Hot pepper jam. Sweet red pepper jam

Would you like to try sweet pepper jam? Yes, yes ... from pepper !!! This is an exquisite confiture that turns an ordinary cheese dish into something really unusual and very tasty! Even someone who has never done anything like this before can make this jam! It's very simple!


To make Pepper Jam, you will need:

1 kg of sweet red pepper;

400 g of sugar;

200 g of vinegar;

1 tsp ground red hot pepper;

1/4 tsp ground ginger;

2 tsp salt.

Cooking steps

Wash the pepper and cut into thin strips.

Mix with pepper and leave to marinate for 2 hours.

After the pepper starts up the juice, put on a slow fire, stirring occasionally, and boil until the state of confiture (about 1 hour). The main thing is not to digest, because in this case, after cooling, it will thicken and become hard. Readiness can be determined by dropping a drop of syrup on a saucer. It should not blur like water, but remain almost the same.

After cooling, serve pepper jam with hard cheeses, such as, for example, Parmesan, Provolone or Emmental. It can also be served on bruschetta (pan-dried bread) or baked meat.

Bon appetit!

Step 1: prepare the sweet pepper.

Divide the sweet pepper into equal parts, remove the stalk and cut out the core, grabbing the whitish partitions with a knife. After cleaning, thoroughly rinse the vegetables from all sides and dry.

Step 2: prepare hot peppers.

Before you start working with hot peppers, be sure to put on plastic gloves, and preferably a mask, so as not to get burned. respiratory tract and mucous. When brushing, be careful and careful not to accidentally scratch your nose, for example.
Hot peppers also need to be thoroughly cleaned of seeds and tails, cut off the whitish partitions, rinse with water from the inside and out (preferably not under running water, but by dipping the peeled and chopped pods into a bowl of water) and dry.

Step 3: Make Chili Jam.

Put all chopped peppers in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar, add salt and dry red wine. Put on a slow fire, bring to a boil, and then cook for another 1,5 hour.
After the specified time, remove your brew from the heat, grind it with a blender, turning everything into a homogeneous mass.
Return the pot of jam to low heat again and continue to cook for another 1,5 hour. As with any other jam, remember to stir and skim occasionally.

Step 4: Prepare the Chili Pepper Jam.

When the chili jam thickens, it must be immediately removed from the heat and poured into heated sterilized jars. Tightly close everything with lids, turn upside down and leave it like that until it cools completely.
You can store chili pepper jam with other blanks in a cool place out of the reach of sunlight.

Step 5: Serve Chili Pepper Jam.

Serve chili pepper jam with meat, dip bread or rye crackers into it, as well as hard cheese. It is especially cool with cheese, a very refined snack is obtained, be sure to try it, you will not regret it.
Bon appetit!

Just in case, you can additionally sterilize the jam after you pour it into jars. To do this, jars with blanks need to be placed in a pan with hot water and pasteurize for 10 minutes, and then tightly close the jam with lids. To prevent the jars from cracking, place a kitchen towel on the bottom of the pot.

Chili pepper jam should be stored in small glass jars.

Jam from hot peppertypical recipe southern region of Calabria. It is there, on the very nose of the boot, that people who love spicy things live. Chili peppers are an ingredient in many traditional Calabrian cuisine recipes. Personally, I met him in the city of Sorezina, located in northern Italy, in a restaurant called "Grandma's Cow" - there, for dessert, I was served saffron ice cream with a few spoons of hot red pepper jam! This was enough not only to appreciate, but also to fall in love with a very extravagant jam.

Bulgarian and hot peppers together

The recipe for this jam also uses sweet red bell pepper. This is necessary to give the jam volume and "dilution" of the spiciness of the chili pepper. The sour taste of the jam is achieved with a little red wine, although in some versions it may be water and a small amount of balsamic vinegar.

I indicate the calorie content of this jam for 1 serving - a jar of 100 ml. Of course, you will eat it with teaspoons and nothing else.


  • Chili pepper 200 gr
  • Bulgarian pepper 800 gr
  • Granulated sugar 500 gr
  • Salt 5 gr
  • Dry red wine 50 ml

So, we start with cleaning and slicing peppers. So that a catastrophe of nuclear proportions does not happen in the kitchen (believe me, I know what I'm talking about, I still want to cry, remembering how I made this jam for the first time many years ago) Get yourself a pair of gloves. This will keep safe and sound not only the hands, but also the eyes, nose, ears and even the tail of your beloved dog.

We put on gloves and go ahead - cut off the top of the pepper, take out the core with seeds, cut it in two and take out the remnants of the seeds and the white fibers that support them. Cut into small pieces. Do the same with chili peppers.

We put the peeled and chopped peppers in a saucepan (after that you can safely remove the gloves), add sugar and pour wine. We put the pan on a slow fire, cover with a lid so that there is a gap for steam to escape and cook for 60 minutes. During this time, you can prepare jars, preferably small ones.

Grandma's way or a blender?

We wipe the boiled peppers through a sieve with a spoon to obtain a beautiful, thick and homogeneous mass. To be honest, this is an old grandmother's way of making this type of jam, rather tedious and time-consuming (it is fraught with corns on the fingers once a year). In addition to this method, there are two more: using a special machine that will help you puree and separate the skins, or you can use a blender (the fastest and lower quality method), it all depends on your desire to practice self-torture.

So, after we have a beautiful bowl of spicy red pepper jam, return its contents to the pan and cook for another 30 minutes, so that the mixture thickens. Do not forget to stir from time to time and remove the white foam if it appears.

When the density of the mixture completely suits you, you can pour our hot pepper jam into pre-prepared jars using a funnel and a ladle. Be careful with your hands, as hot sugar mixtures are completely unforgiving when it comes into contact with the skin.

How do you eat this?

I mentioned in advance the need to use cans small sizes, because in one sitting it is very difficult to eat a similar product in large quantities, and after opening a jar of jam (as is usually recommended), it must be consumed within 3-4 days, as well as any other jam.

This hot pepper jam will be the perfect "sauce" for a wide variety of cheeses: for fresh ricotta and smoked ricotta, for Pecorino, Parmigiano, Emmental - for soft cream cheeses and hard cheeses with a bright salty note. You can use cheeses as a separate cut or make bruschetta spread with a thin layer of such jam and sprinkled with pieces of your favorite cheese.

Did you know that you can make amazing jam from hot and bell peppers? This jam cannot be served with tea, it should be consumed with meat or on toast with cheese. My version is medium spicy, if you like it hot, just increase the amount of hot pepper. Pepper jam in a jar will be an original winter gift for your friends. Be sure to try it out!

Pepper jam for the winter

Ways to use:

1. As a sauce for steaks, pork, beef and lamb escalopes.
2. For fried poultry dishes - turkey, chicken and duck.
Z. For coating meat before baking: boiled pork, duck, pork knuckle.
4. As an additive to barbecue marinades.
5. To fried cheese.
6. To the cheese plate for soft pickled cheeses.
7. To croutons and toast.

This pepper jam is not suitable for fish, and all dishes with garlic.

how to make pepper and apple jam


  • green apples, better varieties"Simirenko" - 2 pcs.,
  • sweet red pepper - 3 pcs.,
  • hot pepper - 3 pcs.,
  • sugar 70-100 g,
  • carnation,
  • star anise,
  • coriander,
  • allspice.

Cooking process:

Peel the apples from the core and cut into cubes. Do not remove the skin, we need pectin for the density of the jam.

Sweet bell pepper (preferably red), de-seeded and cut into lengthwise strips.

Cut hot pepper into rings. Work with gloves, hot pepper juice can cause irritation.

Put vegetables and apples in a saucepan, mix. Enter sugar and leave for 12 hours for the formation of juice.

Place over medium heat and simmer for 40 minutes until apples and peppers soften.

Beat well with a blender until smooth.

Add spices and boil for 5-7 minutes with constant stirring (the jam may burn).

Remove the spices (pepper and coriander can be left) and spread the jam in sterile jars. If you are planning a long storage in a warm place, you can add a teaspoon of fruit (regular will not work) vinegar. Screw on the lid, store in a cool place.

Jam for meat from bitter pepper was prepared by Nata Komarova, recipe and photo of the author.


Pepper jam is prepared simply and quickly enough, it does not require many hours of exposure to sugar syrup like its more traditional cousins. All we need is to carefully process the sweet bell pepper, and also determine how much hot pepper we want to add to the jam. The taste of a ready-made delicacy depends on the amount of hot pepper. If you wish, you can not add it at all, although in this case the whole zest of such unusual recipe. You can also add some spices, such as cloves, to your sweet pepper jam.
Even if you have never prepared winter preserves before, you will definitely be able to cook such a treat the first time, and it will help you with this. step by step recipe with photo. From it you will learn all the important subtleties and secrets of making such a healthy and natural red pepper jam. If you are worried about the taste, then try preparing just one or two small jars of this sweet, and after tasting, make your verdict. What is the use of this pepper jam? At least the fact that hot pepper, which is part of the sweetness, will fight colds and kill viruses. A couple of spoons of this jam a day will be useful for both children and adults. Of course, such a preparation should not be abused, because it is high in calories and in large quantities will only bring harm. Let's start preparing for the winter an unusual and very fragrant red pepper jam at home.


Pepper jam - recipe

First of all, let's prepare our main ingredients. Wash sweet peppers thoroughly. cold water and let it dry on its own. As for hot pepper, when working with it, it is recommended to wear gloves and not touch your face with your hands, and especially your eyes. Hot peppers also need to be thoroughly rinsed in cold water.

We remove the stalks from the fruits, as well as the seeds. Hot pepper cut into small rings, sweet pepper cut into cubes. Remember that the sharpness of the future jam depends on the amount of hot pepper added.

Having completely cut all the sweet peppers, weigh the workpiece and add the same amount of granulated sugar to the cut. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients and transfer them to a large saucepan with dense walls and a bottom. We leave the ingredients alone, for some time the sugar will completely dissolve, and the pepper will release the juice.

When the sweet pepper has let out enough juice for subsequent cooking, put the pan on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat. We prepare the jam to the density we need, while it will also change its color to deep red as shown in the photo. Readiness is checked in the following way: by dropping a drop of liquid on a flat small saucer, we tilt it and, if the jam does not spread, then it is ready. At the same stage, almost before the end of cooking, we pour all the selected spices and the prepared volume of vinegar into the pan. We cook preservation for another 10 minutes, turn off the fire.

We sterilize in advance a couple of small glass jars for a couple or in the oven, pour hot jam into them and roll them up hermetically. Be careful not to burn yourself, and also remember that glass can burst from a sharp temperature drop, so slowly pour liquid into glass containers. Homemade jam from red sweet and hot peppers for the winter is ready.
