Acupressure of the genitourinary system according to Shiatsu. Shiatsu massage: Japanese acupressure technique

Shiatsu- a method of treating diseases with finger pressure, which is empirical in nature. "Shi" means "fingers" in Japanese, and "atsu" means "pressure".

Unlike traditional oriental techniques dating back millennia, shiatsu arose relatively recently, the method was created in Japan by a physician. Tokuiro Namikoshi in 1912.

Shiatsu soon becomes in Japan folk massage, and since 1980 it has been spreading to other countries. You can become a shiatsu practitioner in Japan after 3 years of study, having mastered the program lasting 2200 hours.

Shiatsu, according to interpretation Japanese Ministry of Health, is intended to normalize the regulatory processes of the body, maintain and improve health, as well as treat certain diseases.

Wu shiatsu wide range of influence, similar methods are used in different situations. Shiatsu recognizes the circulation of vital energy (prana) throughout the body, and the application of the method activates and improves the circulation of this energy.

He justifies his opinion by the fact that a person has natural instinct apply pressure on problem parts of the body.

Pressure affects the associated internal organs point, and when the skin receptors are irritated, visceral reflex.

Shiatsu points, as a rule, do not coincide with traditional ones, moreover, the location of the points is very conditional, and it is not described very accurately. On the limbs massaged points are located along the neurovascular bundle.

Regardless of the purpose for which the massage is performed, the same points of the body are used for pressure, since shiatsu does not treat a specific disease, but works with the body's defenses, and only then the forces of the body independently choose a weapon to fight the identified enemy.

Shiatsu practitioners do not mind combining their technique with other therapies. Shiatsu is also diagnostic system. According to the rigidity of the points, the shiatsu practitioner determines the epicenter of tension in the body and relieves this tension by pressing.

Indications and contraindications

Shiatsu at correct application renders following impacts:

  • improves well-being;
  • eliminates fatigue;
  • eliminates the stagnation of venous blood in the head;
  • restores appetite;
  • prevents peptic ulcer and other gastrointestinal diseases;
  • relieves constipation;
  • eliminates insomnia;
  • develops endurance;
  • improves liver function;
  • normalizes high or low blood pressure;
  • strengthens the heart muscle.

Shiatsu did not bypass the sexual sphere with its methods, helping achieve harmony in intimate relationships.

In men it is possible to strengthen potency and eliminate premature ejaculation, in women getting rid of frigidity, stimulating the production of thyroid hormones, which relieves the manifestations of menopausal disorders and even allows you to enlarge the mammary glands and maintain their shape.

  • pain in the stomach;
  • diarrhea
  • prolapse of the stomach;
  • a cold;
  • hoarseness;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • pain in the shoulders and back;
  • nosebleeds;
  • lumbago;
  • bruises and sprains;
  • displacement of the intervertebral discs;
  • hepatic colic;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • motion sickness;
  • sinusitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • writing spasm;
  • cramps of the calf muscle;
  • leg numbness.

Specially Described impact on the child during his bathing or swaddling, as well as treatment for torticollis.

There are also contraindications:

  • infectious and purulent diseases;
  • simultaneous diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, lungs;
  • hemophilia;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • oncological diseases;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • bone fractures;
  • feverish conditions;
  • burns;
  • thrombophlebitis.

Shiatsu acupressure technique

Special attention
in shiatsu is given to work with the thumbs. Pressing with the thumb is always carried out with a pad (surface of the first phalanx) strictly perpendicular to the surface of the skin from top to bottom.

Fingertip pressure causes fatigue or contributes to injury, so it does not apply. The weight of the shiatsu practitioner's body is transferred to the pads, from partial application to the application of his entire mass, depending on the patient's condition and symptoms.

Pressing force is regulated so that discomfort is not caused, and usually does not exceed 3-5 kg.

At correct execution pressing pain in the patient does not occur; he should experience a sensation somewhere between painful and pleasant, similar to "electrical" discharge in your body. In no case should you move your finger across the skin. Sometimes the thumbs overlap each other.

In the area, abdomen and back, they act with three fingers - index, middle and ring. The pressure is applied to the eyes and abdomen with the palm of the hand. The palm turns out to be vibration impact.

Treatment of the disease begins with pressure to all major points(this gives the greatest effect), and then to additional ones, according to the patient's complaints. Effective impact on points located close to the affected part of the body, but sometimes the improvement brings impact on distant areas.

Duration of pressure on a point for 5-7 seconds, excluding points in the neck, which are affected by no more than 3 seconds.

Total procedure time is about 30 minutes for a healthy patient and up to an hour for a seriously ill patient. 3 minutes are allotted for a separate treatment procedure. The next day after the procedure, the patient has a slight pain in the muscles in the area of ​​which the pressure was applied.


The author of the method emphasizes that after studying the method simple treatment each person can carry out, eliminating fatigue, pain, high blood pressure in himself and other people.

You can resort to shiatsu while taking a bath to improve well-being.

In addition to professional massage in Japan, it is common amateur massage, limited in capabilities and used mainly to prevent certain diseases and relieve fatigue.

Usually in every Japanese family, one of the family members owns the practice of shiatsu. After consultation with a shiatsu specialist and under his supervision, family shiatsu is used in the treatment of a number of chronic diseases.

Shiatsu self-massage with double healing effect- in addition to affecting the points, blood flow is stimulated to the tips of the working fingers, and this prevents congestion in other parts of the body.

Hand movement during massage, it prevents stagnation of blood in the brain, which is certainly beneficial for the body. Analogies to such influences can be found in history - the monks touched the rosary, the Chinese twirled walnuts in their hands, and many nations have a habit of rubbing their hands.

Shiatsu, one of the youngest practices of oriental therapy, is justified only empirically, but has gained recognition and wide distribution. It is believed that in order to provide assistance and self-help in painful conditions, shiatsu is able to master any man.

Japanese Shiatsu facial massage for youth and beauty at home - it's easy! Look at the video:

Shiatsu massage is considered a modern variation of Japanese amma massage. This method, which absorbed the centuries-old experience of Oriental medicine, gained popularity in the middle of the last century. Shiatsu was founded by Tokuiro Namikoshi. Developing Namikoshi's massage strategy, he paid attention to point pressure on the skin. He believed that his method was able to restore youth to the skin of the face, smooth out wrinkles, and improve complexion.

The use of massage in a complex for the whole body helps to gain not only beauty, but also health. Various styles of this technique (such as Chinese fire massage) have been practiced for thousands of years in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine.

Benefits of acupressure for the face

Shiatsu facial massage is a highly effective method to help maintain skin elasticity and prevent aging. The main feature of acupressure is that it helps to achieve not a quick and short improvement, but to ensure the stability of long-term results. What is the difference between the Japanese technique and classical massage?

  1. The Shiatsu technique helps to use the internal reserves of a person. It has been developed over centuries, studied and based on practical experience.
  2. Ordinary massage is rather superficial. The Shiatsu method can have a wider effect, it affects the ligaments and tendons, and not just the skin and muscles.
  3. With the help of Japanese facial massage, you can influence your well-being and eliminate: headache, insomnia, loss of strength, nervous tic, runny nose.

This type of massage constantly uses certain active zones, regardless of the therapeutic goals. The procedure helps to stimulate the energy of a person. It enables the immune and lymphatic systems to turn on their restorative and protective functions.

Massage technique

Preparing for a massage includes cleansing the face and applying cream or oil. You should also pay attention to the internal mood. It is necessary to calm down, discard all annoying and disturbing thoughts, tune in to get an excellent result.

Facial cleansing is best done without the use of aggressive chemical or mechanical peels, so as not to injure the skin. It is enough to wash with a cleanser or wipe the skin with a tonic or cleansing lotion.

Japanese massage must be performed, given the following nuances:

  1. The impact is carried out with the help of fingertips. If the massage technique requires the simultaneous stimulation of several points, all fingers are involved, except for the little finger;
  2. The time of exposure to points that are located on the face or neck is no more than 7 seconds;
  3. Finger pressure should be moderate. However, light pressure will also not bring results. You can allow only a slight discomfort when pressed;
  4. The course is carried out within 10 days. This time is enough for noticeable results to appear. Then you should take a month break. After that, you can repeat the procedure;
  5. When performing a massage, do not injure or stretch the skin;
  6. You can not use jerky pressures that resemble blows to the skin; They press with the pads as if they want to transfer the weight of the whole body to them. The pressure should be performed perpendicularly, that is, at an angle of 90 kk to the surface of the skin;
  7. At the end of the session, the skin is soothed with gentle strokes and pats. Then remove the remnants of a greasy cream or oil and apply a moisturizing or light nourishing cream.

The Shiatsu technique is used for the face not just by pressing. It is necessary to withstand pressure on the skin for 1-2 seconds, then, without removing the fingertips from the point, perform circular movements. Of the Japanese techniques, Yumeiho massage is also popular.

Which points are used

Find dots on the face even by yourself detailed description not always easy. You can find a scheme that includes Namikoshi's author's technique. It is also convenient to study all the information on points in special videos. The author of the method himself claimed that the sign of a correctly found point is a slight painful discomfort when it is pressed.

Shiatsu massage scheme

If it is necessary to restore youth to the skin, to give it a healthy and well-groomed appearance, massage of certain points is used.

  1. 24 points are on the forehead on each of the 8 vertical lines. They are located 4th to the left and right of the center of the forehead. The first vertical lines are equal to the lines of the beginning of the eyebrows. All levels are 1.5 cm apart.

Point massage is performed with the help of three main fingers simultaneously with two hands. Pressing time - no more than 7 seconds. The pressure area is on both sides of the center of the forehead. Such exercises can reduce the number and relief of wrinkles, as well as significantly slow down their appearance.

  1. On the horizontal line of the eyebrows there are three important points - at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the eyebrows. The pressure is applied simultaneously with both hands. The pads of three fingers press on the points. This and other exercises that are carried out in the eye area help to remove puffiness from the eyelids and make the look “clear and young”.
  2. points outer corner of the eye. To avoid the formation of large and small wrinkles "crow's feet" - massaging pressure of the index fingers is performed, it is carried out slightly up and towards the temples.
  3. Peculiar "points of beauty"– region inner corners of the eyes. Index fingers should be pressed perpendicularly. Time - 3-4 seconds. Repeat 3 times.
  4. To prevent the occurrence of vertical wrinkles on the bridge of the nose - use massage of three points in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "third eye". The points are located above the bridge of the nose, on a horizontal line that can connect the beginning of the eyebrows. To apply pressure, three fingers are connected together. To improve the effect, massaging this area with movements in a circle is allowed.
  5. Influencing three dots under the brow line, can improve skin firmness and reduce the problem of "drooping eyelid".
  6. Trhytochki below the line of the lower eyelid by 1.5 cm. These points correspond to the three main points of the eyebrows. By massaging them, you can remove the "bags" under the eyes, improve the condition of the skin in the eye area.
  7. To make the oval of the face more clear, use pressure. in the region of the lower cheekbones. Pressure is applied using the pads of three fingers.
  8. Massage points near the wings of the nose. Massaging these points helps relieve nasal congestion during colds.
  9. To maintain skin elasticity in the perioral region a point is massaged in the center of the line that connects the nasal septum and the upper lip.
  10. Dot located near the corners of the lips"responsible" for preserving the pattern of the lips and preventing the effect of "sad mouth".
  11. A point that is located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dimple under the lips massaged with the index or middle finger.
  12. Three points are located in the region of the lower jaw. They are on each side of the face. They are massaged for about 3-5 minutes.
  13. Under lower jaw , on the right and left side of the face, there are places for exposure. They are located at the level indicated in the previous paragraph. Massage them with your thumbs, gradually moving along the line of the lower jaw towards the temporal zones. The pressure is carried out towards the top, this achieves a lifting effect and forms an oval face.
  14. Three dots on the side of the neck are symmetrical on both sides. They are massaged with three fingers. Pressing time - 3 seconds. Exercise is "responsible" for the rejuvenation of the neck. You need to act carefully, avoiding the area of ​​​​the carotid arteries.
  15. Point in the region of the jugular cavity. It is massaged for no more than 3 seconds, with the help of the thumb. Improves performance respiratory systems and contributes to the improvement of the whole organism as a whole.
  16. Very important three points, which are located near the lobe ear:
  • in front of the earlobe;
  • under the lobe in the hole;
  • behind the urine.

Pressure is exerted by the pads of the three main fingers. This is the final massage. It relaxes and rejuvenates. All these points must be performed constantly or several times a week.

Shiatsu massage after 45 years

Shiatsu massage - special method physical and energy impact with the help of fingers. It has gained wide popularity, as it helps to strengthen and maintain health, treat certain types of pathologies, and normalize energy processes in the body.

Acupressure is also used for cosmetic purposes. It is used for facial rejuvenation in many countries around the world. This method is especially effective if you are already 45 years old. It slows down the aging of the skin, eliminates the "looseness" of the face, removes puffiness in the eye area. With this method, you can get rid of wrinkles, improve skin condition with age-related changes. Pressure in the eye area helps to improve vision, which deteriorates with age.

Acupressure for legs

Shiatsu foot massage is a salvation for "humming" feet. It helps relieve fatigue and relax. For thousands of years, travelers have been relieving tension in overworked legs using acupressure on the feet. What does acupressure foot massage affect:

  • reduces swelling of the legs;
  • helps to calm the calf muscles;
  • the Japanese method returns the blood circulation of the lower extremities to normal;
  • relieves pain in the joints, in the spine, improves posture;
  • acupressure of the legs after a stroke is very useful;
  • contributes to the improvement of the excretory system;
  • massage is useful for people suffering from diabetes;
  • facilitates the course of colds and viral diseases.

Before the procedure, you need to sit comfortably in a chair or in an armchair, relax. Feet should be washed and dry. Massage oils and creams are not used. At the beginning of the session, stroking movements are performed, then point pressure is used.

A detailed diagram of the main and important points of Japanese foot massage can be found on the Internet. For a detailed study of the technique of carrying out this method, you need to watch several training videos.

Using oriental massage techniques in the area of ​​the feet, you can not only relieve leg fatigue, but also get a therapeutic and prophylactic effect. There are many biologically important points on the human foot that are responsible for the health of internal organs, the spine, and the head.

Shiatsu massage - youth and energy

Properly performed Shiatsu massage will not only allow you to relax, but will also have significant benefits for the body. Massage stimulates the flow of blood and lymph, directs the energy flows of the human body, relaxes muscles, creates a feeling of lightness and relaxation.

Oriental massage practices are also of great importance for cosmetic purposes. If you engage in oriental massage systematically, you can restore the shape of the face, prevent the appearance of new wrinkles, double the production of elastin and collagen, smooth out mimic wrinkles. The Japanese technique of acupressure helps to preserve youth and fills the human body with life-giving energy.

This massage technique was developed by Japanese physician Takuhiro Nakimoshi. This type of massage therapy refers to manual and is carried out by pressing fingers or palms on the biological and energy points of the human body along the meridians. In massage according to this technique, no other classical massaging techniques are performed.

Massage according to the Japanese method is a study human body by pressing fingers perpendicularly. This type of massage therapy is also called acupressure therapy, since in it the same points of your body are worked out with a different, sometimes multiple, number of pressures with different intensities.

The diagnosis of a person's disease affects how it should be acted upon. If the Shiatsu massage technique is correct, then the patient does not feel pain even with the deepest pressure.

The main feature of this massage therapy is that it does not treat the disease itself, but eliminates its root causes. Treatment according to this method is able to awaken the inner strength of your body, acting on active points and thereby launching the mechanism of its recovery, which is inherent in the body by nature.

When performing this massaging technique, the massage therapist does not use traditional techniques, but, nevertheless, your body feels a load similar to a physical one. The fact that the therapy was completed is indicated by a slight pain in those points of the body that were affected.

It is worth noting that by massaging the points, the body becomes more flexible and mobile, as this relieves tension.

Main types

There are several types of procedures for this technique. Massaging are exposed to such parts of the body as:

  • Feet.
  • Whole body.
  • Back.
  • Face.
  • Breast.
  • Head.

By acting on the feet, the massage therapist will quickly help you relieve tension and fatigue. On the feet of a person there are a large number of biologically active points, working through which you can cure certain diseases, for example, internal organs, spine and head.

Massage according to the Shiatsu method of the whole body will help relieve tension, restore mobility, eliminate muscle clamps and pathological processes in the body, and calm the nervous system. By massaging the back according to the Shiatsu technique, the specialist will help eliminate problems with the spine, restore it after injuries, and relieve muscle tension.

Japanese therapy applied to the facial area, will help get rid of headaches, eliminate congestion(sinusitis, otitis, etc.), remove headaches and rejuvenate the skin. The procedure for massaging the chest according to Shiatsu can only be applied to men, since women are not allowed to apply pressure in this area due to their physiological characteristics.

Head massage therapy with this method helps not only to get rid of headaches, but also to eliminate many psychological problems.

The result of exposure to specific points

  1. Pain in the stomach.
  2. Wheezing.
  3. Diarrhea.
  4. Nasal congestion.
  5. Colds.
  6. Toothache.
  7. Headache.
  8. Pain in the liver.
  9. Urinary incontinence.
  10. Diabetes.
  11. Omissions of the stomach.
  12. Bleeding from the nose.
  13. Bruises and sprains.
  14. Bronchial asthma.
  15. Vertebral displacements.
  16. Leg numbness.
  17. Strelov.

Important It should be noted that the treatment begins with massaging the main points of the body, and then those responsible for the diseases, the symptoms of which are described by the patient, are exposed.

Impact technique

Performing massaging according to the Japanese method, the massage therapist uses the pressure technique, which is performed using the thumbs, index, middle, three fingers of one or two hands, palms. Also, according to the method, the fingertips of a specialist are in contact with the human body, while the pressure force should be taken into account and should not exceed more than 3-5 kg.

The time of one pressure depends on the goals, for example, healing effects should not exceed 7 seconds, pressure on the neck area 3 seconds, localization of painful sensations by this method lasts from 2 to 10 minutes.

It is important to be able to use the right combinations of fingers; for weak impact, use the index or middle fingers. For a stronger thumb or a combination of the second and third, for a strong thumbs, three fingers together or a palm are used.

Important to say that with the correct implementation of the technique, a person does not feel discomfort, his sensations are similar to electric weak discharges of the body.

Indications and contraindications

The main indications for this therapy are the following health problems:

  • Bad feeling.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Bad appetite.
  • Stagnation of venous blood.
  • Constipation.
  • Violations in the liver.
  • Insomnia.
  • horse racing blood pressure.
  • Sexual dysfunction.

But despite the positive effect in most cases, this technique also has contraindications for use:

  • Simultaneous diseases of such vital organs as the liver, heart, lungs and kidneys.
  • Ulcer.
  • Infectious and purulent diseases.
  • Hemophilia.
  • Oncology.
  • Burns.
  • Fever.
  • Intestinal obstruction.
  • Fractures.
  • Thrombophlebitis.

Shiatsu face massage

Massaging the face using this technique is applied to both women and men. Acupressure on the face allows you to eliminate headaches and migraines, runny nose, relieve fatigue and relieve insomnia. In addition, finger pressure helps to improve vision, psychological state, improves facial skin.

Regular massaging using this technique helps slow down the aging process, eliminate existing wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones, strengthen muscles, improve blood circulation, restore a beautiful and healthy color to the face, accelerate the fight against rashes.

But it is worth remembering that there are also contraindications to the procedure, it should not be done for those who suffer from low intracranial pressure, have herpes, dermatological rashes, rosacea, furunculosis, etc.

Face preparation

To implement the Japanese method of massaging the face, you need to prepare:

  1. Cleanse the skin of the face with a special tool, make a light peeling.
  2. Expand blood vessels and relax facial muscles with a steam bath.
  3. Relax so that the procedure is effective.
  4. Apply a cream to the skin of the face to help moisturize it.

After carrying out the above manipulations, you can perform the procedure itself.

Execution technique

Performing this technique, the massage therapist should ensure that the movements of the hands are clear and slow, if the subcutaneous fat layer is thin, then the pressure must be made weaker than in the opposite situation.

If the therapy is carried out for cosmetic purposes, then one click on the point should not exceed 7 seconds. In the event that massaging is carried out for therapeutic purposes, then the effect may be several minutes. Massage according to this technique is more useful in the morning for no longer than 10-15 minutes.

Carrying out scheme

Japanese massage points can get rid of wrinkles on the forehead. To perform it, you need to put three fingers of each hand on points located in the middle of the forehead. Next, you should press a little on them and hold the pressure for 7 seconds. Then the fingers are slightly shifted to the sides from the middle of the forehead and again produce pressure.

Moving your fingers, each time you should stop at the temples and press your fingers tightly against the skin, also hold for 7 seconds. Also, this technique of massage therapy can get rid of wrinkles on the bridge of the nose. To do it, you need to find a point called the "third eye", it is located in the middle of the forehead, and put pressure on it.

Next, you need to put three fingers on this point and make light circular movements for 7 seconds. This technique is also able to get rid of nosebleeds, sinusitis and runny nose. The Japanese massage procedure can also make your eyes shiny, healthy, relieve fatigue, remove swelling of the eyelids, improve vision.

This technique is carried out with the help of three fingers, which must be placed on the eyebrows at regular intervals so that the middle one is in the middle. Lightly press on the points for no more than 7 seconds. Acupressure can make your lips beautiful, smooth nasolabial folds and eliminate fine wrinkles.

To carry out this procedure, you need to put your middle finger on a point that is located in the hollow above the upper lip, massage it for 7 seconds. It is also possible to perform this technique, which involves the location of the fingers on four active points, that is, in the corners of the lips, above the upper lip and lower. Massage movements also last no more than 7 seconds.

To become the owner of elastic and toned cheeks, you need to put the fingers of both hands on three biologically important points located under the cheekbones on both sides. All six points must be massaged simultaneously for 7 seconds.

To improve the contours of the oval of the face, it is necessary to place three fingers of each hand on both sides of the chin, while the thumb slightly presses on the jaw from below. Massage this area for 7 seconds. After regular carrying out of this procedure, it will be possible to notice that the oval of the face will become clearer and more defined, and the cheeks will disappear.

How often can procedures be performed

The technique of oriental massage according to the Shiatsu method can be performed at home. The usual course of recovery is at least 15 days, and preferably 3-4 weeks, then significant improvements will become noticeable. After completing the entire course of massage therapy, you should give the skin a little rest, taking a short break from the procedures.

It is advisable to conduct at least three massaging courses per year using this technique for health-improving cosmetological purposes. The number of courses can be increased by a specialist in case of a positive effect of using the procedure as a treatment method for a particular disease.

Shiatsu acupressure is a unique adjuvant therapy in the treatment of many diseases. In addition, this technique is able to eliminate not only many age-related changes, but also noticeably improve psycho-emotional state.

Video lesson: how to do Shiatsu massage.

Evidence of effectiveness, detailed technique, we influence the point of longevity - in the article.

The main advantage of shiatsu

The possibility of self-massage in any situation and place (at home, at work, in a car).

Having mastered the basic techniques of pressure and having learned to find the right acupuncture points, we are able to independently:

  • overcome fatigue,
  • get rid of mental overload,
  • remove or reduce any pain,
  • reduce the unpleasant symptoms of diseases,
  • normalize blood pressure
  • improve sleep and overall well-being,
  • increase energy,
  • improve health,
  • provide emergency assistance.

Shiatsu Evidence

Let us refer to the publication of the results of experiments in well-known international publications.

Sleep quality and relaxation

July 2004, the study was conducted in England and Germany. In an in-depth interview, 14 practitioners and 15 long-term clients testified to the positive effects of shiatsu massage on falling asleep, sleep patterns, and body relaxation.

Journal of Integrative Medicine(Journal of Integrative Medicine):

year 2014. Difficulty falling asleep is a common problem for people suffering from pain. Individuals with musculoskeletal pain and sleep problems were selected to participate in the study (Canada). They were taught self-massage of the hands and interviewed after 8 weeks.

Participants noted a long-term increase in uninterrupted sleep time, more than during nocturnal awakenings. None of the participants reported adverse effects of the intervention.

Thus, shiatsu can be beneficial to apply during nocturnal awakenings, as well as before bed.

Reducing pain, chronic fatigue, stress

Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine(official journal of the Acupuncture Research Society, USA):

2008, the study covered 948 people from England, Austria, Spain. They received shiatsu therapy for 6 months.

Indications: pain in the joints and muscles, chronic fatigue, fatigue, stress.

633 subjects provided complete information on treatment effects.


  • all respondents improved their health, decreased pain, stress and fatigue.
  • 80% have made positive changes in their lifestyle after introducing shiatsu into their daily routine.
  • 16-22% have reduced their use of traditional medicine.
  • In a third, drug dependence has decreased.

Increasing vitality

International Journal of Palliative Care(International Journal of Palliative Nursing):

September 2013 This qualitative 6-month study was designed to evaluate the impact of shiatsu on clients attending hospice day services. Three overlapping groups of eleven patients with progressive disease received 5 weeks of shiatsu therapy.

The results of the analysis revealed significant progress in levels of energy, relaxation, confidence, mental clarity and mental stability.

The effect lasted in some cases for several hours, but in most cases exceeded the 5-week treatment regimen.

Reducing anxiety and stress

World Journal of Plastic Surgery(World Journal of Plastic Surgery):

in 2013 (Tehran), 60 patients with burn injuries (10-45%) and associated severe post-traumatic nervous disorders received a 20-minute shiatsu massage (each hand was massaged for 10 minutes).

As a result, the degree of anxiety and pain was significantly reduced, recovery came faster.

It is explained by the fact that the pressure on the points causes the production of serotonin and dopamine hormones, which reduce anxiety, muscle tension also disappears, the heartbeat slows down, blood pressure and metabolism normalize.

Reducing back pain

Journal of Holistic Care(Journal of Holistic Nursing):

year 2001. 66 patients with low back pain received four sessions of shiatsu and reported their feelings 2 days after each session. All noted a significant reduction in pain and anxiety.

Massage technique

Active participation in shiatsu hand massage gives a predictable therapeutic effect: in the hands, fingers and in those organs with which the pressure zones are associated, the metabolism is also stimulated.

In addition, the fingers are connected directly to the brain by numerous nerve endings, and therefore shiatsu perfectly calms and relieves mental fatigue.

For pressure use:

the entire area of ​​the fingertips

  • large ones (Tokujiro considered them the most important and powerful tool of influence);
  • three put together (index, middle and nameless);
  • two fingers superimposed one on the other.


Clicks do strictly perpendicular to the skin, without displacement and sticking, without "smearing".

"PRESSURE, not rub or massage!" - Namikoshi succinctly described the difference between his technique.

Pressing force

Moderate. The response should not cause discomfort and severe pain.

If you are massaging someone, take a position so that, if necessary, you can control the pressure with your own weight.


If the execution technique is correct, then numbness, aches, warmth or slight soreness occurs at the place of pressure.

Press duration

depends on the area of ​​the body, health status and specific instructions for the procedure. Most often, single 3-second pressures are applied in the neck area, 5-7 seconds on other parts of the body.

Another option is also used: pressing lasts 1-3 breaths. Repeat the pressure 2-10 times.

How to find the right point

Anatomical landmarks are: bony protrusions and depressions, hair growth boundaries, skin folds, gaps between muscles and tendons, places where pulses can be felt on the arteries, etc. The point can be palpated with a tubercle or fossa.

Response sensations in it differ from other parts of the body.

Aches, numbness, tingling (like a weak current discharge), soreness, stiffness - these feelings are an indicator of the correct definition of a biologically active point.

Pain in BAT may indicate a pathology in the organ associated with it.

Preparing for a massage

Warm up your hands well: rub your palms and fingers together.

If you touch the body with cold hands, there are distorted reactions that can aggravate the condition of the disease. Cold is one of the most disease-causing factors.

It is undesirable to massage on an empty stomach (fainting is possible) and immediately after eating.

Longevity Point ZU-SAN-LI

Restorative paired point, belongs to the meridian of the stomach.

Synonyms: gui-se, xia-lin.

The miraculous properties of zu-san-li are mentioned in ancient medical treatises. This point is deservedly called the point of longevity, since it affects three levels of the body at once, which in ancient China correlated with Man, Heaven and Earth.

Through these three energy levels, with the help of very thin hormonal connections, all systems and organs are influenced, recovery processes are launched in them.

The list of indications is huge:

Zu-san-li - dot emergency room with fainting, postpartum shock, cerebral hemorrhage, sunstroke.

Located at the junction of the tibia and fibula.

How to find: put the center of the palm on the center of the patella, press your fingers to the lower leg (under its pad).

To make sure that the point is correctly determined, pull the foot up, a muscle tubercle should form under the ring finger. Lower your foot and a depression will appear under your toe. You have to click on it.

How to massage: press simultaneously on the points on both legs for 5-7 seconds, release for 2-3 seconds, repeat 3-4 times.

It is desirable to work with zu-san-li in the first half of the day, preferably before 10 am, when the stomach channel is most active. Massage in the afternoon and especially in the evening can provoke insomnia.

Even experts in oriental medicine advise using the first 8 days of the growth of the moon

Massage zu-san-li for a long time can increase pressure. Therefore, people prone to hypertension can be advised to massage the Yang Ling Quan point for similar purposes.


Shiatsu acupressure is an amazing technique: very simple, affordable and effective. Having mastered simple tricks, we can help ourselves in time and restore our health.

Watch for skin reactions, if in some place the skin starts to hurt, then there is a problem in the organ corresponding to this area.
Put your hand there and try to find the most painful point. This does not require an acupuncture atlas, the body itself indicates its location.

It is enough to apply 5-7 seconds of pressure with repetition a couple of times and throughout the day for the pain to subside. And this means that the process of self-healing is started.

And finally, advice from Tokujiro Namikoshi, who lived 95 years:

“To live a long and fulfilling life, avoid prolonged overwork and get enough sleep. While we are young, an 8-hour sleep removes the most severe fatigue like a hand.

Be sure to pay attention to - they are sure signs of prolonged fatigue and lack of sleep, which lead to serious health problems.

Be healthy!


  • Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine,
  • US National Library of Medicine,
  • P.V. Belousov "Acupuncture points of Chinese Zhenjiu therapy"

Elena Valve for the Sleepy Cantata project

In preparation: shiatsu for immunity, youthfulness of the face, for various problems.


Japan Publications Inc. Publishers 1969

Improve well-being, relieve fatigue, overcome sleep disturbance, normalize the function of internal organs, develop endurance, cheer up this can be achieved using the shiatsu method.



Translation from English by the candidate of medical sciences V.P. Lysenyuk

Reviewer: Head of the Republican Center for Reflexology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor E. L. Macheret (Kiev state institute doctor's upgrades)

The main principles of the Japanese finger pressure therapy method are outlined, recommendations are given on the normalization of some body functions with the help of shiatsu and the use of this method in a number of diseases.

Techniques are described to help overcome fatigue, sleep disturbance, improve the general condition of a person, etc. For a wide range of readers.

Shiatsu - finger pressure therapy - can revitalize the knowledge worker and greatly stimulate his abilities. The teacher who applies this system will find in himself the ability to turn backward students into future scientists. A wife who knows shiatsu can achieve complete harmony in intimate relationships with her husband. If you try the Shiatsu system on your own body, you will soon look and feel better. Shiatsu can help you ward off colds, stomach upsets, and other ailments.
Some of you may think that I have gone too far in such statements, but I would like to say, do not take it as a boast, that, having specialized in this field for 42 years, I have received good results in more than 100 thousand patients. I founded the Japanese Shiatsu School, which has trained 20,000 qualified shiatsu specialists over the course of 28 years. I wrote this book as a summary of my many years of experience with the firm belief that the shiatsu system can help every person to make their life healthier and more fulfilling. At the same time, I am convinced that at our age we must pass on to others what we know. At my sixty years of age, I have set forth in this work the basis of all my knowledge. The book presents the essence of shiatsu treatment.
If in some cases the effect after applying shiatsu occurs immediately, then in other cases it takes more long time. The main purpose of my book is to convince the people of today, who tend to rely too much on medicines and injections, that even a short-term treatment with the shiatsu method can unlock the truly amazing vitality of the human body.

The purpose of this book is to help people more easily endure the daily minor pain and other unpleasant sensations, as well as teach them to maintain and maintain their health, the good condition of the whole organism. Familiarization with this book does not provide sufficient knowledge to apply the shiatsu method to seriously ill people. I myself, having many years of experience in the use of shiatsu, always consult with the attending physician before starting the treatment of such patients. Shiatsu treatment requires perfect knowledge of the processes occurring in the patient's body.
To avoid possible complications, I must give the reader the following warnings.
1. Do not try to treat patients with infectious and purulent diseases, including osteomyelitis, influenza, rabies, jaundice, diarrhea with infectious disease, whooping cough, measles, yellow fever, malaria, Japanese river fever, filariasis, dengue fever.
2. Do not treat patients with impaired heart function, severe diseases of the liver, kidneys, lungs.
3. Do not treat patients with thrombocytopenic purpura, hemophilia, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, aneurysm, i.e. patients with a tendency to bleeding.
4. Do not treat cancer patients (cancer, sarcoma).
5. Do not treat patients for broken bones, intestinal obstruction.
6. Remember that although serious diseases can be treated with shiatsu, only an experienced specialist should treat such patients.
Tokuiro Namikoshi


Shiatsu (shi - fingers, atsu - pressure) is a method of treatment with finger pressure. The foundations of the doctrine of this method are empirical in nature. A person who is tired from something, such as a long sports game, sitting in front of the TV or typing for a long time, instinctively rubs or massages that part of the body that hurts, cramped or numb. Through forty years of study and research in therapy, I have developed the shiatsu system, which is not only a method of treating the sick, but also helps to develop greater stamina and mental calmness, and can also help couples lead a more harmonious life. family life. Having cured more than 100,000 patients and taught more than 20,000 students who graduated from the Japanese school of shiatsu, I was once again convinced that pressure on certain points stimulates the hidden springs of life.

In most manual therapeutic methods (such as traditional massage or Japanese amma), the effect, usually only restoring movement in some part of the body, is more superficial than the deep effect achieved by direct pressure with the pads of the thumbs in the shiatsu method. The Shiatsu method, which is currently widely used in Japan, is interpreted by the Japanese Ministry of Health as follows: “Shiatsu is a type of treatment in which fingers and palms are used to apply pressure to certain points in order to normalize regulatory processes in the body, maintain and improve health. It also contributes to the treatment of certain diseases.” Using the body's internal reserves

The shiatsu system not only has a healing effect, but also provides for the mental concentration of the patient being treated, which stimulates the body's defenses necessary for the prevention of diseases.
In 1953, I was invited to lecture at schools of manual therapy in various cities in the United States of America. During a conversation in Los Angeles, one listener asked me the following question from the audience: “I work as a watchmaker. It takes me three years to train a watch repairman. How can you explain in just three days how to repair human body, which is much more complicated than a clock?" I replied that his question was legitimate, but he should take into account two things: firstly, the clock is only a machine, and secondly, the human body has the ability to regenerate and self-repair and no machine can compare with it. For example, foreign body that gets into the eye is immediately washed away with a tear. Food or LIQUID that enters the trachea is coughed up. Damaged skin is restored in a few days. Thus, the body itself can cope with some breakdowns without outside interference.
I went on to say that the shiatsu system can do real miracles, because it is based on the natural human instinct to press on the disturbing part of the body, it helps to mobilize the body's natural defenses. Of course, some points require scientific explanation, but the purpose of my talks is a popular explanation of the capabilities and reserves inherent in the body, as well as their use by applying pressure where necessary. I seemed to have convinced the watchmaker.
Habitually turning to pills and injections, modern people tend to overlook the importance of natural healing. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, was thinking about this type of treatment when he said that nature heals, and medicine is only a servant of nature.
Numerous visitors, overflowing with doctors' offices, would recover much sooner if they believed in the natural forces of their body. The shiatsu system will help them with this.

Approximately 450 muscles attached symmetrically to the bones contract to help move our body. Muscle contraction is complex process, starting from the moment of hit nutrients into the body with food, then assimilate them during digestion and enter the liver, where some of them accumulate in the form of glycogen. Then glucose and oxygen entering the body during breathing are delivered to the muscles by the bloodstream and participate in biochemical processes with the release of energy necessary for muscle contraction. Muscle contraction is accompanied by the formation of lactic acid, the accumulation of which causes fatigue. muscle tissue, i.e., with the accumulation of a significant amount of lactic acid in the muscles, their reduction becomes either difficult or impossible at all.
Fatigue caused by excessive accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles can be reduced by stopping muscle contraction for a while. In other words, you need rest.
During rest, the resulting lactic acid is carried away by the blood through the veins, and glucose and other components involved in the release of energy necessary for muscle activity are delivered through the arteries.
If the state of fatigue is not eliminated as a result of rest, this means that the muscles contract incorrectly, thereby causing disturbances in the bone-articular apparatus and disorders in the blood vessels, nerves and lymphatic vessels of the muscles. The result is muscle pain.
By applying finger pressure to the working muscle, you can accelerate the removal of excess accumulated lactic acid. This will eliminate fatigue, restore the correct process of muscle contraction, and reduce pain.

The shiatsu method can be used not only for complex diseases that require special attention of specialists who have a thorough knowledge of human anatomy (Fig. 1, 2, 3) and who own the shiatsu technique.

By learning this method, one can perform a simple treatment aimed at eliminating fatigue, pain in the shoulders, lower back, toothache, high blood pressure, and even bedwetting, both in others and in oneself.

For example, I resort to the Shiatsu method while taking a bath, which contributes to a significant improvement in well-being.

The active participation of the hands in shiatsu enhances the healing effect by stimulating blood circulation under the fingers and preventing blood stasis in other parts of the body.

Blood - the body's source of nutrition - rushes to those parts of the body that are in this moment work. During eating, it rushes to the stomach and other digestive organs, during mental activity - to the brain. Since the nerve endings of the fingertips are directly connected with the brain, the work of the hands contributes to mental calm and prevents the development of fatigue in the brain centers. Chinese custom fingering walnuts is based on the healing effect of hand activity. Understanding that temper is always harmful, Japanese merchants, in particular merchants of textiles and haberdashery, rub their hands, especially when serving annoying customers, as these movements contribute to a calming effect.
The intense effect on the fingertips during shiatsu, stimulating the flow of blood to the hands, favors psycho-emotional stability and physical health.

Particular attention should be paid to the technique of using the thumbs, as they are most often used in Shiatsu treatment.

You should always press firmly with the pad of your finger downwards, strictly perpendicular to the surface of the skin (Fig. 4). Never apply pressure with the tip of your finger, as this causes rapid fatigue or may even contribute to injury to your hands. The state of body tissues and skin largely depends on proper care for them. Despite having been a Shiatsu practitioner for 42 years, I have well-developed, silky-smooth fingers that are essential to my profession. Correct staging hands when applying shiatsu can contribute to this.

When exposed to the face, abdomen and back, use the index, middle and ring fingers (Fig. 5).

Use the palms to apply pressure to the eyes and abdomen, and for vibration therapy (Fig. 6). Study the illustrations and carefully practice these basic techniques.

Never apply pressure to the patient's body with the tip of your finger, but apply firm pressure with the pads of your fingers, transferring the weight of your body to them (Fig. 7).

The degree of pressure depends on the symptoms and condition of the patient, but your posture should always be such that you can apply your entire body weight if necessary. The area of ​​contact between your thumb and the patient's body should approximate the area of ​​the ink mark on the paper when fingerprinting (see Figure 5). Pressure must be applied carefully, perpendicular to the surface being exposed.

To achieve the desired effect, treatment should begin with sequential pressure on all points shown in Fig. 8, and then, according to the nature of the patient's complaints, use additional points. In certain diseases, points located close to the affected part of the body are especially affected, but sometimes exposure to distant areas also brings significant improvement, for example, pressure on the plantar surface of the feet in kidney diseases, on the left hand to strengthen the heart muscle.
Experience testifies to the effectiveness of shiatsu when pressing on seemingly independent parts of the body, and practical medicine confirms this.
All pressure points are described in detail in the relevant sections of the book.

The duration of single pressure on a point is from five to seven seconds, with the exception of points in the neck, the impact on which by the shiatsu method should not exceed three seconds. The force of pressure should be such that it does not cause discomfort.


A professional specialist dispenses pressure in such a way that even a deep impact on a point does not give a feeling of discomfort. In clinical conditions, practically healthy patients are exposed to points for 30 minutes, and for some seriously ill patients - about an hour.


The treatment procedures described in this book require a minimum investment of time - each of three minutes.


Fatigue must be dealt with
If you wake up in the morning feeling good and clear-headed, then you are one of the lucky few leading an acceptably comfortable, healthy, spiritually and socially settled life. You have no reason to worry. However, the modern urban population often does not get enough sleep. After about three years of work, many wake up badly in the morning. Even people whose work regime allows some freedom of activity find that labor and social activity, household chores lead to overstrain of the body, its fatigue. Symptoms of fatigue may not appear until five, ten or fifteen years later, the patient may not even be aware, but we specialists recognize these symptoms at a glance. To live a long full life, you should not allow prolonged fatigue of the body. In youth, eight hours of sleep removes all traces of fatigue, even with severe fatigue. However, drowsiness or lethargy indicates insufficient sleep and prolonged fatigue. Attention should be paid to such symptoms, otherwise it can lead to serious violations of the body's functions. If you are tired If your feet are tired, press each toe three times (fig. 9). Then, with the pad of your thumb, press several times between the bones of the instep. After that, proceed to pressure on the points of the arch of the foot (plantar surface), then the inner and outer ankles and the calcaneal (Achilles) tendon (Fig. 10-12). With severe fatigue, pressing on the arch of the foot not only relieves fatigue, but also normalizes the function of the kidneys, with which this area is closely related. If time allows, continue to press on the points located on the lower leg (Fig. 13, 14). Start the impact on the points from a place below the patella (patella), called san-ri, or tri-ri (literally, about 7.5 miles, since in ancient times, when almost everything road traffic in Japan it was on foot, pedestrians tired of overcoming long distances achieved relief by burning these places with wormwood).

Then, with two thumbs, act on the points located along the inner edge of the tibia. Kneading the lower leg with all fingers eliminates general fatigue (Fig. 15).
The influence of the shiatsu method on the thigh and inguinal region helps to maintain the overall tone (Fig. 16). Moving down, press along the entire length of the thigh muscles, first from the inside, then from the outside (Fig. 17, 18). Then, with four fingers, press on the back of the legs and buttocks (Fig. 19). The appearance of sagging skin in the groin, especially in young women, indicates serious disorders in the body that must be immediately eliminated.
pressure on sciatic nerve within four minutes (see Fig. 3) can prevent or help cure ischioneuralgia, sciatica.



Then, lying on your back, stretch your arms back (along the head), straighten your legs and bring them together. Do three to four vigorous sips.

I think that some readers are familiar with the state when in the morning there is heaviness in the head, malaise, bad mood, incontinence.


The reason for this is the stagnation of venous blood in the head area. This condition can be easily eliminated by stimulating the flow of fresh blood with the help of the shiatsu method. Press on the top of the head (fig. 20) - the head will slightly clear up. Then, with the pad of your thumb, lightly press first on the right carotid artery, then on the left several times (Fig. 21). Start pressing from the lower jaw, gradually descending to the collarbone. Impact on these points contributes to the expansion of blood vessels, the flow of fresh blood to the brain and, consequently, to improve well-being.
The same actions can relieve tension in the muscles of the neck, as well as mental fatigue, which reduces labor productivity and clarity of thought. Pressing on the temples with three fingers (Fig. 22), on the back of the neck with four fingers (Fig. 23), on the back of the head with the thumbs restores working capacity, makes it easier and faster to cope with the intended work.

People in their twenties do not yet experience pain and fatigue in the lumbar region. Signs of wear appear over the years and require special attention, since in this section of the spinal column such important movements as straightening, bending and turning the torso are performed. The spinal column is also involved in walking. Stoop contributes to the overload of the lumbar region, stiffness of the back muscles, dyskinesia of the internal organs.

Cooling, overwork, mental stress, dyskinesia caused by an increase in body temperature, herniated discs lead to serious dysfunction of this part of the spine - lumbago. Slightly pronounced lumbar pain caused by work in a sitting position can be easily eliminated by the following actions: follow the correct posture, if fatigue occurs, press with your thumbs along the lumbar vertebrae and sacrum (Fig. 24).

Metabolic disease, diabetes, menopausal disorders, anemia can cause stiffness in the shoulder girdle, soreness of the muscles of the upper limbs and upper back (trapezoid, large rhomboid, small rhomboid, raising the scapula). Most common cause is a violation of posture or curvature of the spine in thoracic region. If stiffness or soreness occurs for no apparent reason, the next treatment usually relieves tension, reduces pain.

The assisting person should press the upper part of the shoulder blades five to six times within three seconds with two thumbs. Then press three times on the points of the interscapular region on the right and left sides (Fig. 25). Having placed the thumbs on the first point on the right and left between the shoulder blades, and the remaining fingers on the collarbones (see Fig. 25), the caregiver should press with all fingers at the same time, then squeeze the muscles located above the shoulder blades and pull them up for one second (see fig. 25, 26).

Repeat this process three times.

For arms extended upwards, the assisting person bends the torso back for three seconds (Fig. 27). Then three times by the shoulders lifts the torso up (Fig. 28). After that, he strokes with his palms chest from top to bottom, and finally produces a light stroke along the spine (three times).

Hand fatigue must be dealt with early, as it can cause severe pain. Pianists, typists, telegraphists, cashiers, accountants or secretaries get quick relief from sore hands by applying the shiatsu method to the points depicted in fig. 29-34. Sellers and people of other professions who are forced to stay on their feet for a long time, when tired, should press the shiatsu method on the points of the legs and buttocks.


Decrease or loss of appetite often indicates serious disorders in the body. To restore a good appetite - a sign of health - is possible by using the shiatsu method on the abdominal region. Performing certain techniques every morning for three minutes before getting out of bed, you will improve the discharge of gases, the accumulation of which causes discomfort, and increase the flow of fresh blood into the abdominal cavity, thereby helping to improve metabolism. This treatment can help prevent peptic ulcers, as well as other diseases of the stomach and duodenum. When applying shiatsu techniques on your own, you should lie down with your legs stretched out. With the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands, press for three seconds on the epigastric region three times. Then, moving your hands slightly lower, again press on your stomach three times, then even lower three times. After that, press three times on the two points on the right and three times on the two points on the left, that is, first over the liver, then over the spleen. Then, placing the palm of the right hand on the stomach area, and left hand on the right, press for about thirty seconds (Fig. 35, 36). To use the shiatsu method on a patient with a weak abdominal wall, lay him on his stomach. Sit to his left, place your thumbs (one on top of the other) on the area located between the base of the left shoulder blade and the spinal column (Fig. 37).



If there are any changes, this area will be tense.
At first, the patient may be disturbed by pain, then it gradually disappears. After pressing this point five or six times, press for about three seconds on each of the nine points located along the left side of the spine, from top to bottom. The dots should be approximately 25 mm apart. Repeat the pressure three times. Then carry out the same effect on the points on the right side.
After laying the patient on his back, sit on the right and carefully stroke the abdomen in the epigastric region with the palm of your hand for five seconds (Fig. 38). Repeat stroking five times. On fig. 39 shows the pressure points and the order in which they should be acted upon.
Use gentle pressure on the abdominal cavity. If the patient experiences pain in any area, palpation at the site of discomfort marks the tension of the muscles of the abdominal wall in the form of a seal. Apply gentle pressure to loosen such a seal.

Normal processes of food intake, assimilation and elimination of waste are essential factors for good health (Fig. 40). To eliminate chronic constipation, follow the following instructions every morning before getting out of bed.


Feces tend to stagnate in the sigmoid colon, located diagonally to the left of the navel (Fig. 41). In a person suffering from chronic constipation, a seal is found in this place. Using the three-finger technique (see fig. 5), rub the area with both hands for about three minutes (see fig. 41). After the onset of peristalsis in the intestine, there is an urge to defecate. Then you should drink a glass of lightly salted water. With such a daily morning procedure, the function of the sigmoid colon should be normalized.

People who sleep well are usually different good health, as good sleep eliminates the fatigue that accumulates during the day. The duration of sleep depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the degree of fatigue. Usually, six to eight hours of sleep is sufficient for rest.
Napoleon, whether or not the legend that he slept three hours a night, gave two interesting pieces of advice to insomniacs. He said that when he went to sleep, he closed all the drawers in his brain locker and immediately fell into a deep sleep. Forgetting everything and sleeping deeply even for a short time is much better for the body than ten hours of superficial restless sleep. Napoleon's second piece of advice was to get out of bed as soon as you wake up. Lying in bed for hours after a good night's sleep - bad habit, which does not bring anything good to the body.

Except useful tips, suffering from insomnia, physical therapy can also be recommended, causing relaxation, contributing to good sleep. The following steps will help. Press the thumb of the left hand on the anterior surface of the neck on the left (Fig. 42), then along the carotid artery at four points towards the collarbone. Repeat these pressures three times on each side. Using the three-finger method, press for three seconds on each of the three points corresponding to the medulla oblongata (see Fig. 43, 50). After that, press on three points located along the muscles of the back of the neck on both sides cervical spine, starting from the medulla oblongata and ending at the top of the shoulder girdle. Repeat these pressures three times for three seconds each. Stretching your legs, bend and straighten your big toes as much as possible to stimulate blood circulation in lower limbs. Then apply pressure with the pads of your fingers to the twenty points shown in fig. 39, a.

As noted earlier, fingers are closely connected with internal organs and especially with the brain, so their development and strengthening has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body. People with heart disease often have weak little fingers, sometimes to the point where the fingers do not extend properly. Little finger training improves the activity of the heart. Strengthening the ring finger normalizes liver function, and the middle one reduces high blood pressure, improves bowel function. People with weak index fingers often suffer from stomach problems. People with strong thumbs are more likely than others to have a strong will, since the development of this thumb has a beneficial effect on the brain. Daily shiatsu and hand exercises to the maximum extent possible contribute to health.

Holding the left thumb between the thumb and forefinger of the right hand, make pulling movements, while pressing on three zones from the base to the tip of the finger, including the pad. Press first from the front and back, and then from the sides. On the other fingers, the procedure is similar, but since they are longer, it is necessary to press on four points (Fig. 44). Apply the same technique to the fingers of the right hand.

Living in a fast paced modern world It's not enough to be strong just mentally or physically. You also need to be resilient. Although countless endurance tonics are advertised, I am convinced that energy and strength need not be obtained in this way. This can be achieved using the shiatsu method. Therapeutic pressure applied to the area of ​​the medulla oblongata affects the diencephalon, relieves the effects of stress and stimulates the development of endurance. The accumulation of nerve endings located in the recess in the back of the head corresponds to the medulla oblongata - the lowest part of the brain. The medulla oblongata receives information from various areas of the body, transmits it to nerve cells in other parts of the brain, and, working in this way, controls such important bodily functions as swallowing, breathing, and cardiac activity.

The significance of this organ is so great that a needle inserted into it instantly kills a cat or dog. Spanish matadors kill bulls by piercing the medulla oblongata with their swords.
The adrenal glands, the sources of hormones, located at the level of the eleventh and twelfth thoracic vertebrae, also play an important role in the development of endurance. To stimulate their activity, symmetrically work the shiatsu method on the sixth, seventh and eighth points on the back (see Fig. 8, 45). For the effect of these glands on sexual function, see p. 43.

Ten pressures on the area of ​​the liver (with palms on top of each other) (Fig. 46) for three minutes in the morning in bed helps to improve its function. The pain that you may feel at the beginning of treatment, which is the result of liver dysfunction, should decrease as the Shiatsu treatment progresses. This technique also helps prevent hangovers.

During laughter, the activity of the diaphragm is stimulated, which in turn activates the activity of the digestive and respiratory systems. This, together with normalized liver function, will help you maintain a good mood for the whole day.

Cheerful mood
Create a good mood, develop the will to win, endurance, relieve mental and physical stress in a matter that requires special attention, possibly by using the shiatsu method on the upper shoulder girdle and on the point between the shoulder blades (see Fig. 25).

The caregiver should press on the thoracic vertebrae on the right and left. The pressure should be moderate. Pressing on the neck also contributes to the development of a cheerful mood. thumb with your left hand, press four times on the left on the front of the neck. Then, with four fingers, press on the back of the neck three times on each side. Move four fingers to the back of the head and with the pads of the thumbs press on the side of the neck three times on each of the four points, starting from the auricles (Fig. 47, 48).

Reducing high blood pressure and preventing atherosclerosis, in order to avoid a stroke that occurs when blood vessels in the brain are damaged, is achieved by many methods. The general impact of the shiatsu method helps to maintain the elasticity of all muscles, and therefore blood vessels. The following techniques are optional and are aimed at maintaining overall muscle tone.
With the pad of your thumb, press on the first point under the lower jaw in the place where the pulsation of the carotid artery is felt, up to a count of ten (Fig. 49). Then release, inhale, and push again. After pressing three times on the left side, do the same on the right.


Pressure in this place on the carotid artery normalizes blood pressure to a certain extent.
Then, with the middle fingers of both hands, press three times on the medulla oblongata (Fig. 50) to the count of ten. After that, with three fingers of each hand, press on the base of the occipital bone and on three points above it. Increasing the pressure each time, repeat the pressure three times. With three fingers, press from both sides on the back of the neck downwards (see Fig. 43, 50). Repeat three times for each of the three points.
Press three fingers on both sides of the epigastric region (Fig. 51), count to ten and release. Repeat the pressure ten times. Then apply strong pressure, combined with stretching of the left middle finger (Fig. 52), and then the right middle finger.


Slightly lower than normal blood pressure is not a cause for concern. The life expectancy of such people may even increase. Significantly lowered blood pressure, accompanied by a violation of the function of the heart, can cause a deterioration in cerebral circulation. Excessive general fatigue, weakness, dizziness, eye fatigue, insomnia, recurring headache, inability to concentrate, palpitations, shortness of breath, or tightness in the chest or epigastric region are signs of low blood pressure.
These vague symptoms, often diagnosed as a sign of neurosis or anemia, as well as attacks of dizziness (orthostatic hypotensive asthenia) that occur when standing up quickly or lifting weights, indicate a malfunction of the autonomic nervous system that regulates blood pressure levels. With such phenomena, press first on the carotid artery, then on the back of the head, the medulla oblongata, the upper shoulder girdle, and also on the points between the shoulder blades (Fig. 53).


A stressful modern lifestyle often causes palpitations, shortness of breath, discomfort in the region of the heart, sometimes pain and other symptoms observed in organic diseases, such as heart valve disease, post-infarction condition. These neurotic symptoms, caused by a dysfunction of the vasomotor center located below the hypothalamus in the brain stem, disrupt blood circulation throughout the body, act directly on the heart and, by disturbing the activity of the nerve centers in the hypothalamus, cause shortness of breath, fever, and excessive sweating. Since brain stem is the transmitter of all kinds of sensations, emotional stresses affect the heart. Conversely, any disturbance in the heart, even of a neurotic nature, causes anxiety, which aggravates the disorder in the brain stem.
The best way out of this vicious circle is to avoid mental and physical overwork, lack of sleep, exciting food and drink, smoking, and lead a measured lifestyle. The symptoms that have appeared can be eliminated by using the shiatsu method on the head, upper limb, medulla oblongata, shoulder blades (especially the left), the area of ​​​​attachment of the pectoralis major muscle, and the epigastric region. With the palms of your hands, press deeply, but at the same time carefully (Fig. 54, a-e).

