Project on technology Production and design of the framework project on technology (grade 8) on the topic. Creative project photo frame Technology project how to make a frame

Goals and objectives to develop and make a beautiful and inexpensive frame for a mirror from wood. When working on the project, we solved the following tasks: to develop an economical, technologically advanced, durable and reliable design of an arts and crafts product made of wood; develop a simple technological process making a frame based on the studied wood processing technologies using tools and fixtures available in the school workshop; to produce a product according to the developed technical documentation in a limited time.

The originality of the design of our product lies in the fact that from an affordable, relatively inexpensive material (you can use scraps left during the decoration of the premises), it is possible to make a comfortable and durable structure, which is assembled from eight identical parts - the principle of the designer. At the same time, we save time on processing and purchasing material. As a result of the assembly of the product, we have an octagonal design, the original shape.

The carved base of the frame of our mirror is decorated geometric ornament. Each element of this ornament carries a certain semantic load. The very shape of the mirror frame symbolizes the image of our world. So, for example, 12 solar signs around the perimeter of the frame speak of the movement of the sun throughout the year across the sky, the Christmas tree ornament symbolizes heavenly moisture (the water cycle in nature), the set of squares in the pattern symbolizes Mother Earth Cheese, as well as 3 levels of sacred worlds - lower, middle, upper. This is how our ancient ancestors, the Slavs, thought, when they decorated with similar symbols - spinning wheels, various kitchen utensils, facades of towers, etc. This is evidenced by the giving of antiquity ...

In school and kindergarten teachers used a large number of presentations, one way or another connected with nature, ecology: both at the lessons of biology, geography, the world around, and at class hours. In this section of the site, we have published backgrounds for presentations about nature in general.

How to make a presentation background based on a landscape photo?

Often templates about nature are made on the basis of photographs, which the authors simply set in the background. With this way of creating a template, there is a chance that the background will be too bright and active, and the text will not be readable. Helps avoid this creating a "substrate": insert a large rectangle of white or another color on the slide, set translucency in the properties and write text inside this rectangle. This method will allow you to leave a beautiful background-landscape, and at the same time make it contrast and readable text slide.

The second problem is related to the fact that the authors insert photos as a background as they are, that is without compression. If such a photo was taken with a good modern camera, then the background size can be about 5 MB, and when you insert a photo on each slide, each slide will "weigh" 5 MB. The presentation will be very heavy, it will be difficult to transfer it over the Internet, and playback will freeze on computers of low and medium power.

To avoid this, you need to follow two rules:

  • First reduce the size of the photo to the screen size (approximately 1200-1500 pixels wide) and compress the photo in a graphics editor or compress the photo using Microsoft Office PowerPoint itself ( File - Save As... - Tools - Compress Pictures... ).
  • Insert photo as background for all slides ( Design - Background styles - Background format... - Pattern or texture - File - (select file on your computer) - Apply to all - Close ).

This way of creating a background can be used not only to create a background for presentations about nature, but also on any other topic.

See also templates in related sections:

Background for presentation Nature

Technological progress significantly changes our ideas about how lessons and extracurricular activities should take place, what are the requirements for speaking at the teachers' council or methodical association. Now it is hardly possible to imagine all this without a computer-based PowerPoint presentation. This program allows you to demonstrate various tables, graphs, diagrams, illustrations, as well as video clips in the course of the oral presentation of the material. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of presentation in science lessons. After all, on the screen you can see a dangerous chemical experience, which you can not spend in the school laboratory, and a rare animal or a natural phenomenon.

However, when preparing a presentation, too much time is spent on technical issues, one of which is the design of the layout. After all, I want the background to be beautiful and consistent with the topic of the lesson. But you can solve this issue much faster and easier by choosing a layout on our website. We have presented ready-made templates made in different styles; you can choose a universal or thematic design. For example, in this section we offer you to look at beautiful and original backgrounds on the theme "Nature", download them for free in a few seconds and use them to create your own presentation.

Office of Education Executive Committee

Nizhnekamsk municipal district RT

MBOU "Average comprehensive school No. 3"

Methodical development of the project:

"Production and design of frames"

Muschinina L.A.

technology teacher



  1. Organizational and preparatory stage ...………………….3str.

1.1 Research and development of the problem……………………....3p.

1.2 Search for image options and materials…………….3p.

1.3 Analysis of the selected options............................................................... 6p.

  1. Operational and technological stage………………………….7p.
  1. Selecting Materials and Tools..............................................7p.
  2. Frame Making Instructions .............................. 8p.
  3. Safety Instructions....................................................................11p.
  1. The final stage ………………………………………….12p.
  1. Economic calculation .............................................................. ..........12p.
  2. Environmental Assessment .................................................................. ...........13p.
  3. Advertising................................................. .................................14p.
  4. Introspection .................................................................. ...........................15p.
  5. Analysis of the teacher's work .............................................................. .......15p.

Applications ................................................. ................................................16p.



1.1 Research and development of the problem

There are currently many opportunities for creative activity: literature, TV programs, Internet, a large selection of materials and tools. Different creative work children perform in circles, in technology lessons. But any work, no matter how beautifully and originally done, will not be completed if it is not framed. You can buy a ready-made frame made of glass, wood, plastic, but often it is expensive and the finished frames are similar to one another, standard, not original.

At the technology lessons in our school, from the 5th grade, students have been doing bead work, appliqué, batik, quilling, decoupage, and there was an urgent problem in the design of these works. I decided to tackle this issue, read the literature and came to the conclusion that the frames can be made by yourself.

1.2 Search for image options and materials

The question arose of what material to make frames. The material should be affordable, not very difficult to process for children, environmentally friendly.

Consider the proposed options: girls cannot process a tree, they will have to turn to their parents or classmates for help. Fabric and colored paper thin and soft.

We choose cardboard, and the top of the frame can be made of colored or white cardboard, and inside we can glue ordinary packaging cardboard from boxes in which various goods are stored in stores. You can buy colored cardboard, and ask for boxes in a store or market.

Scheme 1. Material for the frame.

The next task is to choose the shape of the frame.

Scheme 2. Shapes and dimensions of the frame.

The shape of the frame can be square, rectangular, round, and the sides can be made of different widths. It will depend on the imagination and imagination of the performer and the way the frame is decorated (decorated). The dimensions will depend on the size of the picture, panel, photograph for which the frame is made.

A very important issue is the design of the frame. The frame should be beautiful, original, in harmony with the work for which it was made, not break during transportation, be environmentally friendly, affordable for making by school-age children.

Scheme 3. Frame design options.

Several frame options are offered. Consider these options:

Paint with gouache, using a brush, sponge, by spraying, in various shades.

Decoupage (decoration with napkins). We used this method in the design of flower pots and boxes.

Quilling (making decoration elements from thin strips of colored paper). In the seventh grade, we did a creative project on this topic.

Paint with car paint. My mother is a colorist, she will help me to do this work.

Stick an application made of paper, leather, natural materials. Can be performed by girls 10-12 years old.

Marbling is an unusual way of drawing a picture on paper, cardboard. Pour water into a container, drip special paints for marbling on the surface of the water, put cardboard, a beautiful image, bright, durable, covered like a film.

In a very original way, you can decorate the frame with ribbon embroidery made on canvas, and then pull the canvas onto cardboard, insert a photo and it will be a romantic gift.

1.3 Analysis of the selected options.

All the proposed options for making and designing frames are feasible for girls to complete their work. Materials are available. Each frame will be different from the others, and the plot of the work itself can be continued in the design of the frame, for example, on the frame, to the work from beads “Bunny eats a carrot”, make a basket with carrots from beads. In the picture there is a girl under an umbrella, and on the frame draw raindrops. It should be noted that with the purchased frame, such variations are not possible. 2. OPERATIONAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL STAGE

2.1 Choice of materials and tools

For the manufacture of frames, the following materials are needed:

Cardboard in different colors

packing carton,

PVA glue,

Glue "Titan",


Acrylic paints,

Satin ribbons,


Paints for marbling,

Quilling paper.






Stationery knife.

2.1 Technological sequence of frame manufacturing:

An instruction card has been developed for the manufacture and design of frames. The shape and size of the frame depends on the size of the panel, the picture and the chosen design method. First, according to the instruction card, you need to make the frame itself, arrange it in one of the selected ways, and then arrange the panel. It takes 1-1.5 hours to make one frame, the time spent on decorating depends on the complexity: decorating the frame with beads, appliqué, decoupage - 1.5 hours, quilling - 2 hours, ribbon embroidery - 4 hours.

2.2 Instruction card for the manufacture and design of frames:


The sequence and content of the work

Equipment, tools, fixtures


On the reverse side of the cardboard, draw lines for marking the frame according to the indicated dimensions (Appendix 2)

Ruler, pencil

Cut out the middle

Stationery knife, ruler

Cut off the outer corners along the marked lines, notch the inner corners


With the blunt end of the scissors, carefully draw all the lines

Scissors, ruler

Bend the cardboard along all lines to the reverse side

Cut out frame pieces from packing cardboard for two layers

Ruler, pencil, scissors

Glue the parts from the packaging cardboard onto the frame with reverse side, observing the principle of laying bricks, overlapping the connections of parts in the previous row (Appendix 3)

Glue "Titan"

Glue the inner and outer edges of the frame (App. 3)

Glue "Titan"


Paint the surface of the frame if it is made of white cardboard (Appendix 4, photo 4)

Brushes, gouache, palette

draw raindrops

Brushes, gouache, palette

Paint the surface of the frame with auto enamel (Appendix 4, photo 5)


cut flowers from tissue paper


Stick flowers on the frame (App. 5, photo 6)

PVA glue, brush

Stick dried leaves on the frame (App. 6, photo 8)

PVA glue, brush

Cut out appliqué pieces from velvet paper


Glue the details of velvet paper appliqués onto the frame (Appendix 6, photo 9)

PVA glue, brush

Make an applique from beads (App. 7, photo 10)

PVA glue, brush

Perform decoration elements from colored paper (quilling), (Appendix 8, photo 11)

Needle, PVA glue

Stick the quilling details on the frame (App. 8, photo 12)

PVA glue

Cut out a piece of white cardboard to fit the frame

Scissors, ruler, pencil

Stick a panel (drawing) on ​​cardboard along the marked lines

Glue "Titan"

Stick the finished frame on cardboard with a panel

Glue "Titan"


Draw two circles of the desired size on the packaging cardboard

Compasses, ruler

cut ring

Stationery knife, scissors

Wrap the ring with silk ribbons, seal the ends of the ribbons (Appendix 9, photo 13, 14)

Glue "Titan"


On the canvas, 30x40 in size, mark the location of the photo, sew with threads along the marked lines

Ruler, chalk, needle, thread, scissors

Run an element of leaves on the canvas according to the picture (App. 10)

Needle, thread, scissors

Run roses from a satin ribbon of different colors (Appendix 10)

Needle, thread, scissors

Sew roses onto canvas

Needle, thread, scissors

Perform embroidery elements "French knot" (App.11)

Needle, thread, scissors

Draw a frame on the packaging cardboard according to the selected dimensions

Pencil, ruler

Cut out a frame from cardboard

Stationery knife, scissors

stick on white paper on the frame

PVA glue

Pull the canvas with embroidery onto the frame, stick the allowances on the reverse side

Glue "Titan"

Cut out a piece of white cardboard according to the size of the frame

Pencil, ruler, scissors

Mark the location of the photo

Pencil, ruler

Paste a photo

PVA glue

Stick the embroidered frame on the cardboard with the photo (App. 12, photo 16)

Glue "Titan"


Pour water into the tray

Drip special paints for marbling on water

Put a sheet of cardboard on the surface of the water (App. 13-14, photo 17, 18)

Remove sheet

2.3 Safety instructions

When working with glue, paints, put on an apron, avoid getting glue, paints on the face, in the eyes.

Carefully work with scissors.

When working with a clerical knife, be careful; you need to put a special plastic board on the table.


3.1. economic calculation






Cardboard white

2 sheets

2 p.

4 p.


5 p.


9 p.


Colored cardboard

1 sheet

3.5 p.

3.5 p.

Cardboard white

1 sheet

2 p.

2 p.


1 pack

8 p.

8 p.


5 p.


18.5 p.


Colored cardboard

1 sheet

3.5 p.

3.5 p.

Cardboard white

1 sheet

2 p.

2 p.

Velvet paper

1 pack

3 p.

3 p.


5 p.


13.5 p.


silk ribbon

2 m

2.5 p.

5 p.


5 p.



30x40 cm

50 r.

50 r.

Ribbon width 1.2 cm

4 m

2.5 p.

10 p.

Ribbon width 0.6 cm

0.5 m

1.5 p.

0.75 p.


5 p.



In the store, photo frames 10x15 cm in size, glass, plastic, wooden, cost around 60 rubles. Larger size 20x18 cm: 80-100 rubles. The frame costs are very small. The most expensive frame embroidered with ribbons costs 65.75 rubles.

3.2. Environmental Assessment

The frames are made of materials (cardboard, ribbons, beads) that are environmentally friendly, both in production and in use. PVA glue is widely used in everyday life, glue "Titan" for repair work in apartments.

Get creative,

Smile more often

love life,

Give beauty.

3.4. Introspection

I took great pleasure in this project. It was interesting to come up with ways to design frames, to select panels for the appropriate frames. The frames turned out to be original, not similar to one another. They can be given to friends for holidays and birthdays. I really like two frames - decorated with beads and enamel.

3.5. Analysis of the teacher's work

The project "Production and design of frames" was completed within a month and a half. The work was painstaking, something had to be redone, invent a new one. The frames are made neatly, with great artistic taste. It should be noted the originality of those frames, where the plot of the panel continues with the design of the frame - a girl under an umbrella, and raindrops on the frame; a bunny with a carrot, and a basket with a carrot on the frame. The photo frame embroidered with ribbons is very elegant in its design. You can find other options for decorating frames, making themed ones, for example, for the New Year. The project deserves an excellent rating.


Packaging carton

Silk Ribbons

Quilling paper

Velvet paper

Appendix 2. Frame drawing.


  1. Veshkina O.B. Decoupage. Creative technique for hobbies and creativity - M .: EKSMO, 2008. - 64 p.: ill. - (ABC of needlework)
  2. Embroidery ribbons. - Minsk: Harvest, 2009. - 160 p.: ill.
  3. Veshkina O.B. Decoupage. Golden collection of ideas - M .: EKSMO, 2011. - 128 p .: ill. – (Needlework)
  4. Chibrikova O.V. DIY leather crafts - M.: EKSMO, 2006. - 64 p.: ill.

Maxim Levchenko, Dmitry Basharimov, Yury Kalinin, Elmar Allahverdiev, Egor Khokhlov.

Creative project on the "Photo-frame" technology. Gift for grandmother.



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Slides captions:

Plan Justification of the problem Definition of goals and objectives Research Material selection Manufacturing Quality control Self-assessment Conclusion

Problem What to give grandma for her birthday and how to do it?

Make your own photo frame! There is a solution: To make an exclusive photo frame, you need design ingenuity and desire. Novelties in the world of souvenirs. A photo of your loved ones in a frame with your symbols. Nice appearance and pleasant to the touch material! It is possible to mount any accessories.

Purpose: to make a photo frame with your own hands and give it to your grandmother. Tasks: 1. To study the history of the development of the photo frame. 2. Get acquainted with the working methods for making a frame. 3. Make an aesthetically beautiful product.

Research The history of the photo frame The history of the photo frame does not begin with the invention of photography, since people began to frame images much earlier. The first frames around the images were painted - this can be clearly seen on the ancient frescoes and paintings of temples, the same icons. In any case, there was a lot of symbolism in their image, which helped to complement the drawn image. As for the portraits of the nobility, the frame around the picture was a complete continuation of the composition - patterns with family symbols, royal or ducal regalia were carved on it. Such products even date back to the 14th century, which should be considered the time of the invention of this item

Research The change of styles from era to era is also clearly seen in the form of frames, which in some periods were practically separate works of art. A frame with repeating patterns emphasized the picture, being often not only an ornament, but also an ideological continuation of the picture's plot. During the Baroque period, frames were decorated with plaster sculptures and shone with luxury in gilded vaults. The frames were already acquiring an individual look with a characteristically pronounced structure constituting a separate artistic composition.

Research At the time of the invention of photography, frames could already be found in every family, regardless of social status. The first photo frames were most often portraits and therefore had an oval shape. The frames were made of wood, which was painted in various colors; there were also cast-iron photo frames for several photographs. By the 20th century, photo frames began to take on an increasingly minimalist form, and even Art Nouveau frames appeared from simple, unassuming materials, but sometimes very unusual shapes and colors. By the 70-80s. During the 20th century, non-natural frame materials, such as frames made of plush or plastic and glass, became increasingly popular. Such frames were inexpensive and their production became mass-produced. And now the 19th century brings a lot of changes to a number of household items, translating many things into digital form. Global digital modernization has not bypassed the usual photo frames, so a digital frame for electronic photographs has gradually entered everyday life.

Research Types of photo frames All photo frames that exist can be divided into two types - ordinary and electronic. Ordinary photo frame This type of frame is made of wood, glass, plastic, metal, plush and leather. In addition, they can be of various shapes, for example, in the form of a heart, a flower, a triangle, etc.

Research Electronic photo frame They are also called digital frames. Thanks to a memory card, the frame can store several photos and every day you can put a new photo or any other picture, the main thing is that it has the right format. Externally, the frame is no different from the ordinary view. But when you turn it on, you realize that you have a small computer (tablet) in front of you, which allows you to create a mood on your desktop or at home.

Photo frame made of fabric and lace.

Photo frames with braid.

Fur photo frame with a toy

Photo frame with children's toys

Photo frames made of hardening plastic materials

Selection of material "Use what is at hand and do not look for another" - Said the hero of my favorite cartoon Philias Fog. A hand-made frame can decorate a house or give it to loved ones. Use junk material in the manufacture - it's cheap and original.

Materials 1 . cardboard (from old boxes) 2 . paper (white or color from magazine covers) 3 . buttons, beads, beads (everything that can be found at home from old things and jewelry) 4 . glue (moment and PVA) 1 . Cardboard (white or color)

Accessories 1. scissors 2 . stationery knife 3 . ruler 4 . square 5 . pencil 6 . eraser

Safety precautions 1 . do not twist the scissors on your finger 2 . do not turn with a utility knife 3 . when done work to push the knife

details 1 . frame with window 2 . wall 3 . support

Solution 1. we wrap the support, the frame with the window and the wall with paper. 2 . glue the wall with the window so that there is space left to insert photos 3 . glue the leg to the wall

Decoration Stick decorations on the sides of the window. Arrange them so that it is beautiful, harmonious: with symmetrical asymmetrical

Finished works Levchenko Maxim, 6-B class. Allahverdiev Elmar, 6-A class.

Finished works Basharimov Dmitry, 6-A class. Kalinin Yuri, 6-A class.

Photo Khokhlov Egor, 6-A class. 1 . insert a photo, it can be inserted from above or from the side 2 . when you insert the photo you can put it on grandma's chest of drawers

Quality control. Structural requirements Technological requirements Aesthetic requirements Environmental requirements Economic requirements

Self-evaluation: The work corresponds to the plan. Made aesthetically and neatly. Complied with assembly technology. The cost of materials is low. The craft turned out to be environmentally friendly.

Conclusion: A photo frame is a wonderful decoration and very important for storing memories. Thanks to the bright colors, the frame will organically fit into any interior, especially in the grandmother's room. Since the frame is one of a kind, self made and made by the grandson, the more valuable the gift will be for the grandmother.

Thank you for watching. Give your close person handmade gift. Bye!

The archive contains 4 templates made in lilac tones. You can use these backgrounds to create PowerPoint presentations for any lessons, classroom hours, extracurricular activities at any level of education.

Very well, these templates are suitable for creating quizzes, games, etc., when the visualization of the answer requires the presence of a picture, because. the templates have a wide working field.

Templates (backgrounds) with flowers and butterflies in green tones can be used both for creating PowerPoint presentations for the lessons of the world around, literary reading etc., and to make presentations for various extracurricular activities. Suitable for teachers at any level of education.

The target audience: for teacher

Templates (backgrounds) with flowers and butterflies in lilac tones can be used both for creating PowerPoint presentations for the lessons of the world around, literary reading, etc., and for making presentations for various extracurricular activities. Suitable for teachers at any level of education.

Templates are made in Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007.

Target audience: for teachers

Target audience: for teachers

A universal template for literature can be used when creating presentations for lessons on the work of A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm".
Recommended for high school literature teachers and 10th graders who can use it for their own research work, projects, creative tasks for the lesson.
The template has three options for working slides that will allow the teacher (or student) "to your taste" to choose the right one to create their work. In addition, a trained teacher can use a hyperlink and a navigator in his presentation (you can use the 3rd working slide for it). Then the teacher (or student) will use all the proposed options for working fields. Good luck everyone!

Target audience: for teachers

A universal template for literature can be used when creating presentations for lessons on N.V. Gogol's work "The Nose".
It is recommended for senior literature teachers and students of the 10th grade (according to the G.S. Merkin program), who can use it for their research work, projects, and creative assignments for the lesson.
The template has five options for working slides that will allow the teacher (or student) "to your taste" to choose the right one to create their work. In addition, a trained teacher can use a hyperlink and a navigator in his presentation (you can use the 3rd slide for it). Then the teacher (or student) will use all the proposed options for working fields. Good luck everyone!

Target audience: for teachers

Templates for creating PowerPoint presentations. The archive contains 6 templates. This resource can be used to create presentations for lessons on the subject " The world» or thematic extracurricular activities. The material is addressed class teachers, subject teachers.

Templates have a large working area of ​​slides for placing text and illustrative material. When creating slides, various decorative design elements were used, creatively reworked in color and composition. Templates are made in Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010.

Target audience: for teachers

Templates for creating PowerPoint presentations. The archive contains 5 templates. This resource can be used to create presentations for lessons and extracurricular activities in any subject.

To create the next slide, you can proceed traditionally: right-click on the command "Create Slide".

You can do this: on the menu bar, select Home - Create Slide. Among the samples, choose the one that this moment needed. Environment, editor in which the product is executed: Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007.
