Analysis of class hours on the topic of bad habits. Class hour on the topic "Bad habits

Case Study: Say No to Bad Habits!

Goals: show the harmful effects of alcohol on human health and especially on adolescents; talk about a new science - valueology, which is designed not only to protect people from bad habits, but also able to fight them; contribute to the education of rejection of any temptations that adversely affect health.

Preliminary preparation: conducting a survey on the problem healthy lifestyle life.

Questionnaire "My attitude to the problem of a healthy lifestyle"

Find the correct answer to the question and cross out the number of the answer.

1. What, in your opinion, is the negative impact of alcohol on a young body? - harmful effect in general;

Contributes to the development of mental retardation;

Leads to the development of chronic alcoholism;

Negatively affects offspring;

Has no harmful effect;

Don't know.

2. What do you know about the effect of alcohol on offspring?

Is born dead baby;

A child is born with various deformities; - a mentally handicapped child is born;

Don't know;

Normal children are born.

3. Where did you learn about the harmful effects of alcohol on your body?

On lessons;

On TV;

Through print;

From the conversations of a psychologist or a doctor.

4. Did you receive explanatory work at school related to the harmful effects of alcohol on the body?

On lessons;

Conversations outside of school hours;

Conversation with a doctor, psychologist;

No work has been done.

5. Do you think that students should not drink alcohol?

I don't think so.

6. What drinks are considered alcoholic?


carbonated cocktail;

7. When did you first taste alcohol?

Before school; -in grades 1-3;

In grades 4-6;

In the 7th grade;

Haven't tried.

8. Do you currently drink alcoholic beverages?

I do not use;

I use;

I use sometimes.

9. Have you ever felt drunk?

Have not experienced;


10. Do your parents know that you drink alcohol?

They don't know.

11. How do your parents react to you drinking alcohol?


Drink with me.

12. Do teachers know that you drink alcohol?

They don't know;


13. How do teachers react to you drinking alcohol?


Notify parents.

14. How do you spend your free time?

I am engaged in a sports section or circle;

Read books;

I go to the disco

I go to the cinema;

Meeting with friends;

Watching TV;

There are no specific activities.

15. How do you view friendships with peers who drink alcohol?



I don't have such friends.

Class hour progress

1. Introduction to the topic.

The class teacher invites the children to read aloud the topic of the class hour.

Classroom teacher. How do you understand the word habit?

Habit is second nature. People naturally develop not only good habits, but also bad ones.

What bad habits do you know? Name the habits that are harmful to your health. (Smoking, drug addiction, drinking.)

We have already talked about the dangers of smoking at previous class hours, but today I propose to talk about alcoholism.

What do you know about alcoholism?

Listen brief information about the history of this social phenomenon.

Drunkenness has existed for thousands of years. In 1428, "water" was brought to Russia from Genoa. But as soon as they got acquainted with its action, the import of vodka was banned. Only 150 years later, vodka began to spread in Rus' again. It was under Ivan the Terrible, on his orders the first "Tsar's tavern" was opened in Moscow, but the Tsar quickly caught on and forbade everyone to drink vodka, except for his guardsmen. Under Peter I, vodka began to go on open sale again.

2. Conversation "What is alcohol."

Classroom teacher. What is alcohol?

Alcohol is the most commonly used drug among young people. Scientists around the world are increasingly talking about the danger that lies in wait for the younger generation - children, adolescents, youth. We are talking about a catastrophic increase in the consumption of alcoholic beverages by minors. A few numbers (better in the form of a table to hang on the board).

USA - 91% (sixteen-year-old children).

CANADA - 90% (students in grades 7-9).

Germany - 1% (children 8-10 years old).

RUSSIA - 86% (seventeen-year-old children).

Question. Is alcohol a drug?

Classroom teacher. In 1985 International Society health authorities officially recognized alcohol as a narcotic drug.

Question. At what age were children addicted to alcohol?

Drunkenness and alcoholism have become younger, from the questionnaires we saw that some tried champagne at the age of 8-9 and their parents offered it to them.

From the questionnaires, we saw that alcohol is the most common drug among young people. Most of the children began to drink alcohol at home, without meeting any objections from their parents. This usually happens at family celebrations, holidays.

Question. Why do you start drinking alcohol? From what point?

Suggested answers:

To relax;

Relieve psychological stress;

No contact with parents;

Problems at school, at home, with classmates.

Drinking parents have children who are more likely to abuse alcohol. Chronic alcoholism runs in the family. Scientists have identified three important factors that contribute to the development of alcoholism in minors:

Deviation from generally accepted norms of behavior, the search for unusual sensations;

Peer influence;

Parental drinking or protest against parental authority.

Question. Why is it believed that alcohol leads to the disintegration of the personality, its degradation?

Alcohol is a major contributor to offending. A person becomes rude, angry, cheeky, irritable, aggressive, sexual disinhibition manifests itself, gross memory impairment.

Currently appeared the new kind alcoholism - beer. Modern research argue that alcoholism affects all organs and tissues of a person.

Classroom teacher. Very often you all find yourself in a position where you are offered a drink. How will you do it? What will be your choice? Only now you will not tell, but you will lose, like actors, in skits. Let's try to find out of this or that situation. Most likely, you will refuse to take part in such. But you need to convincingly be able to demonstrate your choice.

3. Analysis of specific situations.

Situation 1

A teenager with his parents visiting relatives. The uncle insistently invites his nephew to sip the wine.

Demonstrate and justify your actions.

Situation 2

Misha came to a classmate's birthday party. Peers have already gathered there. The father of the birthday girl took out champagne and began to gradually pour it into glasses. Misha put down his glass and said...

What did Misha say?

Situation 3

The guys all class went camping with an overnight stay. We reached the place, set up camp, the girls began to cook dinner. A friend approached Andrey and showed him the neck of the bottle hidden under his jacket. "No!" said Andrew.

Is this answer enough to prevent you from being pestered with such requests again? Lose what else you will do.

4. Conclusion.

Classroom teacher. Health is the most valuable thing for every person. Currently, there is a science of health - valeology, which not only promotes a healthy lifestyle, but also helps to maintain and strengthen human health.

Class hour on the topic " Bad habits»,

Goals and objectives:

Prevention of bad habits among teenagers;

Raising the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Description of class

Class teacher: Guys, I would like to start today's conversation about bad habits with an analysis of the statements of famous thinkers, scientists and philosophers. Listen to them and explain how you understood the following famous aphorisms:

The whole second half of human life is usually made up of nothing but habits accumulated in the first half. (F.M. Dostoevsky)

When, due to circumstances, the balance of the spirit is disturbed, restore your composure as quickly as possible and do not remain in a depressed mood for too long, otherwise you will no longer be able to help. The habit of restoring harmony will improve you. (Marcus Aurelius)

Habit is second nature. (Mark Tullius Cicero)

Habit is the mind of fools. (Frederick the Great)

Habits turn duties into pleasures, and pleasures into duties. (E.A. Sevrus (Vorokhov)

Habit, this second nature, is for most people their only nature. (R. Rollan)

(Teacher listens to the students)

1. About “invisible” habits

Class teacher: Exactly in adolescence many of us are affected by so-called "harmless" bad habits: a tendency to snitch, lie, tearfulness, forgetfulness, gambling (cards and other Board games). At this stage age development habits such as sucking on pens, aimlessly drawing on sheets of paper, scratching the head, ear or nose, etc., may appear.

The desire to know the world, and sometimes - unsatisfactory living conditions and the indifference of parents to their children lead to the emergence of the habit of "walking" - aimless spending time on the street. And this is the first step to vagrancy. It is young vagrants who are most at risk of sexual harassment by adults, involvement in street crime and petty hooliganism.

The following categories of bad habits include already habits associated with the desire to "be like adults." These hobbies may already have more serious consequences, for example, for health: hobbies for mobile phones (CMC, games, melodies), external imitation of action movie or pop characters, an unhealthy interest in Japanese animation, imitation of youth movements (sports, music, socio-political orientation ), etc. During the same period, some adolescents become interested in talking about sex, watching erotic magazines and videos, and various "experiments" on their own bodies. This interest can develop into a bad habit.

In this case, it is already necessary to “include” specialists in the process of preventive work - doctors, psychologists or lawyers. Teenagers sometimes do not understand that the desire to own a modern brand of mobile phone puts them at risk of being robbed by scammers. Carrying mobile phones in the pockets of clothing, long conversations or listening to music can affect mental condition growing adolescent body. Passion for painting walls is nothing more than vandalism, and this already entails administrative or criminal liability for adolescents (or their parents).

One of the new problems modern society is gambling and computer addiction. This is a passion for computer games, Internet technologies, slot machines.

Gambling - hobby or disease? Psychiatrists say that gambling addiction is treated, but it is necessary to fight addiction at an early stage. Doctors believe that the disease begins with a pathological attachment to computer games. The game is an interaction. And it doesn't matter with whom - with people, a computer or with yourself. Any dependence is an interaction dependence, when a person becomes involved in a certain process in which he forgets who he is, what he is, when he completely “loses”, “forgets himself”, because in the game he is first of all a “player”, taking into account all the rules of this game. Or maybe a teenager is running away from reality? Most often, the illusory world of the game is more attractive to a teenager than the world of adolescence. A teenager “runs away” into the game in order to forget, get lost, turn into a rule, since being a self-sufficient, self-actualizing, unique personality is scary, and sometimes simply impossible.


1. Do you agree with the given facts and conclusions?

2. Offer the gamer your options for getting out of the psychological impasse.

2. Problems of computer addiction

Classroom teacher: Computer addiction (like any other) is a form of escape from reality. Basically, the state of computer addiction maladjusts a teenager, knocks him out of life, and in such a way that he has no other interests besides the game. The child can no longer live without it. It becomes dominant, so we can say that computer addiction is a kind of drug addiction. Excessive fascination with computer games has become one of the actual problems beginning of the third millennium. A teenager develops an attraction that he himself is not always able to cope with. His behavior is characterized by inappropriate response to various life situations, since the real world cannot be controlled by pressing keys. There are irritability, aggressiveness, impulsiveness, fatigue, inability to switch to other entertainment, a sense of imaginary superiority over others, sleep is disturbed, the desire to communicate with anyone disappears. General development such a child slows down. If a teenager is addicted to computer games, then, as a rule, he cannot control the time spent at the computer (promises to reduce it, exit the program, but is unable to do this), lies, hides the type of activity, overestimates the role of the computer in own life. He feels depressed and anxious when something or someone interferes with his plans to "sit" at the computer, often immersed in virtual activity, being out of access to the computer, for example, thinking about how to pass the next level of the game, suffers from for the unfinished important things of real life. The teenager uses the computer as a way to hide from problems or to avoid feelings of inadequacy in real life.

The main criteria that determine the onset of computer addiction can be considered the following:

Unreasonable excitement or lethargy, frequent and sharp mood swings from indifferently depressed to euphorically elevated, painful and inadequate reaction to criticism, comments, advice, growing opposition to parents, old friends, significant emotional alienation;

Deterioration of memory, attention;

Decreased academic performance, systematic absenteeism;

Restriction of communication with previously significant people: relatives, friends, loved one, significant change in social circle, suspicious contacts, phone calls, meetings;

Avoiding participation in activities that were previously interesting, giving up hobbies, favorite activities;

Loss of valuables or money from the house, the appearance of other people's things, the child's monetary debts;

Appearing resourcefulness, deceit;

Untidiness, slovenliness, not characteristic before;

Attacks of depression, fear, anxiety.

The computer performs a really wide range of tasks: playing music, playing films and TV programs, fixing text developments, displaying texts, graphic objects and animations, performing phone and calculator functions, displaying and providing the opportunity to explore global networks and participate in electronic games, etc. Thus, the child opens up new world countless opportunities and interests, which "disconnects" him from the real world, "switching" to himself. Psychological inability to cope with the desire to get enough of new information, and there is a computer addiction. Despite the fact that the aspirations arising from computer addiction initially have positive aspects, this type of addiction leads to personality degradation, decomposition social status, the loss of one's own "I", the deterioration of psychological health, the excitation of internal stimuli, the emergence of aggression, isolation.

A teenager is attracted to the game:

The presence of his own (intimate) world, in which there is no access to anyone except himself;

Lack of responsibility;

Realism of processes and complete abstraction from the surrounding world;

The ability to correct any error through repeated attempts;

The ability to independently make (any) decisions within the game, regardless of what they may lead to.

It makes no sense to ignore the capabilities of computers, they must be used as needed, and entertainment in the form of computer games must be matched with real activities in the real world.


Complete or refute the following reasons for the danger of a new type of "gaming activity":

1. Since the beginning of visiting computer rooms, some children and adolescents quickly develop computer addiction, and they are faced with the problem of finding funds to satisfy their addiction. Money for games is begged from parents, extorted, taken away, earned in all available ways, which becomes a factor in school and social maladjustment and leads to numerous conflicts in the family and school. If for one part of the children this often provokes the first experience of deliberate theft and extortion, then for the other it is a difficult experience of falling into debt dependence. A certain society is formed around the salons with its own rules and laws. Having spent money that was intended for other purposes or borrowed, the child, out of fear of punishment, sometimes goes into vagrancy.

2. It should be remembered that the body in adolescence is especially vulnerable. Uncontrolled time spent at computers, overload with bright visual information, high emotional involvement of the child in the game lead to overexcitation nervous system cause unconditional harm to the somatic and mental health of the emerging personality. And as a result - increased fatigue in intellectual activity, impaired ability to perceive information that is inferior in brightness and accessibility to a computer, loss of interest in real life.

3. Since it is in these halls that the child gets the experience of playing for money (pairs or team competition), there is a real risk that teenagers will develop a tendency to gamble.

(Reflections of the guys about what they heard)

3. Negative impact smoking on the body of a teenager

Class teacher: A lot has been said about the dangers of smoking. However, the concern of scientists and doctors caused by the spread of this addiction is growing, as a significant number of people still do not consider smoking unhealthy.

The desire to be like adults, to be “like everyone else” pushes a teenager onto the path of smoking. Unfortunately, at present, talking about smoking is very relevant not only for boys of the fifth grade, but also for girls. Conversations about the dangers of smoking should be argued with specific facts, warnings from medical specialists invited to classroom hours in the 5th grade. The conversation should continue at parent-teacher meetings, as sometimes the first adults who smoke in the lives of children are their own parents or close relatives.

Smoking is not a harmless activity that can be quit effortlessly. This is a real addiction, and all the more dangerous because many do not take it seriously.

Nicotine is one of the most dangerous plant poisons. Birds (sparrows, pigeons) die if only a glass rod dipped in nicotine is brought to their beak. A rabbit dies from 1/4 drop of nicotine, a dog - from 1/2 drop. For humans, the lethal dose of nicotine is 50 to 100 mg, or 2-3 drops.

It is this dose that enters the blood daily after smoking 20-25 cigarettes (one cigarette contains approximately 6-8 mg of nicotine, of which 3-4 mg enters the bloodstream).

The smoker does not die because the dose is administered gradually, not in one go. In addition, some of the nicotine neutralizes formaldehyde, another poison found in tobacco. For 30 years, a smoker smokes approximately 20,000 cigarettes, or 160 kg of tobacco, ingesting an average of 800 g of nicotine. The systematic absorption of small, non-lethal doses of nicotine causes a habit, an addiction to smoking.

Nicotine is included in the metabolic processes occurring in the human body, and becomes necessary.

However, if a non-smoker receives a significant dose of nicotine at one time, death may occur. Such cases have been observed in different countries. Famous scientists - pharmacologist N.P. Krafkov described death young man after he smoked a big cigar for the first time in his life.

Children living in smoky rooms are more likely to suffer from respiratory diseases. In the children of smoking parents during the first year of life, the frequency of bronchitis and pneumonia increases and the risk of developing serious diseases increases. Tobacco smoke traps the sun's ultraviolet rays, which are important for a growing child, affects metabolism, impairs the absorption of sugar and destroys vitamin C, necessary for the child during the growth period. At the age of 5-9 years, the child's lung function is impaired. As a result, there is a decrease in the ability to perform physical activities that require endurance and stress. Having examined over 2 thousand children living in 1820 families, Professor S.M. Gavalov found that in families where children smoke, especially at an early age, frequent acute pneumonia and respiratory diseases are observed. In families where there were no smokers, the children were practically healthy.

Many scientists have found that nicotine and dry particles of tobacco smoke contribute to the development of many allergic diseases in children, and less baby the greater the harm caused to his body by tobacco smoke.

Smoking adolescents primarily affects the nervous and cardiovascular systems. At 12-15 years old, they already complain of shortness of breath when physical activity.

Smoking negatively affects student performance. The number of underachievers increases in those classes where there are more smokers.

Schoolchildren's smoking slows down their physical and mental development. The state of health, undermined by smoking, does not allow you to choose an occupation to your liking, to achieve success.

Smoking and schooling are incompatible. School years These are years of growth, both physical and mental. The body needs a lot of strength to cope with all the loads.


1. Give more facts of the destructive harm of smoking for teenagers or refute those given in this text.

2. How do you think smoking can be tackled today?

(case study)

OBJECTIVES: to show the harmful effects of alcohol on human health
and especially a teenager; talk about a new science - valeology,
which is designed not only to protect people from harmful
habits, but also able to fight them; contribute
education of rejection of any temptations that adversely affect health.

Preliminary preparation: conducting a survey on the problem of a healthy lifestyle.

"My attitude to the problem of a healthy lifestyle"

What, in your opinion, is the negative effect of alcohol on a young organism?
-harmful influence in general - (11 people)
- contributes to the development of the mind. backwardness - 6 people.
- leads to the development of chronic alcoholism - 3 people.
- negatively affects offspring -
- no harmful effects -
-Don't know -
2. What do you know about the effect of alcohol on offspring?
- a dead baby is born - 6 people.
- a child is born with a difference. deformities -6 people.
- a mentally handicapped child is born - 8 people.
- Don't know -
- normal children are born -1 pers.
3. Where did you learn about the harmful effects of alcohol on your body?
- in the lessons - 6 people.
- at home - 5 people.
- on television -7 people.
- via print -
- from the conversations of the doctor - 3 people.
4. Did you receive explanatory work at school related to the harmful effects of alcohol on the body?
- in the lessons -4 people.
- conversations after hours (class hour) - 9 people.
- conversation with a doctor - 3 people.
- work was not carried out -
5. Do you think that students should not drink alcohol?
- I think -15 people.
- don't think -
6. What drinks are considered alcoholic?
- beer -15 hours.
- kvass -6 people
- lemonade -
- carbonated cocktail -2 pers.
- kefir - 2 people.
7. When did you first discover the taste of alcohol?
- to school - 5 people.
- in grades 1-3 - 1 person.
- in grades 4-6 - 2
- in 7th grade -3
- did not try -4
8. Are you currently drinking alcohol?
- don't drink -11
- use -4
- I use sometimes -
9. Have you experienced a feeling of intoxication?
- did not experience -11
- experienced -4
10. Do your parents know that you drink alcohol?
- know -2
- don't know -13
11. How do parents react?
- no way -7
- condemn -5
- drink with me -2
12. Do teachers know?
- don't know -13
- guess -2
13. How do teachers react to drinking alcohol?
- no way -9
- condemn -3
- tell parents -3
14. How do you spend your free time?
- I am engaged in a sports section or a circle - 9
- read books - 9
- I go to discos -
- go to the cinema -
-meeting friends -10
- no specific activities -
15. How do you view friendships with peers who drink alcohol?
- negative -8
- positive - 6
- I don't have such friends -2

Introduction to the topic.
How do you understand the word habit?
Habit is second nature. People naturally develop not only good habits, but also bad ones.
What bad habits do you know? What habits are harmful to your health? (Smoking, drug addiction, drinking)
You listened to a conversation with the doctor Tatyana Nikolaevna about the dangers of smoking, today I propose to have a conversation about alcoholism.
- What do you know about alcoholism?
Listen to a brief information about the history of this social phenomenon.
Drunkenness has existed for thousands of years. In 1428, "water" was brought to Russia from Genoa. But as soon as they got acquainted with its action, the import of vodka was banned. Only 150 years later, vodka began to spread in Rus' again. It was under Ivan the Terrible, on his orders the first "Tsar's tavern" was opened in Moscow, but the Tsar quickly caught on and forbade everyone to drink vodka, except for his guardsmen. Under Peter 1, vodka began to go on open sale again.

Conversation "What is alcohol".
Alcohol is the most commonly used drug among young people. Scientists around the world are increasingly talking about the danger that lies in wait for the younger generation - children. Adolescents, youth.
We are talking about a catastrophic increase in the consumption of alcoholic beverages by minors. Some numbers (table on the board)
USA - 91% (16 year olds)
CANADA -90% (students in grades 7-9)
Germany -1% (children aged 8-10)
RUSSIA -86% (17 year olds)
QUESTION. Is alcohol a drug?
TEACHER, In 1985, the International Health Society officially recognized alcohol as a drug.
QUESTION. At what age were children addicted to alcohol?
Drunkenness and alcoholism have become younger, the questionnaires show that some (5 people) tried champagne and beer before school, 4 people already experienced a feeling of intoxication, and only three out of 15 people did not try anything at all.
QUESTION. Why do you (or your friends, acquaintances) start drinking alcohol? For what purpose?
(student answers - to relax, no contact with parents, problems at school, at home, with classmates)
QUESTION. Why is it believed that alcohol leads to the disintegration of the personality, its degradation?
Alcohol is a major contributor to offending. The person becomes rude, cheeky, irritable, aggressive. Currently, a new type of alcoholism has appeared - beer. Modern studies claim that alcoholism affects all organs and tissues of a person.
Very often you all find yourself in a position where you are offered a drink. How will you do it? What will be your choice? Now let's play a few situations. Let's try to find a way out of this or that situation.

Situation 1. A teenager with relatives with his parents. The uncle insistently invites his nephew to sip the wine.
Demonstrate and justify your actions.

Situation 2. Misha came to a classmate's birthday party. Peers have already gathered there. The father of the birthday girl took out champagne and began to gradually pour it into glasses. Misha put down his glass and said..
What did Misha say?

Situation 3. The guys in the whole class went camping with an overnight stay. We reached the place, set up camp, the girls began to cook dinner. A friend approached Andrey and showed him the neck of the bottle hidden under his jacket. "No!" Andrey said
Is this answer enough to prevent you from being pestered with such requests again? Lose what else you do.
Health is the most valuable thing for every person. Currently, there is a science of health - valeology, which not only promotes a healthy lifestyle, but also helps to maintain and strengthen human health.
Quitting bad habits often takes a lot of courage. True courage is when you know in advance that you have lost, and yet you take up the matter, and in spite of everything in the world, you go to the end. You rarely win, but you win anyway. I think that today you have seen how it is necessary to be able to say the word “no!” in time. You have seen that the word “no!” can solve problems that are important to you, which, of course, like the very word “no!” can be both large and small, but if desired, always solvable.

Municipal autonomous educational institution Zaozernaya secondary school with in-depth study of individual subjects No. 16

city ​​competition
"The Best Preventive Lesson"

Class hour

Tomsk 2015

A survey of high school students of our school showed that the first acquaintance with a cigarette for most schoolchildren occurs most often at the age of 13-14, and 96% of the respondents have already received their first experience of communicating with alcoholic beverages. Therefore, it is very important, before the danger of the first experience arises, to form a stable negative attitude to the use of intoxicants. This is facilitated by early prevention of smoking, alcohol and drug use. In the proposed lesson, children play real life situations, and when the need arises, this will help them do right choice.
At the same time, individual age and psychological features children, a positive emotional tone is created that provides motivation for active cognitive activity.
Methodical development class hours can be applied as part of the week of prevention of bad habits and used in general education schools, gymnasiums, correctional schools, orphanages, on the basis of institutions additional education. This lesson can be carried out as part of the training courses " The world", "LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS".
Type of lesson: Classroom hour

Grade: Grade 8

Form of the event: a conversation with elements of game didactics and project activities.

Objectives: to create conditions for updating knowledge about bad habits, to promote the development of a negative attitude towards alcohol, drug addiction, smoking; educate the need for a healthy lifestyle.

- educational: to expand knowledge about bad habits; choose for yourself a priority behavior in society:
I am for a healthy lifestyle.
I struggle with bad habits.
I am for a healthy country and nation.
to promote the formation of project activity skills.
- developing: to promote the development of the ability to systematize the material; highlight the main thing, generalize and draw conclusions; develop cognitive activity and Creative skills; interact in a group; apply the knowledge gained in the lesson in the discussion.
- educational: to provide conditions for the education of a negative attitude towards bad habits, the value of physical health.

Equipment: computer, SmartBoart interactive whiteboard, paper, Test Forms (according to the number of students), handouts: cards with problem situations (dialogues), blanks for creating booklets.

Design: a poster with the saying of the Chinese sage Lao Tzu: "He who can defeat another is strong, he who defeats himself is truly powerful."

Event duration: 40 min

Planned results:
Recognize the need to develop self-care and self-protection skills, the ability to say “No”.
They master the logical actions of comparison, analysis, establishing cause-and-effect relationships, building reasoning.
They master the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of extracurricular activities, the search for means of its implementation.
Find and formulate the problem of the class hour together with the teacher.
They listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue, recognizing the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own, express their opinion and argue their point of view and assessment of events.
Collaborate when working in groups.
Express their thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy.

Pedagogical technologies used in training:
ICT are used in the creation of information and methodological support of the event; when developing demonstration materials for information visualization, while reducing the time to study the material.
Personally-oriented technologies allow finding an individual approach to each child, creating the necessary conditions for comfort and success in learning.
Game technologies help the child in the form of a game to learn the necessary knowledge and acquire the necessary skills.
Technology creative activity used to enhance the creative activity of children.
Technology research activities allows children to develop observation, logic, greater independence in choosing goals and setting goals, conducting experiments and observations, analyzing and processing the results obtained.
Technology of project methods. This method is based on the development cognitive interests students, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, navigate in the information space, develop critical thinking, the formation of communication and presentation skills.

Media product:
Medium: SMARTNotebook interactive whiteboard presentation software, Paint graphics editor, Microsoft Word text editor, Notebook software, Windows Media audio software.
visual presentation educational material.
Presentation Frame Relationship Diagram: Slide Chain in Mode software interactive whiteboard for creating SMARTNotebook presentations. Transition from slide to slide using the transition arrow. Information on slides opens after the previous one. On slides No. 4,5,6,9 there is a link to an audio file.

The structure of the media product. Frame content:
1. Title page.
2. The mood for the lesson.
3. Formulation of the theme of the class hour, goal setting.
4. Information block (Drug addiction). Sound file.
5. Information block (Alcoholism). Sound file.
6. Information block (Smoking). Sound file.
7. Checking knowledge. Work in interactive whiteboard mode.
8. Compiling a cluster. Work in interactive whiteboard mode.
9. Test "Can you resist?".
10. Test results. Sound file.
11. Tips for classmates. Work in interactive whiteboard mode.
12. Solving comic problems. Reflection. Task number 1.
13. Task number 2.
14. Task number 3.
15. The result of the lesson.

Frame change: occurs on click.

The feasibility of using a media product:
Improving the efficiency of assimilation of the material due to the simultaneous presentation and visibility of the material.
The development of conceptual, visual-figurative thinking, the organization and conduct by students of a meaningful study of the problems identified in cognitive tasks, problematic issues.
The effectiveness of an individual approach to the work of students.
Education of aesthetic taste in students.
Intensification educational process.

class plan
I. Opening remarks.
II. Information block "About bad habits".
1. Addiction.
2. Alcoholism.
3. Smoking.

V. Problem situations. "Know how to say no."
VI. Final word.
VII. Summing up (reflection).

Class hour progress
Initially, students are seated in groups. 3 groups.

I. Opening remarks

Class teacher: Now I will ask you a question. Please do not take it as something inappropriate and childish.
What would you guys do if you got a dragon with three heads? The children answer that they would run away, throw sand at the dragon, shoot them, etc.
But imagine that there are people who gladly climb right into the mouth of this dragon - only the crunch is from how a terrible monster grinds human lives. Some people think that they will be able to jump out of the dragon's mouth, but it turns out that they overestimated their strength and death awaits them. And here is a portrait of this monster. Each head has its own name (reads):
- Addiction.
- Smoking.
- Alcohol.
What do you think today's lesson will be about? What are we going to talk about? And why did I invite you to imagine meeting a dragon?
Students: Bad habits, etc.
Class teacher: Yes. You are right, we will talk about bad habits. What would be your goals for today's class?
Students: Formulate goals and objectives (for themselves):
The goal is how not to fall into the mouth of the dragon (not to succumb to bad habits)?
- find out the characteristics of bad habits,

- how to keep;
-what advice to give to friends, etc.
And I propose to call today's class hour: "How to defeat the dragon or keep from a bad habit."
The epigraph to our class hour will be the words of the great Chinese sage.

II. Information block "On bad habits"

"Drug addiction", "Alcoholism", "Smoking" are not just harmful, but also very dangerous habits. "Mania" is a mental illness when a person constantly thinks about one thing.
1. Drugs are a very serious poison, it is designed for simpletons who, having got used to them, will not be able to live without them, and will pay big money in order to die as soon as possible. Drugs are sniffed, smoked, injected, taken in the form of tablets. They instantly enter the bloodstream. Drug addiction acts with its poisons strongly and quickly - literally from the first time a person can become a drug addict! A person has hallucinations, nightmares. A drug addict is ready to go to any crime for the sake of drugs. Drug addicts have three paths: prison, mental hospital, death.

2. Another bad habit is drunkenness. Drunkenness very quickly develops into mania - alcoholism. Alcohol is the most widely used drug, killing hundreds of people every year. This is also poison, it disrupts the work of everyone internal organs. A drunken man is a repulsive sight.
But the alcoholic is indifferent to the opinions of others, he loses his human appearance and becomes a slave to his bad habit. Alcoholism affects not only the drunkards themselves, but also people close to them: mothers, wives, children. A huge number of crimes are committed on the basis of drunkenness, many families are destroyed, destinies are broken.

3. Smoking is an addiction to a drug called nicotine. By its toxicity, nicotine is equal to hydrocyanic acid - a deadly poison. Scientists have calculated that a smoker shortens his life by 6 years. All organs human body suffer from tobacco. Tobacco contains 1200 toxic substances. It has been scientifically proven that smoking causes 25 diseases. Smokers have a poor memory, poor physical health, an unstable psyche, they think slowly, they hear poorly. Even outwardly, smokers differ from non-smokers: their skin fades faster, their voices hoarse, their teeth turn yellow.
Non-smokers suffer from smoking. Half of the harmful substances that are in a cigarette, the smoker exhales, poisoning the air. This air is forced to breathe others who become passive smokers.

III. Interactive conversation “What pushes people into the jaws of a dragon? »

Classroom teacher. These are the three heads of the dragon. One is scarier than the other!
- Let's remember what bad habit can appear literally at once? (Addiction.)
- From what bad habit do 25 diseases appear? (Smoking.)
- What bad habits poison a person, destroy his body? (drug addiction, smoking, alcoholism.)
- What bad habits begin with innocent fun, and end in poverty, disease, death. (drug addiction, smoking, alcoholism).
Classroom teacher. And a hundred and a thousand years ago there were people who were captured by bad habits. And disappeared without a trace in the jaws of a terrible dragon. But fabulous times long gone. Outside the window is the 21st century and there are so many interesting things around: sports, cinema, music, nature, books, faithful and Good friends. But he is sitting somewhere in a dirty, weedy wasteland like this three-headed monster and is waiting for the next victim.
Why do you think people fall into the mouth of this dragon? Why do they become slaves to bad habits?

Sample responses from children:
- They are drawn by curiosity, the desire to try and experience everything.
“Their parents were slaves to the same habits, they sucked the kids in too.
- For communication - if the whole company does this, then you are not afraid.
- To appear modern, cool, strong.
- To show that you are already an adult and you can do whatever you want with your health.
- Because they are not interested in anything, they do not strive for anything.
- Just weak character - they get into bad company and get involved.
- They want to imitate the heroes of action films, advertisements - everyone smokes and drinks there.

Briefly write down the reasons for each bad habit on the board.

Classroom teacher. Yes, scientists have named precisely such reasons for introducing people to bad habits: curiosity, the influence of parents, stress relief, weak character, the desire to imitate the beautiful heroes of advertising, cinema and television. But how not to fall into the mouth of a dragon? After all, most people do not smoke, do not drink, do not use drugs. What must be done to resist?

Sample responses from children:
- You need to go in for sports, music, dancing - something interesting.
You have to be successful at something in order to respect yourself.
- You just need to respect yourself, appreciate your human dignity.
- You need to have your own opinion, not to succumb to bad influence.
- You need to be able to refuse when you are offered to try something bad.
- You need to choose friends, communicate only with those whom you trust.

IV. Test "Can you resist?"
Classroom teacher. I hope that none of you will fall into the mouth of a three-headed dragon and become another victim of a terrible "mania". Do you think you can resist these bad habits, resist their onslaught? Now we will conduct a test that will help you evaluate your strength. There are sheets of paper in front of you. You will need to answer 10 questions. Write the numbers from 1 to 10 from top to bottom. I will ask you questions. Each question must be answered "yes" or "no". You need to answer honestly, otherwise you will not know anything about yourself:

The teacher reads the questions. Children write “yes” or “no” next to each item.
1. Do you like to take risks?
2. Have you tried alcoholic drinks, energy drinks?
3. Have you ever wanted to try smoking?
4. Do you lead an active lifestyle?
5. If friends offer you to skip classes, will you agree?
6. Can you avoid repeating your mistakes?
7. If a stranger offered you a box of expensive sweets right on the street, would you take it?
8. Friends invite you to go for a walk, but you haven't done your homework yet. Can you refuse?
9. You are in a bad mood. Friends offer you to relax with the help of "magic" pills. Will you succumb to their persuasion?
10. Did you want to imitate screen heroes?

Now count how many times you answered yes to the questions. For each such answer you are entitled to 5 points, so multiply the received number by 5. What did you get?

0-20 points - you know how to manage your desires. Like all people, you love to have fun. But at the right moment, you are able to understand that pleasure for the sake of pleasure can be harmful, interfere with your plans. It turns out that if someone offers you to "be stunned" from some rubbish, then you will easily refuse. You are not so easy to buy for any cheap stuff. You have an interesting life ahead of you, full of real pleasures.
20-40 points - your "pleasure zone" often lets you down. Perhaps you would like to better manage your desires, but this does not always work out. Not enough will. You seem to be wasting a lot of time. You seek immediate pleasure. Because of this, you can lose a lot of pleasant things in the future. If you are offered "a little high", you can accept. Unfortunately, most drug addicts started out that way. We recommend to be on your guard - the price of dubious pleasure may turn out to be too expensive.
40-50 points - you, as they say, can be taken with bare hands. You are literally charged to receive all sorts of pleasures. For any kind of "high" you will be ready to give yourself into slavery to some bastard. There are not so many weaklings like you. You are in danger.

V. Problem situations. "Know how to say" no ""
Classroom teacher. Those who have already fallen into the mouth of the dragon may not get out of there. Let's talk about how not to get there. Psychologists say that the best thing is to learn to say "no". I suggest you evaluate the situations in which your classmates find themselves. All of them managed to refuse annoying offers in different ways. Maybe you could do it even better? (For this stage, students choose one of four situations: “Alcohol”, “Drug addiction”, “Smoking”). Each group is invited to simulate a situation where someone offers to try cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, and you need to politely but firmly refuse. (Each group presents their dialogue, and then the students' opinions are heard on each situation.)

Listen to the dialogue, which is called "To be friends with vodka - to ruin your health."
This is how (name) managed to fight off a dubious offer. Do you approve of his behavior? What would you say in such a situation?
Children speak up.
We called the second dialogue "Attention - beware of drug addiction!"
2 students come to the board, read or act out a dialogue.
It seems to me that (name) behaved correctly. Have you faced similar situations? What would you say in response to such proposals?
Children speak up.
And, finally, the third dialogue, which is called "A cigarette is not a candy!"
2 students come to the board, read or act out a dialogue.
Well, everyone has been in a similar situation. Do you think (name) behaved correctly? How would you act in his place?
Children speak up.
Guys, many bad habits often start with such innocent sentences. Imaginary friends under the guise of entertainment drag weak-minded people into the mouth of the dragon. It is very important in this case to correctly assess the situation and say a firm and resolute “no”. I am very happy for the guys who managed to defend themselves and not succumb to persuasion. The ability to say “no” will always come in handy when you are forced or begged to do something that you do not want. Let's think together about what advice we can give our classmates and all the kids at school. Think about this and formulate two tips each: what you need to do to defeat the dragon and keep from a bad habit.
One of the students types the advice given by each group into a slide. Thus, a kind of Memo for students "How to keep from a bad habit" turned out.
Print out on the printer "Memo".
Class teacher: You see, together we have compiled a kind of memo for school students. I propose to take it as a basis and think about how to create a colorful booklet with tips from 8 B for the students of our school so that none of them fall into the jaws of a dragon.
Class teacher: And now let's see how well your logic is developed and whether you are successful mathematicians.
They solve problems. Comic.

VI. Final word
Classroom teacher. Today we talked about bad habits that kill a person.
In order not to become a slave to bad habits, you need to follow the tips that we have developed with you:
- do not get bored, find something to your liking;
- get to know the world and interesting people;
- Never try alcohol or drugs.

Well, if you are still captured by some kind of bad habit, try to get rid of it with all your might. And if you succeed, you are a real hero. Or, let's remember the epigraph of our class hour: "The one who can defeat another is strong, the one who defeats himself is truly powerful."

VII. Summing up (reflection)
Classroom teacher.
Students are invited to tear off the heads of the dragon placed on the board, whose heads symbolize bad habits.


First dialogue. “To be friends with vodka is to destroy health”
Pupil 1. Drive twenty, the boys run away for vodka, you need to celebrate February 23.
Student 2. I don't have twenty!
Student 1. Well, I'll borrow you, then you'll give it back.
Pupil 2. No, I have a rule: never borrow.
Student 1. Okay, we'll treat you, since you're so poor.
Student 2. I am not poor. I just don't want to drink.
Student 1. Well, you'll sit down, for the company.
Student 2. I don’t want to drink or sit for company.
Student 1. So are you breaking away from the team?
Student 2. No, I'm just not interested.

Second dialogue. "Attention - beware of drug addiction!"

Student 1. Do you want to fly far, far away? I can give a wheel (tablet). You will immediately forget about all the problems.
Student 2. No, I can handle my problems without wheels.
Pupil 1. Even Ronaldo, and he swallowed the wheels!
Pupil 2. Well, let him swallow, I'm not a parrot to repeat everything after him!
Student1. So you'll get a kick!
Student 2. I'm not bad even without a buzz.
Student 1. I believe that everything in life needs to be experienced!
Student 2. I don't think so.
Student 1. Everyone who has tried the wheels does not regret it.
Student 2. And I do not regret that I did not try.

Third dialogue. "Cigarette is not candy!"
Student 1. Today I won a pack of Marlboro on a bet. Will you smoke?
Student 2. No, I don't smoke.
Student 1. Now everyone smokes! Are you not cool?
Student 2. So, not cool.
Student 1. Ah, you protect your health, you want everyone around to be sick, and you alone are healthy. Yes?

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  • contributing to the prevention of the formation of bad habits in children;
  • development in adolescents of a conscious rejection of bad habits as a way of influencing their personality;
  • the formation of students' need for a healthy lifestyle, responsibility for their own health.

Preparatory work: In a week, announce to students about the class hour and about the drawing competition on the topic “Say no!”

Equipment: presentation, handout, sheets of red and green colors.

Class hour progress

Main part. Guys, you all know that the most important need of every person in modern society is to strengthen and maintain health, well-being and mood, high performance, creative longevity.

Question: What factors do you think affect our health. (children's answers)

One of the most effective and affordable means of satisfying this need is to maintain a healthy lifestyle and give up bad habits.

A habit is something that we invariably repeat day after day, unlike our mistakes, from which we learn.

Habits are harmful, bad, unreasonable and sometimes dangerous. The first habits take their origins from childhood. The most unpleasant thing in our life is bad habits. We know. That they are bad, and often we can’t do anything with ourselves - we’re used to it!

What is a bad habit? ( guys give the concept of "bad habit")

A bad habit is an action that is automatically repeated many times, and this action is harmful from the point of view of the public good, those around you or the health of the person who has fallen under the bondage of a bad habit.

Bad habits are not useful or directly harmful. Such automatic actions are manifested due to the weakness of the will. If a person cannot exercise the will power to take progressive action, then he falls under the force of habit, which brings him back into the old rut, habitual action.

A habitual action is a habit. But, on the one hand, there are good, useful habits and manners, and, on the other hand, there are bad or harmful habits.

Good habits we can call such as:

  • observe daily regime,
  • do exercises in the morning,
  • wash hands before eating,
  • clean up after yourself all things in place,
  • brush your teeth every day
  • proper nutrition, etc.

Proper implementation of the regimen, the alternation of physical activity and rest are necessary. They improve performance, discipline a person, strengthen his health.

A bad habit can be considered as a disease or pathological addiction. But along with bad habits, there are unprofitable actions that cannot be considered as a disease, but which arise due to the imbalance of the nervous system.

Bad habits include the following:

Here is just a small list of bad habits that prevent us from living and sometimes create conflicts.

Let's characterize some of them.

Alcoholism- the most common bad habit, often turns into a serious disease, characterized by a painful addiction to alcohol (ethyl alcohol), with mental and physical dependence on it, accompanied by the systematic consumption of alcoholic beverages despite the negative consequences.

Question: Why is drinking harmful? (Answers of children: it has a detrimental effect on the brain; speech becomes fuzzy, incomprehensible; uneven gait; waking up after taking a large dose of alcohol, a person experiences weakness, weakness, lethargy, lack of appetite, dry mouth and increased thirst; decreased performance, etc.) Drunkenness leads to car accidents, crimes, industrial accidents.

Addiction- a chronic progressive (development of the disease with an increase in symptoms) disease caused by the use of drug substances.

Different drugs cause different addictions. Some drugs cause strong psychological dependence, but do not cause physical dependence. Others, on the contrary, cause a strong physical dependence. Many drugs cause both physical and psychological dependence.

A distinction is made between positive attachment - taking a drug to achieve a pleasant effect (euphoria, a feeling of cheerfulness, increased mood) and negative attachment - taking a drug in order to get rid of tension and feeling unwell. Physical dependence means painful and even painful sensations, a painful condition during a break in the constant use of drugs (the so-called withdrawal syndrome, withdrawal). These sensations are temporarily relieved by the resumption of drug use.

Smoking- inhalation of the smoke of preparations, mainly of plant origin, smoldering in the inhaled air stream, in order to saturate the body with the active substances contained in them by sublimation and subsequent absorption in the lungs and respiratory tract.

Question. Why do people try to smoke? (Children's answers: for the company, they want to seem like adults, etc.)

Gambling addiction is a supposed form of psychological dependence, manifested in an obsessive passion for video games and computer games, as well as gambling addiction - a pathological addiction to gambling consists in frequent repeated episodes of gambling that dominate a person's life and lead to a decrease in social, professional, material and family values, such a person does not pay due attention to his duties in these areas.

TV addiction. Television has become the most common way to escape from oneself into the world of illusions. It has entered the life of almost every modern person, has become a familiar companion of his life.

According to statistics, on average, each person spends about 3 hours a day in front of the TV. This is about half of his free time and about 9 years of each life.

Internet addiction is a mental disorder, an obsessive desire to connect to the Internet and a painful inability to disconnect from the Internet in time. Internet addiction is a widely discussed issue, but its status is still at an unofficial level.

The main 6 types of internet addiction are:

1. Obsessive web surfing - endless travel on the World Wide Web, searching for information.

2. Addiction to virtual communication and virtual acquaintances - large volumes of correspondence, constant participation in chat rooms, web forums, redundancy of acquaintances and friends on the Web.

3. Game addiction - an obsessive passion for computer games over the network.

4. Obsessive financial need - online play in gambling, unnecessary purchases in online stores or constant participation in online auctions.

5. Addiction to watching movies via the Internet, when the patient can spend the whole day in front of the screen without breaking off due to the fact that you can watch almost any movie or program on the network.

6. Cybersex addiction - an obsessive attraction to visiting porn sites and engaging in cybersex.

Question: Do you have any addictions: television, Internet, gaming (children's answers)

Nail biting habit. Science still doesn't know what makes people bite their nails. Although there are a lot of theories trying to explain why people bite their nails: from thoughtfulness to tension. One of the most common theories is that nail biting is caused by stress. They chew to relax, they chew to think better, they chew when they're nervous.

Technomania. The desire to constantly update existing phones, computers, televisions and household appliances, to buy more and more new and improved models. The constant need to purchase new phone models is not uncommon. As a rule, this is justified by several new features, updated menu design, etc. The same is true for other technology. This dependence has also become a disease that leads to depression, nervous breakdowns if there is no financial or any other opportunity to acquire the desired thing.

Question: What bad habits do you have and how do you deal with them? ( take turns naming their bad habits

Most importantly, try to find the reasons for this habit.

If you have already decided to give up bad habits, in no case give yourself concessions.

The fight against bad habits is a matter that almost every person should do (all of us, alas, are imperfect). Let's outline the basic principles for getting rid of unproductive patterns of behavior.

Wean yourself

  • Motivate yourself
  • Self-organize yourself
  • Motivate others to organize you (find yourself a “shepherd”)

Wean others

  • or wean him at all so that he does not do this anywhere and never,
  • so that he does not do something near you.

At the same time, it is one thing to wean strangers, another thing to wean loved ones, while weaning our children is another thing than weaning our parents.

After all, human health is a vital value, it consists of many interconnected components. What can and cannot be done to keep you healthy?

Practical part. Write down your bad and good habits on a piece of paper. Good habits must be written on green sheets, bad habits on red sheets.

Then the sheets with bad habits are crumpled up and thrown into the bin.

So we will take the first step from getting rid of habits.

Today we learned what bad habits a person has and how to deal with them. Be careful with bad habits, they often lead to adverse consequences, or are harbingers of serious diseases.

In the end, guys, I want to give you a healthy lifestyle scheme

Try to follow this health scheme, and you will keep your youth and beauty for many years. Every person should take care of their health. After all, no one will take care of you better than yourself.
