Chepik has been officially appointed Deputy Head of Karelia. Karelian media predict the imminent resignation of Alexander Chepik Chepik Karelia

The Deputy Chairman of the Government of Buryatia for Economic Development admitted that he is most afraid of war and dreams of starting a business in Buryatia in retirement

Alexander Evgenievich, they write a lot about you, they talk a lot, but you never talked about your family, where you were born and where you studied.

I was born in the small town of Rybny, Ryazan region. Approximately the same as our Gusinoozersk. Until the age of seven, he lived with his parents in a graduate student hostel. My grandparents and parents were my role models. Maternal grandmother worked in a way that no one in life works. Four hectares of potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes - all this was grown and handed over to the collective farm.

In addition, she worked as a calf all her life. 200 heifers and everyone needs to drink, feed. Water was carried from a well 200 meters from the farm - this is a colossal work, just mortal horror. I did not know my maternal grandfather. He fought, ended up in a concentration camp, then fled from there, lived a little after the war. My paternal great-grandfather is from Belarus. I saw a photograph of a man in the tsarist military uniform with the rank of general. But Grandpa never told anyone. Everything is scorched like a red-hot iron.

Great-grandfather, a tsarist officer, was tortured in 1938, abandoned, thinking that he was dead. But he survived. There was a terribly healthy man, and to this day in the attic in the parental house there are piles of nickels and horseshoes bent by him. My grandfather was a pedantic and extremely principled person. “Measure seven times - cut once” is about him. I don’t remember in what rank he returned from the war, but he was simply riddled with shrapnel and bullets and constantly rubbing his shoulder. He was very demanding and painfully perceived injustice.

Father followed in his grandfather's footsteps: he entered military school. But he was only there for three days. Working as a mechanic at the factory, the third time he entered the teacher of biology and chemistry. He is now retired, but still continues to teach physical education at school. There is simply no one to replace him. Mom the large family- eight children, all of them settled down in life. Now my mother works in the commission on juvenile affairs. In general, all the people with whom I grew up settled in life.

Maternal uncle, Vyacheslav Ivanovich, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor. One of the best specialists in the world in the field of beekeeping. Paternal uncle, Sergei Georgievich Chepik, Doctor of Economics, Rector of the University, Anatoly Georgievich Chepik, Doctor of Economics, Professor.

- What from school years remember the most?

There was such an object - the initial military training. Our school was assigned to a military higher school. Every year we were taken to the military training camp, where they trained VDEVs. It was a serious school.

- It is known that your father will take part in the ceremony of lighting the Olympic flame. Why?

Our family was big. Every Saturday we gathered at grandfather's, in the bathhouse. Before that, they ran and played football. In general, Rybnoye is a sports city, we have a whole dynasty of athletes. Uncle Serezha is a candidate for master of sports in athletics, uncle Tolya is a master of sports, was a member of the Belarusian athletics team, his father still has the best results in the Ryazan region in a number of distances.

I myself was among the winners at all-Union competitions. Rybny had a very strong team of skiers and track and field athletes. All my childhood I played for the Lokomotiv team. Unrealistically talented guys worked with me. All our trainings turned into competitions. We didn't work as hard in competitions as we did in training. Very tough competition within the team led to the fact that only the most strong-willed guys remained. Only summer morning exercises consisted of five kilometers of jogging, 200 push-ups, 70 pull-ups and, most importantly, swimming.

On the Oka River, it was necessary to swim 50 meters against the current three times. It seems like garbage, but now I won’t swim, I know for sure. Oka, like the Selenga, with a strong current. You swim, you swim, but always in one place. You stop, and the current is already carrying you back. Moments like this make me want to drown. After breakfast, the main training: 25 kilometers running or rollerblading or imitation, after lunch, speed work 10 - 15 kilometers.

In winter, they ran 15 thousand kilometers a month. Now I think that the coach drove us too hard. At such volumes it is impossible to prepare for competitions. Yes, and the guys were all from poor families, and good equipment is very important in skiing.

- Have you dreamed of continuing your career as an athlete?

In the last grade, he did sports only for himself, ran, skied. Preparing for admission, pulling up the school. He entered the Ryazan State Agricultural Academy with a degree in Accounting and Auditing. From the second year he was a member of the ski and athletics teams of our academy.

- Despite such a serious passion for sports, you were an excellent student.

Yes, if at school I had fours, then I graduated from high school with fives. There are two of us, in my opinion, the best students of the academy. Then from the second year he began to work. He cleaned and whitewashed farms, worked as an accountant. Earned the first serious money, in addition to scholarships, which he received for participating in competitions. Until he got married, he gave all the money to his mother.

From the third year I went to work in the structure of the international bank IFC. To me English language I liked it very much, but at school I could not understand it. Therefore, I simply learned by heart, since I could not get triples. I have a good memory, I still remember some books by heart.

At some point, I thought: am I really dumber than everyone else? I started studying with a self-instruction manual, then I met an English teacher at a technical school. She helped me by correcting my pronunciation. By the third year, I improved my English and passed the test of an international corporation. First worked as an auditor working group and then proceeded to independent work.

- When did you earn the first money?

He earned his first money at school - in practice, they hoeed and harvested sugar beets, potatoes, and carrots. Then every evening after school they worked in the locomotive repair depot - also in practice. We studied at the railway school. There he received his first specialty as a locksmith. Small money, but very important for the family.

- In your official biography, you worked at Sberbank. How did you manage to survive the 1998 crisis?

Yes, after IFC I went to work at Sberbank. Dealt with securities. Then we lived just in chocolate. Then I wrote my own program and developed a system for selling and buying securities, then I created a private bank. The technique allowed not to lose in a crisis, but, on the contrary, to earn. Having survived the crisis, we received a lot of money, and then, by the way, I bought the first apartment.

Then he began to manage one of the largest international holdings. There were factories all over the world - in Tula, in Pervouralsk, near Manchester in England, in the States. Representative offices in almost all countries. The center of government was Tula, the center of trade was Stockholm.

- Alexander Evgenievich, we are all about work. Tell us more about how you met your wife?

I have never dated any of the girls. I had a principled position. I met my wife when she was 15 years old, I was 19. Never in my life, either before or after the meeting, did I go to discos. But that evening, a friend asked me to go with him, to intercede for him. He was often beaten, and I was an athlete, and all the guys who were engaged in martial arts were on the same team with me, so they respected me.

We talked to the guys, but since we came to a nightclub, we need to spend time somehow. I was dancing at school and when I started to play a slow dance, I could not resist and invited the girl to dance. This is how we met my wife Irina. She graduated from high school with honors, and then also with honors from the academy. Played a wedding. The eldest son Egor was born in Ryazan, Fedor is already in Moscow. Ulyana was born already here, in Buryatia.

- What is Buryatia for you?

I calmly reacted to the fact that we are moving to Buryatia. I came, I saw, I liked everything very much. The first time I lived alone, without a family. There was no apartment then, so he settled in the Center for Oriental Medicine. In the evening you will come home hungry, the nurses will leave me dinner - I always remember them with gratitude. Now Buryatia has become a motherland. All my friends are here, my parents are moving now. They were here, they like everything.

- Can you name your values?

Family, health. I want people to be happy. Of course, if you say that you don’t want anything for yourself, then you’re lying. But, working in the government, you can not think only about yourself. Then there is no motivation. The main motivation is the people behind the economic figures and indicators.

I really want people to have a better life. Our generation is gone. But kind word I still remember Soviet Union. Never arose national question: we are the Soviet people, and that's all. There was some association. When the Union collapsed, we still did not fully understand what was happening, no one understood, except for those who were at the top. One of the problems of society now is a certain lack of spirituality. Society has weakened control over the solution of issues.

- The country is again talking about a possible crisis. How do you feel about this phenomenon?

I don't really believe in crises. There are objective things that really affect our lives, but there is people's attitude towards them. My grandfather was a flint man, but when he talked about the war, he always cried. People went through the war, but no one gave up. They worked hard. Everything we have was built by our grandfathers who went through it all.

Did they live better than us? They lived from hand to mouth, but they were always happy, they worked, they were sure that they would do the best in life not for themselves, but for future generations. And now we have begun to earn a little less - and immediately a crisis. You have to look for the good in everything. During the crisis, life became worse for everyone, but for those who did not relax, did not give up, opportunities appeared to change something. During the crisis, the business I managed developed like never before. You need to feel the inner energy, some kind of drive.

- How do you feel about negative materials about yourself?

When they write objectively, I take it easy. There are interesting proposals for the work of the government. When a person writes from himself, he offers something sensible. And sometimes, they deliberately compile facts: 10% of the truth, the rest is a lie. They immediately come running, they say, pay the money, you can justify yourself. Nonsense.

I didn't do anything that I would be ashamed of. There are, of course, errors, as without them. In general, the indicators say that everything is done correctly. It is unpleasant when people write lies about my colleagues who really work. I can't slander anyone.

The one to whom the material was ordered worked out his money, well done. I take it in a Buddhist way, calmly. By the way, I really like Buddhism. In fact, we do not know Orthodoxy, nor do we study Buddhism in depth, although there is thousands of years of wisdom there.

- Where do you see yourself in 20 years?

In 20 years, when I retire, I will open some business here in Buryatia.

- Is there a place you would like to visit?

To be honest, I want to go to the Muisky district, to see everything deeper there. There are some really cool places. I liked it there very much.

- What are you afraid of?

I fear war the most. Everything else can be experienced.

Photo by Mark Agnor.
This material was published on the BezFormata website on January 11, 2019,
below is the date when the material was published on the site of the original source!

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The Deputy Chairman of the Government of Buryatia for Economic Development admitted that he is most afraid of war and dreams of opening a business in Buryatia in retirement Alexander Evgenievich, they write a lot about you, they talk a lot,
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Ex-deputy chairman of the government of Buryatia may go to Moscow for a promotion

Rumors have recently been circulating in the authorities of Karelia about the possible resignation of Prime Minister Alexander Chepik from the government of the region. He allegedly can take some kind of higher position in Moscow, according to the online newspaper "Vesti Karelia". Rumor has it that he did not work well, first of all, with the deputy governor for regional policy, Vladimir Lyubarsky, and with the head of the republic, Artur Parfenchikov himself.

The source of the publication noted that the reason for the misunderstanding between Chepik, who came from Buryatia and Lyubarsky, who was born in Petrozavodsk, may have been the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Development, Dmitry Rodionov, also a local appointee. Chepik is not satisfied that he was actually removed from coordinating and making decisions on serious financial and economic issues that the "Karelians" Parfenchikov and Lyubarsky "closed" on Rodionov. And it is his visa that is enough today to make such decisions.

In this regard, the heads of some republican institutions believe that it is 31-year-old Dmitry Rodionov who in the future can take the chair of Alexander Chepik in the event of his resignation.

Rodionov has two good higher education- economic, as well as state and municipal management, - the head of one of the large federal departments of Karelia told the Internet newspaper. - I have repeatedly communicated with him on various joint working issues and made sure that Rodionov is an intelligent, diligent boy. Therefore, I consider him a good candidate for the post of prime minister, if such a need arises.

Talk about the possible resignation of Chepik intensified after Artur Parfenchikov "failed" in the national rating of governors by ten positions at once. He took 74th place out of 85. It should be noted that experts from the Rating information communications center evaluated the work of regional leaders in September-October 2017. By the way, the head of Buryatia Alexei Tsydenov was on the 62nd line.

"Laughing over a cup of tea"

The publication contacted Alexander Chepik himself and asked if he was really going to leave the post of Prime Minister of Karelia in order to take the allegedly promised higher position in Moscow. He did not confirm the information about his imminent resignation.

I do not work with rumors and I can say that I plan to continue to work effectively and fruitfully for the benefit of the republic, - he stressed.

When asked how to explain the talk about his possible resignation and about the conflict with Lyubarsky, the prime minister said:

I consider this an attempt to introduce discord into our friendly work, which, perhaps, is beneficial to someone. I repeat, I will continue to do everything possible for Karelia to develop and prosper, - said Alexander Chepik.

The presence of any misunderstanding with the Karelian prime minister, primarily on personnel issues, was also denied by Vladimir Lyubarsky: “Chepik and I have been friends for more than a year and I can say that there is absolutely no conflict between us.”

He called rumors of a conflict "pathetic attempts to sow any kind of discord."

Chepik and I are just laughing at this over a cup of tea, - added Lyubarsky.

career leap

Recall that the former deputy chairman of the government of Buryatia for economic development resigned at the end of February. He promised not to forget Buryatia. Many media outlets predicted the position of the first deputy governor of Karelia for the official. However, in the end, he was "thrown" to the strategic development of the republic. Artur Parfenchikov, then acting head of the region, said that he had created this position specifically for Alexander Chepik and noted that he knew him as an "effective leader." All the more surprising are the rumors that in the end they could not find a common language.

Chepik himself immediately got actively involved in the work and gave the first big interview to the Russia 24. Karelia TV channel. He told reporters why he decided to study economics and summed up the results of ten years of work in Buryatia.

It took Chepik a month to make a career leap - at the end of March he was appointed to the post of Prime Minister of Karelia - however, with the prefix i. O. And at the end of September, at an extraordinary session of the regional legislature, the deputies approved the appointment of Chepik to a high post. The new prime minister thanked the parliamentarians "for the unanimous support" of his candidacy "for this responsible position", and Artur Parfenchikov - "for the trust"

I intend to use all my strength, capabilities and experience for the benefit of the inhabitants of our region. I also want to say special thanks to all the people who supported the team of the head of Karelia and me personally. I sincerely hope that our common goal - to make the republic prosperous - will be achieved through our joint work," he wrote on Facebook.

"Talented and purposeful"

Many officials from Buryatia noted in the comments under the publication. So, Timur Tsybikov, who left the post of Minister of Culture a month ago, congratulated Chepik and wished him "success", the head of the Ministry of Transport Sergey Kozlov - "success and good luck", the current deputy chairman for economics Igor Zuraev - "energy for the benefit of the people of Karelia". And ex-State Duma deputy Mikhail Slipenchuk gave Alexander Chepik a whole compliment: “I rejoice with you! You are a talented, purposeful and energetic leader!

It should be noted that Chepik's predecessor, Oleg Telnov, left the government of Karelia of his own free will on March 26. This decision was preceded by a "detailed conversation" with the head of the region Artur Parfenchikov.

The first month of work as Acting Head of Karelia showed the need to make serious personnel decisions. I am grateful to Oleg Vladimirovich Telnov for his work and support during my inauguration. During this time, he did not allow disruptions in the work of the government. I have no doubt that the experience and professionalism gained in the post of prime minister will allow him to continue his career with dignity, - Parfenchikov was quoted by the press service of the republican government.

He said that in Karelia there are a number of urgent issues that need to be addressed, and therefore there is no time for delay.

"Buryat" parish

By the way, at the end of March, following Alexander Chepik, Oksana Chebunina moved from Buryatia to Karelia, who for a year headed the committee for the development of entrepreneurship and innovative technologies in the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Buryatia. Prior to that, she led the Republican Tariff Service (PCT) for five years.

The media predicted Chebunin as the chairperson of the State Tariff Committee of Karelia. Shortly after the news of her arrival, Artur Parfenchikov fired Artur Myaki, who had held this post since 2010. And although both Chepik and Chebunina were delighted with Karelia, the “coming” of Buryat officials was negatively reacted in the region. Local media, in particular Moskovsky Komsomolets in Karelia, dubbed them Varangians.

What these two figures have in common is both from Buryatia. The first worked there as Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Development, the second - as Deputy Minister of Industry. The "Buryat" parish was rated in Karelia, to put it mildly, ambiguously. Our republic, including its political elites, perceive such moves with a wound, since a completely logical question is asked: do we have few personnel in Karelia? It becomes even more painful because Artur Parfenchikov himself is local, his own, even though he lived for many years in Moscow, the publication noted. - What can lead to an abundance of figures in the government of Karelia, who "cast" here from other regions, is known.

"MK" recalled what appeals of the opposition left Alexander Khudilainen (ex-head of Karelia - ed.): “Ineffective team of the Varangians”, “Enough of the Varangians”, “Varangians, get out of Karelia!”.

If new figures pierce on something, these slogans may well be pulled out of the archival basements of opposition parties and raised in the struggle for the governor's chair, Moskovsky Komsomolets reported.

However, with the advent of Chebunina, the “invasion” of Buryat officials on the government of Karelia did not end. The media reported that Alexei Shchepin, head of the Republican Forestry Agency (RALH), dismissed two years ago, would take the chair of the Minister of Nature Management and Ecology of Karelia, and his predecessor Viktor Chikalyuk would be dismissed. The forecast came true at the end of May.

Alexander Chepik was born on July 13, 1974 in the town of Rybnoe, Ryazan Region. In 1991 he entered and in 1996 graduated from the Ryazan State Agricultural Academy with a degree in Accounting and Audit, Economist.

From 1996 to 2000, he worked as a senior, leading inspector for securities, a leading inspector for currency and cash settlements of the population, a leading inspector for settlement and cash services legal entities and securities of the Rybnovsky branch of Sberbank No. 2618, then in Ryazan he was the head of the internal control department and the credit and stock department, the head of the credit and stock department of CB Stankobank LLC. In 2001, he moved to the city of Vidnoye, Moscow Region, where he worked as Financial Director of Lianta LLC, General Director of Trade House Bauton LLC, and then Deputy General Director for Finance of Industrial Enterprises of Scott, Riches and Fletcher (audit) Ltd.

In September 2001, Alexander Chepik moved to Tula, where he first worked as the first deputy general director of OJSC Polema, and then as the general director of this enterprise.

In August 2004, Alexander Evgenievich moved to Moscow to the position of Deputy General Director of CJSC Aleph Consulting and Management Group. Here he worked until April 2006, until he was transferred to the business development director of Direct Investments Russia Limited, where he worked before being transferred to the Republic of Buryatia. Places of work since 2001 - these are companies that are part of the Industrial and Metallurgical Holding Management Company, which combines oil and gas, machine-building, metallurgical areas, an audit company, several large banks and a large trading company.

A.E. Chepik in 1996 studied at Purdue University's Agrobusiness Financial Management courses, in 1997 - "Privatization according to the World Bank (IFC) model", in 2000 the "Bank Manager" courses at the Sberbank Academy, in 2002 he studied at the "Formation teams of like-minded people" and its management. Analysis of the composition of employees for solving problems”, in 2003 he studied at the courses “Speech on television, in the media”, in 2004 - “Corporate Director”.

A.E. Chepik has experience in interacting with government agencies, including with TVEL enterprises, the Ministry of Defense, Gazprom, oil companies, experience in anti-crisis management, as well as experience in “countering hostile takeovers” and experience in “hostile takeovers”, including contacts in various government bodies for solutions to these issues.

December 25, 2007 at an extraordinary session People's Khural Alexander Chepik was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Buryatia for Economic Development.

Decree of the President of the Republic of Buryatia dated December 27, 2007 No. 751 Chepik A.E. appointed to the position of Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Buryatia for Economic Development.

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The former deputy chairman of the government of Buryatia told why he left the republic

To get to Karelia was Alexander Chepik's childhood dream. He spoke about this in an interview on the Russia 24. Karelia TV channel. Former Deputy Chairman of the Government of Buryatia and current Deputy for strategic development Republic said that Karelia has always been surrounded by a halo of cleanliness and ecology.

I like everything here, especially since childhood I dreamed of getting to Karelia. He was engaged in water tourism, swam in kayaks. Therefore, all tourists had only one dream - to get to Karelia. To see this ecology, cleanliness, honest people, - said Alexander Chepik.

Despite his love of sports, young Chepik at first wanted to follow in the footsteps of his parents and become a teacher. However, the changes in the lives of all Russians changed his thoughts. And then his life.

My parents are teachers, so what I saw, I went there. But last changes that took place in the country, the Union left, something new appeared, people tried to find themselves. It seemed to me a promising and interesting economic direction. I have already taught the new economy, - says Chepik. - After that, I managed enterprises, I managed an international holding, enterprises in Russia, the USA, Great Britain. I also worked as the director of the plant, and he has everything - social sphere, infrastructure, economics, and finances. Therefore, I had experience, the work was interesting, everything developed very quickly. Then I was noticed at the federal level and recommended to work in the region. And I was interested by that time, because I felt that I had outgrown the direction that I had, and it was necessary to set new ambitious tasks for myself. Let it be difficult. It must have been a Soviet upbringing.

Now Alexander Chepik has begun to actively join the work in Karelia, has already held a number of meetings with the heads of local enterprises. According to him, rich experience from Buryatia helps him here too.

The starting positions of both regions were very similar. I am now looking at the situation that exists in Karelia and at what I started working with. Of course, it will be easier for me now, because I have experience, I know the technology for solving problems that seemed insoluble before, the levers for solving problems at the regional and federal levels. And I'm not ashamed of the indicators that were (in Buryatia - approx.), - says Chepik. - Numbers are not always an indicator, the main thing is the satisfaction of the population. One must be able to work in such a way that the problems of each family and person are heard and understood, - Chepik said. - As for openness, we just live it, we do not hide anything. So that any grandmother can ask the question that is bothering her right now.

He also spoke about why he decided to leave Buryatia.

So many grateful comments, people call me and write to me, they regret that I left. But I took this step on purpose to show where I started and what results have been achieved in the region. Something had to be changed. And we have a very high level of trust with Artur Parfenchikov, I could not let him down, - says Alexander Chepik.

Now the deputy for strategic development of Karelia is building a policy of work in the region.

From the point of view of strategy, the issues are not only economic development, but the issue of infrastructure, roads, housing and communal services, and the social sphere. All tasks need to be solved in a complex, it is impossible to pull out something. The government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Economy are now saying that a strategy is needed for the whole country. Vladimir Vladimirovich says that you need to have plans, road maps to solve the problems facing the country. Therefore, I try to do the same as at the federal level, so that it is built in our republic.

Finally, Alexander Chepik spoke about his hobby - skiing (Chepik is a multiple winner of the Russian Ski Track races. According to him, Karelia will still see the level of preparation of his entire family in this sport.

In the government (of Buryatia - approx.) I didn’t give a descent to anyone, I won everyone. Although we have quite strong masters of sports there. But I tried to make the government of the republic look decent. I have children, one member of the national team of the republic, the second is still small, he is not included in the national team. But he wins every competition. Therefore, now they will come and will not let themselves be offended here, - Alexander Chepik said with a smile.
