The main components of the teacher's communicative culture. Communicative culture in the development of professional skills of a teacher

"Secondary school with in-depth study

foreign languages ​​No. 4 "G.Kurchatov

Diagnosis of communicative competence teacher and student

Teacher - psychologist Pchelina Tatyana Dmitrievna

The only true luxury is the luxury of human interaction

A de Saint-Exupery

Communicative competence is the basis practical activities person in every area of ​​life. The role of owning one's speech can hardly be overestimated. Professional, business contacts, interpersonal interactions require from a modern person a universal ability to generate a wide variety of statements, both verbally and in writing. Teaching schoolchildren oral and written speech communication (communicative competence) is of particular importance in the current situation of the development of society.

Communicative competence, according to psychological and pedagogical research, includes the following components:

    emotional (includes emotional responsiveness, empathy, sensitivity to another, the ability to empathize and compassion, attention to the actions of partners);

    cognitive (associated with the knowledge of another person, includes the ability to anticipate the behavior of another person, effectively solve various problems that arise between people);

    behavioral (reflects the child's ability to cooperate, joint activities, initiative, adequacy in communication, organizational skills, etc.).

In contrast to the subject-practical activity, the action in communication is aimed at establishing relationships between subjects, and not at creating a materialized result.

The basic unit of communication is the speech act. According to A.A. Leontiev, when communicating, the student must speak not for the sake of speech itself, but for the sake of it having the desired effect.

A person's ability to communicate is generally defined in psychological and pedagogical research as communicativeness (G.M. Andreeva, A.B. Dobrovich, N.V. Kuzmina, A. Dzhekobe). In order to be able to communicate, a person must master certain communication skills.

There are various tests and methods for identifying the formation of communication, both for the teacher and the student.

Psychological tests for teachers.

"Assessment of the level of sociability"

This test evaluates general level sociability, designed

V.F. Ryakhovsky.

Instruction : Your attention is invited to a few simple questions. Answer quickly, unequivocally: "yes", "no", "sometimes".


    You have an ordinary or business meeting. Does her anticipation unsettle you?

    Do you feel embarrassed and dissatisfied with an assignment to make a report, message, information at any meeting, meeting or similar event?

    Do you put off a visit to the doctor until the last moment?

    You are offered to go on a business trip to a city where you have never been. Will you make every effort to avoid this business trip?

    Do you like to share your experiences with anyone?

    Do you get annoyed if a stranger on the street turns to you with a request (show the way, name the time, answer some question)?

    Do you believe that there is a problem of "fathers and sons" and that it is difficult for people of different generations to understand each other?

    Are you embarrassed to remind a friend that he forgot to pay you back the money he borrowed a few months ago?

    In a restaurant or in the dining room, you were served an obviously poor-quality dish. Will you keep silent, only angrily pushing the plate away?

    Once alone with a stranger, you will not enter into a conversation with him and will be burdened if he speaks first. Is it so?

    You are horrified by any long line, no matter where it is (in a store, library, cinema box office). Do you prefer to abandon your intention, or will you stand behind and languish in anticipation?

    Are you afraid to participate in any commission to review conflict situations?

    You have your own purely individual criteria for evaluating works of literature, art, culture, and you do not accept any other people's opinions on this matter. This is true?

    Having heard somewhere on the sidelines an obviously erroneous point of view on a question well known to you, do you prefer to remain silent and not enter into an argument?

    Do you feel annoyed by someone's request to help you sort out a particular service issue or educational topic?

    Are you more willing to express your point of view (opinion, assessment) in writing than orally?

Results processing

"Yes" - 2 points, "sometimes" - 1 point, "no" - 0 points.

The points obtained are summed up, and the classifier determines which category of people the subject belongs to.

Classifier for the test of V.F. Ryakhovsky

30 - 32 points - You are clearly uncommunicative, and this is your misfortune, since you yourself suffer more from this. But it is not easy for people close to you. You are difficult to rely on in a matter that requires group effort. Try to be more sociable, control yourself.

25 - 29 points - You are closed, taciturn, prefer solitude, so you have few friends. New job and the need for new contacts, if they do not plunge you into a panic, then for a long time unbalances you. You know this feature of your character and are dissatisfied with yourself. But do not limit yourself to such discontent - it is in your power to reverse these character traits. Doesn't it happen that with some strong enthusiasm you suddenly acquire complete sociability? It just takes a shake.

19 - 24 points - You are sociable to a certain extent and feel quite confident in unfamiliar surroundings. New challenges don't scare you. And yet with new people converge with caution, you are reluctant to participate in disputes and disputes. In your statements, sometimes there is a lot of sarcasm, without any reason. These shortcomings are correctable.

14 - 18 points - You have good communication skills. You are inquisitive, willingly listen to an interesting interlocutor, patient enough in dealing with others, defend your point of view without irascibility. Feel free to meet new people. At the same time, do not like noisy companies; extravagant antics and verbosity irritate you.

9 - 13 points - You are very sociable (sometimes, perhaps even beyond measure), curious, talkative, like to speak out on various issues, which sometimes irritates others. Willingly meet new people. Love to be the center of attention, do not refuse requests to anyone, although you cannot always fulfill them. It happens, flare up, but quickly move away. What you lack is perseverance, patience and courage when faced with serious problems. If you wish, however, you can force yourself not to back down.

4 - 8 points - You must be the shirt guy. Sociability beats out of you. You are always aware of everything. You love to take part in all discussions, although serious topics can cause you migraines and even blues. Willingly take the floor on any issue, even if you have a superficial idea about it. Everywhere you feel at ease. You take on any business, although you can not always successfully bring it to the end. For this very reason, managers and colleagues treat you with some apprehension and doubts. Consider these facts.

3 points or less - Your sociability is painful. You are talkative, verbose, interfering in matters that have nothing to do with you. Undertake to judge problems in which you are completely incompetent. Willingly or unwittingly, you are often the cause of all sorts of conflicts in your environment. Quick-tempered, touchy, often biased. Serious work is not for you. It is difficult for people - at work, at home, and in general everywhere - to be with you. Yes, you need to work on yourself and your character! First of all, cultivate patience and restraint in yourself, treat people with respect, and finally, think about your health.

Test "Assessment of self-control in communication" (according to Marion Snyder)

Instruction : with this test you can determine your level of control when with others . Read ten sentences carefully, some . Rate each of them as true or false for yourself. Correct - mark with the letter B, and incorrect - with the letter N.

    It seems to me the art of imitating the habits of other people.

    I could probably play the fool to get attention or amuse myself.

    I could be a good one.

    Others sometimes think that I am experiencing something more deeply than it really is.

    In a company, I rarely find myself in the spotlight.

    In different people and in communication with different people, I often behave differently.

    I can only defend what I sincerely believe.

    In order to succeed in business and in relationships with people, I try to be the way they expect me to be.

    I can be friendly with people I can't stand.

    I'm not always what I seem.

Evaluation of results : one point is awarded "H" for 1, 5, 7 questions and for the answer "B" - for all the rest. Calculate the amount.

0-3 show communicative control, i.e. your behavior is stable and you do not consider it necessary to change depending on the situation. You are capable of sincere disclosure in communication, some consider you "uncomfortable" because of your straightforwardness.

4-6 points talk about average communicative control. You are sincere, but not restrained in your emotional manifestations. However, consider in your behavior with the people around you.

1-10 points indicate communicative control. You easily enter into any role, react flexibly to changes in the situation, feel good and can foresee what you produce on others.

(E.I. Rogov)

Purpose of the study: identify the significance for the teacher of some aspects pedagogical activity(tendency to organizational activity, focus on the subject), his need for communication, approval, as well as the importance of the intelligence of his behavior.

INSTRUCTION: “This questionnaire lists the properties that may be inherent in you to a greater or lesser extent. In this case, respectively, there are two possible answers. After reading the statement, choose one of the answer options:
a) true, the described property is typical of my behavior or inherent in me to a greater extent.
b) incorrect, the described property is atypical for my behavior or inherent in me to a minimal extent.

when processing the questionnaire, the number of answers of the subject that coincided with the "key" ones is counted. The results of the answers are compared with the "key". For the answer corresponding to the key, 1 point is assigned, for the non-corresponding key - 0 points. The points received are summed up.
Key 1. Sociability - 1b, 6b, 11b, 16b, 21a, 26a, 31a, 36a, 41a, 46a
2. Organization - 2a, 7a, 12a, 17a, 22b, 27b, 32b, 37a, 42a, 47a
3. Orientation to the subject - 3a, 8a, 13a, 18a, 23a, 28a, 33a, 38a, 43a, 48a
4. Intelligence - 4a, 9a, 14a, 19a, 24a, 29b, 34a, 39a, 44a, 49a
5. Motivation for approvali - 5a, 10a, 15a, 20b, 25a, 30a, 35a, 40b, 45b, 50a

The normal zone is in the range of 3-7 points. Each of the areas of professional orientation is considered underdeveloped if less than three points are received on this scale, and pronounced - if the number of points is more than seven. For greater clarity, it is advisable to express the results obtained in the form of a pie or bar chart. The severity of one factor indicates the mono-directionality of the teacher's personality, and the severity of several factors can be interpreted as the result of multi-directionality.
The predominance of a certain personal parameter determines the type of orientation of the teacher's personality.
"Organizer" make up such qualities as exactingness, organization, strong will, energy.
"Subject" characterized by observation, professional competence, the desire for creativity. According to the existing connections, there is a high probability of the existence of an intermediate type "subject-organizer" that combines the characteristics of both of these types. It is possible that its difference from the "subject" will be a more rigid focus of students on the subject and the organization of their activities within the subject knowledge. This makes it possible to differentiate it from the “pure Organizer”, whose main activity is in the plane extracurricular activities.
"Communicator" distinguished by such qualities as sociability, kindness, external attractiveness, high morality. This can also include emotionality and plasticity of behavior, which are closely related to these qualities.
"Intellectual" characterized by high intelligence, common culture and unconditional morality. The latter quality, in fact, acts as a link between these types. This is a confirmation of the fact that there is an intermediate type, conditionally an “optimistic intellectual”, who has pronounced qualities of both types. Probably, there are intermediate types formed by different directions of typification of teachers, based on subject knowledge, for example, "subject communicator", "subject educator". At the same time, the probability of the appearance of an "intellectual organizer" is very small, although theoretically a combination of these types is also possible.
Of these types of teachers (communicator, subject teacher, organizer and intellectual), each has its own methods, mechanisms and channels for transmitting educational influences.
So, the teacher-"communicator" is distinguished by extroversion, low conflict, goodwill, the ability to empathize, love for children. He realizes his educational influences on the basis of compatibility with the student, the search for common ground in his personal life. Naturally, these influences will have the greatest change precisely in this "everyday" behavior of the student.
For a “subject teacher”, a rationalist who is firmly convinced of the need for knowledge and its significance in life, it is more typical to educate a student by means of the subject being studied, by changing his perception of the scientific picture of the world, involving him in work in a circle, etc.
The "organizer" teacher, who is often a leader not only among the children, but also in the entire teaching staff, mainly broadcasts his personal characteristics in the course of various extracurricular activities. Therefore, the result of his influences, most likely, will be found in the field of business cooperation, collective interest, discipline, etc.
The teacher - "intellectual", or "enlightener", distinguished by principles, observance of moral standards, realizes himself through highly intellectual educational activities, bringing morality, spirituality, a sense of freedom to students.
Professional activity is inevitably accompanied by changes in the structure of the personality of a specialist, when, on the one hand, there is an increase and intensive development of qualities that contribute to the successful implementation of activities, and, on the other hand, a change, suppression and even destruction of structures that are not involved in this process. If these professional changes are regarded as negative, i.e. violating the integrity of the personality, reducing its adaptability and stability, then they should be considered as professional deformations. Representatives teaching profession Deformation of the personality by activity can manifest itself at four levels:
1. General pedagogical deformations characterizing similar personality changes in all persons involved in pedagogical activities. The presence of these deformations makes teachers who teach different subjects, work in different educational institutions, preach different pedagogical views, with different temperaments and characters, similar friend on a friend.
These invariant features are due to the specifics of the space in which the personality of a professional teacher exists - here there has been a convergence of the subject of activity with the means of this activity. In addition, pedagogical activity has its own, special object of influence, which, unlike most objects of activity in other professions, has a significant activity. The teacher, using his personality as an instrument of influence on the object, resorts to simpler and more effective methods, collectively known as the authoritarian leadership style. As a result, such traits appear in his personality as edification, high self-esteem, excessive self-confidence, dogmatic views, lack of flexibility, and so on.
2. Typological deformations are caused by the merging of personal characteristics with the corresponding structures of the functional structure of pedagogical activity into integral behavioral complexes. As shown above, there are four such typological complexes in the teaching profession: communicator, organizer, intellectual (educator), and subject teacher. The features of each of them may eventually manifest themselves in the personality structure, which undergoes changes similar to those occurring with accentuations.

So, for a teacher - "communicator" is characterized by excessive sociability, talkativeness, reducing the distance with a partner, addressing him as a young, inexperienced creature ("lisping"), the desire to touch on intimate topics, and so on. The "organizer" teacher can become too active, intervening in other people's personal lives, seeking to teach them how to "live right". He often tries to subjugate those around him, seeks to command, organize their activities, regardless of the content. Often teachers - "organizers" realize their needs in some public organizations, where their activity looks quite appropriate. A teacher - an "intellectual" ("enlightener"), who has devoted many years to his profession, can form in himself a tendency to philosophize, philosophize and, depending on the conditions, can become like a "moralizer" who sees only the bad around him, praising the old times and scolding young people for immorality, and because of the tendency to introspection to withdraw into oneself, into the contemplation of the world around and reflections on its imperfection. Changes in the personality of the teacher - "subject teacher" are associated with the knowledge of the discipline that he teaches. Teachers of this type try to introduce an element of "science" into any, even everyday situations, inadequately using scientific behavior and evaluating other people through the prism of their knowledge of the subject. Due to its characteristics and multiplicity, this type of professional deviations is a special level - specific.
3. Specific, or subject, deformations subject-specific. Even according to outward signs it is easy to determine which subject a given teacher teaches: drawing or physical education, mathematics or Russian. Teachers - the heroes of humorous stories - most often have this type of deformation.
4. Individual deformations are determined by changes that occur with personality structures and are not externally connected with the process of pedagogical activity, when, in parallel with the formation of professionally important qualities for a teacher, there is a development of qualities that, at first glance, have nothing to do with the teaching profession. Such a phenomenon can be explained by the fact that personal development is primarily due to its personal orientation, and not only under the influence of those actions, techniques, operations that the teacher performs.
Preventing and overcoming possible deformations of the teacher's personality is one of the most important tasks of the school psychologist, since the psychological climate of the teaching staff and the mental health of children largely depend on this.
It is obvious that teachers, due to their personal characteristics, are more adapted to the implementation of certain professional functions, while other functions are simply inaccessible to them. Thus, an "intellectual" without much difficulty is able to ensure the fulfillment of his professional activity gnostic, educational, informational, propaganda, developmental, research functions, as well as self-improvement functions. "Subject book" better implements constructive, methodical, teaching, orientation functions; "organizer" - executive, mobilization, organizational; "communicator" - only a communicative function. Note that this is not an absolute, but only a relative advantage, i.e. and the “communicator” can do organizational work, but it will take more time and effort from him than from the “organizer”.

Questionnaire text

1. I could well live alone, away from people (a, b)
2. I often win over others with my self-confidence (a, b)
3. Solid knowledge in my subject can make a person's life much easier (a, b)
4. People should adhere to the laws of morality more than now (a, b)
5. I carefully read each book before returning it to the library (a, b)
6. My ideal work environment is a quiet room with a desk (a, b)
7. People say that I like to do things in my original way (a, b)
8. Among my ideals, a prominent place is occupied by the personalities of scientists who have made a great contribution to my subject (a, b)
9. Others think that I am simply not capable of rudeness (a, b)
10. I always carefully monitor how I am dressed (a, b)
11. It happens that all morning I don’t want to talk to anyone (a, b)
12. It is important for me that there is no disorder in everything that surrounds me (a, b)
13. Most of my friends are people whose interests lie in the sphere of my profession (a, b)
14. I analyze my behavior for a long time (a, b)
15. At home, I behave at the table the same way as in a restaurant (a, b)
16. In the company, I give others the opportunity to joke and tell all sorts of stories (a, b)
17. I am annoyed by people who cannot make decisions quickly (a, b)
18. If I have some free time, then I prefer to read something in my discipline (a, b)
19. I feel uncomfortable fooling around in a company, even if others do it (a, b)
20. Sometimes I like to gossip about those who are absent (a, b)
21. I really like to invite guests and entertain them (a, b)
22. I rarely speak against the opinion of the team (a, b)
23. I prefer people who know their profession well, regardless of their personal characteristics (a, b)
24. I cannot be indifferent to the problems of others (a, b)
25. I always willingly admit my mistakes (a, b)
26. The worst punishment for me is to be closed alone (a, b)
27. Effort spent on making plans is not worth it (a, b)
28. In school years I replenished my knowledge by reading specialized literature (a, b)
29. I do not condemn a person for deceiving those who allow themselves to be deceived (a, b)
30. I do not have an internal protest when I am asked to provide a service (a, b)
31. Some people probably think that I talk too much (a, b)
32. I avoid community service and related liability (a, b)
33. Science is what interests me most in life (a, b)
34. Others consider my family intelligent (a, b)
35. Before a long trip, I always think carefully about what to take with me (a, b)
36. I live for today more than other people (a, b)
37. If there is a choice, then I prefer to organize an extracurricular activity, rather than tell students something about the subject (a, b)
38. The main task of the teacher is to convey to the student knowledge on the subject (a, b)
39. I like to read books and articles on the topics of morality, morality, ethics (a, b)
40. Sometimes I get annoyed by people who ask me questions (a, b)
41. Most of the people with whom I am in companies are undoubtedly glad to see me (a, b)
42. I think I would like a job related to responsible administrative and economic activities (a, b)
43. I am unlikely to be upset if I have to spend my vacation studying at advanced training courses (a, b)
44. My courtesy is often not liked by other people (a, b)
45. There were times when I envied the luck of others (a, b)
46. ​​If someone is rude to me, then I can quickly forget about it (a, b)
47. As a rule, others listen to my suggestions (a, b)
48. If I managed to travel to the future for a short time, then I would first of all collect books on my subject (a, b)
49. I take an active part in the fate of others (a, b)
50. I never said unpleasant things with a smile (a, b)

Psychological tests for students.

Questionnaire OPDP

Instruction: “Read each of the following statements carefully. If you think that it is true and corresponds to your relationship with the teacher, then enter YES in the answer sheet - “+”, if it is not true,

then NO - “-” (Appendix 1).

    The teacher can accurately predict my progress.

    It's hard for me to get along with the teacher.

    The teacher is a fair person.

    The teacher skillfully prepares me for tests, dictations, test papers.

    The teacher clearly lacks sensitivity in dealing with people.

    The teacher's word is law for me.

    The teacher carefully plans the work with me.

    I am quite happy with the teacher.

    The teacher is not demanding enough of me.

    A teacher can always give sound advice.

    I have complete confidence in the teacher.

    Teacher evaluation is very important to me.

    The teacher basically works according to the template.

    Working with a teacher is a pleasure.

    The teacher pays little attention to me.

    The teacher does not take into account my individual characteristics.

    The teacher does not feel my mood well.

    The teacher always listens to my opinion.

    I like the way the teacher teaches the subject.

    I will not share my experiences with the teacher.

    Master punishes me for the slightest offense.

    The teacher knows my strengths and weaknesses well.

    I would like to become like a teacher.

    We do not communicate with the teacher on other topics, we only discuss questions on the subject that he (a) teaches.

Treatment : Each question that matches the key is worth one point.

The Gnostic component includes the questions:

The answer is "YES" - 1, 4, 7, 10, 19, 22.

The answer is "No" - 13, 16.

The emotional component includes questions:

The answer is "Yes" - 8, 11.14, 23.

The answer is "No" - 2.5, 17, 20.

The behavioral component includes questions:

The answer is "Yes" - 3, 6, 12, 18.

The answer is "No" - 9, 15, 21, 24.

Test "Assessment of the level of sociability" modified methodology

V.F. Ryakhovsky

Instruction on the application of the methodology:

students are asked to answer 20 questions by putting a sign (+) in the “Yes” column; in the column "No" sign (-). No more than 1 minute is allotted for thinking about each question (Appendix 1).


1. Do you have many friends with whom you constantly communicate?

2. How long have you been bothered by the feeling of resentment caused to you by one of your friends?

3. Do you have a desire to establish new acquaintances with different people?

4. Is it true that you find it more pleasant and easier to spend time with books or doing something than with people?

5. Do you easily connect with people who are older than you?

6. Do you find it difficult to join new companies for you?

7. Do you find it easy to connect with strangers?

8. Is it difficult for you to get used to a new team?

9. Do you seek to get to know and talk with a new person at an opportunity?

10. Do people around you annoy you and do you want to be alone?

11. Do you like being around people?

12. Do you feel embarrassed, uncomfortable or embarrassed if you have to take the initiative to get to know a new person?

13. Do you like to participate in collective games?

14. Is it true that you feel insecure around people you don't know well?

15. Do you think that it is not difficult for you to bring animation to an unfamiliar company?

16. Do you tend to limit the circle of your acquaintances to a small number of people?

17. Do you feel at ease when you are in a company that is unfamiliar to you?

18. Is it true that you do not feel confident and calm enough when you have to say something to a large group of people?

19. Is it true that you have a lot of friends?

20. Do you often feel embarrassed, feel awkward when communicating with unfamiliar people?

Processing of results.

Answers to questions, plus or minus, are put down in the table.

Using the decoder, count the number of answers that match the decoder for each section of the methodology.


After that, the estimated coefficient (K) should be determined by the formula

K \u003d C / B,


C - the number of answers that match the decoder,

B - the maximum number of answers to questions

Using the rating scale, the teacher determines junior schoolchildren sociability level.

Interpretation of results.

Low level of sociability, if the subject received a score of 1. Such a student does not strive for communication, feels constrained in a new company, prefers to spend time alone, limits his acquaintances, has difficulty establishing contacts with people and speaking to an audience, is poorly oriented in an unfamiliar situation, does not defend his opinion, takes grievances hard. The manifestation of initiative in social activities is extremely underestimated, in many cases he prefers to avoid making independent decisions.

Average level sociability, if the subject received a score of 3. He strives for contacts with people, does not limit the circle of his acquaintances, defends his opinion, plans his work. He does not get lost in a new environment, quickly finds friends, constantly strives to expand the circle of his acquaintances, social activities, helps relatives, friends, shows initiative in communication, takes part in organizing social events with pleasure, is able to make an independent decision in difficult situation. However, the potential of these tendencies is not highly stable.

A high level of sociability - the subject, who received marks 5. He actively strives for organizational and communicative activities, feels the need for it. He quickly orients himself in situations, behaves at ease in a new team. In an important matter or a difficult situation that has arisen, he prefers to make an independent decision, defends his opinion and strives for it to be accepted by his comrades. Can bring excitement to an unfamiliar company, likes to organize various games, events, is persistent in activities that attract him. He himself is looking for such cases that would satisfy his needs in communicative and organizational activities.

    Motives that encourage students to in-depth study of a foreign language.

Instruction: Rank the motives that encourage you to study a foreign language in depth according to the degree of importance for you.

Professional and personal qualities of a foreign language teacher that attract you

Instruction: Rank the professional and personal qualities of the teacher, according to the degree of importance for you.

Attitude towards advanced foreign language lessons

Questionnaire for identifying the dominant modality

Instructions me: under the corresponding question number, put the letter corresponding to your answer (Appendix 1).

    When the teacher explains new material, you prefer:

a) see illustrations;

b) that the material be read aloud;

c) for the teacher to give examples.

2. When you exercise, what worries you the most:

a) people entering and leaving the room;

b) loud TV sound;

c) feeling hungry or thirsty.

3. When you see a word denoting an object:

a) think about how it looks;

b) say the word to yourself;

c) smell, color, taste.

4. You are preparing for the test:

a) make a list of questions and tick off what you have learned;

b) discuss answers with friends or parents;

c) make a drawing corresponding to the material, and mentally

go through all the steps inside.

5. When you enter a class, you are likely to do:

a) look at the posters on the wall;

b) talk to your desk mate;

c) walk around the class.

6. During an argument with your parents, what are you most likely to do:

a) an angry face

b) scream

c) leave the room with an angry face.

7. You just had a fight with one of your friends. How do you tell

about this best friend:

a) write a note about what happened;

b) call a friend and tell him everything;

c) meet a friend and make faces of what happened.

8. When you listen to music, do you:

a) mentally see the images published by the music;

b) sing to the sound of music;

c) dance to the music.

9. Which of the following would you prefer:

b) listen to stories;

c) guess the crossword puzzle.

Treatment : if you have more answers

under "A" - then you are a "visual" (catch information through a visual analyzer)

under "B" - "audible" (receive information through hearing)

under "B" - "kinesthetic" (motor memory is well developed, you get information by touching with your hands).

Annex 1

Test "Assessment of the level of sociability" modified method of V.F. Ryakhovsky

Instructions: put a sign (+) in the "Yes" column; in the column "No" sign (-). No more than 1 minute is allotted for each question.

Questionnaire OPDP

«+» If the answer is YES, if the answer is NO then«-»

Dominant modality identification questionnaire.

Instructions: under the appropriate question number, putthe letter corresponding to your answer

Shushpanova Elena Viktorovna
Job title: mathematic teacher
Educational institution: MOU Katuarovskaya secondary school
Locality: Nekrasovsky village, Dmitrovsky district, Moscow region
Material name: article
Subject: Communicative culture of the teacher
Publication date: 15.01.2017
Chapter: complete education

Mathematics teacher, MOU Katuarovskaya secondary school, Dmitrovsky district, Moscow region
Shushpanova Elena Viktorovna

The teaching profession is one of the most important modern world. The future of human civilization depends on his efforts. A professional teacher is the only person who spends most of his time raising and teaching children. If the process of teaching children by a teacher stops, then a crisis will inevitably come. New generations, due to the lack of specific knowledge, will not be able to support cultural, economic and social progress. A teacher for successful work needs not only subject and psychological and pedagogical knowledge, but also a special skill - the ability to communicate. A person begins to master communication skills from an early age, but not everyone, having matured, is able to communicate sufficiently. The profession of a teacher belongs to the type of professions "person - person" (according to the typology of the domestic psychologist E.A. Klimov), and therefore the ability to communicate is a leading, professionally important quality for a teacher. Communication is the basis of pedagogical activity. How the teacher communicates with the students depends on the degree of their cognitive interest to the subject, and hence learning motivation. The style of pedagogical communication largely determines the effectiveness of students mastering subject knowledge and skills, influences the culture of interpersonal relations, and creates an appropriate moral and psychological climate of the educational process. Communication is an important condition for the socialization of the individual.


(from lat. connected, communicating) - the ability to communicate, sociability.
(from Latin message, connection, I make it common) - channels for transmitting information in the process of communication, the semantic aspect of communication and social interaction. The communicative component of a teacher's personality includes establishing and maintaining relationships with students, parents, administration, and teachers. It is the attitude of the teacher to the students that determines the success of his constructive and organizational activities and the emotional well-being of the student in the learning process. There are five types of emotional attitudes of teachers to students:
3 positive active, emotionally positive passive, emotionally negative active, emotionally negative passive, unbalanced. It turns out that the relationship of children in the classroom in most cases corresponds to one or another emotional style that characterizes the behavior of the teacher. So, for an emotionally unbalanced teacher, who is sometimes suspicious and negatively inclined towards students, sometimes sentimental and unreasonably encourages students, the class is nervous, uneven in relation to each other. The communicative side of pedagogical activity is manifested in the entire pedagogical process. The implementation of an individual approach, as one of the sides of a person's communicative activity, also determines the success of his work. The teacher must notice and take into account the characteristics of the student that hinder or help him, and respond accordingly. Thus, the slowness of the student, associated with his temperament, requires the patience and tact of the teacher. It must be remembered that it is the communicative components of the teacher's activity that in most cases are the cause of deviations in learning outcomes. Pedagogical communication is an important component of the teacher's work, creating an atmosphere psychological development student's personality. A teacher who knows how to create a calm working environment, an atmosphere of respect, activity of the child is preferable to a teacher whose students know all the rules, laws, but are overloaded, constrained, have low self-esteem. In this sense, pedagogical communication is more important than pedagogical technology. Pedagogical communication should be personally developing, emotionally comfortable and solve the following tasks:  Interchange of information between the teacher and students;  mutual understanding, the ability to look at oneself through the eyes of a communication partner;  mobilization of reserves of communication participants, identification of the strongest and brightest qualities of students and teachers;  interaction and organization of joint activities;  reasonable, pedagogically expedient self-presentation of the personality of the teacher and students;  Mutual satisfaction of participants in communication. The problem of forming a teacher's communicative culture is one of the main requirements for the teacher's personality. Considering culture and education as interdependent phenomena, we note their commonality - dialogicity. Dialogue acts as a means of knowing the world, accepting each other and relating oneself in this world. Dialogue is an indicator of a highly developed human culture. Formation of readiness for dialogue and ability
4 to conduct a dialogue is an important pedagogical problem and the main way of the teacher's activity. Mastering the ways of communication is an indicator of the pedagogical skill and creativity of the teacher. A teacher who has mastered communications solves a variety of tasks: it reveals creative abilities, forms an active position of the student, and the spiritual wealth of the individual depends on the variety of interpersonal relationships and on the level of students' communicative culture. Communicative culture is considered as an integral part of the teacher's pedagogical culture, as the leading requirement of modern education. Communicative culture is an important condition in the formation of the image of a person of culture and morality, a requirement for the personality of a teacher and an indicator of the level of organization of pedagogical activity by him, characterizes the meaningful meanings of the personality, methods and means that ensure understanding and interaction between the teacher and the child. Pedagogical communication is a process of interaction between teachers and pupils, the content of which is the exchange of information (primarily educational), the knowledge of the personality of a partner in pedagogical communication, as well as the organization of joint activities. At the same time, information is transmitted both by verbal (speech) and non-verbal means. Speech communication is communication through the word. A.S. Makarenko believed that a teacher can become a master teacher only when he learns to pronounce even the most simple words and phrases (for example, "come here") with 15 - 20 intonation shades. Non-verbal means (look, facial expressions, hand movements) supplement speech, emotionally influence pupils, convey feelings and experiences of the teacher. Studies have shown that up to 50% of information in communication is transmitted through facial expressions and gestures. At the same time, not all verbalized information is perceived by the listener. The ability to use the word, emotionally express one's thoughts is an important aspect of communication. But for the teacher, another side is no less significant - the ability to listen. Psychologists say that the best interlocutor is not the one who can speak well, but the one who knows how to listen well. This allows the teacher not only to understand the student, but also to feel his state, mood, attitude to the educational material and the educational process as a whole.
5 The mechanism of knowledge and understanding of pupils is pedagogical empathy. It manifests itself in the ability of the teacher to mentally put himself in the place of the student, to be imbued with his condition, to understand him, to empathize with him. But this is possible only when the teacher understands himself, objectively analyzes his thoughts, actions, relationships between people, i.e. if he has developed reflection. A teacher who owns reflection and empathically perceives pupils can successfully build pedagogical communication, correct it, and manage it. An important function of communication is the organization of joint activities. Communication accompanies the professional activity of a teacher. The lesson is, first of all, communication; class hour, excursion, literary drawing room - also communication. The success of all forms of educational activity is determined by thoughtful communication, as well as how the teacher set up students for joint work, how communication was built in the process of its organization, completion, and summing up. The allocation of the named functions of communication is conditional; in the real pedagogical process, they are all interconnected.
The specificity of pedagogical education lies in the focus on broad general cultural training.
General cultural preparation
involves the introduction of a number of human disciplines (history, literature, etc.) and an in-depth study in this context of a specific field of knowledge corresponding to their professional specialization. Thus, the teacher should be immersed in the context of:  universal culture;  different languages;  types of art;  Ways of activity in all their originality. The communicative culture of a teacher involves the mastery of communicative skills and the development of communicative abilities . The communicative skills of a teacher include:  the ability to establish emotional contact, to gain initiative in communication;  ability to manage their emotions;  observation and shifting of attention; 
social perception
, i.e. understanding the psychological state of the student by external signs;  ability to "appear" in communication with students;  speech (verbal) and non-verbal (non-verbal) communication skills In their totality, such skills and abilities constitute

pedagogical communication
or characterize the technological side of the communicative culture of the teacher. All communication skills can be grouped into four groups: 1. the ability to quickly and correctly navigate in an external communication situation;
6 2. the ability to properly plan your speech, i.e. the content of the act of communication; 3. the ability to find adequate means to convey this content (the right tone, the right words, etc.); 4. ability to provide feedback. A high level of development of the teacher's communicative culture implies that he has:  expressive skills and abilities: o expressiveness of speech, o expressiveness of gestures, o expressiveness of facial expressions, o expressiveness of appearance;  skills and abilities: o the ability to understand the state of the student, o the ability to establish contact with the student, the ability and ability to create an adequate image of the student, etc. An indicator of successful communication between a teacher and students is a favorable moral and psychological climate in the classroom, study group, educational institution generally. A teacher can achieve success in education and training only if he builds these processes on a personal basis, begins communication by establishing emotionally favorable relationships with students. What makes up the communicative culture of the teacher? It is based on personal qualities, value orientations, attitudes that manifest themselves in relation to people, as well as communication techniques - possession of speech, facial expressions, gestures, movements, methods of influencing another person, methods of self-regulation, creating working creative well-being.
Sociability of the teacher
The leading professional quality of a teacher is sociability. Its presence in the teacher serves as an indicator of high communicative potential. The ability to listen, to be attentive, to understand the state of the speaker are the most important components of pedagogical sociability. They appear when there is an interest in the inner world of the student, the need to communicate with him on a spiritual level. Sociability as a property of a person includes: - sociability - the ability to experience pleasure from the process of communication; - social kinship - the desire to be in society, among other people; - altruistic tendencies - empathy as the ability to sympathize, empathy and identification as the ability to "immerse" in the world of another person. Pedagogical culture also implies other personality traits necessary in communication: justice, openness, sincerity, tolerance, endurance, self-control, exactingness, tact.
Pedagogical tact


Students highly appreciate the teacher's intelligence, tact and delicacy, the ability to be polite, to show good manners; they notice how much his exactingness, adherence to principles are observed by him in communication with colleagues, parents, students of other classes. Pedagogical tact is manifested in the forms of the teacher's address, in the ability to speak without hurting the pride of students, to organize their activities and control its execution, in the teacher's ability to "keep himself", in value judgments, intonations, in the ability to encourage and punish students. The pedagogical tact prompts the teacher to choose a place for communication with the student - in the presence of the class or one on one, in an educational institution or on the way home; allows you to determine the time of communication - to respond immediately or wait, give the student the opportunity to think about his act; allows you to find the desired tone of the conversation; helps the teacher to manage his state during the conversation, to be attentive, restrained, patient, etc. Delicacy also helps the teacher to solve the most difficult tasks of building personal relationships with students.
Verbal culture of teacher communication
The perception and understanding of the teacher's speech by students is associated with the process of educational listening, which, according to scientists, accounts for approximately 25-50% of the study time. Therefore, the quality of learning educational material depends on the perfection of the teacher's speech. The trainees are very sensitive to the speech characteristics of the teacher. The incorrect pronunciation of any sounds makes them laugh, monotonous speech bores them, and unjustified pathos in a heart-to-heart conversation is perceived as false and causes distrust of the speaker. Therefore, the teacher must be able to properly control his voice.
The rules of speech culture of the teacher:
1. The teacher should speak quietly, but in such a way that everyone can hear him, so that the process of listening does not cause significant stress for the students. 2. The teacher must speak clearly. 3. The teacher should speak at a speed of about 120 words per minute. 4. To achieve expressive sound, it is important to be able to use pauses - logical and psychological. Without logical pauses, speech is illiterate, without psychological pauses it is colorless. 5. The teacher must speak with intonation, that is, be able to put logical stresses, highlight individual words that are important for the content of what was said. 6. Melodiousness gives the voice of the teacher an individual coloring and can significantly affect the emotional well-being of students: intimidate, inspire, captivate, soothe. Melodica is born based on vowel sounds.
Non-verbal communication culture of the teacher

8 Non-verbal communication is a non-verbal form that conveys figurative and emotional content and includes gestures, facial expressions, postures, eye contact and touch. Non-verbal means are just as important as verbal ones. Studies show that in a conversation, 45% of information is conveyed by words, and 55% by non-verbal means. Non-verbal behavior of the teacher is associated with his mental states and serves as a means of their expression. Consider briefly the main non-verbal means of communication.
The role of facial expressions in the transmission of information
A special role in the transmission of information is given to facial expressions - the movements of the muscles of the face. Facial expressions express lived states, relationships. Studies have shown that if the lecturer's face is motionless, up to 10-15% of information is lost. The mobility of facial expressions is due to the professional need for the teacher to respond to the variety of current activities, unpredictable circumstances, the behavior of people around him, and the results of joint work. The language of facial expressions is often more expressive than verbal means, it expands the pedagogical range of influences, complements the speech language with the finest nuances of information about lived emotions. Students say about the teacher: "She loves us", or "She does not love us." To the question: "Why do you think so?" you can hear the answer: "So you can see it in the face." A positive mimic portrait of a teacher consists of disposition towards students, expectation of good from them, faith in their nobility, interest in what they do and say. When students characterize a teacher with the words "He is kind, we can always turn to him", "He is strict", "He is handsome", then this is exactly the portrait of the teacher. Studies have shown that all people, regardless of the nationality of the culture in which they grew up, with sufficient accuracy and consistency, interpret mimic configurations as an expression of the corresponding emotions. It is interesting to note that the eyebrows and the area around the mouth (lips) carry the main informative load.
The expressiveness of body plastics
The face is the main source of information about the psychological states of a person, but in many situations it is much less informative than the body, since facial expressions can be consciously controlled, and body movements sometimes give out those emotions that the teacher wants to hide. Students easily read the true feelings of the teacher by the plasticity of body movements.
9 Plastic - a general pattern of gestures and movements made by a person, it has as strong an influence as the sound of the voice and facial expressions.

Open plastic pose
and is extremely important for the teacher: it allows the student to freely and fearlessly enter into communication with him. An open plastic pose is an external manifestation of goodwill towards people. The posture of the teacher should be free, without tightness, psychological constraint, "petrification" (for example, a rigid stance with arms crossed on the chest). Students should see that the teacher does not feel embarrassed, he is at ease and completely in control of himself. The teacher, who is in a free position, according to the feelings of the students, is not afraid of questions, collisions, surprises - it is easy for him to switch his attention and efforts to other objects. Students in such conditions are also calm and sympathetic. When communicating, it is necessary to follow some principles: - accept the student as he is, remember that each person is original; - to believe in the abilities of students, to stimulate their creative activity; - respect the personality of the student, create a situation of success for everyone; - do not humiliate the dignity of the student; - do not compare children with each other, compare only the results of actions; - remember that anyone can make mistakes; - do not forget that everyone is free to have their own opinion, no one has the right to laugh at the judgments of others.
The effectiveness of pedagogical work is largely determined by the style of pedagogical communication. Style features pedagogical communication depend, on the one hand, on the individuality of the teacher, determined by his communicative culture; on the other hand, on the characteristics of students, their age, gender, upbringing. A characteristic of typical communication styles was given by psychologist A.A. Kan-Kalik. He highlights:




, suggesting commonwealth, interest, co-creation;



, in which the measure is important, the expediency of friendliness. At the heart of these styles is the unity of the high professionalism of the teacher and his ethical attitudes. After all, the enthusiasm for joint creative search with students is the result not only of the teacher's communicative activity, but to a greater extent of his attitude to pedagogical activity in general.
10 This style of communication distinguished the activities of V.A. Sukhomlinsky. On this basis, they form their own system of relationships with children VF Shatalov. This style of communication can be considered as a prerequisite for successful joint educational activities. Enthusiasm for a common cause is a source of friendliness and at the same time friendliness, multiplied by interest in work, gives rise to a joint enthusiastic search. Speaking about the system of relations between a teacher and pupils, A.S. Makarenko argued that a teacher, on the one hand, should be a senior friend and mentor, and on the other hand, an accomplice in joint activities. It is necessary to form friendliness as a certain tone in the relationship of the teacher with the team. Reflecting on the options for the relationship of a teacher with children, A.S. Makarenko noted: “In any case, teachers and management should never allow a frivolous tone on their part: snickering, telling jokes, no liberties in the language, mimicry, antics, etc. On the other hand, it is completely unacceptable for teachers and management to be gloomy, irritable, noisy in the presence of pupils. These are styles of humanistically directed communication. They create a situation of comfort, contribute to the development and manifestation of the individuality of students. This also includes style.
communication is dialogue.
In the system of relationships "teacher - student" A.A. Kan-Kalik also highlights the style
. It is important for a teacher to be able to establish a distance, to avoid familiarity in communication, but also not to fence off from children. This style of communication is used by both experienced teachers and beginners. Its essence lies in the fact that in the system of relations between the teacher and students, distance acts as a limiter. But here too, moderation must be observed. Hypertrophy of the distance leads to the formalization of the entire system of socio-psychological interaction between the teacher and students and does not contribute to the creation of a truly creative atmosphere. Distance must exist in the system of relations between the teacher and children, it is necessary. But it should follow from the general logic of the relationship between the student and the teacher, and not be dictated by the teacher as the basis of the relationship. The distance acts as an indicator of the leading role of the teacher, based on his authority. What is the popularity of this style of communication? The fact is that novice teachers often believe that communication-distance helps them immediately establish themselves as a teacher, and therefore use this style to a certain extent as a means
11 self-affirmation in the student, and in the pedagogical environment. But in most cases, the use of this style of communication in its purest form leads to pedagogical failures. Communication-distance to a certain extent is a transitional stage to such a negative form of communication as
. This style of communication, which is also sometimes used by novice teachers, is mainly associated with the inability to organize productive communication on the basis of enthusiasm for joint activities. After all, it is difficult to form such communication, and a young teacher often follows the line of least resistance, choosing communication - intimidation or distance in its extreme manifestation. In a creative sense, communication-intimidation is generally futile. In essence, it not only does not create a communicative atmosphere that ensures creative activity, but, on the contrary, regulates it, since it orients children not on what should be done, but on what should not be done, deprives pedagogical communication of the friendliness on which it is based. mutual understanding, so necessary for joint creative activity.

. Again, characteristic, mainly for young teachers and associated with the inability to organize productive pedagogical communication. In essence, this type of communication corresponds to the desire to win a false, cheap authority among children, which is contrary to the requirements of pedagogical ethics. The appearance of this style of communication is caused, on the one hand, by the desire of a young teacher to quickly establish contact with children, the desire to please the class, and on the other hand, the lack of the necessary general pedagogical and communicative culture, skills and abilities of pedagogical communication, experience in professional communicative activity. A.S. Makarenko sharply condemned such a "pursuit of love." He said: “I respected my assistants, and I had just geniuses in educational work, but I convinced them that the last thing you need to do is to be a favorite teacher. I personally have never achieved childish love and I think that this love, organized by the teacher for his own pleasure, is a crime ... This flirtatiousness, this pursuit of love, this boastfulness of love brings great harm to the educator and education. I convinced myself and my comrades that this pendant ... should not be in our life ... Let love come unnoticed, without your efforts. But if a person sees the goal in love, then this is only harm ... "
12 Styles do not exist in their pure form. Yes, and the listed options do not exhaust all the richness of communication styles spontaneously developed in long-term practice. A variety of nuances are possible in its spectrum, giving unexpected effects, establishing or destroying the interaction of partners. As a rule, they are found empirically. At the same time, the found and acceptable communication style of one teacher turns out to be completely unsuitable for another. In the style of communication, the individuality of the individual is clearly manifested. The art of communication largely determines professional success and is due to the development of a teacher's set of skills: the ability to control one's behavior, feelings; the ability to observe, switch attention, understand the state of mind of another person; the ability to "read in the face", to establish verbal and non-verbal contact with students.

Communicative culture
teacher is one of the most important components of professional and pedagogical culture. The need for its formation is due to the fact that the teacher is constantly involved in the process of communication, which provides for diverse and multifaceted relationships with those who become partners in contact: with students, their parents, and colleagues. These relationships arise and develop in the process of joint activity, essential condition the implementation of which is communication. Communication in pedagogical activity acts as a means of solving educational problems, as a socio-psychological support of the educational process and as a way of organizing the relationship between the teacher and children, ensuring the success of education and upbringing.

teacher is the culture of his professional and pedagogical communication with other subjects of the educational process. The necessary level of communicative culture should be recognized as one that allows the teacher to positively perceive his wards and colleagues and ensures the unconditional achievement of the goals of education and training.

The style of communication largely depends on the professional and pedagogical position of the teacher. The personal position of the teacher is fixed in his social role and social status. The uniqueness of the pedagogical position lies in the fact that it is both a personal and professional, cultural and activity position.

This is what determines communicative culture of the teacher, which in turn is the basis pedagogical culture.

Communicative culture of the teacher - this is the culture of his professional and pedagogical communication with other subjects of the educational process. The necessary level of communicative culture should be recognized as one that allows the teacher to positively perceive his wards and colleagues and ensures the unconditional achievement of the goals of education and training.

Communicative culture can be considered from the point of view of the "competence-based approach" proposed by V.N. Yanushevsky.

Communicative competence - this is the ability of the teacher to receive in the dialogue the necessary information about the interlocutor (the level of his education, upbringing, the nature and characteristics of his communicative culture, etc.). This is the ability to listen to the interlocutor and understand what is said, to present and civilly defend one's point of view in dialogue and in public speaking based on the recognition of the diversity of positions and respect for the values ​​(religious, ethnic, professional, personal, etc.) of other people.

Professional Competence this is the level of formation of knowledge, skills, abilities, initiatives of a specialist's personality necessary for the effective performance of a specific activity. According to the concept of N.V. Kuzmina, competence is a subjective factor in the productive activity of a teacher, which determines it along with other factors of professional activity (the orientation of the individual and the level of his abilities).

As presented by N.V. Kuzmina, the structure of the teacher's subjective factors includes:

a) type of personality orientation;

b) ability level;

c) competence as an integrative characteristic of a person, which includes special-pedagogical, methodological, socio-psychological, differential-psychological, autopsychological competence. In our opinion, this list should also include speech competence, since all the competencies mentioned above receive practical implementation in specific situations of verbal communication.

Thus, speech competence - this is knowledge of the basic laws of the functioning of language and speech and the ability to use them to solve professional problems.

As you know, competence is a range of issues, problems and tasks in the solution of which one or another specialist is a knowledgeable person, that is, he has the appropriate knowledge and personal experience. Competence, therefore, is expressed in the readiness of the subject to effectively organize internal and external resources to solve a certain range of problems.

Speech is an internal resource that reflects individual, personal and subjective parameters of a person. That is, the speech of a particular person will include a set of characteristics: pronunciation features, ways of expressing attitudes towards the interlocutor, the purpose in accordance with which this or that phrase is pronounced, etc.

At the same time, speech is a factor in the social interaction of people. The sounding speech, the printed word, being addressed to listeners and readers, is at the same time directed to their authors. The speaker can declare something, ask someone about something, ask so-called rhetorical questions, etc. A person asks a rhetorical question not so much to others as to himself (from the point of view of psychoanalysis, no matter what a person talks about, he talks about himself). Therefore, communication has a very complex structure: while talking with others, a person at the same time conducts a tense dialogue with himself.

In any everyday conflicts, competence manifests itself primarily through the setting and achievement of goals in a subjectively new situation, regardless of whether we are aware of these goals or not. In this understanding, competence is a single, systemic, not amenable to division into separate elements. This, according to G.V. Golub, is a single “personal” competence that incorporates all other competencies – general (integrated) key competencies: socio-political, intercultural, communicative, information technology, professional (these are the competencies that a graduate of a Russian school should master). In turn, as part of the communicative competence, we - in the order of the methodological procedure - single out speech competence.

Competence is necessary for a person living in a society of rapidly developing technologies. The quality of life of such a person is often determined by how well he has mastered various algorithms and technologies, and to what extent he is able to perform actions outside the algorithm.

Since the sign that the subject has mastered the activity is the fact that he controls this activity, realizing himself in it, self-government is the basis of competence. And if competence involves the effective use of internal and external resources, and speech, as we have established above, is an internal resource for a person, then the problem of managing one’s own speech and, to a certain extent, the speech of other subjects of the educational process acquires particular relevance for the teacher. The ability to carry out such management will be the competence .

In this case, the speech competence of the teacher will be manifested in the fact that the teacher in the course of professional activity skillfully manages the communicative situation in terms of its positive development. And this, in turn, involves providing emotional comfort for all participants in communication, as well as achieving the goals of education.

As we formulated earlier, speech competence is the knowledge of the basic laws of the functioning of language and speech and the ability to use them to solve professional problems. Speech competence can be specified only when speech competence is defined, that is, the range of relevant issues, problems and tasks. If competence delineates the boundaries of a problem, then competence presupposes the means of solving this problem.

In the modern methodology of teaching the Russian language, language proficiency is described through the concept competence, interpreted as the ability, opportunity, willingness to use knowledge. The competence-based approach is used to describe the level of language proficiency of a student in setting goals and objectives of education. In the federal component state standard general education linguistic, linguistic (linguistic), communicative, cultural competence are distinguished.

Language and linguistic competence in the Federal component of the state standard of general education are defined as “the development of knowledge about the language as a sign system and social phenomenon, its structure, development and functioning; acquaintance with general information about linguistics as a science and Russian scholars; mastering the basic norms of Russian literary language, enrichment vocabulary and grammatical structure of students' speech; formation of the ability to analyze and evaluate linguistic phenomena and facts; ability to use different linguistic dictionaries". However, in such a definition it is not clear what should be attributed to linguistic and what to linguistic competence.

In modern linguo-methodological literature, linguistic competence is understood as “comprehension of speech experience”, which includes “knowledge of the basics of the science of the Russian language, mastering the conceptual base of the course”, “elements of the science of the history of the Russian language, methods of linguistic analysis, information about outstanding linguists” - everything that is acquired by students in the process of learning the language as a science. Language competence is the possession of the language system itself, knowledge of grammatical, lexical, stylistic, spelling and other norms of oral and written speech. Unlike linguistic competence, linguistic competence may be largely unrecognized by a native speaker. It manifests itself in competent oral and written speech.

Communicative competence - the ability to use the language as a means of communication (communication), which implies "mastery of all types of speech activity and the basics of the culture of oral and written speech, the skills and abilities of using the language in various areas and situations of communication that correspond to the experience, interests, psychological characteristics of primary school students at different stages." The student’s communicative competence can be judged by how stylistically “suitable” the language means chosen by him are for the situation, by how clearly and consistently he expresses his thoughts, argues, and is able to construct texts of various genres.

Cultural competence - "awareness of the language as a form of expression of national culture, the relationship between the language and the history of the people, the national and cultural specifics of the Russian language, knowledge of the norms of Russian speech etiquette, culture of interethnic communication". Cultural competence also includes knowledge of the names of objects and phenomena of national life and traditions, fine arts and oral folk art.

In the methodology of teaching the Russian language, language competencies constitute the concept of a linguistic personality, but do not exhaust it. The personal component of the concept turns out to be important: the value attitudes of the individual in relation to the native language, linguistic consciousness, linguistic worldview of the individual.

If in concept language personality psychologists and methodologists focus on the word personality, then linguists - on the word language. From the point of view of linguistics, a linguistic personality is the linguistic abilities and characteristics of a person, thanks to which he can create and understand texts of various complexity, depth and purpose (educational, scientific, journalistic, artistic, sacred, and others).

The structure of a linguistic personality consists of three hierarchical levels.

1. Verbal-semantic level (lowest) - the actual possession of vocabulary and grammar (ordinary language), which determines language competence. This level is formed in early childhood and develops by elementary grades schools, and further improved, based on language practice.

2. Thesaurus level - it reflects the "linguistic picture of the world", the hierarchy of concepts and values, which is important both nationally and socially, group and personal. The thesaurus level determines the main features of a linguistic personality and correlates with linguistic and cultural competence. It is generally formed by adolescence and can change throughout life. This process is based on speech and language reflection.

3. Motivational level - includes areas of communication, communicative situations, roles, is associated with communicative needs and communicative behavior of the individual and, thus, correlates with communicative competence. In particular, the range of precedent texts and precedent phenomena belongs to the motivational level. Within the framework of this level, there is an improvement in the possession of broad synonymous possibilities of the language, their adequate choice in accordance with the situation of communication.

It is customary to single out external and internal factors that determine the development of a linguistic personality. The first concerns, first of all, the state of society. It is known that social upheavals dramatically change not only social foundations, but also linguistic norms, “the linguistic taste of the era” (V.G. Kostomarov). Family, social circle, school, means mass media, Mass culture also influence the content of the linguistic personality from the outside.

Internal factors include the following: gender, age, temperament, psychological characteristics of a person.

Depending on the combination of these factors, typical linguistic personalities can be distinguished. For example, a linguistic personality is characterized by the features and frequency of use in speech of the so-called precedent texts(quotes from books, movies, anecdotes, etc.). The language personality of a high school student is in the process of active formation, first of all, this concerns the development of speech practice and language reflection and the formation of a picture of the world. Features of the language picture of the world of a high school student are largely manifested through school slang. Like any slang, it serves for nomination, evaluation, communication, reflects the value system of its bearers. School slang reflects worldview features (linguists call them "concepts" - a kind of semantic clots), which manifest themselves in keywords. They differ in the frequency of use, the richness of word-formation connections and have many synonyms with shades of meaning. Studies show that in the center of the language picture of the world of high school students are such lexical and semantic fields that are associated with the concepts of "person", "study", "communication". However, to designate these concepts, words with a reduced-scornful coloring are used (friend - sidekick, excellent student - botanist, communication - party, pleasure - bliss, good - steep etc.).

One of the features of school slang is the reduction of important concepts, traditional values, which is also reflected in school slang: the concepts of “speak”, “fall in love”, “learn”, “admire” are included in broad synonymous ranks with a reduced, dismissive assessment (for example, say - bazaar, blather; fall in love - fall in love and so on.).

The complexity of the language personality of a modern high school student lies in the fact that at school he learns the norms of the literary language and at the same time is a carrier of school slang and often a carrier of group jargon (by virtue of belonging to one or another informal association). He is immersed in a complex, ambiguous, contradictory language situation, in which he learns to distinguish between lexical layers of different stylistic coloring.

A teacher with a high level professional competence is able to correctly determine the content of the linguistic personality of a student. Such a teacher will not rush to assess the moral qualities of a student on the basis of two or three words spoken by him. How can one not recall a saying often repeated by diplomats: Words are given to us to hide our thoughts.

Thus, the teacher's speech competence, which primarily implies the teacher's confident use of speech means in solving professional problems, is not limited to this. We use speech means mainly in an automatic mode, almost unconsciously - that is, we are obviously competent in this area, and then speech competence should also be understood as the ability of a teacher to explain the speech behavior of any student. And to manage this behavior, more precisely, to direct its implementation in the most positive direction.

Speech at the district methodological association of leaders and organizers children's movement. Communicative culture of the teacher

“How simple it is - only the one who has achieved it has comprehended”
(Goethe Johann Wolfgang)

The success of pedagogical communication depends on the level of the teacher's communicative culture. Its formation is one of the important tasks of the professional development of a teacher and especially his self-development and self-education.
The ability to use the word, emotionally express one's thoughts is an important aspect of communication.
Communication is the process of exchanging information between people. Each of us constantly becomes a participant in this process. It ensures the individual survival of a person and his interaction with others. Communication is so familiar to us that it seems that it should not cause any problems. However, many of us have faced the fact that we do not understand our interlocutor or cannot convince him of the correctness of our position. Why is this happening? Most people do not like to listen and do not know how. A typical situation is when people hear what the interlocutor says, but do not listen to him, thinking about their own, doing their own thing. Or they interrupt him, trying to tell something more important and interesting.
Hearing and listening are not the same thing. Good listening skills are the most important factor in effective communication. This is important and needs to be learned.
Communicative culture of the teacher- this is the culture of his professional and pedagogical communication with other subjects of the educational process. The necessary level of communicative culture should be recognized as one that allows the teacher to positively perceive his wards and colleagues and ensures the unconditional achievement of the goals of education and training.
Communicative culture, as the most important component of pedagogical competence, which ensures the success of a teacher's professional activity, in many respects contributes not only to the transfer of information, but also to the creation of a favorable psychological atmosphere, establishing relationships with colleagues or friends. It can be represented as the activity of a teacher, aimed at other people and, above all, at students, their feelings, motives, actions. Communicative activity is expressed through gestures, facial expressions, words and is motivated by appropriate motives: to know students as subjects educational and cognitive activities, to carry out individual and / or group, collective interaction, cooperation and co-creation.
What makes up the communicative culture of the teacher?
It is based on personal qualities, value orientations, attitudes that manifest themselves in relation to people, as well as communication techniques - possession of speech, facial expressions, gestures, movements, methods of influencing another person, methods of self-regulation, creating working creative well-being.
There are communicative qualities of the individual, which form the basis of pedagogical communication. These include:
1) characteristics of speech: clear diction, expressiveness;
2) personal characteristics: sociability, openness, the ability to listen and feel people.
The basis of the communicative culture of the teacher is sociability - a steady desire for contacts with people, the ability to quickly establish contacts. The presence of a teacher of sociability is an indicator of a sufficiently high communicative potential. Sociability as a property of a person includes, according to researchers, such components, How:

Sociability - the ability to experience pleasure from the process of communication;
- social kinship - the desire to be in society, among other people;
- altruistic tendencies - empathy as the ability to sympathize, empathy and identification as the ability to transfer oneself into the world of another person.
Serious obstacles in the interaction between teacher and student are created by:
- inexpressive speech;
- speech defects (especially when explaining new material);
- unsociable;
- isolation;
- immersion in oneself (when establishing contact with the student, finding an individual approach to him).
Pedagogical activity involves constant and long-term communication. Therefore, teachers with undeveloped sociability quickly get tired, irritated and do not feel satisfaction from their activities in general.
In the communicative culture of the teacher, the level of his moral upbringing is manifested. Pupils, above all, highly appreciate the intelligence and delicacy of the teacher, i.е. his ability to be polite, correct, to spare the pride of students, to sympathize with them, to be sincere, unforgiving.
A high level of development of the teacher's communicative culture implies that he has expressive (expressiveness of speech, gestures, facial expressions, appearance) and perceptual (the ability to understand the state of the student, establish contact with him, compose an adequate image of him, etc.) abilities.
You can master the technological side of a communicative culture (communication technique) with the help of special exercises. The exercises that are part of the teacher's communicative training are the most effective.
The disciplinary-affective interaction strategy that is still dominant in the modern school is based on the strict subordination of behavior and actions to the teacher, on the strict observance of this line, which makes exactingness the basis of all applied methods of influence.
The idea of ​​cooperation, dialogue, partnership in the relationship between the student and the student is one of the main ones in pedagogy recent years.
Many teachers are not aware of the communicative task as a component of the pedagogical process, although in real activity they unconsciously solve it. Communicative tasks are instrumental components of pedagogical interaction.
Once again, we list what communication skills a teacher should have:
he must be able to use techniques that contribute to the achievement of a high level of communication, namely:
be able to understand the position of another in communication, show interest in his personality;
own the means of non-verbal communication (facial expressions, gestures);
be able to take the student's point of view;
be able to create an atmosphere of trust, tolerance for another person;
be able to master different roles as a means of preventing conflicts in communication;
be ready to thank the student in time, if necessary, apologize to him;
be able to maintain an equal attitude towards all children;
to be able to relate with humor to certain aspects of the pedagogical situation, not to notice some negative points, to be ready for a smile;
be able to influence the student not directly, but indirectly, through creating conditions for the student to have the desired quality;
be able to not be afraid of feedback from students.
In custody I would like to note that communicative culture is an important condition for the formation, development and implementation of professional competence and occupies a central place in the general and professional culture of a teacher, having a significant impact on all competence and qualification characteristics, and its purposeful formation is a priority personal development And vocational training teachers
Thus, in the process of pedagogical interaction, the teacher realizes two main goals: he conveys a message to students or influences them, that is, encourages them to act.

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Modern trends in the information and communication transformation of society, the system of global communication, the growth of its intensity affects every person, becomes a condition for the awareness of freedom, individuality, awareness of oneself as a person with ethical and moral responsibility.

The main contradiction in the development of world communication processes is the discrepancy between the achievements of material culture - "achievements of civilization" and spiritual culture, which is recognized by the scientific community as dangerous for mankind. Therefore, attention to the inner essence, the problem of the quality of communication, determined by humanistic criteria, as well as public and individual-personal communicative culture, which has a humanistic vector of development, is relevant for modern society.

Paradigm changes in education also have a pronounced communicative and cultural orientation, manifested in the orientation towards entering the global educational space, intercultural communication, and a dialogue model of education and upbringing.

Under these conditions, the role of the communicative culture of the individual increases as a factor in sustainable development and humanization of the relationship of a person with the outside world.

All this allows us to talk about the communicative specifics of pedagogical activity, in which the solution of professional goals and objectives is completely in the plane of communication and is realized through communicative interaction, and therefore the issues of communication, mutual understanding, cooperation, and dialogue are extremely significant in it. Accordingly, the level of requirements for the communicative culture as the main factor that allows the teacher to reach a high professional level is increasing.

The phenomenon of communicative culture as a subject of scientific and pedagogical research has been studied relatively recently - in the 70s - 80s. 20th century The analysis of scientific literature allows us to highlight several aspects in the study of the communicative culture of a teacher: determining the structure and conditions for the formation of a teacher's communicative skills, studying the problem of mutual understanding between teachers and students, research on the problem of pedagogical ethics and tact. Studies devoted to determining the structure and functions of the communicative culture of teachers of various levels, from those acquiring a profession to improving their qualifications and professionally improving, have become widespread. Also, increased interest on the part of researchers is observed in the methods and conditions for the development and improvement of the communicative culture of the above categories of representatives of pedagogical work. However, the general trend of all studies is to consider any specific component of the communicative culture of the teacher's personality and its development, such as reflexivity, pedagogical tact. The same trend is observed in the study of ways and means of improving the communicative culture of the personality of teachers. In this regard, there is a need to generalize and systematize scientific research to determine further ways to study this problem and their subsequent practical application in the process of improving the communicative culture of teachers, which led to the choice of topic term paper, its structure and content.

The purpose of the course work is to summarize the results of scientific research on the problem of teacher's communicative culture. Object of study: teacher's communicative culture. Subject of research: improving the communicative culture of the teacher.

In accordance with the purpose, object and subject of the study, the following tasks were defined:

1. Reveal the essence, structure, content of the teacher's communicative culture, the criteria and levels of its formation;

2. To explore the state of the problem of improving the communicative culture of the teacher.

To achieve the goal and objectives of the course work, the following methods were used:

theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature;

study and generalization of psychological and pedagogical experience.

The theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact that it summarizes the material on the problem of improving the teacher's communicative culture; in theoretical terms, the essence and structure of the teacher's communicative culture are substantively presented.

The practical significance of the course work lies in the fact that the generalized material on the problem of improving the teacher's communicative culture can be recommended to cadets and students for independent study.

1. Communicative culture of the teacher: essence, structure, functions

Starting to consider the phenomenon of the teacher's communicative culture, firstly, it is necessary to note those trends in the development of modern society that have served as a manifestation of the active interest of scientists from various fields of science in the study of this phenomenon. Secondly, for a more accurate disclosure of the essence of the phenomenon of communicative culture, a more detailed consideration of one of the main areas of manifestation of communicative culture is required - direct pedagogical communication.

It should be noted that the current trends in the information and communication transformation of society, as never before, actualize the issues of communicative interaction, cooperation, and mutual understanding. In connection with this, the role of communicative culture is increasing as a factor in sustainable development and humanization of human relationships with the outside world. At the same time, the humanization of education, new requirements for the teacher's personality imply increased attention to various characteristics of the teacher's professional culture, including communicative one.

Turning to the consideration of the concept of pedagogical communication, we note that this phenomenon became the subject of special scientific and pedagogical research relatively recently - in the 70s - 80s. 20th century

The problem of pedagogical communication is devoted to a significant number of studies, the analysis of which allows us to highlight several aspects in its study. First of all, this is the definition of the structure and conditions for the formation of the teacher's communicative skills. In this aspect, active social learning methods have been developed: role-playing games, socio-psychological trainings, discussions, etc. With their help, teachers master the ways of interaction, develop sociability.

Another direction is the study of the problem of mutual understanding between teachers and students. They are significant due to the fact that contact is possible only under conditions of a fairly complete mutual understanding between the communicants, the achievement of which requires the search for certain conditions and methods.

A special group of studies are those that study the norms implemented in pedagogical communication. First of all, these are studies on the problem of pedagogical ethics and tact. The pedagogical system "teacher-student" in this case is considered as a certain cultural community, in which a large role is given to the implementation of socially approved norms of behavior: respect for a person, goodwill, sociability, etc.

These and other aspects of the study of pedagogical communication, mutually complementing each other, show its complex and multifaceted nature in educational process. Pedagogical communication for the most part is quite regulated in terms of content and forms, and therefore it is not only a way to satisfy an abstract need for communication. It clearly distinguishes the role positions of the teacher and students, reflecting the "normative status" of each. Their content is determined by the statutory documents, curricula and programs.

Thus, pedagogical communication is a multifaceted process of organizing, establishing and developing communication, mutual understanding and interaction between teachers and students, generated by the goals and content of their joint activities.

In modern studies devoted to the problem we are studying, the teacher's communicative culture is considered as a system-forming component of the general and pedagogical culture, an integral component of the teacher's professional competence.

I.I. Zaretskaya defines communicative culture as a component of pedagogical culture.

Considering the role of communicative culture in the composition of pedagogical culture, two substructures can be distinguished in the composition of pedagogical culture:

values, knowledge, abilities, skills, personal qualities that are significant for the implementation of effective pedagogical activity (activity);

values, knowledge, skills, personal qualities that are significant for the implementation of effective pedagogical communication (communicative) (Figure 1.1).

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Figure 1.1WITHTI.I. Zaretskaya

But these two substructures cannot be represented as two separate components of pedagogical culture that exist as two sides of the same phenomenon; on the contrary, they interpenetrate and overlap each other. The communicative component plays an important role in this. It allows you to exteriorize the components of the activity component, that is, methodological, didactic knowledge, skills, personal qualities, to put them into practice, to convey them to the student, to "visualize" them.

Turning to the origins of scientific interest in the phenomenon of communicative culture, we note that the concept of communicative culture entered the scientific discourse with the emergence of a steady interest in the problems of communication and information. However, the very idea of ​​a communicative culture arose much earlier, primarily within the framework of such scientific disciplines as ethics, rhetoric, communication theory, which laid down many ideas of the culture of human communication, principles and methods for its successful implementation. At present, the phenomenon of communicative culture is being actively studied by representatives of various scientific fields: philosophers, psychologists, sociologists, culturologists, linguists, etc. Therefore, there are different approaches to considering this phenomenon, and different interpretations of the term communicative culture reflect the process of its research.

Thus, V.S. Grekhnev singles out the concept of “culture of communication” and defines it “as a special system of typical emotional-sensory, rational and volitional reactions of behavior based on the commonality of specific socially significant conditions of their life”. At the same time, he emphasizes both the importance of the psychological characteristics of the human personality entering into communication, and the actual social (economic, political, spiritual, ideological) characteristics in the content of the culture of communication.

L.D. Likhachev, also denoting the phenomenon of “culture of communication”, emphasizes its moral and spiritual content, including: “education, spiritual wealth, developed thinking, the ability to comprehend phenomena in various areas of life, a variety of forms, types, ways of communication and its emotional and aesthetic modifications: a solid moral foundation, mutual trust of the subjects of communication; its results in the form of mastering the truth, stimulating activity, its clear organization. I.I. Rydanova introduces the concept of "culture of communicative interaction", highlighting the following indicators:

1. the adequacy of students' reactions to the pedagogical actions and actions of the teacher, the synchronism of joint activities;

2. emotional and cognitive activity, an atmosphere of creative search and cooperation;

3. observance of moral and ethical standards in business and interpersonal communication between teachers and students.

E.V. Rudensky, considering the communicative culture of the teacher's personality as a system of its qualities, includes the following components in its structure: creative thinking, the culture of speech action, the culture of self-adjustment to communication, the culture of gestures and plasticity of movements in a communication situation, the culture of perception of the communicative actions of a communication partner, the culture of emotions, the culture of communication skills.

In our opinion, despite a comprehensive analysis of this phenomenon, the understanding of the communicative culture of E.V. Rudensky, I.I. Rydanova is too technologically advanced and does not take into account the "generalizing" component, the basis of communicative culture - its humanistic nature. This fundamental quality of communicative culture is pointed out by A.V. Mudrik: "The aura of the word "culture" is humanistic".

By definition, A.V. Mudrik, communicative culture as a component of the professional culture of a specialist's personality is a system of knowledge, norms, values ​​and behaviors accepted in society and the ability to organically, naturally and naturally implement them in business and emotional communication. As part of a communicative culture, A.V. Mudrik identifies the following important components: psychological characteristics of a person, including sociability, empathy, reflection of communicative activity, self-regulation; features of thinking, expressed in openness, flexibility, non-standard associative series and internal plan of action; social attitudes that cause interest in the very process of communication and cooperation, and not in the result. He pays special attention to the fact that communication is important not only to receive oneself, but also to give to others, indicates the importance of the formation of communication skills.

E.V. Shevtsova characterizes communicative culture as a condition and prerequisite for the effectiveness of professional activity and as a goal of professional self-improvement.

A. Kan-Kalik, a psychologist, wrote that pedagogical work has more than 200 components in its structure. Communication is one of its most difficult aspects, since through it the main thing in pedagogical work is carried out: the impact of the teacher's personality on the student's personality. One of the important qualities of a teacher is the ability to organize long-term and effective interaction with students. This skill is usually associated with the communication skills of the teacher. Possession of professional and pedagogical communication is the most important requirement for the personality of a teacher in that aspect of it that concerns interpersonal relationships. According to the scientist, a communicative culture is expressed in the ability to establish humanistic, personality-oriented relationships with students and colleagues, which implies that a specialist has:

Orientation to the recognition of positive qualities, strengths, the significance of the other;

The ability to empathize, understand and take into account the emotional state of another;

Ability to give positive feedback to others;

Ability to motivate others to work and achieve in it;

Specific communication skills: to greet, communicate, ask questions, answer, actively listen, evaluate, ask, support, refuse, etc.;

Self-respect, knowledge of one's own strengths, the ability to use them in one's own activities;

The ability to provide pedagogical support for the organization of joint activities and interpersonal communication of students;

speech culture.

By definition, I.A. Mazaeva, the basis of communicative culture is the general culture of the individual, which is a high level of its development, expressed in a system of needs, social qualities, in the style of activity and behavior. Therefore, to the maximum extent, a communicative culture includes essential personal characteristics, namely, abilities, knowledge, skills, value orientations, attitudes, character traits, and is a necessary condition for the successful realization of a personality.

V.A. Slastenin analyzes the concept of communicative culture, focusing on the methodology and technology of pedagogical communication, the level of mastery of which determines the productivity of pedagogical activity. To understand the essence of the technology of pedagogical communication, he appeals to the concept of "communicative task", since he presents the process of professional and pedagogical communication as a system of communicative tasks. Thus, at present there are various definitions of communicative culture, which describe its various components: a value attitude to communication, self-assessment as a subject of interaction, readiness to cooperate with other people, a set of knowledge, skills, and communicative abilities. Accordingly, when determining the structure of a communicative culture, researchers of this phenomenon distinguish its various elements.

So, I.F. Komogortseva developed a model of the culture of pedagogical communication, defining three groups of components: professional, psychological and socio-ethical. Figure 1.1 shows the model of the culture of pedagogical communication proposed by I.F. Komogortseva.

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Drawing1 . 2 Structureculture of pedagogical communicationaccording to I.F. Komogortseva

Representing the structure of pedagogical communication, I.F. Komogortseva proceeds from a holistic approach to the personality of a teacher and argues that it is impossible to form the personality of a teacher without such psychological properties as imagination, pedagogical thinking, attention, observation, will. The properties of the psyche proposed by her, such as empathy, reflection, are substantiated by A.A. Lentiev. Socio-ethical and professional components are put forward and substantiated in the works of N.V. Kuzmina, V.A. Sweetie..

S.K. Berkimbaeva offers a meaningful structure of a communicative culture, a graphic representation of which is shown in Figure 1.3.

Figure 1.3WITHTthe structure of pedagogical culture inS.K.Berkimbayeva

In the work of Yu.V. Ushacheva, communicative culture is presented as an integrative, dynamic, structural-level education, represented by a combination of the motivational component of professional activity and pedagogical communication, communicative knowledge, communicative skills, communicative-significant personality traits that ensure productive professional communicative activity in their interaction. The researcher defines the content of the teacher's communicative culture as a value attitude to another person, to communication in general, to professional communication in particular, as a sufficient level of development of reflection, empathy, sociability, tolerance, as a level of communicative competence, knowledge of communicative techniques. Yu.V. Ushacheva defines communicative culture, on the one hand, as a specific way of human activity, a way of a teacher's activity, on the other hand, as a process of self-realization of a teacher's personality. As the main components of a communicative culture, she considers motivational, knowledge, practical-effective, personal, which are presented in Figure 1.4.

Picture 1.4 - The structure of communicative culture, criteria and indicators of formationaccording to Yu.V. Ushacheva

Revealing the meaning and role of each of the proposed Yu.V. Ushacheva of the components of communicative culture, it should be noted that a mandatory component of any activity, including communication activities, is a motivational component. A motive is a kind of vector of activity that determines its direction, as well as the magnitude of the efforts developed by the subject during its implementation. This, on the one hand, is the need of the individual for communicative activity, the stability of interest in communication, the desire for it. On the other hand, it is the need for professional, pedagogical communication, it is, in general, the motivation to perform professional activities, the direction of professional activity, which involves constant and long-term communication.

The knowledge component of a communicative culture includes communicative knowledge. They constitute the theoretical readiness of a specialist for communicative activity, the essence and purpose of which is to adequately reflect reality. It is this degree of adequacy that determines the ability of knowledge to be a guide to action.

The practical-effective component consists of communicative skills as a set of conscious communicative actions that allow using communicative knowledge to fully and accurately reflect and transform reality, and communicative skills - automated components of conscious actions that contribute to a quick and accurate reflection of situations and determine the success of perception, understanding of the objective world and adequate influence on him in the process of communication.

Undoubtedly, a complex of communicative skills can be formed only in the presence of certain communicatively significant personality traits: empathy, tolerance, balance, sincerity, responsibility, politeness, goodwill, and others. The presence of a set of communicatively significant qualities of a person constitutes a personal component of a communicative culture and ensures the effectiveness and efficiency of communicative activity.

Empathy includes understanding another person based on an analysis of his personality; emotional empathy for another person, a response to the feelings of another person and the expression of their feelings; the desire to help, to help another person.

In close connection with empathy, pedagogical tact is considered.

Pedagogical tact is a sense of reasonable measure based on the correlation of tasks, conditions and capabilities of the participants in communication. Tact is the choice and implementation of such a measure of pedagogical influence, which is based on the attitude towards the personality of the student as the main value; this is a fine line between individual influences, this is naturalness, simplicity, treatment without familiarity, sincerity without falsehood, trust without connivance, request without begging, recommendations and advice without obsession, influence in the form of a warning, suggestion and demand without suppressing independence, seriousness without stiffness, humor without ridicule, exactingness without nit-picking, perseverance without stubbornness, businesslike tone without dryness. Pedagogical tact is one of the forms of implementation of pedagogical ethics.

The most important quality of a communicative culture is tolerance (tolerance). Tolerance is associated with the conscious impossibility to immediately overcome many weaknesses and imperfections of the human race. This refers to random, sometimes unconscious manifestations of arrogance, to the psychological incompatibility of characters, stress, etc. Tolerance can also be attributed to the form of behavior both at work and in everyday life. Everywhere, as a rule, it gives rise to mutual trust, understanding, frankness, helps to overcome conflict situations, promotes the manifestation of goodwill and deep humanity, and helps the psychological “grinding” of characters.

Yu.V. Ushacheva proposed a system of criteria for assessing the level of formation of a teacher's communicative culture, presented in Figure 1.3. The combination of four criteria and their corresponding indicators form the levels of formation of a communicative culture: reproductive-spontaneous, passive, productive, creative.

Also noteworthy is the study of the communicative culture of a social teacher in the works of V.P. Smorchkova. The scientist defines the following subsystems in the structure of communicative culture:

ethical and axiological (manifested in ethical and communicative values ​​and communicative relations);

procedural-activity (includes communicative strategies and communicative technologies);

information-semiotic (represented by social intelligence and semiotic competence).

V.P. Smorchkova notes the following aspects of the manifestation of communicative culture:

as integral professional and personal qualities of a social teacher;

· as the main professional tool of socio-pedagogical activity;

· as a way to comprehend the communicative meanings of social reality and its subjects.

Table 1 reflects the system of criteria-indicative signs of communicative culture proposed by V.P. Smorchkova:

Table 1 - The system of criteria and indicative features of the communicative culture of a social teacher

Criteria for the formation of a communicative culture

Indicators of the formation of a communicative culture

professional and personal communication qualities

awareness, orientation of communicative and ethical values ​​and attitude towards them;

the success of their implementation in socio-pedagogical activities;

striving for professional and communicative improvement

prognostic and technological skills of communicative interaction

awareness and direction of communication strategies;

the ability to model and predict a communicative meeting with the subjects of socio-pedagogical activity;

knowledge of communication technologies and techniques; the ability to choose the optimal communication technology to achieve a pedagogically significant result

semiotic potential

availability of systemic interdisciplinary, general professional and communicative knowledge;

the degree of development of social intelligence;

possession of operational skills of sense perception, sense understanding, sense formation and sense transfer

The researcher presents the components of a communicative culture in the form of successive levels: intuitive-empirical, reproductive-pragmatic, productive-value, creative-imperative. Analyzing and summarizing modern Scientific research on the issue we are studying, we note that the communicative culture of the teacher has the following functional characteristics:

the humanistic function is manifested in the unique potential to produce elements of humanity, humanity in other people, to turn humanity into a meaningful reality;

the ethical function requires the practical implementation of ethical norms, their translation into society, the mission of a specialist to be a human model of higher morality;

the educational function consists in a direct influence on the behavior, thoughts, feelings of the pupil, in the ability to "translate oneself into the pupil" through joint communicative activity;

the integrative function is an important condition for the integration of culture and morality, the culture of the individual and the culture of activity;

the regulatory function reflects the role of communicative culture as an internal determinant of professional activity;

the therapeutic function is realized through facilitating communication relationships that involve empathy, sympathy, understanding, tolerance;

the cognitive function creates the potential for the intellectual development of the pupil, enriching him with new knowledge;

the emotional function is reflected in the general psychological atmosphere, the emotional well-being of the subjects of interaction; helps to find adequate communication means to maintain positive emotions or, conversely, overcome negative ones;

the reflexive function is connected with the self-knowledge of the communicative “I”, the motives of one's communicative actions, the awareness of the need for self-development and self-improvement.

Summing up the above, it should be noted, firstly, that as a consequence current trends information and communication transformation of society in general and the sphere of education in particular, active scientific research is being carried out on the problems of the communicative culture of the personality of a teacher, university students - future teachers.

Secondly, the teacher's communicative culture is characterized as a condition and prerequisite for the effectiveness of professional activity and as the goal of professional self-improvement.

Thirdly, after analyzing the literature on the issue under study, we consider the teacher's communicative culture as a professionally significant, integrative personality quality that ensures effective pedagogical communication, which includes the following components: communicative knowledge, skills; communicative orientation, humanistic position, communicative creativity.

2. Improving the communicative culture of the teacher

The sphere of pedagogical activity, as well as other areas of professional work, in the era of intensive development of scientific and technological civilization has become so dynamic that the knowledge and practical skills of the teacher need to be constantly replenished and improved.

Communicative culture is a necessary socio-psychological condition for achieving pedagogical skills and successful professional activities of a teacher. The development of communication skills is a process of mastering the cultural tools of communication and moral norms of behavior that have been developed in the course of socio-historical practice and accepted in the socio-cultural group to which a particular person belongs. At present, in the context of the information and communication transformation of society and the field of education, the requirements for the communicative side of pedagogical activity are inevitably increasing. In this regard, the actual problem is the development and improvement of the communicative culture of the teacher.

The need to develop the communicative culture of the teacher is due to the fact that the object of labor of this professional group is not some object, but the human individuality in all its uniqueness. The teacher is constantly included in the process of communication, which provides for a variety of and multifaceted relationships with students and colleagues. In this regard, there is a real need of modern society for specialists capable of continuous development of their personal qualities, spiritual world, professionalism, able to use their natural capabilities with maximum effect, develop a general and communicative culture. Therefore, the teacher, as a specialist in the "human-human" system, must have a high communicative culture, which implies the presence of communicative knowledge, skills, abilities, as they develop important psychological qualities, which are components of the competence of a teacher of higher education.

Purposeful improvement of the communicative aspect of the pedagogical culture of the teacher will largely ensure his preparation for the practical implementation of the tasks of student-centered education, for the construction of humanistic pedagogical communication.

The study of psychological and pedagogical literature has shown that at present, researchers pay more attention to the formation and development of a communicative culture and communicative skills and abilities of such a category of representatives of pedagogical work as students of pedagogical universities in the system of professional training, teachers in the system of advanced training. However, a number of issues related to the communicative culture and its development and improvement among university teachers are very rare and fragmentary in the scientific literature and do not have a systemic character.

Among the ways proposed by researchers to improve the communicative culture of the teacher, the dominant place is determined by the training of pedagogical communication and socio-psychological training, which includes reflective tasks, reflex practice procedures, group discussions, discussion of pedagogical situations, situational role-playing games, psycho-gymnastic exercises; communicative corrective, communicative creativity, communicative philosophizing, development of communication techniques.

Culture in communication is represented in knowledge, abilities, skills realized through social attitudes and personal experience in situations of interpersonal communication. Therefore, for the development of the communicative culture of university teachers, the practice of psychological influence, called communicative training, or training of pedagogical communication, is necessary.

The theoretical foundations of the influence of training sessions on the development of communicative competence appeared in the studies of Western psychologists. Later, domestic researchers also turned to this problem, considering possible forms of socio-psychological training, classifying them on various grounds.

In a group, with the help of a special system of psychological exercises and games, the participant has the opportunity to try on many new roles, acquire the necessary skills and communication skills. Group process covers three main aspects of personality - cognitive, emotional and behavioral. The cognitive aspect of the training is associated with obtaining new information about the process of communication in general, analyzing the situation about oneself. The emotional aspect of the training concerns the experience of the received information, new knowledge about oneself and others. The cognitive or behavioral aspect is manifested in the expansion of the behavioral repertoire.

In the process of training, the teacher masters several types of social mechanisms of reflection: communicative action in real conditions communication; emotional regulation at all stages of its deployment; the process of reflection, which sets the orientation of a person in a situation of communication. From the point of view of the level organization of communication, the mechanisms of reflection act as processes of sensation, perception, thinking, direct experience of emotions, and communicative action.

The goals and objectives of the training sessions are to develop the skill of reflective listening; development of self-confidence; stress tolerance, psychological protection; mastery of verbalization; developing the ability to listen to partners; genre formulation of questions, conducting one's own line; controlling emotions, listening to criticism of their proposals; expansion of the lexicon and thesaurus; development of the auditory canal; development of techniques for overcoming communication barriers.

Thus, communicative training is an effective means of psychological influence that allows solving a wide range of tasks in the field of developing a communicative culture.

The next direction that contributes to the improvement of the communicative culture of the teacher's personality is socio-psychological training. Socio-psychological training is the field of group practical psychology, focused on the development of socio-psychological competence. For the first time this term was introduced into scientific use in the GDR by M. Vorwerg. In the literature, besides this, there are a number of other names (open communication groups, active social communication, intensive communication groups, etc.). Key ways to improve communicative competence, notes Yu.N. Emelyanov, it is necessary to look not in polishing behavioral skills and not in risky attempts at personal reconstruction, but on the ways of active awareness by the individual of natural, interpersonal situations and of himself as a participant in these real situations, on the ways of developing a socio-psychological imagination that allows you to see the world from the point of view other people .

In domestic practice, socio-psychological training is used primarily as an integral part of the training of team leaders and specialists of various profiles, who, due to the specifics of their activities, are organically included in communication - teachers, doctors, psychologists. Socio-psychological training now includes a wide range of methodological forms: video training, role-playing training, group analysis of assessments and self-assessments, non-verbal methods. Under socio-psychological training is understood active group training using the methods of group discussion, business and role play, with the aim of developing communicative competence and culture.

Socio-psychological training has a constructive impact on personality development in three directions: cognitive, since new information is obtained through setting research tasks aimed at increasing the information content of communication; emotional, since all information is interpreted through personal significance; behavioral, involving the expansion of his repertoire due to the realization of the inefficiency of the usual ways of behavior.

Socio-psychological training of communication is one of the methods of organizational - psychological impact based on the appropriate training of the teacher. However, the following points should be taken into account when conducting it. Firstly, socio-psychological training has its own strictly defined subject area, its own range of application and limitations. In this context, it can be said that it aims to develop teachers to make the most of communication opportunities to solve emerging upbringing and educational tasks that contribute to their professional growth. At the same time, this is impossible without the implementation of personal growth. Secondly, socio-psychological training is effective only within the framework of systemic socio-psychological training. .

As a training system, training performs a number of functions: didactic, educational, developmental, professional. In the process of training, a person receives knowledge, skills, interpersonal interaction skills. It implements a pronounced focus on the formation of participants as subjects of group cohesion, responsibility, i.e., certain personality traits. The developing effect of training is manifested in qualitative changes in the personality. The business qualities of a person are improved due to the fact that the training creates conditions for adjusting and improving a variety of professional knowledge and skills. Training reinforces the learning context in three areas: knowledge and how to use it; skills that make the process of interacting with other people more effective; values ​​and attitudes. Education in the training is creative, because a person is not given a certain stereotype, but is offered to find the best way problem solving that meets his ideas, value orientations, interests, needs.

In socio-psychological training, the development of the teacher's communicative culture does not occur naturally, but with the help of special techniques, which consist in creating special situations of influence. All active methods are aimed at the socio-psychological impact on the personality, contributing to the development and improvement of its communicative culture.

L.G. Antropova implements, within the framework of socio-psychological training, a reflexive approach to improving the communicative competence of a teacher, which is based on the reflexive and innovative activity of the teacher, associated with self-knowledge, comprehension and creative transformation of one's own professional activity. On the basis of a reflexive approach, the researcher proposes the improvement of the teacher's communicative culture by integrating the theoretical, activity-creative and personal components of the communicative culture. The complex of reflexive tasks involves the cultivation of non-destructive, constructive ways of interaction, the formation of teachers' motivation to improve the communicative aspect of pedagogical activity, including it in self-diagnosis for knowing oneself as an organizer and subject of pedagogical communication. According to the researcher, creative reflection, providing a teacher’s understanding of the individual “I” that is realized in pedagogical communication, awareness of the problematic aspects of one’s own communicative activity, the search and definition of constructive ways to overcome emerging contradictions, can serve as an individual psychological basis for improving the teacher’s communicative competence. LG Antropova considers the improvement of communicative competence as a process of development of professionally significant personal qualities of a teacher as a result of his conscious purposeful activity, which ensures an increase in the effectiveness of pedagogical communication. Socio-psychological training, including the performance of reflexive tasks, the procedures of a reflexive workshop, allows you to effectively improve the communicative aspect of the teacher's professional culture. Creative reflection ensures the teacher's awareness of himself as an organizer and subject of pedagogical communication, identification of the main difficulties in communicative activity, overcoming them by rethinking his own experience, mastering effective means pedagogical communication, the initiation of new ways of solving communication problems.

I.I. Gubarevich proposes to consider an interactive seminar as one of the conditions for the development of a teacher's communication skills, which develops on the basis of experience, learning and self-improvement, the search for non-standard solutions, constant experimentation. The form of the seminar is non-traditional and is a rather complex technological structure, in the implementation of which the trainer creates conditions for multilateral communication between all participants, to search for techniques effective interaction, and two aspects are also taken into account: socio-psychological and business.

The basis for organizing an interactive seminar is the scheme of the cycle of learning through experience, which includes four stages: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation.

These stages are interrelated with each other and involve the development of communicative, reflective and interactive abilities and skills of the seminar participants during the educational process.

An important characteristic of an interactive seminar is also multilateral communication, through which there is a free exchange of opinions, ideas, information not only between the trainer and the participant, but also between the participants themselves.

Interactive methods are a form of activity of participants in conditional situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience in which they distribute, assume and perform various social roles.

Thus, the interactive seminar creates the conditions for "self-cultivation". Which includes the self-knowledge of the teacher, his identification, the development of communicative, reflective and interactive skills, continuous self-improvement, the development of social competence.

In her research, Smorchkova V.P. in order to remove and prevent communicative barriers, communicative education; mastering reproductive communication skills and the actual process of communicative correction suggests using the methodology of communicative correction to develop communicative potential and the ability for communicative creativity, to develop an individual style of communicative interaction - the methodology of communicative creativity. The method of communicative philosophizing is studied by the scientist as a method of comprehending the communicative meeting of subjects from the standpoint of personal meanings, social meanings, moral and ethical, spatio-temporal, national and cultural dimensions.

Summing up the above, it should be noted that, since the phenomenon of communicative culture implies dialogism, communication and the presence of at least two subjects of interaction, the process of improving the communicative culture of the teacher's personality involves the use of appropriate methods, in the implementation of which participants can interact, receive feedback from other participants and directly in the situation of interpersonal interaction to consolidate the acquired skills, to show creative activity. Consequently, such areas of improving the communicative culture of the teacher as the training of pedagogical communication, socio-psychological training, interactive seminar, the methodology of communicative correction, communicative creativity and communicative philosophizing, reflected in our study, are most consistent with the specifics of the phenomenon of communicative culture and contribute to the improvement of the communicative culture of the teacher.

communicative culture pedagogical teacher


In modern conditions, important characteristics of the personality and activity of a teacher are not only the possession of information, the main technologies of training and education, but also a general and communicative culture that provides a way beyond the normative activity, the ability to create and transfer values, and determine personal development.

Analysis contemporary research allows you to determine the essence and content of communicative culture, the main directions of its formation in the process of professional development, structure and components; designate the communicative culture of the teacher as part of the pedagogical culture. However, despite the comprehensive study of the problem of the communicative culture of representatives of pedagogical work, such a direction as improving the communicative culture of the teacher is presented fragmentarily.

The communicative culture of a teacher is one of the most important components of pedagogical culture. The need to improve it is due to the fact that the teacher is constantly included in the communication process, which provides for a variety and multifaceted relationship with those who become contact partners: with students and colleagues. These relationships arise and develop in the process of joint activity, the most important condition for the implementation of which is communication.

The study of the essence and content of communicative culture allows us to qualify it as an integral quality of the personality of a professional teacher, as a condition and prerequisite for effective pedagogical activity, as a generalized indicator of professional competence and as a goal of professional self-improvement.

In our work, we consider the communicative culture of a teacher as an integrative, dynamic, structural-level education, represented by a combination of the motivational component of professional activity and pedagogical communication, communicative knowledge, communicative skills, communicative-significant personality traits that ensure productive professional communicative activity in their interaction. .

In solving the problem of improving the communicative culture of a teacher, it is important not only to master the cultural and pedagogical heritage, but also to include the teacher as a subject of culture as a bearer of a reflexively conscious attitude to the world of values ​​in the process of communicative activity. Personal self-realization in pedagogical activity, constant striving for pedagogical search and self-improvement are the main conditions for the process of improving the teacher's communicative culture, which involves the use of such methods, in which interpersonal interaction is possible. In this regard, the training of pedagogical communication, socio-psychological training, an interactive seminar, the methodology of communicative correction, communicative creativity and communicative philosophizing to the greatest extent correspond to the specifics of the phenomenon of communicative culture and contribute to the improvement of the communicative culture of the teacher.


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