What to eat during pregnancy so as not to get better. How not to gain weight during pregnancy? How to eat pregnant so as not to get better

Most women worry about weight gain during pregnancy. On the one hand, an increase in the number on the scale indicates the growth of the child, and on the other hand, no one wants to gain excess fat. Weight gain in pregnant women cannot be avoided, but its amount depends on eating behavior future mother and understanding the physiology of the whole process.

To understand which kilograms are superfluous, it is necessary to determine which ones are not superfluous. The child's body weight is a small fraction of the extra weight required.

Let's consider in detail:

  • The child weighs 3-3.5 kg;
  • The placenta increases to 650 g;
  • The uterus for childbirth reaches 1 kg;
  • The chest is increased by about 500 g;
  • Blood volume increases by about 1.5 kg;
  • Edema accounts for 1.5 kg;
  • Important for healthy pregnancy fat reserves - within 2-4 kg.

Doctors have their own standards for determining acceptable weight gain for women, depending on (calculation for pregnancy with one child):

  • BMI up to 20 - 16-17 kg;
  • 20-25 - 11-15 kg;
  • 25-30 - 7-10 kg;
  • Above 30 - 6-7 kg.

Anything that exceeds the allowable standards can be considered superfluous. Of course, the norm of each particular woman is determined by her attending physician, and the data in this article are averaged. During pregnancy, weight gain is inevitable and important for the health of the mother and the normal development of the baby, but the question arises, how not to gain too much?

Weight gain is associated with eating behavior, in other words, attitudes towards nutrition. Many women are sure that during pregnancy they should eat "for two". calorie needs of pregnant women nutrients ah (protein, vitamins and minerals) is higher than that of other women, but this does not mean that you can not deny yourself anything.

“Eat for two”, “Everything is useful that got into your mouth”, “After pregnancy I will quickly lose weight”, “Now I can”, “I need to pamper myself” - this and much more is self-deception and irresponsibility. Studies have confirmed that the mother's eating behavior and the number of kilograms gained during pregnancy affect the child's eating behavior and body constitution. If a woman has gained too much excess fat during pregnancy, then the chances of the child to face the problem of excess weight and obesity increase.

The real needs of women in position in the first trimester - +100 additional calories per day. Further, the calorie content is increased and maintained at the same level:

  • Sedentary lifestyle - +300 additional calories per day;
  • Having regular workouts - +500 extra calories per day.

Additional calories are added to. In the first half of pregnancy, it is necessary to receive daily at least 90 g of proteins, 50-70 g of fat, the rest of the calories should come from carbohydrates. In the second half of pregnancy, protein requirements increase - 90-110 g, fats and carbohydrates remain at the same level (calorizer). In the case of pregnant women, more protein is better than less. Its deficiency leads to a delay in fetal development.

As you can see, there is no need to eat double portions and overdo it. You can cover the new norms with two additional ones.

The body of a pregnant woman is a conduit of nutrients for the baby, so food choices should not be taken lightly.

From the diet should be excluded:

  • Some types of fish (, royal) due to the high content of heavy metals;
  • Tobacco (cigarettes and hookah) and avoid the company of smokers (so-called passive smoking);
  • Unpasteurized and , ;
  • Smoked meats and;
  • Caffeine;
  • Raw products of animal origin (meat with blood, carpaccio, sushi, etc.).

And you should also drastically limit foods with a high content (,) and resist the desire to eat harmful things. The total amount of sugar from all food sources should not exceed 40-50 g per day (calorizator). During pregnancy, a woman is responsible not only for herself, but also for the healthy development of the child.

What foods are needed during pregnancy?

One could write that everything except the forbidden ones, but this would not be entirely true. Some foods have higher requirements because they contain essential nutrients for the formation and development of the fetus and for the health of the mother.

What to include in your diet:

  • It is important to include different sources in your daily diet. For example, breakfast, bird lunch or dinner, bird or fish, milk proteins for a snack.
  • Products with a high content - and also be in the sun 2-3 times a week for 20-30 minutes. Often, doctors prescribe an additional dose, since it is difficult to cover the daily allowance with simple products.
  • - oily fish.

Modern women always want to look 100% - even while carrying a child. But friends and relatives scare with weight gain, because during pregnancy "you need to eat for yourself and for the baby." But is it true that everyone’s figure deteriorates and a huge amount of kilograms is inevitable? What to do in order not to gain much weight and quickly get in shape?

Dynamics of weight gain

In fact, all expectant mothers gain weight - this is a natural process. However, most of the weight is made up of the weight of the uterus, the developing placenta and amniotic fluid, as well as due to the increase in height and weight of the baby himself.

A small percentage of weight appears due to swelling of the tissues, and a little more the mother stores in the form of fat for the duration of breastfeeding - this is all inherent in nature and is provided by the action of estrogens.

Such weight gain will ensure health and will not greatly affect the mother's figure during and after pregnancy. But a set of extra pounds during pregnancy is a health problem during childbirth, as well as psychological discomfort and the cause of unnecessary worries for a woman. Therefore, it is necessary to know what limits of the norm are permissible in weight gains.

How much weight gain

Weight gain depends on the woman's body type and her initial weight before pregnancy - if the girl was a thin model with an asthenic body type, her nature will first bring her to normal weight, and then add extra kilograms to the baby and its development. That is, on average, such women add from 15 to 17 kilograms of weight.

If the expectant mother is a woman of average build, weight gain is considered normal in the range of 10 to 13 kilograms. For initially overweight women, it is necessary to lower the bar to 7-9 kilograms.

Moreover, weight gain during pregnancy is not uniform - in the first half of pregnancy, weight can be stable, and in the first weeks it can even decrease due to toxicosis. As the belly grows, weight gain will also begin - you will gain your maximum weight by about 35-36 weeks of pregnancy, in preparation for childbirth, the weight will decrease slightly.

Many women think that with food restriction, the baby will not be large, and it will be easier to give birth. However, the child has his own program of weight and height, it depends on genetics and gender. If you starve, the baby will take the missing food from your body, and you will suffer during and after childbirth. In addition, nutritional deficiencies can lead to a weakening of your immunity and the immunity of the child, complications in childbirth and after them.

Why the weight can be more?

There are a number of reasons, not related to nutrition and overeating, that cause a sharp increase in weight - it is difficult to influence them, usually these are age-related changes, over the years the body becomes more thrifty. Other reasons may be gestation of twins or large fruit, excess amniotic fluid and accumulation of edematous fluid.

Excessive weight gain requires a doctor's consultation, because sometimes it is a signal of such serious diseases as Rh incompatibility and the onset of preeclampsia.

How not to get more than you need?

How not to gain weight during pregnancy /

No newest techniques in the fight against being overweight during pregnancy can not be used, only methods that are safe for the fetus and mother are acceptable. Diets are forbidden, especially if they are strict or vegetarian diets and fasting. These methods will not reduce weight, and the development of the baby may stop due to nutritional deficiencies.

Reasonable nutrition and related loads are shown for pregnant women - this is a special fitness for pregnant women, yoga or just a gymnastics complex.

It is important to burn enough calories, and not lie at home on the couch. Pregnancy is not a disease, and you can lead a completely active lifestyle - work, travel and engage in physical activity. All this will give you the opportunity to spend more calories, and then excess fat will not linger in the body.

Question about physical activity Discuss with your doctor: if he does not mind, sign up for swimming, aqua aerobics, or gymnastics. It is better to conduct classes with a trainer, he will help not to overwork and use all the muscles. There are also special groups fitness for pregnant women - they are usually small, which allows trainers to pay more attention to each expectant mother.

In addition to the costs of incoming energy, it is necessary to balance its income, bringing nutrition under the principles of correct. Pregnancy is not a reason to overeat, eat at night and at night, abuse salty and sweet, even if you really want to.

It is better to eat food in fractional portions and often - on average, about six times a day. This, by the way, will help to cope with heartburn and constipation . The calorie content of the daily diet should not exceed 2300-2500 Kcal.

If the weight increases

If you began to add sharply, and there are no painful reasons for this, you may not move much, and you have a lot of carbohydrates in your diet. To reduce gains, you can practice fasting days - it is useful and tireless, unlike diets.

If you add a lot, especially in summer, switch to vegetable and fruit dishes - they are very satiating, and there are few calories in them. Just do not forget to complement them with boiled, stewed or baked meat and fish. Add whole grain breads and cereals to your diet. Dairy products saturate well - eat cottage cheese and cheese, fermented baked milk, drink kefir and milk.

Replace your last meal with dairy products. But don't skip breakfast - it adjusts the metabolism and gives you strength and energy for the growth of the baby.

In general, with a healthy diet and the absence of health problems, the problem of excess weight rarely arises. Usually, excess fat accumulates while sitting at the computer, lying in front of the TV and eating buns - an active pregnant woman does not have weight problems.

The nutrition of the expectant mother during the entire 9-month period of intrauterine development of the fetus is a very important aspect, because a woman must receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals. How to organize a daily menu so as not to gain weight during pregnancy and maintain the same weight category after childbirth, while not harming the formation of an unborn baby?

How Much Can You Gain During Pregnancy?

Before you wonder how not to get better during pregnancy, you need to understand that weight gain during this period is inevitable. In medical practice, there are conditional norms for increasing body weight, taking into account the growth of the fetus:
  • the weight of the child at the time of birth is about 3-4 kg;
  • the placenta is defined as an organ weighing up to 700 grams;
  • amniotic fluid - 800 gr;
  • increase in the uterus up to 1 kg;
  • an additional circle of blood circulation with an increased blood volume of about 2 kg;
  • fat layer up to 3 kg, conceived by nature to insure the body in case of lack of external nutrition.
Such indicators indicate that women are gaining an average of 10-12 kilograms. This figure may vary depending on the physique, genetic characteristics, or the presence of a concomitant disease in the expectant mother. Thus, the boundaries of the norm expand from 8 to 15 kg, but no more. Diagnosis on ultrasound of more than one fetus has its own scope for weight gain during pregnancy, taking into account the number of babies inside the womb.

At the same time, in the first trimester of pregnancy, weight gain should not exceed 40% of the total. The remaining 60% falls on the rest of the child's development.

Excess weight does not always indicate overeating, it is often a sign of an edematous reaction of the body, manifested by the accumulation of fluid in the limbs. Hands and feet as if swollen and engorged, mostly in last trimester. In this case, you will need to consult a doctor to exclude diseases of the kidneys or the cardiovascular system.

Why get better during pregnancy?

Immediately after conception female body begins the production of the hormones progesterone and estrogen, which affects the rounded forms of the pregnant woman. Energy costs increase, respectively, and the need for food also increases. But, the widespread belief that a woman should eat for two is only a myth of the older generation.

The daily need for calories in a person is about 2000. At the stage of bearing a baby, the figure increases by 1000 kcal in the first three months, and then by another 500 kcal.

In order not to gain a lot of weight and not get better, you should consider not only the number of meals, but also the quality. Fast food, flour and sweet dishes, chips do not favorably affect health. Often, a woman leads a sedentary lifestyle, which leads to the accumulation of body fat. Therefore, the main argument in answering the question of how not to gain weight during pregnancy is the restriction in food preferences and an increase in outdoor walks.

How to eat pregnant, so as not to get better?

In order not to gain excess weight much, you should eat during pregnancy in small portions, but often. You need to eat up to 7 times a day, which will help not only to restrain weight gain and kill hunger, but also reduce toxicosis by early term and reduce the burden on the digestive tract.

Tips on how not to get fat while carrying a child come down to general recommendations nutrition and healthy lifestyle life:

  1. Breakfast is a must on the menu. It must not be abandoned so that the body does not perceive it as hunger and does not begin to stock up on excess fat.
  2. Exclude harmful foods - sausage, pickles, carbonated drinks, canned food, dough products and sweet dishes. If you really want to eat something that you shouldn’t, you need to limit yourself not big amount but do not replace a full meal.
  3. The main food should consist of fruits, vegetables, cereals, dairy products, lean meat and fish. You can eat steamed or boiled food, fried food - it becomes a taboo for a pregnant woman.

Pregnancy is the most magical time in every girl's life. Is born under the heart new life, the future baby grows up so that after 40 weeks "say hello" to his mother with the first cry. In the meantime, it develops in the tummy, pregnant girls sometimes abuse their position, motivating “I’ll get better anyway, so you can eat as much as you like.” But in vain ... We propose to discuss how not to gain excess weight during pregnancy and what needs to be done for this.

What causes weight gain during pregnancy

Expectant mothers are always wondering where extra pounds come from during pregnancy? Let's count together:

The result is an average weight gain of 12.5 kg. But since the pregnancy of each girl proceeds individually, then the weight indicators will be different. Some have more, some have less.

Overweight during pregnancy: stories on this topic

Where does excess weight come from during pregnancy? Most often, future mothers abuse baking, sweets, lead a “sofa” lifestyle, practically do not go out in the fresh air and walk a little. It is clear that during toxicosis the mood is not at all promenade. But giving in to a bad mood is like giving up.

We offer you several stories of young mothers that can become “reminders” of what should and, on the contrary, should not be done during pregnancy, so as not to get rid of excess weight later.

The optimal weight gain during pregnancy is 8-12 kg for the entire period (with multiple pregnancies - more).

(gained 22 kg during pregnancy): “My pregnancy was not that difficult. But I didn't fly. From 5 to 12 weeks there was toxicosis. Stable nausea in the morning, sickened by the smell of cheese, sweat, meat, dumplings, sausages. I couldn’t go to the shops, I immediately felt bad. I couldn’t open the refrigerator at home - I always have it washed, but I still smelled. She suffered when she cooked food for her husband - after all, she was made of meat. In general, I felt very bad. At work, I couldn't go to the canteen, everything smelled so good to me. The only thing she ate was buns. And the weight began to increase. When I got pregnant, I weighed 45 kg with a height of 167 cm. The doctor said that I was underweight. She knew that I could not eat meat, and scolded me: “The child needs this, try somehow.” But… no way. And from the buns my weight began to grow. Invisibly, but surely. He laid on his hips. The doctor threatened to put me on a diet. But I couldn’t even open the refrigerator to cook something healthy for myself. When I gave birth, my stomach became flat very quickly. But the “ears” on the hips are still there. And I can't get rid of them. Now I think that I should have eaten more dairy, nothing would have been deposited on my thighs. And I go in for sports - I drive "ears".

(gained 9 kg during pregnancy): “The fact that I was pregnant, almost no one knew. And when I went to give birth, the neighbors were surprised - my stomach is like at 5 months. My daughter was born full-term, weighed 3100. And my increase for the entire pregnancy was 9 kg. I was very worried about my little one. Ultrasound showed that she was developing well. And the doctor in the LC, who observed me, kept threatening to send me for preservation - due to the fact that I was losing weight very much. I didn't do it on purpose. There was just a lot of hassle: buying country house, repair, then relations with her husband deteriorated - because of different views on repair. Now I understand that all this is stupid, but then I was very nervous. And did not go to save. And she ate very little, toxicosis plus hassle did their job. Now I want to warn girls who are expecting babies - eat right! Do not be nervous! All domestic issues are such a trifle compared to the miracle that grows in your tummies.

(gained 14 kg during pregnancy): “I really loved my pregnancy. And let me throw up in the first trimester. Suppose that in the seventh month she landed on preservation because of the tone. But the rest of the time I literally flew. Until she went on maternity leave, every time during the lunch break she went to the nearest park and dined there. I took food in a container with me, sat on a bench, looked at people, trees, birds, children and rested, breathed fresh air. My husband “walked” me, I myself called it that. We went to the forest, the benefit is near the house. The doctor told me that there are a couple of extra pounds, but I did not feel them. The only thing was that it was difficult when I landed on preservation, because of the constant lying down, I felt like a seal. But when the doctors let me go home, I started walking again and my condition improved. During pregnancy, she wore a maternity bandage to support her stomach. I put on a bandage and immediately after giving birth - my stomach began to go away before our eyes. And after 3 weeks I got into my pre-pregnant skinny jeans. For me it was an achievement. Therefore, I advise everyone who is now expecting a baby - walk more, eat right, do not eat buns. You will be very beautiful expectant mothers! Indeed, sometimes from the back it is not even clear that the tummy is ahead - such a slim girl, but she is wearing a baby. All easy pregnancy!

To determine whether the weight of the expectant mother is overweight, low or normal for her height, doctors use a special indicator - body mass index (BMI). And here is the formula: body mass index \u003d body weight in kg? /? Height in meters, squared. Example for calculation: your height is 1.70 m, and your weight is 60 kg. We consider: BMI \u003d 60? /? 1.7 * 1.7 \u003d 20.7. If the index is less than 18.5 - the weight is considered below normal; index 18.5-25 is normal weight; 25-30 - overweight. And if the weight is more than 30 kg - this is already obesity.

What the experts say: how not to get better during pregnancy

Vitaly Pavlyuk, fitness club instructor "Gym Fitness", certified trainer of the College of Fitness and Bodybuilding. Ben Vader:"Lovely girls! There are no secrets here! Many people crave sweets during pregnancy. Therefore, my advice: instead of sweets and buns, start eating fruits. In this way, you can trick the body and not raise the level of sugar in the blood, which is the reason for gaining excess weight.

Hello dear blog readers! Today I want to cover a very important topic - proper nutrition for pregnant women, so as not to get better. How to get everything you need in such an important period and not get fat. Let's figure it out.

Any doctor will say: the gradual weight gain of a pregnant woman is normal. future mother should gain an average of 10-13 kg for the entire period of pregnancy. This is without taking into account the individual physiological characteristics of the expectant mother. After all, the following changes occur in the body:

  • the placenta is formed;
  • there is an accumulation of amniotic fluid;
  • the weight of the uterus increases;
  • the breast and body fat increase within acceptable limits - this is how the body prepares for breastfeeding;
  • the fetus grows and develops.

But the lack of weight or too rapid weight gain indicates the opposite. Here the doctor will advise you to review the diet, calculate the number of calories consumed.

Before pregnancy 2000-2500 kcal.

When carrying a baby, you need to add 500-700 kcal more. That is, 2500-3200 kcal per day is normal

And to control your weight, you need to systematically weigh yourself. The doctor in consultation and so every time weighs the expectant mother. You can also weigh yourself at home to track your weight gain week by week.

What will help you not gain weight

The most long-awaited time in the life of a woman has come - you have learned that you will become a mother. This is a great opportunity to develop good habits. Maintain these habits during, after pregnancy, and for the rest of your life.

  • Weight control. On average, in one month you should gain up to 1 kg.
  • Walking and physical activity. visit gym and strength training will have to be postponed for these 9 months. But, walks, and for pregnant women - that's it!
  • Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep leads to weight gain. So the body is protected from negative impacts, includes protective functions. 7-8 hours is a normal amount of sleep. Too much sleep is also not worth it. Calories eaten all day should "shake up".
  • Balanced diet. A varied diet will help you gain weight within acceptable limits.

How to deal with appetite

Increased appetite during pregnancy wine hormones. In fact, your body begins to produce a huge amount of female hubbub - estrogen. And this hormone stimulates appetite. It starts as early as the 13th week of pregnancy. Plus, the little fruit inside you needs to be nourished to grow and develop.

The desire to eat something like that is easy to explain. So the body tells you what is missing for the normal course of pregnancy and fetal growth. How can you not gain weight if you want chips, ice cream, cream cake with a bite of pickles? There are ways to overcome your appetite:

  • Fractional nutrition;
  • Replacement harmful products to useful ones;
  • Drink more water;
  • Consult a doctor - exclude the possibility of a lack of any vitamins;
  • Keep a calorie counting diary;
  • Expand your diet
  • Ensure emotional balance.

And remember that gaining excess weight will harm not only you, but also the unborn baby.

What should be the food

The first thing I want to say is that your meals should be 5-6 times a day. Develop a daily routine.

Portions should not be large - 200-300 g. A light dinner 2 hours before bedtime will be useful. Stick to a diet so you don't get fat.

Breakfast should be hot. Don't skip your morning meal.

  • Kashi: any, except semolina
  • You can add bread with cheese or lean cookies to breakfast. You can drink weak green tea with herbs.
  • Sandwich with boiled meat or cheese
  • Oatmeal pancakes with cottage cheese or fruit additives. It is enough to mash the banana with a fork and now the filling is ready.

Lunch. This is a snack. Portions are small.

  • Fruits
  • Cottage cheese with fruits or vegetables
  • Can you add shortbread, waffles, natural marmalade or marshmallows.

Dinner you can start with a vegetable salad, then eat the main course. Let it be:

  • Vegetable or lean meat broth soup
  • Potatoes, buckwheat, rice, a small portion of pasta
  • Meat - eat without a side dish;

You can drink dried fruit compote, water, weak green tea. It is better not to drink tea after dinner. The tannin contained in it increases the heart rate. And in the afternoon, the speed of our metabolic processes slows down and it makes no sense to increase the load with tea.

afternoon tea. A small snack can be:

  • Fresh or baked fruit (1 pear or apple, you can peach)
  • Cheesecakes or vegetable pancakes
  • Omelet with vegetables
  • Vegetable salads seasoned with cold-pressed oil
  • Drink water, compote or juice in equal proportions with water.


  • Sweet pilaf with raisins and apples
  • Cottage cheese casserole
  • lazy dumplings
  • Fish with rice and vegetables

If you didn’t have time to eat hot soup at lunch, then you can replace your dinner with it.

Second dinner. At night, the stomach cannot be loaded. The portion should be small, about 120 g.

  • Cottage cheese seasoned with herbs and low-fat sour cream
  • A little ryazhenka
  • Oatmeal diluted with warm water
  • If you really want to, drink compote with lean cookies or two loaves.
What should be on the menu What to exclude
  • Vegetables, greens
  • Fruits (seasonal and organic)
  • Lean meat and fish
  • Liver (occasionally)
  • cereals
  • Milk
  • Dairy products
  • Dried fruits
  • compotes
  • herbal teas
  • Vegetable oil
  • Alcohol
  • Exotic fruits and vegetables
  • Products - allergens: honey, peanuts, chocolate, tomatoes, raspberries, strawberries, shrimps, crayfish, red fish, caviar
  • Sausages, sausages, ham
  • Everything smoked, salted, pickled, fatty, spicy
  • Fatty cheeses
  • Mushrooms
  • fast food
  • Sweets: pastries, cakes, refined sugar
  • Soft drinks, coffee, strong tea
  • Hot herbs and spices
  • canned food
  • Significantly reduce: sugar, salt, pastries

For a more detailed list of foods that you can and cannot eat, see the article about. The menu is not too different.
