Annual international scientific and practical conference. Third annual international scientific and practical conference of prolonged action "management of the development of educational systems"

Dear Colleagues!

We invite you to take part in the work annualIVAll-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation “Pushkin Autumn”, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Center for Medical Rehabilitation of City Hospital No. 38 named after. ON THE. Semashko.

Location: St. Petersburg, Palace Embankment, 26, House of Scientists named after. M. Gorky.

The event is accredited by the Council of Continuous medical education(CME).
Credits: 12.
The target audience
general medical practice (family medicine)

Conference organizers:

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Health Committee of St. Petersburg

Committee on Science and Higher School of St. Petersburg

All-Russian Society of Neurologists

Association of Neurologists and Chiropractors of St. Petersburg

Russian Society of Rehabilitation

St. Petersburg regional office Russian society rehabilitation

Association of Outpatient Rehabilitation Doctors of St. Petersburg

European Association of Ambulatory Rehabilitation (Tallinn, Estonia)

First St. Petersburg State Budgetary Medical University named after. I.P. Pavlova

Institute of Human Brain named after. N.P. Bekhtereva Russian Academy sciences

FSBI "Scientific Center of Neurology" (Moscow)

Military medical Academy them. CM. Kirov

St. Petersburg State Medical Pediatric University

Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov

St. Petersburg Scientific and Practical Center MSER named after. G.A. Albrecht Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov (Moscow)

FGU Federal Center heart, blood and endocrinology named after V.A. Almazova

Belarusian State Medical University (Minsk, Belarus)

Republican Children's Rehabilitation Center (Astana, Kazakhstan)

St. Petersburg Research Psychoneurological Institute named after. V.M. Bekhterev

European Academy of Natural Sciences - Europäische Akademie der Naturwissenschaften (Hannover, Germany)

City Hospital No. 38 named after. ON THE. Semashko

In progress scientific conference 500 doctors from St. Petersburg are expected to participate, Leningrad region, regions of the Northwestern Federal District, other federal districts of the Russian Federation and foreign countries in various specialties: neurology, cardiology, therapy, rehabilitation.

During the conference, an exhibition of pharmaceutical companies will be organized.

The scientific and practical goals of this conference are to improve the organization of medical services and increase vocational training doctors of various specialties. Scientific lectures and reports will be devoted to fundamental and applied aspects of clinical medicine and medical sciences. Leading scientists from Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions of the Northwestern Federal District and other federal districts of the Russian Federation, as well as foreign countries, were invited to give lectures. As part of the event, it is planned to hold Schools in Neurology, Arrhythmology and Rehabilitation.


Co-Chairs :

Mityanina A.V.- Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg

Dubina M.V.- Chairman of the Health Committee of St. Petersburg

Maksimov A.S.- Chairman of the Committee on Science and Higher School of St. Petersburg

Ardashev A.V.- Professor, Head of the Scientific Department of Arrhythmology of the Medical Research and Educational Center of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (Moscow)

Barantsevich E.R.- Professor, chief freelance neurologist of the North-Western Federal District of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Association of Neurologists of St. Petersburg

Voznyuk I.A.- Professor, Chief Neurologist of St. Petersburg, Deputy Director of the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Emergency Care named after. I.I. Dzhanelidze by scientific work

Datayasheva K.K.- Professor, Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “House of Scientists named after. M. Gorky" RAS

Zasukhina T.N.- Deputy Chairman of the Health Committee of St. Petersburg

Zueva I.B.- Professor, chief physician St. Petersburg State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “City Hospital No. 38 named after. ON THE. Semashko"

Ivanova G.E.- Professor, chief specialist in medical rehabilitation of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Moscow)

Illarioshkin S.N. - corresponding member RAS, professor, deputy director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Scientific Center of Neurology" of the Russian Academy of Sciences for scientific work (Moscow)

Melentyeva L.N.- Head of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation and Sanatorium-Resort Treatment of the Health Committee of St. Petersburg

Maryutin P.V.- Deputy Chief Physician of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “City Hospital No. 38 named after. ON THE. Semashko" on general issues

Pavlovich D.A.- Head of the Health Department of the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg

Sarana A.M.- chief specialist in medical rehabilitation of St. Petersburg

Skoromets A.A.- Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Neurology of the First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. acad. I.P. Pavlova

Fedin A.I.- Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Neurology, Federal Postgraduate Education, Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogov (Moscow)

Kovalchuk V.V.- Professor, Head of the Center for Medical Rehabilitation of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution "City Hospital No. 38 named after. ON THE. Semashko", Chairman of the Society of Rehabilitation Specialists of St. Petersburg, Chief Specialist in Neurorehabilitation of St. Petersburg

Inspirer and ideological organizer of the conference-Honored Doctor of Russia, Professor, Doctor of Medicine. Sciences V.V. Kovalchuk- creator and founder of the Center for Medical Rehabilitation of City Hospital No. 38 named after. ON THE. Semashko, professor at Cambridge University, long time specializing in the field of rehabilitation and neurology both in Russia and in countries near and far abroad.

  • Head of the Center for Medical Rehabilitation of City Hospital No. 38 named after. ON THE. Semashko, head of the department of rehabilitation of patients with organic damage to the central nervous system of city hospital No. 38 named after. ON THE. Semashko
  • Chairman of the Society of Rehabilitologists of St. Petersburg
  • Chief specialist in neurorehabilitation of the Health Committee of St. Petersburg
  • Member of the Board of the Association of Neurologists and Chiropractors of St. Petersburg
  • Member of the Royal British Stroke Society
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal “American Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience”
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal “Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment”
  • Member of the Editorial Board of PiscoMed Publishing Pte. Ltd." (Singapore)
  • Vice President of the Board of the World Society of Sciences, Arts and Communications (USA).
  • Member of the World Council of Directors of the International Center for World Development (from Europe) (the first in history and the only representative from Russia)
  • Member World Association"Honorary Doctorate of Letters"
  • Member of the Coordination Council of the Health Committee of St. Petersburg for the development of medical and economic standards of care medical care patients with cerebrovascular accidents
  • Chairman of the Council of the Health Committee of St. Petersburg for the development of medical and economic standards in rehabilitation
  • Member of the coordinating council of the St. Petersburg Health Committee for the reorganization and improvement of medical care for patients with strokes in St. Petersburg
  • Member of the UN Honorary List of the World's 500 Leading Opinion Leaders
  • Laureate of the title “Best Doctor of Russia-2011”
  • Laureate of the title “Best Doctor in the World 2011-2012” (nominated by the US Association of Neurologists)
  • Laureate of the title “Best Doctor in Europe 2012” (nominated by the University of Cambridge)
  • Laureate of the title “Honorary Scientist of Europe” (nominated by the European Academy of Natural Sciences)
  • Winner of the title "World Person of the Year 2012" (nominated by Cambridge University)
  • Laureate of the title “Great Minds of Planet Earth of the 21st Century”
  • Laureate of the Prize of the Presidium of the European Academy of Natural Sciences and the Albert Schweitzer Medal “in recognition of high moral and ethical qualities and outstanding achievements in the field of medicine, healthcare and humanitarian and social spheres of activity”
  • Laureate of the Presidium of the European Academy of Natural Sciences and the Max Joseph Pettenkofer Medal “for special achievements and services in the field of medical research”
  • Honorary founder and member of the Presidium of the cultural and educational club “Russian World in Europe”
  • Honorary Member World Hall of Fame (“Hall of Eternal Fame for Individuals of the 21st Century whose contributions to the arts, science, education, politics, sports, business and philanthropy are of the greatest value to the development of society”)
  • Laureate of the World Leonardo Da Vinci Diamond Award for “outstanding achievements and invaluable contribution to the development of Humanity”


M.G. Abdrakhmanova - Professor, President of the Association of Neurologists of the Karaganda Region (Karaganda, Kazakhstan)

A. Aidetis - professor (Vilnius, Lithuania)

O. Airaksinen - Associate Professor, Head of the Center for Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (Kuopio, Finland)

M.H. Aisanov - professor, ch. neurologist of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic (Cherkessk)

HA. Akilov - professor, rector of the Tashkent Institute for Advanced Medical Studies (Uzbekistan)

S.V. Alexandrova - chief neurologist of the Republic of Mari-El (Yoshkar-Ola)

A.V. Amelin - professor

V.G. Amcheslavsky - professor (Moscow)

E.V. Anagpova - chief neurologist of the Republic of Buryatia (Ulan-Ude)

O.V. Androphagina - chief neurologist of the Samara region (Samara)

A.Sh. Artykbaev - chief neurologist of Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan)

O.A. Ataniyazova - professor, director of the Nukus branch of the Tashkent State Medical Institute (Nukus, Uzbekistan)

V.V. Afanasyev - professor

I. I. Babokhova - chief neurologist of the city of Orel

R.M. Baeshov - chief neurologist of the Kyzylorda region (Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan)

I.N. Balashova - associate professor, chief speech therapist of St. Petersburg

V.A. Balyazin - professor (Rostov-on-Don)

N.S. Baranova - professor, chief neurologist of the Yaroslavl region (Yaroslavl)

A.E. Barulin - professor (Volgograd)

T.T. Batysheva - professor, chief specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for pediatric rehabilitation, chief pediatric neurologist in Moscow

A.A. Belkin - professor (Ekaterinburg)

A.N. Belova - professor (Nizhny Novgorod)

G.N. Belskaya - professor, chief neurologist of the Chelyabinsk region

M.D. Bogatyreva - chief neurologist of the Stavropol Territory

N.V. Bogdanova - chief specialist in medical rehabilitation Kaliningrad region(Kaliningrad)

E.I. Bogdanov - Professor, Chairman of the Society of Neurologists of the Republic of Tatarstan (Kazan)

R.A. Bodrova - professor, chief rehabilitologist of the Republic of Tatarstan (Kazan)

T.T. Bokebaev - professor (Astana, Kazakhstan)

S. Bortnik - associate professor (Marianske Lazne, Czech Republic)

V.A. Bronnikov - professor (Perm)

A.A. Bulanov - chief neurologist of Penza and Penza region(Penza)

Sh.A. Bulekbaeva - professor, chief rehabilitologist of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Astana)

V.V. Burdakov - professor (Orenburg)

Yu.N. Bykov - professor, vice-rector of Irkutsk State Medical University (Irkutsk)

N.N. Vezikova - professor, chief therapist of the Republic of Karelia (Petrozavodsk)

E.E. Vidyakina - chief therapist of the Kirov region (Kirov)

L.I. Volkova - professor (Ekaterinburg)

A.I. Volosevich - chief neurologist of Arkhangelsk

B.E. Gabovich - professor, president of the Estonian Pain Society (Tallinn, Estonia)

R.N. Gadaborshev - chief neurologist of the Republic of Ingushetia (Nazran)

B.G. Gafurov - Professor, Chairman of the Association of Neurologists of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Tashkent, Uzbekistan)

V.A. Golik - professor, chief specialist of Ukraine in physiotherapy and medical rehabilitation (Kiev)

IN AND. Gorbachev - professor (Irkustk)

S.A. Groppa - professor, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, vice-president of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, chief neurologist of the Republic of Moldova (Chisinau, Moldova)

IN AND. Guzeva - professor, chief pediatric neurologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

V.V. Gusev - chief neurologist of Yekaterinburg

A.V. Gustov - professor (Nizhny Novgorod)

Al.B. Danilov - professor (Moscow)

An.B. Danilov - professor (Moscow)

I.A. Dzhulay - chief neurologist of the Murmansk region (Murmansk)

A.T. Djurabekova - professor (Samarkand, Uzbekistan)

L.A. Dzyak - professor (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine)

M.D. Didur - professor, director of the Institute of the Human Brain named after. N.P. Bekhterev RAS

T.V. Dokukina - professor (Minsk, Belarus)

B.M. Doronin - professor (Novosibirsk)

V.A. Drobyshev - professor, chief specialist of the Siberian Federal District in sanatorium and resort treatment, chief physiotherapist Novosibirsk region(Novosibirsk city)

IN AND. Ershov - professor (Orenburg)

I. Efimov - professor, president of the Russian-American Medical Association (St. Louis, Missouri, USA)

A.V. Zhelnin - professor, chief neurologist Perm region(Perm)

S.A. Zhivolupov - professor

N.V. Zhukovskaya - candidate of medical sciences, chief neurologist of the Leningrad region

A.S. Zhusupova - professor (Astana, Kazakhstan)

L.G. Zaslavsky - professor

V.V. Zakharov - professor (Moscow)

V.V. Ivanova - chief neurologist of the Chuvash Republic (Cheboksary)

E.I. Ivashimenkova - chief neurologist of Volgograd

G. Ingorokva - professor (Tbilisi, Georgia)

E.R. Isaeva - professor

N.V. Isaeva - MD, PhD, chief neurologist of the Krasnoyarsk region

V.A. Isanova - professor (Kazan)

M.Yu. Kabanov - professor, chief physician of the Hospital for War Veterans

G.B. Kabdrakhmanova - professor (Aktobe, Kazakhstan)

G.S. Kaishibaeva - associate professor (Almaty, Kazakhstan)

A.L. Kalinkin - professor, head of the Center for Sleep Medicine (Moscow)

S.U. Kamenova - professor, President of the National Association of Kazakhstan “Neuroscience” (Almaty, Kazakhstan)

ETC. Kamchatnov - professor (Moscow)

Yu.V. Karakulova - professor (Perm)

CM. Karpov - professor (Stavropol)

T.T. Kasymbekov - professor (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan)

V.V. Kiryanova - professor, chief physiotherapist of the Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation

E.G. Klocheva - professor

A.V. Kovalenko - professor (Kemerovo)

S.N. Kozhevnikov - chief specialist in medical rehabilitation of the Omsk region (Omsk)

V.V. Konyaeva - chief neurologist of Ryazan

O.V. Kolokolov - professor (Saratov)

O.L. Kolosova - chief therapist of the Murmansk region

A.D. Korczyn - professor (Israel)

ON THE. Korotkevich - chief neurologist of the Kemerovo region

E.Yu. Kravtsova - professor (Perm)

CM. Kuznetsova - professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, president of the Association of Cardioneurologists of Ukraine (Kiev)

V.V. Kuznetsov - professor (Kyiv, Ukraine)

M.L. Kukushkin - professor (Moscow)

B.B. Kulov - professor, chief specialist in medical rehabilitation of Kyrgyzstan (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan)

O.V. Kurushina - professor, chief neurologist of the Southern Federal District (Volgograd)

V.B. Laskov - professor (Kursk)

O.L. Lakhman - professor (Irkutsk)

I.N. Lien - professor, chief rehabilitation specialist in Taipei (Taiwan)

V.S. Lisnik - professor, President of the Society of Neurologists of the Republic of Moldova (Chisinau, Moldova)

I.V. Litvinenko - professor

S.A. Likhachev - professor, chief neurologist of the Republic of Belarus (Minsk)

S.V. Lobzin - professor

NOT. Lyubimova - chief neurologist of the Ministry of Health of the Udmurt Republic (Izhevsk)

E.V. Lukina - chief neurologist of Saratov

L.N. Majidova - professor, chairman of the Antiepileptic League of Uzbekistan (Tashkent)

M.D. Mazarchuk - professor (Karaganda, Kazakhstan)

E.S. Makarova - chief neurologist, Khabarovsk

N.S. Mamasoliev - professor, chief therapist, Andijan (Uzbekistan)

N.N. Maslova - professor, ch. neurologist of the Smolensk region (Smolensk)

S.V. Matveev - professor, chief physician of St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution "City Medical and Physical Education Dispensary"

T.N. Matkovskaya - chief therapist in Sevastopol

V.V. Mashin - professor (Ulyanovsk)

E.V. Melnikova - professor, chief specialist in medical rehabilitation of the Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation

E.G. Mendelevich - professor (Kazan)

A.V. Meshcheryakova - professor (Simferopol)

L.A. Milavkina - chief specialist in medical rehabilitation of the Pskov region (Pskov)

O.I. Milova - chief pediatric neurologist of the Republic of Chuvashia (Cheboksary)

EM. Mirjuraev - professor, chief specialist in medical rehabilitation of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Tashkent)

V.A. Mikhailov - professor

T.S. Mishchenko - professor, chief neurologist of Ukraine (Kiev)

P. Monro - professor (London, UK)

V.S. Myakotnykh - professor (Ekaterinburg)

G.I. Naumova - associate professor, chief neurologist of the main health department of the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee (Vitebsk, Belarus)

R.R. Nepesov - candidate of medical sciences, chief neurologist of the Republic of Turkmenistan (Ashgabat, Turkmenistan)

K.V. Nesterin - Ph.D., Ch. specialist in medical rehabilitation of the Chuvash Republic (Cheboksary)

A.G. Nikiforov - chief neurologist of the Novgorod region

NOT. Nikulenkova - chief rheumatologist of the Vladimir region (Vladimir)

L.B. Novikova - professor, chief neurologist of the Republic of Bashkortostan and the city of Ufa

S.N. Norvils - head of the Speech Therapy Committee of the Union of Rehabilitologists of Russia (Moscow)

E.S. Nurguzhaev - professor, Chairman of the Association of Neurologists of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty)

A.G. Circumcised - Professor

S.G. Ovcharenko - chief specialist in medical rehabilitation of the Republic of Khakassia (Abakan)

MM. Equally - corresponding member. RAMS, professor, chief neurologist of the RF Ministry of Defense

L.A. Ostroumova - chief neurologist of Buguruslan

O.S. Pavlyukova - chief neurologist of the Kaliningrad region

O. Pascal - chief neurorehabilitation specialist of the Republic of Moldova (Chisinau, Moldova)

G.O. Penina - professor, chief occupational pathologist of the Komi Republic (Syktyvkar)

P.I. Pilipenko - professor (Novosibirsk)

I.E. Poverennova - professor (Samara)

V.G. Pomnikov - professor

V.V. Ponomarev - professor (Minsk, Belarus)

G.N. Ponomarenko - professor, general director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution FSCRI named after. G.A. Albrecht Ministry of Labor of Russia

S.V. Prokopenko - professor, chief specialist in medical rehabilitation of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

E.L. Pugacheva - associate professor

B. Puest - professor, chief epileptologist in Hamburg (Germany)

V.A. Razin - professor, specialist in medical rehabilitation of the Ulyanovsk region (Ulyanovsk)

G.S. Rakhimbaeva - professor, chief specialist of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population, chief neurologist of the Republic of Tajikistan (Tashkent, Uzbekistan)

A.P. Rachin - professor (Moscow)

V.V. Reut - President of the Association of Outpatient Rehabilitation Doctors of St. Petersburg

HE. Rossinskaya - chief specialist in medical rehabilitation of the Kursk region (Kursk)

V.S. Rybnikov - professor

A.L. Rutgaiser - Ph.D., Ch. specialist in medical rehabilitation of the Republic of Karelia (Petrozavodsk)

A.O. Safronov - ch. specialist in medical rehabilitation of the Republic of Mari-El (Yoshkar-Ola)

A.M. Sergeev - chief neurologist of the Republic of Karelia (Petrozavodsk)

E.V. Heart - professor (Arkhangelsk)

S.A. Sivertsova - professor (Tyumen)

A.P. Skoromets - professor

T.A. Skoromets - professor

N.V. Skripchenko - professor

V.B. Smychek - professor, Ch. specialist in medical rehabilitation of the Republic of Belarus (Minsk)

G.Yu. Sokurenko - professor

Moon K. Song - professor (Los Angeles, California, USA)

V.A. Sorokoumov - professor

N.N. Spirin - professor, chief neurologist of Yaroslavl

P.V. Starikov - chief neurologist of Veliky Novgorod

S.T. Starodubtseva - chief neurologist of the Pskov region

N.S. Subbotina - professor, chairman of the society of neurologists of the Republic of Karelia (Petrozavodsk)

V.D. Syrnikov - chief specialist in medical rehabilitation of the Vologda region

G.R. Tabeeva - professor (Moscow)

MM. Tanashyan - professor (Moscow)

I.A. Tikhankin - chief neurologist of the Vologda region

E.R. Tokareva - chief neurologist of Sevastopol

T.K. Turemuratov - chief neurologist of Karakalpakstan (Nukus, Uzbekistan)

E.A. Fedorova - chief specialist in medical rehabilitation of the Tula region

B.B. Fishman - professor (Veliky Novgorod)

V.Kh. Khavinson - corresponding member. RAS, professor, chief specialist in gerontology and geriatrics in St. Petersburg

F.I. Khamrabaeva - professor, ch. physiotherapist of Uzbekistan (Tashkent)

D.R. Khasanova - professor, chief angioneurologist of the Republic of Tatarstan (Kazan)

L.S. Khachegogu - chief specialist in medical rehabilitation of the Republic of Adygea (Maykop)

D.T. Khojaeva - professor (Bukhara, Uzbekistan)

N.L. Khoroshilova - chief neurologist of the Oryol region

B.V. Zeitler - professor, scientific secretary of the Center for Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology

A. Tsiskaridze - academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Georgia, professor (Tbilisi, Georgia)

L.A. Tsukurova - chief freelance neurologist of the Krasnodar region

M.S. Cherepyansky - chief neurologist of the Komi Republic (Syktyvkar)

V.G. Cherkasova - professor (Perm)

I.V. Chernikova - professor (Rostov-on-Don)

L.V. Chichanovskaya - MD, PhD, chief neurologist of the Tver region

S.E. Chuprina - chief neurologist of the Voronezh region

L.S. Sensitive - professor

M.L. Chukhlovina - professor

I.G. Shabalina - associate professor

OK. Shaidukova - professor (Kazan)

R. Shakarishvili - corresponding member. NAS of Georgia, professor, president scientific society neurologists of Georgia (Tbilisi)

G.I. Shvartsman - professor

M.A. Sherman - professor (Kirov)

V.V. Shestakov - professor, chief neurologist of Perm

R.K. Shiralieva - professor, chief neurologist of Azerbaijan (Baku, Azerbaijan)

V.A. Shirokov - professor (Ekaterinburg)

F. Yusupov - professor (Osh, Kyrgyzstan)

E.Z. Yakupov - professor (Kazan)

A.V. Yashkov - professor, chief specialist in medical rehabilitation of the Samara region (Samara)

The Organizing Committee invites you to take part in the work

scientific-practical conference!



19 - 2 2 April 2018 of the year

« Action: experience, attitude, meanings»

  • Action – the right to fear and the right to courage
  • Gestalt therapy as a space for performing actions
  • Action in the space of relationships
  • Individuality and society
  • Action and neurosis
  • Self-realization and psychosomatic illnesses

Who will be:

  • MIGTiK staff: O. Nemirinsky, O. Silnova, E. Burtseva, I. Zakharyan, B. Zelekson, S. Serov, I. Fomina, O. Poddyakova, O. Shevchenko, I. Vostretsov, A. Grishankova, O. Korneeva , M. Denisenko, P. Zelekson, S. Moiseeva, V. Sonkin, O. Movchan, N. Kudryashova, M. Soboleva, V. Patonich, E. Dubinets and others;
  • leading representatives of the Gestalt community from other countries and institutions (Polish Association of Gestalt Therapy, Estonian Association of Gestalt Therapy, MIGIP (Moscow), MGI (Moscow), SPIG (St. Petersburg), SZGC (St. Petersburg), MIGIS (Dnepr), MiGI (Minsk)), other guests.

What will happen:

  • Lots of workshops (primarily), professional case studies, lectures, round tables, creative performances.
  • The band's concert will take place on Saturday evening.Sambateria (Latin jazz) and singers Carina la Dulce.

The conference will take place at:

Moscow region, Solnechnogorsk-3, Tolstyakovo village, rehabilitation center "Orbita-2"


  1. Centralized departure April 19 at 10.45 from Art. m. Khovrino. Submit bus requests in advance.
  2. By personal car: Along the Leningradskoe highway up to 65 km, then 10 km along the Tarakanovskoe highway to the village of Tolstyakovo and 900 meters following the sign to the left.
  3. By train: From Leningradsky station, commuter trains follow to Podsolnechnaya (Solnechnogorsk), then by bus No. 24 with a stop at the sanatorium or by taxi.
    Free transfer (Ford minibus with logo) departs from the Mostransavto bus stop located opposite railway station Art. Podsolnechnaya 12.00, 15.00 on weekdays
  4. By bus: From the Vodny Stadion metro station by bus No. 440 (schedule at the link) to Solnechnogorsk.
    Bus No. 24 with a stop at the ORBITA-2 REC departs from the bus station in Solnechnogorsk.
    Departure from Solnechnogorsk (Bus station): MOSTRANSAVTO
    05-15; 06-10;06-30; 07-37; 09-15; 10-25 (O); 11-10; 12-40 (O);13-52; 14-45(O); 15-15; 16-10; 17-20; 18-20; 18-55 (O); 19-45; 20-45; 21-50 (O) with a stop at “Orbit”

Cost of accommodation with three meals a day (three days):

  • In a double room with private facilities – 5200 rub.
  • In a double two-room suite (junior suite) – 6000 rub.
  • In a single room – 6450 rub.
The bus and additional lunch (on the day of departure) are paid separately.
! Attention! Discounts on registration fees apply only if you pay for your stay!
! Reservation of accommodation is carried out only if you also pay the registration fee!

Russian Academy National economy And civil service under the President of the Russian Federation
Center for Development of Educational Systems
In collaboration with
Southern Federal University
Institute of Management in Economic, Environmental and social systems
With expert support
Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Third annual international scientific and practical conference of prolonged action

"Management of the development of educational systems"

2017 theme:

“Project management as a tool for the development of educational systems: from projects to project portfolio management systems”

The date of the: October 20-21, 2017
Time spending: from 10-00 to 17-00 Moscow time
Location: Moscow, Vernadsky Ave. 82
Online broadcast: available here
Category of participants: civil servants in the education sector, educational leaders, graduates of RANEPA Presidential programs, employees of educational development institutes, advanced training institutes, teaching staff and etc.

Based on the results of the conference, a collection of materials from effective projects and models of project management in education will be published, the materials of which will be used to create a network of “support sites” with expert support from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Conference objectives:
- generalization and systematization of scientific and practical experience in managing the development of systems in various fields for use in the education system;
- organizing the activities of interested parties on the topic of the current year’s conference in the period between the April in-person meetings of the conference in the format of the “International Design and Expert Network Laboratory”.

Conference objectives:
- identify problems and trends in the implementation of project management
- identifying the features of implementing project management systems in organizations;
- analyze domestic and international experience in using various management systems project activities in organizations;
- formulate conceptual recommendations for the implementation and effective organization of project portfolio management;
- form a network " experimental sites» on the implementation of project management in educational systems (from the regional level to the level of organization of general, secondary and higher professional education).

Main directions of the conference 2017
1. Analysis of the fundamentals of project management.
2. Assessing the performance of Project Offices in education.
3. Discussions of modern project management systems at the level of region, municipality, organization (exchange of experience)
4. Project management in the context of developing the human resources potential of educational systems
5. Mathematical models for assessing the effectiveness of project management
6. Discussion of requirements for the activities of a network of experimental sites for the implementation of project management

Based on the results of the conference, a collection of materials from effective projects and models of project management in education will be published, the materials of which will be used to create a network of “support sites” with expert support from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
Send articles by email [email protected] with the topic “Article, RANEPA conference.”

Forms of participation
- In-person participation in the conference. Registration for in-person participation is until 10/16/17. Without registration, you will not be issued a pass to the Academy territory.
- Remote participation. Registration for remote participation until October 20, 2017. The video broadcast will be available on

Russia, Novosibirsk (publication included in: RSCI)

Participation form: part-time

Dear Colleagues!

We invite you to take part in the international scientific and practical conference of scientists, graduate students, higher, secondary and preschool teachers educational institutions, students and schoolchildren

Main directions of the conference:
SECTION 1. General pedagogy.
SECTION 2. Modern pedagogical technologies.
SECTION 3. Modern information Technology in educational activities.
SECTION 4. Theory and methodology of training and education.
SECTION 5. Competency-based approach in education.
SECTION 6. Modern methods and models in teaching foreign languages ​​and cultures.
SECTION 7. Theory and methods of physical education.
SECTION 8. Problems and prospects of preschool education.
SECTION 9. Problems and prospects of secondary and secondary specialized education.
SECTION 10. Reforming the higher education system.
SECTION 11. Problems of quality of higher pedagogical education.
SECTION 12. The role of the teacher in modern society.
SECTION 13. National educational traditions in modern schools.
SECTION 14. Foreign experience in organizing the education system.
SECTION 15. Results scientific research students and schoolchildren.


Text format: Word for Windows – 95/07. Page format: A4 (210x297 mm). Margins: 2.5 cm – on all sides. Font: size (point) – 14; type – Times New Roman. Title is printed in capital letters, font – bold, centered. Below, double-spaced in lowercase letters, are the initials and surname of the author(s). On the next line is the full name of the organization, city. After an indentation of 2 intervals there is an annotation, followed by 2 intervals of text, single spacing, paragraph indentation - 1.25 cm, justified. The names and numbers of figures are indicated below the figures, the names and numbers of tables are indicated above the tables. Tables, diagrams, pictures, formulas, graphs should not go beyond the specified fields (the font in tables and pictures is at least 11 pt). Literature footnotes in square brackets. A list of references is required. Don't put transfers.
In the electronic version, each article must be in a separate file. In the file name, indicate the code (CO-7), section number and surname of the first author (for example, CO-7 Section 9 Petrov).
The total volume of one publication included in the org. contribution, 5 pages.
Information about the authors must be presented in tabular form. In the name of the file with information about the author, indicate the conference code and the surname of the first author (for example, SO-7 Petrov).

FULL NAME. author
Place of work (university)
Position, department without abbreviations, academic degree, academic title
Work address, home address
Work phone, home phone, mobile phone
Topic of the article
Conference code: SO-7
Section number
Number of pages in the author's report
Required number of copies of the collection
Payment amount and date
Address to which the collection should be sent (necessarily indicating the postcode and surname of the recipient)
The source from which you learned about the CRNS
Is it required to provide a certificate of acceptance of materials for publication (RUB 100)? Not really
Do I need to provide a conference participant certificate (RUB 250)? Not really

Upon receipt of materials, the organizing committee sends a letter “Materials received” to the author within two days. Authors who sent materials via e-mail and those who have not received confirmation of their receipt by the organizing committee, please duplicate the application.
The collection of conference materials is assigned an international ISBN index.
Conference materials are distributed to major libraries in Russia and abroad.

The collection is registered in the scientometric database RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index) and is published on the website of the electronic library



In order to reimburse organizational, publishing and printing expenses, authors must pay an organizational fee in the amount of 200 rubles per page. Reports of less than 5 pages will not be accepted for publication. The number of publications from one author is not limited. The electronic version of the collection is provided free of charge.
For each printed copy of the collection, you must pay 450 rubles (with the exception of co-authors). If the material for participation in the conference is written in co-authorship, then for each co-author you must pay an additional amount of 450 rubles. For sending the collection outside the Russian Federation - an additional 450 rubles.
The cost of a conference participant certificate is 250 rubles, a conference program is 200 rubles, a certificate of acceptance of materials for publication is 100 rubles. The certificate is provided to authors electronically within 2-3 days; the certificate is sent in hard copy by registered mail of the Russian Federation within 7-10 days (or electronically within 2-3 days) from the moment the organizing committee receives the entire package of documents.


1. Korotaeva E.V., Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Childhood Psychology, Ural State Pedagogical University (Ekaterinburg), Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Full Member of the Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences - Chairman
2. Chernov S.S., Head of the Department of Management Systems and Energy Economics, Novosibirsk State technical university(Novosibirsk), head of the Center for Scientific Research, Ph.D., associate professor - deputy. chairman
3. Tikhomirova E.I., head of the laboratory of Subjective Self-Realization and innovative technologies Volga Region State Social and Humanitarian Academy (Samara), Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the International Academy of Acmeological Sciences
4. Tverezovskaya N.T., Professor of the Department of Teaching Methods of the National University of Bioresources and Environmental Management of Ukraine (Kiev), Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
5. Koletvinova N.D., professor of the department of Russian language, literature and methods of teaching them, Tatar State Humanitarian-Pedagogical University (Kazan), Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
6. Stavrinova N.N., Head of the Laboratory of Regional Studies, Leading Researcher of the Laboratory, Professor of the Department of General Pedagogy and Educational Psychology of Surgut State Pedagogical University (Surgut), Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
7. Kulikovskaya I.E., Head of the Department of Educational Development, Professor of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy of the Pedagogical Institute of the Southern Federal University (Rostov-on-Don), Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
8. Golubeva I.V., Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Methods primary education Taganrog State pedagogical institute(Taganrog), Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor


Recipient: Individual Entrepreneur Sergey Sergeevich Chernov (specify in full)
Recipient's TIN: 540325795599
OKATO 50401000000
Recipient's bank account 40802810044070005013
Recipient bank: Siberian Bank of Sberbank of Russia OJSC
Bank BIC 045004641
K-account: 30101810500000000641
Purpose of payment: indicate the conference code and the author’s surname

Information about the conditions for publishing the results of scientific research and requirements for the design of materials can be obtained on the website, by calling the Center for the Development of Scientific Cooperation in Novosibirsk:
8-383-291-79-01 Chernov Sergey Sergeevich, head of CRNS
8-913-749-05-30 Khvostenko Pavel Viktorovich, leading specialist of the CRNS
or by email: [email protected], [email protected]


When contacting event organizers, be sure to refer to the website as a source of information.

Organizers: Center for the Development of Scientific Cooperation (Novosibirsk)

Contact Information: Tel.: 8-383-291-79-01 – Chernov Sergey Sergeevich, head of the CRNS, 8-913-749-05-30 – Khvostenko Pavel Viktorovich, leading specialist of the CRNS

Found a mistake? Select it, press Ctrl and Entersimultaneously.

* March 26, 2018 scientific electronic library has stopped indexing collections of articles based on the results of correspondence conferences in the RSCI.
