mechanical injury. Syndrome of prolonged compression

First aid for: fractures, bruises, dislocations and sprains

Discipline teacher "Fundamentals of Life Safety" GBPOU of Moscow ETK No. 22

Kedrov Leonid Evgenievich






What is an injury?

First aid for injury

First health care with bruises

What is an injury?

Injury- this is an injury to the soft tissues of the body (skin, fatty layer, blood vessels) without serious damage to the skin during a fall or impact with a blunt object. The main symptoms of a bruise- pain in the damaged area, the formation of a hematoma or edema (as a result of rupture or increased vascular permeability) .

First aid for injury

First aid for bruises

What is an injury?

First aid for injury

Injury- this is not such a serious injury, however, with a strong bruise, you can never be sure that there is no fracture. Therefore, if there is severe pain that increases with movement, redness or numbness of the bruised area, you need to go to the hospital and take an x-ray. Bruises to the head, spine, and chest should be especially suspicious. A head injury can be accompanied by only a small bump, and only after a while do symptoms appear that indicate a concussion (bruises under the eyes, nausea, dizziness, nosebleeds). Anyway in case of injury, you need to apply cold to the sore spot. This will reduce swelling or hematoma due to vasoconstriction. For the same purpose, a pressure bandage is made. Ice should be applied periodically for several hours. And a day later, when the damaged vessels heal, you can begin to treat the bruise with a warming ointment to improve blood circulation and metabolism.

First aid for fractures

What is a fracture?

First aid for a fracture

First aid for a fracture

What is a fracture?

bone fracture- complete or partial violation of the integrity of the bone under a load exceeding the strength of the injured part of the skeleton.

Fractures can occur as a result of trauma or as a result of various diseases, accompanied by changes in the strength characteristics bone tissue .

First aid for a fracture

Types of closed fractures and first aid

First aid for a fracture

What is a fracture?

First aid for a fracture

P ri fractures the main task immobilize the injured limb or area. Any movement of a broken bone can lead to pain shock, loss of consciousness and damage to surrounding tissues. Moreover, if the victim after a fall or blow complains of severe pain, which increases with any movement and touch, in any case, you need to immobilize the limb and call an ambulance. By no means recommended try to fix the position of the damaged bone on your own or to match the broken bone. Moreover, protruding bones should not be set into the depth of the wound. Let the professionals do it. To alleviate the condition of the victim, you can apply cold to the sore spot to reduce swelling, and also give it analgin, tempalgin, amidopyrine, or another painkiller. You can give the patient a drink of water or warm tea, cover him (if it's cold). If it is not possible to call an ambulance, then you will have to make a tire yourself and transport a person. The tire can be made from any auxiliary material (stick, rods, boards, skis, cardboard, straw bundles, etc.). When applying a tire, the following rules must be observed: - the tire is always superimposed on at least two joints (above and below the fracture site);- the tire is not superimposed on the naked part of the body (it is necessary to put cotton wool, gauze, clothes, etc. under it); - the superimposed tire should not dangle; it must be attached firmly and securely;

Types of closed fractures and first aid

Types of closed fractures and first aid

  • What to do with a broken finger
  • What to do with a broken arm
  • What to do with a broken leg
  • What to do with a fracture of the shoulder, collarbone, scapula
  • What to do with a broken rib
  • What to do with a pelvic fracture

What do at fracture finger

In case of fractures of the finger, it must be tightly bandaged to the adjacent healthy finger.

For the hand:

For the leg:

What do at fracture hands

The easiest way to immobilize the hand is by hanging it with bandages or a triangular scarf on a sling that is tied around the neck. In case of a fracture of the bones of the forearm, two splints are used, which are applied on both sides - palmar and dorsal.

What do at fracture shoulders, collarbones, shoulder blades

In case of fractures of the shoulder girdle, a small roller should be placed under the armpit, and the arm should be hung with a bandage or scarf and tied to the body. The victim is transported in a sitting position.

What do at fracture legs

Tie the injured leg to healthy leg in the area above and below the fracture. Or, if it is not possible to transport the victim in the prone position, apply a splint covering at least two joints of the leg. The main splint is placed on the back of the leg to prevent joint flexion. In case of a hip fracture, the splint is applied to the waist and bandaged to the waist.

What do at fracture ribs

Because the main task in case of a fracture is to immobilize broken bones, and the ribs usually move when breathing, then it is necessary to impose on chest pressure bandage. Thus, a person will breathe with the help of the abdominal muscles and it will not be so painful for him to breathe. In the absence of sufficient bandages, the chest is tightly wrapped with a sheet, towel, scarf, or other large piece of cloth. No need to talk to the victim - it hurts him to talk. Do not let the person lie down as sharp fragments of ribs can damage internal organs. It is necessary to transport the victim with a fracture of the ribs in a sitting position.

What do at fracture pelvic bones

Pelvic fractures are often accompanied by injury internal organs, bleeding and shock. It is necessary to give the victim a position in which there is a minimum of pain. Usually, this is lying on your back with a roller under your feet. In this case, the hips are somewhat divorced to the sides. The roller can be made from a pillow, clothes or any material that has turned up. The patient is transported on a solid shield after various anti-shock measures (pain relief, bleeding stop).

First aid for sprains

What is stretch?

First aid for sprains

First aid for sprains

What is stretch?

stretching- this is a partial or complete rupture of muscles or ligaments (connective fibers that strengthen joints). This usually happens when there is a large physical activity which is disproportionate to human capabilities. In addition, the problem can occur with awkward or very active movements, loads on unheated muscles. Stretching often occurs in children, athletes and people involved in vigorous physical activity. The most common sprains are in the elbow, knee, and ankle joints. When muscles and ligaments are stretched, pain aggravated by movement, muscle weakness, bruising and swelling. Edema occurs as a result of damage to the walls of blood vessels .

First aid for sprains

First aid for sprains

What is stretch?

First aid for sprains

As with fracture and dislocation - in tension, the main task is to immobilize the injured limb. Any movement can break even more fibers, which in this moment just very stretched out. Moreover, what seems to you to be a sprain may turn out to be a dislocation or a fracture.

No need rubbing, kneading a stretched arm or walking around a stretched leg - this will make it even worse. The best thing you can do is to stop exercising, immobilize the injured limb and apply cold to the sprain - this will help reduce swelling and pain for now and (most importantly!) in the days to come.

If the pain is severe and there is redness and / or numbness in the damaged area - it is necessary to make a fixing (pressure) bandage or even a splint(as in a fracture) and deliver the victim to the trauma center. There they will take an x-ray and accurately determine whether it is a sprain or a dislocation or a fracture.

If you decide to do without the help of doctors (the pain is not too strong) - in any case, it is advisable to make a fixing bandage and for the first few hours - periodically apply cold. A day later (when the blood vessels heal), you can start rubbing the injury with a warming ointment to intensify blood circulation and metabolism in damaged tissues .

First aid for dislocation

What is a dislocation?

First aid for dislocation

First aid for dislocation

What is a dislocation?

Bones are connected to each other with the help of joints - movable joints of bones, in which their ends are separated by an articular cavity containing synovial fluid. Outside, the joint is covered with a strong shell called the articular bag. The joint is reinforced with ligaments. joint dislocation- this is the exit of the articular part of the bone from the joint cavity with concomitant damage to the articular bag and ligaments. It can be accompanied by squeezing and rupture of blood vessels. Signs of a dislocated joint is a change in its shape, swelling and severe pain, aggravated by attempting to move. Most often there are dislocations of the wrist, finger, elbow, shoulder, knee, foot, hip joint, mandibular joint. Dislocation of the wrist and elbow occurs most often when falling on an outstretched or outward-turning arm. Dislocation of the hip joint most often occurs when falling from a height, as well as in an accident.

First aid for dislocation

First aid for sprains

What is a dislocation?

First aid for dislocation

As with fracture main task of first aid - to immobilize the damaged joint without changing its position. AND in no case do not try to straighten the dislocation yourself!

You should give the victim analgin or other painkiller and apply cold to the joint. Wait for an ambulance.

If it is not possible to call an ambulance, it is necessary to make a splint and a bandage as well as for a fracture and take the victim to a trauma center.

In case of hip dislocation, bandage the injured limb to the healthy one without changing its position. It is necessary to transport the victim in a prone position on a hard surface.

In the trauma center, the dislocation will be anesthetized, an x-ray will be taken and the joint will be adjusted .

Presentation for the lesson "First aid for bruises, dislocations of joints and fractures of bones." The presentation will help children consolidate the knowledge gained in the lesson. The presentation contains all the necessary illustrations for first aid. recommended for special correctional schools 8 types.

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"Presentation for the lesson "First aid for bruises, dislocations of joints and fractures of bones.""






First aid for bruises

dislocations of joints and fractures of bones.

Each person must be able to provide first aid to the victim:

2. Minimize possible consequences accidents

3. Promote recovery

Bone and joint injuries are a common type of injury. .

Injury is damage to an organ or tissue as a result of external influences





The fracture can be in the form of a crack or a complete fracture of the bones.

Simple - crack

Green twig type in children





The skin in the fracture zone is not damaged; swelling in nearby tissues is local in nature

The wound is caused by a traumatic factor or a bone fragment, accompanied by bleeding

What causes fractures?

When falling on the arm, the force is transferred to the collarbone, which leads to its fracture. .

A direct blow to the chest can lead to a broken rib

Consists of:

  • imposing a splint from improvised material to fix the fracture sites and the areas of the joints located above and below it.
  • Inside, the victim is given amidopyrine or analgin and transported to the first-aid post.

First aid

  • Tire
  • Cold
  • peace

Dislocation - the head of one bone can partially or completely come out of the joint.

Dislocation of the phalanx of the finger

Elbow dislocation

Dislocation knee joint

How to provide first aid for a dislocation?

  • Rest the damaged part
  • Apply ice or cold compress
  • Soft pressure bandage
  • kerchief bandage

Sprain - this is damage to the tendons of the joint area, which leads to muscle rupture.

How to help:

  • Applying a tight bandage
  • Apply cold
  • Provide peace

bruises - closed damage to tissues and organs from a blow with a blunt object


  • Pain
  • Edema
  • Hematoma

Provision of PP:


2.Cold water



  • Assess the situation quickly
  • Determine the cause of the injury
  • Create peace
  • Cold
  • Apply a splint, bandage
  • Notify teacher, parent, 03.

Take sunbaths (vitamin D keeps bones healthy)

Eat green vegetables (it is a source of calcium and vitamin K, which strengthens bones)

Here are some tips to help make your bones stronger, your posture more beautiful, and you stronger:

Drink milk daily (1 glass of milk - 300 mg of calcium)

Say no to caffeine (coffee removes calcium from the body and bones become brittle)

Non-standard problem situation

On a ski trip, one of your classmates went down the mountain and broke hip. Upon examination of the victim, it was found that open fracture, at the fracture site wound, from which follows a pulsating jet blood bright scarlet. We didn’t take a first aid kit on a hike, it’s far from the city. Discuss the current situation and offer your own option for first aid to a friend.

Here are some tips to help make your bones stronger, your posture more beautiful, and you stronger:

Add calcium to your diet (food supplements may be an alternative)

Reduce stress (learn to relieve stress)

Health is the absence of internal obstacles to life

We wish you good health!


Abelevich Alexander Isakovich

Department of General Surgery. A.I. Kozhevnikova

mechanical injury





Closed mechanical damage to soft tissues without violating their anatomical integrity.

Symptoms: pain, swelling, hemorrhage, dysfunction. During the first days after the injury, all these symptoms increase.

Treatment - immobilization, pressure bandage, cold, elevated position of the limb. After 2-3 days - thermal and physiotherapy, exercise therapy.

Stretching and tearing

This injury is typical for the ligamentous apparatus, often the ankle joint, as well as tendons and muscles.

Clinic: the same as with bruises.

Treatment - rest, pressure bandage, cold, from 3 days - thermal procedures. With ruptures of muscles and tendons - surgery, defects are sutured, followed by immobilization

Long crush syndrome

Compression over 4 hours

Possibly positional compression while intoxicated

1. Period of vascular insufficiency (1-2 days)

2. OPN (urine is dark red, a lot of protein)

3. The period of convalescence

Local changes:

1. Edema - woody density.

2. Crimson-blue color of the limb.

3. Blisters with hemorrhagic contents

4. No ripple

5. Loss of sensation

General treatment

1. Combating shock: anesthesia, infusions.

2. Detoxification therapy, forced diuresis, hemodialysis.

3. Antibiotics

Local treatment

1. Circular novocaine blockade of the limb

2. Ice packs 2-3 days

3. Treatment of purulent wounds or amputation



1. Congenital and acquired. Fractures during childbirth are classified as acquired

2. Traumatic and pathological. Pathological complications in osteomyelitis, osteoarticular tuberculosis, bone tumors, osteoporosis

3. Complicated and uncomplicated. Complicated - damage to large vessels, nerves, internal organs, osteomyelitis

4. Along the fracture line: transverse, oblique, helical, driven in, detachable, comminuted

5. By localization: epiphyseal, metaphyseal and diaphyseal

6. According to the position of fragments: with displacement, without displacement. Without displacement, mb complete, incomplete, green twig fracture

7. According to the stage of treatment: fresh, consolidating, consolidated, false joint

8. In relation to the joint: intra-articular, extra-articular

9. Open and closed fracture

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slide 22

The presentation on the topic "First Aid for Fractures and Bruises, Dislocations and Sprains" can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Subject of the project: OBZH. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 22 slide(s).

Presentation slides

slide 1

First aid for fractures and bruises, dislocations and sprains

Completed by: Zimovtseva U.V. Student of group 201 Teacher: Oksana Egorovna

slide 2

slide 3

First aid for bruises

What is an injury?

First aid for injury

slide 4

A bruise is an injury to the soft tissues of the body (skin, fat, blood vessels) without serious damage to the skin during a fall or impact with a blunt object. The main symptoms of a bruise are pain in the damaged area, the formation of a hematoma or edema (as a result of rupture or increased vascular permeability).

slide 5

A bruise is not such a serious injury, but with a strong bruise, you can never be sure that there is no fracture. Therefore, if there is severe pain that increases with movement, redness or numbness of the bruised area, you need to go to the hospital and take an x-ray. Bruises to the head, spine, and chest should be especially suspicious. A head injury can be accompanied by only a small bump, and only after a while do symptoms appear that indicate a concussion (bruises under the eyes, nausea, dizziness, nosebleeds). In any case, with a bruise, you need to apply cold to the sore spot. This will reduce swelling or hematoma due to vasoconstriction. For the same purpose, a pressure bandage is made. Ice should be applied periodically for several hours. And a day later, when the damaged vessels heal, you can begin to treat the bruise with a warming ointment to improve blood circulation and metabolism.

slide 6

First aid for fractures

What is a fracture?

First aid for a fracture

Types of closed fractures and first aid

Slide 7

Slide 8

In case of fractures, the main task is to immobilize the damaged limb or area. Any movement of a broken bone can lead to pain shock, loss of consciousness and damage to surrounding tissues. Moreover, if the victim after a fall or blow complains of severe pain, which increases with any movement and touch, in any case, you need to immobilize the limb and call an ambulance. In no case is it recommended to try to fix the position of the damaged bone or to match the broken bone on your own. Moreover, protruding bones should not be set into the depth of the wound. Let the professionals do it. To alleviate the condition of the victim, you can apply cold to the sore spot to reduce swelling, and also give him analgin, tempalgin, amidopyrine, or another painkiller. You can give the patient a drink of water or warm tea, cover him (if it's cold). If it is not possible to call an ambulance, then you will have to make a tire yourself and transport a person. The tire can be made from any auxiliary material (stick, rods, boards, skis, cardboard, straw bundles, etc.). When applying a splint, the following rules must be observed: - the splint is always applied to at least two joints (above and below the fracture site); - the tire is not superimposed on the naked part of the body (it is necessary to put cotton wool, gauze, clothes, etc. under it); - the superimposed tire should not dangle; it must be attached firmly and securely;

Slide 9

What to do with a broken arm

What to do with a fracture of the shoulder, collarbone, scapula

What to do with a broken leg

What to do with a broken finger

What to do with a broken rib

What to do with a pelvic fracture

Slide 10

slide 11

In case of fractures of the finger, it must be tightly bandaged to the adjacent healthy finger.

For arm: For leg:

slide 12

slide 13

Slide 14

What to do with a broken leg

Tie the injured leg to the healthy leg above and below the fracture. Or, if it is not possible to transport the victim in the prone position, apply a splint covering at least two joints of the leg. The main splint is placed on the back of the leg to prevent joint flexion. In case of a hip fracture, the splint is applied right up to the waist and bandaged to the waist.

slide 15

What to do with a broken rib

Because the main task in case of a fracture is to immobilize broken bones, and the ribs usually move with breathing, then it is necessary to apply a pressure bandage to the chest. Thus, a person will breathe with the help of the abdominal muscles and it will not be so painful for him to breathe. In the absence of sufficient bandages, the chest is tightly wrapped with a sheet, towel, scarf, or other large piece of cloth. No need to talk to the victim - it hurts him to talk. Do not let the person lie down as sharp fragments of ribs can damage internal organs. It is also necessary to transport with a fracture of the ribs in a sitting position.

slide 16

Pelvic fractures are often accompanied by damage to internal organs, bleeding and shock. It is necessary to give the victim a position in which there is a minimum of pain. Usually, this is lying on your back with a roller under your feet. In this case, the hips are somewhat divorced to the sides. The roller can be made from a pillow, clothes or any material that has turned up. The patient is transported on a solid shield after various anti-shock measures (pain relief, bleeding stop).

Slide 17

First aid for sprains

What is stretch?

First aid for sprains

Slide 18

A sprain is a partial or complete rupture of muscles or ligaments (connective fibers that strengthen joints). This usually occurs with great physical exertion, which is disproportionate to the capabilities of a person. In addition, the problem can occur with awkward or very active movements, loads on unheated muscles. Stretching often occurs in children, athletes and people involved in vigorous physical activity. The most common sprains are in the elbow, knee, and ankle joints. With sprains of muscles and ligaments, pain occurs, which increases with movement, muscle weakness, bruising and swelling. Edema occurs as a result of damage to the walls of blood vessels.

Slide 19

As with a fracture and dislocation, when sprained, the main task is to immobilize the injured limb. Any movement can tear even more fibers, which at the moment are just very stretched. Moreover, what seems to you to be a sprain may turn out to be a dislocation or a fracture. No need to rub, knead the outstretched arm or pace the outstretched leg - this will make it even worse. The best thing you can do is to stop exercising, immobilize the injured limb and apply cold to the sprain - this will help reduce swelling and pain for now and (most importantly!) in the days to come. If the pain is severe and there is redness and / or numbness in the damaged area, it is necessary to make a fixing (pressure) bandage or even a splint (as in a fracture) and take the victim to the emergency room. There they will take an x-ray and accurately determine whether it is a sprain or a dislocation or a fracture. If you decide to do without the help of doctors (the pain is not too strong) - in any case, it is advisable to make a fixing bandage and for the first few hours - periodically apply cold. A day later (when the blood vessels heal), you can start rubbing the injury with a warming ointment to intensify blood circulation and metabolism in damaged tissues.

slide 21

Bones are connected to each other with the help of joints - movable joints of bones, in which their ends are separated by an articular cavity containing synovial fluid. Outside, the joint is covered with a strong shell called the articular bag. The joint is reinforced with ligaments. Dislocation of the joint is the protrusion of the articular part of the bone from the joint cavity with concomitant damage to the articular capsule and ligaments. It can be accompanied by squeezing and rupture of blood vessels. Signs of a dislocated joint are a change in its shape, swelling and severe pain, which increases when you try to move. Most often there are dislocations of the wrist, finger, elbow, shoulder, knee, foot, hip joint, mandibular joint. Dislocation of the wrist and elbow occurs most often when falling on an outstretched or outward-turning arm. Dislocation of the hip joint most often occurs when falling from a height, as well as in an accident.

slide 22

As with a fracture, the main task of first aid is to immobilize the damaged joint without changing its position. And in no case do not try to straighten the dislocation yourself! You should give the victim analgin or other painkiller and apply cold to the joint. Wait for an ambulance. If it is not possible to call an ambulance, it is necessary to make a splint and bandage as well as for a fracture and take the victim to the emergency room. In case of hip dislocation, bandage the injured limb to the healthy one without changing its position. It is necessary to transport the victim in a prone position on a hard surface. In the emergency room, the dislocation will be anesthetized, an x-ray will be taken and the joint will be adjusted.

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