How were the elections in Buryatia. Elections to the People's Khural of Buryatia: preliminary results

So, the culmination - soon we will know the names of the deputies of the Buryatia Parliament for the next five years. At 20-00 the spell of the electoral legislation will fall, and we will be able to tell you everything - from preliminary results to severe violations. Stock up on popcorn, it'll be fun.

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20:01 So, the latest turnout data is 35.88% at 18:00. This is worse than the two previous Khural campaigns - in 2008 by 17-00 there were already 47% of those who voted, in 2013 - 39%.

20:03 However, it is still better than in neighboring regions. The reason is dominance rural areas with a traditionally more active electorate. But a trend is a trend - the deterioration of the situation in the country also affects people's interest in politics.

20:04 This makes the results in some districts almost unpredictable. On the one hand, the fall in the rating of power due to unpopular laws, on the other low turnout into the hands of United Russia.

20:23 Most high performance by turnout, traditionally - in Okinsky, Tunkinsky, Eravninsky districts. The leader is Oka (64.4%), the lowest turnout is in the Muisky district (22.19%). In Ulan-Ude, by 18:00, the highest figure is 32.24% at one of the polling stations.

20:28 While we are waiting for the results, we note that one of the most high-profile scandals in the elections in Russia occurred in Buryatia. The head of the CEC, Ella Pamfilova, had to speak out.

"Information has just been received from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Members of the precinct election commission number 725, located in the city of Ulan-Ude, Buryatia, went to the temporary detention center of Ulan-Ude with seven ballots for voting ... After checking, it was found that all the ballots were filled in in favor of the party" United Russia", - Pamfilova told RIA Novosti.

20:35 Precinct Electoral Commission No. 725, where the deputy head of the commission planned to give "ER" a 100% victory, is located in the 24th single-mandate constituency. The favorite there is Khural deputy and United Russia candidate Mikhail Gergenov. He is sure that they tried to set him up in this way.

“Many people are not satisfied with my position on VIP pensions, this causes aggression against me. I have excellent positions in the district and I have no doubts about the support of voters.

20:35 Gergenov's excitement is understandable - a proven violation will lead to the annulment of votes at the polling station and the loss of votes.

20:39 One of the main characters of the election day is the former mayor of Ulan-Ude Gennady Aydayev. The "richest Buryat" is charged with the creation of a simple system - local drunks were allegedly given stimulating 100 grams of vodka and taken by taxi to the polling stations where they voted for Aidaev. After completing their mission, they went to the people in white caps who were on duty at the polling stations and rewarded alcoholics with another “stoparik”. Oh, such resourcefulness of Gennady Arkhipovich and for the good of the city! About 10 years ago.

20:45 Those same Aidaev "white caps".

20:52 The first official voting results have appeared - for a single constituency (lists) from DEC No. 18 (Ulan-Ude). There, United Russia is leading with 55% of the vote, LDPR and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation have 17% each, SR has 11%, and Civic Platform has 0%. The starting data can still change several times. But in general, there will be no surprises if the final numbers are approximately the same. Well, except that the Platform will still be given a few votes.

21:12 The preliminary final turnout is about 42%, but not everything has been counted yet.

21:31 The neighboring Irkutsk region already has the first exit poll data, we still have a ghoul. We continue to talk about violations. So, by 17-00, the Electoral Commission's hotline received 37 complaints.

21:36 Around 11:20 a young man in a mask attacked the headquarters of one of the United Russia candidates - he poured water with chlorine on people and laptops. The affected equipment is out of order.

"A respectable man went into a cafe and asked to go to the toilet. As soon as he came out and 10 minutes later a 19-year-old guy in a medical mask ran in and doused a 65-year-old woman with water and bleach from a bucket. As the girls from the headquarters said, the papers, the laptop was doused. The equipment does not work. The headquarters called the police," Baikal-Daily reports the words of eyewitnesses.

21:40 In the meantime, there is news on other elections - in Buryatia today not only the Khural was elected, but also three heads of districts, several district councils and countless heads of settlements.

There was also a "survey of satisfaction" with the work of the head of the Tunkinsky district, Ivan Alkheev. The results are unlikely to affect at least something - they are unofficial and Alkheev will in any case come out of exile on September 10th. Nevertheless, the results are curious - after processing 10 survey sites out of 34 Alkheev, 74.51% approve. It is too early to draw conclusions on these figures - another two-thirds of the polling stations. Well, these data are reported so far only by pro-Alkheev sources.

21:44 The Electoral Commission woke up and began to issue data on Buryatia. The final turnout is known - 37.79%. This is preliminary, but official - that is, the figure may change, but within the margin of error by tenths or hundredths of a percent.

21:46 The highest turnout was in constituency No. 29, where 60.72% of voters came. The district includes Yeravninsky district and part of Kizhinginsky.

21:48 The Okino-Tunkinsky constituency No. 1 lagged behind a little - 60.16% of voters came there. In the Oka, as usual, electoral insanity - 76% of the district's voters honestly fulfilled their civic duty.

21:53 Ella Pamfilova called the violation in Buryatia the toughest in the country. Yes, the same one where seven already completed ballots were brought into the colony. The deputy head of the polling station was detained.

“In fact, out of the whole array, there was a serious violation in the Republic of Buryatia and that’s all,” the media quote Pamfilova.

22:08 According to preliminary unofficial data, the former first deputy chairman of the government of Buryatia and deputy of the People's Khural, Innokenty Yegorov, is losing in the single-mandate constituency No. 32 (North-Baikal region) to the candidate from "ER" Evgenia Ludupova.

22:13 More than 8,000 ballots have already been processed in the Irkutsk region. In Buryatia - one hundred. Yearning.

22:31 According to preliminary data, Irinchey Matkhanov flies through single-mandate constituency No. 19. The candidate from "ER" wins there, former leader LDPR in the Republic Igor Bobkov.

However, Matkhanov is the first on the "SR" list and almost certainly goes to the Khural. Reinsured.

22:34 According to unconfirmed data, 20% of ballots were processed. "United Russia" is in the lead with 40.6% of the vote, the Communist Party is catching up with 29.6% of the vote. The Liberal Democratic Party follows with 11%, "Fair Russia" is expected to merge with 10%.

22:37 Brawler Bato Bagdaev is getting closer to the passage to the Khural on the list of the CPSU. After processing one fifth of the ballots, the spoiler party scored 4.7%, which gives good chances for the party's only list candidate, Bagdaev himself, to get through.

Poor Markhaevs.

22:40 In the most scandalous and unpredictable 20th constituency ("Glassworks"), United Russia Mikhail Stepanov wins. "The richest Buryat in the world" Gennady Aidaev is still in the air.

22:49 Constituency No. 20 - United Russia loses, incumbent deputy Sergei Drozdov, the journalist of the Tivikom TV channel, self-nominated Namsarai Namsaraev wins. Suddenly.

22:53 With Namsaraev, by the way, Sayazan had one of the most amusing scandals of the day. He put his foot under the wheel of a car, either a competitor or members of the electoral committee, fell in agony and began heart-rendingly calling for policemen and doctors. Everything is captured on video. If he doesn't win the election, he'll definitely get an Oscar.

22:59 Of the predictable - in constituencies No. 8 (Kabansky district) and No. 30 (Barguzinsky), candidates from "ER", Lilia Deeva and Igor Zubarev, respectively, win.

23:01 District No. 14, Oktyabrsky district of Ulan-Ude - United Russia Sergei Buzhinaev and communist Bair Tsyrenov go nose to nose. Tsyrenov has a slight advantage.

23:03 GAS Elections in Irkutsk and Buryatia are frantically slowing down. There are still no official calculations on single-mandate candidates. All information on the sensational victories of outsiders has to be obtained literally by partisan methods. Maybe because not because the favorites lose?

23:05 Ulan-Ude constituencies No. 13 and No. 24 - preliminary winners from United Russia Larisa Krutiyan and Mikhail Gergenov, respectively. No surprises.

23:23 Communists continue to reap the benefits of pension reform. The leader of the Communist Party faction in the fifth convocation of the Khural, Ekaterina Tsyrenova, is still outperforming United Russia party Vyacheslav Irildeev in constituency No. 22. But this, as they say, is not accurate.

23:25 The sensationalism of this victory is somewhat exaggerated - Tsyrenova was initially put in the reskom. Unlike the young Bair Tsyrenov, the nondescript Viktor Malyshenko and a couple of no-name grandfathers, she has real political weight in Buryatia. But the victory is not yet final in any case.

23:27 Constituencies No. 15 and No. 25 - United Russia members Matvey Badanov and Igor Markovets, respectively, are in the lead. Also no surprises.

23:33 Constituency No. 1 - Tunkinsky and Okinsky districts - is won by United Russia candidate Nikolai Dasheev.

23:38 Passion in Mukhorshibir. Rumor has it that in the single-mandate constituency No. 11, Petr Noskov, the former "gray eminence" of the government, won there. He allegedly outstripped his opponent Bair Zonduev by only one vote.

23:43 According to preliminary data, the communist Innokenty Vakhrameev suddenly won in single-mandate constituency No. 17. According to rumors, by a wide margin from the deputy of the City Council of Ulan-Ude, United Russia Alexander Bardanov.

23:46 Districts No. 18 (Ulan-Ude) and No. 3 (Dzhidinsky district) - predictable victories for Andrey Zybynov and Sergey Pashinsky, both - "ER".

23:51 The electoral committee woke up and smiled. Released official data. These are lists.

23:57 Unconfirmed data, as usual, are ahead of the official.

According to rumors, after counting 93 thousand, "ER" - 42.3%, the Communist Party - 27.1%, the Liberal Democratic Party - 11.2%, the "SR" - 11.6%, the CPSU - 5.04%, the "GP" - 2.6%. This is 37% of the votes.

00:03 Viktor Malyshenko, apparently, is still praying for the list of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, since Bator Tsybikov ("ER") flies in the 23rd district. But the gap is small.

00:05 "Fair Russia", apparently, will almost completely lose in single-member districts. An unexpected exception is district No. 26, which is in the Zaigraevsky district. There, no-name Viktor Yachmenev is still outperforming the mastodon, deputy of four convocations Alexander Stopichev ("ER").

00:08 District No. 16 - the victory of the former senator from Buryatia Tatyana Mantatova. expected.

00:10 The renewal of power in the Kabansky district is proceeding successfully. On district No. 7, "freshman" Dmitry Shvetsov ("ER") wins.

00:18 Oksana Bukholtseva traditionally drags A Just Russia and gives her hope for the faction. On personal authority, he wins in the 33rd district (Severobaikalsk). Irinchey Eduardovich should at least erect a monument to her.

00:24 Bichursky district, constituency No. 12 - Alexander Savelyev is in the lead. Tarbagataisky and part of Zaigraevsky - constituency No. 10, Anatoly Kushnarev wins. Both are ER.

00:29 It's hot in the Ivolginsky district - self-nominated Alexander Tsydenov, the former head of the municipality and a longtime enemy of the current one, is going to the Khural there. Overboard, according to preliminary data, he left the candidate from "ER" Alexander Krasovsky.

00:34 The traditionally sad face of the head of the Ivolginsky district, Viktor Ochirov, will apparently never lighten up again.

00:42 In the 20th constituency, Mikhail Stepanov received twice as many votes as Gennady Aidaev. What is called, do not have a hundred rubles ...

00:57 The counting continues. Everything was quiet for a while.

01:32 This concludes our broadcast for today - we meet here in the morning. Then the votes for the most difficult territories will be counted and the full picture will be clear.

It can already be said that the Communist Party of the Russian Federation has managed to gain a foothold, but it is not yet clear how far United Russia will have to "move forward". The faction of the Liberal Democratic Party and the solvency of "SR" are in question. Well, and Bato Bagdaev, sensationally bursting into the Khural under the flag of the CPSU.

08:16 Good morning! We continue and finish. Everything is already clear everywhere, the discrepancies will be only in numbers - we will announce the final ones in separate materials.

08:16 The Electoral Commission of Buryatia announced the preliminary results of the elections to the parliament of the republic - People's Khural. After counting over 250,000 votes, the results are as follows:

"United Russia"- 41.18% and 100180 votes

"Elections to the People's Khural of Buryatia VI convocation"

In Buryatia outlined the contours of the People's Khural of the sixth convocation. 96 percent of ballots have already been processed. Recall that one half of the deputies are elected by party lists, and the second - by real single-mandate constituencies.

Preliminary results of voting on parstlists show that the United Russia party did not get many votes in support of its policy - raising the retirement age, raising VAT, etc. Although many in the republic personally, near the ballot boxes, approved the policy of the United Russia.

Party lists: the success of the communists, the mandate of Tsydenov

According to the results of the analysis of 96 percent, EP scored 41.3 percent. Communist Party - 25.7 percent.

"Fair Russia" was supported by 9.34. LDPR - 11.83 percent.

CPSU - 4.8 percent. "Civil Platform" - scored 2.6.

Among those who won the right to the Khural deputy mandate is Alexei Tsydenov, the head of Buryatia. He was at the top of the United Russia party list - they say, if you want to see me in the Khural, then vote for United Russia. Many voted for the EP party list.

But will Tsydenov work as a deputy?

“What does the law say next? He can accept this mandate, or he can refuse. The choice is his. If he does not want to be a deputy, he will hand him over - the law allows this,” explains Dmitry Ivailovsky, chairman of the republican election commission.

Single-members: long-familiar faces

There are also preliminary results for 33 single-mandate constituencies.

United Russia candidates and those supported by the "party of power" won in nineteen constituencies. The Communist Party took over in three districts. "Fair Russia" has carried out on one-mandate two persons. Three more self-nominated candidates won.

Among the winners in the districts are businessmen Gennady Dorzhiev and Matvey Badanov, the famous scientist and favorite of summer residents Anatoly Kushnarev, the former head of the administration of the head of the republic Pyotr Noskov, the young communist Bair Tsydenov was also ahead of everyone in the 14th district.

"United Russia" Tatyana Mantatova is back in the Khural. She has an interesting political biography. I was in Khural, but left ahead of schedule for the Federation Council. Her place, following the results of by-elections, was taken by the director of the local school. Now the director also ran, but on the party list.

Former "Zhirinovsky's falcon" Igor Bobkov also returned. Everyone remembers how before the elections of the last Khural, he was removed by a strong-willed decision of the federal structures of the Liberal Democratic Party. Indignant, Bobkov left the ranks of the Zhirinovites. Previously, he was considered one of those who could raise sensitive issues in parliament. What will happen to him today, when he is “in cooperation” with United Russia, we cannot predict.

In Yeravna, the ex-speaker of Khural Tsyren-Dashi Dorzhiev won.

Gennady Aidaev, ex-mayor of Ulan-Ude was not elected, but Mikhail Stepanov was elected. Now the TV journalist Namsaray Namsaraev will also sit in parliament (he was a self-nominated candidate).

In her district, the communist Ekaterina Tsyrenova managed to win. Entrepreneur Andrey Zybynov, as well as Mikhail Gergenov, again entered the parliament of the republic. Igor Markovets triumphs in Ulan-Ude Zagorsk. Alexander Tsydenov, self-nominated, passed in the Ivolginsky ninth constituency.

For six sites, information is still incomplete. But, preliminary, in five EP is in the lead, and in one - "Fair Russia". There is a chance that this alignment will remain until the ballots are fully processed.

So, Ludupova Evgenia Yuryevna is the leader in the 32nd district. The sixth district is ahead of Tsyrempilov Valery Zhamsuevich, the fifth is Dashinimaev Solbon Sandanovich. District 4 - Budaeva Svetlana Dymbryl-Dorzhievna is in the lead. And so on.

In a word, people with well-known surnames will make laws in the Khural.

"The elections were competitive," Dmitry Ivailovsky said.

Violations ruined the picture

There are places where reports come in slowly.

“Arshan has not yet reported. There is a KOIB there, and there is video surveillance. But there is a delay. We will study what is the reason,” Dmitry Ivailovsky points out.

Young people aged 18 to 35 showed little interest in voting.

“Yesterday I was told that Rossiya-24 repeated that in Buryatia the deputy chairman of the precinct commission was arrested and it turns out why he did such actions - in a temporary detention center, with an exit box, he presented the already marked ballot to the voter. For what? For what? The Investigative Committee is engaged. A criminal case has been initiated,” says Dmitry Ivailovsky.

During a connection with the Russian Central Election Commission, its head, Ella Pamfilova, asked Ivailovsky about his motivation.

“I said that it is not clear what motivation this person. This is a useless thing ... But the texture is such that he also spoiled the ballots that were in the precinct commission. For what? What it is? He said that he did it himself, without involving anyone, ”recalls the head of the election commission.

The scandalous situation was revealed in the presence of a representative of the Commissioner for Human Rights, the Public Chamber and an observer from A Just Russia.

“Yesterday, the chairman of the precinct commission in the Bauntovsky district was removed from his post. Stuffing was carried out during the exit voting on applications. The Territorial Commission removed her from this position. Yes, unfortunately, there is a fly in the ointment in our election campaign,” Dmitry Ivailovsky admits.

Voter interest has fallen

In general, the republic's voters are losing interest in the elections.

Today, about 37.7 percent (255 thousand 655 people) of those who have the right to vote have voted. The number is changing. “It was at eight o'clock in the evening. And according to the protocols that have been processed - 38.95. But it's still lower than it was in previous campaigns,” says Dmitry Ivaylovskiy.

For comparison, in the elections of the fifth, outgoing, convocation of the Khural, the turnout was 43 percent. The presidential elections were attended by 74 percent.
And in the election of the head of Buryatia, the turnout was 40 percent.

Apparently, citizens do not feel any positive breakthrough in their Everyday life and begin to ignore the elections.

On September 9, elections to the People's Khural of the sixth convocation were held in Buryatia. The parliament consists of 66 deputies: half of them are elected in single-member districts, another 33 parliamentarians - on party lists. reports Baikal-Daily.

The turnout was low and amounted to just over 37%. According to preliminary data, "United Russia" scored 41.19%, the Communist Party - 25.95%, the LDPR - 11.94%, "Fair Russia" - 9.41%, communist party social justice - 4.8%, Civic Platform - 2.6%.

In single-mandate constituencies, preliminary, there were a number of sensations, such as the losses of the ex-mayor of Ulan-Ude Gennady Aidaev, the ex-deputy chairman of the government Innokenty Yegorov, the Ulan-Ude deputy Alexander Bardanov, the victory of Igor Bobkov over the leader of the Right-wing Russians Irinchey Matkhanov, Dmitry Druzhinin from TGC-14 over Sergey Mezenin, the communists Ekaterina Tsyrenova over the vice-speaker of Khural Vyacheslav Irildeev or the victory of Namsaray Namsaraev, a self-nominated correspondent of Tivikom.

Note that the data is still being updated. For example, at 4 am, there was a win by Alexander Stopichev and a loss by Igor Zubarev. According to the updated information at 7 am, everything has changed in the opposite direction.

District 1. Tunkinsky and part of the Okinsky district

Nikolai Dasheev("United Russia"), Deputy Head of the Tunkinsky District Administration for Infrastructure Development - 49.43%

Vyacheslav Tsydendorzhiev, Director of the Regional Cultural and Leisure Center - 24.6%

Andrey Kuchumov (Communist Party of Social Justice), Deputy Chairman for Security of Polet Real Estate Owners Association - 8.58%

Sergei Petlyovany (LDPR), temporarily unemployed. Graduated from the Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation in 2013 - 7.85%

Arkady Kirilov (Fair Russia), General Director of the Property Assessment Agency LLC - 2.24%

District 2. Zakamensky district

Gennady Dorzhiev(United Russia), CEO of SmithInvest LLC, deputy of the Ulan-Ude City Council - 60.02%

Bair Ochirov (KPRF). Chairman of the Council of Deputies of the municipality JV "Ulekchinsky" - 24.3%

Tsydypov Zorigto (Civil Platform), Innovation LLC - 8.85%

District 3. Dzhidinsky district

Sergey Pashinsky(United Russia), CEO of Avto Dom LLC, deputy of the People's Khural of the fifth convocation - 63.11%

Sergei Fedoseev (KPRF), teacher-trainer of the youth sports school - 28.81%

Dmitry Shishmarev (LDPR), student of Belarusian State University - 3.47%

Okrug 4. Part of the Selenginsky District, including Gusinoozyorsk

Svetlana Budaeva(ER), Deputy Chairman of the People's Khural Committee on Social Policy - 65.02%

Denis Mordvin (KPRF), CEO of Media Service LLC - 24.84%

District 5. Parts of the Selenginsky and Kyakhtinsky districts

Dashinimaev Solbon(ER), director of DELTA LLC - 68.13%

Alexey Gontov (LDPR), electrician at Gusinoozerskaya GRES - 13.04%

Munkueva Dolgor, teacher of the Kharganat secondary school named after D. D. Lubsanov - 13.02%

District 6. Part of the Kyakhtinsky district

Tsyrempilov Valery(ER), pensioner, deputy of the People's Khural of the fifth convocation - 42.37%

Vambuev Chingis (Fair Russia). Head of the department for industrial safety and ecology of Zabaikalsky Mining Enterprise JSC - 33.1%

Nechaev Alexander (LDPR), chief engineer of MBU "Urban economy" - 17.7%

District 7. Part of the Kabansky district

Dmitry Shvetsov(ER), First Deputy Head of Administration of the Kabansky District - 37.18%

Alexander Nikonov (KPRF), CEO of Rubin LLC - 29.94%

Korenev Alexander (Fair Russia), Deputy General Director. LLC "Encelad" - 12.78%

Pavel Bobrov (LDPR), head of the rural settlement "Tankhoyskoye" - 11.41%

Soshnev Maxim (Civil Platform), operational duty officer of the EDDS Center for economic and transport services of the administration of the Kabansky district - 2.21%

District 8. Part of the Kabansky district

Lilia Deeva(ER), General Director of OAO Selenginsky Pulp and Cardboard Plant - 70.26%

Kochnev Valery (LDPR), coach-teacher of the Selenginsky children's and youth sports school - 11.79%

Balzhanov Arsalan (Communist Party of Social Justice), temporarily unemployed, graduated from the Novosibirsk state academy economics and management in 2001 - 6.8%

Trifonova Irina (Fair Russia), General Director of Thaler LLC - 5.44%

Okrug 9. Part of the Ivolginsky District (including the rural settlement "Gilbirinskoye", Ivolginsk, Nizhnyaya Ivolga, Orongoy, Sotnikovo)

Tsydenov Alexander, pensioner. Graduated from the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in 2000 - 39.85%

Alexander Krasovsky (ER), General Director of TransUgol LLC - 37.68%

Ochirova Elena (KPRF), teacher, organizer of the House of Creativity "Forus" of the Soviet district of Ulan-Ude - 12.86%

Urbazaev Chingiz (LDPR). Deputy Head of the call center "System-112" - 3.6%

District 10. Tarbagataisky and part of the Zaigraevsky district

Anatoly Kushnarev(ER), Chairman of the People's Khural Committee on Economic Policy, Use natural resources and protection environment - 53,01%

Elena Myasnikova (KPRF), head of the rural settlement "Shalutskoye" of the Tarbagatai district - 22.09%

Burlakov Aleksey, Director of Housing and Public Utilities Onokhoy LLC - 10.18%

Dmitry Dolgov (LDPR), unemployed, deputy of the Council of Deputies of the Ministry of Defense JV "Shalutskoye" - 5.35%

Agildin Alexander (Fair Russia), individual entrepreneur - 4.8%

District 11. Mukhorshibirsky district

Pyotr Noskov(ER), adviser to the head of Buryatia, ex-deputy chairman of the government - 36.88%

Zonduev Bair, director of Universalenergostroy LLC, deputy of the Council of Deputies of the Mukhorshibirsky district - 36.7%

Kalashnikov Vladimir (KPRF), retired. Graduated from the Novosibirsk Higher Party School in 1986 - 17.08%

Rusin Pavel (LDPR), engineer of the Buryat branch of the Federal State budget institution Roslesinforg - 4.49%

District 12. Bichursky district

Saveliev Alexander(ER), General Director of Bichursky Butter Plant LLC - 62.09%

Gasanova Olga (KPRF), teacher primary school Bichurskaya high school № 4 - 21,18%

Afanasiev Alexey, engineer for labor protection and fire safety of Bichursky Butter Plant LLC - 10.67%

District 13. Part of the Oktyabrsky district of Ulan-Ude (including Sosnovy Bor and Zvezdny)

Larisa Krutiyan(ER), executive director of Buryatmyasprom LLC, deputy of the People's Khural of the fifth convocation - 40.59%

Ikhiritov Alexey (KPRF), Deputy Head of the Production and Technical Department of Spetsavtotekhnika LLC - 26.22%

Tatyana Berlina (LDPR), retired, deputy of the People's Khural of the fifth convocation - 14.21%

Kushnareva Irina (A Just Russia), Deputy Director of a private educational educational institution"Educational and Methodological Center "Triada" - 12.43%

District 14. Part of the Oktyabrsky district

Tsyrenov Bair(KPRF), master of the railway section of JSC Rosich, deputy of the People's Khural of the fifth convocation - 37.46%

Sergey Buzhinaev (ER), General Director of Ilyinskaya Sloboda LLC, deputy of the People's Khural of the fifth convocation - 36.16%

Dimova Ekaterina (LDPR), temporarily unemployed. Graduated from ESSTU in 2009 - 8.5%

Zhanaev Alexey (Fair Russia), temporarily unemployed. Graduated from Belarusian State University in 2008 - 6.6%

Egorov Denis, General Director of Diamand LLC - 5%

Adalibishiev Tsyren, individual entrepreneur - 1.2%

District 15. Part of the Oktyabrsky district

Matvey Badanov(ER), director of BIN LLC, deputy of the People's Khural of the fifth convocation - 51.15%

Krasovsky Leonty (KPRF), assistant to the deputy of the People's Khural of the fifth convocation Mikhailov Igor - 22.01%

Fazulzyanova Oksana (Fair Russia), junior nurse of the Buryat Republican Clinical Oncology Center - 13.15%

Berlin Sergey (LDPR), technician of the 1st category of the department of the telegraph and telephone center of the communications center of military unit 58147, communications center (army headquarters, Ulan-Ude) - 8.94%

Okrug 16

Tatyana Mantatova(ER), General Director of Arig Us TV and Radio Company LLC - 53.89%

Gomboeva Oyuna (KPRF), assistant to the deputy of the People's Khural of the fifth convocation Mikhailov Igor - 33.37%

Sapkinov Bair (Fair Russia), unemployed. Graduated from professional lyceum No. 7 in Ulan-Ude in 2006 - 7.38%

District 17. Part of the Oktyabrsky district

Vakhrameev Innokenty(KPRF), chief construction engineer of TECHSERVICE LLC - 47.04%

Bardanov Alexander (ER), head of Baikal Dalai LLC, deputy of the Ulan-Ude City Council - 32.37%

Puzyrkov Alexander (LDPR), system administrator of the Notary Chamber of Buryatia - 8.86%

Ivanov Anatoly (Civil Platform), retired, graduated from the Kemerovo Higher Military Command School of Communications in 1981 - 6.21%

Andrey Zybynov(ER), chairman of the board of TAN LLC, deputy of the People's Khural of the fifth convocation - 46.67%

Bagadaev Alexey (KPRF), individual entrepreneur - 33.72%

Basaev Sergey (Fair Russia), individual entrepreneur, journalist - 13.74%

District 19 (ulus Khoytobee, Ivolginsky district and part of the Soviet district of Ulan-Ude - Tulunzha, Soldatsky, Airport, Zarechny)

Igor Bobkov(ER), General Director of CJSC Avtobaza Buryatvodmelioratsiya - 43.79%

Irinchey Matkhanov (Fair Russia), Advisor to the General Director of Baikal Plaza LLC - 26.88%

Obogoev Dmitry (KPRF), temporarily unemployed, graduated from the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation in 2012 - 24.84%

Okrug 20

Stepanov Mikhail(ER), CEO of Buryatpromresurs LLC, deputy of the Ulan-Ude City Council - 39.44%

Aidaev Gennady, retired, former mayor of the city - 27.98%

Marina Tsyrenova (A Just Russia), Associate Professor of the Department of General and national history BSU - 11.76%

Danchinov Petr (KPRF), temporarily unemployed, graduated from the Buryat State pedagogical institute them. Dorji Banzarov in 1992 - 6.27%

Evgeny Buyanin (LDPR), Development Director of ULAN-UDE GAZETA LLC - 5.52%

Batodalai Bagdaev (Communist Party of Social Justice), General Director of ULAN-UDE NEWSPAPER LLC - 4.1%

Tsyrenov Nima, CEO of MV-Group LLC - 1.8%

District 21. Part of the Zheleznodorozhny District (including Shishkovka and Lysaya Gora)

Namsaraev Namsaray, leading correspondent of the Tivikom TV company - 28.5%

Sergey Drozdov (ER), Deputy Chairman of the People's Khural Committee on Budget, Taxes and Finance - 23.92%

Vyacheslav Cherninov (Labor Party of Russia), CEO of Ilalta LLC - 16.47%

Markov Vladimir (KPRF), retired, graduated from the Sverdlovsk Law Institute in 1972 - 15.15%

Vladimir Mikhailov (LDPR), Deputy Director of LEADER Security Agency LLC - 6.05%

Ivanov Grigory (Fair Russia), leading specialist of the security service for the branch "Buryatenergo" of the security department of the executive office - 4.19%

District 22. Part of the Zheleznodorozhny District

Tsyrenova Ekaterina(KPRF), retired deputy of the People's Khural of the fifth convocation - 40.31%

Irildeev Vyacheslav (ER), Deputy Chairman of the People's Khural - 37.84%

Korenev Anatoly (Fair Russia), pensioner - 14.55%

District 23. Part of the Zheleznodorozhny district (including Arshan and Oreshkova)

Tsybikov Bator(EP), Acting Head of the Department of "Administrative and Financial Law" of the Faculty of Law of the Institute of Economics and Law, deputy of the People's Khural of the fifth convocation - 47.63%

Malyshenko Viktor (KPRF), Deputy Chairman of the People's Khural Committee on state structure, local self-government, legality and issues public service - 34,43%

Tsyrenov Zorigto (Fair Russia), householder - 7.47%

Malyshenko Andrey, householder - 3.97%

Okrug 24

Mikhail Gergenov(ER), CEO of SEMYA+ LLC, deputy of the People's Khural of the fifth convocation - 66.49%

Bespalov Dmitry (Fair Russia), head of the perspective development department of Enkom LLC, deputy of the Ulan-Ude City Council - 14.35%

Chekhov Erdem (LDPR), pensioner - 13.25%

District 25. Part of the Zheleznodorozhny district (Vostochny village)

Igor Markovets(ER), director of sports school No. 18 "Golden Dragon", deputy of the People's Khural of the fifth convocation - 54.31%

Tkachev Vasily(KPRF), retired. Graduated from the Irkutsk Higher Military Aviation Engineering School of the Order of the Red Star. 50th anniversary of the Komsomol in 1980 - 23.05%

Kalashnikov Alexander (Fair Russia), CEO of Buryatenergoservis LLC, deputy of the Ulan-Ude City Council - 9.19%

Vlasov Nikita (LDPR), assistant locomotive driver - 8.41%

District 26. Part of the Zaigraevsky district

Yachmenev Viktor(Fair Russia), Director of Piloservis LLC - 45.94%

Stopichev Alexander (ER), Chairman of the People's Khural Committee on Social Policy - 38.52%

Valery Radov (LDPR), Deputy General Director of Nanohit LLC - 9.05%

District 27. Part of the Pribaikalsky District

Druzhinin Dmitry, director of "Ulan-Ude Energy Complex" - a branch of PJSC "TGC-14" - 36.56%

Mezenin Sergey (ER), Deputy Director for Security educational process, organizing interaction with social partners of the Republican Basic medical college named after E.R. Radnaeva, deputy of the People's Khural of the fifth convocation - 37.04%

Ivanchenko Eduard (Fair Russia), Deputy Head of the Security Service for Protection of Buryatmyasprom LLC - 17.78%

Popov Alexander (LDPR), security guard at Private Security Agency Zashchita LLC - 6.23%

Okrug 28. Part of Khorinsky, Kizhinginsky and Zaigraevsky districts

Bair Zhambalov(ER), Deputy Head of the Administration of the Head of Buryatia for Territorial Development - Chairman of the Committee for Territorial Development - 79.04%

Gennady Mashanov (KPRF), retired, graduated from Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky in 1979, deputy of the Council of Deputies of the Khorinsky district - 13.65%

Krasovsky Sergey (Communist Party of Social Justice), controller of RTS Titan LLC - 4.31%

District 29. Part of the Yeravninsky and Kizhinginsky districts

Dorzhiev Tsyren-Dashi(ER), Chairman of the People's Khural - 45.29%

Gurobazarov Bayan, Deputy Chairman of the People's Khural Committee on Economic Policy, Use of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection - 40.91%

Suvorov Dmitry, consultant of the Ministry of Economy of Buryatia - 10.09%

District 30. Barguzinsky district

Igor Zubarev(ER), Deputy Director for the implementation and development of services of the management apparatus of the branch of PJSC IDGC of Siberia - Buryatenergo, deputy of the People's Khural of the fifth convocation - 49.54%

Svetlana Garmaeva (Fair Russia), RITM Pharmacy LLC - 42.75%

Antonina Loskutnikova (Communist Party of Social Justice), individual entrepreneur - 3.19%

District 31. Bauntovsky and Kurumkansky districts

Garmaev Bair(Fair Russia), Deputy Chairman of the People's Khural Committee on Land Issues, Agrarian Policy and the Consumer Market - 44.77%

Khurkhesov Andrey (KPRF), General Director of Signal + LLC - 33.48%

Zandanov Balzhinima (ER), specialist in ensuring the activities of the district Council of Deputies of the Kurumkan district - 9.96%

Shagzhiev Vyacheslav, temporarily unemployed. Graduated from the East Siberian state institute crops in 1993 - 2.41%

District 32. Muisky and Severo-Baikalsky districts

Ludupova Evgeniya(EP), chief physician Republican Clinical Hospital named after Semashko - 46.75%

Egorov Innokenty, retired, deputy of the People's Khural of the fifth convocation, former first deputy chairman of the government of Buryatia - 26.31%

Strekalovsky Aleksey (KPRF), electrician of the 6th category of Rostelecom, deputy of the Council of Deputies of the Baikal Evenk JV of the third convocation - 13.98%

Golyuk Oleg (LDPR), head of the administration of the village of Nizhneangarsk - 8.4%

District 33. Severobaikalsk

Buholtseva Oksana(Fair Russia), director of secondary school No. 11, deputy of the People's Khural of the fifth convocation - 44.1%

Vitaliy Dambaev (KPRF), Deputy Director for Precious Metal Management and Preservation of Sininda-1 Mining Artel LLC - 25.2%

Andrey Mikhalev (ER), director of the Buryat republican multidisciplinary technical school innovative technologies - 22,45%

Friday, 07 February

13th lunar day with the element Fire. auspicious day for people born in the year of the Horse, Sheep, Monkey and Chicken. Today it is good to lay the foundation, build a house, dig the ground, start treatment, buy medicinal preparations, herbs, conduct matchmaking. Going on the road - to increase well-being. bad day for people born in the year of the Tiger and the Rabbit. It is not recommended to make new acquaintances, make friends, start teaching, get a job, hire a nurse, workers, buy livestock. Haircut- fortunately and success.

Saturday, 08 February

14th lunar day with the element Earth. auspicious day for people born in the year of the Cow, Tiger and Rabbit. Today is a good day to ask for advice, avoid dangerous situations, perform rituals to improve life and wealth, be promoted to a new position, buy livestock. bad day for people born in the Year of the Mouse and the Pig. It is not recommended to write essays, publish works on scientific activities, listen to teachings, lectures, start a business, get a job or help get a job, hire workers. Going on the road is a big trouble, as well as parting with loved ones. Haircut- to increase wealth and livestock.

Sunday, February 09

15th lunar day with the element Iron. Benevolent deeds and sinful deeds committed on this day will be multiplied a hundred times. Auspicious day for people born in the year of the Dragon. Today you can build a dugan, suburgan, lay the foundation of a house, build a house, start a business, study and comprehend science, open a bank deposit, sew and cut clothes, as well as for tough solutions to some issues. Not recommended move, change place of residence and work, bring a daughter-in-law, give a daughter as a bride, as well as hold funerals and commemorations. Going on the road is bad news. Haircut- to good luck, to favorable consequences.

23.28 As for the parties, at present the percentage of votes is distributed as follows: United Russia - 42%, Communist Party - 27%, Liberal Democratic Party - 11%, SR - 11%, CPSU - 5%.

23.20 Pre first electoral sensations. Nikolai Dasheev won in Tunka and Oka. Sergey Pashinsky is in the lead in the Dzhidinsky district. In the Kabansky district - Dmitry Shvetsov and Lilia Deeva. Anatoly Kushnarev became the first in the Tarbagatai region. Alexander Savelyev celebrates victory in Bichursky district. Igor Zubarev won the most votes in the Barguzinsky district. As expected, the city winners were: Larisa Krutiyan, Matvey Badanov and Tatiana Mantatova. Now sensations. Sergei Buzhinaev lost to the communist Bair Tsyrenov. Alexander Bardanov lost leadership to Innokenty Vakhrameev with the Communist Party. Igor Bobkov beat Irinchey Matkhanov, Mikhail Stepanov beat Gennady Aidaev, Namsarai Namsaraev beat Sergey Drozdov. Communist Ekaterina Tsyrenova turned out to be stronger than Vyacheslav Irildeev, and Yevgeny Ludupova - Innokenty Yegorov. As expected, the winners in the city were: Mikhail Gergenov, Bator Tsybikov, Igor Markovets.

22.10 Became known the results of the turnout at the time of closing of polling stations at 20.00. According to the Electoral Committee of Buryatia, 37.87% of voters took part in the elections on the single voting day, which is more than 261 thousand people. The best result in the republic was recorded in the Okinsky district (76.01%), the worst in Muisky (25.76%).

20.00 Polling stations in Buryatia were closed. The vote counting process begins.

19.34 The election commission of the Republic of Belarus published official data on turnout at 18.00. By this time, 33.9% of voters had voted on the territory of the republic. The largest percentage is still in the Okinsky district (64.4%), and the lowest in Muisky (22.19%). At the polling stations in the capital of Buryatia, the percentage of those who voted varies from 19.76 to 32.24.

19.00 There is exactly an hour left before the closing of polling stations in the territory of Buryatia.

18.55 Minister for Investments in the government of Buryatia Anton Vinogradov voted at his polling station.

For improving the quality and standard of living of people, creating new production, jobs, affordable and high-quality education and healthcare, introducing new technologies," he said on his Facebook page.

18.42 According to popular telegram channels, the turnout in Buryatia remains one of the highest in Siberian regions, at 18-00 it was 33.3%. The Republican Electoral Commission has not yet issued official figures for this time.

18.05 In Buryatia, the deputy head of the PEC was detained because of pre-filled ballots, reports. The deputy head of precinct election commission (PEC) No. 725 in Ulan-Ude was detained after PEC officers brought seven pre-filled ballots in favor of the United Russia party to the detention center, said Ella Pamfilova, head of the Russian CEC.

According to her, the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported that members of precinct commission No. 725 went to the temporary detention center to deliver seven pre-filled ballots there.

“After verification, it was found that all the ballots were filled out in favor of the United Russia party,” Pamfilova added. She stressed that the deputy head of the precinct commission was detained.

18.00 Only 2 hours left before the polls close.

17.23 You can watch online broadcasts from some polling stations in Buryatia through the service

On the site at school number 49

School №25

In the Republican Youth Library

School №31

School №57

School №42

School №64

Gymnasium №14

School №51

School №48

Trade and Economic College

Linguistic gymnasium №3

Palace of Children and Youth Creativity

16.47 The website of the Electoral Commission of Buryatia has new figures for the turnout at 15.00. The total number of voters who voted increased to 27.72%. Okinsky (56.98%) became the leader among the districts of the republic. He is followed by Yeravninsky (52.22%). Tunkinsky (43.22%), Kurumkansky (42.46%), Severo-Baikalsky (40.96%), Kizhinginsky (40.72%) regions scored over 40%. The lowest turnout was registered in the Muisky district (17.24%). In the capital of the republic, voting is noticeably worse than in the regions. In Ulan-Ude, only the 20% threshold was overcome.

16.19 Full list of election commissions of Buryatia (composition and contact details):

15.52 According to official data of the Electoral Commission of Buryatia, as of 15:00, 23.36% of voters had voted in the republic. Kurumkansky (42.46%) and Severo-Baikalsky (40.96%) regions have overcome the 40% mark. It is curious, but the data for the Okinsky district remained exactly the same as at 12.00 - 43.93%. And the turnout in the Yeravninsky district from 40.53% at noon at 15.00 became 39.97%.

15.39 The famous poet and director from Buryatia Yuri Botoev paid his civic duty in his home school No. 20 with mom and uncle.

15.16 State Duma deputy from Buryatia Aldar Damdinov made his choice at polling station No. 835.

Come to the polls and support your candidates,” he said on social networks.

15.11 The head of Russian Buddhists Pandito Khambo Lama Damba Ayusheev voted at a polling station in the village of Verkhnyaya Ivolga, Alla Namsaraeva, press secretary of the Ivolginsky datsan, reports.

14.56 As of 12:00 pm, 18.08% of voters had voted in Buryatia. The largest turnout was registered in Okinsky (43.93%) and Yeravninsky districts (40.53%). At the polling stations of Ulan-Ude, there is no particular excitement, the turnout ranges from 9.43% to 16.27%. Such data are provided by the Electoral Commission of Buryatia.

14.49 Yulia Zhambalova, Commissioner for Human Rights in Buryatia, fulfilled her civic duty. She announced this on her Facebook page.

14.41 For those who have not yet gone to the polls and do not know where the polling station is located, we publish a service that will help you find it:

14.36 The ATV television company publishes a video from polling station No. 723, where the head of the republic voted.

14.15 Mayor of Ulan-Ude Alexander Golkov voted at 8 am at a polling station located in the building of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy.

13.00 Units of the Department of the Russian Guard in the Republic of Buryatia, together with police officers, ensure law and order on the Day of the Unified Vote.

12.20 The head of Buryatia Alexei Tsydenov went to the polling station and voted. This is reported by the press service of the government of the republic:

"At the polling station in number 723 in the children's educational and health center "Rodnik" on Sunday morning, September 9, the Head of Buryatia Alexei Tsydenov and his wife Irina voted"

12.16 Voters help each other in overcoming barriers to wickets.

12.01 According to the data of the Buryat Electoral Commission, 65,000 people took part in the voting at 10:00, which is about 9.5 percent of the total number of voters. Recall that a total of 711,529 voters are registered in Buryatia.

12.00 At the polling stations, they took care of the index signs so that voters do not stray and equipped booths for people with disabilities.

11.45 Voting in the Buryat Republican Information and Economic College. All is calm in the area. Recall that BRIET belongs to the 17th constituency, in which the following candidates were nominated: Innokenty Vakhrameev, Anatoly Ivanov, Alexander Bardanov and Alexander Puzyrkov.

11.15 Traditionally, all kinds of baked goods are sold at polling stations. The average cost of treats is 20 rubles.

10.50 Ombudsman for Human Rights in Buryatia Yulia Zhambalova reports on her
