Adonis spring description. Adonis spring medicinal properties and contraindications

Adonis spring (Adonis). It is widely used in traditional medicine, so that, seeing him, rarely any amateur will pass by. This plant has a particularly strong effect on the nervous and cardiovascular system human body. Its composition is full of unique components, the action of which is almost impossible to replace. How to use Adonis for therapeutic purposes and how it helps to heal - you will learn from this article.

A pretty plant with bright, golden yellow flowers Adonis spring (Adonis). It is widely used in folk medicine, so when you see it, rarely any lover of herbal medicine will pass by. This plant has a particularly strong effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems of the human body. Its composition is full of unique components, the action of which is almost impossible to replace. How to use Adonis for therapeutic purposes and how it helps to heal - you will learn from this article.

What is adonis

In Latin, the name of the day flower sounds like Adonis vernalis. Adonis, also known as Adonis, is a herbaceous perennial that blooms in early April. Actually, hence the epithet "spring".

Adonis spring photo

Adonis grows up to 50, sometimes 60 centimeters in height, its root does not die off with the onset of autumn, remaining in the ground, it “wakes up” in the spring and sprouts new shoots. The ground part of the plant is similar to dill: the leaves, as if cut into small stripes with scissors. Therefore, adonis is sometimes also called field dill. In the course of such designations as a bathing suit and a yellow flower, as well as a hare poppy.

Adonis spring has a green-brown color, its leaves are scaly at the base of the stem, and above they are palmately dissected. The flowers are large, solitary, they are located at the base of the shoots of the plant. Each flower consists of 15-20 small, narrow petals. Outwardly, the adonis is very attractive, despite the abundance of meadow grasses, it is hard not to notice it.

Medicinal properties of adonis spring

The list of medicinal properties of spring adonis is, without exaggeration, impressive. For those who prefer natural therapy, this herbal component is extremely valuable. You can use it on its own or along with other natural substances. The plant is rich in cardiac glycosides, such as imarin and adonivernoside, as well as adonitoxin. It is they who have the main healing effect.

Adonis spring helps to cure the following conditions:

  • with insomnia- alcohol tincture of the plant is used as a sleeping pill,
  • neuroses, asthenic syndrome- alcohol infusion diluted with water,
  • fever, colds like influenza, acute respiratory infections and viral- Adonis tea
  • measles- tea based on adonis,
  • typhus- tea with adonis herb,
  • whooping cough, pneumonia and bronchitis- water infusion of herb Adonis, as an aid, tea with this plant can be used,
  • kidney disease, pyelonephritis- the use of an aqueous infusion of a plant, or its alcohol tincture. As a rule, adonis is combined with other plant components, such as bearberry and horsetail,
  • hypertonic disease- reception of water infusion, one of the main components of which is adonis. It also includes motherwort, hawthorn, cudweed, horsetail, birch leaves,
  • some types of hepatitis- water infusion of adonis herb,
  • heart disease with all the resulting symptoms, such as shortness of breath, swelling and dizziness- reception of a mixed phytocollection of adonis and lily of the valley,
  • VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia)- taking alcohol infusion of adonis,
  • alcohol overexcitation, astheno-neurotic syndrome, epilepsy, psychosis- the use of tea or water infusion of this plant.

It is believed that herbal remedies with this herbal component reduce convulsions and spasms, have a slight analgesic effect and increase the body's defenses.

We invite you to watch a video about beneficial features Adonis:

The use of spring adonis, cooking recipes

The plant, known as adonis, or spring adonis, is used in the form of water and alcohol infusions. A decoction is also made from it and tea is prepared.

Decoction of adonis

It is not at all difficult to prepare a healing decoction based on this plant. To do this, you need 1 tablespoon of crushed adonis, it is placed in a container (preferably enameled), poured with 0.25 liters of boiling water, then covered with a lid. After half an hour, you need to strain the liquid, it is ready to receive. Drink the decoction cool, usually 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon. In rare cases, up to 6 times a day is allowed.

To make the product more concentrated, you can take twice as much liquid for the same amount of herbal raw materials, bring to a boil, holding for 15 minutes on low heat after boiling. Then everything is infused for 30 minutes and filtered.

This remedy can be taken regardless of food intake, the course of treatment is from 2 to 6 months. Such a medicine is potent, so often a 2-week treatment course is enough for a visible improvement. The broth is stored no more than 2 days, in the refrigerator.

Alcohol tincture of adonis

The infusion of this plant on alcohol is convenient, first of all, for a long period during which it retains its healing properties. There is nothing difficult in preparing it: about 100 grams of dry herbal raw materials are taken, poured with 1 liter of vodka or alcohol, closed and placed in a dark place. It is necessary to insist all 3 weeks, then strain and place in an airtight container.

You need to take alcohol tincture in the form of drops. It is not advisable to exceed the dosage of 20 drops per day. You can take the remedy one time, at night before going to bed, or break it into 3 doses of 5-6 drops.

Water tincture of adonis

Adonis infusion on water is an excellent antitussive. It is done as follows: 1 teaspoon of dried grass is poured with 125 grams of boiling water, infused for 2 hours, then filtered. You need to drink 1 tablespoon 4 times a day.

Adonis tea

Fever, body aches and other unpleasant manifestations of colds and viral diseases will help to overcome a drink with a light pleasant aroma - Adonis tea. To prepare this remedy, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of dried vegetable raw materials with 400 grams of boiling water, letting it brew until it cools.

Drink tea should be 1 tablespoon 1 time per hour. If desired, you can sweeten the drink with honey.

Adonis spring in official medicine

The plant, known as Adonis, is recognized not only in folk, but also in official, traditional medicine. An extract from it is the main active ingredient in tablets and Bechterew's medicine, which are a sedative. The mixture is used 2 times a day, a single dose is 1 tablespoon.

Adonis can often be found in the composition of various homeopathic preparations. True, the use of such drugs requires strict adherence to the dosage and extreme caution, so self-medication is not appropriate here. The course of therapy can be very long, from several months to several years, when it comes to getting rid of a chronic, sometimes aggravated disease.

Also, the extract of this plant is in the cardiotonic Adoniside, in the Adonis-Brome dragee, and in the drug called Cardiovalen. Adonizide is taken 2-3 times a day, 30 drops. It is given, even to children, however, the number of drops should be equal to the age of the small patient.

Adonis contraindications - Adonis

Since the adonis herb is rich in potent substances called glycosides, it is necessary to use herbal medicines based on it carefully, having previously read the list of contraindications.

If the dosage is exceeded, the drug can turn into poison.

The following states are taboo for preparations based on Adonis:

  • gastritis;
  • colitis;
  • ulcer in an open form;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • arrhythmia, cardiac conduction disorders.

Do not take medicine with Adonis during pregnancy and breastfeeding. On early dates bearing adonis can provoke a miscarriage. Children under 3 years of age are also prohibited from medicines that contain adonis.

It happens that the body does not perceive the main components of drugs from the adonis, in which case vomiting, nausea and abdominal pain begin - this means that the medication will have to be stopped. Sometimes, after taking adonis, a person becomes very excited, or vice versa, feels apathy and depression. If this happens, then you need to stop taking this herbal remedy by choosing another treatment.

Growth area, collection, drying and storage rules

The adonis plant or spring adonis grows in the steppes of southern and eastern Europe. On the territory of Germany and Switzerland, this plant is a rarity, it is protected by law here and is prohibited for collection. A lot of adonis can be found in the Crimea, it also grows in the west of Siberia, in Altai and in Central Asia. This plant can also be found in the Caucasus. He loves black soil and unplowed soils. However, adonis is not uncommon in rocky areas. Most often it grows where the climate is dry and strong winds blow.

Adonis is so actively used in official and folk medicine that it is grown specifically in the north of the Caucasus, in the Urals, in the Volga region, Bashkiria, as well as in the Novosibirsk and Kemerovo regions.

It is necessary to collect spring adonis during its flowering period, until the fruits begin to ripen. It is advisable to choose a day when the weather will be dry and clear, so that the phyto raw material does not absorb a lot of moisture. Harvesting is done by cutting the ground part of the plant along with the flower.

The roots are not used for medicinal purposes, it is important to leave them in the ground, so you do not destroy the plant and do not reduce its habitat.

The plant is dried in dark, well-ventilated areas. You need to place it on a cloth to avoid rotting.

The key to maintaining the maximum benefit of phyto-raw materials is fast drying. Properly dried plant retains green color stem with leaves and a yellow tint of the flower. You can store it for 1 year in an airtight dry container, away from sources of moisture and strong odors.

Expert opinion

Many doctors strongly advise caution in the use of natural remedies based on adonis. This statement is based on the fact that the plant has many potent substances in its composition, and if the dosage is violated, it turns into poison. And yet, the positive effect of Adonis, as a sedative, as well as a tonic and heart remedy, is difficult to overestimate.

Phytotherapy specialist Natalia Yuryevna Efimenko states:

Adonis grass is a natural substitute for rather expensive drugs - glycosides. They are prescribed for the treatment of heart disease. But it is necessary to strictly observe its dosage.


In this article, you have learned about the benefits and uses of the plant known as spring adonis. It has a wide range of benefits. The method of preparing herbal remedies from it depends on what disease needs to be cured and how the drug will be taken.

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Spring Adonis (Adonis vernalis L) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the ranunculus family with a thick shortened rhizome, with straight furrowed bare, low-branched densely leafy stems up to 40-50 cm high. The leaves are alternate, palmately dissected into numerous lobules, their segments are linear, narrow (1-2 cm long and about 1 mm wide), glabrous. Adonis flowers are solitary, large, light yellow, located on the tops of the shoots. Fruits are spherical obovate, wrinkled, with hook-shaped bent columns, loosely pressed to the nut. Spring adonis blooms in April - May, bears fruit in July.

The literature repeatedly mentions a beautiful legend about the plant Adonis, the Latin name of which is Adonis spring. This legend was very popular in Ancient Greece, but reached its greatest fame in the Renaissance, when numerous paintings and sculptures were created on the plot of the legend of Venus and Adonis. The legend of Adonis is best described in Ovid's Metamorphoses.

According to one version of the legend, Venus was angry with the wife of the Cypriot king Kimir for disrespect and inspired his daughter with a passion for her own father. The king, unaware of the truth and succumbing to temptation, entered into a relationship with Mirra, but, having discovered the truth, cursed her. The gods turned the unfortunate woman into a myrrh tree, with precious fragrant juice eternally oozing from wounds. A child was born from a cracked trunk, who was named Adonis. The boy was unusually handsome. Venus gave him to be raised by Persephone, the wife of the god of the underworld Hades, on the condition that when the child grows up, he will return to her. But when the appointed time came, Persephone did not want to part with him. Zeus himself had to become a judge in this dispute, who decided that in the summer Adonis would live on earth with Venus, and in the winter he would return underground with Persephone. Happy Venus wandered through the forests with Adonis, begging him not to take risks and not hunt ferocious animals - bears and boars. But one day Adonis went hunting alone and died from the fangs of a wild boar. Venus mourned bitterly for her lover, and then turned him into a flower, sprinkling the blood of the young man with nectar.

According to another legend, the flower was named Adonis in honor of the Phoenician and Assyrian sun god Adon, who died every year in autumn and resurrected in spring.

Folk names of spring adonis

Folk names of spring adonis - Spring adonis, God's tree, hair grass, hairy, spruce, yellow thousand, western grass, hare poppy, paints, swimsuit, makhornik, mohnatik, marigold, snowdrop, field dill, consumable, pine, pine tree, starodubka, black grass, black hellebore, Montenegrin.

Russian names - montenegro, adonis - indicate the plant's habitation on the slopes of hillocks, well warmed up by the sun and therefore forming the first black thawed patches, on which one of the first adonis blooms.

Distribution of Adonis spring

It grows on open grassy slopes in the forest-steppe and steppe in the European part of Russia, in Belarus, in Ukraine, in the Crimea, in the Caucasus, in Western Siberia. The adonis plant is poisonous. Requires protection. For therapeutic purposes, the adonis herb is used, which is harvested during the period of fruit ripening.

Spring adonis properties

Adonis grass contains 0.13-0.83% cardiac glycosides. The largest number they are found in leaves and green fruits. In total, Adonis spring contains 25 individual cardiac glycosides. K-strophanthin-beta and cymarin were found in the aerial part of the plant, K-strophanthin-beta was found in the roots. The specific cardenolide of adonis is adonitoxin, which is hydrolyzed to adonitoxygenin and L-rhamnose. In addition to glycosides, the herb also contains 2,6-dimethoxyquinone, phytosterol, flavonoids (0.59-1.25%), steroid (6.-9.4%), adonivernit flavone glycoside, ascorbic acid (33.4-49. 2 mg%), carotene, choline, adonite (4%), coumarins and organic acids.

It should be noted the property of spring Adonis that the amount of cardiac glycosides and their high pharmacological activity is noted in the flowering and fruiting phases. In the rhizome of the plant, glycosides accumulate at the end of the growing season.

The use of Adonis spring

A priority pilot study adonis belongs to N. O. Bubnov (1880), who, at the suggestion of S. P. Botkin, studied galenic dosage forms adonis. Adonis preparations belong to the group of cardiac glycosides. They slow down the heart rate, increase systole, lengthen diastole, increase the stroke volume of the heart, moderately inhibit intracardiac conduction. In terms of strength and duration of action, Adonis spring is inferior to foxglove, but when used in therapeutic doses, the risk of cumulation is practically eliminated, therefore it is widely used on an outpatient basis. In addition. spring adonis preparations have a calming effect on the central nervous system, reduce the excitability of the motor centers, and expand the coronary vessels.

Experimental data suggest that in heart failure accompanied by impaired conduction, adonis to a lesser extent than digitalis exacerbates atrioventricular conduction disorders.

Adonis preparations have more pronounced diuretic properties compared to other cardiac drugs, which are associated with cymarin. In experiments on cats, diuresis under the influence of cymarin increased in some cases by 100%.

Spring Adonis is prescribed for relatively mild forms of chronic circulatory failure, namely: with heart neurosis, vegetodystonia, infectious diseases that occur with symptoms of weakened cardiac activity, kidney disease with signs.

Preparations from adonis spring:

Adonisidum (Adonisidum) is a new-galenic preparation from the spring adonis herb. Liquid yellowish color. The biological activity of 1 ml is 23-27 ICE, or 2.7-3.5 KED. Higher doses for adults: single 40 drops, daily 120 drops. Higher single doses for children inside: up to 6 months - 1 drop, up to 1 year - 2 drops, 2 years - 3 drops, 3-4 years - 5 drops, 5-6 years - 6 drops, 7-9 years - 8 drops , 10-14 years - 10-15 drops. The drug is stored with caution in a cool, dark place. The biological activity of the drug is monitored annually. Adonizide - the main part of the drug cardiovalen.

Adonisid dry (Adonisidum siccum) is an amorphous powder, brownish-yellow in color, the biological activity of the powder is 14000-20000 ICE, or 2083 KED. Tablets with an activity of 10-15 LEDs are prepared from the powder, take 1 tablet 2-4 times a day after meals.

Tablets "Adonis-bromine" (Tabulettae Adonis-brom). They contain a dry extract of adonis and potassium bromide, 0.25 g each. Tablets are used for heart neurosis, chronic heart failure. Assign 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.

Infusion of spring adonis (Infusum Adonidis vernalis). Prepared from 6 g of grass and 200 ml of water; take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day. For children, the same infusion is prescribed 1 teaspoon or 1 dessert spoon 3-4 times a day. The highest doses of Adonis herb dry: single 1 g, daily 5 g. The highest single doses of Adonis herb for children: up to 6 months - 0.03 g, from 6 months to 1 year - 0.05 g, 2 years - 0.1 g , 3-4 years old - 0.15 g, 5-6 years old - 0.2 g, 7-9 years old - 0.3 g, 10-14 years old - 0.3-0.5 g.

Adonis is part of Traskov's anti-asthmatic medicine and Bekhterev's medicine (infusion of spring adonis herb 6:180 ml, sodium bromide 6 g, codeine phosphate 0.2 g. 1 tablespoon 2 times a day).

Growing adonis spring

In the garden for spring adonis, you should choose a place with fertile and light-textured soil containing a small amount of lime (the main thing is to use slaked lime, and no more than 100-200 grams per 1 square meter, when applied in autumn; it is better to control the required amount of lime by pH meter or litmus test, the more acidic the soil, the more lime is added and vice versa). It is important to ensure good drainage and moderate soil moisture (do not overwater, there may be root rot). Adonis is photophilous and in conditions of insufficient lighting develops poorly and even dies. The main difficulty of the culture is that the plant does not take root well when propagated by dividing the rhizome, and the seeds have low germination and poor germination due to the underdevelopment of the embryo.

When sowing, the seeds of spring adonis are planted to a depth of no more than 1-1.5 cm, so that daylight penetrates them, contributing to germination. Shoots appear in 30-40 days, sometimes later, in some cases even next year in the spring. Regular watering is necessary during the first two years of the seedlings' life. In the first year, plants develop only 1-2 leaves, in the second - up to 3 leaves. Adonis can be planted in a permanent place after 2-3 years, placing plants no closer than 50-60 cm from each other. Adonis is transplanted with a large clod of earth.

Flowering of spring adonis in culture begins on the 4-6th year in late April-early May and lasts 2-3 weeks. Flowers open in sunny weather. They close at night and on cloudy days.

Preparation of spring adonis

The cut grass of spring adonis is laid out on a canvas or sieves and quickly dried in the air or in well-ventilated rooms - in attics or at a temperature of 50-60 degrees, since glycosides are better preserved with quick drying. In this case, the grass must be mixed frequently.

It is necessary to store raw materials in dry rooms, in glass or porcelain jars with lids or in wooden boxes lined with paper. Without checking the biological activity, the grass is stored for one year, with caution, in compliance with the rules for storing poisonous plants. With long-term storage, the biological activity of adonis herb is monitored annually.

(in Latin - Adonis Vernalis) - a medicinal plant, the healing qualities of which are well known. Although adonis itself is poisonous, it contains a number of unique chemical elements and therefore it is widely applicable both in traditional medicine and as part of folk remedies.

general characteristics

Spring Adonis is a perennial plant that comes from the buttercup family. Its scientific name - adonis - according to legend, comes from the name of Adon, the Phoenician god of the Sun, who died every autumn in order to be reborn again in the spring.

In a different way, the spring adonis is also called the yellow flower, the swimsuit, the field dill, the hairy, the hare poppy, the yellow thousand, the old oak, the black grass.

This herbaceous plant is characterized by a vertical, shortened rhizome and straight bare stems, reaching a height of 40-60 cm. Leaf blades small size, brownish. At the very roots and at the bottom of the stem, they, as a rule, have a scaly shape, above - finger-cut.

Adonis flowers are solitary, located at the very ends of the shoots. They are quite large (up to seven centimeters in diameter) and have up to twenty light yellow petals, resembling a multi-beam star in shape.

The fruits of Adonis are spherical and wrinkled, located on small hooked stalks.


Most often, adonis is found on the dry slopes of hillocks or forest edges. He also loves virgin chernozems, choosing places that are well warmed up by the sun's rays.

It blooms in spring, usually in April and May. At this time, its healing properties reach their maximum. The fruits of the plant ripen from May to June.

Spring adonis propagates quite difficult. He needs mushroom threads (mycorrhiza), which are included in symbiosis with the rhizome of the plant. In addition, adonis seeds germinate only ten to twelve years after sowing. The plant will reach its final maturity only after having existed for forty or even fifty years.

The distribution geography of spring adonis is Ukraine, Belarus, the Caucasus, Western Siberia, and some regions of Central Asia.

Currently, this plant is among the endangered species listed in the Red Book.

Collection rules

For medicinal purposes, the herb of spring adonis is used - the upper part of the plant, including leaves, stems, flowers and unripe fruits. It is best to collect it during the flowering period - such raw materials are considered the highest quality.

The plant should be carefully cut, leaving the lower part of the stem and a few leaves on it. It is forbidden to pull it out with the root.

The collected grass is dried in an oven or in dry weather in the open air in a shady place. As a result, the stems should break easily. After that, the workpiece is scattered in cardboard boxes or fabric bags.

Dried adonis grass is stored in a dark, cool place for no more than three years.

Spring adonis: useful properties

The unique healing properties of adonis allow it to be used to treat a number of diseases of various nature and origin.

Thanks to a large number glycosides, which contains spring adonis, its use is extremely effective in cardiology. It is indicated for rheumatism, some cases of neurocirculatory dystonia, chronic heart failure and ischemic disease.

Often, adonis is used to get rid of nervous disorders: sleep disorders, hyperexcitability, astheno-neurotic syndrome.

Spring Adonis preparations help with liver diseases, have a significant diuretic effect.

It is also used in cases of cocaine overdose, camphor or picrotoxin convulsions.

It treats the grass of the adonis of the spring and Graves' disease. In addition, it is prescribed for glaucoma to relieve an acute attack.


It should be borne in mind that spring adonis is a potent poisonous plant. An overdose of its drugs is fraught with very serious consequences, it can cause cardiac arrest and even coma.

Under no circumstances should adonis be consumed by such categories of persons as:

  • Pregnant women (to avoid miscarriage).
  • Mothers during breastfeeding, as the poison of the adonis can penetrate into their milk.
  • Children under the age of twelve.
  • People with peptic ulcer of the intestine, stomach, or those who suffer from enterocolitis.
  • Patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, experiencing ventricular arrhythmias, as well as people with impaired conduction inside the heart.

spring adonis preparations

In official medicine, adonizide is widely known. This is an aqueous solution of cardiac glycosides, which are part of the chemical composition of the spring adonis plant. The description of the drug characterizes it as a cardiotonic agent that reduces the number of contractions of the heart muscle. It is a clear liquid with a slightly yellowish color. Adults are usually prescribed twenty to forty drops, which should be taken 2-3 times during the day. Do not use more than 120 drops of this remedy per day.

The extract of adonis in dry form is a brown-yellow powder that can easily absorb water. Many tablets are made on its basis. An example is "Adonis Bromine", which additionally contains potassium bromide. It is usually prescribed for the treatment of heart neuroses, as well as for chronic insufficiency of this organ.

The dry extract of this plant is present in the composition of Bechterew's tablets.

In addition, crushed dried herb Adonis vernalis (in Latin - Herba Adonisvernalis) can be purchased at a pharmacy by prescription.

Application in traditional medicine

Water tincture of adonis at home is prepared as follows. Half a tablespoon (tablespoon) of dry collection should be poured with a glass (200 g) of boiling water and insisted in a bath for about five minutes. Soak the herb for half an hour, then strain. Adults can consume half a tablespoon no more than five times a day. The infusion should be stored in the refrigerator and no more than three days from the moment of brewing.

Often, an alcohol tincture of spring adonis is also used. To prepare it, dry chopped grass is poured into a glass jar and poured with a forty-degree alcohol drink so that it is about a centimeter higher than the collection level. The remedy is infused, as a rule, for twenty-one days. It is advised to drink twenty-five to thirty drops at a time three or five times a day.

Spring adonis is often included in complex collections. So, in case of heart disease, it is recommended to mix in equal amounts the grass of adonis, lemon balm, horsetail, motherwort, watch leaves, birch and goutweed, calendula and clover inflorescences, as well as mistletoe (white) shoots. Twelve grams of such a collection is poured into a thermos, a third of a liter of boiling water is poured, insisted for three hours and filtered. The resulting drink should be divided into four equal portions and drunk during the day.

As a diuretic, it is advised to carefully crush in an iron mortar 3 parts of parsley seeds, juniper fruits, 1 part of adonis, cumin fruits, fennel, elder flowers. Pour one spoonful of powder into a glass of water and wait six hours, then boil the infusion and keep it on fire for about fifteen minutes. Then the broth is filtered, divided into three parts and taken evenly throughout the day after meals.

Other types of adonis

For medical purposes, it is used, first of all, the herb Adonis spring. The pharmacopoeia contains a record about it as an official drug.

However, harvesting of some species similar to spring Adonis is also possible. For medicinal purposes, such varieties of adonis are suitable, such as:

  • Turkestan, growing in the mountains of Central Asia.
  • Amur, found in the Far East
  • Golden, whose birthplace is the Pamir and Tien Shan.

Often, Volga Adonis is mistaken for spring Adonis, which has smaller pale yellow flowers and a relatively low stem (up to fifteen centimeters). It is believed that the latter has no medicinal value, and it does not make sense to harvest it.

Adonis or spring adonis is a medicinal plant of great medical interest. On the basis of its extract, tinctures and tablets are made, which have proven themselves as effective means in the treatment of the heart, alleviation of the condition with vegetovascular dystonia, kidney diseases.

The medicinal properties of this plant have been known for a long time. Today they are used not only by herbalists and traditional healers: the plant has found wide application in industrial pharmacology. In the herbals, which were compiled by healers back in the 16th century, the spring adonis plant and its healing properties are mentioned. Healers successfully used it in the treatment of dropsy, fever, pain in the heart. In the old days, it was believed that if a person managed to see the flowering of adonis for the first time, then he should collect the flowers, dry them and fumigate his eyes with healing smoke. This will save you from night blindness.

Adonis spring has been listed in the Red Book for many years. Under natural conditions, it is under the strictest protection. With private collection, Adonis can only be cut selectively: it is necessary to leave at least three stems per square meter. For industrial collection, it is grown on plantations.

Legend of Adonis

The plant got its name in honor of the beloved goddess Aphrodite. Somehow Princess Mirra angered the beautiful goddess of love and sent terrible misfortunes on her, turning her into a tree. But when a child was born from the cracked trunk of this tree, Aphrodite could not restrain herself and kidnapped him. In a small chest, she delivered the baby to the underworld to Persephone and begged to hide the child from prying eyes. But very soon, the charming baby won the heart of the wives of the gloomy Hades.

Persephone refused to return the first beauty of Olympus Adonis. The angry goddess demanded Zeus to restore justice. And he decided this: Adonis would live with Persephone for six months, and Aphrodite for six months. Adonis grew up, turned into a beautiful young man and became the beloved of Aphrodite. The jealous Ares could not endure this: he ambushed Adonis, who was hunting in the mountains, and killed him, turning into a boar.

Aphrodite was inconsolable, mourning her beloved. From the drops of his blood, the goddess raised anemones, and in the very place where the lifeless body of her beloved fell, she ordered on the day of mourning to bloom annually a beautiful and delicate yellow flower, which people called Adonis.

Where does spring adonis grow?

The plant is common in Europe and Asia, in the southern regions of Russia in the Mediterranean, in the east of Western Siberia. Due to improper collection, its number is constantly declining, and it may soon disappear. In some regions of our country, temporary restrictions are being imposed on the collection of Adonis in order to restore its numbers.

Adonis spring: description and photo

This herbaceous plant, belonging to the Ranunculaceae family, includes about 45 species of perennial and annual herbs. Spring Adonis, the photo of which we posted in this article, is a perennial plant. Its flowers are rich yellow. Adonis has many names - adonis, mohnatik, yellow-thousander, yellow flower, upland outcast, old oak, hairy grass, hare poppy.

The height of spring adonis is small - no more than half a meter. The plant has a well developed root system, erect or slightly deviated stem that may branch slightly. It has a small number of shaggy palmately dissected sessile leaves. Basal leaves, which resemble scales, are divided into several lobes, about 6 cm wide. They are painted brown.

The description of the spring adonis plant is published in almost all reference books on medicinal herbs. They pay special attention to the flowers of the plant.


Flowering begins in April, when small bushes are covered with bright yellow, beautiful single flowers located at the top of a branch or stem. They are quite large - up to 8 cm in diameter. Like bright lanterns, they are clearly visible on gray spring edges. Interestingly, the flowers appear at the same time as the leaves. They have a five-leaf pubescent base and many fiery yellow petals.

Interesting fact: spring adonis has not only yellow flowers. In the mountains of Mongolia and Tibet, there are species with white, bright blue and pale lilac petals.


The spring adonis plant bears fruit, depending on the region of growth. IN southern regions this occurs in June, in the more northern - in July. Flowers replace shriveled nuts with hook-shaped spouts.

Chemical composition

Spring Adonis contains up to 0.83% cardiac glycosides. Most of them are found in leaves and green fruits. In addition, the aerial parts of the plant contain cymarin and K-strophanthin, the specific cardenolide of this plant is adonitoxin.

Phytosterol, dimethoxyquinone, flavonoids, steroidal saponins, organic acids, ascorbic acid, carotene, choline, adonite alcohol, coumarins have been isolated from the herb. The highest biological activity is observed during flowering and fruiting. In the roots, glycosides accumulate at the very end of the growing season.

Medicinal properties

Despite the fact that healers from ancient times used this plant to treat many diseases, Scientific research medicinal properties of spring adonis was carried out much later, in the clinic of S.P. Botkin. According to its results, the plant was recognized as an effective natural remedy for the treatment of many heart diseases.

Today, spring adonis, the photo of which you can see below, as well as preparations based on it, are used both in folk and traditional medicine. Preparations, which are based on the herb Adonis, have beneficial properties for the body:

  • diuretic;
  • vasodilating;
  • stabilizing heart rate;
  • normalizing sleep;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • painkillers;
  • cardiotonic.

Indications for use

Spring adonis preparations are prescribed to patients suffering from diseases such as:

  • heart failure (chronic) with circulatory disorders;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • hysteria;
  • neuroses of the heart;
  • epilepsy;
  • exhaustion nervous system;
  • lung diseases (tuberculosis, bronchitis, etc.);
  • parkinsonism;
  • acute cystitis,
  • complicated by edema of renal origin.

Adonis-based preparations

"Adonizide" - is available in the form of an aqueous solution or in tablets. It is prescribed for vegetative-vascular diseases.

Ankylosing spondylitis - known for its powerful sedative effect. Adult patients are prescribed 30 drops four times a day.

This is far from full list- many effective drugs used in traditional medicine are made from adonis.

Use in traditional medicine

You should know that along with its healing properties, spring adonis is poisonous, therefore, before using preparations based on it, it is necessary to consult a doctor and strictly observe the dosage.

With heart and infectious diseases they drink tea every hour on a spoon (two tablespoons of adonis are poured into 800 ml of water and steamed).

  • Infusion #1

Pour two tablespoons of chopped Adonis herb with four cups of boiled warm water and leave overnight in a warm place. The infusion is recommended for getting rid of stones in bladder and kidneys. During the day, the composition is taken in a tablespoon, but not more than an hour later.

  • Infusion #2
  • Infusion #3

With a painful dry cough, pour a teaspoon of dry adonis with 100 ml of boiling water. After two hours, the drug will be ready for use. Take it by spoon before every meal.

  • Infusion #4

Pour 7 grams of adonis (a teaspoon with a slide) with a glass of boiling water. An hour later, you can take a tablespoon a day with myositis. The course of treatment is one month, then you should take a break for 10 days, and after it, treatment can be continued.

In most cases, infusions from the leaves and flowers of spring Adonis are prepared in almost the same proportions - 5-7 grams of Adonis is brewed and allowed to brew.

Alcohol tincture

This tincture will help in the fight against insomnia. You can use medical alcohol diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 or high-quality factory vodka. Pour 100 grams of dry grass with a liter of alcohol (or vodka) and place in a dark place at room temperature. Take 15 drops of tincture three times a day.


Adonis is widely used in many medicinal herbal preparations. For kidney diseases, mix finely chopped herbs: adonis (7 g), birch buds (6 g), bearberry (10 g) and horsetail grass (4 g). Pour the mixture 600 ml hot water and let the composition brew for two hours. Then put the container with herbs on a slow fire and boil for 5 minutes. Take an hour in a tablespoon.

It is necessary to take this remedy lying down, food should be limited to dairy products and salt should be completely abandoned.

To lower blood pressure

Mix spring (2 tbsp), herb motherwort, cudweed, adonis, horsetail (1 tbsp each). Two tablespoons of the mixture pour 500 ml of boiling water. Close and wrap the jar tightly. After three to four hours, strain the composition, and take a spoonful three times a day.

With hepatitis

With this disease, two different collections are used, we will present you with recipes for both.

The first composition includes adonis, yarrow, horsetail(40 g each), celandine grass (80 g). Pour a spoonful of a mixture of these herbs with 200 ml of boiling water. Three to five minutes, the composition should warm up over low heat under a closed lid. After this, the broth is infused until completely cooled. It is taken 100 ml in the morning and evening.

Another collection for the treatment of hepatitis. Adonis grass, and dog rose, aloe root (25 g each) mix. Two tablespoons of the collection should be poured with boiling water (500 ml) and put in a water bath for two minutes. The broth is infused for no more than half an hour and is taken in a glass twice a day.

Heart disease

For the treatment of the heart, a collection of the following herbs is used:

  • Adonis;
  • Melissa;
  • motherwort;
  • birch leaves;
  • horsetail;
  • gout grass;
  • clover and calendula flowers;
  • mistletoe shoots.

All components are taken in equal parts. Mix them thoroughly and measure out 12 grams of the collection. Fill the collection with 350 ml of boiling water, and insist for three hours. Strain, divide into four parts and drink during the day. We must repeat once again that adonis is poisonous, so it is necessary to be extremely careful when treating with this plant. To prevent poisoning, you can use ready-made medicines containing adonis spring, which are sold in pharmacies. But in this case, it is necessary to remember about the exact observance of the dosage. The intake of any medications must be agreed with the doctor.

Side effects

Due to the poisonous nature of Adonis vernalis, an overdose of it can cause Negative consequences. In this case, the symptoms are manifested by weakness, drowsiness, fatigue, cramps, gastrointestinal disturbances and a rapid or slow heartbeat. Having found these symptoms, it is necessary to take drugs that remove harmful substances from the blood: saline laxative medicines. Vomiting drugs are not recommended.


Adonis grass and preparations based on it have contraindications for use. With peptic ulcer, gastritis, with increased blood clotting, enterocolitis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, ventricular arrhythmias - taking drugs is prohibited. In addition, they should not be taken during pregnancy, lactation and children under three years of age. Older children are allowed to take, but only as prescribed by a doctor and in a dosage appropriate for age.

Collection of raw materials

In folk medicine, almost the entire plant is used, with the exception of the bare part of the stem: when harvesting raw materials, it is recommended to cut the plant from the middle, where the leaves begin to grow. The herb is harvested during the fruit ripening or flowering season. The rest of the healing properties are lost.

It is very important to dry adonis correctly: tied in bunches in a ventilated, shady place. Under no circumstances should this be done in the sun. You can use the oven, oven. Temperature from +40 to +50 °C is ideal for drying. Dried raw materials are stored for about a year in a ventilated room in paper or canvas bags.

Adonis spring - very gentle and beautiful plant, which can decorate a flower bed in your garden, cheer you up and, thanks to its healing properties, help cure many serious diseases.

Spring adonis herb - HerbaAdonidisvernalis

Adonisspring- Adonis vernalis L.

Ranunculaceae family - Ranunculaceae

Other names:

- spring adonis

- steaming herb

- black grass

- Montenegrin

- old oak

- chrysalis

- hairy

- bathing suit

Botanical characteristic. Perennial wild herbaceous plant with 3-4 stems 5-20 cm long at the beginning of flowering, and then growing up to 40 cm or more. The stems at the base are covered with brown scaly leaves: the stem leaves are sessile, alternate, palmately cut into 5 lobes; leaf lobes entire, narrow-linear, glabrous. Flowers solitary, yellow, large. The fruits are oval with a hook-shaped column bent downwards. Flowering in April-May, fruiting in June-July. The whole plant is poisonous. The maximum adonis develops by 40-50 years.

Spreading. Steppe and forest-steppe zones of the European part of the country, Siberia. Grass harvesting is mainly carried out in Altai, Bashkortostan, Western Siberia, Kemerovo and Novosibirsk regions, Stavropol Territory, Middle Volga. There are also other types of adonis. Adonis Volga is not harvested.

Habitat. Along forest edges, open slopes, meadows, steppes, especially limestones.

Harvesting, primary processing, drying. It is advisable to harvest grass during the period of mass fruiting, when it contains maximum amount cardenolides. This also allows you to increase the collection of raw materials, subject to causing the least damage to the thickets. Given the lack of a potential supply of fruits (seeds germinate only after 10-12 years), the slow development of individuals (maximum development only by 50 years), it is necessary to carefully follow the rules for harvesting raw materials.

The stems are cut above the brown scales at a height of 7-10 cm from the soil surface with a sickle, secateurs, scissors, or they are mowed with a scythe along with other plants, and then the adonis shoots are selected from the mowed mass. It is impossible (!) to cut off, pull out the shoots, as this leads to damage to the renewal buds. Approximately for every 10 m 2 of thickets, 1-2 well-developed specimens should be left uncut for seeding. Harvesting at the same place, subject to the collection rules, can be carried out no more than once every 3-4 years. In order to protect the thickets, it is necessary to organize reserves, to stop plowing the lands occupied by thickets of the adonis in spring.

The collected raw materials are placed in a loose layer in open containers (boxes, wicker baskets), as they quickly blacken in bags. When transporting over long distances, the body of the machine must be equipped with racks or gratings on which grass is laid out. Before drying, remove foreign plants, mineral impurities, cut the stems with brown scaly leaves, if they got into the raw material.

The grass is dried in dryers at a temperature of 50-60 ° C or in good weather in ventilated attics, under sheds, laying out a thin layer on a stretched mesh, gauze or shelving; during the drying process, the raw materials are periodically turned over. Before packaging, it is kept indoors for 2-3 days and only then is it packaged.

Standardization. The quality of raw materials is regulated by GF XI.

Features various kinds adonis

plant name

Life form and distribution

Diagnostic features

Adonis Turkestani - Adonis turkestanicus Adolf

Perennial herbaceous plant. It grows in the mountain meadows of Central Asia.

Leaves pinnately dissected, sessile, leaf lobes lanceolate. Large yellow flowers when dried, they fade and acquire a bluish tint.

Adonis golden - Adonis chrysocyathus Hock. f. et Thorn.

Perennial herbaceous plant. Grows in the highland meadows of the Tien Shan. The raw material base is limited.

The leaves are long-petiolate, thrice pinnatifid, the leaf lobes are rhombic. The flowers are large, golden, outer petals with a purple hue. The raw material can be used to obtain K-strophanthin-b.

Siberian Adonis - Adonis sibiricus Pair.

Perennial herbaceous plant 60-70 cm high. Grows in Western and Eastern Siberia, in the Western Urals.

Leaves are pinnatipartite, leaf lobes are lanceolate, serrated. The flowers are smaller than those of the spring adonis, bright yellow. Biological activity is low.

Amur Adonis - Adonis amurensis Rgl. et Rodde

Perennial. Occurs scattered: Sakhalin, south of the Kuriles, Primorsky Krai. Perennial up to 20-30 cm high. Growth areas are the same as those of spring Adonis.

Biological activity is higher than that of spring Adonis.

Volga Adonis - Adonis wolgensis Stev.

Perennial up to 20-30 cm high. Growth areas are the same as those of spring Adonis.

The bush has a spherical shape. The leaves are pinnately dissected, their lobes are wider, pubescent. The flowers are small, pale yellow. The fruits are oval, with a straight (and not bent) spout pressed against the fruit. Biological activity is low.

Security measures. To renew the thickets, some of the plants are left untouched. The culture of Adonis vernalis has not yet succeeded. Plants from seeds grow very slowly; it takes years to get full-grown plants suitable for harvesting. In the old, traditional regions, harvesting should be carried out at intervals of 4-5 years. Therefore, scientists continue to search for new thickets of adonis. Other types of adonis are also being studied - perennial and annual. Annual low plants with red flowers, although they have cardiotonic properties, but give a small above-ground mass. perennial herbaceous plants have a large above-ground mass and yellow flowers. It is necessary to organize reserves for spring Adonis.

External signs. According to GF XI, the stems are 10-35 cm long, up to 4 mm thick, slightly ribbed, leafy, with or without flowers, sometimes with buds or fruits. The leaves are alternate, sessile, semi-amplex, palmately dissected into 5 lobes, of which the two lower ones are pinnately dissected, the top three are twice pinnately dissected. Flowers solitary, golden yellow, regular. The fruit is composite, consisting of separate, almost spherical nuts with a hook-shaped column bent downwards. The smell is weak, characteristic. The taste is bitter, it is not recommended to try poisonous raw materials. In pharmacies, the grass comes cut. The raw material consists of small segments of green stems and leaf segments; parts of flowers and fruits up to 10 mm in size fall. The quality of raw materials is regulated by numerical indicators; weight loss after drying - no more than 13%; browned parts - no more than 3%, crushed parts - no more than 2%; crumbled leaf lobules - no more than 5%; plants with stems having brown scaly leaves - no more than 2%, organic impurities - no more than 2%, mineral impurities - no more than 0.5%. The authenticity of raw materials is determined by morphological features and microscopy. Diagnostic features are vesicular and tubular hairs, large, elongated leaf segments, sinuous, sometimes there are bead-like thickenings. Stomata are oval, large, located along the length of the leaf, surrounded by 4-5 epidermal cells.

Microscopy. In microscopic examination of the leaf preparation from the surface, strongly sinuous walls of the epidermis with a clearly expressed longitudinal, wavy folding of the cuticle have a diagnostic value.

Numerical indicators. The biological activity of 1 g of grass should be 50-60 ICE or 6.3-8 KED; humidity not more than 13%; total ash not more than 12%; browned parts of the plant no more than 3%; plants with stems having brown scaly leaves, not more than 2%; the content of organic impurities is not more than 2%, mineral - not more than 0.5%.

For crushed raw materials: particles not passing through a sieve with holes of 7 mm, no more than 10%, particles passing through a sieve with holes of 0.25 mm, no more than 10%.

Chemical composition. The grass contains 0.13-0.83% of cardiac glycosides, green fruits and leaves are the richest in them. In total, 25 individual cardiac glycosides were found in the plant. The above-ground organs of the plant contain K-strophanthin-b and cymarin, and the roots contain K-strophanthin-b. The specific cardenolide of adonis is adonitoxin, which is hydrolyzed to adonitoxygenin and l-rhamnose. In addition to glycosides, 2,6-dimethoxyquinone, phytosterol, flavonoids - 0.59-1.2% (flavonoid glycoside - adonivernit), steroid saponins (6.8-9.4%), organic acids (0. 6-1.2%), ascorbic acid (33.4-49.2 mg%), carotene (1.3-2.6 mg%), as well as choline, coumarins, adonite alcohol (4%). The seeds contain cardiac glycosides of an unknown nature. The following were isolated from the roots: cymarin, K-strophanthin-b, saponin-like substances, coumarin, vernadine. The content of cardiac glycosides varies depending on the phase of plant development, their highest content and pharmacological activity are noted in the flowering and fruiting phases. In the underground organs of the plant, glycosides accumulate at the end of the growing season.

Storage. In a dry, dark place, according to list B. Biological activity 55-60 LED. Expiration date 1 year after the date of the study.

pharmacological properties. The priority of the experimental study of adonis belongs to N. O. Bubnov (1880), who, at the suggestion of S. P. Botkin, studied galenic medicinal forms of adonis. Adonis preparations belong to the group of cardiac glycosides. They slow down the heart rate, increase systole, lengthen diastole, increase the stroke volume of the heart, moderately inhibit intracardiac conduction.

Adonis glycosides change the bioelectrical activity of the heart and the processes of repolarization in the heart muscle, which is reflected on the ECG in the form of lengthening P-Q interval, T-wave flattening, and ST-segment depression. When studying the phase structure of the cardiac cycle, signs of stimulation of cardiac activity were found: shortening of the period of isometric contraction of the left ventricle, lengthening of the ejection period, and a decrease in the index of myocardial contraction.

Experimental data suggest that in heart failure accompanied by impaired conduction, adonis to a lesser extent than digitalis exacerbates atrioventricular conduction disorders.

Adonis preparations have more pronounced diuretic properties compared to other cardiac drugs, which are associated with cymarin. In experiments on cats, diuresis under the influence of cymarin increased in some cases by 100%.

In experimental myocarditis, cymarin contributes to the elimination of acute heart failure, weakens inflammatory and subsequent sclerotic changes in the heart. The systematic introduction of cymarin at a dose of 0.1-0.5 KED significantly reduces hypotension, usually observed in experimental myocarditis, slows down the pulse, and increases the blood flow rate.

With the combined use of Adonis with other cardiac glycosides, there is a potentiation of the action of glycosides and an increase in the diuretic effect.

The effect of adonis preparations, as well as other cardiac glycosides, is more pronounced in pathology.

A characteristic feature of adonis preparations is a sedative effect, noted in the last century. Adonis is effective in convulsions caused in animals by cocaine. The preliminary administration of a tincture or infusion of adonis prevents the death of animals, as well as the development of convulsions caused by camphor and picrotoxin.

The cardiac glycoside adonitoxin was isolated from Adonis vernalis and other species of this plant, which, along with cymarin, determines the pharmacological characteristics of adonis preparations: moderate systolic and diastolic effects, less effect on the vagus nerve tone compared to digitalis preparations, and a small cumulative effect.

Cymarin has a high biological activity. 1 g of the substance contains 38000 - 44000 ICE, or 6369 KED. By the nature of the action, it is close to strophanthin, but its cumulative properties are more pronounced.

In the 60s, at the Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR, N. K. Abubakirov, R. Sh. Yamatova et al. the possibility of conversion of cymarin monoside to K-strophanthin-b bioside under conditions of delayed drying of adonis was proved.

Medicines. Grass (cut). Dry spring adonis extract (used in the manufacture of tablets), tablets "Adonis-bromine". Water infusion, which is also included in many potions (Bekhterev, Traskov, etc.).

Application. Adonis is used for relatively mild forms of chronic circulatory failure. Indications for the use of adonis are cardiac neurosis, vegetative dystonia, infectious diseases that occur with symptoms of weakened cardiac activity, kidney disease with signs of cardiovascular insufficiency.

Adonisidum (Adonisidum) is a new-galenic preparation from the spring adonis herb. Yellowish liquid. The biological activity of 1 ml is 23-27 ICE, or 2.7-3.5 KED. Higher doses for adults: single 40 drops, daily 120 drops. Higher single doses for children inside: up to 6 months - 1 drop, up to 1 year - 2 drops, 2 years - 3 drops, 3-4 years - 5 drops, 5-6 years - 6 drops, 7-9 years - 8 drops , 10-14 years - 10-15 drops. The drug is stored with caution in a cool, dark place. The biological activity of the drug is monitored annually. Adonizide - the main part of the drug cardiovalen.

Adonisid dry (Adonisidum siccum) is an amorphous powder, brownish-yellow in color, the biological activity of the powder is 14000-20000 ICE, or 2083 KED. Tablets with an activity of 10-15 LEDs are prepared from the powder, take 1 tablet 2-4 times a day after meals.

Tablets "Adonis-bromine" (Tabulettae Adonis-brom). They contain a dry extract of adonis and potassium bromide, 0.25 g each. Tablets are used for heart neurosis, chronic heart failure. Assign 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.

Infusion of spring adonis (Infusum Adonidis vernalis). Prepared from 6 g of grass and 200 ml of water; take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day. For children, the same infusion is prescribed 1 teaspoon or 1 dessert spoon 3-4 times a day. The highest doses of Adonis herb dry: single 1 g, daily 5 g. The highest single doses of Adonis herb for children: up to 6 months - 0.03 g, from 6 months to 1 year - 0.05 g, 2 years - 0.1 g , 3-4 years old - 0.15 g, 5-6 years old - 0.2 g, 7-9 years old - 0.3 g, 10-14 years old - 0.3-0.5 g.

Adonis is part of Traskov's anti-asthmatic medicine and Bekhterev's medicine (infusion of spring adonis herb 6:180 ml, sodium bromide 6 g, codeine phosphate 0.2 g. 1 tablespoon 2 times a day).
