Elections in Russia were held with a record low turnout. Russian elections held at record low turnout Travel and filming bans, restrictions on work

More than 6,000 election campaigns ended on Sunday. Judging by preliminary results, there were no sensations: representatives of the ruling party won almost everywhere and with extremely low voter turnout.

First results

According to preliminary data from the Central Election Commission, in the regions (with the exception of Kaliningrad region and Karelia), where direct elections of governors were held, the current leaders are in the lead. For example, in Buryatia more than 87% of voters voted for Alexei Tsydenov, in the Tomsk region over 58% voted for Sergei Zhvachkin, in Sverdlovsk region for Evgeny Kuyvashev - more than 60%. Party list « United Russia"received 45.4% of the vote in the elections to the Sakhalin Regional Duma (in second place was the Communist Party of the Russian Federation with 16.3%), in the City Duma of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - almost 49% (here in second place is the Liberal Democratic Party with 20.6%), in the City Duma of Vladivostok - 39.5% (KPRF - 22%).

The highest voter turnout was recorded in Mordovia (71.2%), Saratov (52.4%) and Belgorod (47.5%) regions. In other regions it was below 40%. Outsiders among the "governor's" regions were Karelia (23.5%), Novgorod (24.8%), Kaliningrad (26.3%) and Kirov (27.2%) regions. In the elections to the city dumas of regional capitals, voter turnout was even lower, and the absolute anti-record of the day was set by Vladivostok - 12.7% (see table).

The turnout fits into the overall picture, somewhere it is even slightly higher than in the elections to the State Duma, notes the deputy secretary of the General Council of United Russia Yevgeny Revenko: “We say thank you to all voters. For the party, the elections are very important - this is a serious test of the attitude of voters a year after the federal elections.

Experts were also not surprised by the first results. “We will now hear a lot of words about the benefits of a natural low turnout and about the absence of significant violations,” political scientist Konstantin Kalachev ironically says. “It’s true that there are fewer violations, but the logic here is simple: less competition means fewer violations.” The trends are clear - the turnout in the elections of governors is higher than that of deputies, political scientist Andrei Kolyadin notes: “High voter turnout in Mordovia, Belgorod and Saratov regions is completely predictable. The [high] turnout in the Sverdlovsk region was unexpected for me.” Bombs and sensations have not happened yet, says political scientist Mikhail Vinogradov: “There were also traces of the desire of the center to avoid forcing a turnout, and traces of public passivity, and the failure of part of the headquarters. Most likely, the turnout in most territories will be recognized as natural – in line with the electoral traditions of the region and with the quality of the campaign.”

habitual violations

The CEC did not record critical violations that could affect the results of the vote, Maya Grishina, secretary of the commission, said: “There are many appeals that cannot be called complaints from the localities. Of the 318 complaints, more than half are about illegal campaigning on the day of silence. All these facts will be verified and recorded” (quote from Interfax).

Observers disagree. In the municipal elections in Barnaul, early voting amounted to 5.6% of the payroll, with an official turnout of about 20%, that is, every fourth voted early, says Golos coordinator Stanislav Andreychuk: “As a result, people came to the polling stations - and it turned out that that someone has already voted for them ahead of schedule.

According to Grigory Melkonyants, co-chairman of Golos, there were “flagrant stuffings” in the gubernatorial elections in Saratov region and in the elections of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory. The violations card of Golos also received complaints that in the Sverdlovsk region, together with ballots, they issued tickets for a “win-win lottery”. Holidays and lotteries were used as a testing tool to increase turnout, Melkonyants believes: “It was done very rudely, there is no normal assessment of such actions by law enforcement agencies and election commissions. After the elections, we will ask the CEC to give a legal assessment of such actions, because this loses the meaning of the elections - people go to them not for the sake of forming government bodies, but for the sake of prizes.”

The opposition parties also have a lot of complaints. Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov reiterated that he would insist on holding the elections "at a more favorable time", because now "many citizens are forced to work in their gardens and vegetable gardens in order to stock up on food for the winter." Socialist-Revolutionary leader Sergei Mironov singled out the large-scale early voting in Barnaul and fears of "mass falsifications" in the Krasnodar Territory, where the party sent about 900 representatives: "In case of violations, we will give a very harsh assessment of this administrative resource reserve and will not recognize the elections." Yaroslav Nilov (LDPR) said that the decreasing turnout from year to year "reduces confidence in the authorities and the institution of elections", and said that his party "is waiting for the second rounds in some gubernatorial elections."

Moscow specifics

The turnout in the municipal elections in Moscow at 18.00 was 12.01% (experts from the pro-Kremlin Foundation for the Development of Civil Society predicted it at the level of 10-15%). There was almost no information about these elections in the city, but the chairman of the Moscow City Electoral Committee, Valentin Gorbunov, said on Sunday that it was sufficient: “I think that in Moscow the only person who does not know about the elections is the one who did not want to know about them. They got the text messages, they got the newspapers, everyone got them.” “As informed, such a turnout,” Ella Pamfilova objected to him.

According to Gorbunov, no complaints were received on Sunday requiring intervention by the IPCC. However, former State Duma deputy Dmitry Gudkov, whose headquarters supported about 1,000 candidates, reported an abnormally large number of voters at home: “Compared to previous years, it is four times more.” Golos also called home-based voting the biggest problem in Moscow. The participation of social workers in the home-based voting of socially vulnerable groups of citizens is also a concern, says Melkonyants: “Apparently, they were emphasized, and with a low turnout, their votes can become decisive. Therefore, this technology is very significant in the municipal elections in Moscow.” Deputy Chairman of the CEC Nikolai Bulaev called these statements "speculation", while Gorbunov said that no complaints about voting at home had been received by the IPEC.

By the end of Saturday, about 60,000 applications for home voting had been submitted, Gorbunov said, and that figure is not final. In 2012, there were 158,000 homeworkers in Moscow, he added. March 2012 municipal elections in Moscow were combined with presidential ones. The turnout in the presidential elections in Moscow was then 58%.

At the same time, on the eve of the vote, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin dismissed Yury Nosenko, head of the Novo-Peredelkina council, and his first deputy, Svetlana Antonova, “for gross violations,” and also announced the replacement of all chairmen of the precinct electoral commissions in this area. The reason was a video posted on YouTube, in which Antonova hands envelopes to PEC representatives and instructs them to work with “supporters.” Antonova refused to answer questions from Vedomosti. In addition, the results of early voting in the Airport district were annulled on Sunday, as the number of envelopes with early voting ballots exceeded the number of those who applied for early voting.

With such a turnout, it is enough to agitate and mobilize 450–500 people to win, Kalachev emphasizes, “but you had to earn it with your legs.” And the problem, in his opinion, was not in the drying up of the turnout: “The opposition was unable to pump up its agenda, to demonstrate a real unity of plans and actions. The main topic - if you want Sobyanin to have a real competitor in 2018, vote now - was never explained to people. And Sobyanin led his various columns. It's all very technical." According to Vinogradov, the level of turnout in Moscow is expected, no new risks have been created for the federal agenda, and “the rest will be forgotten”: “In the future, we can expect that the emphasis will be shifted from turnout to cleanliness - with an emphasis on new Moscow and a serious decrease in turnout at home ".

Considering that recently this topic has been discussed more and more often in the media and on the sidelines, then, following the saying “There is no smoke without fire”, the change of power in Russian Federation next year has every chance to be. Let's figure it out 2017 elections in Russia- empty talk or reality?

According to political scientists, one of the main reasons for postponing the elections is the deterioration of the situation and. Now the country is experiencing a trend of economic decline, difficulties in foreign and domestic policy, tension in the social sphere. All this can lead to the loss of the authority of the head of state and revolutionary events, up to a coup.

By the year 18, according to analysts, the situation in Russia will worsen even more and it will be much more difficult to keep the state of affairs under control. Undercover political games, behind-the-scenes intrigues and confrontations in the circles of power can come to the surface, provoke uncontrolled processes, and have dramatic consequences.

Considering the dynamics in which changes occur, and even not in better side, which is confirmed by analysts and statistics, it would be logical to hold elections earlier, in the first half of the seventeenth year. It is, of course, advisable for the incumbent president to leave or stay when he has high ratings and prestige in the country. Therefore, V. Putin, in order to retain control of the country, directly or indirectly, is interested in holding elections as soon as possible.

The September 2016 elections have already shown tangible changes in the social mood of society, a manifestation of political passivity and a kind of silent protest - 20 and 18% of those who did not vote, respectively, in Moscow and St. Petersburg. These data indicate the manifestation of distrust in the government and unwillingness to participate in dishonest games of power.

This attitude of citizens is caused by the deterioration of the socio-economic situation in the country, the decline in living standards and falling incomes, rising taxes, and a sense of military threat. These factors can contribute to the transition of the passive mood of people into an active one, or rather into an aggressive one, and by the end of next year, result in mass protests and destabilization of the situation throughout the country. Thus, the motives for postponing the elections in order to extend or transfer power legitimately are quite obvious.

The fact that the change of power will take place in 2017 is confirmed by another fact. Recently there was information that the Ministry of Finance of Russia laid in cash to organize and conduct presidential elections. If we analyze the expenses of the CEC by years, then the money is not allocated in advance, but only in the year in which they should be spent. This indicates that it is possible that the decision to postpone the elections has already been made, and they will be held in November 2017, and possibly even earlier, in the spring.

Who will take the place of Putin

On this moment The incumbent president has no competitors. And if Vladimir Vladimirovich goes to the polls, then there is no doubt about his victory. But Putin, in his own words, has not yet made a decision. It is possible that he will not want to continue leading the country. Back in 2012, at a meeting with journalists, Putin said that his plans do not include longevity in the presidency, this is not good for the country and for himself. If he has not changed his mind, then who is the potential winner in the presidential elections in Russia? The list of candidates is short.

  • Sergei Shoigu is a potential candidate with enough high level popularity with the people. The Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation has been working in the government since 1990 and is considered the second most influential among the officials surrounding the president.
  • Sergei Mironov said that "Fair Russia" will participate in the elections. Who is nominated as a candidate is not yet known. Although it is obvious that it will be Sergei Mironov himself.
  • They talk a lot about the governor of the Tula region, Alexei Dyumin, and they prophesy that he will become the president's successor. During his work in the FSO and the Ministry of Defense of Russia, Dyumin showed himself remarkably well and earned great prestige in the army. Alexey Gennadievich is young (44 years old) and full of energy. In addition, becoming a governor, Dyumin will gain experience and knowledge in the civil sphere.
  • Grigory Yavlinsky traditionally participates in elections. In September, at the congress of the Yabloko party, his candidacy was approved.
  • Vladimir Zhirinovsky personally expressed a desire to run for the Liberal Democratic Party.
  • Dmitry Medvedev and his government have strengthened their position over the past couple of years. So the current prime minister has a chance to become president again.

Will Putin run for president?

Regardless of what year the elections will be, many are concerned about the question of who will take the presidency, will Vladimir Putin stand as a candidate? At the moment, political scientists find it difficult to make predictions.

V. Putin in one of the interviews said that he did not intend to stay in the presidential chair for a long time, this was not good for the country or for himself. But time goes by and things change. So the main intrigue of 2017 is ahead.

presidential races

Elections are a burning topic not only for Russia. France is preparing for the eleventh time to elect a president. This event will take place on April 23, 2017. Back in 2014, three contenders for this post from the main parties of the country were identified, between which a competitive struggle will unfold. Incumbent French President Francois Hollande is participating in the race from the Socialist Party, the Republican Party will be represented by former head of state Nicolas Sarkozy, and the National Front is nominating party leader Marine Le Pen.

In Germany, the election of the chancellor is scheduled for August-September 2017. The main struggle for the head of state will be between representatives of the three parties. There is an opinion of experts that one of the leaders of the SPD, Sigmar Gabriel, has a great chance of winning. At the same time, people began to talk more and more about the growing ratings of the Alternative for Germany party. Will Angela Merkel stay in office? It is quite possible, since in the block of the West German parties CDU-CSU, thanks to the leader of the faction Volker Kauder, there is no opposition for Merkel. For the Germans, the chancellor-old-timer is quite an acceptable option.

Presidential elections in 2017 will also be held in Iran, Syria, and South Ossetia.

From Monday, March 30, 2020, restrictions on movement around the city are introduced in the capital (home self-isolation mode) for all residents of Moscow, regardless of age.

The corresponding Decree No. 34-UM dated March 29, 2020 was signed by Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin on March 29, 2020. new document amends (supplements) the previously issued Decree No. 12-UM dated 05.03.2020

We tell what can and cannot be done in accordance with the new Decree.

Despite the introduced regime of self-isolation, in some cases it is still possible to leave the house. We list these cases below.

In what cases you can leave the house:
* In case of seeking emergency medical care.
* In the event of a threat to life or health.
* In case of going to the place of activity (work), the implementation of which is not prohibited. We previously wrote about
* For the purchase of products and goods - to the nearest store.
* In the case of walking pets - at a distance of no more than 100 meters from the place of residence.
* If necessary, take out the garbage - to the nearest place of accumulation of waste.

If you still need to leave the house, you should follow a number of rules.

How to behave on the street in public places and public transport:
* It is necessary to keep a distance (social distancing), that is, not to approach other citizens at a distance of less than one and a half meters, with the exception of taxi rides.
* Follow the instructions of the special markings for social distancing in the places where it is applied.

The Decree does not apply:
* in cases of medical assistance. help.
* per activity law enforcement and other bodies whose actions are aimed at ensuring the safety of citizens.
* for road traffic.
* for citizens who have been issued special permits.
* for cases of arrival and departure from the city.

Until what date will the self-isolation regime for all residents of Moscow, introduced from March 30, 2020, last:

In a published document There is no timeline for the end of the lockdown introduced from March 30, 2020.

This means that the timing of the lifting of the home self-isolation regime will be announced later, after the epidemiological situation improves in Moscow and the region, and the spread of coronavirus infection begins to decline.

In September 2017, a traditional single voting day will be held in Russia, during which the governors of some regions, mayors of cities and even two deputies of the State Duma, which began its work less than a year ago, will be re-elected. We figure out who and where we choose this time.

What date will the elections be in September

Elections different levels, which expect Russia in September, will take place on the so-called single voting day, which this time is scheduled for 10 September.

The practice of holding such single days appeared in Russia in 2004. Elections were previously held in different parts countries in their natural course, and almost every Sunday someone was re-elected somewhere. To optimize the election process and save money, the then head of the CEC, Alexander Veshnyakov, proposed an idea that is still used today.

Single voting day in September 2017: which regions elect the head

Unlike the general presidential or parliamentary elections in the country, the re-election of local authorities does not, of course, happen all at once, but as the powers of the people who hold elected positions expire. Whether due to the fact that the term of these powers is coming to an end, whether due to voluntary resignation from office, or even due to “forced” resignation, when a person is sent to jail by law enforcement agencies for something.

Let's start with the regions that will re-elect the main official - the local governor. Such elections will be held in the following 16 Russian regions:

  1. Belgorod region,
  2. Buryatia,
  3. Kaliningrad region,
  4. Karelia,
  5. Kirov region,
  6. Mari El Republic,
  7. Mordovia,
  8. Novgorod region,
  9. Perm region,
  10. Ryazan Oblast,
  11. Saratov region,
  12. Sverdlovsk region,
  13. Sevastopol,
  14. Tomsk region,
  15. Udmurtia,
  16. Yaroslavl region.

A curious moment of the 2017 gubernatorial elections is that only in one region - the Belgorod region - they are held due to the expiration of the full term of the incumbent governor.

For the last 24 years, the region has been headed by the "eternal" governor Yevgeny Savchenko, who was elected and re-elected under Yeltsin, and then under Putin. After the cancellation of the elections, he was appointed to the same position, and after their return, he was again re-elected. He hopes to take the main chair in the region for another five years Savchenko and this time.

With other regions, things are a little more complicated. In 11 regions, the governors went into "voluntary" resignation artificially, so that their re-elections would take place this September. The fictitious resignation is evidenced by the fact that they all successfully run again.

In two regions - the Kaliningrad region and Sevastopol - local heads were appointed by the president to the posts of plenipotentiaries of various districts, which vacated these seats.

Finally, criminal cases were opened against the heads of Udmurtia and the Kirov regions, and they were dismissed with the wording "due to loss of confidence."

The most scandalous after the Udmurt and Kirov elections, where the governors were deprived of their liberty, are, of course, the elections of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region.

Yekaterinburg Mayor Yevgeny Roizman was going to run for the highest post in the region. community service. Roizman has authority and popularity in the region, which, we are not afraid to say, are much more than the popularity and authority of the current governor Kuyvashev. But, since Roizman is a non-systemic and uncomfortable person, he was not registered on formal grounds, being used against an unconditionally popular and famous politician the so-called municipal filter, ostensibly conceived to filter out unknown eccentrics who decided to simply light up in the elections.

Roizman urged his voters to boycott such elections, but it is clear that this tactic will in no way prevent Kuivashev from being re-elected, if only because the minimum turnout was canceled a long time ago, and any elections will be recognized as valid.

By the way, in one more region - the Republic of Adygea - the head will also be replaced, but he will be re-elected by the local parliament - Khase. Such is the legislation in this Russian subject, where the people are not trusted to choose the main person of the republic.

Which regions will hold elections to the local parliament on September 10

In six Russian regions will be selected new composition local parliaments. The term of office of parliaments is the same as that of all governors - five years. So, elections to the regional parliament are expected in:

  1. Krasnodar Territory,
  2. Penza region,
  3. Saratov region,
  4. Sakhalin region,
  5. North Ossetia - Alania,
  6. Udmurtia.

AT 11 Russian cities- the capitals of the regions - the city parliament will be elected:

  1. Barnaul (Altai Territory),
  2. Vladivostok (Primorsky Territory),
  3. Gorno-Altaisk (Republic of Altai),
  4. Kirov (Kirov region),
  5. Kursk (Kursk region),
  6. Omsk (Omsk region),
  7. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (Kamchatsky Territory),
  8. Pskov (Pskov region),
  9. Tver (Tver region),
  10. Cherkessk (Karachay-Cherkessia),
  11. Yaroslavl (Yaroslavl region).

In about five thousand more cities that are not the capitals of the regions, elections of local heads and parliaments will also be held.

By-elections to the State Duma on September 10

Finally, by-elections of State Duma deputies will be held in two constituencies. In general, at the moment there are not enough three deputies in the Duma, and instead of 450 people, 447 people work there. But if the elections in two districts were predictable and were organized on time, then it is more difficult with by-elections alone.

The fact is that on June 17, a deputy from Saratov, the former mayor of this city, Oleg Grishchenko, died, and there was simply no time left to organize by-elections on September 10, so Saratov will elect a new deputy a little later.

But in the Bryansk (Bryansk single-mandate district) and Leningrad (Kingisepp single-mandate district) regions, such by-elections will take place. The reasons for the by-election are different. Former speaker of the State Duma Sergei Naryshkin, who was elected in the Leningrad region, was appointed to another position, heading the Service foreign intelligence. Bryansk deputy Vladimir Zhutenkov resigned voluntarily.

Thus, on September 10, 2017, largely technical elections will be held, devoid, by and large, of any intrigue. The example of the Sverdlovsk region, where a truly competitive rival of the incumbent governor was not allowed, is very indicative - elections in Russia are currently held in such a way that everything is under the control of the central government, remains predictable and obedient.

Lots of talk and nothing to say...

Report of the Governor of the region Evgeny Savchenko on the results of the activities of the Government of the region in 2016

Dear deputies of the Belgorod Regional Duma! Dear invitees! Dear friends!

Belgorod region entered the landmark, symbolic for our people year 2017 confidently, with a good start for the future, as evidenced by the final indicators of the development of the region in the past year and five months of this year. All statistical materials for 2016 were distributed to those present in the hall. They have been repeatedly published in the media and they say one thing: all social obligations to the residents of the region over the past year have been fulfilled, and most of the indicators economic development areas for the past year, in fact, exceeded the forecast.

But today, speaking with the annual report on the work done, I cannot fail to note in this historical context another fateful date: for 25 years we have been living in a new state - the Russian Federation. A responsible and important stage of constitutional construction has been passed and state structure new Russia. Together we have come a long way, overcame many obstacles, acquired, sometimes making mistakes, unique experience, and today the gigantic breakthrough that was made is obvious - a strong, sovereign, democratic world power, our Motherland - Russia, has revived from the post-perestroika chaos and disorder.

Therefore, summing up the results of the socio-economic development of the region over the past year, I want to deviate from the usual format and evaluate the significant contribution of the Belgorod region to the formation modern Russia over the past quarter of a century, and then, together with you, dear friends, determine the ways for the development of the Belgorod Region in the medium term, taking into account the upcoming five-year election cycle. This is what we're talking about today.

So, the modern image of the Belgorod region is strikingly different from what we had at the beginning of the journey. Today, our region is at the forefront of the socio-economic development of Russia in many respects, is famous for its record achievements in industry, agriculture, housing construction, development of the social sphere. And this is the great merit of our fellow countrymen, who did not give in to difficulties, did not complain about fate, but stubbornly went forward and selflessly achieved their goals.

Over the past quarter of a century, we have managed not only to preserve, but also to create a new framework for the regional economy, to provide a developed social, transport and engineering infrastructure. We did not allow the impoverishment of the people, but on the contrary, we created relatively decent conditions for the work and life of Belgorod residents. Hence the conclusion: the task of the authorities at all levels, and if you like, the mission of comprehensive development of the region and improving the quality of life of its inhabitants has been completed. How it looks in dry statistics, let's see.

Dynamics of development of our region for a quarter of a century. The population in 1990 was almost 1 million 400 thousand people. Over the past years, it has increased by 155 thousand. And as of January 1 of this year, the population of our region amounted to 1 million 553 thousand people.

The next indicator - the index of industrial production - increased in comparison with 1990 by 3.2 times (?).

The agricultural index over the years has increased by almost three times (?).

Entering housing. In 1990, the region commissioned 717 thousand square meters, last year 1 million 350 thousand square meters - almost twice as much. Including the commissioning of individual housing - earlier, individual housing construction was practically not encouraged at all, not only in our region, but in the whole country - last year the figure increased 20 times compared to 1990.

Important social indicators. Child mortality: in 1990 it was 14.7 per 1,000 births, last year - 6, decreased by 2.5 times.

The number of students in our five leading universities. In 1990 - 18.7 thousand people, last year - over 50 thousand people, increased by almost 3 times (?).

How has our intellectual potential, scientific. The number of doctors of sciences increased more than 6 times during this period.

And another very interesting indicator, please take it without any irony, is alcohol consumption. It is known that in the 90s the whole country consumed at least 11 liters per person per year. In 1996, 1 ​​Belgorod citizen consumed 8.26 liters of alcohol, in 2016 - 5.33 liters. Decrease in one and a half times. This is also, I think, a very important indicator, and here we occupy a leading position together with the republics of the North Caucasus.

On the other hand, how has the place of the Belgorod region changed among the regions in 25 years.

In terms of population in 1990, we occupied 39th place among the regions of the Russian Federation, over the past year we have risen by 10 points - 29th place.

In terms of gross regional product, economy. In the 1990s we were ranked 36th, last year we were 27th, up 9 points.

The volume of gross regional product per capita is the most important economic indicator. In 1998, we ranked 36th, last year - 17th, an increase of 19 points.

The volume of agricultural production in agricultural enterprises. In 1998 - 15th place, last year in 2nd place after the Krasnodar Territory, an increase of 13 points.

The turnover of small enterprises is an important indicator showing how small business is developing in our country. In the 1990s, we were in 49th place, now we are in 19th place. An increase of 30 points.

Retail trade turnover per capita. In the 1990s, we occupied 40th place, now we are already 27th, an increase of 13 points.

The unemployment rate is a very important social indicator. In the 90s, we were in 23rd place, last year we were in 7th, an increase of 16 points.

The next indicator is the population below the poverty line, according to which we ranked 18-20 in the 1990s, last year we were in 2nd place, that is, in fact, we have the least population below the poverty line relative to almost all regions of the Russian Federation.

And a couple more indicators that characterize the social dynamics of our region is the subsistence minimum. In the 1990s, we were in 24th place, last year we were in 2nd place, an increase of 22 points.

Average per capita cash income per month. In the 90s, we were 47th, now, last year, we are in 21st place among the regions of the Russian Federation.

As a final commentary on the statistics, I will say that according to the results of the rating of the quality of life of the population in the Russian regions, conducted by the RIA Rating agency, the Belgorod Region currently ranks 6th in the Russian Federation. Ahead of us are Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Moscow Region, the Republic of Tatarstan and the Krasnodar Territory.

And today, analyzing the path we have traveled, and most importantly, learning lessons for the future, I will allow myself to note the key strategic decisions of the regional authorities, the implementation of which allowed us to take the path of social stability and advanced economic growth in the nineties and zero years. Among these factors, I would like to highlight the following.

First. In the 90s, when the economic transformation was in full swing in the country, which led to the collapse of the economy and the impoverishment of people, the authorities of the region were faced with the task of how, on the one hand, to maintain the standard of living of people, and on the other hand, to preserve and strengthen their hope for tomorrow. In this regard, two projects were initiated: firstly, it is support for individual housing construction, and secondly, a decision was made to gasify the region by the method of public construction. In a few years, the Belgorod region, the first in the country, completed gasification and 2/3 of rural residents received "blue fuel".

The project to support the construction of one's own house also proved to be very successful, especially in the conditions of not monetary, but barter relations in the 90s. Individual housing construction received priority and resource support (initially, as you know, in rural areas, and then in regional centers and cities in our region). Over the years, more than 14.5 million square meters have been built in the region. meters of manor housing, which allowed almost 500 thousand people, or every third Belgorod citizen, to improve their living conditions or change their apartment to their own house, and this is our great social achievement. Moreover, already in the 2000s, we managed to switch to a new urban planning format for Russia - agglomerations. And no one has yet been able to repeat this experience of ours. Having implemented these two projects, people felt that they were not left to the mercy of fate.

The second factor. A dramatic situation in the 1990s developed in agriculture. The practically uncontrollable disintegration of collective forms of management brought almost the entire village and the villagers into a state of stupor. However, we were the first in the country to find a way out of this situation and boldly embarked on a radical reform of agriculture by organizing large vertically integrated structures. And today our agriculture is one of the most advanced in Russia, and we have no equal in terms of production per hectare of arable land.

Along with the industrialization of agriculture and the emergence of large enterprises in the region, a project to support rural entrepreneurs "Family Farms of Belogorye" has been initiated and is currently operating, which today unites over 5 thousand family enterprises. And this project has not so much economic as great social significance.

Of course, our extraordinary decision to buy up agricultural land into regional ownership also became the basis for success in agriculture. We bought almost half. Thus, we proved that it is not at all private ownership of land that leads to the prosperity of the village, but rather the opposite.

Third factor. All these years, the Regional Government has been building a favorable investment climate based on trust, transparency and maximum involvement of regional and district authorities in the implementation of investment projects of any format, as well as sharing risks with investors through the provision of guarantees, guarantees, etc.

And our efforts were not in vain: the region has never experienced a lack of investments, and in the National rating of the state of the investment climate in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Belgorod region took second place last year. Our credo - economic freedom for entrepreneurs with the maximum support of the authorities - will continue to determine the main vector of the region's economic development.

The fourth factor. We understood that the region could not be successful without an intellectual, scientific elite, modern universities and, above all, universities. That is why it was decided more than 20 years ago to organize the BelSU Development Fund. With the support of the whole area in place Pedagogical Institute a powerful State University, which soon entered the country's university elite and acquired the status of a national research university.

Other universities of the region are not far behind: for example, the Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law became the first in the country among non-state universities, and the Technological University has recently become a pivotal university that plays a key role in the development of an innovative economy. Significantly changed their external and internal appearance and became very prestigious universities Agricultural University. Gorin, Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Putilin, Regional Institute of Arts and Culture.

Fifth. The region's economy cannot develop sustainably without a well-established system for the reproduction of qualified blue-collar workers. That is why our region was the first in Russia to implement a project to create a Belgorod model vocational education, the essence of which lies in the deep integration of the interests of employers, colleges and students themselves. And we have achieved the main thing: studying in our technical schools has become attractive and prestigious for young people, and enterprises of the region receive well-trained personnel.

The sixth factor. Nothing influences the formation of the mood and consciousness of citizens as much as the state of the living environment. Realizing this, the Green Capital project was initiated, which is being successfully implemented at the present time. This project has many sub-projects: landscaping of public places, and continuous afforestation, and the laying of new parks and recreational areas. The project "Green Capital" appealed to all Belgorod residents. As there is no limit to the perfection of the environment, there will be no end to this project. It is our given, as it changes not only the environment, but also the souls of people for the better.

Not limited to the "Green Capital" project and realizing that for our region it is extremely important to preserve natural environment and ecological balance, which have been severely deformed over the past centuries and decades, especially with regard to soil fertility, the Concept of Basin Nature Management and the Program of Biologization of Agriculture have been developed in the region. The first years of their implementation gave an encouraging result: for the first time in the last few centuries, the degradation of our main wealth, black soil, has been suspended. This is an extremely important result for the present and future generations of the region's inhabitants.

Seventh factor. A special approach in the Belgorod region has also been developed in road construction. So, in the zero years, a program was implemented to equip the pavement of all streets in all settlements of the region. Tens of thousands of households have received paved roads thanks to this program. Their length was 9175 kilometers. This project received strong support from the residents of the region, and only those who lived in rural off-road conditions can truly appreciate its significance.

Eighth factor. In the years of radical changes that we have experienced, it was more important than ever to preserve the spiritual and moral code of society and not to lose the cultural values ​​of the people. I believe that we have successfully coped with this task. Hundreds of cultural institutions have been rebuilt and renovated - clubs, houses and palaces of culture, libraries, museums, theaters, philharmonic halls, new ones have appeared and hundreds of creative teams have been revived. The museum-reserve "Prokhorovskoye Pole" has become a spiritual, historical and cultural mecca of national importance. Hundreds of churches have been restored and rebuilt during this time, and we are grateful to the Russian Orthodox Church for productive cooperation in the spiritual revival of the region. The fruits of our efforts are reflected in the ranking of regions in terms of spiritual and moral state, where our region took 1st place in the Central Federal District.

Ninth factor. Along with the development of culture in the region, great attention has always been paid to education, health care, social protection, support for the elderly, the disabled, children, as well as support for physical education and sports, including high performance sports. Svetlana Khorkina, Fedor Emelianenko, the Belogorye volleyball club have become the pride of all residents of the region.

Tenth. An innovative approach was also demonstrated in the organization of management in all government bodies. We were the first in the country to make a historic transition from the old, situational management to a new project management model. It, in combination with the transition to an electronic format for the provision of public services to residents of the region through the MFC on the principle of "one window", not only increases the efficiency of state and municipal government, but also builds a new client-oriented type of relationship between government and citizens.

I have listed, dear friends, the main, but far from complete list key areas of our joint work, which made it possible to transfer the region to a new, modern, competitive paradigm of socio-economic development…..etc. and so on.

