Why don't hot peppers grow? Features of growing hot peppers

It’s spicy, but it doesn’t cut, it burns, but it doesn’t shine... The bitter truth about hot pepper. Almost every person will answer the question about the popular spice - hot pepper. It is called differently - spicy, bean, . Throughout the world, pepper is famous as a spice that complements any dish, giving it spiciness and piquancy. Hot pepper is worthy of dedicating an article to it.

Hot pepper is a plant, 50-60 cm high, with small oval leaves and large flowers. Did you know that pepper pods are berries? The berries grow in different sizes: large, oblong, round, rectangular, red or green.

The pods are hollow inside, and the flat seeds in them are the source of the pepper's burning power.

America and India are considered the native countries of hot pepper. Columbus introduced the spice to Europe. He was the first to bring pepper. This spice quickly gained popularity. “Sack of Pepper” was the name given to rich people in Europe in the Middle Ages.

In England, an association of pepper merchants was even formed. Traders who, due to the high demand for the spice, quickly made a fortune for themselves. And the family coats of arms of merchants were always supplemented with a pod of pepper.

A bright representative of the “spicy” has properties that can work wonders. A small pepper pod is a storehouse of useful substances.

In addition to carbohydrates and proteins, pepper contains:

  • fatty acid
  • essential oils
  • lycopene is an antioxidant that slows down the development of malignant cells
  • vitamins – beta-carotene of group A, vitamins of group B, E, C, K, PP
  • minerals - magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium. As well as zinc, iron, selenium, potassium manganese

The vitamin C content in peppers is 4-6 times higher than in citrus fruits. For example, 100 g of lemon contains 40 mg of the vitamin, and 100 g of hot pepper – 145 mg. Thanks to its pungency, bitter spice successfully fights germs and harmful bacteria, which is why it is recommended for use during colds. Capsaicin contained in pepper juice promotes active hair growth.

In addition, hot pepper stimulates the production of endorphins - these are hormones responsible for reducing stress and pain. Endorphins have a beneficial effect on circulatory system person. The combination of vitamin C and P strengthens and cleanses blood vessels. Doctors recommend pepper to patients suffering from atherosclerosis, rheumatism and gout.

Scientists have proven that eating hot pepper leads to normal sleep and weight loss.

Metabolic processes are stimulated, the human body gets rid of toxins and harmful substances. Many researchers claim that hot peppers fight cancer cells. Its substances interfere with the production of energy in cells affected by cancer, which leads to their death. This is not about treating cancer with pepper, but about the fact that its use is a prevention of the development of this disease.

Hot peppers are respected in the cuisines of countries such as Italy, France, Hungary, India, and Mexico. Most often it is added to meat and fish dishes, soups and side dishes. Capsicums are appropriate in vegetable dishes and canning.

Dry crushed pepper fruits are used as a spice.

The spice is included in many seasonings, and is also combined with spices - basil, and others. Hot pepper is an excellent cure for many diseases. It is widely practiced in folk and official medicine - pepper plaster and pepper tincture are well known to everyone. External use of the warming properties of pepper helps with radiculitis, joint pain and frostbite.

Hot pepper is also used in cosmetology: it is added to oils and lotions, they rejuvenate the skin of the body and make it more elastic. Quite often, pepper is included in anti-cellulite creams. Adding juice to hair care products will increase blood circulation and stimulate the hair follicles.

Along with a lot of positive qualities, you need to be careful when consuming hot pepper. People who are prone to or have gastrointestinal diseases, such as

  • gastritis
  • colitis
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers

With such diseases, spicy food lovers easily get heartburn, mucous membrane burns or bleeding. Pepper is not recommended for people who have been diagnosed with hypertension, angina, or arrhythmia. Its use disrupts the heart rhythm and provokes a heart attack.

It is highly undesirable for those suffering from liver and kidney failure to eat food seasoned with pepper.

It is difficult for the kidneys and liver to cope with the function of cleansing the body when eating spicy food. Women should not consume pepper during pregnancy, during lactation, or children if there are open wounds or scratches on the skin, so as not to get burned.

Healthy people should also be careful, because if you overuse hot peppers, you may experience side effects: increased sweating, burning in the stomach, discomfort, allergic reaction and the development of gastritis. When working with hot peppers, it is better to use rubber gloves to avoid burning your hands and accidental hit juice in your eyes or mouth.

With the variety of positive and negative properties and qualities of pepper, it is worthy of attention. And thus it creates excitement to try to grow this wonderful berry yourself. The key to a good harvest is making the right choice plant varieties and care.

Before you start choosing a variety, decide where you will grow it - in the garden, in a greenhouse or on a window in an apartment? How quickly do you want to get your harvest? Some varieties ripen quickly, while others “take it to the last.” What kind of productivity do you want to have?

Many varieties give a large number of fruits and you won’t have to plant a pepper plantation. Basically, varieties of hot peppers are divided into two types - spicy and shrub:

  • The spicy type has a sharp and bright taste. It is usually used raw, since the peppercorns are long and it is inconvenient to dry them.
  • Shrubs will take root wonderfully at home as ornamental plant. Its fruits are edible, dried and added to seasonings.

Popular varieties of hot pepper:

  • Cayenne pepper. A common variety of hot pepper. Used dry and fresh in soups, vegetable or meat dishes. Used in the production of ketchup.
  • Jalapeño. Mexican variety. Medium spicy. The plant is heat-loving, so greenhouses and hotbeds are the best place for growing. The fruits are picked green. Add to salads.
  • Hungarian wax yellow. The variety is not spicy and not demanding. Suitable for marinating and stuffing.
  • Chinese fire. The fruits of this pepper are both pickled and consumed raw. Peppercorns reach a length of 25 cm and are unpretentious to growing conditions.

Let's start landing. Experts believe that The best way grow peppers from seeds. Their germination, with proper care, lasts up to 3-4 years. It is advisable to begin the process of growing seedlings in February, in order to plant peppers in open ground in the spring.

  1. Soak the seeds in water for a while. This is necessary for their better germination.
  2. We prepare the soil and fill containers for planting with it
  3. We make holes in the soil with a match or a toothpick.
  4. We plant the prepared seeds in containers. The desired room temperature is at least 25 degrees.
  5. The containers are closed with a strap and put away in a bright and warm place.
  6. When the sprouts hatch, it is advisable to reduce the temperature in the room by 2-4 degrees.
  7. Young seedlings require regular watering. Drying out and waterlogging should not be allowed.
  8. Bushes that have grown to 25-30 centimeters are recommended to be planted in open ground where onions or carrots previously grew.
  9. The desired temperature at the time of disembarkation is 15-17 degrees. It is better to do this on a cloudy day or in the evening, avoiding direct sunlight.
  10. The seedlings are removed from the containers along with the soil and the holes are planted. The holes are watered abundantly. The size of the hole should approximately match the size of the container. Preferably not seedlings with bare roots.
  11. The planting pattern corresponds to the size 40cmx50cm. These distances increase or decrease, depending on the type of pepper; the larger the bush, the wider the distance between the seedlings.

The first few days after planting seedlings in the ground, peppers look sluggish. This happens because during transplantation the root system suffers and the plant experiences stress. It takes some time to adapt. During this period of time, the main thing is not to overdo it with watering. Over-watering is not permissible, as the thin roots will rot. The first abundant watering is necessary a week after planting. Further care of the plant consists of periodic watering, fertilizing and weeding.

More information can be found in the video:

Watering should be done regularly. Until fruiting - once a week, during fruiting - twice. Watering is carried out at the root, without touching the leaves. More often, watering is combined with fertilizing. First, water the plant with water, then with fertilizer, then with water again. This will make feeding gentle on the seedlings.

If the pepper grows and blooms well, it needs pinching.

Pin the top of the plant, then the shoots will begin to grow on the sides. This ensures a good harvest. It is possible to collect up to 25 peppers from one bush. If the fruits begin to set, leave the amount you need and remove the excess. And the plant will give its strength to the remaining fruits.

Pepper harvest time is from mid-July to October inclusive. Surprisingly, you can pick peppers without waiting for them to fully ripen. At home, the fruits will ripen and this will not affect their properties in any way. The main thing is to remove the fruits from the bush carefully and together with the stalk. You can store hot pepper all year round; it will not lose its pungency and pungency. And there are many storage options - peppers are dried, ground in a coffee grinder and added during cooking. You can pickle the peppers and freeze them for the winter. Frozen peppers retain all their properties and aroma

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​for the southern part of Russia​

How to sow hot peppers

​Last spring, a friend shared with me a couple of bluebell bushes. Compared to other peppers, I planted it a little later, at the end of May, I cared for it like all vegetables, but I never got a harvest.​

​And I transplant one of the smallest varieties into a small pot and take it into the house for the winter. I would like to leave more, because peppers tolerate winter well indoors, but indoor flowers are very reluctant to give up their place on the windowsill...​


​Pepper acquires its final taste after turning red.​

​The planting method (checkerboard, tape, etc.) is selected in accordance with the size of the greenhouse, the organization of watering and the lighting system.​

This plant has several names: hot, hot, bitter, capsicum. Hot peppers are popular in many national cuisines and among gourmets. It belongs to the immunostimulating products. The developed varieties differ in their degree of pungency: from unbearably hot to moderately hot.​

​You first need to lay a drainage layer on the bottom of the box or cups,​​Early ripening low-growing varieties are suitable. These are the varieties “Eroshka”, “Czardash” and “Funtik”.​

Watering and caring for hot peppers

​Surprisingly, you can harvest hot peppers without waiting for the ripeness stage. Depending on the variety of pepper, you can harvest even when the fruits have not yet turned red. Peppers can be picked green or wait until they are fully ripe. Ripe peppers are quite spicy and have a slightly sweet taste.​

​When the soil warms up to +15°C, it is time to plant the seedlings. The landing time can be determined based on climate zone, plant varieties, planting in the ground or in a greenhouse.​

​At the end of October, before the frost, it was still blooming, only a few fruits were set, but they never had time to turn red. And the bushes themselves grew tall, but not compact, although they were planted in a sunny place. In general, no beauty, no harvest...​

​Different varieties of hot pepper have different degrees of heat. This summer I was very pleased with the variety

​Hot peppers are stored and ripened safely at a temperature of 18-20°C. The taste of the fruit becomes richer and more pungent during storage. For long-term storage, pepper fruits are dried whole. To do this, they are strung on a thread, pierced through the stalk. Drying is best done under glass in sunny weather for a week. Hot pepper pods can also be frozen.​

​Strong deepening also negatively affects the growing of plants.​


Optimal temperature for seed germination and emergence of friendly shoots 20÷25°C. Under such conditions, seedlings appear on days 6–9. Regular watering and timely fertilizing will ensure a good harvest. At first, when the plant is not yet strong, it is necessary to feed the pepper with a mixture of magnesium and phosphorus, and when the fruits begin to ripen, you need to limit the application of nitrogen fertilizer and not often water this garden crop. This can be expanded clay, sand or foam balls. The drainage layer is 2 cm. A layer of soil can be poured on top.​

​For central Russia, a hybrid is most suitable

Bitter pepper: growing in the Rostov region

Hot pepper - varieties, cultivation and benefits

​©Valentina Mironova Rostov region​

Planting hot pepper

​Chinese fire​

​Planting plant varieties and healthy seeds suitable for your conditions, and proper agricultural cultivation techniques will allow you to grow a decent harvest.​

​When planting, under each bush you can add a teaspoon of complex fertilizer mixed with soil. During planting, water at least 3 liters of water per hole. Benign seedlings take root well 10-12 days after planting.​

Bitter hot pepper - benefits

​The demand for fresh hot pepper fruits is quite high. But the limiting factor for its production for farmers is increased requirements for agricultural technology, lower yields compared to other crops, and later ripening. If peppers are grown responsibly, these shortcomings can be eliminated. The main thing is to choose the right plant variety, prepare the soil and the room itself, and organize care for the crop.​

​An excellent medium-growing variety “Cornet” or “Mastodon”.​

Varieties of hot pepper

​The time for harvesting is from mid-July to October inclusive. The fruits are picked carefully, removing them along with the stalk. The distance between each plant should be 40-50 cm, and between the rows - 25 cm. In addition to good watering of the soil, you can add a little fertilizer to the hole, but only without chlorine. Any fertilizer with a high potassium content will do. After fertilizing, pour water into the hole so that it is completely filled. After some time, the water will be absorbed and you can start planting seedlings.​ ​The technology for growing hot peppers is practically no different from growing sweet peppers bell pepper. Breeders believe that it is better to grow peppers from seeds and plant mature seedlings in the ground. Those who like to add hot spices to their food will probably name hot peppers first. It is difficult to imagine Korean and Oriental cuisine without hot pepper. In addition to the fact that pepper stimulates appetite, it can be used as a natural immune stimulant. You can prepare a tincture, ointment or balm based on hot pepper. You can grow peppers on your own summer cottage. It is easy to care for if you follow all the recommendations for planting and growing this garden crop.​ ​with long, slightly curved fruits of bright red color and moderately hot taste. The bush, about 1 m high, looked very decorative! And the bushy one would seem to be somewhere, but in the Rostov region, vegetables themselves should grow like grass. But alas, in the summer in the south there is such heat that in the open sun, without a greenhouse, everything burns out - tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers... Pepper is a self-pollinating crop, and sprinkling watering is not suitable for it. After normal watering, the soil should become wet by 30-40 cm. A lack of moisture may be indicated by brown spots on the fruits and lignification of the stems. It is better to use settled water for irrigation, heated to a temperature of about 25°C. To do this, fill a tank installed in the brightest place in the greenhouse and painted black. At temperatures above 13°C, moderate watering is carried out continuously. As the temperature drops, the frequency of watering is reduced.​

​B open ground in the southern regions or when using temporary film coverings, it is more effective to grow low-growing, early-ripening varieties of hot peppers. These include “Czardash”, “Funtik”, “Eroshka”, etc. The height of their bushes is 40-60 cm. The fruits weighing 140-180 g do not require shaping, they ripen quickly and smoothly.​

​Seed germination, subject to planting conditions and temperature conditions (daytime + 25 ° C, at night not lower than 18 ° C), should be expected on the 50th day. Seedlings need to be watered frequently, as lack of moisture can affect the quality and size of the fruit. The peppers will be small, curled and not hot enough. Therefore, it is important to water the seedlings moderately and often, making sure that water does not get on the leaves. Water the hot pepper seedlings with settled water, the temperature is not higher than +23°C.​

​If you want to grow high varieties of hot peppers with large fruits, then you need to plant the plant in a winter greenhouse.​

​Seeds should be planted at the end of February, beginning of March. And in those regions where the soil will warm up to +15°C by mid-May, sowing can begin at the end of January, beginning of February.​

Growing hot peppers


A little history

​And I really love peppers - both sweet (Bulgarian) and bitter.​

The plant requires an abundance of light (30 - 40 thousand lux). With a lack of light, the bushes become elongated and the ovaries fall off. Peppers can be safely grown at a temperature in a greenhouse of at least 16-18°C. But it does not tolerate temperatures exceeding 25°C. In such cases, you should shade the plants and ventilate them in the morning, but avoid drafts.​

​In spring greenhouses, it is preferable to grow medium-sized (70-110 cm) varieties and hybrids: “F1 Buratino”, “F1 Tibul”, “Mastodon”, “Cornet” and others. Vigorous (up to 2 m) large-fruited varieties are grown in winter (usually industrial) greenhouses.​

​After picking the seedlings, they need to be placed on the windowsill to ensure good lighting. It is important to turn the plants towards the light source from time to time so that the peppers do not grow in one direction (one-sided seedlings). It is also important to ensure that the soil is moist, it is necessary to prevent stagnation of liquid, and not to allow the soil to dry out. After the picking is completed, the seedlings are watered for 5-6 days.

​Before planting, you need to take care of the place in advance. To ensure the growth and good fruiting of garden crops, it is important to organize proper drainage. Hot pepper loves nutritious soil and good moisture, but does not tolerate stagnant moisture. When growing peppers, it is important to organize proper watering - only at the root, so that water does not get on the leaves.​

How to grow hot peppers


​We plant hot peppers in a low greenhouse. If you decide to immediately plant seedlings in the ground, then the soil is first insulated with compost, leaves or hay. It is better not to use manure. To prevent the soil from freezing, after planting the beds are covered with film and an arc is constructed from thin wire (the height of the arc is 1 m). The film is removed when the temperature returns to normal, but it is advisable to wrap the pepper in film at night even in the summer.​

Before planting, the seeds are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 2 days. For seed germination, it is necessary to ensure an optimal temperature; on average, the air temperature in the room should not exceed +25°C. If these conditions are met, then the first shoots will appear already on the 6th day. The growing season is approximately 50 months, so seedlings at the age of 3 months need to be planted in a greenhouse.​

​The taste of hot pepper was first discovered by Portuguese and Italian sailors who brought it home from South America. While exploring new lands, travelers ended up on an island called “Indian Pepper”. Local residents grew hot peppers, which they called "Agi". Nowadays hot pepper has many names - people call it chili pepper, hot pepper, hot pepper, paprika or red.​

​can be planted directly in a flower bed: its fruits look so bright and unusual - numerous, of varied colors, with a pungent taste and a strong pleasant aroma. The variety looks just as original

​And despite all the weather disasters, every year I continue to grow my own vegetable seedlings. I’ll tell you straight: I can’t boast of an excellent harvest of sweet peppers (although they’re not bad), but the bitter ones are always a success!​

​Tall varieties are tied to supports as they grow. Such bushes are sometimes artificially formed. To do this, remove all leaves, buds, flowers and stepsons up to the fork of the stem. There should be no more than two branches in the fork. At the end of July, all ends of the branches are secured with clothespins to stop the growth of flowers. It is also important to remove the fruit growing in the fork; it will further interfere with the plant’s normal growth.​

​A high-quality harvest directly depends on properly grown pepper seedlings.​

​Choose a well-lit place to plant hot peppers, but remember that direct sunlight can destroy the plant.​

Breeders have bred about 2,000 varieties of pepper, among which the leading position is occupied by bitter pepper or chili pepper. You can grow peppers on the plot or at home in a pot. If you want to pamper yourself with spicy dishes all year round, then you can plant peppers in a pot, but you should know that the fruits will be small and the bush itself will be branched. For those who decide to harvest hot pepper from their summer cottage, breeders warn that the yield of pepper will not be as high as that of other vegetable crops, and the ripening time for bitter pepper will be longer than for sweet pepper.​

​It is not advisable to plant hot peppers next to sweet ones, as cross-pollination occurs and the taste of different varieties of peppers will be different.​

​Red peppers are considered a “close” relative of bell peppers and tomatoes. All these garden crops belong to the nightshade family, because when hot peppers, sweet peppers and tomatoes bloom, they have similar flowers. So why then do capsicums taste so good? It turns out that only red pepper contains a special substance – capsacin. This is an alkaloid, which gives a strong pungency to garden crops.​


How to plant hot peppers

​Usually in March I start “sowing”.​

​Feeding with microelements improves fruit set. The first is carried out 10-14 days after disembarkation. After another week, feeding with macroelements is carried out. For example, a solution of 40 g of nitrophoska in 10 liters of water. Subsequent feedings are carried out every six months.

​Before sowing, it is advisable to treat hot pepper seeds with manganese, boron or other microelements. This pre-treatment is mainly done for seeds of unknown origin. To do this, the seeds are soaked for 15-20 minutes in a 1% solution of manganese sulfate or in a 0.05% solution of boric acid at a temperature of about 20°C. This will protect them from fungal infection. It is important not to exceed the dosage and soaking time, otherwise the viability of the seeds may be reduced.​

​When the seedlings reach a height of 30 cm and 6-12 leaves grow on each plant, the seedlings can be transplanted into the ground, but it is advisable to harden them before planting. This is done outdoors, in a place protected from the wind. You just need to put the boxes with seedlings outside and gradually increase the time the hot pepper spends in the fresh air.​

​The soil needs to be prepared in the fall. If you haven't had time to dig up the soil and prepare it, you can do this part of the work in early spring. You need to add manure to the soil, preferably rotted manure (2 buckets of manure are added per 1 m2 of land). Set aside a small area for planting hot peppers. Since a family of 4 will need a small amount of red hot pepper to eat, it will be enough to plant 5 or 10 bushes.​

Only red pepper contains a special substance - capsacin. This is an alkaloid, which gives a strong pungency to the garden crop. Breeders have several types of hot peppers, depending on the amount of capsacin. They even developed a special pepper heat scale (divisions from 1 to 10). If you don’t like excessive spiciness, you can adjust it using this scale (Socoville scale), according to which hot pepper powder is diluted in certain proportions.​

​Regular watering and timely fertilizing will ensure a good harvest. At first, when the plant is not yet strong, it is necessary to feed the pepper with a mixture of magnesium and phosphorus, and when the fruits begin to ripen, you need to limit the application of nitrogen fertilizer and not often water this garden crop.

​To enrich the mixture and increase seed germination, it is important to introduce fertilizers. For 10 liters, take 10 g of urea, 3 g of magnesium phosphate and 40 g of superphosphate.

Features of care

Breeders have several types of hot peppers, depending on the amount of capsacin. They even developed a special pepper heat scale (divisions from 1 to 10). If you don’t like excessive spiciness, you can adjust it using this scale (Socoville scale), according to which hot pepper powder is diluted in certain proportions.​

​, its fruits sticking up are collected in clusters of 7-10 pieces, the taste is quite pungent.​

Propagation of hot peppers

​Along with other vegetables, I sow 5-6 varieties of hot pepper in small plastic containers and tape the name of each variety with tape. I don’t pick up seedlings; in early May I immediately plant them in the ground. I try to plant peppers in different places, but in plain sight, because in addition to their nutritional value, they also serve as a decoration for the garden. And the decoration is very good: not a single person remains indifferent after seeing this miracle. Yes, I myself, when walking around my “domains” every day, never tire of admiring and being surprised by the multi-colored fireworks of peppercorns.​

​Experts believe that to meet the family’s needs for hot peppers, it is enough to have 5-7 plants on the plot.​

How to harvest correctly

​The seeds are sown in boxes or pots with 2 seeds in each. The temperature in the greenhouse should be maintained at 20-24°C. To stimulate root formation after germination of seedlings, the temperature is reduced to 10-15°C for 4-5 days. When the seeds germinate, leave one sprout in the pot, removing the weaker plant.​

​Bitter peppers can also be propagated by cuttings. Cut off several young shoots with a sharp knife and place them in a glass of water. When the pepper takes root, it can be transplanted into a pot with fresh substrate. After 1.5 months, the new bush will delight you with its flowering.​

​When the soil warms up to +15°C, it is time to plant seedlings.​

The technology for growing hot peppers is practically no different from growing sweet bell peppers. Breeders believe that it is better to grow peppers from seeds and plant strong seedlings in the ground.​

Growing and shaping hot peppers.

If the pepper grows well and blooms profusely, it is important to plant it in a timely manner. It is necessary to pick off the top flowers, and if the pepper has reached a height of 25 cm, then the top of the main shoot must be removed. Then the hot pepper will branch well and grow quickly.

​At the bottom of the box or cups, you first need to lay a drainage layer, this can be expanded clay, sand or foam balls. The drainage layer is 2 cm. A layer of soil can be poured on top.​

​If you eat fresh pepper, then depending on the characteristics of use, you can adjust the spiciness. For example, if you carefully open a vegetable and remove the veins and seeds, its pungency will be reduced by half.​

​Bitter pepper, unlike sweet pepper, is very unpretentious to grow. Virtually no special care is required other than watering.​

How to grow hot peppers

Read also: Growing hot peppers at home

​Developed fruits can be grown if microelements are applied by spraying the leaves (foliar method). It is recommended to spray once a week until the fruits ripen. This procedure improves the biochemical composition of the fruit and increases yield. Once every 10 days, you can feed the plants with nettle infusion or dissolved chicken droppings, to which potassium or complex fertilizer is added. A matchbox of fertilizer is diluted onto a bucket of solution.
Grown plants are transplanted into large pots or bags for seedlings, 3-4 bushes each. The timing of sowing seeds is determined based on the expected time of planting seedlings. The age of seedlings before planting should be 50-60 days. The planted seedlings should have about 10 leaves and developed buds. Surprisingly, you can harvest hot pepper without waiting for the maturity stage. Depending on the variety of pepper, you can harvest even when the fruits have not yet turned red. Peppers can be picked green or wait until they are fully ripe. Ripe peppers are quite spicy and have a slightly sweetish taste. Planting time can be determined based on the climate zone, plant variety, planting in the ground or in a greenhouse.
​Seeds should be planted at the end of February, beginning of March. And in those regions where by mid-May the soil will warm up to +15°C, sowing can begin at the end of January, beginning of February. When growing hot pepper next to sweet bell pepper, you need to take into account that the plant is cross-pollinated, which means you can Harvest sweet peppers with a slight bitterness.​

​You can collect up to 25 fruits from one plant; as soon as you see fruits starting to set, leave required quantity, and delete the rest. In dry, hot and windless weather, it is necessary to help the plants pollinate; to do this, just gently shake the bushes.​

​If you plant seeds in boxes, then you need to make furrows, the gaps between the rows are 2 cm. The seeds are placed in the soil at a distance of 1, maximum 2 cm from each other, without deepening them much. Each furrow is covered with a thin layer (0.5 cm) of soil or sand. Cover the pots with seedlings with plastic wrap.

​When growing hot peppers next to sweet bell peppers, you need to take into account that the plant is cross-pollinated, which means you can harvest sweet peppers with a slight bitterness.​

​Surely, in winter, seeds of new varieties will appear on sale, plant a few hot pepper bushes, add a little spice and beauty to your life!​

Growing hot pepper seedlings

​Someone might be surprised - what could it be? the nutritional value hot pepper? It turns out that maybe not only food, but also medicinal! Pepper fruits contain vitamins C, R group B, carotene, fiber, proteins and fats. Medicines made from pepper fruits have an analgesic and appetite stimulating effect.​

​When proper care in greenhouses, peppers do not get sick, but violation of agricultural practices can cause damage from gray rot, aphids and spider mites. During the growing season, diseased leaves and bushes are removed. To combat diseases, plants are sprayed with insecticides - keltan or karbofos. Periodic fertilizing using potassium-phosphorus fertilizers allows you to grow hot peppers without exposing you to diseases.​

​At the end of the season, you can pick semi-ripe fruits when they have turned from greenish in color to orange tint. At home, peppers ripen quickly. If we do this, then we give the plant a better chance for the remaining harvest to ripen and produce large fruits.​

​Before transferring the seedlings into the holes, they must be watered so that the soil is well moistened. Make the holes in advance; they must be spacious so that the hot pepper fits in it along with a lump of earth.​

Before planting, the seeds are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 2 days. For seed germination, it is necessary to ensure an optimal temperature; on average, the air temperature in the room should not exceed +25°C.​

​As mentioned earlier, it is important to pinch the top of the plant so that the bush becomes compact, then shoots will grow on the sides. This will ensure a good harvest.​

​Seed germination, subject to planting conditions and temperature conditions (daytime +25°C, at night not lower than +18°C), should be expected on the 50th day. Seedlings need to be watered frequently, as lack of moisture can affect the quality and size of the fruit. The peppers will be small, curled and not hot enough. Therefore, it is important to water the seedlings moderately and often, making sure that water does not get on the leaves. Water the hot pepper seedlings with settled water, the temperature is not higher than +23°C.​

​Photo of hot pepper:​

​Read also: Pepper at home - planting and care​

​And regular consumption of fresh hot peppers has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.​

​The harvest of hot pepper fruits begins in July and continues until October. The fruits are removed as they ripen after reaching an acceptable size and crispy structure.​

How to plant hot peppers

​Hot pepper seedlings are planted in winter greenhouses in February-March after the soil has warmed to 15°C. Depending on the climate, seedlings are planted under film shelters without heating at the end of April or at the beginning of May. If different crops are grown in a greenhouse, hot peppers can be planted after cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage and are not recommended after eggplants and tomatoes. Planting next to tomatoes is acceptable.
​The time for harvesting is from mid-July to October inclusive. The fruits are picked carefully, removing them along with the stalk.

The distance between each plant should be 40-50 cm, and between the rows - 25 cm. In addition to good watering of the soil, you can add a little fertilizer to the hole, but only without chlorine. Any fertilizer with a high potassium content will do. After fertilizing, pour water into the hole so that it is completely filled. After some time, the water will be absorbed and you can start planting seedlings.​

If these conditions are met, then the first shoots will appear on the 6th day. The growing season is approximately 50 months, so seedlings at the age of 3 months need to be planted in a greenhouse.​

​Before you start planting hot peppers, you need to choose a variety. Since this crop is heat-loving, the variety matters. Not every variety of hot pepper can be grown in your own summer cottage.​

​Hot peppers are believed to be an annual plant, but there is no need to rush to throw away the peppers after harvesting. If you dig up a pepper bush in the fall and transplant it into a spacious container (even an old enamel pan will do), then the pepper will bear fruit until spring, and maybe longer.​

​After picking the seedlings, they need to be placed on the windowsill to ensure good lighting. It is important to turn the plants towards the light source from time to time so that the peppers do not grow in one direction (one-sided seedlings). It is also important to ensure that the soil is moist, it is necessary to prevent stagnation of liquid, and not to allow the soil to dry out. After the picking is done, the seedlings are watered for 5-6 days.

​Before you start planting hot peppers, you need to choose a variety. Since this crop is heat-loving, the variety matters. Not every variety of hot pepper can be grown in your own garden. For example, early-ripening, low-growing varieties are suitable for the southern part of Russia. These are the varieties “Eroshka”, “Czardash” and “Funtik”. For central Russia, the hybrid medium-growing variety “Cornet” or “Mastodon” is most suitable.​

​I can’t help but say a few words about such a popular pepper as Red Bell. Many people want to plant it, and those who planted it have already written about their successes and failures in. I belong to the second group.​

​I use pepper as a seasoning for both first and second courses, add it to vegetable salads and sauces, it is indispensable when preparing adjika and canning vegetables. Late autumn, just before the frost, I collect ripe peppers, string them on a thread, and this bright colored garland decorates my kitchen until the new harvest.​

Features of care

​The pepper is picked along with the stalk.​

​The distance between the bushes is about 30 cm. Planting density is determined by the characteristics of the variety and temperature conditions greenhouses. Depending on the growth of the variety, from 3 to 12 plants per 1 m2 are grown. If the plants are too thick, they become sick more often.

Propagation of hot peppers

​The harvested crop can be stored all year round; dry pepper does not lose its properties and remains as hot as freshly picked from the bush.​

The planting depth remains unchanged - 3 cm. The soil around the seedlings is compacted and watered again. In addition, you need to immediately prepare wooden planks or sticks, as well as a rope to immediately tie up the fragile stalks of pepper.​

How to harvest correctly

After soaking, the seeds are sown in peat pots or special boxes for growing seedlings. You can immediately sow the seeds in separate containers, cups or glasses, with diameters from 10 to 15 cm. It is better to use purchased soil, large and disinfected. Please note that the soil pH does not exceed 6.8; this information can be read on the packaging.​

​For example​

​Bitter peppers reproduce not only by seeds. By the way, the seeds remain viable for several years. With proper storage of seeds, you can provide your family with a good harvest for 3-4 years.​

​If you find that the color of the hot pepper leaves has changed and they have become light, it’s time to introduce fertilizing. You can enter liquid fertilizer or sprinkle the seedlings with wood ash. The “Bud” fertilizer nourishes peppers well; it will just help accelerate the growth of overstayed seedlings.​

Growing seedlings of peppers and eggplants Growing seedlings of peppers ganichkina

Hot pepper is beautiful, tasty, and healthy. Only after being in room conditions, it produces much less fruit than in open ground. But there are a couple of tricks that will allow you to get larger peppercorns.

First of all, the timing of planting. Our gardeners sow hot peppers at the beginning of winter. As a result, fruiting occurs in February frosts, when the plants do not receive much light. Because of this, the harvest is smaller and the fruits become smaller. Personally, I prefer to wait until March and sow only in March; as a result, the fruits are especially large, since they ripen literally in the summer, when there is plenty of sun.

What about in winter? In winter, we are also not left without fruits, since at this time we transplant hot peppers from the garden to the windowsill. Of all the varieties that we tried to grow, I like the Aladdin variety best. Having moved to the windowsill, it becomes smaller, but otherwise it feels good and bears fruit until spring.

It wouldn’t hurt to plant the Tobasco variety; it is from it that the famous sauce is made. Its fruits, up to 5 cm long, are collected in bunches on the bush. The productivity is very high. The Bell variety produces two in one fruits. It's sweet on top and spicy in the middle... perfect for meat dishes.

A very rare and productive variety Peter's Finger. Its fruits are up to 10 cm, yellow color, really vaguely resemble a finger. In general, there are a lot of interesting varieties, you can’t remember them all. Therefore, it makes sense to go shopping and look for something to suit your taste.

Their seeds are taken from ripened fruits. Prepare soil for pepper that is fertile and loose. You can sow pepper seeds at any time, not just in autumn and spring. After sowing pepper, you still don’t need to treat it with stimulants or feed it before winter. And you also need to water at a minimum, just not letting the soil dry out. That is, no more than once a week.

When the sprouts reach 5 cm, they should be planted from a common box into separate pots. If this is not done or the move is delayed, the plants will turn out weak and will bear fruit poorly.

After this, you only need to replant the peppers by transshipment, trying not to damage the roots, removing only the top layer down to the roots and adding fresh soil. Plant peppers only on a sunny windowsill. The optimal temperature for it is from +18 to +22° C, that is, pepper feels great in room conditions.

When the pepper begins to actively grow, it should be watered frequently. He loves moisture. But while there is no growth, the pepper is forming root system, and you need to water it less often. After transplanting, once a week the pepper is fed with a solution of nitrophoska, 1 match. boxes for 10 liters of water. When the first fruits appear, feeding should be stopped.

The plants should be sprayed every day with a spray bottle, as peppers may suffer from dry air in the apartment.

Pepper is not only beneficial (two or three pods are enough for a jar of twists), but also beautiful. It is especially beautiful when the bushes have flowers and yellow and red pods in winter. So plant peppers - you won’t regret it. By the way, most bitter varieties grow well in a room on a windowsill, only the fruits are smaller than in the wild.

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SECRETS OF GROWING HOT PEPPERS Save so as not to lose! If you decide to immediately plant seedlings in the ground, then the soil is first insulated with compost, leaves or hay. It is better not to use manure. To prevent the soil from freezing, after planting the beds are covered with film and an arc is constructed from thin wire (the height of the arc is 1 m). The film is removed when the temperature returns to normal, but it is advisable to wrap the pepper in film at night even in the summer. It is not advisable to plant hot peppers next to sweet ones, as cross-pollination occurs and the taste of different varieties of peppers will be different. Regular watering and timely fertilizing will ensure a good harvest. At first, when the plant is not yet strong, it is necessary to feed the pepper with a mixture of magnesium and phosphorus, and when the fruits begin to ripen, it is necessary to limit the application of nitrogen fertilizer and not often water this garden crop. If the pepper grows well and blooms profusely, it is important to plant it in a timely manner. It is necessary to pick off the top flowers, and if the pepper has reached a height of 25 cm, then the top of the main shoot must be removed. Then the hot pepper will branch well and grow quickly. You can harvest up to 25 fruits from one plant; as soon as you see fruits starting to set, leave the required amount and remove the rest. In dry, hot and windless weather, it is necessary to help the plants pollinate; to do this, just gently shake the bushes. Features of care As mentioned earlier, it is important to pinch the top of the plant so that the bush becomes compact, then shoots will grow on the sides. This will ensure a good harvest. Hot peppers are believed to be an annual plant, but there is no need to rush to throw away the peppers after harvesting. If you dig up a pepper bush in the fall and transplant it into a spacious container (even an old enamel pan will do), then the pepper will bear fruit until spring, and maybe longer. Reproduction of hot peppers Hot peppers reproduce not only by seeds. By the way, the seeds remain viable for several years. With proper storage of seeds, you can provide your family with a good harvest for 3-4 years. Hot peppers can also be propagated by cuttings. Cut off several young shoots with a sharp knife and place them in a glass of water. When the pepper takes root, it can be transplanted into a pot with fresh substrate. After 1.5 months, the new bush will delight you with its flowering. How to harvest correctly Surprisingly, you can harvest hot peppers without waiting for the ripeness stage. Depending on the variety of pepper, you can harvest even when the fruits have not yet turned red. Peppers can be picked green or wait until they are fully ripe. Ripe peppers are quite spicy and have a slightly sweet taste. At the end of the season, you can pick semi-ripe fruits when they have turned from greenish to orange. At home, peppers ripen quickly. If we do this, then we give the plant a better chance for the remaining harvest to ripen and produce large fruits. Harvest time is from mid-July to October inclusive. The fruits are picked carefully, removing them along with the stalk. The harvest can be stored all year round; dry pepper does not lose its properties and remains as hot as freshly picked from the bush.

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Hot red pepper is loved by many; it is readily consumed both raw and as a powdered dry seasoning for fish and meat dishes, soups and even drinks. The topic “Red pepper: benefits and harm” can be discussed endlessly, the properties of this fruit are so versatile and amazing, which can also be a spice and a medicinal plant at the same time. It contains a lot of useful substances, but it can cause irreparable damage to the human body. Therefore, everyone who loves spicy foods should be informed about the properties of hot chili peppers.

What are the benefits of hot red pepper?

The homeland of capsicum red pepper is South America- it was here that the famous navigator Christopher Columbus tasted it for the first time and was quick to introduce Europe to the piquant fruit. The name “Chile” itself has nothing to do with the state of the same name. The most caustic parts of the pod are the seeds and internal membranes. After their removal, the degree of pungency is noticeably reduced, leaving only a spicy taste and aroma. But this is not the only merit of hot red pepper.

Eating red hot pepper perfectly stimulates digestion, increasing the secretion of enzymes and improving intestinal motility. In combination with it, many are better absorbed useful material from food. In addition, it kills many harmful bacteria that nest in internal organs humans, and even some types of cancer cells. And flavonoids, which red chili is rich in, restore liver tissue and actively expel bile. It was previously believed that chili could cause gastritis and stomach ulcers. However, numerous studies have convincingly proven these views to be wrong. Hot pepper destroys bacteria that can lead to ulcer formation

The substances that give pepper its hot taste are called capsaicinoids. Capsacionides are widely used in pharmacology; in particular, they are part of many analgesics, due to their ability to relieve even severe pain of a chronic nature. Scientists figured this out quite a long time ago, but continue to study the issue of “red pepper: benefits and harm,” discovering more and more new properties and areas of its application.

For example, red pepper is used in the production of ointments and sprays against the common cold, despite its “hotness”. Such drugs perfectly relieve inflammation, stimulate the secretion of mucus from the sinuses and have bactericidal properties. It also helps with rheumatic pain, arthritis and neuralgia - remember the warming pepper patch. It has been proven that drugs containing hot red pepper promote the healing of herpes zoster and reduce the manifestations of psoriasis, simultaneously relieving unbearable itching and pain. A decrease in blood pressure and stabilization of the heart muscle function were also noted in those studied who consumed dishes containing hot chili peppers for 10 days.

Chile is widely used in cosmetology. The extract of this plant and extracts from it are added to creams and lotions for weight loss and figure correction. It helps in the fight against cellulite, perfectly breaks down fat cells and removes harmful toxins from the body. So everyone who cares about being slim should include pepper in their daily diet. This is an ideal option for those who are unable to adhere to a strict low-calorie diet.

You can use it to prepare various masks and tinctures at home. There are quite a few recipes for restoring elasticity and accelerating the growth of hair and nails, where the main ingredient is, again, red pepper.

Chili is also an excellent aphrodisiac. The fact is that a burning sensation on the tongue and in the esophagus after eating pepper causes a reaction in the body that is similar to physical pain. Adrenaline is released, the production of endorphin hormones is stimulated - hence the outbreaks of uncontrollable passion. So dishes flavored with hot pepper will come in handy. Among other things, red pepper causes sweating, which is why it is recommended for use in the cold season for the prevention and treatment of colds.

But for diabetics it is better not to take risks, since excess adrenaline can be fatal for them. Although, according to some data, this particular type of pepper reduces the amount of sugar in the blood and removes harmful cholesterol.

Who will be harmed by red hot pepper?

Spicy food is strictly contraindicated for those suffering from gastritis, stomach ulcers and other gastrointestinal ailments, as it is too irritating to the already sensitive mucous membrane. Therefore, red hot pepper in any form is taboo. It is undesirable to consume chili during menstruation: the hot seasoning can increase abdominal cramps and cause severe pain. Pregnant women should also not get carried away with pepper - there is a greater risk of unquenchable heartburn, and the baby in the belly of the expectant mother does not like such a seasoning.

It has been established that constant consumption of chili can cause addiction, similar to drugs. If a fan of “spicy” foods is taken away from his favorite seasoning, he will experience real withdrawal symptoms. Therefore, the conclusion is this: everything is good in moderation, and one of the most healthy products there is no exception in the world.
