Projects on physical culture in kindergarten. Pedagogical project on physical development in the senior group "For health in kindergarten"

Program content:

  • To form in children the need for systematic physical exercises;
  • To ensure the comprehensive and harmonious development of the physical qualities of preschoolers.
  • Introduce children to a healthy lifestyle.
  • Develop vital motor skills and abilities.
  • To promote health, development of will, purposefulness.
  • Make elementary knowledge about their body, roles exercise in his life, ways of strengthening his own health.
  • To educate the aesthetic needs of the child's personality.

Summary project:

In the process of working on the project, children's ideas about physical education and sports are formed and expanded, positive qualities are brought up, their own potentialities, given to them from birth, are manifested.

The final stage:

Leisure activities in physical education, including the presentation of the results of the joint work of children and parents (wall newspapers, albums), an exhibition of drawings of children and parents.


  • Physical Culture;
  • child and the world;
  • speech development;


Senior preschool age 6-7 years

Parents (legal representatives)


Approximate duration of the project: 7 months.

Project basis

Educational standards:

  • Physical Culture;
  • speech development;
  • the child and the environment;
  • visual activity.

Physical culture: to form in children the need for daily motor activity, to develop psycho physical qualities, cultivate endurance, perseverance, determination, initiative, independence, creativity, imagination, maintain interest in physical education and sports, individual achievements in the field of sports.

Speech development: to teach children - future schoolchildren - to show initiative and curiosity in order to gain new knowledge, to accustom them to independence of answers and judgments.

The child and the world around: to expand and deepen children's knowledge about sports; to form at an accessible level the necessary knowledge in the field of hygiene, medicine, physical culture; to cultivate respect for the famous Russian athletes, a sense of pride in their high sporting achievements.

Visual activity: to form a steady interest in visual activity; to teach the active and creative application of the learned image methods in drawing, modeling; develop the ability to display impressions of sports events and entertainment in their drawings.

Expected learning outcomes.

  • instilling in children the need to perform physical exercises, the development of physical qualities that guarantee comprehensive development (dexterity, courage, endurance), the desire to engage in sports sections;
  • development of the student's personality creativity the ability to interact with other people;
  • education of moral and patriotic feelings, social responsibility (the ability to act in the interests of a large community);
  • mastering the system of integrated knowledge and skills;

Before starting work on the project, a survey of parents (legal representatives) is conducted in order to obtain information about physical fitness family members, about the attitude to physical culture and sports.

During the project implementation, thematic classes, sports holidays and entertainment are held. Folders-movers are put up to help parents, consultations are given, homework for children and parents on sports topics: collecting material for the publication of a group wall newspaper, a photo album, compiling stories about athletes, sports, the benefits of physical exercise. Communication with children in their free time: conversations, games, relay races.

At the end of the project, the following will be organized:

  • a holiday for children and parents "Dad, mom, I am a sports family";
  • exhibition of children's drawings, crafts, non-traditional sports equipment;
  • excursion to the sports school;
  • meeting with coaches of sports sections (football, volleyball, boxing).

Materials and resources needed for the project.

Technologies - equipment: sports equipment, camera, tape recorder, computer, scanner, printer, video camera, TV, multimedia.

Technologies - software: image processing programs; electronic encyclopedias.

Distribution of functions of project participants.

Group tutor

Self-education (accumulation of knowledge about the Olympic history, great athletes, the directed action of physical exercises on different muscle groups). Development of abstracts of classes, conversations, holidays and their holding. Diagnosis of the level of physical fitness of children. Selection of literature, illustrations on the topic. Learning poems, songs, dances.


Physical education classes, training walks, excursions. Participation in holidays, leisure activities, relay races. Visiting competitions, sports sections. Artistic activity: drawing, modeling on this topic. Learning poems, dances, songs.


Participation in the collection of information. Design of a wall newspaper, photo album, stand. Visiting sports sections with children. Participation in holidays, entertainment. Production of non-standard physical culture equipment

Stage 1 - the accumulation of knowledge.

1. Consideration of illustrations, magazines, photographs of sports topics.

2. Conversations about the history of the Olympic Movement, the health benefits of exercise, and great athletes.

— « Olympic Games! What is it?” - expand children's knowledge about sports; Learn about the history of the Olympic Games.

- “Why do we move” - give an idea about the musculoskeletal system (muscles); develop general endurance; nurture the desire to exercise independently.

- "We firmly believe in the heroes of sports" - to introduce children to the great Russian athletes, to cultivate respect for them, a sense of pride in their homeland.

3. Classes:

— "Rainbow of Health"

Why do we need muscles

- Fun training

“To be strong and agile, we all need training”

4. Excursion to the Children's and Youth Sports School.

5. Meeting with a volleyball coach (conversation, display of medals, photo album).

6. Visiting the boxing section.

7. Riddles on a sports theme.

Stage 2 - practical.

1. "Autumn sports and athletics" - competitions between the preparatory groups of the kindergarten.

2. "Health is great!" - sports contest for preschoolers among kindergartens of the municipality.

3. Drawing. “We are with sports on“ you ”.

4. Modeling. "One, two, three, freeze the athletic figure."

5. “Come on, moms!” - physical education entertainment with the participation of parents.

6. Games - competitions: "Hit the target", "Who is faster", "The most dexterous".

7. Relay races (with and without subjects).

8. Sports games with elements of football, volleyball, tennis.

9. Role-playing game. "Border guards", "Cosmonauts" - to contribute to the military-patriotic training of preschoolers; cultivate courage, endurance; improve physical fitness.

10. Morning cross (daily).

11. Winter sports festival.

12. “We are strong, dexterous, courageous” - a sports festival with the participation of parents.

13. Memorizing a poem by L. Sivacheva "Many little athletes ...".

14. Learning the song of Yu. Slonov “Physical education-hooray!”.

15. Learning dances (with ribbons, with pompons).

Stage 3 is the final one.

1. Physical entertainment "Dad, mom, I am a sports family!".

2. Listening to mini-reports of children.

3. Design of the wall newspaper "We are with the sport on" you "!".

4. Exhibition of drawings on a sports theme (co-creation of children and parents).

5. Demonstration of a photo album.

6. Presentation of Diplomas (according to nominations) and medallions with the image of the Olympic symbol.

Used Books.

  • "The program of education and training in kindergarten" edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova.
  • "Entertaining physical education in kindergarten" K.K. Utrobina.
  • "Physical training, games and exercises for a walk" V.G. Frolov.
  • “Develop dexterity, strength, endurance in preschoolers” E.N. Vavilova.
  • "Physical education of preschoolers" (workshop) V.N.Shebeko, N.N.Ermak, V.A.Shishkina.
  • "What kind of physical education does a preschooler need" V.A. Shishkina, M.V. Mashchenko.
  • "Methods of physical education of children preschool age» L.D.Glazyrina, V.A.Ovsyankin.
  • "Physical culture - for preschoolers" L.D. Glazyrina.
  • "SAFI - DANCE" (dance and game gymnastics for children) Zh.E.Firileva, E.G.Saykina.
  • “We want to be healthy” (health and cognitive activities for children preparatory group kindergarten) M.Yu. Kartushina.

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Pedagogical project
"Healthy kids are happy kids!"


Project type: Physical culture and health.

Project type: creative, practice-oriented.

Project implementation: Long term.

2013 - 2014 academic year (September - May).

Project participants: children of the senior group, parents, physical education instructor, music director, senior educator, nurse, educators.

Today, the changes taking place in society and in education place new demands on the nature and quality of relations between the preschool institution and the family. The Law "On Education of the Russian Federation" states that preschool education is becoming independent level education and will be regulated by federal state educational standards. A special role is given to the family and it is emphasized that it is the parents who are the first teachers of their children, and a preschool institution is being created to help them. Preserving and strengthening the health of preschool children is one of the the most pressing problems our time. In the federal state standard preschool education the educational area "Physical development" was singled out, the content of which is aimed at achieving the goals of forming children's interest and value attitude to physical education, harmonious physical development through the solution of the following specific tasks:

– development of physical qualities (speed, strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination);

– accumulation and enrichment of motor experience of children (mastery of basic movements);

– the formation of the pupils' need for physical activity and physical improvement.

Solving these problems, teachers of a preschool educational institution not only strive to ensure that there are no diseases in children, but that children develop complete physical and emotional well-being in harmony.

At present, the state of children's health in our country is a matter of serious public concern. According to the Scientific Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the SCED RAMS, in Russia 60% of children aged 3 to 7 years old have functional deviations in their state of health, and only 10% of children come to school absolutely healthy. Unfavorable environmental conditions lead to a weakening of the immune system, and, as a result, to an increase in colds and infections. IN educational institution, and at home, children spend most of their time in a static position (at the table, at the TV, computer, etc.). This increases the static load on certain muscle groups and causes them to fatigue. Decreased strength and performance skeletal muscles, which entails a violation of posture, curvature of the spine, flat feet. No less serious impact on the health and development of a preschool child has a deviation in the musculoskeletal system, which is the root cause of many diseases that are not amenable to drug treatment.

We can say that the fate of society depends on how well the work with children of preschool age and children of the "risk zone" is organized. Modern society the need to improve the health of children is recognized not only by means of medicine, but also by means of education.

Today, the attitude of the state to the family has changed, the family itself has become different. The focus of work on the full physical development and rehabilitation of children should be the family and kindergarten as two main social structures, which mainly determine the level of health of the child.

The Concept of Preschool Education emphasizes: “Family and kindergarten in a chronological series are connected by a form of continuity, which facilitates the continuity of the upbringing and education of children. However, a preschooler is not a relay race that the family passes into the hands of teachers. What is important here is not the principle of parallelism, but the principle of interpenetration of two social institutions. The most important condition succession is the establishment of a trusting business contact between the family and the kindergarten, during which the educational position of parents and teachers is corrected.

Everyone knows that even the best physical culture and health program will not be able to give full results if it is not implemented jointly with the family, if a child-adult community (children - parents - teachers) is not created in a preschool institution, which is characterized by assistance to each other, accounting opportunities and interests of each, his rights and obligations.

An important task of educating the younger generation has always been and remains the education of patriotism and citizenship, since this is the basis of the viability of any society and state, the continuity of generations. In the implementation of the task, a special place is given to tourism and local history activities, which allow the child, making thematic walks, excursions, hikes, to get to know their region, to study their small homeland, to learn the patriotic, labor, moral traditions of the people. In the course of tourism and local history activities, on campaigns, patriotic experiences and impulses are carried out with special force, leaving a deep imprint on the young soul. Such complex, strong feelings ripen gradually, they are strengthened and deepened by the attitude of parents to what surrounds a person.

In order to competently educate a child, it is necessary to unite the educational influences on him from all adults, take into account the age and individual characteristics of the child, and understand what he should know and be able to do at this age. But as practice and conducted Scientific research, parents often allow typical mistakes in the upbringing of children, experience certain difficulties. The task of a physical education instructor is to help parents in the physical education of their children. Strengthening and development of interaction between the kindergarten and the family provide favorable conditions for the life and upbringing of the child, the formation of the foundations of a full-fledged, harmonious personality. The main value of pedagogical culture is the child: his development, education, upbringing, social protection and support for his dignity and human rights.

The relevance of this topic is that all parents want to see their child healthy, strong, physically developed, loving his family, his homeland. Careful attitude to the world around us, to the family, to one's health should be started from preschool age. Most parents are well aware that for normal growth, good health and moral well-being needs movement. In our opinion, local history and tourist trips will contribute to this.

Maintaining a positive attitude towards an active lifestyle in children, and in the future the desire to maintain and strengthen their health are important components of family upbringing. The best way to introduce a child to a healthy lifestyle is to show by example how to relate to physical education and sports. If a child sees that parents enjoy healthy active leisure, they will definitely imitate them.

The best way to organize the interaction of a physical education instructor with parents is to create an effective system of cooperation. It is the parents who make up the first social environment of the child, they are the main educators, on whose position the development of the child largely depends.

Formulation of the problem

Currently, the main problem of preschool childhood is the poor physical development of children when they enter kindergarten. The general picture is as follows: children experience a "motor deficit", delayed age development speed, agility, coordination of movements, endurance, flexibility and strength. Children are overweight, postural disorders, as a result of which visually they have clumsiness, baggy, gesticulation and sluggish facial expressions, when walking they drag their legs behind them, they feel stiffness, insecurity, their head is lowered, there is no pride in their posture.

A survey of parents of children who attend kindergarten showed that parents have insufficient knowledge about how to improve the health of a child through hiking, physical exercises, hardening, and outdoor games. They often protect their kids from physical effort ("do not run, do not jump, do not climb, otherwise you will fall, sit"), even from healthy competition in outdoor games.

These indicators determined the relevance of the chosen topic, the purpose of which was to preserve and strengthen the health of older preschool children through tourist walks.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were defined for the project:

1. Create conditions for physical culture and recreation work in preschool educational institutions using non-traditional equipment.

2. To develop in children vital motor skills and abilities that contribute to emotional self-expression and emancipation of children in the process of hiking

3. To improve the conscious attitude of children to sports and recreational activities.

4. Enrich parent-child relationships during joint activities, while paying special attention to the preservation and strengthening of the physical health of older preschool children through hiking trips

Hypothesis: The physical qualities of children will be effectively developed, and health will be maintained and strengthened, provided that a system of work with children in physical education and health improvement of a physical education instructor together with parents of preschoolers is developed.

Research base: MKDOU "Kindergarten "Smile".

Organization of the environment:

  • a complete set of equipment for a gym and a sports ground: a gymnastic wall, a gymnastic corner, gymnastic benches and boards, cubes, hinged ladders and ropes, arches of different heights.
  • aids for conducting outdoor switchgear and ATS: gymnastic sticks, flags, handkerchiefs, ropes, cubes, sultans, stuffed balls, skittles, rings, rubber balls (of different sizes), massage balls, hoops (of different diameters).

Expected result:


  • enrichment of parent-child relations in joint physical culture activities;
  • increasing interest in the life of the kindergarten;
  • increase of physical culture and health literacy of parents.
  • decrease in the incidence rate;
  • increasing the level of physical fitness;
  • awareness of the need for physical education, sports and a healthy lifestyle.

Stages of project implementation:

  • Stage I - organizational;
  • Stage II - preparatory;
  • Stage III - main - practical;
  • IV stage - final.

Work on the project includes the activities of teachers, children and parents. It is distributed according to the stages of the project as follows.

Implementation stages Forms of work date
Organizational Identification of parents' requests in this area;

Analysis of literary sources, materials;

Analysis of the level of physical development and health of children;

Questioning of parents;

Identification of the level of knowledge of parents in the field of sports and recreation;

Selection of methodological literature, video cassettes, CD;

Goal setting and task formulation;

Creation of a draft model of interaction between a physical education instructor and parents to improve the efficiency of work on physical development and health improvement of children


1-2 weeks

2013 academic year

Preparatory Development of a calendar-thematic plan for working with children and a plan for working with parents;

Discussing the work plan with parents at the meeting;

Familiarization of parents with the organization of a health-saving and sports and recreational environment in kindergarten;

Organization of the parent club "Berry"

Drawing up plans for physical culture and health-improving work within the framework of project activities;

Development of abstracts of physical culture events;

Manufacture of necessary attributes and equipment


3-4 weeks

2013 academic year


Cooperative activity

physical education instructor and children as part of:

Organization directly organized educational activities, sports events;

Cooperative activity

physical education instructor with parents:

Organization of interaction between children and parents according to the project implementation plan;

Conducting entertainment, leisure, holidays, excursions, exhibitions of drawings, crafts, photo exhibitions;

Parent meetings, conversations, meetings, consultations with parents and educators;

Registration of poster information, folders of movements for parents, file cabinets;

The functioning of the parent club "Berry"


2013-2014 academic year


Analysis of physical culture and health-improving work with children and parents:

Final observation of the level of physical development and health of preschoolers;

Carrying out a survey of parents in order to determine the effectiveness of joint work;

Report on the results of the project at the final parent meeting;

Joint sports holiday "Children's Day":

Help parents in the preparation, organization and conduct of the holiday;

Parents showing the fairy tale "Naughty Dasha";

organization of an exhibition of joint parent-child creativity

April May

2014 academic year

Project implementation

Due to the prevailing economic reasons, employment at work, modern parents devote most of their time to issues of material support for the family, thus, the natural need of the child to move in the family, albeit unconsciously, is suppressed. And, having started to take a child to a preschool institution, parents often shift the responsibility for his physical education onto the shoulders of teachers.

Correctly educate healthy child is possible only when the uniform requirements of the kindergarten and the family are observed in matters of education, health improvement, daily routine, and development of motor skills.

Thus, further search effective ways preservation and promotion of the health of preschoolers should provide for an increase in the role of parents in improving the health of children, introducing them to a healthy lifestyle, and creating traditions of family physical education. An important place in solving these socially significant tasks is occupied by a kindergarten, which can act as a kind of center for promoting a healthy lifestyle, raising a family culture, shaping parents' knowledge, skills and abilities on various aspects of maintaining and strengthening the health of both children and adults.

The functions of parents in the organization of physical education of children:

The functions of parents in the organization of physical education of children can be grouped as follows:

  • creation of the necessary material and technical conditions for studying at home;
  • monitoring and facilitating children's compliance with the daily regimen, personal hygiene rules, hardening, morning exercises and homework;
  • direct participation in health days, sports activities, sports and music holidays, games, entertainment, walks, excursions, family team competitions.

Project implementation principles:

  • the principle of scientific character (reinforcement of all ongoing activities aimed at improving health with evidence-based and practically tested methods);
  • the principle of activity and consciousness (participation of the entire team of teachers and parents in the search for new, effective methods and purposeful activities to improve oneself and children);
  • the principle of complexity and integrativity (solution of health problems in the system of educational process all types of activities);
  • the principle of targeting and continuity (maintaining links between age categories, taking into account different levels of development and health status);
  • the principle of efficiency and guarantee (implementation of the rights of children to receive the necessary assistance and support, guarantee positive result regardless of the age and level of physical development of children);
  • the principle of the versatile development of the personality (activation of the mental activity of children, the creation of conditions in which the child himself is looking for a rational way to solve);
  • the principle of humanization (sports and recreation activities are based on comfort, taking into account the desires and moods of children);
  • the principle of individuality (ensuring a healthy lifestyle for each child, taking into account his health, interest, selection of optimal physical activity);
  • the principle of cyclicality and systematicity (gradual increase in load, as physical fitness);
  • health-improving principle (ensuring a rational general motor regimen, alternation of motor and cognitive activity of children in productive activities);
  • the principle of interconnection with the family (observance of uniform DOW requirements and families in the upbringing of a healthy child and involvement in health-saving and recreational activities and their evaluation).

Forms and methods of project implementation

Visual information block Information and familiarization block Block - Parents' club "Zdorovyachok":
Information stands for parents "Health Corner" and "Fizkult-Ura"
  • thematic consultations on introducing children to physical education, sports and a healthy lifestyle
  • recommendations on the organization of physical culture corners at home, the use of sports equipment
  • use of recreational gymnastics complexes in the family
  • the use of a special set of exercises to maintain a healthy posture, to prevent flat feet
  • memos on organizing outdoor games at home and on a walk

Information stand for parents with photos of past events "It's good in our garden!"

Card files of outdoor games

Issue of valeological newspapers


"Methodological piggy bank" - poems, riddles, fairy tales and stories about family, sports

Speech by the physical education instructor at parent-teacher meetings:
  • "Organization of sports and recreational work for the 2012-2013 academic year"
  • familiarization of parents with the results of joint work on physical culture and health-improving work for the 2012-2013 academic year

"Our achievements"

Consultations and conversations on sports and health topics:

  • "How to Organize Exercise at Home"
  • "Prevention of violations of posture and flat feet"
  • "Ball games"
  • "Games with a hoop"
  • "Sedentary Games"
  • "Sport games"
  • "Alone at home"
  • "Teaching Children to Ski"
  • "Summer is coming soon"

Open Day:

  • health day
  • health week


  • "Physical culture and health improvement"
  • What is the place of physical education in your family?
  • Physical culture in your family»
Joint physical culture and health-improving activities of parents with a physical education instructor:
  • physical culture events - holidays, leisure, entertainment
  • teaching elements of outdoor games
  • training in various health promotion methods
  • promotion of healthy lifestyles
  • optimization of the motor mode of preschoolers
  • prevention of colds by means of physical culture
  • prevention and correction of postural disorders and flat feet in children.

Assistance in organizing "Days of interesting meetings" - excursions and walks

Assistance in the preparation, organization and holding of "Birthdays"

Manufacture of sports equipment and paraphernalia

Exhibitions of crafts and drawings

Integration of educational areas

The project allows you to integrate information from different areas of knowledge to solve a problem and apply it in practice.

Integration of the educational area "Physical development" with other areas

Integration with the educational area "Social and communicative development":

To interest parents in the development of children's play activities that ensure successful socialization and the assimilation of gender behavior. To create motivation for the preservation and development of family sports traditions, to involve in the preparation of a cooperation agreement and an interaction plan. Recommend using every opportunity to communicate with the child, the reason for which may be the achievements and difficulties of the child in physical development. Encourage them to help build relationships with peers. Involve parents in a variety of content and form of cooperation - participation in the activities of the parent club, preparation for sports events. To promote the development of free communication between adults and children through joint physical education activities.

Integration with the educational area "Cognitive development":

To orient parents to the development of the child's need for knowledge through reading fiction about sport. Show the benefits of walks and excursions that cause positive emotions. Conduct competitions and games with the family.

Integration with the educational area "Speech development":

To recommend and guide parents in the choice of feature and animated films aimed at developing interest in sports. Involve parents in project activities (designing albums and collages illustrated with children on sports topics).

Integration with the educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development":

Organize family exhibitions artistic creativity on sports topics, highlighting the creative achievements of adults and children. To reveal the possibilities of music as a means of beneficial "impact on the mental health of the child." Show parents the impact of family leisure (holidays, entertainment) on the development of parent-child relationships. Involve parents in various forms of joint physical education and music activities with children in kindergarten.

The project is aimed at developing interest in physical education and sports among preschool children. All activities for the physical development of children are built taking into account their physical fitness and existing deviations in the state of health. Exercise stress should be adequate to the age, sex of the child, the level of his physical development.
Summer is an amazing and fertile time when children can walk, run and jump to their heart's content. It is during this period that they spend a lot of time outdoors. And it is very important to organize the life of preschool children in such a way that every day brings them something new, is filled with interesting content so that memories of summer time, games, walks, holidays, entertainment, please children for a long time. The life of children in our garden in summer period filled with holidays, entertainment, games, laughter and fun.
We are actively working on health protection, physical development of children, increasing physical activity. This is facilitated by the accessible and safe subject-developing environment created in the preschool educational institution: a sports hall with appropriate equipment, sports grounds.
I, as an instructor, offer children interesting forms of exercises. Children are happy to perform exercises with musical accompaniment, in a playful way, which contributes to a cheerful start to the day. Professionally selected physical exercises for children of younger and older preschool age contribute to the physical improvement of preschoolers, strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to disease. Outdoor gymnastics are held daily in the morning.
Charging helps the child quickly get rid of morning sleepiness, provides a surge of energy and vigor.
Preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health. After all, it is up to 7 years that a person goes through a huge path of development, unique throughout his subsequent life. It is during this period that there is an intensive development of organs, the formation of the functional systems of the body, the main personality traits are laid, the character, attitude towards oneself and others is formed. It is important at this stage to form in children a knowledge base and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic physical education and sports.
The entire summer period from June to August is divided into thematic weeks, in which the integration of the activities of all participants in the educational process in the following areas is traced: physical, cognitive development. The topics of the weeks in June are varied: “Happy summer”, “Cautious pedestrian”, “We are tourists”, “Let's save the forest.
Any teacher will notice how happy children are when some new form of work is organized with them. And the joy of a child is not only positive emotions, it is another "charge" of health, because nothing improves a person's condition like positive emotions. You just need to think, dream up and embellish the everyday life of a child in a preschool. Why not invite some funny hero to the usual physical education class. Children play, participate in competitions, and at the end of the week there is entertainment or a holiday on a themed week. IN summer time entertainment helps to solve serious educational, educational and health problems in an accessible and interesting way.
A sports festival is always positive emotions, joyful mood, fun competitions, sincere hearty laughter, surprise and delight, and positive emotions, creativity are the most important factors in recovery.
Sports holidays and entertainment is one of the forms active rest children and parents. They include various types of physical exercises combined with elements of dramatization, choreography, quizzes, competitions, attractions and outdoor games.
Physical culture and sports holidays are mass entertainment events of an indicative and entertaining nature, contributing to the promotion of physical culture and sports.
Such events are always filled with fun and entertaining exercises, meeting with your favorite cartoon characters, and unexpected surprises.
By participating in physical culture and sports holidays, children learn to think quickly and correctly. Such events develop team spirit in them, develop dexterity, the ability to coordinate movements.
I instill in children a sense of camaraderie, such character traits as collectivism, discipline, respect for rivals.
During my sports holidays and entertainment, all children take an active part in mobile and sports games, relay races, attractions, exercises, musical and rhythmic movements. I pay special attention to music and the preparation of its means of broadcasting, I think over musical accompaniment for all moments of a sports festival. I use recordings of favorite songs of kids from children's cartoons, popular pop groups, soloists and classical music. As a character, I participate with children, I spend warm-ups, competitions, games with them. When organizing summer recreational work, I pay great attention to planning a tourist trip around the territory of the kindergarten.
In the year of ecology, entertainment and a holiday were held in the kindergarten, they are united by the idea of ​​​​preserving the ecology and nature of the country in which we live. Children in games and relay races paid attention to nature and those problems that are associated with ecology and cleanliness of the environment.
Tourism in our kindergarten is an effective form of active recreation. Before I go hiking with my children, I introduce them to this exciting sport. Through outdoor games with search situations, relay races, riddles, children will learn who tourists are, why people are engaged in tourism, what you need to know and be able to become a tourist. Active movements in the fresh air contribute to the hardening of the body and improve health. Walking with a load (backpack) and a dosed load strengthens cardiovascular system.
All physical qualities are improved - speed, agility, endurance, flexibility, strength, orientation in space.
Thanks to the constant movement around the area, active participation in games and tourist competitions, the spatial orientation of each participant develops, the ability to act according to the proposed plan. Interestingly thought out motor activity of children in natural conditions develops preschoolers' interest in tourism and physical culture, increases motivation for a healthy lifestyle.
Such a form of organization of physical culture and health-improving work as "Merry Starts" is very popular with children.
The objectives of these activities were to develop children's endurance, dexterity, speed, balance, eye, the ability to navigate in space, to instill a sense of collectivism, friendship, camaraderie. Encourage children to exercise and lead a healthy lifestyle.
A rich program of competitions was prepared with fun relay races, games, and sports exercises. As a result of the competition, friendship always won. All participants received a cheerful, joyful mood, positive emotions.
For a child to grow up, develop physically, become a perfect person, he needs the sun, air, water. The best time for this is summer. And it is very important to organize the life of preschool children in such a way that every day brings them something new, is filled with interesting games with water, crayons, soap bubbles, balloons.
Preschool age is a period of rapid accumulation of motor experience by a child, the development of movements occurs in different types adult-led activities.
It is known that among the motor actions that a child masters from a very early age, an important place is occupied by the action with the ball.
Having a playground on the territory of the kindergarten in the summer, I teach children to play pioneer ball. This game from our childhood is a lighter version of volleyball. Teaching children to play pioneer ball is not difficult. Children of senior preschool age easily understand the rules of the game.

The project on physical culture and health-improving work on the topic:

"Sport and I are best friends"

Compiled by:

Educator MBDOU

34 "Cheburashka"

Pishchaeva Yu.V.

Project passport

Project type : practice-oriented.

Duration: 1 month

Project participants: children middle group No. 5, educators, parents, honey. sister.

Relevance :

How to strengthen and maintain the health of children? The answer worries both teachers and parents. It is known that preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health. After all, it is up to seven years that a person goes through a huge path of development, unique throughout his subsequent life. It is important at this stage to form in children a knowledge base and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic physical education and sports.

It is at this age that the most intensive growth and development of the most important body systems and their functions takes place, the foundation is laid for the comprehensive development of physical and spiritual abilities. The basis of the comprehensive development of the child for the first years of his life is physical education. Organized physical education classes, as well as free motor activity, improve the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems, strengthen the musculoskeletal system, and improve metabolism. They increase the child's resistance to diseases, mobilize the body's defenses. The more diverse movements a child masters, the wider the opportunities for the development of sensation, perception and other mental processes, the more fully his development is carried out. Currently, many new methods have been developed to preserve and strengthen the health of the child. However, many of these technologies are unknown to parents and are rarely used in the work of preschool teachers. Therefore, the implementation of this project will be especially effective in close cooperation with the parents of the pupils.

Target : strengthening the psychophysiological and physiological health of children. Involving parents in modern vigorous activity in the organization of physical education and familiarizing parents with health-saving technologies.


engage in the improvement of the body through the use of various health-saving technologies;

Organize consultations and exchange of experience between parents;

Help parents learn to play with their child;

Enrich parent-child relationships during joint activities, while paying special attention to promoting a healthy lifestyle, hardening, disease prevention, maintaining and strengthening the physical health of children.

Encourage parents to take an active part in the life of the kindergarten.

Estimated result : strengthening and general improvement of the child's body, information and practical experience will help parents see and learn better the work of the preschool educational institution on physical education, will arouse interest in hardening children with natural factors. Parents will receive the necessary theoretical knowledge about the level of physical development of their children. It will also facilitate communication between parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions. It will ensure the continuity of methods and techniques for raising children in the family and kindergarten, which means it will increase the efficiency of work on the improvement of children.

Project activity product: physical culture and health-improving event "Mom, dad, I am a sports family!"

Project Implementation Plan


Event title


1 Week

    Questioning of parents on the topic: "Health of the child"

    Game situation: "Meeting with a clean girl"

    Communication with children on the topic: "How to take care of your health"

    Multiquiz "All health is clean" (based on the fairy tales of K. Chukovsky)

    Consultation for parents on the topic: "Hardening and rehabilitation of children in preschool and at home"

Group educators, med. sister

2 weeks

    "Family Club" exchange of experience between parents on the topic: "How to raise a healthy child"

    Invigorating gymnastics with elements of self-massage and breathing exercises - a master class for parents.

    Educational activity in physical culture on the topic: "Journey to the country of NEBOLEYKA" (with elements of orthopedic gymnastics)

    Dramatization of the poem “How a bear’s tooth was treated”

    Psycho-gymnastics using musical impact technology

Group teachers, parents of pupils.

3 week

    Morning exercises with elements of rhythmoplasty

    Parent meeting on the topic: "Children's health is our first goal"

    Educational activities from the "Health" series on the formation of a holistic picture of the world on the topic: "In healthy body– a healthy spirit” (with elements of relaxation and phonetic rhythms)

    Physical culture leisure on the street on the topic: "We are athletes"

    Making a photo booth for parents on the topic: “We don’t want to get sick - we monitor our health”

Group teachers, parents of pupils

4 week

    "Evening of questions and answers" - an event for parents

    Folklore leisure on physical education on the topic: "At the bear in the forest ..."

    Making a sliding folder for parents on the topic: “Start the day with morning exercises”

    Communication on the topic: "Sport, sport, sport !!!" (using ICT)

    Exhibition of children's drawings on the theme: "Sporting animals"

    Physical culture and health-improving leisure on the topic: “Mom, dad, I am a sports family!”

Group teachers, parents of pupils, honey. sister

Literature and resources

"300 outdoor games for preschoolers" Vlasenko N.A. / Art-press / 2011

"Health-saving educational technologies" Babenkova / ed. Perspective/2013
