A riddle about one of the heroes of Suteev’s fairy tale. Who is better? Come up with a riddle about one of the characters

Quiz “Tales of V. Suteev” for elementary school students

Ryabichenko Nadezhda Vladimirovna, teacher primary classes MKOU "Mikhailovskaya OOSH" Kikvidzensky district, Volgograd region
Description of material: This material is intended for elementary school students. Can be used by the teacher in the classroom literary reading V primary school, as well as in extracurricular activities.
Target: consolidation of knowledge about V. Suteev’s fairy tales
- develop thinking, imagination, memory, cognitive and intellectual abilities of students;
- cultivate interest in reading fairy tales.

Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev(July 5, 1903 - March 10, 1993) - children's writer, illustrator, animator director. Born and lived in Moscow. Illustrated many children's fairy tales, Soviet and foreign writers. He began illustrating works in 1923. The most famous illustrated works of Suteev are poems and fairy tales by K. Chukovsky and S. Marshak. In his works, he not only showed the external resemblance, but also the character of the characters.
In 1952, Suteev’s first book of fairy tales was published, which was called “Two Tales about Pencil and Paints.”

Each of his books is accompanied by bright illustrations; his drawings look like frames from cartoons. And this is not surprising, because Vladimir Grigorievich graduated from the State College of Cinematography in 1928. He worked at the Soyuzmultfilm animation studio, as well as at Mosfilm and other studios. He was an artist - an animator of the very first hand-drawn cartoons. Subsequently, he independently wrote scripts and also directed animated films.

Quiz questions:

1. What kind of animal and what kind of catch in the fairy tale “The Fisherman Cat” main character promised to catch a fish? (the first catch is for the fox, the second for the wolf, the third for the bear)
2. Why was the cat’s first catch unsuccessful? (the fox hurried up and screamed, the cat got scared and pulled the fishing rod - the fish swam away)
3. What did the wolf do after the first fish was not caught? (I told the cat to wait so that the fish would cling more tightly to the hook. As a result, the fish ate the worm and swam away)
4. Why was the bear also left without fish? (interfered with a wolf and a fox, who rushed into the water after the fish)
5. Who in one of Suteev’s fairy tales became white, black and wet. (kittens)
6. Who helped the animals in the fairy tale “Under the Mushroom” find out why at first one ant was cramped under the mushroom, and then five animals were able to fit under it? (frog)

7. Which fairy tale hero once heard “Meow” and decided to find out who woke him up? (puppy)
8. This fairy tale hero did not know how to swim and once almost drowned, but the duckling saved him. (chick)
9. In one of Suteev’s fairy tales, the hare collected a whole bag of them. (apples)
10. Name the hero of the fairy tale to whom the hare gave the last apple? (crow)
11. Who was sitting under the apple tree when the hare came running to her again? (wolf)
12. Why was the hare able to escape from the wolf? (he threw an empty bag over the wolf)
13. What did the mouse, the chicken, the ant, the bug build to cross the river? (ship)
14. What did they build the boat from? (from a nut shell, a straw, a leaf and a string)
15. What did the main character not like in the fairy tale “The Capricious Cat” in the house that the girl drew for her? (she didn’t like the fact that a dog would guard her house)
16. In the fairy tale “The Apple,” the hedgehog divided the fruit into four parts. He gave one piece to the hare, because the hare saw an apple, the second piece - to the crow, because she picked the apple, the third - to himself, because he caught the apple. To whom did the hedgehog give the fourth piece and for what? (the hedgehog gave the fourth piece to the bear because the bear reconciled all the animals and suggested that the apple could be divided into parts)
17. How did the lifesaver help the hedgehog in the fairy tale of the same name? (with the help of a stick the hedgehog was able to cross the stream)
18. How did the magic wand help the hare? (when the hare fell off a hummock and fell into a swamp, the hedgehog handed him a stick and pulled his friend out of the swamp. When a wolf met on the way between the hedgehog and the hare, the hedgehog swung the stick and hit the wolf on the back. It was hard for the hare to walk uphill, and the hedgehog extended gave him a stick and dragged the hare upstairs.)
19. Who else did the magic wand help and how? (to the birds, their chick fell out of the nest. The hedgehog put the chick on the tip of a stick, stood on the hare’s shoulders, extended the stick to the nest itself so that the chick could jump into it.)
20. Why did the hedgehog decide that he didn’t need a magic wand? (because you can always find a wand, and a lifesaver is a smart head)

Find out the fairy tale from the illustration:

"Three kittens"

"Under the mushroom»



"A bag of apples"

"Uncle Misha»

"Capricious cat"

"Christmas tree"


"Little Raccoon"

Soviet writer V. Suteev wrote the fairy tale “Who is Better?” It tells about a dispute between several subjects, who found out which of them was better than the rest. The dispute involved a pencil, a needle, a pen and a ball. Each of these characters praised their abilities, claiming that they were the most useful for their owner - a little girl.

Come up with a riddle about one of the characters

You need to understand what this fairy tale is about. Then it will be possible to create a riddle about any of the listed characters. You can understand the tale by pointing out the characteristics of each of the characters:

  • the needle said that she could embroider perfectly, creating beautiful patterns. And it is very useful for a girl who loves to embroider;
  • the pencil boasted of the golden inscription “Pioneer” on its side and considered itself very handsome;
  • the pen spoke of its irreplaceability. She pointed to her metal rod, which writes beautifully and clearly;
  • the ball didn’t say anything, because he was sure that he was the best and didn’t even want to argue about it.

To create a riddle, you need to use the special characteristics of an object. Moreover, in the fairy tale they themselves point to them. This makes things easier and makes great tips. For example, a ball can bounce. Therefore, the riddle may sound like this: “there are no legs, but it jumps.” It perfectly shows the properties of the ball and emphasizes its shape.

What is the meaning of the fairy tale

To understand the meaning of this tale, you need to know its ending. The dispute between the items was resolved when their owner arrived. The girl began to use the indicated items. She embroidered a beautiful pattern with a needle, and the needle became even more proud of itself. The girl drew beautiful flowers with a pencil and did her homework in her notebook with a pen.

She took the ball and began to play with it. The ball bounced high, and the girl was happy about it. Thus, each item was useful. But without the girl herself, these items would be useless. After all, this girl knows how to embroider, draw with a pencil and write letters beautifully. And objects only help her. Therefore, the girl turned out to be the best.

Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev

Forms and types of work in the lesson (selectively):

    Work with collections on orientation in a book, developing the ability to use the content, finding a given fairy tale.

    Listening to pre-prepared messages about the author.

    View cartoon excerpts and compare them with the fairy tale text.

    Comparison of the artist's illustrations and cartoon characters.

    Verbal drawing (the teacher selects a passage or character in advance, prepares sketch illustrations.)

    Testing knowledge of content (by questions, crossword, digital dictation or test.)

    Acting out scenes from fairy tales.

    Dubbing of “silent” cartoons (by role, for example)

    Finding and expressively reading passages in the text assigned by the teacher.

    Retelling memorable moments, a story based on an illustration prepared at home.

    Retelling with or without questions along the chain.

    Restoring a deformed plan or even drawing up a plan, retelling it according to the plan.

    Modeling episodes on a magnetic board, flannelgraph or in notebooks.

    Solving logical search problems related to the content of the work.

    Compose your own tasks, puzzles, crosswords, etc. to the texts being studied.

For the teacher:

Vladimir Grigoryevich Suteev is an animator; cartoons have been made based on almost all of his fairy tales (sometimes made by other artists.) Therefore, constructing work in a lesson using a VCR and TV will not be difficult. The main technique then will be to continue the retelling of the fairy tale or dub the “silent” film.

“Apple”, “Bag of Apples”, “Lifesaver”, “Fisher Cat”, “Christmas Tree”, “Uncle Misha”, “Skillful Hands”, “Different Wheels”, “What kind of bird is this?”, “Under mushroom”, “One, two - together!”, “Peter and Little Red Riding Hood”, “We are looking for a blot” (The stories “The Magic Shop” and “Petya Ivanov and the Tick-Tock Wizard” are recommended to be read either at the end of 2nd grade, or in 3rd grade.)

Guess the name of the fairy tale:

"Under the mushroom"

Read the letters in the right rectangle in accordance with the order of the numbers in the left. (Read the numbers in ascending order. In the same sequence, read the letters in the right rectangle - “overlay” one rectangle on top of the other.)

"Peter and Little Red Riding Hood"

Read only Russian letters:

“Pewtsya ii qKrfaсgnalya zvshapnochsfkja”

"Uncle Misha"

Read from right to left: “ashim yaddyad”


Read starting from the smallest letter in ascending order:

I'm about b k o l

"A bag of apples".

Crossword puzzle “Who will be the hero of the fairy tale?”

    Solve the riddles, guess the heroes of the fairy tale. And which of them is the main one, and who else we will meet in the fairy tale, you will find out by reading the fairy tale to the end.

    In summer he wanders without a road

Between pines and birches,

And in winter he sleeps in a den,

Hides your nose from the frost. (Bear)

    Not a mouse, not a bird,

Playing in the forest.

lives in trees

And he gnaws nuts. (Squirrel)

    Under the pines, under the fir trees, lies a bag of needles. (Hedgehog)

    Grayish, toothy,

Prowls across the field,

Looking for a calf and lambs. (Wolf)

    White in winter and gray in summer. (Hare)

Questions about content

    Did you like the fairy tale?

    Which characters do you remember most?

    Who do you think is worse: the Wolf or the Crow? Why?

    What can you say about the character of the Hare? (Choose words from the list that describe his character)

    Evil, kind, gullible, generous, greedy, caring, good-natured, modest, boastful, cowardly, brave, resourceful, cunning.

    Who did the Hare treat with apples?

    Why did they suddenly end?

    Why didn't the Hare go home with an empty bag?

    How did the Hare's friends thank him?

    Choose proverbs that express the main idea of ​​the fairy tale.


    The hare was looking in the forest:

Apples, pears, mushrooms and berries, fox-wolf.

    The hare was picking apples:

in a bag in a basket, in a backpack.

    When the Hare treated the Bear, he said:

"Thank you", “No problem, apples!”“Give me the whole bag!”

    The squirrels named the Hare:

brother uncle, grandfather.

    The Hedgehog had a nickname:

Thorn, Ball of Needles, Spiny Head.

    The first to come to the Hare's house were:

Mole, Squirrels, Little goats.

    The hedgehog brought the Hare:

Mushrooms, raspberries, nuts.

    The Mole brought the Hare:

fruits, berries, vegetables.

    The last one to come with gifts was:

Wolf, Bear, Hedgehog

    I was most surprised by the goodness that appeared:

Goat, Hare, Crow.

Restore the deformed plan.(Or make a plan.)

(Here the plan is given chronologically in the right order, the teacher rearranges any items at his discretion. Pictures or individual strips of paper with plan points can simply be mixed.)

Wild apple tree.

A full bag of apples.

“Help yourself, Uncle Misha!”

Apples for baby squirrels.

Meeting with the "Spiky Head"

Apples for kids.

An unexpected treat for the mole.

Hungry bunnies.

Nuts for bunnies.

Mushrooms for rabbits.

Cabbage and milk from the Goat.

Gifts from Mole.

The last apple.

Meeting with a wolf.


Honey from Uncle Misha.

Crow's surprise.

Find a match (Who brought what?)

Mole cabbage and milk

Bear vegetables

Squirrel mushrooms

Hedgehog honey

Goat nuts


Content questions:

    Did you like the fairy tale?

    Who liked it and who didn't? Why?

    Which episodes were particularly memorable?

    Where were the Hedgehog and the Hare going?

    What happened at the very beginning of the journey?

    How did the magic wand help the Hedgehog cross to the other side of the stream?

    How did the Hare walk through the swamp?

    How was the Hedgehog going?

    How would you walk through a swamp?

    What happened in the swamp?

    Was the Hare jealous of the Hedgehog when he was the first to show ingenuity?

    What character traits of the Hare does this indicate?

    What can you say about the character of the Hare? (Or choose words that characterize the Hare)

    Tell us about Hedgehog's character traits. (Which human qualities possessed the Hedgehog? Choose from the list.)

    Words for reference:

    Resourceful, stupid, impatient, patient, trusting, generous, greedy, caring, good-natured, modest, boastful, cowardly, brave, cunning, strong, weak, silent, talkative, envious, noble.

    Retell the episode of saving the chick.

    What danger awaited travelers in the thicket of the forest?

    What conclusion did the Hare draw for himself?

    Is this a cautionary tale? What did she teach you?

    Choose proverbs that express the main idea of ​​the fairy tale. (A smart head has a hundred hands. A skillful one can catch fish with a chisel.)

Fairy tale plan.

The Hare and the Hedgehog find a magic wand.

Crossing the stream.

Hike through the swamp.

Rescue the chick.

Meeting with a wolf.

Difficult road uphill.

Gift from Hedgehog.


    The Hedgehog and the Hare walked:

To the forest to pick mushrooms, to swim in the river, home

    The hedgehog picked up a stick on the road, calling it:

tripped with a stick, lifesaver, jump rope.

    When the Hare and the Hedgehog crossed the stream, the Hedgehog called the magic wand:

melted through everything with a spoon, through-everything with a jump rope, swam through everything.

    After crossing the swamp, the Hedgehog called the magic wand:

from-bot-lifesaver, as-always-helpful, out of trouble - a puller.

    When the stick helped put the chick in the nest, the Hedgehog called it:

lifesaver chick, up-lift, in-nest-planter.

    When the stick helped drive away the Wolf, the Hedgehog called it:

wolf chaser, good shooter, hit the enemy.

    Where is the real lifesaver?

In kind eyes in a smart head, in strong hands.

    Continue, what conclusion did the hare make? “It’s not the stick that’s important, it’s...”

strong legs and arms, endurance and intelligence, smart head and kind heart.

Correct mistakes:

Why do you need a stick? What's in it for the Wolf? (To no avail)

Great, you refuse, jump! (Turns out.)

Hey, Prickly Head, why are you trudging along there (barely)

I won’t touch you, hedgehog, you’re prickly, but I’ll eat you, Oblique, whole, with your tail and mustache. (ears)

Before the Hare had time to speak, he fell off the patch and fell into the mud up to his ears. (finish, off the hummock, into the quagmire)

“What kind of bird is this?”

Place all the fairy tale characters in the crossword puzzle boxes. The goose is already in its place!(Children must remember or find all the characters in fairy tales in the text. The task develops logical thinking. For children with well-developed logical skills, you can present the entire crossword blank, and for children with poor preparation, you can add words.)





Digital dictation.

    The goose was stupid and envious.

    The Goose exchanged wings with the Swan. (necks)

    Goose asked the pelican for a beak with a bag.

    For its clawed legs, the goose received thin ostrich legs. (Crane legs)

    Goose took the tuft-crown from the Peacock. (Tail)

    The Rooster exchanged comb and beard with the Goose. (The Rooster gave him everything)

    The ducks saved the goose from the fox. (Geese)

    At the end of the fairy tale, Goose became smart and independent. (Unenvious)

Answers: 101,000,000


    The goose at the beginning of the fairy tale was:

smart, stupid, kind.

    The goose exchanged neck with:

swan, peacock, rooster.

    The goose exchanged beak with:

parrot, woodpecker, pelican.

    The goose swapped legs with:

stork, heron, crane

    The goose exchanged wings with:

black, butterfly, eagle.

    The goose swapped tails with:

rooster peacock, fox.

    What The Rooster didn’t give it to Goose:

beard, tail, scallop

    At the end of the tale, Goose became:

smart and unenvious smart and modest, smart and strong.

"We're looking for a blot."

"We're looking for a blot"

Walk through the labyrinth and collect the name of V. Suteev’s fairy tale:

(for the artist - a labyrinth, on the right road - the name, on the wrong ones - any letters.)

Questions about content.(If you divide a page in a notebook into 8 parts and draw a picture in each part, answering a question, then by the end of the lesson the children will create a comic book or a filmstrip. At home you can write captions for the pictures, and put the best comics on display.)

    Did you like the fairy tale?

    What do you remember most?

    Which of the characters did you like the most? Why?

    Have you seen such a cartoon?

    Where did it all start in this fairy tale?

    How did the Artist manage to turn Vanya and Masha into cartoon characters?

    Come up with your own magic Spell.

    Where were Masha and Vanya?

    Describe this album page (draw.)

    How did the children escape from Baba Yaga?

    What dangers awaited them on the next page?

    How did the artist save the guys? (Tell or draw.)

    What do you think was drawn on the next page? How did the guys realize that they were in the desert?

    How would you depict the next page of the album? How do you imagine aliens?

    Do you think the Serpent Gorynych was in the yard, or did the guys already run to another page?

    What was drawn on the next page?

    Why can this story be called a fairy tale? Name the fairy tale signs. ( Fairy-tale heroes, fairy-tale transformations, magical objects, helpers, good conquers evil, etc.)

    Was the Artist a Magician?

    Do you know how cartoons are created?

    Look at your drawings and think whether you have created a cartoon, or what you have created can be called something else? (comic strip, filmstrip.)

Digital dictation.

    Vanya accidentally knocked over a jar of mascara right onto the album. (Masha

    The magic wand in this fairy tale is a pencil.

    Baba Yaga arrived on a jet plane. (In a mortar)

    The artist drew a boat for the children.

    In the desert, the children unexpectedly met a tiger. (With a lion)

    After the desert, the children went to Mars and met the Martians. (To a planet unknown to science)

    On the next page the children met the janitor - Uncle Petya. (Fedya)

    The guys managed to catch the blot only on the last page of the album.

    The Spell contained an example from the multiplication table.

Answers: 010 100 011


    The names of the children in the fairy tale are:

Vasya and Sasha, Vanya and Masha, Ivanushka and Alyonushka.

    The blot came from:

paints, carcasses, ink.

    The artist wanted to bring it out:

Vanishem, blot remover, eraser.

    The blot ran away to:

book, notebook, album.

    Baba Yaga ordered to guard the children:

Cat, dog, owl.

    At sea the children were threatened:

Shark, jellyfish, storm.

    To protect children from the Lion in the desert, the artist painted:

cell, gun, jeep

    The aliens looked like:

jellyfish, shrimp, octopuses.

    The rocks in the artist's drawing were:

mounted, sheer, hanging.

    What Didn't the guys ask the Artist?

You are a wizard? Are you a magician? Are you a gin?


    All words are arranged horizontally. In the highlighted vertical cells you will read the name of one of the main tools of the animator. (tassel)

    How can you call in one word the magic words that are uttered not only by cartoonists and not only in this fairy tale? (Spell)

    The full name of one of the heroes of the fairy tale. (Ivan)

    What the artist painted on the boat to make it move faster. (Sail.)

    What protected the children in the desert from the lion? (Cell)

    A “magical” place where fairy tale events take place. (Album)

    The place where Masha and Vanya hid from Baba Yaga. (Barrel)

    The artist's magic wand. (Pencil)

    Neither Masha, nor Vanya, nor other cosmonauts could do without this on an alien planet. (Spacesuit)

Restore the deformed plan:(Here is the correct plan.)

Masha knocks over the ink.

The Blob's escape.

Transformation of Masha and Vanya into cartoon characters.

At Baba Yaga's.

In the open sea.

In the hot desert.

On an unknown planet.

In the courtyard.

In the mountains.

On the last page.

Decipher the words. What word is missing in each row? Why?

Yabagaba, maizrynychgo, shchekosmebesrtyn

(Baba Yaga, Serpent Gorynich, Koschey the Immortal - f-m kind, there was no Koshchei in the fairy tale.)

Kachbo, empty, melopo.

Barrel, mortar, broom. (barrel is not Baba Yaga’s property, broomstick is Wed. Rod. Or 3 syllables.)

Alqua, lute, zhomr.

Shark, seal, walrus. (Shark - fish, zh.r., seal - all consonants are soft.

“One, two - together!”

Content questions:

Did you like the fairy tale?

Which characters did you like?

Who in this fairy tale can be called a negative hero?

What happened one day in the forest?

Why can't you hide under trees during a thunderstorm? (In addition to the fact that the tree may fall, a tall tree may be struck by lightning.)

Who found the Moose?

What was Magpie up to? Why did she do this?

Who helped Hedgehog free Moose?

What folk tale is the plot similar to? (Turnip)

Remember the names of wolves.

Why do you think they were named that way? (Short - no tail).

What did the wolves see when they ran out into the clearing?

Who did they meet there?

Do you think the ant really freed the Moose?

What proverbs and sayings about friendship do you know?

Collect proverbs from parts, select the one that, in your opinion, most accurately expresses the main idea of ​​​​the fairy tale.

Friends are known there, enemies tremble.

The tree is held together by its roots, he helped twice.

Where friendship is valued, in trouble.

Who soon helped, and the person became friends.

Fairy tale plan.

Moose in a trap.

The hedgehog drives away the chatty Magpie.

The magpie leads the wolf into the clearing.

The hedgehog and the hare are trying to free the moose.

Gray and One-Eared wolves are on the way.

Hedgehog, Hare and Hare in a clearing.

The scanty wolf joins the Gray and One-Eared.

In a clearing, squirrels, a mouse, a frog, and an ant free the moose.

Gratitude of the moose.

Wolves in the clearing (Proud ant.)


    An elk was crushed in a clearing:

oak, pine, spruce.

    Found an elk in a clearing:

hare, hedgehog, bear.

    She flew into the thicket of the forest after the wolf:

cuckoo, crow, magpie.

    How many wolves are there in a fairy tale?

One two , three.

    Which wolf was NOT in the fairy tale?

One-eared eyeless, tailless.

    Who did NOT participate in saving the Moose?

Hares, squirrels, raccoons

    Who owns the words: “Now, I’ll just call the frog!”

Ant, hedgehog, mouse.

    The device with which the moose was saved is called:

crane, lever arm, winch.

"Different wheels."

"Different Wheels"

Solve the key to the encryption and read the title of V. Suteev’s fairy tale in the right rectangle: (the letters in the left rectangle must be placed in alphabetical order and accordingly read the letters on the right.)

Digital dictation.

    The heroes of the fairy tale live in a mansion.

    One day in a clearing they found a cart with different wheels.

    The cart was abandoned by the Bear.

    The cart had been abandoned a long time ago, and an anthill had already appeared under it. (Mushrooms.)

    The Hare suggested removing the wheels from the cart. (Hedgehog)

    The biggest wheel was rolled by the Hedgehog. (Rooster)

    Mushka made a sewing machine from her wheel. (Spinning wheel)

    The hedgehog made a mill out of his wheel. (Cockerel)

    In skillful hands, different wheels can come in handy.

Answers: 111 000 001


    The biggest wheel

    The smallest wheel.

    The genre of the work is “Different Wheels”.

    The owner of a cart abandoned in the forest.

    The main part of the mill, between them the grain is ground into flour.


    Which of the listed animals was the hero of the fairy tale?

Mouse, Moshka, Front sight.

    Heroes in a fairy tale:

3, 4, 5.

    What did the inhabitants of the tower find one day in the forest?

Telegu, bicycle, car.

    How many wheels did the fairy tale heroes bring home?

3, 4, 5

    Who laughed at them?

Hare, wolf, magpie.

    The cockerel made from his wheel:

spinning wheel, mill, steering wheel for a car.

    The hedgehog made from his wheel:

mill, spinning wheel, wheelbarrow

    The frog poured water from the well:

garden, forest, garden.

    The fly tied the hare

Socks, scarf, mittens

    The Cockerel treated the Hare:

Pies, cakes, marshmallows.

Connect the hero and his invention with arrows:

Front sight mill

Distaff frog

Cockerel car

Hedgehog well

Who gave what to the Hare?

Mittens cockerel

carrot fly

mushroom frog

hedgehog pies

Quiz “Who said, to whom, when...”.

(the quiz uses excerpts from various fairy tales by V. Suteev, including “The Mouse and the Pencil”, “The Capricious Cat”)

    “Stop! Where did you take my apple?” (Hare hedgehog “Apple”)

    “Everyone will come here, not a single apple will be left!” (Crow to the Hare “Bag of Apples”)

    “No problem apples! Refreshing! (Uncle Misha to the hare “Bag of Apples”)

    “So I dug correctly!” (Mole to the Hare “Bag of Apples”)

    “And I really love hares!” (Wolf to Hare “Bag of Apples”)

    “You can always find a stick, but here’s a lifesaver...” (Hedgehog to the hare “Magic Stick”)

    “Great, bro! Are you going fishing? (Wolf to the cat “Fisher Cat”)

    “They gave me a task! Where should I go now? (Snowman to himself “Christmas tree”)

    “That’s what you need: don’t chase us, don’t scare us!..” (Bobby the Hares “Christmas Tree”)

    “Why is it so late? You won’t have time to bring the children a Christmas tree for the New Year.” (Santa Claus to the snowman “Christmas tree”)

    “Perhaps I also need carrots... To stock up for the winter...” “Bear to the hare “Uncle Misha”)

    “You, Uncle Misha, are busy with trifles...” (Fox Madvedyu “Uncle Misha”)

    “A supply is good... Did you carry chickens? This is not good...” (Mouse to Uncle Misha “Uncle Misha”)

    “This is how I can do it! That's how I jump! That's how it is! (Ball “Skillful Hands”

    “Who will live and live, who will die here...” (Forty elk and hedgehog “One, two - together!”)

    "It's me. I freed him! (Ant to the magpie and the wolves “One, two - together!”

    “You must be a prince?” (Little Red Riding Hood Petya "Peter and Little Red Riding Hood")

    “Fi, young man, what kind of expression is “gobble up”? Well-mannered people say in such cases: eat, eat, swallow, in the end...” (Grandma Pete “Peter and Little Red Riding Hood”)

    “Marjengola! Strikokoko! (Aliens for children “We are looking for a blot”)

    “You, Filka, guard them better than your own eyes, and I’ll boil a big pot of water, and we will…” (Baba Yaga to the owl “We are looking for the Blob”)

    “I know where these spots come from! And I know who’s messing around here!” (Janitor Uncle Fedya to the guys “We are looking for the Blob”)

    “Multi-remote, five five - and you’re in the room again!” (Cartoonist Vanya and Masha “We are looking for the Blob”)

    “Here are the weirdos, different wheels are rolling home!” (Hare to the heroes of the fairy tale “Different Wheels”)

    “I will gnaw you! My teeth itch and I have to chew on something all the time!” (Mouse to Pencil “Mouse and Pencil”)

    “I don’t like your house, I don’t want to live there!” (Cat to girl “Capricious cat”)

    “Let’s change: you have my red nose, and I have your beak with a bag.” (Goose to Pelican “What kind of bird is this?”)

    “Ant, Ant, let me go under the fungus! I’m wet and I can’t fly!” (Butterfly to the Ant “Under the Mushroom”)

    “Did you say “Meow”? (Puppy to everyone in the fairy tale “Who Said “Meow!”)

About children and for children

Answers to page 25

Vladimir Suteev

Who is better?

A needle, a pencil, a pen and a ball were arguing about which one was better.
- I'm the best! - said the needle. - Look how thin and sharp I am!
- No, I’m the best! - said the pencil. “I’m made of wood, and “Pioneer” is written on me in beautiful letters.
- No, I’m better than everyone else! - said the pen. “I am clean, straight, and I have a new steel pen.”
The ball didn’t say anything, but thought that he was still better than everyone else.
Soon the girl came. She took a needle and thread and began to embroider quickly and beautifully. The needle was very pleased and said:
- You see how I can embroider!
Then the girl took a pencil and drew large flowers in a beautiful vase. And everyone saw that the pencil was also good.
Then the girl took a pen and began to do her homework. She carefully wrote all the letters with a pen. The pen was happy that the notebook was written cleanly and beautifully.
After this, the girl began to play with the ball. The ball jumped high and high and was pleased that it could jump so well.
In the evening the needle said:
“We are all good, but the girl is the best.” The girl has skillful hands.
The pencil, pen and ball agreed with the needle.

1. Write down the heroes of the fairy tale.

Girl, needle, pencil, pen and ball.

2 ∗ . Who is the best? Find the answer in the text and write it down.

The girl is the best. The girl has skillful hands.

3. What was the girl like? Choose an answer + or write your own. Check the correct answer using the text of the fairy tale

+ diligent
+ skillful
+ deft

4. Remember and write down a riddle about one of the heroes of the fairy tale. Draw the answer.
