Zhirinovsky in the sauna. Blue, red and poutine

APN publishes a "letter from Count Novak" distributed by the communists in the State Duma, which describes in detail the monstrous orgies with young men and girls, which the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party allegedly perpetrates

Lev Sigal

The published document cannot but cause everyone normal person great feeling of disgust. It cannot be ruled out that all this is a monstrous slander against the LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky, a fake concocted by his political opponents.

The only fact is that the "letter from Count Novak" is widely distributed within the walls State Duma. We are convinced that our readers have every right to know everything that is brought to the attention of statesmen and people's deputies.

APN will conduct its journalistic investigation, the results of which will be published on our website on-line. In the meantime, we reproduce the "letter from Count Novak V.I." addressed to the State Duma deputy from the Communist Party Vladimir Volkov, completely, preserving its style, spelling and punctuation.


I, Novak Valentina Ivanovna, got into the following situation:

In March, on the 18th of this year, my mother Novik Galina Sergeevna called me in the Tyumen region, Nizhnyaya Tavda district, where I live with my sister Averina Elena Ivanovna and her three children and work there as a nurse in the hospital.

Mom told me the following: that she had agreed with the LDPR deputy Zhirinovsky V.V. He promised to help me with a job and a high salary, as I can help my widowed sister (her husband drowned in August 1998), and he also promised to give 10 thousand rubles free of charge, as if to help orphaned children. Of course, my sister and I did not receive a salary for 3 months, this help would be tangible for her and her children.

On March 22, I arrived in Moscow and my mother and I came to the Duma. Zhirinovsky received us immediately upon his arrival at 16 o'clock. I naively believed in his decency, but I was mistaken. He called us to his office and asked all his assistants to leave at the same time, because. he spoke confidentially. Zhirinovsky asked what I can do? I said that I am a nurse. Then he said: “Well, if necessary, you will give birth to children for me. They say it's time for you, since you don't have a husband and children." I didn't take it seriously, I thought he was joking. And Zhirinovsky said to his mother: “So, tomorrow come for money and take it to eldest daughter, and this daughter will go to my house, where she will work and live, and I will take your passport from you (that is, from me) so that she does not run away from me, you never know, all of a sudden she doesn’t like me!” Again, my mother and I thought he was joking.

They took me right away. They took him to his house, and my mother to a friend. And his cottage is located “metro pr-t Vernadsky, st. Nezhinskaya, 14, cottage No. 8.

On the same day at 10 pm, he met me and another guy who came with me from the Duma at the invitation of Zhirinovsky (from the Smolensk region, the city of Yartsevo, his name is Alyosha, 18 years old without relatives, without relatives)

Zhirinovsky called me first. I went into his bedroom, he offered to sit on ... closer to him. Zhirinovsky said with an arrogant tone that he had already helped my relatives, gave 10,000 rubles, and so that I would not think that it was free, they say that such money is not given so easily. Zhirinovsky said that I should pay for this, sleep with him once a week and give him a massage, while he insistently began to hug and kiss me, and forcibly put me in the bathroom and forced me to take a shower, and then forcibly laid me in bed and mercilessly began rape me, from the current hopeless situation, I found myself in a hopeless situation. Still no one answered my cries. Zhirinovsky bit my ear hard and at the same time performed shameful copulation. Zhirinovsky then offered oral sex. I categorically refused, he finished the act, screaming like crazy, apparently from the pleasure he received. I was shaking and the urge to vomit, I could hardly keep it. Then he again put me in the bathroom and made sure that I washed myself thoroughly. Then I went down to the fireplace room, and Zhirinovsky called this guy with whom they brought me. Then they took me to another cottage and gave me a separate room. The next morning, this guy Alyosha told me terrible details: it turned out that Zhirinovsky was gay. He also sent this Alyosha to the bathroom to wash himself, and then Zhirinovsky was waiting for the guy on the bed in the nude, not at all embarrassed by his nakedness. He began to pester Alyosha, kiss, caress, gave him a long nightgown and ordered Alyosha to come to him naked: “You will be my Cherub,” said Zhirinovsky.

The first few days we were fed once a day in small quantities, and then they completely forgot to feed us. If Alyosha and I asked for food, then they gave us tea and two cookies or 2 pieces of small cheese and that was it. And we ate at Zhirinovsky's kitchen. From hunger, my stomach was very seething and my head ached, going down the stairs I felt severe dizziness. I lost 6 kilograms in 1 week at Zhirinovsky's. The attitude is terrible, the first week I did not leave the room, I was not allowed to call and was not given any work, I really wanted to eat and drink, I drank water from the tap.

Every day Zhirinovsky went to a gay club. The blue ones go there and brought 3-4 boys from there, sometimes 10 boys each. Every evening was not complete without them. None of the guards concealed that Zhirinovsky was blue. The guards also said that they were not paid enough and they didn’t even have enough for food and they had to starve. There, a 15-year-old girl from Rostov still worked for Zhirinovsky as a cleaner. She was brought here in December by a friend who promised that she would be well paid here, and as a result she could barely make ends meet and lived starving. For 3 months they did not let her go anywhere, referring to the fact that she did not have a passport.

After a week of staying at Zhirinovsky’s, my mother called and asked how I was, I replied that I wanted to eat, that they didn’t feed me well and, of course, I didn’t tell her what happened to me, I didn’t want to upset her.

On April 2 of this year at 11:00 pm Zhirinovsky called me again. Entering the house, I asked: “Where is the boss and what does he want?” His assistant Albert (also gay, he himself said) said that Zhirinovsky was in the sauna and that he wanted to talk to me.

I went down to the basement where the sauna and pool are located without a second thought. The picture that appeared before my eyes turned out to be a terrible tragedy, because I had never seen anything like it in my life. Having entered the pool, I saw in the pool 3 young young people aged 16-17-18 naked. Zhirinovsky was also naked in the pool. He hugged and kissed one of the guys, whose name was Sasha, and at the same time performed sexual intercourse with him right in the pool, while they obligated to moan with pleasure. Zhirinovsky, like an animal, did not hide even his base pleasures. Without looking up from his work, he told me to undress and share their “pleasant company” and go into the sauna. At the same time, one of the guys blocked my way so that I would not run away. I was undressed, and when I began to scream with shame, they threw a terry dressing gown at me and I huddled in the corner of the sauna. At the same time, Zhirinovsky told one of the guys to enter the sauna and open the door so that everyone could see how he would pester me and seek me. Then Zhirinovsky with all the naked guys went up to the bedroom. I got dressed and went up to the fireplace room. I wanted to go to bed, but Albert said it was too early. Then I was told to take 3 cups of tea and a glass of wine to the bedroom. There Zhirinovsky and the naked guys were still in bed. Zhirinovsky again tried to put me to bed, offering me to the guys. One of these guys at that time was taking Zhirinovsky's cock in his mouth, from which, according to the expression on the face of the “chief”, one could see pleasure. I hurried downstairs and went to my room.

The next day, I helped this 15-year-old girl clean up at Zhirinovsky's. In the bathroom, after such stormy nights, condoms and feces were everywhere.

He repeatedly molested this guy Alyosha. He complained to me every day that he had no one else to talk to. The guards mocked and humiliated him in every possible way. Then they gave him 200 rubles to eat separately. This money was enough for food for 1 week. He called me in April and asked for help. He said that he had nothing to eat. Zhirinovsky is still pestering him, or maybe he has already committed his base act, but Alyosha is silent about this. He seems to be very ashamed. I ask if you can help him. I was not allowed to go anywhere.

On April 5, my mother called there and told me to leave Zhirinovsky immediately. I quickly packed my things, since the guards were all at Zhirinovsky's cottage. I asked Alyosha not to tell anyone that I had left until the guards missed me. Bus 42 rarely runs there and I was afraid that they would return me back.

Alyosha walked me to the checkpoint and I got out and went to the bus stop. So I made my escape from hell. This morning, April 6, Zhirinovsky’s assistant called me and said that if I don’t return by 20 o’clock today, they will file an application at the place of residence that I had stolen all sorts of things from them for the “charitable amount” they had given me, or so that I return because I can’t see my passport. They want me to return and work for 10 months for these charitable 10 thousand.

But what is really unpleasant is that Zhirinovsky said at the first meeting that this money is help, that he kindly provides money to my nephews, but it turned out to be all a vile trick, if my mother left, I don’t know what else would happen to me I'm scared to think and scared to remember. I got into this situation out of stupid naivete, gullibility. This is how, in my sad experience, I realized what is hidden behind the political activities of Zhirinovsky V.V.: dirty deeds, debauchery, animal lust, humiliation of defenseless people who, on a whim, believe him.

After today's threats, I am very afraid for my life, because I was a witness to what I should not have seen. I sincerely believe in your decency and sincerely ask for help. Because I have no one else to help me.

What I wrote, I answer to God. Being of sound mind and sober memory. I don't want anyone to experience this. And once again I ask you to help this guy Alyosha. I don't want Zhirinovsky to make him blue. After all, he is young and not yet tempted by life, but for normal people this psychological trauma can become such an aversion to everything for life.

April 6, 1999 Novak Valentina Ivanovna
Year of birth 1975 January 20,
Place of residence: Tyumen region,
Settlement Nizhnyaya Tavda, Pervomayskaya st., 38

Vladimir Volfovich is accused of appreciating workers with little "merits"

To be honest, we don't really believe in all this. But on the other hand, there are not many reasons why the well-known blogger Lena MIRO can be accused of incompetence. She wrote the political investigation "Light blue doves of Zhirinovsky", where she accused the main liberal democrat of unnecessarily close patronage of young men. It is pointless to quote the text, so we suggest reading it in its entirety and deciding for yourself whether to believe all this or not.

In addition to the blue screen with Channel One, we have Duma. Look at the photo. This - Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky, leader of the LDPR. In the common people - Zhirik.

VerVolfych appeared out of nowhere in the first presidential elections in Russia and has not left the political scene for 25 years. Surely, it will only be carried forward with its feet.

You ask, what does Zhirinovsky have to do with it if I started talking about tolerance towards homosexuals in Russia? I'll explain now.

A little lower is a video from a gay club where Volfych came to campaign for himself back in the 90s. He did not disdain, did not turn up his nose, but naturally joined the company of non-naturals.

It was a bold move for a politician. Those who watched "Election Day 2" will understand. To merge publicly into a brothel - either boldly, or courageously, or clearly hinting at something to everyone!

In the next, rather famous video, no one paid attention to how Volfych was sitting for six minutes in a row in an embrace with two ruddy, ahem, well done. Or cabbage rolls, I'm not sure.

Well, indeed - they drink, and let them drink to themselves. Who will suspect a well-known politician of debauchery with boys? Moreover, Volfych is always so talkative that they listen to him more than look at whom his playful hands paw.

Wherever the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party goes, everywhere he is accompanied by sugary young men in huge numbers. The boys have bright faces, but their eyes are very unkind. Clearly sectarians or even worse. Squad of fighting comedians, not otherwise!

Almost every show with the participation of Zhirinovsky on television or on the street is accompanied by the constant presence of a support group - a purely male team aged 18 to 30 years.

The people naively believe that these are thugs and thugs, a gang, but in fact, if you look closely, they are all suspiciously slobbery, sugary and suspicious.

They don’t pull on fighters at all, you see.

I try not to take into account the "revelations" of the former, but often they tell the truth. About the role young guys play in the life of Volfych, the “slave of Zhirinovsky” told in her letter Valentina Novak, whom he kicked into his mansion in 1999, allegedly for the position of a servant.

However, Valentina's revelations are not proof. Well, women are fools, as Zhirinovsky says, what can we take from us? You never know what they can say to an honest person?

But Zhirinovsky himself is more outspoken than all his other enemies. Language is often a friend to him, but even more often - an enemy!

For example, in the video below, he reveals that the most active and reliable workers are those with small penises.

Well, it even sounds logical, but how did Zhirinovsky find out this secret?

To find out the size, the worker must be escorted to the bathhouse and see what he has hanging there, the leader of the parliamentary party believes. Further, VerVolfych confidently stipulates that the best statesmen and politicians are eunuchs or supporters of same-sex love.

So, Zhirinovsky made such conclusions over decades of political life.

I cannot doubt Zhirinovsky's words, but how did he know all this? Clearly experimental! Volfych personally inspects the baths, where he paws his retinue without hiding. This is his hobby. Or an experiment.

Party friendship is it or something else - you decide:

At the end of the video, if you watch it, Zhirinovsky looks, as he says, "into everyone's mouth", checking whether his comrades-in-arms have kept their working uniform.

Photo courtesy of

Apparently, the "mouths" of their wards are a sore subject for the elderly leader of the "Liberal Democrats". For example, at a culinary fair, he is again accompanied by a retinue in which there is not a single girl. And why are they - vile mares! - when Zhirik feeds guys with salted watermelon, gently thrusting it into them - you guessed it! - in the mouth!

Everyone knows that against the backdrop of a common dislike, people crowd together. They drag each other to warm places, occupying entire industries. So Zhirinovsky dragged a boy into the deputies, who does not even know where the Moscow River flows.

No, you think Egorka Anisimov- deputy. For a million rubles a month he thinks about our welfare. Completely uneducated, but handsome!

Much worse is the situation with another member of the Liberal Democratic Party and Zhirik's possible successor. Acquaintance of the politician with Yaroslav Nilov happened when the boy was fifteen years old. Little Yarik wrote a letter to VerVolfych and invited him to visit him.

The parliamentarian has arrived, and why not, when schoolboys call for a visit? This is almost normal for today's tolerance. Who and what can think, the deputy frankly does not stick.

After communication, at the age of 16, Yaroslavka Nilov becomes an assistant to the deputy Zhirinovsky on a voluntary basis. 16 years old and already an assistant to the leader of the parliamentary faction!

For what merit? We look at the photo - this is a personal relationship.

From 2003 to 2007, Yarik Nilov worked hard for people or something else in the secretariat of Zhirinovsky, and from 2007 he headed it for 4 years.

In fact, Nilov is Zhirik's secretary, who looks at her boss with adoration.

Everyone knows what secretaries do with bosses. What unites Zhirinovsky and the boy Nilov, one can only guess.

The participation of Yaroslav Nilov in the election race for the elections to the State Duma is a catharsis, after which the topic of homosexuality can no longer be hushed up. With all the desire - everything is too sewn with white threads!

Unlike many party comrades-in-arms, Yaroslav did not dare to get married even for the sake of appearance and appearance!

Another possible successor to the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party is no worse. This - Mikhail Degtyarev inspecting the baths together with the chef.

Dyagterev was appointed to defend the honor of the Liberal Democratic Party in the last elections of the mayor of Moscow and during the campaign he repeated the opinion of his leader: "I will allow a gay parade, but at night and quietly."

Well, so that no one guessed who allowed it, apparently.

Another LDPR activist and assistant to the unfortunate boy Yarik Nilov - Ruslan Zakharkin. He coordinates the Moscow branch of the party, lies in a sleeping bag in the cold and dreams of Vladimir Volfovich.

What do we end up with?

In his old age, the inveterate conservative Zhirinovsky surrounded himself with devoted boys, with whom he was probably close. Not only ideological, but it is clear to everyone what else.

The politician appoints his sweet little protégés as deputies, puts them up for elections and names successors. The nomination of the boy-secretary Nilov for the elections to the State Duma, in my opinion, is a spit in the face of the very meaning of the existence of the parliament.

What laws will sweet boys take? In your opinion, does the Liberal Democratic Party have the right to sit in the Duma, and its boy-members to live at the expense of the state?

Yesterday, at the pre-election brawl at Solovyov's, Alla Borisovna Pugacheva reminded the completely unbridled Zhirik, who called her a prostitute, which, they say, is better with prostitutes than with boys in a bathhouse.

Finally someone brought up this slippery topic. The fact that Volfych turned his party and faction into a dovecote has long been known. At the same time, all cases related to his pranks with minors are hushed up (although several times, as far as I know, the cops covered Zhirik with minors).

Now at least Pugachikha has spoken. In principle, there is plenty of information on the network on this topic. Here is the TRP with the boys:

Moreover, in such a "relaxing" atmosphere, and after a few glasses, Zhirik, in his own way, finally turns into a shoemaker from Odessa Privoz. Well, or from Brighton Beach, as an option.

And here is the famous letter from citizen Novak:


I, Novak Valentina Ivanovna, got into the following situation:

In March, on the 18th of this year, my mother Novik Galina Sergeevna called me in the Tyumen region, Nizhnyaya Tavda district, where I live with my sister Averina Elena Ivanovna and her three children and work there as a nurse in the hospital.

Mom told me the following: that she had agreed with the LDPR deputy Zhirinovsky V.V. He promised to help me with a job and a high salary, as I can help my widowed sister (her husband drowned in August 1998), and he also promised to give 10 thousand rubles free of charge, as if to help orphaned children. Of course, my sister and I did not receive a salary for 3 months, this help would be tangible for her and her children.

On March 22, I arrived in Moscow and my mother and I came to the Duma. Zhirinovsky received us immediately upon his arrival at 16 o'clock. I naively believed in his decency, but I was mistaken. He called us to his office and asked all his assistants to leave at the same time, because. he spoke confidentially. Zhirinovsky asked what I can do? I said that I am a nurse. Then he said: “Well, if necessary, you will give birth to children for me. They say it's time for you, since you don't have a husband and children." I didn't take it seriously, I thought he was joking. And Zhirinovsky said to his mother: “So, tomorrow come for money and take it to your eldest daughter, and this daughter will go to my house, where she will work and live, and I will take your passport from you (i.e. from me) so that she didn’t run away from me, you never know, suddenly she doesn’t like me!” Again, my mother and I thought he was joking.

They took me right away. They took him to his house, and my mother to a friend. And his cottage is located “metro pr-t Vernadsky, st. Nezhinskaya, 14, cottage No. 8.

On the same day at 10 pm, he met me and another guy who came with me from the Duma at the invitation of Zhirinovsky (from the Smolensk region, the city of Yartsevo, his name is Alyosha, 18 years old without relatives, without relatives)

Zhirinovsky called me first. I went into his bedroom, he offered to sit on ... closer to him. Zhirinovsky with an arrogant tone said that he had already helped my relatives, gave 10 thousand rubles and so that I would not think that it was free, they say that such money is not given so easily. Zhirinovsky said that I should pay for this, sleep with him once a week and give him a massage, while he insistently began to hug and kiss me, and forcibly put me in the bathroom and forced me to take a shower, and then forcibly laid me in bed and mercilessly began rape me, from the current hopeless situation, I found myself in a hopeless situation. Still no one answered my cries. Zhirinovsky bit my ear hard and at the same time performed shameful copulation. Zhirinovsky then offered oral sex. I categorically refused, he finished the act, screaming like crazy, apparently from the pleasure he received. I was shaking and the urge to vomit, I could hardly keep it. Then he again put me in the bathroom and made sure that I washed myself thoroughly. Then I went down to the fireplace room, and Zhirinovsky called this guy with whom they brought me. Then they took me to another cottage and gave me a separate room. The next morning, this guy Alyosha told me terrible details: it turned out that Zhirinovsky was gay. He also sent this Alyosha to the bathroom to wash himself, and then Zhirinovsky was waiting for the guy on the bed in the nude, not at all embarrassed by his nakedness. He began to pester Alyosha, kiss, caress, gave him a long nightgown and ordered Alyosha to come to him naked: “You will be my Cherub,” said Zhirinovsky.

The first few days we were fed once a day in small quantities, and then they completely forgot to feed us. If Alyosha and I asked for food, then they gave us tea and two cookies or 2 pieces of small cheese and that was it. And we ate at Zhirinovsky's kitchen. From hunger, my stomach was very seething and my head ached, going down the stairs I felt severe dizziness. I lost 6 kilograms in 1 week at Zhirinovsky's. The attitude is terrible, the first week I did not leave the room, I was not allowed to call and was not given any work, I really wanted to eat and drink, I drank water from the tap.

Every day Zhirinovsky went to a gay club. The blue ones go there and brought 3-4 boys from there, sometimes 10 boys each. Every evening was not complete without them. None of the guards concealed that Zhirinovsky was blue. The guards also said that they were paid little and they didn’t even have enough for food and they had to starve. There, a 15-year-old girl from Rostov still worked for Zhirinovsky as a cleaner. She was brought here in December by a friend who promised that she would be well paid here, and as a result she could barely make ends meet and lived starving. For 3 months they did not let her go anywhere, referring to the fact that she did not have a passport.

After a week of staying at Zhirinovsky’s, my mother called and asked how I was, I replied that I wanted to eat, that they didn’t feed me well and, of course, I didn’t tell her what happened to me, I didn’t want to upset her.

On April 2 of this year at 11:00 pm Zhirinovsky called me again. Entering the house, I asked: “Where is the boss and what does he want?” His assistant Albert (also gay, he himself said) said that Zhirinovsky was in the sauna and that he wanted to talk to me.

I went down to the basement where the sauna and pool are located without a second thought. The picture that appeared before my eyes turned out to be a terrible tragedy, because I had never seen anything like it in my life. Having entered the pool, I saw in the pool 3 young young people aged 16-17-18 naked. Zhirinovsky was also naked in the pool. He hugged and kissed one of the guys, whose name was Sasha, and at the same time performed sexual intercourse with him right in the pool, while they obligated to moan with pleasure. Zhirinovsky, like an animal, did not hide even his base pleasures. Without looking up from his work, he told me to undress and share their “pleasant company” and go into the sauna. At the same time, one of the guys blocked my way so that I would not run away. I was undressed, and when I began to scream with shame, they threw a terry dressing gown at me and I huddled in the corner of the sauna. At the same time, Zhirinovsky told one of the guys to enter the sauna and open the door so that everyone could see how he would pester me and seek me. Then Zhirinovsky with all the naked guys went up to the bedroom. I got dressed and went up to the fireplace room. I wanted to go to bed, but Albert said it was too early. Then I was told to take 3 cups of tea and a glass of wine to the bedroom. There Zhirinovsky and the naked guys were still in bed. Zhirinovsky again tried to put me to bed, offering me to the guys. One of these guys at that time was taking Zhirinovsky's cock in his mouth, from which, according to the expression on the face of the “chief”, one could see pleasure. I hurried downstairs and went to my room.

The next day, I helped this 15-year-old girl clean up at Zhirinovsky's. In the bathroom, after such stormy nights, condoms and feces were everywhere.

He repeatedly molested this guy Alyosha. He complained to me every day that he had no one else to talk to. The guards mocked and humiliated him in every possible way. Then they gave him 200 rubles to eat separately. This money was enough for food for 1 week. He called me in April and asked for help. He said that he had nothing to eat. Zhirinovsky is still pestering him, or maybe he has already committed his base act, but Alyosha is silent about this. He seems to be very ashamed. I ask if you can help him. I was not allowed to go anywhere.

On April 5, my mother called there and told me to leave Zhirinovsky immediately. I quickly packed my things, since the guards were all at Zhirinovsky's cottage. I asked Alyosha not to tell anyone that I had left until the guards missed me. Bus 42 rarely runs there and I was afraid that they would return me back.

Alyosha walked me to the checkpoint and I got out and went to the bus stop. So I made my escape from hell. This morning, April 6, Zhirinovsky’s assistant called me and said that if I don’t return by 20 o’clock today, they will file an application at the place of residence that I had stolen all sorts of things from them for the “charitable amount” they had given me, or so that I return because I can’t see my passport. They want me to return and work for 10 months for these charitable 10 thousand.

But what is really unpleasant is that Zhirinovsky said at the first meeting that this money is help, that he kindly provides money to my nephews, but it turned out to be all a vile trick, if my mother left, I don’t know what else would happen to me I'm scared to think and scared to remember. I got into this situation out of stupid naivete, gullibility. This is how, in my sad experience, I realized what is hidden behind the political activities of Zhirinovsky V.V.: dirty deeds, debauchery, animal lust, humiliation of defenseless people who, on a whim, believe him.

After today's threats, I am very afraid for my life, because I was a witness to what I should not have seen. I sincerely believe in your decency and sincerely ask for help. Because I have no one else to help me.

What I wrote, I answer to God. Being of sound mind and sober memory. I don't want anyone to experience this. And once again I ask you to help this guy Alyosha. I don't want Zhirinovsky to make him blue. After all, he is young and not yet tempted by life, but for normal people this psychological trauma can become such an aversion to everything for life.

April 6, 1999 Novak Valentina Ivanovna
Year of birth 1975 January 20,
Place of residence: Tyumen region,
Settlement Nizhnyaya Tavda, Pervomayskaya st., 38

Don't believe? I will prove to you now.

In addition to the blue screen with Channel One, we have Duma. Look at the photo. This is Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky, leader of the Liberal Democratic Party. In the common people - Zhirik.


VerVolfych appeared out of nowhere in the first presidential elections in Russia and has not left the political scene for 25 years. Surely, it will only be carried forward with its feet.

You ask, what does Zhirinovsky have to do with it if I started talking about tolerance towards homosexuals in Russia? I'll explain now.

A little lower is a video from a gay club where Volfych came to campaign for himself back in the 90s. He did not disdain, did not turn up his nose, but naturally joined the company of non-naturals:

It was a bold move for a politician. Those who watched Election Day 2 will understand. To merge publicly into a brothel - either boldly, or courageously, or clearly hinting at something to everyone!

In the next, rather famous video, no one paid attention to how Volfych was sitting for six minutes in a row in an embrace with two ruddy, ahem, well done. Or stuffed cabbage, I didn’t understand exactly:

Well, indeed - they drink, and let them drink for themselves. Who will suspect a well-known politician of debauchery with boys? Moreover, Volfych is always so talkative that they listen to him more than look at whom his playful hands paw.

Wherever the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party goes, everywhere he is accompanied by sugary young men in huge numbers. The boys have bright faces, but their eyes are very unkind. Clearly sectarians or even worse. Squad of fighting comedians, not otherwise!

Almost every show with the participation of Zhirinovsky on television or on the street is accompanied by the constant presence of a support group - a purely male team aged 18 to 30 years.

The people naively believe that these are thugs and thugs, a gang, but in fact, if you look closely, they are all suspiciously slobbery, sugary and suspicious.

They don’t pull on fighters at all, you see.

I try not to take into account the "revelations" of the former, but often they tell the truth. About the role young guys play in Volfych’s life, Valentina Novak, the “slave of Zhirinovsky”, told in her letter, whom he kicked into his mansion in 1999, allegedly for the position of a servant.

However, Valentina's revelations are not proof. Well, women are fools, as Zhirinovsky says, what can we take from us? You never know what they can say to an honest person?

But Zhirinovsky himself is more outspoken than all his other enemies. Language is often a friend to him, but even more often an enemy!

For example, in the video below, he says that the most active and reliable workers are those with a small penis.

Well, it even sounds logical, but how did Zhirinovsky find out this secret?

To find out the size, the worker must be escorted to the bathhouse and see what he has hanging there, the leader of the parliamentary party believes. Further, VerVolfych confidently stipulates that the best statesmen and politicians are eunuchs or supporters of same-sex love.

So, Zhirinovsky made such conclusions over decades of political life.

I cannot doubt Zhirinovsky's words, but how did he know all this? Clearly experimental! Volfych personally inspects the baths, where he paws his retinue without hiding. This is his hobby. Or an experiment.

Party friendship or something else - you decide:

At the end of the video, if you watch it, Zhirinovsky looks, as he says, "into everyone's mouth", checking whether his comrades-in-arms have kept their working uniform.

Apparently, the "mouths" of their wards are a sore subject for the elderly leader of the "Liberal Democrats". For example, at a culinary fair, he is again accompanied by a retinue in which there is not a single girl. And why are they - vile mares! - when Zhirik feeds guys with salted watermelon, gently thrusting it into them - you guessed it! - in the mouth!

Everyone knows that against the backdrop of a common dislike, people crowd together. They drag each other to warm places, occupying entire industries. So Zhirinovsky dragged a boy into the deputies, who does not even know where the Moscow River flows.

No, you think about it, Yegorka Anisimov is a deputy. For a million rubles a month he thinks about our welfare. Completely uneducated, but handsome!

Much worse is the situation with another member of the Liberal Democratic Party and Zhirik's possible successor. The acquaintance of the politician with Yaroslav Nilov happened when the boy was fifteen years old. Little Yarik wrote a letter to VerVolfych and invited him to visit him.

The parliamentarian has arrived, and why not, when schoolboys call for a visit? This is almost normal for today's tolerance. Who and what can think, the deputy frankly does not stick.

After communication, at the age of 16, Yaroslavka Nilov becomes an assistant to the deputy Zhirinovsky on a voluntary basis. 16 years old and already an assistant to the leader of the parliamentary faction!

For what merit? We look at the photo - this is a personal attitude:

Photo: social networks

From 2003 to 2007, Yarik Nilov worked hard for people or something else in the secretariat of Zhirinovsky, and from 2007 he headed it for 4 years.

In fact, Nilov is Zhirik's secretary, who looks at her boss with adoration.

Photo: social networks

Everyone knows what secretaries do with bosses. What unites Zhirinovsky and the boy Nilov, one can only guess.

The participation of Yaroslav Nilov in the election race for the elections to the State Duma is a catharsis, after which the topic of pedophilia and homosexuality can no longer be hushed up. With all the desire - everything is too sewn with white threads!

Unlike many party comrades-in-arms, Yaroslav did not dare to get married even for the sake of appearance and appearance!

Another possible successor to the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party is no worse. This is Mikhail Degtyarev, inspecting the baths together with the chef.

Photo: social networks

Dyagterev was appointed to defend the honor of the Liberal Democratic Party in the last elections of the mayor of Moscow and during the campaign he repeated the opinion of his leader: "I will allow a gay parade, but at night and quietly."

Well, so that no one guessed who allowed it, apparently.

Another LDPR activist and assistant to the unfortunate boy Yarik Nilov is Ruslan Zakharkin. He coordinates the Moscow branch of the party, lies in a sleeping bag in the cold and dreams of Vladimir Volfovich:

Photo: social networks

Of course, I don’t have iron evidence of his homosexuality, so I just offer his photo for you to see:

Photo: social networks

What do we end up with?

In his old age, the inveterate conservative Zhirinovsky surrounded himself with devoted boys, with whom he was probably close. Not only ideological, but it is clear to everyone what else.

The politician appoints his sweet little protégés as deputies, puts them up for elections and names successors. The nomination of the boy-secretary Nilov for the elections to the State Duma, in my opinion, is a spit in the face of the very meaning of the existence of the parliament.

What laws will sweet boys take? Zhirinovsky has already called for the resolution of the gay parade. The Liberal Democratic Party, when adopting a law banning propaganda of homosexuality among minors, kept silent, saying that the very discussion on this topic is propaganda.

In your opinion, does the Liberal Democratic Party have the right to sit in the Duma, and its boy-members to live at the expense of the state?
