Entertaining material. Conditions for the formation of cognitive interest through entertaining material in the Russian language

Entertaining material for younger students

Lyubarskaya Tatyana Ravilevna
Description: entertaining material that can serve as an excellent addition to lessons on the world around.
Target: formation of cognitive interest in the learning process
Tasks: to form the ability to listen and hear, to build speech statements; develop the ability to work in a team.
Crossword on the theme "Spring"

Horizontal questions:
3. And you warm the whole world,
You don't know fatigue
Smiling at the window
And everyone calls you (sun)

4. She quietly knocks in the spring
And the whole city can hear (drops)

5. In a blue shirt
Runs along the bottom of the ravine (stream)

Vertical questions:
1. The sun is shining brighter,
The snow is thinning, soft, melting
The loud-mouthed rook flies
What month? Who will know? (March)

2. First to get out of the ground

On the thaw
He is not afraid of frost
Though small (snowdrop)

6. There are dense lumps on the branches, sticky leaves (buds) doze in them

Feelword on the topic of communication:(words intersect)

In order to facilitate this task, you can pick up riddles.

How beautiful is it
Good word...
(Thank you)

Don't be rude to older people
And don't be shy
Tell them when you meet
Not "hello" but...

Having met a bunny, a hedgehog neighbor
Tells him: "..."

Clumsy dog ​​Kostya
The mouse stepped on its tail.
They would quarrel
But he said "..."

Lisa Matryona says:
“Give me the cheese, crow!
Cheese is big, and you are small!
I’ll tell everyone that I didn’t!”
You, Lisa, do not complain,
And say: "..."

Tsar Gundey gave Ivan
For salvation, five nails,
And Ivanushka to the Tsar
Speaks: "…"
(Thank you!)

The film is on, it's dark around,
So you came to ... (movie)

What a miracle - a long house!
There are many passengers in it.
Wears rubber shoes
And feeds on gasoline

Entertaining material - material necessary to create interest in game material, to attract children's attention to the lesson. Entertaining material includes fairy tales, riddles, poems, rebuses, crossword puzzles, charades, puzzles, chainwords and others.

Consider in more detail the puzzle, crossword puzzle, riddle, rebus.

In big encyclopedic dictionary the following definitions are given:

§ "a puzzle is a riddle, a task that requires ingenuity, ingenuity for its solution; a game with tasks of this nature";

§ "a crossword puzzle - a puzzle task, filling in the letters of the intersecting rows of cells so that the words given by meaning are obtained horizontally and vertically";

§ "a riddle is a genre of folk poetry; an allegorical poetic description of an object or phenomenon that tests the ingenuity of a guesser";

§ "a rebus is a riddle in which the words or expressions to be solved are given in the form of drawings in combination with letters and some other signs" .

There are puzzles: gears, a secret order, digital syllables.

Gears: If you correctly connect the teeth of the gears and rotate the right gear to the left and the left gear to the right, you will read the riddle. What is it about?

(Answer: Black, crooked, mute from birth. They will stand in a row - they will immediately speak. Of course, these are letters)

Secret order:

Note. Cross out the letters that occur more than once and read the order.

(Answer: Be the enemy of laziness.)

Digital syllables

Note. In a syllable, each number denotes a syllable (always the same). From these syllables the words in riddles are composed. Our syllable begins with the letter B.

(Answer: epic, prey, sorcerer, (Answer: bulldozer, grain, dominoes, road.) destroyer.)

There are riddles: about nature, about objects, riddles-folds, riddles-jokes.

Riddles about nature:

He slept in a fur coat all winter,

He sucked his brown paw,

And when he woke up, he began to cry.

This beast is a forest ... (bear).

Riddles about objects: Feeds everyone,

But she doesn’t eat herself (spoon).

In a black field, a white hare

Jumped, ran, made loops.

The trail behind him was also white.

Who is this hare? ... (chalk).


Better than these two guys

You won't find it in the world.

They are usually referred to as:

Water ... (do not spill).

Your friend asks furtively

Copy the answers from your notebook.

No need! After all, this is you friend

You will do ... (a disservice).


a) Do newspapers and books have legs?

(probably there is: after all, they sometimes say that he took a book (newspaper) upside down).

b) In what phraseological unit is the action of the multiplication table mentioned? (clear as twice two is four).

c) What is common in the words arc, ram's horn, three deaths? (they can be ... bent, or rather, all these names are combined with this verb).

Rebuses are: with a rearrangement of letters in a word in accordance with numbers, with the addition of a letter or syllable to a word or the exclusion of a letter or syllable from it, with the replacement of a letter in a word, with the exclusion of a letter from a word and the addition of a specified letter to the word, with the reading of letters and syllables inscribed into larger letters.

Rebus with the rearrangement of letters in a word in accordance with the numbers(cat - who);

What do the numbers indicate? (replace letters)

What letter to take first? second? third?

What will be the word? .

Rebus with the addition to the word or the exclusion of a letter or syllable from it (pillar-table, arc-rainbow);

Make up a word from the picture.

Read. (Arc).

Add the syllable "ra" to this word.

Read what happened.

Rebus with the replacement of a letter in a word (table-chair, kit-cat);

What word is "hidden" here?

(the letter "and" is crossed out, in its place it is necessary to put the letter "o").

Rebus with the exclusion of a letter from the word and the addition of the indicated letter to the word(cancer - hand - hand; crane - wound - wound).

On the exception of the word letters can indicate not only a line that strikes out a letter, but also a comma. If a comma precedes the figure, then the first letter is excluded, if after it, then the last. The source words and guess words are made up of the letters of the split alphabet, read.

Rebus with reading letters inscribed in larger letters(crow, pumpkin).

Read the printed part of the word. Guess where it is located (poke in "a" - pumpkin).

Let's take a closer look at the crossword puzzle. Crossword puzzles occupy a special place in the system of entertaining material. When working with crossword puzzles, students compete more with "themselves", that is, personality traits compete: efficiency with laziness, hunting with unwillingness to do something, curiosity with indifference, mental stress and perseverance with relaxation, etc. Success and the victory of a student's positive character traits over negative ones is more important than short-term successes over other students.

According to the teacher of the University of Makhachkala Sh.Sh. Khidirova, it is known that "if you look at the nature of cognitive interest in the lessons of the Russian language, then students are more fond of intellectual games. Basically, these are well-doing, diligent and inquisitive children, in calm intellectual games they get maximum independence. This is due psychological feature such students and the natural instinct of a person to assert himself. A child can show these qualities by solving crossword puzzles. But this does not mean that students with amorphous interests are not drawn to crossword puzzles. Guessing at least one word in the whole crossword puzzle is already success, luck, it brings joy, positive emotions appear, self-confidence, a sense of intellectual usefulness, a desire to search and guess other words involuntarily arises, i.e. cognitive interest is actualized ".

Crosswords are technologically easy to use. In them, all the rules are predetermined, everything that is needed for implementation is available. The student solves the crossword alone from beginning to end, his work does not depend on other children, he receives maximum independence. And independent work is the most important way for students to master new knowledge, skills and abilities. In the process of independent work, an important and final stage is carried out cognitive activity- verification of acquired knowledge in practice. Independent work, as well as the learning process as a whole, performs not only the functions of education, but also the education of such personality traits as diligence, the ability to overcome difficulties, perseverance, self-confidence, in addition, develops observation, the ability to highlight the main thing, self-control, etc. .; it can be a source of knowledge, a way to test, improve and consolidate it, and in relation to skills and abilities, it is one of the ways to form them.

A crossword puzzle is a kind of self-examination, control of one's knowledge, an entertaining text.

The educational role of crossword puzzles is that it allows intensifying the process of mastering new knowledge in a game situation, and the positive emotions that arise in children in the process of solving crossword puzzles help prevent their overload, ensure the formation of communicative and intellectual skills.

Here you can solve some issues of individual and differentiated approach to students. Usually good students ahead of time finish their work in class. And so that they do not get bored and do not interfere with others, they can be offered small crossword puzzles on the topic being studied.

The developing and organizing role of crossword puzzles is that when solving them, students have to work without any coercion with textbooks, manuals, reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc. Visiting the library becomes a favorite and familiar activity. Asking the meaning of incomprehensible and unsolved words in crossword puzzles, students involuntarily make teachers, parents and others around them think and get involved in the educational activities of children. Thus, conditions are created for the useful organization of free time for children and parents.

Compiling crossword puzzles is not an easy task. Compiling thematic crossword puzzles is more difficult than usual, because the vocabulary is limited to a specific topic of the lesson.

When compiling crossword puzzles, it is necessary to adhere to such a didactic principle as the scientific nature of the content and its accessibility for students. It is also necessary to match and interconnect the content of the crossword puzzle and the process of solving it.

To maintain a continuous interest in this type of entertaining material, it is necessary to diversify the forms of crosswords, to come up with new forms of guessing words. The more ways of guessing the same word, the deeper and more versatile the knowledge will be, since various ways guessings mutually complement the ideas about this concept.

When solving a crossword puzzle, children are convinced that mastering vocabulary, terminology and the ability to write words correctly are necessary conditions for the correct completion of the task. Compiling crossword puzzles by the students themselves provides no less important didactic effect than solving crossword puzzles. To do this, students organize their lexicon, group words according to the number of letters, etc. Unbeknownst to themselves, students clarify the spelling of various terms. Then the crossword puzzle is created on a draft, while the logic and ingenuity of the child work. And if he was not able to "assemble" the crossword puzzle to the end, then he would have to "disassemble" this construction and "assemble" it again. In the process of this work, the logic of thinking, perseverance, the desire to complete the work begun, perseverance, purposefulness, etc. develop. When compiling a draft version of a crossword puzzle, students have to diversify the drawing and shape of the crossword puzzle, while developing creativity and imagination when sketching the crossword puzzle grid, developing artistic and aesthetic abilities. If the work is carried out on a computer, then knowledge and skills in computer science, the ability to work with various programs are fixed.

The whole variety of crossword puzzles can be divided into two categories: content and design. According to the content, they distinguish: thematic, polyglot, alphabetical, crosswords with non-standard definitions, humorous, with fragments, rebus, loose, crosswords with non-standard filling, syllabic crossword, two-letter, symbolic, etc .; by design - scanword, reverse, endless, Russian, dictionary, chainword, curly, drawing, oblique, circular, volumetric. As you know, games can be widely used in Russian language lessons. Language games are usually entertaining, but always contain a didactic element, sometimes reaching a high level.

According to the weight of this didactic contribution, games are evaluated and classified. There are also games by type of activity: games based on observation; games for designing, for inventing new structures; creative games. Games are also classified according to language material: verbal, grammatical, alphabetic, etc.

In recent decades, a huge number of manuals on gaming methods have been published: these are quick wit games, "tricky" tasks, word games, verbal and picture lotto, wheels of prefixes and suffixes, ladders of words, as well as materials for quizzes and olympiads, tasks for guessing proverbs and phraseological units, assignments for the selection and commenting of synonymic groups, antonymic pairs, homonyms, paronyms, for the polysemy of words.

Thus, the use of crossword puzzles, language games, etc. cannot become the main form of work, but their use in educational process quite expedient.

Classification of entertaining material in the Russian language

Thus, after analyzing the literature, we made a classification of entertaining material and came to the conclusion that it is quite diverse. Its use in Russian language lessons is very important. At the same time, it is possible to apply more and more new tasks each time, thereby enriching the speech of students, developing their cognitive interest in the subject "Russian language", individual inclinations, independent activity, the need for self-education (accustoming to use additional literature, different materials, deepening knowledge about the language obtained in the classroom, improving the quality of this knowledge and skills).

Entertaining material

Wealth entertaining tasks so great that it will help even a weak student to develop and manifest a desire to study Russian, then academic performance will increase elementary school student, and this will be a huge achievement in the work of any teacher. After all, the result of the work performed is important for him.

Gololobova Lyudmila Alekseevna

Educator, MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 8", Nizhny Novgorod

Gololobova L.A. Entertaining material on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children of senior preschool age // Owl. 2017. N4(10)..07.2019).

Order No. 46705

Children are inquisitive explorers of the world around them. This feature is inherent in them from birth. The formation of cognitive interest among preschoolers is one of the most important tasks of teaching a child in kindergarten. The role of simple entertaining mathematical material is determined on the basis of taking into account the age capabilities of children and the tasks of comprehensive development and education: to intensify mental activity, interest in mathematical material, captivate and entertain children, develop the mind, expand, deepen mathematical representations, to consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills, to exercise in applying them in other activities, a new environment. Entertaining material is also used to form ideas, to get acquainted with new information. In this case, an indispensable condition is the use of a system of games and exercises. Children are very active in the perception of tasks-jokes, puzzles, logical exercises, mathematical fairy tales, they are persistently looking for a solution that leads to a result. In the case when an entertaining task is available to a child, he develops a positive emotional attitude towards it, which stimulates mental activity. The child is interested in the ultimate goal: to add, find the desired figure, transform, which captivates him. At the same time, children use two types of search samples: practical (actions in shifting, selection) and mental (thinking about a move, predicting a result, suggesting a solution). In the course of searching, putting forward hypotheses, and solutions, children also show a guess, i.e. as if suddenly come to the right decision. But this suddenness is, of course, apparent. In fact, they find a way, a way to solve only on the basis of practical action and thoughtful reflection. The effective development of the intellectual abilities of preschool children, taking into account sensitive periods of development, is one of actual problems modernity. Preschoolers with a developed intellect memorize material faster, are more confident in their abilities, adapt more easily to a new environment, and are better prepared for school.

Learning is best done in a natural, most attractive form of activity for a preschooler - in a game. The advantages of gaming activity are known to all. During the game, goal-setting, planning, the ability to analyze results, imagination, and the symbolic function of consciousness develop. The undoubted advantage of the game is the intrinsic nature of motivation. Children play because they enjoy the gameplay itself.

The variety of entertaining material - games, tasks, puzzles - provides a basis for their classification, although it is rather difficult to group such a diverse material into groups. It can be classified according to various criteria: according to the content and meaning, the nature of mental operations, as well as the focus on the development of certain skills. Tasks for ingenuity, puzzles, entertaining games arouse great interest in children. Children can, without being distracted, practice for a long time in transforming figures, shifting sticks or other objects according to a given pattern, according to their own plan. In the course of solving tasks with ingenuity, puzzles, children learn to plan their actions, think about them, look for an answer, guess the result, while showing creativity. Such work activates the mental activity of the child, develops in him the qualities necessary for professional excellence, in whatever area he then worked, in such tasks important qualities of the child's personality are formed: independence, observation, resourcefulness, quick wit, perseverance is developed, constructive skills develop.

Entertaining mathematical material is also considered as one of the means to ensure a rational relationship between the work of the educator in the classroom and outside of them. We include such material, as in the main part of the lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical representations, so we use it at the end of the lesson, when there is a decrease in the mental activity of children. So, puzzles are useful when fixing ideas about geometric shapes ah, their transformation. Riddles, joke tasks are appropriate in the course of learning to solve arithmetic problems, actions on numbers, in the formation of ideas about time. We also use entertaining mathematical games to organize independent activities of children.

Entertaining mathematical material is given by the game elements contained in each task, logical exercise, entertainment. For example, the unusual posing of the question: “How to fold a square on the table with the help of two sticks?” - makes the child think and, in search of an answer, get involved in the game of imagination. During the game, preschoolers count, add, subtract, moreover, solve logical problems. Teaching a child in the game, we strive to turn the joy of the game into the joy of learning. Teaching should be joyful!

In kindergarten, there is such a form of organization of the educational process as entertainment. In senior preschool age you can have fun using entertaining mathematical material. Such activities contribute to the development of children's cognitive activity: memory, speech, perception, spatial imagination, visual-figurative and logical thinking, contribute to the formation of the moral-volitional and motivational sphere of the personality of a preschooler.

Based on the logic of actions carried out by those who solve the problem, a variety of elementary entertaining material can be classified, conditionally singling out three main groups in it: entertainment, mathematical games and tasks, developing (didactic) games and exercises. The basis for the allocation of such groups is the nature and purpose of the material of a particular type.

The first kind of entertaining mathematical material is entertainment. In the process of entertainment, children consolidate previously acquired knowledge, skills and abilities. But all this takes place in an environment that is different from the weekly classes for the development of elementary mathematical concepts. Entertainment is carried out using elegant costumes, festive decorations of the hall, music, songs. This brings joy to the children.

Such entertainment uses different kinds entertaining material: tasks in poetic form, joke tasks, riddles with and about numbers, mathematical fairy tales, logical exercises, puzzles with sticks and geometric shapes, rebuses, labyrinths, etc. Entertainment can be with elements of dramatization. They are built either on the basis of the plot of any fairy tales, cartoons, or meetings with different heroes are organized. Children can play their own roles. Plots for staging should be simple in form, accessible in content. Well-known fairy tales meet these requirements best of all: “Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Three Bears”, etc.

Entertainment with elements of a role-playing game can also be held. These are various “journeys” (by train, flying carpet, space rocket), “concerts”, etc. Here, as in the game, children reproduce in roles everything that they saw in the surrounding life and activities of adults. But this happens strictly according to the script, in contrast to the role-playing game. Entertaining mathematical material is included in the entertainment scenario. The teacher is the leader. You can have fun in the form of a competition. For example, the Riddles Contest. The group of children is divided into two teams. Whose team guesses the riddle faster, gets a point or a chip. At the end of the entertainment, the winner is determined.

Such entertainment is desirable to be carried out regularly, as they give children joy and pleasure from developing games, maintain interest in intellectual activity, the desire to play games with mathematical content, showing perseverance, purposefulness, mutual assistance, the ability to perform actions in the mind, develop elementary algorithmic skills. culture of thinking.

The second type of entertaining mathematical material is mathematical games and tasks. The game is a means of cognition of reality by the child and one of the most attractive activities for children. Using non-standard developmental tools in their work, some stages were developed when familiarizing children with new game. Each stage carries certain goals and objectives.

Stage 1 is the introduction of a new game into the group. The purpose of this stage is to get acquainted with the new game, with its features and rules.

Stage 2 is the game. The purpose of this stage is to develop logical thinking, the idea of ​​a set, the ability to distinguish properties in objects, name them, generalize objects according to their properties, explain the similarities and differences of objects, introduce the shape, color, size, thickness of objects, develop spatial relationships, cognitive processes mental operations.

Stage 3 is an independent game of children with developing material. The purpose of this stage is to develop Creative skills, imagination, fantasy, ability to design and model. In accordance with the principle of increasing difficulties, it is envisaged that children begin mastering the material with simple manipulation of games, initial acquaintance. It is necessary to provide children with the opportunity to independently get acquainted with the game, after which it is possible to develop mental activity through these games.

Any mathematical task for ingenuity, no matter what age it is intended for, carries a certain mental load, which is most often disguised by an entertaining plot, external data, the condition of the problem, etc. The mental task: to make a figure or modify it, to find a solution, to guess the number - is realized by means of the game in game actions. Ingenuity, resourcefulness, initiative are manifested in active mental activity based on direct interest.

The third type of entertaining mathematical material is educational (didactic) games and exercises. An important means of shaping the mental activity of the child, his intellect is the game. In preschool pedagogy, there are many different teaching materials: methods, technologies that ensure the intellectual development of children are: Gyenesh logic blocks, Kuizener sticks, Voskobovich games, Columbus egg, Tangram, Corners for everyone, Magic circle, Mongolian game, Nikitin cubes, Pythagoras puzzle game, fractions, chess, counting sticks, logic tasks, word games, riddles, riddles, jokes, puzzles, mathematical fairy tales, etc. These games help the development of cognitive abilities, the formation of interest in action with geometric shapes, values. Thus, the mathematical representations of children are improved. The main purpose of these games is the development of a small person, the correction of what is inherent and manifested in him, bringing him to creative search behavior. On the one hand, we offer the child food for imitation, and on the other hand, we provide a field for imagination and personal creativity. Thanks to these games, the child develops all mental processes, mental operations, develops the ability to model and design, and forms ideas about mathematical concepts.

We use games and exercises in a certain system. Gradually, we complicate the games both in content and in ways of interacting with the tool. All games and exercises are of a problem-practical nature. For example: Gyenes logical blocks are a set of geometric shapes. The use of Gyenesh blocks helps in studying the basic properties of geometric shapes according to their characteristics and relations existing in a set, including subsets in a set, breaking sets into subsets.

There is another kind of entertaining mathematical material - this is mathematical fairy tale. Folk and author's tales, which children already know by heart from repeated reading, are invaluable helpers. In any of them, a whole lot of all kinds of mathematical situations. And they are assimilated as if by themselves.

For example: the fairy tale "Teremok" - will help to remember not only the quantitative and ordinal count (the mouse came first to the tower, the second the frog, etc.), but also the basics of arithmetic. Children easily learn how the amount increases by one. A hare jumped up, and there were three. A fox came running, and there were four of them.

Fairy tales "Gingerbread Man" and "Turnip" are good for mastering the order of counting. Who pulled the turnip first? Who met the kolobok third? In the turnip, you can talk about the size. Who is the smallest? Mouse. Who is the biggest? Grandfather. Who is in front of the cat? And who is behind the grandmother?

The fairy tale "Three Bears" is a mathematical super fairy tale. And you can count the bears, and talk about the size (large, small, medium, who is larger, who is smaller, who is the largest, who is the smallest), correlate the bears with the corresponding chairs, plates.

In "Little Red Riding Hood" talk about the concepts of "long", "short". Especially if you draw or lay out paths from the cubes and see which of them will run faster than little fingers or a toy car.

Entertaining mathematical material is a good means of educating children in preschool age of interest in mathematics, logic, and evidence-based reasoning, the desire to show mental stress, focus on the problem.

In order for the work of the educator with children to be fruitful, the teacher should use several principles. This:

Operation principle- the inclusion of the child in the educational-playing, cognitive, search activities in order to stimulate an active life position.

The principle of creativity- maximum orientation to creativity in the playful and productive activities of preschoolers, the acquisition of their own experience creative activity.

The principle of integration- integrativity of all processes implemented in the educational process.

Principle of differentiated approach- the tasks of effective pedagogical assistance to pupils in improving their personality are solved, it contributes to the creation of special pedagogical situations that help to reveal the psychophysical, personal abilities and capabilities of pupils.

The principle of dominance of interests.

The principle of psychophysical comfort- is to remove the possible stress factors.

The principle of natural conformity- development in accordance with the nature of the child, his health, mental and physical constitution, his abilities and inclinations, individual abilities, perception.

This means that the educator needs to create certain pedagogical conditions for working with the child. In order for the tasks of the development of children to be realized by means of entertaining material, it is necessary to organize pedagogical process so that the child plays, develops and learns at the same time. For effective solution educational tasks, it is very important to equip a group of children with the necessary playing aids. A specially equipped place (table, chairs, free access) is allocated in the game room, where all games and manuals are concentrated - it is necessary to create an "Entertaining Mathematics Corner".

Entertaining Mathematics Corner is a specially designated, thematically equipped with games, manuals and materials, and in a certain way artistically designed place. You can organize it using the usual items of children's furniture: a table, a wardrobe, providing children with free access to the materials located there. These same children are given the opportunity to choose the game they are interested in, a manual of mathematical content and play individually or together with other children, in a small subgroup. "Corner" is not only the opportunity to provide children with materials for creativity and the opportunity to act with them at any moment, but also the atmosphere in the team. It is woven from a sense of external security, when the child knows that his manifestations will not receive a negative assessment from adults, and a feeling of inner looseness and freedom due to the support of adults for his creative endeavors.

In kindergarten, it is necessary to create such conditions for the mathematical activity of the child, under which he would show independence in the choice of game material, games, based on his developing needs and interests. In the course of the game, which arises on the initiative of the child himself, he joins the complex intellectual work. Entertaining mathematics corner solves such problems as:

1. Purposeful formation in children 4 - 7 years of interest in elementary mathematical activity. The development of the qualities and properties of the child's personality necessary for the successful mastery of mathematics in the future: purposefulness and expediency of search actions, the desire to achieve positive result, perseverance and resourcefulness, independence.

2. Raising in children the need to occupy their free time not only with entertainment, but also with games that require mental stress, intellectual effort. Entertaining mathematical material in the preschool and subsequent years should become a means of organizing useful leisure, and contribute to the development of creativity.

The success of play activities in a corner organized in a group is determined by the interest of the educator himself in entertaining tasks for children. The teacher must have knowledge about the nature, purpose, developmental impact of entertaining material, methods of managing independent activities with elementary mathematical material. The interest, enthusiasm of the teacher is the basis for children to show interest in mathematical problems and games. The creation of a corner is preceded by the selection of game material, which is determined by the age capabilities and level of development of the children of the group. A variety of entertaining material is placed in the corner so that each of the children can choose a game for themselves. These are board games, games for the development of logical thinking, leading children to mastering checkers and chess: "Fox and Geese", "Mill", "Wolves and Sheep"; puzzles (on sticks and mechanical); logical tasks and cubes, labyrinths; games to compose a whole from parts, to recreate silhouette figures from special sets of figures; movement games. All of them are interesting and entertaining.

When organizing a corner of entertaining mathematics, one must proceed from the principles of accessibility of games to children in this moment, put in the corner such games and game materials, the development of which by children is possible at different levels. From assimilation given rules and game actions, they move on to inventing new variants of games. There are great opportunities for creativity in the games "Tangram", "Magic Circle", "Cubes for All", etc. Children can invent new, more complex silhouettes not only from one, but also from 2 - 3 sets for the game; the same silhouette, for example, a fox, can be made up of different sets. To stimulate collective games, creative activity of preschoolers, it is necessary to use magnetic boards, flannelographs with a set of figures, counting sticks, albums for sketching tasks invented by them, composed figures. During the year, as children master games, their types should be diversified, more complex games should be introduced with new entertaining material.

The decoration of the corners should meet their purpose, attract and interest children. For this you can use geometric ornaments or plot images of geometric shapes. Plots are acceptable, the characters of which are the favorite heroes of children's literature: Dunno, Pinocchio, Pencil, etc. In the design, you can use photographs, enlarged illustrations from books on entertaining mathematics for preschoolers and parents, children's fiction. The organization of the corner is carried out with the feasible participation of children, which creates in them a positive attitude towards the material, interest, desire to play.

The management of independent mathematical activity in the corner of entertaining mathematics is aimed at maintaining and further developing children's interest in entertaining games. The teacher organizes all work in the corner taking into account the individual characteristics of the pupils. He offers the child a game, focusing on the level of his mental and moral-volitional development, manifestation of activity. Attracts inactive children, interests them in the game and helps to master it. Interest in the game becomes stable when the child sees his successes. The one who made an interesting silhouette, solved the problem, strives for new achievements. The guidance from the side of the teacher is aimed at the gradual development of children's independence, initiative, creativity.

Practical task: Compilation of a list of entertaining mathematical material in different age groups.

List of entertaining mathematical material for the younger group:

  • didactic games(mosaic);
  • voluminous bodies;
  • layouts of squares, balls, triangles;
  • counting material (not very small toys).

List of entertaining mathematical material for middle group:

  • didactic games;
  • objects of various sizes (matryoshkas, pyramids);
  • didactic aids (Gyenes blocks);
  • stencils;
  • counting material (sticks, nesting dolls, mushrooms, small toys);
  • lotto.

List of entertaining mathematical material for the senior group:

  • Didactic games;
  • Checkers, chess;
  • Various lotto;
  • Gyenes blocks;
  • Kuizener's sticks;
  • Classification games;
  • Mosaics;
  • Construction kits;
  • Pattern making games;
  • Labyrinths;
  • Scheme;
  • Games of V. Voskobovich;
  • Board and printed games;
  • Entertaining questions, riddles, counting rhymes, tasks in poetic form, joke poems, joke tasks, puzzles.

List of entertaining mathematical material for the preparatory group:

  • didactic games;
  • didactic materials;
  • checkers, chess;
  • equipment for measuring activity (sand, scales, clock, ruler, meter, tape measure);
  • puzzles, puzzles with sticks;
  • various lottos;
  • insert frames;
  • Gyenes blocks;
  • Kuizener's sticks;
  • Classification games;
  • Mosaics;
  • Construction kits;
  • Pattern making games;
  • Labyrinths;
  • Games for composing a whole from parts, for recreating figures of silhouettes;
  • Games for orientation on a sheet of paper;
  • Movement games;
  • Games of V. Voskobovich;
  • Board and printed games;
  • Entertaining questions, riddles, counting rhymes, tasks in poetic form, joke poems, joke tasks, puzzles;
  • Mathematical tales.

The solution of various kinds of non-standard tasks at preschool age contributes to the formation and improvement of general mental abilities: the logic of thought, reasoning and action, the flexibility of the thought process, ingenuity and ingenuity, spatial representations. Of particular importance should be considered the development in children of the ability to guess at a certain stage of the analysis of an entertaining problem, search actions of a practical and mental nature. The guess in this case indicates the depth of understanding of the problem, high level search actions, mobilization of past experience, transfer of learned methods of solution to completely new conditions.

In teaching preschoolers, a non-standard task, purposefully and appropriately used, acts as a problematic one. Here there is a search for a solution by putting forward a hypothesis, testing it, refuting the wrong direction of the search, finding ways to prove the right solution.

Entertaining mathematical material is a good means of instilling in children already at preschool age an interest in mathematics, in logic and evidence-based reasoning, a desire to show mental stress, to focus on a problem.

Entertaining mathematical material is a good means of educating children already at preschool age of interest in mathematics, in logic and evidence-based reasoning, the desire to show mental stress, to focus on the problem. Thus, didactic games and game exercises of mathematical content are the most famous and frequently used types of entertaining mathematical material in the modern practice of preschool education. In the process of teaching preschoolers mathematics, the game is directly included in the lesson, being a means of forming new knowledge, expanding, clarifying, and consolidating the educational material.

Didactic games justify themselves in solving the problems of individual work with children, and are also held with all children or with a subgroup in their free time.

Methodically correctly selected and appropriately used entertaining material (riddles, joke problems, entertaining questions) contributes to the development of logical thinking, observation, resourcefulness, quick reaction, interest in mathematical knowledge, and the formation of search approaches to solving any problem.

When using entertaining mathematical material, children study with great interest, better remember what they saw and heard, because they are emotionally involved in the lesson.


  1. Danilova V.V. Teaching mathematics in kindergarten [Text]: practical seminars and laboratory classes / V.V. Danilova, T.D. Richterman, Z.A. Mikhailov. M.: Academy, 1998. 60 p.
  2. Erofeeva, T.I., Pavlova, L.N., Novikova, V.P. Mathematics for preschoolers [Text] / T.I. Erofeev. M.: Enlightenment, 1992.
  3. Erofeeva, T.I., Pavlova, L.N., Novikova, V.P. Mathematical notebook for preschoolers [Text] / T.I. Erofeev. M.: Education, 1991.
  4. Metlina, L.S. Mathematics in kindergarten [Text] / L.S. Metlin. M., 1984.
  5. Mikhailova, Z.A. Theories and technologies of mathematical development of preschool children [Text] / Z.A. Mikhailov. St. Petersburg: Childhood - Press, 2008. 384 p.
  6. Shcherbakova E. I. Theory and methods of mathematical development of preschoolers: Proc. allowance / E. I. Shcherbakova. M.: 2005. 392 p.

svetlana tubasova
Entertaining math material

Entertaining math material is a good means of educating children at preschool age of interest in mathematics, to logic, the desire to show mental tension, to focus attention.

Entertaining material in teaching mathematics divided into 3 conditional groups:

1. Entertainment:

Puzzle "Tangram", "Pythagoras", "Columbus egg" etc., in which a plot image is created from a set of flat geometric shapes

- "Snake", "Magic Balls", "Pyramid", "Fold the Pattern", "Unicube" and other puzzle toys consisting of three-dimensional geometric bodies that rotate or fold in a certain way;

Labyrinths are exercises that combine visual and mental analysis to find the shortest and surest path from the start to the end point ( For example: "How does a mouse get out of a mink?", spatial transformation games, various riddles, tasks in poetic form. tasks - jokes, puzzles, crossword puzzles, math tricks . They are interesting in content. entertaining in form, differ in unusual solutions) consolidate previously acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.

2. Mathematical(brain teaser) games and tasks, exercises (with blocks, dice for inclusion, finding, checkers, chess, word games, logical exercises that require inferences built on the basis of logical schemes and rules; tasks for finding signs of difference or similarity, for finding the missing figure.

3. Educational (didactic) games and exercises (with visual material, verbal) "Find the same shape?"

use of gaming entertaining material and games in the FEMP classes makes it possible to perform mathematical tasks at a high educational level.

There is another kind entertaining mathematical material - this is a mathematical fairy tale. Folk and author's tales, which children already know by heart from repeated reading, are invaluable helpers. In any of them, a whole lot of various mathematical situations. (teremok, turnip, bun, little red riding hood, "About a kid who could count to ten") Fairy tale "Three Bears"- This mathematical super fairy tale. You can count the bears and talk about the size (large, small, medium, who is larger, who is smaller, who is the largest, who is the smallest, correlate the bears with the corresponding chairs, plates, spoons.

Pedagogical requirements for entertaining math material as a didactic tool.

1. Material must be diverse (development and improvement of quantitative, spatial and temporal representations in children) entertaining tasks by way of solution. Various forms of organizing work with this material: individual and group, in free independent activity and in the classroom, in kindergarten and at home, etc.

2. Entertaining material should be used in a specific system, involving the gradual complication of tasks, games, exercises.

3. When organizing the activities of children, it is necessary to combine direct teaching methods with the creation of conditions for independent searches for solutions.

4. Must meet different levels of general and child's mathematical development, vary tasks, methodological techniques and forms of organization.

5. Usage entertaining math material should be combined with other didactic means for the formation of elementary mathematical representations.

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