Types of battle axes: modern and ancient weapons. Battle ax - a companion of man in the world of weapons Warrior with two axes

Dark times, Middle Ages, knights and barbarians, aggressive campaigns and massacres. Many representatives of the human race are interested in this topic. Someone admires the courage and bravery of the warriors of the past, someone is trying to understand what motivated the rulers who destroyed entire clans.

But an integral theme of such research was and remains the weapons used by the soldiers. One of the most ancient and widespread is the ax and its types.

What is an axe?

The modern word "axe" is rooted in the Old Slavonic "sikira" or "sokira". In translation, these words have a common meaning - an ax.

One of the most dangerous weapons of the past was the axe. The meaning of the word fully justifies its appearance. Almost all types of these weapons are similar. A wooden shaft, the length of which varies from several tens of centimeters to one meter. A blade is impaled on it, long and wide. The blade, the length of which reaches thirty centimeters, has a semicircular shape.

The ax and its types have become widespread in many countries of the world, but in different eras and centuries.

where and when the weapon was used

The first mention of what an ax is refers to ancient eras. It is known that in ancient Egypt the ax was made of bronze and was very popular among warriors. The battle ax has become the most common weapon in the Eastern Region. Blacksmiths and gunsmiths experimented with appearance and soon created an ax that had two parallel blades. This type of weapon did not bypass Ancient Rome and Greece.

During the battle, warriors armed with axes were in the second rank. They dealt deadly shield bearers. The long shaft of the weapon was used for strategic purposes: in battle, infantrymen cut off the legs of opponents and horses.

But Europe learned much later what an ax was. The definition of the word remains the same: a battle ax with a long shaft. However, weapons did not become widespread until the first infantry troops appeared in the eighteenth century.

How has the ax changed in Europe?

With the advent of European countries ah eighteenth century foot soldiers, the ax became increasingly popular. The meaning of the word has not changed, it was still a battle ax with a rounded blade and a shaft of various lengths. However, the appearance has changed.

In a battle against soldiers dressed in cast armor and helmets, the swing of the ax was not enough to inflict significant damage on the soldiers. Then the length of the shaft was changed. In the hands of the soldiers turned out to be a weapon two meters long, to the tip of which they attached not only sharp blades, but also various hooks, bayonets and tips.

But it is worth noting that even in this era, the ax on the shaft was not used as a spear. The imbalance of the shaft and the tip did not allow accurate long-range throws.

From the heyday of the Ancient Civilizations to eighteenth-century Europe, the ax underwent several changes.


One of the varieties of the ax was the halberd. It became widespread in the fifteenth century, becoming the most effective weapon against armored cavalry troops.

The appearance is slightly different from conventional weapons. The shaft of the halberd ranged from one meter to two and a half, and Weight Limit- almost six kilograms. The blade was of different shapes: flat, narrow, crescent, concave or vice versa. The main difference of the halberd is the combined tip, the length of which could reach one meter.

For fatal blows, the tip of the halberd was equipped with a needle-shaped spear blade, hook or butt.

Scandinavian ax

Asking the question of what an ax is, one cannot ignore the Scandinavian version. This type of weapon belongs to the Middle Ages. Outwardly, it resembles a modern analogue, but differs in a wider blade, equally diverging to the sides. The shaft of the weapon was thin. The width of the blade was only two and a half centimeters, and the weight, excluding the shaft, was no more than 500 grams.

It was from Scandinavia at the beginning of the tenth century that the battle ax migrated to Europe, and it reached Rus' only in the second half of the century. And if in Rus' they stopped using a battle ax in the thirteenth century, then European warriors did not abandon it for a long time.

Ax of Perun

What is an axe? Of course, a battle axe. But this is not a complete answer. In addition to the weapons of infantrymen and warriors of the past, such an ax was a talisman among the Slavs.

Ax of Perun, according to modern research, was one of the favorite weapons of the main and strongest Slavic god.

The ax of Perun is the main amulet of the warriors who went into battle. According to legend, the talisman takes spears and arrows away from a person. But it protects only those who fight for their Motherland and their people.

However, the symbol of the divine weapon helps not only people associated with battles. The ax adopted the symbolism of its owner and became a talisman that helps to overcome difficulties. It gives strength to fight evil and darkness.

The most dangerous weapon of the Middle Ages is the steel axe. The word "axe" comes from the ancient Slavic "sokir", which translates as an ax. Most axes of this type have similar features, but some, such as the reed or halberd, differ significantly from the traditional weapons of this type.

Unlike an ax, a forged ax is a typical combat weapon. The blade of the ax is semi-circular, which makes it inconvenient for chores.

general information

The first samples of weapons that have come down to our times were found at the excavations of ancient Greek cities. The ancient ax - labrys was very popular in Greece. This weapon was considered sacred; only the rulers and legendary heroes of those times owned it. Labrys is a two-handed ax with two blades. Such weapons were common among the Greeks and Asian peoples, as well as among the ancient Romans.

Slavic axes are not so popular and came to Rus' from the Vikings, for whom they were familiar weapons. This weapon spread after Russian soldiers clashed with armored German knights. Often, Russian axes had a forged spike on the reverse side, with which it was possible to break through the strongest armor.

After some time, Russian battle axes evolved into reeds, which had a completely different balance. With this weapon, which had a very formidable appearance, it was possible not only to chop, but also to stab, like with a spear. Skillful ax warriors have always preferred axes, as they are much faster than the classic axe.

As a rule, axes were forged in the following ways:

  • High-quality weapons are forged from scratch, while taking into account all the wishes of the future owner. Such weapons were quite expensive;
  • More simple weapons were reforged from ordinary battle axes. At the same time, the blade was pulled back, it was given the shape of a crescent;
  • The lowest-grade weapons were made from ordinary peasant axes. The quality of this weapon was very low, although its appearance could be the same as in the second case.

In any case, the ax was intended only for combat, so cutting down a tree, for example, was problematic.

Characteristics of axes

Forged axes consist of the following parts:

  • Shaft;
  • blades;
  • Butt, in the form of which a spike, hammer or second blade could often act;
  • A special counterweight on the opposite side of the shaft.

Such specific types of axes as halberds or reeds were up to 2.5 meters long and were used only by infantry. Horse axes often had a spike on reverse side, and their length was about 70-80 cm. The longest type of such weapons were boarding halberds, which were up to three meters long.

The blade of most types of such axes did not move far from the shaft, otherwise the balance would be lost, which negatively affected the speed of possession of the weapon. Most models of this weapon had a two-handed grip and a long shaft, although in China there were very popular paired axes with a short shaft.

Very interesting view battle ax - executioner's axe. This weapon had atypical features for its class:

  • The executioner's forged weapon had a huge weight - from 5 kg, which made it unsuitable for combat use;
  • The steel used for the executioner's ax was more high quality, since the job had to be done in one hit.

In addition, the executioners had to have great strength, since some noble criminals were supposed to be executed with a sword, with which it was much more difficult to cut off their heads.

The most famous axes in our time are the two-handed axes of the Vikings. Thanks to the films, many imagine that the Vikings all owned just such a weapon. In fact, the most popular Scandinavian weapons were spears and one-handed axes weighing about 700 grams. The heavy forged ax was wielded only by the strongest fighters. Often these were berserkers who relied only on strength in battle, completely rejecting protection.

The versatility of the ax

The appearance of axes, especially such as halberds, made it possible to significantly change the course of the war. Since this weapon could act as an ax and a spear at the same time. In a one-on-one fight, subject to the same experience, the warrior with the halberd won. Small detachments with axes of this type were especially effective.

The ax could be used as follows:

  • It was possible to pull riders off their horses or cut off the legs of animals. Everything depended on the variety of battle axes;
  • An ax with a point on top could be used as a spear in order to keep the enemy out of range;
  • Thanks to the balance, warriors could easily change battle tactics by turning their improvised spears into axes.

Since in different countries axes could differ significantly in both blade shape and size, you need to consider the most popular models separately.

Features of the halberd

The halberd is a long ax with an elongated blade and a spear point. The length of the tip could reach a meter. In Europe, this weapon spread in the 13th century. It was first demonstrated by Swiss mercenaries, who, like the ancient Vikings, were hired into the troops of the rulers of Europe. The knightly cavalry, having encountered the Swiss in battle, felt the power of two-handed axes on themselves.

The classic halberd was about 2.5 meters long, and its weight reached 5.5 kg. It was the balance of the weapon that allowed the soldiers to wield it throughout the battle. Until the 15th century, the shape of the halberd changed. There were models that looked almost the same as simple axes. In the 15th century, the shape of the halberd was brought to a single pattern, which proved to be the best in battle.

There was no such armor that a two-handed halberd could not penetrate. Its tip easily entered even the best Milanese armor. The blade inflicted terrible chopped wounds, and with the help of the butt it was possible to stun the enemy. If the butt had a hook, then with its help it was possible to pull riders to the ground.

Scandinavian and Slavic axes

The ancient Vikings became famous precisely for their two-handed battle axes, with which they terrified the whole of medieval Europe. Unlike one-handed hatchets, which were used in tandem with a shield, a two-handed ax had a very wide blade. To lighten the weight, the thickness did not exceed 2 mm. Only the strongest Scandinavians worked with axes, of which there were many among the Vikings. For the average European warrior such a weapon was not under force.

Having come from the Vikings to the Slavs, this ax was not widely used, since the local warriors did not need heavy weapons in the fight against the light steppe cavalry. Although the Scandinavian squads with huge axes were a formidable force, after several skirmishes with the steppes, they abandoned their favorite weapon, which was not suitable for such battles.

The parameters of the Scandinavian ax were as follows:

  • The weight of the weapon was about a kilogram;
  • The blade had a length of 30-40 cm;
  • Blade thickness was about 2 mm;
  • The shaft was up to two meters.

The Scandinavian or Danish ax required great strength, endurance and skill from its owner, as this weapon was very difficult to use for defense. However, its length and speed in capable hands created a deadly zone around the fighter, into which only spears or arrows could penetrate.

In the future, the Scandinavian ax began to evolve, turning into a Swiss halberd in Europe and a reed in Rus'. Already in the 15th century, traditional Danish axes were ousted from the battlefield, but in Ireland and Scotland they were massively used until the 17th century.

Russian berdysh and its features

The first berdysh appeared in Rus' at the end of the 16th century, in the so-called "Time of Troubles". Where did the name of this popular weapon come from, the researchers still have not figured it out. Some believe that from the French "bardiche", while others draw a parallel with the Polish word "berdysz". If we take into account the fact that Moscow at that time was at war with Poland, then most likely these weapons came from there.

Russian soldiers quickly appreciated this ax at its true worth. The simplicity of design and low price combined with the incredible power of this weapon. Since the Russian militia was well versed with axes, it was very easy for them to master the reeds. This ax has the following design features:

  • The blade is long, crescent-shaped;
  • The shaft or "ratovishche" had a length of about 180 cm;
  • The berdysh was put on the ax in the same way as an ordinary ax.

A feature of the berdysh was a pigtail - the edge of the blade pulled down, which was grafted with nails to the shaft, after which it was additionally wrapped with a leather strap.

There were attempts to equip mounted archers with reeds, however, due to the size of the weapon, this attempt was unsuccessful. Although the weapons of the mounted archers were much shorter, it was extremely difficult for them to operate with one hand. But the foot archers were very fond of the berdysh, which they used not only as a weapon, but also as a specific stand for firing from squeakers and muskets.

Although it is believed that all berdysh were the same, they had a wide variety of forms. Researchers distinguish four main groups, each of which has many subspecies:

  • Axe-shaped berdysh. This weapon is the closest relative of the Danish two-handed axes. Appeared this species the very first;
  • With a long, crescent-shaped blade. The upper edge of the blade was horn-shaped and served for stabbing;
  • This form is similar to the previous one, except that the blade was forged into two points;
  • With a pointed type blade, the lower part of which was forged into two points.

In addition, in Rus' there were special ceremonial berdysh, which were often decorated with gold and velvet. Such axes were called golden axes.

Polex ax features

One of the most interesting varieties the battle ax became the polex. It can be attributed both to the varieties of the war hammer and to the axes. Although outwardly it looks more like a hybrid from three types weapons:

  • Battle ax;
  • Spears;
  • War hammer.

These weapons became popular in the 15th and 16th centuries and were vastly superior to halberds in both functionality and speed. Infantrymen, armed with polex, could cut, chop and crush. The long shaft of the weapon in the upper part had iron strips that served to protect against cutting.

There were also modifications with rondels (hand protection). But most main feature the polex was its special design, which was prefabricated. Thanks to this, any damaged part of the ax could be detached and replaced with a new one. If a damaged halberd had to be completely redone, then the polex had a significant advantage in this regard.

Ancient Slavic ax of Perun

The fact that the Slavs honored the ax is evidenced by the amulet "Perun's ax" that has come down to us. From time immemorial, the ax amulet was worn by warriors of Slavic origin. The ax of Perun is considered a talisman of warriors, which gives them courage and stamina in battle. Currently, you can purchase this amulet, made of both steel and precious metals. Although in modern drawings the ax of Perun is depicted as an ancient Greek labrys, in fact it has the form of a traditional battle ax that was popular among Scandinavian and Slavic warriors. For those who are interested in the history of the ancient Slavs, Perun's ax can be a wonderful gift.

Battle axes have accompanied mankind for many centuries. At first, this weapon symbolized strength and power. With the development of metallurgy in the Middle Ages, the ax passed into the category of an ordinary weapon, which was loved by the Vikings and knights. Even with the advent firearms, axes, along with peaks, were still used on the battlefields for a long time.

Old Russian axes from the collection of the State Historical Museum. Above is a typical coinage. Under it are axes-axes. Photo by Wikimedia Commons

An ancient Russian warrior could use different types of cold. One of the main weapons was a battle ax. Such a product could be useful on the battlefield and on a campaign, which contributed to its wide distribution and long-term preservation in service. In addition, over the centuries, battle axes have constantly evolved, giving advantages over the enemy.

Classification problem

To date, the territories Ancient Rus' several thousand axes of various kinds and types were discovered. At the same time, archaeologists did not always find exactly the battle axes used by the warriors. Products similar in design could be used in national economy or in the troops to solve security problems. As a result, it was necessary to create a classification of axes, taking into account the versatility of such products.

First of all, battle axes of all varieties and types are distinguished. In size, they basically did not differ from other axes, but had a smaller blade and were lighter - no more than 450-500 g. They were intended for battles, but could also be used for household needs, although in this respect they were not particularly convenient.

Classification of the forms of battle axes from the "Old Russian weapons" A.N. Kirpichnikov

Some battle axes were similar to status and ceremonial weapons. Such axes were distinguished by their small size, they were mainly versions of compact chasers. They had a rich finish, corresponding to the status of the owner.

The third main class is working axes. These were larger and heavier samples designed to perform various jobs. In some situations, working axes were used in battle, but in terms of convenience they were noticeably inferior to specialized models.

Over several centuries of development, axes have repeatedly changed shape, and this applied to both combat and working samples. Only for weapons of the X-XIII centuries. It is customary to distinguish eight different types of blade. They differ in the shape and size of the working part, the presence or absence of a protruding butt, etc.

Ax options

The first mention of Slavic warriors with axes dates back to the 8th century, but archaeological data for that period are extremely scarce. A significant number of finds date back to the 9th and 10th centuries. This was facilitated by the development of the Old Russian rati, the need for mass weapons for the infantry, as well as active search new designs and other factors.

Axes from GIM. Above - coinage with a wide blade. In the middle - a coinage with a reduced butt. Photo by Wikimedia Commons

All known battle axes had a total length of no more than 750-800 mm. The length of the blade rarely exceeded 150-170 mm, and the weight was usually in the range of 400-500 g. A weapon of this configuration was quite convenient to carry and use, especially in combat. Some axes had a hole in the wide part of the blade, which at one time became a topic of controversy. As it was established, a lace was threaded through the hole to secure the protective cover.

The ax itself was forged from iron or steel, depending on the capabilities of the blacksmith. A suitable tree, a simple and affordable material, went to the ax handle.

Probably, battle axes-chasers were borrowed from the nomads (type I in the table of A.N. Kirpichnikov). Such weapons had a narrow and long blade, and also received a hammer-shaped butt. A strike with a chisel could be carried out both with a blade and with a butt, which ensured the effective transfer of energy to the target. In addition, the ax was distinguished by a good balance, which improved the accuracy of the strike.

Various coin designs. Drawing from the book by A.V. Viskovatov "Historical description of clothing and weapons of the Russian troops"

The hammer-shaped butt could be used with a blade of various shapes, from narrow elongated to beard-shaped. There were also smaller butts of a smaller length and larger area, designed for strikes.

Scandinavian influence explains the appearance in Rus' of axes-axes with a straightened upper face and a rounded narrow blade drawn down (type V). This design of the blade made it possible to combine chopping with cutting. There were also similar axes with a concave upper edge and a different butt (type IV).

Also "from the Varangians" came the so-called. wide-bladed axes (type VII) - axes with a triangular or close-to-shaped blade, symmetrical or with slight asymmetry. It is curious that such samples could be equipped with a longer ax handle. The total length of such a battle ax, unlike other varieties, reached 1 m.

Modern reconstruction of the ancient Russian axe. Photo by Wikimedia Commons

It is curious that only axes-chasers were purely military weapons, poorly adapted to solving other problems. The specific configuration of the blade and butt made chopping wood or other work difficult. All other types of battle axes and axes had economic "brothers". Usually, working axes, while retaining the contours of the details, differed from combat axes in size and weight.

Battle and work axes of all known species were distributed throughout Ancient Rus' and were actively used by squads. At the same time, certain structures prevailed in different periods and in different regions. Thus, chasings were more common in the South, near the places of their original appearance, and Scandinavian-style axes - in northern regions. However, nothing prevented the interpenetration of weapons culture and the use of someone else's experience.

simple and massive

The battle ax, regardless of its type, was simpler and cheaper to manufacture than the sword, although it was inferior in this respect to the spear. As a result, already in the IX-X centuries. axes of various types become one of the main weapons of the rati. At the same time, unlike other weapons, the ax was used only in the infantry. Vigilantes usually used special battle axes, and the militia often had to take workers.

Russian axes. Drawing from the book "Antiquities Russian state published by the highest command"

In combat, the ax was useful due to its accuracy and power of impact. In addition, he allowed to fight with the defense of the enemy. A successful blow was capable of splitting a wooden shield, and chain mail or soft armor could not protect a warrior from crushing action.

The battle ax retained its position until the 12th century, when the situation began to change. In archaeological complexes dating back to the 12th-13th centuries, axes are found in significant quantities, but already with many spears, swords, etc. Warriors, if possible, replaced the ax with a more convenient weapon with a long blade, while the militias retained it.

Despite the reduction in their role, battle axes remained in service. In addition, their development continued. The evolution of such weapons was associated with axes of all versions. The shapes and configurations of the blade and butt changed, the handle was refined. Subsequently, these processes led to the emergence of a wide moon-shaped blade, on the basis of which the reed was created. Its final form was determined in the 15th century, and with various changes, such weapons served for several centuries.

Berdysh of different configurations. Drawing from the book by A.V. Viskovatov "Historical description of clothing and weapons of the Russian troops"

In parallel with battle axes, similar samples of household purposes were used in the troops. With their help, the construction of various structures, the organization of engineering barriers, etc. was carried out. It is noteworthy that the ax still remains in our army as a working tool, although its combat varieties have long gone into.

Useful versatility

The first battle axes among the Slavs appeared almost in the middle of the first millennium of our era, and in the future such weapons became the most important attribute of the ancient Russian warrior. For several centuries, battle axes of various types have been used in conjunction with other infantry weapons.

However, the further development of the rati, the growth in the importance of the cavalry and new threats to the infantry led to rearmament and a change in the range of the main equipment of the infantryman. The role of battle axes was reduced, part of their tasks were now solved with the help of swords and sabers. However, the development of axes did not stop and led to the emergence of new types of edged pole weapons.

In the future, these samples were also removed from service due to the final obsolescence. Despite all this, the working axes have not gone away. They remained in the army and the national economy and did their own thing. Versatility and the ability to perform various tasks proved to be useful - and leaving the battlefield, the axes did not remain without work.

IN big family edged weapons, the battle ax occupies a special niche. Unlike most of the other samples, the ax is a versatile weapon. It traces its origins from the beginning of time, and to this day has managed to maintain its popularity.

Many myths and legends are associated with it, although the ax itself is often not some kind of special sacred weapon, like, for example, a sword. It is rather the workhorse of the war, something without which it was impossible to either fight or organize a decent camp.

The emergence of weapons

The first samples of battle axes have appeared since people learned how to make stone chopsticks and tie them to sticks with sinews. At that time, the battle ax did not differ from the worker.

At a later time, people learned to make polished battle axes from smooth cobblestones. A few months of meticulous sanding, and it turned out to be an attractive and terrible weapon.

It was already difficult to use it for cutting trees, but it broke through heads that were not protected by helmets perfectly.

The archaeological culture of battle axes passed from Altai to the Baltic, leaving on its way the burial places of men and women armed with these weapons.

The mastery of metal by man made it possible to create more advanced models of battle axes. The most famous models can be called the Celts and Labrys. The Celt was an ax with a bush instead of a butt.

The handle of such a tool was either cranked or straight. Researchers believe that the celt was a versatile tool, equally suitable for both work and combat.

Labrys, on the contrary, was a weapon of warriors or a ceremonial item of priests.

Under the Greek word labrys, a two-bladed ax is hidden, widely used at the time of the birth of ancient Greek civilization.

Only a physically strong, agile and skillful warrior could handle such a weapon. An inexperienced warrior with a labris was more of a danger to himself, since the second blade could hit the head when swinging.

In skillful hands, the heavy bronze blade dealt terrible blows, from which not every cuirass or shell could protect.

Axes in antiquity and the Middle Ages

Sources describing the opponents of the Roman legionnaires single out the Germanic tribes armed by the Francis. The name of this type of battle ax came from the Franks, although this weapon was common in all Germanic tribes. The Francis were distinguished by a small impact surface, and therefore a large penetrating power.

Axes also differed in purpose, as well as in the length of the handles.

Francis with short handles were thrown into the ranks of the enemy, long ones were used for cutting with the enemy.

During the decline of the Roman Empire and in the early Middle Ages, new fans of battle axes appeared, instilling fear in all of continental Europe. Northern warriors, Vikings or Normans happily used these weapons.

The use of axes was connected with the poverty of the northerners. Metal for swords was very expensive, and the production itself was complex and laborious, and every man had an ax, without which one cannot live in the north.

After the campaigns, having become rich, the warriors acquired both swords and many other weapons, but the ax continued to be in the forefront. Bruenor battleaxe would have approved of the northern brothers' choice. Even the Varangian guards of the Byzantine emperor were armed with large axes-axes.

The famous weapon of the Vikings was the brodex.

A two-handed battle ax, mounted on a long handle, inflicted terrible injuries due to additional strength. Armor made of leather or fabric was not at all an obstacle for brodex, and this weapon often crushed metal and turned it into useless pieces of iron.

In total, such types of combined weapons went from the gun in question, such as:

  • halberd, hatchet impaled on a pike;
  • reed, a wide ax blade on a long handle;
  • chasing, with a narrow blade for the most effective penetration of armor;
  • an axe, a reed-like tool on a long handle with a wide blade;
  • valashka, a small hatchet on the handle-staff;
  • polex, a combined universal foot combat weapon with a tip and a butt-hammer.

The complication of military affairs required new types of battle axes. To protect against cavalry, the ax was crossed with a pike, resulting in a halberd, which made it possible for the infantryman to pull the rider off the saddle.

Among the Russians, this idea resulted in the creation of a berdysh, a battle ax capable of pricking a horse and rider due to a narrow pointed toe. In mountainous areas, dangerous both by nature and by the population, small valashki appear, universal models with which you can both prepare firewood and knock the spirit out of the attackers.

The pinnacle of development was the creation in the 16th century of the polex, an excellent feature of which was the spike on the top.

Poleks could be of different shapes, but it was always distinguished by the complex design of the pommel and versatility, since it could be used both as a stabbing and crushing weapon.

Battle ax in Rus'

Slavic tribes began to use battle axes long before the invention of writing. Since the neighbors of the places where the Slavs lived were not disposed towards peaceful life, every man had to have a weapon.

According to legend, the blades of axes were sharpened so that they could shave their heads. And the Slavs learned to use an ax in building or protecting their economy from childhood.

Archaeological data indicate the influence of Slavic axes on Scandinavian ones, or vice versa, depending on which sources to believe. In any case, the battle ax of the Russians had much in common with the weapons of the Scandinavians.

A right angle, a bevel of the blade down, a small area of ​​​​the most chopping part, features of both weapons. From a military point of view, this is justified. It was almost useless to hit the body wrapped in furs, and even with chain mail, with a wide blade.

The narrow blade of the warrior's battle ax pierced almost any defense.

Effectively, for the same reason, a cleaver was used. The blunt blade didn't need to break through armor, it crushed the bones under the armor.

Many folk legends tell about lumberjacks who chopped wood and were caught by enemies and robbers, whom it was the cleaver who helped to fight off.

In the north of Rus', battle axes were used as the main weapon for a long time. The warriors of Novgorod the Great armed themselves with them “according to the precepts” of their fathers and grandfathers. In the northeast, this weapon also had a wide circulation.

Archaeologists conducting excavations at battlefields find several axes for each sword.

Basically, these are models of "beard-shaped" axes, with a drawn heel, the lower part of the blade.

After the beginning of the Tatar-Mongol yoke, the ax remained almost the only means of protection, both from wild animals and robbers. Southerners enriched the arsenal of these weapons with coinage. This example had a small blade, elongated and balanced by an equally elongated butt.

Axes in modern times and in modern times

After the spread of firearms, the age of the ax does not end at all. This weapon is used not only by Rodion Raskolnikov, but also by such elite units as sappers of the Imperial Guard of Napoleon, boarding teams of all countries during hand-to-hand combat, and even soldiers of the Red Army during Patriotic War.

The rider Ovcharenko, who was bringing ammunition to the front line, surrounded by a sabotage group of Germans in the amount of about 50 people, orientated himself and, having no other weapons at that time, snatched an ordinary carpenter's ax from the wagon, cut off the head of a Wehrmacht officer, plunging his soldiers into shock. A pair of grenades completed the defeat of the enemy, the soldier received the Star of the Hero of the USSR for this feat.

Modernity makes its own adjustments to the conduct of combat.

Today, new models of battle axes are gaining popularity. Manufactured from the latest generation steel grades, in different shapes and sizes. They are lightweight and very durable.

Such axes have proven themselves quite well as universal tool in raids. It can also be successfully used in hand-to-hand combat, and how, and of course, you can simply chop firewood at a halt. Excellent specialized axes are now produced for tourists, rock climbers, etc.

Ax in popular culture

Not a single self-respecting work of the fantasy genre, be it a game or a book, is complete without the hero of the article. Armed with axes dwarves, violent and strong fighters.

At the same time, many developers forget that fighters of small stature cannot take full advantage of the effectiveness of the weapon in question.

A crushing downward blow of a heavy ax can be delivered by a dwarf to the protected chest of an enemy with an average height. But for the authors, this convention does not matter, and they still create numerous, similar friend on a friend of harsh gnomes with huge axes.

The weapons themselves act as valuable artifacts in the world of online games.

For example, a wretched battle ax is considered a valuable artifact, which can be obtained by completing a chain of tasks.

In the historical literature, the ax did not find much response. The bulk of the stories are connected with swords, swords or sabers. At the same time, axes remain in the background, but their importance as a mass and effective weapon does not suffer from this.


Hello dear readers! Today I would like to continue the topic "Battle axes" and describe to you about such an instance from this series as an ax. Let's talk about its characteristics and functionality. And also about several varieties of axes common in Asia and Europe.

Ax - one of the varieties of a battle ax, is considered a chopping melee weapon. Characteristically differs from other axes in the blade in the form of a crescent, pointed along the convex part. It takes its roots from ancient times.

common in Ancient Greece the ax called "labrys" instead of the butt had a symmetrical second blade, like a butterfly. Historians write that weapons of the same form were common among the peoples of Asia and the Romans.

The ax was also known in many countries of Europe and in Rus'. It was used in most cases by infantry to pull horsemen off their horses and break through heavy armor. For this, a strong and long spike, sometimes bent down, was located on the butt side of the ax.

Judging by the name, we can say that the ax is an ax, only the shaft itself is slightly longer. But there is a difference - it's a balance. The balance of the ax gives its owner a good freedom of movement. The ax is used due to its weight, like a hammer or mace.

In most cases, the ax differs from axes in that it can deliver stabbing blows, respectively, the ax would have to complete the feather, pointed forward, such as a halberd. In Asia, skilled martial artists preferred to wield an ax rather than an ax, since in good hands, the ax is capable of a lot. Judging by its appearance, we can say that this is a hybrid between a spear and a sword.

Characteristics of the ax

Ax consists of a shaft, a blade and a counterweight at the end of the shaft. The shaft of the ax consists of an ordinary stick, sometimes with a winding to prevent hands from slipping along the shaft. The length of the shaft depends on the method of use: for infantry up to 2.5 meters, "combat halberd"; for cavalry 70 - 80 centimeters, "horse axes"; for boarding ships up to 3 meters, "boarding halberd".

The warhead was pushed into the eye and fixed on the shaft with nails or rivets. The blade of the ax has very many types and forms, but in most cases it looked like a month-shaped blade, not far away from the shaft itself.

Since, the more the blade moved away from the shaft, the more the balance of the ax was lost, in turn, the possibility of fencing techniques. And if one side is heavier than the other, such an ax will be very difficult to wield.

The use of "butterfly" axes showed that it was difficult to strike with such an ax, the ax itself turned out to be very heavy and there was a very large inert force upon impact. There were also such axes, where the blade exceeded the shaft itself and served as a counterweight to itself.

Often the front of the blade was sharpened so that it was possible to inflict stabbing blows, although in several types of ax a kind of spike serves for this. Very often there is a gap between the blade and the spike or the blade and the shaft, which is used to capture the opponent's blade, but for this one must perfectly master the fencing techniques of the ax.

On the opposite side of the blade, where the butt is located, a hook is used in some types of axes. It is used for various purposes, such as: grab the wall or side of the ship, throw the rider off the horse, and much more.

The chopping part of the ax varies in length from 10 centimeters to a blade equal in length to the xiphoid blade. There is a protrusion at the bottom of the ax blade, below the fastener itself, it is called a pigtail and is used to better fasten the blade itself to the shaft.

The counterweight is a simple metal knob or spike that was used to rest on the ground, but it could also deliver an imperceptible blow. Without a counterweight, with an ax it would be very difficult to manage.

Ax functionality

The functionality of the ax allows you to use it as a spear, the difference between them is only in length, and of course the balance will not allow you to throw the ax like a spear. In a one-on-one fight, the ax has many advantages over other types of melee weapons.

With an ax, you can pull a warrior off a horse or strike at lower limbs, unprotected shield. If, for example, spears were used in defense, axes and swords in attack, then axes were the golden mean between them. Although many armies used detachments of axes to protect the flanks, using pikemen in the center.

Since axes were common in many countries of Europe and Asia, in each country the battle ax looked different and was used, depending on the shape of the blade, for different purposes. But still, let's try to deal with each of them separately.


The halberd is a melee polearm with a combined tip. The tip is a needle spear point up to one meter long and can be either round or faceted. The tip of the halberd itself sometimes had a hook. A small ax blade on one side, and on the other, a pointed butt is placed.

The advantages of the halberd were demonstrated to Europe in the XIV century, thanks to the Italian and Swiss mercenaries, who showed all the advantages of this ax in battle against knightly cavalry. In Flanders, the halberd was given the name "godenac".

The halberd was in service with many European countries from the 13th to the 17th centuries, but it became most widespread in the 15th - XVI centuries, as the most effective weapon against armored cavalry. The shaft of the halberd reached 2 - 2.5 meters and the weight was from 2.5 to 5.5 kilograms.

The halberds differed only in the shape and size of the axe. The ax blade could be: flat or crescent, narrow or wide, concave or convex, in the form of an ax or chasing, the number of hooks.

But there were also halberds that did not have a spear point and looked like an ordinary ax on a long shaft. By the 15th century, the halberd had finally formed and looked like: a narrow hatchet on one side, and on the other, a curved and pointed headband, a large needle point, on one side a shaft, and on the other hand, a small knob or a small point for better sticking into the ground .

In battle, there was no armor that the halberd could not break through with its tip, with an ax or butt, crushing - chopping blows were applied, a rider was pulled off a horse with a hook or ships were pulled during boarding. Also, boarding halberds were equipped with a large hook for better grip and an elongated shaft (up to 3 meters).

The name of the ax comes from English word"broad axe", meaning a wide axe. The broad-blade ax has a wide trapezoidal blade. Brodeks became the most common in the X-XI centuries, in the Baltics and Scandinavia.

On the territory of Rus', judging by the archaeological finds, there were practically none. Brodex had a characteristic rounded blade. Brodexes can be divided by appearance, with one-sided and two-sided sharpening. Double-sided brodexes were battle axes, but they were very heavy and inconvenient in terms of striking.

But later they were used, the executions that existed in the era of the New Age, the executioners chopped off their heads with such axes. Brodexes with one-sided sharpening, on the contrary, were not combat, but were used in agriculture. For example, due to their large flat surface, it was easy for them to process the surface of a fallen tree, beam or beam.


Berdysh is a cold weapon, like an ax - axes. The origin of the ax has not been sorted out, and to this day, some believe that it came from the French word "bardiche", others from the Polish "berdysz".

The blade is curved, resembling a crescent moon, worn on a long shaft, reaching up to 180 centimeters. They also said "ratovishche" on the staff. The blunt part of the ax blade had a hole for mounting on the rattove, and, as in an ordinary ax, it is called a butt, the opposite edge of the blade is also called stupid, and the end of the blade pulled down is called pigtail.

The ratovishche was attached to the metal, sitting on the butt and nailed or riveted, and the pigtail was tied with a strap. To nail the shaft to the butt, wells were made in it, their number could reach up to 7.

Pigtail they were also first nailed with several nails, and a rope or strap was still wound on top. In some cases, a thin strap on each turn was fixed with a small stud. On the lower part of the shaft, a metal tip was mounted, the so-called "flow", designed to better stop the reed into the ground.

subflow used in firing muskets, but also in parade formation. There are reeds in which small holes were made on the blade itself all over the canvas and rings were inserted into them. Thanks to this experiment, berdysh appeared, which were used by the cavalry. The berdysh of equestrian archers were much smaller than the axes of foot soldiers.

There were two metal rings for the shoulder strap on the ratovishe, so that it would be more convenient for the rider to use the reed. Riders began to use berdysh less and less often, since with the lightening of armor, swords became relevant, and later sabers.

Lochaberakst or Lochaber ax in English means "Lochaber axe" and takes its roots from the name of the territory in Scotland, called Lochaber. Outwardly, lochaberakst is very similar to a reed.

Ax consists of an iron blade with two eyes into which the shaft itself is inserted, about one and a half meters long. The length of the blade itself reached 50 centimeters and had both a flat surface and a wavy one.

The upper end of the ax was in the form of a crescent and sharpened so that it would be possible to inflict stabbing blows. On the eyes there could be a hook for pulling warriors from the cavalry. The Lochaber ax was used by both cavalry and infantry and was a very versatile and effective battle ax.

Studying history, it can be assumed that the lochaberakst, due to its functionality, was modernized into a halberd around the 15th century. But in Scotland they were relevant until the 18th century.

Sakravor translated from Armenian "Սակրավոր" , came from the word sakur, meaning an ax. In the ancient Armenian army, the soldiers were mainly armed with axes. From the name of the ax came the very name of the warriors - sacravor.

But since the warriors were very functional, their equipment also included other axes, military trench shovels. Sakravors were engaged in laying roads, cutting down forests, building bridges, setting up military camps, trenches, haravands "խարավանդ" and much more.

It was also the responsibility of the sacravores to monitor the "gumak" - a convoy of horses, oxen, carrying ammunition, food, camp supplies. In our time, you can hear in the Armenian army that they say sakravor to sappers. From which it follows that even in those days, the first multifunctional sappers appeared.

The Scandinavian ax is a medieval polearm. The Scandinavian ax differed from most axes in that it had a wide blade, symmetrically diverging in different directions. The ax was very thin, it had side cheeks.

The thickness of the blade itself was about 2 millimeters, having a sleeve at the end, the width of the sleeve was 2.5 centimeters, and the length was 3.5 centimeters. The blade blade was also large, its width was 17 - 18 centimeters, and the length was also 17 - 18 centimeters.

For you to understand, it was not a square, since the blade diverged symmetrically in different directions. The weight of the ax without the shaft was about 450 grams, and the shaft reached a length of up to 120 centimeters. The ax takes its roots from its name - Scandinavia.

Due to their Norman influence, the Scandinavians introduced the ax to Europe in the 10th - 11th centuries, in Rus' such axes appeared only in the second half of the 10th century, and full-scale use began only in the 11th century. If in Rus' in the XII - XIII century, axes began to lose their popularity, then in Europe, on the contrary, they are used very massively.

During the XII - XIII centuries, axes undergo all kinds of modifications, such as: a spike is added, like a halberd, the length of the shaft itself increases. One of these modifications will polex . At the same time, an unmodified version of the ax is also used: as proof, they were used in Ireland and Scotland until the 16th century.


The Polex is a modified Scandinavian axe, considered a European polearm. In the XV - XVI centuries, the polex became one of the most widely used melee weapons for foot soldiers. Like all axes, the polex was also divided into a shaft, up to two meters long and a metal blade.

On the top of the polex blade there was a needle spike, on some axes such a spike was also placed in the lower part of the shaft. On the pole itself there were iron strips "langets" descending on both sides of the blade head to the bottom and were used to protect the blade from cutting.

There were poles with protection for the hands, such protection was called "rondel". But the most important difference in the polex was that all parts of the blade were assembled on bolts or pins, it was possible to replace the failed part with a new one. Because of this, it was very popular, since halberds at that time were solid forged.

The siege knife is a polearm. Its purpose was to cut and stab. It looked like both a halberd and a glaive, but it had a large shaft, about 3 meters.

The wedge-shaped tip had a wide cutting surface on one side and a large hook on the other, designed to cling to the fortress walls and climb the same walls with a knife. It was used mainly in Germany and was relevant until the 18th century.


Translated from Italian "guisarme" means guisarma, guisarma, guisarma . It is very similar to a halberd with a long narrow, slightly curved point, the blade of which is straight, with a branch pointed at the end. The first branch is long and straight, and the other branch is a slightly curved spike.

The thorn and the blade are placed at a decent distance from each other, according to the type of guizarama, one can say that its progenitors were ordinary agricultural pitchforks. The guizarama is the only European ax designed primarily for spectacular strikes.

Chopping blows with an ax were used primarily against horses, cutting their tendons, but it was also possible to pull off the rider himself. Such a specific weapon appeared in the 11th century, but the final result was formed only at the end of the 14th century.


Translated from French "glaive" means glaive, glaive . The glaive is a polearm designed for close combat and was used only by infantry. It consists of a tip about 60 centimeters long, 5 - 7 centimeters wide and has a shaft about one and a half meters long.

Metal tape was often wound around the shaft itself to strengthen it from cutting, or rivets were applied for the same purpose. The tip is shaped like a blade, but sharpened only on one side of the wide "falcyon".

From the side of the so-called butt of the tip, a spike branches parallel to the tip, bent at a small angle. The functions of the spike included grabbing the weapon when repelling a blow from above, as well as delivering more powerful and effective piercing blows that pierce the enemy’s armor.

Since the tip itself could only deliver chopping blows, the glaive was mainly used as a chopping weapon. At the end of the shaft, there was also a tip, but in most cases it was used as a balance. Although, sometimes they also inflicted tricky blows or finished off the wounded.

Many believe that the glaive is the most ordinary scythe, only straightened and put on the shaft, as if continuing it, with the tip forward. Since the glaive is a relatively light ax, functional, it began to be used in France and Germany as early as the 15th century, but the use required special skills.

There were many modifications of the glaive, for example: a wide, ax-like tip on one side of the shaft and a spherical counterweight on the end; or on both sides of the shaft, there were identical, sharp, narrow, long blades.

All modifications cannot be counted, but I will point out several analogues of the glaive in other countries, for example:

  • German "halberd"
  • Polish "berdysh"
  • Indian "bhuj"
  • Japanese "nagamaki" and "naginata"
  • Chinese "guandao"
  • and, of course, "owl" from Rus'

In conclusion, I would like to say that the ax was so functional that many countries and continents had their own axes, each country made its own modernization of the ax, so it is impossible and problematic to list them in one article. But in the future, I will write about battle axes, which I have not yet paid my attention to. So, stay tuned for new posts about battle axes! It will be boring!

Your Alexander Maksimchuk!
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