Card game concentration. 19th century gambling

"Concentration" is an exciting game that will expand the possibilities of your attention. The list of BrainApps cognitive trainers would not be complete without the legendary Concentration game. Our team has changed the game algorithm, making it more complex, exciting and colorful. Instead of uniform objects made in the same style and color, our players receive kits with bright design and complex shape.
The world around us leaves a strong influence on our minds, affects success, efficiency, life satisfaction. Regular lessons according to an individual program on the simulator "Concentration" will improve the perception of the objects around us, increase your memory capacity and increase the ability to concentrate on your activities.

How does it work?

Human attention is an amazingly flexible, universal and indispensable mechanism for development. The BrainApps service offers to start actively developing the cognitive sphere, in a convenient game form, in order to achieve your goals easier and faster. The connection between attention training and the efficiency of memory use, its volume, and the speed of reproducing information once received has long been known. By memorizing objects in pairs, their location, shape, color, you thereby improve the relationship between the areas of the brain responsible for memorization, reproduction, recognition. The training program is designed for optimal mode development of your memory, is compiled automatically based on the results. By launching the game "Concentration" you activate the process of obtaining personal experience, improving the perception of knowledge, empowering the individual.

What gives?

Watching objects in a playful way, you learn its properties, store information about it at a subconscious level, as an experience that can be useful in the future. Moreover, the information should not just fall uncontrollably into the storage, but should also be reproduced quickly and with high quality. After regular training on the "Concentration" simulator, you will be able to see for yourself that your memory has improved, problems with remembering mobile phones, addresses, household information have disappeared. Effective professional activity is impossible without free interaction with one's own memory. Even a diary will not help to keep the momentum going. modern life. The BrainApps service is an investment in yourself, your desire to become better every day and receive the well-deserved fruits of your labor.


The playing field consists of zones in which images appear divided into pairs. Your task is to memorize and reproduce the information received by choosing the location of the same pictures. Game time is ending and you must give large quantity correct answers. Each mistake results in the loss of game life and a decrease in the difficulty level. The system automatically selects the size of the playing field based on your game results.

How did you come up with it?

The game "Concentration" is a modified form of the well-known children's games "Memory", the task of which is to find pairs of identical objects. Such tests have been actively used by psychologists since the beginning of the 20th century with the aim of correcting memory, diagnosing all kinds of disorders associated with the preservation and reproduction of information.
The issue of memory is relevant and has not been resolved to date. Mankind knows so little about the processes occurring in the brain, despite the availability of powerful tools in the form of tomographs, computer and statistical studies. However, the BrainApps team has put together for you best practices and tools for the development of attention, memory, speed of thinking. Even such a game as "Concentration" simultaneously involves several mechanisms of intellectual activity.

Our son probably got acquainted with dominoes and cards from the age of three, and at the age of seven he knew perfectly well how a straight flush differs from four of a kind. Say early? Harmful? Well, this is how to look. Playing "fool" with grandparents, for example, turned out to be very useful.

Dominoes: studying the composition of the number

At some point, the son was fascinated by dominoes. And not childish, with pictures, but real bones. Thus we quickly mastered counting to six, the composition of the number. A little later, we learned to count points by adding points on the remaining dominoes.

Thus, by the time of entering the first grade, the child was well versed in the numbers of the first ten and could add up in his mind what was proposed for study in the second grade. And dominoes certainly contributed to this.

Playing dominoes is also a preparation for board games that use a cube. The child will easily navigate the number of moves and "by eye" evaluate who has the most points.

Another “pro” is the ability to remain calm during the game, follow the order of moves, make decisions quickly, respond with dignity to defeat and not make fun of the loser when he himself was the winner.

Scientists have found that gambling contributes to the development fine motor skills, memory. The child learns to think logically and concentrate.

The first domino appeared in ancient China and India. Then the game had a slightly different look: there were no empty chips, doubles, 15 or 18 dots were drawn on some bones. In the XVIII century, this fun came to Italy and acquired modern look and rules.

Now on sale you can find various options for children's dominoes (made of wood, plastic, cardboard). Kids from 2-3 years old can play this exciting game. For the first acquaintance with the game, it is better to choose dominoes with recognizable patterns (vegetables, fruits, animals, geometric figures etc.), on which objects familiar to the baby replace a certain combination of dots. Dominoes with dots can be offered from 5-6 years old.

Card games: sclerosis in old age does not threaten us

Your child loves card games? Not in my mom's phone, but with a real paper deck. Ours loves. Let's look for the positives.

In addition to the fact that playing cards is a great reason to have fun with grandpa, dad and other adult family members, there is something useful for the future schoolboy.

Best to start with simple games: "Drunkard", "Toilet", "Queen of Spades", "Fool". If you don't like the names - rename them in your own way, the essence of this will not change. Finding the rules is not a problem.

A little later, you can teach your child to play solitaire and show card tricks.

Card games develop memory, observation, attention, teach you to calculate moves in advance, take risks, evaluate the plans of opponents. When playing cards, the child learns to distinguish between the denomination and the suit, quickly grasps that the nine, for example, beats everything that is less than it, and the ace is the most main character decks. So much for "more-less" - a first-class program. Sometimes, of course, the rules suggest the seniority of sixes over aces, but after all, in life, sometimes it’s not the one who is smarter who is right ...

After examining 500 people aged 75 to 85 years, scientists came to the conclusion that card games prevent the development of sclerosis and senile dementia! Like this!

Let's play cards with our grandparents. Not for money, of course, but "for interest."

By the way, if classic cards yet they don’t seem too childish to you, take a closer look at card board games (“Svintus”, “Colonialists”, “Kartkasson”, etc.).

Poker: psychology with a mathematical bias

Poker is a game of strict logic, fine calculation and strong nerves. There is no need to sit at the monitor with bulging eyes, it is better to cover the dinner table with green cloth and get the whole family together for a game of real "live" poker.

For beginners, you can make a cheat sheet with combinations, and then - how the card falls.

The head of the association of British boarding schools, Christian Heinrich: “Pupils need to be able not only to play sport games and cook your own food, but it’s also good to know the rules of poker, because this intellectual game perfectly develops analytical thinking and self-control. Only poker can teach teenagers to adequately relate to difficulties, achieve their goals and be more restrained. The strategy and tactics of this game are very similar to the life model of a modern person.”

Poker develops all the same abilities as chess, but in terms of popularity, it will undoubtedly give odds to slightly old-fashioned pieces on a checkered board. Excitement! Luck! Hey!

The most important skill in poker is to learn to control yourself, your emotions. This is important in everyday life as well. It is also useful for children to learn to control emotions (especially negative ones), to behave with restraint in stressful situations, to show will and restraint. Equally important is the ability to plan your actions. Poker is poker, but in life, situations where you need to make a choice happen at every turn. Calculate in your mind, be responsible for your actions, analyze the situation, reason logically - that's what poker teaches.

Dear readers! Get the whole family together for a game of dominoes, cards or poker. You will definitely get a portion of positive and feel the warmth of live communication. Useful gambling to you!

Double head (Doppelkopf)

Number of decks: 2
Number of cards in a deck: 24
Number of players:4 (two by two)
Card seniority:trump suit:♦ 9, ♦ K, ♦ 10, ♦ T, ♦ V, V, ♠V, ♣V, ♦ D, D, ♠D, ♣D, 10; club suit: ♣9, ♣K, ♣10, ♣T; spade suit: ♠9, ♠K, ♠10, ♠T; heart suit: 9, K, T.
Purpose of the game: complete an order and score a certain number of points.
Rules of the game. An extremely popular game in Germany, especially in the North. This game is played in tournaments and standard rules have been developed for this game, which we will write about below. There are many variants of the game, so when playing with other players, you need to carefully agree on the rules and all the nuances of the game. Played by 4 players pair by pair with alternating partnership. The aim of the game is to take tricks with cards for which points are awarded. The first dealer is chosen by lot, and in the remaining games, the next player in clockwise order becomes the dealer. The deck is carefully shuffled, removed at will and distributed equally among all players, that is, each player has 6 cards. After that, trading begins, which takes place in one round, where each player, starting with the dealer, chooses a "normal game" or "pre-order". If a normal game is chosen by all players, then the cards are played. If at least one of the players has chosen a pre-order, then those players who have chosen a pre-order choose one of the types of this order from junior to senior: "marriage", "poor game", "solo". The player who offers the senior order and plays his game. Below we explain what games and pre-orders mean.

Normal game- a game in which players have queens of clubs become partners. If one player has two queens of clubs, then he alone plays against the other three players.
Marriage- in marriage, the player who announced it must win the first 3 tricks, and then look whether to take a partner or not. If he takes the partner, then the player who wins the fourth trick becomes the partner.
Poor game- it is usually declared by a player who has 3 or less trump cards. This player, having declared it, having won the order, chooses his 3 best cards, puts them closed in front of him and the player who wants to become a partner of this player takes them for himself and gives his 3 any cards in return. If no one wants to become a partner of the player who announced the poor game, then the cards of all players are added to the deck and re-surrendered and a new trade begins.
Solo- a game that is played alone against three other players who play as a team. There are 4 types of solo play:
1. Trump solo - a solo game consisting of trump cards of diamonds;
2. Queen solo - a solo game consisting of trump queens;
3. Jacks solo - a solo game consisting of trump jacks;
4. No-trump solo - a solo game where there are no trump cards.

After the type of game is determined. The draw of cards (bribes) begins. The trick consists of four cards. The first move belongs to the player to the left of the dealer. This player can enter from his any card, each next player must put one card of the same suit, if there is no card of this suit, then you can put your any card. It is worth noting that if the first player put a trump card, then all other players are required to put trump cards, trump cards of a different suit can be. The player who puts the highest card out of the four laid out takes these cards (bribe) for himself and begins the next cards (bribe) with his new move.
The team that has the queens of clubs is called the Re team, and their opponents are called the Counter team. The main goal of the Re team is to score at least 121 points in cards in tricks. The main goal of the Counter team is to score at least 120 points. A member of the Re team may declare "Re" at any time while the team has 11 or more cards in hand, which entitles this team to score not 121 points, but 120 points to win. This announcement can be made at any time during the game, the main thing must be the number of cards allowed for this. If one of the teams fails to make 90 points or less, then a certain bonus can be received for the other team. For this announcement, the points must have the following number of cards in hand:
90 points - 10 cards or more;
60 points - 9 cards or more;
30 points - 8 cards or more;
Schwartz - 7 or more cards.
This announcement can only be made after the announcement of Re or Contra.
The score is kept on a special sheet, where a regular table with columns of players is drawn, where the total number of points for a given player is written. Points with each game are added and written below in a vertical column.
There are a few more points in the game that add extra points:
1. Catching a Fox- partners who capture a trick that contains the opponents' ace of diamonds, gives 1 extra point;
2. Charlie Miller- winning by a player of the last trick with the jack of clubs, gives one additional point if this player with a partner won the game;
3. Double head (Doppelkopf)- winning a trick, where all 4 cards are tens and aces, give one extra point.
"Catch the Fox" and "Charlie Miller" do not count in solo play.
Note. The above describes the basic rules of the game, which are translated from in English. What is not clear is the bonus that players receive for declaring a game with a lower score.

Tournament play

Tournaments, as a rule, take place in several rounds, usually 24, where 20 normal hands and 4 mandatory solos are played when playing with four players, if there are five players, then there are not 4, but 5 mandatory solos. Each player during the game chooses when to play a normal game, and which solo to choose.

Game Options

1. Second laid out 10 wins if both are laid out in the same trick. Sometimes players agree that this rule will only apply to the last trick.
2. If several players want to play solo, then the player at the end of the auction can declare 90 points.
3. Sometimes all nines are removed and played with two decks of 40 cards.
4. Often, Re and Contra are double-scored in the game, and do not add 2 points.
5. A player with particularly bad cards may annul the game and order a new deal.
6. Some variants of the poor game: aces of diamonds do not count as a trump card; trump cards cannot be transferred back during the exchange; in some games, it is forbidden for everyone to choose a poor game.
7. Partnership options in Hochzeit: partnership is not determined by the trump card that led to the bribe; if the first 3 tricks are trumps or the player won from margin, then he plays alone.
8. The number of cards that must be for the announcement is 12.
9. Announcements can only be made when it is your turn to play.
10. There is one extra point when taking
11. When playing with 40 cards, one extra point is given for a trick consisting of all hearts (2 aces and 2 kings).
12. The solo king is resolved by analogy with the solo queen and jack, but with four trump kings.
13. Schweinchen (pigs): this may be declared by a player with two aces of diamonds or hearts before the start of the game; some play so that after two aces of diamonds, Hyperschweinchen (hyper pigs) is announced, where the player has two nines of diamonds.
14. Genscher is a player who has diamond kings, playing the first of them, he announces Genscher and chooses a new partner, most likely the one who has already scored a lot of points. If the player with the kings belongs to the Re team, then this player joins the Re team, and the previous player of this team belongs to the Counter team. The obligations of these teams remain.
15. Doppelkopf - trick, contains 40 or more points, which contains 2 pairs of identical cards.
16. All solo contracts are doubled.
17. If several players want to play solo, then the last one in the bidding has priority.
18. For taking the last trick with the "capture of the fox" 2 additional points are awarded. Sometimes 2 points are also awarded for taking the first trick with the "capture of the fox".
19. If the last trick from Charlie is not taken, but taken by the opponents, then there is no penalty for this.
20. Bockrounds - when double points are awarded for a certain trick in a game, it can be a situation when: the trick contains only hearts (when playing with 40 cards); each team has 120 card points; the Re team announced Re and lost; the Contra team declared Contra and lost.
21. Partnership is determined by two queens of diamonds.
22. Kings of diamonds are the highest trumps. Tens of diamonds are placed between kings of diamonds and aces of diamonds.
23. The one who plays solo makes the first move, after which the dealer immediately goes.
24. A trump solo and an ace solo are not allowed.
10 is not considered a trump card, but is a regular heart-suited card.
26. Zwingen - if the first trick has 30 or more points, then the winner can say Re or Double.
27. Schwarze Cay - A player who ends a trick with the second Queen of Spades, then plays alone.
