The activity of the teacher as an indicator of professionalism. Pedagogical professionalism - the prospect of development and improvement of the modern teacher in the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

All people, regardless of profession, go through a number of similar stages in their professional development, their professional development reveals patterns that are common to one degree or another.

The formation of a person as a professional is closely related to his development as a person. The psychological development of a professional means the emergence of new qualities in the human psyche that were previously absent in a person or were available, but in a different form (for example, a number of professional abilities grow out of universal human qualities), as well as the emergence in a person of new types of professional activity and professional communication that do not exist. previously. This means that becoming a professional is an "increment" to the human psyche, its enrichment. A special case of the development of a professional is regression, loss or deformation of old qualities, the appearance of new negative signs, decay, interruption, stoppage of professional activity, which means qualitative, albeit negative, changes in the human psyche. A person with an active mature personality seeks to resist negative processes, developing compensation techniques, new creative strategies, mastering new mental qualities and methods of activity for this, which again moves forward mental development.

The essence and structure of pedagogical activity, as well as the productivity associated with them, is one of the most pressing issues of pedagogical science and practice. Usually, the scientific analysis of these important phenomena is replaced by general discussions about the professionalism of the teacher. The work of a teacher is unique, it is the same high art as the work of a composer and artist - and perhaps much more complex.

Scientific analysis of pedagogical activity pays tribute to the uniqueness creative method each teacher, but he himself is built not on descriptions, but on the principles of comparative research, qualitative and quantitative analysis. Especially promising is the direction associated with the application of the principles of a systematic approach to the analysis and construction of models of pedagogical activity.

The purpose of this work: To consider the concept of teacher professionalism and the indicator of its measurement.

The object of research is the concept of professionalism.

The subject of the study is the professionalism of the teacher and the indicator of its measurement.

Work tasks:

To study the features of pedagogical activity.

Consider the essence of pedagogical professionalism.

To give an idea of ​​the essence of the teacher's individual style of activity.

To analyze the direction of improvement of pedagogical activity.

Chapter 1. The concept of professionalism of a modern teacher

1.1. Features of pedagogical activity

Success in the education and upbringing of children is determined by many factors, each of which is quite significant, and the neglect of these factors inevitably leads to failure. Among these factors are the methods of teaching and upbringing, age features children, the current level of their development, etc. In addition to these, an important factor in child development is the teacher himself, who takes on the role of teacher and educator.

A professional teacher is the only person who devotes most of his time to teaching and raising children. Other adults, including the parents of the child, are busy with their professional problems and household chores and cannot devote much time to children. If teachers were not involved in the education and upbringing of children, then in a few generations society would cease its development. The new generation of people would simply not be prepared enough to sustain social, economic and cultural progress.

In a modern civilized society, a teacher is a figure that requires special attention, and where insufficiently professionally trained people take his place, children suffer first of all, and the losses that arise here are usually irreparable. This requires society to create such conditions that among teachers and educators there are people who are the most intellectually and morally prepared to work with children, and this is far from being possible for every person.

originality teaching profession is that it is humanistic in nature. In the process of education, the teacher solves two problems: adaptive and humanistic ("human-forming").

The adaptive function is associated with the adaptation of the student, pupil to the specific requirements of the socio-cultural situation, and the humanistic function is associated with the development of his personality and creative individuality. On the one hand, the teacher prepares his pupils for a certain social situation, for the specific demands of society. But, on the other hand, he, objectively remaining the guardian and conductor of culture, carries a timeless factor. By developing the child's personality on the basis of the richness of human culture, the teacher works for the future. The teacher in the course of his professional activity performs the main functions: teaching, educating, developing, psychological preparation.

The implementation of these functions requires modern teacher the following personal parameters:

needs and abilities for active and versatile professional and socio-cultural activities;

tact, a sense of empathy, patience and tolerance in relations with children and adults, a willingness to accept and support them, and if necessary, protect them;

understanding of the originality and relative autonomy of personality self-development;

Ability to communicate within and between groups,

prevent conflicts in children's and adult communities;

knowledge of the features of mental development, especially children with problems, and the desire, together with them, to purposefully create the conditions necessary for their self-development;

ability to self-development and self-education.

A humane teacher should rely on the student's capabilities, his potential, and not on the authority of his power and coercion. Its main task is to reveal, reveal and develop everything valuable in a person, and not to form a habit of obedience.

The teacher, like any other leader, must know well and represent the activities of students, which he manages. Thus, the teaching profession requires double training - human science and special.

1.2. The essence of pedagogical professionalism

Based on the analysis of the requirements of the profession to the personality of a specialist, the concept of professionalism is introduced. Professionalism - a set of personal characteristics of a person necessary for the successful performance of work.

Pedagogical professionalism is a characteristic of a variety of interrelated components that reflect a certain educational system that meets the social order of the society. Components of pedagogical professionalism:

the level of general culture;

psychological and pedagogical competence;

ability to set goals and achieve goals;

ability for pedagogical reflection;

ability to implement innovative activities in the field of education.

The study of the phenomenology of teacher professionalism shows that, on the one hand, pedagogical professionalism is a socio-pedagogical phenomenon that represents a complex, multifaceted and multifaceted characteristic of a teacher's activity, which meets the order of society and is aimed at preparing a professional teacher. On the other hand, the teacher's professionalism is a qualitative characteristic, including a set of fundamental integrated knowledge, generalized skills and pedagogical abilities, his personal and professionally important qualities, the teacher's culture and skill, readiness for continuous self-improvement.

A teacher is not only a profession, the essence of which is to transfer knowledge, but also a high mission of creating a personality, affirming a person in a person. In this regard, we can distinguish a set of socially and professionally conditioned qualities of a teacher:

high civic responsibility and social activity;

love for children, the need and ability to give them your heart;

genuine intelligence, spiritual culture, desire and ability to work together with others;

high professionalism, innovative style of scientific and pedagogical thinking, readiness to create new values ​​and make creative decisions;

the need for constant self-education and readiness for it;

physical and mental health, professional performance.

Summing up the requirements for the work and personality of the teacher, imposed by the conditions for the development of society in present stage, they can be represented as follows:

high culture and morality;



acute sense of the new;

the ability to look into the future and prepare your pets for life in the future;

maximum realization of individual talent in combination with pedagogical cooperation;

community of ideas and interests of teachers and students;

creative attitude to business and social activity;

high professional level and the desire to constantly update their knowledge;

principledness and exactingness;



social responsibility, etc.

There are the following positions of the teacher: social and professional.

The social position of the teacher is made up of a system of his views, beliefs and value orientations. Professional position - attitude to the teaching profession, the goals and means of pedagogical activity. The teacher can act as an informer, friend, dictator, adviser, petitioner, inspirer, etc. Each of these professional positions can have both a positive and a negative effect, depending on the personality of the teacher, on his social positions.

IN last years The concept of pedagogical culture is being used and developed more and more widely. However pedagogical culture does not guarantee success in the implementation of pedagogical activity. In a "live", real pedagogical process, the professional is manifested in unity with the general cultural and moral manifestations of the teacher's personality. The unity of all these manifestations forms the humanitarian (general) culture of the teacher.

Therefore, the highest results in pedagogical activity are associated with overcoming professional limitations, the ability to consider professional issues from the broadest philosophical, methodological and socio-cultural positions.

The humanitarian culture of a teacher is a combination of personal and professional qualities, as well as values, orientations and skills.

The professionalism of a specialist associated with a particular profession is described through the concept of professional competence. Competence - the possession by a person of the ability and ability to perform certain labor functions. When people talk about the professional performance of work, they always mean its implementation at a high level. Competence is an individual characteristic of the degree of compliance with the requirements of the profession. Competence can be judged by the nature of the result of a person's work.

Professional competence is one of the subjective factors of a teacher. The concept of professional competence of a teacher expresses the personal capabilities of a teacher, allowing him to solve pedagogical problems independently and quite effectively. Thus, the competence of a teacher can be understood as the unity of his theoretical and practical readiness to carry out pedagogical activities.

Psychological and pedagogical competence consists in the availability of knowledge and skills in the field of interpersonal interaction, mastery of professional communication and behavior, adequate ideas of the teacher about the age and individual characteristics of students, as well as the presence of an adequate idea of ​​the teacher about their individual and professional characteristics and possession of ways to overcome professional destruction .

An important component of the teacher's professionalism is readiness to independently perform specific types of pedagogical activity, the ability to solve typical professional tasks and evaluate the results of one's work, the ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills in the specialty. The ability to present educational material includes not only possession of the content of the subject, but also an idea of ​​the existing pedagogical technologies, knowledge existing forms and teaching methods, the formation of the methodological thinking of the teacher, the ability to use methodological techniques in professional activities so that they implement the didactic principles of the learning process.

Professional activity the teacher involves the process of setting pedagogical tasks by the teacher, their hierarchy, restructuring depending on specific conditions and situations, the teacher develops the ability for pedagogical goal-setting and goal-realization. An important component of this ability is the ability to adjust goals during the very process of pedagogical influence, to create in the mind an image of the possible result of one's actions. This requires not only a constant analysis of all components of the pedagogical situation, but also the self-analysis of the teacher, the ability for pedagogical reflection.

1.3. The individual style of the teacher's activity

The professional activity of a person largely depends on his individual characteristics. Individualization, which can be seen as specific form development, is also a way of adapting a person to the structure of labor activity objectively given from the outside. The process of individualization in the work of a teacher can have different expressions: individual differences, individual style and individuality.

Individual differences in pedagogical work are individual episodic manifestations of the peculiarities of the performance of a given person's professional activity, professional communication. Individual differences can manifest themselves in almost all aspects of work: in the choice of profession and subject of work, in the choice of specialization, tasks and situation within the profession, in relation to the profession and professional motivation, in the choice of ways of working, etc. The formation of individual differences occurs in the course of inclusion, integration of a person into the system of social relations, comparing oneself with other people. Acquiring a sustainable character as a result of the process of professionalization, individual differences can contribute to the formation of an individual style of activity.

An individual style of activity is an expression of the relationship between the objective requirements of activity and personality traits, which ensures the achievement of a certain result.

In the structure of the individual style of activity, Evgeny Alexandrovich Klimov distinguishes two components:

1. The "core" of the style includes the qualities of a person, which are based on the properties nervous system and appear involuntarily or without noticeable effort. This core includes two groups natural features: some favor successful activity, while others interfere with its implementation.

2. “attachment” to the core includes qualities that are developed by a person as a result of conscious or spontaneous searches; attachment to the core also includes two groups of features: some are associated with the use of the positive capabilities of the subject, others are aimed at overcoming negative qualities and are of a compensatory nature.

The individual style of activity is determined by natural, congenital features of a person and the life-long personality qualities that arose in the course of a person’s interaction with the objective and social environment. An effective individual style provides the greatest result with a minimum investment of time and effort. The main argument in favor of the found by the teacher individual ways implementation of pedagogical activity will be personal and mental development his students. It is the development of one's own style, taking into account, first of all, the properties of one's own personality, as well as the specific requirements of the activity, that leads to the fact that the teacher is less stressed and tired. Since the personal properties of the teacher are a flexible structure, the individual style of activity can change. Pedagogical activity, like any other, is characterized by a certain style, which is provided both by the specifics of the activity itself and by the individual psychological characteristics of its subject. The individual style of pedagogical activity is formed by three main factors: the individual psychological characteristics of the teacher; features of pedagogical activity; characteristics of students. The individual psychological characteristics of the teacher, which form the style of pedagogical activity, include individual typological characteristics, personal and behavioral characteristics. The features of pedagogical activity are understood as the conditions for the implementation of professional activities by the teacher, and the content of the discipline, course, educational material. The features of students that are important for the style of pedagogical activity are determined by such factors as age, gender, status, level of knowledge, etc. In pedagogical activity, characterized by the fact that it is carried out in subject-subject interaction in specific educational situations of organization and management learning activities students, these features also correlate with the nature of interaction, with the nature of the organization of activities, subject-professional competence of the teacher and the nature of communication. The individuality of a teacher is an expression of the uniqueness, originality of a person's personality in work and his professional worldview. The formation of individuality means self-determination of the ability for individual self-development, self-giving of one's abilities for the benefit of other people. Individuality, the integrity of the personality of a professional is most clearly manifested when it is combined with high spirituality, humanistic orientation. The individuality of the teacher is the main factor in the formation of his authority among students.

Chapter 2. Improvement of pedagogical activity

2.1. Factors that determine the psychological development of a professional

The psychological development of a professional is a dynamic process. This process depends, firstly, on external conditions:

a) during a person's life, the profession itself changes, the requirements of society for it, the ratio of this profession with other professions changes;

b) the motivational sphere of professional activity and its mentality, spiritual values ​​can be transformed: the operational sphere is rebuilt with the manifestation of new technologies, "know-how";

b) the structural components of professional activity and professional communication (means, conditions, results) can change places - what was a condition becomes a result, what was a means, later may become a condition, etc.

The formation of a professional depends, secondly, on internal conditions: a person's ideas about the profession, the criteria for assessing the profession itself, professionalism in it, as well as the criteria for evaluating a professional in oneself, change.

Failure to take into account these dynamic processes is dangerous for a specialist. Losers in life are those people who stubbornly try to apply in their professional activities the canons they have learned in educational institutions a few decades ago, not taking into account changes in society's demands for their profession or specialty, the spirit of the times.

1. has mastered the norms of professional activity, professional communication and implements them at a high level, achieving professional excellence, observing professional ethics, following professional value orientations;

2. changes and develops his personality and individuality by means of the profession; who seeks to make a creative contribution to the profession, enriching the experience of the profession;

3. seeks and knows how to arouse public interest in the results of their professional activities;

4. contributes to increasing the weight and prestige of one's profession in society, flexibly takes into account the new demands of society for the profession.

These qualitative changes in professionalism can be studied, formed, polished in oneself and in another person, taken into account during certification.

The formation of a professional always takes place in one or another professional environment with its subject subsystem (subject, means, working conditions) and social subsystem (psychological climate in cooperation, interpersonal relations). It is always necessary to take into account the activity of the professional environment, which does not passively wait until a person masters or transforms it, but immediately has the opposite effect on a person. This influence can be beneficial, positive, if the atmosphere in the institution is conducive to creativity, a good psychological climate contributes to the development of personality and individuality; Moreover, the professional environment even heals, it can become a good psychotherapist for a person. The influence of the professional environment can also be negative (extreme and uncertain conditions, noise, as well as stress in relationships, social roles, provoking a person to unseemly acts, for example, among specialists who have power over other people and can abuse it), causing negative changes in the psyche, deformation and personality of a person. There is a loss of positive psychological qualities, exaggerated development of the negative qualities of a person - a specialist. Psychologists have already studied and will continue to identify which positive mental qualities are the most developed, exercised in a given profession, and which are the most affected, as is the case in different professions. Each person can also set a close task for his introspection, thinking about what changes have occurred in his personality under the influence of the professional environment and how to resist negative impacts environments, if any.

The age-related development of a professional takes place in the context of general trends age development which is described above. Thus, each age stage of professional development is distinguished by its qualitative originality:

a) "professional" age (the maturity of a person as a professional) may not coincide with chronological, as well as with psychological age;

b) the formation of a professional on the age scale is characterized by the unevenness of its individual aspects; certain ages are sensitive, most sensitive to different types of professional activity;

c) there is a possibility of the emergence of crises of professional activity in the transitional periods of age development (from youth to maturity, from maturity to old age);

d) tendencies of plasticity and compensatory intensify with age in the course of professional development.

It is desirable for each person to know the specifics of professional activity and communication in certain “adult” ages and to carefully prepare themselves for solving professional problems of the coming age.

Becoming a professional always bears the stamp of individuality. Each of the steps towards professionalism is lived differently by different people: they adapt to the profession in different ways, express themselves differently in the profession, strive and are ready for professional mastery and creativity to varying degrees. Accordingly, combinations of professionally important qualities (motivational urges, techniques of professional thinking, types of abilities) differ, forming unique individual personality profiles of professionally important qualities. Individuality can increase with the growth of professionalism, especially at the stages of creative development of the profession. The individualization of professional activity and professional communication can have the character of individual differences (dissimilarity of people to each other), can be expressed in the presence of different stable individual styles and, finally, rise to an individual professional worldview, an unconventional understanding of the prospects for the development of the profession, its role in society, etc. d. Individual features are always present in a specialist, but are not always recognized by him. A mature personality makes its individual characteristics the subject of awareness, formation, correction, polishing and improvement.

The practical development of the profession (vocational training, advanced training, professional training) undoubtedly requires a holistic vision of labor in the profession in the relationship of its tasks, means, results, etc. At the same time, vocational training can:

1. use a task-by-task (modular) approach, when different types professional activities and communication depending on their tasks;

2. apply a situational approach with practice various types professional situations, options for professional behavior when changing professional situations; be sure to take into account personal approach with the consistent development of the necessary professionally important qualities for this profession.

Individualized professional training programs are productive, taking into account the individual trajectory of a specialist's advancement to professionalism.

Abilities are personality traits that are a condition for the successful completion of certain activities.

By nature, a person is given inclinations - his personal, characterological, psychophysiological and other individual characteristics, which, under the presence of appropriate conditions, can develop into an ability for a particular activity. Character traits, such as tact, exactingness, justice, understanding of another person, versatility of interests, purposefulness, love for children, responsiveness, observation, can be attributed to the prerequisites that are conditions for the development of pedagogical abilities.

In their professional activities, teachers rely not only on general pedagogical abilities, but also on special abilities (for example, special abilities for the subject they teach, or, conversely, special abilities that are not actually pedagogical and not related to the educational subject, but help to carry out pedagogical activity - artistry, Creative skills and etc.).

The inclinations in the aggregate are important not as prerequisites for successfully mastering a profession, but as psychological and physiological conditions for a person's compensatory capabilities for developing an individual style of activity. The teacher cannot be considered as a set of properties, characteristics and qualities. As a rule, he is a person and a professional if the set of properties appears as a single whole, which is based on a motivational sphere that provides a social, cognitive and professional-pedagogical orientation, if there is a development of the personality of a specialist that occurs in the process of mastering professional skills.

In the scientific literature, the problem of professional compliance is associated with the presence of a certain potential of inclinations or abilities that can ensure the successful formation of the necessary professional knowledge, skills and abilities. However, in a number of cases, even with the required qualities, a person is unable to achieve such states as fruitfulness (Erich Fromm), self-actualization (Abraham Maslow), identity (Erik Erickson).

Personal development and professional growth of a teacher as an organic unity are possible when in the process of "growing" into a profession (choosing a profession, vocational training, carrying out pedagogical activities), a purposeful resolution of a number of contradictions is carried out. First of all, this is a contradiction that arises in the individual consciousness between the standard of a professional personality and the image of his inner, already existing “I”. The assertion of Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky that a teacher lives as long as he studies takes on special significance in modern conditions. Life itself has put the problem of continuous pedagogical education on the agenda. The ability to "create oneself" in accordance with social and moral ideals, in which professional competence, a rich spiritual life and responsibility would become the natural conditions of human life, the most urgent need of the day.

Professional self-development, like any other activity, is based on a rather complex system of motives and sources of activity. Usually the driving force and source of self-education of the teacher is the need for self-improvement.

There are external and internal sources of self-development activity. External sources (requirements and expectations of society) act as the main ones and determine the direction and depth of the necessary self-development. The teacher's need for self-education, caused from outside, is further supported by a personal source of activity (beliefs, a sense of duty, responsibility, professional honor, healthy pride, etc.). This need stimulates a system of self-improvement actions, the nature of which is largely determined by the content of the professional ideal. In other words, when pedagogical activity acquires a personal, deeply conscious value in the eyes of the teacher, then the need for self-improvement manifests itself, then the process of self-development begins.

For the deployment of self-development processes, the level of formation of self-esteem is of great importance. A study of the nature of difficulties in the activities of teachers showed that only those who set high goals for themselves have difficulties. These are, as a rule, creatively working teachers. Those who do not have high expectations are usually satisfied with the results of their work, highly appreciate them, while reviews of their work are far from desirable. That is why it is so important for every person who has chosen the teaching profession to form in his mind an ideal image of a teacher.

If self-development is treated as a purposeful activity, then self-analysis should be its mandatory component. Pedagogical activity makes special demands on the development of cognitive mental processes: thinking, imagination, memory, etc. It is no coincidence that many psychologists and teachers, among professionally significant personality traits of a teacher, name the ability to distribute attention, professional memory for faces, names, mental states, pedagogical imagination, observation, etc.

An integral part of professional self-development is the teacher's self-educational work.


Thus, the formation of a person as a professional is closely related to his development as a person. Professionalization occurs in conjunction with socialization. The personal space is wider than the professional space and significantly affects it. A person's personality usually has a positive impact on the choice of a profession, on the course of professional adaptation, supports professional excellence, stimulates professional creativity, encourages a change of profession, protects against professional aging and deformation. Personality can also prevent the formation of a professional in a person (lack of diligence, universal human abilities, good motives, etc.). At the same time, the professional qualities of a person, as they develop, begin to have the opposite (positive or negative) effect on the personality: success in the profession inspires and stimulates the personality, and a failed professional is often an undeveloped or fading personality. In today's renewing society, the most conducive to becoming a professional are such personality traits as following professional ethics, individual social and economic responsibility, internal locus of control (the desire to see the causes of one's life events in oneself, and not in external circumstances), sense-creation (as the ability to find new positive meanings in one's life and work), the internal dialogic nature of the personality, adequate self-esteem and readiness for a differentiated assessment of the level of one's professionalism, etc.

The teacher is a special profession. The social and humanistic meaning of the teaching profession lies in the fact that, by passing on the achievements of human culture from generation to generation, it literally creates a personality.

The personality of the teacher is the core factor of pedagogical activity, because the self-realization of the personality of the teacher, aimed at the mental development of the student, is the main content of the teacher's work. At the same time, any labor has a result; in the work of a teacher, this is the training and upbringing of schoolchildren. Therefore, the formation of the ability to achieve the best results in labor and objectively evaluate them is also part of the task. vocational training teachers.

Today, the school and the teacher are facing new difficulties, insufficient attention from society. The prestige of the teaching profession has been reduced.

In these difficult conditions, the pedagogical field needs not just professionals, but real devotees of their work, bright personalities who are able to overcome the difficulties that arise and work creatively. At the same time, it is necessary that not just a few, not only leaders and innovators become such personalities. It is necessary that the mass teacher rise to a higher level of professional and personal development.


1. Bordovskaya N.V., Rean A.A. Pedagogy. Textbook for high schools. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000. - 432 p.

2. Klimov E.A. Psychology of a professional. - M.: Progress, 1996. - 316 p.

3. Markova A.K. Psychology of professionalism. - M.: Mir, 2000. - 364 p.

4. The wisdom of education / Comp. Bim-Bad B.M., Dneprov E.D., Kornetov G.B. – M.: Pedagogy, 1987. – 288 p.

5. Nemov R.S. Psychology of education. – M.: Vlados, 1997. – 496 p.

6. Pedagogy / Ed. Babansky Yu.K. – M.: Enlightenment, 1988. – 479 p.

7. Povarenkov Yu.P., Psychology of becoming a professional. - Kursk, 1991. - 248 p.

8. Ushinsky K.D. Pedagogical essays: In 6 volumes / Comp. S.F. Egorov. - M.: Pedagogy, 1990. T. 1. - 364 p.

9. Kharlamov I. F. Pedagogy. - M .: Higher. school, 1990. - 442 p.

10. Yatsenko T.S. Socio-psychological training in the preparation of future teachers. – M.: RGU, 2003. – 350 p.

national educational standard of higher professional education to the level of training of the future engineer.

All this, in our opinion, will contribute to the increase of creative and cultural level specialist, and ultimately - to increase the potential of science and production

Bibliographic list

1. Andreev, V. I. Pedagogy. Training course for creative self-development / V. I. Andreev. - Kazan: Center innovative technologies, 2000. - 606 p.

2. Latyshev, L. K. Translation: Problems of theory, practice and teaching methods / L. K. Latyshev. - M: Education, 2003. - 305 p.

3. Problems of the general theory of translation / S. A. Semko et al. - Tallinn: Vargus, 1988.-200 p.

E. A. Melekhina


Each profession makes demands on the subject of activity, due to the economic and political situation that has developed at a certain stage in the development of society. The effectiveness of any activity depends on the extent to which the subject of this activity has personal and business qualities that can ensure success. In other words, to what extent the subject is a professional.

Professionalism is understood as a qualitative characteristic of a specialist, indicating a high level of mastery of the skills necessary to perform a certain type of activity. Professionalism implies a high level of qualification, that is, “the level of development of the employee's abilities, allowing him to perform labor functions of a certain degree of complexity in a particular type of activity. Qualification is determined by the amount of theoretical knowledge and practical skills that an employee owns and is his most important socio-economic characteristic.

Some scientists believe that the professionalism of a specialist is determined by the degree of possession of knowledge, skills, skills, along with the ability to produce something new. Others define professionalism as “an organic fusion of knowledge and skills that guarantees the required result, high-quality and efficient performance of work, the formed willingness to treat one’s business as a set of tasks,

each of which is specific, requires the achievement of a result. V. Ya. Sinenko considers professionalism as the result of a professional training process, indicating a high level of skills necessary to perform any work.

The professionalism of the teacher key figure education system determines to a large extent the development of not only education, but society as a whole. In the works devoted to the professionalism of the teacher, there are different definitions of this concept. The content of the concept of “professionalism of a teacher” is characterized by researchers as:

An integral characteristic of a personality, representing a combination of pedagogical competence, skill, professionally significant qualities and an individual image of a teacher, ensuring efficiency and optimality educational activities ;

Possession of activity as a whole, retention by a professional of its objectivity in diverse practical situations, the ability to build activities, change and develop them;

The set of personal characteristics of a person necessary for the successful performance of work;

The unity and interdependence of skills to skillfully perform the type of activity that is leading for a given group of students, the ability to offer an exciting program of activities corresponding to their interests and capabilities, to substantiate the pedagogical task, on the basis of its decision to introduce students to the world of their hobbies.

According to N. V. Kuzmina, professionalism is a qualitative characteristic of the subject of activity, which is a measure of the teacher's possession of modern means of solving professional problems, productive ways of its implementation. In accordance with the content of professional pedagogical activity, N. V. Kuzmina identifies such components as:

Special Competence - deep knowledge, qualifications and experience in the field of the taught subject;

Methodological competence in the field of formation of knowledge, skills and abilities of students - possession various methods learning, knowledge psychological mechanisms assimilation;

Psychological and pedagogical competence - possession of pedagogical diagnostics, the ability to build pedagogically appropriate relationships with students, to carry out individual work, knowledge of developmental psychology, psychology of interpersonal and pedagogical communication;

Differential psychological competence in the field of motives, abilities, orientation of trainees - the ability to identify personal characteristics, attitudes and orientation of trainees, to determine and take into account the emotional state of people, the ability to competently build relationships with leaders, colleagues, students;

Autopsychological competence - the ability to realize the level of one's own activity, one's abilities, knowledge of the methods of professional self-improvement, the ability to see the causes of shortcomings in one's work, in oneself, the desire for self-improvement.

The main system-forming factor of a person's professionalism is the image of the desired result, which the subject of activity strives for by solving professional problems, analyzing professional situations and diagnosing the reasons for successful and unsuccessful practice.

The formation of professionalism goes in three directions:

1) a change in the entire system of activity, which consists in the fact that in the process of developing appropriate labor skills, a personal style of activity is formed;

2) a change in the personality of the subject, manifested both in appearance, communication norms, and in the formation of elements of professional consciousness;

3) a change in the relevant components of the subject's attitude towards the object of activity, which is manifested in the level of awareness about the object, interest in it, awareness of one's ability to influence the object and interact with it.

The direction, content and technologies of educational processes directly depend on how the essence of the complex and multidimensional concept of professionalism is understood. The traditional-classical paradigm of education puts forward specific requirements for the professionalism of a teacher: a high level of knowledge in the subject being taught and possession of a teaching methodology in which priority is given to reproductive methods as guarantors of the fastest transmission of scientific truth. An emerging humanistic paradigm that sees education as social institution, designed to help a person in finding his own individual image, in understanding his connection with everything that exists and finding his place in the world, connects professionalism with the pedagogical position of an educator, which is characterized by its value-semantic self-determination.

The professionalism of a humanistically oriented teacher is not formed by external influence on him, but is the result of the self-educational activity of the teacher - his work on himself, on his image, on his pedagogical position, his conscious entry into the culture of the professional community and participation in professional cultural creation.

Professional activity is the most important aspect of human life, which ensures the full self-realization of the individual, the actualization of all its capabilities. Professional development of a teacher involves integration and implementation in the pedagogical

who have professionally significant and personal qualities and abilities, professional knowledge and skills. At the same time, the teacher is open to new experience, knowledge, receives satisfaction from his work. The basis of professional improvement and growth is the principle of self-development, which determines the ability of a person to turn his own life activity into an object of practical transformation.

The prerequisites for the development of professionalism of teachers in modern conditions O. G. Krasnoshlykova include the following:

1) development of ideas and mechanisms continuing education focused on the development of professionalism, on the constant satisfaction of the needs of a specialist, the creation of conditions for the design and implementation of an individual educational trajectory, allowing him to choose the optimal time for mastering the programs, content and forms of education;

2) creation of a unified scientific and methodological educational space as an open environment, being in which the teacher can choose his own development trajectory, determine the content, forms, options for the formation of his professionalism;

3) the concept of a student-centered approach, taking into account the educational needs and needs of teachers, their individual level of professionalism;

4) taking into account the motives for the professional development of the teacher, which allows you to offer appropriate content, adjust it, determine the degree of interest in your own professional development and, if necessary, connect the incentive mechanism.

Growing requirements for the professionalism of specialists have made lifelong education a condition for their competitiveness. Education allows not only to expand the sphere of human self-realization, but also to overcome crises of professional identity.

To the main outward signs continuing professional education of a teacher include:

a) a temporary sign that is formed by a problem situation, the underlying basis of which is the collision of choice opportunities, expanding under the influence of education, with non-standard activities at different stages of professional activity;

b) a spatial sign as the interaction of a teacher with various sources of information at each stage of life, which is based on his interests and goals, indicating the direction of the teacher's innovative activity, value attitude to professional activity;

c) a personal attribute: the developing (personal) effect of education is directly related to its “over-situation”: the richer the motivation for education

education, the deeper the awareness of its value and the more intensively the whole system of goals and means of innovative activity of the teacher is rebuilt.

The main internal features include:

a) the formation of a new paradigm of education, in which the philosophical and pedagogical aspects of the educational process are considered in the context of the life goals of the individual;

b) awareness of the strategic goal modern education: not only as an opportunity for the individual to adapt to changing circumstances, but also as a requirement for education to take a "proactive stance in order to equip each individual" with the ability to overcome obstacles encountered, to enable him to cope with numerous uncertain situations in innovation processes.

After analyzing the process of formation of the teacher's professionalism in the system of continuous education (university, postgraduate),

A. L. Petrenko revealed the following trends:

1) enrichment educational programs the content of knowledge about the personality of the teacher based on the ideas of domestic pedagogical culture;

2) improving the quality of the educational process based on student-centered technologies;

3) use information technologies V educational process.

Continuing professional education of a teacher includes the following components:

a) improvement of professional activity, professional communication, personal qualities;

b) mastering new ways of solving professional problems and new methods of professional thinking;

c) overcoming negative attitudes and "the inhibitory influence of past experience";

d) changing the motivational and operational sphere of professional activity, the formation of a teacher as a subject of the development of pedagogical tolerance.

The motivational sphere of professional activity implies a number of components that are interconnected, form a system, and determine the direction of professional activity, including activity related to self-development and self-improvement.

Any activity begins with a motive, that is, with the awareness of a need that has arisen, meets a certain need of the subject, strives for the object of this need, fades away as a result of its satisfaction and is reproduced again in changed conditions. Awareness of the needs of the subject encourages him to constantly improve his individual

noy activity in the direction chosen by him. In professional activity, the subject is guided by certain ideas of society. Being an objectively existing motivator of the individual to action, professional motivation is determined by the following factors:

1) socio-economic: demand in the labor market, working conditions, wage levels, prestige of the profession, social guarantees, etc.;

2) internal: gaining knowledge, broadening one's horizons, self-affirmation, the need for recognition, etc.

Professional motivation acts as a driving factor in the development of professionalism and personality, since only on the basis of its high level of formation is it possible to effectively develop professional education and personality culture.

Speaking about the motivational sphere of professionalism, A. K. Markova highlights following groups motives:

a) motives for awareness and understanding of the purpose of the profession;

b) the motives of professional activity, focused both on the process and on the result;

c) motives for professional communication (prestige, social and interpersonal interaction);

d) motives for the manifestation of personality in the profession (self-realization, development of individuality).

Professional Development- a multifaceted process, which is accompanied by changes in the entire internal sphere of the personality, including, affects the professional self-awareness of the individual, the formation of the image of a professional. V. Ya. Sinenko believes that the professionalism of a teacher is a high level of his psychological-pedagogical and scientific-subject knowledge and skills in combination with the appropriate cultural and moral character.

The main content of the teacher's activity includes the performance of several functions - teaching, educating, organizing and research. The professional activity of a teacher will be inferior if it is built only as a reproduction of once learned methods of work. Such activity is inferior not only because it does not use the objectively existing opportunities to achieve higher educational results, but also because it does not contribute to the development of the personality of the teacher himself. A teacher who is in constant search reaches the highest levels of pedagogical skill and professionalism much faster.

According to I. A. Isaeva, “if pedagogical activity is not supported scientific work professional pedagogical skills are rapidly fading away. Professionalism is precisely expressed in the ability to see and

formulate pedagogical tasks based on the analysis of pedagogical situations and find the best ways to solve them.

As a subject of research activity, the teacher should be able to:

Identify the need for research to obtain new knowledge;

Set research tasks;

Develop hypotheses;

Plan research;

Carry out research activities;

Analyze input data and evaluate research results.

The most favorable condition for professional growth, both in scientific and pedagogical activities, is their combination. The researchers found that teachers who organically combine scientific and pedagogical work, to a greater extent than others, manage to present educational information in a generalized and systematized form, to combine the figurative and verbal form of its presentation, to analyze and anticipate the difficulties of students. Research work enriches the teacher's inner world, develops creativity, and increases the scientific level of knowledge. Teachers are more successful in solving pedagogical problems, the higher their scientific competence. According to 3. F. Esareva, only those teachers reach the highest levels of scientific and pedagogical activity, in which there is an organic interaction of scientific and pedagogical creativity.

Summarizing the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1) defining the professionalism of a teacher, scientists agree that it is a combination of personal qualities, special knowledge and skills;

2) the systematizing factor of the teacher's professionalism is the image of the desired result;

3) the professionalism of a teacher is the result of self-educational activity that continues throughout life;

4) research activity contributes to the growth of professionalism.

Bibliographic list

1. Vershlovsky, S. G. Adult as a subject of education / S. G. Vershlovsky, // Pedagogy. - 2003. - No. 8. - S. 15-21.

2. Esareva, 3. F. Features of the activity of a teacher of higher education / 3. F. Esareva. - L.; Publishing House of the Leningrad University, 1974. - 112 p.

3. Isaeva, I. A. The structure of the pedagogical abilities of a teacher of higher education / I. A. Isaeva // Teacher of higher education in the XXI century: collection

works. 5th Intern. scientific-practical. Internet conf. 4.1. - Rostov n/a: Rost.state. University of Communications, 2007. - S. 39-43.

4. Koval, M. B. Pedagogy of an out-of-school institution / M. B. Koval. - Orenburg, 1993.-S. 36

5. Krasnoshlykova, O. G. Professionalism of a teacher in the context of the development of the municipal education system / O. G. Krasnoshlykova // Pedagogy. -2006. -No. 1.-S. 60-66.

6. Kuzmina, N. V. Professionalism of the personality of a teacher and master of industrial training / N. V. Kuzmina. - M.: Higher school, 1990. - 119 p.

7. Kunitskaya, Yu. I., Babkina, T. A. Pedagogical professionalism of a university teacher as an actual problem of the education system / Yu. 5th Intern. scientific-practical. Internet conf. Part 1. - Rostov n / D: Rost. State University of Communications, 2007. - S. 20-25.

8. Lazarev, V. S., Sgavrinova, N. N. Criteria and levels of readiness of the future teacher for research / V. S. Lazarev, N. N. Stavrinova // Pedagogy. - 2006. - No. 2 - S. 51-58.

9. Markova, A. K. Psychological criteria and levels of professionalism of a teacher / A. K. Markova// Pedagogy. - 1995. - No. 6. - S. 53-63.

10. Modernization of Russian education: documents and materials / Editor-compiler E. D. Dneprov. - M.: GU VSHE, 2002. - 332 p.

11. Pedagogy: Tutorial for students of pedagogical educational institutions / V. A. Slastenin, I. F. Isaev, S. I. Mishchenko, E. N. Shiyanov. - M.: School-Press, 1998. - 512 p.

12. Petrenko, A. A. Trends in the formation of teacher professionalism in the system of continuous pedagogical education / A. A. Petrenko. 2007.

13. Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia: In 2 vols. / Chief editor V.V. Davydov. -M.: Big Soviet Encyclopedia, 1998. - 608 p.

14. Sinenko, V. Ya. Professionalism of the teacher / V. Ya. Sinenko // Pedagogy. -1999,-№5.-S. 45-51.

15. Slobodchikov, V. I., Isaev, E. I. Psychology of human development / V. I. Slobodchikov, E. I. Isaev. - M.: School press, 2000.

16. Turbovskiy, Ya. Without professionalism there is no responsibility / Ya. Turbo-vskiy // public education. - 1999. - No. 10. - S. 121-123.

17. Chernyavskaya, V. S. Development of pedagogical tolerance in the process of continuous professional education of teachers: abstract of diss. ... Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences / V. S. Chernyavskaya. - Vladivostok, 2007. - 36 p.

18. Shuvalova, V., Shinyaeva, O. From uncertainty to professionalism /

V. Shuvalova, O. Shinyaeva // National Education. - 1988. - No. 6. - S. 76-80.

(Here we mainly use the material of the book by N. V. Kukharev and V. S. Reshetko

"Diagnostics of pedagogical skill and pedagogical creativity" (Minsk, 1996).

As already noted, the basis for determining the level of professionalism of a teacher is his ability to analyze his activity and its results. These skills are formed on the basis of increasing the level of scientific-theoretical and psychological-pedagogical training. However, experience shows that pedagogical science follows, as it were, in parallel with practical activities. The interpenetration and interaction of science and practice are carried out if the teacher, in the course of a systematic study of the achievements of science, tests the ideas presented in practice; analyzes and creatively rethinks his own activities and correlates with the predicted result; is able to determine the adequacy of the result obtained to his image; analyzes the progress of students along the path to self-education and self-education, as well as the activities of their colleagues.

The professionalism of a teacher is a concentrated indicator various levels pedagogical creativity, providing him with success in his professional activities.

In this regard, it is possible to classify the levels of pedagogical creativity on the basis of the skills formed by the teacher to analyze the process of his activity and study its qualitative indicators.

The first level is information-reproducing. The teacher is able to reproduce the experience of other teachers, solve simple pedagogical problems on the way to the result; analyzes the effectiveness of decisions made in specific situations. This level can be legitimately attributed to the activities of a teacher who does not have a qualification category.

The question may arise: where is creativity here? With a deeper study of pedagogical activity, the following is noted: even if the teacher acts as a transmitter of information, he necessarily strives for its emotional coloring. With his intonation, gestures, look, he expresses his own attitude to what he is talking about. This is where his creativity is manifested, because the perception of the training material by the trainees largely depends on the emotional coloring.

At the first level, the teacher still cannot comprehend the psychology of the student, is not able to foresee possible difficulties in his activity. This is due to many reasons: an insufficient level of methodological preparedness, ignorance of the age psychology of the trainees, the psychological mechanisms of communication with them, the inability to reconstruct information, i.e. create “your own methods”, “your own textbook”, etc.

The second level is adaptive-predictive. The teacher is able to transform (transform) the information known to him, to select ways, means and methods of interaction with students, taking into account their potential and their own personal qualities. At the same time, he foresees the result of this interaction, understands what kind of emotional response the trainees find this or that information selected by him, this or that of his action. This level of activity of the teacher conditionally corresponds to the second qualification category.

As a rule, at the second level, the teacher significantly restructures the structure of the content of education, carries out interdisciplinary connections and a differentiated approach to students, quite clearly presents the image of the result at the level of their knowledge and skills. However, at the same time, he is not yet able to optimistically predict the development of the student's personality.

The third level is rationalization. The teacher shows constructive and predictive abilities: based on his experience, formulate complex, non-standard pedagogical tasks and find the best ways to solve them, use elements of individuality and innovation in teaching activities, it is more expedient to organize the pedagogical process. At this level, in our opinion, the teacher of the first qualification category carries out his activities.

The teacher of the third level invents new methods and more advanced teaching methods, creates pedagogical innovations and technologies that provide better results of his activity.

Based on this, some researchers of pedagogical creativity consider this level to be the highest, but we do not entirely agree with this - and not without reason. Many studies (including those conducted by the authors of this manual) indicate that any method, any technique, and even technology is always “personally colored” to one degree or another. As a rule, if, when choosing a methodology or technology, the teacher does not correlate them with his own capabilities and personal qualities, then in his activity they do not give the expected effect. This happens because he does not penetrate deeply into the essence of a particular technology, does not adapt it in accordance with the conditions of his activity, as well as with the capabilities of the trainees, and does not always correlate the pedagogical process with the end result of the activity.

In modern conditions, with an abundance of proposed teaching methods and pedagogical technologies, it is especially necessary to take into account the energy consumption of students in achieving results, as well as the dynamics of their health, emotional and mental well-being.

Why do not all teachers work according to the method of S. N. Lysenkova or V. F. Shatalov? Because for this you need to be S. N. Lysenkova or V. F. Shatalov.

The fourth level is research. The teacher is able to determine the conceptual basis of his own search, isolates system-forming ideas from the experience of any teacher and freely combines them, develops his own system of pedagogical activity based on the study of its results. As a rule, teachers of the highest category approach this level.

The teacher-researcher is able to generalize his own experience and make it available to colleagues if they see and understand the fundamental ideas of this experience. Relying on the ideas (or conclusions) of the educator-researcher is very effective in obtaining quality results.

The fifth level is creative and predictive. The teacher is able to formulate super-tasks and justify ways to solve them; makes significant changes to the education system, thereby transforming its conceptual basis. At this level of creativity, the teacher breaks the established stereotypes. As a result of such activity, an innovative personality is formed.

The main guideline in the activities of a teacher of this level is his interaction with students, who at the same time constantly correlate the level of their capabilities with results, improve themselves in the process of internal competition with oneself.

At the fifth level, the teacher manifests himself as a teacher-creator or as a teacher-researcher. The need to train teachers of this level is long overdue. This will encourage teaching staff to improve their activities, as well as stimulate the creative possibilities and abilities of teachers.

At the first two levels, a creatively working teacher “searches” for himself. At the third level, he searches for an answer to the question: what forms, methods and means give the best result? At the fourth and fifth levels, the teacher-creator realizes the direction of his actions and becomes a teacher-researcher.

The distinguished levels of pedagogical creativity are interconnected: the highest levels include the previous ones and are based on them. In pedagogical practice, their manifestation is carried out in organic unity.

Thus, the formation of a teacher-master, a teacher-creator begins with his ability to analyze his own activity and its results. From the analysis of the effectiveness of solving situational pedagogical problems, he proceeds to the understanding and analysis of tactical tasks and then to the understanding and forecasting of strategic tasks. On this path, the teacher constantly reconstructs his own activity, its content and, most importantly, corrects the image of the result. In this regard, the following are significant:

- equipping teaching staff with specific knowledge about the image of the result;

– orientation teaching staff to master the skills that provide effective interaction with trainees;

- the formation of teachers' skills to diagnose pedagogical results, to study the qualitative indicators of their own activities.

Based on the analysis of the requirements of the profession to the personality of a specialist, the concept of professionalism is introduced. Professionalism - a set of personal characteristics of a person necessary for the successful performance of work.

Pedagogical professionalism is a characteristic of various interrelated components that reflect a certain educational system that meets the social order of society. Components of pedagogical professionalism:

the level of general culture;

psychological and pedagogical competence;

ability to set goals and achieve goals;

ability for pedagogical reflection;

ability to implement innovative activities in the field of education.

The study of the phenomenology of teacher professionalism shows that, on the one hand, pedagogical professionalism is a socio-pedagogical phenomenon that represents a complex, multifaceted and multifaceted characteristic of a teacher's activity, which meets the order of society and is aimed at preparing a professional teacher. On the other hand, the teacher's professionalism is a qualitative characteristic, including a set of fundamental integrated knowledge, generalized skills and pedagogical abilities, his personal and professionally important qualities, the teacher's culture and skill, readiness for continuous self-improvement.

A teacher is not only a profession, the essence of which is to transfer knowledge, but also a high mission of creating a personality, affirming a person in a person. In this regard, we can distinguish a set of socially and professionally conditioned qualities of a teacher:

high civic responsibility and social activity;

love for children, the need and ability to give them your heart;

genuine intelligence, spiritual culture, desire and ability to work together with others;

high professionalism, innovative style of scientific and pedagogical thinking, readiness to create new values ​​and make creative decisions;

the need for constant self-education and readiness for it;

physical and mental health, professional performance.

Summing up the requirements for the work and personality of the teacher, imposed by the conditions of the development of society at the present stage, they can be represented as follows:

high culture and morality;



acute sense of the new;

the ability to look into the future and prepare your pets for life in the future;

maximum realization of individual talent in combination with pedagogical cooperation;

community of ideas and interests of teachers and students;

creative attitude to business and social activity;

high professional level and the desire to constantly update their knowledge;

principledness and exactingness;



social responsibility, etc.

There are the following positions of the teacher: social and professional.

The social position of the teacher is made up of a system of his views, beliefs and value orientations. Professional position - attitude to the teaching profession, the goals and means of pedagogical activity. The teacher can act as an informer, friend, dictator, adviser, petitioner, inspirer, etc. Each of these professional positions can have both a positive and a negative effect, depending on the personality of the teacher, on his social positions.

In recent years, the concept of pedagogical culture has been increasingly used and developed. However, pedagogical culture does not yet guarantee success in the implementation of pedagogical activities. In a "live", real pedagogical process, the professional is manifested in unity with the general cultural and moral manifestations of the teacher's personality. The unity of all these manifestations forms the humanitarian (general) culture of the teacher.

Therefore, the highest results in pedagogical activity are associated with overcoming professional limitations, the ability to consider professional issues from the broadest philosophical, methodological and socio-cultural positions.

The humanitarian culture of a teacher is a combination of personal and professional qualities, as well as values, orientations and skills.

The professionalism of a specialist associated with a particular profession is described through the concept of professional competence. Competence - the possession by a person of the ability and ability to perform certain labor functions. When people talk about the professional performance of work, they always mean its implementation at a high level. Competence is an individual characteristic of the degree of compliance with the requirements of the profession. Competence can be judged by the nature of the result of a person's work.

Professional competence is one of the subjective factors of a teacher. The concept of professional competence of a teacher expresses the personal capabilities of a teacher, allowing him to solve pedagogical problems independently and quite effectively. Thus, the competence of a teacher can be understood as the unity of his theoretical and practical readiness to carry out pedagogical activities.

Psychological and pedagogical competence consists in the availability of knowledge and skills in the field of interpersonal interaction, mastery of professional communication and behavior, adequate ideas of the teacher about the age and individual characteristics of students, as well as the presence of an adequate idea of ​​the teacher about their individual and professional characteristics and possession of ways to overcome professional destruction .

An important component of the teacher's professionalism is readiness to independently perform specific types of pedagogical activity, the ability to solve typical professional tasks and evaluate the results of one's work, the ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills in the specialty. The ability to present educational material includes not only possession of the content of the subject, but also an understanding of existing pedagogical technologies, knowledge of existing forms and methods of teaching, the formation of the methodological thinking of the teacher, the ability to use methodological techniques in professional activities so that they implement the didactic principles of the learning process. .

The professional activity of a teacher involves the process of setting pedagogical tasks by the teacher, their hierarchy, restructuring depending on specific conditions and situations, the teacher develops the ability for pedagogical goal-setting and goal-realization. An important component of this ability is the ability to adjust goals during the very process of pedagogical influence, to create in the mind an image of the possible result of one's actions. This requires not only a constant analysis of all components of the pedagogical situation, but also the self-analysis of the teacher, the ability for pedagogical reflection.

Pedagogical experience

teaching experience in broad sense- this is the skill of teachers, which gives consistently high results in teaching and educating students; in the development of a particular teacher, educator, leader; in self-improvement of professional and pedagogical competence teaching staff educational institutions.

Pedagogical experience in the narrow sense means such pedagogical practice that creatively uses all the best from theory, introduces novelty and paves the way for the unknown, which allows improving the quality and results of educational activities.

The study, generalization and dissemination of pedagogical experience is one of the most time-consuming and complex areas in official duties methodologists and, as a rule, in most preschool institutions, this is the most difficult section of methodological work with personnel.
