What is the name of the flower? Indoor flowers with large leaves photo and name

As a result of centuries-old selection of pigs, today there are more than a hundred breeds of pigs in the world, each of which was selected by livestock breeders for very specific traits that are useful and valuable to humanity. Conventionally, all these characteristics divide modern pig breeds into three production areas.

    Meat pigs or Bacon pigs

    Meat breeds of pigs

    Greasy pig breeds

Breeds of pigs: Meat type or otherwise, Bacon type pigs characterized by a very elongated body, shallower chest depth, lighter front part compared to massive hams. Their chest girth measurements are smaller than their torso length measurements. Breeds of Meat pigs (Bacon type pigs) are characterized by intensive development muscle tissue and delayed fat deposition. Piglets of meat breeds grow quickly and by six to seven months gain up to 100 kg of live weight with proper feeding; after slaughter, up to 58-67% meat and up to 21-32% fat remain in the carcasses, depending on the breed of pig. Pigs are meat breeds and have common distinct features - a fairly long body and a light front part compared to massive hams. Prominent representatives are breeds Duroc, Pietrain, Estonian bacon , Landrace, Hampshire, Tamworth.

Breeds of pigs Tallow type- Pigs of this type are distinguished by a special exterior, they are characterized by a very deep and wide body, a heavy front part and a full fleshy ham, the ganache is heavy, meaty, the depth of the chest is significant. The chest girth measurements are close to the torso length measurements or exceed it. Sebaceous breeds are distinguished by a high content of adipose tissue, because by six months the growth of muscle fibers in piglets stops and the process of fat accumulation accelerates. Such carcasses can contain up to 40-45% fat, and meat - less than 53% by weight. As an example, breeds such as Large Black, Berkshire, Meishan, Hungarian Mangalitsa, Mirgorodskaya, Breitovskaya.

Breeds of pigs: Meat or Universal type occupy a middle position between the Meat and Greasy types. In Meat breeds of pigs, young animals produce meat pork good quality, it is also distinguished by a high average daily weight gain, and already adult pigs of Universal breeds produce a fairly decent amount of lard. After slaughter, the meat content in carcasses is 53-60%, fat - 29-37%. The most widespread among breeds of pigs of the meat-producing type are the following breeds: Large White (Yorkshire) , Ukrainian steppe white , Siberian North , Polish-Chinese, Livenskaya.

Unusual pig breeds

Meishan pigs were developed in China. Animals of this breed are distinguished by their extraordinary fertility; sows bear two litters per year, 15 piglets per litter. These Chinese pigs are capable of eating anything in large quantities. Their external distinguishing feature is wrinkled skin.

Breed of pigs Meishan, Salnogo direction of productivity. Animals of this breed are resistant to many diseases. Large quantities of roughage are used for food.

Mini-Pig breeds were developed in Germany. It was here that the very first ancestors of these funny dwarf pigs appeared. The goals of breeding were purely practical - replacement of human organs and a culinary issue. But decades have passed, and these little pigs have chosen the apartments of many people on all continents. Now the number of breeds is 30, and their weight is very diverse. Six of them will be discussed here, and the first three are: Mini - Mayalino, Wisenau, Bergströsser. These breeds are truly real mini-pigs, since their body weight does not exceed 25 kilograms. The following three breeds: Gottingen mini-pig, Pot-bellied Vietnamese pig. The Siberian miniature pig is also popular, but it is a larger breed. They are all distinguished by color, habits, body structure, but, nevertheless, there is one factor that unites them - playfulness, kindness and a humble disposition. In order for the future owner of a small pig to choose the right breed correctly, he needs to understand their differences. Each breed, in addition to size and weight, has its own characteristic features.

Breed of pigs: Vietnamese pot-bellied (Vietnamese Potbellied Pigs)

Features of the Vietnamese pot-bellied pig breed. The Vietnamese pot-bellied pig is distinguished by its high precocity; pigs reach sexual maturity at the age of 4 months, and boars at 6 months. They use pasture well and have high immunity. Up to 50% of roughage can be included in the fattening diet (due to the breed characteristics digestive system). Sows of the Vietnamese pot-bellied pig are distinguished by a balanced psyche (they do not create problems when caring for offspring), high milk production, well-developed maternal instinct and special cleanliness. The breed is well adapted...

Green glowing piglets were born in Taiwan. Fluorescent animal cells should make the work of geneticists easier
Three green glowing male piglets were born at the end of last year thanks to the efforts of scientists from National Taiwan University. Reporting the birth of unique animals, Professor Wu Shin-Zhi expressed hope that their appearance will help in further research on stem cells.

Embryos injected with fluorescent green protein (borrowed from jellyfish) were implanted into eight sows, but only four became pregnant, and only three resulted in successful births. Piglets have a greenish tint even in normal daylight, and in ultraviolet rays they look completely bright green.

Danish Protest pigs, also Husum Protest pigs, red-and-white Husum protest pigs (Danish Husum protestsvin), (German Husumer Protestschwein), (English Danish Protest Pig) have a certain historical background in their name. Thus, the Danes living in the region of North Frisia (Germany) expressed their protest to the authorities as a sign that they forbade them to fly the flag of Denmark - a symbol of their real homeland.

At the beginning of the 20th century, such pigs began to be actively bred. At the same time, a new name, Danish Protest Pigs, became popular among the people, and in 1954 it was officially legalized. The pig of this breed is quite impressive in size, as evidenced by its height - 92 cm and weight - about 350 kg.

Meat breeds of pigs

Duroc pig breed ( Duroc Jersey Pigs )

Duroc pigs are the most common among American breeds. Also known as Duroc-Jersey. Characterized by large weight, ability to fatten and fertility, very hardy.

Duroc pigs are all red, which they inherited from the red Guinea pigs, which, according to H. R. Davidson, were brought to America from Africa. Pigs have a high growth rate (up to 960 g per day), a strong constitution, a long body, an arched back, and medium-sized ears. Whips reach a live weight of up to 400 kg and more, queens - up to 340 kg. Fertility - 8-9 piglets with good viability. Duroc pigs are used for crossing with other breeds to obtain local livestock for commercial farms.

Landrace pig breed ( Landrace Pig s)

Landrace pigs. Landraces were first imported from Sweden in 1948. These pigs were bred in Denmark by crossing local pigs with large white pigs and long-term selection and selection of these crossbreeds for early maturity, good feed payment, and meat qualities.

Landrace pigs are of the bacon type, they use nitrogenous substances in their diets better, and less fat is deposited in the carcass than large white breed pigs. The animals are large, long, with large drooping ears, the head is light, the chest is narrow, the hams are well filled, the skin is thin, the bristles are white and thin. The color is white. Temperament is calm.

The live weight of boars is 280-300 kg, sows - 200-220 kg, fertility is 10-12 piglets. Sows are milk-producing and have good maternal qualities.

Berkshire pigs were bred in England at the end of the 18th century as a result of crossing local large pigs with Portuguese, Chinese, and Neapolitan breeds. Berkshire pigs are black pigs, well built, adapted to pasture. This breed is used for meat fattening; piglets at 6-7 months weigh 85-100 kg. Sows give birth to 6-7 piglets.

Lithuanian White Pig Breed (Lithuanian White Pigs)

Pig breed th Estonian bacon(Estonian Bacon Pigs)

Estonian Bacon - this breed was obtained by crossing with Large White boars, German and Finnish breeds of local pigs (European Long-Eared), as well as Danish Landrace boars.

Estonian bacon pigs are distinguished by their long body, thin bones, and long fleshy neck. A straight and long back, well-executed hams, pink skin, and large hanging ears are characteristic of this breed. The weight of adult boars is up to 320 kg, queens up to 250 kg, multiple births - 11-12 piglets, milk production up to 80 kg. The Estonian bacon breed differs from the Landrace breed in its stronger constitution and greater adaptability to local conditions.

The Hampshire pig breed belongs to the bacon type of productivity. This breed is one of the oldest breeds in England and the USA. Hampshires are characterized by good productivity. The animals have a long body and an arched back. The head is lightweight with erect short ears. The snout is straight.

The limbs are strong with straight hooves. The color of pigs is black with a pronounced large white belt around the body at the level of the forelimbs.

Sows have well-developed maternal qualities, but multiple births are low. During one farrow, a pig gives birth to six to eight piglets. With intensive fattening, the average daily gain is 850 - 950 g. The live weight of adult pigs on average ranges from 220 to 250 kg, the live weight of adult boars reaches 312 kg.

By their nature, Hampshires are easily excitable and restless. They do not tolerate stress well, but are well-hardened.

Breed Poltava factory type of meat pigs (PM-1)

Poltava factory type of meat pigs (PM-1). The type was created by a team of the Poltava Scientific and Experimental Institute of Pig Breeding under the leadership of Professor F.K. Pochernyaev. The team developed and applied a method of combining genotypes of 5 breeds of different performance areas: Great White, Landrace, Mirgorod, Pietrain and Wessex Saddleback.

Animals of the Poltava meat type are white in color with a relatively long, wide and deep body, well-developed hams, a straight and wide back, a light head with small erect ears, strong legs, strong hooves, elastic skin.

Pigs of the Poltava factory type of meat pigs on control fattening reach a live weight of 100 kg in 200 days with an average daily gain of 701 g and a cost of 3.74 feed per 1 kg of gain. units Selection and breeding work from pigs of this type is aimed at increasing the livestock and further consolidating hereditary and productive qualities.

Tamworth pig breed - Bacon direction of productivity. Tamworth, one of the oldest pig breeds in the world. It was bred in England. Tamworth pigs have good endurance and can withstand harsh climatic conditions. Basically, pigs of this breed are bred in the north, due to their good adaptability to cold and winds. By nature, Tamworth pigs are very sociable and get along well with other animals, even cattle, so they can be kept together. In addition, they are omnivores. They are not picky about feed and can use a variety of feeds, including feed for cattle. They are bred in such countries as: England, Australia, Canada, USA, New Zealand. This breed of pig is not widespread in Russia.

Tamworth pigs have a strong constitution and well-developed bones. Well developed muscles. The body is narrow, elongated. The body length of boars is 100-140cm. The head is long. The ears are wide and pointed, erect. The neck is long and wide. The legs are short and strong. The breed belongs to the motley color. The body is evenly covered with thin shiny bristles. Tamworth pigs molt between June and August. Skin colors range from bright red to dark red. White colors with black spots on the back are also found.

Urzhum pig breed (Urzhum Pigs)

The Urzhum breed of pigs belongs to the bacon-producing breeds. Urzhum breed pigs were obtained in the Kirov region as a result of crossing boars of the large white breed with local late-maturing pigs. Pigs adapt well to the harsh conditions of the northern regions and are used to produce large quantities of meat, which is mainly used for the production of bacon.

Animals have a strong constitution and massive bones. They have a stretched middle part of the body and a lightweight front part. Head with an elongated snout. The sacrum and back are long. The limbs are very strong with hard hooves.

Strongly developed bristles are colored white. The body length of a pig reaches 160 - 170 cm, in boars - 165 - 175 cm. The fertility of sows is high. During one farrow, the female gives birth to ten to thirteen piglets. The queen feeds the piglets well and looks after them. Milk production ranges from 65 to 75 kg. Average daily weight gain is 680 - 720 g at a feed cost of 4.0 - 4.5 units.

Meat breeds of pigs

Pig breed Large white (Large White Pigs)

Large white breed of pig of English origin. The breed began to be imported into the CIS last years XIX century landowners-breeders. These large white breeds of pigs were bred on landowner farms and were practically not used to improve the number of pigs among peasants. Now this is the main and most common breed of pigs.

The large white breed of pigs is predominantly of the meat-and-fat type, but there are meat and fatty types of productivity. The breed has its own genealogical structure: about 100 lines and a large number of families. Adult sows weigh 220-280 kg, wild boars - 320-380, and individual ones - up to 500 kg. The large white breed of pigs is characterized by high fertility and multiple births. Adult sows give birth to 10-12 healthy piglets weighing 1.0-1.3 kg per farrow; often 14-16 piglets are born. The breed record is 32 piglets. The milk production of sows is 45-50 kg and more. Large white pigs are early maturing, reaching weights of 100 kg at the age of 183-195 days with gains of over 700 g and feed consumption per 1 kg of live weight gain of 3.6-4.6 feeds. units The slaughter yield of fattened adult pigs is 80-82%, young animals - 70-75%. The Large White breed is used to improve other pig breeds and create new types.

Ukrainian large white pig breed (Ukrainian big white pig)

Ukrainian large white (UKB-1). The intrabreed type of pigs in the large white breed was created in the leading breeding plants "Stepnoye", "Chutovoe" in Poltava region, "Bolshaya Burimka" in Cherkassy region, "Bobrovitsky" in Chernigov region and "Ukraine" in Vinnytsia regions, as well as in 10 subsidiary farms. Until 1972, breeding farms used complex selection, and after 1973, intensive exchange of breeding material, especially knurs. Type approved in 1984

Ukrainian large white (UKB-1) pig is large in size, live weight of boars is 325 kg, sows - 248 kg. The multiplicity of sows is about 10.1-12.4 piglets, milk production is 48.1-70.5 kg.

Piglets at 2 months of age reach a weight of 17.5-20 kg. During control fattening, gilts have an average daily gain of 700 g; at the age of 175-190 days they reach a weight of 100 kg. For 1 kg of growth, pigs of this type spend 3.9-4 feed. units

Breeding farms sell 22-25 thousand heads of breeding young stock of this type, including 16-17 thousand pigs. In total, farms of different categories keep over 150 thousand sows of this type, from which 1.5-2 million heads of crossbred and hybrid young animals are produced annually.

Ukrainian Steppe White pig breed(Ukrainian White Steppe Pigs)

The Ukrainian steppe white breed of pigs is the first domestic breed that was bred by Academician. M. F. Ivanov on the farm of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Livestock Husbandry of the Steppe Regions "Askania-Novaya" by reproductive crossing. M.F. Ivanov used this breed as the main one to create a breed of local steppe sows, well adapted to the conditions of the arid zone of southern Ukraine. Sows were mated with large white breed hogs. The first generation offspring were again mated with Great White hogs. The offspring of the second generation, which met the requirements, were bred “inside”. Inbreeding was used to develop the breed. Animals that did not meet the requirements were discarded.

Pigs of the Ukrainian steppe white breed are white, very similar to pigs of the large white breed, but their heads are narrower and longer, their ears are large, hanging slightly over their eyes; the skeleton is stronger, the bristles are denser and coarser. They are well adapted to the feeding conditions and climatic conditions of the southern Steppe. Due to the structure of the body, the breed belongs to the meat-greasy type. The body is long, deep and wide. Live weight of boars 300-350, sows 230-260 kg, multiple births (10-11.5 piglets), milk production 48-55 kg.

Ukrainian steppe speckled pig breed ( Ukrainian Spotted Steppe Pigs)

The Ukrainian steppe speckled breed of pigs was created at the Institute of Livestock Husbandry of Steppe Regions named after. M. F. Ivanov "Askania-new" under the leadership of academician. L.K. Comb. The basis for its creation were speckled pigs, which belonged to the Stepnyak and Druzhka lines of the Ukrainian steppe white breed. To consolidate the desired results, introductory crossing of Berkshire and Mangalitsa breeds was used.

Pigs for meat and fat production, small. The live weight of cows is about 280-300, and that of sows is 200-250 kg. Fertility of sows is 9-10 piglets. The color is pockmarked, black, black-red and red pigs are often found. Thanks to their dark colors, they tolerate heat well and can stay on pasture in the summer longer than white pigs. At an early age, speckled pigs are also suitable for fattening meat and bacon. They are bred in the Kherson, Zaporozhye and Nikolaev regions.

North Caucasian pig breed (North Caucasian Pigs)

North Caucasian - obtained by crossing the Kuban local pig with representatives of the large white, Berkshire and white short-eared breeds.

North Caucasian pigs are distinguished by a wide head, a deep and wide chest, a wide back and loin, well-executed hams, strong legs with a hard hoof, thinner bones, but denser and stronger than those of pigs of similar breeds. In winter, a soft undercoat appears, the bristles are thick and uniform, and the color is black and variegated. Boars of the North Caucasian breed weigh on average up to 350 kg, uteruses up to 230 kg. They reach 100 kg of live weight in 178 days, the queens are distinguished by good multiple births of 10-11 piglets, milk production up to 80 kg.

Modern North Caucasian pig breed

The modern North Caucasian breed of pigs is characterized by early maturity, endurance, and has good fattening qualities. The color is black and speckled, black and partly white. Fertility of sows is 10-11 piglets. The milk production of queens reaches 55 kg. Pigs have a strong constitution. Live weight of boars is 300-350 kg, sows - 220-250 kg. Gilts reach a live weight of 100 kg at the age of 6-7 months. For 1 kg of growth, 4.1-4.3 feeds are consumed. units Knurs, when industrially crossed with other breeds, give a high heterosis effect.

The Kemerovo breed of pigs was bred in Siberia as a result of crossing late-maturing pigs with Berkshire boars, large white and large black breeds and belongs to the meat-fat direction of productivity. Kemerovo breed pigs are well adapted to harsh climatic conditions.

The animals have a large build. In boars, the body length is 165 - 170 cm, in pigs - 160 - 165 cm. The chest girth in queens is 140 - 150 cm, in boars - 155 - 160 cm.

The head with a curved profile is of medium size. Erect ears are small in size. The chest is wide and deep. The hams are well defined. The color of pigs is black with small white spots on the body, mainly on the limbs, tail and forehead. The skin is covered with black thick stubble.

Pigs are fertile; in one farrow the sow gives birth to ten to eleven piglets. Milk production is 60 - 65 kg. The average daily gain reaches 730 - 780 g. Per one kilogram of weight gain, the average feed consumption is 3.8 - 4.5 units. A piglet reaches 100 kg at the age of 175 - 180 days. Kemerovo breed pigs are bred in the Far East, Siberia and Kazakhstan.

Kuban pig breed

Kuban pigs. They are characterized by good fertility, milk production, maternal qualities and adaptability to local conditions, low live weight, late ripening.

Livenskaya pig breed(Livny Pigs)

The Livensky breed of pigs belongs to the combined direction of productivity. Livensky pigs were bred in the Oryol region as a result of crossing local long-eared pigs with Berkshire, Large White and Polish-Chinese boars. Animals of this breed can be kept on pastures, and the diet includes a large amount of chaff, potatoes and bulky feed.

Livensky pigs have a medium-length body, measuring 170-175 cm in boars and 160-165 cm in sows. The constitution is strong, the bones are massive. The wide and short head has a slightly curved profile. The ears are thick, large and drooping. The neck is of medium length. The back is wide and straight. The chest is deep and wide. The limbs are strong. The skin is quite loose, often folded and evenly covered with bristles. The color of pigs ranges from white to black-and-white. Sometimes there are animals of red-and-white color.

The live weight of adult boars reaches 300 - 310 kg, of queens - 230 - 240 kg. The sow gives birth to ten - eleven piglets per farrowing. The milk yield is 60 - 80 kg. Young animals have good fattening qualities, the average daily weight gain is 750 - 800 g at a feed cost of 3.8 - 3.9 units.

The Murom breed of pigs was developed in the Vladimir region as a result of crossing large white and Lithuanian white boars with local breeds of pigs. The Murom breed of pigs belongs to the combined direction of productivity.

The animals have a strong build. The body is deep and wide. The head is light, with a slight bend in profile. Moderately long ears - hanging forward. The chest is deep and wide. The back is wide and level. Limbs are strong and short. The color of the breed is white. Thick white bristles evenly cover the entire body.

The average live weight of adult boars is 250 - 280 kg, of queens - 200 - 220 kg. The multiple pregnancy of a sow is ten to eleven piglets. Milk content - 55 kg. Fattening young animals reach a live weight of 90 - 100 kg by the age of six - seven months, with feed costs per 1 kg of weight gain of 3.9 - 4.0 units. The amount of meat in the carcass is 57%.

Breitovskaya pig breed

Breitovskaya - was created by crossing local pigs of the Yaroslavl region with specimens of the Danish breed, medium and large white, Latvian and Polesie.

Breit breed pigs are large animals - they have a wide, medium-sized head with a curved profile, a muscular, wide and deep chest, straight, well-positioned legs, a muscular back and lower back, dense skin with thick stubble. Usually the Breit breed of pigs is white, but there are exceptions with pigmented skin color. Breit breed pigs differ from others in their high reproductive ability - the queens can give two farrows per year. A distinctive feature of the Breit breed pigs is their high reproductive ability: the queens, as a rule, give two farrows per year. Weight of adult individuals - boars up to 320 kg, uterus - up to 240 kg, milk production up to 70 kg, multiple pregnancy 11-14.

The Siberian northern breed was obtained by crossing local sows with large white boars. It was approved as an independent breed in 1942. The animals have a strong constitution with strong bones. Combined body type. The chest is wide. The back is wide and straight. The limbs are shortened. The sides are deep. The sacrum is of medium length. Thick leather - somewhat rough. The long and thick bristles are painted white. The undercoat covers the entire body.

The live weight of adult boars on average reaches 315 - 360 kg, sows - 240 - 260 kg. The length of the body in boars is 178 - 184 cm, in sows - 160 - 165 cm. The chest girth in boars is 166 - 172 cm, in sows - 150 - 155 cm.

The fertility of queens is ten to eleven piglets. Under good housing conditions and meat fattening, young animals at the age of six to seven months reach a weight of 95 kg. The increase in live weight per day is 690 - 740 g with feed costs per 1 kg of gain of 3.8 - 4.0 units.

Greasy pig breeds

Breed of pigs Mirgorodskaya (Mirgorod Pigs)

The Mirgorod breed of pigs was bred by complex reproductive crossing of local short-eared black-spotted pigs that were bred in the Poltava region with Berkshire, medium white, large white breeds of pigs. In addition, Big Black pigs and Tamworths were used for crossbreeding.

Mirgorod breeds of meat-fat type pigs are quite long, wide, have a deep chest, strong legs; the head is of medium size, not coarse, with wide fleshy ganaches, with small ears directed forward; the profile is concave, the snout is of moderate length; the body is wide and deep; hams are long, wide, full; the skin is elastic, not rough; The bristles are long, thick, and shiny. The color is black and speckled, less often black or reddish-black. Live weight of whips is 230-250, sows - 200-220 kg, fertility - 10-11 piglets, milk production - 48-50 kg. Gilts reach a live weight of 100 kg at the age of 180-185 days. The slaughter yield is 80-85%. Growth reaches 680-700 g, feed consumption per 1 kg is 4.1-4.2 feed. units

The breed is widely used for crossing with other breeds. Work to improve the pig breed was carried out with the Mirgorod breed and three breed groups - Podolsk speckled, Krolevets and Pridneprovsk. They are bred in Poltava, Cherkasy and other regions.

Pig breed Large black (Large Black Pigs)

Large Black is a breed developed in England. It is suitable for crossing with pigs of other breeds, and all indicators characterizing this type of animal are improved.

The large black breed has a number of disadvantages - they are distinguished by folded skin and drooping hindquarters, as well as changes in constitution. But the results of crossing individuals of the large black breed increase the prolificacy of crossbred sows, the weaning weight of piglets and the fattening period.

It should be remembered that each breed has several types of animals and through proper selection you can change the breed in the right direction.

Curious Pig Breeds from Around the World

I have wanted Oxford Sandy and Black pigs for many years and finally (in the year of the pig) my husband gave in well he had to really it was either pigs or elephants!

The Oxford Sandy & Black is noted for its many qualities, particularly its excellent temperament and mothering abilities. The Oxford Sandy & Black Pig will function well under most management systems, and produces meat of very high quality and flavor (the markings do not go through to the meat). When crossed with white breeds pure Oxford Sandy & Black pigs produce highly commercial white hybrids. There can be no more visually attractive breed, with its excellent nature and ease of management making it a great favorite with the first time smallholder wishing to own thier first pig. Whoever has kept the Oxford Sandy & Black Pig will never be disappointed.

Guinea pig breed I

The Guinea Hog is a rare American breed of domestic pig, distinguished by its strong build, erect ears and completely black color. Despite their name, these pigs have absolutely no connection to Guinea, although their ancestors are said to have been brought to the United States from West Africa.

Compared to other modern breeds, the Guinea pig is almost a baby: the weight of an adult does not exceed 90 kg. Pigs of this breed can be classified as herbivores - they are easily raised on pasture, but Guinea pigs are not raised on an industrial scale due to their small size and large fat layer. IN North America There are two types of Guinea pigs, and another type lives in South America.

The Ossabaw Island Hogs mini pig breed is one of the American pig breeds. It descended from a population of feral animals brought to this island by the Spaniards in the 16th century. The uniqueness of this breed of pigs lies in the fact that it did not appear as a result of hybridization, like most existing breeds of mini pigs, but due to isolation and natural selection.

Pigs of this breed are different small in size: their height does not exceed 50 cm, and Weight Limit an adult boar barely reaches 90 kg. They have a long snout, erect ears and thick, boar-like bristles. As for the color scheme, Ossabaw Island pigs can be pure black or any other color (most often brown), but always have black spots. Ossabaw Island hogs are striped and look nothing like wild boars.

The brush-eared pigs are perhaps the most variegated pigs. They live in West and Central Africa, their range extends from Senegal to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. They are found both in forests and in savannas and swampy areas, avoiding only overly arid landscapes. Since they inhabit bushland and forest groves, in southern Africa they are often called bush pigs, although this is a separate subspecies.

This pig has a strong, harmonious and, like a pig, proportional body, without folds of fat and a hanging belly; a long hook-nosed profile with a thin snout and a small snout, short but slender lean legs, a fierce look and very sharp, albeit short, white fangs. Male brush-eared pigs have bony bumps between the eyes and nose; in older individuals they look like two small horns directed backwards. The tail is very mobile, with a thick black and white tassel at the end. They reach 100-150 cm in length, 55-80 cm in height at the withers, and weigh on average 80 kg. The movements are light and fast, it runs very maneuverably and swiftly, faster than most dogs, but it gets tired quickly.

Julian pigs are small pigs native to Europe. The breed appeared thanks to careful selective work. The second name for Julian pigs is miniature colored pigs. A distinctive feature of this breed is its small spots. Julian pigs, unlike their Vietnamese pot-bellied counterparts, do not have sagging backs and big belly, and the snout should be elongated. However, the main advantage of these pigs is their temperament - during selection, much attention was paid not only to the exterior of the piglets, but also to their character. For the most part, Julian mini pigs are cheerful, flexible and not aggressive. The Julian breed of pigs is quite old, but its modern representatives differ significantly from those that lived in the last century. This gives skeptics reason to doubt, however, the Julian pig is one of the few breeds of mini pigs that have clear standards.

Kun-kun with Pir-Pirs. Kune-kune or kune-kune is the name of a breed of small pigs from New Zealand, which translated from Maori means “bun, round, plump.” What is Pir-Pir? These are tassels or earrings, about 4 cm long, hanging from lower jaw- a distinctive feature of the breed. It is not known exactly how and when Kun-Kun pigs came from Polynesia to Europe. Their numbers either increased or decreased: in 1970, Kune-Kuns almost disappeared, but since 1978, the breed began to revive again and now there are several thousand of these animals. They have gained popularity among both farmers and pet lovers.

Adult pigs do not exceed 80 cm in height and 90 cm in length. If you add to such almost square dimensions very rounded shapes on short legs, then you can understand why this breed was called Kun-Kun.

As a result of 40 years of work on intersubspecific hybridization of domestic and wild pigs, Minisibs (miniature Siberian pigs) were obtained for the first time in our country. Work continues to optimize them for medical and biotechnological use. Currently, in the nursery, under immuno- and cytogenetic control, Minisibs are breeding, which are not inferior in performance to the best American minipigs of the Hanford and Minnesota breeds, i.e., having a size that is 3–5 times smaller than that of commercial Landraces. A unique population of especially small pigs - Microsibs - is maintained. Animals are used in joint developments with NIIPC named after. E.N. Meshalkin, Kemerovo Cardiac Surgery Center, Novosibirsk Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Novosibirsk Medical University, State Scientific Center of Virology and Biotechnology “Vector”. A small group of mini-pigs was transferred as an insurance fund and for control to the laboratory of environmental education of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics.

Polish-Chinese breed of pigs of the greasy variety. Bred through complex reproductive crossing. According to P.N. Kuleshov, the basis for the formation of the breed was a cross between the Russian long-eared pig and the English. long-eared pig from Chinese; these crosses were subsequently improved by the Berkshire and Large Irish breeds.

The average live weight of adult boars of the Polish-Chinese breed is 300-320 kg, and that of queens 210-270 kg. Pigs of the Polish-Chinese breed have great precocity and the ability to fatten: at 6 - 7 months of age, fatteners reach a live weight of 110 - 115 kg; Wed slaughter weight during meat fattening is 84.7% and even reaches 86%; Feed costs are high. The disadvantages of the breed include low fertility: 7 - 9 piglets per farrowing; individual queens give birth to 10 piglets or more.

Breeds of Pigs

American Landrace
Landrace are white in color. Their ears droop and slant forward with its top edges nearly parallel to the bridge of a straight nose. Landrace, which are noted for their ability to farrow and raise large litters, are the fifth most recorded breed of swine in the United States.
American Yorkshire
Yorkshires are white in color and have erect ears. They are the most recorded breed of swine in the United States and in Canada. They are found in almost every state, with the highest populations being in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Nebraska and Ohio. The modern Yorkshire is very muscular, with a high proportion of lean meat and low backfat, in addition to being very sound and durable.
The Angeln Saddleback pig is also known as the Angler Sattelschwein. The Angeln Saddleback pig is a rare breed of domestic pig which is grown mainly in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. It is a large, lop-eared, black pig with a white band around its body which continues down to its forefeet.
The true origin of the feral pigs of Arapawa Island in the Marlborough Sounds is not known although they have given rise to much speculation. It has been suggested that they are descendants of animals released in the Marlborough Sounds area by James Cook in 1773 and 1777. A more likely explanation, however, is that they were introduced by whalers during the first half of the nineteenth century.
Ba Xuyen is a composite of the Berkshire, imported from 1932-1958, and the Bo Xu that is itself a composite of the Craonnais, imported around 1920 by French planters, and Chinese pigs imported around 1900 by Chinese traders.
This breed is found throughout China. They are a meat breed, usually black but occasionally with white markings.
Belgian Landrace
The breed"s development began in the late 1920"s, with the native Landrace type, which was described as "a short, fat and poorly muscled pig."" In the early 1930"s, the German Landrace was introduced and crossed with the native stock. The German stock that was introduced was said to have an infusion of British Large White. Following World War II, Dutch Landrace were imported and used.
Bentheim Black Pied
The Bentheim Black Pied pig is also known as the Buntes Bentheimer Schwein. It is a rare breed of domestic pig in Germany.
CROMWELL’S troops when quartered in Reading, made reference to a locally bred pig renowned for its size and the quality of its bacon and ham. This turned out to be one of the earliest records of the Berkshire breed.
The Black Salvonian are a meat breed with semi-lop ear which originated, by Count Pfeifer, from Berkshire and Poland China crossed with Black Mangalitsa.
British Landrace
The first Landrace pigs were imported into Britain from Sweden in 1949 (4 boars and 8 gilts) with other imports to follow from 1953 onwards, these came into Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands.
The British Lop is a west country breed which originated around the Tavistock area either side of the Cornwall/Devon borders.
This meat breed is found throughout Bulgaria. It was developed from Bulgarian Native graded up by Large White and Edelschwein.
The Chester White breed originated in Chester County, Pennsylvania and thereby derived its breed name. At first it was called the Chester County White, but later the "county" was dropped.
Czech Improved White
This breed is found throughout the Czech Republic. It was developed from Large White, Edelschwein and German Landrace crossed with local swine.
The Danish Landrace pig is a medium to large breed of pig, whitish in color with long bodies, fine hair, long snouts and drooping ears. The Danish Landrace pigs are bred for pork production. Production and quality testing have become a regular part of the Danish swine improvement program.
Found in the region surrounding Lukovit in northern Bulgaria, the Dermantsi Pied is a lard breed of swine.
In 1812, early "Red Hogs" were born in New York and New Jersey. They were large in size. Large litters and the ability to grow quickly were characteristics Durocs possessed from the beginning. The foundation that formed today"s "Duroc" was comprised of Red Durocs from New York and Jersey Reds from New Jersey.
The Fengjing breed was introduced into the United States under a cooperative effort of the USDA, the University of Illinois, and Iowa State University. Meishan and Minzhu were also introduced with this program at the same time. A total of 144 pigs of these breeds were brought to the U.S. with this program. Iowa State University received 8 Fengjing males for research on July 27, 1989.
The Landrace strains of swine were first introduced into France around 1930. It was not until after World War II that extensive importations of registered stock were made. Those imported came largely from Sweden. At that time Denmark was quite restrictive of exports. Selection in France was being heavily directed for swine that suited the production environment and the market requirements of France.
The breed was started about the year 1900 in northwest Germany and especially in Lower Saxony. The existing swine supplied the original seed stock and improvement was made by farmer breeders through careful selection.
Gloucestershire Old Spot
Although if old paintings are to be trusted, there have been spotted pigs around for two or three centuries, the Gloucestershire Old Spots has only had pedigree status since the early 20th century.
Guinea hogs, or Guinea Forest hogs, most likely originated on the Guinea coast of Africa and were spread widely though the slave trade from Africa to England, France, Spain, and America.
The Hampshire Breed has been developed in the United States of America and is now one of the World’s most important breeds.
The first hogs known as Herefords originated on the farm of R.U. Webber of La Plata, Missouri. Mr. Webber was said to have made his first crosses in about 1902, and these ultimately involved several breeds.
The Hezuo pig is from the Plateau region and are located in the Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Gansu Province, China.
The Iberian is found in southern Spain. It includes the Extremadura Red, Jabugo Spotted, Black Iberian and others.
The Jinhua pig of Zhejiang Province in China, is characterized by its hair color and meat quality. The animals have a white body, with black at the head and rump. This leads to the common name of "two-end-black". The back and loins are slightly curved. The breed is especially noted for its thin skin, fine bones and tender meat. After special processing, "Jinhua ham" is favored for its attractive flavor and rosy color and it has a high reputation in the international market.
The Kele is located in Southwest China in the Yunnan-Guizhou mountainous areas, where the altitude is between 1700 to 2400 m, the climate is dry and cold during the winter and humid in summer, and characterized by erratic changes in weather. The main crops are potatoes and buckwheat; this area is relatively poor in feed supply, and the pigs are out on the plateau pasture with cattle and sheep.
The Krskopolje or Blackbelted pig is the only Slovene autonomous pig breed.
The delightful Kunekune developed into its present form in New Zealand, although the breed is almost certainly of Asian origin*. most During the period these pigs have been in New Zealand they were kept almost solely by Maori communities, and were to a large extent unknown by Europeans. (It is quite certain, however, that they were not in this country prior to the arrival of Europeans and they were probably introduced very early in the European period by whalers or traders.)
The Lacombe breed is the fifth ranking breed of swine in Canada; 1,743 were registered in 1981, of which 648 were boars and 1,095 were females.
With its lop ears and long, deep body, the Large Black is Britain"s only all-black pig. Extremely docile, and very hardy, it is ideally suited to simple outdoor systems. These characteristics, coupled with its black skin, make the Large Black ideal for a wide range of climatic conditions.In fact, by 1935, pigs of this breed had been exported to well over 30 countries.
First recognized in 1868 the Large White owes its origins to the old Yorkshire breed. The Large White was one of the original founder breeds of the National Pig Breeders" Association (now known as the British Pig Association) and the first herdbook was published in 1884. Large Whites are distinguished by their erect ears and slightly dished faces. They are long-bodied with excellent hams and fine white hair and, as their name suggests, they are characterized by large size.
Lithuanian Native
The formation of the Lithuanian Native breed took place in the ethnic lands of Lithuania and was mostly influenced by the interaction of local short eared and long eared pigs and some cultural breeds. Native pigs are diverse in color: white, black, tan, but mostly multicolored. The breeding of colored pigs has been most prolonged in the southeastern districts of Lithuania, where buckwheat was grown. Buckwheat chaff highly increased sensitivity of white pigs to sunlight, and only colored pigs could be fed on buckwheat chaff and pastured. Most of the native pigs still have a characteristic feature - the beads hanging under the neck.
The pig shown is a Mangalitza or Woolly Pig found in Austria, Germany, Hungary, Romania and Switzerland.
The Meishan breed was introduced into the United States under a cooperative effort of the USDA, the University of Illinois, and Iowa State University. This effort also imported Fengjing and Minzhu pigs from China. A total of 144 pigs from these breeds were shipped to the United States. Iowa State University received 22 Meishan females and 10 Meishan boars from this shipment on July 27, 1989.
The Middle White was first recognized as a breed in 1852 in the most unusual circumstances. At the Keighley Agricultural Show in West Yorkshire, Joseph Tuley, a weaver by trade, exhibited several of his famous Large White sows along with other pigs.
The Minzhu breed was introduced into the United Sates through a joint effort of the USDA, the University of Illinois, and Iowa State University. This effort was also successful in introducing Meishan and Fengjing pigs from China. This effort introduced a total of 144 pigs from these breeds into the United States. Iowa State University received 7 Minzhu males from this shipment on July 27, 1989.
Mong Cai is one of the major local breeds in the northern part of Vietnam, particularly in the provinces of North Mountain, the Red River delta and the northern part of Central Coastline. It has small to medium body size.
The Mora Romagnola is an indigenous pig breed of the Ravenna province (Emilia Romagna, Italy); and it is unknown if it was ever exported to other parts of Europe. There are now only 18 animals surviving in one herd near Faenza (Ravenna), while in 1949 there had been more than 22,000.
Also Known By: Estrela, Estrelense, Mouro and Pereira
Mukota pigs are believed to have been introduced by the European and Chinese traders between 16 and 1700 AD. There are basically two classes of Mukota pigs.
The most distinctive feature of the American Mulefoot hog is the solid hoof which resembles that of a mule. Pigs with solid hooves (also called syndactylism) have attracted the interest of many writers over the centuries, including Aristotle and Darwin. Yet of all the mulefooted hogs described, the American Mulefoot is the only documented population with a breed standard and a long history of agricultural use. This breed is unique to the United States and is critically rare. Recent events, however, have led to more optimism regarding its survival.
The Ningxiang pig is raised primarily for lard. The breed is of the Central China type and originated in the Hunan Province of China in the Central Subtropic belt. The breed is normally housed and hand-fed year round.
Norwegian Landrace
Norwegian Landrace is the leading breed of swine in Norway. Since swine are not as numerous in Norway as in most countries that have a registered strain, the number registered each year is limited. Norwegian Landrace, as well as most of the swine in Norway, are raised in the southern part of the country. Most are found in the area of ​​Hamar. They are white in color and have a heavy drooped ear.
The hogs of Ossabaw Island, off the coast of Georgia, are descendants of Spanish pigs brought to the New World over 400 years ago. They were small range pigs with prick ears, heavy coats and long snouts. Over time, some of the Spanish pigs escaped and became feral in southeastern forests. While most feral pigs eventually mixed with domestic pigs, the Ossabaw Island animals are an exception, having remained a distinct and isolated population. Thus they reflect their Spanish heritage more closely.
Oxford Sandy and Black
The Oxford Sandy & Black Pig is sometimes referred to as the “Plum Pudding or Oxford Forest Pig” is one of the oldest British pig breeds, it has existed for 200-300 years. A traditional farmers and cottagers pig, of the middle part of the country, especially around Oxfordshire. It seems to be closely linked to the old Berkshire and Tamworth.
Philippine Native
The Philippine Native pig is either black or black with a white belly. Varieties include Ilocos and Jalajala. The Berkjala, Diani, Kaman, Koronadel and Libtong breeds were all developed from this breed. It is now thought to be extinct.
Pietrain, Belgium, the village from which the breed takes its name, was the birthplace of the breed. The exact origin is unknown but the local breed was "brought to the fore" during the difficult period of the pork market in 1950-51. The breed became popular in its native country and was exported to other countries, especially Germany.
It should be kept in mind that the founders of the Poland China of swine were no more conscious that they were forming a breed of livestock than any other practical producer of livestock who made great efforts to bring in improved seed stock to accomplish needed improvement. It is very difficult to evaluate the exact contribution that any particular breed or type may have made to the breed that was formed from the crossing and recrossing of many different kinds of breeding. It is difficult to imagine a breed of livestock owing a foundation debt to more different breeds than does the Poland.
The hogs came from New Caledonia, which is a French Island in the South Pacific by Australia. They were to New Orleans in the late 1700"s by the French.
The British Saddleback is the result of the amalgamation of two similar breeds, the Essex and Wessex Saddleback.
The National Spotted Swine Record Inc., was formerly the National Spotted Poland China Record. At the 1960 Annual Meeting, the breed"s Board of Directors and members voted to change the name of the association from the National Spotted Poland China Record to the National Spotted Swine Record, Inc. Further, it was voted to refer to the breed as Spotted Swine, or SPOTS, rather than the longer previously used name for the breed.
Swabian-Hall Swine
Originated in the region around Schwäbisch Hall (in Baden-Württemberg), southern Germany. In 1820/21 King Wilhelm I from Württemberg imported Chinesische Maskenschweine / Meishan to improve the existing landrace.
Swedish Landrace
The Swedish Landrace is the leading breed of swine in Sweden, a country not known for large numbers of swine. The heavy drooping ears found on the Landrace strains in other countries are also typical of the Swedish breed, as is the white color and high proportion of lean meat. The Swedish strain of Landrace originated from importations from neighboring countries, particularly Denmark.
Today"s Tamworth is thought to be the most typical breed descended from the old indigenous species, the Old English Forest pig. It has maintained this status because at the end of the 18th Century, when many native breeds were "improved" by crossing them with Chinese and Neapolitan stock, the Tamworth was not considered fashionable and hence left alone. It is now therefore the oldest pure English breed and, as a result, it is also sometimes crossed with wild boar to produce distinctive gamey pork.
The Tibetan on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is especially adapted to the high, cold climate and to being on pasture all year round. It is characterized by:
Vietnamese Potbelly
Vietnamese Potbelly pigs are a dwarf swine breed which were developed in the 1960"s from the Í breed of Vietnam. They were originally brought into Sweden and Canada and have since moved into a number of countries.
The earliest references to a Welsh pig come from the 1870’s when there was a significant trade in Welsh and Shropshire pigs into Cheshire for fattening on milk by-products. “The Welsh pigs are generally a yellow-white, but some are spotted black and white. The (Cheshire) dairymen depend more on these Welshmen and proud Salopians than on breeding. The cross of the Manchester boar with the Shropshire and Welsh produces a larger and coarser breed than the small Yorkshire.”
The Wuzhishan breed is very quickly being forced out of existence. They are a local breed raised only in the province of Hainan, China. This area is a geographically isolated tropical mountainous region. Very few people in this region raise this breed for production purposes because of the fast introduction of exotic species. Special attention is needed in order to preserve this rare species. There are fewer than 30 Wuzhishan pigs remaining, with only 3 boars, and all are in ex situ conservation.

Man began to domesticate pigs 7 - 13 thousand years ago. Today, domestic pigs bear little resemblance to their ancestor thanks to selective breeding. However, they still provide people with meat, lard and skin. With all the variety of breeds that currently exist (and there are more than 100 of them), types of pigs are divided into three production areas: universal, meat and tallow. There is also a decorative variety of pigs.

Ten popular breeds of pigs among all the diversity that currently exists.

In addition to productivity, there is another classification of pig breeds, which is based on their origin.

  • descended from the wild boars of Europe;
  • descended from wild boars of Asia;
  • mixed, which combine the characteristic features of European and Asian wild boars;
  • factory-made, artificially bred through selection.

All breeds of pigs are also divided into four types, corresponding to their constitution:

  • rough, dense build;
  • rough, loose build;
  • gentle, dense build;
  • delicate loose build.

Meat breeds

Pigs belonging to meat breeds are bred for their meat, which makes up two-thirds of the total weight of an adult animal. The main breeds of pigs of this type are distinguished by a long body and massive hams relative to the front of the body.


This red breed turns from tallow to meat, has high productivity and quickly gains weight.

The breed originated in the northeastern United States. Initially bred as a tallow breed, but later the performance was changed to meat breeding. The breed was registered in 1883.

  • Appearance . Red suit. There are individuals of color from brown to bright red. The build is strong. Small head. Body of medium length: males – 185 cm, females – 185 cm. The back is arched. Long legs. The hams are well defined. Hard stubble.
  • Productivity. Up to 10 piglets are born at a time. The average weight gain of young animals per day is 950 g.
  • Advantages . Endurance. Unpretentiousness. Adaptability to being kept on pastures. Calm. Resistance to stress. Fast weight gain. High quality meat.
  • Flaws . Low fertility. Tendency to rhinitis. Protein addiction.


A breed that originated in Denmark. It is the result of selection and was bred with complete feeding with a high content of animal protein. This breed is popular in the Russian Federation and is often used for breeding.

  • Appearance . White suit. Torpedo-shaped body: males – 185 cm, females – 165 cm. Hanging ears. Medium head. Smooth back. The bristles are soft.
  • Productivity. 10-12 piglets are born at the same time. A piglet at the age of two months weighs 20 kg, and by 6 months its weight increases to 100 kg. The average intake per day is 800 g. Weight of adult animals: males - 320 kg, females - 250 kg.
  • Advantages. High performance. Fast growth. High quality meat. Lively temperament.
  • Flaws . Weak structure. Stress sensitivity. Poor acclimatization. They are whimsical in keeping and feeding.


Representatives of this breed are considered the best in meat production due to their high meat yield.

The breed's piglets are very demanding to care for, as they are sensitive to temperature due to a thin layer of fat. The temperature in the pigsty should not fall below +16 and rise above +30. They need a balanced diet high in protein, as weight gain depends on it.

  • Appearance . Motley or white color. The body is short. Muscle mass and legs are developed. Small head. Erect ears. Light frame.
  • Productivity. 8 piglets are born at a time, but due to a lack of milk, sows can fully feed no more than 6. Average daily weight gain is 550 g. Weight of an adult animal: male - 250 kg, female - 200 kg. Pietrain is considered the best breed of pig of its type due to its high meat yield.
  • Advantages . Excellent meat quality, since the fat content in the meat is low. Animals are resistant to circovirus.
  • Flaws . Low fertility. Insufficient milk supply. Slow weight gain. Poor acclimatization. Fancy in maintenance and feeding.

Pietrains are sensitive to temperatures, so they are suitable for keeping in mild climates. They also cannot tolerate excessive dampness, so when arranging a pigsty you need to take into account that the walls should not freeze and the roof should not leak. In winter, at low temperatures, the walls should be insulated and a heater should be installed inside the pigsty.


The oldest breed in Great Britain and the United States. It got its name from the place of breeding - Hampshire. However, the Hampshire was granted the status of an independent breed only in the state of Kentucky.

  • Appearance . Black color with a white stripe on the shoulder blades. Lightweight head with a straight profile. Erect ears. Strong legs. The body is long. Straight hooves.
  • Productivity. 6-8 piglets are born at a time. On average, daily weight gain is 850 - 950 g. Weight of adult animals: males - 310 kg, females - 250 kg.
  • Advantages . Endurance and adaptability. Strong immunity. Quality meat. High survival rate of piglets. Fast growth.
  • Flaws . Easily excitable. Shyness. Poor stress tolerance.


Considered the oldest breed in the world, it tolerates cold well and has high-quality meat.

The oldest breed in the world. Homeland - England. This breed of pig is notable for its ability to live alongside other animals.

  • Appearance . The color is motley. The backbone is developed. The build is strong. The body is long, narrow - 110 - 140 cm. Long head. Erect ears. Short legs.
  • Productivity. 6 - 10 piglets are born at a time. The meat is lean and of high quality.
  • Advantages . Good cold tolerance. Adaptability to being kept on pastures. Suitable for sharing with cattle. Unpretentiousness in care and feeding. High quality meat. Good weight gain.
  • Flaws . Low offspring. Curly bristles in some individuals.

Estonian bacon

It was developed through selection in Estonia. The Estonian Bacon received the status of a separate breed in 1961.

  • Appearance . The color is white. The build is strong. Long body: males – 180 cm, females – 160 cm. Strong legs. Developed hams.
  • Productivity. About 12 piglets are born in one farrow. The average daily weight gain is 700 g. The weight of an adult animal is: males - 320 kg, females - 220 kg.
  • Advantages. Adaptability to being kept on pastures. Unpretentiousness. High birth rate and survival rate of piglets. Strong constitution. Excellent quality meat.


The breed appeared in the Kirov region in the second half of the last century. The Urzhumskaya received the status of an independent breed in 1955-1958.

  • Appearance . White suit. Strong build. Massive bones. The midsection is stretched. Elongated snout. Long body: in males – 165 cm, in females – 160 cm.
  • Productivity. 10 - 13 piglets are born at a time. Average weight gain per day is 720 g.
  • Advantages . Unpretentiousness. High adaptation and acclimatization. Cold tolerance. Calm, high level reproductive performance and maternal qualities in sows. Excellent quality meat.
  • Flaws . Arched back. Subcutaneous fat thickness.


Origin: Canada. There is a trend to use boars for hybridization as a final cross.

  • Appearance . The color is white. The body is strong. Short legs. Medium head. Drop ears.
  • Productivity. Multiple births. Fast weight gain. High quality meat.
  • Advantages . Calm. Large offspring. Fast growth. Resistance to runny nose.

Universal breeds

Representatives of this type of breed are distinguished by the fact that high-quality meat is obtained from young animals, and lard from adult animals. Representatives of the universal type are also notable for their high daily weight gain. From the carcass of such an animal you can get 53 - 60% meat and 29 - 37% fat.


Typical representatives of the universal breed are good for meat when young, and lard when mature.

The breed appeared in Berkshire three centuries ago thanks to the crossing of local pigs with Chinese ones. Berkshire gained independence half a century after the start of work.

  • Appearance . Black suit. The tail, snout and pasterns have characteristic white markings. Long body. Light head. Erect ears. Fine bristles. Dense structure. Straight back. Developed hams.
  • Productivity. 6-9 piglets are born at the same time. Average weight gain per day is 750 g.
  • Advantages . Strong build. Fast weight gain. High slaughter yield. Unpretentiousness to feeding and maintenance. High adaptability.
  • Flaws . Low fertility. Reduction of livestock.

Lithuanian white

The breed appeared in Lithuania thanks to selection work aimed at productive crossing of Lithuanian pigs with individuals of other breeds.

  • Appearance . The color is white. Strong build. Developed body. Length: males – 170-175 cm, females – 153-155 cm. Medium head. Ears are drooping. The back is straight. The skin is thick. Sparse stubble.
  • Productivity. 10-12 cubs are born at a time. Weight of an adult animal: males - 310 - 330 kg, females - 220 - 250 kg.
  • Advantages . Sturdy construction. High birth rate.

Large white

The most popular breed of pigs. Brought out in England in the 19th century. It is a universal type, available in greasy and bacon types. Pedigree pigs are used in breeding to develop new breeds and improve existing ones.

  • Appearance . Light head. Erect ears. Long body. Arched back. Short legs. Massive hooves.
  • Productivity. 10 - 16 piglets are born at a time. On average, daily weight gain is 700 g. Weight of an adult animal: males - 280 - 370 kg, females - 200 - 270 kg. With the right diet and keeping at home, the animal’s weight by one year can reach 210 kg.
  • Advantages . Adaptability. Unpretentiousness. Genetic flexibility. High reproductive qualities. Fast growth.
  • Flaws . Tendency to excessive weight gain. White suit. Poor tolerance to cold.

Ukrainian large white

It is a separate branch in the large white breed. It was bred at Ukrainian breeding farms.

  • Appearance . White suit. Strong build. Wide body. Pronounced hams. Drop ears.
  • Productivity. There are 10-12 piglets in one farrowing. The average weight per day is 700 g. The weight of an adult animal is: male – 325 kg, female – 248 kg.
  • Advantages. High fertility. Omnivorous. Rapid maturity. Fast growth.

Ukrainian steppe white

The pig breed was bred to produce pigs with high productivity and adaptability to the arid climate of the south of the country.

  • Appearance . The color is white. Medium head. Drop ears. The body is wide. Thick stubble.
  • Productivity. 11-12 piglets are born at a time. Weight of an adult animal: male – 300 kg, female – 230 kg. The average weight gain per day is 700 g.
  • Advantages. Heat resistance. Multiple births. Fast growth.

Ukrainian steppe speckled

Created on the basis of the Ukrainian steppe breed.

  • Appearance . The color is motley. Large size. Sturdy construction. The back is straight. Round hams. Body length: male – from 170, female – from 158 cm.
  • Productivity. 10-11 piglets are born at once. Average weight gain per day is 680 g. Weight of an adult: male – 280 kg, female – 200 kg.
  • Advantages. Sturdy construction. Heat tolerance.


Appeared in Siberia as a result of selection. Received the status of a separate breed in the 60s of the last century.

  • Appearance . The suit is black. There are white spots. Wide chest. Body length: male – 165 cm, female – 160 cm.
  • Productivity. 11 piglets are born at a time. Average weight gain per day is 850 g. Weight of an adult animal: male – 350 kg, female – 250 kg.
  • Advantages. Cold tolerance. Multiple births. Fast growth.

A relatively young breed, characterized by high productivity, cold tolerance and high average weight gain per day.


Appeared in the Vladimir region as a result of selection.

  • Appearance . The color is white. Strong build. Wide body. Ears are drooping. The back is straight. Short legs.
  • Productivity. 10-11 piglets are born at one time. Weight of an adult animal: male – 280 kg, female – 220 kg. Meat content – ​​57%.
  • Advantages. Fast growth. Adaptability to feeding and housing conditions. Calm.
  • Flaws . X-shaped leg position.

Siberian northern

It was bred to combine the adaptability of local pigs and high productivity.

  • Appearance . The color is white. Strong build. Wide chest. Smooth back. Legs are short. The skin is thick. The stubble is thick.
  • Productivity. 10-11 piglets are born at a time. Average weight gain per day is 740 g. Weight of an adult animal: male - 360 kg, female - 260 kg.
  • Advantages. Cold tolerance. Sturdy construction. Long undercoat.
  • Flaws . Soft tanks. Sacral drooping.

North Caucasian

The pig breed was created through breeding efforts that included local pigs, Large Whites, Short-Eared Whites, and Berkshires.

  • Appearance . The color is black and motley. The stubble is thick. Ears are erect. The back is straight. Body length: males – 179 cm, females – 161 cm.
  • Productivity. 10-11 piglets are born at a time. Weight of adult animals: males - 300 - 350 kg, females - 240 kg.
  • Advantages. High survival rate. Friendliness. Calm. Good acclimatization. Adaptability. Fast growth. Strong immunity.


This breed of pigs was bred in the Oryol region.

  • Appearance . There is no specific suit. The head is wide. Drop ears. Massive bones. Body length: males – 170-175 cm, females – 160-165 cm.
  • Productivity. Up to 11 piglets are born in one litter. Average weight gain per day is 800 g. Weight of an adult animal: male – 300-310 kg, female – 230-240 kg.
  • Advantages. Good adaptability. Fast growth. Versatility. High quality meat.
  • Flaws . Looseness of the skin.

The breed was bred in the Oryol region, is unpretentious, productive and quickly gains weight.


The pig breed was bred in the Yaroslavl region. Received independent status in 1948.

  • Appearance . White suit. Body length: males – 165 cm, females – 135 cm. The body is muscular. Legs are strong. The stubble is thick. The skin is thick.
  • Productivity. 11-12 piglets are born. Average weight gain per day is 680 g. Weight of an adult animal: male – 330 kg, female – 240 kg.
  • Advantages. Calm. High fertility. Endurance. Not picky about food. Fast growth.

Greasy breeds


It was bred in the Poltava region. Currently popular in the Russian Federation and neighboring countries.

  • Appearance . The color is black and motley. Strong build. Wide and long body: male – 180 cm, female – 170 cm. Back with a deflection. Medium head. Drop ears. The skin is elastic. The stubble is thick.
  • Productivity. 10 piglets are born at a time. Average weight gain per day is 700 g. Weight of an adult animal: male – 250 kg, female – 220 kg.
  • Advantages . Fast growth. Unpretentiousness to maintenance and feeding.
  • Flaws . Low meat yield. Poor cold tolerance.

The optimal age for purchasing piglets is 1 month. By this time, as a rule, they have already been transferred to regular food and are completely weaned from their mother. A sudden transfer by a new breeder to regular food is fraught with gastrointestinal disorders, which can lead to the death of the young.

Large black

Another name for this black breed is Cornish; it tolerates heat well and is adapted to being kept on pasture.

Developed in Great Britain at the end of the 19th century. It was brought to Russia in the first half of the last century. Otherwise the breed is called Cornish.

  • Appearance . The color is black. Elongated body: male – 173 cm, female – 160 cm. Medium head. Drop ears. Wide chest. The back is straight. Legs are strong. The bristles are thick and thin.
  • Productivity. 9-11 piglets are born at a time. On average, weight gain per day is 700 g. Weight of an adult pig: male - 350 kg, female - 250 kg.
  • Advantages . Heat tolerance. Adaptability to being kept on pasture.


An endangered breed, characterized by the fact that any of its representatives is completely covered with long hair. Mangalitsa was developed in the first half of the 19th century in Hungary.

  • Appearance . The color of the coat varies from gray to yellow-red. The average size. Light frame. Long wool. Medium head. Drop ears. The tail is thick at the base. The back is straight.
  • Productivity. The first time up to 7 piglets are born, the next – up to 12. Weight of an adult animal: male – 300 kg, female – 240 kg.
  • Advantages . Endurance. Unpretentiousness in maintenance and feeding. Strong immunity.
  • Flaws . Rarity. The need for quality grazing. Slow growth. High price.

Pig farming is a complex, but exciting and profitable activity in many ways. When choosing the right breed, breeding costs quickly pay off. It is better for novice pig breeders to first take a closer look at piglets of breeds common in the region, since there are fewer problems with them.

In our country, pig farming is carried out throughout the country, except for the Arctic and mountainous regions - sheep are traditionally raised there.

How are breeds classified?

Sow-breeds are divided according to their origin, general composition, and productivity.

By birth they are divided into categories:

  • descended from wild boars from Europe;
  • descended from wild pigs from Asia;
  • mixed type: ancestors - pigs from Asia and Europe;
  • breeds that are obtained at breeding farms by crossing different types of domestic pigs.

Based on body structure, pigs are divided into types with:

  • rough, strong build;
  • rough, loose build;
  • delicate dense physique;
  • delicate loose physique.

According to productivity, pigs are divided into:

  • universal – quickly gaining weight, with excellent meat quality;
  • meat and bacon - with high quality meat, gaining meat at an average rate;
  • fatty (greasy) - with a large layer of lard and early appearance of fat.

There are at least 90 varieties of pigs, but only a few of them are bred in our country, no more than 30–40, the most adapted to the climate in different regions of Russia.

Universal breeds

These breeds are most often raised on large farms and by private entrepreneurs in our country. After all, these pigs, when fattening, produce not only meat, but also lard. But these pigs begin to deposit fat only in adulthood, so the piglets are raised exclusively for various meat delicacies.

Large white breed

These sows make up the majority of the livestock in the following countries:

  • Russia;
  • Belarus;
  • Ukraine;
  • China;
  • The United States and many other countries around the world.

The first specimens of these pigs came to our country from Great Britain. They took root well in the new conditions because they turned out to be extremely unpretentious to their diet. They are distinguished by rapid weight gain and high taste of meat and bacon.

These animals are precocious and quickly reach a large size. If you feed them well and provide good care, then in a year you can raise a pig weighing 200 kg or more. An adult boar can gain weight up to 350–370 kg, and a sow – up to 350–370 kg. One female brings up to 10–12 piglets per farrowing (but maybe more).

The taste of white pig meat is beyond praise: it is tender, pleasant to the taste, “marbled” - sprouted with fat. This meat is very popular among buyers. Meat delicacies based on it (various smoked and semi-smoked delicacies) are also selling well.

To make the meat of a universal pig tasty, it is necessary to introduce vitamins and minerals into its diet all year round (especially in winter). It is advisable to walk these animals most of the season on pastures with grass and low bushes.

Advantages of a white pig:

  • quick adaptation in different climatic zones;
  • animals are not capricious and quickly get used to any diet;
  • females are extremely fertile;
  • ability to quickly gain weight.

Breitovskaya breed

These pigs are especially common in the western and northwestern regions of our country. They have early maturity and the ability to quickly gain weight, especially if they spend most of the year on pastures. Sows produce 11 or more piglets per farrowing. The animals are resistant to most diseases that affect these pets. After two years of age, a boar weighs 300 kg or more.

Siberian northern breed

In areas with cold climates, pig breeding was not developed for a long time, because there were no individuals that could live and gain weight in severe frosts. And only thanks to the efforts of breeders, a breed was developed that thrives in the harsh conditions of the Urals and Siberia. The unpretentiousness of Siberian pigs is the main advantage, thanks to which their population in cold regions is growing year after year. They are saved from the cold by thick stubble growing all over their bodies.

Meat direction

In animals of this direction, the layer of fat is small, but the live weight of the meat is high. Bacon-type sowberries are bred by many farms in the central and central black earth regions of our country.

Urzhum breed

These pigs were bred in the second half of the twentieth century in the Kirov region of the USSR. Urzhum pigs are characterized by a strong body build and high productivity. Since pigs were bred for the central regions, they feel great throughout the European part of the country.

Strong bones, skin with well-developed bristles, round head, elongated snout. The limbs are small, stable, an elongated back, a huge round belly.

Adult boars gain up to 320–330 kg, pigs – 230–240 kg. Sows give birth to 12 piglets per farrowing. There is practically no mortality among newborns.

Piglets gain weight up to 500 g daily, and by six months they can weigh up to 100 kg with good nutrition.


This is an elite breed of bacon pigs, which is characterized by tasty lean meat with a small layer of bacon. Pigs were bred at the beginning of the twentieth century in the Danish state by crossing the Danish and the Great White British breed of pigs.

Landraces have a strong, elongated body, a fairly well-fed meat shape, and thick, well-fed hams. The head is round, small, fits well on the thick neck, the ears are long, hanging over the eyes. The chest is not wide, the back is elongated and flat. The bristles are sparse, not hard, light. Therefore, in appearance these pigs are similar to their ancestors - white English pigs.

This is a large meat breed, boars can reach a length of 1.8–2 m with a chest girth of up to 1.4–1.6 m, and sows can reach 1.5–1.6 m in length with a chest girth of 1 ,3–1.5 m.

A mature male can weigh up to 300 kg, and females - about 210 kg. At a time, a sow can give birth to up to 12 piglets, which after a couple of months weigh 16–19 kg, and by six months, with good fattening, they weigh 90–100 kg.

This type of bacon pig is one of the best in the meat category. However, there are some nuances without which it is impossible to achieve high performance when breeding this breed. The pigsty should be warm so that the pigs gain weight well in winter, and do not grow bristles instead for warmth. Also, the diet should be complete: it should include grains and herbs, vegetables (boiled and fresh), silage, mixed feed, skim milk, whey, bone meal.

In the warm season, pigs should be allowed to graze on a green meadow.


These individuals are the result of crossing Red Guinea pigs with Berkshire males. Work on developing a new breed took a long time, and at the end of the 19th century, Duroc pigs were officially registered in the United States.

main feature breed: unusual skin color - brown with a red tint. This color was inherited by pigs from their Guinean ancestor. Some pigs take on a golden hue in the sun. Thanks to their unusual color, they are immediately noticeable among their relatives.

At first they were raised as a purely tallow variety, but over the years, due to the great demand for meat, breeders began to cross this breed with meat types pigs. The result was an excellent meat and lard breed.

A strong build, large body size, long ears that almost cover the eyes, a back arched upward - this is the description of the Duroc pig. Well-developed limbs and thick hams are characteristic of these individuals.

Adult females and males practically do not differ from each other in size - wild boars weigh up to 360 kg, and sow birds - up to 300 kg.

A sow brings up to 11 piglets at a time (newborns weigh 1.2–1.5 kg). By 6 months, the young already weigh 165–175 kg.

Advantages of the breed:

  • excellent weight gain;
  • excellent quality of meat;
  • good taste qualities meat products;
  • rapid growth of young animals;
  • calm disposition.
  • fertility is less than that of other types of pigs;
  • the need to include protein feed in the diet;
  • weak resistance to diseases.

Greasy varieties

These types of greasy pigs include those in which muscle growth stops at an early age, and the fat layer begins to actively grow. Such species are much less common than meat-fat breeds, although tallow breeds do not produce much less meat.

Berkshire sowhawks

This type of pig was bred in Great Britain, from where it was brought to our country almost two centuries ago. These pigs were the progenitors of the North Caucasian, Mirgorod and Liven breeds.

Berkshire individuals are distinguished by their unpretentiousness and rapid acclimatization to different climatic conditions. Dark-colored pigs are adapted to walking on pastures and can live in the open air. Piglets are distinguished by early maturity, they can be fattened both for meat and fat.

Large black breed

This breed also came to our country from Great Britain. Currently, it is very popular among farmers and private entrepreneurs in different regions of Russia. Piglets can be fattened to 95–100 kg in six months. Adult pigs weigh up to 280–300 kg, and boars weigh over 350 kg.

Sows are quite fertile and can give birth to up to 12 piglets at a time. Babies can gain half a kilo of live weight (or more) every day.

Mirgorod breed

These pigs are the result of crossing various local and foreign breeds of pigs. Currently, it is actively bred in Ukraine, in the central, central black earth regions of Russia. Animals feel great when kept on pastures and gain great weight on turnips, potatoes or sugar beets.

At one time, a pig can give birth to up to 12 piglets, which are actively gaining weight (daily gain can be 600–650 g).

Mangalitsa breed

This breed was bred in Hungary almost two centuries ago, and was brought to our country immediately after the end of the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War. It was bred in the central regions of Russia and the Caucasus. Currently, these pigs are kept mainly in the Caucasus.

The main distinguishing feature of these pigs is their thick coat, which allows them to feel great during the cold season. However, if individuals are kept in a warm climate region, then their bristles do not actively grow, and they are no different from other pigs.

The coat color of barbecues can be white, black, red with a dark tint.

These pigs are medium in size, their limbs are strong and small.

Breeding pigs on private farms

In modern private farms you can see pigs even more often than cows or poultry. This happens for the following reasons:

  • there is no need to build heated premises to keep pigs;
  • they are undemanding to care and unpretentious in feeding;
  • one female can give birth to up to 12 piglets at a time, by six months the young animals gain an average of 90–100 kg;
  • pigs eat almost everything, so farmers will not have problems feeding these domestic animals;
  • During slaughter, not only meat and lard, but also skins and bristles are sold from pigs, so this production is practically waste-free.

Pig farming has now become so popular among farmers and individuals that the number of pigs is approaching the number of cattle.

A pig is an animal from the class Mammals, order Artiodactyls, suborder Non-ruminants, family pigs (Suidae). Most likely, the pig got its name for its exceptional fertility. According to authoritative scientists, the basis of the Latin name goes back to the ancient word sunus - “son”, acquiring the meaning “birth”, “fruiting”.

Pig - description, characteristics and photographs

The pig's strong, slightly elongated body can reach a length of more than one and a half meters. The skin of a pig is covered with sparse, coarse, bristly hair. The elongated muzzle of a pig with a movable nose-proboscis ends in a cartilaginous disc “piglet”, which allows the animal to dig out food from underground. The pig has 44 teeth, 4 of which are well-developed fangs. The upper canines have a curved shape.

The weight of a pig, depending on the type, ranges from 45 to 400 kg. The legs are shortened, four-toed, with well-developed lateral toes. The tail is curved like a corkscrew. A pig's ears are large, but its eyes are small. From their wild ancestor, the wild boar, pigs inherited weak eyesight, but a very keen sense of smell and excellent hearing.

Its impressive dimensions and short legs do not prevent the pig from being a fairly agile animal. The speed of a running pig reaches 17 km/h. If necessary, these seemingly clumsy animals are excellent swimmers.

Contrary to popular belief, most often pigs are not pink, but gray in color. Less common are individuals of white, brown, spotted and completely black colors.

Under decent conditions of captivity, the life expectancy of a pig is 10-15 years. Among large breeds there are long-lived individuals: a healthy animal with quality care can live up to 35 years.

IN wildlife a pig lives on average 7-8 years. Females are more vulnerable due to their numerous offspring and the need to constantly be close to the offspring. Warlike boars often live to be 12-15 years old.

Types of pigs. Where do pigs live?

There are more than 20 species of wild pigs in the world, from which breeders have bred over 100 breeds. Moreover, pigs live everywhere except Antarctica.

From the point of view of scientists, the most interesting and studied species are the following:

  • babirussa ( Babyrousa babynissa)

a rare species of pig listed in the Red Book. Single pigs with an atypical appearance for the family: long, thin legs, an arched back and an almost naked body, only sometimes covered with sparse hair. A specific difference is powerful growths on the face in the form of numerous fangs. They live in Indonesia, on the island of Sulawesi, forming 4 subspecies;

  • large forest pig ( Hylochoerus meinertzhageni)

the largest species with a body reaching 2 meters in length. Individuals are distinguished by long, dark hair and large, pronounced warts covering the snout. Habitat: tropical forests of equatorial Africa;

  • African warthog ( Phacochoerus africanus)

A distinctive feature is the huge skin growths on the face. The neck is covered with a mane, the tail ends in a tassel. The warthog population includes 7 subspecies inhabiting the African savanna;

  • boar (Sus scrofa) , boar, wild pig

a widespread species, forming over 25 subspecies. Ancestor of the domestic pig, but with rather long legs and developed fangs. They live in the forests of mainland Europe, the Mediterranean, North and Central America, in the mountains Central Asia, in the Far East;

  • bearded pig ( Sus barbatus)

slightly smaller than a wild boar, but with fairly long legs. The snout is covered with light, long hair. A distinctive feature of the species is the forked tassel at the tip of the tail. There are 6 subspecies found in Southeast Asia;

  • dwarf pig ( Sus salvanius, Porcula salvania Hodgson)

a small, endangered species protected by Greenpeace. The height of an adult is no more than 35 cm, with distinctive tufts of white fur on its muzzle. They live in Nepal, at the foot and on the slopes of the Himalayan massif;

  • brush-eared pig ( Potamochoerus porcus)

the most variegated species. A black muzzle with white circles around the eyes, a reddish-brown body and a white stripe along the spine. This type of pig is distinguished by long whiskers and characteristic black and white hair on the ears.

What to feed pigs? Pig diet

The pig is an omnivore; it eats absolutely everything. In the wild, the main food is what can be dug in the ground: plant roots, worms, insect larvae, as well as tree bark, young plant shoots, and grass. Acorns, nuts and mushrooms are considered a special delicacy. Food of animal origin, in addition to worms and larvae, can be fish, shellfish, birds, rodents, and carrion.

At home, pigs need high quality food:

  • a combination of healthy herbs, for example, or alfalfa;
  • vegetables (sugar beets, pumpkin,);
  • grains and cereals (peas, barley, millet);
  • dairy products and meat waste;
  • feed concentrates;
  • food supplements containing vitamins and minerals.

Large white pig breed. The most common in the country. There are three types of pigs of this breed: bacon, meat-fat and lard. The animals combine large size, high early maturity, good use of feed and high fertility. The live weight of adult boars is 350-380 kilograms and more, of queens - 250-280 kilograms. The queens are highly fertile: they give birth to 11-14 or more piglets per farrowing.

When fattening, the animal has a high slaughter weight - 85-89 percent of live weight. Young animals placed for fattening reach 100-120 kilograms by 7-8 months.

Ukrainian steppe white breed of pigs. Bred by Academician M.F. Ivanov in Askania-Nova. In terms of the main indicators - live weight, early maturity, feed costs and product quality - it is not only not inferior to the large white breed, but also superior to it. Very hardy and well adapted to the conditions of arid regions of Ukraine. Queens give birth to 11-12 piglets per farrowing. The weight of piglets at two months is 16-20 kilograms. When fattening, gilts reach a weight of 130-150 kilograms by 9-10 months and produce a carcass with a yield of 40-48 kilograms of fat.

Mirgorod breed of pigs. Greasy and meat-greasy direction, early ripening. The color is black and motley. Hardy, pays well for food. Fertility - 10-11 piglets per farrowing. Weaning weight of piglets at two months of age is 14-18 kilograms. By the age of 8 months, fatteners weigh 80-95 kilograms. Slaughter weight is 80-83 percent. Boars are used for crossing with large white and steppe Ukrainian white breeds. They are bred in almost all regions of Ukraine, common in the central regions of the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan.

Siberian northern breed of pigs. Bred in the Novosibirsk and Tomsk regions by crossing local pigs with large white boars. Adapted to the harsh conditions of Siberia, hardy, early maturing. Young animals have high fattening qualities. It quickly fattens up on diets in which succulent and roughage make up at least 30-35 percent of the nutritional value. It reaches a live weight of 90-105 kilograms at 6-7 months. Fertility - 10-12 piglets. They are bred in Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Omsk and other regions of Siberia and in the Altai Territory.

Breitov breed of pigs. Pigs of the greasy direction. Fertility - 11-12 or more piglets. Early maturity is high: at the age of 6-6.5 months they reach a weight of 100 kilograms. Slaughter weight - 74-84 percent. Suitable for industrial crossing and bacon fattening. Crossbreeds of Breitov dams and boars of the large white breed give an increased average daily gain compared to the original breeds.

Livensky breed of pigs. Meat-fat variety, bred in the Oryol region. In terms of live weight, early maturity and productivity, it was one of the best early maturing highly productive breeds. Fertility: 10-12 piglets. When fattened for meat, young animals gain high weight and weigh 80-100 kilograms at 6-7 months. Slaughter weight - 72-84 percent. Adapted for growing and fattening on diets with a high content of succulent and roughage mixed with concentrates. They are bred in the Oryol, Kursk, Voronezh, Lipetsk, Saratov, Bryansk and Moscow regions.

North Caucasian breed of pigs. It is distinguished by high early maturity and good feed payment. At weaning, piglets weigh 18-19 kilograms. With meat, bacon and ham fattening, by 7 months they reach a weight of 110-120 kilograms with a feed payment of 4-4.2 feed units per kilogram of weight gain. Crossing boars of this breed with queens of the Large White breed increases fertility by 10-15 percent and reduces feed costs per kilogram of weight gain by 12 percent. The breed is common in the Rostov region, Krasnodar and Stavropol territories, and Ukraine.

Landrace (Danish). Well adapted to pasture keeping. Fertility - 10-12 or more piglets. Early maturity is high. At the age of 170-180 days, bacon-fed gilts weigh 85-95 kilograms. Payment for feed is high: 3.4-3.6 feed units per kilogram of weight gain.

Ukrainian steppe speckled breed of pigs. Has high fattening qualities. Fatteners weigh 90-105 kilograms by 6-6.5 months, and by 7-7.5 months they reach ham fattening conditions: they weigh 110-120 kilograms. Fertility - 10 piglets. Well adapted to the hot steppe climate of southern Ukraine.

Kemerovo breed of pigs. Greasy, meat-greasy direction. Fertility - 8-10 piglets per farrowing. Adapted to the conditions of Siberia, it makes good use of pastures. The live weight of piglets at weaning is 14-16 kilograms.

Latvian white pig breed. Belongs to the type of bacon and meat-fat direction, early ripening. Fertility: 10-11 piglets. When fattened for meat, pigs at the age of 6-6.5 months weigh 86-100 kilograms. Slaughter weight for meat fattening is 70-75 percent, for semi-fat fattening - 78-81 percent. Payment for feed: for meat fattening - 4-4.2 feed units, for semi-fat fattening - 4.6-5.2 per kilogram of weight gain. They use succulent feed well.
