Urine of the type of meat slop. Urine the color of meat slop - possible diseases and what to do

Before explaining why urine the color of meat slop occurs, it is necessary to understand what urine is and what causes it to acquire a particular color. As you know, urine is a liquid through which the body is cleansed of waste products as a result of metabolism. Some of them are pigments and impart some color. This is what may be responsible for the yellow tint of urine, the intensity of which can range from light to dark yellow. It should be noted that some foods eaten also affect the color of urine. For example, beets can give a red tint.

The essence of the problem

The color of urine may be due to the content of breakdown products in it as a result of metabolism consumed by food. However, in medical practice there are cases when the changing color of urine indicates the development of various pathologies in the body. For example, red color of urine can be observed when blood impurities appear in it. This situation occurs with the development of urolithiasis, hemorrhagic cystitis or tumors in the urinary system. Greenish-brown urine or urine that is the color of dark beer may indicate the development of jaundice and the appearance of bilirubin in the urine. And finally, urine the color of meat slop may appear if there is altered blood in the fluid, which may be a sign of glomerulonephritis.

Glomerulonephritis is a pathology in which immune inflammation of the renal glomeruli occurs. This pathology occurs most often in children. It can lead to the possible development of kidney failure, and as a result, to disability of the child. However, the acute form of glomerulonephritis is characteristic of any age. However, the overwhelming number of patients can be seen among people under the age of 40 years. This disease should be considered in more detail.

Etiology of glomerulonephritis

As described above, the cause of the development of a pathology such as glomerulonephritis is an inflammatory process in the renal glomeruli. And the factors contributing to the development of such a process are:

  • previous sore throat or tonsillitis;
  • septic lesions;
  • infectious pathology that develops as a result of the entry into the body of hemolytic streptococcus group A;
  • pneumococcal pneumonia;
  • typhoid fever;
  • meningococcus;
  • Hepatitis B;
  • piggy;
  • chickenpox;
  • a group of rheumatic and autoimmune pathologies, namely, lupus erythematosus, vasculitis, pulmonary-hepatic syndrome, inherited;
  • poisoning with mercury, alcohol, lead or organic solvents.

Symptomatic manifestations

After a staphylococcal infection, as a rule, enters the body, the disease develops within 6-12 days. With glomerulonephritis, symptoms such as:

  • the presence of a large amount of blood in the urine, which leads to a change in the color of the urine to the color of meat slop;
  • swelling;
  • high blood pressure;
  • reduction in the volume of urine excreted by the kidneys;
  • pain in the lumbar area;
  • feeling of constant thirst.

Treatment of pathology

When treating pathology, the necessary measures are taken, including:

  • Bed rest - as is known, all patients with diagnosed glomerulonephritis should be immediately hospitalized in the nephrology or therapy department;
  • diet;
  • antistreptococcal therapy;
  • prescription of hormonal and non-hormonal immunosuppressants;
  • treatment of symptoms associated with the development of pathology;
  • treatment of possible complications;
  • observation by a doctor for 2 years after the course of treatment.

If speak about possible complications, then with the development of this pathology the following may be observed:

  • acute heart failure occurs in less than 3% of patients;
  • acute renal failure - in less than 1% of patients;
  • cerebral hemorrhage;
  • impaired visual acuity with possible transition to blindness;
  • transition of pathology from acute to chronic form.

Medications can also help in the treatment of schromerulonephritis. These remedies can only help, but cannot cure the disease. And their use is possible only after agreement with the attending physician.

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So, the ingredients that can help restore kidney function include:

  1. Corn silk. For this, 1 tsp. herbs and the same amount of cherry tails must be poured with half a liter of boiling water and left to infuse to room temperature. The resulting infusion should be taken daily three times a day, a quarter glass half an hour before meals.
  2. Black elderberry flowers. One tablespoon of dried elderberry flowers must be poured into 200 ml of boiling water and left until it cools. The resulting remedy must be taken three times a day before meals, one third of a glass.
  3. Flax seeds. For this, 4 tablespoons of seeds, 3 tbsp. Mix l birch leaves and field steelweed leaves and pour half a liter of boiling water. The resulting infusion must be infused for 2 hours, after which take a third of a glass 3 times a day.

Thus, if we talk about such a pathology as glomerulonephritis, then, as a rule, this disease can be successfully treated, subject to timely diagnosis and receipt of qualified medical care.

Urine the color of meat slop indicates a violation of the functional ability of the kidneys. The condition manifests itself when the permeability of glomerular filtration increases, as a result of which red blood cells appear in the urine.

Characteristics of the pathology

Urine the color of meat slop in urology is called hematuria, this pathological condition, which is characterized by the appearance of blood in the urine. Hematuria is a symptom of diseases of the renal system.

Normally, there are no blood impurities; in a healthy person, the number of red blood cells in the urine sediment is within 1-2 cells in the entire field of view.

The color of urine the color of meat slop is due to the content of a large number of red blood cells, which is typical for gross hematuria, when an open source of bleeding appears. The intensity of urine coloring depends on the stage of the pathological process and varies from pink to deep red.

Causes of the condition

Red staining of urine is a symptom of severe damage to the urinary system with destruction of the parenchyma of paired organs.

Urine stained the color of meat slop is never diagnosed in a healthy person

The most common causes of pathology are diseases of the urinary system:

  • Urolithiasis disease. Bleeding occurs due to mechanical injury mucous membrane of the ureter with a stone.
  • Glomerulonephritis. In the acute stage of the chronic form of the disease, the permeability of the vessels of the excretory system increases, which impairs the filtration function of the kidneys. Can be detected in urine a large number of erythrocytes, which color it red.
  • Neoplasms Bladder. During a malignant process, destruction occurs vascular system tumors, which threatens severe bleeding.
  • Cystitis. Acute inflammation of the bladder mucosa is accompanied by the appearance of blood at the end of urination.
  • Thrombosis of renal vessels. In the chronic form of the disease, red blood cells predominate in the urine.

There are other diseases that can cause the color of meat slop to appear:

  • Porphyria. A genetic pathology in which hemoglobin synthesis is disrupted. Kidney filters remove bloody secretions, and urine becomes unnaturally colored.
  • Werlhf's disease. It is characterized by a violation of the hemostasis system, when huge platelets appear in the bloodstream. The disease causes frequent massive bleeding.
  • Hemoglobinuria. Red blood cells are destroyed inside the vessels, as a result of which the filtration ability of the kidneys is impaired and hemoglobin appears in the urine.

Factors contributing to the development of the symptom:

  • taking certain medications;
  • eating large amounts of beets;
  • poisoning with toxic substances;
  • burn disease;
  • blood transfusion shock;
  • lumbar injury.

The appearance of a red color in urine indicates an exacerbation or progression of a chronic process.

How does urine stain?

The appearance of unnatural coloring of urine occurs due to damage to the renal glomeruli; this pathology is characteristic of glomerulonephritis. With the disease, changes in the color index of urine are observed, since the vascular wall of the glomeruli becomes permeable to formed elements due to the inflammatory process. As a result, blood clots form in the vessels, which slows down blood circulation in the affected areas of the glomeruli. Red blood cells penetrate into Bowman's capsule, where they clog the lumen of the kidney tubules. The changes lead to a disruption in the filtration ability of paired organs, and the urine takes on a bloody tint.

Microthrombi in the lumen of the renal tubules lead to disruption of the filtration of primary urine

Associated symptoms

Symptoms of gross hematuria are varied, but are always a consequence of damage to the organs of the urinary system.

Patients may experience the following symptoms:

  • pain during urination;
  • feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder;
  • increased body temperature;
  • constant feeling of thirst;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • lumbar pain;
  • the appearance of swelling lower limbs and century;
  • violation of general condition;
  • increasing weakness;
  • changes in urine color.

Depending on the saturation of urine staining, it is possible to diagnose in which part of the excretory system the lesion occurred

The appearance of signs of kidney dysfunction is emergency, which requires a urological examination.

Diagnostic measures

Gross hematuria in freshly excreted urine is determined visually. To determine the extent of damage to the excretory system, the doctor prescribes additional research methods.

Laboratory research:

  • urine analysis according to Nechiporenko;
  • urine analysis according to Zemnitsky;
  • culture for microflora;
  • general blood analysis;
  • determination of albumin level;
  • immunological blood test.

Instrumental diagnostics:

  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder;
  • magnetic resonance imaging of the kidneys;
  • cystoscopy;
  • excretory urography.

Principles of treatment

Treatment of gross hematuria should be carried out comprehensively with the elimination of the underlying disease.

In the initial stages of the disease, conservative treatment is indicated

  • Bed rest. To reduce the load on paired organs.
  • Diet therapy. Restriction in the diet of salt and liquid.
  • Anticoagulant drugs. Prevents the formation of blood clots in the renal glomeruli. (Heparin, Dipyridamole).
  • Immunosuppressants. Prevents the destruction of renal tubular tissue. (Prednisolone, Cyclosporine)
  • Diuretics. Accelerate blood flow in affected areas. (Furosemide, Aldactone).

In some diseases, the only symptom of urinary system diseases is a change in the color of urine. Timely treatment of the condition can prevent the development of a chronic inflammatory process and relieve complications from other body systems.

Urine healthy people transparent and straw-yellow in color. But it can darken and acquire an unnatural color. Such changes are caused by pathological and physiological reasons. Most often, urine the color of meat slop is a symptom of the development of diseases of the urinary system. Sometimes this is the only sign of a hidden pathology, so it is recommended to be examined by a urologist as soon as possible.

Characteristics of urine with the color of meat slop

Blood pouring into the urine immediately turns it red. The saturation of the color depends on the number of red blood cells caught in the urine. The liquid may remain transparent and acquire a dark ruby ​​color.

The less blood in the urine, the lighter the shade of red.

But the urine can be cloudy, red-dirty, with a brown tone, sometimes with a gray suspension. This is what urologists call the “color of meat slop.” Literally appearance urine is very similar to water in which a lot of meat has been washed: opaque, dark red, with an odor that is not specific to it.

Coloring may occur due to the consumption of certain foods, medications, or the development of hidden pathologies. If the color of your urine has changed, it is strongly recommended to take it for a general analysis and consult a doctor.

Physiological reasons for redness of urine while maintaining its transparency:

  • the day before a person ate a lot of strawberries, boiled beets, cherries, blackberries or products with big amount dye, food additives;
  • the patient is prescribed antipyretic drugs (Antipyrine, Amidopyrine, others);
  • menstrual blood and endometrial fragments got into the urine.

Changes in the color of urine can also be caused by insufficient water intake or provoked by another non-pathological factor. This phenomenon should go away on its own in the next few days, but provided that the person eliminates the causes that color the urine.

On the other hand, urine the color of meat slop is a symptom of the following conditions:

  • alcohol poisoning;
  • intoxication with mercury, organic solvents, lead, and other harmful substances;
  • blood transfusion shock (complication due to blood transfusion of an incompatible group);
  • the presence of stones that injure the parenchyma, ureters, bladder and other parts of the urinary system;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • malignant neoplasm that destroys the vascular network of the kidney;
  • chronic form of thrombosis;
  • hemoglobinuria (presence of hemoglobin in the urine);
  • injuries in the lumbar or genital area;
  • internal bleeding;
  • tumors or erosions on the cervix;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • adenomas;
  • prostatitis;
  • hemolysis (disintegration) of blood cells.

The main causes of staining and cloudiness of urine due to diseases: impaired filtration function of the kidneys, breakdown of red blood cells, high capillary permeability and release of hemoglobin into the plasma.

Most often, urine resembling meat slop appears in acute or chronic glomerulonephritis, when the glomeruli of the organ (loops of the capillary network, glomeruli) become inflamed.

Diagnosis of changes in urine color

Diseases related to the kidneys and urinary system are the responsibility of a nephrologist (highly specialized doctor) or urologist. Therefore, if the urine looks like meat slop and there are no other symptoms, be sure to begin the examination with an examination by one of the specified doctors. Next, the doctor will prescribe the necessary diagnostic procedures.

What urine tests need to be done:

  • general;
  • bacterial sowing;
  • Reberg's test;
  • according to Zimnitsky.

You also need to donate blood to the laboratory for immunological assessment, determination of general and biochemical composition.

Hardware diagnostics:

The diagnosis is established on the basis of the clinical picture of the pathology (symptoms) and the results of laboratory and instrumental examinations. Further treatment tactics depend on this.

General rules of therapy for changes in urine color

If urine looks like meat slop, this is often associated with severe pathological processes in the body. During treatment, the doctor must prescribe bed rest and diet.

General therapeutic rules:

  • treatment table No. 7 or 7 a-c according to Pevzner (depending on the stage of the disease);
  • prevention of thrombosis;
  • stopping damage to kidney tissue, tubules, glomeruli, and so on;
  • accelerating the removal of decay products and other substances from the urinary system.

For this, the patient is prescribed medications from the group of diuretics, immunosuppressants, anticoagulants, and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Most often, conservative therapy uses the following drugs:

  • dipiradamole;
  • cyclosporine;
  • aldactone.

Pharmacotherapy is supplemented with other medications that are used to treat the disease according to the protocol. That is, the doctor prescribes the use of those medications, the action of which is aimed at eliminating the pathology that caused the unnatural coloration of urine.

Folk remedies and recipes

After a course of therapy associated with redness and cloudiness of urine, a person should be observed by a doctor for 24 months. This is necessary to prevent relapse of the disease.

During treatment and after recovery, it is also allowed to take herbal medicines, but only if diagnosed by doctors. Folk remedies should be used in courses to restore the functioning of the kidneys and bladder, prevent inflammation, and cleanse the body of endo- and exotoxins. Before use, be sure to study the contraindications of the plants chosen for treatment.

If your urine looks like meat slop, you can drink an anti-inflammatory infusion of black elderberry flowers. Brew 1 tbsp in 250 ml of boiling water. l. raw materials, and when it cools down, filter. The liquid is divided into 3 doses and consumed throughout the day.

Medicinal collection for glomerulonephritis:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of knotweed, tricolor violet, plantain leaves;
  • 2.5 tbsp. spoons of marsh cudweed, lingonberry leaves;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of calendula flowers;
  • 1.5 tbsp. spoons of blue blackberry leaves;
  • 5 tbsp. spoons of crushed rose hips and unpeeled oat seeds.

All components are mixed. For infusion take 3 tbsp. l. collection and pour half a liter of boiling water. After 60 minutes, drain the liquid and add a spoonful of honey and lemon juice. The infusion is drunk 6 times during the day (75 ─ 80 ml).


If the urine becomes cloudy, turns the color of beer, meat slop, or turns into a different shade, this most often indicates a disease of the urinary system. A person needs to undergo an examination to determine and eliminate the real causes of this phenomenon. If left untreated, this can lead to kidney failure and death.

With the help of urine, excess metabolic products are removed from the human body. Therefore, according to different characteristics Urine usually judges the state of a citizen’s health. All indicators are important: color, specific smell, volume. A number of substances contained in urine give it a color yellow color. If the shade changes, this indicates serious disorders in the human body. Patients often ask the doctor why the color of the secreted fluid changes. In medical practice, there is the concept of urine the color of meat slop. If such an indicator appears, you should immediately visit a doctor. The symptom can become an indicator of serious disorders of the body.

Etiology of glomerulonephritis

Urine with a hint of meat slop looks like this due to the admixture of altered blood. This often indicates a pathology called glomerulonephritis. The disease is an immune inflammation of the renal glomeruli, often found in minor patients. With insufficient or untimely treatment, the disease develops into renal failure, the child is at risk of becoming disabled.

In modern medicine, this pathology is in a leading position among diseases acquired as a result of urinary tract infections. This is the maximum common reason formation of renal failure.

Causes of the disease

Signs of the disease can occur in different patients, but most often it still appears in people under the age group of 40 years. As described earlier, glomerulonephritis is a consequence of an inflammatory process, the causes of which are a number of factors:

  • diseases of sore throat and tonsillitis;
  • septic lesions;
  • pneumococcal pneumonia;
  • infection caused by group A streptococci;
  • typhoid fever;
  • meningococcus;
  • chickenpox;
  • piggy;
  • Hepatitis B;
  • hereditary rheumatic and autoimmune pathologies;
  • poisoning

When the disease develops at school or kindergarten Signs of acute glomerulonephritis will be observed in 3–15% of minor patients. Another 50% of children do not notice acute manifestations of the disease, but the shade of urine submitted for testing differs from healthy.

How does urine stain?

The unusual color of brown and red shades is considered the first sign of inflammation. At the same time, there is a decrease in the amount of urine, a change in its density and structure. The analysis shows flakes or blood. When checked, the following pathologies are revealed:

  • unusual color of urine;
  • sediment;
  • altered density;
  • reduction in the volume of urine excreted;
  • presence of protein mass;
  • excess of erythrocytes and leukocytes.

Blood inclusions (hematuria) in urine are detected when the filtration functions of the kidneys are impaired. As a result, the urine takes on an unpleasant brownish-red hue, similar to the color of meat slop. If the content of urate salts exceeds the norm, the brown tint becomes more saturated, and a large amount of phosphates and urea in the urine can completely discolor the urine.

Along with the change in color, the volume of fluid released usually changes. Despite the amount of water consumed per day, a person notices a decrease in the amount of urine excreted. At the same time, the urge to go to the toilet at night becomes more frequent, and during the daytime the volume of secreted substances decreases sharply.

Symptoms of pathology

A change in the color of urine always indicates an inflammatory process in the body's urinary system. In addition to such a striking symptom, there are also accompanying manifestations that may appear in the patient:

  • lumbar pain;
  • pain when going to the toilet;
  • feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • constant thirst;
  • swelling of the limbs and face;
  • weakness;
  • increase in body temperature.

When the color of urine changes as a result of glomerulonephritis, in approximately 80–85% of cases, the functioning of the cardiovascular system is disrupted, the liver becomes enlarged, and the functioning of the central nervous system is inhibited.

Diagnosis of the disease

You can see visually that the urine has changed color and turned brownish-red. And this sign should cause immediate contact with a qualified doctor at a medical facility. To find out the cause of this symptom and determine the extent of damage to the urinary system, a number of laboratory tests are prescribed:

  • general urine analysis;
  • urine samples according to Zimnitsky and Nechiporenko;
  • bacterial culture;
  • clinical and immunological blood test;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder;
  • MRI and CT scan of the kidneys;
  • cystoscopy;
  • urography.

Basic principles of treatment

Therapy for the identified root cause of discolored urine should be carried out in a complex manner. To begin with, the symptoms of the cause of the pathology are relieved. After completing the full course of treatment, the patient will have to remain under medical supervision for another two years to avoid relapse of the disease.

There are a number of basic recommendations that apply to patients:

  • Bed rest is necessary to reduce stress on the kidneys.
  • Dietary food with limited salt and liquid intake.
  • Taking anticoagulants to prevent thrombosis.
  • Taking diuretics to speed up blood flow in affected areas.
  • Taking non-hormonal and steroidal immunosuppressants.


In complex treatment, recipes using medicinal plants are often used, which are good for restoring kidney function. Most often they are used as an additional remedy to the main course of treatment.

There are 3 popular recipes:

  • Corn silks and cherry tails in a dosage of 1 tsp. pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for at least 1 hour. Drink 50 ml of liquid immediately before meals, three times a day.
  • Dry Elderberry – 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water. Insist and let cool. The decoction is drunk 3 times a day in a dosage of 75 ml.
  • Flaxseed – 4 tbsp. l., birch leaves - 3 tbsp. l. pour 0.5 liters of boiled water. The product should be infused for 2 hours. You will have to drink the medicine 3 times a day in a dosage of 70 ml.

The shade of meat slop urine indicates serious problems with the patient’s urinary system and kidneys. That is why, if such an alarming sign is detected, you should immediately make an appointment with an experienced doctor, who will prescribe the appropriate tests, make a diagnosis and formulate a treatment plan for the disease.

Urine the color of meat slop confirms deviations in the performance of the paired organ.

The pathology can manifest itself as an increase in the permeability of the filtering glomeruli, which is why red blood cells begin to appear in the urine.

The shade of meat slop is achieved by a combination of rich red color and. This symptomatology confirms the increased breakdown of red blood cells and the entry of free hemoglobin into the blood cells.

Normal color of urine in a healthy person

Under normal conditions, urine contains no more than two red blood cells in the visual area. The degree of coloring will depend on the phase of pathology occurring in the kidneys.

Urine analysis determines various indicators:

  • density;
  • transparency;
  • colors;
  • the presence of protein, glucose, red blood cells, harmful microorganisms.

Deviations from any normal values ​​indicate a dysfunction of the paired organ. The shade of healthy biofluid in its normal state is light yellow. If the color changes, additional studies should be ordered to help determine whether such a sign can be considered a pathological disorder.

Characteristics of the pathology

This state of urine gave its name -. This is a pathology characterized by the entry of blood cells into urine. Hematuria is considered one of the signs of kidney problems.

The coloring of urine is caused by an increase in the level of red blood cells. This is very typical for macrohematuria, when bleeding begins. The level of coloration of urine in this color completely depends on the stage of the disease, varies from to a very red hue.

Reasons for changes in urine color

A change in the color of urine indicates the presence of diseases in the organs of the urinary system, destruction. M Eyes the color of meat slop can be observed in such diseases:

There are other diseases that can provoke this shade of urine:

  1. Porphyria. Pathology at the genetic level, during which disturbances in the synthesis of hemoglobin occur. Kidney filters remove blood that ends up in the urine.
  2. Werlgfa's disease. The hemostasis system is disrupted, and large platelets are formed in the blood channels. Severe and frequent bleeding appears.
  3. Hemoglobinuria. Red blood cells are destroyed in the vessels, the kidneys lose their ability to filter, and hemoglobin begins to penetrate into the biological fluid.

Reasons for the development of symptoms

Hematuria can occur at any time and is very common in children. However, the majority of patients with this disease are middle-aged people. There are many reasons for this pathology - from cystitis to cancer.

Such conditions can occur after taking certain medications. Excessive consumption of beets, poisoning with toxins, burns are a number of other reasons due to which negative processes begin in the kidneys. To such conditions should be added lumbar injuries and blood transfusion shocks.

How does urine become colored?

The unnatural color of urine appears due to lesions in the glomeruli of the paired organ. At the time of illness, the shade of the liquid may change, since the vessels of the glomeruli, due to inflammation, become weak and begin to leak formed elements.

For this reason, blood clots begin to accumulate in the vessels, slowing down blood circulation in the affected areas. Red blood cells enter Bowman's capsules, clogging the tubules. This kind of change can lead to an impairment of the kidneys' ability to filter, and the urine will turn red.

Associated symptoms

The symptoms of macrohematuria are varied, but it is always a consequence of damage to the urinary organs. Patients may experience certain symptoms:

If abnormalities in the functioning of the kidneys are detected, you must immediately contact a specialist who will prescribe a urological examination.

Diagnosis of diseases

In freshly excreted urine, gross hematuria can be detected visually. To determine the level of damage to the ureteral system, the doctor will prescribe an additional examination.

Laboratory research

The patient must undergo a urine test according to the methods of Zemnitsky. In addition, his blood is taken for a general check and immunological study, and the albumin content is determined.

Instrumental diagnostics

The doctor prescribes an ultrasound examination of the kidneys, MRI, and escretory urography.

General rules of treatment

To get rid of this problem, you need to undergo treatment, which includes certain measures:

Speaking about the most likely complications, with this pathology the following are observed:

  • acute heart failure (in rare cases);
  • failure of a paired organ;
  • hemorrhages in the brain area;
  • deterioration of visual acuity, blindness;
  • development of a chronic form of pathology.

After the therapy is completed, the patient will have to undergo tests to ensure complete recovery. We also note that self-treatment for such a disease is completely excluded - there is a possibility of creating a threat not only to one’s own health, but also to life.

Folk remedies and recipes

Helps a lot with this problem ethnoscience. But it must be remembered that it is considered an auxiliary remedy and does not definitively cure the disease. It can only be used after consulting a doctor.

Here are a few recipes that are especially popular:

Any folk remedy is taken in a certain course so that the performance of the paired organ and urea can be restored in full. In addition, infusions help cleanse the body of toxins and prevent the development of inflammatory processes in it.

Before you start taking this or that drug, it is recommended to carefully study all available contraindications.


The hue of biological fluid confirms a large number of diseases fraught with serious danger. Even the slightest change in urine color can be detected visually without resorting to special research. And if you contact a specialist in a timely manner, you can quickly determine the cause of the problem and eliminate it in a timely manner.
