What is known about the case of Brothers and Dzhigurda. Hereditary fever of Dzhigurda: the driver of the late businesswoman Bratash revealed the secret of the showman

// Photo: Anna Salynskaya/

The sad news darkened the day for Nikita Dzhigurda and his wife Marina Anisina. It became known about the tragic death of a close family friend of the artist and figure skater. 56-year-old Lyudmila Bratash, a successful businesswoman and godmother of the eldest son of Dzhigurda and Anisin, has passed away.

It is known that the woman was found dead in her Moscow apartment in the Krylatsky district. Traces of beatings were found on the body of Lyudmila Bratash - numerous bruises and abrasions. One can only guess what happened in the very apartment where the woman died. Probably, the investigation has yet to find out the details of what happened.

As it turned out, Nikita Dzhigurda guesses what happened in his girlfriend’s apartment and knows the names of the culprits. The heartbroken artist shared his assumptions with StarHit.

“She was killed on the night of February 15,” the artist told StarHit. - She was a unique person. We wanted to start a joint project, but we couldn't. I believe she was killed by the driver who worked with her for 18 years. She trusted him very much, he had the keys to the safes. He had tortured and tormented her before. Marina and I saw her with bruises, but she never admitted that the driver Dmitry was doing it. He poisoned her. Last year she cut her sister out of her will and didn’t want to see her at all. Now there is an investigation because there is no direct evidence. The driver and sister are in her apartment, and they have the opportunity to cover their tracks. Yesterday and today I held the funeral service for our close friend in the church.”

It is obvious that the deceased Lyudmila Bratash was a close person to the famous family. Nikita and Marina posted pictures together with a woman and even went on vacation together. Bratash herself published photographs of the charming heirs of Dzhigurda and Anisina, clearly making it clear that she was proud of the kids, Mick-Angel Crist and Eva Vlada.

By the way, not long ago a misfortune happened to the family of the actor and Olympic champion. The couple had to face a great misfortune, which threw them off track for a long time - Marina Anisina lost her child. Before this, Nikita Dzhigurda dedicated poems to his pregnant wife almost every day, in which he thanked her for his heirs and admired her beauty and courage. However, they were not destined to hold the long-awaited baby in their arms - the figure skater lost the child while at an impressive age.

“Oh, Mother of God, I yearn for Gerda and am surprised by your endurance... Forgive me, dear, I could not save you and our fruit...” - this is how Nikita Dzhigurda reported about the tragedy he experienced.

Now the couple will have to gather their strength again to take the next blow of fate.

The couple have been celebrating their victory in court for several weeks, while some publications report that there is no final court ruling yet. Like, Dzhigurda and Anisina Bratash.


“The court’s decision already exists. And it will come into force after the Moscow City Court considers the appeal of our opponents, that is, the sister of the deceased Bratash, Svetlana Romanova,” Nikita clarified the situation.

It is noteworthy that even in the event of an unconditional victory, the actor and figure skater will not receive everything they dreamed of. " Exact amount the inheritance amounted to about a billion rubles. But according to the stories of Lucy Bratash, over the past three years certain people, whose names I know, have squeezed out part of the money,” said Dzhigurda.

The artist even named the alleged culprits in the disappearance of the capital. “Among them are former pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the KGB, who have luxurious living spaces in Switzerland and France. The names of these people are stored in safes in France, America, Ukraine. I don’t want war, and I receive enough threats. I know the name of the executioner - this is a former driver Bratash, retired KGB warrant officer,” the website quotes Nikita.

Dzhigurda had already managed to calculate how much he lost. “I know where and to what accounts the now deceased Lucy was forced to send from five to seven million euros, thus the inheritance mass decreased,” stated the outrageous artist.

According to Nikita, if the outcome of the case is successful for him, he will receive three luxury apartments in Moscow, one in Paris. Bratash also left accounts in Swiss, English, American and Russian banks. However, Dzhigurda suspects that he may not have time to use the money. “They could actually kill me before I inherit. This is already planned,” the artist noted. “Everything will happen after the decision of the French court.”

If Nikita remains alive, then he has Napoleonic plans for the end of this year. “I plan in the fall, after entering into the inheritance, if I am not killed by then, to marry the goddess Anis again,” said Dzhigurda. He wants to perform a ceremony according to the Jewish rite. The actor is even ready to be circumcised.

“I will marry a great, unique woman. For if it were not for Marina, I would have left this world long ago. I could not stand the slander, lies and the torture that befell my fate. Thanks to this great woman we won the battle,” Nikita speaks of victory in court as a fait accompli.

In addition to the wedding, the artist plans to build a spiritual center that will accommodate different areas of art, religions and scientific discoveries. “There are already drawings, pyramids have been designed. What advanced scientists, prophets in religion, and many religious figures spoke about will be realized... There have been talks for a long time that at the beginning of the 21st century the existence of other worlds will be proven, and the dead from the planet Earth will be able to communicate with those living today. I own the technologies and drawings with which I can realize this fantastic idea into reality. I will make sure that scientists and ordinary people will see with their own eyes that it is possible to get in touch with those who go to other worlds,” Dzhigurda promised.

A new twist in the death of Lyudmila Bratash. Only in the new Channel Five program “”: a conclusion about the death of a businesswoman who bequeathed her millions to Nikita Dzhigurda, and photographs from the scene of a possible murder, which were classified all this time!

- The position of the victim and the attacker at the time of the blow could have been any convenient for their infliction... Brother Lyudmila Jonathanovna, 56 years old... death occurred from a traumatic brain injury, accompanied by fractures of the bones of the base of the skull,- read excerpts from the death report, which were at the disposal of Channel Five.

— Based on the nature of Lyudmila Bratash’s injuries, which consist of bruises on the face, hematomas on the temple, lacerations and bruises, hard bruises in the chest area and other parts of the body; this indicates that her death could only be of a criminal, violent nature,— added lawyer Oksana Filacheva.

However, no criminal case has yet been initiated. For two years, not a single suspect has emerged. "Why?" — showman Nikita Dzhigurda is surprised. All this time he is trying to find at least some new clue in the case.

Expert opinion. Channel 5

Experts, having seen the death certificate, make an unambiguous conclusion. 1.6 ppm of alcohol was found in Svetlana Bratash’s blood; According to experts, this is a low degree of intoxication. That is, the woman was sane!

Experts confirm Dzhigurda’s fears - Bratash could not have fallen from her own height and received three traumatic brain injuries at once! And also abrasions, bruises on the face and a wound in the temporal region: this is clearly visible in the photographs. After all, she was in adequate condition. Is this really murder? Then the question arises: who benefited from the death of the businesswoman?

- And on the 14th, this is visible on the surveillance cameras, and on other days, that is, in the last week, only... Kuronov came to her with his wife and with some others,- said Nikita Dzhigurda.

Oleg Kuronov is the former driver of Bratash. But why would he kill his millionaire owner if she made a will for Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Anisina?

- Two days before mysterious death Bratash withdrew 300 thousand euros from the bank, withdrew it and did not deliver it. And on February 13, the day before her death, she called me, sobbing, shouting: “They stole the money that I took the bank», - said Dzhigurda.

The Kuronov family does not deny their frequent visits to Lyudmila Bratash.

-Yes, I went to see her the whole week before my death, so what? I went - is this a crime?.. Yes, we went, everything was fine with her,— said Lianna Kuronova.

Nikita Dzhigurda stands her ground: Lyudmila has been afraid of her former driver in recent months and even wrote several statements to the police against him!

The Kuronov family goes from defense to attack: the will, or rather its copy, which Nikita Dzhigurda waves at every corner - in their opinion, a fake! Lyudmila did not go to the USA, where the document was signed.

- He came up with all this, yes, he just wants to get free money. According to the law, there is no document, no! The man was not in America that year. Moreover, this American embassy sent a document stating that she did not cross the US border,— Oleg Kuronov’s wife said.

Channel 5

Nikita Dzhigurda has a different version: Bratash went to America immediately after their joint vacation in Turkey.

— Lucy flew with us to Turkey, and from Turkey she flew through Europe to America. She had several passports, and her status was such that she could fly anywhere in the world,- said Nikita Dzhigurda.

As for the will, yes, indeed, there is no original. Dzhigurda claims that he was stolen by unknown people from an apartment in Paris. But there is a copy certified by an American notary.

The death of a person dear in every sense has not allowed Nikita Dzhigurda to sleep peacefully for two years now. He and his lawyers insist on an additional and thorough investigation. mysterious death Lyudmila Bratash.

“The question is that a criminal case has not yet been opened into her death. Why does Romanova support Kuronov in every possible way?— asks lawyer Oksana Filacheva.

Svetlana Romanova is Bratash’s sister. After her death, she started a war with Dzhigurda. Of course, such an inheritance is at stake: three apartments in Moscow, an apartment in France and foreign accounts, “filled” to capacity. In total more than 800 million rubles!

For two years now, Svetlana Romanova and Nikita Dzhigurda have been exchanging insults and catching each other in lies. The artist shows one of the new incriminating evidence - a rental agreement for an apartment, which is part of the inheritance. The landlord's name is Dmitry Romanov, that is, Svetlana's son. But this is a direct violation of the law: while the trials are ongoing, the property cannot be used.

Svetlana Romanova insists: all the troubles in her sister’s life are from Nikita Dzhigurda. He extracted money from her, got her drunk, and when she was in an altered state of mind, he forced her to sign a will!

The story of the relationship between Nikita Dzhigurda and Lyudmila Bratash is more like a confusing film script. In the 90s they even thought about getting married, but the artist met figure skater Marina Anisina. Bratash remained a family friend. Now Anisina and Dzhigurda are fighting together for the will that Lyudmila Bratash left them. If they win, it will appear in the family.

Norfolk. Virginia. 78-year-old retired CIA officer Norman Hodges, while on his deathbed at Sentara General Hospital this Monday, made sensational confessions. He announced publicly that he was a CIA assassin and, between 1959 and 1972, carried out 37 contract killings, including Marilyn Monroe.

Hodges worked for the CIA for 41 years as an operative. top level admission. Hodges said he was used not only by the CIA but also by other intelligence agencies to eliminate individuals within the country who he was told "posed a threat to the security of the country." Not only was Hodges trained as a sniper and martial arts specialist, but he was also trained in the use of poisons and explosives.

Hodges says that he still remembers each of his liquidations very clearly and vividly. He committed all the murders inside America. And he received all orders for the killings from his direct commander, Major James “Jimmy” Hayworth. Hodges says he was part of a five-man hit squad that carried out political assassinations and eliminated opposition members across America.

The victims were mainly oppositionists, political activists, journalists and trade union leaders; but he also says he killed several scientists and artists whose ideas he was told posed a threat to US government interests. Hodges said the murder of Marilyn Monroe was unique because she was the only woman he killed. But he says he still doesn't regret killing her because he was told she was a threat. national security USA, and that she slept not only with Kennedy but also with Fidel Castro.

His words: "My commander Jimmy Hayworth told me that she had to die, and it had to look like a suicide or an overdose. I had never killed a woman before, but I had to obey the order... I did it for America! She could convey strategic information to the communists, and we couldn't allow that. She had to die! I just did what I had to do."

Marilyn Monroe was killed between midnight and 1 a.m. on August 5, 1962. Mr Hodges said he entered her room while she was sleeping and injected her with a massive dose of chloral hydrate and Nembutal - both anaesthetics. Death occurred from a massive overdose of anesthetic substances. Following these confessions, Hodges, despite being on his deathbed, was immediately assigned FBI security to prevent further press conferences.

Hodges' immediate commander, who ordered the killings, Major James Hayworth, died of a heart attack in 2011. Hodges named three of his five killers who are already dead. The article names only one - Captain Keith McInnis, who went missing in 1968 and was declared dead. Of course, Major Hayworth's hit squad was not the only one
