Which bananas bloom with yellow flowers. Have you seen a banana blossom? Conditions for flowering

A powerful plant, the height of which can reach 9-12 m, many people associate with a tree. However, bananas have nothing to do with trees. In addition, its above-ground part, despite the impressive height and huge size of the leaves, dies off after fruiting ends, and new, replacement shoots grow nearby.

Banana color

The banana is considered a very ancient plant; mentions of it are found in the monuments of Indian culture of the 11th century BC. Banana in last years has become quite a popular exotic among us. We are familiar with its fruits, but not everyone manages to see a banana flower. If you happen to visit tropical countries, you should wait for the stunningly beautiful, sometimes quite long, flowering of this tropical beauty.

Resident of the tropics in an apartment

Or you can grow an adapted variety, for example a pink banana, in an apartment or in a country house. Despite its tropical origin, the velvet banana feels good in our short summer. It can be grown both in the garden and at home in a large container. In any case, after flowering, the plant’s stem dies, and in its place new root shoots appear.

As a resident of the tropics, a banana will be most comfortable in conditions of good lighting, high humidity, abundant watering and sufficient fresh air. When grown in an apartment, the plant is placed next to eastern, southern and southeastern windows. With a different placement, additional lighting will be necessary for good growth, flowering and fruiting. If it is possible to plant a plant in the garden, choose a well-ventilated, warm and sunny place with light shade.

Conditions for flowering

An important condition for good growth and development of plants is a properly composed soil mixture. A banana needs soil that allows air and water to pass through well and at the same time retains moisture. Therefore, the mixture should be loose and nutritious. It is prepared from leaf or turf soil, wood ash, river sand and humus (6:1:2:1). The mixture is spilled for disinfection with a hot pink solution of potassium permanganate. A drainage layer of up to 10 cm must be placed at the bottom of the pot, then 2-3 cm of wet sand and then soil. Therefore, pots for planting bananas must be chosen deep enough.

Banana can safely be classified as a fast-growing crop. With the beginning of the growing season, the plant is able to grow an average of one leaf every 7-8 days, and with the beginning of flowering, a small flower bud can turn into a huge one within a week bright flower with a subtle aroma.

Growing fruit plants- one of the fascinating sections of home floriculture. Of course, flower lovers try to get exotic fruits on their windowsill not for the sake of the “harvest” - it is, as a rule, small. The main thing here is the process itself, interest. It’s so tempting to grow fruits in your apartment that naturally ripen only in distant tropical countries! The domestic banana is one of these plants; it has settled in our flower collections relatively recently, and is still one of the rare exotic fruits. The more interesting it will be to get to know him!

Rod Banana ( Musa) botanists classify it as a family Banananov. There are about 70 plant species in the genus, all of them are herbaceous perennials. Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands are considered the homeland of numerous species, but for several centuries bananas, thanks to people, have been growing on all continents, where it is warm all year round.

We all imagine a banana as a plant with delicious fruits that have become familiar on our table. In fact, among the abundance of species, only a few can be a source of tasty food for humans. The majority are either completely sterile (the fruits are completely inconspicuous, small), or, on the contrary, large, but tasteless.

Looking at a banana, it is hard to believe that it is a grass and not a tree. There are species reaching 12 meters in height and having a thick trunk. But appearances are sometimes deceiving! The trunk of bananas is extremely short and almost invisible above the ground, and what seems to them is just a dense false stem, consisting of sheaths of huge fleshy leaves.

The leaf blades are collected in a bunch at the top of the stem; each leaf can reach 3 meters in length and 0.5 meters in width. Most species have green leaves, but there are also those whose bottoms are purple.

It's interesting to watch a banana blossom. Its powerful peduncle breaks through the tube of leaf sheaths and forms a large, sometimes one and a half meter inflorescence at the top of the plant.

The yellowish-green flowers of this inflorescence are female, male and bisexual. The female ones are located in the lower part of the inflorescence, and only on them fruits are formed - banana berries (yes, a banana is a berry!). Participates in the pollination process the bats and birds.

Once it bears fruit, the above-ground part of the plant dies, but from the powerful underground rhizome a new stem, or even several, grows in advance to become full-fledged plants again.

Of the variety of types of bananas, only a few can be successfully grown in an apartment. Moreover, not every indoor banana is capable of producing full-fledged, edible fruits. There are ornamental species that are grown simply for their beautiful foliage. Typically, the following types are found in flower growers’ collections:

  1. Velvet banana
    (Musa velutina). It is often called simply dwarf or pink. It can bloom already at one year of age, and the bright, yellow bracts have a delicate aroma. Along the edge of the light green leaves there is a reddish edging, making the plant quite beautiful even as a decorative one. The skin of small fruits also has a pinkish tint.

  2. Dwarf Cavendish banana
    (Musa acuminata Dwarf Cavendish). It is characterized by short stature and bears fruit abundantly. small size. The peduncle resembles a bright burgundy candle. Along with BananaCavendish superdwarf counts best view for home cultivation. Both species are artificially created as a result of crossing Banana pointed And Banana Balbisa.

  3. Banana paradise
    (Musa paradisiaca). This species is widespread in agriculture, but its dwarf varieties have successfully taken root in indoor floriculture. There is only one drawback - even these varieties are too bulky, rarely below two meters.

  4. Bloody banana
    (Musa sumatrana Zebrina). A purely decorative appearance, with expressive leaves with a green-burgundy pattern. The fruits are also burgundy, almost red, but they are inedible.

Based on these species, many varieties and cultivars have been created. The efforts of breeders are usually aimed at reducing the size of plants and improving taste qualities fruits

It’s not in vain that we touched on the topic of the size of banana plants. Speaking about the conditions of their maintenance, it is important to understand that even dwarf species have a decent height and wide, spreading leaves. To make the plant look good, it needs tall windows with wide window sills free from other plants. Otherwise, remember that bananas are classic tropical sissies. They need light, moisture and warmth.

These plants simply love bright light, even direct sunlight. Moreover, it is important that high level illumination was maintained even in the winter months.

There should be warmth around the banana all year round. In spring and summer, during the growing season, it is from +20°C to +30°C, maybe even a little higher. In winter, a drop in temperature is acceptable, but not lower than +16+17°C.

When thinking about how to grow a banana at home, take care first of all of this element of care. It is perhaps the most difficult to organize. Bananas cannot grow normally without high air humidity. The normal air in our apartments is unsuitable for the full growth of bananas. Raise the humidity constantly, in all available ways. This can be regular wiping of the leaves with a damp cloth, operation of an electric humidifier, or systematic spraying.

Important! On warm summer days, and even nights, it is useful to place a banana on an open balcony. This significantly stimulates its development.

They consist in the fact that bananas need to be watered not so often, but abundantly. It will be great if you give him a warm shower, in which both the foliage and the soil will receive their share of moisture. The main thing after such a shower is to let the excess water drain thoroughly so that it does not stagnate in the pot. Always water with soft water and only at a temperature several degrees higher than the ambient temperature.

If it's dry and hot weather, watering can be done even twice a day. In winter, their frequency is significantly reduced by waiting until the upper third of the soil layer dries thoroughly.

Banana needs active additional feeding when it grows, blooms or bears fruit. It is advisable to alternate universal mineral mixtures for flowering plants with organic fertilizers. At the height of the growing season, it is recommended to feed bananas once a week. With the onset of late autumn, as well as winter, feeding is completely stopped.

If you make a banana substrate yourself, you can do it simply: mix turf, leaf soil and humus in equal proportions. Add approximately 20% coarse sand (by volume) to the resulting mixture.

Bananas have very strong roots, so these plants need to be replanted annually. As a rule, transplantation or transshipment is carried out in the spring, before the start of active growing season. Try to make the new container larger than the previous one, but the difference should be moderate. It is better that the “extra” volume is predominantly at the bottom, and not on the sides - banana roots like to go deeper into the soil.

Important! Care is needed in this matter. If the new pot is too large, the banana roots may rot; if it is small, the plant will develop slowly.

Many sources indicate that when replanting a banana, it should be deeper than its previous position. This will give the banana additional roots. This is a rare recommendation: as a rule, in floriculture, deepening the trunk is strictly prohibited.

When replanting a banana, be sure to create a strong drainage layer! For this culture, such a recommendation is very important.

When approaching the question of how to plant a banana at home, you need to know that the plant reproduces in the following ways:
  • dividing the mother plant;
  • root suckers;
  • seeds.

This method is simple and is usually combined with transplantation. A formed, adult plant, which usually has young side children, is divided so that part of the roots remains with each shoot.

The sections are treated with crushed coal and planted in separate pots. Usually you end up with 2-3 new plants.

The fleshy roots of bananas are rhizomes that have dormant buds. As soon as you see that one of the buds has woken up, it, along with a section of the rhizome, is separated and planted in a separate small pot. In essence, this method is a variant of the previous one, only here we do not wait for the offspring to form into a full-fledged baby.

It must be said that this method is not used often, if only because most cultivated banana hybrids do not have full seeds.

If you do come across them, you will immediately see: banana seeds are very hard, reminiscent of tiny sharp nuts. Because of the hard shell, it is difficult for them to germinate on their own. There are two ways out: either scarification (carefully cutting the shell with sandpaper), or soaking in warm water for 2-4 days.

Further steps for growing bananas from seeds at home are simple. Prepared seeds are sown in a light, moist substrate, only slightly deepening them, and covered with glass or polyethylene. At a constant temperature from +25°C to +30°C, they germinate for quite a long time, from one to three months.

Attention! Banana seeds should be sown immediately in small pots, because replanting them in the first 2-3 months is extremely undesirable.

Banana is a strong plant, and if you follow the rules of care, it rarely gets sick. Most often, gardeners observe the following problems:

  • brown, almost black spots appear on the leaves, turgor is weakened . The reason is waterlogging of the soil, stagnation of water, flooding, cold and damp substrate. In this case, root rot may begin. The soil needs to be changed, drainage improved, and the substrate dried.
  • the edges of the leaves dry out, turn brown, peel off . This problem occurs very often and indicates insufficient air humidity.
  • banana does not bloom, grows poorly . One or more of them are broken important conditions, which were mentioned above. Most often this is insufficient lighting and dry air.

Among the pests, a banana can be infected with scale insects or spider mites. Harmful insects must be removed using standard acaricides and insecticides.

The banana plant is the largest plant without a hard trunk. The stem of banana grass sometimes reaches 10 meters in height and 40 centimeters in diameter. As a rule, 300 fruits with a total weight of 500 kg hang on one such stem.

The inflorescences are a mixture of flowers that are arranged along a "spike" and are topped by a cream-colored bract, also known as an involucre. Both the flowers themselves and the wrapper are edible. However, the outer 4 or 5 layers of the purple-red wrapper are quite tough and inedible. Banana flowers grow all year round. Banana flowers contain phosphorus, protein, carbohydrates, iron, as well as vitamins A and C. (The approximate size of the flower is 12-15 cm wide and 25-30 cm long.)

Bananas are not only yellow, but also red. Red ones have more delicate flesh, and they do not tolerate transportation. The Seychelles island of MAO is the only place in the world where golden, red and black bananas grow. Locals, of course, eat them: it is a side dish served with lobsters and shellfish.

By the way, there are bananas that are generally inedible. For example, Japanese banana and textile banana.

But those bananas that we eat (and almost all varieties!) are generally fiction. They do not exist in nature. These are various varieties of sterile artificially bred banana of paradise, which wildlife does not occur. It is precisely because this banana is sterile that many people think that the banana reproduces vegetatively: “either by shoots or something else.”
Wild bananas have seeds! Moreover, there are so many of them that there may be practically no pulp in a banana fruit.

Only one thing: Those bananas that can be found on the shelves of European stores cannot be fried or boiled. That is, of course you can try. Some desserts can even be made with fried bananas, but this has nothing to do with the version of fried bananas of the peoples of Africa and Asia. Because special varieties are fried here; they are green, hard and, when raw, more like potatoes with a slight sweetish aftertaste.

However, bananas are used not only for food. Dyes are made from bananas (black, from banana peels), the leaves are also used to prepare various foods (similar to foil or baking paper), packaging is often made from the leaves, and rafts and light buildings are made from the stems. Bananas have also found their place in medicine: the fruits help fight anemia, high blood pressure, depression, heartburn and PMS; the flowers are used in the treatment of dysentery, stomach ulcers, bronchitis and brewed for diabetes... The rest of the plant is also used for medicinal purposes. For example, young banana leaves are excellent for healing burns.

Bananas are almost one and a half times more nutritious than potatoes, and dried bananas have five times more calories than raw ones. One banana contains up to 300 mg of potassium, which helps fight high blood pressure and strengthens the heart muscle. Each of us needs 3 or 4 g of potassium per day.,

Series of messages “* Amazing is nearby”:

Part 1 - Amazing Cypress Trees of Caddo Lake
Part 2 - Exotic Beauty: African Tulip Tree

Part 13 - Jaboticaba - an extraordinary tree
Part 14 - 5 amazing ways plants protect themselves from us
Part 15 - Have you seen how a banana blooms?
Part 16 - 360° 3D aerial photo panoramas Virtual Tours Around the world
Part 17 - The Power of Magic Mushrooms

What does it look like externally? Description

Looking at the plant, you might think it is a tree. But banana is actually a herb. It has massive roots, a short stem with several large leaves. The fruit is a berry.


The leaves are long and dense in texture. They grow, layering on each other. Their shape is oblong, oval. They can reach more than three meters in length and one meter in width. On their surface there is a long longitudinal vein, from which small perpendicular ones extend. The color depends on the variety and type of plant.

As it grows, old leaves fall off and new ones appear. One sheet can be completely updated in a week.


The plant does not have a stem as such. It's just a layer of old foliage. The height of the false trunk is 2-12 m, diameter is up to 40 cm.


The roots of the plant are fibrous. In search of moisture, they expand to the sides by 5 m and deepen by 1.5 m.

How does it grow?

In many cartoons, showing what bananas grow on, they draw a palm tree. But it's not right. They do not belong to the Palm family. Many people mistake a banana for a tree, as the plant is quite tall. The Greeks and Romans called it a fruit tree. For this reason, the expression “banana palm” appeared.

Varieties of unusual berries

There are over 60 species in the world, which are divided into 3 varieties according to their areas of application.


The plant blooms beautifully, the fruits are not eaten. Grows in the wild. IN in public places grown for beauty. Inedible berries are used in the production of textile products, they are used to make pillows for cars and fishing nets.


The plant has huge leaves, up to 1 m in length. As they grow, they divide, which makes them look like bird feathers. The foliage color is dark green, rarely reddish. In greenhouses the species grows up to 3.5 m, but in room conditions does not reach even two meters. The length of the fruits ranges from 5 to 30 cm, they can be eaten. The countries where these bananas grow are India, Australia, China.

Blue Burmese

Grows up to four meters in height. The trunk is violet-green, with a silver coating. The leaves are bright green, up to 0.7 m in length. The color of the fruit is blue or purple. It is used to feed Asian elephants. This “banana tree” can be grown at home in a pot.


The size of this species is small. The height of the false stem is 1.5 m. The leaves are dark green, up to 1 m in length. They have a red border on the edges. The pink-skinned fruits open when ripe to reveal flesh with big amount seeds The advantage of the species is the ability to worry about warm winter. At home, it blooms and bears fruit almost all year round.

Bright red or Indochinese banana

It does not exceed a meter in height. It has narrow leaves and brightly colored inflorescences. The flowering period is 2 months.

Platano (plantains)

They are mainly used only after heat treatment. They are fried, baked, boiled in oil, and made into chips. The peel is also used for food. In ripe fruits it is black.

Plantains are also used as livestock feed. In the Caribbean, Africa, India, South America platano is a side dish or an independent dish, richly seasoned with spices.

Ground banana

Mainly found in Brazil. The fruit reaches a length of 27 cm and can weigh half a kilogram. The peel is thick, ribbed, pulp orange tint. It is the leader in the content of vitamins A and C.


Usually fried or baked. The pulp of a raw, overripe fruit has a lemon flavor.

Green banana

It is in great demand in India. It is used to make chips, vegetable stew, and puree. It is not used in its raw form.


All types of dessert bananas are eaten without heat treatment. They are dried for long-term storage. The most common type is banana of paradise. It reaches a height of nine meters, its leaves are up to two meters long. The fruit is up to 20 cm, with a diameter of 4-5 cm. One bunch can contain up to 300 berries. Almost all types of dessert bananas are artificially cultivated.

In what countries do they grow?

Bananas are native to South Asia, Latin America, Malaysia, northeastern Australia, and some islands of Japan.

Countries where they are grown on an industrial scale:

  • Butane,
  • Pakistan,
  • China,
  • India,
  • Sri Lanka,
  • Bangladesh,
  • Nepal,
  • Thailand,
  • Brazil,
  • Maldives.

In Russia, the banana distribution zone is the areas close to Sochi, but since the winters in this area are cold, the fruits do not ripen. Sometimes the plant dies completely.

banana blossom

The flowering period begins 8-10 months after the start of growth. At this time, a long peduncle grows from the underground part of the tuberous stem. Outside, it forms a complex inflorescence, shaped like a bud. Painted in green or purple shades. Flowers are arranged in rows at the base of the bud. At the top are the large female ones, below are the same-sex ones, and at the very bottom are the small male ones.

The flower has 3 tubular petals with three sepals. Many varieties have white petals; the leaves that cover them are purple on the outside and dark red on the inside.

At night, flowers are pollinated by bats, and in the daytime by small animals and birds.

banana fruit

The berries are cylindrical and triangular. In length - from 3 to 40 cm. The color of the peel is yellow, green, red, sometimes with a silver tint. As the fruit ripens, it becomes softer and juicier. One inflorescence produces up to 300 berries. The total weight sometimes reaches 70 kg. The pulp also has different shades: white, cream, orange, yellow. Banana seeds are found only in wild fruits; cultivated species almost always lack them. When fruiting ends, the false stem dies off and a new one appears in its place.

Energy value of banana

Per 100 grams of product there are:

Green banana - 89 kcal;

Ripe - 120 kcal;

Overripe - 180 kcal;

Dried - 320 kcal.

Note! The calorie content of the fruit depends on its size. One banana contains from 70 to 135 kcal.

The fruit does not cope well with the feeling of hunger. After a short-term saturation, it returns again with a vengeance. This is explained by the fact that banana contains sugar, which increases the feeling of hunger.

What are the benefits of banana?

This fruit is low-fat and quite nutritious. Its edible part consists of carbohydrates, sugars, and dry substances. The pulp contains pectin, starch, fiber, and proteins. Essential oils give bananas their special smell. They contain many vitamins and minerals beneficial to the body.

Potassium is essential for maintaining good heart function. The norm for a person is 2 fruits per day. The fruit contains useful amino acids and is a good antiseptic. Banana, like chocolate, promotes the production of serotonin. Regular use helps reduce the likelihood of developing depression and insomnia.

Vitamin E and carotene are needed to prevent thrombosis. B vitamins improve the condition of hair and skin.

But bananas are used not only for food. The leaves are used to wrap food for subsequent baking, the stems are used to make light buildings, and the peel is used to produce black dye.

The plant has also found application in medicine. It helps in the fight against anemia, high blood pressure, and heartburn. Flowers are used to treat diabetes, dysentery, bronchitis, and stomach ulcers. They can be brewed like tea.

Growing bananas

A peculiarity of cultivation is that a polyethylene cover is put on the newly formed bunch to protect it from insects. The bunches stay in it for 11 weeks. The fruits are not brought to full maturity so that they can be transported over long distances. When the harvest season arrives, a worker trims the bunch with a cleaver.

The plant is then removed and a new one is planted in its place. This process of renewal on plantations occurs constantly.

Can it be grown at home?

Decorative and fruit species and varieties are grown at home. Since this is a heat-loving plant, equatorial climate conditions are necessary. Bananas are grown in two ways:

  • seeds,
  • seedlings.

There are also specially bred dwarf varieties. They are well suited for the home, less prone to disease, and do not require special care.


Bananas need a lot of moisture, so they should be sprayed frequently and watered generously. Use warm water. Fill it so that it begins to seep through the drainage. To avoid root rot, water the plant less often in winter. And spray once a week.


For good growth, the plant is fed once a week. organic fertilizer. Apply fertilizer only to moist soil so as not to burn the roots.

How do they reproduce?

On plantations, bananas are propagated vegetatively. After cutting the fruits, the above-ground part of the plant dies off, and underground shoots grow from the false stem, maturing in a year.

Note! Those bananas that are on store shelves cannot reproduce on their own, without human help.

Life cycle in the wild

At home, in the wild, a real banana does not have edible fruits. The berries found on store shelves were bred by breeders.

The visible trunk is formed from leaf stems that grow rapidly and die as they grow. In warm weather, the leaf can grow 2.5 m in a week. At the 10th month, the banana produces one peduncle. It usually blooms at night, revealing many white flowers. Multi-seeded berries are formed from the female ones.

In the wild, bananas live up to 100 years. Artificially created plantations must be renewed every 10-15 years.

Cultivated bananas have flowers white, covering leaves with outside purple, and on the inside - dark red. Having opened, the male flowers usually fall off very quickly, leaving the upper part of the inflorescence bare, with the exception of the apical unopened bud. In wild species, flowering begins at night or early in the morning - in the first case, their pollination is facilitated by bats, and in the second - by birds and small mammals.

Banana inflorescence (Musa acuminata)
When the banana is ready to bloom, a long peduncle develops at the growing point of the short stem, which passes through the false stem and follows the leaves out.
Flowering occurs 8-10 months after active plant growth. The inflorescence is a raceme resembling an elongated lush bud of a purple or green hue, on which large female flowers are located at the base, then smaller bisexual flowers, and at the end - small male flowers. All flowers are tubular, consist of 3 petals, 3 sepals, usually 6 stamens, one of which is underdeveloped and does not have an anther.
Fruits develop only from female flowers (bisexual flowers are sterile); as they develop, each row of fruits more and more resembles a hand with many fingers, each of which is a thick-skinned, multi-seeded berry. The size, color and shape of the fruit can vary significantly depending on the type or variety, but most often they have an oblong cylindrical or triangular shape, straightened or rounded. The length of the fruit varies from 3 to 40 cm, thickness - from 2 to 8 cm. The color of the skin can be yellow, green, red or even silver. The fruit pulp is white, cream, yellow or orange. When unripe it is hard and sticky, but as it ripens it becomes soft and juicy. In cultivated forms, the fruit is often devoid of seeds and can only reproduce vegetatively, but in wild plants the pulp is filled with a large number of round or pointed hard seeds 3-16 mm long, and in weight they can prevail over the pulp. On one axis there can be up to 300 fruits with a total weight of 50-60 kg. Bananas are characterized by a biological phenomenon known as negative geotropism - during formation, the fruits are directed downward by gravity, but as they grow under the influence of hormones, one or more axes begin to grow vertically upward. After fruiting ends, the above-ground part of the plant dies.

Banana heaven. Botanical illustration from Francisco Manuel Blanco's book "Flora de Filipinas", 1880-1883

The fruit of one of wild species cross-section of a banana We all know dessert bananas - fruits that have become common on our table and can be bought in any store. But banana is not only a fruit plant; some species are used for technical purposes: strong fiber is extracted from the stem, and paper is made from the leaves. There are also ornamental banana species widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical zones, and some much further north. The beautiful foliage gives a tropical look and looks absolutely stunning. Beautiful inflorescences adorn the banana for weeks, or even months. Velvet banana (Musa velutina) - This is one of the fastest-flowering and unpretentious types of ornamental bananas. The bract opens in the late evening. Every day one, or rarely two, bracts bend back, revealing a row of flowers. At night, it curls into a "curl" and its color scheme becomes more of a rich red color. After a day, the bract falls off. The flowers also last only one day, falling off in the second half of the next day. Nature has very successfully chosen the color scheme of the bracts and the flowers themselves. Sometimes they seem to glow slightly. Flowers are filled with nectar. The photo shows that there is a lot of it. On the first day of flowering, the smell is barely perceptible. By evening, the room is filled with a light, delicate and unobtrusive aroma. Second day of flowering. The bracts curled into curls and turned a rich red color. The first row of male flowers appeared (without the little bananas). Bisexual flowers are self-pollinating. Third day of flowering. Bananas! Tenth day of flowering. The bananas have turned pink and are increasing in size every day. The largest ones have already reached a length of 3.5 cm - this is half of the maximum. A month from the beginning of flowering. The last flower opened on the 23rd day. The bananas have noticeably increased in size, the largest reached a length of 5.5 cm. Two and a half months after flowering. The bananas are ripe! In just a day they became soft and the skin cracked slightly. Pulp by appearance, tastes and smells like slightly unripe bananas. Each fruit contains 30-50 seeds. Photo: Alexander Bruzhas And here are the secrets of growing fruit-bearing indoor banana “KIEV Dwarf”: To enhance fruiting, adult plants at least 1 m high are watered with fish soup. You can prepare it like this: boil 200 g of fish waste or small unsalted fish in 2 liters of water for half an hour. Strain and dilute cold water. In Russia, bananas ripen only in the botanical gardens of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Lipetsk (dwarf Cavindish variety).......

The underground part of the banana is represented by a powerful, spherical rhizome with well-branched adventitious roots and a central growing point. The shoot is shortened, underground. What we are used to seeing above the surface of the earth is not a shoot, it is leaves.

The leaves are long-petiolate, wrapping around each other's bases. They form something like a trunk. The leaf blades have impressive sizes: 2, sometimes even 3 m in length and up to half a meter in width. Ellipsoidal, juicy, green, sometimes with burgundy or dark green spots. After fruiting, the leaves of the plant gradually die off and are replaced by new ones.

Flower: The banana will bloom for the first time in about a year. By this time, it develops from 15 to 18 leaves. The peduncle emerges from the flower bud and does a great job, “breaking through” the base of the leaves, growing through the long vaginal tube and stretching out almost to the height of the leaves. There it “ends” with a huge, up to one and a half meters, inflorescence, consisting of a large number of small single flowers, painted in pale yellow and greenish tones. Among them there are both bisexual and heterosexual flowers. Banana blossoms are a magnificent spectacle, lasting two or even three months.

The fruits are set after pollination of the largest, female flowers and are located in their place, forming a kind of brush called bancha. The ripened single fruit has an elongated bean-shaped shape and reaches a length of 3 to 40 cm.

Location and lighting

Banana loves bright rooms, is not afraid of direct rays of the sun, and also needs long daylight hours. In winter it needs lighting.


Banana is a heat-loving plant. The optimal air temperature for the full development of bananas is considered to be between 24-30 degrees. It is important that the temperature does not fall below 16 degrees.

Air humidity

Banana does not tolerate dry air, reacting to it by losing its shine and drying out the leaves. For additional moisture, the plant is sprayed daily, and the banana pot is placed in a tray filled with wet expanded clay. It is important that the bottom of the pot does not touch the water. For the purpose of hydration and hygiene, the leaves of the plant are wiped with a damp soft cloth or give the flower a warm shower.


Bananas need not only moist air, but also abundant watering, this is especially true in spring and summer. In the fall, watering is reduced, and by winter it is completely reduced to a minimum. For irrigation, only settled water at room temperature or slightly higher is suitable.

The soil

The optimal soil composition for growing bananas is a mixture of turf, humus, leaf soil and sand in a ratio of 2:2:2:1.

Feeding and fertilizers

Like most plants, bananas are fed using liquid mineral fertilizers intended for indoor plants. Feeding is carried out twice a month, starting in April and ending at the end of September.


Bananas grow rapidly, so they need to be replanted periodically. It is better to do this in the spring, choosing a more spacious pot. A layer of drainage must be poured onto the bottom of the container.

When replanting a banana, it is always buried deeper previous time. This is done in order to stimulate the emergence of new roots.

Bananas are usually propagated by suckers, division of rhizomes, and some species by seeds.

Reproduction using seeds is quite labor-intensive. The hard shell, reminiscent of a nut shell, is a serious and sometimes insurmountable obstacle to a delicate sprout. Therefore, 2-3 days before sowing, the seeds are placed in warm water and then scarified (sawed). Sowing is carried out in a moist substrate composed of equal quantities of leaf soil, peat, sand and charcoal. The depth of planting seeds should be equal to their size.

Greenhouse conditions are created for seedlings by covering the container with glass or transparent film and placing it in a warm place with a temperature of 24-26 degrees. The crops are ventilated and sprayed daily. You will have to wait at least a month for germination, sometimes even two. Picking is carried out after the seedlings get stronger and produce 2-3 leaves. Young plants grow rapidly.

Vegetative propagation is carried out by root suckers. It is very convenient to propagate a banana in this way during transplantation, separating cuttings from an adult plant, making a cut on the rhizome. The cut areas are sprinkled with coal. The root shoot is placed in a separate container filled with a mixture of equal quantities of leaf, peat soil and sand.

Diseases and pests

Overwatering can lead to root rot and leaf spots. At home, bananas can be damaged by spider mites, thrips, scale insects, and mealybugs.

Compared to wild plants, they are more modest in size, beautiful flowers and leaves, for which they are grown.

Velvet banana- rises one and a half meters above the ground and has spectacular bright yellow flowers with scarlet wrappers or bracts. The bracts gradually bend outward, curling into a tube. This species has velvety fruits, which gives it its name.

Banana lavender valued for its beautiful lavender, pink or orange inflorescences.

Banana bright red does not exceed a meter in height, and has a bright flower with a scarlet wrapper, effectively set off by green foliage.

An amazing and unusual sight...

Interesting facts about bananas

Banana is a berry. The banana plant is the largest plant without a hard trunk. The stem of banana grass sometimes reaches 10 meters in height and 40 centimeters in diameter. As a rule, 300 fruits with a total weight of 500 kg hang on one such stem.

Bananas are not only yellow, but also red. Red ones have more delicate flesh, and they do not tolerate transportation. The Seychelles island of MAO is the only place in the world where golden, red and black bananas grow. Locals, of course, eat them: it is a side dish served with lobsters and shellfish.

Bananas contain more vitamin B6 than other fruits. This vitamin is known to be responsible for a good mood.

By weight, the banana crop is the second largest crop in the world, ahead of grapes (3rd place), and behind oranges in first place.

India and Brazil produce more bananas than any other country in the world.

Bananas are almost one and a half times more nutritious than potatoes, and dried bananas have five times more calories than raw ones. One banana contains up to 300 mg of potassium, which helps fight high blood pressure and strengthens the heart muscle. Each of us needs 3 or 4 g of potassium per day.

Mait Lepik from Estonia won the world's first speed banana eating competition. He managed to eat 10 bananas in 3 minutes. His secret was to eat the bananas together with the peel - this way he saved time.

The world record for eating bananas in 1 hour is 81 bananas.

And more about bananas:

In home cooking, dessert bananas are consumed mainly raw. In addition, they are used to make wine, beer, vinegar, marmalade, confiture, and ice cream.

When peeling, also remove all white threads.

When buying bananas, like other fruits, make sure that there are no spots on the peel; you can buy them unripe and they will ripen at home.

Never store bananas in the refrigerator as they will turn black at low temperatures.

photo, bananas

Interesting facts about bananas:

Fry with salt and pepper and serve hot with spicy meat... What do you think we are talking about? It turns out it's about bananas. Here are facts you didn't know about bananas.

Banana is a berry. The banana plant is the largest plant without a hard trunk. The stem of banana grass sometimes reaches 10 meters in height and 40 centimeters in diameter. As a rule, 300 fruits with a total weight of 500 kg hang on one such stem.

Bananas are not only yellow, but also red. Red ones have more delicate flesh, and they do not tolerate transportation. The Seychelles island of MAO is the only place in the world where golden, red and black bananas grow. Locals, of course, eat them: it is a side dish served with lobsters and shellfish.

Bananas contain more vitamin B6 than other fruits. This vitamin is known to be responsible for a good mood.

By weight, the banana crop is the second largest crop in the world, ahead of grapes (3rd place), and behind oranges in first place.

India and Brazil produce more bananas than any other country in the world.

Bananas are almost one and a half times more nutritious than potatoes, and dried bananas have five times more calories than raw ones. One banana contains up to 300 mg of potassium, which helps fight high blood pressure and strengthens the heart muscle. Each of us needs 3 or 4 g of potassium per day.

Mait Lepik from Estonia won the world's first speed banana eating competition. He managed to eat 10 bananas in 3 minutes. His secret was to eat the bananas together with the peel - this way he saved time.

The world record for eating bananas in 1 hour is 81 bananas.

One type of banana is called "Musa sapientum" in Latin, which means "Fruit of the Wise Man."

And more about bananas:

Bananas are the fruits of a perennial herbaceous plant of the banana family. Cultivated since the 4th century BC.

Originally from South India, bananas have been cultivated for about 3,000 years, but were considered a luxury in Europe until the 20th century. Bananas are now imported from many countries.

They are transported green and brought to maturity at room temperature.

The pulp of banana fruits contains a lot of sucrose, vitamins C, B1, B2, PP, E, carotene, enzymes, microelements (especially potassium); contains organic acids (malic acid predominates), fiber, essential oil, starch.

In home cooking, dessert bananas are consumed mainly raw. In addition, they are used to make wine, beer, vinegar, marmalade, confiture, and ice cream.

When peeling, also remove all white threads.

When buying bananas, like other fruits, make sure that there are no spots on the peel; you can buy them unripe and they will ripen at home.

Never store bananas in the refrigerator as they will turn black at low temperatures.


Banana is a berry. The banana plant is the largest plant without a hard trunk. The stem of banana grass sometimes reaches 10 meters in height and 40 centimeters in diameter. As a rule, 300 fruits with a total weight of 500 kg hang on one such stem.

Bananas are not only yellow, but also red. Red ones have more delicate flesh, and they do not tolerate transportation. The Seychelles island of MAO is the only place in the world where golden, red and black bananas grow. Locals, of course, eat them: it is a side dish served with lobsters and shellfish.

Bananas contain more vitamin B6 than other fruits. This vitamin is known to be responsible for a good mood.

By weight, the banana crop is the second largest crop in the world, ahead of grapes (3rd place), and behind oranges in first place.

India and Brazil produce more bananas than any other country in the world.

Bananas are almost one and a half times more nutritious than potatoes, and dried bananas have five times more calories than raw ones. One banana contains up to 300 mg of potassium, which helps fight high blood pressure and strengthens the heart muscle. Each of us needs 3 or 4 g of potassium per day.

Mait Lepik from Estonia won the world's first speed banana eating competition. He managed to eat 10 bananas in 3 minutes. His secret was to eat the bananas together with the peel - this way he saved time.
The world record for eating bananas in 1 hour is 81 bananas.

Not everyone knows how a banana blooms, although they see this incredibly tasty and healthy fruit in the supermarket and often add it to their basket. We eat this product and don’t really think about how it grows. Everyone knows that it is plucked from a tree, but what precedes its formation?


Many people wonder what a banana looks like in its natural environment, how this tall plant blooms. It is perennial and is classified as herbaceous. Its cultivation began in the 4th century BC. e. Its homeland is the south of India, where it has been consumed as food for more than 3 thousand years.

For Europeans, trying this berry until the 20th century was considered a real luxury that one could only dream of, not to mention watching a banana bloom in nature.

Nowadays, when the supply system is developed and established, refrigerated containers have appeared, everything is much simpler, and this product can be easily found in the store at any time of the year.


Few people know how beautiful banana blossoms are. Photos recording different stages of this process give us the opportunity to get some idea about it.

Large reddish buds appear surrounding the ear. The creamy bract gives the delicacy of this natural composition. It's called a wrapper. Seeing how a banana blooms, one can conclude that it is quite a picturesque and impressive sight. In addition, the petals are eaten. However, it is better to take those that are closer to the middle, since they are more tender.

Throughout the year you can see banana blossoms. The photos of this process are quite beautiful. It is not always possible to get an idea of ​​the size of flowers from them. Their width is up to 15 cm, and their length is up to 30 cm. We have to be content with pictures in magazines, because very few people love botany enough to plant a palm tree at home. The petals contain useful phosphorus, nutritious proteins and carbohydrates, as well as iron, vitamins A and C.

About the plant

Nature is designed in such a way that before the result of the vital activity of the plant that we eat as food appears, buds and flowers are formed. The same process characterizes the banana. How does a palm tree bloom before it produces berries?

This is one of the largest plants, the trunk of which is soft, its height can be 10 m, and its diameter can be 40 cm. On such a stem, 300 or more fruits can ripen at once, the total weight of which is 0.5 tons. The color can be yellow or red .

As for the second type, their flesh is softer, so, as a rule, they are not transported to our latitudes. They spoil too quickly. Some types of this fruit are not eaten, for example, textile and Japanese. Black, gold and red varieties of the fruit grow on Mao Island. The people living there use them as an excellent accompaniment to shellfish or lobster.


An interesting fact is that there are a huge number of dishes with this fruit. It can be served salted and peppered hot with meat. It contains a lot of B6, a useful vitamin that can improve your mood. Statistics were collected, the results of which showed that the harvest of this berry by weight ranks second in the world after oranges.

Banana blossoms can most often be seen in Brazil and India. Compared to potatoes, this fruit is 1.5 times more nutritious. When you need a lot of strength and a large number of calories, nutritionists advise introducing it into your diet. It is also a wonderful source of potassium, it contains 300 milligrams of this useful substance. Thanks to it, you can normalize blood pressure and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

The norm of potassium per day is 4 grams. Competitions were held to eat this fruit. The Estonian M. Lepik won the first of them. He managed to eat ten fruits in three minutes. At the same time, he swallowed the peel to waste less time. A world record was set: 81 pieces consumed in an hour. Translated from Latin, the name of one of the varieties of berries sounds like “Fruit of a wise man.”

Contribution of civilization

An interesting fact is that many varieties that we buy in the supermarket are artificially bred. The basis for their creation is the “paradise” look, which is sterile. Without seeing its seeds, people don’t even think about how a banana blooms.

However, if you look at those types of plants that appeared naturally, you can see that they do not reproduce vegetatively, their pulp is not so sweet and tasty, and besides, it is small. You need to study this topic thoroughly to understand which type of reproduction is natural and which is created by science.

Attention to the banana is quite natural, because this crop ranks fourth in the list of food raw materials in popularity, second only to corn, rice and wheat. There are numerous ways to prepare it: boiling, roasting or raw. This is an excellent element for desserts, flour, first and second courses.

Do it yourself

Many lovers of tropical crops want to see how a banana blooms at home. To do this, you need to create an appropriate humid and warm environment, get seeds or a slightly grown palm tree, which are sold in flowerpots.

It is worth noting that with the first method there is more hassle due to the fact that the plant will be wild and you will have to cultivate it yourself. However, he will be able to show greater vitality and strength. The downside is that the fruits of such palm trees cannot be eaten because they contain too many seeds. If you want to simplify the task, it is better to go to a breeding store. You can also see banana blossoms there. Photos of this process can be seen in the article.

A person who has not previously been interested in botany immediately becomes curious about where he will put a palm tree in a small apartment with a 3-meter ceiling. However, scientists have foreseen this inconvenience and created dwarf trees that are very convenient to keep at home. They easily survive illness. Their branches do not extend further than 1.5 m.


If you are for naturalness and do not like simple paths, you want to grow a palm tree from grain, you should know the following: the seeds are quite strong, before planting them in the ground, you need to slightly damage the surface with a needle, just do not overdo it, it is not necessary to penetrate right through. It will just be easier for him to take root.

You will need a very small pot. Its diameter may not exceed 10 centimeters. It is better to use river sand and peat as soil. Banana is a fairly autonomous plant, and it does not need fertilizing, just good drainage. The seeds are lowered into the soil and pressed inside without covering with a layer on top. This will ensure access to the sun's rays.

So this fruit is not only pleasant to eat, but also to help it grow, so that you can then enjoy the home harvest.

Banana (lat. Músa) is a genus of perennial herbaceous plants of the Banana family (Musaceae), native to the tropics of Southeast Asia and, in particular, the Malay Archipelago.

How bananas bloom

Bananas are also called the fruits of these plants that are eaten. Currently, various varieties of banana of paradise (Musa ×paradisiaca) - a sterile triploid cultigen (a hybrid species not found in the wild), created on the basis of several species of the genus - are widely cultivated in tropical countries and are a major export item for many of them. In some regions, banana is one of the most important crops grown, second only to rice, wheat and corn. According to 2012 data from the UN Food Organization, bananas rank twelfth among crops grown in terms of harvest volume, with about 102 million tons of bananas harvested annually in the world.

The genus includes over 40 species, distributed mainly in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. Most northern view- Japanese banana (Musa basjoo), native to the Japanese Ryukyu Islands, is grown as a ornamental plant on Black Sea coast Caucasus, Crimea and Georgia.

Representatives of the genus - herbaceous plants with a powerful root system, a short stem that does not protrude above the ground and 6-20 leaves, the sheaths of which form something like a trunk. The height of the plants varies from 2 to 9 m and even higher, making them one of the tallest (along with bamboos) grasses in the world, which is why many people mistake them for trees. The tallest plant of the banana genus is considered to be the species Musa itinerans - the height of its variety Musa itinerans var. gigantea can reach 12 m. Many side shoots are formed around the main stem, one of which subsequently replaces the previous one - this is how reproduction occurs. The roots are numerous and fibrous; in noble soil they go up to 4.9 m to the side and up to 1.5 m deep.

The leaves are large, soft, smooth, oblong or oval, with parallel veins; arranged in a spiral. Their vaginas are coiled into a dense, multi-layered, fleshy tube called a false stalk. As the plant grows, young leaves appear inside the bunch, and the outer ones gradually die and fall off. In good weather this process continues at a rate of about one leaf per week. Cultivated banana leaves reach 275 cm in length and 60 cm in width, they can be completely green, green with dark maroon spots, or green on the upper side and purple below. In strong winds or rain, the leaves easily tear along the veins - this adaptation helps plants survive in tropical climates. When the banana is ready to bloom, a long peduncle develops at the growing point of the short stem, which passes through the false stem and follows the leaves out.

Flowering occurs 8-10 months after active plant growth. The inflorescence is a raceme resembling an elongated lush bud of a purple or green hue, on which large female flowers are located at the base, then smaller bisexual flowers, and at the end - small male flowers. All flowers are tubular, consist of 3 petals, 3 sepals, usually 6 stamens, one of which is underdeveloped and does not have an anther. The gynoecium is syncarpous, consisting of 3 carpels forming a three-chambered ovary; the flowers are arranged in tiers (the so-called “arms”) and contain a large amount of nectar (up to 0.5 g per flower. Each layer is collected in a raceme, consisting of 12-20 flowers, arranged radially, and covered with fleshy, waxy to the touch covering leaves. Cultivated bananas have white flowers, the covering leaves are purple on the outside and dark red on the inside. Having opened, the male flowers usually fall off very quickly, leaving the upper part of the inflorescence bare, with the exception of the apical unopened bud. In wild species, flowering begins at night or early in the morning - in the first case, their pollination is promoted
bats, and in the second - birds and small mammals.
