Special forces where they serve. How to get into special forces by conscription: tips

Special forces, everyone is accustomed to the fact that these brave guys in maroon or black berets are skillfully trained warriors capable of surviving in any conditions and defeating the enemy in any balance of forces. All these are years of hard work on your skills and honing the combat techniques of each of these strong in spirit soldier.

What if the young man, who was drinking beer at the entrance yesterday, was inspired by the demonstration performances of maroon berets and wanted to become a special forces soldier? Let's find out whether the desire of an ordinary citizen is feasible, how to get into the special forces upon conscription, and whether special service is the lot of the chosen few.

Types of special forces and general requirements

First you need to figure out what is hidden behind the abbreviation “special forces”. This is a general name for units special purpose, units of which are in almost every branch of the military.

However, the training, tactics and psychology of special forces soldiers are often radically different from the same parameters of soldiers in the general ranks of the armed forces. Accordingly, an extremely strict selection process is carried out for the special forces, because there must be exclusively proven fighters who can instantly navigate unfamiliar terrain, withstand colossal loads and hardships, and also be able to carry out orders in any conditions, without hesitation for a second

Already from these considerations it begins to become clear that not every soldier is capable of such service, not to mention a simple conscript. Special forces units exist in the following troops and security forces: police and FSB, airborne troops, navy and GRU (Main Intelligence Directorate, now renamed the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces).

A detailed discussion of special forces units in each of these branches of the military is below. First, let's look at General requirements to future special purpose heroes:

  • the height of the applicant must be at least 175 cm;
  • age must not exceed 28 years;
  • suitability category – exclusively A ();
  • training at a military school or completing specialized courses for special forces soldiers;
  • transparent biography (of course, no problems with the law for the candidate himself or close relatives).

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Now it’s even easier to notice that getting into a special forces detachment “from the street” without going through initial training, is simply impossible. And yet, if all the listed points are ticked, then you can try your luck at the military registration and enlistment office when you are assigned to the troops for compulsory military service.

Options to choose from

Now let’s learn more about where a difficult conscript has a real chance of getting into.


You can meet the physical and psychological requirements of this organization, but it is impossible to get into the FSB special forces by conscription. A priori, only officers are hired there, and with positive recommendations from current FSB officers.

Airborne Forces

You can join the airborne special forces by conscription. First you need impeccable health. The candidate must not smoke or drink alcohol, and must not have any heart problems. Concealing this information may subsequently simply cost your life due to the fact that the body will fail at the right moment due to overload.

The next step on the way to special forces through the military registration and enlistment office will be enrollment in the air assault battalion - this is the best unit in which you can prove yourself and in the future end up in the ranks of special forces and serve there under a contract. Help in this case will be a rank or the presence of a belt in one of the types of martial arts.


The Marine Corps is perhaps the most specific of the special forces due to the fact that fighters must be able to operate not only on land, but also on water (be ready to land in open water and immediately fight).

It is also possible to get into the Navy special forces through military service in the ranks of the Marines. According to statistics, those who serve in military service airborne troops or the Marine Corps, most often remain noticed and receive offers of contract service in special forces. The initial requirements for these types of troops are also similar: excellent health with a complete absence of bad habits.

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It is impossible to join the GRU special forces directly by conscription. Nevertheless, completing a “term” in a reconnaissance company can have a positive impact on building a future career in special intelligence units.

The initial requirements are almost identical to those put forward by the FSB, with the exception that soldiers and non-commissioned officers can join the GRU. Often, when recruiting for the GRU, there is a requirement to have a maroon beret. In general, special forces leaders can select candidates from any reconnaissance branch of the reconnaissance and airborne forces. Of course, attention is focused on those who distinguished themselves during the period conscript service to the soldiers.

In addition to excellent health and physical fitness, a future GRU fighter must perfectly possess such psychological skills and qualities as caution, aggression and determination. The fighter must be in full readiness even when it seems that there is no reason for this.

First military units special purposes were created back in 1764 at the proposals of Suvorov A., Kutuzov M., Panin P. These detachments were called huntsmen. The soldiers were engaged in tactical exercises, carried out military operations in the mountains, carried out ambushes and raids.

How did it all begin?

In 1811, a separate corps of internal guards was created, which was charged with protecting and restoring order within the state. In 1817, thanks to the actions of Alexander I, a rapid response detachment of mounted gendarmes was opened. The year 1842 was marked by the emergence of battalions of plastuns from the Cossacks, who, through their combat operations, trained many generations of future special forces.

Special forces in the 20th century

The 20th century began with the creation of the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs - GUGSH (Main Directorate of the General Staff). In 1918, intelligence and special-purpose units were formed, subordinate to the Cheka. In the 30s, airborne assault and sabotage units were created.

The new special forces were given serious tasks: reconnaissance, sabotage, the fight against terror, disruption of communications, energy supply, transport and much more. Of course, the soldiers were supplied with the best uniforms and new technology. The preparation was serious and individual programs were used. The special forces were classified.

In 1953 the mouth occurred. And only 4 years later 5 were created individual mouth special purpose, which were joined in 1962 by the remnants of the old ones. In 1968, they began to train professional intelligence officers, and then, by the way, the famous company number 9 appeared. Gradually, the special forces turned into a powerful force defending their state.


Now the GRU is a special agency foreign intelligence Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, whose goals are to provide intelligence information, the necessary conditions for the implementation of a successful policy, as well as assistance in the economic, military-technical development of the Russian Federation.

The GRU includes 13 main departments, as well as 8 auxiliary ones. The first, second, third and fourth main departments deal with issues of interaction with different countries. The Fifth Directorate is an operational reconnaissance point. The sixth department deals with the Seventh division, which resolves issues that have arisen with NATO. Sabotage, development of military technologies, management of the military economy, strategic doctrines, nuclear weapons and information warfare are dealt with by the remaining six departments of the GRU. The intelligence department also has two research institutes located in Moscow.

Special Forces Brigades

GRU special forces brigades are considered the most trained units in the Russian Armed Forces. In 1962, the first GRU special forces detachment was formed, whose tasks included the destruction nuclear missiles and deep intelligence.

Second separate brigade was formed between September 1962 and March 1963 in Pskov. The personnel successfully participated in the exercises "Horizon-74" and "Ocean-70" and in many others. The special forces of the second brigade were the first to participate in the Dozor-86 airborne training and went through the Afghan and Chechen wars. One of the detachments took part in resolving the conflict in South Ossetia from 2008 to 2009. The permanent location is Pskov and Murmansk regions.

In 1966, the 3rd Guards Separate GRU Special Forces Brigade was created. The composition took part in battles in Tajikistan, in the Chechen wars, in Afghanistan, and in a peacekeeping mission in Kosovo. Since 2010, the brigade has been located in a military camp in the city of Tolyatti.

In the city of Stary Krym in 1962, the 10th GRU special forces brigade was formed. The military took part in the Chechen wars and in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict of 2008. In 2011, the brigade was awarded a state award for its services in the development and conduct of military operations. Place of deployment - Krasnodar region.

The 14th brigade, which was created in 1963, is located here. The personnel were repeatedly thanked for the excellent conduct of the exercises and for their participation in combat operations in Afghanistan and the Chechen wars.

The 16th GRU special forces brigade was formed in 1963. In 1972, its members participated in extinguishing fires in the Central Black Earth Zone, for which they were awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. In 1992, a brigade detachment was engaged in security government facilities on the territory of Tajikistan. The 16th Special Forces Brigade took part in the Chechen wars, peacekeeping operations in Kosovo, and performed demonstration exercises in Jordan and Slovakia. Place of deployment - the city of Tambov.

The year 1976 was marked by the emergence of the 22nd Guards Separate GRU Special Forces Brigade. The location is Rostov region. The composition took part in the Chechen and Afghan wars, in the Baku events of 1989, and in resolving the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh.

In the Chita region in 1977, the 24th separate brigade was formed. Special forces participated in Chechen war, several units fought in Afghanistan. By orders of the heads of the Soviet Union in the 80-90s. The brigade carried out secret operations in hot spots. On this moment The train is located in the city of Novosibirsk.

In 1984, on the basis of the 791st company, the 67th separate special forces brigade was created. Personnel participated in military operations in Chechnya, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Karabakh. Previously, the unit was located in Kemerovo, but now they are talking about its disbandment.

Russian GRU special forces. Primary selection

How to get into the GRU? Special forces are the dream of many boys. Agile, fearless warriors, it would seem, capable of anything. Let's face it, joining a special forces unit is difficult, but possible.

The main condition for consideration of a candidacy is military service. Then a series of selections begins. Basically, the special forces of the GRU of the Russian Federation recruit officers and warrant officers. The officer must have higher education. Recommendations from reputable employees are also needed. It is advisable for the candidate to be no older than 28 years old and have a height of at least 175 cm. But there are always exceptions. As for physical training, the quality of its implementation is strictly monitored, rest is kept to a minimum.

Basic requirements for the applicant’s physical fitness

The physical standards that must be passed successfully are as follows:

  1. Run 3 km in 10 minutes.
  2. 100 meters in 12 seconds.
  3. Pull-ups on the bar - 25 times.
  4. Abdominal exercises - 90 times in 2 minutes.
  5. Push-ups - 90 times.
  6. A set of exercises: abs, push-ups, jumping up from a crouching position, moving from a crouched position to a lying position and back. Each individual exercise is performed 15 times in 10 seconds. The complex is performed 7 times.
  7. Hand-to-hand combat.

In addition to passing the standards, work with a psychologist, a full medical examination, and a lie detector test are carried out. All relatives must be checked; in addition, written consent to the candidate’s service will need to be obtained from the parents. So how to get into the GRU (special forces)? The answer is simple - you need to prepare from childhood. Sport must firmly enter the life of a future fighter.

I'm in a special forces unit. What awaits me? Psychological side

From the first day, the soldier is taught in every possible way that he is the best. As the coaches say, this is the most important point. In the barracks itself, fighters often conduct secret checks on each other, which helps to always be in combat readiness.

To strengthen the spirit and form the character of the recruit, they are taught hand-to-hand combat. From time to time he is put into battle against a stronger opponent in order to teach him how to fight even with an opponent who is obviously superior in training. Soldiers are also taught to fight using all sorts of improvised means, even a tightly rolled newspaper. Only after a warrior has mastered such materials does he train in striking techniques.

Once every six months, soldiers are checked for readiness for further service. Soldiers are left for a week without food. The warriors are in constant movement, they are not allowed to sleep all the time. Thus, many fighters are eliminated.

Physical side of the service

A warrior trains every day, without weekends or holidays. Every day you need to run 10 km in less than an hour, and with additional weight on your shoulders (about 50 kg).

Upon arrival it takes 40 minutes. This includes finger push-ups, fist push-ups, and jumping jacks from a seated position. Basically, each exercise is repeated 20-30 times. At the end of each cycle, the fighter pumps the abs a maximum of times. Hand-to-hand combat training takes place every day. Strikes are practiced, agility and endurance are developed. Training GRU special forces is serious, hard work.

Special forces outfit

The GRU special forces uniform has different types, to match the tasks being carried out. At the moment, important parts of a fighter’s “wardrobe” include belts, as well as belt-shoulder systems. Functional vests include several types of equipment pouches. The belt can be adjusted in volume; a synthetic insert is used to increase its strength. The shoulder-belt system includes straps and straps that are designed to distribute the load between the hip joint and shoulders. Of course, this entire unloading system comes in addition to everyday uniform and body armor.

How to get into the GRU (special forces)?

Only guys with excellent health and excellent physical fitness get into special forces. A good help for a conscript will be the presence of the “Fit for the Airborne Forces” mark. Some experienced fighters answer the question: “How to get into the GRU (special forces)?” They answer that you need to go to the nearest Intelligence Department and declare yourself.

For officers, general military training is conducted at the Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School, and special training takes place at the Military Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The Academy includes adjunct courses and Higher Academic Courses. Higher education is a mandatory requirement for inclusion in the ranks of officers.

Article content:

All recent years, before the collapse Soviet Union, were the most difficult times for the army, including special forces. The ongoing reforms and reorganizations have caused enormous damage to Russian troops and special forces as well. All the damage that had to be overcome cannot be compared with the damage even during the war in Afghanistan and military operations in Chechnya.

Even upon the return of troops from Afghanistan, some military assignments returned to their previous location. Although some of the troops still suffered reorganization. From time to time the troops took part in various clashes. Special forces and troops Russian Federation took part in eliminating the uprising in Baku, were sent to help eliminate unrest in Ossetia, known as the Ossetian-Ingush conflict. Brigades of Russian troops and special forces took part in military operations in Nagorno-Karabakh, Ossetia, Estonia. But from the beginning of 1992, special forces brigades were withdrawn from the territories and disbanded.

Special Forces

In the same code, the Special Forces of the Pechersk Troops was disbanded. And with the collapse of the Soviet Union, special forces were introduced into the armed forces of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. So 8-9-10 special forces brigades remained on the territory of Ukraine. At the same time, one regiment was disbanded and included in airborne regiment. The 5th Special Forces Brigade was added to Belarus. The 15th special forces brigade and the 459th special forces company departed to Uzbekistan.

At the same time, the first GRU special forces brigades appeared. The exact date of the appearance of the GRU was carefully hidden from the CIA. This happened partly due to fears of disclosure of classified information, in particular issues related to the reform of special forces.

There are several types of military formations, whose fighters undergo the same procedures that special forces soldiers went through. Although they may not be part of the GRU system, they may well belong to the structure of the FSB and the departments of the Airborne Forces, Navy, Ministry of Internal Affairs, and GUIN.

How to get contract service in the Russian Army in special forces (GRU, Navy) in 2017-2018 in parts of Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Chelyabinsk, Stepnoy?

To do this, first of all, you need to go through the primary selection. It is a fact that special forces are the dream of most boys. After all, these are not just troops. Here all the warriors are distinguished by their dexterity, fearlessness, and sometimes one gets the impression that these are people with unique capabilities who can do anything. To be honest, joining the ranks of a special forces unit is very difficult. And sometimes it seems almost impossible.

The main condition under which a candidate can only be accepted for consideration as a candidate for the ranks of special forces is completion of military service. That is, if the young man did not serve in the army, then the idea can be abandoned. Without compulsory military service, no one will even accept documents for consideration of candidates to serve under a contract in the special forces of the GRU and the Navy.

In addition, only those who have the rank of officer or warrant officer, higher education and a suitable age are accepted for contract service. A person who has expressed a desire to join the ranks of special forces must have:

  1. Military service in the army;
  2. Rank of warrant officer or officer;
  3. Higher education;
  4. Age not older than 28 years;
  5. Height must not be less than 175 centimeters.


True, there are exceptions. It all depends on the physical fitness of the person who wants to serve in the special forces.

If the young man has passed all the standards. And this:

  1. Run 10 minutes three kilometers;
  2. 100 meters 12 seconds;
  3. Pull-ups on the bar at least 25 times;
  4. Press 90 times in 120 seconds;
  5. Push-ups at least 90 times.

In this case, the entire set of exercises should be repeated at least seven times.

  1. This also includes hand-to-hand combat, as one of the types of passing the standard;
  2. Complete medical examination;
  3. Lie detector test.

In addition, before becoming one of the special forces, after passing all the standards, full compliance with education, rank, age and height, all close relatives are carefully checked for criminal records, permission from relatives, in particular, permission from parents, in which consent is given to serve a candidate in this type of special forces.

For those who wish to join the ranks of the GRU special forces, they need to begin preparing for service in the special forces from childhood. This is constant exercise, hardening, and cultivating mental strength.

From the first minutes of service, the soldier is taught that he is the best, the bravest, and so on. Most trainers believe that how a soldier himself believes in this depends on how much he really becomes the best to remain serving in a special unit.

Staying in the barracks from the first days, various tests and checks are arranged in relation to the soldier. This helps to cultivate combat readiness and strengthen the spirit. Very often, guys have to face an unequal opponent in battle. This is also one of the options for special training. This is how the future special forces soldier undergoes training, which in the future will help him find a way out of any situation and prepare him for how to behave in the event of a collision with an unequal opponent. Only in this way can a soldier become ready for further service in the ranks of special forces.

Once every six months, while serving under a contract in the Russian Army in special forces (GRU, Navy) in 2017-2018 in parts of Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Chelyabinsk, Stepnoy, a soldier is tested for readiness. A future soldier should be prepared for the fact that he may be left without food or water in an unfamiliar place for a whole week. Future special forces are constantly busy. They are always on the move.

Thanks to this method of training, many young people cannot stand it and abandon the idea of ​​joining the ranks of special forces. Contractors train daily. They don't have weekends or holidays. Mandatory is:

  1. A daily ten-kilometer run with a load of at least 50 kilograms;
  2. Upon arrival at the unit, a mandatory forty-minute training is carried out;
  3. Push-ups;
  4. Jumping.

In this case, each exercise is repeated up to 30 times. At the end of the warm-up, the fighters pump up their abs and train every day, learning the basics of hand-to-hand combat. They practice punches, develop agility and endurance. To prepare for contract service in the Russian Army in special forces (GRU, Navy) in 2017-2018 in parts of Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Chelyabinsk, Stepnoy is a very difficult job, a great desire and a huge daily work.

Admission conditions

It is possible to enter contract service in the ranks of the special forces of the GRU Navy in 2017-2018 in parts of Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Chelyabinsk, Stepnoy, provided that all requirements are met, complete passage all tests, passing all standards at the selection points for contract soldiers in Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Chelyabinsk, Stepnoy. The requirements for applicants are very high. This means that a future contract soldier for service in the ranks of special forces is obliged to:

  1. Complete military service in the army, as a result of which you receive an officer rank:
  2. Finish higher education educational institution;
  3. Include in the norm upon passing all the necessary standards;
  4. Get the result of checking all relatives;
  5. Have no criminal record, have not been subject to criminal or administrative liability;
  6. Corresponding growth
  7. Be an athlete, or better yet, have a sports rank in boxing and shooting. Athletics;
  8. Be able to swim, since special forces are part of the GRU fleet. Getting into a GRU naval unit is even more difficult than getting into the GRU special forces of ground special forces units.
  9. Have good health, that is, not be registered with a cardiologist, gastroenterologist, narcologist, etc.

Unfortunately, not many guys can withstand such a tough selection. The strongest, most dexterous, smart, athletic guys remain. A special special forces unit of the GRU Navy under a contract is a serious decision about a huge amount of work. The best of the best are accepted for the 2017-2018 contract in parts of Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Chelyabinsk, Stepnoy.

Video: Contract service in special forces

We are publishing the second part of Alexander K.’s memoirs about the experience of completing military service in the GRU special forces. In the first letter he... And this is a story about the first days of life in the barracks.

On December 10, 2008, the ceremonial departure of the conscripts took place. We, 30 people, were put on a bus and taken to the unit. My parents tried to persuade me to take them with me more food, but I didn’t feel like eating at all. This is the feeling of not knowing what will happen to you next. You don’t really know where you’re going, you don’t know who you’re going with, and in general I didn’t quite believe that my time had come to serve.

We were brought to the unit around 18:00; it was already dark and cold. This is probably how I imagined my future place of service. Large gates, symmetrical four-story barracks, street lights - very beautiful! But then, like everyone else, I had no time for beauty. We were taken into the barracks, a very colorful officer counted us and took a roll call. He seemed colorful to me because he had such a handsome mustache, he was about 35-40 years old. I didn’t really understand ranks then, only later I realized that he was an ensign. Then they called 15 names, including mine, and left us on the first floor. The rest were taken to the second floor. As I realized later, I was very lucky. They lined us up again, examined us, and told us what to do. Then we signed our hats and peacoats and, under the leadership of the sergeant, went to wash. I describe my first hours in the army in such detail because this is a very important moment. It’s already closer to being sent to the troops, I imagined all this, but here you are already in the army and this is not a dream. In general, first impressions were justified.

Over the course of three days, conscripts arrived from all cities, day and night. A couple of days later there were already almost 200 of us on the floor. That's a lot. There were 60 people in my platoon, and in such a crowd we ran to wash ourselves and brush our teeth. What can I say? They also ran to the toilet. For so many people there were only 11 washbasins and three urinals. This is all, of course, taking into account the sergeants' washbasins and toilets. Everything is separate for them.

The sergeants curse every word, they shout at everyone, but don’t touch anyone. There are stern sergeants, and there are normal ones. Our platoon had three sergeants - two normal and one stern. A normal sergeant sometimes even lets those who want to call home.

Food in the army, of course, is also harsh. But it’s not even about the food, it’s about HOW it is eaten. Everything must be done on command: sit down at the table, start and finish eating. And everything is very fast. Of course, I don’t really like canteen food, but in the army I had to eat everything from the very first days. Constantly want to drink. There was very little water, but this was probably due to the adaptation period.

Basically, the first days flew by quickly. We wake up - it’s dark, we go to formation for the anthem, then breakfast, then cleaning, then lunch, then preparing for next day. Well, drill and some statutory training. The hardest thing for me, and probably for everyone, is the climb. In a couple of minutes, in a small space, very small: you need to wrap up foot wraps (I wish I knew how to wrap them!!!), put on three pants, a vest, and a bunch of other things, tighten my belt. Those who don’t have time or do something wrong do push-ups.

From the very first days, some people began to develop calluses. I didn’t have them yet, but it was only a week until the ankle boots were issued.

Spetsnaz - special forces, in different years created in most countries of the world. Many young guys are concerned about the question of how to get into special forces, but it must be said right away that it is not so simple and even excellent physical preparation is not always the key to it.

How can you get into special forces?

If you are interested in how you can get into the special forces by conscription, you don’t have to rush: in any case, you first need to serve in the army. Although it is worth aspiring to get into reconnaissance, airborne troops, etc. It is necessary to rise to the rank of ensign, and to become an officer, you need a diploma from a higher military university or any other educational institute of a similar kind. Special training can be completed at the Military Diplomatic Academy. There is only one way to get into special forces from the army: it won’t work out any other way - lower ranks don’t get there.

The requirements for candidates are very strict: height must be at least 175 cm, and age must not exceed 28 years. Physical fitness is excellent. A special forces warrior trains seven days a week and seven days a week. He needs to pass certain standards, for example, a 3-kilometer run in 10 minutes, a hundred-meter run in 12 seconds, and pull-ups on a crossbar - 25 times. All standards are passed in a row, and the rest between exercises can only be called such a stretch, and upon completion of the entire complex, the warrior will face three series of hand-to-hand combat with a trainer or a well-trained person from the officer corps.

Moreover, the candidate is expected to show activity, and not just passively hold the defense. In addition, in the barracks, soldiers often secretly test each other to always be in shape. But even if you get into the ranks of special forces, you can “fly out” of them without going through the test of hunger for a week and lack of sleep for up to several days.

What does it take to get into special forces?

A recommendation from someone already serving in the special forces or from a high-ranking member of the armed forces can play a decisive role in making a decision. A person must be absolutely healthy both physically and psychologically. The candidate will have long conversations with “healers of souls,” a lie detector test, and a check of all immediate relatives for criminal records, police reports, problems with drugs or alcohol, etc. Even a bad bite can block a guy’s path to joining the special forces.

Those who are interested in how you can get into special forces should answer that you should achieve heights. You can often get into such a unit if you have a maroon beret. In any case, the more outstanding achievements and records are documented in the personal file, the higher the chances of joining the ranks of the special forces. The parents and wife of the future candidate are also interviewed. They must sign the document and agree that their son or husband will serve in such a unit.

The nationality of the applicant does not matter, but citizenship should not give reason to doubt that a person lives in this particular country. This is especially relevant in light of latest events in the world, but in any case all these issues are considered individually ok. Additional higher education and knowledge of foreign languages ​​will be a big plus, especially if it is intelligence. The price includes classes in martial arts, boxing, and wrestling. But it’s even more important to show yourself in mountaineering, athletics, rowing, parachuting, swimming, biathlon, and, of course, shooting. Special forces have a saying that a warrior must shoot like a cowboy and run like a horse. Now it's clear that random people they do not fall into special forces. As a rule, the applicant makes this decision as a child and begins to devote his free time to sports at an early age.
