Kemerovo State Institute of Culture. Kemerovo Institute of Culture and Art: overview of faculties and reviews Kemerovo Institute of Culture

Since 1969, a higher educational institution has been operating in the city of Kemerovo, which has been training personnel for the field of culture and art. Its name is culture. Educational organization known throughout Kemerovo region, they even know about it in other cities of Russia. This is due to the fact that a good professional image was created for the institute. This was facilitated by teachers, most of whom are people's and honored artists of Russia, honored artists, leading experts in the region.

Kemerovo Institute of Culture: faculties

Many cannot decide for themselves where to go to study. Applicants who choose the Kemerovo Institute of Culture are interested in what faculties this educational institution has. Currently, there are no such departments in the structure of the university. The educational organization consists of institutes, each of which has several departments.

Here is a list of institutions:

  • music;
  • theatre;
  • social and cultural technologies;
  • humanitarian and social;
  • visual arts;
  • choreography;
  • library and information technologies.

Also in the structure of the university can be distinguished day and correspondence departments. Students studying at the first of them attend classes daily. The second department provides a different training. Students who have chosen the Kemerovo Institute of Culture combine the correspondence department with work, so they do not come to classes every day. Classes for them are scheduled on certain days in order to be able to talk with the teacher, get clarifications on incomprehensible topics and answers to questions of interest.

Institute of Music

This division in the structure of the Kemerovo State Institute of Culture appeared in 2011. It offers such areas of training that are associated with conducting, singing, playing various musical instruments, folk. In this institute, people become conductors, singers, concert performers, ensemble artists, leaders of creative teams, and teachers.

Structural units providing training creative people must have the necessary tools and equipment. There are no complaints about the Institute of Music in this regard. The material and technical base is good. Kemerovo state institute culture and arts has a special audience, furnished with musical instruments and equipment, which, if necessary, can play sound or video.

Theater Institute

This institute was established in the educational institution in 2011. For applicants entering the undergraduate program, he offers to make a choice between directing holidays and theatrical performances and folk art culture. The profile of the last direction of training is the management of an amateur theater. For creative individuals who want to play roles in plays and films, the institute has a specialty in acting.

Students of the theater institute are busy not only with their education. They take an active part in the research activities of the faculty. Every year students go to scientific and practical conferences to get a new important information, as well as to Olympiads to compete with other students, demonstrate their level of knowledge and win an award.

Graduates who graduated from the Kemerovo Theater) are employed in various positions. Some of them become heads of cultural institutions, others build their careers in acting and directing, and still others find their calling in teaching creative disciplines.

Institute of Socio-Cultural Technologies

The history of this structural unit was started in 2007. It existed until 2011. Then the name was changed, during which the Institute of Social and Cultural Technologies appeared. Training is conducted in a small number of areas of training:

  • management;
  • protection of natural heritage, cultural sites and museology;
  • psychological and pedagogical education;
  • socio-cultural activities.

These areas are interesting and in demand. They currently have about 720 students. Applicants are attracted here not only by the relevance of professions, but also by interesting people. Having entered the Institute of Socio-Cultural Technologies, they can later participate in the KVN team, student science club or excursion team, dance team, director and production team, etc.

Humanitarian and Social Institute

A structural unit related to the humanitarian and social profile was created by the Kemerovo State Institute of Culture in 2007. The directions offered here are cultural studies, history and theory of arts, theology. The educational process is provided by the departments, of which there are 7 in the considered educational institution. They teach general disciplines, which are the foundation of knowledge, and professional special subjects.

The education received at the Humanitarian and Social Institute allows students to use their opportunities in various areas of life in the future. After receiving a diploma, someone gets a job in educational institutions, someone gets into travel and advertising agencies, and someone begins to build his career in radio and television broadcasting companies.

Institute of Visual Arts

An interesting structural subdivision, which has the Kemerovo Institute of Culture and Arts, is visual arts. Its roots go back to 2011. It was at this time that this university appeared. Undergraduate training is carried out in 3 areas:

  • design;
  • folk crafts and arts and crafts;
  • folk art culture.

The educational process is qualitatively organized at the Institute of Visual Arts. There are special workshops in which students perform work, try their hand at creating sculptures and plastic modeling, doing artistic ceramics, processing birch bark.


He appeared in the Kemerovo State Choreography in 2007. It offers applicants folk art culture, choreographic art, choreographic performance. Now there are more than 250 students here. One of the advantages of the university is the presence of a system of continuous vocational training specialists. Students can enroll in a functioning arts school. After completing the training in it, you can enter a college or university.

The Kemerovo Institute of Culture, namely the Institute of Choreography, has several advantages. Students write in their comments that:

  • applicants are offered a choice of part-time and full-time education;
  • V educational process are used modern technologies learning;
  • teachers strive to find an individual approach to each student.

Institute of Library Information Technologies

The Kemerovo Institute of Culture and Arts, whose faculties are attractive to today's youth, created this unit in 2007. However, in fact, its history began much earlier. The faculty associated with this area of ​​​​knowledge appeared in 1969. At that time it was considered to be a library structural subdivision. This institution continues to function today. His area of ​​training is library and information activities.

Persons who have completed their studies work in libraries. If we analyze the reviews of graduates, we can find out that some become teachers, specialists information services at various enterprises, leading employees of the departments of culture.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the Kemerovo Institute of Culture is educational institution with pretty big amount divisions. Each of them offers applicants a specific list of areas of study. Studying, as evidenced by the reviews, is informative and interesting, so students who enroll here do not regret the perfect step.

About the university

Creation of the Kemerovo State Institute of Culture


Education of two faculties: library and cultural and educational work. Opening of departments of general scientific disciplines, cultural and educational work, library science, choral conducting, choreography, directing and acting skills.


Commissioning of the new educational building No. 1.

Creation of departments: Marxist-Leninist philosophy and scientific communism, history of the USSR, history of the CPSU, literature, theory and history of arts, pedagogy and psychology, foreign languages, physical education and sports, scientific and technical information, bibliography, library science, economics and management of cultural and educational institutions, the theory and history of music, folk instruments, conducting a brass band and piano, directing club mass performances, film photography, civil defense.

Creation of the educational part, research sector. Education of the club faculty and correspondence faculties: cultural and educational work and library. Establishment of the Methodological Council of the Institute. Opening of educational and consulting points in the cities of Novosibirsk and Krasnoyarsk.

Organization of the choreographic ensemble "Kuzbass" and the modern ballroom dance ensemble "Molodist".


Education of departments: philosophy, history, cultural studies and art history, culture of speech, automated library systems and computer technology, leadership of an amateur film studio and photo club. Opening of a branch of the departments of the library faculty on the basis of the State Public Scientific and Technical Library of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Holding All-Union Competition for the best student scientific work in natural sciences, technical and humanitarian sciences. Holding a republican scientific conference "Problems of culture in conditions of Siberia and perestroika". Holding the third coordinating meeting of co-executing universities and research base libraries "Improving higher and secondary library and bibliographic education in the USSR". Conducting the first author's creative evening of teachers of the institute.

Establishment of the KGIK student club and the educational theater "Ladder". Assignment to the choreographic ensemble "Kuzbass" of the honorary title of laureate of the "Youth of Kuzbass" award. Assignment of the title of the best construction teams of the Kemerovo region to the student construction teams "Nadezhda" and "Ex-libris". Rewarding the Department of Cinematography with the main prize of the First All-Union Festival of Student Film and Photo Works.

Holding the first anniversary celebrations in connection with the 15th anniversary of the university.


Education of faculties: culturological, artistic and pedagogical, musical and pedagogical, information technologies, advanced training and retraining of personnel. Transformation of the Faculty of Arts and Education into the Faculty of Directing and Acting, the Faculty of Music and Education - to the Faculty of Musical Art.

Establishment of departments: management and economics of the socio-cultural sphere, socio-cultural activities, technology of automated information processing, technology of documentary communications, directing theatrical performances and holidays, directing theater and acting, folk choral singing, orchestral and instrumental performance, conducting a variety orchestra, screen arts and photography, social pedagogy.

Creation of the Center continuing education and scientific and educational center. Formation of the editorial and publishing department.

Opening of postgraduate school. Creation of a research laboratory for social design and a regional center for cultural education, a research laboratory for the study of regional culture. Opening of two dissertation councils for the defense of candidate dissertations.

Creation of the theater of plastic improvisations, vocal and choreographic ensemble "Lyubava". Creation of the Costume History Museum.

Conducting the first elections of the rector on a competitive basis. Carrying out the first state attestation of the university. The transformation of the university into the Kemerovo State Institute of Arts and Culture (KGIIK). Assignment of the 1st place to the KemGIIK in the all-Russian competition of universities of culture and arts "Window to Russia". Transformation of the university into the Kemerovo State Academy of Culture and Arts (KemGAKI).

Carrying out anniversary celebrations in connection with the 30th anniversary of the Academy.


Creation of institutions: arts, culture, choreography, information and library technologies, social and humanitarian. Formation of the Institute of Tolerance and Intercultural Communications.

Education of departments: design, conducting an academic choir, photo and video creativity.

Creation of a scientific part, a research institute for information technologies in the social sphere and a research institute for applied cultural studies. Between the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the administration of the Kemerovo region, the Kemerovo state academy culture and arts, the "Protocol of Intentions to Establish a Research Institute of Information Technologies in the Social Sphere" was signed.

Opening of the doctoral council for the defense of dissertations. The beginning of the publication of the periodical scientific journal"Bulletin of KemGUKI".

Creation of the artistic and creative department and creative teams: the choreographic ensemble "Young Kuzbass", the ensemble of modern choreography "Perpetual Motion", the ensemble of classical choreography "Ballet Vernissage", the choreographic ensemble of the indigenous peoples of Siberia "TyvAltai", the chamber choir "Academy", a variety orchestra, orchestra of folk instruments, ensemble folk music"Skomorokhi", ensemble of indigenous peoples of Siberia "Altyn-Ai". creative education public association photography enthusiasts and professional photographers of the Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts "Fotocult".

Opening of educational and creative laboratories: "Design and Creative Projects Studio", "Music Studio", "Studio for the creation and tailoring of stage costumes", "Creation and production of rare musical instruments".

Establishment of a quality management department and a sector international activities. Opening of the university publishing house and the Museum of the history of KemGUKI.

Signing international treaties on joint educational and scientific and creative activities with partner universities from Mongolia, China, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, etc.

Transformation of the university into Kemerovo State University culture and arts.

FGOU VPO "Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts" is included in the official register "Reliable reputation".

KemGUKI became a member of the "Kuzbass Interuniversity Council for Spiritual and Moral Education and Upbringing of Student Youth".

Conducting anniversary celebrations in connection with the 40th anniversary of the university.

About Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts (KemGUKI)

Leading university complex in Siberian federal district; one of the most prestigious educational institutions of Kuzbass and a prestigious cross-border center of Western Siberia in the field of educational, scientific and creative activities and intercultural communications with the CIS countries, the European Community, China, Mongolia.
The university's success formula is a combination of the best Russian traditions of fundamental art education and modern innovative teaching methods and technologies.
The creative authority of the university is high - its teams are annually awarded diplomas of laureates and diplomats at the most prestigious international, all-Russian, regional and regional festivals and competitions.
The professional image of KemGUKI is formed by university graduates who successfully work in the field of culture, art and education, tourism, entrepreneurship, social protection of the population, in information activities, in the municipal and public service.
KemGUKI is highly qualified personnel in unique socially demanded professions for the sphere of culture, art and education.

Admission to the Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts (KemGUKI)

Applicants to the Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts must submit the following documents to the admission committee:
- a document proving the identity and citizenship of the applicant (passport);
- males present a military ID or registration certificate;
- a state document on complete secondary (general or vocational) education issued in the name of the person submitting the documents (certificate, diploma with a final statement of academic performance) and its copy, which replaces the original documents before August 4;
- 6 (six) photographs of 3x4 cm format.

Applicants who participated in the exam, provide the original certificate of the results of the exam or a copy of it. When enrolling, only the original is taken into account.

Documents on benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, which are replaced by originals before August 4.
If different surnames are indicated in the passport and education document of the applicant at the time of submission of documents, the applicant provides the admission committee with a certified copy of the certificate of marriage (dissolution) or change of the former surname for other reasons, certified by the university.

Acceptance of documents for the first year for undergraduate and specialist training programs (with the exception of applicants for correspondence courses) ends:

For persons entering for training in areas of training (specialties), upon admission to which additional entrance tests of a creative and (or) professional orientation are carried out - July 5;
- for persons entering for training in areas of training (specialties), upon admission to which additional entrance tests of a profile orientation are carried out, as well as for persons entering a university based on the results entrance examinations held by the university independently - July 10;
- for persons entering the university only on the basis of the results of the Unified State Examination - on July 25.

The deadlines for accepting documents for studying in undergraduate programs and programs for training a specialist in correspondence courses, for studying in master's programs, as well as for admission to the second and subsequent courses, are set by the university independently.

Structure of the Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts (KemGUKI)

Institute of Culture KemGUKI

Faculty of Folk artistic creativity KemGUKI
- Department of Theory and History of Folk Artistic Culture;
- Department of academic choir;
- Department of orchestra and ensemble (variety);
- Department of orchestra and ensemble (folk);
- Department of folk choral singing.

Faculty of Humanitarian Education and Socio-Cultural Technologies of KemGUKI
- Department of Museum Affairs;
- Department of Cultural Studies;
- Department of social and cultural activities;
- Department of Social Sphere Management;
- Department of social pedagogy.

Social and Humanitarian Institute of KemGUKI

Department of Philosophy, Law and Socio-Political Disciplines;
- Department of Pedagogy and Psychology;
- Department of Economics of the Social Sphere;
- Department of Literature and Russian Language;
- Department of Foreign Languages;
- Department of Physical Education.

Institute of Arts KemGUKI

Faculty of theatrical and musical art of KemGUKI
- Department of theatrical art;
- Department of directing theatrical performances and holidays;
- Department of culture and art of speech;
- Department of orchestral and instrumental performance;
- Department of Conducting and Academic Singing;
- Department of Theory and History of Art.

Faculty of Visual Arts KemGUKI
- Department of Design;
- Department of photo-video creativity;
- Department of arts and crafts.

Choreography Institute of KemGUKI

Department of choreographer's creativity;
- Department of folk dance;
- Department of classical and modern choreography.

Institute of Information and Library Technologies KemGUKI

Department of Technology of Automated Information Processing;
- Department of technology of documentary communications.

Specialties of the Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts (KemGUKI) / Forms of education

070201 - Acting art - full-time.
071201 - Library and information activities - part-time, full-time.
071200 - Library and information resources - part-time.
080109 - Accounting, analysis and audit - part-time, full-time.
070801 - Decorative and applied arts - full-time.
070800 - Decorative and applied arts and folk crafts (direction) - full-time.
070601 - Design - full-time.
070600 - Design (direction) - full-time.
070105 - Conducting (conducting an academic choir) - part-time, full-time.
100110 - Home science - part-time, full-time.
031401 - Culturology - part-time, full-time.
040102 - Social anthropology - part-time, full-time.
080507 - Management of the organization - part-time, full-time.
080500 - Management (direction) - part-time, full-time.
070503 - Museum work and protection of monuments - correspondence, full-time.
070100 - Musical arts - full-time
030700 - Music education - part-time, full-time.
071301 - Folk art - correspondence, full-time.
080800 - Applied Informatics (direction) - part-time, full-time.
080801 - Applied informatics (in the information field) - full-time.
070209 - Directing of theatrical performances and holidays - correspondence, full-time.
050711 - Social pedagogy - part-time, full-time.
071401 - Social and cultural activities - part-time, full-time.
071400 - Social and cultural activities (direction) - correspondence, full-time.
100103 - Socio-cultural service and tourism - correspondence, full-time.

About Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts (KemGUKI)

Leading university complex in the Siberian Federal District; one of the most prestigious educational institutions of Kuzbass and a prestigious cross-border center of Western Siberia in the field of educational, scientific and creative activities and intercultural communications with the CIS countries, the European Community, China, Mongolia.
The university's success formula is a combination of the best Russian traditions of fundamental art education and modern innovative teaching methods and technologies.
The creative authority of the university is high - its teams are annually awarded diplomas of laureates and diplomats at the most prestigious international, all-Russian, regional and regional festivals and competitions.
The professional image of KemGUKI is formed by university graduates who successfully work in the field of culture, art and education, tourism, entrepreneurship, social protection of the population, in information activities, in the municipal and public service.
KemGUKI is highly qualified personnel in unique socially demanded professions for the sphere of culture, art and education.

Admission to the Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts (KemGUKI)

Applicants to the Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts must submit the following documents to the admission committee:
- a document proving the identity and citizenship of the applicant (passport);
- males present a military ID or registration certificate;
- a state document on complete secondary (general or vocational) education issued in the name of the person submitting the documents (certificate, diploma with a final statement of academic performance) and its copy, which replaces the original documents before August 4;
- 6 (six) photographs of 3x4 cm format.

Applicants who participated in the exam, provide the original certificate of the results of the exam or a copy of it. When enrolling, only the original is taken into account.

Documents on benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, which are replaced by originals before August 4.
If different surnames are indicated in the passport and education document of the applicant at the time of submission of documents, the applicant provides the admission committee with a certified copy of the certificate of marriage (dissolution) or change of the former surname for other reasons, certified by the university.

Acceptance of documents for the first year for undergraduate and specialist training programs (with the exception of applicants for correspondence courses) ends:

For persons entering for training in areas of training (specialties), upon admission to which additional entrance tests of a creative and (or) professional orientation are carried out - July 5;
- for persons entering to study in areas of training (specialties), upon admission to which additional entrance examinations of a profile orientation are carried out, as well as for persons entering a university based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the university independently - July 10;
- for persons entering the university only on the basis of the results of the Unified State Examination - on July 25.

The deadlines for accepting documents for studying in undergraduate programs and programs for training a specialist in correspondence courses, for studying in master's programs, as well as for admission to the second and subsequent courses, are set by the university independently.

Structure of the Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts (KemGUKI)

Institute of Culture KemGUKI

Faculty of folk art of KemGUKI
- Department of Theory and History of Folk Artistic Culture;
- Department of academic choir;
- Department of orchestra and ensemble (variety);
- Department of orchestra and ensemble (folk);
- Department of folk choral singing.

Faculty of Humanitarian Education and Socio-Cultural Technologies of KemGUKI
- Department of Museum Affairs;
- Department of Cultural Studies;
- Department of social and cultural activities;
- Department of Social Sphere Management;
- Department of social pedagogy.

Social and Humanitarian Institute of KemGUKI

Department of Philosophy, Law and Socio-Political Disciplines;
- Department of Pedagogy and Psychology;
- Department of Economics of the Social Sphere;
- Department of Literature and Russian Language;
- Department of Foreign Languages;
- Department of Physical Education.

Institute of Arts KemGUKI

Faculty of theatrical and musical art of KemGUKI
- Department of theatrical art;
- Department of directing theatrical performances and holidays;
- Department of culture and art of speech;
- Department of orchestral and instrumental performance;
- Department of Conducting and Academic Singing;
- Department of Theory and History of Art.

Faculty of Visual Arts KemGUKI
- Department of Design;
- Department of photo-video creativity;
- Department of arts and crafts.

Choreography Institute of KemGUKI

Department of choreographer's creativity;
- Department of folk dance;
- Department of classical and modern choreography.

Institute of Information and Library Technologies KemGUKI

Department of Technology of Automated Information Processing;
- Department of technology of documentary communications.

Specialties of the Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts (KemGUKI) / Forms of education

070201 - Acting art - full-time.
071201 - Library and information activities - part-time, full-time.
071200 - Library and information resources - part-time.
080109 - Accounting, analysis and audit - part-time, full-time.
070801 - Decorative and applied arts - full-time.
070800 - Decorative and applied arts and folk crafts (direction) - full-time.
070601 - Design - full-time.
070600 - Design (direction) - full-time.
070105 - Conducting (conducting an academic choir) - part-time, full-time.
100110 - Home science - part-time, full-time.
031401 - Culturology - part-time, full-time.
040102 - Social anthropology - part-time, full-time.
080507 - Management of the organization - part-time, full-time.
080500 - Management (direction) - part-time, full-time.
070503 - Museum work and protection of monuments - correspondence, full-time.
070100 - Musical arts - full-time
030700 - Music education - part-time, full-time.
071301 - Folk art - correspondence, full-time.
080800 - Applied Informatics (direction) - part-time, full-time.
080801 - Applied informatics (in the information field) - full-time.
070209 - Directing of theatrical performances and holidays - correspondence, full-time.
050711 - Social pedagogy - part-time, full-time.
071401 - Social and cultural activities - part-time, full-time.
071400 - Social and cultural activities (direction) - correspondence, full-time.
100103 - Socio-cultural service and tourism - correspondence, full-time.

Kemerovo State Institute of Culture (KemGIK)- presenter educational complex Western Siberia for the training of highly qualified specialists in the field of culture and art, a well-known scientific center in Russia in the field of cultural studies, socio-cultural activities, library and information technology and information culture of the individual.

The mission of the KemGIK is education, science and creativity for high-quality professional training and education of the individual based on high spirituality and enduring traditions of the national culture, capable of being creative, competent and responsible professional activity in the field of culture and art in a multipolar and rapidly changing world.

The creative authority of the university and its professional image is associated with pedagogical activity leading experts in the field of culture and art of Kuzbass, Western Siberia. Among the teachers of the institute are folk, honored artists of Russia, honored artists and honored artists Russian Federation, Honored Workers of Culture of the Russian Federation, professors, academicians and corresponding members Russian Academy natural sciences, the International Academy of Informatization, the International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education, the Petrovsky Academy, etc.

KemGIK is a member of the Russian-Chinese Association of Higher Education Institutions of Culture and Arts, the main goal of which will be to create an innovative platform on the basis of which the universities of the two countries will jointly train highly qualified personnel in language, culture and art.

Within the framework of the project, it is planned to conduct an active exchange of students, create research projects, support students with scholarships, and raise international-level specialists. The Association will be an excellent tool for mutual enrichment of universities through the cross-use of available resources.

Within the framework of joint educational programs, over 800 foreign students study at the university, 107 of them study at the KemGIK and over 700 at the Changchun Pedagogical University (Changchun, China)) in the areas of training "Musical and instrumental art", "Vocal art”, “Musical art of variety art”, “Musicology and musical applied art”, “Design”).

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    ✪ Kemerovo State Institute of Culture


History of the university

The growth in the 60-70s of the twentieth century of a network of cultural and educational institutions, artistic and creative groups, the spread of the club movement, the emergence of new directions and forms of cultural and educational work required a large number highly professional personnel, improving their qualifications for the management of cultural institutions and creative teams. Therefore, in 1969, the Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR decided to open an institute of culture in the mining Kuzbass.

In the structure of the university at the time of its creation there were only two faculties: library (candidate of historical sciences, associate professor A. V. Tsirkin became the dean) and cultural and educational work (dean - candidate of historical sciences, associate professor N. T. Zhavoronkov).

The first enrollment for the full-time department was 210 people, 120 of whom were enrolled in the cultural and educational faculty, the rest - in the library.

Specialized departments were formed at the faculties. There were six departments at the faculty of cultural and educational work: cultural and educational work; choral conducting; theater directing; choreography; folk instruments; piano. There were three departments at the library faculty: scientific and technical information; general library science and bibliography. Later, the faculty of cultural and educational work was divided into two faculties: the club faculties, which was headed by the candidate of philological sciences, associate professor G. N. Lebedeva, and the faculty of amateur art, headed by the candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Z. E. Menzhilievskaya.

In 1973, the first graduation of full-time students took place, diplomas of specialists with higher cultural and educational education were issued to 168 graduates, and in 1974 students of the correspondence department graduated.

From that time on, cultural institutions of Western Siberia began to accept local, rather than visiting specialists, into their ranks every year. The quality of the first release was confirmed by time. Famous scientists, writers, leaders and highly qualified specialists have grown out of it.

Our university became the first educational institution higher vocational education in the field of culture of Western Siberia, who trained personnel for cultural institutions of the Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk regions and Krasnoyarsk Territory. And a few years later, the institute began training specialists for Khakassia, Yakutia, the Altai Republic, and the Evenk Autonomous Okrug.

Institutes and departments

  • Institute of Music
    • Department of Variety Orchestra and Ensemble
    • Department of Folk Instruments
    • Department of Folk Choral Singing
    • Department of Orchestral Instrumental Performance
    • Department of Conducting and Academic Singing
    • Department of Musicology and Musical Applied Arts
    • Department of Theory and History of Folk Artistic Culture
  • Institute of Socio-Cultural Technologies
    • Department of Museum Affairs
    • Department of Social and Cultural Activities
    • Department of Management and Economics of the Socio-Cultural Sphere
  • Theater Institute
    • Department of Theater Arts
    • Department of directing theatrical performances and holidays
  • Social and Humanitarian Institute
    • Department of Philosophy, Law and Socio-Political Disciplines
    • Department of Pedagogy and Psychology
    • Department of Cultural Studies
    • Department of Literature and Russian Language
    • Department of Foreign Languages
    • Department of Physical Education
    • Department of Theology and Religious Studies
  • Institute of Visual Arts
    • Department of Design
    • Department of Photo and Video Creativity
    • Department of Arts and Crafts
  • Choreography Institute
    • Department of choreography
    • Department of Folk Dance
    • Department of Classical and Modern Choreography
  • Institute of Information and Library Technologies
    • Department of Technology of Automated Information Processing
    • Department of Documentary Communication Technology

Research institutes

  • Research Institute of Information Technologies of the Social Sphere
  • Research Institute of Intercultural Communication and Socio-Cultural Technologies

Dissertation Council D 210.006.01 for the defense of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Science in the following specialties:

  • 24.00.01 - Theory and history of culture (culturology)
  • 24.00.03 - Museum studies, conservation and restoration of historical and cultural objects (culturology)

University status

Based on the Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation No. 1963 dated July 13, 2015, the Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts (KemGUKI) is renamed into the Kemerovo State Institute of Culture (KemGIK)


Rector of FSBEI HE "Kemerovo State Institute of Culture" - Shunkov Alexander Viktorovich, Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor.

International activity

The university is actively implementing a policy of integration into the international educational space.

The priority directions of international activity of KemGIK are:

  • development of intercultural communication based on the implementation by the university of international scientific and creative projects and programs, participation in international scientific forums and conferences, creative festivals and competitions of professional skills;
  • ensuring cross-border transfer of scientific knowledge, educational technologies, creative achievements, mobility of students, academic and administrative staff of the university;
  • integration into the international scientific and creative community based on the development of international educational programs and projects at the university, the participation of students, graduate students and teachers in the implementation international programs exchange;
  • monitoring of the international educational market and implementation of information and analytical activities on international cooperation to ensure the transfer of knowledge and educational technologies.

On this moment KemGIK concluded agreements regulating relations with a foreign partner from China, Mongolia, Belarus, Poland, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Bulgaria, Hungary, and the Republic of Korea.

Since 2015, there has been an intensification of the activities of the university for integration into the international educational space. This is expressed in the confident fulfillment by KemGIK of the monitoring indicators determined by the road map.

A positive trend is an increase in the proportion of foreign students in total strength university students.

In 2015/2016 academic year Foreign students studied at the KemGIK: within the framework of international agreements of the Russian Federation and on a contract basis (from the CIS countries and the Republic of Korea), within the framework of the quota of the Government of the Russian Federation for the education of foreign citizens and stateless persons (Mongolia), within the framework of an agreement on the implementation of joint educational programs with Changchun Pedagogical University (Changchun, China).

Since 2016, 42 more students have been selected to study at KemGIK (18 in the direction of "Musical and instrumental art", 24 - in the direction of "Design").

In 2015/2016 academic year the interaction of KemGIK with the Changchun Pedagogical University (Changchun, China) was actively developing, which was due to the transition to the implementation of a joint educational program in the direction of training "Musical and instrumental art" in the territory of the Russian Federation and the beginning of the implementation of a joint educational program in the direction "Design".
