Elizaveta Peskova and her pages in social networks. Themselves with a mustache: an independent and ambitious daughter of Dmitry Peskov Biography of Lisa Peskova

Elizaveta Peskova at the age of 17 managed to become famous in Russia. Thanks to her scandalous statements, she repeatedly became the star of the domestic media and the Internet.


Lisa was born on January 9, 1998 in Ankara. Her dad Dmitry is famous statesman and press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation since 2012. Mother Ekaterina is a philologist, daughter of the diplomat Vladimir Solotsinsky. Lisa has younger brothers Mick and Denis, as well as half-brother Nikolai and sister Nadezhda.

Elizabeth's parents, fluent in several foreign languages, developed their daughter's linguistic abilities from childhood. From the age of 7, she learned several dozen new words every day in English and French. Every year during the summer holidays, the girl went to specialized language camps in France and Scotland. Lisa's teachers also noted that the girl could become a good artist.

At the age of 11, the girl was sent to the Ecole des Roches boarding school in Normandy. Here she improved her knowledge of the French language. After completing the courses, the Ecole des Roches teachers strongly recommended that Elisabeth, who is good at drawing, enter the Ecole du Louvre art school in the French capital. Her mother, who divorced Peskov in 2012, lived in Paris and wanted Lisa to stay in this city. But Dmitry insisted that his daughter return to Russia.

Elizabeth followed in the footsteps of her father and grandfather. She entered the Institute of Asian and African countries, which they graduated many years ago. But a year later, the girl realized that she had made a mistake. She missed Paris, which had become her home, and her friends.

Returning to France in 2015, Lisa entered the Paris Business School. Here she studied marketing, as well as several foreign languages. Peskova is currently fluent in French and English, and can also speak Turkish, Arabic and Chinese.

Scandalous Lisa

Many scandals are associated with the name of Peskov's daughter. In 2015, the girl announced that she did not want to live and study in Russia. In her opinion, you can live well here only if your family is provided for. The following year, Elizabeth condemned the Russian education system, calling it "hell." Her statements had a wide resonance in society.

The girl periodically "walks" through her own father. Once she said that the wedding of Peskov and Navka was a beautiful staging. In fact, there was no celebration. Navka tried to protect her husband's daughter, saying that the girl was confused and was having a hard time with her father's wedding. In 2017, Elizabeth posted a post on Instagram, in which she called Peskov "the main billionaire and thief of the country."

In the fall of 2017, Lisa wrote an article for Forbes magazine dedicated modern education. Later it turned out that the girl picked up some thoughts from other people's publications. Readers were outraged, but Peskova traditionally did not comment on the situation.

Personal life

The young blonde has had several novels over the past 3 years. In 2014, she met with her peer Yura Meshcheryakov. A year after the start of the relationship, they even got engaged, but soon the couple broke up. In 2016, it became known that Lisa had a new boyfriend, Mikhail. He lived in China and worked in education. The long-distance romance quickly ended.

In 2017, Elizabeth was seen in the company of Louis Waldberg. The guy is 20 years old, but he already has own business. Louie is a manufacturer of Tazer Lighter lighters. As it turned out, Louis and Lisa have been dating for more than six months. The guy periodically comes to Moscow and attends social events with Peskova. Together with her, he visited Chechnya and met Ramzan Kadyrov there.

Social media

Elizabeth has an account only on Instagram. Here she registered in 2011. Over the past few years, Liza Peskova on Instagram ( Posted over 100 photos. The girl is happy to take pictures with her family. She has many photos with her father, mother, brothers. In the pictures, you can replace many famous people(for example, Pugachev and Galkin, Kadyrov, Edmon Avakyan).

More than 50 thousand people have subscribed to Peskova's Instagram. She is not registered in other popular social networks.

Elizabeth is only 19 years old, so many are condescending to her provocative phrases and posts on Instagram. But even in this young age it touches on serious issues and highlights important issues, albeit through the prism of youthful maximalism. In the summer of 2017, Peskova joined the AVANTI team, which is engaged in the development of patriotic education and youth entrepreneurship. Perhaps this is the first big step in political career Lisa. Such a girl, distinguished by ambition and self-confidence, will not be difficult to succeed in any field!

Account: stpellegrino

Occupation: blogger, daughter of the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov

Liza Peskova Instagram user with incredible intelligence. Thanks to a good education and the right upbringing that her parents gave her, the girl is very reasonable and smart, despite her young years.

Liza Peskova, whose Instagram photo demonstrates the secular lifestyle of a young lady, appreciates her family, loved ones. The girl is studying in France, in Paris, so she rarely comes to Russia. She often posts joint photos with her young man Yuri, with whom she is associated serious relationship. Lovers travel a lot together, try to devote as much time as possible to each other. Liza, like any modern lady, goes to beauty salons, shares her impressions with subscribers.

The girl is very kind to her family. Therefore, family photos often appear on the Instagram page of Lisa Peskova. She recently posted a picture of herself in the company of her brothers and her beloved dog. She has a special love for animals, whenever possible, she visits a shelter for homeless animals, donates money for the treatment of sick dogs. Lisa boasts a perfect figure. In the last photo, she is tracksuit getting ready for training.

Biography of Lisa Peskova

Liza Peskova whose biography began in Moscow, where she was born, has been studying foreign languages ​​since childhood. Already at the age of 7, teachers were engaged with the girl. Since that time, the biography of Lisa Peskova began to be replenished with new knowledge. Today he knows 5 foreign languages, 2 of which are perfect.

  • In 2015, she took part in the Tatler Ball.
  • In 2015, on the recommendation of her father, she entered the ISAA, but soon dropped out and returned to France to her mother and brothers.
  • In 2015, she entered a business school in Paris, and began to improve oriental languages.
  • In 2015, the girl experienced a real shock when she found out that her parents were getting divorced, and her father had another woman. In this situation, Lisa supported her mother, but she maintained an excellent relationship with her father.
  • In 2016, Lisa posted a statement on her Instagram page that Russian education must be subject to change. This caused a public outcry and criticism of subscribers against the girl.
0 May 10, 2016, 06:07 PM

Elizabeth Peskova

18-year-old Lisa Peskova, the eldest daughter of Dmitry Peskov and his second ex-wife Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, manages to spend time with her mother in France and with her father in Russia, attend lectures at the university and go to parties. In addition, she is fond of fashion and art, and for a year and a half she has been dating a young man from Moscow, with whom Lisa announced her engagement in October. What else do we know about the young and promising daughter of a Russian politician?


Elizaveta Peskova was born on January 9, 1998, her father is Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of the head of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, and her mother is Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, a certified philologist. In 2012, Lisa's parents divorced, now the girl lives in Paris with her mother, but often comes to Moscow.

Photo from Lisa's Instagram Peskova (with mother Ekaterina and father Dmitry)

For several years, Lisa studied at the Ecole des Roches, a prestigious private college in Normandy. The girl was going to enter the Ecole du Louvre, the teachers noted that Lisa showed convincing success in painting, but during her visit to Moscow she fell in love, after which she did not even think about entering a French university. Now, the priorities have changed: according to some media reports, Lisa is in her third year at Moscow State University. In the summer of 2015, in an interview with, the girl said:

To be honest, I want to quit university and go to France. My mother lives in Paris. I will study at the Institute of Marketing and Business.

Whether Lisa succeeded in carrying out her intentions is not known for sure. On her Instagram page, she posts photos of Russian capital, then from French. Eldest daughter Dmitry Peskov also often shares photos with his mother, who now lives in Paris. There are also photos with her father, with whom Lisa spends her holidays.

Sometimes we go to the cinema and very, very rarely go to restaurants. And we still spend a lot of time in the gym. Dad leads a sports lifestyle. In winter we go skating and skiing. Sometimes we even arrange competitions - we run a race. My dad is like a personal trainer - he teaches me how to properly pump the press and fight. Fortunately, until I had to use the boxing techniques that my father showed,

- the daughter of the politician said in the same interview.

On her Instagram page, the girl also shares family photos with charming brothers - Mika and Denis (sons of Peskov and Solotsinskaya - ed.).

Liza with brothers Mika and Denis

Relationship with stepmother

Lisa did not know about her father's affair with the former Russian figure skater Tatyana Navka for a long time. The news was told to her by her mother. The girl did not come to the wedding, she wished to stay away from this whole situation.

Tatyana did a lot to please me and my little brothers. She gave me a lot of different advice that related to my personal life, she never put pressure on me. And she was never like those evil stepmothers from fairy tales, but on the contrary, she is like a friend to me,

Lisa said in an interview.

In early October, Lisa's scandal broke out in the press about the wedding of Dmitry Peskov and Tatiana Navka.

I know that there was no wedding, and what all the people saw, it was just another occasion for a huge celebration,

- then the girl said in an interview.

Tatyana Navka then stepdaughter:

The girl is just confused, hard going through. And I consider it criminal to use this situation when the child is under the influence of emotions. A normal, intelligent person understands this, but let the spiteful critics discuss it, since they so want to, I cannot forbid it. I hope and believe that Liza will grow up, she will realize everything herself and will figure everything out.

It is known that Dmitry Peskov and Tatyana Navka introduced their daughters Lisa and Sasha, and according to some media reports, the girls even became friends. But, judging by the Instagram account of Lisa and Sasha, they rarely communicate.


In January, Lisa turned 18 years old, according to the laws of France and Russia, the girl is an adult. Peskova regularly posts photos from parties, concerts, festivals and art exhibitions on Instagram, she also shares pictures in fashionable images and loves to take selfies.

Personal life

In October 2015, Lisa surprised the public with her loud announcement of her engagement to her peer, Muscovite Yuri Meshcheryakov. Under a joint photo with a young man, the girl wrote the following:

Yesterday we really announced our engagement! For us, this is a separate concept, for a wedding on this moment irrelevant. As I said, there can be no talk of a wedding now! But the main thing, as I think, is that all ages are submissive to love. I wish everyone these wonderful emotions and feelings that you should not be ashamed of! Much rests in this world precisely on love, love for people is what we all need.

Lisa at that time was only 17 years old, so the news was actively discussed in the media for a long time. Young people are not going to the registry office yet, Lisa plans to wait until the age of 22 and, apparently, her young man supports the decision of the bride.

The lovers have been together for a year and a half and often publish charming romantic photos on their accounts to the delight of subscribers.


Instagram photo

Dmitry Peskov and his wife Tatyana Navka were the first to try on the mask invented by Elizabeth. According to the 21-year-old girl, she has long wanted to do something original for Instagram, and this idea seemed the most striking and original. “This is my first mask and, of course, this is our favorite mustache, one might say, family. My nose is already daddy’s, and now I can try on his mustache, ”Peskova joked.

Apparently, Dmitry Sergeevich appreciated his daughter's joke and was not offended at all. The mask became a real hit in just a few hours: it was downloaded by more than a thousand web users.

Recall that Lisa Peskova is very close to her dad. The parents broke up in 2012, but the girl made this decision and subsequently quickly found a common language with her father's current wife, Tatyana Navka. Today, the star heiress often visits their luxurious home.

By the way, the president's press secretary is a father of many children, he is raising five children. The eldest heir, Nikolai, was born in Peskov's first marriage. The guy lived abroad for a long time, but now he spends most of his time in Russia, doing several business projects.

The second wife Ekaterina gave birth to Dmitry Sergeevich's daughter Lisa and sons Mika and Denis. After the divorce, the woman moved to Paris, where she now lives with her children. She does not prevent the heirs from communicating with the pope, so they often visit him in Moscow.

Tatyana Navka gave Peskov a daughter, Nadia. Now the girl is taking her first steps in figure skating: she played one of the main roles in the Sleeping Beauty ice show, produced by her mother.

Navka's eldest daughter Sasha Zhulina is very friendly with Peskov's children. The married couple loves to gather all the children and celebrate home holidays.

Elizaveta Peskova has long been a star of the Network. True, the girl has developed a very ambiguous image: the blonde is often criticized for free statements or demonstrations beautiful life. But Lisa does not focus on the negative. Now she is studying abroad and is making ambitious plans for the future.

Over the past few years, the girl has repeatedly posted on the Web not only gorgeous photos, but also provocative posts, which caused a lot of criticism regarding the girl’s high-ranking father.

Childhood and family

Elizaveta Peskova was born on January 9, 1998 in Moscow. Lisa's father, Dmitry Peskov, met her mother Ekaterina Solotsinskaya when she was still a girl. The ISAA graduate arrived in Ankara, where his father, Sergei Nikolaevich Peskov, worked at the Russian embassy. Catherine's father, diplomat Vladimir Dmitrievich Solotsinsky, worked there.

Dmitry and Ekaterina got married 4 years later, when Peskov terminated his previous marriage with his granddaughter Anastasia Budyonny. Lisa's parents have been married for 20 years. She has brothers Michael and Dani. Mom worked as a cosmetologist, now lives in Paris with her children, does charity work. Dmitry Peskov in 2015 married the Olympic champion in figure skating Tatyana Navka.

Liza Peskova's parents early childhood seriously engaged in the education of their daughter. Particular attention was paid to the study of foreign languages. On summer holidays parents sent Lisa to language camps in Scotland and France. By the age of 19, the girl perfectly mastered English and French, she is studying Turkish, Chinese and Arabic. She graduated from a boarding school in Normandy and as an external student - one of the schools in Moscow. Lisa draws beautifully, writes poetry.

Dmitry Peskov insisted that Liza get higher education in Russia. Having entered and studied for a year at the Institute of Asian and African Studies at Moscow State University, Lisa returned to France and entered the Paris Business School. In parallel with her studies, Elizabeth works as a consultant in one of the fashionable clothing boutiques. He lives with his mother and brothers in an apartment in a prestigious area of ​​Paris.

Daughter of the presidential press secretary

The close attention of the press to the biography of Lisa Peskova is primarily due to the fact that the girl is the daughter of the presidential press secretary Russian Federation. Since 1990, Dmitry Peskov has worked as a secretary of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Turkey. In 2000, when Vladimir Putin was declared acting president of Russia, and then elected president, Dmitry Peskov worked as head of the media department at the press service of the presidential administration.

Later he was appointed Deputy Head of the Presidential Press Service, Deputy Press Secretary of the President of Russia. Also, Dmitry Peskov was a translator from Turkish under Vladimir Putin. In April 2004, Dmitry Peskov was appointed Deputy Press Secretary of the President of Russia. His duties included providing information communication between the presidential administration and the executive branch.

In addition, Dmitry Peskov supervised information projects, presidential press conferences, direct lines. In 2008, Peskov was appointed press secretary of the Prime Minister of Russia. After Vladimir Putin took office as President of the Russian Federation on May 22, 2012, Dmitry Peskov is the Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration, Vladimir Putin's press secretary.

Elizaveta Peskova, in one of her posts on the Web, mentioned early childhood memories in which the family is in financial distress, and dad is a private driver. The note caused a flurry of criticism and jokes about Lisa and the Peskov family. In the spring of 2016, the girl burst into an article criticizing the Russian education system. The girl remembered in a post how she came from France to graduate from a Russian school and pass the exam.

Lisa called the time spent within the walls of the school hell and advised Russian officials take as a basis European system education, in which schoolchildren and students are not so loaded with unnecessary information, and teachers give knowledge in the form of a game. The post got a lot of hateful comments. Some advised the girl's parents to "read and flog."

Interest was aroused by the publication of Elizaveta Peskova on the Web, dedicated to the uncomfortable situation in Paris called "Paris is no longer Paris." In the post, the girl noted that, in no way being a racist, she was annoyed by the tolerance of the French authorities towards Muslims. Liza was indignant at the fact that she could not get into any public place, without being searched, while women in hijab are respectfully let through without being touched. Touched by young Peskova and the fact that in the center of Paris you can fall for the bait of scammers.

Personal life

Two years ago, Lisa Peskova announced her engagement to businessman Yuri Meshcheryakov. Lisa's mother Ekaterina even mentioned that she was ready to try on the image of a grandmother. And it is not surprising, because Ekaterina Solotsinskaya herself married Lisa's father when she was only 18 years old.

But the matter never came to the wedding of Lisa and Yuri. The press discusses information about the girl's new novel. According to rumors, the young French businessman Louis Waldberg became the chosen one of Elizabeth. Lisa posted a romantic photo with Louis in August. The couple jointly visited the Crimea this summer and visited Grozny. It is assumed that Louis Waldberg, who manufactures lighters in France, is going to start a business in Russia, and the new bride will be able to help him.

In July 2017, Liza Peskova became an advisor on youth entrepreneurship to the president of the Association of Entrepreneurs for the Development of Business Patriotism. The association was founded by a businessman. Together with AVANTI, Lisa visited the Sevastopol shipyard Yuzhny.

During a press conference in Crimea, Peskova said that she would promote ideas for the development of youth entrepreneurship in the ship repair industry. According to the young adviser, it is necessary to come up with tactics, “roughly speaking, for PR of legal proceedings, shipbuilding.”

Liza Peskova in the Crimea at the shipyard

And for this, according to Peskova, it is necessary to give young people confidence in the future and prove that work in shipbuilding is prestigious.

“We need to work on innovation, on the modernization of shipyards. And I think that now the main task is PR and information support,” the adviser said.

In August 2017, Liza Peskova stopped working with AVANTI and removed information about the Association from the official website.

Liza Peskova now

In September 2017, Lisa Peskova was at the center of a scandal. Editorial Russian version Forbes magazine entrusted the girl to write articles. According to Irina Mokrousova, deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine, Lisa is a popular person in the youth crowd and can attract new readers. The editors of the magazine had no doubt that Liza would take the task seriously and prepare material on the attitude of young people to business and education.

Forbes published an article by Lisa Peskova “The Illusion of Knowledge. Will new technologies kill traditional education? The article aroused public interest and a lot of conflicting opinions. Criticism hit Lisa with accusations of plagiarism, when it turned out that part of the text in the article of the unfortunate journalist was borrowed from other sources and given out by Lisa as her own thoughts.

On September 17, 2017, Liza Peskova deleted her Instagram account. A representative of the president's press secretary's daughter said that Lisa was busy - the student began a new semester at a business school. Probably, the girl was tired of the persecution that unfolded against her on the Web in connection with the latest scandal.

Lisa communicates well with her stepmother. This spring, Dmitry Peskov, along with his wife Tatyana Navka, found time in a busy work schedule and went to Spain. Together with their parents, Navka's daughter Sasha and Peskov's children, Misha, Denis and Lisa, visited Barcelona.
