Presentation "Do primary schoolchildren know about hidden threats on the Internet?" Presentation on the topic: Safe Internet Class hour safe Internet elementary school presentation

Class hour on this topic:

Safe Internet

Teacher: Skok A.S.

Guys, the topic of our lesson is very interesting and relevant, which concerns any modern schoolchild.

I'm glad to meet you again

I'm interested in you, friends!

Your answers are interesting

I listen with pleasure.

Today we will watch

Draw conclusions and reason.

And so that the lesson benefits everyone,

Get actively involved in the work, my friend!


Guys, to find out the topic of our lesson, I suggest you guess the riddle

There are museums there, and books, games,

Music, live tigers.

You can find everything

In this fabulous network.

Where to find girlfriend Olya,

Well, of course, in... (Internet)

That's right, today we will talk about the Internet. The Internet is the greatest and most amazing invention of the last century, with the help of which humanity has made a huge leap into the future. This invention became a stimulus for progress. And it is already impossible to imagine a modern person without a computer and the Internet.


The Internet is an information system that has become one of the most important human inventions.

Any modern man cannot imagine his life without a computer. If you used to use a computer to a limited extent, now you can’t imagine without the Internet.

You are all familiar with the computer and each of you has been on the Internet.

What is the Internet? (children’s answers)

The Internet is an information system that has become one of the most important human inventions.

Using the Internet, you can contact a person who is far from you; you can correspond with him using Email, communicate with him in “chat rooms” and even see your interlocutor. It is very interesting. The Internet contains information from all over the world.

People learned about the Internet

and quickly fell into a strong net.

caught in the net - there is no way out,

The Internet is now our assistant and friend!

Everything you want to know today

send letters to distant countries,

connect with the world, leave the world -

Everything can be found on the Internet!

Children play toys online

adults read rare books,

you can get a diploma here,

watch the film, and sell, and buy...

everything on the Internet is possible today,

everything that was previously complex has become simpler.

And there are no boundaries, and there seem to be no spaces...

The Internet has solved these problems!

Group work

1 group

  • Group



Now I invite you to work in groups and determine what role the Internet plays in our lives.

Group 1 - think and write 2-3 examples to prove that the Internet is a friend (communication with friends, games, entertainment...)

Group 2 - the Internet is the enemy.

You can find friends

Communication with friends and classmates

you can get various services at home

4.5. Results of group work

Group 1 (Internet – friend)

You can find friends

Getting the information you need

Communication with friends and classmates

You can find and download any movie or music

You can find and download

any movie or music

Getting the information you need


Group 2 (Internet enemy)

Social addiction

Impact on health (spinal curvature, visual impairment)

Violence, horror

gambling addiction

Internet fraud

Surely many of you, when downloading your favorite cartoons, music or new game We came across an offer to pay for a service using our phone. After paying, you discover that your phone is out of money, and the site you need has not opened. Remember:

Sometimes you're online

Suddenly there are liars.

They promise everything in the world

Give free to children:

Phone, puppy, iPod

and a trip to the resort.

Their conditions are not complicated:

You can send SMS

From dad's, mom's phone -

And already you are in the Bahamas.

Don't trust scammers

Check the information.

If they are eager to offer,

That could be a scam.

Internet fraud

Social addiction


More than once you have had to look for information to prepare for lessons. You tried to quickly find it on the Internet, following links from one site to another. And suddenly something started to happen to the computer! He completely stopped listening. What is this?

Suddenly from the gap between the lines

A worm comes out.

Harmless at least in appearance,

He harbors trouble within himself.

Can he erase files?

Maybe steal money

Offers us new things,

The virus is a master of disguise!

I don't want to get in trouble

I'll get an antivirus!

Meeting strangers

Guys, you need not only not to give information about yourself to strangers, but also not to meet strangers. Your new internet friend may suggest meeting you. This also poses a danger for you. After all, you don’t know the person, you’re not sure that everything he wrote to you is true.

How interesting it is for all children

Play with friends together

You can also do it on the Internet

You just need to be careful.

And don't play with strangers,

Don't invite them to visit you.

And don’t come yourself -

I ask you not to forget.

Never tell strangers about yourself: where you live, where you study, your number

phone. Only your friends and family should know this!

“So that the thief does not come to us,

And the stranger didn’t find us,

Your phone number, address, photo

Don't put it on the Internet

And don’t tell others.”


Meeting strangers

We want the Internet

“I’ve been your friend for many years!

You will know these seven rules -

Feel free to surf the Internet! »

And the main rule! Always ask your parents about unfamiliar things on the Internet.

We want the Internet

“I’ve been your friend for many years!

You will know these seven rules -

Feel free to surf the Internet! »

schoolchildren o

hidden threats


Currently, more and more modern schoolchildren spend their free time on the Internet. This makes it possible to gain extensive information on many issues, play, and make new friends. But at the same time, it is far from safe for children who post their personal information and communicate with strangers on social networks. I wondered how aware elementary school students are about the hidden threats of the Internet.


Awareness of younger schoolchildren about hidden threats on the Internet.

Object of study

Subject of study

The level of awareness of primary schoolchildren about the hidden threats posed by communication on social networks.

Purpose of the study

To find out how deep the knowledge of modern elementary school students is about hidden threats on the Internet.

  • Study popular scientific literature, Internet resources on the research topic and, based on this, show the reasons for the popularity of the global network among primary schoolchildren and describe the hidden threats of the Internet for users.
  • Select and justify the methods for conducting this research.
  • Conduct a study to determine how well elementary school students know about the hidden dangers of being on social networks.
  • Summarize the results and draw conclusions about the real level of awareness of primary schoolchildren about hidden threats on the Internet. Create a video “How to avoid becoming a victim of fraud on the Internet” for the purpose of preventive work to prevent fraud on the Internet among students, parents, and teachers.

Research objectives:

If we examine the level of awareness of primary schoolchildren about hidden threats on the Internet, it turns out that less than 30% of students have accurate information on this problem.


  • Studying literature and Internet resources on the research topic.
  • Survey.
  • Comparison.
  • Generalization of results.

Research methods:

Novelty of the research

For the first time, as part of a school study, the level of awareness of elementary school students about hidden threats on the Internet was studied.

Practical significance

The practical significance of this study is in the application of its results to prevent cases of deception and fraud on the Internet among primary schoolchildren.

1969 - the first computer network started working

  • 1969 - the first computer network started working
  • 1973 - the network became international
  • 1994 - the emergence of Runet - the Russian zone of the Internet
  • 1995 – appearance of the first social network

Survey results

Test results

1. Always ask parents and adults about unfamiliar things on the Internet. They will tell you what is safe to do and what is not.

2.Do not post personal information on the Internet.

3.Do not download or open files that are unknown to you or sent by strangers from the Internet.

4.Use well-known, proven browsers to access the Internet.

5. Monitor your time at the computer. After every 20 minutes of work, do eye exercises.

6.If there are no adults nearby, do not meet in real life with people you met on the Internet.

7.Do not rush to send SMS when downloading pictures, games, music. It may not be safe!

Rules for safe behavior

Class material introduces elementary school students to the possibilities of the Internet and helps formulate rules for safe behavior on the World Wide Web. The lesson is intended for students correctional schools I, II and V types.






Conducting a class hour with a presentation in elementary school

"Online Safety"

Script: Timofeeva E.V.,

Presentation: Mishina S.A.

Target: talk about the benefits of the Internet and the rules of conduct on the World Wide Web.

Tasks :

1) summarize children’s knowledge on the topic “Possibilities of the Internet”, formulate rules for safe behavior on the Internet;

2) work on the development of students’ speech using the example of the proposed grammatical structure;

3)develop logical thinking when assessing life situations;

4) develop skills healthy image life and safe behavior.


class progress

Organizing time. Preparing students to perceive the material.

Hello guys. Today, students of grade 4 “A” will give you an unusual lesson and talk to you about the Internet.

The Internet is a huge information system on planet Earth. It is also called the “World Wide Web”. Why do you think? (She, like a spider, connects all the cities of the world, all the people of the world.)

How many of you have visited the Internet at least once?

What is the Internet for? What is interesting and useful in it? (children's answers)

Now, looking at the screen, try to define what the Internet is.

Bringing single knowledge into the system


You can find the answer to any question on the Internet. The Internet is a help desk.

Quickly send a letter to another city, another country, communicate via video conference - this is the postman.

Watching a movie is like going to the cinema.

Play alone or with friends - this is a game library.

Studying at home, receiving assignments from school or institute - this is a teacher.

Finding out the weather for several days in advance anywhere on the planet is a weather forecast.

To order and buy any product is a store.

Where can I find my friend Olya?

And find out about everything in the world?

Well, of course...on the INTERNET.

Let's take a closer look at some of the Internet's functions.

How can we not go astray?

Where and what can you find on the Internet?

Will definitely help us

Search system.

Ask her any question

All that is interesting -

She'll find the answer in no time

And he will show it honestly.

Now we will show you how to find in search engine Nikolai Nosov's book "Dreamers". Attention to the screen. VIDEO


Internet distances

Not scary at all.

In a second he will deliver

A message from the moon.

Don't be sad if suddenly

A friend has gone far away.

Connect the Internet

There is no more distance!


It will reach him in an instant.

Well, what about a video call?

Will shorten the period of separation.


Have any of you talked on Skype? For those who don't know this yet, we'll show you how the conversation happens. Attention to the screen. VIDEO

Formulation of previously acquired knowledge and drawing conclusions

At the beginning of the lesson, we said that the Internet connects all people on the planet. Unfortunately, on earth there is bad people. (A bad person commits (what?) ... act.)

We want the Internet

Been your friend for many years!

You will know these five rules -

Feel free to surf the Internet!

Information about where you live and where you study is your personal information.

If you communicate with someone new to you on the Internet, do you need to provide them with personal information? This can be dangerous. Why?

On the Internet, as in the world,

There are both good and evil.

It's full of different people

There is a genius and a villain.

You can't tell from the portrait

Who will make you shed a tear?

So that the thief does not come to us,

And the stranger didn’t find us,

Your phone number, address, photo

Don't put it on the Internet

And don't tell strangers.

First rule. It is dangerous to provide (what?) personal information to a stranger on the Internet, or send your (what?) photograph.

There are games that can be played by several people at the same time. Listen to the poem and name another rule for communicating on the Internet.

You can play with friends

You just need to be careful.

And don't play with strangers,

Don't invite them to visit you.

And don’t come yourself -

I ask you not to forget.

Second rule. It is dangerous to make an appointment with (what?) a stranger or meet with him.


There can be deception and fraud on the Internet.

Bad people, liars, can deceive you and steal your money. To do this, they only need to know their mobile phone number.

Sometimes you're online

Suddenly there are liars.

They promise everything in the world

Give free to children:

Phone, puppy, iPod

And a trip to the resort.

Their conditions are simple:

You can send SMS

From dad's, mom's phone -

And already you are in the Bahamas.

Don't trust scammers

Check the information.

If they are eager to offer,

That could be a scam.

Third rule. You can lose money if you are offered a mobile (what?) phone number for a service on the Internet..


Your computer can get sick if viruses come into it from the Internet.

To prevent this from happening, an Anti-Virus is installed on computers - a system that warns you about dangerous pages on the Internet.

Suddenly from the gap between the lines

A worm comes out.

Harmless at least in appearance,

He harbors trouble within himself.

Can he erase files?

Maybe steal money

Offers us new things,

The virus is a master of disguise!

I don't want to get in trouble

I'll get an antivirus!

Fourth rule. A special (what?) program will help protect your computer from viruses.

Guys, who should you contact if you have problems?

If something is not clear,

Scary or unpleasant -

Hurry quickly to the adults,

Tell and show.

Having problems online?

Adults and children together

They can always solve everything

Without much difficulty.

Should you turn to any adult for help?

Fifth rule. Always contact (who?) your parents and teachers with questions.


Let's once again list all the rules for communicating with the Internet.


The doctor came to our lesson.

“Hello guys, I recently visited another school. I was called there to treat children who got sick from sitting on the computer or on the phone for a long time. Want to help me cure these guys?

Listen to what worries them.

They began to have headaches, problems with vision and posture. For any reason, they start fights, get angry with their parents, and are rude to them. At night they often have terrible dreams.

What do you think is the reason? (Spending a lot of time on the computer and phone is harmful.)


How can I help these guys? Let's come up with a treatment for them together.

To avoid health problems, you need to...walk in the fresh air, play sports, communicate with friends and parents, and go to bed on time.

Thank you very much. I think our treatment will benefit them. Goodbye".

Our lesson has come to an end. At the end of it, we distribute small reminders for communicating with the Internet (appendix) to each class. We wish everyone good health and academic success. Let the Internet be your friend. Thank you for your attention.

Internet resources were used to compile the lesson.


We want the Internet

Been your friend for many years!

You will know these five rules -

Feel free to surf the Internet!

1. It is dangerous to provide personal information to a stranger on the Internet or send your photo.

2. It is dangerous to make an appointment or meet with a stranger.

3.You can lose money if you are offered a mobile phone number for a service on the Internet.

4.A special program will help protect your computer from viruses.



On the Internet you can... FIND AN ANSWER TO ANY QUESTION

the help desk is


the postman is

library is

On the Internet you can... WATCH THE MOVIE

cinema is

On the Internet you can... PLAY ALONE OR WITH FRIENDS

game library is


the teacher is


weather forecast is

On the Internet you can... ORDER ANY ITEMS FROM THE STORE

Personal information These are answers to the questions: Where do you live? Where are you studying? ...

RULE No. 1 It is dangerous to tell a stranger on the Internet (which one?)…………. information. Send your (what?) ………… personal photo

Network games on the Internet

RULE No. 2 It is dangerous to make an appointment or meet with (what?)………………….. person. stranger


The scammer (WHAT IS DOING?) is stealing money over the Internet.

RULE No. 3 You can lose money if you are offered a number (which one?) for a service on the Internet........................... (what?) ... ………………. . mobile phone

Because of viruses, the computer is “sick” - it works slowly, freezes, or breaks down.

ANTI-VIRUS – protection against viruses!

RULE No. 4 A special (what?) system will help protect your computer from viruses. program

RULE No. 5 Always contact (who?) ……………………………………………………………………………… with any questions. . parents, teachers

RULES 1. It is dangerous to give PERSONAL information to a stranger on the Internet. Send your PHOTO. 2. It is dangerous to make an appointment with or meet with a STRANGER PERSON. 3. You can lose money if you are asked to provide your MOBILE PHONE NUMBER for a service on the Internet. 4. A SPECIAL PROGRAM will help protect your computer from viruses 5. ALWAYS CONTACT YOUR PARENTS AND TEACHERS WITH ANY QUESTIONS.

headache, problems with vision, poor posture. Guys……….

Children are fighting. The children are angry.

Spending a lot of time on the Internet is harmful.

Beneficial for children………. walk, play sports

Beneficial for children………. go to bed on time to communicate

Use the INTERNET without harm to your health!

Safe Internet

Materials for a safe internet lesson

(1-4 Grade)

© Safe Internet League

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What's on your computer? ?

Our assistant

Hello, my name is Onlayka!

this is a network


What does a spider's web consist of?

What is this?


Any information that gets onto the Internet can be available not only to us, but to the whole world.

All computers that are connected to the Internet immediately become connected to each other.

Think about what you post online. The whole world will see this!

Parents will help you need to figure it out on this network.



Let's figure out what this means. Let's look at examples:

Information can be good or bad

true or false

What it is?





Let's choose the correct answer!

My paw hurt! Who should I contact?

Now you see who gave you the correct information!

Let's see for the same example, but only on the Internet!

Let's try using a search engine!



Consult your parents!

Learn to understand what information is correct !

How to cure a dog's paw

Freeze a dog's paw...

Wrap your paw with duct tape

Consult with mom...

It will go away on its own!

Go to the vet!

Avoid communicating with strangers on the Internet. They can hurt you just as much as they would on the street.

Get some advice with parents before taking any action online.

REMEMBER: Everything you send on the Internet can be seen by the WHOLE WORLD, not just your family and friends.

A stranger on the Internet and a stranger on the street are equally dangerous!

What are the dangers of talking to a stranger on the street?

Computer virus

*Use an antivirus

*Ask your parents - they will help!

Internet scammer

If in a game or on an Internet page you are asked:

This is how Internet scammers work!

Be careful!

Provide your mobile phone number

Send SMS or call an unknown number

Transfer money to someone's number


It could be a TRAP!


Paid numbers

Dangerous sites

Internet on a mobile phone

What do a phone and a computer have in common?

If you received an SMS or call from an unknown number...

Be careful, it could be a SCAM!

Get some advice with parents!

Value your time

Try to spend more time with your parents and loved ones!

And try to spend on the Internet

no more than 20-30 minutes in a day!

Thank you for your attention!

See you soon!
