Madonna - photo before and after plastic surgery. Why Madonna adopted two more children Who are the native children of the singer Madonna

Often the price of success is so high that on the way to it you have to sacrifice almost everything and lose the most valuable thing. Madonna's biography is an example of how not to deviate from the intended goals and leave opponents behind.

Madonna was born on August 16, 1958 in a family where, in addition to her, there were 4 older brothers. Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone - the real name of the singer - completely repeats the name of her mother. The girl was brought up in a religious family, but she was never an ideal daughter - on the contrary, she was considered strange and uncontrollable.

The future singer lost her mother very early, who, at the age of 30, a couple of months after the birth of another child, died of breast cancer. This was a big blow for the girl, and for a long time, as an adult, the singer fell into hypochondria, as she was sure that she had the same disease.

It became difficult for my father to cope with family difficulties, and two years later he married a second time. Madonna immediately disliked her stepmother, because she could not forgive her father for letting another woman into his heart. In addition, she was jealous of his stepbrothers and sisters, believing that they were given more attention.

Despite the fact that the girl studied very well, she could not build with her classmates. friendly relations: they envied her academic performance and considered her an "alien". After all, the future world star could not hide its outrageous character.

To prove her eccentricity, 14-year-old Madonna Ciccone shocked everyone at the school talent competition: she sang the song, going on stage in a revealing top and short shorts, her face was painted with bright makeup. This event seriously affected the reputation of the future star and her Catholic family. The schoolgirl was put under house arrest, and insulting inscriptions addressed to Madonna often began to appear on the door.

At the age of 15, the singer begins to seriously engage in ballroom dancing. After leaving school, in 1976, she entered the university to continue her dance education. This caused a serious scandal between Madonna and her father and further spoiled their relationship, because his dreams of seeing his daughter as a lawyer failed. After studying for only six months, the girl realizes that she cannot achieve world heights in the provinces, and decides to leave for New York.

Musical career

A young girl arrived in the city of contrasts with a small budget (only 40 dollars), with a small suitcase, an outstanding creativity and a great desire to become the queen of dance. She lived in a criminal area, often worked only for food, and even posed for photographers as a nude model (later these photos would “pop up” and end up on the pages of Playboy magazine).

Soon Madonna starts going to auditions for musicals. On one of them, she grabs luck by the tail and gets into the troupe of the artist Patrick Hernandez. Working there, the girl often sings different melodies. One day, the directors notice this and ask her to sing a simple song. She sang "Jingle bells" and did not fail: she was invited to Paris to make her a vocal star. True, Madonna did not like this idea and, having worked for a very short time, she returned back to New York.

Soon she meets Seymour Stein, the founder of the label "Sire Records", who saw great opportunities in Madonna and signed a long-term contract with her. The first album was a success and 30 years later was even recognized as America's best debut album. The track "Holiday" climbed to the top of all US music charts and entered the top 20 best singles in America.

The second album, which was recorded in 1984, was awarded a diamond certificate. The singer becomes the queen of the world stage. Almost all of her tracks take first place in the charts.

In total, Madonna released 13 studio albums, 8 of them topped the US charts, namely:

  • 1984 - "Like a Virgin" (1st place).
  • 1986 - "True Blue" (1st place).
  • 1989 - "Like a Player" (1st place).
  • 2000 - "Music" (1st place).
  • 2003 - "American Life" (1st place).
  • 2005 - "Confessions on Dance Floor" (1st place).
  • 2008 - "Hard Candy" (1st place).
  • 2012 - "MDNA" (1st place).

Over the years of his musical career the singer tried herself in many styles and directions. She is not afraid to be outrageous and not like anyone else. The costumes and dresses of the artist surprise the viewer with their unusualness and extravagance. Singer Madonna was never afraid to seem to her fans as a creature "out of this world", for this sincerity they loved their idol.

The acting career of the star was less successful than the musical one. In total, there are more than 20 films with the participation of Madonna, but most of them were not even released. Here are some facts:

  • Released in the early 90s documentary telling about the life of the singer.
  • After 4 years, she played the main role in the filmed musical "Evita".
  • In 2000, the actress got a role in the film "Best Friend".
  • In 2004, a second documentary about the singer appeared on the screens.
  • In 2015, she tried her hand as a director.

Madonna's personal life

Madonna in her youth was not deprived of male attention, while she was not at all shy about demonstrating her intimate life publicly. The singer had many novels, about which there were various rumors.

The first man in the life of the singer was actor Sean Penn. This love was born very beautifully: the young man saw his future wife descending the stairs in a beautiful long dress. In 1985, Madonna and Sean Penn exchanged rings and became husband and wife. But their union did not last long.

After that, the singer had affairs with many famous and respectable men from the show business sphere: among them, for example, Lenny Kravitz, Anthony Kids. All this continued until she fell in love with her fitness trainer Carlos Leon, whom she offered to become a father. Madonna asked her lover to get tested and lead healthy lifestyle life to be born healthy child. Soon they had a daughter, Lourdes Maria Ciccone-Leon (at that time the singer was 38 years old).

The next relationship - with director Guy Ritchie - began unusually romantic. At first, Madonna mistook her future husband for an ordinary provincial boy. But soon all the cards were revealed, and the singer could not resist the advances of the young director. Their wedding took place in December 2000.

Madonna and Guy Ritchie lived together for 8 years. The fruit of their love was a son named Rocco, and an adopted boy from an African family also appeared in the family. Madonna soon adopted another girl, Mercy Jaime, and in 2017, two African twins: Stella and Esther. This became known after the singer shared photos with children in in social networks where she hugged her daughters.

Madonna's children are the main pride and joy in the life of the singer. Thanks to them, the singer even tried herself as a writer and in 2004 released the children's book English Roses. Eldest daughter Madonna Lourdes decided to follow in her mother's footsteps and at the age of 19 she is already the media face of various advertising companies.

In 2013, the star began an affair with basketball player Denis Rodman. Madonna wanted to give him a son, but this did not happen, and their union soon collapsed.

Today, every inhabitant of the world knows the name of Madonna, her image is an icon of pop music, the personification of sexuality, outrageousness and creative originality.

How old is Madonna and how does she manage to look so young? This question is asked by everyone, seeing the chiseled figure of the star and her energetic dances during performances. Any girl can envy her external beauty - with a small height of 164 cm, the singer's parameters are ideal: 90-60-90. The personal account of the queen of pop music on the Instagram network has a lot of photos that allow fans to see their favorite in different images and scenery. Author: Anastasia Kaikova

Singer Madonna ( full name- Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone) has retained the undisputed title of Queen of Pop for the third consecutive decade. Along with the natural talent and high performance of the star, her appearance also played a significant role in this - in her 50s, she looks at most 35-40!

Of course, this fact could not but cause numerous discussions about Madonna's possible plastic surgeries, although the singer herself categorically denies any rumors about visits to surgeons.

To make a more or less objective picture, let's try to put together assumptions, facts, photos of the star before and after the alleged corrections, as well as the opinions of eminent experts.

What plastic surgery did Madonna do?

Journalists and fans attribute to Madonna several plastic surgery- most often we are talking about and, - as well as regular "" and hardware procedures. It is worth noting that the first such assumptions appeared at the beginning of the 2000s: until that time, there were no doubts about the natural origin of her appearance.

Obviously, due to sports and diets, in which the star definitely knows a lot, it is quite possible to slow down the aging process, but it is unlikely to completely stop time. But this is exactly what happened to Madonna at the turn of the millennium, as her photos eloquently testify.

The secret of Madonna's youth: plastic or cosmetology?

It is quite possible that the married life with director Guy Ritchie, who is 10 years younger than her, pushed the singer to radical methods of rejuvenation. But another version seems more plausible: when the relationship with her husband cracked, Madonna was seriously concerned about the imminent need to re-arrange her personal life - which was the impetus for a visit to the surgeon.

The most enchanting was her appearance at the 2007 Oscars (shortly before her divorce from Richie) - the incredible youth and freshness coming from the singer gave food for thought to both fans and experts in the field of plastic surgery.

Of course, the miraculous transformation of the star could be attributed to successful makeup, the play of light and computer processing of photographs, but over the next few years Madonna's appearance did not change at all - she remained just as young and attractive in a variety of scenery and angles.

“Looking at a woman of her age, you expect to see wrinkles in the forehead and eyebrows starting to sag,” English plastic surgeon Adrian Richards commented on the new look of the star. The absence of these age factors, in his opinion, indicates the Madonna. However, Richards admits that the singer did without plastic surgery - a similar result can be obtained after several hardware lifting procedures in combination with or.

Another eminent specialist, Apostolos Gaitanis, drew attention to the star's jaw. “The line of her jaw has a very clear contour, which clearly confirms the hypothesis of plastic surgery. This effect gives a slight tightening, during which excess skin is eliminated, ”he explained.

However, the hypothesis of a combination of cosmetic procedures seems more likely, especially given Madonna's busy touring schedule, which excludes the possibility of a long postoperative rehabilitation.

Madonna, Botox and "beauty shots"

If the question of Madonna's plastic surgery is still open, then neither fans nor experts have any doubts that the star regularly performs cosmetic injections: just look at how everyone in the same 2006-2008 miraculously smoothed out her wrinkles and nasolabial folds.

According to the American expert in "star plastic" Anthony Youn (Anthony Youn), the singer spent a whole range of anti-aging injections: to eliminate eyebrow wrinkles and fillers based on filling nasolabial folds and cheekbones. thinner with age - the result (injections of own fat cells from the abdomen or buttocks),” he added.

“Madonna has found the perfect balance between her body and her face. Given the low percentage of subcutaneous fat, it was easy to overdo it with fillers, which would completely violate the overall proportions, ”admired the star of the American plastic surgeon Terry Dubrow (Terry Dubrow,). Unfortunately, this joy was a little premature.

It is known that the star visited the clinic of the modern “Botox guru” and, most likely, it was thanks to him that the first injections were so successful. Other sources indicate that the singer was a regular client of the famous "Dr. Hollywood". However, the results of further transformations turned out to be extremely far from perfect (perhaps, having decided to refuse the services of eminent masters, she miscalculated in choosing a new one).

As a result, like some other fans of injections, such as Madonna, she went a little too far with fillers - as a result, her face began to look swollen and wrinkled. Getting rid of this effect, called the “pillow face” (“pillow face”), will not be so easy, and whether the star will be able to find the strength in himself to abandon the new “” is a big question.

Madonna and her hands

Despite the fact that Madonna's face still makes her look much younger than her age, this age is betrayed by the singer's hands. Thin skin and visible large veins are not the most aesthetic sight, however, for unknown reasons, the star is in no hurry to see a beautician, preferring to hide her brushes from photographic lenses with the help of gloves, which have become an almost integral part of her image.

Meanwhile, it is not difficult to get rid of this problem with the help of the beloved Madonna. Other, no less effective option- lipofilling. Of course, it will not be possible to completely eliminate age-related changes, but at least the imbalance between the face and hands can be eliminated literally in one session.

Madonna has a boob job?

In 2008, the same Anthony Yoon noticed that Madonna's breasts had noticeably increased in size: “It seems that instead of the second, she now has at least a third, and quite possibly thanks to the operation. For women of her constitution, the third size is uncharacteristic.

The singer's press attache hastened to refute this assumption, emphasizing that the star did not perform any operations or other anti-aging procedures, except for harmless ozone therapy. Madonna herself spoke more extensively. “If I do plastic surgery, I will not hold a press conference about this,” she said. “In addition, like other women, I sometimes think about plastic surgery and do not exclude such a possibility for myself.”

Extravaganza woman and steel woman. So you can characterize the singer Madonna. Tough discipline, hard work, no whining. She makes high demands on herself and hopes that the children will follow her example. But they don't agree.

The other day, Madonna lost a lawsuit for her son. 16-year-old Rocco will live with his father, despite the efforts of his mother. The young man does not like the rules and regulations of the parent at all, and he rebelled. Madonna is shocked. How did it happen? Why did the pop diva's successful strategy until recently not work?

Madonna herself lost her mother at the age of five. Madonna Louise Ciccone Sr. has died of cancer. The large family Ciccone was inconsolable, but two years later the singer's father, Tony Ciccone, got married. The stepmother raised 2 stepsons and 4 stepdaughters, faithful to the rather strict restrictions of Protestantism, and this could not but affect the character of the young Madonna. Subsequently, the singer frankly spoke about this press:

“I think my rebel character was finally formed when my father married a second time. I lost my mother, but for a while I myself became a mother to my father and brothers. Then they took it away from me."

G Odes later, she would write the song Oh, Father, which contains the lines: "You can't hit me anymore." Tony was outraged and didn't even talk to his daughter for a while.

In October 1996, Madonna herself became a mother. The father of her first child, a daughter named Lourdes Maria, was the coach and dancer Carlos Leon. Gossip that she used a man as a sperm donor, the singer indignantly denied, claiming that there was a happy accident.

“I have to work for someone,” Madonna said during pregnancy.-I need it. And that's something I can be proud of."

In August 2000, the pop diva had another reason to be proud - the son of Rocco. Not without incident, however. Madonna, who lived permanently with her husband Guy Ritchie in the UK, chose to give birth to an heir in an American clinic. “Have you seen those hospitals in England? They are as old as the Victorian style, ”the celebrity explained her choice.

Madonna raised her daughter and son strictly. Rigid daily routine: at 21:00 in bed. No TV shows. Modest clothing. Sweets only on holidays. Lourdes received her first iPhone when she was 15 years old. The singer did not hide this:

“Lourdes herself looked after her clothes, folded them. Made the bed in the morning. She wore the same clothes until she completed school assignments.”

Guy Ritchie had a completely different parenting style. He secretly spoiled the guys and tried to give them maximum freedom. Madge knew about this and even shared with reporters:

“I am a fan of discipline, Guy is a delinquent. When dad comes home, the kids get chocolate. I'm more practical."

In 2006, the family is replenished - celebrity couple adopts orphan David from Malawi. Guy and Madonna divorce two years later. In 2009, the singer adopted a girl, Mercy from Malawi, and unequivocally stated that she was no longer going to marry.

“I’d rather throw myself under a train,” the star joked. Children and creativity became the main things for Madonna.

And everything was fine until a few years ago there was a rebellion in the Madonna family. At first, Lourdes presented an unpleasant surprise - the paparazzi photographed the girl with a cigarette. Madonna had to not only talk to her daughter, but also give comments to the press.

“I wasn't very happy when I found out. But, to be honest, I don’t think that I am as strict with children as I should be. I think I might need to be tougher."

During the Rebel Heart tour, the star was surprised by the admission that she had difficulty finding a common language with her eldest son.

“He is completely unsatisfied with all my achievements. He just wants me to cook dinner for him."

At first, the frank confession was taken as a joke. But over time, it became clear that Rocco was serious.

In December last year, the young man went to his father and refused to return. Categorically. The enraged star tried all the ways she knew to return the child and went to court. But in the end, she lost the case.

Now Rocco will live with his father and, if desired, communicate with his mother. Her tactic didn't work. Madonna acknowledges this. She wrote on Instagram last week:

“Sometimes successful moms have to be bitches…”

However, it is too early for Madonna to exaggerate. Lourdes still lives with her mother most of the time, studies and makes a career in the fashion business - the girl posed for advertising more than once fashion brands. David and Mercy do not give any cause for concern yet: the guys are happy to visit their native Malawi together with their foster mother, sometimes they participate in her charity events.

Madonna still has time to rethink her parenting rules. It seems that her usual attitudes with grown-up children do not work.

Singer Madonna not so long ago spun a stormy..

Rumors that the popular singer Madonna wants to adopt more children have been around for a long time. She has repeatedly spoken about her desire to become a mother of many children in interviews with various foreign publications.

Yesterday, February 7, these rumors were confirmed by the actions of the singer. As it became known to journalist Ulyana Ulitkina, yesterday the highest court of the state of Malawi allowed Madonna to adopt two 4-year-old twin girls.

Madonna with her lawyer and 2 little girls, with their biological father, appeared at the courthouse. As you know, the girls' mother died back in 2012, and for some time their grandmother held custody of the little ones, but then they were sent to an orphanage.

The representative of the court said that the girls' grandmother could not provide for them in a worthy manner, therefore social services sent the girls to an orphanage.

Madonna with children

Recall that Madonna had four children. From her former fitness trainer Carlos Leon, the singer gave birth to a daughter, Lourdes, who is already 20 years old. Son Rocco (he is now 16) was born in marriage to British director Guy Ritchie. Pyremy 12-year-old Chifundo Mercy James Ciccone and 11-year-old David Banda Ciccone-Richie, whom the star adopted in 2006 and 2007.

Madonna and Lourdes

Madonna and son Rocco

Eyewitnesses say that Madonna, when she left the courthouse with her new adopted family members, looked very happy.

It remains to be seen why the star with her busy schedule has so many children? After all, the singer does not always find a common language with her own children.

Earlier, family photos of the singer caused a scandal in social networks. So, Madonna posted a photo where foster children massage her feet. Followers instantly reacted with criticism, and compared children with slaves in the comments.

Madonna and adopted children Chifundo Mercy James Ciccone and David Banda Ciccone-Ritchie

The Madonna herself could hardly have imagined that on a completely ordinary family photo there will be such a negative reaction. Surely the singer without a second thought signed the photo: “... this is how I want to spend the day. Mercy and David are the best foot massagers." Madonna added the hashtag #motherlove to the picture.

In addition to adoption, the singer firmly defends her Political Views. At a recent protest march, to which the president answered her in kind.

Madonna's son Rocco and 5 other star children who went crazy

The son of Madonna and Guy Ritchie - Rocco - got into serious trouble: he was caught with illegal drugs near his father's house in London. The incident happened more than a month ago, but it became known only today. As it turned out, Rocco was arrested and subsequently released on bail. The guy is only 16, but he survived a lot of upheavals - take at least last year's lawsuits of his parents. Adolescence, multiplied by the close attention of the public - many other children of celebrities faced similar tests. HELLO.RU tells 6 stories about how from cute kids (whose photos were bought by People and others like them) star children turn into dangerous social elements.

Rocco Ritchie

Madonna and Guy Ritchie divorced when Rocco was 6. His father returned to live in England, and Rocco remained in the USA with his mother, sisters and brother. The next ten years, as well as, in fact, the previous years of her life, Madonna devoted to increasing her media influence, moving away from children as much as possible. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly in 2014, Madonna said:

My 14-year-old son absolutely does not recognize my achievements. He just wants me to be at home and cook for him.

Absent in the lives of children in the role loved one Madonna never stopped keeping things under control. Hedgehogs touched everything, and the rules were really tough: no TV, personal phone and social networks until the age of 15, plus a strict study schedule and ... a macrobiotic diet, of course, without any sweets.

Last year, while on vacation with his father in London, Rocco refused to return home and blocked his mother on social media. Madonna filed for ex-husband to court.

When Rocco is in England, he can hang out about his business, walk with the girls, knowing that they are not being followed by paparazzi, play the guitar until the morning. In the USA, he feels that with his help everyone wants to get into the house where Madonna lives,

Insiders told about the reasons why Rocco did not want to return to America.

In September of this year litigation Madonna and Guy Ricci ended: Rocco was allowed to stay in England, and Madonna - in her usual provocative manner - admitted defeat. A few weeks later, Rocco was arrested on the street in Primrose Hill with marijuana, which he, having learned about the approach of the police, made an unsuccessful attempt to get rid of. Rocco managed to avoid serious punishment, most likely due to the fact that this is the first such incident with his participation. But whether he can take the path of correction - only time will tell.

Cameron Douglas

Cameron Douglas is the son of Michael Douglas and Diandra Looker, who were together from 1977 to 2000. Following his father and grandfather, Kirk Douglas, Cameron also wanted to become an actor and even managed to star in four films: "Mr. Cool" (1996) with Jackie Chan, " Family values"(2003) with his father, grandparents, "Adam and Eve" (2005), "Dazed" (2008). In the latter he did not get the main role, but he almost completely repeated the scenario of this picture in his real life. Like protagonist Tristan, Cameron had it all: money, respect, loving parents and a bright future. But he always wanted something more exciting and not so certain from life - this subsequently led him to the life of a drug dealer.

In 2010, Cameron Douglas was arrested and imprisoned in Cumberland Prison for possession and sale of drugs, including methamphetamine and heroin. Cameron was facing a 10-year sentence, but the sentence was reduced - and he received 5. Cameron recently got out of prison and now plans to write a memoir about his transformation from the heir to a Hollywood dynasty to a prisoner.

In an interview, Cameron's father - Michael Douglas - took the blame for the poor upbringing of his son, calling himself a useless father. At the same time, Michael defined imprisonment as a salvation for his son, who "could either die from an overdose or be killed."

I think this is the chance to start new life for him. And he knows it,” said Michael Douglas.

Jaycee Chan

Last year, the list of celebrities whose children are in serious legal trouble added another name. At the center of the scandal was Jackie Chan, whose only son, 32-year-old Jaycee Chan, was arrested and sentenced to 6 months in prison for running a drug den. Jackie Chan, appointed in 2009 as the anti-drug ambassador in China, showed his position towards his son rather harshly and refused to influence the course of legal proceedings in any way.

Jaycee fully admitted his guilt, and six months later he was released. A few months after that, a truce took place between him and his father, and Jackie gave the first interview on a painful topic.

I showed a too traditional, typical Chinese position: "You yourself are responsible for your actions, go away, I'm not your helper." And then I remembered what kind of relationship Will Smith built with his son Jaden, what a support he was for him at the beginning of his career. I began to think about how I can help my son, I began to look for different projects for him. I think soon we will sing a duet with him,

Jackie Chan told.

Jackie Chan with son Jaycee

Jackie notes that the imprisonment has benefited not only their relationship with their son, but also Jaycee himself.

During his imprisonment, Jaycee wrote songs and scripts, and read many books. So it's probably not all that bad. I myself would take 10 days or a month, the so-called "prison leave", to rest and cleanse.

Indio Falconer Downey

Robert Downey Jr. got rid of drug addiction 12 years ago, before that the actor took illegal drugs for several years and got into trouble that almost cost him his career. In 2014, it became known that his eldest son Indio Falconer Downey stepped on a slippery slope.

Indio, 20, was arrested in West Hollywood for illegal drug possession but was subsequently released on bail. The young man was sent for compulsory treatment for drug addiction, and his father personally promised to put his son on the path of correction. In 2016, Indio completed a drug addiction treatment program and said that he was ready to cover this problem and help young people.

I watched with pride as my first child overcame this ordeal. He continues to fight to this day - it inspires and surprises. As you can remember, Indio is a musician. I witnessed how she and her friend Ralph Alexander were determined to become artists. I think patronage does more harm than good. So I'm bringing my little help just for today, and then I'm going to relax,

Robert wrote on Facebook and Instagram in early 2016, posting a download link for his son's song and a short video.

Now Indio is actively working on the first album with his band The Dose and admits that the negative experience he experienced helps him write music.

Indio Falconer Downey

In 2014, the son of actor Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson - Chester Hanks - made a public statement, repenting of the abuse of prohibited substances.

I have struggled with substance abuse since the age of 16. Finally, at the age of 24, I decided to seek help. In an Instagram confession posted, Chester talks about his days at the rehab:

The 50 days that I spent in the "starter" were the happiest of my life. I am grateful to my family for taking care of me, including my fans. I am learning to accept my mistakes and be in harmony with myself. If anyone is also struggling with addictions, feel free to reach out! Thanks to everyone for the love and support. God exists! Fans, and there are more than 16 thousand of them on Chet Hanks' Instagram, accepted the revelations of the star child with delight and thanked for such honesty. It should be noted that the number of Chet's fans is connected not only with the popularity of his father, but also with his own activities - the actor's son is engaged in music and has already released more than one popular hit.

Stephanie Bon Jovi

Musician Jon Bon Jovi met his wife Dorothea Hurley while still in college. In over thirty years of marriage, they had four children. The history of an exemplary family was overshadowed by an unpleasant incident in 2012, when the daughter of a rock star, Stephanie, was hospitalized with a drug overdose, and later she was charged with possession of illegal drugs. The punishment was avoided, Stephanie returned from the dormitory of Hamilton College to her parents' house and left this difficult period of her life behind. Remembering how it was, Jon Bon Jovi tells.

It was the worst moment for me as a father. I remember my daughter called from the hospital to explain what had happened. She said: "It's all over." It was a tragic, terrible lesson. I understand that Stephanie is lucky and there are many sadder stories that the children of famous parents have had to deal with.
