Famous people of Tatarstan of the past. Tatars, Tatarlar, International Tatar portal Tatarlar.Info - Famous Tatars

Famous personalities of Tatarstan

slide 1. Tatarstan is the pearl of Russia. Here the past and the future are merged into one. Different cultures and religions peacefully coexist with each other. Let's discover the treasure of Tatarstan.

How dear to me is my native land!

Our mighty ancestors camp.

More than heavenly paradise

Native and glorious Tatarstan ....

I love you my native land,

A legacy given by fate.

More than heavenly paradise

In the native land, childhood remains.

The treasure of Tatarstan is the land magical nature, minerals, magnificent sights, historical places, as well as famous, outstanding people, true patriots of the Motherland. Each nation is proud of famous representatives of their small homeland. We, the people of Tatarstan, have hundreds of such faces.

Slide 2. "A patriot is a person who loves his Fatherland, devoted to his people, ready for sacrifices and deeds in the name of the interests of his Motherland." “Patriotism is love, an emotional attitude towards the Motherland, expressed in the readiness to serve it and protect it from enemies.”

Let's remember what famous people lived and live with us in Tatarstan ( called)

Here they are - our pride and glory! Slide 3.

Bauman Nikolai Ernestovich- Russian revolutionary, Iskra agent,leader of the Bolshevik party.

Shishkin Ivan Ivanovich - Russian painter, one of the greatest masters of realistic landscape painting of the 19th century
Chaliapin Fedor Ivanovich - An outstanding Russian opera and chamber singer, at various times a soloist of the Bolshoi, Mariinsky theaters, the Metropolitan Opera, the first People's Artist of the Republic (1918).

Tsvetaeva Marina Ivanovna - Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva - brilliantpoet, prose writer, translator.

Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich - Count, great Russian writer. In 1841-1848 he lived in Kazan, in 1844-1847 he was a student at Kazan University.

Khamatova Chulpan Nailevna - Russian theater and film actress. Honored ArtistRussia (2004), laureate of the State Prize in the field of theatrical art (2004), member of the Public Chamber

Kurchatov Igor Vasilievich - Soviet physicist, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1943), scientific director of the Soviet atomic project, three times Hero of Socialist Labor (1949, 1951, 1954).

Lenin Vladimir Ilyich - Russian revolutionary Marxist, one of the organizers and leaders October revolution 1917, founder communist party and the Soviet state.

Korolev Sergei Pavlovich - Soviet scientist, designer of rocket and space systems, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1958), twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1956, 1961). Founder of practical astronautics.

Butlerov Alexander Mikhailovich - Russian chemist, creator of the theory of chemical structure, head of the largest Kazan school of Russiansorganic chemists.

Boratynsky Evgeny Abramovich- Russian poet , translator. One of the brightest and at the same time mysterious and underestimated figuresRussian literature .

Abramova Alsu Ralifovna - Russian singer, TV presenter, Honored ArtistRepublic of Tatarstan (), People's Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan

Kabaeva Alina Maratovna - Russian athlete ( gymnastics ), public and political figure, manager.

Marat Basharov - Russian actor theater And movie , TV presenter . Honored Artist of Tatarstan (2012). Laureate State Prize of the Russian Federation (2001)

Dinara Safina - hereditary tennis player representing in the competitionRussia ; Honored Master of Sports and TV commentator. Former world No. 1 in singles, etc.

Timati (Timur Yunusov) - pRussian executor , music producer , actor And entrepreneur , graduate Star factories 4 ».

Kurbangaleeva Farida - Russian journalist and TV presenter of the Vesti program on the Rossiya TV channel.

Do not count them all.

slide 4. “It is not only possible to be proud of the glory of your ancestors, but you should; not to respect it is shameful cowardice,” said the greatest Russian poet A.S. Pushkin.

Today I want to introduce you to another famous person, an outstanding statesman, Minister of the Aviation Industry of the USSR Pyotr Vasilyevich Dementyev.

Slide 5. "Peter the Great" - this is how the subordinates of the Minister of Aviation Industry P.V. Dementyev called him behind his back, a man who had an extraordinary talent as an organizer and statesmanship, a leader in the era of the formation and development of domestic aircraft and rocket manufacturing in the post-war period.

The nature of the Drozhzhanovsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan is good and rich. Hardworking, kind and hospitable people. They work on the land abundantly watered with the sweat of their ancestors. It owes its fame and beauty to people. Drozhzhanovsky district is the place where many prominent people were born, noble people region, republic and country as a whole. Among them, a special place is occupied by Petr Vasilievich Dementiev - the pride of not only the region and the republic, but of all of Russia. The whole republic, the whole country knows about him, but few people know where he was born.

slide 6 . P. V. Dementiev was born January 11, 1907 in a Chuvash village Alyoshkin-Saplyk Ubeevsky volost Buinsky county Simbirsk province (currently -Drozhzhanovsky district Republic of Tatarstan ) in a teacher's family. Parents: father - Vasily Stepanovich, mother - Elena Gerasimovna. He studied with his father, Vasily Stepanovich (grades 1-3),then at the teacher Alexandra Afanasievna.

Educated at the Simbirsk Vocational School (1927), Moscow Mechanical Institute named after M.V. Lomonosov (1929) and the Air Force Academy named after N.E. Zhukovsky (1931). In 1922 he began working at the factory. After graduating from the academy (1931), he was immediately appointed senior engineer and head of the operational and technical department of the Aeroflot Research Institute. In 1934-41 he held senior positions (up to chief engineer and director) at various aircraft factories. In 1938 he joined the CPSU(b). Since February 1941, the 34-year-old Dementyev was appointed First Deputy People's Commissar for the Aviation Industry of the USSR. He was in charge of the reconstruction of the Soviet Air Force, almost completely destroyed in the early days of the Great Patriotic War. He successfully completed the tasks assigned to him, creating the most powerful aviation in the USSR. Since March 1946, deputy. Minister of Aviation Industry of the USSR. Since 1952 a candidate member, since 1956 a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU. In March 1953, the ministry became part of the Ministry of Defense Industry and Dementiev lost his post. After the arrest of L.P. Beria (the ministry was supervised by him) 08/24/1953 became the Minister of the Aviation Industry of the USSR. He headed this industry until his death - almost 34 years.

Slides 7. He was awarded 9 Orders of Lenin, Orders of the Red Banner, Kutuzov 1st Class, Suvorov 2nd Class, 2 Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of the Red Star and medals.

P. V. Dementiev diedMay 14 years and was buried inNovodevichy cemetery V Moscow .

Perpetuation of memory.

In the city, the name of P.V. Dementiev was given Moscow Aviation Production Association (former Znamya Truda plant) . Also, his name was given to the Saratov Aviation College. In the city named after P. V. Dementiev also acquired one of the streets in the capitalChuvashia Cheboksary .

Most of the memory P. V. Dementiev is honored in Tatarstan . IN .

slide 9. In 2010, Aviaprom OJSC, in order to encourage and publicly recognize personal merits and significant achievements in the aircraft industry, established the P.V. Dementiev Gold Medal. The medal is awarded for outstanding achievements in the aircraft industry, including in the creation and organization of production of the latest models aviation technology,reconstruction and modernization of the capacities of the scientific and industrial base of the aviation industry.

Slide 10 . To the 100th anniversary of the outstanding organizer of the USSR aviation industry V.P. Dementiev, a documentary film about him was created and a book by Yu.A. Ostapenko "Comrade Minister", a fragment of which is published

MORE THAN JUST AVIATION PRO MINISTRYaviation industry (MAP) that’s exactly what they said: “a state within a state”

“He (Dementyev. - Ed.) Was a very punctual person and if he made an appointment, he received you at exactly the appointed time, and no one had the right to interfere with the conversation.

G.V. Novozhilov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, General Designer spoke about P.V. Dementiev:“I must say that a person of Dementyev's scale can be likened to a diamond with hundreds of sparkling facets, and no one can see them all at once. He allowed each of those with whom the minister spoke, to see only what he wanted to show. He knew how to be both tough, and kind, and uncompromising, and all-understanding, he knew how to flatter when necessary, to cut when necessary, he could bring a person closer, and he could clearly indicate the distance - he was many-sided and this, according to those who worked next to the minister was interesting and dear”

slide 11 . Celebrating the 110th anniversary of P.V. Dementyev, fellow Drozhzhanovites emphasize how strong and powerful the country was, its scientific and technological progress. What were the people, such was the country. P.V. Dementiev was one of them.

Let's play a game. slide 12 . Match the photos with the names.

On this our Classroom hour ended. Thanks to all!

Yarullin Farid Zagidullovich (1914-1943) famous Tatar composer, Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Tatarstan named after. G. Tukaya, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, was born on January 1, 1914 in Kazan in the musical family of the famous Tatar composer Yarullin Zagidulla Yarullovich. Brother-Yarullin Mirsaid Zagidullovich is a famous Tatar composer, ...

Yarullin Mirsaid Zagidullovich (1938-2009) a famous Tatar composer, Honored Artist of the TASSR, People's Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan, Laureate of the M. Jalil Prize of the Republic of Tatarstan was born on July 12, 1938 in the village of Malaya Sun, Mamadyshsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan, into a musical family of a famous Tatar ...

Yakupov Nazym Mukhametzyanovich Hero of the Soviet Union, lieutenant colonel, participant in the Hungarian events of 1956, Honored Scientist of the Ukrainian SSR, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Odessa National University named after I. I. Mechnikov, writer-historian was born on July 7, 1928 in the village of Karacha-Elga Kushnarenkovsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan in the Tatar ...

2 The 5th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration on State Sovereignty of Tatarstan is a significant date not only for the inhabitants of the republic, but also for the Tatars of the whole world, many of whom consider it their historical homeland.

On the eve of the date "BUSINESS Online", after interviewing experts, I collected and arranged in alphabetical order a list of living statesmen, scientists, businessmen, athletes and cultural figures, who together represent the "Tatar factor" in Russia.


Rustam Minnikhanov

Mintimer Shaimiev

It probably does not make sense to explain the presence in the list of such figures as the acting president of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov and the first president of the Republic of Tatarstan, state adviser of the Republic of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev. Their activities are in full view, and the newspaper "BUSINESS Online" constantly writes about them. We only note that our experts proposed to include in the Top 50, for example, the permanent chairman of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan Farid Mukhametshin, but we decided to limit ourselves to two presidents - the first and the current one, who also represent their team.

Ravil Gainutdin can be called the most influential representative of the Islamic clergy in Russia

Let's start with such a bright figure as Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin, permanent chairman of the Presidium of the Spiritual Board of Muslims of the European part of Russia, chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia. A native of the village of Shali, Pestrechinsky district, can be called the most influential representative of the Islamic clergy in Russia, to whose voice, one way or another, the federal government listens. For example, thanks in large part to Gainutdin in Moscow on September 23, before the Eid al-Adha holiday, it is planned to open, finally (it took a very long time to build!), the Cathedral Mosque, the largest in terms of capacity in Europe.

This is all the more important because the current mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin, unlike the previous one, Yuri Luzhkov, does not seem to be very willing to make contact with the leader of Russia's Muslims. By the way, as they say, at the time of Luzhkov's powerful support, Sheikh Gainutdin looked at Tatarstan somewhat condescendingly. But now - on whom else can he rely? - relations with our republic have become much warmer.

Elvira Nabiullina has an even attitude towards Tatarstan, although it should be noted that it was under her that the National Bank of the Republic of Tatarstan was reassigned to the head office in Nizhny Novgorod

The chairman of the Central Bank of Russia, Elvira Nabiullina, naturally got into our rating. Today, it and the Central Bank are, frankly, in the focus of attention Russian society. The wife of HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov, who made a career in German Gref's team, was born in Ufa, which is why she is sometimes erroneously ranked as a Bashkir nation. Nabiullina has an even attitude towards Tatarstan, although it should be noted that it was under her that the National Bank of the Republic of Tatarstan was reassigned to the central office in Nizhny Novgorod. But here, as they say, only business, nothing personal.

Makhmut Gareev is a legendary man who, one might say, has become one of the living symbols of Victory for all of Russia and even the world

Rightfully included in the list is Makhmut Gareev, president of the Academy of Military Sciences, retired army general, well-known Russian military figure, professor, doctor of military sciences and doctor of historical sciences. It is no coincidence that this year at the Victory Parade in Moscow, the 91-year-old veteran was next to Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Today he is a legendary man who, one might say, has become one of the living symbols of the Victory for all of Russia and even the world. Before Victory Day, Gareev gave an exclusive interview to BUSINESS Online, frankly talking about his view of the Great Patriotic War, revealing the spiritual meaning of the losses, suffering and heroism of our people, assessing the current situation in the world.

Farit Gazizullin in 1996 was taken to Moscow from the super-significant post of head of the State Committee for State Property Management and Industry of Tatarstan

Farit Gazizullin, now a member of the Board of Directors of OAO Gazprom, and previously the Minister of Property Relations, who has been permanent for many years, has reached high federal posts. Russian Federation. A native of Zelenodolsk in 1996, from the super-significant post of head of the State Committee for State Property Management and Industry of Tatarstan, he was taken to Moscow, where in December 1997 he became the Minister of State Property of Russia. Here he successfully worked with several premieres unimaginably long term- until 2004. With Tatarstan, Gazizullin always kept a good relationship, although in his departure for Moscow they once saw the hand of the Kazan Kremlin, allegedly eliminating a competitor in this way.

Muscovites ambiguously perceive the work of Marat Khusnullin in the capital of Russia.

Another representative of the "Tatar landing" in the Mother See is Marat Khusnullin, the current deputy mayor of Moscow for urban planning policy and construction. Khusnullin himself talks about how he works in Moscow in his interviews, obviously proud of the fact, for example, that he managed to stop the negative trend in the transport situation ... However, Muscovites ambiguously perceive the work of a prominent Tatar builder in the Russian capital. And in the winter of this year, they even held a rally for his resignation, indignant that under him they demolished the ancient mosque and the Privalov complex of houses, where Sergey Yesenin read poetry for the first time ... One way or another, Khusnullin does not lose ties with his homeland, he participates in the life of the Tatars of Moscow and invariably visits capital Sabantuy.

An active fighter for the interests of his nation, Razil Valeev is also known for speaking in principle in the State Council almost exclusively in the Tatar language.

A well-known deputy of the Tatarstan parliament naturally got into our Top 50, and already a record, sixth in a row, term in a row, the permanent chairman of the Committee of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan on Education, Culture, Science and national issues, an active fighter for the interests of his nation, writer, poet Razil Valeev. The parliamentarian is also known for speaking fundamentally in the State Council almost exclusively in the Tatar language. In addition to deputy work on a permanent basis, Razil Ismagilovich also holds public positions. He is a member of the Bureau of the Executive Committee of the World Congress of Tatars, President of the Tatar "PEN Center" of the international writing organization "PEN Club", Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan (he was its director in 1986 - 2000), Member of the Board of the Union of Writers of Tatarstan, Chairman of the Board of the Fund "Җyen" - a public association for the preservation and development of the Tatar language and culture.

Indus Tagirov in the early 90s was one of the organizers and the first chairman of the executive committee of the WCT - the World Congress of Tatars

Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan Indus Tagirov, perhaps, is better known as a scientist, a Tatar historian. But he is also a prominent public figure, in the early 90s he was one of the organizers and the first chairman of the executive committee of the WCT - the World Congress of Tatars. Hindu Rizakovich graduated from Kazan University, was the dean of its historical faculty, headed the department. Tagirov's main scientific works are devoted to the history of revolutionary and national movements in Russia and to national-state building in Tatarstan.

One of the most famous politicians Tatarstan - Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, Director of the Institute of History. Marjani of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, ex-adviser to the first president of the Republic of Tatarstan Rafael Khakimov. This, one might say, is the number one political strategist in Tatarstan. In the early 90s, he uncompromisingly defended the interests of the republic, was one of the key participants in negotiations between the official delegations of Russia and Tatarstan during the preparation and conclusion of the Treaty between Moscow and Kazan "On the mutual delegation of jurisdiction and authority between the state authorities of the Russian Federation and state authorities Republic of Tatarstan. He was also a participant in the Constitutional Conference on the development of the draft Constitution of Russia, a member of the state commission for the settlement of the conflict in Chechnya.

Rafael Khakimov, one might say, is the number one political strategist in Tatarstan

By the way, it was Khakimov who substantiated the term “model of Tatarstan”, by which modern politicians understand stability, interethnic harmony and tolerant relations between Tatarstan and the Russian Federation. He is the organizer and participant of many scientific conferences on problems of federalism in Russia. Great importance for Tatarstan, his scientific studies of the features of the development of reformed Islam - Jadidism also had. Rafael Sibgatovich is one of the leading bloggers of BUSINESS Online, some of his publications can be viewed at the links.

It should be noted that experts suggested including Rashid Nurgaliyev, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia in 2004-2012, in the list, but since he converted to Orthodoxy and does not position himself as a Tatar, the candidacy did not pass. Some even suggested the Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, Nikolai Nikiforov, insisting that he was a baptized Tatar, but here we decided to wait until he himself admits ...


Talgat Abdullin carefully departed from politics, as they say, not without friendly advice from the Kazan Kremlin

Executive Director of the State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, Deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan Talgat Abdullin could rightly be included in the previous ten. Fortunately, as a politician, Talgat Midkhatovich received wide popularity back in the early 90s, when he was one of the most prominent leaders of the Tatar national movement. However, then he carefully departed from politics, as they say, not without friendly advice from the Kazan Kremlin. As a result, it so happened that his main merits lie in the socio-economic plane. First - as the creator of AK BARS Bank, and then as the architect of two housing programs: the elimination of dilapidated housing and social mortgages, the importance of which for Tatarstan can hardly be overestimated.

Kamil Ablyazov is not only an entrepreneur - he invests a lot of money in Tatar culture

Another well-known Russian Tatar businessman, Kamil Ablyazov, lives in Saratov. Ablyazov is the chairman of the board of directors of Narat-K LLC, an adviser to the governor of the Saratov region, as well as a trade representative of Tatarstan in this region and chairman of the regional Tatar national cultural autonomy. Moreover, Ablyazov is not only an entrepreneur - he invests a lot of money in Tatar culture. In April 2013, the World Congress of Tatars organized a presentation of Ablyazov's 800-page two-volume book "The Historical Fate of the Tatars" at the NCC "Kazan". The author himself is sure that "history is not a reason for self-admiration and resting on the laurels of heroic ancestors, but a means of national mobilization." Therefore, he tried to write "a true and internally consistent history of the Tatar people."

Ilyaz Muslimov, from the profession of a wire drawer at a steel wire and rope plant, over the years stepped up to the post of head and became a co-owner of the company

A major Moscow businessman is Ilyaz Muslimov. Over the years, he stepped from the profession of a wire drawer at the Volgograd Steel Wire and Rope Plant to the post of head and became a co-owner of the Myfist company, then the Papyrus holding, which is engaged in the production and trade of pulp and paper. Muslimov was a partner of Rinat Abdullin, the brother of the director of the GZHF Talgat Abdullin. He worked as the editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Tatar News". In 2007, he was elected to the State Duma as part of the federal list of United Russia. In the election of Vladimir Putin, he was his confidant, he has a letter of thanks from the President of the Russian Federation. He was also awarded the honorary title "Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan".

From scratch, from several outlets opened in 1991, Muslima Latypova created the now famous Bakhetle chain.

From Tatarstan, the Top 50 includes Muslima Latypova - General Director of LLC "Bakhetle-1", deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan. From scratch, from several outlets opened in 1991, she created the now famous Bahetle chain, which already has 28 hypermarkets. What is important, the network has stepped far beyond the borders of the republic - there are stores with this brand and are always popular in Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Balashikha. By promoting national cuisine, Latypova makes a huge contribution not only to business, but also to the positive image of the Tatars. As one of the experts said, "the whole of Moscow has already learned the word" Bahetle "!

Shafagat Takhautdinov still enjoys great influence in the Republic of Tatarstan and controls almost all Tatneft service companies

Our list also includes two super-influential entrepreneurs in Tatarstan, who, like Latypova, are also in the Top 100 of Tatarstan's business elite. This is the ex-general director of Tatneft, now a member of the board of directors of OAO Tatneft Shafagat Takhautdinov. He, as the BUSINESS Online newspaper said, still enjoys great influence in the Republic of Tatarstan, and in addition, he controls - through himself, through his family, through close people - almost all Tatneft service companies united in TagraS-Holding , as well as a number of small oil companies. In addition, Takhautdinov is the president (ranked 6th in the BUSINESS Online rating of Top 50 influential people in Tatarstan sports) of the Ak Bars hockey and sports club, business card Tatarstan. It is clear that the current general director of OAO Tatneft, Nail Maganov, enjoys even greater influence.

The current General Director of OAO Tatneft, Nail Maganov, enjoys even greater influence.

In our Top 50, experts included the father of the famous pop singer Alsu, a major Russian businessman Ralif Safin, the main owner of the Marr Capital family company (oil products trade, commercial real estate, auto industry). In the early 1990s, Safin took part in the creation and corporatization of Lukoil, and was vice president of the company. However, in 2002 he sold his stake and left all posts, becoming a member of the Federation Council from Altai. Some then attributed to him ambitions to become the new president of Bashkortostan, but in the end, for most Russians, he remained just a rich oilman who managed to turn his daughter into a pop star of the first magnitude.

For most Russians, Ralif Safin remained just a rich oilman who managed to turn his daughter Alsou into a pop star of the first magnitude.

Included in our rating is a native of Menzelinsk, a well-known Russian entrepreneur, “ vodka king”, owner of the Russian Standard holding, chairman of the board of directors of CJSC Russian Standard Bank Rustam Tariko. His fortune reached its peak by 2011, when, according to the version, it amounted to Forbes magazine, $1.9 billion. With this result, he took 51st place in the list of 200 richest businessmen Russia. Note that Tariko does not break ties with Tatarstan. “I love my native republic very much,” he admitted in an interview. - My most complex plant, and I have 10 of them, is open in my beloved republic. One of the largest call centers of Russian Standard Bank is located there.” By the way, the Museum of Oriental Medicine "House of the Doctor", opened in the ancient city of Bolgar, was built with the financial participation of Tariko.

Rustam Tariko does not break ties with Tatarstan: “I love my native republic very much,” a well-known businessman admits

Airat Khairullin, "Dairy King", deputy of the State Duma of Russia, co-owner of JSC Krasny Vostok Agro, is also included in the Top 50 by experts. And not only because the business empire of the Khairullin brothers occupies a serious place in agriculture, both in retail and in the hotel business. As a Russian congressman and president of the National Union of Milk Producers, Airat Nazipovich has a significant impact not only on republican, but already on federal policy in agriculture.

"Dairy King" Airat Khairullin has a significant impact not only on the republican, but already on the federal policy in agriculture

Another of the most famous entrepreneurs of Tatarstan is the general director of TAIF OJSC Albert Shigabutdinov. The BUSINESS Online newspaper has repeatedly told what a powerful influence the TAIF group has on the republican budget, on the economy of Tatarstan. And recently, despite the crisis, TAIF has embarked on a super-ambitious investment program worth half a trillion rubles, thanks to which the company's turnover should double in five years, reaching a level of 1.2 trillion. rubles. It is TAIF that owns the TNV television and radio company, which is called upon to bring the Tatar culture to the world. True, the brainchild of Ilshat Aminov practically does not see infusions from the owner.

TAIF by Albert Shigabutdinov is a powerful budget-forming enterprise of Tatarstan

In addition to those entrepreneurs who were in our Top 50, experts named, for example, Nurulla Sattarov, the president of the oil company EuroSibOil LLC, chairman world association assistance to Tatar entrepreneurs, a member of the Presidium of the Executive Committee of the World Congress of Tatars, an active supporter of the development of sports. The name of Ferid Ayupov, the founder of the Sember holding (Ulyanovsk), was also mentioned, especially since at various times he headed the Tatar national-cultural autonomy, public association Tatar businessmen "Sember", is the president of the charitable foundation of the same name. There was a proposal to include in the Top 50 Tamir Alimbaev, President of Yenisei Corporation LLC (Omsk), one of the largest employers and suppliers of spare parts for tractors, combines, agricultural machinery and trucks beyond the Urals... The lists of our experts included dozens of Tatar entrepreneurs from various cities of Russia - and even (although we decided to limit ourselves to our own country) from abroad, for example, from Australia. With what, with what, and with a business streak, the Tatars never had problems ...


Ernest Muldashev

Roald Sagdeev is one of the founders of modern plasma physics, as well as the author scientific papers on the problem of controlled thermonuclear fusion, space physics

Like Mont Blanc, our Top 50 is dominated by world-famous academics. This is the famous Soviet and American physicist Roald Sagdeev, who today, although he lives in the United States, is connected with Russia by many invisible, but very strong threads. Roald Zinnurovich - Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences, Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin Prize. He is one of the founders of modern plasma physics, as well as the author of scientific papers on the problem of controlled thermonuclear fusion, space physics. Founder of the world famous physics school. Roald Zinnurovich visited Kazan more than once, celebrated his 80th birthday here. And he told, by the way, about an anonymous letter that came back in the days of the USSR to the department of letters of workers of the Central Committee of the CPSU - it was cheerfully read to Sagdeev at that time by the president of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Anatoly Alexandrov. “I remember the beginning,” said Roald Zinnurovich. “Now, when the entire Soviet people is proudly celebrating the 500th anniversary of the victory on the Kulikovo field, the Tatar Khan is flourishing in Moscow ...”

Rashid Sunyaev is a scientist for whom the distance to the nearest stars is "very small - just a few parsecs"

Of course, our Top 50 also includes Rashid Sunyaev, another world star of science, a famous Soviet and Russian astrophysicist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan. The golden list of his merits goes on and on. He, in collaboration with the theoretical physicist Yakov Zel'dovich, created a theory known as the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect. According to it, relic radiation in space is gradually dissipated under the influence of electrons. The academician studied the mysteries of black holes, participated in the studies of the early Universe, led the team that carried out observations on the Kvant module on the Mir orbital station. At the Institute of Astrophysics of the Society. Max Planck works in the field of theoretical high-energy astrophysics and physical cosmology, participates in the interpretation of data from the Planck spacecraft of the European Space Agency (ESA). Academician Sunyaev is a scientist for whom the distance to the nearest stars is "very small - only a few parsecs." When Rashid Alievich came to Kazan in 2013 with a stunningly interesting lecture on dark energy, he recalled an episode that took place at a reception at the Pope of Rome: “We were told that the Pope speaks any language, and everyone can speak his own language with him. I whispered to Sagdeev: “Maybe I should say a few words to the Pope in Tatar?” ...

Albert Galeev laureate of the Lenin Prize. But the scientist also has a dozen other awards, including Russian ones.

Among the famous scientists is also a Soviet and Russian physicist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, honorary director of the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the Academy of Cosmonautics. Tsiolkovsky Albert Galeev. His scientific activity associated with plasma physics and space physics. The fact that he is a laureate of the Lenin Prize speaks volumes. But the scientist has a dozen other awards, including Russian ones.

A cardiac surgeon, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, works in a completely different area, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Honorary Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan Renat Akchurin, but he is also world famous. Renat Suleymanovich developed unique directions in reconstructive, vascular and cardiac surgery. Academician Akchurin - co-author of the country's first operations on replantation of fingers, transplantation of toes on the hand, complex plastic surgery on the restoration of a fingerless hand. Scientist - author of more than 300 scientific publications, is the initiator and one of the main developers of the federal program "High-Tech Medicine". Akchurin was especially famous for the coronary bypass operation of the heart of Russian President Boris Yeltsin, made in November 1996, after the presidential elections in Russia.

Renat Akchurin developed unique directions in reconstructive, vascular and cardiac surgery

The academician has visited our republic more than once. For example, a year and a half ago, at the site of the Chamber of Commerce, I participated in a discussion of the difficult problem of the production of medical instruments in Russia. There is also a known case when a famous cardiac surgeon made a one-day “blitz voyage” to Kazan to evaluate the unique medical instruments for cardiac surgery produced at the Kazan Medical Instrument Plant.

Ernst Muldashev has published over 400 scientific papers and performs 600 - 800 eye surgeries every year

Ernst Muldashev, a Russian ophthalmologist surgeon, organizer and head of the eye microsurgery center in Ufa, also works in the field of medicine. His highest qualification is already evidenced by the fact that he is a member of the board of the Society of Ophthalmologists of Russia, an honorary consultant of the University of Louisville (USA), a member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, a certified ophthalmologist of Mexico, a member of the International Academy of Sciences. Ernst Rifgatovich has published more than 400 scientific papers, and every year he performs 600 - 800 eye surgeries. He is also the inventor of the surgical biomaterial "alloplant", with the help of which it became possible to treat some diseases that were previously considered hopeless. It was Muldashev who restored vision in the case of an illness that was considered hopeless, to the well-known trainer Teresa Durova. However, Ernst Muldashev is not only an excellent surgeon, he is known as the author of a number of books and publications on esoteric topics, which he wrote after his expeditions to Tibet and Egypt.

Talgat Tadzhutdin, unexpectedly for everyone, handed over to the White Mosque of Bolgar the hair of the Prophet Muhammad, which had previously been kept in Bashkortostan

Another well-known Tatar, whom the experts included in the Top 50, Talgat Tadzhutdin - Chairman of the Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims, Supreme Mufti of Russia, Sheikh-ul-Islam. One of the most profoundly Islamic theologians in the country, although, of course, many consider his approaches controversial. A striking example is the episode at the recent holiday "Izge Bolgar Yyeny" in Bolgar, dedicated to the official adoption of Islam in 922. There, Talgat Tadzhutdin, unexpectedly for everyone, handed over to the White Mosque the hair of the Prophet Muhammad, which had previously been kept in Bashkortostan, and from now on will be kept forever in Tatarstan. Some clerics consider this an event of historical proportions, but there are those who were dissatisfied, because there is no unity in Islam on the issue of worshiping such artifacts.

Mirfatykh Zakiev - one of the oldest and most respected Tatar philologists of the republic, worked as a shepherd on a collective farm during the war years

Mirfatykh Zakiev - one of the oldest and most respected Tatar philologists of the republic, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, doctor of philological sciences, professor, head of the department of lexicology and dialectology of the IYALI named after. Ibragimova AS RT. And besides, he is also the academician-secretary of the Tatarstan branch of the International Turkic Academy, a member of the Turkish Linguistic Society, honorary member of the Presidium of the International Center for Turkic Studies of the Eurasian National University. Gumilyov (Kazakhstan). From 1980 to 1990, he was in the top three leaders of the republic, served as chairman of the Supreme Council of the Tatar ASSR. By the way, in the war years of the 40s, as a village boy, he worked on a collective farm as a shepherd, then as a groom, a blacksmith. A magnificent example for today's youth: what can be achieved with intelligence and perseverance. Scientific research Mirfatykh Zakievich taught in the field of linguistics, syntactic structure and history of the Tatar language, the problems of its development, the history of Tatar linguistics, the ethnogenesis of the Turks and Tatars ... He created scientific schools in the field of linguistic, interethnic and interlingual contacts, bilingualism and multilingualism. And today Academician Zakiev, despite his considerable age, continues scientific work. His colleagues admire how active he is. Maybe because he does yoga and even stands on his head, assuring that this is stroke prevention, it helps blood vessels a lot ...

Thanks to the efforts of Kev Salikhov (pictured), one of the world's most prestigious awards for physicists has become international award named after Kazan scientist Yevgeny Zavoisky

Director of the Kazan Institute of Physics and Technology, KSC RAS, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Kev Salikhov is a world-famous scientist. His merits in science were awarded the Lenin Prize, the State Prize of the Republic of Tatarstan, the title of "Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation." Kev Minullinovich did a lot to make Kazan known not only for sports achievements, so that citizens different countries they remembered the revolution in physics, which was staged in 1944 by the Kazan scientist Yevgeny Zavoisky. Thanks to the efforts of academician Salikhov, one of the most prestigious awards in the world for physicists, a kind of "Nobel Prize", has become an international prize named after this scientist.

Rafik Mukhametshin is distinguished by the widest erudition on the Tatar humanitarian issues

BUSINESS Online experts included in the Top 50 a well-known Islamic scholar, Dr. political science, professor, rector of the Russian Islamic University Rafik Mukhametshin. He is distinguished by the broadest erudition on the Tatar humanitarian issues. The range of his scientific interests is extensive: the history of Tatar social thought, Islamic studies, political processes in Russia and the modern world. Professor Mukhametshin is the author of over a hundred scientific works, including monographs that have become fundamental: "Tatars and Islam in the 20th century", "Islam in the social and political life Tatars and Tatarstan. Rafik Mukhametshovich is a member of teams of authors in a number of international publications, a participant in international scientific conferences in Japan, the USA, Turkey, Germany, Great Britain, France, Iran, Uzbekistan.

Orientalist-Arabist, philologist-polyglot, writer, international journalist, author of many reports from different countries of the world Farid Seyful-Mulyukov recalls: “My classmates often mocked my surname ... Arabic sounds like "Saif-al-muluk" and translates as "sword of kings." Arabic, like French, Farid Mustafyevich knows perfectly. His fate is generally tightly connected with the East. His knowledge of the intricacies of the East is distinguished by his books “The Birth of the Iraqi Republic”, “Iraq Yesterday and Today”, “Portuguese Colonies in Africa”, “Reporting from the Line of Fire”, as well as numerous articles and documentaries. So Farid Seyful-Mulyukov entered the Top 50 by right.

The fate of international journalist Farid Seiful-Mulyukov is closely connected with the East

According to our rating, it is clear what an invaluable contribution the Tatar scientists made to the development of the same physics, medicine, Tatar philology. But, of course, the list of Tatar-intellectuals in Russia is not limited to ten names. So, our experts called Iskander Gilyazov - Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Tatar Studies and Turkic Studies of the Institute international relations, history and oriental studies of KFU. This is the same Gilyazov who, at a meeting with Dmitry Medvedev, when he was president of Russia, said that without the Golden Horde there would be no Moscow state. The experts also suggested including Rimzil Valeev, an active public figure, a tireless journalist, and a longtime blogger of BUSINESS Online, in the rating. His materials in our newspaper broke all records in terms of the number of reader comments. And this list can be continued.


Alfiya Avzalova

Sofia Gubaidulina


Ilham Shakirov

Zemfira Ramazanova, perhaps the main Russian pop singer of our time, stands apart on the list.

Immediately half of this dozen are brilliant vocalists representing a variety of musical genres. And this should hardly surprise anyone, if we recall the melodiousness of the Tatar language, as well as the role folk songs play in national culture. At the same time, Zemfira Ramazanova, perhaps the main Russian pop singer of our time, stands apart on the list. A native of the capital of Bashkortostan herself admitted for a couple of years during a visit to Kazan: “Many consider me half Tatar (according to my father), half Bashkir (according to my mother), but in fact, as my mother said, once upon a time to my grandmother in the column“ nationality" was written "Bashkir", although she was a Tatar. So I am a Tatar!” In 2008, Zemfira, being the headliner of the legendary Creation of the World festival, gathered 100,000 spectators on Millennium Square, marveling herself from the stage at the number of people who came. She also closed the 2013 Universiade with the hit "We're Crashing". The singer burst onto the top of the charts at the turn of the century, her early records "Zemfira" and "Forgive me, my love" have already become classics of Russian popular music. Since then, the artist has only strengthened her status as a star, continues to write beautiful songs and pays little attention to public opinion regarding her personal life and political views.

Tatar stage as a large-scale industry did not yet exist when Ilham Shakirov and Alfiya Avzalova began their careers

Of course, our rating is dominated by the “mastodons” of the Tatar stage, which has long turned into an independent and large-scale industry. Of course, it didn’t exist yet when Ilham Shakirov and Alfiya Avzalova were just starting their careers. The very attitude towards the light genre at that time can be illustrated by a popular anecdote: “The already famous, but still quite young Ilham Shakirov returns to his native village in the Sarmanovsky district. And one of the local old men asked him: “Well, Ilham, will you eat everything? Didn't find a job? These artists changed the status of a pop song, and now the anniversary evening for Shakirov's 80th birthday is taking place in the Moscow Kremlin Palace.

Someone considers Salavat a living classic of the genre, and someone considers him a person who spoiled the taste of several generations of fellow countrymen

And Salavat Fatkhetdinov took the baton from the older generation and has been collecting super-full houses at prestigious Kazan venues for more than a decade. Someone considers Salavat a living classic of the genre, and someone - a man who spoiled the taste of several generations of fellow countrymen. But one thing is certain: this artist is the most influential person in the music industry of modern Tatarstan. By the way, among the names that were called by the experts of BUSINESS Online, there were other singers, for example, Alsou, the heroine of the Voice Dina Garipova or the Australian-Tatar folk star Zulya Kamalova.

Albina Shagimuratova, the main face of the Kazan Opera House, is now a rare guest on her native stage, as she has engagements at the Metropolitan Opera, La Scala

Present among the contenders were also actresses, Zilya Sungatullina and Venera Ganieva, who had equally successfully combined the opera and pop scenes for many years. But Albina Shagimuratova, one of the most sought-after opera singers from Russia in the world, got into our rating. The main face of the theater. Jalil is now a rare guest on her native stage, as she has engagements at the Metropolitan Opera, La Scala, etc. It is likely that young Tatar opera stars will soon enter such ratings: soloist of the Bolshoi Theater Venera Gimadieva and soloist of the Vienna Opera Aida Garifullina.

Sofia Gubaidulina is perhaps the world's most famous living female composer of music.

The musical theme of our ten is completed by one of the most important composers of the second half of the last century and, perhaps, the most famous living woman in the world who composes music, Sofia Gubaidulina. A native of Chistopol has been living in Germany for a long time, but does not lose ties with her homeland - there is a center for contemporary music named after her in Kazan. The name of Gubaidulina is also on the poster of the traditional festival Concordia, which is held by the State Symphony Orchestra of the Republic of Tatarstan. In addition to the living classic, our experts proposed other active composers in the rating: the permanent author of the Kazan Opera House Reseda Akhiyarova and the young hope Elmira Nizamova.

Chulpan Khamatova became the theater star of Sovremennik with Galina Volchek, and now she is increasingly working at the Theater of Nations Yevgeny Mironov

The most famous Tatar actresses shine on the Moscow theater stage. It is unlikely that anyone needs to introduce Chulpan Khamatova, the famous artist and head of the Podari Zhizn charity foundation. Even at the turn of the century, Khamatova became the theatrical star of Sovremennik with Galina Volchek, and now she is increasingly working at the Theater of Nations, Yevgeny Mironov. And in the cinema, twice the winner of the State Prize of the Russian Federation starred in most of the major Russian directors - from Vadim Abdrashitov to Alexei German Jr. But the path to the glory of Rosa Khairullina turned out to be much more thorny. In the 90s, she played in the famous performances of Boris Zeitlin at the Kazan Youth Theater, receiving the State Prize of the Russian Federation in 1992 for her work in the production “And there was evening, and there was morning ...”

Already in adulthood, Roza Khairullina received an invitation to the theater studio of Oleg Tabakov and is now one of the most sought-after dramatic actresses in the capital of Russia

A fire in 1996 destroyed that legendary theatre, and Khairullina went to seek happiness first in Chelyabinsk and then in Samara. Already in adulthood, the artist received an invitation to the theater studio of Oleg Tabakov and is now one of the most sought-after dramatic actresses in the capital of Russia. She played in a good dozen high-profile metropolitan performances at the Snuffbox, the Moscow Art Theater, the Theater of Nations, etc., and critics in almost every review honor Khairullin with the epithet “brilliant”. In 2013, she received the Golden Mask for her role as King Lear in one of the most talked about Russian performances. recent years- "Lear" by Konstantin Bogomolov in the St. Petersburg theater "Shelter of Comedians". For her first notable film role in the film "Horde", the actress was awarded the "Nika" award.

Farid Bikchantaev for 13 years of managing the theater. Kamala not only preserved its glorious traditions, but also found his way as a director and director

Continues the theme and the figure of Farid Bikchantaev - artistic director of the theater. Kamala. Bikchantaev took over the reins of the main Tatar theater in 2002 from the hands of his teacher, the legendary Marcel Salimzhanov, and over the past 13 years, not only has he maintained glorious traditions, but also found his way as a director and leader. The current Kamalovsky theater is trying to go beyond exclusively Tatar drama, finding a place for itself in the global theatrical space, inscribing national culture in the context created by Shakespeare and Chekhov. At the same time, Tatar authors also find their place here - one of them is Rkail Zaydulla, more than once called “BUSINESS Online” by experts. His play "Immortal Love" tells how during the years of Stalin's arbitrariness, the Tatar culture suffered enormous losses, being on the verge of extinction, and how then-forgotten names are again returned to descendants. Were among the contenders for getting into the cultural top ten and another author of the theater. Kamala Zulfat Hakim, writer Rinat Muhammadiev, and also poet Razil Valeev, who ended up in the rating of our newspaper for another “curia”.

The name of Rkail Zaydulla has been repeatedly called worthy of inclusion in the Top 50 by experts


Rinat Dasaev

Aliya Mustafina

Shamil Tarpishchev

Athens 2004 Olympic champion Alina Kabaeva was a deputy State Duma from Tatarstan, and now heads the board of directors of the National Media Group holding

Perhaps the main star of the sports part of our rating is Alina Kabaeva. And the point is not at all in the numerous rumors around the personal life of the athlete. Kabaeva is a real world star who has raised the world's interest in rhythmic gymnastics at the beginning of the century to a qualitatively new level. She had an amazingly long career for a sport that is considered exclusively for young ladies. Kabaeva won her first all-around world championship in 1999, and she won the last awards in her career at the world forum in 2007 at the “retirement” age for rhythmic gymnastics - 24 years old. Since then, the Athens 2004 Olympic champion has been a State Duma deputy from Tatarstan, and now heads the board of directors of the National Media Group holding.

Aliya Mustafina is another Olympic champion in gymnastics, however, already in sports

Here we can also mention another gymnast, one of the most important stars of the 2013 Universiade in Kazan, Aliya Mustafina. True, she represents gymnastics, but from this the gold medal of Mustafina on Olympic Games ah in London 2012 in the uneven bars exercise is only even more valuable, since we are talking about a sport where Russia is very far from hegemony.

Zinetula Bilyaletdinov found his coaching happiness precisely on historical homeland

Ice hockey in the BUSINESS Online rating is represented by athletes who have become, respectively, coaching and game legends of Tatarstan. True, before appearing in Kazan, one of the best hockey defenders of his generation, Olympic champion and 6-time world champion Zinetula Bilyaletdinov had a great career in the Soviet team and Dynamo Moscow. But Bilyaletdinov found his coaching happiness in his historical homeland. His Ak Bars is undoubtedly the best hockey team in Russia in the second half of the 2000s.

Danis Zaripov is one of the main stars of Tatarstan hockey

And Danis Zaripov is one of the main stars of that team. At one time, a graduate of the Chelyabinsk "Mechel" appeared in Kazan and did not at all promise to become a top hockey player, but Bilyaletdinov, putting the forward in the top three of Alexei Morozov and Sergei Zinoviev, determined his stellar fate. And although the three-time world champion Zaripov, who spent 12 seasons at Ak Bars, now plays for Metallurg Magnitogorsk, it seems that he has not yet said his last word in Kazan hockey.

Alisa Galliamova almost made it to the title of world chess champion in 1999

The most intellectual sport on Earth sent two of its glorious representatives to our list at once. Alisa Galliamova almost reached the title of world chess champion in 1999, but in the final match, held in Kazan, she lost to the Chinese chess player Xie Jun. That does not cancel other numerous titles of the Tatarstan athlete.

At 18, Gata Kamsky beat Garry Kasparov to become the youngest ever winner of a reigning world champion.

And around Gata Kamsky at one time there was a whole mass hysteria. The 18-year-old athlete representing the United States defeated Garry Kasparov at the prestigious tournament in Dortmund in 1992, becoming the youngest ever winner of a reigning world champion. Perhaps Kamsky did not justify the advances given to him in his youth, but for many years he was among the top chess players on the planet, and now periodically appears in his homeland and even sometimes defends the colors of Kazan and Tatarstan in various tournaments.

Marat Safin is the pride of Russian tennis, two-time Davis Cup winner and winner of two Grand Slam tournaments

Marat Safin is the pride of Russian tennis, two-time Davis Cup winner and winner of two Grand Slam tournaments. Perhaps one of the most spectacular players on the professional tour, and the number of rackets he broke during moments of emotional outbursts is incalculable.

The name of Shamil Tarpishchev is associated with a surge in the results of Russian tennis players

Shamil Tarpishchev, who is now in charge of the development program of this sport in Tatarstan under the auspices of the Volga Academy of Sports, although he did not achieve great success as a player, is by no means accidental in our list. It is with his name that the surge in the results of Russian tennis players is associated. The former adviser to Yeltsin, a big fan of the racket and ball game, made the most of his influence. Perhaps, without Tarpishchev, the long-term head of the profile federation of Russia and the captain of the national team, we would not have had Safin, Evgeny Kafelnikov, Elena Dementieva, or Anastasia Myskina.

Rinat Dasaev in our country is second only to Lev Yashin in his goalkeeping glory

Our sports top ten is completed by two representatives of team sports. Rinat Dasaev - the best football goalkeeper in the world in 1988, the undisputed star. The long-term goalkeeper of the Moscow "Spartak" and the USSR national team in our country is second only to Lev Yashin in his goalkeeping glory. This year, a native of Astrakhan, where he lives a large number of Tatars, visited Kazan for an amateur mini-football cup of his own name. And Irek Zinnurov did not leave his home for a long time. He won his "silver" and "bronze" at the water polo tournaments of the Olympics in Sydney 2000 and Athens 2004, being a player of Spartak Volgograd, but then returned to Sintez Kazan. Since then, Zinnurov has been in various positions in his native Synthesis and is actively involved in public life republics. And recently, the water polo legend helped the Tatarstan national team win the Masters World Championship in Kazan.

Water polo legend Irek Zinnurov recently helped the Tatarstan national team win the Masters World Championship in Kazan

The list we have compiled, of course, is subjective and by no means claims to be exhaustive. Therefore, we invite our readers to complete the list by offering their candidates! Let's put together a collective portrait of the brightest and most successful representatives of the Tatar nation.

General characteristics of the Tatar people and population

It is not for nothing that the people of the Tatars are considered the most mobile of all known peoples. Fleeing from crop failures in their native lands and in search of opportunities to establish trade, they quickly moved to the central regions of Russia, Siberia, the Far Eastern regions, the Caucasus, Central Asia and the Donbas steppes. IN Soviet time this migration was particularly active. Today, Tatars live in Poland and Romania, China and Finland, the USA and Australia, as well as in Latin America and Arab countries. Despite such a territorial distribution, the Tatars in each country try to unite in communities, carefully preserving their cultural values, language and traditions. To date total strength The Tatar population is 6 million 790 thousand people, of which almost 5.5 million live on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The main language of the ethnic group is Tatar. It distinguishes three main dialectical directions - eastern (Siberian-Tatar), western (Mishar) and middle (Kazan-Tatar). The following sub-ethnic groups are also distinguished: Astrakhan, Siberian, Tatars-Mishars, Ksimovsky, Kryashens, Perm, Polish-Lithuanian, Chepetsky, Teptyars. Initially, the writing of the Tatar people was based on Arabic graphics. Over time, the Latin alphabet began to be used, and later - the Cyrillic alphabet. The vast majority of Tatars adhere to the Muslim faith, they are called Sunni Muslims. There is also a small number of Orthodox, who are called Kryashens.

Features and traditions of Tatar culture

The Tatar people, like any other, have their own special traditions. So, for example, the ceremony of marriage assumes that their parents have the right to agree on the wedding of boys and girls, and the young people are simply informed. Before the wedding, the size of the kalym, which the groom pays to the bride's family, is discussed. Celebrations and a feast in honor of the newlyweds, as a rule, take place without them. To this day, it is accepted that it is unacceptable for the groom to enter the bride's parental home for permanent residence.

Cultural traditions, and especially in terms of educating the younger generation from the very early childhood Tatars are very strong. The decisive word and power in the family belongs to the father - the head of the family. That is why girls are taught to be submissive to their husbands, and boys are taught to be able to dominate, but at the same time treat their spouse very carefully and carefully. Patriarchal traditions in families are stable to this day. Women, in turn, are very fond of cooking and revere Tatar cuisine, sweets and all kinds of pastries. A richly laid table for guests is considered a sign of honor and respect. Tatars are known for their reverence and immense respect for their ancestors, as well as older people.

Famous representatives of the Tatar people

IN modern life there are quite a lot of people from this glorious people. For example, Rinat Akhmetov is a famous Ukrainian businessman, the richest Ukrainian citizen. In the world of show business, the legendary producer Bari Alibasov, Russian actors Renata Litvinova, Chulpan Khamatova and Marat Basharov, singer Alsou became famous. The famous poetess Bella Akhmadulina and rhythmic gymnast Alina Kabaeva also have Tatar roots on their father's side and are honored figures of the Russian Federation. It is impossible not to recall the first racket of the world - Marat Safin.

The Tatar people are a nation with their own traditions, national language and cultural values, which are closely connected with the history of others and not only. This is a nation with a special character and tolerance, which has never initiated conflicts on ethnic, religious or political grounds.

Every nation is proud of its famous representatives. We all know, remember, respect the most famous representatives of their kind. Tatars are no exception. In general, the Tatars are a very famous people, who are famous for their friendliness and hospitality. But there are also personalities among them, especially interesting - creative and incredibly talented. These include both artists and public figures, politicians, athletes, scientists, writers and poets. Here is a short list of Tatars, famous not only in the Russian Federation, but throughout the world:

  1. Actors - Sergey Shakurov, Marat Basharov, Chulpan Khamatova. These people have made a unique contribution to the development of Russian cinema. They have dozens of roles played on their account, but they are known not only for this. So, Chulpan Khamatova, in addition to her creative way widely known for her participation in charity events. The actress is a co-founder of the Podari Zhizn non-state charitable foundation, which was created to help children suffering from oncological, hematological and other serious diseases.
  2. Musicians - Alsou, Zulya Kamalova, Rustem Khairutdinov, Aidar Galimov. Alsou gained worldwide popularity after taking part in the Eurovision Song Contest in 2000. Zulfiya Kamalova is a popular singer, winner of numerous music competitions, she earned the title of the best performer in her genre in 2002. Rustem Khairutdinov is a pianist who leads an active creative activity in many countries of the world. Aidar Galimov is a singer whose repertoire includes more than four hundred songs in six languages: Tatar, Bashkir, Russian, English, Uzbek, Turkish.
  3. Athletes - Zinetula Bilyaletdinov, Alina Kabaeva, Nail Yakupov, Rinat Dasaev, Marat Izmailov, Rustam Nigmatullin, Marat Safin. Zinetula Bilyaletdinov - hockey player, Olympic champion, world and European champion. Kabaeva Alina - Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics, world champion. Rinat Dasaev is one of the world's leading goalkeepers of the 1980s, a participant in the Olympic Games. Rustam Nigmatullin - the owner of many titles in the "best" category, is now known as a DJ. Marat Safin - tennis player, previously - the first racket of the world for 9 weeks.

There are many outstanding personalities among the famous Tatars, and it is simply impossible to list them all in one article. In addition to famous contemporaries, Kuzma Minin is widely known - Zemstvo head Kirisha Minibaev from Nizhny Novgorod, who is rightfully considered a great Tatar and the first defenders of Moscow. His figure is immortalized on a sculptural composition on Red Square.

In addition, among the most famous Tatars are Marshal Makhmut Gareev, cardiac surgeon Rinat Achkurin, scientists Rashid Sunyaev, Roald Sagdeev, Bella Akhmadullina and many others. All these people have made a significant contribution to the development of various sectors of life not only of their people, but of the whole world as a whole.
