The relationship of spiritual and physical self-improvement. The relationship of the physical and spiritual development of the individual


This article discusses the relationship between the physical and spiritual development of the individual. Recommendations for correct breathing, various respiratory systems are considered as the physical development of the individual, as well as the spiritual components of a healthy lifestyle.

  • The use of "invisible" gymnastics in the work of an economist
  • Formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle of student youth
  • The role and importance of physical education in the prevention of bad habits

It happens that a person works hard, but can not get closer to his goal. And in order to achieve it, you need to change yourself, change your environment, your life - this is the law of nature. If you change yourself, everything around you will change. And for this, there are two areas in which it is necessary to improve:

  • physical development of the individual;
  • spiritual development of the individual.

The expression "in a healthy body - healthy mind' is far from new. But do we really understand and know what it means? The relationship of the spiritual and physical development of the individual is the basis of the harmonious existence of a person, so you need to take care of both physical body, and about the spiritual.

What is the physical development of the individual?

The main resource of a person, the basis for all his achievements is health. If it is not there, then the person will not need anything.

And in order for a person to have powerful and excellent health, it is necessary to abandon bad habits, and do:

  • respiratory systems;
  • physical exercises;
  • hardening of the body;
  • eat healthy and healthy food, drink more clean water;
  • rest and sleep well.

In this article, we will consider respiratory system. How to breathe correctly? Here are some tips for proper breathing:

  • you need to breathe with your stomach, if necessary - use the chest;
  • jogging - it is very good for breathing;
  • by doing breathing exercises it is necessary to create resistance to the flow of air on exhalation with lips and tongue.

Consider breathing techniques.

Breathing system No. 1 is used to cleanse the body. So the person rejuvenates him. If everything is done correctly, then a person will immediately feel a surge of energy after doing this exercise for the first time. It is performed while sitting.

We inhale through the nose for 5 counts, the lungs are filled with air, starting from the abdomen, then the middle, and the upper part, to the maximum, to the limit. Hold your breath for 20 counts. We exhale through the mouth for 10 counts, first the upper part, then the middle and lower ones, the air comes out through compressed lips, they create tension that must be overcome, we exhale to the limit.

Breathing System No. 2 is used to increase the strength and power of the body. It gives a powerful and quick effect, designed to instantly mobilize the body and turn on its reserves, to overcome stress, mental stress, to suppress pain. If you regularly use this system No. 2, then willpower is mobilized, attention is concentrated. Performed standing.

We inhale through the nose for 0.5-1 second, you can raise your hands, to the maximum. We exhale through the mouth for 5 seconds, with great tension in the muscles of the whole body and lungs, with wheezing or hissing, while you can lower your tense hands down, exhale all the air to the limit.

We perform 10 cycles at a time. We do 3 times, at least 1 time per day.

The respiratory system No. 3 includes powerful reserves of the body, increases the number of blood cells in the blood.

Let's take a few deep breaths. On the last exhalation, hold your breath until it gets dark in the eyes, and until the body forces you to inhale. As a rule, this happens at the 5th second after “I can’t take it anymore”. We do at least 2 times a day.

Even if you use only one of these breathing techniques, you can get a powerful source of energy at your disposal. And all three techniques will immediately increase the energy level, strength, will many times over. In a month, a person will not recognize himself, he will fly, not walk, and any business will be on his shoulder.

Spiritual development of the personality - without it a person cannot be happy. Spiritual development is a constant improvement in all areas of your life.

The spiritual components of a healthy lifestyle include:

  • the ability to do good deeds - participate in charity events, provide assistance to the elderly, veterans, care for the sick;
  • the ability to perform selfless deeds is friendship, camaraderie, participation in competitions and competitions as part of a team;
  • the ability to analyze their activities for the day, month, year;
  • the ability to admit their mistakes and shortcomings and change for the better;
  • the presence of a solid life ideal, idea and faith, following them;
  • reading fiction, communication with veterans there and the war;
  • periodic self-restraint, fasting, development of willpower, etc.

How to achieve spiritual health?

Repentance. Love. Following divine laws. Forgiveness and forgetting insults. Moderation in everything. Silence. Prayer. Meditation. Creativity, hobby. Enjoy life. spiritually healthy people know how to enjoy every minute, enjoy everything (the sun, the smile of a child, a spring drop, the first snow). Seeing beauty in everything is a great art.

Thus, all these points of the spiritual and physical development of the individual affect the level of happiness, allow you to release a large number of positive energy. A healthy body is the first step to gaining happy life.

The relationship of the spiritual and physical development of the individual also includes the regular performance of favorite exercises or activities. For example, go swimming, dancing; walk in the nearest forest to saturate the cells of the body the maximum number oxygen; engage in fitness or walking. When choosing an occupation, it is advisable to follow the dictates of the soul, choose only what is in harmony with you. In addition, regular exercise stress increases confidence, self-esteem increases. A trained body copes better with stressful situations.

Based on the above, we can say that the well-known proverb “a healthy mind in a healthy body” will be true if we read it in reverse order: “a healthy mind - healthy body". The close relationship between spiritual and physical development is so obvious that to separate one from the other is to make a mistake. Therefore, "Health of the Nation", "Health" with a capital letter, is both the health of the body and the health of the spirit.

It becomes obvious that the primary role in the preservation and formation of health still belongs to the person himself, his way of life, his values, attitudes, the degree of harmonization of his inner world and relations with the environment. The health of the state as a whole depends on the moral health of a person, on the moral health of society.


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Spiritual development is directly related to the development of consciousness and intellect, physical development is the restoration of the general functions of the body and its normal functioning. The body and mind are interconnected, and this connection is both physical and spiritual. Neuromuscular communication is carried out in the process of various chemical functions of metabolism and the emergence of various human motor abilities. Accordingly, there is a certain relationship between spiritual and physical self-improvement.

The connection of spiritual and physical self-improvement

Spiritual self-improvement consists in the following aspects:
  1. Professional Development;
  2. Development of intelligence;
  3. Moral and ethical development;
  4. The development of the mind.
Physical self-improvement consists in educating your body and creating an ideal figure, eliminating all shortcomings, cultivating endurance, etc.

In other words, in spiritual self-improvement the main role is played by the development of the mind, in the physical - the development of the body. In fact, it is brain activity that is the undeniable basis of physical activity. The system of a healthy lifestyle includes the education of the spiritual and physical essence. Accordingly, an inseparable interaction of physical and spiritual self-improvement is formed. The basis of such self-improvement is a well-developed action plan.

If you are striving to get the prospect of ideal self-improvement, then you should certainly develop a plan of action so that education is directed not only to the development of the mind, but also to the development of physical health.

Features of physical and spiritual self-improvement

The process of self-improvement itself is quite complex. After all, initially you should properly set yourself up, consider all your strengths and weak sides, correctly establish the process of self-education. In order to achieve the set goals, it is necessary to use various development methods. You can use already proven methods with modifications to suit your own desires and individual capabilities.

Spiritual self-development is certainly based on the need to use and process various information. And the information will need to be selected taking into account your direction for self-development. As for physical self-improvement, in this case it is very important to set priorities correctly, create an optimal training system for yourself, and also create the right nutrition menu for yourself in order to get the desired result in the shortest amount of time in the future. With the right impact on consciousness, physical self-improvement will not be difficult and stressful, but as for spiritual self-development, in this case, motivation is needed, and an incentive is also needed so that you strive for new and new achievements.

The process of spiritual self-improvement and self-regulation is based on the correct selection of methods that will be clear to you and will be implemented by you with pleasure. But,...

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The study of the personal health of a professional is one of the main modern trends fundamental psychological problem - the problem of personality and its implementation in professional activity, which has an interdisciplinary character, since it is developed in a number of disciplines and directions, and its subject - personal health - permeates almost all aspects and aspects of the personality, plays a establishing role in its qualitative organization.
To a special extent, the significance of this problem is manifested when it is developed in the context of professional activity, which is performed in the qualitatively transforming conditions of modern social realities and the new requirements that they impose on the process of formation and development of a professional personality. Therefore, the development of...


Physical culture and sports are an inseparable part of the general culture of society, which has historically developed as an independent and distinctive socio-cultural phenomenon. public life, where "three principles of personality were integrated: physical, mental and spiritual." The development of the theory and practice of physical education in Russia was carried out in several directions and is associated with the names of the founders of the Russian national system of military physical training.
A significant component of improvement vocational training specialists in physical culture and sports is the integration of culture and art into the educational and artistic and creative process of universities and schools - the unification and application of various forms of influence on a person, the formation of the most favorable conditions for the disclosure of his spiritual and physical capabilities, the development of intellectual abilities.
The attraction of art to physical culture and sports education, as scientific substantiations and practical verification represent, successfully solves most pedagogical problems. The practical application of the means and forms of art, their possibilities are very wide. All funds artistic expressiveness(music, theater, choreography, fine arts) can be safely used in various parts of the physical education lesson in classrooms and after school hours in the production of mass art and sports events and cultural and leisure programs.
aim term paper identify the relationships that exist between the spiritual, physical and social components of human health.
Objectives of the course work:
- analysis of age physiology and psychophysiology;
- analysis of the relationship of age-related physiology and psychophysiology with other sciences;
- study of biological rhythms, their indicators and classification.
The hypothesis of the course work: the aesthetic development of a person in cultural terms contributes to his development in all aspects, including the physical.
The relevance of the topic of the course work lies in the relationship and consistency of culture, art and sports, which are the largest areas of social practice, where socio-cultural activities, physical education, sports, physical recreation and physical rehabilitation are performed.

Fragment of the work for review

e. individuality of a person. As long as the school education system is focused on the transmission of knowledge without taking into account the versatile development of the child's personality, solving the problems of self-determination and self-realization of schoolchildren will remain nothing more than a slogan. To overcome the intellectual bias in the development of students, it is proposed to create a holistic educational space in the school, in which the basic and additional education children act as equal, complementary components. M.N. Berulava (1996) proposes the introduction of an integral model of education into the education system, aimed at creating such forms, content and methods of education and upbringing that will ensure the effective disclosure of the child's individuality - his cognitive processes, personal qualities, the creation of such conditions under which he will want to learn, he will be personally interested in perceiving, and not repelling, educational influences. The child, as he develops, increases the ability for arbitrary mental self-regulation and self-control. R.V. Ovcharova (1996) points out the need for the development of voluntariness, including in the motor sphere, which is expressed in the ability to arbitrarily direct one's attention to the muscles involved in the movement; the ability to distinguish and compare muscle sensations; the ability to determine the appropriate nature of sensations (tension - relaxation, heaviness - lightness, etc.), the nature of the movements accompanied by these sensations (strength - weakness, sharpness - smoothness, pace, rhythm); the ability to change the nature of movements based on the control of one’s sensations. Since physical education is, first of all, a pedagogical process of the formation of a physical culture personality, B.I. Stolyarov sees the main indicators of physical culture as the properties and characteristics of an individual: improvement of the physical condition, its various parameters; in the variety of means used for this purpose, the ability to effectively apply them; in the level of knowledge about the body, about physical condition, about the means of influencing it and the methods of their application; in the degree of orientation towards taking care of one's physical condition; in readiness to help other people in their recovery, physical improvement. For this, the author believes, it is necessary to have the appropriate knowledge, skills and abilities. V.N. Shaulin, focusing on the educational orientation, sees the ultimate goal of physical education in preparing the student for a task leading to the achievement of the goal; choose the means and methods of action necessary to solve this problem, perform these actions, control their correctness and be able to correct them if necessary. and on its basis - a family of related motor actions. In accordance with the concept of developing education, theoretical knowledge of the phenomena of reality is possible only if the subject performs special cognitive actions (modeling, analysis, planning, reflection, construction). In addition to the formation of theoretical thinking and theoretical knowledge, the focus is on the development physical qualities in the absence of standards and traditional training in the technique of performing motor actions. According to the authors, the leading link in physical education is the psychological and pedagogical theory of teaching motor actions. In school programs, as a rule, a short presentation of theoretical material is immediately followed by a practical stage. V.F. Shatalov considers this to be wrong, because: “Only having mastered the theory, one can begin to practice.” The principle of the leading role of theoretical knowledge, put forward by L.V. Zankov and V.V. Davydov, should become the foundation on which the rapid advancement of all students is based. A.E. Mitin, S.O. Filippova, E.A. Mitin ( 2009) believe that the widespread use of command-authoritarian technology by physical education teachers in the practice of managing educational teams negatively affects both the relationship between the subjects of the physical education process and their development, which contradicts the requirements of modern humanistic oriented paradigm physical education. The authors talk about the need for changes in approaches to the functioning of "physical culture" as part of the socio-cultural space of society, updating the mechanism for building relationships between the teacher and those involved in physical exercises based on their motivational needs and interests. Analyzing the above, we can draw the following conclusions. At the practical level, experts suggest using separate methodological approaches to the organization of the educational process, which, in their opinion, will contribute to the harmonious development of students. All of them, as a rule, come down to the formation of a high level of intelligence of schoolchildren, to the activation cognitive activity in the process of physical culture, the development of individual personal properties, manifested in physical culture and sports activities. Theoretical knowledge serve as the basis for mastering conscious and strong skills. At the same time, we assume that the harmonization of the development of schoolchildren in educational process in physical culture will contribute to the optimal ratio of means of intellectual, motor and recreational nature, which ultimately will have an impact on the process of strengthening the health of students.2. Relationship of age physiology and psychophysiology with other sciences Age physiology is one of the sections of a much broader field of knowledge - developmental biology. The biological origin of man left an imprint on the features of his ontogenesis, which in the early stages has some similarities with the ontogenesis of higher primates. At the same time, the specificity of man as a social being also caused certain changes in ontogeny, the most basic of which is the lengthening of the period of childhood, which is associated with the need to assimilate the social program during training. Along with this, human ontogenesis is characterized, among other things, by lengthening of intrauterine development, later puberty, a clear identification of periods of a growth spurt and the transition from maturity to old age, an increase in overall life expectancy. In the dynamics of growth, development and maturation of a person, there are many specific, special features and in this plane, age physiology is closely connected with anthropology, the tasks of which include a comprehensive study of the biological essence of man. It is impossible to know the functions of the body, its organs, tissues and cells without knowing their structure. Therefore, the relationship of age-related physiology with anatomy, histology and cytology is obvious. The development of a child occurs under the influence of two factors - endogenous (genetic) and exogenous (environmental factor). Moreover, at different stages of age development, the set, strength of influence and the result of the influence of these factors can be very diverse. That is why developmental physiology is closely connected with ecological physiology, which studies the influence of various factors of the external world on a living organism and methods of adapting the organism to the influence of these factors. ; genesis - origin) - the historical development of organisms. Therefore, in age-related physiology, the data of evolutionary doctrine are used, and the main stages in the development of certain organs are traced. This links it to evolutionary physiology. Knowledge of age patterns of development is extremely important for pedagogy and psychology. It is known that training and education at different age stages should be built in accordance with the morphological and functional characteristics of the development of the child's body and be selective, specific for each age. Age physiology is theoretical basis pedagogy and psychology - without knowledge of the physiological patterns of growth and development of a person, the learning process cannot be effective. Psychophysiology complements neurology, psychology, pedagogy, psychiatry, and linguistics. It is the necessary link that made it possible to consider the human psyche in accordance with its brain organization - in its entirety, including those complex forms of behavior that had previously remained undisclosed. Knowing the stages of ontogenesis that are most sensitive to pedagogical actions, it is possible to influence the development of significant psychophysiological and physiological functions, such as perception, attention, thinking, memory, psycho-emotional status, adaptive and reserve capabilities of the body, motor activity, physical and mental performance, etc. Knowing the age characteristics of the child's body, it is possible to optimally develop his mental and physical abilities, develop scientific reasonable hygienic and valeological requirements for educational and health-improving work, to organize a daily diet, physical activity appropriate for age and individual constitutional characteristics. In other words, pedagogical influences can be optimal and effective only when they meet age characteristics and capabilities of the organism of the child and adolescent. In the process of ontogenesis, the active attitude of the child to external factors increases, the role of the higher parts of the central nervous system increases in providing adaptive responses on external factors. A special role in age periodization is acquired by criteria that reflect the level of development and qualitative modifications of adaptive mechanisms that are associated with the maturation of various parts of the brain, including central regulatory structures that determine the activity of all physiological systems, the formation of mental processes and the behavior of the child. This approach brings together physiological and psychological positions in the problem of age periodization and creates the basis for the development of a unified periodization of the child's development. L.S. Vygotsky considered mental neoplasms characteristic of specific stages of development as criteria for age periodization. It is important to keep in mind that the features of mental, as well as the features of physiological development, are determined by both internal factors (morphofunctional) and external conditions that affect individual development child. Physiological and psychological studies have shown that sensitivity to external influences is selective at various stages of ontogenesis. This formed the basis for the concept of sensitive periods as periods of maximum sensitivity to the influence of environmental factors. Identification and accounting of sensitive periods of development of body functions contributes to the creation of favorable conditions adequate to this period for effective learning and maintaining the health of the child, since the high sensitivity of the established functional systems should, on the one hand, be applied for effective targeted impact that contributes to their progressive development, and, on the other hand, on the other hand, the inadequacy of external environmental factors can lead to a disruption in the development of the organism. The features of the interaction of the organism and the environment are reflected, among other things, in the concept of critical periods of development. It is generally accepted that only the early postnatal period is critical, which is characterized by intense morphofunctional maturation, when the function may not be formed due to the absence of environmental influences. For example, in the absence of certain visual stimuli in early ontogenesis, their perception is not formed in the subsequent. The same applies to the speech function (a well-known example of children is wolves). At the same time, all subsequent individual development of the organism is a non-linear process. It combines periods of evolutionary (gradual) morpho-functional maturation and periods of "revolutionary", critical leaps in development, which can be associated with both internal (biological) factors of development and external (social) factors. Unlike sensitive periods, which are characterized by increased sensitivity of certain functions, these periods are distinguished by significant qualitative transformations that simultaneously occur in a variety of physiological systems and brain structures that determine the formation of mental processes. Morphofunctional rearrangements of the main physiological systems at these stages of development cause tension in homeostatic mechanisms, increased energy consumption, and high sensitivity to a combination of factors. external environment, which makes it possible to classify these periods as critical. The inconsistency of environmental influences with the features and functional capabilities of the organism at these stages of development can have especially detrimental consequences. Considering the issues of age periodization, it must be borne in mind that the boundaries of the stages of development are very arbitrary. They depend on ethnic, climatic, social and other factors. In addition, the “actual” physiological age often does not coincide with the calendar (passport) age due to differences in the rate of maturation of the organism and the conditions for its development. It follows that when studying the functional and adaptive capabilities of children of different ages, attention should be paid to the assessment of individual development options. Only a combination of an age-specific and individual approach to studying the characteristics of a child's functioning can ensure the development of adequate hygienic and pedagogical measures that contribute to normal health and the progressive development of the child's body and personality. Biological rhythms, their indicators and classification Biological rhythms can be described as statistically significant changes in various indicators of physiological processes in a wave-like form. The main parameters of biorhythms (Fig. 1) are: period - the time between two identical points in a wave-like pattern that change in the process; acrophase max - time point in the period when highest value analyzed parameter; acrophase min is a point in time in the period where smallest value analyzed indicator; mesor - the level of the average value of the indicators of the analyzed process; amplitude - the degree of deviation of the indicator in both directions from the average. The concept of "rhythm" is associated with the idea of ​​harmony and organization of processes in nature (from the Greek "rhythmos" - proportionality, harmony). Rice. 1. Schematic representation of a rhythm with a period of 24 hours (acrophase max falls on 12 hours) A separate biorhythm should be considered as an element of temporal organization, which, together and in established relationships with other such elements, forms the temporal organization of the homeostasis system. Organizational structure is characteristic of any biological system, which can be characterized in most aspects. All its elements are placed strictly ordered in space, which makes it possible to talk about its structure, and have their own functional activity aimed at ensuring the operation of the system as a whole. Thanks to intrasystem regulatory feedback, the sequence of switching on, intensification and decrease in the functional activity of the elements of a complex living system is strictly coordinated, and it occurs for different elements not simultaneously, but in a clear sequence, i.e., it is structurally organized in time. Since any manifestation of functional activity is inevitably accompanied by morphological modifications at the subjective, cellular and tissue levels, the concept of the temporary structure of the organism is universal. The detection of disturbances in the perception of time in humans has a diagnostic and prognostic value. You need to know that the flow of time in biological systems is "refracted" through the laws of their temporal organization. Today, many hundreds of physiological processes that are rhythmically transforming in time have been studied in humans. In fact, each biological process inherent in the body is not located in a stationary state, but fluctuates with one frequency or another, which emphasizes the need for a coordinated interaction of numerous biorhythms with each other for the optimal state of body functions. The temporal structure of rhythms is very complex and little studied. It is known, for example, that one and the same function is characterized by oscillations of various frequencies. But how these various oscillations are interconnected, what role each of them plays - these and many other questions that relate to the rhythmic organization of functions, remain little mastered. So, a living organism is characterized simultaneously by all the existing rhythms, its functions can be modified in various rhythms, various ranges of periods, but the “linkage” between them creates a harmonious system. The latter interacts with environmental factors both in normal and pathological conditions. The idea of ​​the temporal organization of living systems introduces an established order into the totality and relationships of their biorhythms. The development of this idea makes it possible to obtain qualitatively new data on the regularities of the rhythmic activity of the organism, and it is they that should serve as the basis for solving various problems of chronobiology. Classification of biorhythms. The basis of all classifications of biorhythms is the duration of the period (T or t), the time between identical states of neighboring cycles.


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2. "Health is a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease and physical defects," is written in the charter of the World Health Organization.

In the general concept of health, there are two inseparable components: spiritual and physical health.

Physical health involves a person's refusal from bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs, etc.). To achieve a high level of such health, a person must eat rationally, observe the rules of personal hygiene and safe behavior, optimally combine work and rest, physical labor and mental activity, and perform the necessary amount of physical activity.

The spiritual health of a person depends on the system of his thinking, attitude to people, events, situations, his position in society. It is achieved by the ability to live in harmony with other people, the ability to analyze various situations and predict their development, as well as to behave in various conditions taking into account the need, opportunity and desire.

Physical and spiritual health are in harmonious unity and constantly mutually influence each other.

3. Practical task (situation). What to do in case of an earthquake early warning and in case of a sudden earthquake if it is outside your home.

3. With early warning of an earthquake, you should:

Turn on the TV (radio) and listen to the message;

Fix furniture, move heavy things to the floor;

Turn off gas, water, electricity, put out fires in stoves;

Take documents, necessary things and follow to the indicated place.

Practice shows that during a sudden earthquake from the first shocks to the next "more powerful ones, when the building begins to collapse, there are 15-20 seconds. During this time, you need to either leave the building or take a relatively safe place in it.

Leaving the building, you should not use the elevator, you cannot evacuate from the windows without first breaking the glazing.

When sheltering in a building, the safest places are: doorways, places near columns and under frame beams, niches in the main internal walls, corners formed by these walls, as well as places under strong tables and next to beds.-

Ticket number 8

1. Features of the state of reservoirs at different times of the goal. Rules for safe behavior on water bodies in winter.

1. Reservoirs are dangerous at any time of the year. In summer, they are dangerous when swimming and using boats. The danger is most often represented by a strong current (including underwater), deep pools and underwater cold springs. In spring and summer, low water temperatures are added to these factors. In winter, most water bodies are covered with ice, which is a source of serious danger, especially after the first frosts and during thaws. At this time, the risk of falling through the ice is very high. Therefore, it is important to follow the rules of safe behavior on winter ponds. The main of these rules are as follows:

Reliable is ice that has a greenish or bluish tint, and yellowish ice is dangerous;

Areas of ice are dangerous at the confluence of rivers and streams, near steep banks, on steep bends in the channel;

Places where water appears on top of the ice are of great danger, since they usually indicate the presence of a gully;

It is necessary to overcome the reservoir on ice during daylight hours and with good visibility;

When moving on ice, a group of people must keep a distance of approximately 5 m;

In the presence of a backpack, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of quick release from it (it is better to carry it on one shoulder),

Having failed, it is necessary to lean on the ice, transfer one leg to it, then pull out the second, roll onto the ice and carefully move away from the dangerous place. Before this, it is better to get rid of shoes.

2. Individual and public health, factors influencing them.

2. In the general concept of health, individual and public health are distinguished. Individual health refers to the personal health of each individual. It largely depends (according to some experts, by 50%) on the person himself, his worldview, lifestyle, culture, as well as other factors (heredity, health status, etc.).

Public health consists of the state of health of each member of society. Political, social, economic and natural conditions have a great influence on its level.

Physical, chemical, biological, social and psychological factors of the external environment have a great influence on the state of both individual and public health.

Physical impact is expressed in the influence of electromagnetic and electric fields, sunlight ..

Chemical factors are associated primarily with the widespread use in production and everyday life of various disinfectants, preservatives, detergents, paints and varnishes and other means.

Biological factors can adversely affect health by causing infectious diseases.

Social Impact associated with the life of society. The progressive and calm development of social relations guarantees a reduction in the impact of such negative factors as uncertainty about the future, the destruction of customs, traditions and foundations.

Importance for health has a psychological climate in the family, school, work collective. Kindness, attention, help and support have a positive effect on people, and quarrels, conflicts, inability to communicate, as a rule, lead to stress and do not contribute to the preservation and promotion of health.

3. Practical task (situation). During the income to the forest for mushrooms or berries, you fell behind the group and got lost. Your actions.

3. If during a hike for mushrooms or berries you are behind the group, you should:

Try to catch up with the group;

Try to attract the attention of comrades with shouts;

Stop and wait for them to come back for you;

If necessary (injury, feeling unwell, worsening weather), make a fire and build a temporary shelter.

If you get lost in the forest, you should stop and assess the situation. Listen to the sounds, look around (if possible from an elevated place), look for a road, path, stream or river. Having found them, you should determine the direction of the exit and move in this direction.

Ticket number 9

1. Rules for orienteering on the ground. Determining the sides of the horizon; determining the direction of movement on the ground.

1. Orientation is the ability to determine one's location relative to the sides of the horizon, surrounding objects and landforms, to find the desired direction of movement and maintain it.

The main ways of orientation:

By compass;

By the heavenly bodies (by the Sun, by the stars, by the Moon);

according to local characteristics.

At solar noon, the direction of the shadow points north. The direction to the north can be determined by the sun and the clock. If the hour hand is pointed at the sun, then the bisector of the angle between this arrow and the direction at 12 o'clock (at 1 o'clock in summer) will be the north-south line. Before noon, south will be to the right of the sun, and in the afternoon - to the left.

At night, the direction to the north can be determined by polar star. The direction to the north and south can also be determined by local signs:

In winter, snow melts more on the southern slopes of hills, mounds and northern slopes of pits and depressions;

Lichens and mosses are more developed on the north side of tree trunks;

Resinous trees exude more resin on the south side in hot weather;

In the mountains, the southern slopes are drier and warmer;

Forest clearings, as a rule, are cut through in the directions north - south and west - east;

The northern slope of the anthill is usually steeper than the southern one.

Focusing on local characteristics, conclusions can be drawn after repeated verification of the results obtained.

The direction of movement is chosen along paths and roads, along rivers and streams, along forest clearings, which usually lead to a settlement, economic or industrial facility ”With a compass and a map, the azimuth movement method can be used.

2. Ways to achieve a high level of health. Factors that determine the individual health of a person.

2. A high level of health can be achieved through an individual system of habits and human behavior, called a healthy lifestyle.

The main ways to achieve this goal are:

The necessary level of physical activity, providing the body's need for movement;

Hardening, which increases the body's resistance to diseases and adverse environmental influences;

Rational nutrition (complete and balanced);

Mode of work and rest;

Proper environmental behavior;

Emotional and mental stability;

Refusal of bad habits (smoking, drug and alcohol use);

Sexual behavior in accordance with the norms of society.

Practice shows that healthy lifestyle life with early childhood is the foundation of longevity and good health in adulthood.

Numerous factors influence and determine the level of a person's individual health. The main ones are:


The state of the healthcare system in the region;

Physical, chemical, biological, social and psychological factors of the external environment;

The lifestyle of a person and his attitude to his health (the influence of this factor is approximately 50%).

3. Practical task (situation). While relaxing in nature, you decide to swim in an unfamiliar body of water. Your actions to ensure personal safety while swimming.

3. When swimming in open water bodies, for safety reasons, it is prohibited:

Swimming in places where there are boards with the inscription "Swimming is prohibited";

Swim behind the buoys;

Swim up to ships, boats, rafts and other watercraft;

Dive and jump into the water in unfamiliar places, as well as from boats, boats, piers and other structures that are not adapted for this purpose;

Swim while intoxicated;

Arrange games on the water related to diving and capturing each other;

Swim on boards, deck chairs, logs, air mattresses and cameras;

Give false alarms;

Bring dogs and other animals with you.

It is necessary to be able not only to swim, but also to relax on the water. The most famous recreational activities are:

Lie on the water with your back, spreading your arms and legs, relax and, helping yourself to stay in this
position, inhale, and then after a pause - a slow exhalation;

Inhale, lower your face into the water, clasp your knees with your hands and press them to your body, exhale slowly into the water, and then take a quick breath above the water.

If during bathing your leg cramped, you need to call for help, then plunge headlong into the water, pull your leg strongly towards you by the thumb, and then straighten it.

Everyone will probably agree that the main wealth of a person is health. reserves human body are huge. For example, the human heart has the potential for at least 300 years of life, the lungs - for 200 years, and about the same internal organs. In short, the average human life expectancy should be at least 150 years. Whether this theory will ever become a reality is impossible to guess, but today the average life expectancy in Europe is 74.9 years, in Japan - 87.5 years.

What does our health depend on? According to the experts of the World Health Organization, it depends on 20% of the state environment, 20% it is affected by heredity, 10% - the level of development of medicine and the state medical care. And most of the 50% depends on the social conditions and lifestyle of the subject.

The culture of health should be understood as something whole, consisting of interdependent parts:

    Physical aspect of health culture. We understand how our body and all its systems function.

    emotional aspect. It means understanding your feelings and the ability to express them.

    Social aspect. This is awareness of oneself as a person as part of the surrounding world.

    The personal aspect of a culture of health means how our "I" develops, what everyone understands by success and what they strive to achieve.

    The spiritual aspect of health culture reflects what is really important to us, then. What we value the most. This is the main aspect, the center of our life, which ensures the integrity of our personality.

The importance of the last spiritual aspect of the culture of health is confirmed by well-known medical scientists. Academician Uglov, thinking about human health, gives us advice, arguing that for a healthy and fulfilling human life, one's own efforts are necessary. In his opinion, love for people should dominate in human society, as Jesus Christ called us. Love for people sooner or later will bring you the return love of people. Even if not everyone responds to your love, do not be embarrassed, but continue to do good to people. In this you will know satisfaction and happiness, and this will definitely affect the people around you and yourself.

And the second, which is no less important, is not to harm others. The evil you have done will increase the evil of the society in which you and your loved ones live, and will certainly affect you and your children. There is a law here: as you sow, so shall you reap.

speaks of both the physical and spiritual components of health:

    Love the Motherland and protect it. The homeless don't live long.

    Love work. And physical too.

    Know how to control yourself. Do not lose heart under any circumstances.

    Maintain your normal weight. Don't overeat.

    Do good. Evil, unfortunately, will work itself out. And so on.

But the Orthodox view of the problem of health. What is the ratio of physical development and spiritual life of a person?

IN Holy Scripture It was said to the first people who were expelled from paradise: "In the sweat of your face you will earn your bread." This means that the human race will put a lot of physical labor to get their food. And, indeed, how much work should be done to make a loaf of bread or build a house. "In the sweat of his brow" man labored for many millennia. Physical labor has become the basis of human life, therefore our body is adequately adapted for physical labor.

When a person lives outside of physical labor, outside of physical tension, the muscles become decrepit, and the the cardiovascular system metabolism changes. A person develops a lot various diseases which shortens a person's life. But physical laziness generates not only physical illnesses, but corrupts a person spiritually, leading to laziness, unwillingness to work, causes a desire for sinful pastime.

The Apostle Paul attached great importance to physical labor. It is he who owns the well-known expression: "He who does not work, let him not eat."

In our time, when physical labor has been reduced to a minimum, and the moral decay of a person has become the norm of life, the lack of physical exertion leads to physical degradation and enhances his spiritual decay. In this case, for the normal functioning of the body, especially the growing up - a child, a teenager - physical culture and sports, especially on an ongoing basis, contribute to the normal physical development, improve the body, are a preventive measure against the development of many diseases, especially the spine and musculoskeletal system, contribute to the discipline of the spirit.

Although, I must say that now they are talking about the spiritual crisis of sports. This applies, first of all, to big sport, which has become a commercial business. It is necessary to be critical of the now fashionable passion for oriental martial arts, which lead a person away from Christian spirituality, from the Church. The Orthodox Church also gives a negative assessment to popular healing systems, in particular, the methodology of Porfiry Ivanov. He considers this technique pagan, harmful to human health and life.

From point of view Orthodox Church, bodily health is not an end in itself, but to maintain the health of the individual and the people, preventive measures are very important, among which, in the conditions of the modern hypodynamic and computerized lifestyle, physical culture and sports should be given an important place.

In conclusion, I would like to cite the words of Theophan the Recluse, who, recommending work and physical exercises as a means of bodily development, constantly emphasizes that their use should be consistent with the goals of Christian education. “That educator is evil,” he notes, “who, for the sake of strength and liveliness of the body, kills the soul”
