Whose beech shot down the Boeing. The Russian version fell apart at the speed of light

Military experts note that Russia is once again making false statements.

Russia finally admitted that Malaysian Boeing hit by Buk missile, but at the same time blamed the Ukrainian side for the tragedy.

This version was voiced on June 2 at a press conference by representatives of the Almaz-Antey concern, the Russian manufacturer of the Buk missile systems.

Read also:

It seems that the representatives of the concern live in a parallel dimension, because there are many international investigations previously proved that the missile launch site was under the control of the separatists, and "Buk" was brought from Russia. Also online photos of "Buk" appeared, which is heading along the roads of Russia towards Ukraine.

Read also:

In addition, military experts contacted, note that Russia is once again making untrue statements, because in fact it owns the type of missiles, one of which shot down the plane, and the statements of the Russian side regarding the territory from which the missile was fired are not true.


Dmitry Umanets, lieutenant general:

First, we have not yet heard a single word of truth from the Russian side. And while these vandals rule there, there will be no truth.

Secondly, it was carried out expert review foreign specialists (England, Germany, France). And there it was clearly stated that the plane was shot down from the territory controlled by pro-Russian militants and shot down by a Russian Buk.

Thirdly, the launcher was clearly fixed, on which four missiles lay, and when they returned back, it was clearly visible that there were three missiles. That is, one rocket was launched precisely at this Boeing.

Fourthly, they say that they did not have such "Buks". They (I don't remember exactly how many) stole this Buk in the Crimea. By the way, they hit the plane from a new Buk (of the same series, but newer than we currently have in service). That is, it is possible - I especially emphasize this - that in order to confuse the situation, they could use the Buk from Crimea.

And the last. At that time, we practically did not shoot down aircraft. It was forbidden to use aircraft, so there was absolutely no need for us to shoot.

Read also:

Sergei Zgurets, Head of Research Programs at the Center for Army Research, Conversion and Disarmament:

In fact, these statements of the Russians are not surprising. Starting from what they said Boeing was shot down by a Ukrainian fighter jet- then this version was forgotten - and ending with today's statement. But there are conclusions from international experts who say that the plane was indeed shot down with missile system"Buk", but nowhere does it say that this "Buk" was Ukrainian. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are armed with "Buks" of the M1 type, which were manufactured in the USSR. But the same "Buks" are in the Russian Federation - evidence of this are numerous photos of these complexes that lit up at the current parade May 9 in Moscow. On what grounds do the Russians claim that the Buk that shot down the Boeing is Ukrainian?

In addition, there are numerous materials that show the movement of the Russian "Buk" from Russia to Ukraine and back. For some reason, the Russians do not remember these materials.

Where the rocket was launched from is also established. There are three Western studies that say that the missile was launched from the territory controlled by the militants. Especially remember the negotiations of the terrorists, who recalled that they had blocked the plane. And where does all this evidence go?

The Boeing was shot down by a Buk, the Buk was brought in from the Russian Federation and then evacuated. This is confirmed by the research of experts, journalists and intercepted conversations between militants. Whatever the Russian side says now, it's hard to believe people who live in their own world.

Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777, flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, was shot down over the Donbass on July 17, 2014.

Reuters, referring to photographs, videos and eyewitness accounts - local residents and militants - has established location of "Buk" on the day of the tragedy. According to the publication, the Buk was delivered on July 17 to the militant-controlled city of Snezhnoye, 7 km north of Krasny Oktyabr, and then taken away from the area some time later.

One of the locals said that the missile system was located in a field near the Krasny Oktyabr farm on the day the Boeing 777 hit the ground. This was confirmed by a former militant who fought as part of the Vostok separatist battalion and that day was not far from the farm.

Olga Skichko

About the report of the Joint Investigation Team, andwhether the international investigators did not pay attention to anything.

“If stars light up in the sky, then someone needs it”

(A. Exupery. "The Little Prince")

Instead of a preface

The Joint Investigation Team (JIT) once again held a press conference on May 24, at which its representatives once again said that the Malaysian Boeing, it seems, was shot down from a Buk brought from Russia.

The development of this story is extremely characteristic of contemporary Western politics. No one bothers to make good arguments, and everyone is sure that the layman will believe any story if it is told enough times.

This time, during a press conference, the head of the SSG F. Westerbeke, as an allegedly proven fact, stated that the Buk air defense system, which shot down the Boeing, arrived from Russia. At the same time, according to him, the SSG managed to prove the identity of the Buk SAM system of the 53rd anti-aircraft missile brigade, recorded on video in June 2014 in the Belgorod and Rostov regions, and the Buk system, filmed on a video recorder in Makeevka on July 17, 2014 .

Comparative analysis The tactical number of the vehicles (the notorious number 332) and the transport markings applied on the left side, according to the "investigators", undeniably confirms the location of SOU No. 332 of the 53rd brigade in the Donbass in July 2014.

Vaguely stating that in addition to the materials presented at the press conference, there is still a lot of various “evidence”, F. Westerbeke lets slip about the significant contribution to the investigation of the Bellingcat blogging community, headed by an employee of the think tank of the US State Department, the American NGO Atlantic Council, (Atlantic Council) Eliot Higgens.

In this investigation, based on the materials submitted by the JIT, we will prove that F. Westerbeke's statement about the involvement of the Russian self-propelled firing system (SDA) in the death of the Boeing on July 17, 2014 is false.

According to F. Westerbeke, the JIT investigators carried out a detailed analysis distinctive features self-propelled firing system (SDA) of the Buk air defense system, depicted in photographs taken in the Belgorod region and in the Donbass. This allowed them to unambiguously draw a conclusion about the involvement Russian Federation to the crash of the Boeing. However, it would be difficult to expect a different result from them. Even if we do not take into account the obvious anti-Russian context of the ongoing “objective” international investigation and its custom nature, it is obvious that the investigation is going along the wrong path, outlined by the Bellingcat falsifiers.

This is confirmed by the materials presented at the press conference, taken from the dubious reports of the "sofa" investigators E. Higgens about the involvement of the "Buk" of the 53rd anti-aircraft missile brigade in the tragedy of July 17, 2014.

At the same time, it is bewildering that, while continuing to compare implicit signs in the photographs of the SOU - images of markings, dents and scratches, the JIT persistently ignores the obvious facts that completely refute their version of the presence of the Russian Buk in Ukraine.

And the truth is, the Buk from the 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade has never crossed the Ukrainian border and has nothing to do with the Buk on the white trailer photographed in Ukraine in Makiivka. We are talking about the fact that the cars shown in the photographs belong to to various modifications and for some inexplicable reason, the SSG specialists did not pay attention to this fact.

The fact is that, despite the external similarity, the SDA of various modifications has certain distinguishing features. These include the presence of a folding platform on the left side of the machine.

Cars produced after 1984 began to be equipped with similar platforms. The site was added for ease of access of the calculation to the hull of the JMA during its operation.

This Bellingcat theorists, who prepared their falsification so carefully, apparently did not know. The JIT investigators did not know this either.

Consider an example of a 9A310 M1-2 modification SDA, which provides for a folding platform on the body of the tracked chassis (Buk-M1 air defense system). As you can see in the photo, the platform stands out noticeably on the body of the machine.

Photo SOU SAM "Buk" modification 9A310 M1-2 with a folding platform

Now let's compare it with the Buk anti-aircraft missile system of an earlier modification, released before 1984. The presented photo shows the 9A310 SOU (not 9A310 M1, namely 9A310!) SAM 9K37 "Buk" without a folding platform on the chassis body.

Photo of SOU SAM "Buk" modification 9A310 without a folding platform

So, in the presentation presented during a press conference on May 24, 2018, the SSG on all frames fixing the movement of the column of the 53rd anti-aircraft missile brigade across the territory of Russia on the back of the left side of the SOU, "suspected" of being involved in the tragedy with the Boeing ”, the loose folding platform, which was mentioned above, is clearly visible.

Freeze frame for 1 min. 9 seconds of presentation (site visible)

Freeze frame for 2 min. 36 seconds of presentation (site visible)

Freeze frame for 3 min. 23 seconds of presentation (site visible)

Freeze frame for 5 min. 26 seconds of presentation (site visible)

Freeze frame for 5 min. 34 seconds of presentation (site visible)

At the same time, in the pictures taken in Ukraine in the Makiivka region, there is no folding platform.

Freeze frame for 5 min. 35 second presentation (no platform available)

The site is also missing from the photo taken by journalists of the French tabloid Paris Match in Donetsk.

Photo of the Buk missile defense system from the Paris Match magazine (the site is missing)

Comparative pictures of the Buk missile launcher taken in the Belgorod region(right) and in Ukraine: screenshot from a DVR (left)

This means only one thing - in the photographs taken in Russia and Ukraine, self-propelled guns of the Buk air defense system of various modifications were recorded, that is, we are talking about two different machines, which means the Russian Buk of the 53rd brigade (at least "3 × 2" , although "332") did not cross the border with Ukraine.

Was there a white trailer in Makiivka on July 17, 2014?

As evidence of the involvement of the 53rd brigade in the crash of the Boeing, the SSG cites data from a car video recorder that recorded a white Volvo trailer passing through Makiivka, transporting the Buk air defense system.

At the same time, it is alleged that the footage was taken on July 17, 2014, the day the Boeing crashed.

The footage from the DVR shows that the route of the trailer passed by the Parallel gas station. According to Google Maps, there is only one Parallel filling station in Makiivka, located at 52 Avtotransportnaya Street.

Parallel gas station located at 52 Avtotransportnaya Street (Google Maps image)

Gas station "Parallel", located at Avtotransportnaya street, 52. (frame from the video recorder)

The landscape features in the Google Maps image and the footage from the DVR match, which allows you to accurately determine the place.

However, not all so simple. The key question that needs to be answered is whether this video was filmed exactly on July 17, 2014, as the JIT (read Bellingcat) claims, or at another time?

The “sofa” investigation conducted according to the Bellingcat method showed a result opposite to that which was made public by the JIT - there was no trailer on the day of the Boeing crash in Makiivka.

This is confirmed by a video filmed by eyewitnesses of the movement of a column of militia military equipment against the background of the same gas station along Avtotransportnaya Street, which was also captured by the video recorder. The authors of the video uploaded it to YouTube on July 15, 2014. This allows us to state that it was filmed at least two days before, according to the JIT, the video was filmed.

In case someone has doubts about the reliability of the date of placement of the video, a link to it was posted on July 16, 2014 by RIA Novosti Ukraine. This video has now been removed for some reason. However, according to the text of the message that accompanied him, we can confidently say that we are talking about the same frames.

Screenshot of the RIA Novosti Ukraine page with a link to a video about the movement of a convoy of militia equipment in Makiivka dated July 15, 2014

The study of both videos showed that they were filmed in the same place, only from different angles.

The angle from which the column of equipment was filmed on July 15, 2014 (a picture from a video recorder, allegedly taken on July 17, 2014).

On the video, dated July 15, it can be seen that before the passage of the column of vehicles, the asphalt surface of the road was not damaged. After the passage of the column, characteristic dents from the tracks remained on the roadway.

After the passage of the column on July 15, 2014, there were clearly visible characteristic traces left by caterpillar vehicles

Dashcam footage allegedly taken on July 17, 2014 shows no visible signs of damage on the road left on July 15

At the same time, on the frames from the DVR, allegedly made two days later, there are no visible signs of damage caused by heavy equipment on the road. If we discard the version that in the period from July 15 to July 17, 2014, the asphalt surface was replaced on this section of the road, then the conclusion becomes obvious - DVR footage taken before July 15, 2014.

This way you can make disappointing for Bellingcat conclusions:

The dashcam footage was taken prior to July 15, 2014. They do not prove the location of the Buk trailer on the day of the Boeing crash in Makiivka.

Thus, all the allegations that the Boeing was shot down from the Buk launcher, which was transported on a white trailer on July 17, 2014 through Makiivka, are groundless.

Instead of a conclusion

Unfortunately, the interim report on the results of the investigation into the crash of the Malaysian Boeing, presented on May 24 by the JIT, once again demonstrated its bias. The international investigation, making extensive use of the materials provided by the Bellingcat group, does not seek to establish the true causes of the tragedy, but only fulfills the anti-Russian order of Washington.

At the same time, it remained behind the scenes that Eliot Higgins, representing the American NGO Atlantic Council, the day after the JIT press conference, presented another Bellingcat report accusing Russia of the Boeing crash. Is this a coincidence? Unlikely.

A page from the official website of the Atlantic Council indicating the position of an employee of the organization - Eliot Higgins

Cooperation with the Atlantic Council largely explains the anti-Russian focus of Bellingcat’s “investigations”. It is noteworthy that none of the war crimes of the United States and its allies in the anti-ISIS* coalition that resulted in the death of civilians in Iraq and Syria interested them.

However, why be surprised? As the famous character of the film "Mimino" said, "Whoever dines a girl, he dances her." In this case, the truth about the crash of the Boeing 777 in the sky over Ukraine is not provided for by the menu.

New conclusions of the international investigation

Serial number on one of the wreckage of the rocket that shot down the Malaysian Boeing

The Buk self-propelled missile launcher, which was used to shoot down Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17, is in service with the 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade stationed near Kursk. This was officially announced on Thursday at a press conference in Bunnik, Netherlands by the Joint Investigation Team (JIT), which is conducting a criminal investigation into the death of a passenger plane in the summer of 2014 over the Donbass.

The international investigation team, based on the results of the work of forensic experts, the collected testimonies and photographs of eyewitnesses, data from radar and satellite imagery provided by Ukraine, Russia and the United States, previously managed to collect irrefutable evidence of what weapon was used to shoot down the Malaysian Boeing, where this weapon came from appeared and from what place the launch was made. So, it is no longer in doubt that the Malaysian Airlines plane was shot down by the Buk anti-aircraft missile system) from the territory in Eastern Ukraine, which at that time was under the control of pro-Russian armed groups. The exact location of the rocket launch is known (the village of Pervomaisky, located near the town of Snezhnoye), the type of warhead (anti-aircraft missile BUK class 9M38), as well as the fact that the Buk launcher was brought from Russian territory and then taken back.

JIT head Fred Westerbeke speaks at a press conference on May 24

On Thursday, information about the Kursk 53rd anti-aircraft missile brigade and detailed description the route along which the military convoy went from Kursk to Ukraine. The journalists were also shown Donetsk region fragments of a rocket - an engine nozzle and a body - with numbers that indicate that the rocket was produced in Russia, in Dolgoprudny (Moscow Region).

During the press conference, various videos were shown made by residents of settlements that were passing by a military convoy heading from Kursk to the Donetsk region. A lot of such recordings were received by the joint team, which is not surprising if you imagine what an impressive sight the convoy of 50 vehicles, including six Buk self-propelled firing systems, was, said Wilbert Paulssen, head of the criminal investigation department of the Dutch police. The first video recordings were made on June 23, 2014, when the convoy left Kursk in the direction of the Nikolskoye settlement. Filmed the convoy on video in the following days - in the area of ​​​​the settlements of Stary Oskol, Alekseevka, Neznamovo. Investigators carefully checked all the shooting with Google Street View ( The last video footage of the convoy is dated June 25, 2014.

The rocket was made in Russia, in Dolgoprudny (Moscow region)

As Wilbert Paulssen noted, all self-propelled units"Buk" in the convoy had three-digit numbers on the hull, starting with the number 2. In the Kursk 53rd anti-aircraft missile brigade, there are three battalions, that is, hundreds of people. The number 2 on the hull means that the installation belongs to the second battalion. Only one Buk self-propelled launcher in the Kursk convoy had a number starting with the number 3. Moreover, the second and third numbers were partially painted over. According to Paulssen, this is a common practice if the installation is preparing to participate in a military operation. As a result of a detailed analysis of all photos and videos depicting the convoy, as well as photos and videos depicting the Buk launcher, taken later (on July 17 and 18, 2014), the investigation team was able to establish that it was this installation with a number starting with number 3, that is, referring to the third battalion of the 53rd brigade, was used to strike a Malaysian Airlines passenger liner. Seven distinguishing features helped to come to this conclusion, which are invariably repeated in all the images of this installation throughout the entire route. These are white numbers, marks and a stripe on the body, as well as a certain sequence of wheels (the way the wheels of two types alternate with each other).

Comparative analysis of the side plates of Buk 312, 322 and 332 (from an earlier Bellingcat investigation)

Rocket fragments found in the Donetsk region were also presented in the press conference hall.It's a venturi nozzle, the rocket gas duct and shell, as well as the body of its engine. The number is clearly visible on the outer surface of the case: 9D1318869032. According to Australian police spokeswoman Jennifer Hurst, the first five characters of this number and the letter "D" indicate that the rocket was produced in Russia's Dolgoprudny.

Hurst also appealed to possible witnesses: could someone help decipher the other handwritten numbers on the nozzle, would anyone recognize the handwriting of the person who applied these designations. The JIT website has photos of the wreckage and a list of questions:

1. Do you recognize the handwriting of the number on the Venturi nozzle?
2. Do you have information about the numbers on it?
3. Do you have information about the numbers on the shell? Can you confirm the meaning of these numbers, or do you know someone who can?
4. Do you know anyone who knows, or do you yourself know, the serial number of the missile that these parts belong to?
5. Do you know anyone who knows, or do you yourself know, the unit to which these rocket parts or the rocket itself were delivered?

We are not yet talking about suspects, but only about “involved” in the crime

Perhaps, Hurst continued, someone will be able to use these hallmarks more about the rocket itself. Of course, we are talking about confidential information, but the JIT was reminded of the current witness protection program.

The main purpose of the press conference was to appeal for help to additional possible witnesses who, for some reason, have not yet found a way to contact the investigation team, including pro-Russian militants who are looking for an opportunity to get out of the conflict zone. We are not yet talking about suspects, but only about those “involved” in the crime. During the press conference they were all called “witnesses”.

The head of the investigation team, Fred Westerbeke, said last fall that he had one hundred specific individuals in mind, but again no specific names were mentioned at a press conference on May 24. The official website of the JIT states that the investigation is particularly interested in information about two individuals:

Person 1: Pseudonym: Orion (call sign) Name: Andrey Ivanovich
-Person 2: Nickname: Dolphin (call sign) Name: Nikolai Fedorovich

The Joint Investigation Team has several records of telephone conversations between the two. Recordings can be heard on the website. .

Asked why the people involved in the crime have not yet been called in for questioning, Fred Westerbeke said that on Thursday, for the first time, official information was published about which particular unit (the 53rd brigade) was behind the rocket launch. He did not rule out that in the future the witnesses would be called in for questioning.

Servicemen of the 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade at the Buk launcher

On this moment The investigation has entered its final phase, Westerbecke said. The goal remains to “bring those responsible to justice,” but it will take a lot of patience to wait for the final verdict. These statements by the head of the JIT caused bewildered questions from journalists. Why is the investigation taking so long? Why is the Joint Investigation Team only today releasing data on the 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade that Bellingcat published two years ago (Radio)? According to Westerbeke, the conclusions of the international investigation team are carefully verified results of a criminal investigation and can be used in court. This is not an open source investigation by independent journalists. He added that the conditions for the investigation remain extremely difficult. The scene of the crime is still partially out of the investigators' access, often the necessary missing information is classified as "secret" and is a military secret. In addition, not all parties actively cooperate with the investigation. “I state that the Russian side has not provided us with key information,” Westerbeke said in response to a question about the level of interaction with the Russian authorities.


"There is more evidence, but we won't show the cards just yet."

Investigation: The Buk that shot down MH17 was delivered from the 53rd Anti-Aircraft Kursk Brigade

Members of an international investigation team showed journalists a capsule from an air defense missile system that shot down a Boeing. It has a serial number on it. Photo: Pavel Kanygin / Novaya Gazeta

The Buk anti-aircraft missile system, from which in the summer of 2014 the Boeing-777 was shot down on the flight MH17 of Malaysian Airlines, was delivered to Donbass from the 53rd anti-aircraft missile brigade, located near Kursk. The Joint Investigation Group (JIT) came to this conclusion, a Novaya Gazeta correspondent reports from a press conference.

Investigators are sure that the car left Kursk on June 23, 2014, then was delivered to Millerovo (Rostov region), and from there to the east of Ukraine. About a hundred people are now suspected of involvement in the plane crash, whose names the investigation does not name.

As evidence, a lot of photos and videos were presented at the press conference, which depicted the movement of this particular Buk through the territory of Russia. According to them, the investigation team found that this air defense system has a number of unique features: traces of paint, dents on the case and serial number numbers.

When asked by Novaya Gazeta correspondent Pavel Kanygin whether the investigation had other evidence, such as satellite images, Fred Westerbeke, head of the international investigation team, replied: “We do not demonstrate absolutely everything that we have, because in this case we "show the cards" to the other side. As long as we're not going to do it."

The investigation has already asked the Russian side for an answer to the question of what the Buk from the Kursk brigade was doing in the Donbass in the summer of 2014. The JIT also called on all possible eyewitnesses of the tragedy to contact the investigation, promising them complete safety and anonymity.

Earlier, investigators from the BellingCat organization reported that the Buk, which shot down a passenger plane in Donbass, was assigned to the 53rd anti-aircraft missile brigade from Kursk. They also called the number of the ZRK - 332. Thus, the international group of investigators confirmed the conclusions of civilian journalists.

Members of the Joint Investigation Group at a press conference on the investigation into the crash of a Boeing 777 in the Donbass. Photo: Pavel Kanygin / Novaya Gazeta


The Ministry of Defense criticized the approach of the Dutch investigators to the MH17 case

Rescuers work at the crash site of a Malaysian Boeing 777 aircraft near the city of Shakhtersk, Donetsk region.
RIA Novosti / Andrey Stenin

MOSCOW, May 24 - RIA Novosti. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation expressed concern about the focus of the Dutch investigation into the Malaysian Boeing to substantiate its conclusions through only images from social networks.

“It is a matter of concern that the Dutch investigation is focused on substantiating its conclusions by using only images from social networks, subjected to skillful processing by computer graphic editing tools. Moreover, some of the images used during the briefing, prepared by the Ukrainian special services, have previously been demonstrated more than once by pseudo-investigators from Bellingcat,” the statement says. in the message.

A Malaysian Boeing 777 flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur crashed on July 17, 2014 near Donetsk in eastern Ukraine. There were 298 people on board, all of them died.

Kyiv blamed the militias for the disaster, they said they did not have the means to bring down the aircraft at such a height. The report of the international investigation team claims that the Buk air defense system that struck the Boeing was allegedly delivered from Russia and then returned back.

Moscow has declared the bias of the investigation, the conclusions of which are based only on data received from Ukraine. Experiments by the Almaz-Antey concern, a leading manufacturer of air defense systems, including Buk systems, also confirm that the Boeing was shot down from territory controlled by the Ukrainian army.

Petro Poroshenko is again at the center of the scandal. The BBC reported that the Ukrainian president paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to meet with Donald Trump. Those negotiations lasted a matter of minutes. In fact, it was just a photo shoot. But it will become more difficult for Ukrainians to find out the truth about the activities of their president. The Kyiv authorities closed their access to the websites of leading Russian media. Dozens of domains were included in the list of prohibited resources. Including the website of our TV channel, the news portal Vesti.Ru and other resources of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Russian journalists described this measure as a purge before the presidential elections.

This yet another massive anti-Russian hysteria of the Ukrainian leader today received support in Holland. The so-called independent investigators again found Russian traces in the death of a Malaysian Boeing over the Donbass.

The new statement of the Dutch investigators cannot even be called a version. Because it completely contradicts the picture of what happened. Even now, the Dutch in their report do not indicate the place from which, according to them, the Buk fired. They are simply trying to drag Russia into the frontal.

"Not a single anti-aircraft missile system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has ever crossed the Russian-Ukrainian border. Moreover, all continuous primary (raw) data received from the Utes-T route radar complex, which on July 17, 2014 worked while in the Rostov region, near the village of Ust-Donetsky.

The Utes radar, data from which in the fall of 2016 destroyed the international version of the investigation, is able to see everything that is in the air, to the smallest objects, at a distance of up to 360 kilometers. Grabovo is 200 kilometers from here. And of course, he saw the large-body Boeing perfectly. As well as the fact that from the eastern side, where the militias were located, no missiles approached the Boeing.

"At the time of the Boeing crash, deployed units of the Ukrainian air defense who left the area where it occurred the day after the disaster," said Igor Korotchenko, a military expert.

But there is plenty of evidence that that fatal launch was made from the vicinity of Zaroshchensky, where Ukrainian troops were stationed on July 17, 2014. objective data. Here are the firing positions on the outskirts of Shakhtersk. Here, a little deeper in the rear, are the launching positions for the Buk. All this was recorded by our military satellites. Yes, and Ukrainian TV channels, a few days before the disaster, joyfully reported that they were guarding the sky anti-aircraft missile systems. And this once again confirms that Ukraine had Buks, including in the Zaroshchensky area.

“Remember July 17. “It was even impossible to drive here, they stupidly didn’t let anyone in. There were dill in this area. This is approximately their location, their car and radars were visible,” said an eyewitness.

The Almaz-Antey Concern, which produces the Buk air defense system, conducted three experiments - they simulated a missile hitting an airliner, taking into account the damage found on the Boeing's body. And, according to experts, the missile was most likely launched from the Zaroshchensky area. A former officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine told Vesti about this two years ago.

“There are contractors like this (knocking on wood). You walk with them in the evening and talk: “Guys, what, how, who were they taking? Where were you, what did you see, what did you hear?". "Yes, that's where the Buk was transported." "Where were they transported?" - "They were transported there." - "Oh, interesting!" command post of military unit No. 1215 of the armed forces of Ukraine.

And judging by the traces of the striking elements, the Boeing was hit by an outdated modification of the Buk, which we have long since withdrawn from service. Moreover, Ukraine tried to cover up traces of its involvement.

"Let me remind you that the Dnipropetrovsk dispatchers suddenly disappeared somewhere and still have not appeared, who changed, by no one knows whose instructions, the initial flight of the Boeing along the agreed route, directing it actually through the area where Ukrainian aircraft were deployed at the time of the disaster" Beeches," Korotchenko stressed.

"If the international investigation team is really interested in establishing the true culprits of the crash of the MH-17 passenger flight in the sky of Ukraine, its representatives should rely in their statements, first of all, on facts and testimonies, and not fake fake generators from Bellingcat or the SBU," the statement says. in a statement from the Russian Defense Ministry.

But there is also US satellite intelligence data, which, as you know, sees everything. For some reason they haven't been published yet. This can only mean one thing. Washington has 100% proof that Ukraine is behind this disaster.

They say they have been waiting for the promised three years, but here the fourth is running out. And suddenly a powerful material evidence appears: a part of a rocket with a serial number!

"The missile engine's casing shows the number 9 d 1318869032. The JIT-investigation up to now indicates the following meaning of this number. 9d 131 relates to the number of the missile engine of the 9M38 type and/or 9M38M1 type. The number 8 is the manufacturer's code, namely: the Dolgoprudny Research and Manufacturing Enterprise in Moscow.The number 86 indicates the year of production, namely 1986. And the number 9032 is the unique identification number of this specific missile engine.
The JIT has established that this involves a missile of the 9M38 Buk-series. To what extent both parts belong to the missile that was launched by the BUK TELAR of the 53rd brigade can, as yet, not be said with certainty.

The rocket motor case shows the number 9d 1318869032. The Jit investigation still points to the next value of this number. 9d 131 is one of the rocket engines of the type9M38 and/or 9M38M1. Number 8-Code of the manufacturer, namely: Research and Production Enterprise "Dolgoprudny" in Moscow. Number 86 indicates the year of production, namely 1986. And the number 9032 is the unique identification number of this particular rocket engine.
The JIT determined that this includes the 9m38 Buk-series missile. To what extent do both parts relate to missiles that were launched by BUK TELAR from the 53rd brigade,We can't say for sure yet." (from comment)

This material evidence can also be seen in the photo in the Reuters publication.

Questions that arise:

1. Where, when and who discovered this item? According to the logic of events, it should be within the area of ​​​​the wreckage of the Boeing. The representatives of the DPR were the first to find the wreckage, and they handed them over along with the "black boxes". EMNIP, then foreign search engines came there. Without a history of the discovery of this object, such proof is worthless, no matter what version it "confirms".

2. According to the number, it is theoretically possible to determine who had this missile at the time of separation: Russia or Ukraine.

3. This is already a meme, but highly likely - this is a rocket of Ukraine, because at the time of the separation of the countries it was still fresh, and in 2014 it was already 28 years old! According to this post: The manufacturer-specified shelf life of the Buk missile is 15 years, after which irreversible and dangerous changes in chemical composition fuel." The warranty period of storage is 10 years. And it's been almost 30 years! Russia in the range of 2011-2014 re-equipped Buk systems with new missiles. And Ukraine in 2008 fired old Buk missiles and one of them exploded 1.5 minutes after the launcher left the ramp (link). A little more than 10 years have passed and rockets are already exploding abnormally. And after almost 30 years, who dares to shoot? Therefore, we return to question number 1: where did this artifact come from?
