education, but I think that there are those who will support me.

On the one hand new educational The standard gives caregivers and children more freedom. For educators, this freedom is manifested in the choice of a program, methods and methods of teaching, the use of innovative methods. The standard is not focused on a clear allocation of knowledge, skills and abilities, but provides targets for the work of the educator. And with this I agree. With this wording in the standard, it becomes easier for me personally as an educator to work. After all, during the process of raising and educating children, I do not need to chase after knowledge, skills and abilities in order to release a perfect child from kindergarten to school. Each child develops in his own individual rhythm, and it would not be entirely professional to solve his own problems of producing a sociable, open, ready to solve any difficulty of the child, at the expense of his strength, experiences.

Freedom for children is manifested in the independent choice of actions. Educational the standard allows children, in accordance with their desires, not to participate directly in educational activities or activities carried out in regime moments. And here again the question arises "Will it help GEF DO solve the problem modern education? I believe that in our time, children get a lot of freedom. And under the word "Liberty" they understand completely different than we adults. It seems to them that they can do anything, as they please, and the most important thing in the minds of children is the understanding that they are protected by law and that all their actions are correct. But, unfortunately, our children do not know what responsibility for their actions is. Therefore, educators, in order to act within the framework educational standard, it is necessary to instill in children a sense of responsibility from the nursery, and the result of such work, in my opinion, will be children who can consciously perform actions not only within the kindergarten, but also at home.

On the other hand, we are given such a message for implementation GEF DO“Do this - I don’t know what and do it - I don’t know how”. What I mean, I will try to explain. According to educational According to the standard, we need to provide a subject-developing environment that will be multifunctional, variable, rich in content, transformable, accessible and safe. We all know this. But here comes another problem if the last two item: providing an accessible and safe environment, somewhere completely depends on the teacher, then the remaining points should be implemented in conjunction with the actions of the head of the kindergarten, municipal authorities, regional authorities and finally, state bodies. In our time, it all comes down to the fact that educators must ensure and fulfill the conditions for the implementation GEF DO, but how to do it if we are left alone with problems saturation of the subject-developing environment. Here I'm talking about the fact that funding from government agencies is reduced to the maximum minimum. It's no secret that the provision that is available in our kindergartens now leaves much to be desired. And we wish the best for this and really want to work in modern conditions with a modern subject-developing environment. Unfortunately, it remains to make attempts solving this problem on your own. I think that everyone understands, to implement the federal state standard, it would be more efficient and simpler if all structures acted together. Otherwise, I have a question "Why do we GEF DO if cohesion in its implementation is not visible?

As for parents, in the concept GEF DL special attention is paid to the interaction of teachers with the family, parents as the main allies and customers on educational services. Modern parents bring their child to kindergarten with the firm conviction that the educator and specialists are obliged to educate and educate the child. However, most parents believe that preschool the organization must provide the full range of required additional educational services in order not to take the child in the evenings to circles, sections, etc. My opinion is that parents influence the child every day, so they have more opportunities to form the child's personal qualities. Teachers can only help parents in this, direct them in the right direction by offering their help to parents. After all educational the standard tells us that the family and the kindergarten must work together. Based on this, the kindergarten and the educator in particular face problem interactions with parents. I think that in this direction we will have to work for a long time before we get our parents as allies, and not just customers.

In conclusion, I would like to say that I hope that GEF will allow preschool education take a worthy first step in the system education in Russia.

Related publications:

GEF. Requirements for the conditions and the problem of implementing the main educational program of preschool education The standard is based on the Federal Law on Education in Russian Federation, which came into force on September 1, 2013, where preschool.

The mechanism for solving the problem of the continuity of preschool educational institutions and primary schools in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard The need for continuity is a long-standing problem and remains relevant for present stage. Succession is a two-way process.

Moral and patriotic education of preschoolers in the framework of solving the tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard before"Moral and patriotic education of preschoolers in the framework of solving the problems of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO" Studio "Folk Games of Our Childhood" with the application.

GEF as a new step in the standardization of preschool education. Differences between GEF DO and FGT. The system of work on the introduction of GEF DO Theoretical basis of the work The relevance of the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool education - The crisis in the education system in Russia at all levels. - Mismatch.

Designing the environment and the objective world for children has its own specifics. From the point of view of ergonomics, quite stringent requirements are imposed on the children's environment. Especially many problems arise in the dwelling, since the dwelling is traditionally built as a habitat for adults with its own specific dimensions and an ever-increasing number of complex and dangerous household appliances.

Therefore, organizing the life of children in the house is the most important task of any family. No matter how the circumstances develop - whether the family has the opportunity to allocate a children's room or only a children's corner in the bedroom or in the common room - this space should be personal, "own" for the child.

There is an assumption that the presence of a place in a child’s home, a “corner” of a certain “controlled territory” forms in him appropriate personal qualities - such as independence, the ability to make decisions for himself, activity, sociability, and vice versa, the absence of such a place makes him inclined to to indecision, dependence, passivity.

The children's place must meet the general requirements - be bright, with sufficient insolation time, well ventilated, which is equally important for children of all ages. Particular requirements for the children's interior are determined psychological features children, which depend on their age and are specific to each age group. The following age groups are distinguished: infancy (from birth to one year); early childhood (1-3 years); preschool childhood (3-6 years); primary school age (6-10 years); adolescence(10-15 years).

Psychologists have established that each age group is distinguished by its nature of relations between adults and a child, and that each age has its own leading activity. So, in infancy, the leading activity is direct emotional communication with adults. IN early childhood(2-3 years) the subject activity is the leading one. IN preschool age special attention is paid to role-playing games.

In infancy, the child develops the normal work of the visual analyzer - the eye, so it is important to consider the position of the lamps in the room. It is necessary to ensure such an arrangement of lamps and such a type and design of shielding that direct light from the light source does not fall into the eyes of the child.

The main activities for children in the second and third years of life are sleep, play, and food. For children aged 3-6 years, these activities are preserved in a somewhat transformed form. Games become independent, some forms of purposeful activity arise: drawing, modeling, etc. The set of furniture for children of both age groups is the same. It includes a bed for sleeping, linen and wardrobes, a high chair corresponding to the height of the child, a table or board for games and work with a strictly verified mark, a device for storing toys and books (shelves and drawers), sports equipment.

By the third year of life, the child is constantly experimenting, sitting independently at the table with adults. By the age of six, he is already able to make his own bed. A well-designed type of furniture and equipment allows you to instill in your child self-care skills, teaches you to order. If it is supposed to store toys in boxes in a children's corner or room, and they are light and safe enough and can be rearranged by the child himself, then the child easily acquires labor skills. Simple and easy to rearrange furniture provides a change of impressions, the effect of novelty. Furniture can acquire "toy" features due to its artistic design.

It is good if the child has a special space in the room for games, work, hobbies. The ability to isolate such a space with the help of decorative fabrics, light screens or elements of mobile furniture is not just a tribute to fashion or a whim of the designer, but also a means of making the space proportionate to the child, giving him the opportunity to concentrate, act, obeying his biological rhythms.

It is good if children of this age group have the opportunity to freely draw and write with paints. And for this, on the wall, side wall of the bed or on the floor, you can fix a plane for drawing with chalk or pastel. You can install an easel for the child.

A children's corner or room for school-age children is designed to provide the following activities: work (including schoolwork), games, hobbies, cleaning, rest (short-term and long-term), exercise (they can be considered as one of the forms of recreation). Requirements for furniture in general remain the same. Furniture for work and play remains "growing". Furniture, as before, must have a coating that would allow it to be washed and disinfected.

An important psychological condition is the creation of an emotional background. The nature of the decor and the very image of the room should be chosen by the child (we are talking about middle-aged and older children) - a corner or room can be designed as a living space for a future athlete, artist, traveler, etc. A very important component of emotional comfort is a subtly used color .

Color preference throughout a child's school life is changeable and impulsive. Data from many studies show that color preference changes with age, but does not change randomly. As children grow, more and more often cooler and more complex tones are named as favorite colors.

The practice of using colors in children's rooms is directly related to the age of the child.

Bright toys, various in shape and color, accompany the child from the first months of life, and the use of the first colors of preference - red, blue, yellow - turns out to be quite justified. But the color environment during this period of life should be extremely neutral - the color of the walls, ceiling, furniture should be very soft and divided. For the normal development of color discrimination, it is necessary that a bright background does not distract the child, does not weaken the color effect of toys.

The data in the table on the nature of color preferences can tell parents how to use color.

Color preferences in children of different ages

However, do not forget that color preferences do not mean that one or another color should dominate the interior of a child's room. These are the colors that children like. For the overall color scheme of the room, as well as for the living rooms of adults, a balanced harmonious color environment is important, since the work of the child's visual apparatus, as in adults, is largely determined by innate algorithms.

If in bright colors preferences painted movable elements of the children's room (toy boxes, seating furniture, etc.), which can be rearranged and regrouped, they will provide and maintain the effect of novelty.

As the child grows older, it is desirable to change the overall color scheme of the children's room, involving your child in this and using the color preferences of each new period of his life.

Taking into account the above hygienic, psychological, aesthetic prerequisites determines the main ways of forming children's interior justifies the need to respond flexibly to every change in a child's development.

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe children's corner or room is not large enough, execution. the entire functional program, providing conditions for the flow of all types of activities is possible only with the multiple use of the available space and through the use various methods transformation of furniture and equipment.

The first way is the way of multifunctional use of the same furniture set.

The second direction is the combination of furniture elements in two-tier sets to save space. For example - a bed can be raised, and the freed space under it is used to install furniture and equipment for games or work.

The development of one or another method of transformation depends on the age of the children. Schoolchildren are able to perform all types of transformation on their own. The same problem has to be solved if it is necessary to place two or more children in the children's room.

The above-mentioned need to isolate in the common room a space proportionate to the child applies to the sleeping area, and to the area of ​​games, work and recreation.

An important condition the convenience and usefulness of the children's interior is to take into account the physiological characteristics of the child, ensuring hygienic requirements. These, first of all, include the need to take into account growth and other anthropometric data, providing conditions for normal visual work, normal conditions for physical development.

The first of these conditions requires parents to control the dimensions of the furniture (first of all, the distance from the floor to the working plane of the table, the bottom of the tabletop, the seat) and check whether they correspond to the physical data of the child.

An important indicator of the convenience of children's furniture is the correct size of the seat, that is, a sufficient supporting plane contributes to the normal development of the child.

The table top must have a device for installation both horizontally and at an angle of 7-16°.

If there are shelves in student tables, the height of the niche should be more than 60 mm.

There is another indicator that can serve as an additional verification of the correctness of the accepted seat mark. The comfort and correctness of the seat is determined by the fact that the legs rest on the floor without overstraining the sciatic muscles.

Child seat options

From the first year of a child's life, it is necessary to provide conditions for exercise, gradually changing the nature of the simulators. After 1-2 years, a Swedish wall is installed, a horizontal bar is fixed in the doorway, a rope is suspended. For older children, stationary or transforming simulators are installed that can make room for other activities.

As the child grows, the capacity of the cabinets increases. A library appears, the volume of school supplies and textbooks increases, which requires additional cabinets.

Each room of the apartment needs some improvement, taking into account the growth of the child. It has already been said about the need to place the hooks at a level convenient for the child in the hallway. But you also need coasters for the convenience of washing dishes by a child and for working in the kitchen, you need the simplest devices for a child in the bathroom, etc.

Other types of environment where life, play, and education of children take place also have their own specifics. This specificity has children's and sports grounds, interiors and playgrounds of preschool institutions, children's medical institutions. And, of course, the design of the objective world of children is very specific, from toys to clothes, shoes, furniture, and special devices for various purposes. It should also be taken into account that the child, in the process of its development, goes through stages from an infant to, in fact, an adult, which determines a serious age specificity.

If you are designing a playground, then it seems clear to you what is required for it. You can easily imagine children running, throwing things, swinging, jumping, climbing, wrestling, spinning, tumbling, balancing, crawling, hiding, digging, skating, boarding, and biking. But one thing - general idea and the other is a concrete, well-organized and rational project. Each game and recreational event requires the inclusion in the consideration of additional features of the surrounding space necessary to provide these activities.

In designing for children, as in no other area, a systematic approach is needed, taking into account ergonomic features. Numerous ergonomic reference data are available to the designer. It is only necessary to understand that designing for children is an area of ​​special responsibility.

Practical lesson

The problems of modern kindergartens are familiar to everyone. Not only to people who have children attending such institutions, but also to other citizens who see the appearance of modern kindergartens.
In all regions of Russia, it is, as a rule, easily recognizable - it is a standard two-story building, with a still Soviet playground, which includes iron slides, ladders, rusty swings. All this was built to last for centuries, and serves faithfully for many generations.

In addition, our kindergartens are notorious for overcrowded groups, poor quality food, untimely provision of medical care, rude and lazy educators ...
and not applicable - constant requisitions for repairs. Some kindergartens demand a tidy sum of 10,000 rubles from parents just to put a child on the waiting list to enroll in a kindergarten... This money, as they say, should be used to equip the kindergarten, although it is known that these needs must be paid by the state.

And another problem is the frequent illnesses of children in kindergartens. Moreover, the culprits of epidemics in the DS are always parents who can send their child to the team with a cold throat and high fever.

For all the above reasons, many parents are against the fact that the child goes to kindergarten and, if possible, sit at home with the child, raising him on his own.

And yet, the majority send their children to DS - after all, you need to earn money for a living. And therefore, as mentioned earlier, the gardens are overcrowded, and it is not always possible to get a place in the institution where you would like. The state has the right to provide any DS in the territory of this populated district, regardless of whether it will be close or far from the child's home.

The Moscow prosecutor's office sent Mayor Sergei Sobyanin the results of an inspection of preschool educational institutions, during which facts of misuse of kindergartens, as well as dilapidated and abandoned kindergartens, were revealed, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation said on Thursday.

According to the Department of Education, since September 1, 2010, there were more than 2,000 kindergartens in the capital's pre-school education system, which received more than 343,000 children, which is about 23,000 more than in the 2009-2010 academic year. At the same time, there are 25.5 thousand preschool children in the queue.

The audit showed that "with the obvious problem of lack of places in pre-school educational institutions of the capital, a number of departmental kindergartens are used by the owners of the property for other purposes," the department reports. Similar facts were revealed, including in relation to buildings owned by the city.

"Currently, various authorities are located in some buildings," the message says.

Naturally, the situation is not so deplorable in all kindergartens in Russia. There are very decent institutions, with good repairs, professional educators and quality food.
For example, here is a very beautiful DS in the city of Novosibirsk. He is recognized as the best in Russia.

And here are the modern playgrounds
