The value of the forest in nature and human life. The value of the forest in nature and human life III

Class: 4

Presentation for the lesson

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Lesson Objectives:

  1. To form students' understanding of the role of the forest in human life and nature; to acquaint with the environmental problems of the forest that have arisen through the fault of man, with the protective activities of people in the forest zone.
  2. Develop cognitive interest.
  3. To cultivate respect and love for nature, a culture of behavior.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

S. Pogorelsky

Hello, forest, dense forest,
Full of fairy tales and wonders!
What are you making noise about?
Dark, stormy night?
What are you whispering at dawn,
Who is hiding in your wilderness?
What kind of animal? What bird?
Open everything, do not hide:
You see - we are ours! slide 1

II. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

- Why did we start our lesson with a poem by S. Pogorelsky?

(This is a poem about a forest. The forest gladly reveals all its secrets to us. It gives us miracles, and we must protect it.)

- And who should protect the forest (People should do this.)

The topic of our lesson is “Forest and man”.

Today we will talk about the role of the forest in human life and nature; we will get acquainted with the environmental problems of the forest, which arose through the fault of man, with the protective activities of people in the forest zone.

III. Testing knowledge and skills.

1.Front work./At the same time, work is underway on the cards./ Annex 1 .

What do you know about the forest zone. Give a detailed description of the location of the forest zone on the map and tell about the natural conditions that have developed there.

(The forest zone is located south of the tundra zone. It is marked in green on the map. The forest zone is located in temperate zone, which means that all four seasons of the year are pronounced, Cold winter and warm summer. The forest zone is mostly located on the East European and West Siberian plains, as well as on the Central Siberian plateau. This natural area is the largest. There are three parts in this natural zone: the largest part is the taiga. It is colored dark green. There is also mixed forests- also green, but lighter. And another part - deciduous forests, green color even lighter.)

2. Group work.

Questions for nerds:

1st Group of Botanists

Help card:

  1. What is called taiga?
  2. natural conditions taiga.
  3. What do all plants in the taiga have in common?
  4. What plants grow in the taiga?

(Taiga is coniferous forest. It occupies most of the forest zone. Winter in the taiga is cold, and summer is warmer than in the tundra, so trees grow here that are not very demanding on heat - this coniferous trees. In coniferous trees, the leaves are needles, and they are always green. These are tall trees with powerful roots. In the taiga grow: spruce, pine, fir, larch, cedar pine. slide 2

Spruce - known to all Christmas tree. At the Christmas tree, the needles are short, rough, arranged singly and densely cover the branches. The cones are oblong in shape. Ate long-lived. The spruce forest is dark and damp. slide 3

Pine is a coniferous tree with a smooth yellow trunk. Pine needles are long, sitting in pairs. Pine cones are round in shape. Pine forests are light and dry.

Fir differs from spruce in that its needles are flat, and the cones stick up and even mature ones do not fall to the ground, but scales simply fall from them.

Larch is the only coniferous tree that drops its needles for the winter.

The cedar pine is popularly called the Siberian cedar. Its needles are collected in bunches of five pieces, and the seeds are pine nuts.

II group of botanists

Help card:

  1. Location of mixed and broad-leaved forests.
  2. Natural conditions in these forests.
  3. What unites the plants of these forests?
  4. What plants grow in these forests?

To the south, the taiga comes to replace mixed forest. Along with coniferous trees, alder, birch, and aspen grow in it. Winter in such a forest is milder. Deciduous trees have medium-sized leaves that they shed for the winter. slide 4

Birch can be recognized by its bark, it is white, no other tree propagating by seeds has such a bark. slide 5

Aspen has rounded leaves, and they tremble with every breath of wind, aspen bark is greenish, in spring you can see long fluffy catkins.

Alder has small dark bumps on the branches, the trunk is black or gray. Closer to the south of the zone, it becomes even warmer, and mixed forests are replaced by broad-leaved forests, in which large trees grow, shed their leaves in winter, and propagate by seeds.

Oak can be recognized by its mighty trunk and carved leaves, the fruits of oak are acorns.

Linden has heart-shaped leaves. In summer, when flowering, linden spreads a wonderful aroma. Linden fruits are dark nuts, sitting in several pieces under one wing.

Elm can be recognized by its leaves and fruits: the leaves are “skew-sided” at the base, one half is larger than the other, the fruits are rounded winged nuts. slide 6

Maple is holly, Tatar and American. The fruits of all types of maple are winged.


Help card:

  1. Taiga birds, what unites them.
  2. Animals of the taiga, what unites them.
  3. Fauna of mixed and broad-leaved forests.

Diverse animal world forest zone: here you can meet large and small animals, insects. In the taiga live: nutcracker, chipmunk, flying squirrel, sable. Also living in the forest zone: red deer, elk, bear, wolves, foxes, lynxes, hares, squirrels, capercaillie, chipmunks, voles. There are no borders for animals - they live throughout the zone. Some animals go into hibernation for the winter (hedgehogs, bears), others make supplies for the winter.

Nutcracker is a taiga bird, for the winter it makes stocks of pine nuts. Slide 7

The flying squirrel is a relative of the squirrel, but smaller than it. She can not only jump, but also fly: she has membranes between her front and hind legs. Slide 8

The brown bear is an omnivorous animal, very mobile, it can run fast, jump, climb trees, swim.

Elk is a forest giant. Moose consume different amounts of food in different seasons of the year. In winter, they form groups.

The lynx is a predator, has a spotted color. Tanks are developed on the sides of the head, and tassels are on the ears. The lynx, hiding, waits for the victim and quietly creeps up to it.

The white hare changes color for the winter, becomes white, only the tips of the ears are black, the coat becomes thick. These are cautious animals.

3. Blitz Tournament"I know the forest."


- Name the tree: “Tall, slender, with yellowish-reddish or brown bark.

Branches only at the top. The needles are long, arranged in pairs. Buds are small, rounded” (Pine)

- What is the special difference between larch? (drops needles)

- What bird distributes the fruits of the cedar pine? (Kedrovka)

What tree is the symbol of Russia? (Birch)

This animal can not only jump, but also fly. (Flying squirrel)

Which tree produces acorns? (Oak fruits)

What animal has five black stripes on its back? (Chipmunk)

- What tree of the broad-leaved forest, when flowering, spreads a wonderful aroma around? (Linden)

- Recognize the animal by its description: “Does it love dark forests, quietly creeps up to the victim, has a spotted color, “whiskers” and tassels on the ears? (Lynx)

What forest do we call taiga?

IV. Working with a new theme

S.Nikulin "Russian Forest" Slide 9

There is nothing cuter
Wander and think here.
Heal, warm
Feed the Russian forest.
Looking for a field of mushrooms
I, not sparing my feet,
And if I get tired -
I swear on a stump.
And there will be thirst to torment
That's a lumberjack for me
Among the thickets of prickly
Show fontanel.
The forest is very fond of pedestrians,
For them, he is theirs.
Here somewhere the goblin roams
With a green beard.
I'll bend down to drink to him -
And you can see everything to the bottom.
Water is flowing,
Delicious and cold.
Life seems different
And my heart doesn't hurt
When over your head
Like eternity, the forest is noisy.
Rowan trees are waiting for us in the forest,
Nuts and flowers
Fragrant raspberry
On thick bushes.

What kind of relationship is mentioned in this poem?

(Between man and forest)

What is a forest for a person?

The forest is a place of rest for a person, because “there is nothing nicer for a person to wander and think here” ...


- And why the forest-pharmacy? (There are many medicinal plants in the forest. Fresh air also heals.)

- In the forest, a person finds food for himself - these are berries, nuts, mushrooms, clean water: “it will feed the Russian forest”, “I bent over to get drunk ...”

Source pure water and food

And how can a forest warm a person? (A man heats the house with firewood. And firewood is trees that grew in the forest.)

- So, the forest for a person is a source of fuel.

Fuel source

– Look around, what things made of wood do you see?

- What awaits a person in the forest? Find in the poem. “We are waiting in the forest for mountain ash, nuts and flowers, fragrant raspberries on thick bushes. I am looking for mushrooms in a glade, sparing no effort ... "

- What do flowers, bushes, mushrooms do in the forest? (They grow there.)

What is the forest for them?

For whom else is the forest home? (For birds, animals, insect beetles, spiders, worms.)

- So, the forest is also a home for plants, animals, mushrooms.

House for plants, animals, mushrooms

– Look how many meanings the forest has, but that's not all!

Article “The role of the forest in nature and human life”

What role does the forest play? Forest plants release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. The forest clears the air of dust. Phytoncides kill pathogenic bacteria.

– What is the forest for the air? (Defender)

- What else is the forest a protector of? (Reservoirs and soils).

Air, water and soil protector

How does the forest protect water bodies? (The forest feeds the rivers, the rivers do not grow shallow)

How does the forest protect the soil? (The forest protects the soil from the wind, and the roots of plants do not allow the soil to collapse)

The forest is a home, a protector, a source, a pharmacy, a place of rest. Slide 10

- Is a person always fair in relation to the forest?

Isn't it his fault that the ecological problems of the forest arise?

Listen to N. Nekrasov's poem and think about what environmental problem we are talking about:

Sasha cried as the forest was cut down,
She still feels sorry for him to tears.
How many curly birches there were!
There because of the old frowning fir
Red clusters of viburnum looked.
There rose a young oak,
Birds reigned at the top of the forest,
All sorts of animals lurked below.
Suddenly men with axes appeared.
The forest rang, groaned, crackled.
The hare listened and ran away. Slide 11

What environmental issue is being discussed in the poem? ? (About deforestation)

“It seemed to people that there were so many forests that it was impossible to cut them down. Now it became clear: the forests are in danger! The girl Sasha from Nekrasov's poem understood this too, she felt sorry for the birds and animals left without a home.

How does this problem make you feel?

- You are not indifferent to the fate of the forest, you are concerned about the problem that has arisen - this means that you will look for ways to solve it.

- Man has long killed animals for food, but this was necessary for the survival of people, and they killed no more than they could eat. Now immoderate hunting has led to the complete or almost complete extermination of some animal species. Currently, forest animals are restricted, and poaching is punishable by law. Many species of rare animals are protected, and plants and animals listed in the Red Book are under special protection. The following are listed in the Red Book:

beetles - crosotel beetle, relic woodcutter, stag beetle; slide12

plants - ginseng, lady's slipper; slide 13

birds - eagle owl, mandarin duck; Slide 14

animals - bison, Amur tiger. slide 15

– Nature reserves have been created in the forest zone. You will learn about one of them by reading the heading in the textbook on pages 112, 113 “Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve”.

V. Physical education.

Hands raised and shook
These are the trees in the forest.
Arms bent, brushes shaken
The wind knocks down the dew.
To the sides of the hand, gently wave -
The birds are flying towards us.
How they quietly sit down, let's show-
Wings folded back.

VI. Work on the topic.

Continue reading a new topic.

“We also have to find out what is up to each of us. Listen to Sukhomlinsky's story "I'm ashamed before the nightingale."

Olya and Lida, little girls, went to the forest. Tired from the journey, they sat down to rest and have lunch. They took bread, butter, eggs out of the bag. When the girls had already finished their dinner, a nightingale sang not far from them. Fascinated by the beautiful singing, Olya and Lida sat, afraid to move. The nightingale stopped singing. Olya collected the rest of her food and scraps of paper and threw it under a bush. Lida wrapped the eggshells and bread crumbs in newspaper and put the bag into her bag.

“Why are you taking garbage with you?” Olya said. Throw it under a bush. After all, we are in the forest, no one will see!

“It’s a shame in front of the nightingale,” Lida answered quietly.

- Whose behavior in the forest do you consider correct?

- If everyone acts like Olya, then the forest will turn into a dump. You know that plastic and glass objects do not rot even in the ground. If food waste and paper can be buried in the forest, then tin cans, glass and plastic bottles should never be left in the forest. And on the fragments of broken bottles, animals can get hurt. I would like to talk about another act of man.

V. Shefner “Forest Fire” Slide 16

Forgetful hunter at rest
He did not sweep, did not trample the fire.
He went into the forest, and the branches were burning down
And reluctantly smoked until the morning ...
And in the morning the wind dispersed the mists,
And the dying fire came to life.
And, pouring sparks in the middle of the clearing,
Crimson tatters spread out.
He burned all the grass with flowers together,
He burned the bushes, went into the green forest.
Like a frightened flock of red squirrels,
He darted from barrel to barrel.
And the forest hummed from a fiery blizzard,
Trunks fell with a frosty crack,
And like snowflakes, sparks flew from them
Above the gray drifts of ash.

- What act of a person became a formidable disaster for the forest?

- But this could not have happened if a person had followed the rules for making a fire and did not forget to put it out and make sure that the fire did not flare up again.

Reading the memo (p. 111-textbook).

- Why do you think some people do not follow the rules of behavior in the forest?

- At home, come up with and draw signs that would reflect human actions that are dangerous for the forest.

What are these actions?

  1. Cutting down trees on the banks of water bodies.
  2. Piles of rubbish. Left by a man after work.
  3. Pollution of the forest with household waste.
  4. Breeding fires.

- What should people remember when they come to the forest?

– Of course, each of us should think about how our descendants will see the forests in a century, in a millennium, and whether the forest will be able to give them what it gives us now. Slide 17

VIII. Summing up the lesson.

- What is the meaning of the forest for a person.

IX. Homework.

Textbook (p.106-113).

Notebook (p.35).

Draw signs that would reflect human actions dangerous for the forest.

The forest is an ecological complex system with many links. Trees, shrubs, lichens, grasses, mosses, fungi, animals and various microorganisms are all components of forests. Each plant or living being is an integral part of the forest zone and is included in food chain. Plants produce oxygen and sugar. Herbivores feed on plants and distribute their seeds. And predators feed on these herbivores.

Thus, the forest is the basis of the life of the animal world inside. Rivers, streams and various lakes are also an important component of the woodland.

(bamboo forest)

Forests grow in various conditions both cold and hot. Forests include not only coniferous, deciduous, mixed and evergreen. Jungle, taiga, selva and other green spaces are also forests. There are natural and artificial forests. The creator of the first is nature, and the second is man. Today, forests occupy 1/3 of the land, although in the distant past, forest lands were much more numerous.

The value of the forest in nature

In nature, forests are of great importance. Many species of plants grow in them, live a large number of animals and microorganisms. In addition, forests perform a number natural tasks. One of them is the production and purification of oxygen. The amount of oxygen produced by one tree is enough for three people.

Another significant function of the forest in nature is to reduce the level of dust. Every year, 1 hectare of forest stops up to 100 tons of dust. Forests regulate and improve the water balance of water bodies located within or near the forest. This is due to the fact that the forest floor accumulates moisture formed in spring period. It is she who helps to keep the high water of rivers and reservoirs.

Forests serve as sound insulation, they are able to reduce the noise level from the road by 11 decibels. Wooded areas prevent strong winds, increase humidity and air quality, and can also moderate the climate. They serve air filter purifying the air from harmful chemical substances. An important function of forests is to protect the soil from mudflows, landslides and various geological processes.

The value of the forest in human life

The forest has always played a huge role in human life. Today, the importance of forests is only increasing due to the fact that their number is noticeably decreasing. The role of the forest in human life can be divided into three components - ecological, economic and social.

The ecological role lies in the quality environment and conservation of nature. Every living being needs conditions to live. It is trees that contribute to the fact that modern man breathes. clean air, has the opportunity to agriculture and benefit from it.

For modern man The forest plays an important economic role. Wood grows in forests, from which building materials, paper, furniture, wood fuel, food, material and medicinal products are made.

chief material resource is wood. But berries, mushrooms and medicinal plants that grow only in forests are also in demand by man. Despite the fact that people are looking for a replacement for forest resources, wood will always be in demand. Fossil fuels replacing wood are being depleted and are worth much more than wood. Replacing paper bags with plastic has brought great harm to the land cover due to the fact that plastic is not recycled. timber industry often becomes a city-forming activity and requires a large number of workers and equipment. Therefore, the role of the forest will always be very important both for the environment and the modern world.

The social role of the forest is that it is a historical link. The forest is an element in the development of peoples, their cultures and their relationship to nature. Since ancient times, the forest has been a source of resources necessary for survival - here you can find food, water, and shelter. Folk songs, fairy tales and stories always separate an important role to forests. Today, forests serve as a place for people to relax, relax and breathe fresh air.

Tatiana Norinskaya
"Forest and Man". Summary of the lesson in the IV grade on the subject "The world around"

Goals lesson:

Form in students performance about the role of the forest in life man and nature;

To acquaint with the environmental problems of the forest that arose through the fault of human, with the security activities of people in the forest zone;

Develop cognitive interest, develop speech, logical thinking, the ability to analyze, draw conclusions, expand the horizons of students;

To cultivate respect and love for nature, a sense of duty and responsibility to natural resources.

I. Organizational moment

Good morning. Today on our there are guests in the lesson. Hello. Sit down.

I will read an excerpt from a song "Forest March"

We ourselves wrote

In the forest green book

About what the forest has

Reliable friends -

The same girls

The same boys

Just as happy

Like you and me!

Why did I start our lesson from this passage? (This passage is about friends of the forest)

And who should protect the forest? (People have to do this.)

Who can formulate the theme of our lesson?

Theme and goals are communicated lesson.

The topic of our lesson is "Forest and Human»

II. Checking homework

1. Before moving on to studying a new topic, let's check our homework.

Tell me about the tundra.

What can you tell about the taiga?

Name the trees that grow in the taiga

What animals live in the taiga?

What can you tell us about the zone of deciduous and mixed forests?

Flora of forests

2. A competition is being held drawings: "Like me imagining taiga, mixed and broadleaf forest". The drawings are briefly commented. (exhibition of drawings on the board)

The guys drew pictures, let's draw define what zone do they belong to?

By what signs did you know?

III. Work on new theme

1. Listen to a poem by S. Nikulina "Russian Forest" reads Savvateev Michael:

There is nothing cuter

Wander and think here.

Heal, warm

Feed the Russian forest.

And there will be a thirst to torment

That's a lumberjack for me

Among the thickets of prickly

Show fontanel.

I'm going to get drunk on him.

And you can see everything to the bottom.

Water is flowing,

Delicious and cold.

Rowan trees are waiting for us in the forest,

Nuts and flowers

Fragrant raspberry

On thick bushes.

Looking for a field of mushrooms

I, not sparing my feet,

And if I get tired

I swear on a stump.

The forest is very fond of pedestrians,

For them, he is theirs.

Here somewhere the goblin roams

With a green beard.

Life seems different

And my heart doesn't hurt

When over your head

Like eternity, the forest is noisy.

What kind of relationship is mentioned in this poem? (The poem talks about the relationship between man and forest)

This poem will help us find out what the forest is for human.

2. Work according to the textbook, p. 106. Determining the role of the forest in human life.

Read the textbook article "The role of the forest in nature and human life" on pages 106-107 - and you will find out what role the forest plays.

3. Work in notebooks.

Open your notebook to page 50 and answer the first question: What role does the forest play in your life. (some Human read their answers)

4.1) So what is the forest for human? (opens the first card - "resting-place").

The forest is a real filter that cleans the air from dust and soot. The dust settles on the leaves, and then the rain is washed off to the ground. In addition, the leaves of many trees emit special substances in the air - phytoncides. They kill disease-causing microbes. It is good and pleasant to relax in clean air.

2) Why is the forest called "Pharmacy"(card opens) "pharmacy").

The forest is a pantry of various riches. The most valuable species of trees, many medicinal plants and herbs grow here.

3) In the forest Human finds food for himself - these are berries, nuts, mushrooms, clean water (a card is opened "source of clean water and food").

4) And how can a forest warm human?

So the forest human- this is a source of fuel (the card opens "fuel source").

5) (card opens "house for plants, animals, mushrooms").

How do you understand it?

6) What is the forest for the air?

The forest is an oxygen shop. In big cities, a large number of trees are needed, because they absorb harmful substances that are in the air

7) Why else is the forest a protector? (card opens) "protector of air, water and soil").

How does the forest protect water bodies?

How does the forest protect the soil?

The forest supports the full flow of rivers, streams, reservoirs.

The forest regulates the action of the wind, protects the soil from the influence of blowing and dispersal. Even forest belts are planted, which prevent soil erosion.

5. Everything you said is true, but now let's summarize our knowledge. Look at our diagram.

The meaning of the forest

1. Place of rest

3. Source of water and food

4. Fuel source

5. House for plants, mushrooms, animals

6. Defender of reservoirs, air, soils.

What conclusion can be drawn from all that has been said?

Conclusion: forest has great importance both in nature and in life human.

IV. Consolidation of the topic

1). test work « natural area forests" (slides 3-7)

Let's do a little test. Attention to the screen.

1. The natural zone of forests consists from:

1) five parts;

2) two parts;

3) three parts;

2. Most large area occupy:

1) mixed forests;

2) coniferous forests;

3) deciduous forests;

3. Grow in the taiga:

1) fir, spruce, larch;

2) oaks, pines, spruces;

3) birch, linden, larch;

4. The following forest animals are listed in the Red Book stripes:

1) musk ox, walrus, pink gull;

2) red-throated goose; merlin; Siberian Crane;

3) stork; walrus; seal;

5. Forest protection is….

1) duty of the state;

2) the duty of the state and the duty of every citizen;

3) the care of the inhabitants of the forest themselves;

2). Self-test.. Blitz tournament "I know the forest"(teacher dictates, and then students change papers and check on the screen, slides 9-17)

What forest do we call taiga?

What tree is the symbol of Russia?

- name the tree: “Tall, slender, with yellowish-reddish or brown bark. Branches only at the top. The needles are long, arranged in pairs. The bumps are small rounded».

This animal can jump from tree to tree.

Who is the forest keeper?

This animal can not only jump, but also fly.

The fruit of which tree are acorns?

Perform on cards in pairs.

Learn coniferous trees by twigs and cones. Number the drawings (1. Spruce. 2. Pine. 3.

Cedar pine. 4. Fir. 5. Larch)

find out deciduous trees by leaves and fruits. Number the drawings (1. Oak. 2. Maple. 3. Linden. 4. Ash. 5. Elm).

3). Guess the riddles and solve the crossword puzzle (slides 19-21)

1. Russian beauty, standing in a clearing, in a green blouse, in a white sundress (birch).

2. The squadron sat on a large colored carpet, then opens, then closes the painted wings (butterflies).

3. I have stilts - swamps are not terrible, if I find frogs - that's my concern (heron).

4. There are workers in the river: not joiners, not carpenters, but they will build a dam - at least paint a picture (beavers).

5. Leaves fall from aspens, a sharp wedge rushes in the sky (cranes).

6. On a pole there is a cheerful house, with a round small window so that the children fall asleep, the house shakes the wind, the father sings on the porch - he is both a pilot and a singer (starling).

7. You hurt your leg on a campaign, fatigue does not allow you to go, bend down: a soldier by the road is ready to help you along the way (plantain)

8. From a branch to a path, from grass to a blade of grass, a spring jumps - a green back (grasshopper)

9. With a white fluffy ball, I show off in a clean field. A light breeze blew - and the stalk remained (dandelion).

10. This dog's brother is gray, and the robber is the very first (wolf).

V. Summary. Reflection

Let's summarize our lesson.

Try to answer these questions.

Did you learn something new for yourself today?

What seemed interesting?

What do you remember?

What would you like to know more about?

Assess yourself and your achievements on a scale (Christmas trees are prepared on the board according to the colors of the forest zones)

Well done! Good job on lesson.

VI. Homework

Opened diaries and wrote down homework

2) Notebook page 51-52

Thank you very much for lesson!

Forests purify the air, maintain the full flow of rivers, protect soils from wind and water flows. People admire the beauty of the forest, relax in it, pick mushrooms, berries, medicinal plants. In the forests there are plants and animals listed in the Red Book of Russia. Respect for the forest is the responsibility of every person!

Think and write down what role the forest plays in your life.

The forest is the main protector of the air, thanks to it I breathe clean air. It is also a place of rest for me and my family.

Make a diagram based on the diagram in the textbook (World around 4th grade, p. 103), replacing the text with drawings-symbols.

Think about what ecological problems forest zones are expressed by these signs. Formulate and write down.

Suggest conservation measures to help solve these problems for class discussion.

Continue filling out the poster "The Red Book of Russia", which was drawn by Seryozha and Nadia's dad. Find on the poster the plants and animals of the forest zones and sign their names.

lady's slipper, ginseng, beetle, relic woodcutter, stag beetle, mandarin duck, eagle owl, bison, Amur tiger

Come up with and draw conventional signs for the rules placed in the textbook (p. 107). Using these signs as a guide, explain the rules for making a fire.

How to make a fire

Children should not make a fire alone, without elders

A fire is needed to cook food or keep warm. You can not breed it unnecessarily.

You need to carefully choose a place for a fire. There should be nothing nearby that could catch fire.

It is better to build a fire on an old fire pit. If it is not there, it is necessary to remove the turf (a layer of soil with plants) with a shovel and make a fire in the resulting hole.

When leaving, it is necessary to extinguish the fire: pour water or cover it with sand, and put the turf in place

Here you can make notes for your messages about one of the forest plants or animals listed in the Red Book of Russia(on the instructions of the textbook, p. 108).

Post subject: lady's slipper

Message plan:

1) Description of the plant
2) Why is it called so
3) Where does it grow
4) Features of the plant and Interesting Facts

Important information for message:

Lady's slipper is a plant of the orchid family. Plants from the genus venus slipper can be called one of the most beautiful flowers of the taiga. The name of the plant - "Venus slipper", came from the depths of centuries. An old legend says that once the goddess of beauty Venus, running away from her pursuer, hid in the northern forests among marshy swamps and dark, tall trees. Suddenly, the beautiful Venus stumbled, and a golden slipper with red satin ribbons flew off her foot and turned into a beautiful flower.
But the flower of the venus slipper is really very similar to the elegant shoe of the beauty. Therefore, among the people she was called "the Virgin's boots", "Marin's slipper", "Cuckoo's slipper".
The lady's slipper blooms for a long time, almost a month. And the lady's slipper does not favor herbivorous forest animals. In order not to be eaten by elks or hares, it accumulates a bitter poisonous substance in its leaves. This substance is a real protective agent.
IN traditional medicine This flower is popular as a sedative for insomnia. It is also used for headaches.

Source(s) of information: Internet, encyclopedia

And what does it mean, heal, sounded in a poem?

2 student .There are many medicinal plants in the forest. Hawthorn - lowers blood pressure, lime blossom - used for colds, strawberries - rich in many vitamins, rose hips are also rich in vitamins. Especially here in the north many medicinal plants are useful, since the health of people is weaker.

Teacher : Where do we buy medicines?

Students: At the pharmacy.

Teacher: But these medicinal plants grow in the forest.

So the forest is also

Teacher: And how can it warm a person?

4 student. A person heats the house with firewood, and firewood is the trees that grew in the forest. That means forest.

Teacher . And what do flowers, bushes, mushrooms, trees do in the forest? (they grow there)

What about animals, insects, birds? (They live)

So the forest is their home.

4. Work with the textbook p.106.

Teacher: -You got acquainted with a new word for you, which is of great importance for the forest and man.


These are substances that are secreted by the leaves of plants. They kill pathogenic bacteria.

This is how important the forest is for humans and animals.









5. What should a person remember when entering the forest?

A game. Fly agaric when I see

Friends passing by. (Yes)

The chick fell out of the nest

We can't touch him. (Yes)

Who collects lingonberries

We tear out the bush with the root. (not me)

Who walks along the path

Don't step on bugs? (I)

We do not break branches

When we walk through the forest. (Yes)

We saw a hedgehog

And they took him home. (no)

We will find an anthill

Let's watch and leave. (Yes)

Lily of the valley narva in the forest

I'll bring it to my mom for the holidays. (No)


Hands raised and shook

These are the trees in the forest

Hands bent, brushes shaken -

The wind knocks down the dew

To the side of the hand, gently wave -

The birds are flying towards us

How they quietly sit down, we'll show -

Wings folded back.

6. Conversation about nature protection.


- Is a person always fair in relation to the forest? Listen to the poem:

Sasha cried as the forest was cut down,

She still feels sorry for him to tears.

How many curly birches there were!

There because of the old frowning fir

Red clusters of viburnum looked.

There rose a young oak,

Birds reigned at the top of the forest,

All sorts of animals lurked below.

Suddenly men with axes appeared.

The forest rang, groaned, crackled.

The hare listened and ran away.

What environmental issue is being discussed in the poem? (About deforestation).

What other environmental problem can you name? (Illegal hunting-poaching).

On the desk.

And what other problems does the forest have?

2 student.

From time immemorial, man has killed animals to get his own food, but this was necessary for the survival of people, but they killed as much as they could eat. Now immoderate hunting has led to the complete or almost complete extermination of some animal species. Currently, hunting for forest animals is limited, and poaching is punishable by law. Many species of rare animals are protected, and plants and animals listed in the Red Book are under special protection.

Display of the Red Book.

So another problem of the forest.


7 . Independent work. (in groups)

Completing assignments in workbook no. 3 page 51. What environmental problems are reflected in the figures?

Completing assignments in workbook no. 4 page 51 Use the atlas guide.

8. What depends on each of us when he comes to the forest?

Why can't you leave trash in the forest? Flow plastic bottles, bags, packaging film makes up 40% of all household waste. About bottles, cans, animals can get hurt.

. Why can't you make a fire? Animals and plants are dying. But this could not have happened. If a person observes the rules for making a fire and does not forget to extinguish it.

Listen to the poem "Forest Fire"

Forgetful hunter at rest

Didn't notice, didn't trample the fire.

He went into the forest, and the branches were burning down

And reluctantly smoked until the morning

And in the morning the wind dispersed the mists,

And the dying fire came to life

And pouring sparks in the middle of the clearing

Crimson rags spread out

He burned all the grass with flowers together

Burned the bushes green Forest went.

Like a frightened flock of red squirrels,

He darted from barrel to barrel.

And the forest hummed from a fiery blizzard,

Trunks fell with a frosty crack

And like snowflakes, sparks flew from them

Above the gray drifts of ash.

What act of man became a formidable disaster for the forest?

But this could not have happened if a person had followed the rules for making a fire and did not forget to put it out and make sure that the fire did not flare up again. Let's get acquainted with the memo "how to make a fire" page 107.

Artwork #5 on page 52 (group work)

Working with SD Work in a group.

9. Summing up the lesson.

List the environmental problems of forests.?

From whom the forest suffers in the first place?

What should a person do in order not to reduce the number of forests?

How can we take care of the forests that are located next to us?

Have we answered all the questions posed at the beginning of the lesson? (which are written on the board)


What knowledge have you discovered for yourself?

Where can new knowledge be useful in life?

What did you do well in class?

Who are the guys to thank?

To the poster on the board, students attach a flower petal of a certain color, corresponding to the student's mood and attitude to the lesson.

- Did you like the lesson? What did you learn in the lesson?

The sun hides in the fog

Forest dense, goodbye!

You protected us from the heat

Drink living water.

Gave health, fresh strength

And treated me to a hotel.

You grow up for the joy of people!

We will be friends with you.

Good forest, mighty forest

Full of fairy tales and miracles!
