Improving the quality of educational results according to the roadmap “I will pass the exam.

Action plan for preparation and holding

state final certification for educational programs middle general education in MBOU Obukhov secondary school of the Azov region

in 2016- 2017 academic year

Target: organization of the work of the school in preparation for the state (final) certification of graduates in educational programs of secondary general education.


1. Timely and high-quality organization of the work of subject teachers in preparation for the unified state exam in educational programs of secondary general education.
2. Creation of a database for the preparation of a unified state exam:

    based on the needs of students and their educational and psychological capabilities and abilities;

    psychological and pedagogical support;

    methodological support.

3. Timely informing students, their parents, teachers:

    work with the regulatory framework for the unified state exam;

    study and analysis of KIMs of the unified state exam;

    Familiarization with the Rules for filling out the forms.


Main activities





1. Conduct analysis USE in 2016


Carrying out statistical analysis based on the results of the state final certification for educational programs of basic general education (hereinafter - USE-11) in 2016 in the Azov region




Conducting an analysis of the results of the work of the NGO on the preparation and conduct of the Unified State Exam-11 in 2016



Azov district department of education, NGO


Preparation of analytical materials on the results of the Unified State Exam-11 in 2016 in the Azov region



Azov district department of education, NGO


Preparation of final reports on the USE-11 in all academic subjects



Azov district department of education, NGO


Preparation of analytical reports of territorial subject commissions on academic subjects



Azov regional department of education, chairmen of the TPK


Presentation of the results of the USE-11 with an analysis of problems and setting goals at conferences, seminars

August-September 2016

Azov district department of education, NGO

2. Measures to improve the quality of teaching subjects


Development of step-by-step action plans to eliminate gaps in the knowledge of students, including adjusting the work programs of teachers, taking into account the analysis of the results of the USE in mathematics based on the analysis of school methodical associations during the 2016-2017 academic year

during the 2016-2017 academic year



Organization of individual and group classes for students

NGO leaders


Psychological and pedagogical support of students in order to effectively prepare students for the exam

during the 2016-2017 academic year

OO, "Trust"


Control of the quality and effectiveness of the development of programs of secondary general education in mathematics

during the 2016-2017 academic year

Regional public associations, heads of public organizations, MKUO RIMC


Correction of the programs of methodological seminars for teachers in general education subjects for which the USE is conducted

during the 2015-2016 academic year



Organization of the participation of teachers of the NGO in the work of the consultation line on the forum of the RIPK and PPRO website on the Internet to update the control and evaluation activities of the teacher in the logic of the federal state educational standard

during the 2016-2017 academic year



Participation of subject teachers in the work of subject and over subject network communities for the exchange of experience in improving the quality of education on the resource of the regional node Rostov region

during the 2016-2017 academic year


3. Regulatory and methodological support of the Unified State Exam-11


Collection and systematization of legal documents of the federal, regional levels, regulating the organization and conduct of the exam

during the 2016-2017 academic year

Regional public organization, municipal coordinator, heads of public organizations


Bringing municipal regulatory documents in line with regional and federal regulations legal acts: development and introduction of amendments to the municipal regulatory legal framework for preparing for the Unified State Examination in 2016

during the 2016-2017 academic year



Conducting instructive and methodological meetings on the study of the regulatory framework for the USE in the current academic year

during the 2016-2017 academic year



Organization of interaction with NGOs on the issue of bringing school legal documentation in line with municipal, regional and federal regulatory legal acts

during the 2016-2017 academic year

during the 2016-2017 academic year ROO, municipal coordinator, heads of NGO

4. Financial support for the USE-11


Planning municipal budget funds to provide technological support for the USE in PES No. 1, conducting a secure communication channel in the public organization

August-October 2016


5. Organization and conduct of training


Organization and conduct of training with subsequent testing for: - PES leaders, PES organizers, PES technical specialists, public observers

according to the RO schedule



Organization of consultations, seminars, meetings with persons involved in the exam, seminars, meetings on the requirements for PES employees

during the 2016-2017 academic year


6. Organizational support of the Unified State Exam-11


Organization of the formation and maintenance of a municipal information system for ensuring the conduct of the SIA and entering information into the regional information system in the prescribed manner

during the 2016-2017 academic year

Regional public organizations, heads of public organizations, municipal operator


Formation and approval in accordance with the Procedure for conducting the GIA, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 26, 2013 No. 1400 (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure), and the schedule approved by the Federal State Budgetary Institution FCT (hereinafter referred to as the FCT Schedule), entering this information into the RIS: - PES list , PES audiences

November 2016


Holding a meeting with the heads of public organizations on the organization and conduct of the USE in 2017: - ensuring information security measures in the PES; -formation and submission of proposals on the personal composition of the leaders and organizers of the PES, taking into account the established requirements for PES employees; - responsibility of leaders and organizers of PES

November 2016

Regional public organization, heads of public organizations, operator


Formation of the list of persons involved in the GIA, their approval in accordance with the Procedure and Schedule of the FCT, entering this information into the RIS: - members of the SEC, heads of the PES, organizers of the PES; - PES technical specialists

February-March, 2017

Regional public organization, heads of public organizations, operator


Approval of the Certificate of Readiness of the PES for the Unified State Examination

According to the RO schedule



Organization of the PES readiness check for the USE, including in the form of the USE, in 2017 in the prescribed manner

May 2017



Organization and conduct of the final essay: - in the main period; in additional time

November 2016

NGO leaders, operator


Conducting instructive and methodological meetings on the organization and conduct of the final essay (statement)

October- November 2016



Organization of interdepartmental interaction with municipal organizations for the conduct of the Unified State Examination in the district

during the 2016-2017 academic year



Organization of events for the accreditation of citizens as public observers



7. Activities for information support of the exam


Organization of work to inform all participants of the USE, their parents (legal representatives) about the procedures for conducting the GIA, maintaining the official websites of the ROO

during the academic year



Organization of a trial exam for graduates of educational institutions, approbation of organizational and technological support for the USE

October-February 2016-17

NGO leaders


Organization and holding of the "Unified Parent Meeting" on preparation for the exam

April May

Regional public organizations, heads of public organizations


Organization and holding of thematic actions "USE from year to year", "USE - the choice of the future!"

April May

NGO leaders


Organization of psychological support for graduates of the current year in the course of preparation for the USE in 2016 during the academic year of the Regional Public Organization, heads of the NGO, "Doverie"

during the academic year

Regional public organization, heads of NGO, "Doverie"


Organization of the work of telephones of the "hot line" on the territory of the Azov district, NGO on the organization and conduct of the exam, including the rights and obligations of participants in the exam

during the academic year

Regional public organizations, heads of public organizations


Ensuring interaction with the media in order to inform the public about the events held within the framework of the USE

during the academic year

Regional public organizations, heads of public organizations


Organization of informing citizens about the procedure for conducting the Unified State Examination in terms of posting information in the media, as well as on official websites: - about the terms and places of registration for participation in writing the final essay (statement) for graduates of previous years; - about the dates and places of application for participation in the Unified State Examination (for graduates of previous years); - on the timing of the final essay (statement); - on the terms, places and procedure for filing and considering appeals; - on the timing, places and procedure for informing about the results of the final essay (statement), USE

within the time limits determined by the Procedure for conducting the exam

during the academic year

Regional public organizations, heads of public organizations


Organization of control over the design of information stands in educational organizations on the procedure for conducting the exam in 2017, posting relevant information on the websites of public organizations

during the academic year

Regional public organizations, heads of public organizations

Holding meetings with the participation of heads of public organizations on the organization and conduct of the Unified State Examination in the region in 2017

during a year

heads of NGO, ROO

8. Control over the organization and conduct of the exam


Control over the organization and conduct of information and explanatory work of the NGO on the preparation and conduct of the Unified State Examination with its participants and persons involved in the conduct of the Unified State Examination

during the academic year

heads of NGO, ROO


Monitoring of official websites of NGOs on the issues of posting information for USE participants

during the academic year

heads of NGO, ROO


Control over the course of preparation and conduct of the Unified State Examination in the NGO of the municipality

during the academic year

heads of NGO, ROO

March 15, 2017 V GBOU Gymnasium No. 1530 "Lomonosov School" a practice-oriented seminar was held Marathon of master classes "Roadmap for preparing students for the Unified State Examination-2017" for teachers of computer science in Moscow.

As part of the plenary part in front of teachers Krylov Sergey Sergeevich, Chairman of the subject commission on informatics of Moscow, spoke with a report on the results of graduates of Moscow schools at the Unified State Examination in Informatics in 2016 and recommendations for preparing students for the remainder of the period before the exams. Krylov S. S. noted that, despite the demographic picture, the number of graduates choosing the Unified State Exam in computer science is growing from year to year and this year in Moscow has reached 10 thousand people.

After the plenary part, the informatics teachers from educational organizations in Moscow dispersed to their classrooms in accordance with their individual itinerary.
As part of the Marathon of Master Classes, teachers could attend any two master classes to choose from the following list:

  • Recursive algorithms in programming. Moderator: Kirienko Denis Pavlovich, teacher of computer science, GBOU School No. 179;
    Master class materials.
  • Methodology for solving task 18 USE in informatics. Moderator: Zueva Yulia Viktorovna, teacher of computer science, GBOU School No. 2107;
    Master class materials.
  • Methodology for solving task 19 of the exam in computer science. Presenter: Pavlova Inna Borisovna, teacher of computer science, SBEI “School No. 2093 named after. A.N. Saveliev";
    Master class materials.
  • Moderator: Glinka Nadezhda Vladimirovna, teacher of computer science at the European Gymnasium;
    Master class materials:
    Presentation 1.
    Presentation 2.
  • Systems of logical equations and methods for their solution. Presenter: Zvyagina Lyudmila Alexandrovna, teacher of computer science, GBOU Lyceum No. 1571;
    Master class materials:
    Presentation 1.
    Presentation 2.
  • Approaches to solving tasks 25 and 24 of the Unified State Examination in informatics. Moderator: Koltunov Roman Pavlovich, teacher of computer science, GBOU School No. 444;
    Master class materials.
  • Methods for solving problems 26 USE in Informatics. Presenter - Yulia Viktorovna Markova, teacher of computer science at the MAOU "Gymnasium of Troitsk";
    Master class materials:
    Presentation 1. Presentation 2. Presentation 3. Presentation 4.
  • Approaches to solving task 27 of the USE in informatics. Host: Kiseleva Elena Yuryevna, teacher of computer science, Gymnasium No. 1516.
    Master class materials:

City Methodological Center thanks Krylov Sergei Sergeevich, chairman of the regional subject commission of the Unified State Examination on Informatics of the city of Moscow, Ph.D. D., Dean of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Physics of the Moscow Aviation Institute (NRU) for the report, which is of great interest to teachers of computer science.

We thank the administration educational institutions , whose teachers held master classes for computer science teachers in Moscow as part of the Marathon, for the professionalism and creative attitude of their employees.

We thank the leaders for high level preparation and holding of master classes, so demanded by teachers of computer science in Moscow, and for their willingness to share their experience with colleagues.

The City Methodological Center thanks the administration, staff and students of the GBOU Gymnasium No. 1530 "Lomonosov School", who took part in organizing and conducting the Marathon of master classes "Roadmap for preparing students for passing the exam in Informatics -2017".
