Vitamin complex for men and women. Rating of the best vitamin complexes for men

We all know that with the advent of autumn and, accordingly, the season of colds, we all need vitamins. Which ones are better? What vitamins to choose? It turns out that vitamins for women, for men and for children should be completely different.

Vitamins: which are better?

Any doctor will confirm that best vitamins- these are those that we consume not in the form of tablets (capsules, syrups, etc.), but with food. The maximum concentration of vitamins is found in seasonal vegetables and fruits. So, for example, in autumn there are much fewer vitamins in strawberries than in summer. Therefore, now it is important to lean on apples, pears, persimmons, grapes, tomatoes and so on. They contain vital vitamins. Which is better choose products depends on the needs of each specific organism.

It is important to bear in mind that vitamins are destroyed during high temperatures. Therefore, most of the vitamins that are contained, for example, in meat or beans, "erode" during cooking. That is why doctors strongly recommend eating raw vegetables and fruits every day.

How do you know if you need to take vitamins?

Most often, children and adolescents, pregnant women and the elderly need additional vitamins. In addition, hypovitaminosis can develop in people who have recently been ill, smoke or drink alcohol regularly, diet, work hard (physically or mentally). Vegetarians and raw foodists are also at risk.

You need to replenish your vitamin supply if you:

  • often get sick;
  • diseases proceed for a long time, often turn into complications;
  • the skin became flabby, and the nails and hair became brittle;
  • suffer from indigestion;
  • you get tired quickly.

Which vitamins to choose

Unfortunately, with the modern rhythm of life, it is not always possible to provide the body with the necessary vitamins. In these cases, various vitamin complexes come to the rescue. But here you need to be extremely careful, because the selection of vitamins should be individual. At least, a completely different set of vitamins is needed for men, women and children. The ideal option is to seek advice from a doctor who will help determine what vitamins your body needs, help correct nutrition and, if necessary, select a vitamin complex.

Vitamins for women: which ones to choose

For female body Vitamin A is very important. It is thanks to him that the skin is restored, the hair, nails, and bones are strengthened. A nice bonus is the support for good vision.

What foods contain vitamin A: this vitamin is found in butter, egg yolks, whole milk and cream, in many vegetables and fruits of yellow, orange and red color, greens.

Important vitamins for women are antioxidants C and E. They strengthen the immune system, maintain healthy skin and hair.

What foods contain vitamin C: citrus, kiwi, black currant, rose hips, tomatoes, onions, red peppers, leafy vegetables.

What foods contain vitamin E: sunflower oil, sunflower seeds, soybean oil, almonds, walnuts, peanuts, butter, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, green leafy vegetables, sea buckthorn, rowan, rose hips, apple and pear seeds.

It is also important for women to supply the body with B vitamins (B3 will protect the skin, B6 will alleviate the condition during PMS and on critical days, B9 will help get rid of stress, eliminate depression).

What foods contain B vitamins?

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - nuts, egg yolk.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, milk, kefir, sour cream, oily fish, green pea, spinach, cauliflower, Bell pepper, green onion, dill.

Vitamin B3 (PP or niacin) - the same foods as vitamins B1 and B2 + tomatoes, fruits.

Vitamin B9 ( folic acid) - dark green leafy vegetables, avocados, oranges, green onions, peas, lettuce, spinach, strawberries, cabbage, eggs.

Vitamins for men: which ones to choose

Vitamins for men These are, first of all, vitamins A, C, E and B6. All of them are necessary for potency and reproductive function. In addition, men need proteins, D and B vitamins to maintain their muscles and skeleton.

For men, vitamins are also important for healthy skin, strong hair and nails (mainly vitamin A).

Vitamins for children: which ones to choose

A growing organism needs a balanced, A complex approach. The main rule when choosing vitamins for children- naturalness. That is vitamins for children in no case should they contain preservatives, dyes, flavors and other chemical additives.

Strengthening immunity, maintaining intellectual development, emotional health are those important aspects that you need to pay attention to when choosing vitamins for children.

Vitamins for children should be selected after consultation with a pediatrician.

No one will deny the benefits of vitamins for the body. In our age of speed and fast food, many are deficient in them, and hence health problems. If useful substances a person receives little, he often gets sick, loses vitality, ages early. Especially often the representatives of the stronger sex neglect their health. Vitamins are just as important for men as they are for women.

This article reveals the topic of vitamins for adult men in as much detail as possible. Here is information about what elements are needed, what is the use of each of them. Advice on the choice of drugs is given. Recommendations are given to different age categories of representatives strong half humanity. And also a review of vitamin complexes with information about their main purpose.

How to make the right choice

Buying the first drug that comes across, hoping that it will help from everything in the world is stupid. It is important to choose the right vitamins. And for this you need to take into account many factors. For example, these:

  • features of lifestyle, diet;
  • age;
  • the presence or absence of chronic diseases.

On the modern pharmaceutical market there are many inexpensive and effective drugs. They are able to solve a wide variety of health problems or become reliable prevention. And there are imported expensive brands.

It should be remembered that the cost and the country of origin are not always an indicator of quality. It often happens that domestic, affordable, funds are better than foreign ones. Therefore, it is impossible to focus only on this factor. Like buying without looking at popular, widely advertised products. After all, behind a bright “wrapper” it is not at all necessary to hide a quality product.

Anyone who goes to the pharmacy without a prescription from a doctor, not knowing which vitamins to choose, should approach the issue with the utmost responsibility. It is necessary to study the instructions, paying attention to the date of issue, shelf life; analyze the composition (it is quite possible that some ingredient is contraindicated or not needed for this particular man).

Preparations covering 100% of the daily norm, vitamins, a man whose diet is balanced, do not need to drink. After all, he gets a lot of useful elements from food. Vitamin and mineral complexes are suitable here, providing the body with 50 percent of the necessary substances.

Important! It is best to buy vitamins after consulting with a specialist. This will ensure that the complex of vitamins for men will be selected correctly.

Purely male vitamins

Anyone who thinks that the representatives of the stronger and weaker sexes need the same useful substances is mistaken. Experts highlight essential vitamins for men's health. Here are the top best vitamins for the male body:

  1. E. Supports blood vessels, gives vitality, improves potency.
  2. C. Reduces cholesterol levels. Very important for male smokers.
  3. B. Indispensable for nerves, genitourinary system, view.
  4. A. Activates the production of testosterone, prevents cancer, increases potency. Must be included in a multivitamin complex for men.

The daily norm of vitamins: E - 22.5 g; C - 60 mg; B - 25 mg; A - 3 mg. These indicators should be considered when choosing a drug.

Comment! Men should not buy complexes with iron (especially with a high content of it)! This element is more needed by women. Its excess in the male body harms the cardiovascular system.

Age parameters

The effect of vitamins depends not only on the brand, composition, price .... A very important factor is the age of the man. It should also be taken into account when buying drugs. So:

  1. The best vitamin complexes for men who have not yet crossed the 40-year mark, these are activating protein synthesis, strengthening muscles, regulating hormonal background that improve sperm quality. These are B, A, E.
  2. Among the vitamins for men after 40 years, C is the leader. But B9, A, E are also necessary. Antioxidants are very important to slow down aging.
  3. Vitamins for men after 50 years are A, B12, C, E, which preserve youth and prevent infectious diseases. They also help maintain potency. But special attention should be paid to vitamin D, which is no longer produced in the dermis, as before. Its deficiency leads to problems with teeth, bones, nails, heart. A similar set of vitamins is needed after 60 years.

In youth, complexes of useful substances are taken rather for prevention. And the better it is, the less likely it is to “acquire” chronic sores in old age. If it was not possible to save health, vitamins are especially needed.

Separation by purpose

Most mineral and vitamin-based products are divided by "specialization". Although there are universal - general preventive action. Here the emphasis is on the B group and vitamin C.

There are complexes for athletes and just people leading an active physical or mental lifestyle. The preparations contain selenium, vitamins A, B, C, D and E. Complexes with a high content of B1 and B 12 will help against fatigue, chronic stress, and depression. You can drink them separately. These are inexpensive vitamins. The result will be quite tangible.

Anyone who suffers from reproductive diseases or is engaged in their prevention should know that vitamin E for potency is a real salvation. And the drug must be selected with a high content. It is also important to take complexes with selenium and zinc, which improve sexual function.

There are special products for hair and skin. If there are problems with the latter, you need to drink vitamin H every day. You can also purchase general health complexes in pharmacies. They boost immunity, help fight various diseases. They contain vitamins B, C, D.

To compare specific drugs and choose the ones that are most needed, the information below will help. It describes in more detail the complexes of different purposes. The main types are given.

For an active lifestyle

In addition to the four above, complexes intended for professional athletes are also widely represented on the pharmaceutical market. They help to cope with the highest loads. Sports vitamins include Maxler VitaMen, Monster Multi and others.

To improve and maintain health

For people whose body does not function normally due to a deficiency of nutrients, or suffering from any diseases, general strengthening vitamins are shown. They are suitable for different age categories, but are especially relevant for the elderly. The list of vitamins for men below shows the best options. Everyone can choose for themselves something from this:

  1. Vitamins Alphabet for men are very popular today. Contain most of the substances vital necessary for a person. Includes extracts medicinal herbs. This is an amino acid supplement. Is hypoallergenic. One of the advantages of the tool over many others is its price. The vitamin-mineral complex is very cheap and accessible to everyone.
  2. Another a good option to improve health - Superum. It also has a low cost. The preparation contains a standard set of minerals and vitamins. Superum is taken as a prophylaxis, as well as during rehabilitation after diseases and during them - for a speedy recovery. Superum is an excellent immunity booster.
  3. This drug is especially relevant for those who live in an ecologically unfavorable environment. Selmevit is also shown to people working in hazardous industries. It is a balanced complex. These are vitamins with zinc and selenium, iron, calcium, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, etc. Increases the adaptive capacity of the body.
  4. Supradin. Indicated for severe vitamin deficiency. Contains rare minerals. Helps to recover from surgeries and chemotherapy.
  5. Solgar. An internationally recognized drug with a wide spectrum of action. It has a general strengthening effect. These American vitamins contain minerals as well as herbal extracts. Maintain the general tone of the body.
  6. Vitamins Superia. They are used with a decrease in seasonal immunity. Treat chronic fatigue syndrome. These are well-established zinc vitamins for men.

Most of the complexes presented on the shelves of pharmacies are general tonic drugs. But still, each of them has its own characteristics.

Important! To achieve maximum effect, the instructions for use must be strictly followed. And it is highly advisable to consult a doctor before buying.

For the prevention and treatment of diseases

Among male vitamins for conceiving a child, we can name the Alphabet already mentioned above. The tool is highly valued by experts and is inexpensive. When planning a pregnancy, it is advisable for men to drink it, since the drug improves the quality of spermatozoa. Among other complexes problem solving urogenital area:

The Celestial Empire is famous for the production of dietary supplements for solving problems of an intimate nature. Chinese preparations, as a rule, do not contain chemicals. Their effectiveness is high, and contraindications are minimal. If the male power is gone, drugs to increase the potency of the production of the DPRK should definitely be tried. These are dietary supplements Fuzhunbao Super, Hui Zhong Dan, Yarsagumba, Saima and others.

As for the pills for conception, they include an element, the reception of which is indicated for both men and women planning to become parents. Any specialist knows what is at stake. Folic acid for conception is the number one remedy! It is used both separately and in combination with other substances.

Antistress drugs

Along with drugs for male power, increasing physical activity, general health improvement. there are other vitamin complexes. In particular, improving the condition of hair and skin (Viviscal), as well as anti-stress agents. The latter include Complivit for men. Contains ten vitamins and four minerals. Accelerates metabolism, has an antioxidant effect, increases the body's resistance to various irritants. Complivit is a very affordable drug.

Another sedative is Pharmamed. This anti-stress complex reduces arterial pressure, normalizes sleep, increases contraction of the heart muscle. Indicated for mental stress.

famous brands

The list of the best vitamin manufacturers includes companies from Russia, the USA, Germany, Great Britain and Belarus. They make products highest quality. Anyone who wants to purchase the most effective drugs should pay attention to the following brands:

  1. Vneshtorg Pharma. Brings vitamins to market Russian production. Specializes in the production of dietary supplements. Uses during production Newest technologies. Russian vitamins of this company are affordable and of high quality.
  2. American company. Produces premium multivitamin complexes. Uses only natural ingredients. The drugs are expensive, but this does not affect their popularity.
  3. German multivitamins are supplied to the world market by the leading German company Orthomol. It is famous for special complexes for athletes.
  4. The British company Lifes2good produces multivitamins with trace elements for hair.
  5. Maxler is a Belarusian brand. It produces drugs for active men in life.

Attention! It is impossible to say unequivocally whether vitamins are good or not, only focusing on the brand. They can be of the highest quality, but not suitable for this particular person. Here everything is individual.

Vitamins "from the garden"

The best vitamins are from food. Every man should remember this and monitor his diet.

For example, fish fat for potency - a real panacea. In the presence of such problems and for their prevention, you need to eat more salmon, herring and other representatives of the "scaly" species. To improve the potency and quality of spermatozoa, one should also lean on potatoes, sweet fruits, parsley, onions, spinach, cilantro, buckwheat, barley and millet porridge.

There is no comparison with the most expensive source of vitamin C from a pharmacy with lemon, tangerine or currant. They will strengthen the immune system, cure the common cold. Carrots are the richest source of natural vitamin A. Eggs, strawberries, buckwheat, seafood, etc. - contain an abundance of B vitamins. And these are just a few examples.

Advice! It is better to take vitamins, figuratively speaking, “plucked from the garden” than bought at a pharmacy. Therefore, it is advisable to study the tables that tell about the content of nutrients in certain products, and then draw up your diet based on this information.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that the best vitamins are suitable for you personally. It is advisable to select them in consultation with a doctor. Neither positive reviews friends, neither the price nor the name of the manufacturer can be a guarantee that the purchased drug will benefit. In addition, it is important to purchase complexes specifically for men, since the needs of the body of representatives of different sexes are different. For example, New chapter multivitamins are purely feminine. And they can harm the male body (remember about iron).

It is advisable not to shift vitaminization completely to pharmaceutical preparations. The more nutrients your body gets from food, the better. But if a deficit has arisen, it must be eliminated. This applies to everyone - both absolutely healthy men and those suffering from some kind of disease. Avitaminosis has not brought anything good to anyone yet!

Watch a helpful video:

Rules for the selection of vitamin complexes for treatment and prevention various diseases, preparations for men, women and children of different ages, multivitamins suitable for solving problems with hair, skin.

The content of the article:

Vitamins are an indispensable component of a complete human diet. With their shortage in food, and this often happens in winter, spring, doctors recommend using synthetic analogues. You can take both monovitamins, that is, a specific preparation containing one vitamin, and multivitamins - complexes that include various vitamins, sometimes in combination with organic and mineral substances. It should be remembered that monovitamins are prescribed for medicinal purposes, and multivitamins - as a preventive measure.

Advantages and disadvantages of vitamin complexes for adults and children

Vitamin complexes (multivitamins) were created by doctors several decades ago and during this time they have become a real breakthrough in the prevention of beriberi. The complexes include, in addition to vitamins, various minerals. The obvious advantages of vitamin complexes are:
  • Improving short term memory. Recent studies show that people who take a daily multivitamin are 32% faster on short-term memory tasks.
  • Reducing the risk of developing many diseases. According to new medical observations, women who take vitamin complexes regularly are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases.
  • The presence of all useful substances. Vitamin supplements fully satisfy the body's needs for nutrients.
  • Positive impact on the psychological perception of life. It has been proven that a person who takes vitamin complexes tries to lead healthy lifestyle life and, for example, in a cafe will prefer juice to alcohol.
  • Convenient Reception. You do not need to take a handful of pills in order to fill the body's needs for all types of vitamins, as is the case with monopreparations. Enough 1-2 tablets or capsules daily.
However, a complex of vitamins can also be harmful to health if taken haphazardly. In addition, the disadvantages of multivitamins are:
  • The possibility of developing hypervitaminosis. This complication occurs if a person regularly exceeds the allowable dosage of taking vitamin preparations.
  • Water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins can interact poorly with each other. This applies to the case when a person takes several vitamin-containing preparations.
  • The possibility of individual intolerance. This feature of vitamins does not allow doctors to give general recommendations to use.
  • Not recommended for diabetics and allergy sufferers.

If you are going to take any vitamin complexes, you should definitely consult with a general practitioner.

Who are vitamins suitable for?

When choosing vitamin complexes, you need to determine, first of all, for what purpose you want to drink the course. Depending on the goals, multivitamins are different. In addition, there are certain groups of drugs that are suitable for men, women, children, nursing mothers, and so on. The age of the patient is also important when choosing vitamin complexes.

How to choose vitamin complexes for women

The composition of vitamin complexes that are intended for women should include components that affect metabolism, support immunity, the state of the nervous, cardiovascular, and endocrine systems. In addition, women's multivitamins should have a positive effect on elasticity, skin turgor, the condition of nails and hair.

Mainly, you should pay attention to complexes that include such vitamins: A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, D, E, H, PP, F, K. It is also desirable that the composition multivitamins included various minerals: magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, chromium.

Of all the vitamins, vitamin B9 or folic acid is considered the most “feminine”. It regulates the course of menstruation and puberty in young girls, delays the onset of menopause, stabilizes the condition during menopause, helps fight depression, and regulates the functioning of the nervous system.

In addition, other vitamins are responsible for such functions:

  • Vitamin A is responsible for the condition of the skin, nails, hair, skeleton, improves vision.
  • Vitamins E and C are antioxidants and protect against adverse effects environment on the appearance of the skin, hair.
  • Vitamin PP protects the female body from various skin diseases.
  • Vitamin B6 reduces the symptoms of PMS.
  • Vitamin D helps to make menstruation less painful, takes care of the skin and skeleton.
In general, all B vitamins help maintain a woman's well-being, energy, and skin beauty.

For women under the age of 40, the following vitamin complexes are best suited:

  1. Duovit for women. One of the most popular multivitamin complexes for women. It includes vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, E in the optimal ratio. Also, the composition of the female Duovit includes minerals: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, zinc. This is a supporting complex that is effective for physical exertion, stress, mental stress, beriberi, diets, malnutrition.
  2. Alphabet Cosmetic. The emphasis in this multivitamin preparation is on vitamins and minerals that help maintain the optimal condition of a woman's hair, skin and nails. It contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C, D, PP, E, H, K. In addition to vitamins, Alphabet Cosmetics includes selenium, silicon, calcium, chromium, copper, iodine , zinc, iron, coenzyme Q10, inulin, magnesium, manganese. Also in the preparation there are extracts of medicinal herbs: aloe, nettle, green tea, chamomile, horsetail, birch.
  3. Lady`s Formula. This is an American-made enhanced multivitamin complex. It was created specifically for a complex positive effect on the condition of the skin, nails, hair of young women. Lady`s Formula contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, D, E, H, P, minerals - calcium, silicon, phosphorus, iodine, iron, magnesium, selenium, zinc, copper, manganese. Also included in the preparation are gelatin, essential amino acids, horsetail extract.
Women aged 40 and older are recommended slightly different multivitamins, which should help fight age-related skin changes, hair problems, and stabilize hormonal levels in anticipation of menopause. You should pay attention to drugs such as:
  • active life. The basis of the drug are antioxidant vitamins - A, C, E, P. These vitamins have a beneficial effect on the skin, strengthen the immune system, and prevent the development of cancer.
  • Menopace. A complex that includes vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, PP, C, D, E. It also includes various minerals. The composition is selected in such a way as to fully satisfy the need of the female body for nutrients in the period before menopause and with its arrival.
  • Phyto 40. A multivitamin preparation, which is also aimed at supporting a mature female body and preventing diseases typical of this age. The composition includes vitamins B9, C, E, F. One of the main components is linseed oil which protects the body from excess cholesterol.

The choice of vitamin complexes for men

It is incorrect to say that men need different vitamins than women. The difference is only in the amounts and ratios of vitamins that the female and male bodies need. As a rule, men need slightly more elements of all types than women. This is due to the fact that they weigh more, have larger physical exercise are less able to handle stress.

The main "male" vitamin is F. Otherwise, it is called a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids. It affects spermatogenesis, Good work male sex hormones.

Vitamin F is followed by E. It ensures the regeneration of the epithelium in the seminiferous canals in the testicles. Without this vitamin, a man can overcome "sexual depression". This vitamin, in combination with A and C, improves immunity, heals blood vessels, and improves tone.

B vitamins provide protein synthesis, energy processes in the male body.

The most popular vitamin complexes for men are:

  1. Aevit. This drug is based on vitamins A and E. Once in the male body, these vitamins contribute to the growth of muscle mass, support immunity, and help recover from a long illness. Both vitamin A and vitamin E can accumulate in the body, which means that if consumed excessively, they can provoke hypervitaminosis. Therefore, it is important to monitor the dosage.
  2. tetrafolevit. This drug includes vitamins B1, B2, B9, PP. Its main goal is to provide the male body with energy, support normal metabolism. The effect of Tetrafolevit is very pronounced, so it is recommended to take it in the morning to increase activity.
  3. Kvadevit. The composition of the drug includes such vitamins: A, B2, B6, B9, B12, C, E, P, PP. In addition, several amino acids, potassium, copper, calcium. Excellent as a restorative after prolonged illness, during periods of lack of natural vitamins in food.
  4. Aerovit. This is the best vitamin complex recognized by many doctors for those men who experience great physical exertion and work in difficult conditions. Aerovit is often taken by professional athletes. Includes vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B9, B12, C, E, R. The drug is strong enough, so you should carefully follow its dosage.
  5. Glutamevit. A rich complex preparation that contains vitamins and minerals. It includes vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B9, C, P, E, minerals - iron, calcium, potassium, copper. Helps to quickly restore strength, stabilizes the immune system.

Features of choosing a vitamin complex for children

Most vitamins in a child's body perform completely different functions than in an adult's body. The reason for this is that in a growing organism, formation processes occur that are not observed in adults. Biological processes in the child's body require such vitamins in the first place:
  • A. Participates in the formation of the skeleton, the regeneration of mucous membranes, the development of the lungs, the digestive organs. Needed for normal vision and growth.
  • IN 1. Provides the process of carbohydrate metabolism, supports mental activity.
  • AT 2. Participates in metabolism, supports the growth of hair, nails, good skin condition.
  • AT 6. Responsible for immunity, the formation of red blood cells, the good functioning of the nervous system.
  • AT 9. Prevents anemia, increases appetite.
  • AT 12. Participates in hematopoiesis, activator of the nervous system.
  • WITH. brakes allergic reactions supports the immune system.
  • D. Responsible for the development of the skeleton.
  • E. Ensures the proper functioning of the muscular, nervous, circulatory systems.
  • TO. Responsible for the functioning of the circulatory system.
  • H. Source of healthy skin.
  • RR. Participates in the metabolism and absorption of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals.
Each of the vitamins is necessary for a child at different ages in different quantities. Therefore, when choosing synthetic vitamins for a child, it is best to be guided by his problems and age.
  1. Multi-Tabs Baby. It contains vitamins A, C, D.
  2. Kinder Biovital Gel. Includes a complex of vitamins and minerals.
  3. Vitoron. The Russian drug contains vitamins A, C, E.
  4. Pangeksavit. It includes vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B15, PP.
  5. Pikovit. May be in the form of syrup and lozenges. The latter, in addition to vitamins, also include calcium and phosphorus.
For children from 2 to 5 years old, you can choose the following vitamin preparations:
  • Centrum for children. It has two varieties: extravitamin C and extracalcium.
  • Unicap U. Chewable tablets containing vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, C, D, PP.
  • Alvitil. A syrup that contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B12, C, D3, E, PP, H.
If a child is older than 5 years, he can take such general strengthening multivitamins:
  1. Vitrum, Vitrum Plus. They contain a complete set of vitamins, minerals that are necessary for a growing body.
  2. Alphabet. It has the form of multi-colored tablets, each of them has a unique vitamin composition.
  3. Oligogal-Se. Vitamins A, C, E in combination with selenium. Has the form of capsules.
  4. Triovit. The composition is similar to Oligogal-Se, only without selenium.

When choosing vitamins for a child, be sure to consult a doctor.

What are vitamins for?

Getting enough vitamins into our body ensures that all of our systems will work in optimal mode. In addition, getting the necessary vitamins, hair, skin, nails will be in excellent condition.

The choice of vitamin complexes for hair

Special multivitamins for hair have some advantages over monovitamins. Firstly, they are guaranteed to supply the body with the whole complex of substances that hair needs. Secondly, multivitamin complexes have a balanced composition that is best suited for maintaining healthy hair.

Consider the most popular drugs:

  • Nutricap. A preventive complex that strengthens hair, promotes growth and prevents excessive hair loss. Produced in the form of capsules that contain B vitamins, sulfur, calcium, silicon, zinc, walnut oil, wheat germ extract, beeswax.
  • Perfectil. It is used to treat diseases of the scalp. It has the form of capsules, including B vitamins, as well as H, E, PP, C, iron, magnesium, zinc, manganese, extracts of burdock, echinacea.
  • Revalid. A therapeutic vitamin preparation that fights hair diseases. It is effective in the fight against baldness, increased fragility of hair. Each capsule contains vitamins B1, B6, B10, zinc, copper, iron, amino acids, yeast, wheat extract, millet.
  • Fitoval. Prescribed for deterioration appearance hair loss, changes in their structure. It contains vitamins of group B, as well as A, zinc, iron, amino acids, yeast.

How to Choose a Multivitamin for Skin

An important point in the selection of vitamin complexes for the skin is that the goal of exposure should be the cause of skin problems and beriberi, and not just the fight against outward signs. It is for this reason that there is practically no point in using vitamin creams and masks if there is no effect on an internal problem.

The most popular vitamins for skin are:

  1. Aevit. It contains vitamins A and E. It protects the skin from the negative effects external environment, sunlight, is a powerful antioxidant.
  2. Aekol. The composition of this drug includes vitamins A, E, K. It stimulates the rapid healing of skin lesions, relieves inflammation.
  3. Vitasharm. A typical vitamin complex aimed at healing the skin, treating its diseases. Includes vitamins B and A. It also has a positive effect on the condition of hair and nails.
  4. Revivona. This is a rich vitamin complex, which includes B vitamins, as well as A, D, E, H. It has a positive effect not only on the skin, but also on joints, bones, immunity, and the cardiovascular system.

Remember, for all their positive qualities, multivitamins provide the body with specific vitamins. He also needs additional excipients, and your body must receive them from the right diet.

What are the best vitamin complexes for growth

When it comes to growth vitamins, as a rule, they mean vitamins for children, which are designed to participate in the normal formation of the skeleton. However, people grow up to 23 years, and sometimes even longer. Therefore, growth vitamins are necessary for adolescents and young people.

The main “growth agents” are such groups of vitamins: vitamin D, B vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin C. The amount of these vitamins present in a young organism depends on how much it will be able to realize its growth potential.

Consider the most popular vitamin complexes that are designed to help “grow up”:

  • Calcemin Advance. This combined vitamin preparation is designed to accelerate growth processes. It affects salt metabolism, thanks to vitamin D3, as well as calcium, magnesium, copper, boron and manganese.
  • Natecal D3. In addition to vitamin D3, the composition of the drug includes calcium and a group of certain excipients. In combination, they contribute to the effective absorption of calcium and phosphorus by the bones. Bones gain strength and plasticity.
  • Berlamin Modular. A very rich multivitamin complex that includes all B vitamins, as well as A, E, D, K, H, C, PP, molybdenum, selenium, chlorine, fluorine, zinc, calcium, manganese, magnesium, potassium, copper, iron, phosphorus, essential amino acids.
  • Bee Big. The drug promotes rapid growth in children from 6 years. It includes a couple of growth vitamins - D3 and B1. In addition, bamboo extract, calcium carbonate.
These drugs are guaranteed to give an increase in growth. However, the benefit proper diet nobody canceled. As a rule, both a child and a teenager can grow a few centimeters, as soon as he begins to eat properly and fully.

How to choose vitamins - look at the video:

Vitamin complexes have a powerful healing and preventive effect on the human body. It is important to choose the right drug and discuss the dosage with your doctor first. However, it is important to remember that no synthetic vitamins will make junk food healthy. And the first step to the health of all body systems should be a healthy lifestyle and diet.

For men who want to always stay healthy and beautiful, it is not enough to eat only healthy food, because many of them often have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, it is required to supply the body with useful substances in the form of special complexes at least 2 times a year. So that you don’t get confused when choosing them, based on customer reviews, we have compiled a rating of the best vitamins for men that increase potency, eliminate hair loss and are great for helping in a number of other cases. Study their advantages and disadvantages and purchase only the most effective drugs!

The representatives of the stronger sex need absolutely all vitamins, but L-carnitine is the most useful, which greatly affects the potency and the possibility of conception. healthy child. Due to its lack, not only erectile dysfunction can develop, but the quality of the ejaculate will also deteriorate.

Important for men's health are also vitamins D and ascorbic acid, which restore the functioning of the immune system and are responsible for the condition of the joints. For the successful process of hematopoiesis, alpha-tocopherol (E) is needed, without it, the sexual organ may experience a shortage of blood, which also risks causing erectile dysfunction.

The list of the most important substances that all men need to take at least once a year should also include B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B3, B12). Their deficiency, especially after 50 years, can lead to irritability, insomnia, increased fatigue and hair loss. All this should be supplemented with minerals - zinc, iron, iodine, magnesium, potassium, etc.

Which company to buy the product

There are simply countless manufacturers of such funds on the market, among them there are both budget little-known name, and popular, which are actively advertised by famous personalities. It is precisely the latter that include 5 companies, the preparations of which are most often chosen by many men:

  • Man's Formula- this is the brand under which the line of biocomplexes for males based on plant components is sold, they regularly lead the TOPs of such products. Its key difference is the availability of drugs to solve almost all problems associated with beriberi - increasing potency and vitality, improving mood, strengthening hair, eliminating stress, etc.
  • Vitrum- The products of this brand are very popular in pharmacies, it belongs to the pharmaceutical company Unipharm Inc, founded in 1992. The main office of the company is located in the USA, in New York. By the way, it was the Vitrum line of drugs that brought her the greatest fame.
  • Velman- The rights to this trademark belong to the British company Vitabiotics. She creates complexes for both girls and guys separately, as well as universal ones, suitable for both at the same time. The manufacturer offers several forms of release - drinks, chewable and ordinary tablets.
  • Optimum Nutrition This company creates sports nutrition(various nutritional supplements, including some of the best gainers) for those who want to lose weight and build muscle. The manufacturer tries to use the most natural and healthy ingredients. It is not well represented in pharmacies, most often you have to buy funds on the Internet or online sports nutrition stores.
  • Krka- in our rating from this company, the drug "Duovit" is involved. This is a Slovenian company, on the account of which there are not only vitamins, but also all kinds of medicines. Its products are distinguished by their effectiveness, naturalness and balanced composition.

Rating of the best male vitamins

  • Release form;
  • Type of packaging;
  • Course duration;
  • daily dose;
  • "Wealth" and the naturalness of the composition;
  • Quantity side effects and contraindications;
  • Taste;
  • Tablet size;
  • The speed of obtaining results;
  • Variety of effects.

The main indicator was the ratio of price and quality, since the high cost does not always guarantee the same efficiency.

The most versatile here will be drugs with a complex action, but in this rating we have considered not only them. We also analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the most popular multivitamin complexes to increase potency, successfully conceive a child, increase muscle mass and some other tasks.

For potency

Mans Formula Potential Forte is a natural dietary supplement based on herbal ingredients, the benefits of which are due to the presence of ginseng, yohimbe and a number of other natural ingredients in the composition. A bright effect is possible due to the content of a huge amount of L-arginine and zinc. In fact, it is a complete vitamin and mineral complex, which also has a positive effect on the immune and nervous system. One package with 30 tablets is enough just for the course, they need to be drunk within 30 days. Doctors speak well of this drug, considering it one of the best vitamins for men among inexpensive ones.


  • The absence of contraindications as such;
  • Improve the quality of erection;
  • You do not need to drink often;
  • Long shelf life (3 years);
  • Not "nasty" tasting;
  • Contain a lot of L-arginine and zinc, which increase potency;
  • Do not give adverse reactions.


  • Must be taken for at least a month
  • The results are not immediately noticeable;
  • The capsules are large.

The “Potential Forte” remedy, especially among men over 40 years old, is made popular by its “multifunctionality” - use to normalize blood flow in the pelvic organs, increase resistance to infections of the genitourinary system and improve overall health in general.

For conception

Vitrum prenatal forte- the fact that this remedy was in our rating may be surprising, since it was originally made as vitamins for pregnant women or those who just want to become mothers in the near future. But for men who are in solidarity with them in this, this complex is also great. It has all the substances necessary for the successful implementation of the reproductive function - B6, ascorbic acid, natural calcium, iron and much more. The remedy, unfortunately, has a lot of contraindications - gout, thrombophlebitis, etc. It is also bad that there is a high risk of side effects. But even this does not negate the fact that Vitrum prenatal forte is one of the best such remedies.


  • Released without a prescription;
  • Easy to find in pharmacies;
  • Quality production, American;
  • Different forms of packaging - in blisters and bottles;
  • Rich composition;
  • Recommended by doctors.


  • Large tablet size;
  • Not cheap.

Vitrum prenatal forte belongs to medicines, and therefore, before starting the course, you need to consult a doctor.

From hair loss

- one name of the drug already suggests the idea of ​​​​its purpose to combat baldness. Reviews show that it is quite expensive, but worth the money. They are advised to use themselves trichologists and hairdressers. Strong point complex are indeed fast results, "hairfall" slows down in just 2-3 weeks. But practice shows that this is where all the benefits end, it’s not worth waiting for the active growth of new hair right away, the hair will become thicker except in six months.


  • The number of tablets in the package is strictly calculated for one course;
  • They are advised to be taken by trichologists themselves;
  • Taste tolerant;
  • Normal size;
  • Minimum contraindications;
  • Acts quickly.


  • Not always available in pharmacies;
  • More expensive than other options.

Some buyers note that they managed to improve the situation in only 2 courses. But here you need to understand that the treatment will be effective only if it is carried out with a break of at least 6 months.


Optimum Nutrition, Opti Men- This is a complex of vitamins and minerals, selected specifically for men involved in powerlifting, bodybuilding and just for athletes. It consists of biotin, B12, ascorbic acid, iodine, zinc and a number of other equally useful substances. All this increases immunity and body defense, and amino acids contribute to the active build-up of muscle mass. Of the minuses, it is necessary to highlight the frequency of taking the drug - 3 times a day, and of the pluses - the fact that the tablets are packaged in convenient bottles of 90, 150 and 240 pcs.


  • Volume;
  • Release form;
  • Convenience of packing;
  • The presence of digestive enzymes;
  • Amino acid content;
  • performance.


  • High price;
  • You can not always find in pharmacies.

Although Opti-Men is designed primarily for athletes, according to reviews, they can also be taken by those who lead an inactive lifestyle. You can buy them at


Duovit- This is a universal vitamin and mineral complex that brings maximum health benefits due to the competent combination of various substances. So, in red tablets only vitamins are collected, and in blue - minerals, which are absorbed much better individually. Their action is to strengthen the immune system, slow down hair loss, improve the psycho-emotional state. But with all this, there are also disadvantages - a lot of side effects in some cases, a huge list of contraindications and incompatibility with a number of other drugs.


  • Can be taken at any age, from 10 years old;
  • Rare side effects;
  • Reliable manufacturer from Slovenia;
  • Quickly digested;
  • Improve immunity;
  • Relieve fatigue;
  • Suitable for mental and physical overwork.


  • Very little B12, B1, B6 and B2;
  • Contains dyes and fragrances;
  • The composition contains sucrose, that is, it is not suitable for diabetics;
  • Many contraindications.

Duovit, in comparison with other means presented in this rating, is quite inexpensive and at the same time almost as good as they are in effect. It is also important that it is equally useful for men of all ages, whether after 30, 45 or 50 years.

Which complexes are better to buy

It is better to avoid formulations with artificial colors and flavors that improve the taste of drugs. It is also important that the tablets are small and easy to swallow without breaking apart. Best of all, if they are designed for 2-4 weeks of admission, this is quite enough to normalize the situation. If possible, it is best to purchase complexes in which all vitamins, micro- and macroelements are located separately, so the effect of them will be stronger.

When choosing the best "male" vitamins from our rating, we recommend paying attention to these tips:

  • If you need to improve your health in general terms, without focusing on any particular organ, then you should choose quite good drug"Duovit". It is inexpensive and, as the reviews show, really useful.
  • Those who have problems with potency need to buy complexes designed specifically to eliminate it. One of these in our ranking is Mans Formula Potential Forte.
  • Men over 40 should pay attention to the means to help stop hair loss, since it is at this age that they most often face such a problem. Therefore, Velman Tricholodzhik will be more useful than ever for them.
  • Those who want to build muscle mass and are actively involved in gym it is recommended to choose Opti-Men.
  • Men who plan to become parents in the near future can buy Vitrum Prenatal Forte.

Of course, the list of the best vitamins for men can be very long, so we have selected only the most popular and really effective means based on customer reviews. This rating is based on the analysis of a number of advantages and disadvantages, and we hope it will help you choose the most useful drug for you.

Currently, pharmaceutical companies provide us with a huge selection of vitamin-mineral or multivitamin complexes, taking into account the needs of each population group. This article will present a rating of vitamins, as well as discuss the most popular and sought-after multivitamin complexes intended for male, female and children's organisms. Separately, calcium-containing preparations will be displayed.

How to take vitamins?

Before use, be sure to consult a specialist. It must be remembered that uncontrolled intake of vitamins is unacceptable. The body receives all the substances it needs with food. But in the off-season, when nutrition is inadequate (that is, there is little benefit in products), it makes sense to start taking vitamin complexes.

When taking, follow the instructions for use. It tells you what dosage and how often to take the drug. Do not exceed the allowed dose per day. This is fraught with allergies or side effects.

In some periods of life, the body requires additional nutrients, micro and macro elements. What could these periods be? For example, women during pregnancy require additional vitamins. Children in a period of increased growth, as well as with high mental stress, they are also necessary. Athletes also spend a lot of energy during training, vitamin complexes in this case will not hurt.

But do not take vitamins all the time. Otherwise, an overdose or a severe allergic reaction may occur.

Some elements should not be mixed with each other. Then they will be better absorbed. People prone to allergies are prescribed vitamins with caution. At the slightest reaction (rash, redness, itching), you need to stop taking the drug and consult a doctor. Allergies are not to be trifled with.

There are many vitamin preparations on the market today. They differ in composition and price. It can be very difficult to choose. After a certain time, vitamins need to be changed.

Vitamins Lady's Formula

The multivitamin complex was created specifically for women in the age category of 30 years and above. Lady's Formula contains vitamins and minerals in a ready-to-absorb (bioavailable) form. The drug contains extracts of various medicinal plants that have a beneficial effect on the female body.

"Complivit" for women

The composition of these multivitamins is represented by a complex of 11 vitamins and 8 minerals, it also includes lipoic acid. The drug fully satisfies the daily need for vitamins and microelements, in addition, it is perfect for restoring performance after physical and mental overload.


The peculiarity of this vitamin-mineral complex is that it contains substances that normalize the work of the myocardium, as well as improve the metabolic processes that occur in the heart muscle. The magnesium and potassium contained in it form a normal balance of electrolytes necessary for the full functioning of the heart, and medicinal plants in the form of extracts normalize blood pressure and prevent the development of atherosclerosis of the vessels.

Opti Women

Two capsules contain a daily dosage of 23 vitamins and minerals, as well as flavonoids, phytoestrogens and herbal extracts, the purpose of which is to improve the functioning of the reproductive system.

Men's Formula "Potential Forte"

Men's Formula is considered one of the best multivitamin complexes for men who are in a state of chronic stress, suffering from erectile dysfunction, reduced sexual desire. Contraindications to taking the drug are: arrhythmia, diabetes, kidney disease. These are good vitamins, reviews of which are always positive.


The drug is included in the rating of vitamins for men. The uniqueness of the composition of the complex is that it is designed for those categories of people who are forced to eat different kinds. artificial food, for example: canned food, dry rations, etc. This multivitamin complex allows you to completely solve the problems associated with malnutrition, providing the body with all the necessary substances, and the dose of B vitamins contained in it can provide a good reaction and coordination of movements by improving excitatory processes in the brain.


In "Duovit" the emphasis is on protective substances of the following type: vitamins A and E, zinc, manganese, iodine, selenium. There are also other, no less significant chemical compounds, the main task of which is to strengthen and maintain the body's immune reactivity.


It is a liquid in the form of syrup, indispensable for children suffering from beriberi. The drug is prescribed for children from the age of 2 and contains all the vitamin complexes necessary for the growing body of the child. With age, you can only change the dosage.

"Vitrum Baby"

For children, you need to choose the best. Cheap vitamins are hard to find. But this drug is one of them.

The reason for adding "Vitrum Baby" to the list of the best vitamins is the fact that it contains 11 microelements and 13 vitamins. Another feature is the form of release of tablets. They are made in the form of animal figurines, which will undoubtedly arouse interest in the child and minimize persuasion to take this drug.


The name of these vitamins is known to many. The drug has been on the market for a long time.

The composition of vitamins contains all the most necessary components that the body of a child aged 3 to 7 years needs. If you follow the instructions for taking, then soon there will be changes in the process of digestion in better side, appetite is normalized, the activity of the child will increase, and, as a result, school performance will increase.

General characteristics of preparations containing calcium

Vitamins with calcium are now at the peak of popularity.

When choosing any drug containing calcium, it is necessary to take into account the fact that it must also contain cholecalciferol, it is he who allows calcium to be absorbed in the intestine and then enter the bone tissue.

Vitamins with calcium are used to prevent the following conditions and pathologies:

  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Diseases of autoimmune and infectious etiology.
  • Heart and lung failure.
  • With violations of the function of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Inflammatory processes in the pancreas.
  • Rickets (in children).
  • With osteomalacia in adults and adolescents.
  • With increased brittleness tubular bones(osteoporosis).
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Climax, etc.

Here is a list of the best calcium-containing drugs.


Its components are the following substances: citrate and calcium carbonate, cholecalciferol, etc. Recommended for adults and children, the dose is selected individually. Recommended to be taken with or after meals.

"Calcium Nycomed"

The release form of this product is chewable tablets, they can be chewed or swallowed, in both cases it is necessary to drink water. Dosages for children and adults are different. The mode is strictly individual.

"Complivit Calcium"

It is a chewable tablet with a sweetish taste and smell. The active substances are calcium carbonate and cholecalciferol. It is recommended to take from 3 years. Dosing regimen - individual.

Below are some more types of vitamins containing calcium.


These are also very good vitamins. Reviews confirm this. Dosage form- in the form of coated dragees. The drug is intended for use by women. The composition is represented by a complex of tricalcium phosphate, vitamin D and herbal extract. The dosage regimen is strictly individual.

Pharmaceutical companies offer various calcium-containing preparations. Almost all of them are quite effective, and it does not matter which name of vitamins to choose, especially if children and pregnant women will take them. In order for calcium to be well absorbed, vitamin D is required. What vitamins with calcium will be absorbed better?

These are preparations that contain calcium citrate, it is this salt that helps it to be absorbed. Modern preparations contain calcium citrate in the form of calcium citrate tetrahydrate, they also contain calcium carbonate (chalk), vitamin D 3 (cholecalciferol), manganese. The presence of manganese and vitamin D 3 increases the absorption of calcium.
