Is it possible to use fermented foods with hpn. kidney failure

Grapes are an amazing plant, they began to grow them in Georgia more than 8000 years ago. In ancient times, they knew how grapes affect the kidneys, liver, lungs and other organs. human body. Ampelotherapy is the name of the treatment procedure with grapes and products prepared on its basis. Treatment with these berries, juice, seed extract, etc. experts combine with climate therapy in the resorts of the Crimea, the Caucasus and in other areas where grapes grow.

For the treatment of kidney diseases, grapes are often used.

A tasty and healthy product has a wide variety of vitamins, macro- and microelements. In 100 g of grapes there is 40% of organic acids necessary per day for a person, almost the same amount of silicon. The same 100 g of the product can replenish the body's daily intake of cobalt, vanadium, bromine, magnesium and other substances by 15-25%. Chemical composition grape juice has a complex composition, it is similar to the composition of alkaline waters of natural origin. That is why doctors equate treatment with mineral waters with healing grapes and viticulture products. A large proportion of grapes is liquid, approximately 80%. The second significant component in the described product is sugar, it contains from 20-30%. A solid amount of sugar makes the product nutritious and necessary for the production of glycogen - a substance that is produced in the body from grape sugar.

Grape juice is good for the kidneys.

Grape juice is an excellent expectorant, diuretic and laxative. Berries contribute to the prevention and treatment various diseases lungs, liver and kidneys. Ampelotherapy has a beneficial effect on people with a depleted nervous system, helps to lower blood cholesterol levels. Grape juice has a great positive effect on patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

It is worth noting that the sugar obtained from grapes helps to reduce intestinal decay and maintain the choleretic process. Many take grapes as a natural antioxidant, which stimulates the excretory functions of the body, promotes cleansing. Experts attach particular importance to the effect of grapes on the kidneys.

The impact of grapes on the kidneys of the human body

A person suddenly learns about kidney disease. It is not for nothing that doctors call this organ "dumb". The early stages of the disease are established only during blood tests. Kidney failure is fraught with the formation of excess calcium in the human blood. The list of kidney diseases is long, first of all, these are nephritis, nephrosis, urolithiasis, etc. Any problem associated with the work of the kidneys is characterized by urinary retention, fever, fatigue, cystalgia, pain in the lower back, head.

A significant effect is achieved in the treatment of kidney patients with grape juices and products from this valuable plant. Regular consumption of grape juice helps patients with chronic nephritis significantly reduce the content of toxic substances, get rid of the inflammatory process, and the amount of protein in the urine decreases.

Any consumer should know that ampelotherapy, like any other treatment, requires the supervision of a specialist and special medical prescriptions. An individual approach that a responsible doctor can provide can speed up the cure.

Exist special centers where grape treatment is carried out.

It is necessary to follow a special diet for grape treatment.

Doctors of these institutions have many proven methods that are offered to patients individually. You can be treated with viticulture products not only in the Crimea or Yalta, various methods grape treatments are suitable for any region. It is enough to observe the main rule of therapy “do no harm”.

Simple methods of ampelotherapy are available for doctors who do not have the necessary specialization. Therapy begins with moderate doses, with two glasses of natural grape juice. It is usually prepared from grapes on its own. Drinking up to five glasses of the drink a day is considered an average dosage. An increased dose can only be used under the supervision of qualified medical personnel. The treatment course usually begins with one glass of juice per day. Daily dosage is increased by 50-70 ml. For 7-8 days, the patient increases the intake of juice to three glasses. Drink juice 2 hours before meals, the duration of the course is determined by the attending physician.

The regulation of the activity of the urinary system largely depends on the substances that are formed in humans in the intestines and liver after digestion. Therefore, even in a healthy state, the kidneys require a “respectful” attitude to nutrition.

If there is pathological condition, accompanied by a violation of basic functions, a diet for renal failure is included in the complex of therapeutic measures along with medicines and other methods. The work of the preserved renal structures, the support of the reserve supply of nephrons depends on the right products.

Learn more about kidney failure in this article.

A feature of the menu is the selection of an individual option for the patient, depending on the stage and form of insufficiency.

Basic principles of nutrition for kidney damage

The classic diet for the treatment of kidney failure is based on the scheme proposed by Pevsner and is called "table number 7". It was developed for patients with acute and chronic kidney disease, pregnant women with nephropathy.

The purpose of the restrictions:

  • increased removal from the body of toxins formed during metabolism;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • creation of gentle conditions for the work of the kidneys;
  • prevention of harmful effects on the nervous system, heart, liver.
  • Diet requirements:

  • restriction of protein-containing products, based on pure protein from 20 to 60 g per day, while maintaining the introduction of essential amino acids of animal origin, the predominant use of vegetable proteins;
  • cessation of salt use (or significant reduction);
  • exclusion of substances and drinks that irritate the kidneys (alcohol, cocoa, nitrogenous extracts, chocolate, strongly brewed tea, coffee, spices with spicy and salty ingredients);
  • the use of foods containing a small amount of protein, but having a high calorie content (protein-free dietary bread, sago dishes, mashed potatoes and starch-based mousses);
  • sufficient calorie content of the diet, provided by fats and carbohydrates in the range of 3000–3500 kcal / day;
  • maximum vitaminization with the help of juices and fresh fruit(watermelon, melon, cherry, plum, apple);
  • the desire to normalize the water-salt balance;
  • the prohibition of all canned foods and dishes prepared by roasting, cooking is allowed only by means of boiling, stewing;
  • everything is prepared without salt, the allowed amount of salt is placed on the table with the patient being asked to add salt to the food on his own;
  • the menu is compiled taking into account 5-6 meals a day.
  • Different types of steamers make cooking much easier diet meals

    If the patient cannot eat due to severe toxicosis and vomiting, then intravenous parenteral nutrition is prescribed. The calculation of the main components of the solutions must comply with the requirements of the dietary table.

    What is prohibited in renal failure?

    The ban applies not only to protein products, but also to those containing an electrolyte composition that exacerbates their accumulation in the blood. You can not include in the diet:

  • spicy and salty dishes (sodium chloride);
  • mayonnaise and sauces with preservatives;
  • alcohol, carbonated drinks;
  • rich broths from meat and fish (animal protein, phosphate salts);
  • nuts, mushroom dishes (a lot of vegetable protein);
  • bananas, avocados, legumes, apricots, dried apricots (rich in potassium).
  • Why is a low protein diet necessary?

  • a decrease in the formation of endogenous toxic nitrogenous substances;
  • improvement of blood circulation inside the renal glomeruli.
  • It is recommended to calculate the required amount of protein individually for each patient per kg of body weight. Standards change in different stages of pathology. For example, in the initial stage of development of chronic kidney failure, protein is limited to 0.8 g per kg of weight, but in the case of progression of the process, it reaches 0.3 g.

  • energy deficiency;
  • metabolic acidosis;
  • hyperkalemia;
  • anemia
  • sharply reduces immunity.
  • For patients with renal insufficiency, these disorders worsen the prognosis. With a long low-protein diet, it is allowed to use soy products, preparations containing amino acids (Ketosteril) are prescribed.

    The drug contains 10 amino acids, it is especially indicated when the glomerular filtration rate drops below 25 ml / min.

    What can be included in the diet?

    The diet for kidney failure allows the use of the following foods and dishes:

  • bran bread, dietary, from maize or starch, salt-free;
  • vegetarian soups with vegetables, fruits, borsch, beetroot with roots and herbs;
  • dishes from lean beef, veal, turkey, chicken, rabbit in boiled or baked form, can be served in a piece or chopped;
  • dishes and side dishes from vegetables are used fresh (salads), stewed (hodgepodge), boiled (vegetable soups), you can eat lettuce, carrots, beets, tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage, use green onions, dill, root and parsley;
  • it is believed that you can eat eggs one at a time, cook a protein omelet or add it to a cereal casserole;
  • sweet dishes, including jam, honey, sweets on the recommendation of a doctor;
  • fresh fruits and berries optionally in agreement with the attending physician;
  • milk, sour cream, cream up to 200 g per day, cottage cheese is limited to 50 g or prohibited due to the high protein content;
  • sauces and dressings are prepared with cream, milk;
  • from drinks it is possible to use weak tea, rosehip broth, coffee with milk, fresh fruit juices.
  • Features of the composition and use of table options No. 7

    Nutrition for renal failure should be carried out according to the proposed scheme of table options No. 7. They are represented by diets: 7a, 7b, 7c, 7d and 7p. Differences relate to the content of protein and electrolytes, are used in different stages of renal disorders.

    Table No. 7a

    It is prescribed for severe renal failure with an increased concentration in the blood plasma of nitrogenous substances (urea and creatinine). The diet absolutely excludes salt, limits protein components as much as possible.

  • carbohydrates 350 g (this amount includes 80 g of sugar);
  • fats 75–85 g (almost 85% of them are animals);
  • proteins in a minimum amount (20–25 g, of which 2/3 are from animal products).
  • Table №7b

    It is indicated for any form of nephritis with symptoms of renal failure, edema, azotemia, hypertension. Option 7b, in fact, is a continuation of 7a, provides a sparing regimen for the kidneys during the recovery period. It can be used as a transitional form after acute glomerulonephritis, to the stage of remission in chronic kidney disease. when recovering from acute kidney failure.

    It is prescribed 20 days after the onset of the exacerbation. In the menu, the protein is higher than in 7a. The composition includes:

  • proteins 40–60 g;
  • fats up to 30g;
  • carbohydrates 450 g (including 100 g of sugar).
  • Caloric content increases to 2500-3000 kcal. All dishes of tables No. 7a and No. 7b are prepared without salt. Salting when eating is allowed directly into the plate, depending on the clinical course. Table No. 7b prepares the patient for the transition to a permanent diet No. 7.

    Table №7v

    It is prescribed for patients with chronic kidney diseases leading to nephrotic syndrome (nephropathy of pregnancy, kidney tuberculosis, glomerulonephritis, amyloidosis). In renal failure, the use is doubtful, since the diet involves an increased content of protein products (with a standard of 1.6 g per kg of weight).

    General composition:

  • proteins 120 g (half of the animals);
  • carbohydrates 400 g;
  • fats 80 g (half vegetable);
  • 2800 kcal required.
  • Table number 7g

    It is used for patients with end-stage renal failure during hemodialysis treatment. The composition should include:

  • proteins 60 g;
  • carbohydrates 450 g;
  • fats 110 g;
  • with a calorie content of at least 2700–3000 kcal.
  • Salt only at the expense of products, about 2 g.

    Table number 7r

    It is indicated for severe renal failure with elevated levels of uric acid salts in the blood (hyperuricemia), in cases of regular use of hemodialysis.

  • proteins 70 g (the proportion of vegetable proteins has been increased to 75%);
  • fats 90 g;
  • calorie content up to 2,800 kcal.
  • All of the above dietary tables need, in addition to the main components, vitamins and electrolytes. From vitamins, special attention is paid to:

  • retinol (vitamin A);
  • riboflavin (vitamin B 2);
  • nicotinic acid (B 3);
  • thiamine (B 1);
  • ascorbic acid.
  • They provide the assimilation of incoming substances, biochemical transformations and energy needs of the body. Electrolytes require consideration of the patient's blood levels. May need calcium, magnesium, iron.

    An example of a one-day menu for diet number 7

    In hospitals, the menu is compiled diets. sister or in large medical institutions - a nutritionist. If different options are needed, the attending physician makes an application and the patient is provided with an individual table.

  • protein-free, salt-free dietary bread 300–400 g;
  • salt with the permission of the doctor is handed out.
  • First breakfast:

  • vegetable salad;
  • rice and apple casserole;
  • tea with milk;
  • bread, butter in the amount of a tablespoon.
  • Lunch:

  • boiled meat with vegetable garnish;
  • bread with butter (15 g);
  • fruit if possible (melon, watermelon, apple, plums).
  • vegetable soup with tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, carrots, green onions, seasoned with a teaspoon of vegetable oil;
  • boiled meat with a vegetable side dish of potatoes, zucchini, green peas, parsley;
  • apple compote.
  • boiled potatoes with a spoon butter;
  • fruit casserole;
  • tea with sugar.
  • 2 hours before bedtime: 1 glass of fruit juice.

    How to prepare diet meals?

    Patients' food should be tasty, evoke positive emotions, and promote recovery. Recipes for dietary dishes are calculated by composition experts. We suggest cooking porridge with pumpkin.

    Issues of dietary nutrition are sometimes not easily resolved in the family. It is most rational to accustom everyone to the fact that dishes are prepared for everyone, but everyone will add salt to their plate. A set of allowed foods is not a costly deficit. Proper nutrition can be arranged at home.

    diet for kidney failure

    General rules

    kidney failure is a condition in which, for various reasons, there is a violation of kidney function. The cause of acute renal failure is intoxication, acute infections, burns, injuries and acute nephritis .

    It has 4 periods: initial, reduction of diuresis, restoration of it, recovery. The period of decrease in diuresis is the most difficult, it lasts up to 20 days and is characterized by the accumulation of nitrogenous wastes in the blood, a violation of water and mineral metabolism, the occurrence edema and development acidosis . Patients with acute kidney failure may refuse to eat because they are worried about nausea and vomiting. Hunger aggravates the situation, as protein breakdown accelerates, and metabolic disorders increase.

    Chronic renal failure is associated with a deterioration in kidney function in their pathology, which is constantly progressing. The causes of it can be chronic diseases:

    The risk of chronic acute glomerulonephritis in adults with an outcome in CRF is 10 times higher than in children. Pyelonephritis ranked third among the causes of CRF.

    Anemia often accompanies chronic kidney disease and is the most early complication chronic renal failure. More often observed with a decrease in clearance creatinine up to 40-60 ml / min (in stage III). Sometimes observed in earlier stages. Its degree is especially expressed in a terminal stage of insufficiency.

    The condition of these patients is severe, they are forced to constantly be treated and carefully monitor their diet. Let's see what diet is prescribed for kidney diseases accompanied by kidney failure. The main treatment table is Diet 7 or its varieties №7A And №7B .

    diet for kidney failure

    At acute renal failure the main table is Table No. 7A, which provides for:

  • Significant protein restriction (20 g). The patient receives this amount from milk, fermented milk drinks, cream, sour cream and eggs. Meat and fish are excluded.
  • Providing energy needs through the use of carbohydrates (fruits, berries, vegetables, sugar, sago, rice, honey) and fats (butter and vegetable oil).
  • The introduction of 0.4-0.5 liters of liquid (water without gas, weak tea, diluted juices, kefir) and salt restriction when diuresis stops. During the recovery period, the amount of urine can be 2 liters per day, so an increased fluid intake is recommended. Insufficient or excessive fluid intake exacerbates impaired renal function.
  • Restriction of foods containing potassium and magnesium, and in the presence of anuria - additionally sodium.
  • As you recover, the gradual introduction of salt, protein - first up to 40 g ( Table №7B ), and then to normal. After this table, the patient is transferred to Diet No. 7 for a long period (up to a year). With a mild course of acute renal failure, Table No. 7 is immediately recommended, but with a restriction of potassium.
  • At chronic renal failure the diet provides sparing of the kidneys and the basic principles of nutrition are:

    Baked boiled meat

  • Different degree of protein restriction (this depends on the severity of CRF). Milk proteins and egg whites are preferred as more easily digestible. Vegetable proteins have less nutritional value.
  • When cooking, meat and fish are first boiled, and then stewed or baked. This technique reduces the amount of extractives.
  • Limiting the intake of phosphorus (milk, bran, cheese, muesli, whole grain bread, eggs, legumes, cottage cheese, cereals, nuts, cocoa) and potassium (restrict potatoes, sorrel, bananas, fruit juices, sea ​​fish, meat, exclude curry, seeds, sesame seeds).
  • Sufficient intake of calcium (dairy products, eggs, vegetables). The best way out is to take calcium carbonate, which is well absorbed and binds phosphorus in the intestines. The daily dose of the drug is calculated individually.
  • Supplementation of essential amino acid keto analogues and histidine. Their use allows you to safely limit the protein.
  • Ensuring sufficient energy value from fats (polyunsaturated fatty acids) and carbohydrates, which improves protein absorption and reduces its breakdown in the body. With a lack of calories, proteins are included in the metabolism and the level of urea rises. It is necessary to include high-energy foods (sour cream, honey) in the diet, but consume them in the morning. At the same time, do not load the diet with refractory fats and a large amount of simple carbohydrates.
  • Consideration of the state of the excretion function and the optimal introduction of liquid and salt. Limit them in the presence of edema and high blood pressure. Food is cooked without salt, but a certain amount is allowed (depending on the severity of the disease and the severity of kidney failure). The exact amount of fluid is calculated individually according to the amount of urine excreted over the past day.
  • Products with essential oils are excluded (celery, fresh dill, parsley, basil, garlic and fresh onions).
  • Limitation of foods containing potassium (dried fruits, fresh vegetables and fruits), as patients with impaired kidney function develop hyperkalemia .
  • Restriction of dairy products, cereals and pasta.
  • Excluded strong tea and coffee, spicy and salty foods, cocoa, chocolate, cheeses, alcoholic beverages.
  • Inclusion vitamin complexes And amino acids .
  • The intake of sodium mineral waters is excluded.
  • In chronic kidney failure, with the help of proper nutrition, it is possible to achieve a decrease in intoxication and progression of chronic renal failure, a decrease in the manifestations hyperparathyroidism . Diet therapy should be started at an early stage when creatinine is just beginning to exceed the normal range.

    The diet for chronic renal failure depends on the degree of renal failure and includes the amount of protein that will not lead to an increase in azotemia, and at the same time will not cause the breakdown of its own proteins. Medical nutrition should provide the need for amino acids with a low protein content, which means to prevent protein deficiency. Early protein restriction in the diet can slow the progression of the disease. A decrease in protein load inhibits hyperfiltration (one of the mechanisms for the progression of chronic renal failure), when the intact part of the kidney tissue takes on an increased protein load. A low-protein diet reduces hyperfiltration. With restriction of protein intake, the level of urea (the end product of its decay) decreases, intoxication decreases and the condition of patients improves.

    Protein free bread

    In the initial stage (at grade 1), meals are based on Table No. 7, but bread is replaced with protein-free bread. The protein content in the diet is 0.8 g per 1 kg of the patient's weight (50-60 g per day and half of them are animals). This average amount of protein may decrease depending on the condition of the patient. The patient is recommended to carry out unloading days (up to 3 times a week) Diet 7B with reduced protein content. Amino acid supplements are not required during this period.

    Fluid intake during normal urination is not limited, but it should correspond to the amount allocated over the past day plus 400-500 ml. If the pressure is not elevated and there is no edema, 4-5 g of salt per day is recommended. With an increase in blood pressure, the appearance of edema and weight gain, fluid and salt intake is reduced.

    With chronic renal failure of the 2nd degree, protein restriction to 0.5-0.4 g / kg of weight is required ( Table number 7B ), as well as phosphorus. In this connection, egg yolk and poultry, cheeses, nuts, legumes are excluded, milk is limited. Beef, fish, rice and potatoes should be boiled twice in plenty of water, draining the first water. This technique allows you to reduce phosphates by almost half. To calculate the amount of protein and potassium, there are special tables. Amino acid supplements are prescribed in the form of a drug Ketosteril (4-8 tablets three times a day). The calcium salts that are present in it bind phosphates in the intestines.

    With CRF 3 degrees apply Diets No. 7A or No. 7B . They contain 20-25 g or 40 g of protein, respectively. These are predominantly animal proteins (dairy products, eggs, fish and meat). The time spent on a low-protein diet depends on the patient's condition, with its improvement it is allowed Table number 7B . but against its background periodically (up to 3 times a week) again return to low-protein Table No. 7A .

    The amount of salt can be increased to 6-8 g or more, but under control blood pressure and excreted urine (if its amount has decreased, then the salt is not increased). The above diets do not provide the patient's need for vitamins, iron, calcium, so nutrition must be supplemented with appropriate drugs. To normalize the disturbed metabolism of phosphorus and calcium, a decrease in phosphorus in the diet and an increase in calcium are important, which positively affects the condition of the kidneys. Legumes are excluded due to their high phosphorus content. Calcium is additionally administered in the form of drugs. It is not recommended to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, due to the high content of potassium, they need to be boiled.

    With a terminal 4 degree, the patient is transferred to treatment hemodialysis . therefore, the amount of protein increases to 1.0-1.3 g / kg of weight, since in the process of blood purification, amino acids . vitamins . trace elements and oligopeptides. The diet should be as complete as possible. The energy value of food increases, which is achieved by consuming more carbohydrates (450 g) and fats (90 g). Additionally, amino acids are introduced in the form of preparations.

    The amount of fluid is compared with diuresis. If the excretory function of the kidneys worsens, fluid restrictions are introduced. Salt intake is limited to 5-7 g, but it is usually calculated individually, taking into account arterial hypertension and edema. It is recommended to exclude salted meat and fish, cheeses, canned food, salted butter and ordinary baked bread from the diet. It is especially common in dialysis patients hyperphosphatemia .

    Patients have a deterioration in appetite, nausea, vomiting, changes in taste sensations. The esophagus and stomach are often affected, so dishes should be mostly boiled or steamed, and sauces (sour and sweet and sour), spices, and spicy vegetables are used to enhance the taste. Often used fasting days(apple, apple-pumpkin), which helps to reduce acidosis And azotemia .

    A characteristic complication diabetes is nephropathy . In some countries, diabetic nephropathy has become the leading cause of death in the elderly from CRF. The treatment of such patients is very difficult. in renal failure and diabetes pressure control and correction of metabolic disorders are important ( hyperlipidemia . hyperuricemia ). Carbohydrates in the diet of such patients are limited.

    Approved Products

    Diet number 7B most commonly used in patients with impaired renal function. From Diets No. 7A characterized by an increase in the amount of protein, total diet and caloric content. Dishes Stolov No. 7A And No. 7B prepared without salt.

  • Allowed the use of protein-free and salt-free bread from maize starch up to 300-400 g per day. In the absence of it, you can use achloride bread.
  • Soups are only vegetarian with the addition of cereals and vegetables, you can cook cabbage soup, borscht and beetroot soup. Portion - 250-350 ml.
  • Lean beef, chicken, veal and turkey are served boiled. After boiling, the meat can be baked or fried. Preliminary boiling in a large amount of water eliminates nitrogenous substances from products. Portion 55-60 g.
  • Low-fat fish is chosen: pike, pike perch, hake, navaga, pollock, cod. Prepared in the same way as meat, the portion is similar.
  • Carrots, cucumbers, beets, dill, tomatoes, cauliflower, lettuce, parsley, green onions, tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage are allowed for vegetable side dishes. Vegetables are boiled or stewed.
  • Cereals, all legumes and pasta are sharply limited in the diet. Recommended dishes from sago on the water in the form of puddings, cereals, casseroles, pilaf or cutlets.
  • Protein omelette from one egg per day.
  • Fruits and berries are different in raw and boiled form. The potassium content is taken into account if its limitation is assigned. Potassium is lost when fruits are boiled. With the permission of the doctor, you can use dried apricots.
  • If there are no restrictions, milk and dairy products are consumed up to 200-300 g per day. Cottage cheese is excluded or consumed in small quantities (up to 50 g).
  • Allowed white sauce on sour cream or milk, salads from vegetables and fruits, vinaigrette without salted vegetables.
  • Weak tea and coffee, fruit juices, rosehip infusion.
  • Butter and vegetable oil.
  • Table of allowed products

    Diet for kidney failure: do's and don'ts?

    Kidney failure is a serious disease, the consequences of which are reflected in all body systems. If the disease is started, a person is poisoned from the inside by the breakdown products of proteins.

    "kidney" diet

    Treatment of kidney failure is not only about taking medications prescribed by a doctor. An important component of treatment is diet. The "kidney" diet is aimed at lowering blood pressure, reducing edema, removing toxins from the body and stabilizing the work of the kidneys in general. The more severe the patient's condition is, the tougher the diet. Important in it is the increase in caloric content (daily rate - about 3000 calories) and protein restriction.

    The daily limit of protein in the patient's diet is only 40-80 grams, of which half is animal protein (milk, eggs, meat, fish). Seriously ill people are forbidden to use salt, the rest are allowed no more than 3 grams per day. The consumption of liquids should also be limited, but it is impossible to completely refuse water and drinks: they are vital for detoxifying the body (removing decay products). Doctors recommend drinking as much per day as much urine came out during the day the day before.

    Meals during the day are divided into five to six times. Products for dishes are boiled, baked or cooked in a microwave oven.

    Diet for kidney failure: 10 do's and 10 don'ts

    Patients should be excluded from the diet:

    Sweets and pastries containing soda and salt,

    Chocolate, cocoa and coffee

    Cheese and all products containing fats of animal origin,

    Whole milk and dairy products: cottage cheese, sour cream, cream,

    kidney failure

    Renal failure is a serious complication of damage to the urinary organs, vascular pathology, in which the formation and filtration of urine decreases or completely stops. It is important that the process is not limited to changes in the kidneys themselves, but disrupts the balance of a person's water-salt metabolism, changes the acid-base properties of the blood and the concentration of biochemical compounds dissolved in it.

    Consequences can be found in all organs and systems of the body in the form of a secondary lesion. With the flow, renal failure takes an acute or chronic form. They have differences. Therefore, the pathogenesis is best considered separately.

    What is acute kidney failure and how common is it?

    The term "acute" refers to the rapid, even rapid development of impaired renal function. In medical practice, it is included in the list emergency conditions requiring intensive treatment and life-threatening patient. The incidence of acute renal failure is 15 cases per 100,000 population.

    Kidney dysfunction occurs due to:

  • a sharp decrease in total blood flow - prerenal lesion;
  • pronounced massive destruction of the nephron membrane - renal;
  • sudden obstruction to the outflow of urine (obstruction) - postrenal disorders.
  • As a result, the patient has a significant decrease in urine output (oligoanuria), then complete anuria. 75% of people with these changes need urgent hemodialysis (a method of purifying the blood using an artificial kidney).

    According to the scheme, there is a possibility of transition of extrarenal insufficiency to renal

    Finding out the type of anuria is important for the timely provision emergency care. In the presence of obstruction of the urinary tract (postrenal level of the lesion), the patient needs emergency surgical intervention. A feature of the renal tissue is the possibility of complete recovery, therefore, with timely and complete treatment, most patients recover.

    What are the causes of acute kidney failure?

    The causes of acute renal failure are most often caused by:

    • intoxication with poisons in case of accidental poisoning or for the purpose of suicide, these include liquids of household chemicals, food industry, lead compounds, drugs, bite poisonous snakes and insects;
    • a sudden decrease in blood circulation in the renal vessels during shock conditions, collapse, acute heart failure, thrombosis and embolism of the renal artery;
    • acute forms of inflammation of the kidneys (glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis);
    • infectious diseases occurring with severe renal syndrome (hemorrhagic fever, leptospirosis);
    • sudden blockage of the urinary tract with a stone, tumor - obstruction of the urinary tract;
    • kidney injury, including removal of a single kidney.
    • Clinical course and stages of pathology

      Symptoms of renal failure determine therapeutic measures. Main manifestations:

    • nausea with vomiting;
    • diarrhea;
    • complete lack of appetite;
    • swelling of the hands and feet;
    • agitation or retardation.
    • Mandatory to appear:

    • reduced amount or absence of excreted urine;
    • liver enlargement.
    • According to the clinical course, renal failure is formed in several stages.

      I (initial) - characterized by the immediate cause that caused the pathology, can last several hours or days, takes into account the time of onset of the damaging factor (for example, taking poison) and the appearance of the first symptoms, signs of intoxication are possible (pallor of the skin, nausea, vague pain in the abdomen ).

      II (oligoanuric) - the patient's condition is assessed as severe, a characteristic decrease in the excreted volume of urine is manifested, an increase in intoxication is caused by the accumulation of end products of protein breakdown (urea, creatinine) in the blood, weakness, drowsiness, lethargy appear due to the effect on brain cells.

      Other symptoms:

    • diarrhea;
    • hypertension;
    • increased number of heartbeats (tachycardia).
    • Signs of severity of damage to renal functions are:

    • azotemia (an increase in the amount of nitrogenous substances accumulated in the blood);
    • anemia (anemia);
    • accession of liver damage in the form of hepatic-renal failure.
    • Read more about the symptoms of kidney failure in this article.

      III (recovery) - characterized by a return to the original phenomena. First, the phase of early diuresis appears, which corresponds to the stage II clinic, then polyuria returns (there is a lot of urine) with the restoration of the ability of the kidneys to excrete sufficiently concentrated urine.

      Against the background of normalization of biochemical parameters of blood, there is an improvement in the work nervous system, heart, lowering high blood pressure, stopping diarrhea and vomiting. Recovery takes about 14 days.

      IV (stage of recovery) - all kidney functions return to normal, it will take several months, for some people up to a year.

      Chronic form

      Chronic renal failure differs from acute renal failure by a gradual decrease in kidney function, death of structures, tissue replacement with scars with wrinkling of the organ. Its prevalence reaches 20 to 50 cases per 100,000 population. Most often associated with a long course of inflammatory diseases of the kidneys. Statistics show an annual increase in the number of patients by 10–12%.

      Shrinkage of the kidney occurs gradually in chronic pathology

      What leads to the development of chronic renal failure?

      The mechanism of the formation of pathology is associated with a violation of the structure of the main structural units kidneys - nephrons. Their number is significantly reduced, atrophy and replacement with scar tissue occur. Some glomeruli, on the contrary, hypertrophy, similar changes in the tubules are possible.

      Modern research shows that the development of kidney failure in such conditions is caused by an overload of "healthy" nephrons and a reduction in "sick" ones. Due to the insufficiency of the function of the organ, which is provided by the residual number of glomeruli, the water-electrolyte metabolism is disturbed.

      Aggravate the death of the glomerular apparatus:

    • vascular damage;
    • compression of the leading arterioles by edematous tissue;
    • violation of lymph circulation.
    • Why does chronic insufficiency occur?

      To the most common reasons formation of chronic kidney failure include:

    • long-term inflammatory diseases of the kidneys that destroy the glomeruli and tubules (glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis);
    • congenital anomalies (polycystic, narrowing of the renal arteries, underdevelopment), contributing to the functional inferiority of the renal structures;
    • diseases of disturbed general metabolism (amyloidosis, diabetes mellitus, gout);
    • systemic vascular diseases (rheumatism, lupus erythematosus, group hemorrhagic vasculitis, scleroderma) with simultaneous changes in renal blood flow;
    • hypertension and symptomatic hypertension, worsening the blood supply to the kidneys;
    • diseases accompanied by impaired outflow of urine (hydronephrosis, tumors of the underlying tracts and pelvis, urolithiasis).
    • Among fat people it is widely believed that it is possible to lose weight with the help of the hypoglycemic drug Metformin (synonyms Glucofage, Siofor, Formetin). The drug is very carefully prescribed by an endocrinologist. Negative properties include impaired kidney and liver function. Self-administration is not recommended.

      Scientists from Sweden came to an interesting conclusion. They studied the gene composition of Shar-Pei dogs, as the most susceptible to the autoimmune mechanism of kidney damage in hereditary fever. It turned out that the skin folds of sharpei are associated with excessive production of hyaluronic acid. It signals the immune system to build antibodies to its own tissues. A certain gene, which is also present in humans, is responsible for the hyperreaction. Studying our pets will allow you to learn more about the role autoimmune diseases in the pathogenesis of chronic renal failure.

      It is in the folds of the skin that excess hyaluronic acid is “hidden”

      Types of chronic kidney failure and their classification

      Different classifications of chronic kidney failure are based on:

    • etiological factors;
    • pathogenesis;
    • the degree of violation of the functional state;
    • clinical signs.
    • In the Russian Federation, urologists use the Lopatkin-Kuchinsky classification. She divides pathological manifestations into 4 stages.

      Latent stage of renal failure - proceeds without any clinical manifestations. Normal excretion of urine with a sufficient specific gravity is noted. In biochemical blood tests, the concentration of nitrogenous substances is unchanged.

      The earliest manifestations are detected by observing the ratio of kidney function day and night. The disturbed daily rhythm of urine excretion consists in the initial alignment of the daytime and nighttime volumes, and then - the persistent excess of the nighttime one. When examining a patient, reduced indicators are found:

    • glomerular filtration (60–50 ml/min. at a normal level of 80–120);
    • percentage of water reabsorption;
    • tubular activity.
    • Compensated stage - the number of fully functioning nephrons decreases, but the concentration of urea and creatinine in the blood remains normal. This means that it is maintained by overloading the remaining glomeruli, the development of polyuria.

      Protective mechanisms ensure the removal of harmful toxins from the body due to:

    • reduced concentration function of the tubules;
    • decrease in the filtration rate in the glomeruli (30–50 ml/min);
    • increase in urine production up to 2.5 liters per day.
    • In this case, nocturnal diuresis predominates.

      Before the hemodialysis procedure, the patient must undergo control tests

      If a patient has preserved compensatory abilities, it is necessary to take urgent measures for treatment, surgical restoration of the urinary outflow tract. There is still hope for a reverse development. It is impossible to completely cure the patient, but there is a chance to transfer the disease to a more favorable latent stage. In the absence of adequate treatment, compensatory mechanisms are quickly depleted, and a decompensated intermittent stage sets in.

      The intermittent stage differs from the previous ones:

    • persistently elevated creatinine and urine levels;
    • the most pronounced clinical manifestations;
    • exacerbations during the underlying disease.
    • Compensatory polyuria, which contributed to the removal of toxins, is replaced by oliguria. The daily volume of urine may be normal, but the specific gravity decreases, does not change during the day. Glomerular filtration proceeds at a rate of 29 to 15 ml/min.

      The stage allows the appearance of periodic remissions. Although at this time there is no normalization of the level of creatinine and urea, it remains 3-4 times higher than normal. Surgical interventions are rated as very risky. The patient and relatives are informed. It is possible to establish a nephrostomy to ensure the outflow of urine.

      The terminal stage is the result of an untimely visit to a doctor, a malignant course of the underlying disease. Irreversible changes occur in the body. Intoxication is caused by a high level of nitrogenous wastes in the blood, a drop in glomerular filtration to 10–14 ml/min.

      The course of the terminal stage

      The clinical course in the terminal stage has four forms. In another way, they are considered periods of pathological changes.

      I - renal failure is characterized by reduced glomerular filtration up to 10-14 ml / min. high levels of urea while maintaining urine output in a volume of one liter or more.

      II - stage is divided into forms "a" and "b":

    • With IIa - diuresis decreases, the content of dissolved substances in the urine decreases, acidosis develops (deviation of the general metabolism to the acid side), the amount of nitrogenous slags in the blood test continues to increase. It is important that changes in internal organs while they are reversible. In other words, the approximation of indicators to the norm contributes to the complete restoration of damage to the heart, lungs, and liver.
    • In stage IIb - in comparison with IIa, violations of internal organs are more pronounced.
    • III - violations reach a critical level. Against the background of severe uremic intoxication, the brain reacts with a coma, renal and hepatic failure develops with degeneration of liver cells (hepatocytes), decompensation of cardiac activity, arrhythmias due to severe hyperkalemia occurs.

      The death of liver cells occurs after the nephrons, in their place there are areas of scar tissue

      Modern methods of treatment, including peritoneal dialysis. hemodialysis to relieve intoxication is poorly effective or ineffective.

      How to detect kidney failure?

      In the diagnosis of acute renal failure, urologists attach the main importance to the absence of detected urine in the bladder. This sign does not necessarily confirm anuria. It is necessary to differentiate it with acute urinary retention due to stone, spasm, in men with prostate adenoma.

      The patient is examined Bladder using a cystoscope. If overflow is detected, acute renal failure is ruled out. Knowledge of the previous connection with poisoning, past diseases helps to establish the cause and determine the form.

      A urinalysis study indicates:

    • hemolytic shock in case of detecting lumps of hemoglobin;
    • tissue crush syndrome in the presence of myoglobin crystals;
    • poisoning with sulfonamides when salts of sulfonamide substances are detected.
    • To establish the level of kidney damage, it is necessary to conduct ultrasound, X-ray and instrumental types of research. With the successful introduction of a catheter into the renal pelvis and the absence of urine separation, one should think about renal or prerenal forms of insufficiency.

      Ultrasound, computed tomography make it possible to determine:

    • the size of the kidneys;
    • disturbed structure of the pelvis and calyx;
    • development of a tumor that compresses the renal tissue and ureters.

    In specialized clinics, radioisotope scanning is performed, which makes it possible to judge the degree of destruction of the kidney parenchyma.

    An important role is played by biochemical blood tests. A mandatory comprehensive examination before prescribing hemodialysis, plasmapheresis, hemosorption in each individual case is the study of the level of:

  • nitrogen-containing components;
  • composition of electrolytes;
  • acid-base reaction;
  • liver enzymes.
  • Chronic kidney failure should be excluded in the diagnosis of long-term ill patients with pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, diabetes mellitus and other comorbidities.

    Pregnancy is a serious provoking factor for the activation of inflammation in the kidneys.

    When questioning women, attention is always paid to complicated pregnancy, the occurrence of renal pathology during childbirth. First of all, it is necessary to fully examine to exclude the latent stage of chronic insufficiency, if the patient has:

  • prolonged dysuric symptoms;
  • lower back pain;
  • unclear temperature jumps;
  • repeated attacks of renal colic;
  • urinalysis revealed bacteriuria and leukocyturia.
  • If any renal pathology is detected, it is necessary to study the functional capabilities of the organs, to make sure stable work both kidneys, their reserve stock. The study of urine according to the method of Zimnitsky makes it possible to identify the initial signs of functional weakness in the daily arrhythmia of the urinary tract.

    Add information about the work of the nephrons of the calculation:

  • glomerular filtration rate;
  • creatinine clearance;
  • the results of the Reberg test.
  • In chronic pathology, there is more time for carrying out:

  • radioisotope diagnostics;
  • excretory urography;
  • dopplerography.
  • How is the prognosis for the patient's health and life assessed?

    If health care a patient with acute renal failure is provided in a timely manner, then the prognosis can be considered favorable for most patients. They recover and return to their work and normal life. Dietary restrictions will apply for about a year. However, one should take into account the impossibility of counteracting some toxic substances, lack of access to hemodialysis, late admission of the patient.

    Part of the poisoning occurs against the background of deep alcohol intoxication, therefore, while loved ones and the patient himself wake up and start thinking about health, there is no longer any possibility of restoring renal filtration

    Complete recovery of kidney function after acute failure can be achieved in 35-40% of cases, in 10-15% of patients, kidney function is partially normalized, from 1 to 3% go into a chronic form of the disease. The lethal outcome in acute poisoning reaches up to 20%, patients die from general sepsis, uremic coma, and impaired cardiac activity.

    The course of chronic renal failure in inflammatory diseases is associated with success in the treatment of glomerulo- and pyelonephritis. Therefore, doctors give great importance timely detection and treatment of exacerbations. The development of kidney transplantation does not yet compensate for the needs of patients.

    A therapeutic and properly developed diet for kidney disease is a prerequisite for the complex therapy of the disease, since nutrition is aimed at eliminating disturbances in the processes of material metabolism. A diet for kidney disease should enhance the effect of prescribed medications. It is developed taking into account the presence or absence of edema, hypertension, the level of protein in the urine and the ability of the kidneys to excrete protein metabolism products.

    The consequence of any kidney disease are malfunctions of the body, appearing against the background of violations of the acid-base and water-electrolyte balances, as well as the accumulation of metabolic products in the blood. As a result, the patient develops edema, blood pressure increases and intoxication of the body is observed.

    A diet for kidney disease is developed and prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account one constant rule: the intake of fats and proteins is limited to the maximum in the diet, carbohydrates become the basis of nutrition. A product such as salt is always prohibited during any diet for kidney diseases, because it makes it difficult for the kidneys to work, retaining fluid in our body.

    Protein restriction. With kidney problems, the level of protein coming from the diet should be reduced. Protein metabolism in the body is accompanied by the formation of nitrogenous slags, which are very difficult for sick kidneys to remove from the body. Gradually, they begin to accumulate in the blood. But it is impossible to completely remove protein from the diet, because it is the most important component, the basis for our cells. In this case, a limited intake is recommended. boiled eggs, boiled or stewed meat and low-fat fish. In the case of chronic renal failure, it is recommended to consume 20-50 g of protein per day. The amount may vary depending on the weight of the patient and the stage of the disease.

    With minor violations in the work of the kidneys, it is not necessary to limit the intake of protein foods. In this case, it is recommended to do unloading 1-2 days a week.

    Fasting days for kidney disease. A fasting day is the use of one type of product for 24 hours. In case of kidney diseases of various kinds, carbohydrate fasting days are recommended (oatmeal, fruit (especially apple, watermelon), berry, juice, vegetable (especially cucumber)), which increase the level of urine excreted, improve the processes of excretion of protein metabolism products from the body. As a result, blood pressure decreases, the manifestations of chronic renal failure weaken.

    During vegetable, fruit or berry fasting days, you should eat 1.5 kg of vegetables (any one), fruits or berries during the day, their intake should be divided into five parts. Vegetables can be stewed, boiled or eaten fresh, in the form of salads (dressing - vegetable oil (a little), or sour cream with low fat content).

    Caloric content of the diet in kidney disease. The total caloric content of the diet per day should be 3500 kcal, no less (mainly carbohydrates and fats), otherwise the body will intensively spend the proteins available in the body, which is fraught with excessive formation of toxic metabolites and, as a result, an increase in the load on the kidneys. Eating should be regular and fractional (5-6 times a day in small portions).

    Salt restriction. In serious cases, it is forbidden to use salt, including products containing it (smoked meats, sausages, marinades, canned food, cheeses, mineral water, cocoa, etc.). It is also better to buy special bread without salt, or bake it yourself. In case of minor violations, patients are allowed to add salt to dishes (no more than 2-3 g (half a teaspoon) is recommended per day).

    Also, foods containing potassium and phosphorus should be excluded from your diet (bananas, dried fruits, cottage cheese (rarely allowed low-fat cottage cheese pudding or casserole), nuts, offal (liver, brains, kidneys)). It is also required to exclude meat, fish and mushroom broths, spicy and spicy dishes, onions and garlic, legumes, chocolate. Lenten soups on vegetable broth, pasta and cereals, rosehip broth, fresh, boiled and vegetable stew, berries and fruits, butter and vegetable oil, weak tea and coffee, fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir, sour cream), compotes and kissels.

    Patients with nephrotic syndrome, glomerulonephritis and chronic renal failure are recommended a strict diet (table No. 7).

    With such a diet, it is allowed to use:

    • Sweets - honey, sugar, jams, jams, but without enthusiasm.
    • Cereals and pasta in limited quantities.
    • Limited low-fat fish (boiled or baked).
    • Fresh and boiled vegetables and herbs (cucumbers, potatoes, beets, tomatoes, cauliflower, carrots, lettuce, parsley, dill).
    • Bread and flour products- white wheat bran bread (without salt).
    • Fruits - fresh (especially watermelon) and boiled (mashed potatoes, jelly, mousses on starch).
    • Lean (non-meat) non-salty soups (based on vegetables, pasta, cereals, use butter as a dressing).
    • Drinks - weak tea, you can add milk, rosehip broth, blackcurrant (dilute half with water), fruit, vegetable and berry juices.
    • Any meat during the first two weeks of treatment is limited, and then added in small quantities and in boiled form and exclusively low-fat varieties.
    • Eggs - 1-2 eggs per day (soft-boiled, or scrambled eggs only from proteins).
    • Milk and dairy products (limited sour milk drinks, cottage cheese casseroles and puddings).

    Prohibited Products:

    • Legumes, onions, garlic, sorrel, mushrooms.
    • Mineral water with sodium.
    • Salt and products with its addition (including conservation).
    • Chocolate, strong coffee, cocoa.
    • Canned food.
    • Meat, fish and mushroom broths.
    • Sausages, smoked products, meat and canned fish, cheeses.
    • Alcohol and products containing it.
    • Plain bread, black bread.
    • Fatty meats, fish, poultry

    In other kidney diseases, there are no significant dietary restrictions, only a reduction in the use of salt, hot spices and spices, as well as alcoholic beverages is recommended.

    Diet for urolithiasis. Nutrition in this case is selected taking into account the composition of the stones, after the study.

    Oxalates. With oxalates, products containing oxalic acid are excluded - they include leafy plants(lettuce, sorrel, spinach), coffee, chocolate, cocoa. The use of products with ascorbic acid is also excluded (radishes, some varieties of apples (Antonovka), radishes, black currants, citrus fruits). Recommended food rich in vitamin B6, which is involved in the breakdown of oxalic acid. These products include black bread, oatmeal and buckwheat. It is also recommended to use eggplant, prunes, beans, pumpkins, cauliflower.

    Urates. Salts of uric acid contribute to the formation of kidney stones in an acidic environment, hence the diet should be dominated by food that promotes alkalization of urine (honey, cereals, bread, dried fruits, potatoes). And canned food, fish and meat, sausages and various smoked meats, offal should be removed from the diet or limited to the maximum.

    Phosphates. With a phosphate origin of stones, urine should be acidified. Here it is useful to eat meat and fish dishes, vegetables and milk soups, berry and fruit juices (compotes), milk and sour-milk products should be excluded.

    Kidney stones can also have a different composition, which is much less common. In any case, the diet is developed by the doctor individually together with a nutritionist. In the case when urolithiasis is accompanied by severe pain in the kidneys, such a diet is an excellent prevention of the formation of new stones (stones) and helps to dissolve the removal of existing ones.

    In cases of nephrolithiasis, strict diets lasting more than a month are contraindicated, since this is fraught with the formation of kidney stones of opposite composition. Such diets are strictly controlled by the attending physician.

    Many kidney diseases, including pyelonephritis, require a soft diet with strict adherence to the specified diet. Even with the improvement of the condition, it is necessary to follow the intended course. Therefore, try to prepare meals in advance, take them to work, and not snack in dubious establishments, breaking the diet.

    Weekly diet menu option for kidney disease: 1 day.

    Breakfast- rice porridge with low-fat milk, low-fat cottage cheese with raisins, a cup of tea with a spoonful of honey;
    Lunch- cottage cheese pudding, rosehip broth;
    Dinner- vegetable soup, 200 g of boiled lean meat, 200 ml of compote;
    Dinner- steam cutlets from minced fish, cottage cheese casserole with pasta, 200 ml of low-fat milk;
    Second dinner- 200 ml fat-free kefir.

    Breakfast- buckwheat porridge with milk, carrot cutlets, tea with a spoonful of honey;
    Lunch- boiled fish and mashed potatoes;
    Dinner- lean borscht, boiled lean meat, apple compote;
    Dinner- meat casserole, a serving of sweet cottage cheese, a cup of tea with the addition of milk;
    Second dinner- 200 ml of homemade curdled milk.

    Breakfast- vinaigrette, boiled fish, cottage cheese with sour cream, 200 ml of vegetable or fruit juice;
    Lunch- cottage cheese casserole;
    Dinner- vermicelli soup with milk, rice with boiled veal, cherry compote;
    Dinner- potato casserole, oatmeal with fruits or berries;
    Second dinner- 200 ml of homemade yogurt;

    Breakfast- milk rice porridge, cheese with raisins, a cup of tea;
    Lunch- cottage cheese casserole;
    Dinner- vegetarian soup with vegetables, boiled meat (200 g) with buckwheat porridge, apple compote;
    Dinner- steamed fish cakes, pasta casserole, 200 ml of milk;
    Second dinner- 200 ml of kefir;

    Breakfast- boiled rice with vegetables, cottage cheese with sour cream, fruit compote or juice;
    Lunch- cottage cheese, kefir with sugar;
    Dinner- vegetable soup with the addition and a piece of boiled chicken meat, or veal meat, apple compote;
    Dinner- rice-curd casserole, rosehip broth;
    Second dinner- 100 g of dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots, raisins);

    Breakfast- buckwheat milk porridge, boiled beets, rosehip broth;
    Lunch- mashed potatoes with boiled fish;
    Dinner– vegetarian borscht, boiled meat, fruit juice;
    Dinner- meat casserole, tea with honey;
    Second dinner- a glass of kefir;

    Breakfast- a portion of semolina porridge, a cup of tea;
    Second breakfast - vinaigrette, milk oatmeal with fruit, a cup of milk;
    Dinnerpotato soup, a piece of boiled veal, fruit jelly;
    Dinner- cottage cheese casserole, apple pancakes, compote;
    Second dinner- 200 ml of kefir or yogurt.

    The kidneys exist in the body as a filter. The less harmful enters the digestive organs, the less load falls on the filters. Therefore, the diet should be dominated by products for the kidneys, which benefit, cleanse and support the excretory system. Such nutrition is ultimately beneficial for the whole organism.

    A large number of healthy foods for the kidneys are found in the vegetable and fruit group. And this is natural, because vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins, are well absorbed, have a diuretic effect, do not irritate the mucous membranes of the urinary duct, and protect against the formation of sand. It is clear that we are talking about environmentally friendly products grown without the use of fertilizers and pesticides.

    1. Parsley, celery, carrots, other leafy vegetables, bell pepper, asparagus, sea buckthorn, contain vitamin A; essential oils dissolve stones.
    2. Pumpkin is a separate line in the list of products for the kidneys. Smoothies, cereals, purees and other dishes remove excess fluid from the body.
    3. Watermelon is an indispensable product at the peak of the chestnut season. Effectively cleans from sand, saturates with vitamins.
    1. Apples with peel, plums cleanse the kidneys and liver of poisons and toxins. Three apples a day can prevent high levels of uric acid.
    2. Cranberry, juice from this berry prevents the formation of stones, removes liquid, sand.
    3. Rosehip enriches with vitamin C, which resists infections, turns kidney stones into fine sand.

    But a healthy person eats not only plant foods. In products of animal origin, fish is especially useful - a source of protein, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and many minerals. We are talking about fresh or frozen fish, but not about dried or dried fish, which is processed with a lot of salt.

    Wholemeal rye bread also belongs to the group of friends of the kidneys. Vitamins and fiber improve digestion and metabolism, support the kidneys in their activity.

    For the stable functioning of the body, you should drink 2 liters of plain water daily. You should not be afraid of an overdose: the kidneys themselves will get rid of the excess. But if there is not enough fluid, they try to hold it by “strength”, and this leads to edema.

    In addition to water, the kidneys need liquid in the form of fresh juices, various teas, fruit drinks. A sufficient amount of these drinks can prevent the formation of kidney stones.

    Kidney Recovery Products

    Every minute, the human kidneys pass through more than one and a half liters of blood. This is a lot, but as long as the organ functions within the normal range, then no one really thinks: how does this happen?

    Ideally, you don’t need to think about it, and this is possible if you follow simple rules: do not get involved in alcohol, drink clean water, do not catch a cold and do not burden the body, including low-quality products for the kidneys. Then you will not need products to restore the kidneys.

    But if the failure still occurred, then recovery is indispensable. And here are the options. An alternative to pharmaceuticals can be folk methods necessarily agreed with the doctor.

    1. A popular method is kidney tea cleansing. It consists of a whole bunch of herbs with anti-inflammatory properties (birch buds and leaves, nettle, elderberry, horsetail, bearberry, etc.).
    2. Rosehip vitamin tea: normalizes the functioning of the kidneys and urinary organs.
    1. Egg mash: made from homemade eggs, milk, honey. The recipe is ancient, complex, few people are ready to recover in this way, especially, as recommended, twice a year.
    2. May burdock juice: effectively removes toxins from the body and kidney sand.

    Especially dangerous is alcoholic kidney damage, which is fraught with complications such as renal failure, dystrophy, proteinuria, and a severe form of pyelonephritis. In chronic alcoholics or in case of a one-time poisoning with poor-quality drink, it is impossible to completely restore kidney cells. In milder cases, a menu of such products for kidney recovery is suitable:

    • spicy and leafy greens, onions;
    • carrots, sea buckthorn;
    • pumpkin, apples;
    • watermelons;
    • fish;
    • coarse rye bread.

    Kidney cleanse products

    In order for the kidney filter to work reliably and stably, it must be cleaned periodically (preferably twice a year). This procedure equalizes the acid-base balance, removes sand and stones, excess fluid, accumulated mucus.

    It is important to consider the following: in the presence of kidney stones larger than 1 cm in size, you cannot clean the kidneys yourself. The ducts may become clogged, which will require surgery. Therefore, there is a rule: before proceeding with cleaning, it is necessary to do an ultrasound examination.

    If during the procedure pain is felt during urination or in the lumbar region, then this is how it should be. A warm bath helps relieve pain.

    There are several proven ways to cleanse with kidney cleanse products.

    • watermelon

    It is held during the season of mass harvesting of ripe watermelons grown without chemical additives. During the week, you should eat black bread and watermelons. Weakness and cloudy urine confirm the fact that everything is going according to plan.

    • cucumber

    They use fresh cucumbers and young potatoes in uniforms (all without salt). The course is one to two weeks.

    • Berry

    A preventive diet involves supplementing the menu with berries: every day for a month you need to eat a glass of diuretic berries - cranberries or lingonberries. In the presence of stones, this method of cleaning is contraindicated.

    • "Juicy"

    Prepare juice from a kilogram of strawberries or strawberries and 100 g of sugar. Keep the berries covered with sand in the refrigerator, drink the resulting juice before meals, half a glass each.

    • Other juices

    Well cleanse the kidneys of toxins and sand, at the same time strengthen the body natural juices from pumpkins, carrots, birches. The drink is chosen depending on the season, the course lasts from 3 weeks to 2 months. It is important to follow a few rules: drink juices between meals, cook no earlier than 20 minutes. before, and do not dilute with water. You can add a little honey to birch.

    • radish juice

    Sand and small stones are removed. Juice is obtained by rubbing a thoroughly washed, unpeeled root crop. Drink several tablespoons throughout the day. spoons sweetened with honey. The effect is achieved after 2-3 weeks.

    • Bay leaf

    Preparing a decoction of 2 leaves per glass hot water. Boil 2 minutes, drink a day. And so 3 days in a row, then a 2-week break and a second course. Requires up to 4 repetitions.

    • Medicinal fee

    Standard recipe: 1 tsp. linden and elder flowers, flax seeds, blackberry leaves, St. John's wort, chopped pumpkin seeds and a tablespoon of chamomile pour half a liter of boiling water, cook in a water bath for 40 minutes. Drink a day, in 4 doses, an hour before meals. Duration - 5 days.

    • Lemon with parsley

    Grind 2 fruits with peel in a meat grinder, cut a few sprigs of parsley and 2 tbsp. spoons of honey Take on an empty stomach according to Art. spoon until the mixture is finished.

    • Infusions of horsetail and oat straw

    First, use an infusion prepared from 1 liter of dry oat stalks and 2 liters of water; insist 2 hours. Drink half a cup, three times a day, adding 20 drops of calendula tincture to each serving. The course is 5 days, then a 5-day break. Then horsetail infusion is prepared: 0.5 l of grass is boiled for an hour in a liter of water, insisted for another hour. They drink the same way, with calendula, the dose is 50 ml.

    When planning a kidney cleansing, you should be prepared for the fact that the procedures are accompanied by a diuretic effect. During the procedures, you must adhere to healthy eating, excluding spicy seasonings, broths, strong coffee, alcohol, pickles, canned food, cheeses, smoked meats and other products from this group.

    Foods to Improve Kidney Function

    The kidneys eliminate everything unnecessary that appears with various problems in the body. And it is understandable why, for any ailments, doctors necessarily prescribe a urine test for each patient.

    If the excretory system fails, the body is poisoned. Products to improve kidney function can prevent a critical condition, improve the situation and support the body as a whole.

    1. Water in sufficient quantity (up to 2 liters) maintains the water-salt balance, helps to remove toxins in a timely manner.
    2. Watermelons, melons, plums, apples are useful due to their diuretic properties.
    3. Pumpkin: smoothies and purees, cereals with cereals support stable functioning; seeds are also helpful.
    4. Carrots, peppers, herbs are rich in vitamin A, which is necessary for the kidneys.
    1. Natural juices, milk.
    2. Infusions of medicinal herbs.
    3. Cranberry juice is one of the favorite foods for the kidneys.
    4. Sea ​​buckthorn.
    5. Rosehip root tea.
    6. Fish.

    The kidneys love boiled, stewed, steamed food. It contains vitamins and no harmful components. Frying, smoking, prolonged heating on fire - this is not for the kidneys.

    Healthy Foods for Kidneys and Bladder

    If a lot has been said about the kidneys, then the bladder is undeservedly ignored. But he is directly connected with them, therefore he reacts to malnutrition and kidney products.

    So, lack of fluid leads to the formation of highly concentrated urine, which irritates the mucous membrane of the bladder. Fried and spicy foods, alcoholic and carbonated drinks are also undesirable, and honey and sugar, large doses of caffeine, fatty cheeses and cream, citruses and pineapples can even be dangerous for this organ.

    Useful foods for the kidneys and bladder are as follows:

    1. Cranberry - for the prevention of stone formation, protection against infection.
    2. Apples, bananas, plums - with pectins remove toxins.
    3. Bran - rich in B vitamins, which improve local blood circulation.
    4. Rosehip is a source of vitamin C, which maintains the tone of the walls.
    5. Sea buckthorn - restores the kidneys, supports the contractile functions of the bladder.
    1. Pumpkin seeds - contain vitamin E, necessary for the regulation of accumulated fluid.
    2. Fatty fish - supplies valuable fats and vitamin D.
    3. Herbal teas - help eliminate poisons, clean from sand and salts.
    4. Water ensures the normal process of formation and removal of urine, along with it - all harmful; reduces the risk of inflammation and cancer of these organs.
    5. Coffee, although it contains caffeine, but in limited doses does not harm, but helps the excretory organs: it washes and, according to experts, reduces the risk of bladder tumors by half.

    Both the kidneys and the bladder must function in accordance with daily biorhythms: work in the morning and during the day, and rest in the evening and at night. These requirements correspond to the following regimen: we eat heavier food in the morning, and dietary food in the afternoon.

    Harmful foods for the kidneys

    Harmful foods for the kidneys are, first of all, many popular drinks: strong and not very alcohol, soda, coffee. Pickles and marinades, smoked meats and fast food are also in the first places in the anti-rating. All because they are stuffed table salt, without which long-term storage of such food products is impossible.

    Excess salt (read - sodium) retains fluid and displaces potassium from the blood. It negatively affects the heart, and appearance of a person is distorted due to the formation of edema on the face.

    Foods with an abundance of protein components also overload the body, so they are considered undesirable foods for the kidneys. They do not turn into simpler compounds, therefore they form slags and poisons. Kidneys especially do not like old beef, pork meat, offal; they are saturated with iron, and its excess negatively affects the functions of the excretory organs.

    • With a preventive purpose, it is useful to resort to fasting days. But not to diets: the kidneys do not like stress, even if they are for the good, that is, for weight loss. By the way, when losing weight, the kidneys descend, which does not benefit them. Salt-free, protein and other newfangled diets are also undesirable for the kidneys.

    Alcohol destroys healthy cells, and that says it all. Abuse is fraught with great trouble, up to kidney failure. Beer drinkers should be aware that this seemingly harmless drink is actually highly dehydrating and can cause serious kidney problems. So it is absolutely impossible to abuse beer.

    Even non-alcoholic beverages such as coffee and soda are unacceptable to the kidneys as they are irritants to the urinary tract mucosa. Moreover, mineral water for medicinal purposes should not be consumed without consulting a doctor.

    Fans of early vegetables and greens are advised to wait a little and not pounce on greenhouse cucumber-tomatoes, the first watermelons and fruits. Grown according to modern industrial methods, they are often oversaturated with chemicals that sharply “hit” the kidneys and liver. Slags and poisons formed from such food accumulate in the body, since they are difficult to remove.

    Some drugs, especially analgin, antibiotics, have a bad effect on the system.

    There is a group of products for the kidneys that are considered controversial. These are various mushrooms, hot spices, legumes. Healthy people are advised to use them in small doses, with caution.

    The liver and kidneys are greatly affected by the whims of the stomach and bad habits person. To save them (that is, yourself) from unnecessary suffering is quite simple: you just need to give up unhealthy and low-quality food, instead, introduce dishes from kidney products into the menu. There are enough of them, they are tasty, and most importantly useful - both for the kidneys and other organs and systems.

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    Greetings, you readers.


    The kidneys play an important role in the functioning of the body. They provide blood filtration with the release of all harmful substances from it. Slags, toxins, products of dead microbes, formed during the process of digestion, are excreted by the kidneys with urine. For the normal functioning of the body, it is important to constantly improve its work by eating healthy foods for the kidneys.

    The basis for the treatment and prevention of kidney disease, as well as the liver, is healthy lifestyle life, which includes 3 simple rules:

    • Rule #1 is to drink plenty of water. Every day a person should drink 1.5 or 2 liters of fluid, depending on the available body weight. Water cleanses the body of harmful substances. With its help, all toxins are washed out, leading to the development of bacterial infections and the formation of kidney stones. It is important to drink non-carbonated water and green tea during the day, limiting the use of mineral water, coffee and black tea. An exception to the rule may be people with existing diseases, with stones or other kidney pathologies. They should be guided only by the recommendations of the attending physician;
    • Rule number 2 is based on the predominance in the diet of foods that are good for the kidneys and liver. When compiling the menu, the priority should include vegetables, herbs, fruits, seafood, watermelons. When the kidneys hurt, it is better to give preference to natural and high-quality products, using imported goods in a minimum amount;
    • Rule number 3 calls for a mobile lifestyle. The feeling when the kidneys hurt can be felt during prolonged work at a computer or other sedentary activity. It is important to exclude the formation of blood stasis in the area of ​​​​the organ. To do this, it is enough to perform small physical exercise, do a warm-up or visit gyms after work.

    What foods are included in a kidney-healthy diet?

    All foods that are good for the kidneys contain a large number of vitamins and produce a diuretic effect. A diet based on proper nutrition is a prerequisite for the treatment of organ pathologies, as well as stones in it.

    Products with useful properties
    Eating certain foods in your daily diet will help you avoid many health problems. If the disease has already been detected, then adjusting the diet with a predominance of the food necessary for the kidneys to work will help support the weakened body.

    Name Description of kidney benefits
    Watermelon Watermelon has anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects due to the content of alkaline compounds in its composition. It helps in cleansing the body, supporting constant acid-base balance. Watermelon contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins, therefore it is used in the prevention of organ diseases and urolithiasis.
    Pumpkin Helps cleanse the body. It contains vitamin A, as well as magnesium, which prevents the formation of stones in the body. Pumpkin pulp has useful properties. Excellent for dressing salads and making sauces oil from the seeds of this plant.
    Grape It contains a lot of potassium, salts of phosphorus, silicon and iron. Grapes are actively used for the prevention of urolithiasis.
    Blueberry Promotes the removal of sand and small stones from the liver and kidneys. The berries of this shrub can be subjected to heat treatment without loss of useful properties.
    Cranberry Berries contain flavonoids, which are considered the best remedy for the prevention of cystitis. Cranberries contain vitamin C, fiber, antioxidants, contain a minimum amount of sugar. The berries are antiseptic and do an excellent job with infections of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system. Cranberry juice is essential for cleansing and relieving inflammation in the body.
    Red pepper Washes the body and is a source of vitamin C. The benefits of this product are determined by the high content of phytochemical compounds that prevent the development of certain types of cancer in healthy people.
    Apples Contribute to the cleansing of the body. The fruit contains a small amount of potassium, a complex of phytonutrients, vitamin C. Apples are a source of soluble pectin fiber, which lowers blood sugar and removes excess cholesterol in the blood, which is very important in the treatment of diabetes and liver disease.
    Mushrooms Regulate the function of the organ and prevent its disease.
    Grapefruit Beneficial for the kidneys due to the content of vitamin C and important biologically active compounds to maintain immunity.
    oats It is a source of iron and vitamin B6, prevents the formation of stones in the body.
    Cabbage Useful for the kidneys and for the whole body as a whole. Contains vitamins A, C, a large amount of iron.
    Dill, carrot, green onion They improve the functioning of the body due to the high content of vitamin A.

    Many herbs have a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys and liver. For example, sage, rosehip, mint, chamomile, birch bark, St. John's wort, horsetail. It is better to start drinking herbal tea after consulting a doctor.

    Kidney cleansing with watermelon

    Watermelon is the most pleasant diuretic. It is only important to remember that it does not dissolve formed kidney stones.

    Watermelon helps cleanse the renal pelvis from stones small size and sand. Its use in large quantities can cause renal colic. This is due to an increase in the volume of urine, which is able to push a large stone into the ureter.

    The method of cleaning and treatment with this fruit is not recommended for people with intestinal diseases, with heart disease, with chronic renal failure, and also after confirming the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus.

    Harmful foods and factors for kidney function

    An important condition for the normal functioning of organs is a proper balanced diet. Frequent experiments with the use of various diets are harmful not only to this organ, but to the whole organism as a whole.

    Sudden weight loss can lead to a kidney prolapse, and a long diet without salt leads to the formation of protein in the urine. The development of renal failure contributes to the complete absence of salt.

    The main causes of kidney disease are:

    • Excess vitamin D after eating liver, butter, egg yolk in large quantities;
    • Abuse of chocolate and nuts;
    • The intake of large amounts of vitamin C when taking pills during the treatment of other diseases, which can provoke the formation of stones in the organs;
    • Excessive consumption of cottage cheese, cheese, meat, coffee, black tea;
    • Long-term protein diet;
    • Self-medication based on the use of various drugs without a doctor's prescription;
    • Alcohol in any quantities and types;
    • Smoking;
    • Taking a large amount of diuretics when the kidneys hurt or with pathologies present in them.

    ratings, average:

    Thank you for your attention! Best regards, Olga.

    Man is a complex biological mechanism in which each organ has certain functions. Yes, kidneys are filters. A clogged cleaner in the machine can be easily replaced. But in humans, these organs are given for life. Therefore, you should know what is good for the kidneys and how to take care of them so that they do not become clogged and function without interruption.

    How to make it easier to operate?

    Two small kidneys are the strongest defense against microbes, toxins, infections. It is they who remove harmful substances, distilling all the blood several times a day. This is a very serious burden. Therefore, it is extremely important to facilitate the functioning of these organs. In addition, understanding what is good for the human kidneys, you can even help them cleanse the blood of harmful impurities.

    Every day, the body faces the threat of infection. To protect yourself from the development of pathology, you should be attentive to your health. To do this, it is recommended to start with simple rules:

    1. Exercise stress. Not only dietary nutrition will bring a beneficial effect (below it will be discussed what is good for the kidneys to eat and drink). Exercises performed daily will protect against circulatory disorders and stagnation. And, as you know, such phenomena lead to the accumulation of fat in the lumbar region, which significantly impairs the functioning of not only the kidneys, but also many systems. Payloads will increase blood flow. This stimulates the elimination of toxins from the body.
    2. Protection against infection and inflammation. Always dress for the weather. Don't forget to insulate your lower back. It is forbidden to sit on cold surfaces. Unfortunately, this advice is often ignored. As a result, chronic kidney disease occurs. In the early stages, symptoms usually go unnoticed. Small aching pains in the lumbar region, slight aches, low temperature are signs that few people pay attention to. However, ignoring the pathological process can lead to exacerbation.

    The kidneys are quite vulnerable organs. Their work can be disrupted by drinking (bad) water, improper food, medicine. An infection that enters any part of the body will again be brought to these organs by the bloodstream. That is why it is so important to understand what is good for the kidneys and what is contraindicated.

    Basic principles of nutrition

    In case of kidney pathologies, the doctor, along with drug therapy, prescribes dietary nutrition. This is a very important part of the treatment. Compliance strict diet(table number 7) is prescribed for patients suffering from:

    • glomerulonephritis;
    • renal failure in a chronic form;
    • nephrotic syndrome.

    In other kidney diseases, significant dietary restrictions are not required. It is necessary to eat what is good for the kidneys. It is recommended to limit:

    • spicy seasonings;
    • salt;
    • spices.

    Alcoholic beverages are completely excluded.

    Protein restriction

    A patient who has kidney problems should carefully consider the diet. It is recommended to reduce the amount of protein that enters the body with food. This will greatly facilitate the work of the kidneys.

    Protein metabolism leads to the formation of nitrogenous slags. The diseased kidneys are unable to remove them completely. Therefore, such substances begin to accumulate in the blood.

    However, in no case should you completely exclude protein from the diet! After all, it is an important building block for cells. In addition, without it, the patient's condition can deteriorate dramatically. It is recommended to consume a small amount of low-fat fish, meat. Such food should be stewed, boiled, but not fried.

    In the case of a slight violation of the kidneys, you can not limit protein in the diet. It is enough to periodically arrange fasting days (1-2 times a week).

    Calorie content

    Thinking about what is good for the human kidneys, you should definitely consider this moment. The calorie content of the diet should be high - at least 3500 kcal / day. The main focus is on carbohydrates and fats.

    Less high-calorie food can lead to the fact that the body begins to use its own proteins. As a result, the formation of toxic metabolites will increase. The load on the kidneys will increase significantly.

    Meals should be fractional and regular. With pathologies of the kidneys, you should eat in small portions 4-6 times a day.

    If kidney disease leads to the formation of edema and increased pressure, it is necessary to limit salt intake. Dishes should not be salted at all. The patient himself will add the spice in small quantities.

    • meat broths;
    • onion garlic;
    • mushrooms;
    • chocolate;
    • radish;
    • legumes;
    • nuts, dried fruits;
    • offal;
    • cottage cheese;
    • bananas.

    Now consider what is good for the kidneys. Nutritionists recommend basing your diet on the following foods and dishes:

    • boiled, fresh or stewed vegetables;
    • cereals, pasta;
    • vegetable soups;
    • berries, fruits;
    • fermented milk products (sour cream, kefir, yogurt);
    • vegetable, butter;
    • kissels, compotes;
    • decoctions of wild rose.

    TOP of the most useful products

    • sweet peppers, carrots;
    • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
    • pumpkin;
    • asparagus;
    • parsley, onion, celery, spinach, dill, cilantro;
    • plums, apples;
    • watermelons;
    • cranberry juice.

    Health drinks

    The recommended rate of fluid (of course, depending on the body) is 2.5 liters per day. At the same time, one should be very careful with mineral waters. Such drinking is a medical procedure that should take place according to the rules and under the supervision of a doctor.

    From drinks, preference should be given to acidic vitamin juices and fruit drinks - lemon and cranberry. Such fluids are quite effective in fighting bacterial infections. But it is important not to overdo it with these drinks, as they can adversely affect the liver. You should not get involved in coffee. Such a drink leads to an increase in pressure.

    It should be remembered that it is useful to drink freshly squeezed vegetable juices for the kidneys: carrot, celery, parsley, spinach. They have a very positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys. In addition, parsley juice helps to regulate the functioning of the thyroid gland.

    A pumpkin drink is very useful for the kidneys. It has a rich vitamin composition, many minerals and a whole range of trace elements. In addition, it is an excellent diuretic.

    Plum juice can be an excellent helper for kidney diseases. It has diuretic properties. With kidney stones, it is recommended to drink an apple drink daily.

    How to support the kidneys and bladder?

    Traditional medicine since ancient times has developed amazing and simple recipes, allowing to improve the work of the filtering organ and treat it. Consider what is good for the kidneys and bladder:

    1. With urinary retention and stones in the bladder, it is recommended to eat bitter almonds 3-5 kernels daily.
    2. When forming stones in the bladder and kidneys, it is recommended to use the following recipe. Crushed rosehip roots (100 g) are poured with vodka (0.5 l). In a dark place, the composition is infused for 3 weeks. Shake the container periodically. Use the remedy 4-5 times a day, 25-30 drops, washed down with water.
    3. If bladder diseases and kidney stones are diagnosed, blackcurrant will be an excellent diuretic. Berries are recommended to be consumed both fresh and dry. You can grind them with sugar.
    4. Very useful melon. It promotes the removal of stones from the bladder and kidneys. Melon is recommended to eat between main meals.

    How to treat the liver and kidneys?

    It is extremely unpleasant and dangerous if the basic filters of the body fail. What is good for the kidneys and liver? The following recipe is recommended. This remedy helps to get rid of stones in the kidneys, liver.

    You will need hemp seed (1 cup). Grind it carefully. Pour the component with unpasteurized milk (3 cups). Put this mixture on fire. It is necessary to boil it down to 1 cup. After straining, the medicine is ready to be taken.

    It is consumed hot on an empty stomach. Drink 1 glass daily for five days. After a month, a break is made for 10 days. Then the treatment course is repeated again.

    The benefits of rose hips

    Decoctions, infusions, teas from this plant are successfully used to treat many pathologies. What is useful rosehip for the kidneys? An amazing plant is a real storehouse of vitamin C. It is able to improve the functioning of the kidneys, contributes to their recovery. In addition, rosehip helps to dissolve stones.

    The most popular and popular recipes are the following:

    1. Tea. Dried rose hips in the amount of 2 teaspoons should be poured with boiling water (200 g). Tea is infused for several minutes. For healing and improving the functioning of the kidneys, it is necessary to drink this drink three times a day after meals.
    2. Decoction. This tool allows you to fight kidney stones. You will need rosehip roots. They should be cleaned, then chopped. Pour 1 cup of water into the saucepan. Add the chopped rosehip roots (2 tablespoons) to the same place. Boil the broth over low heat for about 15 minutes. After cooling, strain through a sieve. It is recommended to take this drink for 1-2 weeks three times a day in a warm form. Single dose - 1/3 cup.

    The healing power of birch buds

    ABOUT useful properties This natural remedy has been known for a long time. It is used not only in folk, but also in traditional medicine. What are birch buds good for? They are used as:

    • choleretic;
    • diuretic;
    • anti-inflammatory;
    • antispasmodic;
    • antibacterial;
    • expectorant.

    In addition, birch buds are distinguished by antitumor, diaphoretic, anthelmintic, wound healing, hemostatic effects.

    Having determined how useful birch buds are for the body, we will consider the manufacture of an effective tincture.

    You will need dry crushed birch buds - 20 g. They should be filled with vodka (100 ml) or alcohol (70%). This solution is infused in a cool dark place for 3 weeks. Don't forget to shake it occasionally.

    After straining, carefully squeeze out the remnants. The tincture should only be used diluted. In 1 st. add 20-30 drops of medicine to a spoonful of water. The remedy is used three times a day, 15-20 minutes before meals.

    Useful exercises

    Significantly help to improve the functioning of the kidneys dancing, sports, any movement. Favorable effect will bring:

    1. Tilts to the side, hip movements. They speed up blood flow to the kidneys.
    2. Pose on all fours. The emphasis is on the elbows and knees. This position is very beneficial for the kidneys. At this time, they are evenly supplied with oxygen and blood. It is recommended to stand like this for at least 5 minutes daily.
    3. Back stretch. It's another one useful exercise. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs forward. Without bending your knees, stretch your hands to your toes. Try not to hunch your back. Try to touch your knees with your face. In this position, linger for 5 seconds. Gradually increasing the time, bring it up to 10 minutes.

    Take care of your health!

    Products for people with kidney disease

    Serious kidney disease always requires a careful approach to treatment. A mandatory component of therapy is dietary nutrition. About what kind of diet is prescribed for patients with renal failure, will be discussed in the article.

    diet for kidney failure

    Kidney failure is a serious disease, very life-threatening. It leads to impaired renal function, which further leads to failures in the exchange of water, nitrogen, and electrolytes. The acute form of pathology is caused by serious problems - kidney infections, damage to the heart and blood vessels, poisoning, intoxication, etc. The chronic form develops with long-term kidney disease, diabetes, rheumatism and other diseases. Kidney tissues in both forms of pathology gradually or quickly die off.

    It is easy to understand that with impaired kidney function, the entire excretory system cannot fully function. It is necessary to facilitate its tasks and organize proper nutrition in order to improve absorption. nutrients and disposal of waste. A number of products that enter the body can have a negative effect on the kidneys, and therefore should be strictly excluded.

    Diet for kidney failure is the most important component of treatment. Its task is to prevent the breakdown of proteins in kidney tissues and create gentle conditions for the functioning of organs. Whatever the cause of the disease, without a diet, it will progress and respond worse to ongoing therapy.

    Diet Basics

    The task of dietary nutrition is to stop the death of renal nephrons. The best way to organize this action is to follow a low-protein diet in combination with severe sodium restriction. It is this nutrition system that will help remove substances from the blood that appear in the process of protein metabolism. This:

    • Creatinine;
    • Urea;
    • Residual nitrogen;
    • Uric acid.

    Since bad uric acid occurs with kidney failure, elevated creatinine, these products accumulate and poison the body. In addition to their medical or mechanical elimination, it is necessary to reduce the intake of protein foods into the body. Proper nutrition can seriously reduce creatinine, which should be confirmed by regular tests.

    In addition to creatinine, a low-protein diet for kidney failure helps to reduce uremic intoxication, which occurs due to nitrogenous compounds - the breakdown products of animal protein.

    If you replace animal proteins with vegetable ones, the degree of uremia falls. But a complete rejection of animal proteins is unacceptable, because this can lead to muscular dystrophy, the cessation of the synthesis of hormones, antibodies, enzymes, and various toxic changes. Supplement vegetable proteins with those amino acids that they do not have, patients should use special preparations.

    Why should salt in the patient's diet also be limited? The fact is that the affected kidneys excrete sodium worse, it is deposited in the cells and allows the tissues to accumulate water. The result is the appearance of swelling, increased blood pressure. Therefore, reducing salt in the menu is an important goal for the patient. You can replace salt with various spicy vegetables, spices, dressings and light sauces.

    At healthy person the kidneys do an excellent job with excess phosphorus on the menu. It is also present in protein foods, for the most part in animal foods. If there is kidney failure, phosphorus accumulates in the joints, destroys them and causes serious problems. Excess potassium in the menu can also harm the body - it causes muscle weakness, arrhythmia, and other heart pathologies.

    The conclusion is as follows: in addition to the fact that the patient is limited in high-protein foods and salt in the diet, you need to give up excess food with an abundance of potassium (dried fruits, bananas, avocados, etc.). How long a protein-restricted diet continues is directly related to the course of the disease - only getting rid of the underlying pathology and improving kidney function can be the basis for stopping this nutrition system. For the most part, the diet is lifelong.
    On the video, the basic principles of the diet for kidney failure:

    Proper Diet

    Diet food is organized according to the medical table No. 7.

    For acute and chronic renal failure in humans, the characteristics of the diet are not the same, but the principles are common:

    1. A serious decrease in the amount of protein - up to 20-70 g / day (calculated only by a doctor based on the results of the tests).
    2. Some increase in fats and carbohydrates - to provide the body with the necessary amount of energy.
    3. Sufficient intake of minerals and vitamins.
    4. Restriction of salt to 2-6 g.
    5. Strict regulation of fluid intake (no more than 1.2 liters / day).
    6. Carrying out unloading days.
    7. The number of meals - up to 6 times / day in small portions, preventing hunger.
    8. Cooking dishes by boiling, steaming, stewing. Roasting, roasting are not allowed.
    9. The presence of fiber, which gives plant foods (vegetables, berries, fruits).

    Of the proteins, only 50-60% can be of animal origin, and even less in severe forms of the disease. Fats up to 25% should be represented by vegetable products. The norm of carbohydrates is 400-450 g / day, of which - up to 90 g of sugar.

    The total calorie content of the diet is up to 2800 kcal / day. For patients with renal failure, treatment table No. 7 has been developed, including 7a, 7b - for acute renal failure, 7c - for chronic.

    For acute renal failure

    The purpose of the nutrition system is to maximize the sparing of the kidneys, accelerate the excretion of metabolic products, reduce hypertension and edema. The diet, for the most part, is vegetable, proteins and salt are sharply limited, fats and carbohydrates are moderately reduced. In severe forms of the disease, a 7a diet is used, according to which proteins are only 20 g / day, carbohydrates - 350 g, fats - 80 g, salt - 2 g. The calorie content of the diet is 2200 kcal.

    Other features of the diet:

    • Food is only boiled, steamed
    • Products with oxalic acid, essential oils are excluded
    • Bread is used only salt-free
    • Number of meals - 5-6
    • Protein is represented by vegetable proteins (vegetables, cereals, nuts)
    • Vegetable salads dressed with vegetable oils
    • Fasting days - once a week (on watermelons, apples, pumpkin)

    Diet 7b is introduced in a less severe condition of the patient, but it necessarily produces an additional decrease in potassium. The rate of protein during treatment rises to 40 g, carbohydrates - up to 500 g, salt - up to 3 g, fats remain at the level of the previous nutrition system. The volume of fluid consumed in the acute form of the pathology does not exceed the amount of water excreted in the urine per glass. The duration of the diet usually does not exceed 1-2 weeks, after which it becomes less rigid.

    With chronic renal failure

    In a chronic course, a diet of 7 or 7c is suitable, as well as schemes individually selected for the patient. Treatment with diet therapy will depend on the duration of the pathology, its severity, the presence of other complications, and the frequency of exacerbations. If at the terminal stage of the pathology the protein norm is not higher than 20 g, then in the chronic course without exacerbations it rises to 40-70 g (the specific norm is calculated based on the indicators of renal function). The salt rate should not exceed 4 g. In general, the same principles of food preparation and consumption apply as in the acute form of pathology.

    Basics of the low protein diet

    Approved Products

    The patient is allowed the following food:

    1. Bread without salt - wheat, on corn starch.
    2. Vegetable soups, with potatoes, cereals.
    3. Lean beef, rabbit, poultry, lean fish (strictly according to the protein norm).
    4. Cottage cheese (only in the absence of meat and fish on this day), milk, sour cream, cream, sour milk - taking into account the total amount of protein.
    5. Eggs - no more than half a day soft-boiled.
    6. Vegetables, greens (except prohibited) - stewed, in salads, vinaigrettes.
    7. Fruit - any.
    8. Sweets - kissels, compotes, honey, jam, sweets without chocolate.
    9. Gravy, sauces with tomatoes, sour cream, cinnamon, fruits and vanilla, with boiled (stewed) onions, bay leaves.
    10. Black tea, weakly brewed, rosehip infusion, herbal teas, fruit juices.
    11. Vegetable oils, butter.

    Prohibited Products

    The list of foods that cannot be used on the menu for this disease is quite extensive. Alcohol, strong tea and coffee, chocolate, cocoa are strictly prohibited - this food creates a high burden on diseased kidneys.

    It is also forbidden to eat the following foods:

    • mushrooms;
    • refractory fats;
    • sausage;
    • salty foods;
    • canned food;
    • sorrel;
    • spinach;
    • legumes;
    • hot spices;
    • fatty sauces;
    • marinades;
    • garlic;
    • radish;
    • fat meat;
    • broths;
    • spicy snacks;
    • mineral waters with sodium;
    • ice cream;
    • cauliflower;
    • muffin, puff pastry;
    • bananas;
    • dried fruits.

    Pasta in the chronic form of pathology is eaten, but very limited. Legumes are strictly forbidden in the acute form of the disease, but during the compensated stage in small quantities are not contraindicated. Compliance with the diet without failures will help to stabilize the state of health, reduce the progression of the disease and improve the well-being of a person.

    Prohibited foods for kidney failure

    Such basic functions of the kidneys as metabolic, excretory, hematopoietic and ion-regulating, largely depend on what material, roughly speaking, they have to deal with.

    That is, the products that enter the body can have a rather negative effect even on healthy kidneys, and in the event of kidney failure, additional irritation of the kidneys is generally unacceptable. Therefore, the diet is not just an auxiliary role in the treatment, but one of the decisive ones. The main function of the diet in renal failure is to prevent the breakdown of proteins contained in the tissues and to organize the most gentle mode of operation of the kidneys.

    What is the diet for kidney failure?

    In any case, in case of violation of the work of the kidneys, restrictions on the amount of protein consumed in food are mandatory. But the question remains how exactly to limit it, what protein content is optimal. Since it is impossible to allow the body to begin to destroy its own tissues to obtain protein for its own construction. With a variety of foods that can provide the increased daily caloric intake needed for kidney failure, it is very important to take into account that other diseases can limit all these options. For example, gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis. Although it should be noted that in general, all dietary rations are designed to be safe for the body as a whole.

    In renal insufficiency, the diet should be selected in such a way that the patient eats deliciously. Due to impaired kidney function, taste preferences are very distorted, so you have to give up salt and the usual sugar substitutes, such as dried fruits, bananas. Therefore, one should try to diversify cooking with various sauces, dressings, spices, vegetables with a specific taste.

    Diet 7 for kidney failure

    When choosing a diet in case of renal insufficiency, it is possible to draw up a diet individually for an individual patient. But at the same time, you can use existing schemes. The most common in use are diet tables designed by Pevsner. Among them, with renal failure, a dietary table No. 7 is recommended. This table is designed for patients with impaired renal function. At the same time, diet No. 7 also has a more detailed division within itself, depending on the stage and type of kidney disease. So there are diet tables No. 7a, 7b, 7c, 7d and 7p.

    Diet table No. 7 is assigned to a patient with acute glomerulonephritis, who is at the stage of recovery, or with chronic subsiding glomerulonephritis. Also, this diet is indicated for nephropathy in pregnant women.

    This diet makes it possible to facilitate the process of excretion of incompletely oxidized metabolic products, nitrogenous slags from the body, create a sparing regimen for the kidneys and reduce arterial hypertension.

    Of all the diets of the seventh group, this one is the richest in protein. Allowed up to 80 g of protein, half of which may be of animal origin, 90 g of fat, about 450 g of carbohydrates, free liquid - 1 liter. Salt The amount of salt is limited to 6 g. The diet is quite high in calories - 2750 - 3150 kcal per day, which allows you to maintain the active work of all body systems.

    Products should be cooked in boiled form, although frying after cooking is allowed. The food is crushed. Substances that irritate the cardiovascular and central nervous systems are not allowed.

    Diet for chronic renal failure

    In chronic renal failure, the diet is selected depending on the patient's condition, the stage of development of the insufficiency, and the duration of the last period of exacerbation. Most often, standard schemes are chosen, which can then be adjusted depending on the needs of a particular patient.

    But usually, in chronic renal failure, dietary table No. 7 or 7a is chosen. Also, in some cases, diets No. 7, 7a, 7b are combined, applying them in turn. Dietary table No. 7a is prescribed in case of exacerbation of chronic processes of renal failure. This diet is only for short time about a week. If chronic renal failure is in remission after an exacerbation, then diet No. 7b with a gradual transition to diet No. 7 will be more appropriate.

    In any case, all dietary schemes for chronic renal failure are aimed at reducing protein intake to one degree or another to reduce azotemia, a sparing regimen for the kidneys, as well as maintaining such a balance of protein in food so that, with a decrease in the load on the kidneys, to prevent the destruction of the body's proteins .

    Diet No. 7a is the most limited in protein composition, only 20 g of protein, 80 g of fat, 350 g of carbohydrates are allowed. Salt is limited to 2 g. The volume of fluid consumed, as with the 7b diet, should be 200-300 ml more than the volume of urine excreted. The energy value of the diet is 2200 kcal. Food is boiled, fried, baked. Salt is strictly limited.

    Diet in acute renal failure

    In acute renal failure, diet No. 7b will be the most appropriate. Although in this condition, especially in the initial stages, the patient may refuse to eat due to nausea, vomiting, and distortion of tastes, this is unacceptable because it can accelerate the breakdown of the body's own proteins.

    This diet is also designed to create a gentle regimen for kidney function, reduce arterial pressure, improve urination and blood circulation, promote the excretion of nitrogenous toxins and other metabolic products from the body.

    The amount of protein, salt and liquid is sharply limited in the diet. Proteins are 30 - 40 g, fats 80 - 90 g, carbohydrates 400 - 500 g. Salt is reduced to 2 - 3 g per day. The amount of daily fluid is calculated depending on how much urine the patient excretes per day. Thus, the amount of fluid consumed should be one glass more than that allocated.

    The calorie content of food is approximately 2700 - 3000 kcal per day. Food is cooked without salting, salt is added to taste in a plate within the allowed volumes. Products can be boiled or baked.

    Diet menu for kidney failure

    When compiling a menu for patients suffering from renal insufficiency and using a particular diet, an individual approach is always needed, calculation of the amount of protein, a balanced diet, compliance energy value products.

    But in any case, it is possible to identify general trends and a list of acceptable products, which is not so limited in its diversity.

    So, the diet menu for kidney failure may include salt-free yeast pancakes, salt-free bread, egg dishes, but in very limited quantities, whole milk, sour cream, cream, yogurt. Both vegetable and animal fats are allowed, as well as all possible types of cereals with any method of their preparation. Fresh vegetables are allowed, with the exception of those that contain a sharp taste or are difficult for the kidneys, such as mushrooms, radishes, spinach. Vegetables and cereals can be served in the form of various soups with dressings from fried onions, sour cream, herbs. Various fruits and berries are also allowed in full. They can be prepared in the form of compotes, soups, jelly, jelly, jam. You can also use honey and sweets that do not contain chocolate. It is allowed to drink all kinds of juices, decoctions (for example, rosehip broth), tea, but not strong. Drinks such as coffee, cocoa, artificially colored mineral water or very caustic drinks are completely excluded. As possible seasonings and spices, it is recommended to use cinnamon, vanilla, citric acid. As you can use white (milk) or tomato sauce, gravy from vegetables and fruits. But it is completely necessary to exclude such spicy seasonings as horseradish, pepper, mustard.

    Diet recipes for kidney failure

    Vegetarian borscht

    • Beetroot 1 pc
    • Potato 2 pcs
    • Onion 1 pc
    • Carrot 1 pc
    • White cabbage 300 g
    • Tomato 1 pc
    • Water 1.5 l
    • Sugar 0.5 g
    • Sour cream, greens for dressing to taste
    • Add salt within the limits to the finished dish.

    Wash the beets, peel and place in boiling water. Cook until half cooked. After that, remove the beets from the broth, let cool and grate on a coarse grater.

    Peel the onion, carrot and tomato, finely chop and stew in oil.

    Put peeled and diced potatoes in a boiling beet broth, 10 minutes later add cabbage. When the cabbage is cooked, add the stewed carrots, onions and tomatoes. Bring to a boil, add sugar. Before serving, season the borscht with sour cream and herbs, you can salt it.

    carrot cutlets

    • Carrot 500 g
    • Semolina 100 g
    • Sugar 1 tbsp. l.
    • Salt to taste within limits
    • Sour cream and herbs for dressing to taste

    Boil carrots, cool, peel and grate on a fine grater. Then add 50 g of semolina, mix well, add sugar, salt if desired. From the resulting mass, form cutlets and roll them in the remaining semolina. fry on vegetable oil 3 minutes on one side, then flip to the other, reduce heat, cover and fry for another 10 minutes. Serve with sour cream dressing with herbs.

    Nevertheless, it is important to maintain a healthy diet, saturate the weakened body with the amount of energy it needs, consume a large amount of vitamins and other useful substances.

    Therefore, a diet for kidney failure involves the use of various fats, except for those that are poorly soluble and can have a negative effect on other organs (for example, mutton fat, palm oil). Also, the food should be rich in carbohydrates. To do this, the diet should include various cereals that are consumed boiled, as part of soups, in the form of casseroles and puddings.

    Also, to provide the necessary set of vitamins and fiber and calories, you should diversify your food with various vegetables, fruits, berries, and sweets. Vegetables should preferably be familiar. The same potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, leafy green vegetables, zucchini, pumpkin are well suited. They can be used in vegetarian soups, stewed, boiled, fried, or steamed. Berries and fruits can be prepared in the form of compotes, soups, jams and mousses.

    What can not be eaten with kidney failure?

    Since the main load on the kidney is the breakdown products of protein foods, then main feature diet for kidney failure is the maximum possible exclusion from the diet of protein foods. Although it is not recommended to exclude them completely. It is important to consider that such a restriction applies not only to proteins of animal origin, but also of plant origin. What exactly is vegetable protein limited in the first place.

    With kidney failure, water retention in the body should not be allowed, therefore all food should be prepared without salt. This is due to the fact that salt contains sodium, which is closely related to water retention and thus causes edema and hypertension, which is unacceptable for impaired kidney function.

    Among other things, the kidneys also remove phosphorus from the body. Basically, phosphorus is found in the same products as protein. But at the same time, some foods that have a low protein content are significantly more contain phosphorus. In addition to the general load on the kidneys, which cannot normally rid the body of phosphorus, there is also a negative effect on the skeletal system. Since the increased content of phosphorus in the body leads to the removal of calcium from the bones and the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

    With renal failure, general weakness is observed, which, in addition to the general load on the body, can also be caused by a sharp increase in potassium in the blood, which is also not normally excreted due to impaired renal function. High concentrations of potassium cause muscle weakness. This is especially dangerous for the heart muscle and can cause not only heart rhythm disturbances, but also its stop. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the intake of potassium in the body. This element is also found in protein products. Therefore, their restriction automatically reduces the intake of potassium. But it is worth remembering about such products, which at first glance should not pose a danger. Bananas are the most famous and widespread source of potassium. Therefore, they should be avoided in the diet. You should also be wary of potassium-rich dried fruits, nuts, avocados, wheat, and legumes.

    It is important to know!

    Therapeutic measures for oliguria should begin with the introduction of a catheter to detect obstruction of the lower urinary tract, diagnose reflux, collect urine for analysis and monitor urine. In the absence of intrarenal obstruction and congenital heart disease as the cause of oliguria, prerenal acute renal failure should be suspected and fluid administration initiated.
