In the field, I am suddenly over a white porridge. Children's riddles about a butterfly and its varieties

This insect has very beautiful wings, a variety of colors. It used to be a caterpillar, but it became ********
Answer: butterfly

She has very thin and delicate wings, but no one has such multi-colored wings. Take her in your hands and the color will disappear from the wings. Who is this?
Answer: butterfly

Summer is coming
And the beauty flies
Colored wings, painted patterns.
And from flower to flower flies sweetheart -
This is our *******
Answer: butterfly

She flew to us, brought beauty to us.
She has an intricate pattern on her wings.
Guess, try it: who is this?
Answer: butterfly

A riddle for the savvy: There were teeth, the proboscis became, there were legs, wings became. It was green, it became with an intricate pattern on the wings.
Answer: butterfly

I wanted to catch her, because she is beautiful.
I did not have time to jump, she flew away from the flower.
I just wanted to see your wings,
There patterns and pictures are hidden, as if from a dream.
The whole day she was chasing and looking for her here and there
The naughty and the beauty of this ****** is called.
Answer: butterfly

If you touch her wings, then colored pollen will remain on your fingers. She has the largest wings among insects. Only she has such beautiful colored wings.
Answer: butterfly

The names of these insects are very funny associated with food, such as cabbage or chocolate. And this is due to the color of their wings - who are they?
Answer: butterflies

These insects are everywhere, they feed with the help of a proboscis. She has long graceful paws and large wings, which have bizarre patterns. Who is this beauty?
Answer: butterfly

Try to guess who it is:
All colors live on her wings,
If you catch her, they will immediately disappear.
This insect is just beautiful
And grace itself, lighter than the breeze.
Answer: butterfly

This insect is considered the most beautiful because of its unusual wings. And the wings of this insect come in different colors and with a pattern. They feel like velvet to the touch, but you can’t touch the wings, otherwise all the pollen and color will go away.
Answer: butterfly

Other riddles:

Picture Butterfly

Some interesting children's puzzles

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    This bear on the planet is known to everyone: adults, children. He is revered in China and protected by law. You do not offend him, Just treat him with bamboo. (Panda)

  • Riddles about Pepper for children

    It looks like a tomato in color, And it also grows in summer. It has a pleasant aroma, but the taste is bitter.

Butterfly riddles will introduce children to their wonderful and unique features. Kids will learn about where and how these insects live, what they eat and how they are born. Solving these riddles, the child will want to learn more about butterflies, and this information will definitely come in handy in later life.

Butterfly riddles for children

  1. Moved by the flower
    All four petals.
    I wanted to rip it off
    He fluttered and flew away...
  2. unusual flowers
    I found among the leaves.
    Do not touch -
    My flower will fly away.
    bright as light bulbs
    Fluttering in the sky...
  3. Light as a feather
    Sits on a flower
    Folds wings
    And opens again.
    Delicate and beautiful
    We see a pattern
    She can't do it
    Take your eyes off!
  4. motley leaf
    perched on a flower,
    And flew away...
  5. I grow like a worm, I eat a leaf,
    Then I fall asleep, wrap myself around,
    I don’t eat, I don’t look, I lie motionless.
    Nose new spring I suddenly come alive
    I leave my house like a bird fluttering.
  6. She was a worm
    Just ate and slept.
    Lost my appetite
    You look - it flies across the sky ...
  7. A revived field flower flutters,
    There is red, there is yellow, and there is blue.
    Such a good cutie
    Beautiful fragile...
    Nadezhda Shemyakina
  8. I eat nectar
    Flying on wings.
    So you guessed it
    Who am I...
  9. Not a bird, but with wings,
    Not a bee, but flying.
    Bright, elegant
    Flutters over flowers.
  10. In the chamomile field
    The Summer Ball has taken place!
    There, Cricket played the violin,
    The beetle danced with the Goat!
    She fluttered her light wings,
    Spinning around like a spinning top!
    Our dear dancer
    She was the best!
    “Oh, what a delight!”
    Suddenly, Grasshopper said out loud.
    He has been behind her for a long time.
    Watching with inspiration!
    Einberger A.
  11. The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up -
    I didn't want to sleep anymore.
    Moved, stirred
    Soared up and flew away ...
  12. Her cocoon is like an egg.
    And flies, though not a bird.
    She drinks nectar from a flower
    The net is afraid ...
  13. Do you know flowers
    Unparalleled beauty:
    Can petals fold
    And instantly soar into the air.
    What flowers are flying?
    What are they called...
  14. No, not a bird, but it flies.
    She flies high.
    Sit on a flower
    And the coloring beckons everyone.
    All such a cutie
  15. multi-colored patch
    Sat on a small flower
    The scent inhaled him
    And, satisfied, flew away ...
  16. It seems like there is no one
    Only COTTON and bright color,
    Two wings are dressed in pollen,
    They have colors from all over the world!
    Leonov V.A.
  17. A flower blooms in the meadow
    So beautiful, colorful
    I came up, I want to break
    And he took off, fluttering, with the wind ...
  18. I flutter over the cabbage
    Tired of not knowing.
    I'll lay eggs hard.
    Who knows me...
  19. One aerial outline
    I'm so sweet
    All my velvet with its live blinking -
    Only two wings.
    Don't ask: where did it come from?
    Where am I in a hurry?
    Here I sank lightly on a flower,
    And here I am breathing.
    How long without a goal, without effort,
    Do you want to breathe?
    Right now, sparkling, I will spread my wings
    And I'll fly away.
    A. Fet
  20. I fly, I flutter
    Similar to a flower.
    I'm so beautiful
    Sweet, pretty...
  21. At little Katyusha
    Sat on the crown
    Not a moth, not a bird -
    Above the flower flutters, dances
    Waving a patterned fan.
  22. I live like a worm
    I eat leaves
    Then I fall asleep
    I wrap myself
    I don't eat, I don't look
    I lie still
    But again in the spring I come to life,
    I leave my house
    I flutter over the meadow...
  23. I am like a flower
    And on a bow too.
    I love the lawn so much
    Nice on a summer day.
    I flit through the flowers
    I drink their sweet nectar.
    Who am I, guess yourself
    Guess a riddle…
  24. I wanted to touch with my hands
    To the most beautiful flower
    And he, waving his petals,
    He fluttered and flew under the clouds!
    T. Nesterova
  25. On a large colored carpet
    Squadron villages,
    It will open, it will close
    Painted wings…
  26. Flutters over the flowers
    Who doesn't know beauty?
    Her wings are painted
    Her dances are groovy.
    Just very defenseless
    Completely harmless.
    Don't be afraid to scare her.
    The weak must be protected.
  27. The pattern on the pine tree is bright
    I wanted to see him
    Suddenly the halves came together
    And the drawing is gone...
  28. Morning ... All in the flowers of meadows ...
    But look: one flower
    Suddenly fluttered - and flew,
    And sat down on a bush again!
    Amazing flower:
    Legs, eyes, stem,
    Between the wings - a fold
    Yes, this is…
  29. A flower sits on a flower
    Two petals only.
    colored petals,
    Carved along the edges!
    He sits and flies away.
    If anyone does not guess
    Mom will tell you:
    “Yes, this is…
  30. In a bright dress fashionista -
    Take a walk huntress.
    Fluttering from flower to flower,
    Get tired - rest ...
  31. Why do flowers fly
    Among the grass without stalks,
    They sit on the windows
    In the brilliance of the sun of lights,
    And circle in a cheerful dance
    So pretty and light?
    (These are butterflies)
    M. Piudunen
  32. In the field I am over white porridge
    Suddenly I noticed a chamomile.
    I wanted to tear it down
    And the daisy flew away ...
  33. Beauty in the meadow
    sat on the flowers
    And pollen
    They ate appetizingly.
    Appetizing ate
    For both cheeks
    Yes, they drank dew
    From sedge petals.
    Admired reflection
    In a drop of dew:
    Ah, how beautiful
    Like in the picture!
    Spreading their wings,
    Fly further
    To the strawberry field
    Drink nectar - it's sweeter there!
    Xumapage I.

Short riddles about a butterfly

  1. On a flower a flower
    Drinking flower juice.
  2. On a fragrant flower
    A flying flower sat down.
  3. Creeps in the morning
    Motionless at noon
    And in the evening it flies.
  4. There are daytime and even nighttime
    And the wings are always painted!
  5. Above the flower flutters, dances,
    Waving a patterned fan ...
  6. Flutters in a colored cape
    To the delight of any ballerina.
  7. Wing like a petal
    Looks like a flower.
  8. There are antennae, not a cockroach,
    There are wings, not a bird,
    Multicolored like the picture.
  9. What kind of bows fly
    Over meadows and fields...
  10. Not a bird, but with beautiful wings.
  11. Not a bird, but with wings:
    Flying over flowers
    Collects nectar.

Riddles about different types of butterflies

  1. I flutter over the cabbage
    Tired of not knowing.
    I'll lay eggs hard.
    Who will recognize me?
  2. Born in a nettle
    Gained power there
    She ate only one
    Turned into a butterfly
    Beauty, honey
    Here you are flying smartly.
    Do not catch - resists
    Butterfly …
  3. multi-colored patch
    Sat on a small flower
    The scent inhaled him
    And, satisfied, he fled.
  4. Spinning, flying.
    Where to sit down, shortly,
    Leaves a hole!
    Her hair is like chocolate
    Sweet, for a child!
    No one in the house is happy with her -
    Little cheat!
    There is also food
    Sharpens bread and cereals
    She doesn't like salt.
    Who is she, kids?
  5. Though not a bird, but I fly
    And I amaze everyone with beauty.
    Like a peacock has my pattern,
    See - do not take your eyes off.
    (peacock eye)
    Khokhlova Daria, 1st grade
  6. This butterfly is nocturnal
    Just seeing the light
    Rushing towards the light, and, fluttering,
    Wings often burn
    With the fire of those ...
  7. Naval rank has
    At a meeting, he does not salute,
    Can't serve in the Navy
    And he goes flying.
    (Butterfly Admiral)
    V. Kalinichenko
  8. What kind of butterfly is this
    Does it look like a dry leaf?
    Instantly revives
    If you disturb with your finger.
    Flies away to again
    From your enemies sensibly,
    Sit on a branch, hide -
    Turn into a dry leaf.
    Sly Moth in a Cape
    What's the name? …
    Vladimir-Georgy Stupnikov
  9. Butterfly sits on glass
    Colored spots on the brown wing.
    This is the color of a butterfly.
    Her name is...
    (peacock eye)
    Veryaskin Zhanna, 8th grade
  10. Near or far,
    The light flies to us ...
  11. Scarlet bandage, black uniform,
    a lot of stars - a great commander!
    In fact, he has never been to the sea.
    Even if they call me...
    Andrey Kozlov

What are riddles for? To develop ingenuity, wisdom and thinking. In a riddle, you can easily understand what is at stake. After all, riddles are short poems that describe an object or phenomenon without naming it. Riddles about butterflies, along with the development of ingenuity, tell the baby about the wonderful properties of these winged creatures. Where do butterflies live, what flowers do they sit on, what do they eat and how long do they live? Not finding the answer to the riddle in the head, the child will want to learn it from books or ask adults. And having correctly answered the riddle, the child will be pleased to realize that he knows a lot.

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up -
I didn't want to sleep anymore.
Moved, stirred
It flew up and flew away.

* * *
Moved by the flower
All four petals.
I wanted to rip it off -
He fluttered and flew away.

* * *
On a large colored carpet
Sela squadron -
It will open, it will close
Painted wings.

* * *
In the field I am over white porridge
Suddenly I noticed a chamomile.
I wanted to tear it down
And the daisy flew away.

* * *
I wanted to pick a flower
But the flower has flown away.

* * *
A flower sits on a flower
Two petals only.
colored petals,
Carved along the edges!
He sits and flies away.
If anyone does not guess
Mom will tell you:
"Why, this is ... (butterfly).

* * *
Flutters over the flowers
Who doesn't know beauty?
Her wings are painted
Her dances are groovy.
Just very defenseless
Completely harmless.
Don't be afraid to scare her.
The weak must be protected.

* * *
Above the flower flutters, dances,
Waving a patterned fan.

* * *
In a bright dress fashionista -
Take a walk huntress.
Fluttering from flower to flower,
Get tired - rest.

* * *
At little Katyusha
Sat on the crown
Not a moth, not a bird -
Above the flower flutters, dances
Waving a patterned fan.

* * *
Not a bird, but with wings:
Flying over flowers
Collects nectar.

* * *
Creeps in the morning
Motionless at noon
And in the evening it flies.

* * *
In the field I am over white porridge
Suddenly I noticed a chamomile.
I wanted to tear it down
And the daisy flew away.

* * *
On a fragrant flower
A flying flower sat down.

* * *
Not a bird, but with wings,
Not a bee, but flying.
Bright, elegant
Flutters over flowers.

* * *
I grow like a worm, I eat a leaf,
Then I fall asleep, wrap myself around
I don’t eat, I don’t look, I lie motionless.
But with the new spring, I suddenly come to life,
I leave my house like a bird fluttering.

* * *
Moved by the flower
All four petals.
I wanted to rip it off -
He fluttered and flew away.

* * *
She was a worm
Just ate and slept.
Lost my appetite
Look - it flies through the sky.

* * *

On a flower a flower
Drinking flower juice.

* * *
Not a bird, but with wings.

What are riddles for? To develop ingenuity, wisdom and thinking. In a riddle, you can easily understand what is at stake. After all, riddles are short poems that describe an object or phenomenon without naming it. Riddles about butterflies, along with the development of ingenuity, tell the baby about the wonderful properties of these winged creatures. Where do butterflies live, what flowers do they sit on, what do they eat and how long do they live? Not finding the answer to the riddle in the head, the child will want to learn it from books or ask adults. And having correctly answered the riddle, the child will be pleased to realize that he knows a lot.

I didn't want to sleep anymore.
Moved, stirred
It flew up and flew away.

* * *
Moved by the flower
All four petals.
I wanted to rip it off -
He fluttered and flew away.

* * *
On a large colored carpet
Sela squadron -
It will open, it will close
Painted wings.

* * *
In the field I am over white porridge
Suddenly I noticed a chamomile.
I wanted to tear it down
And the daisy flew away.

* * *
I wanted to pick a flower
But the flower has flown away.

* * *
A flower sits on a flower
Two petals only.
colored petals,
Carved along the edges!
He sits and flies away.
If anyone does not guess
Mom will tell you:
"Why, this is ... (butterfly).

* * *
Flutters over the flowers
Who doesn't know beauty?
Her wings are painted
Her dances are groovy.
Just very defenseless
Completely harmless.
Don't be afraid to scare her.
The weak must be protected.

* * *
Above the flower flutters, dances,
Waving a patterned fan.

* * *
In a bright dress fashionista -
Take a walk huntress.
Fluttering from flower to flower,
Get tired - rest.

* * *
At little Katyusha
Sat on the crown
Not a moth, not a bird -
Above the flower flutters, dances
Waving a patterned fan.

* * *
Not a bird, but with wings:
Flying over flowers
Collects nectar.

* * *
Creeps in the morning
Motionless at noon
And in the evening it flies.

* * *
In the field I am over white porridge
Suddenly I noticed a chamomile.
I wanted to tear it down
And the daisy flew away.

* * *
On a fragrant flower
A flying flower sat down.

* * *
Not a bird, but with wings,
Not a bee, but flying.
Bright, elegant
Flutters over flowers.

* * *

Then I fall asleep, wrap myself around
I don’t eat, I don’t look, I lie motionless.
But with the new spring, I suddenly come to life,
I leave my house like a bird fluttering.

* * *
Moved by the flower
All four petals.
I wanted to rip it off -
He fluttered and flew away.

* * *
She was a worm
Just ate and slept.
Lost my appetite
Look - it flies through the sky.

On a flower a flower
Drinking flower juice.

* * *
Not a bird, but with wings.

Butterfly riddles will help children not only remember its diverse - from simple to rich - attractive appearance, but also distinctive features. Butterflies are the most beautiful representatives of insects. They are so bright and light that having met them, children will definitely pay attention to them. We have collected online the most best riddles about a butterfly with answers.

Moved by the flower
All four petals.
I wanted to rip it off -
He fluttered and flew away.

Creeps in the morning
Motionless at noon
And in the evening it flies.

On a flower a flower
Drinking flower juice.

No, not a bird, but it flies.
She flies high.
Sit on a flower
And the coloring beckons everyone.
All such a cutie

I grow like a worm, I eat a leaf,
Then I fall asleep, wrap myself around,

On a large colored carpet
Sela squadron -
It will open, it will close
Painted wings.

On a fragrant flower
A flying flower sat down.

Flutters over the flowers
Who doesn't know beauty?
Her wings are painted
Her dances are groovy.
Just very defenseless
Completely harmless.
Don't be afraid to scare her.
The weak must be protected.

Above the flower flutters, dances,
Waving a patterned fan.

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up -
I didn't want to sleep anymore.
Moved, stirred
It flew up and flew away.

In a bright dress fashionista -
Take a walk huntress.
Fluttering from flower to flower,
Get tired - rest.

She was a worm
Just ate and slept.
Lost my appetite
Look - it flies through the sky.

Not a bird, but with wings:
Flying over flowers
Collects nectar.

Children's riddles about a butterfly are most often based on comparing the latter with a flower, which is quite logical, because if you look at these beautiful creatures through the eyes of a child, their wings actually resemble flower petals. However, there are more difficult tasks when a butterfly needs to be recognized by its lifestyle, the process of appearance, the signs associated with it, etc.

This online section contains the best children's puzzles about a butterfly. They will not be so difficult even for kids. Each riddle will bring them closer to the beautiful creatures of our nature.

It will be easier to solve riddles if you know some more interesting facts:

  • Butterflies are the largest category of insects, in addition to butterflies themselves, including moths and moths. This group consists of as many as 157 thousand different species.
  • Believe it or not, butterfly wings are actually transparent. They are simply covered with scales, which, when sunlight hits them, reflect it and at the same time acquire one or another shade.
  • The largest butterfly (night) - Tizania Agrippina - is often confused with a bird. Its wingspan is about 30 cm.
  • Certain types of butterflies can reach speeds of up to 50 km per hour during the flight. But they just need the warmth of the sun to fly.
  • The life cycle of a butterfly is formed by 4 stages: egg, caterpillar, chrysalis and imango (or, as we used to call it, butterfly).
  • It's hard to imagine, but for some nations ( South America, Asia) these beautiful flying creatures are a delicacy.
  • Taste buds in bright-winged creatures are located on the paws, so when they land on a flower, they immediately feel its taste. By the way, some specimens in the imango phase do not eat at all, but live off the energy accumulated in the first stage - caterpillars.
  • Butterflies are insects that inhabit the whole world, with the exception of Antarctica, while they are very ancient: their images are found even on Egyptian frescoes, which are more than 3.5 thousand years old.
  • The butterfly with the longest lifespan - up to 10 months - is called Brixton. The rest of her relatives are less lucky and live on average only a few days.

Butterflies are the most beautiful creatures in the vast world of insects. It is their slight fluttering from flower to flower that children immediately notice. And riddles for your kids about butterflies will help you understand the features and types of these colorful beauties.

She sits on a flower and beckons everyone with coloring

Butterfly riddles for children 3-4 years old are interesting and easy to solve, because their riddles rhyme well with riddles.

A flower sits on a flower
Two petals only.
colored petals,
Carved along the edges!
He sits and flies away.
If anyone does not guess
Mom will tell you:
“Yes, this is…
N. Merkushova

unusual flowers
I found among the leaves.
Do not touch -
My flower will fly away.
bright as light bulbs
Fluttering in the sky...
Nadezhda Shemyakina

No, not a bird, but it flies.
She flies high.
Sit on a flower
And the coloring beckons everyone.
All such a cutie
D. Polonovsky

Morning ... All in the flowers of meadows ...
But look: one flower
Suddenly fluttered - and flew,
And sat down on a bush again!
Amazing flower:
Legs, eyes, stem,
Between the wings - a fold
Yes, this is…
E. Grudanov

A revived field flower flutters,
There is red, there is yellow, and there is blue.
Such a good cutie
Beautiful fragile...
Nadezhda Shemyakina

Short riddles about butterflies

What kind of bows fly
Over meadows and fields?

On a fragrant flower
A flying flower sat down.

Flutters in a colored cape
To the delight of any ballerina.

motley leaf
Sat on a flower.

Above the flower flutters, dances,
Waving a patterned fan.

Not a bird, but with beautiful wings.

There are antennae, not a cockroach,
There are wings, not a bird,
Multicolored like the picture.

There are daytime and even nighttime
And the wings are always painted!
Leonov V.A.

In this colorful video, butterfly puzzles for your preschoolers.

Flutters over the flowers, everyone knows her, the beauty!

Butterfly riddle for children 5-6 years old

Her cocoon is like an egg.
And flies, though not a bird.
She drinks nectar from a flower
The net is afraid.
G. Dergachev

Moved by the flower
All four petals.
I wanted to rip it off -
He fluttered and flew away.

In a bright dress fashionista -
Take a walk huntress.
Fluttering from flower to flower,
Get tired - rest.

Do you know flowers
Unparalleled beauty:
Can petals fold
And instantly soar into the air.
What flowers are flying?
What are they called?
Z. Polezhaeva

I eat nectar
Flying on wings.
So you guessed it
Who am I?

I wanted to touch with my hands
To the most beautiful flower
And he, waving his petals,
He fluttered and flew under the clouds!
T. Nesterova

Why do flowers fly
Among the grass without stalks,
They sit on the windows
In the brilliance of the sun of lights,
And circle in a cheerful dance
So pretty and light?
(These are butterflies)
M. Piudunen

On a large colored carpet
Sela squadron -
It will open, it will close
Painted wings.

Flutters over the flowers
Who doesn't know beauty?
Her wings are painted
Her dances are groovy.
Just very defenseless
Completely harmless.
Don't be afraid to scare her.
The weak must be protected.

In the field I am over white porridge
Suddenly I noticed a chamomile.
I wanted to tear it down
And the daisy flew away.

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up -
I didn't want to sleep anymore.
Moved, stirred
It flew up and flew away.

It seems like there is no one
Only COTTON and bright color,
Two wings are dressed in pollen,
They have colors from all over the world!
Leonov V.A.

Butterfly riddle for children 7 years old

I grow like a worm, I eat a leaf,
Then I fall asleep, wrap myself around,
I don’t eat, I don’t look, I lie motionless.
But with the new spring, I suddenly come to life,
I leave my house like a bird fluttering.

I am like a flower
And on a bow too.
I love the lawn so much
Nice on a summer day.
I flit through the flowers
I drink their sweet nectar.
Who am I, guess yourself
Guess a riddle.
S. Kurdyukov

One aerial outline
I'm so sweet
All my velvet with its live blinking -
Only two wings.
Don't ask: where did it come from?
Where am I in a hurry?
Here I sank lightly on a flower,
And here I am breathing.
How long without a goal, without effort,
Do you want to breathe?
Right now, sparkling, I will spread my wings
And I'll fly away.
A. Fet

Light as a feather
Sits on a flower
Folds wings
And opens again.

Delicate and beautiful
We see a pattern
She can't do it
Take your eyes off!

In the chamomile field
The Summer Ball has taken place!
There, Cricket played the violin,
The beetle danced with the Goat!
She fluttered her light wings,
Spinning around like a spinning top!
Our dear dancer
She was the best!
“Oh, what a delight!”
Suddenly, Grasshopper said out loud.
He has been behind her for a long time.
Watching with inspiration!
Einberger A.

Beauty in the meadow
sat on the flowers
And pollen
They ate appetizingly.
Appetizing ate
For both cheeks
Yes, they drank dew
From sedge petals.
Admired reflection
In a drop of dew:
Ah, how beautiful
Like in the picture!
Spreading their wings,
Fly further
To the strawberry field
Drink nectar - it's sweeter there!
Xumapage I.

Has a naval rank, but goes flying

Riddles about different butterflies

The Monarch butterfly is considered the most enduring beauty, which is able to cover distances of 1 thousand km without stopping. By the way, butterflies never sleep.

I flutter over the cabbage
Tired of not knowing.
I'll lay eggs hard.
Who will recognize me?

Born in a nettle
Gained power there
She ate only one
Turned into a butterfly
Beauty, honey
Here you are flying smartly.
Do not catch - resists
Butterfly …

Spinning, flying.
Where to sit down, shortly,
Leaves a hole!
Her hair is like chocolate
Sweet, for a child!
No one in the house is happy with her -
Little cheat!
There is also food
Sharpens bread and cereals
She doesn't like salt.
Who is she, kids?

This butterfly is nocturnal
Just seeing the light
Rushing towards the light, and, fluttering,
Wings often burn
With the fire of those ...

Naval rank has
At a meeting, he does not salute,
Can't serve in the Navy
And he goes flying.
(Butterfly Admiral)
Valentina Kalinichenko

This insect has very beautiful wings, a variety of colors. It used to be a caterpillar, but it became ********
Answer: butterfly

She has very thin and delicate wings, but no one has such multi-colored wings. Take her in your hands and the color will disappear from the wings. Who is this?
Answer: butterfly

Summer is coming
And the beauty flies
Colored wings, painted patterns.
And from flower to flower flies sweetheart -
This is our *******
Answer: butterfly

She flew to us, brought beauty to us.
She has an intricate pattern on her wings.
Guess, try it: who is this?
Answer: butterfly

A riddle for the savvy: There were teeth, the proboscis became, there were legs, wings became. It was green, it became with an intricate pattern on the wings.
Answer: butterfly

I wanted to catch her, because she is beautiful.
I did not have time to jump, she flew away from the flower.
I just wanted to see your wings,
There patterns and pictures are hidden, as if from a dream.
The whole day she was chasing and looking for her here and there
The naughty and the beauty of this ****** is called.
Answer: butterfly

If you touch her wings, then colored pollen will remain on your fingers. She has the largest wings among insects. Only she has such beautiful colored wings.
Answer: butterfly

The names of these insects are very funny associated with food, such as cabbage or chocolate. And this is due to the color of their wings - who are they?
Answer: butterflies

These insects are everywhere, they feed with the help of a proboscis. She has long graceful paws and large wings, which have bizarre patterns. Who is this beauty?
Answer: butterfly

Try to guess who it is:
All colors live on her wings,
If you catch her, they will immediately disappear.
This insect is just beautiful
And grace itself, lighter than the breeze.
Answer: butterfly

This insect is considered the most beautiful because of its unusual wings. And the wings of this insect come in different colors and with a pattern. They feel like velvet to the touch, but you can’t touch the wings, otherwise all the pollen and color will go away.
Answer: butterfly

Other riddles:

Picture Butterfly

Some interesting children's puzzles

  • Riddles about the Snow Maiden for children with answers

    The red-maiden - she is the daughter of winter, And Santa Claus is the granddaughter. Did everyone guess who it is? Of course, children, this is (Snow Maiden).

  • Riddles about Colors for children with answers

    The winter artist has arrived. And the paint of the color of this She brought with her. She painted everything around with it, As if with silver. What is this color? (white).
