Caloric content Atlantic salmon (salmon). Chemical composition and nutritional value

Calorie raw salmon per 100 grams is 142 kcal. According to its nutritional indicators, this is one of the most useful and delicious fish. Culinaries around the world prepare delicious and gourmet dishes from salmon.

The benefits of salmon fish

Compared with other types of river or the same marine fish, the salmon family stands out for its fat content. However, its meat contains no carbohydrates at all with the following nutritional value:

  • 8.1 grams of fat;
  • 20 grams of protein;
  • carb free.

In addition, the calorie content of salmon depends entirely on its fat content. Accordingly, the higher the latter, the more calories will be contained in fish meat.

On the other hand, its consumption in the smallest portions is quite appropriate and possible even for those who are on diets, since fish from the salmon family have ultra-high and numerous useful qualities. And they, in turn, are essential for a balanced diet and maintaining the whole body, even burdened with diets, in a healthy tone.

The unconditional benefit of salmon lies in the following unique natural components in its composition:

  • vitamins A, E, D;
  • trace elements zinc, phosphorus, fluorine, iodine, magnesium, calcium, sodium;
  • omega 3 fatty acids.

Their record concentration in fish is so high that it is allowed to be eaten by people of all ages and without any restrictions, with the exception of allergy sufferers.

  1. reduces cholesterol, accelerating metabolism in cells;
  2. normalizes pressure;
  3. increases the elasticity of blood vessels;
  4. controls the occurrence cardiovascular disease and heart attack
  5. has a beneficial effect on teeth and bones from the inside, strengthening them, on skin cells - as a rejuvenating effect and eliminating eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis;
  6. has a calming effect on nervous system and mental health;
  7. supports healthy dynamics of hormonal and immune systems.

The above nutritional and health-improving qualities of fish meat from the salmon family fully explain their high calorie content. However, the latter also depends on how the salmon steak is cooked. Based on the methods of culinary delights, fish calories can vary from 160 to 270 kcal per 100 grams of fish.

Nutritional value of salmon per 100 grams

Lightly salted salmon is recommended for food due to the least harm from its calorie content, where the concentration useful substances and calories are directly proportional to each other, and fat-soluble vitamins A and E work not only for digestion, but for the whole body.

Salted salmon, depending on the methods of salting, due to salt crystals and additional seasonings, can contain up to 260 kcal per 100 grams of product.

In the process of cooking, the fish loses some of the liquid contained in it, and therefore the calorie level in the meat still increases. In addition, sunflower oil added during frying, and various sauces and marinades, which may contain sugar or wine, will also affect the increased calorie content of salmon.

Therefore, fried salmon will act as the maximum source of high-calorie concentration: over 265 kcal per 100 g.

Advice from nutritionist Irina Shilina
Pay attention to the latest method of weight loss. Suitable for those who are contraindicated in sports activities.

Taking care of your health, digestion, blood vessels and nerves, as well as in order to maintain a constant body weight, it is better to follow low-calorie methods of cooking fish steaks: grill, open fire, steam or boil.

Boiled salmon is most suitable for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, nursing mothers, and the elderly. The calorie content of such a dish, like steamed salmon, will not exceed 185 kcal, being the lowest calorie way to eat this fish.

Baked salmon steak is one of the most delicious and popular culinary delights. However, in its composition, calories can accumulate up to 200 kcal and above, it all depends on the method of baking the fish.

Based on this, salmon fillets are recommended to be consumed in small steaks, boiled or steamed. Since fish is high in calories, rice or vegetables are the best option as a side dish. Baked steak can also be served with vegetables, which should be baked along with fish.

The culinary version of smoked fish from the salmon family is recommended by nutritionists for use only if the dietary form of nutrition does not prohibit eating smoked meats.

Such dishes are not so much a high-calorie product as they are harmful due to the high salt content. Any level of their concentration in the body delays cellular metabolism, provoking edema, and this factor is too detrimental to the bulk of diets.

Salmon is one of the most popular fish known to the world the presence of omega-3 fatty acids, which are so necessary for the normal functioning of the body. And besides this, salmon is also rich in bioactive peptides that regulate inflammatory processes in the digestive tract. The ideal way to cook salmon is steamed, the calorie content of the dish in this case is minimal. This is the most suitable food for those who not only lose weight, but also simply monitor their health and nutrition.

Fresh salmon is a fish product that is harvested in the waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. The type of salmon (in addition to the salmon itself) includes salmon, trout, chinook salmon, chum and so on. Fresh salmon has a pleasant pinkish color and a uniform texture that should not fall apart. The smell is pleasant, marine. Most of the fish that you can now find on the shelves of stores is farmed, not grown in natural conditions. This is because fishing is prohibited in most countries.

Composition and calories

In order for the benefits of salmon to make itself felt, it should be eaten regularly, and best of all - with vegetables. Thanks to fiber, fish is quickly and easily digested. And the best diet option for a dish is a salad of red fish and vegetables.

The calorie content of steamed salmon is 135.6 kcal per 100 grams, these are ideal indicators for those who want to say goodbye to extra pounds. In addition, salmon contains twice the daily value of vitamin B12 and D, as well as half the daily value of vitamin B3, omega-3 fatty acids, and protein. Slightly lower rates are for vitamin B6 and biotin. Calorie raw salmon fillet - 142 kcal per 100 grams. You can cook fish different ways. For example, the number of kcal in grilled salmon is 283 per 100 grams, which is twice as much as in boiled or steamed salmon.

Salmon and healthy fats

Omega-3 fatty acids fight inflammation and help the body recover from injury and illness. And if you eat salmon with enviable regularity, you will notice how the brain begins to function much better. Besides, healthy fats is a source of youth, because omega-3s restore chromosomes in cells. That is why women who have crossed the 35-year mark are recommended to include salmon in their diet at least 3 times a week, this will prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Prevention of heart disease

Doctors have long noticed that fish, which is rich in fatty acids, reduces the risk of developing diseases associated with the cardiovascular system. Regular consumption of steamed salmon is the prevention of arrhythmia, stroke and high blood pressure. It's all about great content essential amino acids that have a positive effect on the state of the body. Salmon fights bad cholesterol and is an excellent prevention of scarring of veins and arteries.

The effect of salmon on mood and strengthening the nervous system

Essential amino acids, and especially omega-3 fatty acids, reduce the risk of developing brain diseases, as well as depression. No wonder they say that salmon and vegetables are the best antidepressant. Doctors especially recommend adding steamed salmon to the diet for teenagers during the transitional age, as well as for women after 35 years. Scientists conducted studies and found that students who regularly ate salmon dishes showed better academic results than those who did not.

Salmon and joints

The consumption of salmon also has a beneficial effect on the joints, as it contains bioactive peptides - they support the joints. Attention deserves calcitonin, which is a female hormone that just regulates the balance of collagen and minerals in the bones. And calcitonin in tandem with omega-3 fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory effect, which is very beneficial for the joints.

Salmon and metabolism

The essential amino acids found in salmon help lower blood sugar. That is why I advise fish to be included in the diet of people who suffer from diabetes or in order to prevent it. Salmon contains antioxidant, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, which together regulate the action of insulin. That is why sugar dissolves faster, which lowers its level in the blood.

Beauty maintenance

Women fell in love with salmon because fatty acids favorably affect the condition of the skin, nails and hair. This is because selenium is in the composition of fish, which can even be bought separately at a pharmacy, but it is best to get it naturally from salmon. Salmon caviar is also an indispensable element in care procedures for older women. It activates collagen production, while vitamins and minerals stimulate metabolism. And the hair becomes thicker and healthier.

Harm to salmon

There are legends about the benefits of salmon, but depending on the method of preparation, fish can be harmful and even extra pounds. Smoked salmon, which contains toxic substances, belongs to the category of harmful fish. Be sure to remove fish from the diet with individual intolerance. Raw salmon should not be eaten as it may contain helminth larvae.

Salmon in cooking

Salmon is a multifunctional fish and is used in a variety of variations. The total calorie content of the dish depends on the method of preparation and on the accompanying products. Often, salmon dishes are served with a creamy sauce, which is considered to be the most suitable for fish. And those who follow the figure and nutrition replace the sauce with lemon juice. Thus, the calorie content of steamed salmon does not increase due to different sauces.

How to cook Steamed Salmon

The most popular option for cooking salmon is steamed. This is because this cooking method is considered dietary, and the beneficial properties of fish are not lost, which cannot be said about smoking. For cooking, you will need 200 grams of salmon, a teaspoon of lemon juice, a spoonful of lemon zest, salt to taste, a sprig of rosemary. The dish is prepared as follows:

  • The fish should be thoroughly washed, cleaned, gutted and cut into slices.
  • Next, salt the pieces, add lemon juice and zest and let the fish brew for about 10 minutes, so that the salmon is soaked.
  • For cooking, you need a slow cooker, where you need to pour two glasses of water and throw a little rosemary there.
  • Put a container for steaming on the slow cooker and put the pieces of salmon in the container, which have already been soaked in seasonings and lemon juice.
  • The dish is prepared for a maximum of 10-15 minutes, which will help out a lot in critical situations.

The calorie content of steamed salmon per 100 grams is 135.6 calories, the fish also contains 17 grams of protein, 6 grams of fat and 2 grams of carbohydrates.

Diet for beauty

The low calorie content of boiled salmon allows this product to be used as a protein base for a variety of diets. The daily diet may include porridge with pieces of salmon for breakfast, canned fish with herbs is suitable for a snack. To diversify the fish diet, for lunch you should cook a breast with apples and nuts. The perfect dinner is salmon with vegetables. And nowhere without water! Low-calorie salmon fillet allows you to quickly and effectively get rid of extra pounds.

The salmon family includes 23 varieties of fish, the most popular of which are: salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon, nelma, chinook, coho salmon. For the reddish color of the meat, they are called red fish. Most of the species are anadromous (born in fresh water, and then migrate to the seas and oceans for walking). When the time for spawning comes, the fish returns to fresh water again.

Trying to preserve the population of valuable fish varieties, the state regulates salmon fishing. To meet consumer demand, different kinds red fish are grown on special farms. The taste of domesticated salmon is slightly inferior to wild salmon, but it fully covers the needs of buyers.

salmon calories

It is impossible to say unequivocally about the calorie content of the product, it depends on the type of salmon, age, temperature of the habitat (than colder water, the fatter the fish), as well as on the method of preparation. For example, if you add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to salmon, then the dish will have 60 more calories.

Despite the fact that representatives of salmon belong to fatty varieties of fish, their calorie content is low - it varies from 140 to 210 kcal per 100 g of fresh product. Let's try to figure out the KBJU for 100 grams of fish. Below are the average calorie content and composition of BJU of popular salmon varieties.

  • Salmon is fresh. Calorie content - 175 kcal, proteins - 19.8 g, fats - 9.8 g, carbohydrates - 0.
  • Grilled steak. Calorie content - 180 kcal, proteins - 20.7 g, fats - 9.3 g, carbohydrates - 0.35 g.
  • Boiled. Calorie content - 152.3 kcal, proteins - 20.1 g, fats - 9.11 g, carbohydrates - 0.

  • Oven baked. Calorie content - 207.5 kcal, proteins - 15.8 g, fats - 11.87 g, Carbohydrates - 0.2 g.
  • For a couple. Calorie content - 163 kcal, proteins - 19.6 g, fats - 9, Carbohydrates - 0.
  • Salty. Calorie content - 271 kcal, proteins - 21.1 g, fats - 20.3 g, carbohydrates - 0.
  • Smoked. Calorie content - 192 kcal, proteins - 20 g, fats - 14.5 g, carbohydrates - 0.

  • Grill. Calorie content - 279 kcal, proteins - 19.9 g, fats - 21.4 g, carbohydrates - 0.7 g.
  • Ear from the head of a salmon. Calorie content - 59 kcal, proteins - 5.9 g, fats - 2.51 g, carbohydrates - 3.2 g.
  • Salmon sandwiches. Calorie content - 259 kcal, proteins - 15 g, Fats - 15.8 g, Carbohydrates - 12.4 g.
  • Rolls. Calorie content - 16 kcal, proteins - 5.99 g, fats - 3 g, carbohydrates - 27.


In addition to proteins and fats, salmon is rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements. Therefore, eating red fish at least once a week prevents the onset of many diseases.


Having lunch with salmon, you can get a daily dose of vitamin D, on the contrary, its deficiency leads to cardiovascular disorders, the development of cancer cells, arthritis, atherosclerosis and diabetes.

10 mg of vitamin PP is contained in 100 g of red fish, which is half the daily requirement for a person. Vitamin PP is involved in energy metabolism, is responsible for the health of the skin. Its deficiency can lead to disorders of the nervous system and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

If you eat 100 g of salmon, you can get 17% of the daily intake of vitamin E, which is responsible for the health of the gonads, stabilizes cell membranes, strengthens the heart muscle, and is necessary for neurology.

Fish contains 30 mcg of vitamin A, which is involved in all life processes of the body: it is useful for vision, skin, teeth and bones, and strengthens the immune system.

In addition, salmon are rich in B vitamins. This is a whole group of compounds that include nitrogen. They are important for metabolic processes and the formation of red blood cells, with the help of which food is transformed into energy.


Salmon is incredibly high in sodium - 2980 mg with a daily allowance of 1300 mg. It is this macroelement that maintains all substances in the blood in a diluted state and is responsible for their delivery to the organs, it also participates in the metabolic processes of cells, affects the functioning of the muscular system.

Phosphorus in fish is more than 30% of the daily norm, and without it, not a single biochemical reaction occurs in the body. It is involved in the transfer of genetic information, affects cell growth, is needed for the functioning of the heart, kidneys and muscles. The maximum effect of phosphorus on the body will be in the presence of calcium (in salmon it is 40 mg per 100 g) and vitamin D, which is also generous in red fish.

Magnesium in 100 g of fish is 60 mg, which is 15% of the daily requirement. It is necessary for every organ, but especially important for our heart. Lack of magnesium can lead to palpitations, seizures, inability to concentrate, and irritability.

Potassium in salmon, on average, is 220 mg, which is about 9% of the daily requirement. Potassium plays a huge role in our body. The cardiovascular, nervous and musculoskeletal systems are directly dependent on it.

Chlorine in fish is 165 mg (7.3% of the norm), it is involved in the acid-base and water-salt balance. Normalizes not without his participation arterial pressure and various edemas are removed.

trace elements

It is enough to eat 100 g of salmon so that the body receives an excess of chromium (55 mcg, 110% of the daily requirement). Its primary task is to maintain a balanced blood sugar level, as well as the proper absorption of carbohydrates by the body, therefore it is useful in the fight against obesity.

430 micrograms of fluorine per 100 g of salmon is 11% of the daily requirement of this trace element. Fluorine does not allow caries to destroy our teeth, it is involved in blood circulation, removal of radionuclides and heavy metals from the body.

Benefit and harm

Having considered the chemical composition of salmon, let's summarize how they are useful for our health.

In red fish, a large percentage of easily digestible protein, which affects the formation of muscles, strengthen bones, so it is recommended for the diet of athletes. Protein creates the effect of rapid saturation, and low calorie content and exposure to chromium make it possible to include some salmon dishes in the diet of overweight patients. Protein is good for the work of the heart, blood vessels, it maintains a healthy condition of hair and nails.

The influence of unsaturated fatty acids (omega-3) contained in large quantities in fish is invaluable for our health. They prevent the development of cancer cells, lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels, remove blood clots, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and retina, and are useful in diabetes.

The combination of Omega-3 and potassium in salmon, which enriches the brain with oxygen, provides tremendous opportunities to fight memory impairment, atherosclerosis and brain disorders. Red fish is used as a prophylactic for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, for diseases of the joints, heart attacks and for the prevention of premature aging.


The harm from red fish is insignificant, it is more related to specific dishes, which are prepared from it:

  • during smoking or frying, the product acquires some toxic substances that can harm children and people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, cholecystitis, pancreatitis;
  • grilled fish has a high fat content, which is bad for a diseased liver, gallbladder and pancreas;
  • salted salmon should not be consumed by people prone to edema, or those who are struggling with excess weight, in order to avoid disturbing the water-salt balance;
  • do not recommend eating fish with gout due to the content of purines;
  • salmon is suitable for raw consumption, but you should not forget about the danger of infection with helminths.

If there are no contraindications, and the budget allows, then you definitely need to introduce dishes from any salmon varieties into your diet - this will enrich the body with vitamins and nutrients. Plus, the fish tastes amazing.

For more on the properties of salmon, see the following video.

Salmon, or salmon (trout), as it is also called, belongs to the fish of the Salmon family. It is considered a delicacy not only because of the refined delicate taste and color inherent in almost all varieties of this species, but also because of the huge amount of nutrients in the composition of the fish.

Most often, salmon is called cage salmon, which is considered by the common people as red fish. In addition to it, this family includes pink salmon, chum salmon and nelma. In this article, we will talk about the most common representative of Salmon and find out how many calories are in salmon, depending on the method of cooking, its composition, useful properties, as well as the possibility of using this fish in a diet.

How many calories are in salmon? Nutritional value of the product

Salmon, like all members of the family, is a rather oily fish, especially when compared with other types of river or sea ​​fish. Its nutritional value is quite high. In 100 g of salmon, there are about 20 g of protein and 8.1 g of fat, while there are no carbohydrates in it at all. Accordingly, the calorie content of raw salmon is also high and amounts to 152 kcal per 100 g of product. By the way, unlike many types of fish, salmon is consumed even raw.

In addition, the calorie content of salmon directly depends on its fat content: the higher it is, the more calories the fish contains. However, this number of calories is quite acceptable, even if you use salmon in the composition diet food in moderation, especially given its many health benefits. Also, the calorie content of salmon depends on the cooking method and ranges from 161-270 kcal per 100 g. This explains why, for example, the calorie content of steamed salmon, as well as the calorie content of smoked salmon, is much lower than the calorie content of baked or fried salmon.

Composition, useful properties and contraindications of salmon

Even if you are on a diet that does not limit your choice of diet, eating salmon and its calorie content usually does not affect the course of the weight loss process. Therefore, it is recommended to eat it 2 times a week in order to get the body maximum number useful substances that it contains.

The beneficial properties of salmon are mainly in its fat. They affect not only how many calories are in salmon, but also the functioning of the body as a whole. These fats are made up of saturated fatty acids and also include the fat-soluble vitamins A and E that the body needs.

In addition, salmon contains a large number of vitamins of groups B, PP, C and valuable macro- and microelements. Among them, most of all are potassium, phosphorus and sulfur, chlorine, iron and zinc, as well as fluorine, calcium, magnesium, etc. It is thanks to this composition that this fish is able to strengthen teeth, bones and hair, favorably affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system, improves memory, mood, mental activity, well-being and human performance.

And salmon contains many amino acids that speed up metabolism and help better digestion of protein. But, despite this, this fish also has contraindications for use. It is not recommended for pregnant women (especially ocean-caught rather than farm-raised fish) due to the potential for trace levels of mercury in salmon, which can affect the development of an unborn child. Also, due to the high calorie content of salmon (especially fried), it is not recommended for those who have any exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases, since the fish is quite fatty.

The use and calorie content of salmon, depending on the method of preparation

The main culinary advantage of salmon is that it practically does not decrease in volume during any heat treatment and retains most of its useful properties, which cannot be said about the calorie content of salmon. For cooking with salmon, its steaks and fillets are mainly used, but sometimes it is also cooked whole (baked or stewed).

This fish is used in the preparation of many delicious dishes of Japanese, European and Russian cuisine. And in general, salmon can be found in almost any cuisine in the world. The most popular traditional Japanese dishes with salmon are rolls and sushi. Salmon caviar, which we call red caviar, is also very popular.

Salmon itself is fatty, so it is often served as the main component of a dish with a less high-calorie side dish (vegetables, rice). The calorie content of salmon is high, but it does not harm the figure if you eat fish in moderate portions. Salmon is eaten lightly salted, raw, boiled, fried, stewed and baked, as well as smoked and steamed or grilled. That is why the calorie content of salmon largely depends on the method of culinary processing of the product.

So, the calorie content of steamed or boiled salmon will differ markedly from the calorie content of baked or fried salmon in favor of an increase in the number of calories in its latter types. The calorie content of steamed salmon is 190 kcal per 100 g, while the calorie content of baked salmon will be about 253 kcal. If we talk about its boiled form, then it contains 185 kcal, and fried - 205 kcal.


Salmon is popular not only for its culinary tastes, but also for its beneficial ingredients.

Vitamins, microelements, Omega-3 and bioactive peptides have a beneficial effect on the body, improving the functioning of the digestive tract, cardiovascular system, increasing immunity, and eliminating inflammatory processes. This delicacy is recommended for all people - from adults to children.

What is the calorie content of salmon per 100 grams and the content of BJU, how many calories are in raw, boiled, steamed, baked, salted and slightly salted, smoked fish, can pregnant women use the product, at what age should children be given and what can be prepared from fish fillet?

Selection rules

There are some rules that are important to consider when buying.

You need to choose not frozen fish, but chilled, to avoid buying low-quality goods. Salmon needs to be sniffed. It must be odorless.

Many mistakenly believe that the product should smell like fish. In fact, there should be a slight smell, reminiscent of the salty sea. This indicates the freshness of the product.

Salmon should have a pale pink hue. If it is lighter, this indicates that the product has already been frozen and thawed several times.

If the product has a bright red tint, it means that dyes have been introduced into the fillet. A red-brown hue indicates that the salmon is old in age.

It is better to buy fish immediately with a head. This will ensure that it is fresh. In stale or spoiled fish, the eyes are cloudy, in fresh ones they are transparent.

It is worth pressing a finger on the carcass. If the product good quality, the hole will quickly disappear.

The carcass should not be too large. Caught in the natural environment, it has a medium size.

Farm products have white streaks when cut in the abdomen. Farm fish goes on sale all year round. Wild salmon - from February to August.

If the product has undergone heat treatment, it is sold only in vacuum packaging. It should indicate the composition of only 2 ingredients: fish and salt. If there is water in the package, this indicates that the product is stale.

Composition and useful properties

Depending on the processing, each product has its own composition and calorie content.. The glycemic index, regardless of the preparation method, is 0.

The table below provides information on how many calories are in salmon and the composition of BJU:

Benefit and harm to the human body

This fish is very useful: due to the large amount of vitamins, trace elements and nutrients nutritionists recommend introducing it into the diet of everyone. It is recommended to use at least 3 times a week.

What is useful for men and women

This product is useful due to the presence of Omega-3 in it. This component actively fights inflammatory processes in the body that provoke most diseases.

This is an excellent prophylactic against heart and vascular diseases, prevents diabetes successfully fights cancer.

Salmon improves metabolism, protects the nervous system, and helps prevent insomnia.

The product has a beneficial effect on the organs digestive system promotes the regeneration of liver cells. Regular consumption of fish has a positive effect on the skin, hair, nails.

Due to the rich composition with various vitamins and minerals, all organs and systems function efficiently.

Is it possible for pregnant and lactating

It has a beneficial effect on mental condition, removing nervous tension, feeling of fatigue, irritability, depression.

Eating fish contributes to the proper development of the fetus during pregnancy time, maturation of brain cells in the fetus, the intake of all the necessary vitamins and microelements into the body of the future baby.

In women, salmon reduces the risk of developing hypertension and anemia, improves the functioning of the vascular system, and prevents the formation of varicose veins.

During lactation, a large amount of nutrients enter the baby's body with mother's milk.

This helps to improve his intellectual development, cognitive abilities, psychomotor development. The child's immunity, bone and muscle systems are strengthened.

For children

Children can be introduced into the diet of salmon meat from 6 months in the form of mashed potatoes. 3 teaspoons per day are enough for the child's body to receive all the components necessary for development.

This fish contributes to the proper development of the musculoskeletal system, supports the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, and is a preventive measure for colds.

Vitamins A and E, included in the composition, are excellent antioxidants that cleanse the body of toxins, toxins and radionuclides.

For the elderly

Useful components in fish regulate hormonal background in humans. Omega-3, vitamin D and selenium normalize blood glucose levels, are means of preventing diabetes.

Prostaglandins improve brain activity, have a beneficial effect on memory, and prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease.

With regular use of salmon, the risk of developing psychosis and dementia is reduced, and the intellectual level is increased.

The product reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks, has a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system.

Amino acids and Omega-3 improve vision, hearing prevent astigmatism. Fish is a universal source of easily digestible protein, a building material for many organs and systems.

Special categories

Salmon is useful for those who decide to get rid of excess weight. It speeds up metabolism - extra pounds go away, toxins and toxins are cleansed.

The product is suitable for people who engage in intense physical activity.

He makes more hardy organism, adapts muscles and ligaments to sports activities, increases energy, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Therefore, salmon is considered especially useful for athletes.

Danger and contraindications

Harmful fish into which dyes are introduced. This can be identified by its rich red color.

Even more interesting facts O useful properties learn salmon from this video:

Fish must be cooked. It must be boiled, baked, fried, smoked or steamed. You can also subject the product to salting.

If the fish is purchased in a vacuum package, it must be opened and the delicacy held in the air for about 20 minutes. This will dispel the strong smell that has accumulated under the plastic.

Fresh fish is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days. In the freezer, the shelf life is up to 2-3 months.

It is important to properly defrost fish. It is left in the refrigerator overnight, and then they start cooking.

If it is necessary to marinate the product, it is left in the marinade for 30 minutes. During this time, the salmon will completely absorb all the spices, flavors and salt.

In order for the fish to have a crispy crust, it must be rolled in flour before frying. To make it juicy, it is recommended to add butter to vegetable oil.

In cooking

You can cook a variety of dishes from salmon: fry, stew, bake, salt, make pastes, add to salads and pies, cook first courses.

  • You can cook salmon in cream. In vegetable oil in a frying pan, fry grated carrots, onions and small cubes of salmon.

    After 5-7 minutes, melt 100 g of butter in the ingredients, add 2 tablespoons of flour. Mix everything and simmer over low heat.

    Then add salt, mustard, spices and pour in the cream. Put the dish in the oven and bake for 15 minutes.

  • To fry the fish, you need to cut it into slices. In a separate bowl, beat 2 eggs, add 1 tablespoon of flour, salt, spices and a little mayonnaise to them.

    Stir the mixture. Roll salmon pieces in it, fry in a pan for 10-15 minutes.

Another original recipe cooking salmon in this video:

For weight loss

Salmon is useful for those who want to get rid of excess weight. The main thing in cooking is to bake, boil or stew the product. The calorie content of boiled salmon is only 153.6 Kcal. Frying is not recommended. The daily rate should not exceed 100 grams.

Folk recipes

Salmon, due to the presence of Omega-3, has a beneficial effect on the body.

Therefore, it is indicated for violations of the vascular and cardiac systems, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, as a prophylactic against strokes, heart attacks, atherosclerosis.

  • Boil the delicacy and grind in a meat grinder. Add parsley and dill to the mixture.

    Mix everything and salt. There is a paste 2 times a day, 1 tablespoon.

  • During an illness, prepare an ear from a delicacy and eat 100 grams per day to increase immunity, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and strengthen strength.

In cosmetology

You can use fish in cosmetology:

  • Boil a couple of slices of salmon and grind in a blender. Add an egg. Apply the paste on your face for 15 minutes.
  • Mix salmon pate with tomato, parsley, with a spoonful of mayonnaise. Mix the mixture and apply for 10 minutes on the face.

Salmon is a unique product in its composition. Therefore, its regular use will have a positive effect on the body, restore immunity, enrich all organs and systems with the necessary nutrients for high-quality functioning.

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