Anatoly canvas biography personal life. Anatoly Canvas: biography, musical activity, personal life and photo

Igor Kokhanovsky: “The film “Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive" I think it’s terrible"

He wrote poems to many Soviet hits. He is the author of the lyrics to many of our favorite hits. He is a close friend of Vysotsky. It was Vladimir Semyonovich who dedicated the songs “My friend went to Magadan”, “I recently received a letter” and others to him. Igor Kokhanovsky, in an interview with Radio Chanson, spoke about his work in the Kolyma mines, his new book and his friendship with Vladimir Vysotsky.

One of the hits of “Radio Chanson” performed by Slava “Tears washed away by sadness” has a video clip. Let me remind you that the song was written by poet Mikhail Gutseriev and composer Sergei Revtov. The filming of the video took place in the spring, in the center of Moscow. In a fantasy harem, the owner falls in love with his new concubine...

On July 3, 1936, by resolution of the Council of People's Commissars, the State Automobile Inspectorate was created in the country. The document says: “All street traffic must adhere to the following order: pedestrians give way to a hand cart, the cart to the cab driver, the cab driver to the car...

Remember how former Vice-Governor Albin came up with a fairy tale about cormorants pecking away at the roof of the stadium? This official nonsense was replaced by another topic. Now there's a seagull on the throne! This bird has seized power and is doing all kinds of shit. Already gnawed at everything that was left after the Cormorant. We need a deterrent system! Yes, it is at the stadium. He's screaming at the top of his lungs. An audio track simulating gunshots and bird calls should protect the stadium from seagulls pecking at the roof lining. But then the play takes a turn that...

The famous artist was born on February 18, 1954, in Verkhniye Mully, Russia. He is 64 years old and his zodiac sign is Aquarius. Anatoly Polotno is a popular singer of the 80s. His performance style is Russian chanson. However, the artist did not limit himself to just one genre. His repertoire included rock, gypsy compositions and tango.

Biography and photos of Anatoly Canvas

The future artist was born into the Perm Polotnyanshchikov family. As a child, the boy's friends called him Canvas. Later this nickname became the singer's pseudonym. When Anatoly was two years old, his parents decided to divorce. After which he was sent to live with his grandmother. Spending more time on the street than at school, the boy became cold about his studies. So, the guy completed his studies until the eighth grade and entered a vocational school.

Anatoly had a passion for musical art since childhood. His grandfather was good at playing the accordion, and his father entertained guests by playing the button accordion during the holidays. The mother and aunts performed excellent songs accompanied by musical instruments. The artist enjoyed watching and listening to family performances. But a little later he wanted to learn the guitar. He was lucky: he found the necessary musical instrument in his grandfather’s attic.

Unfortunately, no one in his family could teach the guy to play the guitar. Therefore, Anatoly had to go to his gypsy neighbors, namely to Uncle Vasya Kharitonov. His entire family had excellent musical guitar playing skills. These moments became the brightest for the singer in childhood.

When young Anatoly was thirteen years old, he formed his own musical group. He also invited Kharitonov’s son, Gena, to join it. However, he did not play the guitar - he mastered the drum. From that moment on, the guy became the leader of the group.

After Anatoly received secondary education, he thought about higher education. But he received a summons from the army. The famous artist was recommended to serve in a music platoon, not far from his home. His mother advised him to pay attention to the military unit, which is located on the shore of Balkhash. After the guy repaid his debt to his homeland, he nevertheless entered a vocational school.

Carier start

During his studies, Anatoly Canvas could not live without creative activity. And even then he creates a new musical group. The team was liked not only by students, but also by people far beyond the vocational school. At their performances the group performed rock music. In the 80s, all of Anatoly Cloth’s songs were sung by all of Russia.

Later the man creates another group. The singer’s team included Viktor Batenkov and Sergei Motin. The musical group surprised us with the presence of good songs. When the trio accumulated a lot of numbers, they decided to release an album. But it cost quite a lot of money. Due to this, the guys had to sell the garage.

Creative activity

The band’s most popular song, “Oh, Leli-Leli,” appeared in 1988. This composition contains different styles of music: rock, chanson, romance and gypsy motifs. This song made the guys famous in the capital of Russia. After which they received an offer to take part in the Morning Mail program. On it, Anatoly Canvas sang another song - “Black Sea”, which instantly captivated TV viewers.

The musical group began a rapid growth in its creative career. The guys recorded album after album. A year later, Anatoly Polotno took another person into the group - a violinist. It turned out to be Anatoly’s fellow countryman, Farkhat Karamov. When the 90s came, the popular artist decided to try himself as a director. And he began working on Farhat Karamov’s personal brand. To begin with, they came up with a pseudonym for him - Fedya Karmanov.

The artists performed on stage as a duet. Also in 2007, Anatoly Polotno and Fedya Karmanov recorded a joint album “Kiss me, luck” (2007).

Personal life

In 1986, the famous singer suffered a tragedy - his first wife died. He stayed with his daughter Lisa. The wife's parents came to the rescue and began helping the widower raise the child. In one of the interviews, the artist admits that after what happened, he gave up and began to drink. But some time later he stopped and pulled himself together.

Thanks to this, Anatoly had a second family. In this marriage, the singer had two children - son Kirill and daughter Olga. This time his wife was Natalya, whom the musician met on the Black Sea shore. After the fateful meeting, the guys left, and after a while they saw each other again at his concert in Moscow. From that moment they realized that they were made for each other.

Anatoly Canvas now

The popular artist to this day continues to delight his fans with concerts at which he performs together with Fyodor Karmanov. In addition, the guys take part in evenings that are specially organized for the stars of Russian chanson.

In the spring of 2018, the musical duo again delighted the audience with their performance. Thus they celebrated the 30th anniversary of their creative career. In February of the same year, Anatoly presented his new album, “Russian Destiny.” The artist talks about other hobbies and personal life on his official website.

Anatoly Polotno, singer, poet, composer: “What a life - such songs!”

Anatoly Canvas – unusual phenomenon. Even for such a genre, rich in extraordinary personalities, as chanson. Two higher education, higher party school, hunter, fisherman, artist, sailor, philosopher... And of course, an amazingly bright and original singer.

– Anatoly, as follows from your biography, you have been singing for quite a long time, but at the peak of your popularity we saw you just a couple of years ago. Why? When did you feel famous?

– Fedya Karmanov and I still haven’t felt at the peak of popularity for one simple reason: we don’t have time to keep track of it. Where does she go, this popularity? Who is she hanging out with?.. There is fame, recognition. People saw someone in the program “Dom-2”, and then they saw him in life and recognized him. There is a category of people known for one song or one picture. Or a person sang one song and it caught the attention of others so much that the person became famous throughout the country. We don’t go to Dom-2, and there are no hits before “Kiss me, good luck!” there really wasn't. Despite the fact that this song appeared and became recognizable, they themselves continued to remain unrecognizable. And, you know, it’s not at all necessary to be popular, recognizable and famous. I think that the comfort of the human soul does not depend on this. The soul grows when it learns something and develops, thus becoming larger. For example, when you contemplate the endless northern expanses, your soul becomes larger. Just like from meeting the audience, when from the first song, from the first bar to the last, they applaud and dance, and you don’t need to ask them invitingly after each verse: “Where are your hands?!”

Do you look at people in the audience during concerts?

Since 1988, Anatoly Polotno’s guitar and his voice have been heard not only in Perm, but throughout Russia. His songs have been released on countless cassettes and CDs. The genre of his work cannot be defined in one term - be it Russian chanson or urban romance. He has outgrown these boundaries.

The range of musical styles in Canvas' songs is unusually wide: thug chords and tango, bossa nova and romance, rock harmonies and gypsy tunes. But it is much more difficult to accurately define the style of his position. The rough truth of life and subtle lyricism, recklessness and philosophical depth are intertwined, and the understatement is sometimes understandable, and the picture drawn with a few strokes-words acquires volume and color. Impressionism? May be.

Prepared by Mikhail Dyukov


Last photo with Sergei Nagovitsyn.

My wife Natasha is also surprised. Looking every time at my desktop, littered with numerous pieces of paper with different thoughts and notes, she says: “I don’t understand how you can make something out of this garbage?!”

What does Natasha do?

She loves our children and me, and that's a lot. (Smiles) Natasha and I have two children - 21-year-old Olya and 6-year-old Kiryusha. The daughter studies at the Gnesinka Institute of Arts. I also have eldest daughter- 31-year-old Lisa from her first marriage. Her mother, unfortunately, has been gone for a long time. Lisa graduated from Foreign Languages, speaks three languages, and now runs her own business.

Fedya Karmanov, as far as I understand, is not only your stage partner, but also your closest friend?

Vacation in 1990 in Mómñêkó, îí íà÷èíàåvò in “Lîlömýí”, kîtòràÿ â â â â â óæ óæå ðàîtàëà â ñòîèöå. ALL THE WAYS ARE GLOBAL About the other side of the world in this case, in this case, in this case, in this case in the 1991 year of the New Year koõíå". Pðàâäà, ðàáîòà â “LËîöÌýíå” äâà ðàçà ïðåðûàëàñü íà ïîãîäà (1992-93) this is the case with the Russian Federation. À 1993 Golávà îí áåññìáííûé ïàðòíåð ÀíàòîèÏÏîîòíîî, ñêðèïà÷èèîêàë sys.

SÑðèïàà è èîêàë Ôåäè Êàðìàíîâà çâó÷àò è àëüáîàõ Àíàòîèÿ Ï February 1989. The other side of the spectrum is the other side of the world. As a matter of fact, in the same way as A.P. and this is the case with the Kasirimovs.  1999 Glory of the Russian Empire V. K. K. K.), and in other words, in other words, õ áëàòíõ ïåñåí, èèõ ÷èñëå “×èêk-árèkè” Àíàtovîèÿ Pölovíî (àëüáîî “Äë o daeva", 1989), “Kazakhstan Kakashkak äg” SASðAvâvöûía (àëlübî “Gîrîäñèå â” systs").

Returning to Moscow in 1990, he began playing in the group “Lots-man” (soloist A. Polotno).

This happened a few years ago in New Year's Eve on an empty road at that hour. Sergei Nagovitsyn was flying in his car for some reason. IN New Year you have to do everything on the run - you never know if you’ll forget to congratulate someone or you’ll definitely need to drop by for a visit... When the headlights and attention snatched out of the darkness some obstacle right ahead, it was already too late. He entered the accident blocking the road as the third, turning it from a minor one into a major one, in traffic cop parlance. Two drivers, leaving their cars on the highway with the lights off, immediately, without leaving, figured out who was right and who was wrong. Sergei, plunging into a crowd of people and equipment, drew the line with death - not in his favor. The traffic police arrived and called for an examination. She determined that the driver Nagovitsyn was drunk on New Year's Day - and this decided the matter.

It’s hard for me to imagine what was going on inside him after the accident. Although some centimeters of road and seconds of time sometimes separated me from being in his shoes. But “almost” doesn’t count here, “almost” turns centimeters into kilometers, and seconds into hours. And as if there was nothing particularly terrible in your life: well, they bumped into each other, sorted it out and parted ways. And Sergei Nagovitsyn had to become, albeit unwittingly, the culprit of a person’s death... Whether he had a sin, or not, it’s not for us to judge. Death made them equal - Sergei and that motorist. And during his life he was judged by three courts: divine, human and internal. (I suddenly remembered the fashionable, but soulless, formalist Pelevin with his internal prosecutor, lawyer and cops.) It is unknown what suspended sentence Nagovitsyn sentenced himself to. But exactly one album was allocated for him to serve this term: “Broken Fate” - “Fate, broken into an arc...”

“After the death of Sergei,” says genre performer Igor German, “some began to connect all three of his “thieves” albums - “Stage”, “Sentence” and “Broken Fate” - with, supposedly, some kind of spiritual, or something, his departure to death. kitsch after the accident and everything that followed it. But this is not so. Seryoga came to our genre long before the collision on the night road. He came quite consciously to sing about the present, about the fact that the pop music with which he started, certainly could not give it to him. And although he himself was not one of the experienced ones, he felt, like no one else, a human being. He knew how to say, sing, as it should. So, they say, Nagovitsyn became an alcoholic, completely ruined his health. During the binge, he could not eat anything - only drank and smoked. After drinking, I had to see his face covered in scars... Yes, he drank specifically, with specific people: lads, whips, sorcerers - he did not disdain being beaten by life. A terrible thought, but perhaps, if it weren’t for this drinking, he would not I would write my own golden songs."

“We scolded him with Mikhalych (German - R.N.) for drunken behavior, but what’s the point? - recalls another singing fellow countryman of Nagovitsyn, Sergei Russkikh (North). - In the end, I even forbade him to call me under the kir. How - while passing through Moscow, he still telephones from Arbat: they say, I’m in the city, let’s meet. I ask you to pass the phone to his keyboard player, who is right there, next to him. I ask: “Is Seryoga drunk?” - “Yes, he’s drunk.” That’s it. So we never met, and a week and a half later he was gone.

Serious people were aware of his possession by demons, tried to cure him, charged him with a good clinic and, loving Seryogin’s talent, turned a blind eye to his “shoals”. In the most criminal groups, Seryoga felt comfortable - at least morally. But two years ago, his eccentricities backfired on him: he walked around covered in scars - so, he was a hooligan on his own. But by and large, he didn’t get involved in all these fraternity affairs, and if he did interfere, it was at the level: someone blurted out something wrong, didn’t like someone, etc. He still apparently respected Igor and me, since he listened and took advice on what and how to do in show business. In general, he treated Herman like an older brother... But in Last year the demons of his life had already saddled him and were driving him with all their might.”

“With demons, not everything is clear here,” Igor German doubts. “It seems to me that Nagovitsyn suffered the highest punishment for the involuntary deprivation of life of his own kind. And they buried him, unbaptized, without a funeral service. For me it was like a blow to the head, because After death, a soul can be saved, you just need to pray for it, but how?! After all, it’s unbaptized! All that remains is to trust in the mercy of the Almighty towards the artist, who touched the souls of the disadvantaged with his songs. Probably, having hired a man at 31, he prepared a place for him in his place, and not where souls burn."

People in Perm said different things about what happened to Sergei Nagovitsyn after that accident. And because he was under amnesty, that’s why he didn’t go to the zone. And even if the local gang paid someone 8 thousand dollars - it’s the same as 80 in Moscow. Then, they say, Sergei and the boys completely paid off. But it’s not his idea, they say, to pay off the sentence. Here he was led by authoritative admirers... And he allegedly drank as he sang - without restraint, which is why his heart gave out. All this concerned only the mortal physical shell - she could be cold and hungry in the zone. And his soul immediately after the accident began to live on everything government owned. Before the very end, however, she will return home to her friends and warm up a little.

From the last “kitchen” conversation between Anatoly Polotno and Sergei Nagovitsyn on December 10, 1999:

S.N.: “So now I feel warm, so high... The child was finally born - a daughter. (Before that, the son was born at seven months old, did not survive.) Album ("Broken Fate" - R.N.) popped, concerts let's go. These endless trials are over... I don't need money for a car, Tolya, take it away - I have it!"

"Where are you performing?" - Anatoly asked him then.

“Yes, I have concerts in Kurgan.” - “Ah, Kurgan, we know!”

In this city, the first large outdoor concert of Canvas took place. This was the last point on Sergei Nagovitsyn’s tour route.

Sergei took his bag - there he had a transfer to someone in the zone in Solikamsk - and left for the airport. This was their last meeting.

“So, they say, he drank, did not spare himself, and therefore the man burned,” reflects Anatoly Polotno. “Did he burn? Yes, but not with the torch that shoots up three meters, and no one received any heat from it. In Seryoga there was Russian fire. The heat from inside him came from the inside, like in a good stove from the wood. He did not beat himself in the chest, did not shout that he was wildly busy. He was simple and accessible. And he spoke Russian - in a mean peasant language, streamlined and, in at the same time, capaciously. He used to call: “Tolyan, are you in Kursk?” - “Which Kursk?” - “Well, I mean, you know: I released an album here!”

"By last job Sergei - “Broken Fate” - I clearly understood: this guy came closest to the line of today of all of us, people of this genre. Rock doesn't allow such things. Such a clear, unblurred, clear vision and awareness of this life."

“After the unfairly early departure of Sergei Nagovitsyn,” says Igor German, “the title of the album became, as it were, exhaustive in its capacity for his entire life. Meanwhile, the author saw the name of his brainchild as much more optimistic: “On a date.” But the release company “Master” Sound Records" chose the title of another song for the entire album - "Broken Fate". Seryoga didn't really like it, but he had already received his fee for this work, so he didn't go into the bottle.

What broken fate? Who said? Yes, Sergei died too early. But he knew how to live and did it beautifully. He told jokes so hard that I neighed like a horse. He was broad-minded and parted with money easily. I remember once we went to visit his boxing coach, who, having moved to the capital, lived somewhere in the New Arbat area. Seryoga took with him a bottle of some expensive booze, worth 400 rubles. “Mikhalych, is this the money we should count?” he said. “After all, we still have everything ahead of us.” Nagovitsyn always hoped that he would record more than one album. And after his death, only one worn-out working cassette remained, where he and Edik Andrianov threw off what Sergei sang with a guitar. There are 3-4 songs there. All".

I wish you and your family good luck and prosperity!

A long-awaited letter from the zone
Dragged home by a cop I knew,
It contains an official document from the ITK -
Document certified by a doctor:
He died of tuberculosis. “You can take it.”
The mother dropped the envelope from her hands.

© Roman Nikitin

Where is the Canvas moving? From three chords to rock harmonies like the song "Statue of Liberty"? Or even in the opposite direction – to ditties? From everyday life stories of prison to philosophical generalizations? “It’s a matter of age for me,” he says in all seriousness. “It’s time to think about the meaning of life.” It is known that lately he has been fascinated by religious and philosophical literature; he recently re-read the Bible, the Koran and Kabbalah... Sometimes his internal impulses are incomprehensible even to himself. Now for some reason he is not drawn to brushes and pencils, but he wants to return to prose, but not to the past form of small stories, but to write something on a larger scale.

“I am convinced that the origins of all problems, successes, failures, victories, defeats are in the person himself,” says Anatoly. – You just need to be able to recognize them. Whether through meditation, introspection, or in some other way...”

He has an insane desire to go to Valaam, just to go, and not to go. Well, let’s swim to the island itself. Completely different than in the city, he feels in the taiga, hundreds of kilometers from civilization.

“The connection between man and the river is not completely clear to me. I realize that the river carries some information and has energy, but I can’t understand how this happens.”

A river in the taiga is like a path -
Smooth, smooth.
Waiting for me at home, waiting at the doorstep -
Sweet, sweet...

To comprehend the essence of things is the credo of Anatoly Polotno. The problem of non-commerciality is only in the depth of his songs. They are always something more than banal sketches from life, stuffed with thieves' "fenya". “Real life in Russia is not measured only by prison. You can’t endlessly saw the taiga with a file, otherwise the genre will turn into sawdust from a logging site.”

Anatoly Sergeevich POLOTNO (pseudonym; real name - Polotnyanshchikov) (born February 18, 1954, Perm, RSFSR, USSR) - performer of his own songs, founder of the group "Lots-Man".

Music lived in him since childhood. Father played the accordion, grandfather played the harmonica, mother and all the aunts sang.

A. Canvas: “Height is average. High education. Origin – proletarian. Views are liberal-humane. I had a craving for creativity since childhood - I played drinking songs along with adults, to the accompaniment of the button accordion, which my dad played. I started singing on my own at the age of 13-14 at dances in the suburbs of Perm, on Maiskoye.”

I first picked up a guitar when I was eleven or twelve years old. I found it in the attic of my house, repaired it and went, guitar in hand, to the gypsies who lived next door to take lessons from them in playing the instrument.

The artist’s debut musical performances began at the age of 13 on dance floors.

The Ural youth then became very interested in the Beatles and Rolling Stones leaking out from behind the Iron Curtain. Anatoly had a strong organizational spirit, and he became the leader of the ensemble. Then the young man began to compose songs, and the emerging hoarseness in his voice partly determined the stylistic manner of performance.

After graduating from vocational school and serving in the army, Anatoly was assigned to a repair plant, where he participated in amateur performances. At the same time, he thought about receiving further education - the modest financial situation of his parents did not allow him to go to a music school at one time.

So Polotnyanschikov entered the Perm Institute of Culture. Then he worked as the head of the propaganda ship “Vasily Kamensky”.

In 1986, trouble came to the musician’s house: his first wife died, leaving behind his little daughter Lisa, whom his wife’s parents, who lived in Perm, helped raise. At first, Anatoly started drinking, then he pulled himself together. Together with V. Batenkov and S. Motin, he organized the ensemble “Lots-Man”.

The group gathered in 1988 in the city of Perm on the banks of the Kama River. The co-author of Anatoly Cloth's first songs was Viktor Batenkov. The third member of which was keyboard player Sergei Motin (later known as chansonnier Sergei Kama). The friends immediately had a lot of material - enough for six records! To record, the musician had to sell his garage.

A. Canvas: They “crushed” the scale, played the first magnetic album “Oh, loli-lyoli...” and it began!”

In the late 80s, his voice sounded not only in hometown Perm, but throughout Russia. His songs have been released on countless cassettes and CDs. The genre of his work cannot be defined in one term - be it Russian chanson or urban romance. He has outgrown these boundaries.

In 1989, Anatoly Polotno and the group “Lots-Man” released the albums “Street Guy” and “For Girls” and “Pop-Non-Stop”. The next year was marked by the release of the disc “Greetings from Lenka Panteleev” and the arrival of violinist Farkhat Karamov to the group.

In 1991, the album “In the Kitchen” was released, and in 1992, “Baba Lyuba”.

In the work of Anatoly Polotno, Russian chanson and urban romance are intertwined with elements of gypsy and even rock. The heroes of the songs were street hooligans, reckless sailors, or simply tired and disillusioned people.

The vitality of the chanson genre, which was banned in Soviet time, the artist explains it with sincerity and lack of hypocrisy.

After the next album, in which the artist invested all his savings, a new love came to him. It happened on the shores of the Black Sea when the artist met the beautiful Natalya. After their short separation, fate brought them together again in Moscow.

Anatoly Polotno, whose biography is filled with various events of a lyrical nature, was very surprised when Natasha came out to him at one of the concerts in the capital and gave him flowers. This meeting turned upside down not only the musician’s personal life, but also his work, in which the lyrics significantly increased.

In 1991, the artist who recorded the first vinyl record in the chanson style fell out of this crowd. This was due to the birth of his second daughter; the new father began building and improving the family nest. The singer released a new album in 1994, its name is “Shara No. 8”.

The album turned out to be as close as possible to the “thieves” theme. This is due to the fact that attacks on the musician began from officials and law enforcement agencies. The singer was credited with unearned income and evasion from paying child support to his first child. As the artist himself explains, all these claims are associated with envy and misunderstanding of the new stage in music.

It is noteworthy that they “invited” the singer to places not so remote law enforcement agencies from his native Perm. Many artists in those days suffered a similar fate. As with Canvas, most often the charges were fabricated. However, in this case the case did not go to trial. Thanks to Radio Maximum, information about the arrest reached the capital’s program “Man and the Law,” and a television correspondent went to Perm. After this, Anatoly was released, warning that he would be re-arrested if there was any hype and any disclosure on TV again.

Since 1997, Canvas began producing his friend and fellow countryman, violinist Farkhat Karamov, for whom he came up with the pseudonym Fedya Karmanov. He released several albums with Anatoly’s songs - “Money”, “The carriage is rocking”, “Gop-stop, lard!” And on the discs “Tramp” and “Golden Chanson Violin”, in addition to Polotnyanshchikov’s texts, tracks by other authors and folk works were recorded.

His talent is not limited to one genre. Thanks to the unusual timbre of his voice, the range of musical styles in Anatoly Cloth’s songs is unusually wide: thug chords and tango, bossa nova and romance, rock harmonies and gypsy tunes. But it is much more difficult to accurately define the style of his position. The rough truth of life and subtle lyricism, recklessness and philosophical depth are intertwined, and the understatement is sometimes understandable, and the picture drawn with a few strokes-words acquires volume and color. Impressionism? May be.

A. Canvas: “In 1995, the first “Golden Carriage”, the ninth album, came off the assembly line. 1999 – tenth album “We’ll Survive”. Beginning of XXI century was celebrated with the album “Against the Wind” (2001) - re-released in 2008. In 2003, “Lucky Shpan” appeared. After her, in 2005, the Steamboat set off on its first voyage. The first “fishing” album “In the North” was released in the same 2005. The album of “increased culture” “Eh, Rossiushka...” was born in 2007 (like my son Kirill) and was, of course, dedicated to my wife Natasha. The year 2007 was also marked by the release of our first duet collection with Fedya Karmanov, “Kiss me, good luck!” In 2009, for the 70th anniversary of Arkady Severny, he recorded the album “Hello, my respect,” in which he sang Arkasha’s famous songs – “Hello, my respect,” “Skokar,” “Marseille,” “Narva” and many others. 2010 – album “Rubles”.

A street guy, a daring sailor, a man tired of life are the heroes of his songs. Their features are the features of Anatoly himself. Poet, composer, artist.

Anatoly Cloth writes paintings and books. The musician has several different hobbies: playing preference, backgammon, deberts (mainly with Fedya Karmanov), and also playing the guitar. He is also a famous singer, an avid fisherman, hunter and traveler.

(Based on materials from the WIKIPEDIA website and the official website of A. POLOTNO and F. KAMANOV)


  1. Lyonka Panteleev
  2. Baba Lyuba
  3. Black Sea
  4. Odessa port
  5. Take her
  6. Turnstile (Tales of Sinbad)
  7. Zhmerynka
  8. Girlfriends (Sisters)
  9. Vera Koroleva
  10. Young green
  11. Onanist (Oop-pa-na!)
  12. Ay, wai-wai!
  13. Tricky girls
  14. Koreshonok
  15. Americans from Voronezh
  16. Ice ax
  17. Pearl
  18. Wrapping up my sneakers
  19. Oh, loli-lyoly...
  20. Everything will happen
Records 1990-93

Archive size: 109.8 MB
Quality: MP 3 (192 kb/s)
Total playing time: 79 min. 39 sec.


  1. Kiss me, good luck! (duet with F. Karmanov)
  2. Hop-stop, lard! (duet with F. Karmanov)
  3. South pier
  4. Money can not buy happiness…
  5. Cornflower
  6. Drops
  7. Chechen history
  8. Right now
  9. Kabakam - tavern smoke (duet with F. Karmanov)
  10. Lights
  11. Just yesterday
  12. Doctor
  13. Oh, for what?
  14. Beyond the Arctic Circle
  15. The farther, the closer
  16. Happy New Year!
  17. What was
Records 1993-95, 2003-10

Archive size: 108.6 MB
Quality: MP 3 (192 kb/s)
Total playing time: 79 min. 32 sec.

Igor Kokhanovsky: “The film “Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive" I think it’s terrible"

He wrote poems to many Soviet hits. He is the author of the lyrics to many of our favorite hits. He is a close friend of Vysotsky. It was Vladimir Semyonovich who dedicated the songs “My friend went to Magadan”, “I recently received a letter” and others to him. Igor Kokhanovsky, in an interview with Radio Chanson, spoke about his work in the Kolyma mines, his new book and his friendship with Vladimir Vysotsky.

One of the hits of “Radio Chanson” performed by Slava “Tears washed away by sadness” has a video clip. Let me remind you that the song was written by poet Mikhail Gutseriev and composer Sergei Revtov. The filming of the video took place in the spring, in the center of Moscow. In a fantasy harem, the owner falls in love with his new concubine...

On July 3, 1936, by resolution of the Council of People's Commissars, the State Automobile Inspectorate was created in the country. The document says: “All street traffic must adhere to the following order: pedestrians give way to a hand cart, the cart to the cab driver, the cab driver to the car...

Remember how former Vice-Governor Albin came up with a fairy tale about cormorants pecking away at the roof of the stadium? This official nonsense was replaced by another topic. Now there's a seagull on the throne! This bird has seized power and is doing all kinds of shit. Already gnawed at everything that was left after the Cormorant. We need a deterrent system! Yes, it is at the stadium. He's screaming at the top of his lungs. An audio track simulating gunshots and bird calls should protect the stadium from seagulls pecking at the roof lining. But then the play takes a turn that...
