Name number 9 full description. The meaning of nine in numerology

Jain numerology notes that the number of the name affects the number of the soul, but it does not affect the number of fate, because fate is created by the karmas of past lives. If the number of the soul is not in harmony with the number of fate, then the number of the name can create a harmonious life, which is why people sometimes change names or take pseudonyms for themselves. Nine is definitely not good number a name for those whose soul or destiny number is also 9: it enhances the influence of Mars and creates problems in family and social life. But 9 is a very good name number for those who have their number of souls or fates 2, 3, 7. For the "sixes" it is neither bad nor good: neutral. For "twos" it brings strength, for "threes" it brings good luck, and for "sevens" it brings help.

Name number 9 makes people sincere, expressive, creative, and independent. It endows them with strong will, determination, strength and the ability to endure the hardships of life.

For politicians, this is a good name number. It is also good for athletes, soldiers, artists, poets, musicians, composers and saints. It brings them name, honor, prestige and recognition. Name number 9 also makes people work hard and hard and does not leave them time for entertainment and relaxation. It leads to restlessness, but it also makes its wearers creative. They use their restlessness to express themselves in the outside world. They work hard to create Better conditions to relax and satisfy yourself and those around you.

Indian sources tell about nagas - semi-divine creatures with a snake body and one or more human heads, children of Kadru, the wife of Kashyapa. They lived in the northwest of India even before the arrival of the Aryans there. "Naga-dvipa" - "country of the Nagas" - is regarded as the ninth region of Bharatavarsha, that is, India (Vishnu Purana. II. Z, 6).

Name number 9 also promotes an adventurous and romantic nature, it makes men more masculine and sexy, it adds charm to women. special help the number 9 renders to those who are involved in the spiritual life. It brings such people together with famous spiritual teachers, seers, psychiatrists. Sometimes people with the name number 9 become the same themselves and become famous due to the power of their intuition and other amazing qualities. All people with the name number "nine" should engage in one or another constant religious practice, which involves singing, reciting prayers and physical exercise.

For those who have a soul or destiny number of 4 or 8, the number "nine" is not a good name number.

Nine means the Aeneid,
The number of "everything" is the idea of ​​completeness.
But Mars bears - losses and insults,
Militancy bright features ...

Mars is the planet that governs those born on the 9th, 18th, 27th of any month, or those whose name or destiny number is 9. The qualities of Mars are described below and are most clearly manifested in people who have a soul number of 9.

Dear ones, the "nine" plays a huge role in the individual mystical experience. The powerful and regenerative number 9, obtained by repeating the triad three times, brings destruction into a person's life, marking the renewal of the eternity of being.

Mars is the celestial "commander in chief". He is revered by all nine luminaries, which are the faces of the same deity. Mars is personified as a strong male personality in military garb, riding a ram (an animal known for its warlike nature). The very word military English language(martial) comes from the name of the planet Mars and its qualities: a clear awareness of purpose, duty, order and discipline. Mars is also famous for such qualities as courage, courage, patience, self-confidence. One of the Sanskrit words for Mars, Lohitang, gives it a bright red color that can be seen at night with the naked eye.

Astrologers consider Mars to be an unfavorable planet, because people ruled by Mars are selfish, putting their desires above the desires of others. The influence of Mars makes such people quick-tempered, loving to get involved in disputes, lovers of destructive weapons, restless, fickle, cruel, loving violence. They are capable of harming one of their relatives or acquaintances, or all at once. Mars is also considered unfavorable because it, being in the 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th house of the birth chart, creates difficulties in family life.

Mars is associated with blood and this is indicated by its other Sanskrit names - Kujar and Rudhir.

It is also associated with our muscular system and with the bone marrow responsible for the stability of the immune system. It produces white blood cells that eliminate viruses and diseases human body. Thus, Mars affects the defense mechanisms of our body. It also gives courage, which is directly related to the concentration of sugar in the blood. Mars provides strength and is associated with the general condition of a person. Meanwhile, the inconstancy and restlessness of Mars makes its owners insecure, doubtful and quick-tempered. This all leads to a kind of insensitivity that makes Mars an inauspicious planet and causes people to get involved in illegal activities and forbidden love affairs.

There are exactly 108 Indian Upanishads, and people of all Indian religions use cult lamps with 108 wicks and believe that 107 herbal powers give strength to a person, while the 108th is initially present in the body. There are 108 names of Mahadeva. There are 3339 (3+3+3+9=18=1+8=9) Vedic gods.

People ruled by Mars are great connoisseurs of the art of war, hunting, sports, disputes, competitions, public speaking and politics. Mars gives its owners an athletic spirit, which helps them to treat both victory and defeat equally favorably. It also gives people a dynamic energy that pushes them to do extraordinary things, such as walking on fire or wrestling with a tiger or elephant. People of Mars love to surprise others with their extraordinary courage. They acquire great strength from 27 to 40 years.

The life of the supreme creator god Brahma is 311040000000000 years (3+1+1+4=9). The number 108 is a symbol of kalpa, the time of the existence of the Universe. Kalpa, in turn, consists of two thousand mahayugas of 4,320,000 (4+3+2=9) years each. Mahayugas consist of four hinayugas, understood as epochs: Satya Yuga (Krita Yuga, golden age) at 1728000 (1+7+2+8=18=1+89) years; Treta Yuga (Silver Age) at 1296000 (1+2+9+6=18=1+8=9) years; Dvapara-Yuga (copper age) at 864,000 (8+6+4=18=1+8=9) years; Kali Yuga (Iron Age) at 432,000 (4+3+2=9) years. In this cycle of the world, all hinayugas represent the number 10800 with uniformly increasing factors.

The number 9 is associated with the original sound, the mantra AUM. All creation is an esoteric fusion of two energies, graphically depicted as a triangle pointing up and a triangle pointing down. Here is how you can symbolically represent this sacred connection:

This vibration is fundamental to all sounds and manifested vibrations of the universe.

The friends of Mars are the Sun, Moon and Jupiter. Saturn, Venus, Rahu and Ketu are neutral towards Mars, and Mercury is its only enemy.

The most polite and doubtful are the people of Mars who were born on the 27th, those who were born on the 9th are rougher and tougher, also more successful and stronger. People born on the 18th suffer from internal conflicts and progress more slowly, they are more selfish and like to quarrel.


Nine is the soul number of those born on the 9th, 18th or 27th of any month. All the qualities of Mars described above are most pronounced in those born on the 9th.

The planet of fire and heat, Mars, creates a strong flow of energy that is not easy to control. It makes people with soul number 9 restless; they are always doing something. They cannot begin to rest until they succeed in achieving their desired goals. These are fighters, and they fight to the top of any road they choose.

The main vibrations of the number 9: selflessness, compassion.

"Nines" have the spirit of athletes, they are characterized by the spirit of rivalry. They are very brave and love adventure. They are ambitious, and thanks to their strong will and determination, they quickly make progress on their chosen path. They quickly react to any situation and go into a state of readiness at the first signal, they have strong internal defense mechanisms, and they are always ready to repel an attack. By doing this, they often create enemies for themselves.

The law of cyclicity does not allow for delay and requires the investment of energy for the fastest return. Keywords"nines": compassion, patience, versatility, selflessness.

"Nines" like to end the dispute with forceful pressure, and not with the help of the mind. They are not particularly burdened by their own problems, and also do not waste energy. These people love to speak up and show their strength. The influence of Mars gives the "nines" a fickle character; these people are very easy to "turn on", and their explosion will be stronger than a bomb explosion. They do not believe in waiting for the right moment to attack: their mind is weak and they attack at once. "Nines" are optimists, they are independent, they have an inexhaustible source of energy. They do not like to live on donations or be indebted to someone, they are free, sincere, fearless, impulsive. These are tyrants, extremists, constantly striking the world with their antics, which often leads them to a sad end. But even such an end they will meet boldly and will not be afraid of either death or destruction. "Nines" are workers who love difficulties; they are full of enthusiasm, inspiration, and always in a hurry to achieve the intended goal, they do not tolerate interference in their work. "Nines" hate criticism more than all numbers, so you need to criticize them very carefully. They have a great sense of selfishness and responsibility. Whatever they do, they are led by their own sincerity and belief that they are fighting for the truth, and a correct understanding of the situation, which makes them always do their own thing. Because of the weak mind, the “nines” think very well of themselves and believe that all numbers should also think well of them. Their imperious nature contributes to getting involved in discussions and disputes with people who, without thinking, criticize their every step. In their youth, the "nines" are forced to experience many difficulties in communicating with other people, and it is very difficult for them to achieve a worthy place in society, at home, at work. But thanks to a penetrating will and a clear vision of the materialistic goal, after 40 years they succeed.

They are like a coconut - hard on the outside and full of sweet pulp on the inside. Outwardly, they are firm, disciplined, unshakable; internally they are like children - soft and compassionate. They take good care of their subordinates.

People with soul number 9 are good organizers and capable administrators. If they are given full power and control, then the organization in which they work will benefit from their ability to work hard, optimism, materialism, practicality. If they are not given full power and control, then such people gradually lose interest in work. They love honor and can endure any physical, mental, or financial loss to save their prestige. "Nines" spend a lot of energy to achieve recognition and sympathy.

Although they are especially devoted to their own families and take good care of their parents, they are sometimes unsuccessful in family life and often quarrel with their life partners.

Men with soul number 9 are constantly pushed to action by a huge sexual impulse. But due to the fact that the "nine" suppresses her partner, she often faces setbacks and is disappointed. Over time, the behavior of the “nine” man in relation to his life partner becomes unstable, extravagant. And if he finds a suitable partner at an early age, then he leads a good family life. In view of the large ego, he wants complete submission and physical pleasure from his wife. If he gets the attention he needs, he makes significant progress in life.

While a man with a soul number of 9 does not show much respect and love towards his wife, he is very kind, cheerful and sociable with other women. He loses his mental balance, quarrels and isolates himself from his wife, suffering from it afterwards. He is constantly condemned by his life partners, friends and relatives - even though his marriage brings financial success and fame. Although he loves pomp, he often lives a simple life.

A woman with a soul number of 9 is usually very gentle, hospitable, friendly, although secretive and very carefully selects her social circle. She can be a wonderful housewife, devoted to her husband, full of charm and charm. But she is much less likely to meet a good husband than a “nine” man has a wife. She is very strict towards her husband and does not forgive the slightest hint of flirting. Her partner is often weak, and she has to spend too much of her energy on him.

Both a man and a woman with a soul number of 9 are more likely to say "no" than "yes." They spend a lot of time and energy to keep their homes and workplaces clean and tidy, but they are unable to create order and peace in their family life.

They should be wary of fires, bombs, and electric shocks. They will have to undergo surgery and prosecution in their lives. They are often inflicted with wounds from which they die, which lead to infection; "nines" often die on the operating table.

If they are not in the spirit, then they become vindictive, aggressive and cruel. They are born with leadership qualities and can easily control stubborn people with their strength and human qualities.

If the number of fate and the number of the name are in harmony, then the soul number 9 contributes to its owner becoming the head of a large organization. A person with a soul number of 9 has a strong imperious character, high ideals, he is not limited and creative. Marriage with a person with a soul number of 9 and with one whose number is in harmony with the number 9 is happy - their family becomes open and ready to help, and they notice it. A person with soul number 9, born in a family in which the numbers of his parents, brothers and sisters are in harmony, enjoys life, gradually rises to a high position, becomes famous.

People with soul number 9 are born to achieve material success. And they have all the necessary qualities for this. They scare loved ones by committing reckless acts already in middle age. Those who do not have close friends or life partners consider them very lucky.

Cautions for people with soul number 9

All "nines" should be wary of fires, bombings, storms, floods and traffic accidents. They must be constantly ready - when using firearms, avoid hurricanes, storms and floods, and drive with extra care.

They need to avoid any provocation and thoughts of revenge.

They need to give up false pride, hypocrisy, because such qualities lead to envy and criticism.

They need to learn to gain emotional calm and not lose courage.

They need to avoid risk, committing unnecessary reckless acts that aim to show their courage, determination.

They should avoid complaints, discussions, gossip about their colleagues, partners. They must love their life partners, create peace in family life and remember the axiom: "To err is human, but God is to forgive."

They should avoid surgery whenever possible.

They do not need to rush: they must learn to overcome their anxiety.

They need to avoid looking sullen and learn to keep a smile on their face.

They must respect their superiors and not get involved in unnecessary disputes with them, because the "nine" is easily provoked, and they easily lose their composure. They need to avoid all unstable situations and try not to be touchy, not to speak loudly or harshly.

They must adhere to the discipline that creates order in their lives.

When signing official papers, they need to be careful and carefully study them until the very act of signing. If necessary, before signing the documents, they need to consult with a lawyer.

They should not delude themselves about their own mental powers, about the energy of character, they should avoid being extremists. They should turn a special influence on their own physical strength, because they themselves may fall victim to it.

They should avoid their three main enemies: anger, arrogance, aggressiveness.

They shouldn't self-isolate. Moreover, they should expand their circle of friends and acquaintances.

They should not avoid any manifestation of humor - it will bring them good luck.

They should keep a record of the movement of Mars through the various signs of the zodiac and avoid new beginnings, bold deeds in those periods when Mars is not in the best position, when it is defective.

They should avoid drugs, poisonous substances, because they have a predisposition to them.


Destiny number 9 is much better than soul number 9. People with soul number 9 are quick-tempered, vicious, stupid, love to scandal and quarrel. People with a destiny number of 9 are ruled by their soul number. If the latter is in harmony with the number of fate, then they easily overcome their anger and temper and regret scandalous behavior. If there is no harmonious number of the soul, then a person with a destiny number of 9 should choose a harmonious name, because it has a great influence on the soul. The negative influence of the number 9 can help transcend certain religious practices.

Experiencing difficulties in life, people with a destiny number of 9 develop spiritually and mentally, they understand the meaning of cosmic love and can appreciate true wisdom. If they set themselves the goal of achieving perfection in the spiritual life, they achieve it by gaining knowledge through hatha yoga. People with the number of destiny and soul 9 love art and beauty. The difference between them is that people with soul number 9 will have to learn and fight with themselves, with their egos, in order to make their mark in the art world. People with a destiny number of 9 easily achieve success and fame in this area, and they are constantly surrounded by beauty. Although people with a destiny number of 9 have to meet with many difficulties and conflict in childhood with their parents, brothers and sisters, later they achieve their love, and their noble qualities are revered and appreciated.

They are destined to be busy all the time. Even when resting, they are restless.

They are interested in everything that makes life enjoyable. They love adventure, romantic relationships and believe that life is only for pleasure and entertainment. They are interested in high society and sophisticated life. They have their own inner compass, they independently seek the truth that is beneficial to them. People with a destiny number of 9 are not snobs. They feel unity with all living things and look for the divine spark in everything. These are the defenders of all mankind, all living forms. They are interested in healing, ecology, music, singing and drawing.

Nine, being the last number in the series of single numbers, is the fulfillment number of the soul (consciousness) and is considered mystical. Having a destiny number of 9 means being at the end of the cycle of life and death (birth and rebirth). If these people realize this at a young age (the number of fate usually takes effect only after 35 years), then they can achieve their goals. They can achieve this by using the karmas of their past lives and avoiding new karma, which is created by a great desire for sense gratification. "Nines" must learn to be original.

Nines - you must have the courage and strive to be ahead in new areas and be a pioneer. You must always move forward, never turn back. You can become stubborn at times because you don't like to be limited or controlled. You are a good performer and work better alone. By nature, you are not a domestic person, but you can handle any situation. You like sports and athleticism. You are an emotionally sophisticated and unromantic person, often appearing at the head of social movements.

By studying the lessons of the number 9, you become deeply intimate with the Divine Energy.

Destiny number 9 endows people with spirituality, gentleness and humility. The belligerent nature of the 9s paves the way for them through arguments, public speaking, and the pursuit of difficult, self-torturing practices. It gives them isolation and adherence to holiness; it gives them courage and competitive spirit.

Those who do not engage in spiritual practices (and they are the majority) show their tendency to violence through politics or at work, using not quite acceptable forms of discussion and battles.

People with a destiny number of 9, due to their doubting nature, negative attitude and fictional problems, have to fight a lot in life with themselves, with their feelings and desires.

The main task of the "nines" is to develop generosity and altruistic love for all people - both friends and enemies.

"Nines", strive to be less attached to material property and learn to own as much as you give to strangers yourself.


Jain numerology notes that the number of the name affects the number of the soul, but it does not affect the number of fate, because fate is created by the karmas of past lives. If the number of the soul is not in harmony with the number of fate, then the number of the name can create a harmonious life, which is why people sometimes change names or take pseudonyms for themselves. Nine is definitely not a good name number for those who also have a soul or destiny number of 9: it enhances the influence of Mars and creates problems in family and social life. But 9 is a very good name number for those who have their number of souls or fates 2, 3, 7. For the "sixes" it is neither bad nor good: neutral. For "twos" it brings strength, for "threes" it brings good luck, and for "sevens" it brings help.

Name number 9 makes people sincere, expressive, creative, and independent. It endows them with strong will, determination, strength and the ability to endure the hardships of life.

For politicians, this is a good name number. It is also good for athletes, soldiers, artists, poets, musicians, composers and saints. It brings them name, honor, prestige and recognition. Name number 9 also makes people work hard and hard and does not leave them time for entertainment and relaxation. It leads to restlessness, but it also makes its wearers creative. They use their restlessness to express themselves in the outside world. They work hard to create the best conditions for relaxation and satisfaction for themselves and those around them.

Indian sources tell about nagas - semi-divine creatures with a snake body and one or more human heads, children of Kadru, the wife of Kashyapa. They lived in the northwest of India even before the arrival of the Aryans there. "Naga-dvipa" - "country of the Nagas" - is regarded as the ninth region of Bharatavarsha, that is, India (Vishnu Purana. II. Z, 6).

Name number 9 also promotes an adventurous and romantic nature, it makes men more masculine and sexy, it adds charm to women. The number 9 is of particular help to those who are involved in the spiritual life. It brings such people together with famous spiritual teachers, seers, psychiatrists. Sometimes people with the name number 9 become the same themselves and become famous due to the power of their intuition and other amazing qualities. All people with the name number "nine" should engage in one or another constant religious practice, which involves singing, reciting prayers and physical exercises.

For those who have a soul or destiny number of 4 or 8, the number "nine" is not a good name number.


By observing fasts, using appropriate seasonings, spices and gems, meditating on mantras and using yantras, one can balance the inner environment. Balancing the external environment is possible if you choose the right time for activity (in an ascending or descending cycle), pick up good friends (by finding compatible numbers) and if you start work at the appropriate time (taking care to match weak and strong periods). Balance is achieved by working on the flow of energy that is always with us.

Weak periods

The weak periods are: the beginning of March, May and June, and the periods from 1 to 21 October and from 23 November to 27 December. At this time, people experience defeat, failure in love affairs, misunderstandings by others, health problems, loss of interest in work, anxiety, the need for secrecy, legal harassment, doubt, unnecessary anxiety, criticism, and feel an increase in hostility around them.

Strong periods

For the "nines" favorable periods are: from March 21 to April 20, from October 21 to November 23. At this time, one should start new enterprises, decide on bold deeds, complete projects that have been started, look for a new home, meet new people and travel abroad.

auspicious dates

For the “nines”, the 9th, 18th and 27th of any month are favorable. Numbers 3, 6, 15, 21, 24 and 30 are also lucky. And if these days fall on strong periods, they become even more blessed.

Good days

For "nines" auspicious days- Tuesday and Friday. And if they fall on strong periods, they become even more blessed.

"Nines" are recommended all shades of red and pink, because red is the color of Mars. Nines should use this color as often as possible. Pink linens, pillowcases, curtains, bedspreads will fill the house with positive vibrations; and with a lack of energy, the "nines" should look at a handkerchief of any shade of red - such a handkerchief will fill with freshness.


For "nines" the most precious stone is coral. “Nines”, which are very aggressive, are recommended to wear white coral from an early age. And after forty years, "nines" can use red coral (Italian), bright red coral (Tibetan) or pink coral. You can also use carnellian, jasper (red), red agate or blood moss (red stone).

Stones need to be bought only on Tuesday before 11 am. You should also give it to the jeweler on Tuesday, pick up the ring, pendant or any other product made of stone, also on Tuesday. The stone must be surrounded by copper and gold; the jewelry should be put on the hand, having performed the rituals necessary for Mars, after 11 o'clock in the morning.

To restore the electrochemical balance of the body, the “nines” are recommended to take crushed coral inside.


Nines should meditate on an image or statue of Hanuman, the monkey god, or on a piece of coral. Meditation should be done early in the morning half an hour before or after sunset (serving Hanuman an hour before sunrise is prohibited). Nines can also use the Mars yantra engraved on a copper meditation dish.


The deity of the "nine" is Hanuman, the god of monkeys. Hanuman is a symbol of selfless service. He is devoid of ego, he considers himself a humble servant of Rama (the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, the guardian) and does not claim his own power. His power to perform inhuman feats comes from Lord Rama. "Nines" should clearly understand this and not be proud of their own strengths. They should learn the lesson of Hanuman's complete humility and apply it in own life.

Bija mantra

"Aum krum krim kraum sa vhaumya namah"

The planetary deity Mangala bestows the power of owning one's mind and protects from any manifestations of violence.

To protect against storms and car accidents, it is useful to read the Hanuman Gayatri mantra 11 times a day:




Puranic mantra to propitiate Mars:

“I bow down to you, O Sri Mangala, the god of the planet Mars, born of the goddess of the Earth, sparkling like lightning, appearing in the form of a youth with a spear in his hand.”

Yantra of Mars

If your number is 9, that is, if you were born on the 9th, 18th or 27th of any month, you can use this talisman to your advantage. The sum of the numbers in any direction is 21. Such a yantra should be engraved on a copper plate or ring.

If you make a ring, wear it on your ring finger.

Health and disease

Dear ones, nines are subject to all kinds of fevers. This is due to the fact that bile predominates in their body. And imbalance of bile leads to fever. Nines are also susceptible to various infections, injuries, syphilis, measles, and skin diseases such as eczema and rashes. They may experience problems with blood, poisoning, ulcers, thirst, tuberculosis, diseases of the stomach, liver, lungs, nose and ears.

"Nines" often experience physical ailments and aching bones. Although they have a strong physique and are not prone to rapid illness, they may experience the above problems during weak periods. They can be exhausted by excessive sex life, lack of due attention to food and rest. All this weakens the immune system and creates a predisposition to infectious diseases. Nines must pay special attention to their wounds. They should avoid too oily and greasy food, pickles, hot spices and excessive use of drugs and other poisonous substances. Men "nines" should eat dates cooked in milk. They can also prepare a drink for themselves from crushed dates mixed with milk, then the milk should be strained and a pinch of saffron added. Skin rashes and other problems caused by dry skin can be protected by a daily body massage using oil. To improve lung function, you should take morning walks. And to solve problems associated with the nose, one should apply exercises from hatha yoga - “jala neti” (drink water with the nose).

To prevent ear diseases, one or two drops of oil should be instilled into the ears from time to time. Important years for health are 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54 and 63: during these years, changes in well-being occur - both for good and for bad.

It is very useful for the Nines to fast once a week on Tuesdays. Food taken during the evening fast should not contain salt and grains. During the day, if you feel thirsty, you can drink juice. In the evening after meditation, you can eat a sweet bun with chickpeas, anise grains and palm (cane) sugar. When preparing dough for a sweet bun, add milk or water. When frying buns, instead of animal oil, you can use ghee or vegetable oil.

"Nines" should be careful in friendship, because very often, because of their nature, best friends become opponents. Friends of the "nines" can be people born on the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th, 21st, 24th, 27th or 30th of any month. good friends"nines" can also be people with a soul number of 5 or 7. Friendship with those who have a soul number of 9 and were born on the 9th or the same number as themselves can be bosom, but not very productive. Friendship with people with a soul number of 3 brings the best results.

romantic relationships

Ideal for men-"nines" - women-"sixes", and for women-"nines" men-"threes" are best suited for establishing romantic relationships. "Nines" marry "ones", "triples", "sixes" and "nines" born in weak periods. Although they have a natural attraction to the "sevens", female "nines" and male "sevens" never form happy married couples. This is because women assume complete reliability and are very possessive, while men cannot resist a little flirting.

good years life

Favorable years of life are 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90 and 99th. The periods between 27 and 36 years and the 45th year of life are very important.


The information below is based on comparing people with a soul number of 9 with other soul numbers. It can also be used to compare people with a destiny number of 9 with other destiny numbers and people with a name number of 9 with other name numbers.

Number 9 and number 1

"Ones" provide "nine" all kinds of help. The number 9 is restless and constantly doubting everything, and the number 1 is self-confident and makes the right decision at the right time. "Ones" help "nines" make the right decisions and get rid of doubts. Both of these numbers are strong, energetic, work hard and hard. This good company: "nines" usually complain about everything and blame others, while "ones" are beyond envy, anger and discontent. The “nines” have many enemies, and the “ones” are friends with everyone. If these two numbers are together, the "ones" work hard for the good of the "nines" and protect them from any manifestation of weakness; therefore, the “nines” benefit from such friendship and such political cooperation. "Ones" make "nines" lucky; you can advise women "nines" to choose men "units" for marriage, friendship, establishing romantic relationships or business partnerships. Men-"nines", meanwhile, are not for women-"units" perfect husbands. Although "nines" become for "ones" good teachers and help their growth, sometimes the “ones” have to learn the “nines”. "Nines" are not recommended to choose the number 1 for appointments and for the house number of permanent residence. However, for temporary residence, the number 1 is a very lucky number, and a house with this number is remembered for a long time.

Number 9 and number 2

"Nines" and "twos" are true friends. If the "nine" is a man, and the "two" is a woman, this means that they have found each other. Mars is hot and the Moon is cold. "Nines" feel their completeness in the society of "twos", especially if the "nine" is a man, and the "two" is a woman. "Twos" in the company of "nines" also feels stronger and more inspired. Both numbers are suitable for friendship, romantic relationships, marriage and business partnerships. However, 9s have to work hard for the benefit of 2s because they are shy and dependent. "Nines" can choose the number 2 as the number of the temporary residence.

Number 9 and number 3

The number 3 is one of the best numbers for "nines". Nine - three times three (3x3) is a number that gives outstanding managerial and organizational skills. This is very beneficial for triplets. The Troikas take over the leadership of the Nines. The presence of "threes" gives psychological support and inner strength. In a business partnership, troikas never do much damage to nines, but they don't make too much money with them either. "Threes" always do good to "nines": they give inspiration and joy, and in such a company, "nines" feel lighter, more certain and experience less doubt. Therefore, "nines" are advised to choose "threes" to establish any kind of relationship: friendship, romantic relationship, marriage, business partnership, setting a date for the meeting on the 3rd and choosing the number 3 as the house number.

Number 9 and number 4

"Nines" and "fours" are big enemies. But, being opposites, they attract each other to themselves. Both of these numbers love hard work, and when they come together, a large number of energy. "Fours" influence "nines" positively, and the creative qualities of "nines" are enhanced. In turn, the “fours” are positively influenced by the creative power of the “nines”. "Nines" are always involved in public life; Fours are by nature less social; 9s make 4s social. “Fours” provoke “nines” to more active behavior, and “nines”, in turn, help “fours” develop willpower in themselves. If both of these numbers are engaged in activities aimed at the welfare of all mankind, their cooperation is mutually beneficial. Usually "fours" oppose accepted mores; "nines" are familiar with the confrontation, and this only strengthens them. "Nines" like to fantasize, and "fours" live in harsh reality, so these numbers cannot stay together for a long time. Nines are advised to avoid long friendships, business partnerships, and marriage with Fours, although they may have some secret dealings with them. Nines are also instructed to avoid scheduling appointments on the 4th and not to live in a house with that number.

Number 9 and number 5

"Nines" and "fives" enter into a strange relationship with each other. The number 9 is the enemy of the number 5, but 5 is neutral in relation to 9. When approached, these numbers usually generate positive energy. The Fives always help the Nines, but the latter are not in the mood to keep a long memory of this. Since the "fives" are restless and fast, like Mercury, they cannot be good life partners for the "nines". In business, the "fives" are also not good partners for the "nines", although the "nines" are beneficial to the "fives". Nines have to work very hard, but they get much less in return than A's. In friendship, the “five” has a beneficial effect on the “nine”. "Fives" - well-wishers of "nines". If both of these numbers are working on a project that interests them, then they form good combination. They can also work as good companions, ready to help each other in the arts and music. However, the "fives" in true friendship cool the "nines". Therefore, “nines” are not recommended to choose the number 5 for making appointments or the number of the house in which they live.

Number 9 and number 6

Mars and Venus are neutral towards each other. But the numbers 6 and 9 are wonderful friends who are mutually attracted to each other. Mars, of course, is masculine in nature, and Venus is feminine. These two numbers complement each other. Their relationship lasts a long time and they can work together in almost all areas. Since both of them are good critics of art, their collaboration in this area is also fruitful. In politics, the Sixes support the Nines. Both of these numbers are focused on achieving material well-being. Both are honest in financial matters and in relationships with each other. As a business partner, the Six protects the interests of the Nine, and the Nines help the Sixes in their work by providing practical constructive ideas. "Nines" can choose "sixes" for all types of relationships - marriage, friendship, romantic relationships and business partnerships. Marriage will be more successful if the "nine" is a man, and the "six" is a woman. "Nines" can choose the number 6 for making appointments or choosing the number of the house in which they live.

Number 9 and number 7

Both planets are evil: Mars and Ketu are enemies; Mars is stronger than Ketu. When these two numbers approach each other, they develop great forces, taking its source in the "nines" themselves. "Sevens" in the presence of "nines" lose their originality and begin to act only as good helpers and friends. "Nines" are attracted to "sevens" and with the help of their practical wisdom in every possible way help the dreamy "sevens". Since the number 7 is a teacher of the secret sciences, and the number 9 is interested in mysticism and occult knowledge, their communication will be very fruitful. "Sevens" bring happiness to the numbers with which they communicate; having met "sevens", "nines" increase their social position. "Sevens" are not good business partners, and in a marriage, male "sevens" are not very good husbands for "nine" women, although "seven" women become good devoted wives of "nine" men. Male 9s and female 9s can be in good romantic relationships with 7s. "Nines" are not recommended to use the number 7 for appointments and for choosing the number of the house in which they live. If the "nines" live in the house with number 7, they lose their personal life; the house will be constantly visited by spiritual students, saints, artists, mystics and famous people.

Number 9 and number 8

Saturn is neutral with respect to Mars, while Mars is the enemy of Saturn. Eights, under the influence of Saturn, often break the law, and nines, under the influence of Mars, protect it. The friendship of these numbers will not last long, although the "eights" bring good luck to the "nines" and help them with money. "Nines" should avoid joint actions with "eights", especially when it comes to long-term projects. In small business enterprises, they have a favorable effect on the "nines". Usually, "nines" are not advised to marry "eights"; "nine" women can, if necessary, marry "eight" men, but the reverse ratio is undesirable. 8s can be good students of 9s, and only in such relationships can 9s benefit from 8s. "Nines" are not recommended to choose the number 8 for making appointments, choosing the number of the house in which they live or work.

Number 9 and number 9

Same numbers usually not the ideal couple for friendship, marriage and romantic relationships, however, two "nines" can maintain their relationship for a very long time. These relationships can only be interrupted by a sudden separation or quarrel. When adding 9 and 9 (9+9), the sum remains equal to 9 - there are no losses, but no gains either. 9 is a good number for a business partnership; It is useful for the nines to work together, although they do not inspire each other to great things. If two people who have 9 as their number of souls unite for some common goal, then they can make a revolution. If they are friends, then their friendship lasts a long time, but they will always quarrel with each other. Two "nines" can have a romantic relationship with each other. "Nines" can also choose the number 9 for appointments or the number of the house in which they live.

The following are the traditional Western correspondences for the number 9:

Compassion, generosity, love, wisdom, artistry, healing, inclusiveness

Tarot Hermit

Western Astrology Sun, Virgo, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Sagittarius


Tree of Life Yesod, base

ShamanismSquirrel, snake

ElementEarth, gold


AuraAutumn Colors

ColorYellow gold

StoneOpal, quartz

NoteUpper D




Day of the weekMonday, Friday

The name number 9 gives a lot of abilities to its bearer, because it, as it were, closes the number series, rises above other numbers. You can fulfill any of your dreams if you want.

You must be very kind to people. Beware of overly critical others. Your command of the word can get you in trouble.

Name number 9 - opportunities

Set yourself the most ambitious goals and do not turn off the path in front of obstacles.

Much is destined for you, even the comprehension of the Universe. However, this requires action - see the world, look into the soul of every person.

Sincere love, responsiveness and tolerance will give you strength - distinctive features your nine.

Name number 9 - love

Your happiness is based on love for other people, for nature, for God. When love fills your life, no misfortunes and worldly problems can break you. Love gives you extra strength and optimism during trials and hardships.

Neglecting what was assigned to you great role in life and turning away from high love, you run the risk of incurring all the misfortunes and disappointments of mankind. This is the negative scenario of the number 9. However, if you leave a positive start behind you and keep love in your heart, your life will be full of happiness and success.

Your mission is to serve humanity. In this you will find everything for yourself - love, money, luck and longevity.

Name number 9 - extravagance

You are excessively prone to extravagance (of your wealth and your nervous forces). Don't give people everything you have, better teach them to achieve goals on their own. Take care of yourself also and do not exhaust your strength to the end.

You are little interested in material well-being, much more important for you is fame and praise. you want to be famous person by deeds, not by wealth.

You constantly need a large audience and the attention of many people. That's why you choose big cities instead of the provinces as your place of residence. Fortunately, fate has taken care of you so that you can have the means to take center stage - accept this with gratitude.

© Maxim Naumov, January 2011

"Nine" rises above all other numbers, and therefore you have all their properties, which allows you to endlessly improve yourself. You will be able to fulfill any of your dreams, because you are endowed with all the abilities necessary for this. You must be very kind to people. Beware of overly critical others. Your command of the word can get you in trouble.

Set a goal for yourself and do not turn off your path, no matter what obstacles may arise in front of you. You need to see the world and be sure to look into the soul of everyone you meet. Otherwise, how will you comprehend the universe, which is assigned to you by your number of expression?

You are distinguished by love, responsiveness and tolerance, leaving no room for jealousy, envy and condemnation - properties that interfere with the self-development of people with some other numbers, expressions that make up your number. And this numerical combination gives you the strength to overcome all the negative traits of the respective characters.

Your happiness is based on love - love for humanity and God. You are so tightly surrounded by a halo of love that fills your life and soul that no misfortunes, loneliness and worldly hardships will break you. Love pours additional strength and optimism into you when you face trials, when sacrifices are required from you. By showing disregard for your assigned role in life and turning away from such high love, you risk incurring all the misfortunes, failures and disappointments that are associated with the negative aspect of the "nine". However, you do not need to worry too much about this, because the positive principle prevails in you, and your life will be full of happiness and success, if you so desire.

You tend to waste yourself and your property too much. Learn to explain to people who contact you how to forge happiness with their own hands. Save what you have for yourself - about a rainy day. Take care of yourself in every possible way and do not exhaust your strength. By serving humanity, you will find everything you dream of: love, money, luck and good health. And having achieved this, you will be able to enjoy what you have gained in full.

Fame is more important for you than material well-being, which tempts you a little. You would like to be known by your deeds, not by your wealth. And your path to this coveted glory is paved with words. You need a wide audience, the attention of many people. The great metropolises of the world are the right scene for you, and country life is not your nature, except that nature is extraordinarily beautiful. Fortunately, fate has made sure that you have the means to take a place "in the center" and keep it behind you. Accept what is assigned to you, show yourself to the maximum and rejoice in your lot.

The combination of the last name, first name and patronymic of a person is in his identification code and is called Name number. The information that it carries in itself is just as individual.

The full name is the talents and abilities given to you by nature. Your potential level of intelligence, your predisposition to a certain lifestyle and occupation, your difference from others.

Particular attention should be paid to cases where the name or surname, for one reason or another, has been changed. As a rule, this is a subconscious refusal to develop in oneself certain innate talents in order to acquire others that are more in tune with the needs of the soul.

Full name numerology research is a detailed and comprehensive analysis of your inner content. They reveal your hidden essence, especially the perception of the world around you, the foundations of motivation.

Name numbers carry information of a very special kind. These are the answers to the most painful questions that a person asks himself throughout his life.

“Who am I?”, “Why did I come into this world?”, “What do I want?” and - most importantly - "What do people really think about me?".

How to calculate the number of a name?

Full name of the person- one of the two basic bases for numerological calculations. It contains three numbers that are part of your numerological core: the Number of Expression, the Number of the Soul and the Number of Appearance. That is - information about the abilities, desires and features of the image in the perception of others.

Each letter of the surname, name and patronymic corresponds to a certain number. It is very easy to calculate the number of a name - it is enough to have knowledge of arithmetic at the 2nd grade level and have this table in front of your eyes:

Table for converting letters to numbers

Number Expressionsthe sum of the numbers of all letters of the full name, simplified by successively adding up to one of the numbers of the first ten - from 1 to 9. This number is an indicator of innate talents. Abilities that you may not even know about. However, once identified and implemented, they will make your life meaningful. The phrase "this is not given to me" will forever disappear from your vocabulary.

Soul Numberthe sum of the numbers of all the vowels of the name, transformed in the same way. She is responsible for your true spiritual aspirations. What does "authentic" mean in this case? This means those that you purposefully suppress in yourself because of their inconsistency with generally accepted standards.

Appearance Number . — the sum of the numbers of all consonants of the full name. This is your image and the opinion of others about who you are and what you are. As a rule, deciphering the meaning of this number causes the greatest bewilderment, even mistrust. Few people know exactly what it is.

For clarity, a specific example. Let's say Igor Yurievich Kharlamov, better known to the general public as Garik Bulldog Kharlamov. We will consider both options.

So, Number Expressions is the sum of all the numbers in the name. We use the table and get:

Igor Yurievich Kharlamov 1+4+7+9+3 (Igor), 5+9+3+6+3+1+7 (Yurievich), 5+1+9+4+1+5+7+3 (Kharlamov ).

Add and simplify: 1+4+7+9+3+5+9+3+6+3+1+7+5+1+9+4+1+5+7+3=93, 9+3= 12, 1 + 2 = 3. So, the Number of Expression is a "three". A brightly colored, talented person endowed with creative abilities.

Soul Number(vowels): i-o-yu-e-i-a-a-o. Accordingly: 1+7+5+6+1+1+1+7=29, 2+9=11, 1 + 1 = 2. Igor's desires are determined by the "two". This means that his soul strives for harmony, mutual understanding and peace.

Appearance Number(consonants): g-r-r-r-b-v-h-x-r-l-m-v. 4+9+3+9+3+3+7+5+9+4+5+3=64, 6+4=10, 1+0=1. Who do we see in front of us? That's right - a leader with a sharp, lively mind, and constantly looking for new ways for self-realization.

But there is also a stage name: 4+1+9+1+3 (Garik), 2+3+4+3+4+7+4 (Bulldog), 5+1+9+4+1+5+7 +3 (Kharlamov). The sum is 80. The number of the expression is "eight". What qualities appeared in Kharlamov-actor? Obviously, this is a high level of professionalism, authoritativeness, purposefulness.

Soul Number in this case: 1+1+3+7+1+1+7 (a-i-u-o-a-a-o). The sum is 21. 2+1=3. Garik Bulldog has the desire of the "troika" - to be in the center of attention, to live openly and cheerfully.

As you can see, the numerological calculation is not difficult at all, and you can easily perform it for your name. Calculate the main numbers of the name and read their meanings below.

The meaning of name numbers in numerology


Leadership ambitions, independence, purposefulness, composure and ingenuity. The unit sets the image of a pioneer who knows exactly where he is going. At the same time, he is so far ahead of the “main group” that in a difficult situation he can only rely on himself. He gets all the responsibility, and all the "laurels of the winner."


Striving for balance, diplomacy, sensitivity and natural kindness. The image of a “slave”, always ready to help, take on part of the load, give good advice. But - no "volitional decisions", unexpected changes in worldview, bad intentions. Peace and tranquility - even at the cost of their own desires.


Creativity, energy, charisma, "incurable" naivety and pathological rejection of monotony, routine. The image of a person who does not want to part with childhood, who turns life into a game, and himself - and the people around him - into toys, just to "prolong the pleasure." A lively interest in the world is the basis of motivation.


Firm rules, reliability, practicality, patience and an inexhaustible working capacity. The man of the system, its basis and driving force. Dislikes surprises, uncontrollable situations. All his life he works for the future, although he never clearly imagines it. Prefers "titmouse in the hands", even in his personal life.


The desire for absolute freedom, the versatility of nature, activity and sociability. The image of a "free shooter" who is ready to give up stability in order to preserve the right to choose. High level survival is not based on strength of character, but rather on the belief that hopeless situations do not exist.


The ability to sympathize, a predisposition to family life based on mutual support, receptivity, responsibility. The image of a person who is able to turn caring for others into a creative process, and completely "dissolve" in it. The genius of selfless love, knowing, however, that everything in life has its price.


Saturated, closed from all inner life, critical mindset, ability to analyze, pedantry. A person who is sure that there is a simple answer to the most difficult question, and who strives to find it in each specific case. Rejection of half-measures and hypersensitivity often cause failures in personal life.


Good organizational skills, imperiousness, determination, business passion, the ability to count money and professional competence. The image of the "master of life". The goals are defined, the means to achieve them are taken into account and kept in perfect order. A clear separation between personal and business life.


Idealism, maximalism, daydreaming, generosity and genuine unselfishness of thoughts. Nature is extremely contradictory. Life motivation is based on the belief that a “higher” justice exists. The loss of this confidence can overnight turn positive qualities into their opposite.

Everyone knows what innate abilities, natural talents are. In any case, they think they know, since the most pronounced of them appear even in childhood.

But how many manage to reveal in themselves that one, unique gift that fully corresponds to the level of intelligence, and spiritual needs, and purely physiological characteristics of the body? Hardly one in ten.

Because there is an abyss between a child and an adult. And bright manifestations of children's talent just as rarely become the defining qualities of an adult, as first love becomes the basis of many years of marital relations.

A six-year-old boy wants to be a sailor. And then it turns out that he has seasickness, and he goes to the "middle level" managers. Perhaps, "burying" the second Columbus in himself.

A person who has not been able to "find himself" cannot be happy. Therefore, the correct interpretation of indicators name numbers is of paramount importance. Any age. After all, it's never too late to be happy.

With faith in your success,

Artur Golovin

* Information for the article is taken from the book "Introduction to Numerology" (Mindvalley Academy)

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