Who is Alexey Miller Gazprom by nationality. Miller's team: key figures in the management of Gazprom

Alexey Miller. Photo: Alexander Petrosyan / Kommersant

In 1984 he graduated from the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute (LFEI) with a degree in economics. Candidate of Economic Sciences.

In 1984-1986 - engineer-economist of LenNIIproekt. In 1986-1989 - post-graduate student of LenNIIproekt. In 1990, he was a junior researcher at the LenNIIproekt.

At the end of the 80s. was a member of the Sintez club (Boris Lvin, Dmitry Vasiliev, Nikolai Preobrazhensky, Mikhail Manevich, Andrey Illarionov, Mikhail Dmitriev and others); participated in the Chubais-Gaidar seminars at Zmeinka.

From 1990 to 1991 he worked in the Economic Reform Committee (CER) of the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council. He was involved in the project of organizing a free economic zone in Leningrad (the committee was headed by Anatoly Chubais).

From October 15, 1991 to 1992 - head of the market conjuncture department, deputy head of the foreign economic relations department of the Committee for Foreign Relations (FAC) of the Leningrad City Council (Alexander Anikin worked as the head of the department; Vladimir Putin was the chairman of the FAC).

In 1992-96 served as Deputy Chairman of the Committee - Head of the Foreign Economic Relations Department of the KVS Mayor's Office of St. Petersburg (replacing A. Anikin).

He supervised the economic zones "Pulkovo" (where the enterprises of the companies "Coca-Cola" and "Gillette" were located) and "Parnassus" (the brewery "Baltika").

Best of the day

Since October 1995 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of AOZT "Europe Hotel" (St. Petersburg).

On September 25, 1996, after the defeat in June 1996 of Anatoly Sobchak in the election of the governor of St. Petersburg, he left, following V. Putin, a position in the city hall.

In 1996-1999 - Head of the Department for Development and Investments of JSC "Sea Port of St. Petersburg" (the actual owner of the port is Ilya Traber).

From November 1999 to July 2000 - General Director of OJSC "Baltic Pipeline System" (BTS).

July 28, 2000 was appointed Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation (Minister - Alexander Gavrin). Oversaw development issues international cooperation in the fuel and energy sector, organizing and coordinating cooperation with international economic, financial and energy organizations on issues of interest to the Russian fuel and energy complex, coordinated work on the formation of a concept and strategy for the development of foreign trade relations and the basic principles of the foreign trade policy of the Russian Federation in terms of the fuel and energy complex. Supervised the construction of BTS and oil terminals in the Baltic.

Since January 2001 - Chairman of the Commission for the development of conditions for the use of subsoil and the preparation of a draft PSA for the Shtokman gas condensate field.

On May 30, 2001, he was appointed Chairman of the Management Board of OAO Gazprom. June 13, 2001 announced the gradual strengthening of the role of the state in the management of the company.

In July 2001, in an interview with The Wall Street Journal, A. Miller said that Gazprom was in favor of increasing the maximum share of foreigners in its capital from 11% to 20%, while maintaining a significant stake in the hands of the state. (Interfax, 07/09/2001)

Since September 2001 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC CB Gazprombank.

December 20, 2001 joined the bureau of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP).

In 2002-2004 - patron strange company Eural TransGas. A company with an authorized capital of 12 thousand dollars was registered on December 5, 2002 in the Hungarian village of Chabdy, the founders are three Romanians (Luiza Lukacs, Mihai Savu, Anka Negreanu) and an Israeli (Zeev Gordon). Later it was replaced by RosUkrEnergo.

For 2003, he put 35 billion rubles (about 1 billion 100 million dollars) into the Gazprom budget item "Administrative and advertising expenses". ("Newspaper", February 11, 2003).

Since June 2003 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO SOGAZ.

In March 2005, Miller proposed from 2006 to abandon the regulation of gas prices for industry (about 70% of all gas consumption in Russia). The monopoly is ready to keep fixed prices for housing and communal services, state employees and the population. ("Vedomosti", March 23, 2005)

On May 31, 2005, Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev were sentenced; Kommersant Vlast magazine turned to several politicians and businessmen with the question: "Do you agree with the verdict?" Miller refused to answer the question. (Kommersant Power, June 6, 2005).

On December 23, 2005, Sibneft President Alexander Ryazanov announced that he would recommend Miller for the post of head of the Sibneft Board of Directors (Interfax, December 23, 2005).

Since December 2005, he has been a member of the Government Commission on the issues of the fuel and energy complex and the reproduction of the mineral resource base.

In 2005, Gazprombank paid $19.6 million in bonuses to directors, or 5% of net profit, for the year. It was 2.3 times more than a year earlier ($8.6 million). Miller himself received approximately $3 million (Vedomosti, December 8, 2005).

On March 31, 2006, he promised that Sibneft would be renamed into Gazprom Neft from May 13, 2006 (did not deceive).

Since March 2006 - Member of the Committee of Shareholders of the North European Gas Pipeline Company, a company established to build a gas pipeline along the bottom Baltic Sea.

On May 24, 2006, the board of directors of Gazprom re-elected Miller as chairman of the board for the next five years.

Miller owns $740 worth of Gazprom shares; in three years [in 2009] he can buy back 318,179 shares (0.00134%) for $2.8 million - two of his annual salaries (Vedomosti, December 18, 2006).

Awarded with the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2006).

He was awarded the Church Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh - for the contribution made by Gazprom to the reconstruction of the Church of the Intercession in the village of Nedelnoye Holy Mother of God and restoration of the school (August 2001; awarded by Patriarch Alexy II).

Chairman of the Management Board, OAO Gazprom

2nd place

Place of Birth


In 1984 he graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Finance and Economics with a degree in economics. Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Family status
Married, has a son.

The main stages of the biography

1984-1986 - engineer-economist of LenNIIproekt.
1986-1989 - post-graduate student of LenNIIproekt.
1990 - junior research fellow of the LenNIIproekt.
1990-1991 - work in the Economic Reform Committee of the Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council.
From 1991 to 1996, he worked in the Committee for External Relations of the St. Petersburg City Hall under the direct supervision of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
He was engaged in the development of the first investment zones in the city, in particular, the Pulkovo zones (the Coca-Cola and Gillette plants were built here) and Parnassus (the Baltika brewing company grew up here). He brought the first foreign banks to the city, such as Dresden Bank, Credit Leone. He was engaged in the hotel business, was the chairman of the board of directors of the hotel "Europe".

1996-1999 - Director for Development and Investments of JSC "Sea Port of St. Petersburg".
1999-2000 - General Director of OAO Baltic Pipeline System.
In July 2000, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation.
In the Ministry of Energy, he oversaw issues of foreign economic activity.
On April 30, 2001, he was elected as the new Chairman of the Management Board of OAO Gazprom.
The decision to appoint Miller instead of Vyakhirev was made at a meeting of the Board of Directors of Gazprom.
May 6, 2002 Russian government appointed Miller as shareholder representative - Russian Federation- to participate in the annual meeting of shareholders of the company.

On July 7, 2008, he was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Gazprom Neft.
On May 18, 2010, he was elected Vice President of the Russian Football Union.

Third party ratings, characteristics

Alexey Miller, the newly elected Chairman of the Management Board of OAO Gazprom, has extensive experience in the fuel and energy complex both on the domestic and international markets, Oleg Smirnov, spokesman for the RF Ministry of Energy, believes. He noted the positive experience of Miller's work as the curator of the Baltic Pipeline System project. Smirnov also stressed that Miller, while working in the Ministry of Energy as a deputy minister, was the coordinator of the international activities of this department. In particular, while working in this position, Miller did a lot of work on cooperation with OPEC, Smirnov said. In addition, Miller's work with OPEC made it possible to maintain a fairly high price of oil on world markets, which will have a positive impact on the formation of the current budget and the implementation of government investment programs, Smirnov is convinced. (RIA News ")

The appointment of Alexei Miller to the post of chairman of the board of Gazprom was literally shocking for the company's management. The company's management found out about him an hour before the start of the meeting of the board of directors - during a conversation with the president in the Kremlin. At the meeting, it was a question of who would lead Gazprom in the next few years. It was there that the Gazprom workers learned the name of their new boss. And half an hour later, Rem Ivanovich had no choice but to support the candidacy of Alexei Miller. (“Nezavisimaya Gazeta”, May 2001)

In January 2001, the media reported that a successor had already been selected for Energy Minister Alexander Gavrin. This is Alexey Miller, who was appointed at the end of July 2000 as Deputy Minister of Energy. It is said in oil circles that Miller was introduced to Gavrin for the first time: "Meet your successor - the next Minister of Energy."

Thus, Gavrin was given to understand that he had to work "until the first puncture." Miller came to the Ministry of Energy from the famous Baltic Pipeline System OJSC, which was created to finance and build BPS, where he worked as general director since October last year. And before that, in his career was the St. Petersburg seaport. There is nothing surprising in the fact that the choice may fall on Miller. He is well known personally to Vladimir Putin. When in 1995 the current president served as head of the foreign relations committee of St. Petersburg, Miller was his direct subordinate - the head of the foreign economic relations department. ("Vedomosti", January 2001)

Almost all representatives of the Russian fuel elite unanimously called Miller "Putin's man", which gave one more reason to compare his appointment with Gryzlov's ... However, about Gazprom as a possible step in career ladder Miller was not heard from until yesterday. At the same time, the appointment of a person from the outside to the main position in Gazprom fits perfectly into Putin's logic of phased resignations in favor of, as they say, his own people. (“Nezavisimaya Gazeta”, May 2001)

Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov reacted "very positively" to the appointment of Alexei Miller as head of OAO Gazprom. He stressed that Alexey Miller is not a new person in the industry, he served as Deputy Minister of Energy for a year, "was engaged in international activities". Kasyanov believes that Miller "will be easy to master the whole range of issues." According to the prime minister, in the new structure of the leadership of Gazprom, in which Rem Vyakhirev will hold the post of chairman of the Board of Directors, the company will be strengthened. (RIA Novosti, 2001 )

Khristenko believes that Miller is a "prepared figure" and his qualifications will be enough to fulfill the new duties assigned to him. The Deputy Prime Minister recalled that in the Ministry of Energy, Miller was in charge of gas issues and, within the framework of his authority, was involved in work with Russia's main strategic partners in the gas sector. The new chairman of the board of "Gazprom" has an economic education and a degree. "Nothing that he has no direct experience of working on gas wells," the vice-premier believes.

According to Vladimir Churov, deputy chairman of the committee on foreign relations of the administration of St. Petersburg, Miller came to work in the city hall when the committee on foreign relations, at the request of Anatoly Sobchak, was headed by Vladimir Putin. Was one of Putin's deputies. He was engaged in the development of the first investment zones in the city, in particular, the Pulkovo zones (the Coca-Cola and Gillette plants were built here) and Parnassus (the Baltika brewing company grew up here). He brought the first foreign banks to the city, such as Dresden Bank, Credit Leone. He was engaged in the hotel business, was the chairman of the board of directors of the hotel "Europe". He left Smolny a month after Putin left in 1996. Worked as Deputy General Director of the Sea Port. In the port, a request to characterize Alexey Miller was answered with two figures - in the early 90s, the port's cargo turnover was less than 10 million tons per year, in last years rose to 30 million. ("Izvestia", 2001)

According to Vedomosti's source in one of the federal departments, at the beginning of spring a draft decree on the appointment of Miller as energy minister lay on the president's desk. According to the source, the current head of Gazprom then refused the proposed post as unpromising. Then, according to a high-ranking White House official, the president had an idea to transfer Miller to Gazprom. "The decision was not spontaneous, but was being prepared senior officials states with a high degree of confidentiality, - explains the interlocutor of Vedomosti.

The appointment of A. Miller means only one thing. Vladimir Putin takes control of the gas empire into his own hands. This assumption is confirmed by the fact that five members of the board of directors, including R. Vyakhirev, lost the right to be re-elected to the board by a court decision. Russian sources, not without reason, believe that over time, their places will be taken by faithful comrades, in whose biography St. Petersburg is mentioned. (Business & Baltic)

Political views, positions

Alexei Miller, the new chairman of the board of Gazprom, promises to increase gas production by 10-15% by 2010. According to RIA Novosti, Miller said that the increase in production is expected to be achieved through the development of deposits in the Arctic. In addition, the head of the gas company said that Gazprom, given the predicted increase in gas consumption in Europe in the next 10 years, "is ready to provide this consumption with its supplies under existing agreements." At the same time, Miller recalled that Gazprom had been a reliable gas supplier to Europe for 25 years. (RIA News")

But despite many years of closeness with Vladimir Putin, the welcoming reaction of the markets, the accomplished appointment raises more questions than it answers. And the main question is whether the new head of Gazprom has enough strength and experience to "straighten" the company's financial flows and stop the asset withdrawal process, the scale of which frightens the state and investors. The main partners of the concern are still commenting on the change of power diplomatically.

"The management of Ruhrgas positively assesses the fact that the election of the new head of Gazprom, Mr. Miller, took place on the basis of a unanimous decision. The second important question is how the Gazprom system, which has always been characterized by a high degree of corporatism, will accept Alexei Miller. This problem is further aggravated by the fact that many "independent" suppliers and consumers of "Gazprom" are actually its own managers. And in the event of their dismissal, they from the subordinates of Mr. Miller may suddenly turn out to be his inevitable partners. ("Vremya Novostei", 2001)

Miller himself told news agencies that he intends to ensure continuity and strengthen the role of the state in the company. A White House source clarifies that the task of the new head of Gazprom is "to figure out whether there was a withdrawal of assets from Gazprom." According to him, "Miller will retain continuity for some time, but changes in the composition of the monopolist's board will follow in the future." ("Vedomosti", 2001)

The new director of JSC "Sea Port of St. Petersburg" (1999) essentially has to create BTS from scratch: the company was registered in August 1999, and at the first stage the company's staff will consist of 30 people who have yet to be recruited. Miller - Enough a famous person in St. Petersburg: before joining the "Sea Port of St. Petersburg" he headed the department of external relations of the committee for external relations of the city government. The political orientation of Miller, who was appointed to the post of a "controversial" company (let us recall that the decision to build a pipeline, the operator of which will be BTS, is not supported by Lukoil and a number of other companies), is unclear: on the one hand, he was supported by the current directors of Transneft, controlled by the team of Nikolai Aksenenko, and on the other hand, sources in the administration of St. Petersburg speak of Miller's good relations with the management of Surgutneftegaz, a company extremely interested in BTS.

(Magazine "Company", 1999)

Additional Information

The ladies who worked together with Alexei Miller in Smolny remember him from their female side and therefore asked them not to reveal them incognito: "He always said hello, smiled." "A good official, it is noticeable that a careerist, although he modestly kept himself, is always in the shadows. You know, one of those that" sounds more than it seems. "(Izvestia, 2001)

One of Miller's former FAC colleagues said: "Alexey is very diligent and obedient.

What he is told, he does. There is nothing bad to say about him, but nothing good either.

He has no opinion of his own and is very convenient to deal with some other "Media Bridge". And stealing from Miller's hand will not rise. Unless it's for yourself."

("Vedomosti", 2001)


Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th class
Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree
Order of the "Cross of the Hungarian Republic", II degree (Hungary) - for merits in energy cooperation
Order of Saint Mesrop Mashtots (Republic of Armenia)
Order of Dostyk II degree (Kazakhstan) - awarded on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 2, 2006 for his contribution to the strengthening and development of cooperation between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation.
Order of Honor (South Ossetia, August 24, 2009) - for merits in strengthening friendship and cooperation between peoples, a great personal contribution to the construction of the Dzuarikau - Tskhinval gas pipeline
Grand Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic (Italy, February 12, 2010)
Order of the Russian Orthodox Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh II degree and the Patriarchal letter.
Order of St. Seraphim of Sarov, I degree (2009)
Honorary citizen of the city of Astrakhan (2008)

Every Russian oil and gas oligarch or top manager of an oil and gas state company has something that they are proud of more than barrels and cubic meters and their own billions. These are their children. We decided to show you what those whose fathers decide or decided the country's oil and gas fate look like.

A year ago Yusuf Alekperov, son of the president of Lukoil Vagit Alekperova, ranked first in the ranking of the richest heirs Russian businessmen compiled by the magazine "Finance". According to the publication, Yusuf will become the heir to a fortune of $ 7.6 billion.

Places from the second to the sixth inclusive in the ranking of 2009 were taken by children former governor Chukotka and co-owner of the metallurgical Evraz Group Roman Abramovich from ex-wife Irina. Their total inheritance is estimated by "Finance" at 13.9 billion dollars - 2.78 billion for each of five children.

The published rating of the richest brides in Russia should be in your pocket for every single man in Russia who believes that places come true. It is symbolic that the daughter of the head of NOVATEK won this rating. Leonid Michelson appropriately named Victoria.

Her dowry is estimated at $5.9 billion. An enviable bride is also considered the daughter of the founder and vice-president of Lukoil Ekaterina Fedun.

Children are surprisingly similar to their father Mikhail Khodorkovsky. At the ceremony of presenting the literary prize of the Znamya magazine, which was awarded to Mikhail Khodorkovsky, his daughter Anastasia called meeting with her father "the saddest and most long-awaited moments." Now she is 19 years old. In addition to her, Khodorkovsky has three sons. A son from his first marriage with Elena Dobrovolskaya - Pavel (born in 1985) and two twins from his second marriage - Ilya and Gleb(born April 17, 1999).

Very little data on
son Alexey Miller, but, apparently, he, like a high-ranking father, is more for the St. Petersburg Zenith. And probably. for the German Schalke?

The eldest son of Sergei Bogdanchikov, the head of Rosneft, Alexey Bogdanchikov, worked for this company for a long time, but then left it. "The only reason for leaving are ethical considerations: my further career in Rosneft is limited by my family ties with its leader," he said then. Alexei Bogdanchikov is 30 years old, he graduated from MGIMO in 2002, after which he worked for two years in the credit department Russian branch Dutch bank ABN Amro. In June 2004, he joined Rosneft, where he first worked in the Asset Valuation and Operations Department.

Well, a small sketch of a happy family life Vladimir Putin. Pictured is his daughter Maria. And the reference is a sketch from pre-presidential life Dmitry Medvedev, his wife and son Elijah.

Miller Alexey Borisovich

Miller Alexey Borisovich - Russian economist, regional head, statesman. Chairman of the Management Board and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Gazprom. Candidate of Economic Sciences.


Miller Alexey Borisovich, 01/31/1962, born in Leningrad.

Relatives. Wife: Irina Anatolyevna Miller, born on November 24, 1963, housewife. Unlike other wives dignitaries, does not lead social life and almost does not appear in public, concentrating all efforts on maintaining household. The wife is raising a son. Alexey also has a daughter from his first marriage.

Awards. Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st class. Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree. Order of Alexander Nevsky. Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree. Order of the Cross of the Hungarian Republic, 2nd class (Hungary) Order of Saint Mesrop Mashtots (Republic of Armenia). Order of Dostyk II degree (Kazakhstan). Order of Honor (South Ossetia). Grand Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic (Italy). Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh II degree (ROC). Order of St. Seraphim of Sarov, 1st class (ROC). Order of Glory and Honor II degree. Honorary citizen of the city of Astrakhan. Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology. Order of the Nizhny Novgorod region "For civil valor and honor" I degree. Order of Labor, 1st class (Vietnam). Honorary diploma of the President of the Russian Federation. Order of Merit for Orthodox Church Kazakhstan". Order of Friendship (Armenia). Badge of honor "For taking care of the beauty of the city."

State. In 2012, he took 2nd place in the ranking of the most expensive leaders of Russia according to Forbes versions with an income of $ 25 million. In 2013, he took 3rd place in the list of the most expensive managers in Russia with the same income of $ 25 million per year. In 2014 - 2nd place and $ 25 million. In 2015, he became the highest paid top manager in Russia with an income of $ 27 million. He is the owner of 0.000958% of Gazprom shares. At the end of 2016, he topped the Forbes rating of the most expensive executives of Russian companies with an income of $17.7 million.

Hobbies. He is fond of equestrian sports. He owns riding stallions - Merry (imported from the USA) and Fragrant. Stallions have repeatedly won prizes and are purebred. Alexey Miller can often be seen at the matches of FC Zenit, the general sponsor of which is PJSC Gazprom.


Graduated from the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute. N. A. Voznesensky. He has a PhD in Economics.

Labor activity

  • After graduating from the university, he worked at the LenNIIproekt Institute and studied there in graduate school, holding the positions of an engineer-economist and junior researcher, then moved to the Economic Reform Committee of the Leningrad City Executive Committee.
  • From 1991 to 1996, he worked in the Committee for External Relations of the St. Petersburg City Hall, where he rose from the head of the department to the deputy chairman of the Committee.
  • In 1996, Miller became Director for Development and Investments of JSC "Sea Port of St. Petersburg", and in 1999 he took the post of General Director of JSC "Baltic Pipeline System".
  • In 2000 he was invited to the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation for the position of Deputy Minister.
  • In 2001, Miller A. B. was appointed Chairman of the Management Board of OAO Gazprom. By position, he is also Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Gazprom.
  • He also holds the posts of Vice President of the Russian Football Union and Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Russian Hippodromes.


In principle, Aleksei Borisovich, who did not like to be in the spotlight, had no difficulty working with Putin. Miller did his job diligently; He calmly brought St. Petersburg and foreign companies together, but he did not sign any strategic documents and did not make delicate decisions. His name has never surfaced in connection with a criminal case or a high-profile scandal. In a word, he was the perfect performer. At the same time, Miller tried to copy the behavior of his boss Putin in everything. So, Alexei Borisovich, like Vladimir Vladimirovich, tried to avoid public events and noisy receptions, which Mayor Sobchak so adored.

In the committee, Miller oversaw the Pulkovo economic zones (where the enterprises of the Coca-Cola and Gillette companies were located) and Parnas with the Baltika brewery. While working at KVS, Miller was remembered for the fact that he brought large Western banks to the city, such as Dresdener Bank and Lyon loan". On behalf of Putin, he also dealt with the issues of attracting foreign investment to St. Petersburg. All issues were dealt with competently. Despite the fact that he was the initiator of the transfer of a number of buildings in the historical center of the city to foreign firms, interest in his person law enforcement escaped, however, like Putin himself. Well, when Vladimir Vladimirovich stood at the head of Russia, it never occurred to anyone to stir up the old affairs.

But before ascending, Alexei Borisovich lost his chair. In 1996, Mayor Sobchak lost the election Vladimir Yakovlev, as a result of which Putin was forced to leave the mayor's office. There was no place in the new composition of the city leadership and Miller. If Putin left for Moscow, where he was offered the position of Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the President of the Russian Federation, Miller remained in St. Petersburg, becoming Deputy General Director of Sea Port of St. Ilya Traber close to criminal circles.

At the same time, he continued to maintain relations with Putin. When in 1999 Vladimir Vladimirovich became Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Alexei Borisovich took the post of General Director of OAO Baltic Pipeline System.

With the advent of Putin to the highest state post in Russia, the most promising career prospects opened up for Miller. In July 2000, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, in charge of the development of international cooperation in the fuel and energy sector. Knowledgeable people they said that Alexei Borisovich was “training” before taking the place of the minister, but in May 2001 he became the head of not the Ministry of Energy, but Gazprom, replacing Rema Vyakhireva.

It is noteworthy that this decision of Putin came as a complete surprise to the management of Gazprom. So, the company's management found out about this an hour before the start of the meeting of the board of directors, during which Miller was introduced as the head of the corporation. Despite the fact that Alexei Borisovich immediately after his appointment announced that he intended to ensure the "continuity" of Gazprom's policy, it became clear to everyone that the purge of the concern from Vyakhirevsky personnel was coming.

As a result, he not only carried out this purge, but also managed to turn the treasury of the gas giant into an inexhaustible source of money for the needs of the Kremlin. President Putin was pleased with the activities of Alexei Borisovich in this post. Miller successfully thwarted all plans to reform the gas monopoly, during which it was supposed to bring the gas transportation system into a separate state-controlled structure, as well as to separate the production and processing systems from Gazprom.

The main merit of Alexei Borisovich is that with his arrival at Gazprom, the state regained a controlling stake in the concern, while Gazprom itself managed to regain the assets lost under Rem Vyakhirev. But, it should be noted that not all of the assets were returned, some of them were, not without Miller's assistance, under control Gennady Timchenko- a friend and colleague of V. Putin.

Alexey Borisovich also generously handed out contracts on which a new generation of "oligarchs" grew up, the most prominent representatives of which are the Rotenberg brothers.

Under Miller, Gazprom became an active participant in the so-called. gas wars with other CIS countries. So, twice, in January 2006 and in January 2008, Russian gas supplies to Ukraine were stopped, which were caused by the refusal of the Ukrainian side to pay the price indicated by Gazprom. At the direction of Alexei Borisovich, in January 2007, "the gas was turned off" in Belarus as well. At the same time, Miller did not get tired of repeating that the company he headed was moving towards “understandable, transparent market principles of work” with all the republics of the former USSR, the basis of which is “the world market for hydrocarbon prices”. However, Aleksey Borisovich was not at all embarrassed that in gas relations between Russia and Ukraine long time featured an absolutely opaque intermediary structure RosUkrEnergo, owned by a Ukrainian billionaire Dmitry Firtash and actually "Gazprom".

Miller was the author of an ambitious project for the construction of the North European Gas Pipeline, which was supposed to pass through the Baltic Sea, bypassing the countries that previously provided the transit of Russian gas to Europe. It was planned to start construction as early as 2005, but due to the delay in the preparation of a long-term business plan for the project, the pipeline was only started in 2010, while the gas pipeline received a new name, Nord Stream.

Under Miller, Gazprom headed for the globalization of business. Under him, the corporation received assets in the power industry, the oil sector, brought the share of Russian gas in imports to Europe to 40%, established contacts with the German E.On and BASF and the Italian ENI.

In addition to the aforementioned Nord Stream, work is underway to build the South Stream gas pipeline across the Black Sea, a number of strategic agreements on gas supplies to the Asia-Pacific countries have been signed (which, however, still remain only on paper), and a decision has been pushed through to abolish state regulation on domestic gas prices. But nevertheless, criticism of Alexei Borisovich sounds louder and louder.

However, Miller does not pay attention to his critics. He, despite health problems (for example, because of kidney stones, he was even forced to give up his favorite beer) is not going to resign yet, knowing full well that he has not lost Putin's trust yet. And who will voluntarily leave a post where he earns $ 25 million a year?

But still, the attacks on Alexei Borisovich do not subside. So, Miller was criticized because of his intention to build in St. Petersburg, on the right bank of the Neva, a skyscraper for Gazprom with a height of 396 meters, which would disfigure the architectural ensemble of the city. The Petersburgers managed to achieve the cancellation of construction, while Alexei Borisovich heard many unpleasant words about himself.

Another area in which Miller was criticized was his love of luxury. So, in 2009, pictures of his estate under construction on the banks of the Istra reservoir, which received the name Millerhof with a light hand of wits, were circulated on the Internet. One land for a giant complex with an area of ​​30 hectares, reminiscent of the Grand Palace in Peterhof with a cascade of fountains in architectural and landscape terms, cost about 16 million dollars. The experts were modestly silent about the cost of construction. And although Miller categorically denied that he had anything to do with the estate under construction, no one really believed him. Why shouldn't the owner of a stable with thoroughbred stallions and a man who easily allocates tens of millions of euros to buy players for Zenit have a truly royal estate?

People who know him, speak of Alexei Borisovich not entirely partial. By nature, he is pedantic (apparently, his German roots still affect), in relation to his subordinates, he is despotic, intolerant of other people's opinions. Being a workaholic himself, working fourteen hours a day, he makes others work in a similar mode. Very cautious, likes to play it safe. In a word, as a leader, he is very difficult. But under Miller, the salaries of the Gazprom management, which, however, under Vyakhirev could not be called beggarly, soared to sky-high heights.

In life, Alexey Borisovich Miller has always been guided and continues to be guided by two rules: never stick your head out and the boss is always right. Thanks to this, he managed to make a dizzying career. President Putin, despite increased criticism of the Gazprom structures, still fully trusts Miller. Thus, the position of the head of "Gazprom" in the short term is unlikely to be threatened by anything.

Russian economist, statesman. Chairman of the Board and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Gazprom. Candidate of Economic Sciences.


Alexei was born and raised in a family of "Russian Germans". Mother - Lyudmila Alexandrovna Miller (1936-2009), father - Boris Vasilyevich Miller (1933-1986). Parents worked at the Research Institute of Radio Electronics of the Ministry of Aviation Industry of the USSR, which was later transformed into NPO Leninets. Mother worked as an engineer, father worked as a fitter.

Married. With his wife, Irina, they have a son, Mikhail.


He studied at school-gymnasium No. 330 of the Nevsky district of the city of Leningrad. Graduated in 1984 Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute them. N. A. Voznesensky.

In the 1980s, he was a member of the circle of reformist economists in Leningrad, whose informal leader was Anatoly Chubais; was a member of the Sintez club at the Leningrad Palace of Youth, which included young Leningrad economists and social scientists, including: Dmitry Vasilyev, Mikhail Dmitriev, Andrey Illarionov, Boris Lvin, Mikhail Manevich, Andrey Lankov, Andrey Prokofiev, Dmitry Travin and others.

In 1984-1986, he was an engineer-economist at the LenNIIproekt.

In 1987-1990 he studied at the graduate school of the LFEI. N.A. Voznesensky.

In 1990, he was a junior researcher at the LenNIIproekt.

In 1991, a fateful acquaintance for Alexei Borisovich took place. That year, he began his work in the Committee for External Relations of the St. Petersburg Mayor's Office, where the current president of the Russian Federation held the position of his chief. V. V. Putin. Under the leadership of Putin, Miller worked for five years. During this time, we managed to establish contacts with the largest Western banks.

The change of power in St. Petersburg forced Alexei Miller to change jobs. Well-connected, Miller has become a coveted candidate for leadership positions in major Russian companies. He was invited to work for the company JSC "Sea Port of St. Petersburg" where he worked for three years.

Since 1999, Miller has been CEO of OJSC "Baltic Pipeline System".

According to the results of the elections in Russia in 2000, Vladimir Putin became president. Following him, his former subordinate Alexei Miller also moved to the capital. He was appointed to the post of Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, but he only stayed in the post for a year (2000-2001).

Since 2001 he has been the Chairman of the Board "Gazprom", and since 2002 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Gazprom. Removal from office Rema Vyakhireva, who had worked as chairman of OAO Gazprom for almost ten years, meant imminent changes in the company.

With the advent of Miller, Gazprom becomes completely controlled by the state, work begins to return the assets lost during the reign of Vyakhirev.

There were also major personnel changes. Being far from energy, Miller needed people for whom this area is not alien. A number of senior positions went to people with whom the new chairman of the board had already worked, other appointments came from Kremlin, some members of the Vyakhirev team managed to keep their posts.

Despite the fact that experts predicted Miller early retirement he strengthened his position. By 2004, the formation of a renewed leadership apparatus was completed. In 2006, Miller's work contract was extended for another five years.

In early 2010, the head of Gazprom, Alexei Miller, ranked third in the ranking of the most effective top managers in the world according to the magazine Harvard Business Review.

Experts studied the work of two thousand CEOs of companies, the performance of CEOs was measured by the income of shareholders during their tenure. At the same time, income was adjusted taking into account inflation and average indicators for the country and the sector of the economy.

On May 18, 2010, Miller was elected Vice President Russian Football Union. In the second quarter of 2012, Miller took over as Chairman of the Board of Directors. JSC "Russian hippodromes".

In December 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the closure of the project "South Stream". Later, the head of Gazprom, Alexei Miller, explained that instead of South Stream, a pipeline would be built through Turkey to the border with Greece, where a gas hub could be created.

In January, Alexey Miller advised European buyers to speed up preparations for changing the route of gas supplies due to the cessation of supplies through Ukraine.

Alexey Miller has numerous government awards.

The top manager prefers to spend his free time with his family. Enjoys jumping. Alexey Miller owns Thoroughbred stallions — Funny And Fragrant.

Cheerful, imported from the USA, on August 12, 2012, took 3rd place at one of the races of the Central Moscow Hippodrome, receiving a prize of 3,000 rubles. Born at the Don stud farm, Fragrant came first to the finish line seven times in his career and remained in the prizes 12 times.


In 2013, he entered the top 3 Forbes list (3rd place) of the most expensive managers in Russia with an income of $25 million.

Rumors, scandals

Classmates said that Miller was "an inconspicuous guy", although an excellent student. After graduating from FINEC in 1984 with honors, Alexey Miller got a job as an economist at LenNIIproekt, but relations with the team did not work out.

Miller did not stick out and "Club of Young Economists". According to the memoirs of the "young reformers", Miller listened there more than he spoke and was considered perhaps the weakest link in the Chubais team. But when Chubais needed personnel, Miller was not forgotten.

He was offered a vacancy in the city committee for external relations, which in those years was headed by Vladimir Putin. First, Miller was the deputy head of the department, then his boss, then Putin's deputy. Then it was a dim young man, containing a certain mystery, secrecy.

At the meetings of the Center for Strategic Research "North-West" fund, Miller was also invisible. He, unlike Yakunin or Kovalchuk, did not rant and did not speak, although it was clear that he was close to this circle.

For Putin, he was, above all, a hardworking, reliable person who could be relied upon. Indeed, former colleagues confirm that Miller could work 16 hours a day if necessary.

People who worked with Alexei Miller at Smolny recall: " He always greeted me and smiled." "A good official, it is noticeable that a careerist, although he kept himself modestly, is always in the shadows. You know, one of those who "sounds more than it looks". ("Izvestia", 2001).

One of Miller's former FAC colleagues said: " Alexey is very efficient and obedient. What he is told, he does. There is nothing bad to say about him, but nothing good either. He has no opinion of his own and is very convenient to deal with some other "Media Bridge". And stealing from Miller's hand will not rise. Unless for yourself". ("Vedomosti", 2001.)

In 2005, a criminal case was initiated on the fact of embezzlement from "Mezhregiongaz", 100% subsidiary of Gazprom. The essence of the fraud is that smaller offices also produce gas, but you can only sell it to Gazprom, since it has a pipe, - he explained to the Sobesednik the essence of the criminal case Alexey Navalny.

"However, Gazprom officials say, for example, to Novatek: "We can only buy half of it." The next day, an unknown office, Trastinvestgaz (TIG), comes to Novatek and offers to buy the remaining half at the same price that Gazprom itself takes - 500 rubles per thousand cubic meters. And a day later, Gazprom buys all this gas from TIG for 915 rubles, although two days ago it refused to take 500 rubles each.".

Navalny does not exclude that in this way "effective managers" from Gazprom, simply by moving pieces of paper around the table, earned 1.5 billion rubles. Only on this episode!

"According to the documents, the money was withdrawn to the Baltic states and cashed there, - Navalny explained. - Only through one of the dozens of companies 293 million rubles were pumped. But there are other episodes of the case. I think there are at least a thousand similar firms involved in this fraud, in different countries. Imagine how much money!".

However, the head of Gazprom himself has escaped accusations of fraud, at least so far.
